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FORSCHUNGSMAGAZIN NR. 13/2019 BEILAGE Wissenschaftliche Publikationen Publikationsliste 2018 der Medizinischen und Chirurgischen Kliniken, der Abteilungen für Klinische Chemie und Biochemie, Intensivmedizin und N eonatologie, Anästhesie und Bilddiagnostik am U niversitäts-Kinderspital Zürich. Artikel in wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften Aebi-Popp, K, Wandeler, G, Salazar-Vizcaya, Akdis, D, Saguner, A M, Medeiros-Domingo, A, Albisetti, Manuela, Schlosser, Arno, Brueck- L, Metzner, K, Stöckle, M, Cavassini, M, Schaller, A, Balmer, C, Steffel, J, Brunckhorst, mann, Martina, Gropper, Savion, Glund, Ste- Hoffmann, M, Lüthi, A, Suter, F, Bernasconi, C, Duru, F (2018): Multiple clinical profiles of phan, Tartakovsky, Igor, Brandão, Leonardo R, E, Fehr, Jan, Furrer, H, Rauch, A. Swiss HIV families with the short QT syndrome. Europace Reilly, Paul A (2018): Rationale and design of a Cohort Study (2018): Rapid decline of anti- 20 (FI1), f113-f121 phase III safety trial of idarucizumab in children hepatitis C virus (HCV) antibodies following receiving dabigatran etexilate for venous Akeret, Kevin, Bellut, David, Huppertz, Hans- early treatment of incident HCV infections in thromboembolism. Research and Practice in Jürgen, Ramantani, Georgia, König, Kris- HIV-infected men who have sex with men. HIV Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2 (1), 69-76 tina, Serra, Carlo, Regli, Luca, Krayenbühl, Medicine 19 (6), 420-425 Niklaus (2018): Ultrasonographic features of Alfadhel, Majid, Nashabat, Marwan, Alrifai, Aebi-Popp, K, Bernasconi, E, Kahlert, C, Mar- focal cortical dysplasia and their relevance for Muhammad Talal, Alshaalan, Hesham, Al tinez de Tejada, B, Nadal, D, Rudin, Christoph, epilepsy surgery. Neurosurgical Focus 45 (3), Mutairi, Fuad, Al-Shahrani, Saif A, Plecko, Stähelin, C, Wagner, N, Vernazza, P, Paioni, E5 Barbara, Almass, Rawan, Alsagob, Maysoon, Paolo (2018): Empfehlungen der Eidgenös- Almutairi, Faten B, Al-Rumayyan, Ahmed, Albisetti, Manuela, Biss, Branislav, Bom- sischen Kommission für sexuelle Gesundheit Al-Twaijri, Waleed, Al-Owain, Mohammed, gaars, Lisa, Brandão, Leonardo R, Brueck- (EKSG) für die medizinische Versorgung von Taylor, Robert W, Kaya, Namik (2018): Further mann, Martina, Chalmers, Elizabeth, Gropper, HIV-infizierten Frauen und ihren Kindern. Bul- delineation of the phenotypic spectrum of ISCA2 Savion, Harper, Ruth, Huang, Fenglei, Luciani, letin Bundesamt für Gesundheit (50), 10-22 defect: A report of ten new cases. European Matteo, Manastirski, Ivan, Mitchell, Lesley Journal of Paediatric Neurology 22 (1), 46- Aebi-Popp, K, Mercanti, V, Voide, C, Nemeth, G, Tartakovsky, Igor, Wang, Bushi, Halton, J, Cusini, A, Jakopp, B, Nicca, D, Rasi, M, Jacqueline M L (2018): Design and rationale for Alocci, Davide, Ghraichy, Marie, Barletta, Bruno, A, Calmy, A, Martinez de Tejada, B, the DIVERSITY study: An open-label, rando- Elena, Gastaldello, Alessandra, Mariethoz, Swiss HIV Cohort Study (2018): Neglect of mized study of dabigatran etexilate for pediatric Julien, Lisacek, Frédérique (2018): Under- attention to reproductive health in women with venous thromboembolism. Research and standing the glycome: an interactive view of HIV infection: contraceptive use and unintended Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2 glycosylation from glycocompositions to gly- pregnancies in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. HIV (2), 347-356 coepitopes. Glycobiology 28 (6), 349-362 Medicine 19 (5), 339-346
