FORDHAM UNIVERSITY Commencement 2021 - MAY 2021

MAY 2021


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Sapientia et Doctrina
                                                 Wisdom and Learning
                                  “Wisdom and learning shall be the stability of thy times.”
                                              —Adapted from Isaiah 33:6

                                            The Fordham University Seal

                 The Great Seal of Fordham University proclaims that Fordham has been a Jesuit university
                 since its founder, Archbishop John Hughes, entrusted it to the care of the Society of Jesus
                 five years after its founding in 1841. Hence, the coat of arms of the Society of Jesus stands at
                 the center of the Great Seal of the University. The coat of arms bears the Greek letters for the
                 name Jesus—IHS—with the cross resting in the horizontal line of the letter H, and the three
                 nails beneath in a field framed in maroon, the color of the University, with fleurs-de-lis on
                 the edge of the maroon frame. Around the Society’s coat of arms is a scroll with the
                 University’s motto, Sapientia et Doctrina (Wisdom and Learning). The scroll rests on a field
                 in which tongues of fire are displayed, recalling the outpouring of the gifts of the Holy Spirit
                 of wisdom (sapientia) that marked the first Pentecost.
                 A laurel wreath at the center of which are listed the names of the disciplines that are or have
                 been taught at the University rests at the top of the seal. (The University had a medical
                 school from 1905 to 1919 and a College of Pharmacy from 1912 to 1971.) These central
                 heraldic devices are enclosed within a circular field fashioned as a belt and edged with beads.
                 The field bears the University’s name (rendered in Latin) and the date of its foundation.
                 Fordham University is one of only two institutions in the world whose seals are enclosed with
                 a belt surround. Oxford University, the mother of the universities in the English-speaking
                 world, is the other university whose seal is fashioned in this way.

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                          A Story of Transformation

                   Fordham University began in the mind and heart of John Hughes, the Irish-born
                   Catholic bishop who would later become the first archbishop of New York.
                   He believed fervently in the power of education to help downtrodden Catholic
                   immigrants advance in America, and traveled as far as Europe to raise funds for
                   buying the plot of rustic land north of Manhattan—in what is today the Bronx—where
                   he saw a great university taking root. Initially named St. John’s College,
                   the school opened at Rose Hill on June 24, 1841, with just six students but
                   big ambitions. St. John’s became a Jesuit college five years later, after Hughes sold it
                   to the Society of Jesus.
                   In 1907, St. John’s College was renamed Fordham University—a transformation that
                   began two years earlier with the opening of its first graduate schools: a medical school,
                   discontinued in 1921, and a law school that is widely regarded today as one of the best
                   in the nation. Graduate schools of education, arts and sciences, and social service were
                   established in 1916, and the School of Accounting—forerunner of the Gabelli School of
                   Business—opened in 1920, housed in Manhattan’s Woolworth Building. A college of
                   pharmacy was also established in this period, lasting until 1971. In 1944, Fordham
                   founded what would become the School of Professional and Continuing Studies, and
                   the Graduate School of Religion and Religious Education began in 1969.
                   The establishment of the Lincoln Center campus in the 1960s was a milestone in the
                   University’s rise to greater prominence. In the following decades, Fordham made
                   major strides toward becoming a national and global institution with the opening
                   of new residence halls at both the Rose Hill and Lincoln Center campuses;
                   the construction of the William D. Walsh Family Library at Rose Hill; the
                   opening of the Fordham London campus; and the Lincoln Center campus
                   redevelopment completed in 2016.
                   As Fordham has grown from a small college into the Jesuit University of New York,
                   it continues reaching out to its local community through service, academic
                   partnerships, and various other initiatives such as the Higher Education Opportunity
                   Program for students from underrepresented groups. Today, the seed planted by
                   John Hughes has flowered into a truly global university, one that continues to
                   transform lives and transform the world through the dedication of its faculty
                   and the work and achievements of its alumni across all fields of endeavor.

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Honorary Degree Citation
                 Michelle Howard | Doctor of Humane Letters

                  Michelle Howard rose to the highest echelons of the U.S. Navy during a 35-year career in
                  commands of ever-increasing size and scope, propelled by competence and character. She
                  also broke barriers along the way—among other achievements, she became the first African
                  American woman to command a Navy ship and the first woman to serve as a four-star Navy
                  admiral. In so doing, she became a role model, a title she bears with the same surpassing
                  sense of duty she brought to all of her military commands.
                  Growing up in Colorado, she thrilled to the idea of attending a service academy, even though
                  they were closed to women. Her mother encouraged her ambitions, though, and she enrolled
                  in the U.S. Naval Academy just two years after the exclusion of women was ended. She
                  graduated in 1982 and later served in operations Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom; the
                  peacekeeping effort in the former Republic of Yugoslavia; and tsunami relief efforts in
                  Indonesia. In 2009, she was commander of a U.S. Navy task force that dealt with Somali
                  pirates holding an American ship captain hostage on a life raft off the African coast, a
                  situation later dramatized in the movie Captain Phillips. Faced with a crisis that had no
                  playbook, she harnessed the power of diversity, bringing together people of varied
                  backgrounds to generate the ideas that made the rescue operation a success.
                  In the final years of her career, Admiral Howard served as vice chief of naval operations and
                  as commander of U.S. naval forces in Europe and Africa. A graduate of the U.S. Army
                  Command and General Staff College, where she earned a master’s degree in 1998, she
                  served on the faculty at George Washington University after retiring from the Navy in 2017.
                  In February 2021, she was named to a congressionally mandated commission on
                  renaming military installations whose names commemorate the Confederacy.
                  Admiral Howard has always strived for diversity, equity, and inclusion, by helping
                  others and by setting an example. Through her commitment to excellence, she has
                  provided hope and possibility for others trying to overcome barriers of gender or race
                  in pursuit of their dreams.
                  For her extraordinary achievements and for her pathbreaking leadership in the
                  U.S. armed forces, we, the President and Trustees of Fordham University, in solemn
                  convocation assembled and in accord with the chartered authority bestowed on us by
                  the Regents of the University of the State of New York, declare Michelle Howard
                  Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa. That she may enjoy all rights and privileges
                  of this, our highest honor, we have issued these letters patent under our hand and the
                  corporate seal of the University on this, the 22nd day of May in the Year of Our Lord
                  Two Thousand Twenty-One.

                  This degree will be presented virtually at the University Commencement ceremony on 22 May 2021.

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Honorary Degree Citation
                  Hillary Rodham Clinton | Doctor of Laws

                 Throughout her long and distinguished career in American public life, Hillary Rodham
                 Clinton has not only made history but also made an impact on personal histories
                 everywhere. As a lawyer, activist, speaker, senator, and diplomat, she has spent decades
                 fighting to empower people—especially children and families—and to bring about a more
                 just and equitable society.
                 Her passion for social justice was ignited in her childhood when she heard Martin Luther
                 King Jr. speak during a trip to Chicago with her youth ministry. She began her career
                 in law and public service after graduating from Wellesley College and Yale Law School,
                 where she met her future husband, Bill Clinton. After working as a staff attorney with the
                 Children’s Defense Fund and as a member of the impeachment inquiry staff in the House
                 of Representatives in 1974, she moved to Arkansas with Bill. In Arkansas, she ran legal
                 clinics serving the disenfranchised, founded one of the state’s first child advocacy groups,
                 and championed improvements in health and educational policy during her husband’s
                 governorship. Then, as first lady of the United States from 1993 to 2001, she helped to
                 create the Children’s Health Insurance Program, which provided coverage to more than
                 8 million children.
                 With her election to the U.S. Senate in 2000, Clinton became the first woman to win
                 statewide office in New York. As senator, she helped secure federal funding for rebuilding
                 New York after the 9/11 attacks, worked to secure health care for responders at Ground Zero,
                 and launched initiatives to help New York farms and small businesses find new markets for
                 their products. In 2009, she moved into a new role on the international stage as secretary
                 of state under President Barack Obama. In addition to building a coalition for sanctions that
                 paved the way for the nuclear accord with Iran, she forcefully championed human rights and
                 new opportunities for women and girls, people of color, LGBT people, and young people
                 worldwide. In 2016 she became the first woman to earn a major party’s nomination for U.S.
                 president. After the election, she founded Onward Together, an organization devoted to
                 advancing progressive values and bringing about a fairer and more inclusive America.
                 Clinton has also authored several bestselling books, including It Takes a Village, focused
                 on how society can help children grow into capable, caring adults.
                 For all she has done to bring people together and secure the blessings of peace, security,
                 well-being, and opportunity for all, we, the President and Trustees of Fordham University,
                 in solemn convocation assembled and in accord with the chartered authority bestowed
                 on us by the Regents of the University of the State of New York, declare Hillary Rodham
                 Clinton Doctor of Laws, honoris causa. That she may enjoy all rights and privileges
                 of this, our highest honor, we have issued these letters patent under our hand and
                 the corporate seal of the University on this, the 22nd day of May in the Year of Our Lord
                 Two Thousand Twenty-One.

                 This degree will be presented during the School of Law virtual diploma ceremony on 23 May 2021.

