University of Ulster Regulations 2017 - 2018 - Ulster University

Page created by Earl Mueller
University of Ulster Regulations 2017 - 2018 - Ulster University
University of Ulster


     2017 - 2018
REGULATIONS                                                                           1


 Regulations for the Enrolment of Students                                        3

 General Regulations for Registered and Occasional Students                       3

 General Regulations for Associate Students                                       6

 Regulations Governing Examinations in Programmes of Study                        7

 General Regulations Applying to Student Awards (Prizes)                         14

 Library Regulations                                                             14

 Regulations for Recognised Teachers                                             17

 Regulations for Awards and Guidelines for an Aegrotat Award                     17

 Regulations for the Certificate of Personal and Professional Development        18

 Regulations for Diplomas and Certificates                                       19

 Regulations for Certificates of Higher Education                                22

 Regulations for Foundation Degrees and Associate Bachelor’s Degrees             25

 Regulations for Advanced Diplomas and Advanced Certificates                     29

 Regulations for Graduate Diplomas and Graduate Certificates                     32

 Regulations for the Diploma and Certificate in Professional Practice
 and Diploma in Professional Practice (International)                            34

 Regulations for the Diploma and Certificate in International Academic Studies   36

 Regulations for Degrees, Honours Degrees and Integrated Master’s Degrees        37

 Regulations for the Postgraduate Certificate of Professional Development        43

 Regulations for Postgraduate Diplomas and Postgraduate Certificates             45

 Regulations for Postgraduate Programmes of Study leading to
 the Award of Master’s Degrees and Associated Guidelines                         48

 Regulations for Extended Master’s Degrees                                       55

 Regulations for the Degree of Master of Research                                59
2                                                                               REGULATIONS

    Regulations for the Degree of Master of Philosophy (MPhil)
    and Associated Rules and Guidelines                                                      61

    Regulations for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
    and Associated Rules and Guidelines                                                      68

    Regulations for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy by Published Work
    (PhD by Published Work) and associated Rules and Guidelines                              79

    Regulations for the Degree of Doctor of Medicine (MD)
    and Associated Rules and Guidelines                                                      84

    Regulations for the Degrees of Doctor of Letters (DLitt), Doctor of Science (DSc),
    Doctor of Fine Arts (DFA) and Doctor of Laws (LLD)                                       90

    This edition of the Regulations is as far as possible accurate and up-to-date when published, but
    matters covered are naturally subject to change from time to time. Notice of changes will be given
    in subsequent editions and in other ways. A version, continually updated during the course of each
    academic year, is also available on the Governance Services website at


    ISSN 0261-2941
REGULATIONS                                                                                            3

Regulations for the Enrolment                        5. Persons who are unable to satisfy the
of Students                                             conditions for enrolment at the appropriate
1. Subject to the Charter, Statutes, Ordinances         time, being the time laid down by the Senate
   and Regulations of the University, intending         under section 3, may at the discretion of the
   students shall apply for initial enrolment at        Senate be provisionally enrolled for such
   the commencement of their programmes of              period not exceeding three months as may
   study or research. Thereafter students shall         be authorised by or on behalf of the Senate.
   enrol annually as required, normally at the          Students who are provisionally enrolled are
   commencement of the academic session.                subject to the Charter, Statutes, Ordinances
                                                        and Regulations of the University as are from
2. Enrolment is effected by the completion and          time to time in force.
   endorsement by the Dean of the appropriate
   faculty or his or her nominee, acting on the          The provisional enrolment of a person shall
   authority of the Senate, of the appropriate           become null and void if he or she has not
   enrolment form.                                       fulfilled the conditions for enrolment by the
                                                         end of the period allowed for provisional
3. The Senate shall prescribe the procedures             enrolment.
   to be followed at enrolment. Enrolment is
   conditional upon the fulfilment by students of    6. If a registered or occasional student fails to meet
   the following requirements:                          such requirements in relation to enrolment
                                                        as Council and Senate may prescribe (for
                                                        example in relation to the payment of debts
   (a)   the provision to the University of
                                                        or the disclosure of criminal convictions), his
         information required by the University
                                                        or her enrolment may be revoked at any time
         that is accurate, complete and up-to-
                                                        by the Vice-Chancellor or his or her nominee
         date; and the granting of consent to the
                                                        acting under the authority of the Senate.
         University to process this information,
         for such purposes as are necessary for
                                                     7. A registered or occasional student who has
         the University to perform its objectives
                                                        been granted an intermission in his or her
         pursuant to its Charter and for the
                                                        studies or leave of absence from his or her
         efficient and smooth running of the
                                                        studies shall not be required to enrol for the
         University in accordance with legislation
                                                        period of intermission or leave.
         in force;

                                                     8. A registered student may be excused
   (b) the payment of fees and debts as
                                                        enrolment for part of his or her programme of
       determined by the Council; and
                                                        study or research following his or her election
                                                        or appointment to office in any representative
   (c) the granting of consent to the submission        student body approved for the purposes of
       of their work to any electronic system           this paragraph by the Senate, and a student so
       for the detection of plagiarism as may be        excused shall remain a registered student for
       necessary.                                       as long as may be approved by the Senate.

4. At initial enrolment all students shall sign or   General Regulations for Registered
   give by electronic means an undertaking to        and Occasional Students
   comply with the Charter, Statutes, Ordinances     1. At initial enrolment all students must make
   and Regulations of the University as are from        the following declaration:
   time to time in force.
4                                                                                   REGULATIONS