PUBLIKATIONSLISTE 2019 Amaxopoulou, Christina, Gnannt, Ralph, Steindl, Katharina, Nothnagel, Michael, Murielle, Zimmermann, Karin, von der Weid, Higashigaito, Kai, Jung, Andreas, Kellen- Schinzel, Albert, Stoeckli, Esther T, Rauch, Nicolas, Ammann, Roland A, Kuehni, Claudia berger, Christian J (2018): Structural and Anita (2018): Clinical and experimental evidence E (2018): Overweight in childhood cancer perfusion magnetic resonance imaging of the suggest a link between KIF7 and C5orf42-relat- survivors: the Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor lung in cystic fibrosis. Pediatric Radiology 48 ed ciliopathies through Sonic Hedgehog signal- Study. The American Journal of Clinical Nutri- (2), 165-175Ammann-Reiffer C, Bastiaenen CHG, ing. European Journal of Human Genetics 26 tion 107 (1), 3-11 de Bie RA, van Hedel HJA. Interrater reliability (2), 197-209 Benzing, Valentin, Eggenberger, Noëmi, of two gait performance measures in children Aurich-Schuler, Tabea, van Hedel, Hubertus, Spitzhüttl, Janine, Siegwart, Valerie, Pas- with neuromotor disorders across two different Labruyère, Rob (2018): Roboterunterstützte tore-Wapp, Manuela, Kiefer, Claus, Slavova, settings. Dev Med Child Neurol 59:1158-1163, Lokomotionstherapie bei Kindern in der Neu- Nedelina, Grotzer, Michael, Heinks, Theda, 2017. roreha. Neuroreha 10 (03), 119-126 Schmidt, Mirko, Conzelmann, Achim, Steinlin, Ambroz, S C, Töteberg-Harms, M, Hanson, Maja, Everts, Regula, Leibundgut, Kurt (2018): Balzer, Julia, Marsico, Petra, Mitteregger, James V M, Funk, J, Barthelmes, D, Gerth- The Brainfit study: efficacy of cognitive training Elena, van der Linden, Marietta L, Mercer, Kahlert, Christina (2018): Outcome of Pediatric and exergaming in pediatric cancer survivors - Thomas H, van Hedel, Hubertus J A (2018): Cataract Surgeries in a Tertiary Center in Swit- a randomized controlled trial. BMC Cancer 18 Influence of trunk control and lower extremity zerland. Journal of Ophthalmology, 3230489 (1), 18 impairments on gait capacity in children with Ammann-Reiffer, Corinne, Labruyère, Rob cerebral palsy. Disability and Rehabilitation 40 Berger, Christoph, Quinto, Carlos Beat, Weil, (2018): Letter to the Editor on «Effects of (26), 3164-3170 Barbara, Hadorn, Linda (2018): Versorgungs- Antigravity Treadmill Training on Gait, Balance, sicherheit mit Impfstoffen. Schweizerische Barra, Steffen, Bessler, Cornelia, Landolt, and Fall Risk in Children With Diplegic Cerebral Ärztezeitung (SÄZ) 99 (32), 1010-1014 Markus A, Aebi, Marcel (2018): Patterns of Palsy». American Journal of Physical Medi- Adverse Childhood Experiences in Juveniles Bergsträsser, Eva (2018): Pädiatrische Pal- cine & Rehabilitation 97 (6), e55-e56 Who Sexually Offended. Sexual Abuse: Journal liative Care: was ist bei Kindern anders als bei Anagnostopoulou, Pinelopi, Kranz, Nadja, of Research & Treatment 30 (7), 803-827 Erwachsenen?. Therapeutische Umschau. Wolfensberger, Jeremias, Guidi, Marisa, Revue thérapeutique 75 (2), 101-104 Barra, Steffen, Bessler, Cornelia, Landolt, Nyilas, Sylvia, Koerner-Rettberg, Cordula, Markus A, Aebi, Marcel (2018): Testing the Bergsträsser, Eva, Niggli, Felix, Seifert, L Yammine, Sophie, Singer, Florian, Latzin, validity of criminal risk assessment tools in (2018): Wie Grosseltern die Krebserkrankung Philipp (2018): Comparison of different analysis