City of Euless Euless Summer Camps 2020 Parent Handbook - Euless, TX

Page created by Wendy Hanson
City of Euless Euless Summer Camps 2020 Parent Handbook - Euless, TX
City of Euless

  Camps 2020

Parent Handbook
Standards of Care
           A Standards of Care (SOC) manual has been developed and approved by the Euless City Council to ensure the highest
           quality of service will be provided in our youth childcare programs. This Parent Handbook is an abridged version of
           these policies. You will receive a copy at registration and additional copies of the SOC are available upon request.
           Please contact the Program Coordinator or the Camp Director for more information.

                                                          Quick Review: Policies
                                                         (See manual for details)

   Campers must be signed in and out by an authorized adult (18 or older) each day.
   Camp ends at 6 p.m. Late fees are charged after 6:05 p.m. (See p.10)
   No sandals, dress shoes or black marking sole shoes.
   No tablets, cell phones, makeup, nail polish or toys.
   Payments must be made two (2) weeks prior to the week attending camp.
   Only ONE day’s supply of medication may be sent each day.
   Check for updates on the Summer Camp handout and the weekly
           newsletter posted on the Euless website.
        Bring a backpack with a sack lunch, snack, water bottle, change of clothes, swimsuit, towel and sunscreen to camp every day.
         LABEL EVERYTHING. On field trip days, bring a sack lunch in your camper’s backpack. When at the Euless Family Life
         Center (EFLC), lunch is available through the HEB ISD Summer Lunch Program. Campers will need to bring a sack lunch if
         they choose not to participate in the lunch program. See page 8 for more details.
        Call the Euless Family Life Center at 817-685-1666 if you have any questions and/or concerns and if your child will be absent.

                                               IMPORTANT CONTACT INFORMATION:

    Program Coordinator                        Camp Email:
    Sonja Howard                     
    300 West Midway
    Euless, TX 76039

    SAC/ Teen Camp Coordinator                 Camp Website
    Sonja Howard                     
    300 West Midway
    Euless, TX 76039

    Euless Family Life Center Superintendent
    Liz Johnson
    300 West Midway
    Euless, TX 76039

The Euless Summer Camps (ESC) 2020 hours of operation will be from 7:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday,
starting June 1-August 7, 2020. HEB ISD students start school August 17th, so we will not have camp the week of

All field trips and local outings will originate and conclude at the camp facility. If your child will not be attending a field
trip or local outing, please notify the Camp Coordinator.

        If for any reason the campsite needs to be closed during camp, your child will be transported to either:

               Children’s Health Star Center                                 Euless Family Life Center
                       1400 S. Pipeline Rd.                                  300 West Midway
                       Euless, TX 76040                                      Euless, TX 76039

                  TEEN Camp/Pending Elementary                                Pending Elementary
                     Euless, TX 76039                                        Euless, TX 76040

                Camp Staff will make every reasonable effort to contact the parents of campers.
                                                  POLICIES AND PROCEDURES

To keep the program running safe and successful as possible, please read and adhere to the following policies and guidelines.


Attendance for participants enrolled in the ESC Program is not mandatory. Children may attend all day or a portion of the day. Please
check the weekly newsletter for field trips and local outing schedules as the camp facility may be closed during those times, and
you may need to pick up or drop off your child at a different location. Please let the Camp Coordinator and your child’s counselor
know of any prior arrangements beforehand.

Sign In and Release Policy

The ESC Staff views your child’s safety as a top priority. For this reason, we will not release your child to any unauthorized persons
without written consent from the legal guardian. The supervisory staff at your child’s camp facility must receive written notice
regarding pick-up by anyone not indicated as an authorized adult as listed on the registration form. For your child’s safety, a driver’s
license/ID card is required for anyone picking up your child until familiarity has been established.

Please sign your child in/out each day. Children MUST be signed in and out by a parent/guardian or authorized persons. On swim and
travel days, each camper will be given a wristband indicating their designated group. Campers ages 12 and up walking or biking to
the camp facility will be responsible for signing in/out each day and will be allowed to come as late as 9 a.m. and leave as early as 4:30
p.m. If you have a specific time of release other than the one listed, please be sure you give the Camp Coordinator/Program Coordinator
a letter stating the time of release.

If a child is dropped off, and they are not enrolled in camp that week, the child will not be allowed to participate in camp
activities until payment is made (pending camp availability).

Parent/Child Communication

If you would like to leave a message for your child, please call the Camp Coordinator. The Camp Coordinator will get the message
to them as quickly as possible. Please see cell phone policy on page 8 for more information.