    “I undertake, as a Student of the University, to      student's studies, the student shall arrange, save
    comply with the Charter, Statutes, Ordinances,        in exceptional circumstances, for a medical
    Regulations and Rules of the University as are        certificate to be presented in accordance
    from time to time in force.”                          with section 19 hereof and Section 36 of
                                                          the Regulations Governing Examinations in
2. Students are required to notify the Registry           Programmes of Study.
   Office immediately of any change in the
   information provided by them at the time of         9. Students may apply in accordance with rules
   enrolment.                                             approved by the Senate for a period of leave
                                                          of absence from their programmes of study
3. Students are responsible for keeping                   or research. Applications shall be considered
   themselves acquainted with notices posted              on behalf of the Senate by the board of the
   on official notice boards and through the              faculty or the Doctoral College Board which,
   University’s IT infrastructure, for example, the       in granting leave of absence, may prescribe
   Virtual Learning Environment and the Student           that the student be required on resumption of
   Portal, and by accessing their University email        studies to repeat any part of the programme
   account regularly.                                     of study or research, or that the point of
                                                          resumption be not decided until the time of
4. Every registered student shall have an adviser         the student’s return.
   of studies or research supervisor. The adviser
   or supervisor will agree with the student the       10. A student who for any reason intends to
   frequency and format of meetings, which will            withdraw from the University before the
   normally take place at least once during each           completion of the programme of study or
   semester. Students may be required to attend            research must inform the Registry Office.
   meetings at other times.
                                                       11. The board of the faculty shall deem a student
5. Students should raise any concerns or                   to have withdrawn from the University if the
   complaints about any aspect of programme                student has been absent without leave from
   delivery or supervision as soon as they arise.          prescribed instruction for a period of four
                                                           weeks or an aggregate of four weeks within
Attendance                                                 the semester.
6. Students must be punctual and regular in their
   attendance at such classes or other forms of        Progress
   instruction as may be prescribed.                   12. The Senate reserves the right to discontinue
                                                           at any time the studies of any student whose
7. Students shall keep the prescribed dates for            academic work proves unsatisfactory.
   their programmes of study and may have to
   fulfil such additional requirements either in          A decision that a student should discontinue
   vacation or in intercalary periods as may be           studies may be taken on behalf of the Senate
   specified in course regulations.                       by the Board of a Faculty in accordance with
                                                          section 13 hereof, or by a Board of Examiners
8. A student who has been absent without                  in accordance with the Regulations Governing
   permission for more than three days through            Examinations in Programmes of Study.
   illness or other cause must notify immediately
   either the Course/Subject Director or the           13. If at any time the Board of a Faculty, on the
   research supervisor. Where the absence is               advice of a Course/Subject Committee, is
   for a period of more than five working days,            of the opinion that a student’s progress is
   and/or caused by illness which may affect the           unsatisfactory it may:
REGULATIONS                                                                                          5

   (a)   send to the student due notice in writing   Health
         that, unless there is an improvement,       17. Students may be required by or on behalf of
         it will debar the student from taking           the Senate to arrange for the provision of
         examinations; or                                appropriate evidence about their state of
   (b) decide on behalf of the Senate that the
       student be required to discontinue studies.   18. All students living away from home are required
                                                         to register with a local medical practitioner
   Where subjects are in different faculties, each       and to report the name of the doctor to the
   faculty board should consult the other faculty.       University as part of the registration process.

14. A student whose studies have been discon-        19. Any student who wishes to submit a medical
    tinued by the board of the faculty may appeal        certificate shall arrange with his or her doctor
    against the decision:                                for the certificate to be forwarded directly
                                                         to the Course/Subject Director for the
   (a) on the basis of evidence of extenuating
                                                         programme on which he or she is enrolled.
       circumstances, relevant to his/her
       progress which, in his/her view, was not
                                                     Intellectual Property
       in the possession of the board of the
                                                     20. Save as otherwise provided within regulations,
       faculty when it received the advice of the
                                                         a student shall hold the intellectual property
       Course/Subject Committee; or
                                                         of any work he or she has submitted for any
                                                         form of assessment. The material so produced
   (b) on the basis of procedural or other
                                                         shall become the property of the University. It
       irregularities associated with the
                                                         may be returned to the student in accordance
                                                         with the Regulations Governing Examinations
                                                         in Programmes of Study.
   The decision shall be reviewed in accordance
   with the procedures established by the Senate.
                                                     21. Where work by a registered or occasional
                                                         student results in an invention or discovery,
Fitness for Professional Practice
                                                         whether by the student working on his/her
15. Students undertaking preparation for entry
                                                         own or as a member of a team, exploitation
    to a profession whose members work with,
                                                         of the invention or discovery shall be subject
    or come into contact with, vulnerable or
                                                         to the University's Code of Practice on
    potentially vulnerable individuals may be
                                                         Intellectual Property Rights.
    judged unsuitable for entry to that profession
    on grounds of physical or mental health, or
                                                     Criminal Offences
    behaviour, which may include conduct which
                                                     22. A student who is convicted of a criminal offence
    has been or will be referred to the Student
                                                         during his or her period of enrolment at the
    Disciplinary Committee. Students deemed to
                                                         University must notify the Registry Office
    be unsuitable for entry to that profession may
                                                         without delay. Failure to disclose information
    be required to withdraw, either temporarily or
                                                         about criminal convictions may result in the
    permanently, from the programme leading to
                                                         student being required to withdraw from the
    entry to that profession.
                                                        When disclosing a conviction a student
16. Students are required to notify the Registry
                                                        is required to give the University written
    Office immediately of any change in their
                                                        permission to request a police check or to
    accommodation address.
6                                                                                  REGULATIONS

    seek information from any other appropriate                organised by national student or other
    body or person.                                            sports organisations as representatives
                                                               of the University of Ulster shall be
    In the case of any student convicted of a                  determined by the rules and regulations
    criminal offence or given a custodial sentence,            of the respective bodies;
    whether suspended or not, the University may
    seek further information including a character        (d) right of appeal and complaint to the
    reference from any individual or body which               University following completion of the
    the University considers appropriate. The                 internal procedures of the partner
    student's registration may be reviewed in the             institution. Such appeals shall only be
    light of the reference.                                   heard on the grounds of procedural
General Regulations for Associate
Students                                              4    Associate students shall not:
1. Associate students are persons who have been            (a) be eligible for membership of the
   formally admitted to a partner institution as               Students’ Union;
   candidates for an award of the University. The
   partner institution and course of study shall           (b) have access to University bursaries,
   have been approved under Ordinance XXVIII                   scholarships, prizes or other financial
   Recognition of Institutions.                                support packages offered by the
2. Associate students shall be subject to the rules
   and regulations of the institution at which they        (c) have access to University academic
   are registered students.                                    and pastoral support, including careers
                                                               guidance and counselling;
3. Upon payment of the appropriate charges by
   the partner institution in accordance with              (d) be eligible for the privileges afforded to
   Ordinance XXVIII a student record shall be                  the families of registered students of the
   created for each associate student. Associate               University.
   students shall be accorded the following rights
   and privileges of the University:                  5   Associate students shall be subject to the
   (a) borrowing and access rights in the                 Charter, Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations
        University’s Library. There is no right           of the University, including the Student
        of access to the University’s electronic          Discipline procedure as set out in Ordinance
        resources (i.e. databases, electronic             XLI, while using University facilities or present
        journals and electronic books). Core              on University premises. Conduct outside the
        electronic resources for Associate                University which brings, or is liable to bring,
        students will be provided by the College          discredit upon the University or disrupts or
        Library;                                          interferes with the normal working and good
                                                          order of the University or impedes members
    (b) membership of the University’s sports             or employees of the University going about
        centre, subject to payment of the                 their lawful University business or results
        appropriate charge by the individual              in substantial complaints from the general
        student;                                          public or responsible authorities outside the
                                                          University will also be considered a breach of
    (c) entitlement to join the University’s              University discipline.
        Sports Union. The rights of associate
        students to participate in competitions
REGULATIONS                                                                                       7