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Honorary Degree Citation
                 Edward M. Stroz | Doctor of Humane Letters

                 Throughout his career in law enforcement and cybersecurity, Ed Stroz has brought ingenuity
                 and humanistic perspective to problems often shrouded in technical jargon. In so doing, he
                 has not only helped make the information age safer and more secure for all of us, but he has
                 also demonstrated an enlightened response to threats arising from our complex,
                 interconnected world.
                 A native of Manhattan’s Yorkville neighborhood, Stroz earned a bachelor’s degree from
                 Fordham in 1979 and worked in banking and accounting before joining the FBI as a special
                 agent in 1984. At the bureau, he investigated public corruption, arson, and major international
                 financial crimes, and in 1996, just as the internet was taking off, he created and led the New
                 York bureau’s computer crime squad. Four years later, he founded the digital forensics firm
                 Stroz Friedberg (now known as Aon Cyber Solutions).
                 As the firm’s co-president from 2000 until December 2020, he oversaw its growth and
                 advised clients responding to internet extortions, denial-of-service attacks, computer
                 hacking, insider abuse, theft of trade secrets, and electronic discovery matters. He was
                 highlighted by Fortune Magazine in 2016 for his pioneering use of behavioral science
                 to gain insights about the intent and state of mind of computer users. “Human behavior
                 is the key to crime,” he told Fordham Magazine in 2010. “No law in the books ever
                 threw a computer in jail.”
                 Stroz, now a freelance consultant, has generously shared his expertise with Fordham.
                 In 2009, he helped the University take a major step toward establishing its own leadership
                 in the internet security field by co-organizing the first International Conference on
                 Cyber Security, hosted by Fordham in partnership with the FBI. The conference, held every
                 18 months, attracts top law enforcement officers and industry professionals. Stroz has
                 been a frequent expert panelist at the conference, integral to its success both behind the
                 scenes and in front of audiences.
                 A Fordham trustee fellow, Stroz has been an adviser to the Center on Law and Information
                 Policy at Fordham Law School, and he and his wife, Sally Spooner, have been magnanimous
                 in their support for the Gabelli School of Business at Fordham, establishing both an endowed
                 faculty chair in accounting and an endowed scholarship for students in the program.
                 For skillfully bridging the public and private sectors to promote cyber resilience, and for
                 his tireless efforts on behalf of his alma mater, we, the President and Trustees of
                 Fordham University, in solemn convocation assembled and in accord with the chartered
                 authority bestowed on us by the Regents of the University of the State of New York,
                 declare Edward M. Stroz Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa. That he may enjoy
                 all rights and privileges of this, our highest honor, we have issued these letters patent
                 under our hand and the corporate seal of the University on this, the 22nd day of May
                 in the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Twenty-One.

                 This degree will be presented at the Gabelli School of Business diploma ceremony for master’s and
                 doctoral candidates on 25 May 2021.

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Candidates for Degrees
                               to Be Conferred
                                       The lists that appear in this booklet were prepared by
                                   the registrar prior to 22 May 2021 and do not represent the
                                     final lists of graduates, except where stated as conferred.

                 These were the words addressed to the members of the graduating class of St. John’s
                 College (now Fordham University) in 1847:
                 I am commissioned by the faculty of St. John’s College to hand each of you a diploma
                 of Bachelor of Arts. This diploma is the solemn and authentic proof of the favorable
                 judgment which the Faculty of this institution, after due examination and mature
                 consideration, have formed both of your intellectual capacity and of your moral conduct and
                 principles. By these documents which are public, by the authority from which they emanate,
                 by the object they have in view, and by the circumstances under which they are handed to you,
                 we [expect that] by the rectitude of your future conduct and steady application of your
                 respective duties, you [will] justify our decision.
                 For, let me impress upon your minds that, by asking for and receiving the[se] academic honors,
                 you enter into a solemn and public engagement to show yourselves worthy of the distinction
                 which is conferred on you. This distinction is conferred upon you, not in our name, but in the
                 name and by the authority of the Republic, and to the Republic both we and you are
                 responsible. If the Republic invests us with a discretionary power to decorate with these
                 distinctions those whom we judge worthy, it expects, and it has a right to expect, that they
                 should show themselves on all occasions, in word and in deed, friends of law and order,
                 defenders of truth and justice, supporters of sound morality.
                 Receive your diploma of Bachelor of Arts, and remember the engagements which you contract.

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Candidates for Degrees to Be Conferred

        Fordham College at Lincoln Center |                  Founded 1968

        •   Candidates for Degree | 22 May 2021 | Bachelor of Arts
            Mohammed M. Abiad           Alexandra Blake Cornelsen    Chelsea Amber George         Elle Marie Kerrigan          Jemina Carla Molines
            Reice Claire Acosta         Mariana Mello Corrêa         Ryan Thomas Gleason          Daria Brooke                 Tasmida Hassan Mollah
            William G. Adams            Edward Corrigan              Kristin M. Gnoza               Kerschenbaum               Anna J. Moneymaker
            Joshua L. Aguilera          Sydney J. Costales           Dina G. Gomaa                Ellen Grace Kim              Alyssa C. Morales
            María Fernanda Albán        Vincent I. Costello          Andrea G. Gonzalez           Rachel Kim                   Doria E. Morea
            Ahmari M. Alford            Sarah Cryer                  William D. Gonzalez          Carrie Kinui                 Sydney L. Morris
            Janine Loreline Alonzo      Thomas E.                    Marissa Gootee               Travis-Jay Knoppert          Harrison I. Moses
            Nicole Alston                 Cunningham III             Kaitlyn Ann Uy Gosiaco       Yuta Thomas Kobayashi        Leticia Guadalupe Murillo
            Mary Katherine Alter        Yang Dai                     Natalie Marie Grammer        Emily Krichmar               Kirsten Murphy
            Beatriz Alves Bertoni       Siyu Dai                     Marta Granados               Katherine T. Kuemerle        Lea N. Naisberg
            Malaq M. Alzoubeir          Isabel Daniel                   Hernandez                 Deanna A. Kyzyk              Ella Nalbandyan
            Alia Alzubair               Nicholas G. D’Aniello        Warren C. Green              Orts Lamroe                  Faith A. Nix
            Ma. Regine V. Anastacio     Sophia Silvia Daoud          Bethany E. Greenho           Elizabeth Christine Landry   Natalie Lauren
            Patricia Buenaventura       Monica Isabel de Diego       Matthew Gregg                Shannon Laugle                 Norman-Kehe
              Angeles                     Galindo                    Diane O. Greg-Uanseru        Cole Elliot Leacock          Georgia Norvell
            Hailey Arango               Adam Salvador Delin          Gabrielle Elizabeth Grieco   Isabel Leckie                Jennifer Rose Ogasian
            Arfin Z. Arfa               Gabrielle A. De Los Santos   Teymur Guliyev               Diane Nicole Castro Lee      Rose Louise O’Neill
            Alexios Avgerinos           Zoe Maria Demacopoulos       Lydia Katherine Hallett      Mabel Xue Fei Gwen Lee       Vittoria Julianna Orlando
            Ege A. Aydogdu              Sefeny Yisell Diaz           Sara Hansali                 Madison Christina Leto       Luz V. Ortega
            John Backa                  Robert DiMuccio              Mohammad Shifaul Haque       Mandy Li                     Pamela N. Pajares
            Sarah C. Barela             Susan L. Distler             Leeanna E. Hariprashad       Yichen Liu                   Ruoching Pan
            Isaiah R. Barnes            Ernestine Chloe Djomessi     Shannah Jane Harris          Jessica R. Lovett            Stella Pandis
            Thomas S. Bayer                                          Matthew Hartman              Xinting Lu                   Victoria R. Pante
                                        Sebastian Dodd
            Leo Robert Bernabei                                      Parker Lee Henderson         Aria G. Lugo                 James S. Park
                                        Aidan G. Donaghy
            Eusran Aiza Bhuiyan                                      Camille Victoria Emilia      Marielly Luna                Sophie Partridge-Hicks
                                        Evan R. Donaldson               Hermida-Fuentes
            Esme E. Bleecker-Adams                                                                Mirian Luna                  Celia Ann Slocum
                                        Elizabeth L. Doney           Carli S. Hirschberg                                         Patterson
            Samantha J. Brandt                                                                    Franchesca Mari Libunao
                                        Gabrielle M. Doré            Adam H. Hmada                  Macalintal                 Sarah F. Paxson
            Max V. Breit
                                        Noah A. Duke                 Wesley Hoa                   Ian Mactaggart               Sydnee Drake Peterson
            Casey Leigh Brennan
                                        Jack R. Dwyer                Julianne Kathleen            Christopher W. Madeira       Stephanie Margaret Pett
            Kaylin V. Bridglall
                                        Danielle Eisenberg              Holmquist                 Victoria Anne Magali         Mallory Kathryn Phelps
            Brandon Seth Burk
                                        Adam Elbordiny               Duogan Huang                 Sean M. Mahar                Jared Alexander Piantedosi
            Alexandria R. Bush
                                        Benjamin Elliott             Jiaxin Huang                 Isabella Rose Malfi          Bithja L. Pierre
            Frederic R. Butler
                                        Niki Esmaeilzadeh Bolandi    Samantha Marie Hughes        Teah Micaela R. Marcelo      Michael Casey Piparo
            Andy Camacho
                                        Reem Zidan Farhat            Crosby Peighton Hull         Melissa Marrero              Austin Poon
            Juan D. Castaneda
                                        Thomas James Keyvan          Bawila A Idris               Allison Mather               Casey C. Powers
            Victoria Z. Castillo
                                          Farhat-Sepahi              Carlie Israel
              Abdallah                                                                            Jesse S. McBrearty           Coleman Edward Pyeatt
                                        Luke William Farrell         Jacob Hersh Itzkowitz
            Vincent Aniello Cavaliere                                                             Savannah L. McClendon        Bridget Alexandria Quimby
                                        Miles Arthur Farren          Teodora Ivanovic
            Kanam Chan                                                                            Kelly Irene McGuirk          Tyler John Raciti
                                        Chloë Margaret Felopulos     Joseph Patrick Jackson
            Amy Chang                                                                             Lilianna Marie McKenna       Lilian Danielle Rebelo
                                        Kiera J. Finn                Manahil S. Javaid
            Alexis Star Chapin                                                                    Bridget E. McLaughlin        Chloe Elizabeth Rice
                                        Arianna D. Fiorentini        Yu Chao Jia
            Gabrielle Charles                                                                     Elizabeth Adelaide Taaffe    Lillian Anne Rider
                                        Margaret R. Franzreb         Mylinda Queen Jimenez          McLaughlin
            Xiaoying Chen                                                                                                      Sofia McKenna Riley
                                        Marie Carlisle Freeman       Abigail M. Joyce             Emma Kathryn McSharry
            Zhenni Chen                                                                                                        Juliana Faith Rivera
                                        Tiantian Gao                 Tauland Kaca                 Zihan Meng
            Aniqa Nishat Chowdhury                                                                                             Owen P. Roche
                                        Ruby Vivien Gara             Jordana I. Kagan             Anna E. Meyer
            Elizabeth M. Cini                                                                                                  Lena Andrea Rose
                                        Alejandra García             Paulina V. Kamensky          Emma Ree Miller
            Zachary Russell Clark                                                                                              Alyssa B. Rosenberg
                                        Vahe Gemdzian                Rabia Kassam                 Rushaid R. Mithani
            Ana Sophia Colon                                                                                                   Mary HanShu Roseth