A weekly newsletter will be available each Friday at 3 p.m. The newsletter will include the following week’s activities, field trip
information and any policy reminders. This is an excellent source of parent/staff communication. The newsletter is also available on
the City of Euless website at

Remind 101

You will be given a code to join Remind 101 application downloadable on your smartphone. Your Camp Coordinator will send out
reminders as needed or notify you of any changes.
Dress Code

Proper attire is important for all participants. The ESC program is an active, hands-on program where we are involved in many
different activities inside and outside on a daily basis. Children must wear shorts/jeans, t-shirt, socks and tennis shoes to camp. Skirts,
clothing promoting the use of drugs/alcohol, sandals, Heelys, Crocs, dress shoes and black marking sole shoes are NOT

On field trips, participants MUST wear the camp T-shirt. The camp T-shirt provides the greatest opportunity for the staff to recognize
our participants from other camp participants. The City of Euless will provide one camp T-shirt for the summer. Additional shirts are
$10 per shirt. If your child loses his/her shirt, you must pay to replace it. Your child will receive their camp shirt prior to his/her first
field trip.

The Camp newsletter will inform you when your child needs to wear the camp shirt. If for some reason your child forgets to wear
their shirt on field trip day, the City will provide your child with a shirt. You will then be required to pay $10.


The ESC Camp will be visiting the pool one/two times each week. On these days, your child needs to be sent to camp with an
appropriate swimsuit, sunscreen, towel and a change of clothes. Swim days will be listed in the weekly newsletter. Campers are allowed
to bring sandals or flip-flops on the days we go to the pool, but they must wear tennis shoes to the camp in the morning.

Children at the EFLC camp not wishing to swim have the option of sitting out during swim time. Please read below regarding
sunscreen. If your child burns easily, please provide your child with an extra shirt to wear during water activities. Please advise staff
members so we can see to it that your child wears the t-shirt.


Sunscreen is required for field trips, swimming days and local outings. We would like to do everything possible to protect your
children from the sun. Please send a container of sunscreen with your child’s name on it every day! Our staff has been instructed to
help apply sunscreen to your child’s face and the top of the shoulders ONLY. Each camp coordinator will have a spray bottle of
sunscreen with them at all times. When needed the camper will re-apply sunscreen, staff will only supervises and not apply for the
camper. Please show your child how to apply sunscreen to him/herself. Leaders will remind campers to reapply sunscreen
during the day. Please apply sunscreen before you drop them off in the morning.


If you indicated on the City of Euless Summer Camp Program registration form that your child cannot swim, then the child must wear
a U.S. Coast Guard approved life jacket available at the Euless Family Aquatic Park.

Booster Seat Regulations

The state of Texas requires that any child age 4+ and 40 pounds ride in a booster seat with an adult lap and shoulder belt until the adult
safety belt will fit them properly (usually when the child is 4’9” tall).

     Parents and campers need to be aware there are rules each child is expected to follow everyday. Remember the following rules are only
     the basic rules, and it would be impossible to include each and every behavioral standard in this handbook.

             1. Show respect to all participants and staff.
2.    Abusive or foul language is not tolerated.
3.    Causing bodily harm to self, other participants or staff will not be tolerated.
4.    Show respect to equipment, supplies and facilities.
5.    Keep the camp room clean by cleaning up after yourself at all times.
6.    Respect the property of other campers.
7.    Listen to and take direction from summer camp staff and Parks and
        Community Services Department staff.
8.    Stay within the physical boundaries of the camp at all times, unless with a
        counselor, staff member or parent.

     Behavioral Reports

     All participants must demonstrate appropriate or good behavior during ESC activities. The ESC staff will not tolerate inappropriate
     behavior. Examples of “inappropriate” behavior include and are not limited to:

                     Foul Language
                     Disobedience/disrespect to a staff member
                     Hitting
                     Striking a staff member or child
                     Kicking
                     Possession of a weapon
                     Biting
                     Speaking unkindly to or about a staff member or child

     Children will be redirected and reminded of their expected behavior. When discipline is required, a supervised time-out method will
     be utilized. At no time will the staff apply physical force to a child unless the safety of a child is in question. If the child needs
     additional discipline, the parent will be called to pick the child up. After making contact with the parent, the child must be picked up
     from the camp facility within one hour of contact.