6   Associate student status shall cease when a
    student ceases to study for an award of the      3. All members of the Course Committee
    University at a partner institution or the          engaged in teaching and assessment shall be
    status has been revoked by or on behalf of the      internal examiners for the programme. Internal
    Council and Senate of the University.               examiners are required to inform their Head
                                                        of School and the Course Director of any
Regulations Governing                                   personal interest, involvement or relationship
Examinations in Programmes                              with a student being assessed.
of Study
Appointment and duties of examiners                     Course External Examiners shall be appointed
1. Subject to the final responsibility of the           by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor responsible
   Senate the examinations for programmes of            acting on behalf of the Council on the
   study, and the assessment of performance and         recommendation of the designated committee
   determination of the academic progress of the        under delegated authority from the Senate
   students enrolled therein, shall be undertaken       after consideration of reports from the boards
   by Boards of Examiners. There shall be               of the faculties.
   Course Boards of Examiners for integrated
   programmes of study and Subject Boards of            Appointments shall be for a period of not
   Examiners and Progress and Award Boards              more than four years but exceptionally may
   of Examiners for combined undergraduate              be extended for a period of not more than
   Honours degrees and the Certificate of               one year.
   Personal and Professional Development and
   Postgraduate Certificate of Professional          4. The duties of Course Boards of Examiners
   Development.                                         shall be:

                                                        (a) to determine the module results obtained
    The Senate may annul a decision of the Board
                                                            by candidates;
    of Examiners, and substitute its own decision,
    where circumstances make it appropriate to          (b) where such results lead directly to a degree,
    do so.                                                  diploma, certificate or other academic
                                                            distinction, to forward to the Senate and,
2. The membership of the Course Board of
                                                            where appropriate, to external bodies,
   Examiners shall include internal examiners
                                                            lists of successful candidates, classified in
   and one or more External Examiners. The
                                                            accordance with the relevant programme
   Head of School in which the programme is
                                                            regulations, with recommendations for the
   located shall be an ex-officio member of the
                                                            award of degrees, diplomas, certificates
   board. The Chairperson of the Course Board
                                                            and other academic distinctions;
   of Examiners shall be the Dean or Associate
   Dean of the faculty in which the programme           (c) to determine on behalf of the Senate the
   is located, or a Head or Associate Head of               academic progress of students on the basis
   School in the Faculty, other than the School             of their performance in examinations and
   in which the programme is located. In the                other forms of assessment;
   absence of the designated chairman, the board
   shall be chaired by a person appointed by the        (d) to ensure that the examination and
   appropriate Pro-Vice-Chancellor acting on the            assessment of candidates are conducted
   authority of the Senate. Members of the board            in accordance with regulations and
   are required to declare personal interest,               procedures prescribed by the Senate;
   involvement or relationship with a student
   being assessed to the Chairperson of the board.
8                                                                                REGULATIONS

    (e) to deal with such other matters as the           (f) submission of an annual report to the
        Senate may refer to them from time to                Pro-Vice-Chancellor responsible, in the
        time.                                                first instance;

    All assessed work shall be available to the          (g) submission to the Senate or to committees
    Course Board.                                            of the Senate, as requested, of comments
                                                             on any matters relating to the teaching,
    The Course Board shall not adjust the marks              organisation, syllabus and structure of the
    awarded or progress decisions made by an                 programme;
    earlier Course Board, except in accordance
    with the procedures for the Review of                (h) such other duties as the Senate may specify
    Decisions and the Consideration of Offences              from time to time.
    in Connection with Examinations and other
    Forms of Assessment.                              6. The membership of the Subject Board of
                                                         Examiners shall include internal examiners and
5. The duties of Course External Examiners shall         one or more External Examiners. The Head of
   include:                                              School in which the subject is located shall
                                                         be an ex-officio member of the Board. The
    (a) consultation with the internal examiners,        Chairperson of the Subject Board of Examiners
        through the Course Director, in relation         shall be the Dean of the Faculty in which the
        to the approval and moderation of                subject is located, or a Head of School in the
        examination papers and other forms of            Faculty, other than the School in which the
        assessment;                                      programme is located. In the absence of the
                                                         designated Chairperson, the Subject Board
    (b) consideration of the standard of marking         shall be chaired by a person appointed by the
        of examination papers and other forms            appropriate Pro-Vice-Chancellor acting on the
        of assessment and reporting to Course            authority of the Senate.
        Boards of Examiners on such revisions of
        the marking as they consider necessary;          Members of the Board are required to
                                                         declare personal interest, involvement or
    (c) attendance at meetings of Course Boards          relationship with a student being assessed to
        of Examiners;                                    the Chairperson of the Board.

    (d) attendance with one or more internal          7. All members of the Subject Committee
        examiners at such oral examinations as           engaged in teaching and assessment shall be
        are determined by the Course Board of            internal examiners for the subject.
                                                         Internal examiners are required to inform their
    (e) confirmation, by joint signature with            Head of School and the Subject Director of any
        chairpersons of Course Boards of                 personal interest, involvement or relationship
        Examiners, of results of candidates and          with a student being assessed.
        the pass and classified lists of candidates
        including recommendations for the award          Subject External Examiners shall be appointed
        of degrees, diplomas, certificates and           by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor responsible
        other academic distinctions;                     acting on behalf of the Council on the
                                                         recommendation of the designated committee
                                                         under delegated authority from the Senate
REGULATIONS                                                                                          9

   after consideration of reports from the boards         Consideration of Offences in Connection with
   of the faculties.                                      Examinations and other Forms of Assessment.