sexually abusive youth. Psychological Assess- eines Enkelkindes erleben. Paediatrica 29 (4), algorithms to calculate multiple-breath washout ment 30 (11), 1430-1443 32-36 outcomes. ERJ Open Research 4 (3), 00021- 2017 Bassan, Renato, Bourquin, Jean-Pierre, Berthold, O, Clemens, V, Ahne, S, Witt, A, DeAngelo, Daniel J, Chiaretti, Sabina (2018): von Aster, Michael, von Moers, A, Plener, P, Ansar, Muhammad, Chung, Hyunglok, Waryah, New Approaches to the Management of Adult Kölch, M, Fegert, J. M (2018): Kinderschutz im Yar M, Makrythanasis, Periklis, Falcon- Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Journal of Rettungsdienst: Erkennen, Bewerten, Handeln. net, Emilie, Rao, Ali Raza, Guipponi, Michel, Clinical Oncology 36 (35), 3504-3519 Notfall & Rettungsmedizin 21 (2), 110-119 Narsani, Ashok K, Fingerhut, Ralph, Santoni, Federico A, Ranza, Emmanuelle, Waryah, Ali Baumann, Philipp, Wiegert, Susanne, Greco, Bertini, Enrico, Zanni, Ginevra, Boltshauser, M, Bellen, Hugo J, Antonarakis, Stylianos Francesco, Wellmann, Sven, L’Abate, Pietro, Eugen (2018): Nonprogressive congenital E (2018): Visual impairment and progressive Cannizzaro, Vincenzo (2018): Mechanical ataxias. Handbook of Clinical Neurology 155, phthisis bulbi caused by recessive pathogenic ventilation strategies alter cardiovascular bio- 91-103 variant in MARK3. Human Molecular Genetics markers in an infant rat model. Physiological Bigi, S, Dulcey, A, Gralla, J, Bernasconi, C, 27 (15), 2703-2711 Reports 6 (2), e13553 Melliger, A, Datta, A N, Arnold, M, Kaes- Arhab, Amar, Messerli-Bürgy, Nadine, Beckmann, Sonja, Denhaerynck, Kris, Stampf, macher, J, Fluss, J, Hackenberg, A, Maier, Kakebeeke, Tanja H, Lanzi, Stefano, Stülb, Susanne, Saigi-Morgui, Núria, Binet, Isabelle, O, Weber, J, Poloni, C, Fischer, U, Steinlin, M Kerstin, Zysset, Annina E, Leeger-Aschmann, Koller, Michael, Boely, Elsa, De Geest, Sabina, (2018): Feasibility, safety, and outcome of reca- Claudia S, Schmutz, Einat A, Meyer, Andrea Psychosocial Interest Group, Swiss Trans- nalization treatment in childhood stroke. Annals H, Munsch, Simone, Kriemler, Susi, Jenni, plant Cohort Study (2018): New-onset obesity of Neurology 83 (6), 1125-1132 Oskar G, Puder, Jardena J (2018): Childcare after liver transplantation-outcomes and risk Bijarnia-Mahay, Sunita, Häberle, Johannes, Correlates of Physical Activity, Sedentary factors: the Swiss Transplant Cohort Study. Jalan, Anil B, Puri, Ratna Dua, Kohli, Sudha, Behavior, and Adiposity in Preschool Children: A Transplant International 31 (11), 1254-1267 Kudalkar, Ketki, Rüfenacht, Véronique, Gupta, Cross-Sectional Analysis of the SPLASHY Study. Béguelin, Charles, Suter, Annatina, Bernas- Deepti, Maurya, Deepshikha, Verma, Jyotsna, Journal of Environmental and Public Health coni, Enos, Fehr, Jan, Kovari, Helen, Bucher, Shigematsu, Yosuke, Yamaguchi, Seiji, Sax- 2018, 9157194 Heiner C, Stoeckle, Marcel, Cavassini, Mathi- ena, Renu, Verma, Ishwar C (2018): Urea cycle Asadollahi, Reza, Strauss, Justin E, Zenker, as, Rougemont, Mathieu, Schmid, Patrick, disorders in India: clinical course, biochemical Martin, Beuing, Oliver, Edvardson, Simon, Wandeler, Gilles, Rauch, Andri, Swiss HIV and genetic investigations, and prenatal testing. Elpeleg, Orly, Strom, Tim M, Joset, Pascal, Cohort Study (2018): Trends in HCV treatment Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 13, 174 Niedrist, Dunja, Otte, Christine, Oneda, Bea- uptake, efficacy and impact on