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Candidates for Degrees to Be Conferred

        Fordham College at Lincoln Center |                  continued

        •   Candidates for Degree | 22 May 2021 | Bachelor of Arts | continued
            Stevie Rosignol-Cortez     Emma Jean Seiwell            Connor Kenneth Stephens   Sofia K. Ubilla             Michael James Wilson
            Loreen Yuson Ruiz          Stephen R. Semidey           Gabrielle Marie Stewart   Samantha E. Umani           Hope Marian Winget
            Lauren Tyler Russell       Shafqat Shadaab              Rylie Stolze              Leslie I. Umanzor           Amy Wong
            Gillian Rose Russo         Ethan Scott Shea             Steven Win Su             Joseph Anthony              Chloe Wong
            Liam C. Ryder              Ryan M. Shearin              Xihan Sun                    Villanueva Vasco         Joe Wong
            Stephanie R. Sabido        Yihe Shen                    Kaylie Szarek             Victoria Kimberly Vitucci   Paul Wontorek
            Stephanie Sanchez          Kirana Winalia Sidarta       Catherine M. Tadin        Mariam Wahba                Kiersten A. Wood
            Brandon Michael Sapienza   Eden E. Silag Stearns        Jacquelyn Tams            Devin Nicole Walsh          Xinyuan Wu
            Marielle Ann Dayco         Aaron Michael Silva          Nazik Tatiyeva            Jing Wang                   Yifan Wu
              Sarmiento                Sarah E. Simon               Eve Lucy Taylor           Junhan Steven Wang          John Gibby Wuest
            Madelyn Schneider          Matthew Thomas Skibiel       Khant Si Thu              Tianjie Wang                Michelle Yoon
            Emma Stefania              Patrick R. Smith             Jiaqi Tian                Amelia Way                  Yufei Zhang
              Schoppmeyer                                                                     Kiernan Westrick
                                       Justice Somerville-Adair     Leah Marie Toledano                                   Carmen Zheng
            Justin W. Schwartz                                                                David Erwin Wilson
                                       Helen E. Spyropoulos         John W. Travers                                       Kevin Zhou
            Molly Maya Schwarz                                                                Gabriela Marie Wilson
                                       Rohit K. Srivastava          Elise Turner                                          Jamie Zhou

        •   Candidates for Degree | 22 May 2021 | Bachelor of Fine Arts
            Maya LeeAnn Addie          Meghan Alexandra Boyle       Naya A. Hutchinson        Natalie M. Ng               Victoria Anne Wagner
            Michaella Elayne Barron    Sabrina M. Cmelak            Bridget Ellen Claire      Kali Marie Oliver           Micah A. Washington
            Nicholas A. Begun          Sydney Rose Collins            Keenan                  Téa Noel Pérez              Lauren-Frances Wood
            Taylor N. Bergstraesser    Bianca Amber Cosentino       Amanda Knight             Mollie E. Petrizzo          Caitlin Yatsuhashi
            Amy Rose Bernardo          Gabrielle Leann DiNizo       Kathryn Y. Mantyh         Roxanne K. Potes
            Leila Bershad              Kaila E. Gibson-Okunieff     Reché Elise Nelson        Miranda Runyon

        •   Candidates for Degree | 22 May 2021 | Bachelor of Science
            Nour A. Aborageh           Daniela Diaz                 Krystal S. How            Marzana J. Mutee            Melissa Joy Sobanko
            Victoria A. Agosta         Chiara Carmela Diona         Peter C. Hughes           Shanuka Nanayakkara         Matthew J. Sullivan
            Mariadolores Alvarez       Isabella Antonia DiStefano   Aisha Jamal               Arundhati Natesan           Lucie M. Taylor
            Katherine MeiQi Aronson    Samten Dolma                 Kristen M. Jefairjian     Alfonse J. Niedermeyer IV   Evelina Tokareva
            Olivia Baptiste            Kyle Daniel Doyle            Adil Kabir                Victoria Despina Nyktas     Karel Oliver Philip
            Madeline Becker            Sarah Christine Duffy        Admir Kasneci             Han Nway Oo                   Van Bourgondien
            Daniela Berlinkova         Sarah Elhage                 Emma R. Kelly             Luke Osborn                 Hope Elizabeth Ludwig
            Hanna Sara Bowman          Alexander Etimos             Alissa Lynn Kerr          Alexandra Nicole Prado
                                                                                                                          Carlotta Viero
            Danielle E. Bufano         Prudenz G. Fajardo           Evrana R. Khatun          Suchuli Isabel Premaratna
                                                                                                                          Maddie B. Viza
            Jacob C. Cadez             Niah A. Ferdinand            Matthew Cleary            Jarif Rahman
                                                                      Kozakowski                                          Dechen Wangmo
            Camila A. Capurro          Christian Foronda                                      Amber Ray
                                                                    Anthony Krivonos                                      Emily Yih
            Jessica Caushi             Paige Elizabeth Gadapee                                Paloma Rodríguez Páramo
                                                                    Phillip L. Kucher                                     Samantha T. Yu
            Gary Chan                  Julian P. Gannon                                       Jennifer L. Royzman
                                                                    Arbi Kumi                                             Yihao Yu
            Gwendolyn Chu              Reginaflor Glorioso                                    Angelica E. Ruedas
                                                                    Rinchen S. Lama                                       Matthew C. Zenner
            Kenneth Chuen              Maneesh V. Gogineni                                    Adam A. Saad
                                                                    April Su Lim                                          Yihan Zhao
            Julia Nicole Ciarcia       Mia Estelle Grichendler                                Samer H. Sabbour
                                                                    Matthew M. Marshall                                   Boyuan Zhu
            Hailey A. Coates           Davepriyan E.                                          Stephanie R. Sabido
            Madison Combs                Gunaratnam                 Adam Takeo Kealaka’i      Abdullah Hazem Salama       Danni Zuo
                                       Tess M. Gutenbrunner           Mason
            John C. Cuenca                                                                    Srivatsan Senthilkumar
                                       Christopher J. Hall          Eveline Shea Murphy-
            Ishan K. Datt                                                                     Abigail E. Shtekler
            Etnik Dervishi             John Hensley                                           Elizabeth Gabrielle Sisto

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Candidates for Degrees to Be Conferred

        Fordham College at Lincoln Center |                   continued

        •   Degrees Conferred | 1 February 2021 | Bachelor of Arts
            Marie Christine Aiello     Nicole Chow                Kayla B. Honkala            Braden J. Mayer           Maria Gabriela Mendoza
            Jade Magdalena-Sylvia      Abigail Grace Conroy       Ariella Ibroci              Sophia A. Mazurowski        Rivera
              Appel                    Alexander Crosby           Connor Frederick            Gregory Christopher       Patrick Rhinelander Rizzi
            Rachel Aronbayev           Emma Helen Federer             Johnston                  McGuinness              Luise Claire Schmieta
            Evan G. Baritz             Corina Allyn Fuentes       Iman M. Kamel               Heather B. Melad          Elizabeth Anne Weinman
            Isabella B. Bermudez       Akshay Gupta               Kelsi C. Kennedy            Christopher J. Mongelli   Mengying Wu
            Trisha Ann Canessa         Marissa Gustavson          Pauline Marie Kern          Sophie Tsoler Naufal      Yang Xu
            Elizabeth Patricia Casey   Lilianna G. Harris         Alessandra Korich           Giovanna Valentina        Elizaveta Yusufova
            Brian Chen                                            Sijia Li                      Nembrini                Xiaoyue Zhu
                                       Alexander J. Heilman
            Xingci Chen                                           Denisa Lumaj                Maria Sofia R. Ochoa
                                       Emma Holaj
            Yunuén Cho                                            Isabella G. Maas-Ruane      Caleb J. Pelmas

        •   Degrees Conferred | 1 February 2021 | Bachelor of Science
            Zhiyue Cao                 Yongchen Cui               Shormie Johira Faruque      Michalle Khan             Madeleine I. Mortimer
            Ismum Chowdhury            Nicole Kristin DiMaria     Emma Noelia Himes           Anoosh Kouyoumdjian       Annabel Cristina Rodrigues
            Morgan Mercer Cockrell     Mark Anthony Dobres        Jiawei Jiang                Angela Lin                 do Amaral

        •   Degrees Conferred | 31 August 2020 | Bachelor of Arts
            Hector F. Bonilla          Malia Daisy English        Katherine Kesler            Qiaowen Lin               Shelby Hollingsworth
            Olivia Michelle Cook       Semyon Fedotov             William C. Ladd III         Sangita M. Pawar            Stinson
            Johanna Mary Cyran         McKenna Quigley            Isaac Lee                   Alessandra Rose Puglia    Paula Torrado Aguilar
                                         Harrington                                                                       Cauz
            Alejandria A. Davila                                  Xi Li                       Rami Youssef Saleh
                                       Xinyi Huang                                                                      Maegan S. Wright
            Claudia T. Dimondo                                    Yihan Li                    Anoussa Salim
                                       Adam Thomas Hull                                                                 Xuanyi Zhu
            Eamon Jeffrey Russell                                 Yunjia Li                   Marykate Scrobe
              Duke                     Serena A. Ingram

        •   Degree Conferred | 31 August 2020 | Bachelor of Fine Arts
            Miranda Clara Stuck

        •   Degrees Conferred | 31 August 2020 | Bachelor of Science
            Samantha Basilone          Auliarahmah Nursucianni Emma Alexandra                 Brenda Quach              Benjamin C. Vecchio
            Joshua M. Choi              Gobel                   Loughran                      Jason Sheldon             Shakeel Woodley

        Fordham School of Professional and Continuing Studies |                            Founded 1944

        •   Candidates for Degree | 22 May 2021 | Bachelor of Arts
            Eyob Fekade Adera          Karsten K. Cadley          Paula P. Douglas            Damaris Gonzalez          Farida Lecoin
            Michael J. Balzano         Rosemarie Cardo            Betty E. Eng Lee            Marianne Perrotta         Michael Scott Leifer
            Jose C. Bataller           Kelly Jean Clair           Maxwell Renata                Gordineer               Clintnetta I’Asha Lewis
            Ruhanny Batista            Cassandra Nicole             Flecha-Hirsch             Shailyn Nichelle Grant    James A. Mabe
              Palmero                    Coleman                  Barbara J. Flynn            Sophia Gullo              Fiona Mary Mackenzie
            Cristian O. Bernabe        Joshua S. Colon            Sydney Christen Frayne      Colleen R. Hanley         Tamami Maeda
            Bodhwattie R. Bodha        Virginia A. Cortijo        Madeleine E. Fritz          Kyle J. F. Horstmann      Richard F. Manchisi
            Stephen G. Bragale         Travis Cummings            Cara Ayn Giacomo            Jessica L. Jurinich       Diego M. Martinez
            Peyton Baskin Brooks       Daniel A. De Castro        Mathew R. Giblin            Holly Larsen              Nayoka McFarlane
            Oliver M. Bryan            Cole William DeMarco       Melissa Giraldo             Robert Lasku              Phillip McQueen Jr.