   Appointments shall be for a period of not           9. The duties of Subject External Examiners shall
   more than four years but exceptionally may             include:
   be extended for a period of not more than
   one year.                                              (a)   consultation with the internal examiners,
                                                                through the Subject Director, in relation
8. The duties of undergraduate Honours Subject                  to the approval and moderation of
   Boards of Examiners shall be:                                examination papers and other forms of
   (a) to determine the module results obtained
                                                          (b) consideration of the standard of marking
       by candidates;
                                                              of examination papers and other forms
                                                              of assessment and reporting to Subject
   (b) to forward the results to the Progress
                                                              Boards of Examiners on such revisions of
       and Award Boards of Examiners; or,
                                                              the marking as they consider necessary;
       where candidates are enrolled for a
       Single Honours degree, to determine
                                                          (c) attendance at meetings of Subject Boards
       on behalf of the Senate the academic
                                                              of Examiners;
       progress of students on the basis of their
       performance in examinations and other
                                                          (d) attendance with one or more internal
       forms of assessment, or where such
                                                              examiners at such oral examinations as
       results lead directly to a degree, to forward
                                                              are determined by the Subject Board of
       to the Senate and, where appropriate,
       to external bodies, lists of successful
       candidates, classified in accordance with
                                                          (e) confirmation, by joint signature with
       the relevant programme regulations
                                                              Chairpersons of Subject Boards of
       with recommendations for the award of
                                                              Examiners, of results and in the case of
       degrees, diplomas, certificates and other
                                                              Single Honours degrees candidates, pass
       academic distinctions;
                                                              lists and classified lists of candidates
                                                              including recommendations for the
   (c) to ensure that the examination and
                                                              award of degrees, diplomas, certificates
       assessment of candidates are conducted
                                                              and other academic distinctions;
       in accordance with regulations and
       procedures prescribed by the Senate;
                                                          (f)   submission of an annual report to the
   (d) to deal with such other matters as the                   Pro-Vice-Chancellor responsible, in the
       Senate may refer to them from time to                    first instance;
                                                          (g) submission to the Senate or to committees
   All assessed work within the Subject modules               of the Senate, as requested, of comments
   shall be available to the Subject Board.                   on any matters relating to the teaching,
                                                              organisation, syllabus and structure of the
   The Subject Board shall not adjust the marks               programme;
   awarded or progress decisions made by an
   earlier Subject Board, except in accordance            (h) such other duties as the Senate may specify
   with the procedures for Appeals and the                    from time to time.
10                                                                                REGULATIONS

10. The membership of the Progress and Award                  of Degrees, Diplomas, Certificates and
    Board of Examiners for Combined Honours                   other academic distinctions;
    Degrees shall include the Subject Directors
    for the undergraduate honours subjects                (c) to determine on behalf of the Senate the
    contributing to undergraduate Honours                     academic progress of students on the basis
    Major, Main or Minor subject strands on                   of their performance in examinations and
    the campus, and a Chief External Examiner.                other forms of assessment;
    The Chairperson of the Progress and Award
    Board shall be a Dean appointed by the                (d) to ensure that the examination and
    Pro-Vice-Chancellor responsible or the                    assessment of candidates are conducted
    Director of Access, Digital and Distributed               in accordance with regulations and
    Learning for the Progress and Award Boards                procedures prescribed by the Senate;
    for the Certificate of Personal and Professional
                                                          (e) to deal with such other matters as the
    Development and Postgraduate Certificate of
                                                              Senate may refer to them from time to
    Professional Development.
     The membership of the Progress and Award
     Boards of Examiners for the Certificate of           The Progress and Award Board shall not
     Personal and Professional Development and            adjust the marks awarded by a Subject Board,
     the Postgraduate Certificate of Professional         nor shall it adjust the progress decisions of
     Development shall be the programme director          an earlier Progress and Award Board, except
     and a representative from each faculty and           in accordance with the procedures for the
     a Chief External Examiner. The Chairperson           Appeals and the Consideration of Offences
     shall be the Director of Access, Digital and         in Connection with Examinations and other
     Distributed Learning.                                Forms of Assessment.

                                                       12. Duties of Chief External Examiners shall
     Chief External Examiners shall be appointed by
     the Pro-Vice-Chancellor responsible acting on
     behalf of the Council on the recommendation          (a) consideration of the standards of awards
     of the designated committee under delegated              for Combined undergraduate Honours
     authority from the Senate. Appointments shall            Degrees or the Certificate of Personal
     be for a period of not more than four years.             and Professional Development or
                                                              Postgraduate Certificate of Professional
11. The duties of the Progress and Award Boards
    of Examiners shall be:
                                                          (b) attendance at meetings of Progress and
     (a) to receive module results from Subject               Award Boards of Examiners;
         Boards of Examiners;
                                                          (c) confirmation, by joint signature with the
     (b) where such results lead directly to a                Chairpersons of Progress and Award
         Degree, Diploma, Certificate or other                Boards of Examiners, of the pass and
         academic distinction, to forward to                  classified lists of candidates including
         the Senate and, where appropriate,                   recommendations for the award of
         to external bodies, lists of successful              degrees, diplomas, certificates and other
         candidates, classified in accordance with            academic distinctions;
         the relevant programme regulations,
         with recommendations for the award               (d) Submission of an annual report to the
REGULATIONS                                                                                        11

         Pro-Vice-Chancellor responsible, in the          ducted under conditions determined by the
         first instance;                                  Senate.