     If the behavior problem persists after the child has received a warning and/or time-out, a behavior report will be issued. Parents are
     required to sign the report and return it to the Program Coordinator or the Summer Camp Coordinator. A child may NOT return to
     the program until the form has been signed and returned. A child may be suspended from the program for up to one week after
     the second offense. Upon receipt of the second report, parents will need to contact the Camp Coordinator at (817) 685-1668 to schedule
     a conference.

     After a third behavioral report, the child may be removed from the ESC program. Depending on the severity of the incident,
     suspension or termination may be enforced on the first occurrence.
Food and Drinks

Our scheduled lunchtime is from approximately Noon – 1 p.m. each day. HEB ISD is scheduled to provide free lunch during the
summer. A flyer will be sent out indicating the dates of the program. Please check your weekly camp newsletter for more information.
If your child does not want the food provided, please pack a nutritional lunch for them. On fieldtrip days, parents must provide a
lunch. It is recommended extra snacks and drinks be packed for morning and afternoon snack times. No microwaves or refrigerators
are available at the camp sites. Vending and snack machines are available for camper use at the EFLC. Please do not send large bills
with the children. The Front Desk will not provide change.

The gymnasium is equipped with water fountains to use during inside activities. We will provide coolers filled with ice water for
outside activities. NO GLASS containers are allowed at the camp facilities due to the possibility of breakage and injury. Please send a
water bottle with your child’s name on it to camp everyday!

Personal Items

Please label all lunch boxes, backpacks, towels and water bottles. Please leave all other personal items at home. No personal items
such as tablets, trading card games, makeup, nail polish or toys are allowed in camp. Cell phones must be turned off and in the
camper’s bag at all times. If an emergency occurs, the camper must contact the camp counselor, and the counselor may allow
the child to call a parent if necessary. If a camper violates the cell phone policy, the cell phone will be taken up by the counselor
or coordinator and must be picked up by the parents.

First Aid Policy

All of the camp staff is CPR/AED Certified. Each camp facility, as well as vehicles used to transport campers, has been issued a
basic first aid kit with necessary supplies for minor injuries, such as scrapes and bruises. Staff will notify parents, verbally and/or in
writing if the child has been injured and treated while at the program.

Medication Policy

Participants bringing medication to the center must adhere to the following procedures:
      Medications must be in the container issued by the pharmacy for that specific child and medication (No shots; only pill or
         liquid form taken by mouth is allowed).
      Different types of medication may not be in the same container.
      The container must have instructions for the time, dosage, and administration of the medicine on the label.
      Parent/Guardian must fill out a medication form when they drop off/pick up medication.
      Medication must be given to the staff upon arrival.
      Medication left for more than a month will be properly disposed of.

    Only medication to be taken at the camp facility that day will be accepted.

Health or Illness of Participant

For the health and well being of each child, parents are responsible for informing staff of any special needs, concerns or information
regarding their child’s health. Please do not bring your child to camp if:

        Illness might prevent the child from participating comfortably in scheduled program activities.
        Illness results in a greater need for care, which would compromise the health, safety and supervision of the other children.
        The child has a fever/flu with a temperature of 100° or more.
        Skin rashes vary in different individuals. We must be sure of the cause; therefore, any child with impetigo, ringworm, or any
         other contagious rash should not come to camp. Children with other rashes will be admitted only with a doctor’s note
         stating the child is NOT contagious.

        The child has vomited that morning.
        Children with lice will only be admitted to camp with a doctor’s note stating that the child is no longer
Parents will be notified by phone if their child becomes ill while at the camp facility. If parents cannot be reached, the emergency
contact will be notified. Any child experiencing illness; especially vomiting, diarrhea, contagious skin, or eye infections will be
removed from all activities immediately.

In case of an emergency situation, parents will be notified immediately. Should they require medical attention, 9-1-1 emergency will
be notified, and staff will follow any specified instructions.

Video Policy

The ESC may use the video library that contains a variety of rated G or PG movies. Teen Camp will be allowed to see approved PG-
13 movies. If you have any objections to the videos shown or do not wish to have your child participate in the TV/DVD activities,
please inform the camp leaders in advance.

Late Pick-Up

The ESC program ends at 6:00 p.m. each day (Monday – Friday). It is very important for parents or authorized persons to pick-up
his/her child on time daily. If you are late picking up your child, a fee of $5.00 per child will be assessed in 15-minute increments.
Late Fees accumulate from 6:05 p.m. until the time the parent or authorized person arrives. Parents are responsible for payment by the
next day prior to dropping the child off. Payments are to be made at the front desk of the EFLC during hours of operation.