4503_FU_r1_final.indd 10                                                                                                                        5/5/21 5:37 PM
Candidates for Degrees to Be Conferred

        Fordham School of Professional and Continuing Studies |                             continued

        •   Candidates for Degree | 22 May 2021 | Bachelor of Arts | continued
            Gena Marie McSorley         Sharon Lynn Rappaport     Edwin Santana                Wilson Jovany Tenezaca    Katina Zachmanoglou
            Jesus Mendez                Anea Wuneegen Rasch       Marie Tarisa Sepanski        Elizabeth A. Triscari     Michael J. Zelinski
            Emma Blake Merrill          Zachary T. Redo           Joseph M. Sherman            Esi Valbona               Kejia Zhang
            Victor Abelino Morales      Johnny Remigio            Stefan C. Silverio           Eric James Vanderstreet   Chenglei Zhao
            Gabriella Mrijaj            Jorge Raul Rivas          Lazar Z. Skoric              Derrick Hernandez
            Amelie Namuroy              Michael Rodriguez         Danielle T. Solinski           Villaruel
            Jonas J. Penrose            Victor I. Rodriguez       John Lincoln Spencer IV      Laura Walker
            Natassia Olivia Powell      Eric Mathew Rosario       Dylan J. Talbot              Michael Joseph Williams
            Melissa N. Quiroz           Jesse Allan Russell       Yun Tang                     Catherine Wu

        •   Candidates for Degree | 22 May 2021 | Bachelor of Science
            Matias Ignacio Ayala        Shirlen M. Diaz           Siarhei A. Palaukou          Natalie Slavutsky         Luis Jordan Valle
            Andrea Berta                Rachelle Charley Frost    Joseph Isaac Perez           Mykhailo Tserkovnyuk      Nelmary Villa-Thomas
            Kassandra A. Chevere        Jazenda L. Garcia         Stephanie René Price         Emmanuel Eronmonsele      Maria Belen Zambrano
            Yasmena Demiroska           Thomas Mariani            Daven James Mateo             Ukhueligbe
                                        Kerry Ann O’Brien           Quichocho

        •   Candidates for Degree | 22 May 2021 | Master of Science
            Maiya Clanton               Jasmine Gurreri           Heidy Margarita Lopez        Jemell B. Senior          Jill B. Weston
            Griffin Douglas Daly        Andrew Corey Kaminsky     Vakhtang Mumlauri            Sean Southey              Weihuai Zhang

        •   Candidate for Degree | 22 May 2021 | Advanced Certificate
            Felix Michael Ceballos

        •   Degrees Conferred | 1 February 2021 | Bachelor of Arts
            Colin I. Ahyoung            Yangshuo Dong             Katharine Taylor             John C. Leo               Kristian Alexander
            Chrystian Amoros Diaz       William Trippe Douglass     Hardwick                   David D. Lopez              RubioGrabenstein
            Sergio A. Armato            Carol Esquivel            George Hudacko               Luis Miguel Luna          Daniel J. Sabotka
            Olivia Boisson              Collin Fernandes          Irum Javaid                  Pamela A. Miller          Honor M. Sargent
            Jamal Brown                 Ricky Fields              Morgan Thomas Kelly          Unity S. Phelan           Mary Elizabeth Staker
            Natalia Bugnacka            Keith A. Frankl           Denise Elena Klueber         Saskia D. Pickering       John Richard Dunn
                                                                  Timothy Allen Lee                                        Wellman
            Brigida G. Casey            Jessica Elizabeth                                      Bryan Puebla
                                          Gonzalez                Derek Alexander Lentz                                  Harold B. Wilkerson
            Nicholas P. Christopoulos                                                          Juan C. Reyes

        •   Degrees Conferred | 1 February 2021 | Bachelor of Science
            Dane J. Ashton              Jacqueline De Leon        Michael J. Keenan            Simone Imogen Kraft
            Megan Costello              Jaime Jordan                                             Kolleeny

        •   Degrees Conferred | 1 February 2021 | Master of Science
            Federico Benatti            Andrew Gomez              Gabrielle Meyer              Stefan Todorovic
            Elio Campiolo Jr.           Joshua David Johnnie      Jens Piciri                  Jesse Mark Velten
            Daniel Jacob Fiedler        Katherine Khoury          Jackson Roland Richter       Matthew Victor
            Adrienne Tara Frizell       Xiuqian Lin               Samuel Lasry Sitnoveter      Jing Wang

4503_FU_r1_final.indd 11                                                                                                                         5/5/21 5:37 PM
Candidates for Degrees to Be Conferred

        Fordham School of Professional and Continuing Studies |                               continued

        •   Degrees Conferred | 31 August 2020 | Bachelor of Arts
            Stephen L. Adams             Mitchell Matthew Camarda    Nicholas Neema Estelami     Jeffrey Dylan Shulsky Lipay   Justus M. Tams
            Jermaine Aurtemus Athill     Kashfina Chowdhury          Milton Flores               Charlens Marquez              Sarah R. Taylor
            William Gabriel Baez         Marco M. de la Rosa         Joanna Garcia               Ivan Raut                     Edgar D. Veras
            Caroline Josephine           Petra Esther Del Valle      Nikole N. Khader            Charlene Roberts              Matthew R. West
              Barrientos                 Jude Deristile              Katherine S. Kiarsis        Juan Rojas Jr.                Scott Andrew Will
            Julissa Brene                Ruth Lynn Diamond           Richard Andrew Latta Jr.    Douglas S. Sun                Kelly Rafael Wolff
            Margaret J. Burke

        •   Degrees Conferred | 31 August 2020 | Bachelor of Science
            Khamat Gning                 Julian Mendez               Sungsoo N. Park

        •   Degrees Conferred | 31 August 2020 | Master of Science
            Elijah J. Auringer           Benjamin Reed Kobrin        Vincent Andrew              Charles Cristian Rusch
            Austin Thaddeus Baxter       Daniel A. Kwakyeh              Menechino                Eric J. Solomon
            John W. Boyle                Fitim Lajqi                 Gregg Peter Nelson          Albert Blake Woon lll
            Joshua Taylor Chung          Simone Malferrari           Jeffrey George Olivero

        •   Degree Conferred | 31 August 2020 | Advanced Certificate
            Eric J. Solomon

        Gabelli School of Business |             Founded 1920

        •   Candidates for Degree | 22 May 2021 | Bachelor of Science
            Adam William Abad            Thomas Albert Austin        Emily A. Benevento          Sarinnagh Anne Budris         Dean Joseph Cerimido
            Nicholas A. Abbazio          Olivia J. Autore            Ralph John Berardi III      Joseph J. Bulger Jr.          John L. Cernero
            Kelley Besem Abunaw          Aishah S. Avdiu             Matthew Broeg Berdon        Stephanie Maahalia            Alice Chai
            Jordan Acevedo               Alexandra Margaret Bailey   Adam Michael Berni            Premwattie Burchell         Amanda Chang
            Hannah S. Adams              Hope M. Baisley             Spencer L. Berry            Madison Paige Burkart         Jianing Chang
            Frank A. Adipietro           Sachin B. Balkarran         Sophia M. Besl              Michael P. Burke              Alvin Chen
            Michael Gerard Agoglia       Luana Helena D. Baptista    Alexander T. Bettenhauser   Thomas B. Burke               Minny Chen
            Estrella Valentina Aguilar   Hope Barker                 Aaron Cobrin Binder         Samuel Burns                  Po-Yuan Chen
            Daniel R. Ahern              Aubree R. Barney            Saige H. Bingman            Peter Lloyd Burquest          Xingyou Chen
            Rafid Ahmed                  Edward J. Baron             Aleksa I. Bjornson          Nadya Busheri                 Yang Chen
            Samantha K. Aimone           Natalia Verzola Lima        Sean E. Blaney              Joseph Stephen Byrnes         Yifan Chen
            Leon De Castro Alcedo          Barreto                   Christopher R. Boccia       William Cai                   Alicia Chiang
            Matthew P. Alfano            Samantha S. Barrett         Addie M. Boileau            Felipe Cambeiro               Christopher T. Child
            Mark Anthony Allen           Anna Colette Basic          Bryce Daniel Bollesen       Marlene Campanelli            Eric Thomas Chin
            Sharline V. Anaya            Oliver M. Bauer             Amy E. Boyle                Espen Yngvar Ovringmo         Cameron Chiulli
                                         Luke Walker Bausch                                        Campbell
            Sophia Rebekah Anderson                                  Sinead Margaret Brady                                     Ansohn O. Cho
                                         Tyler Jordan Bayudan                                    Eric Cao
            Gregory Andreopoulos                                     Noam Braude                                               Crystal Cho
                                         Andrew Michael Beecher                                  Madison J. Carr
            Redmond Jerome                                           Griffin M. Breen                                          Youna Choi
              Chan Ang                   Erich Kenneth Behrendt                                  Maria Helena Carvallo
                                                                     Kendall Brown                                             Abir Chowdhury
            Alan A. Arechiga             Kenneth Paul Belanger       Caroline Grace Browne                                     Dana Coleman Cicchitti
                                                                                                 Hannah Rose Cassin
            Randy Arias                  Patrick J. Belardi          Caitlin M. Brozen                                         Giancarlo M. Cipri
                                                                                                 Joseph A. Caster
            Luke S. Arizin               Collin M. Bell              William Andrew Bruce                                      Vincent C. Ciulla
                                                                                                 William C. Cavalier
            Maximilian S. Asnis          Elizabeth Rose Benedetto    George W. Bryan                                           Thomas R. Clark