   (e) such other duties as the Senate may             19. To be admitted to an examination a candidate
       specify from time to time.                          shall have complied with the conditions laid
                                                           down in ordinances and regulations and paid
    The Chief External Examiner shall not have             the prescribed fees.
    responsibility for the approval and moderation
    of assessment within subjects nor for the          20. Teaching and assessment (coursework and
    determination of results of candidates in              examinations) shall normally be through
    modules.                                               English. Where the subject of study is a
                                                           language other than English, the Course/
13. Course and Subject External Examiners need             Subject Committee may require or permit
    not be involved in the examining process for           teaching and/or assessment to be conducted
    first year undergraduate degree modules,               in that language.
    which do not contribute to the final award.
                                                       21. Candidates shall not take into the examination
14. Unresolved disagreements in the Board of               room any books or papers or information
    Examiners about results or classifications shall       recorded in any form relevant to the
    be reported to the Senate.                             examination except with the permission of
                                                           the examiners or the senior invigilator.
15. External Examiners shall be entitled to attend
    meetings of Boards of Examiners of which              Candidates shall not take paper or electronic
    they are members. Subject to clauses 16               translation or other dictionaries into the
    and 17, they shall be present at all meetings
                                                          examination room, unless their use is permitted
    where the performance of candidates
                                                          by the examiners as stated in the rubric of the
    which contributes to the final result is being
                                                          examination paper.
    considered. The Senate may prescribe that
    the External Examiners shall be present for
                                                          Candidates shall not take mobile phones, smart
    consideration of all stages of the examining of
                                                          watches or similar electronic devices into the
    the programme.
                                                          examination room. Electronic calculators,
16. In linked Postgraduate Diploma and Master’s           provided that they are operationally quiet,
    programmes, the Faculty may determine                 hand-held, contain their own power source, do
    in accordance with approved procedures                not have an SD slot and cannot communicate
    whether the External Examiner should attend           with other devices, may be used by candidates
    one or both award stages.                             in an examination unless the use of any type of
                                                          calculator or of particular types of calculators
17. In exceptional circumstances, the Pro-Vice-           has been expressly forbidden by the examiners.
    Chancellor responsible, acting on the authority
    of the Senate, shall make arrangements for            Candidates shall not bring food or drink
    external examining during the absence of              into the examination room without prior
    the External Examiner(s), which may include           permission from the senior invigilator.
    the submission of written reports or the
    appointment of substitute examiner(s) or both.     22. No information relating to the examination
                                                           paper, additional to that contained in the
Conduct of examinations
                                                           paper, shall be conveyed to candidates during
18. Examinations for degrees, diplomas, certificates
                                                           the examination, unless there is an error
    and other academic distinctions shall be con-
12                                                                                   REGULATIONS

     in the paper, in which case the information        30. A person who is considered by the senior
     shall be provided to all candidates taking the         invigilator to be disruptive during an
     examination.                                           examination may be required to withdraw
                                                            from that examination.
23. Candidates shall not remove from an
    examination any answer books or material            31. If the senior invigilator considers that
    provided for the examination, other than the            annotation of prescribed texts used in an
    question paper unless it is specified that it may       examination could give a candidate an unfair
    not be removed.                                         advantage, the texts may be retained at the
                                                            end of the examination.
24. During an examination candidates shall not
    communicate with one another or leave their         32. Except with the permission of the senior
    places except to obtain additional stationery           invigilator, no person other than the candidates
    or to speak to an invigilator.                          for the examination and other invigilators shall
                                                            be allowed in the examination room.
25. Candidates shall not be admitted to an
    examination later than one hour after it has        33. It is the responsibility of each candidate to
    commenced, except with the permission of                ensure that his or her script is received by an
    the senior invigilator.                                 invigilator.

26. Candidates shall not leave an examination until     34. Instructions to invigilators setting out the
    one hour after it has commenced, or within the          details of the procedures to be followed in the
    last fifteen minutes, except with the permission        conduct of examinations shall be approved by
    of the senior invigilator. Candidates who leave         or on behalf of the Senate.
    before the end of an examination shall do so
    in such a way as to cause the minimum of            Offences in connection with
    disturbance to the other candidates.                examinations and other forms of
27. Candidates may leave an examination tempor-         35. It is an offence for a candidate to infringe, or
    arily only with the permission of the senior            attempt to infringe, the above regulations or
    invigilator, and when accompanied by an                 to engage, or attempt to engage, in conduct for
    invigilator or other person authorised by the           the purpose of gaining for himself or herself,
    senior invigilator.                                     or for another candidate, an unfair advantage
                                                            with a view to obtaining a better result than he
28. Except when prevented by medical reasons                or she would otherwise achieve.
    or other sufficient cause, candidates who fail
    to present themselves for an examination,              Examples of such conduct are:
    or to submit cumulative or other forms of
    assessment work by the due date, shall be              a) copying from the examination script or
    deemed by the Board of Examiners to have                  other work undertaken for assessment by
    failed in that examination or assessment.                 another candidate;

29. Candidates shall ensure that all their                 b) personation of others;
    examination scripts and other work submitted
    for assessment are legible. The examiners may          c) fabrication of results;
    decide not to mark examination scripts or
    other work judged by them to be illegible.             d) plagiarism;
REGULATIONS                                                                                          13

   e) collusion;                                              respect of clause (b). Such circumstances
                                                              may include an epidemic or pandemic.
   f) use of inadmissible material;                           A candidate claiming exceptional
                                                              circumstances in relation to the late
   g) contract cheating.                                      submission of evidence under clause (a)
                                                              must do so in writing in accordance with
   Reports of alleged offences shall be considered            clause 42.
   under procedures approved by the Council in
   consultation with the Senate in accordance        37. Evidence of extenuating circumstances shall
   with the Ordinance on Student Discipline.             be considered, as appropriate, by the Board
                                                         of Examiners or, in respect of semester one
Presentation of evidence of                              performance, by the Course Committee or
extenuating circumstances                                by the Subject Committee for Single Honours
36. Save in exceptional circumstances:                   degree candidates on modular programmes.
    (a) (i) written medical evidence, or evidence        The Progress and Award Board shall consider
             of compassionate circumstances,             such evidence in respect of Major/Minor, Joint
    		 relevant to the performance of a                  and Combined Honours candidates.
     		 candidate in a examination must
    		 be presented to the Course/                   Publication of results
    		 Subject Director not later than five          38. The list of results obtained by candidates in
    		 working           days    following    the        each examination, and the decisions about the
     		 examination;                                     academic progress of candidates, shall be drawn
                                                         up by the appropriate Board of Examiners.The
        (ii) written medical evidence, or evidence       Board shall forward:
             of compassionate circumstances,
             relevant to the performance of a            (a) to the Senate the pass and classified
             candidate in coursework must be                 lists of candidates who have successfully
             presented to the Course/Subject                 completed the final examinations leading
             Director not later than five working            to a degree, diploma, certificate or other
             days following the date on which the            academic distinction of the University;
             work was due to be submitted.
                                                         (b) to the appropriate national or professional
   (b) Evidence of ill-health must be                        body results of candidates in examinations
       authenticated by the candidate’s doctor               leading to an award of the body concerned.
       or registered counsellor. Medical
       certificates from doctors and appropriate     39. The results of individual candidates shall be
       documentation from counsellors should             made available to them in their student record.
       be forwarded directly to the Course/              The final pass and classified lists of successful
       Subject Director. Self-certification will         candidates shall be placed in the public domain.
       not be accepted.                                  It is the responsibility of all candidates to find
                                                         out their results, and of unsuccessful candidates
        The term ‘exceptional circumstances’             to request their Course/Subject Director to
        will be given restrictive interpretation.        provide them with a written record of the
        The Senate, through the relevant                 decision which the Board of Examiners has
        committee, shall determine exceptional           taken about their progress.
        circumstances which allow alternative
        forms of authentication of ill-health in
14                                                                                 REGULATIONS