In the event that the late fee is not paid within three days from the day it is issued, the child will not be eligible to return to the program
until payment has been received. Three late pick-ups in a 30-day period could result in termination of your child(ren) from the program.

Collection of Monies

Payment will need to be timely to ensure your future spots in the camp. Payments need to be made two weeks prior to the week
attending date. You can pay online at or pay by cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, or American Express at
the EFLC front desk. If you would like to pay online, please talk to the front desk personnel to get access to your online recreation
account. Please make all checks payable to the City of Euless. Include your child’s name, week number, driver’s license number,
expiration date and birth date on the check. With so many payment options available, failure to make payments by the allotted
time is inexcusable and will result in your child’s removal from the program.
Summer Camp 2020
                            Payment Time Table

Week Attending                                   Payment Due (Wed.)

WK 1 June 1-June 5                               May 13*
WK 2 June 8-June 12                              May 20*
WK 3 June 15-June 19                             May 27*
WK 4 June 22-June 26                             June 10
WK 5 June 29- July 2*                            June 17
WK 6 July 6 - July 10                            June 24
WK 7 July 13-July 17                             July 1
WK 8 July 20-July 24                             July 18
WK 9 July 27-July 31                             July 15
WK 10 Aug. 3-Aug. 7                              July 22

*No Camp July 3rd

Camp Cost
 SAC Residents $150.00 per child/per week
 SAC Non-Residents $200.00 per child/per week
 Teen Residents $150.00 per child/per week
 Teen Non-Residents $200.00 per child/per week

*Please note the first three payments are due before to the start of camp.

Summer Camp 2020 Program Schedule

       Non-Travel Day                  Field Trip Day

7:30-9am:      Check-In/Zones 7:30-9am:         Check-In/Zones

9-9:30am:   Welcome Activity 9-9:30am:        Welcome Activity

9:30-9:45am:             Snack 9:30-9:45am:             Snack

10am-12pm: Outside Games 10am-4pm:                   Field Trip

12pm-1pm:               Lunch 12pm-1pm:                 Lunch

1pm-3pm:                        3pm-4pm: Arrive back at camp
Indoor Activities/Arts & Crafts

3-3:30pm:               Snack   4pm-6pm:
                                Zones/Clubs/Camp Check Out
3:30pm-4pm:         Closing
4pm-6pm: Zones/Clubs/Camp 6pm:                    Camp Closed
Check Out
Field Trip Agenda
                  Mon             Tues          Wed           Thurs            Fri
 EFLC 6-8 Camp Rally Field Trip                 Arts &         Swim          Movie
            *Library                            Craft
 EFLC 9-11 Camp Rally            Movie          Swim           Field         Arts &
            *Library                                           Trip          Craft
   Stars       Camp Rally       Movie           Swim           *Ice           Field
                *Library                                      Skate           Trip
  Elem.        Camp Rally        Swim            Field        Arts &         Movie
                *Library                                      Craft
   TEEN          Camp             *Ice           Field        Movie           Field
               Rally/Swim        Skate           Trip                         Day
*The Euless Public Library will present their summer programs at The Euless Family
Life Center. Ice skating will take place at The Children’s Health Star Center in Euless.

                            Non-Field Trip Agenda
                   Mon            Tues            Wed           Thurs            Fri
 EFLC 6-8 Camp Rally              Swim           Arts &          Swim          Movie
                 *Library                        Craft
 EFLC 9-11 Camp Rally             Movie          Swim         Field Trip        Swim
   Stars       Camp Rally        Movie           Swim             *Ice          Swim
                *Library                                         Skate
   Elem.       Camp Rally         Swim            Field          Swim          Movie

                                Field Trip Schedule
Summer Adventure Camp 2020
              *Field trips subject to change
Week 2                       NRH20
June 8- June12               North Richland Hills
Week 4                       Tinesltown
June 22-26                   Grapevine
Week 6                       IT’z
July 6-10                    Roanoke
Week 8                       Dave & Busters
July 20-24                   Euless
Week 10                      Epic Water Park
August 3-7                   Grand Prairie

            TEEN Camp Field Trip Schedule
Week 1                       Summit
June 3rd                     Grapevine
Week 2                       Glade Parks
June 10th                    Euless
Week 3                       Bowlero
June 17th                    Euless
Week 4                       Rave Movies
June 24th                    Hurst
Week 5                       NRH20
July 1st                     North Richland Hills
Week 6                       Dave & Busters
July 8th                     Euless
Week 7                       Glade Parks
July 15th
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