4503_FU_r1_final.indd 12                                                                                                                            5/5/21 5:37 PM
Candidates for Degrees to Be Conferred

        Gabelli School of Business |              continued

        •   Candidates for Degree | 22 May 2021 | Bachelor of Science | continued
            Antonio N. Clinco             Laura Ann DiPippa          Armaan Ospina Garga       Grace Justine Janosik        Ralene J. Kwiatkowski
            Aidan P. Cohane               Isabella Di Rende          Gabriel P. Garrido        Katherine Christian          Connor A. Labozzetta
            Maria L. Colosi               Alexandra E. Ditch         Raj M. Ghayalod              Jaramillo                 Jessica Lauren Laemle
            Julia Grace Condron           Abraham J. Djebiyan        Jack Patrick Gildea       Patrick H. Jennings II       Riley Ann Lafnitzegger
            Kelly T. Conheeney            Brendan L. Donlon          Thomas A. Gioia           Jing Jia                     McKenna N. Lahr
            Kieran Joseph Conley          Drew C. D’Onofrio          Adam P. Gohary            Yongmin Jin                  Alexander M. Lai
            Austen J. Conrado             Julie Kathleen Doonan      Lauren Anne Goldblum      Ethan John                   Robert T. Laieta
            Samuel M. Considine           Emma Jane Dorman           Daurys Gonell             Audrey Tompkins              Sophia Rae LaMonica
            Christian M. Corado           Liam Dougherty Howard      Ethan Goodchild Ortiz                                  Qiao Lan
                                                                                               William C. Jordan
            Emmett Matthew Cornetta       Kaitlyn Ashley Downey      Matthew R. Gorog                                       Declan Joseph Lavin
                                                                                               Jonathan Mitchell Josef
            Kendall Kerrick Cornwell      Kieran Regan Downey        Elizaveta Gracheva                                     Alexandra Kieu An Le
                                                                                               Karmann Kahlon
            Luljeta Cosovic               Katherine Elizabeth        Thomas Scott Greco                                     Sean Michael Leary
                                            Dowson                                             Marlin S. Kalutota
            Rachel Ashlyn Coyle                                      Nicholas Greto                                         Ho Jun Lee
                                          Xihang Du                                            Sekai M. Kaminski
            Zachary C. Crosby                                        Claire O’Malley Griffen                                Nicholas Raymond
                                          Liam James Duffy                                     Christine Jihye Kang            Lehman
            Alexander M. Crowley                                     John A. Grifonetti
                                          Donald R. Dugan III                                  Yexin Kang                   Matthew Gennaro Lengua
            Jinyi Cui                                                Alyssa Faith Grimando
                                          Christopher Duke                                     Nikolai D. Kapetan           Brian F. Lennon
            Aras Curukcu                                             Nathaniel Lee Guenther
                                          Tristan Pierre Dupuis                                Amanda Elizabeth Karpe       Samantha Rose Levey
            Julianna Maria Czernyk                                   Ben Guo
                                          Andrew J. Duro                                       Errat Katyrdzhyogly          Jiehong Li
            Nicholas Paul Daleo                                      Shangrong Guo
                                          Jennifer Brigette Elbers                             Vivek Ebert Kaul Jr.         Qi Li
            Stephanie Marie Daley                                    Verdon K. Gupta
                                          Ryan Emmanuel                                        Grace K. Kazarian            Siqi Li
            John Christopher Dallman                                 Dominic M. Guslani
                                          Justin Kazuyuki Eng                                  Kathleen Mary Keane          Zhiheng Li
            Hannah Grace Davies                                      Kristen Michelle Harb
                                          Norhaliza I. Faizul                                  Reilly A. Keane              Yiwei Liang
            Christina E. Dear                                        Joseph Hasaj
                                          Wesley John Fales                                    Emma R. Keegan               Jacky Ka Men Liang Zheng
            Michael David DeBoer                                     Marjan Hasan
                                          Steve Fantin                                         John F. Keegan               Christopher M. Licari Jr.
            Charles C. Deckas                                        Grant L. Hastings
                                          Diana Farrell                                        Lucas Keh                    Samuel Lieber
            Gillian Mairead Deery                                    Yike He
                                          Luca Fava                                            Madalyn Sophia Kerrigan      Jonathan David Lincicome
            Jacobo Delara                                            Julius Charles Heftler
                                          Julia Rebecca Feiner                                 Hans Kieckhefer              Kristin Grace Lindrud
            Catherine Ann Delaurentis                                Manuel A. Henriquez
                                          Emma G. Fenton                                       Kimberly Ann Kiess           Emma R. Lipinski
            Nicole Deleu                                             Heaven Marie Henry
                                          Elena N. Ferrante                                    Lauren A. Kiffer             Chenyi Liu
            Tyler Gennaro DeLuca                                     Julia Paige Herms
                                          Eric A. Field                                        Kaela Eve Kilfoil            Xinyu Liu
            Lutwin de Macar                                          Alexander G. Hernandez
                                          Michael Francis Finnan                               Hannah Natalie Kilroy        Yanxi Liu
            Dylan J. Demakos                                         Juan David Hernández
                                          Griffin D. Fitzgerald                                John S. Kirby                Vasilios Livanos
            Mithran T. Denbow                                        Madison Elizabeth Herr
                                          Liam Bear Fitzmaurice                                Dylan Patrick Kish           Ricardo Andrés Llanio
            Matthew A. Dengler                                       Maura Claire Holst
                                          John Cleary Flanagan                                 Edward M. Kleinschmidt Jr.   Alexander S. LoPorto
            Kevin P. Dennehy                                         Philip L. Hourguettes
                                          Bridget Murphy Fong                                  Thomas J. Koch               Patricia Louissaint
            Maxim David Denomme                                      Garrett Howell
                                          Henry Richard Forgey                                 Jacqueline G. Kontopirakis   Desiree L. Loyola
            Robert F. DePippo                                        Joanne Huang
                                          Hayley S. Forsblom                                   Kristian Koprivica           JunXiao Lu
            Sarah J. DeRosa                                          Emily M. Hublitz
                                          Ryan G. Foss-Skiftesvik                              Christian Harry Koshinski    Zhaozhi Lu
            Kyle R. Desmarais                                        Raneisha Rae Nayalo
                                          Amir H. Fouladvand           Hudson                  Anastasiya Kostyushko        Edward August Lucano
            John P. Devine Jr.
                                          Dylan Andrew Fraembs       Ryan F. Hudson            Nicolaos C. Koutoulas        Alec Daniel Lucas
            Julia Dominique de Xavier
                                          George W. Frank IV         Alyssa Anna Iocco         Spencer A. Krell             Fionna T. Lui
            Zhenting Diao
                                          Joseph D. Frascella        Hefazatul Islam           Mia Isabella Kroeger         Chen Luo
            Jacob William Joseph Dietle
                                          Zi Hui Fu                  Anthony Jabbour           Sydney R. Kroll              Huanxu Luo
            Matthew R. DiLorenzo
                                          Arif Nicola Ganz           Sarah F. Jackman          Laura T. Kunkel              Jack Lynch
            Anthony Diodato
                                          Alexander H. Gardner       Gillian Morgan Jacome     Kathryn I. Kutchera          Jiawen Lyu

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Candidates for Degrees to Be Conferred