Retention of examination material                      General Regulations applying to
40. Except where alternative arrangements have         Student Awards (Prizes)
    been approved by or on behalf of the Senate,       1. The terms and conditions of new student
    a candidate’s written examination scripts             prizes shall be determined by the designated
    and work on which cumulative and other                committee on behalf of the Senate. The
    forms of assessment have been based, shall            Committee shall make recommendations
    be preserved for six months following the             for the establishment of new prizes to the
    Board of Examiners which has confirmed the            designated Pro-Vice-Chancellor on behalf of
    candidate’s results in the assessments.               the Council.

41. For the purpose of providing feedback on           2. Awards shall be authorised by the appropriate
    examination performance candidates may                nominating body or committee. In the case of
    be given access to examination scripts in             awards based on examination performance,
    the presence of a member of academic                  this body shall be the Board of Examiners, and
    staff. Candidates shall not be permitted to           where more than one Board of Examiners
    retain examination scripts. Work on which             is involved, the Deans of Faculties shall
    cumulative and other forms of assessment have         co-ordinate decisions.
    been based may be returned to candidates.
    It shall be given back, if required, at any time   3. At the time of nomination for a prize or
    within one year from the examination. Failure         award based on examination performance, a
    on the part of a candidate to return work as          candidate must be a registered student of the
    required will be a sufficient reason for a Board      University.
    of Examiners not to take the work into account
    in determining the results of a candidate.         4. A prize or award may be divided where there
                                                          are candidates of equal merit.
42. A candidate may appeal against a decision on       5. A prize or award may be withheld in a particular
    academic progress:                                    year if in the opinion of the nominating body
                                                          there is no candidate of suitable merit.
     (a) on the basis of evidence of extenuating
         circumstances, relevant to his/her            6. The University may withdraw or cancel
         examination performance which, in                without notice any or all offers of prizes or
         his/her view, was not in the possession          awards.
         of the board of examiners at the time of
         the Board’s initial decision about his/her    7. The nominating body may determine other
         academic progress; or                            conditions not explicitly specified.

     (b) on the basis of procedural or other           8. In the case of prizes or awards which are
         irregularities in the conduct of the             provided out of private endowment funds, the
         examinations or in the decision making           payment of the full amount shall be contingent
         process.                                         on the necessary income being forthcoming
                                                          from the endowment fund.
     The decision shall be reviewed in accordance
     with the procedures established by the Senate.
                                                       Library Regulations
                                                       In these regulations the term ‘Library’ includes
43. Students should raise any concerns or
                                                       the Library at Belfast, Coleraine, Jordanstown
    complaints about any aspect of programme
                                                       and Magee campuses. The Librarian, or the officer
    delivery or supervision as soon as they arise.
REGULATIONS                                                                                           15

undertaking this function, may authorise any               (d) Other persons and institutions, at the
member of the Library staff to undertake on his                discretion of the Librarian, who may be
or her behalf any of the Librarian’s responsibilities          charged an appropriate fee.
contained in these regulations.
                                                        3.2 Current University staff and students must
1. Hours of Opening                                         produce their staff/student ID card before
1.1 The hours of opening of the Library shall be            material may be issued to them. They must
    determined according to the needs of each               produce their ID card each time an item(s) is
    campus and will be displayed prominently.               borrowed and they are responsible for any use
                                                            made of their ID card.
1.2 No one shall enter the Library except during
    the official opening hours or remain in them        3.3 No item(s) may be removed from the Library
    after closing time except with the explicit             until the loan has been recorded. Illicit removal
    permission of the Librarian or other authorised         of Library material will be treated as a serious
    person.                                                 offence.

2. Admission to the Library                             3.4 Access to certain item(s) may be limited by
2.1 The Library is open to all students of the              the Librarian. The Librarian may require that
    University and students pursuing such other             certain works be used only in the Library or
    programmes as may be recognised by the                  may place certain works on restricted access,
    Council, to members of the Council of the               either temporarily or permanently.
    University and to all University staff.
                                                        3.5 Except for items in high demand or categories
2.2 Other persons seeking to use the Library                of items available for reference, the standard
    for the purposes of study and research may              loan period is two months for all categories of
    be admitted at the discretion of the Librarian.         users.
    A charge may be levied to cover the cost of
    certain facilities.                                    After one week from the date of issue, an item
                                                           will be liable to immediate recall.
2.3 All users shall be registered by the Library. The
    Librarian shall have the right to require users        Provided they are not in demand by another
    to produce evidence of their registration.             user, items may be renewed in person or
2.4 Users are admitted on the understanding that
    they have read and have agreed to observe           3.6 The loan quotas for borrowers are:
    Library regulations.
                                                        1. Staff and research students 		              25
3. Borrowing from the Library
3.1 The following are eligible to borrow from the       2. Undergraduate Students			                   12
    University Library:
    (a) Registered, occasional and associate            3. Part-time or full-time postgraduate
         students as defined in Ordinance XXV of           students on taught programmes		             12
         the University.
                                                        Exceptions to these limits may be granted for
   (b) All individuals engaged by the University.       audio-visual material.

   (c) Members of the Council of the University.
16                                                                                   REGULATIONS

3.7 Items must be returned on or before the date         6. Study Facilities
    on which they are due for return. Failure to         6.1 Group study rooms and quiet study areas
    return items on time or to comply with the               are available and further details about these
    recall will lead to sanctions which may include          facilities are available on each campus and
    the withdrawal of borrowing privileges and               online.
    the imposition of a fine in accordance with
    procedures approved by the Senate.                   6.2 The Librarian has the right to enter a study
                                                             room at any time and to inspect and, if
3.8 Items already on loan to another user may be             necessary, to remove any property in it. A
    reserved and are subject to recall after 7 days.         person making inadequate or improper use of
                                                             such a room will be required to vacate it.
3.9 The user who is recorded as the borrower will
    be held responsible for the return of the item       7. Copying
    to the Library and will be liable for the cost of       Copying of material, regardless of format, may
    repairs or replacement of any item damaged              only be carried out within the terms of the
    or lost while it is recorded as being on loan to        copyright legislation currently in force.
    him or her.
                                                         8. University of Ulster theses and dissertations
3.10 Users must return all items borrowed by them        8.1 One copy of every thesis and dissertation
     when their entitlement to borrow ceases and             which has achieved a mark of 70% or over,
     an item not returned or, an outstanding fine,           *Note this only applies to dissertations* and
     shall be deemed a debt owing to the University.         not theses for which a higher degree has been
                                                             awarded by the University, will be deposited in
3.11 Journals may not normally be borrowed.                  the Library in accordance with regulations and
                                                             associated guidelines for higher degrees.
4. Electronic Resources
   Electronic resources are available to registered      8.2 Theses so deposited may be used only in
   students of the University as defined in                  the Library, through EThos, or by request
   Ordinance XXV 1. only registered students                 through the Document Delivery service and
   can access E resources of the University and              any conditions imposed by the authors must
   staff as articulated in 3.1 b and c. Users must           be observed. In particular readers must not
   adhere to the University’s Acceptable Use                 use or reproduce without the consent of the
   of Information Technology Code of Practice,               copyright holder material incorporated in a
   Athens Account Terms and Conditions, the                  thesis and must acknowledge the source of
   CHEST Code of Conduct and the licence                     such information.
   conditions attached to particular resources.
                                                         9. General
5. Borrowing from other Libraries
                                                         9.1 In order to provide and maintain a learning
5.1 A Document Delivery service is available to
                                                             environment conducive to study and research,
    students and staff of the University as specified
                                                             the Library expects users to adhere to its
    in 3.1(a), (b), (c), and (d) above. Limitations on
                                                             published Code of Conduct. If an individual
    the use of this service may be imposed from
                                                             breaches this code, it may result in:
    time to time.
                                                             • A library user’s behaviour or actions being
                                                                referred to a senior member of staff;
5.2 Items borrowed from other libraries shall be
                                                             • A library user’s rights to borrow from the
    subject to any conditions laid down by the
                                                                library being withdrawn;
    lending Libraries.
REGULATIONS                                                                                       17

    •    A library user being asked to leave the     Assessment:     The measurement of a candidate’s
         premises.                                                   performance in the programme
                                                                     or module.
Regulation: Recognised Teachers
The term ‘Recognised Teacher’ will apply to          Assessment      The two forms of assessment
persons who, not being members of the Academic       Elements:       of a module, viz coursework and
staff of the University, engage in the teaching,                     examination.
supervision, assessment and examination of
Registered Students of the University. The status    Assessment      A constituent part         of    an
shall not be conferred on persons involved in the    Component:      assessment element.
supervision and assessment of clinical or social
work practice or industrial placement.               Coursework:     A form of assessment which
                                                                     relies upon performance in
Proposals from Faculties for the designation of                      one or more of the following
Recognised Teacher status together with their                        components: practical work,
duties and responsibilities shall be considered on                   submission of essays, exercises,
behalf of the Senate by the designated committee                     seminar papers, reports, class
which may make recommendations to the                                tests, presentations, project or
responsible Pro-Vice-Chancellor on behalf of the                     production of artifacts,designs etc.
                                                     Examination:    A form of assessment which
                                                                     relies upon candidates producing
Regulations for Awards
                                                                     written or oral answers to seen
                                                                     or unseen questions under formal
The following terminology is used in award
                                                                     examination conditions (normally
                                                                     at the end of a semester).
Programme:        An approved course of study
                  leading to an award.               Dissertation:   A form of coursework which
                                                                     involves the submission of a
Year:             The time spent on the programme                    substantial report on a major
                  within a period of twelve                          project.
                  calendar months (including the
                  supplementary        examination   Module          Percentage mark which is the
                  period).                           Result:         aggregate of the marks obtained
                                                                     in examination and coursework
Level:            A broad indicator of relative                      in the module.
                  demand,      complexity,   depth
                                                     Supplementary   Repeated written examination
                  of study and autonomy of
                                                     Examinations:   (normally August/September).
                  learning, in accordance with the
                  University’s qualifications and
                  credit framework.
                                                     Guidelines: Recommendations
Module:           A component of the programme       for an Aegrotat Award (Taught
                  which has its own approved aims    Courses)
                                                     1. Where a candidate has been prevented by
                  and objectives and assessment
                                                        illness or other sufficient cause from taking
                                                        or completing the final stage assessment or
                                                        where his or her result was in the opinion of
18                                                                                     REGULATIONS

     the board of examiners affected by illness or      Examination and assessment
     other sufficient cause, the Board of Examiners     4. Candidates shall be assessed in modules:
     may recommend an Aegrotat award.                      (a) by examination; or

2. An Aegrotat award shall be recommended only              (b) by coursework; or
   if the Board of Examiners is satisfied that the
   candidate would have qualified for the award had         (c) by a combination of the methods in (a) and
   it not been for illness or other sufficient cause.           (b).

3. In order to reach its decision a Board of            5. The detailed assessment requirements shall
   Examiners may assess the candidate by                   be set out in module descriptions which shall
   whatever means it considers appropriate.                specify:

4. Before an Aegrotat award is recommended a                (a) the method of assessment; and
   candidate must have signified that he or she
   is willing to accept such an award. Where he             (b) the distribution of marks within the module.
   or she is not willing to do so the Board of
   Examiners shall recommend that he or she             6. The performance of candidates shall be
   be permitted to complete, take or repeat the            assessed by Boards of Examiners in accordance
   assessment in one or more modules by an                 with the Regulations Governing Examinations
   approved subsequent date.                               in Programmes of Study.