        Gabelli School of Business |            continued

        •   Candidates for Degree | 22 May 2021 | Bachelor of Science | continued
            Shuyao Lyu                  Hailey Moonsammy           Christopher A.              Brendan Daniel Reilly       Hope R. Simpson
            Richard Ma                  Alexa Pauline Moore          Papadopoulos              Jo Hanna Reinhold           Ketlin Sinamati
            Rui Ma                      Cayla Ileana Moore         Jonathan F.                 Hailey R. Reynolds          Daniel George Smith
            Weize Ma                    Jon Paul Moran                                         Yannick Alphonse Rimpel     Ryan Sophie Smith
                                                                   Anna Paszkowicz
            Kyle Mack                   Marissa Rose Moran                                     Michael Gregory Rinko       William Hannay Smith
                                                                   Neel Patel
            Jenna Kathleen Magno        Michael Arturo Moreno                                  Avel Rivera                 Colton James Snelling
                                                                   Shiv B. Patel
            Jessica L. Magocsi          Zachary P. Morfogen                                    James F. Rosato             Jordan R. Snyder
                                                                   Michael H. Pear
            Peter J. Makris             Matthew Taylor Mormile                                 Gabriella M. Rossi          Michael D. Solimine
                                                                   Rekha R. Pednekar
            Christian Joseph Maltempi   Katherine Elizabeth                                    Brendon P. Roth             Andrej Solomonovic
                                          Morrison                 Anja M. Pelkola
            Alexander J. Mamo                                                                  Jacob J. Rovansek           Jack Dalton Sommer
                                        Julian T. Mosquera         Samuel Marquis Pellot
            Daniel Arthur Woods                                                                Regina Valeria Rover        Adam B. South
              Manganello                Salim Mtarfi               Chris P. Pensuwan
                                                                                               Daniel P. Rubio             Paul Remo Spagnoli
            Ruihan Mao                  Isabella G. Muggeo         Lena Jane Perez
                                                                                               Daniel J. Ruchalski         Alexander J. Sperandio
            Boyana Maras                Edita Mujaj                Michael J. Perri
                                                                                               Zachary Jordan Rudich       Joseph F. Sponenburg
            Michael Vincent Marinelli   Kevin Cole Mulhearn        Enzo Persic
                                                                                               Esther Helen Ruiz           Alison E. Stauffer
            Olivia L. Marquez           Maxwell J. Munch           Vitalic Pesahov
                                                                                               Anthony James Russell       John Stavropoulos
            Laura Marsico               Eric Muoio                 Demitri A. Phili
                                                                                               Anne Olivia Russo           John Raymond Steib
            Alysabeth A. Martin         Trayer M. Musselman        Emma J. Pickett
                                                                                               Michael Stephen Russo       Scott Matthew Stern
            Samantha Anne Marucci       Ismail S. Mustafa          Nicholas H. Pignataro
                                                                                               Nicholas DiMare Russo       Nicholas J. Stivaletti
            Joseph A. Mascia            Victoria Lourdes Muñoz     David Pimentel
                                                                                               Roger Saldana               Patrick W. Strauss
            Nicholas Samuel Maya        Joseph M. Myers            Brianna Lucia Pinto
                                                                                               Thomas Salice               Robert Anthony Stryczek
            Muhammad Mazhar             Nishita Naga               Frank J. Pirraglia
                                                                                               Pedro Bonelli Salomao       Christopher S. Strzelinski
            John G. McAulay             Natsumi Nakamura           Arianna L. Piscitelli
                                                                                               Regina Sandoval             Julia Marie Stusnick
            Declan J. McCabe            Brandon Michael Nance      Sophia Plett
                                                                                               Resham Sansi                Clarissa Claudia Sumadi
            Brendan R. McCarthy         Nicholas John Napolitano   Rachel Glenne Plunkett
                                                                                               Michael Matthew             Benjamin Cornell Summers
            Matthew Patrick McClellan   Meredith Nash              Riley M. Poduje                Santangelo               Xiaotian Sun
            Jack P. McConeghy           Luis Daniel Navarro        Bridget Eileen Poole        Diontay L. Santiago         Nikhil Sundaram
            Thomas J. McCormack Jr.     Matthew Hieu Nguyen        Katherine W. Popp           Erika Santos Paez           Alejandro A. Swartz
            Daniel Patrick McGowan      Armani J. Nieves           Casey James Potters         John G. Scalli Jr.          Ahmed Syed
            Ryan Anthony McGraw         Patrick K. Norako          Liam Edward Prendergast     Michael Bijan Scampato      Chengge Tan
            Abigail S. McGuire          Yendrica Nunez             Gregory M. Prentiss         Marianne K. Scappaticci     Ita Marie Tannian
            Katherine E. McLoughlin     Emily J. O’Brien           Kea Proko                   Alexa C. Schachinger        Russell Luke Taormina
            Caitlin McMichael           Sean Gregory O’Brien       Yiyun Pu                    Victoria L. Schauer         Robert W. Tavoso
            Luke R. McNamara            Emily Elizabeth            Abhishek Purohit            Dylan J. Serino             Brett William Taylor
            Michael Romulo Mesce          O’Donovan                Kai Qin                     Chirayu B. Shah             Ellis Clayton Taylor
            Nathaniel J. Metviner       Seamus Michael O’Kane      Joseph Brady Quintal        Kanak Manish Shah           Alexander W. TenBarge
            William Zubin Meyer         Joseph M. Olesker          Robert Maximilian Quintas   Ethan Hashem Shamim         Caroline Grace Terrell
            Matthew W. Micucci          Diego Roman Oliverio       Kaitlyn M. Radesca          Emma Sheehan                Darren Tha
            Anthony Milevoi             Charlotte Erin O’Neal      Belmin Rama                 Yixin Shen                  Akansha Thakur
            Samantha Mills              Michael J. O’Neill Jr.     Elizabeth J. Ramirez        Jiaqi Shi                   Matthew P. Thibert
            Anthony F. Mirdita          Anthony George Orisses     Graham M. Ramiza            Ruba N. Shigufta            Blake Garrett Thompson
            Matthew Joseph Mirto        Erin Kathleen O’Rourk      Auston John Ramsay          Liam S. Siegal              Dylan J. Tierney
            Antony Misko                James A. Ottomanelli       Nikolas P. Reardon          Izabela Sieniawski          Alexandria Elisa Tiso
            Mehraj M. Mojumder          Deniz Ozcan                Victoria L. Reddy           Nicholas G. Silacci         Austin Tong
            John C. Molchan             Alexander Joseph           Ryan R. Reep                Bennett L. Silver           Alexis Marie Centeno
                                          Palmieri                 Margot Elise Reid
            Anthony Michael                                                                    Anthony Vincent Silvestri      Torres

4503_FU_r1_final.indd 14                                                                                                                        5/5/21 5:37 PM
Candidates for Degrees to Be Conferred

        Gabelli School of Business |             continued

        •   Candidates for Degree | 22 May 2021 | Bachelor of Science | continued
            Catherine Lin Tsai           Anthony V. Volpe Jr.      Grace Elizabeth Wellman   Eric J. Wu                     Xin Zeng
            Brandon Tse                  Conor Gilbert Vonderahe   Anthony Joseph Wells      Yuhao Wu                       Emily A. Zerpoli
            Angelo N. Tsoulos            Katherine Wells           Sam F. Wheeler            Muyan Xuan                     HongMin Zhang
            Justin Ross Tucker             von der Lippe           Thomas B. White           Wenjing Xue                    Hongyi Zhang
            Peyton M. Turner             Erik Jan Vreedenburgh     Lillian A. Whittaker      Yuqing Xue                     Shanshan Zhang
            Shanjeed Uddin               John Christopher Walsh    Thomas Whittaker          Michael Yanez                  Zhiyu Zhang
            Andrew Thomas Vaccaro        Jessica M. Waluk          Christopher G. Wildes     Vivian W. Yang                 Yuan Zhao
            Justin Van Althuis           Jonathan Lawrence Wang    Owen J. Wilkins           Zixian Yang                    Zhonghe Zhao
            Nathalie Vassallo            Ning Wang                 Paul H. Williams          Haonan Ye                      Yijia Zhen
            Carlos Vazquez Jr.           Phillip Yifei Wang        Catriona Lynn Wilson      Zitao Ye                       Eric Zheng
            Vaula Ulpukka Vekkeli        Wanting Wang              Erick J. Wilson           Daniel J. Young                Yiyun Zheng
            Albion Velic                 Xiaoxin Sharon Wang       Patrick Robert Wilson     Yang Yu                        Yiran Zhu
            Patrick William              Azali Issana Ward         Sean M. Witte             Yian Yu                        Thomas S. Zisis
              Viancourt                  Qiying Wei                Kelly Wong                Yingcong Yu                    Joel A. Zoufaly
            Reeda Virani                 Greta S. Weinrich         Lachlan T. Woolsey        Rose M. Zaman                  Joseph R. Zoyhofski
            Maximus J. Vitale            Brooke E. Weir            Kevin A. Wright           Nicholas Zaromatidis

        •   Degrees Conferred | 1 February 2021 | Bachelor of Science
            Kristopher A. Alford         John J. Dardis            Matthew T. LoBasso        Daniella A. Rossi              Diego Enrique Vazquez
            Alexandra Nicole Aloe        Alexia DiFeo              Lan Lou                   Omar Saleh                     Jessica J. Walker-Corbett
            Ronnye de Castro Antunes     Shauna L. Fortier         Robert A. Mazzocco        Armando A. Sandoval            Jianfei Xie
            Sarah Bai                    Darr Fuchs                Andrew Mevis              Erlinda Sellaj                 Jiayu Xu
            Margaret Olivia Balcom       Geoffrey R. Gee           Tristan J. Morris         Alexander Trent Shay           Tonghua Xu
            Michael H. Bartel            Kasey Nicole Gelsomino    Peter C. Negrea           Amritpal Singh                 Nicholas J. Zakelj
            Matthew T. Brady             Johanna Sophia Guzy       Amos Timothy Bosch Ong    Rashmi Singh                   Bojun Zhang
            Julia Butler                 Zackary G. Hajjar         Dominique Cerri Opatrny   Charles Joseph Spallitta III   Raymond Zheng
            Huiling Cai                  Finn O. Kemper            Rahil C. Patel            Kevin P. Stoltenborg           Yehui Zhou
            Tom G. Camaj                 Peter Kim                 Mario A.                  Theodore Stratis III           Saiyuan Zhu
            Yong Yong Chen               Katherine Lee               Pineda-Bermudez         Alexandru Teodorescu           Dominic J. Ziebert
            Tim Cung                     Borong Li                 Chenxiao Qiu              Fernando A. Tinoco
            Sean P. Curtin               Jin Li                    Ariadne Helena Rentz      Gianna Trapani

        •   Degrees Conferred | 31 August 2020 | Bachelor of Science
            Rianne Avendula-Philips      Edward A. Dehais II       Lance Frederic Frazer     Jackson R. Mills               Brielle Leandra Sherman
            Miles E. Ballard             Christopher Nolen         Jessica B. Hansmann       Lauren Mary Murphy             Álvaro Tirado Polo
            Mauricio Alvares Bastazini     Doorack Jr.             Phillip E. Jennings       Eugene Pang                    Harsh R. Tosawad
              Santos                     Qiyuan Dou                Grant Kuchar              Eugenia C. Ramirez             Xinyuan Zhang
            Olivia Neli Chrzanowski      Jonathan Charles Evans    Carlos Alberto Mauleon    Jacob Salter-Gurau
            Bruce Richard Czachor        Yiwen Fan                 Marianna Casimir          Claire F. Sannini
            Samantha Alexandria          Sean N. Foss-Skiftesvik     McDevitt                RiYing Shen

4503_FU_r1_final.indd 15                                                                                                                           5/5/21 5:37 PM
Candidates for Degrees to Be Conferred