                                                        7. Where marks are used to grade performance,
Regulations for the Certificate                            the pass mark for the module shall be 40%.
of Personal and Professional                               Where a module is assessed by a combination
Development                                                of coursework and examination a minimum
(Charter Art. 5(E): Statute II: Ordinance XXIX)            mark of 35% shall be achieved in each element.
1. The University awards the Certificate of
   Personal and Professional Development to             Submission of coursework
   candidates who have successfully completed           8. Coursework shall be submitted by dates as
   the requisite number of modules approved                specified by the module coordinator.
   within the framework for the Certificate of
   Personal and Professional Development and            9. Students may seek prior consent from the
   who have satisfied the conditions specified in          module coordinator to submit coursework
   Ordinance XXIX.                                         after the official deadline; such requests must
                                                           be accompanied by a satisfactory explanation
Admission                                                  and in the case of illness, by a medical certificate.
2. There are no general entry requirements for             This application shall be made to the Module
   admission to individual modules within the              Co-ordinator.
   framework. Conditions for entry may be
   specified for specific modules.                      10. Coursework submitted without consent after
                                                            the deadline shall not normally be accepted.
3. Modules at level 3 and 4 may contribute to           Re-examination
   the framework. The specific modules which            11. Candidates who fail to satisfy the Board of
   shall contribute to the framework shall be               Examiners in assessment may be permitted
   approved by faculties and the Access, Digital            at the discretion of the Board to re-present
   and Distributed Learning Directorate.                    themselves for one or more supplementary
REGULATIONS                                                                                          19

   written examinations and repeat such                   (a) permit the candidates to take, complete
   coursework or other assessment requirements                or repeat the assessment in one or more
   as shall be prescribed by the Board.                       modules at an approved subsequent date;
12. Where candidates are required to repeat
    coursework or take a supplementary                    (b) deem the candidates to have passed the
    examination, the original mark in the failed              assessment and recommend an Aegrotat
    coursework component or examination shall                 Certificate.
    be replaced by a mark of 40%, or the repeat
    mark, whichever is the lower, for the purposes
    of calculating the module result.                  Regulations for Diplomas and
Final award                                            (Charter Art. 5(E): Statute II: Ordinance XXIX)
13. Candidates who have successfully completed         1. The University awards Diplomas and
    modules amounting to 60 credit points shall           Certificates to candidates who have successfully
    be eligible for the award of the Certificate of       completed an approved programme of study
    Personal and Professional Development.                and who have satisfied the conditions specified
                                                          in Ordinance XXIX.
14. The following themed awards are available.
    Candidates who have successfully completed
                                                       2. Applicants for entry to programmes leading to
    modules amounting to at least 40 credit points
                                                          the award of a Diploma or a Certificate must:
    in designated modules within a faculty theme
    shall be eligible for the named award.
                                                          (a) have attained grades A, B or C at GCSE
    Certificate of Personal and Professional
                                                              level in five subjects or equivalent or
    Development (Arts)
                                                              an equivalent standard in an approved
    Certificate of Personal and Professional
                                                              alternative qualification; and
    Development (Art, Design and the Built
    Environment)                                          (b) provide evidence of competence in
    Certificate of Personal and Professional                  written and spoken English (GCSE grade
    Development (Business and Management)                     C or equivalent) and, where specified
    Certificate of Personal and Professional                  within individual programme entry
    Development (Computing and Engineering)                   requirements, in numeracy (GCSE grade
    Certificate of Personal and Professional                  C or equivalent); and
    Development (Life and Health Sciences)
    Certificate of Personal and Professional              (c) satisfy such additional requirements
    Development (Social Sciences)                             as shall be prescribed in programme
15. The award is not classified.
                                                               or as an alternative to (a), (b) and/or (c):
Illness and other extenuating
                                                          (d) provide evidence of their ability to
16. The Board of Examiners may, in the case of
                                                              undertake the programme through
    candidates who are prevented by illness or
                                                              the accreditation of prior experiential
    other sufficient cause from taking or completing
    the whole or part of the assessment, or whose
    results are substantially affected by illness or
    other sufficient cause:
20                                                                                REGULATIONS

     No subject may be counted at more than one       6. The programme shall conform to the
     level. The requirements of 2(b) hereof may be       requirements of the qualifications and credit
     met within 2(a).                                    framework of the University. For the award of
                                                         a Diploma the course shall comprise modules
3. The Senate may accept studies pursued and             amounting to at least 120 credit points at
   examinations passed in respect of other               Level 3 or 4. For the award of a Certificate the
   qualifications awarded by the University or           course shall comprise modules amounting to
   by another University or other educational            at least 60 credit points at Levels 3 or 4.
   institution, or evidence of their ability to
   undertake the programme through the                Examination and assessment
   accreditation of prior experiential learning,      7. Candidates shall be assessed in modules
   as exempting candidates from part of an               throughout their programmes:
   approved programme provided that candidates
   for the award of a Diploma or Certificate             (a) by examinations; or
   shall register as students of the University
   for modules amounting to at least the final           (b) by coursework; or
   50% of the credit value of the award at the
                                                         (c) by a combination of the methods in (a)
   highest level and meet such other conditions
                                                             and (b).
   as shall be specified in programme regulations.
   For candidates registered on approved                 The detailed assessment requirements shall be
   programmes at recognised institutions, the            prescribed in programme regulations.
   same regulation shall apply in respect of the
   institution.                                       8. The programme regulations shall specify for
                                                         each year of the programme:
4. Applicants to Access to Higher Education
   programmes must:                                      (a) the method of assessment for each module;

     (a) normally be 19 years of age or over at the      (b) the distribution of marks within and
         date of entry to the programme and have             among the modules;
         no recent experience of formal education;
                                                         (c) the extent to which failure in one or
     (b) provide evidence of a basic competence in           more modules may be permitted; and
         written and oral communication in English
                                                         (d) the extent to which the results obtained
         and numeracy skills; and
                                                             in the assessment for each module
                                                             contribute to the overall grading.
     (c) demonstrate motivation for and ability to
         cope with the academic demands of the
                                                      9. The performance of candidates shall be
                                                         assessed by Boards of Examiners in accordance
                                                         with the Regulations Governing Examinations
The Programme
                                                         in Programmes of Study.
5. Candidates shall pursue a programme of study
   approved by the Senate and lasting, except as
                                                      10. The pass mark for the module shall be 40%.
   provided in 3 hereof, for at least two semesters
                                                          Where a module is assessed by a combination
   of full-time study for a Diploma or one
                                                          or coursework and examination a minimum
   semester for a Certificate or the equivalent
                                                          mark of 35% shall be achieved in each
   periods of part-time study.
                                                          assessment element. Course regulations may
                                                          specify that a mark of 40% shall be achieved
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