        Fordham College at Rose Hill |               Founded 1841

        •   Candidates for Degree | 22 May 2021 | Bachelor of Arts
            Lindsay Elaine Abel         Katharine Teren Boyajian     Paulo G. Coelho            Ashley Rose DiMatteo        Juanita Galindo
            Krisellie Adriana Acevedo   James Edward Boyd            Abigail R. Cole            Khoudia Diop                Emma Gallagher
            Rebecca R. Affenita         Sabrina Nikole Boyd          Anna Grace Cole            Mia Elissa Disano           Anthony Elvis Gambino
            Caroline Magdalene          Jesse Anthony Bramble        Katherine H. Coleman       Rebecca L. DiTullio         Hannah Marie Gammond
              Albacete                  Madison Elizabeth Bristowe   Kira Elizabeth Coleman     Orla Emily Diver            Andrew P. Gannon
            Evan R. Allen               Connor Perkins Brohel        Nicholas C. Collette       James B. Doar               Catherine Boushall Gassiot
            Meredith Olivia Allen       Reece A. Brosco              Kathleen Maura Collins     James Dolan                 Julia Christiana Gayanelo
            Marcus A. Alleyne           Elizabeth J. Brossman        Jasmine Rose Coloma        Riley Rae Dolback           Tyler S. Genevay
            Nicholas Joshua Aloia       Zachary J. Brower            Taína S. Colón             Matthew Paul Donovan        Sotiris Georgakopoulos
            Lily Jeanne Altimonte       Casey O. Brown               Natalie G. Commesso        Ryan Paul Donovan           Joseph H. Gerngross
            Samantha E. Ambrosini       Jasmina M. Buresch           Ashley Rose Conde          Meghan Helene Doran         Alexander V. Gianaris
            Rummana Amrin               Anna Lillian Burianek        William J. Conley III      Maura Jeanne Doyle          Jordi Abrahan Giler Loor
            Emmeline M. Anderson        Connor D. Burke              Katherine Elizabeth        Samantha Du                 Abigail M. Gipson
            Amelia Susanna              Emma Katherine Butler          Considine                Clare E. Duffy              Emma Grace Giroir
              Antzoulatos                                            Álvaro Cooper-Perales
                                        Samantha J. Butzen                                      Numasetou Dukuray           Anita N. Gitta
            Erin P. Archbold                                         James W. Cornetta
                                        Catherine Olivia Cain                                   Clare Molly Dumler          Anaissa K. Gonzalez
            Amanda Asciutto                                          Christine Corona
                                        Alexandra L. Cali                                       Emily T. Dwelle             Cassandra Luisa Gonzalez
            Sultan Imran Aslam                                       Ryan P. Corr
                                        Samuel Augustus Caneda                                  Safiyyah Yasmeen Edwards    Elena N. Gonzalez
            Kayla Nicole Auza                                        Dante J. Corrado
                                        Miguel A. Carbajal                                      Kelly Ann Egan              Arthur Stephen Gooden Jr.
            Giana Rose Avagliano                                     Matthew Corrao
                                        Tierney Rose Carlin                                     Kristen Paige Egan          Valentina Gorostiaga
            Muneeb Baig                                              Arden Maeve Crawford
                                        Kate Mary Carney                                        Isabella A. Eitner          Erin Elizabeth Gouris
            Peta L. Bainlardi                                        Sarah Grace Crawford
                                        Francesca Nicole Carroll                                Kylie Maureen Elwood        Mary Elizabeth Grant
            Brandon Joseph Baker                                     Hannah Blackwood Crehan
                                        Deondré Marquis Carter                                  Hamze Elzayat               Maxwell A. Green
            Beatriz Yin                                              Robert Kevin Creighton
                                        Lauren Casella                                          Mahbod Esmaili              Kelsie Elizabeth Greene
                                        Ashlinn Casey                Hayden Elizabeth Cresson   Julia Isabelle Fahey        Gretchen Yvonne Grewe
            Haris Basic
                                        Alena B. Cashdan             Jade Kennedy Crichlow      Katherine J. Fajardo        Amanda N. Grieco
            Jenna L. Bator
                                        Biagio Gino Catalano         Cameron P. Crisco          Daniela A. Fame             Julia Lauren Souza
            Margaret A. Baum
                                        Timothy Cavanagh             Katherine Grace Crist      Brian L. Fargis               Groberio
            Peter C. Baumgarth
                                        Emily Abigail Cerron         David G. Cuenca            Sameer Fathazada            Gabriella Mary Guglielmi
            Noelia Fidelina Bautista
                                        Maria R. Cervoni             Katrina C. Cullen          Madeline Anne Fazio         Kristin Guglielmo
            Noreen Samantha Bautista
                                        Chloe Morgan Chaffin         Glenn T. Cunningham        Carmen María Fernández-     Evan D. Gumas
            Sydney K. Beck
                                        Anna Mary Rose               Johanna Rose Dailey          Paracchini                Joseph B. Guzzardo
            Gillian A. Bennis
                                          Chapdelaine                Constantina Thea Daly      Katelyn E. Fersini          Michael G. Haag
            Michael Owen Benton
                                        Jacqueline Maria Chavez      Grace Phelan Davidson      Carsyn K. Fisher            Zena M. Haddabeh
            Emmanuel Berbari
                                        Miguel Sinan Chediek         Julia Cristina Davidson    Michael W. Fissinger        Kyle A. Hall
            Elizabeth Siobhan Berejka
                                        Carol Chen                   Zachary Thomas Davis       Perry V. Flores             Virginia Dowdy Hammet
            Daniel Robert Berentson
                                        Debra B. Chieco              Christian A. Decker        Emmit J. Flynn              Ceallagh J. Hanlon
            Isabella R. Bergelt
                                        Kyle K. Chin                 Meghan E. Decker           Alexander Zaragoza Fogg     Meridith A. Hannan
            Courtney Marie Bergsieker
                                        Raisa Chowdhury              Leonit Dedushaj            Laura C. Foley              Suresh Sathyendra Hanubal
            Samantha Rose Bittman
                                        Kelly Anne Christ            Amanda Marie DeFedele      Caroline P. Forier          Dulles Z. Hanula
            Austin R. Blum
                                        Isaiah Hsi Chu               Olivia A. Degnan           Reilly Ann Fournier         Germaine M. Harbaugh
            Floriana Boardman
                                        Lauren E. Ciarrocchi         Genesis De Leon            Casey Lee Franklin          Samantha Lea Hardy
            Jacob Bohm
                                        Cameron J. Ciero             Vendela Dente              Sean Michael Franklin       Izabela Harrington
            Michael Angelo
                                        Alexis N. Cino               Patton C. DeRosa           Dylan Christopher Fred      Hunter J. Harris
                                        Michelle Alexandra           Giacomo P. DeStefano       Mary Catherine Freeze       Sarah Andrews Harris
            Collin Peter Bonnell
                                          Cisneros                   Joseph I. Dever            Joseph Jeffrey Fretti Jr.   Davis Samuel Hechmer
            Maximilian J. Borchardt
                                        Shannon O’Donnell Clark      Emma Therese Diede         Bailey A. Gabrielli         Jackson T. Heil
            Milan A. Bornstein
                                        Colleen Rosemary Cochran     Wynne G. Dieffenbach       Gino V. Galella             Kendell M. Heremaia

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Candidates for Degrees to Be Conferred

        Fordham College at Rose Hill |               continued

        •   Candidates for Degree | 22 May 2021 | Bachelor of Arts | continued
            Olivia Mabel Herman         Martha Krawczynski           Grace E. Mannion           Sarah Beatrice Musacchia-   Zahir M. Quader
            Emma R. Higgins             Grace Ann Mikos Kubelka      Nicole A. Manzella            Gallagher                John A. Quaglino
            Olivia Madeline Higgins     Colton Thomas Kubiniec       Mina Chiara Marciano       Rebekah M. Nathan           Olivia M. Quartell
            Paige Elizabeth Hoffman     Anna Casey Kuyat             Ryan Patrick Marron        Emma Lane Nelson            Heather C. Rahn
            Gregory P. Hopp             Timothy Kent Kyle            Michelle Martin            Julia Charlotte Nelson      Giulia Rammairone
            Maria N. Horbaczewski       Nicholas John Labella        Jorge Amani Martinez       Louis Hamaker Norred        Gianna Ranieri
            Mark K. Horihan             David J. Lackenmier             Morales                 Sahra L. Nur                Hannah Mary Ray
            Kelly Hrebenak              Thomas J. LaDuca             Emma Claire Marvin         Dylan Patrick O’Brien       Ella Galvin Redmond
            Rachel L. Hubertus          Adrian K. Lamadieu           Kaley Ann Matthews         Maeve Grace O’Connor        Vanessa L. Reyes
            Sarah G. Huffman            Alexandra J. Lange           Mathew Matthias            Sage O’Dell                 Carlos Simón Rico
            Sophie M. Huh               Nicole S. Langford           Mary Louise McCarthy       Jordin Lynn O’Hara          Claire Elise Riddick
            Charlotte C. Hulseman       Madeline Cornelia Lanni      Sarah E. McCarthy          Brooke Ashley Olownia       Margaret E. Riley
            Elizabeth G. Hupp           Robert McGowan Largey        Margaret F. McCartin       Carlos Orbegoso             Alison Johnson Rini
            Mary Hurstell               Kate Lyn Larson              Abigail Sandra McClain     Madeline A. O’Reilly        Jennifer Rivero
            Christine Ibrahim Puri      Juliet H. La Sala            John C. McClatchy          Joergen K. Ostensen         Abigail Rose Rizzo
            Kiyana Jacqueline Ichida-   Emma B. Lawton               Robert Michael             Claire Marie Otterbein      Andres Faustino Rocha
               Marsh                                                    McCormick               Ivy Amelia Page-Salisbury
                                        Kristina Lazdauskas                                                                 Ava I. Roche
            Ariana Idrizaj                                           Kaitlyn Ann McDermott      Emma Caroline Paolini
                                        Anna Murphy Lazzaro                                                                 Elka Kirsten Roderick
            Alexander A. Isernia                                     Elise Theresa McDonald     Michael Park
                                        Stephen Eric Lebitsch                                                               Charlotte Alexandra Rossi
            Naomi J. Izett                                           Claire H. McDonnell        William A. Partridge
                                        Catherine M. LeClair                                                                John Henry Ross Jr.
            Sophia L. Jagoe-Seidl                                    Trevor L. McGovern         William E. Pasko
                                        Sarah Jane Lefebvre                                                                 Michael A. Rota
            Sarah C.F. James                                         Anastasia McGrath          Jennifer J. Patino
                                        Dorentina Lekocaj                                                                   Miranda C. Rydel
            Bradley William Jeffery                                  Katherine Rose McGrath     Lindsey M. Patterson
                                        Tara Lynn Lellos                                                                    Sabrina Irene Sahler
            Aleksandra Christine                                     Malloy B. McGreevy         Maeve Elizabeth Peace
                                        Rachele A. Lena                                                                     Dane Thomas Salmon
               Jelonek                                               Scott Campbell McKenzie    Jeffrey Rigonan Pelayo
                                        Alexandra C. Lewis                                                                  Emma Lois Sammons
            Danielle Maria Jimenez                                   Colleen G. McMahon         Kathryn Mary Pender
                                        Clare M. Lewis                                                                      Kaycie Molly Santiago
            Natalie Jimenez                                          Caitlin Victoria McNary    Chihwei Peng
                                        Lucy Li                                                                             Samantha M. Santiago
            Sky Julia Jimenez                                        Amanda M. McNulty          Renza Pepushaj
                                        Kimberly Taylor Liedel                                                              Giuliana Rose Santomauro
            Jazmín Jiménez Saldivar                                  Michael Gerald Meaden      Estephanie A. Peralta
                                        Yaowen Liu                                                                          Jessica E. Santoro
            Jordan Kyle Joachim-James                                Richard J. Medina          Alexis Diana Perez
                                        Declan Theodore Lombard                                                             Patrick Terrence Sawyer
            Samuel G. Johnsen                                        Lianna Celeste Meehan      Gabrielle A. Perez
                                        Jaime Lorenzo Llamas                                                                Kathleen M. Scheurer
            Yvonne A. Johnson              Lopez                     Collin W. Melazzo          Jack C. Perry               Eliot D. Schiaparelli
            Selena Juarez-Galindo       Javier Luis Llamas Lopez     Alvin Nestor Melendez      Michael Dyal Persaud        Katherine C. Schittina
            Emma Juliette Kaden         Josef Leandro Llamas Lopez   Hannah Jill Melillo        Clare C. Petrocelli         Anna M. Schmitt
            Jacqueline M. Kaiser        Sandor Erik Lorange          Isabelle Maria Mendez      Theadora Serena             Bridget K. Schneller
            Alexandra Chunman           Ana Paula Louie-Grover       Israt Metu                    Petropoulos
                                                                                                                            Camryn Schumacher
               Kansler                                               Matthew J. Mikulski        John C. Pettus
                                        Margret L. Ludlum                                                                   Kennady Rene Schuster
            Margaret Lillian Keiley                                  Andrew L. Millman          Rebecca Claire Pfeiffer
                                        Matthew P. Lyons                                                                    Jessica M. Schwanwede
            Jillian G. Kenny                                         Francesca M. Minniti       Sophia C. Pirozzi
                                        Olivia Rose Macdonald                                                               Kimberly Jenna Schwartz
            Eleanor S. Keyes                                         Jeff Ryan Almia Miraflor   Kevin Abraham Pollison
                                        Amelia K. MacGregor                                                                 Nathan Thomas Schwartz
            Jooeun Fiona Kim                                         Manuel A. Miranda          Stephan N. Popa
                                        Merlen G. Magana                                                                    Sawyer W. Schwarz
            Yujin Kim                                                Morgan P. Molloy III       Hugh M. Potter
                                        Kate Elizabeth Magill                                                               Liam R. Scott
            Mia A. Kimboko                                           Abigail R. Monaco          Kate H. Pozner
                                        Alexander G. Makatsaria                                                             Willow J. Scott
            Thomas E. Koenig                                         Caroline Grace Mooney      Abigail Rose Pratt
                                        Emily Nicole Malacane                                                               Aidan Xavier Sebesta
            Garrett H. Kohno                                         Olivia Diane Morri         Kieran S. Press-Reynolds
                                        Madison Skye Maley                                                                  Nikolaus Julian Seiguer
            Grace Elizabeth Kolbe                                    Emily A. Mueller           Cameron J. Price
                                        Gianna Malfi                                                                        Marina Teresa Setaro
            Ardita L. Komoni                                         John F. Mueller            Kraig Anthony Puccia
                                        Ardhmir Malziu                                                                      Terence D. Shannon
            Paige Elizabeth Kowal                                    Cassidy Quinn Murphy       Pablo Purchese Escudero
                                        Lucianne M. Manigbas

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Candidates for Degrees to Be Conferred

        Fordham College at Rose Hill |               continued

        •   Candidates for Degree | 22 May 2021 | Bachelor of Arts | continued
            Alexandria Jeanette        Andrew David Souther        Gayathri Thelekatt         Francesca Pearl             William V. Whelan
              Simon Shaw               Julia A. Sparago            Noelle M. Theodoulou         Vena-Pedersen             Charles M. White
            Kristin Anne Sheehan       Mary E. Sparago             Demosthenes I.             Dominick A. Veneziano       Samantha E. White
            Molly McGrath Sheets       Henry R. Sternberg            Theofanopoulos           Morgan D. Vice              Patricia M. Whyte
            Tereza Shkurtaj            Helen R. Stevenson          Nora A. Thomas             Corinne Margaret Vient      Vanessa L. Wilkes
            Lauren Maria Sikorski      Thomas J. Stolte            Talya N. Thomas            Maria J. Villalba-Gomez     Emily Joan Williams
            Iran Silva                 Marina Luz Sturla           Emily Jean Thompson        Lisa O. Villemaire          Caroline M. Wilser
            Kristen Sindet             James J. Sullivan           Camden Marie Thorngate     Nicholas H. Vizza           Madeline Elizabeth Wilson
            Kimaya Singh               James E. Sullivan           Gianna Tilocca             Benjamin Zachary Volpe      Bailey E. Woodard
            Sophia Singh               Jeremiah Healey Sullivan    Lennon C. Tomlinson        Brianna Ellen Wagner        Amy Wu
            Brennan Emily Sisco        Lindsey M. Sullivan         Mia Katherine Tommins      Nicolette Joyce Waldron     Kevin Sam Yauger
            Dana Frances Skiera        Anthony Peter Sutich        Jacob Paul Trautman        Henry Y. Wallace            Peggy Ye
            Lucy Katherine             Fia Zhang Swanson           Tyra Angel Trinidad        Emma Kathryn Walsh          Jaylene M. Ynfante
              Skrebutenas                                          Harrison Arthur Tsavaris   Christopher J. Walsh Jr.
                                       Julia G. Swanson                                                                   Salma E. Zahran
            Dianna A. Smith                                        Catherine Anne Uba         Clayton R. Walters
                                       Arina Taluyenko-                                                                   Ariana Antonella Zaimi
            Hannah Grace Smith           Arakelova                 Mark Williamson            Cameron D. Ware             Madeleine Amelia Zaloom
            Henry W. Smith             Samantha Alyse Tarry          Uehlinger                Emma Bridget Watson         Eva Raquel Zapata
            Julia Elizabeth Smollen    Anita Tataj                 Eva Ujka                   Kelsey Brooke Watt            Signorino
            Trey L. Sneed              Vilisi Tavui                Nicholas G. Ulto           Alexandra Peruffo Weigert   Julia Zecchini
            Daniel Luke Snyder         Jane Catherine Tegeler      Julia M. Uriarte           Cooper W. Weiss             Martin Y. Zehirov
            Ellen McNeil Sohmer        Jana Tehfe                  Drane D. Vataj             Caroline Marie Westdyk      Sophia Marie Zehler
            Sydney Louise Solferino    Dominique A. Teixeira       Isabel Lucia Velarde       August Job Weyandt          Wen Zhang
            John Carlos Soriano        Edona Thaqi                 Teylor E. Veliotis         Alexandria Marie Wheatley   Shannon Louise Zipfel

        •   Candidates for Degree | 22 May 2021 | Bachelor of Science
            Emily Ann Abate            Kathryn E. Belcher          Sarah A. Cassidy           Megan DeMartini             Katherine Figueroa
            Dzhalil Abizgildin         Emily Kate Bergin           Basia Cdno                 Daniella Denysov            Kelli A. Finn
            Hannah Michelle Adams      Gabrielle Anne Bertuola     Andre Fabian Cervantes     Victoria Nicole Depew       Nicole R. First
            Chase Ahern                Claire E. Biasco            Matthiew M. Chen           Domenico S. D’Erasmo        John Fisher
            Reshad S. Ahmed            Shumaila Bibi               Nicholas William           Peiqi Ding                  Liliya Katerina Fisher
            Baran Ak                   Clare R. Bloss                Chwalkowski              Olivia R. Doll              Matthew G. Fisher
            Sumaia Akhand              Chesney Lynn Boag           Sofia Cioffi               Noelle Cristina Dominguez   Thomas M. FitzPatrick
            Mackenzie Leigh Allen      Kristen K. Bohovich         Bradley Lawrence Collier   Jonathan T. Donado          Joseph Robert Floeder
            Samuel B. Altier           William R. Borrelli         William S. Collins III     Meghan Cronin Donovan       Antonia G. Flores
            Asha J. Amberslie          Mariela Breton Reyes        Gianni J. Contrera         Tess Durham                 Kiley Morgan Forrest
            Emily Catherine Andrade    Julia Marie Brown           Alexis Cosenzo             Ryan S. Ehrlicher           Bayley M. Frierson
            Emily Brynn Antico         Kelvin Buck                 Anna Frederica Csiky       Maria Eisenhardt            Gabriella Victoria Fuertes
            Zoë Elena Araujo           Alexander Bujaj             Marley Olivia Cutrona      Faisal Elali                Kyra S. Fuleihan
            Daniel Davidnan Baboolal   Armando Bunjaj              Sakshi V. Dadlani          John M. Embaba              Sarah Elizabeth Furfaro
            Nicholas P. Bafundo        Kiera Marie Byrne           Kevin R. Dans              Diego Andrés Eros           Francesca R. Gambino
            Crea Owen Baker-Durante    Xinyu Cai                   Samantha A. Dargie         Kalis Espinal               Anastasia T. Gan
            Abraz T. Bashar            Lillian Mary Cain           Rachel E. Daso             Abigail Elizabeth Ettore    Daniel Joseph Garcia
            Isra Selin Bayram          Isabella Z. Calingaert      Edona Dauti                Meghan M. Evans             Kristen Michelle De Groot
            Charlotte J. Beckford      Mellina Fedela Calzolaio    Preyanae Aureene Davis     Annika Fagerstrom             Gardiner
            Marc Andrew Bedoya         Xue Cao                     Justin Deckoff             Rachel A. Falisi            Roscoe Charles Garner IV
            Dana Beggins               Nicole Cristina Cardinali   Danjela Deda               Katherine Farber            Margaret Rose Garver
            Mia Rose Behrens           Christian John Cassar       Katrina J. DeLorenzo       Max Fernandez               Dylan Thomas Garvey

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