liver fibrosis in Blau, Nenad, Martinez, Aurora, Hoffmann, trice, Boonsawat, Paranchai, Azzarello-Burri, the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. Liver International Georg F, Thöny, Beat (2018): DNAJC12 Silvia, Bartholdi, Deborah, Papik, Michael, 38 (3), 424-431 deficiency: A new strategy in the diagnosis of Zweier, Markus, Haas, Cordula, Ekici, Arif B, Belle, Fabiën N, Weiss, Annette, Schin- hyperphenylalaninemias. Molecular Genetics Baumer, Alessandra, Boltshauser, Eugen, dler, Matthias, Goutaki, Myrofora, Bochud, and Metabolism 123 (1), 1-5 2
PUBLIKATIONSLISTE 2019 Boeddha, Navin P, Schlapbach, Luregn Boy, Nikolas, Mengler, Katharina, Thimm, Eva, Canda, Ebru, Yazıcı, Havva, Er, Esra, Kalkan J, Driessen, Gertjan J, Herberg, Jethro A, Schiergens, Katharina A, Marquardt, Thor- Uçar, Sema, Gemperle-Britschgi, Corinne, Rivero-Calle, Irene, Cebey-López, Miriam, sten, Weinhold, Natalie, Marquardt, Iris, Das, Habif, Sara, Onay, Hüseyin, Sass, Jörn Oliver, Klobassa, Daniela S, Philipsen, Ria, de Anibh M, Freisinger, Peter, Grünert, Sarah C, Coker, Mahmut (2018): Recurrent ketoacidosis: Groot, Ronald, Inwald, David P, Nadel, Simon, Vossbeck, Judith, Steinfeld, Robert, Baum- Is it a ketone metabolism disorder?. Journal of Paulus, Stéphane, Pinnock, Eleanor, Secka, gartner, Matthias R, Beblo, Skadi, Dieck- Dr. Behcet Uz Children’s Hospital 8 (2-2018), Fatou, Anderson, Suzanne T, Agbeko, Rachel mann, Andrea, Näke, Andrea, Lindner, Martin, 115-121 S, Berger, Christoph, Fink, Colin G, Carrol, Heringer, Jana, Hoffmann, Georg F, Mühl- Cassatella, Daniele, Howard, Sasha R, Enitan D, Zenz, Werner, Levin, Michael, van hausen, Chris, Maier, Esther M, Ensenauer, Acierno, James S, Xu, Cheng, Papadakis, der Flier, Michiel, Martinón-Torres, Federico, Regina, Garbade, Sven F, Kölker, Stefan Georgios E, Santoni, Federico A, Dwyer, An- Hazelzet, Jan A, Emonts, Marieke (2018): (2018): Newborn screening: A disease-changing drew A, Santini, Sara, Sykiotis, Gerasimos P, Mortality and morbidity in community-acquired intervention for glutaric aciduria type 1. Annals Chambion, Caroline, Meylan, Jenny, Marino, sepsis in European pediatric intensive care units: of Neurology 83 (5), 970-979 Laura, Favre, Lucie, Li, Jiankang, Liu, Xuan- a prospective cohort study from the European Braun, Dominique L, Marzel, Alex, Steffens, zhu, Zhang, Jianguo, Bouloux, Pierre-Marc, Childhood Life-threatening Infectious Disease Daniela, Schreiber, Peter W, Grube, Christina, Geyter, Christian De, Paepe, Anne De, Dhillo, Study (EUCLIDS). Critical Care 22 (1), 143 Scherrer, Alexandra U, Kouyos, Roger D, Gün- Waljit S, Ferrara, Jean-Marc, Hauschild, Mi- Böhme, Tanja, Medinger, Michael, Suen- thard, Huldrych F, Swiss HIV Cohort Study chael, Lang-Muritano, Mariarosaria, Lemke, derhauf, Claudia, Speer, Oliver, Schmugge, (2018): High rates of subsequent asymptomatic Johannes R, Flück, Christa, Nemeth, Attila, Markus, Passweg, Jakob, Bachofner, Adrian STIs and risky sexual behavior in patients Phan-Hug, Franziska, Pignatelli, Duarte, (2018): Severe anemia after trans-catheter ar- initially presenting with primary HIV-1 infection. Popovic, Vera, Pekic, Sandra, et al, Konrad, terial chemoembolization-an unusual presenta- Clinical Infectious Diseases 66 (5), 735-742 Daniel, et al (2018): Congenital hypogonado- tion of hemoglobin Zurich. Annals of Hematol- tropic hypogonadism and constitutional delay of Bredell, Marius, Rordorf, Tamara, Kroiss, ogy 97 (11), 2249-2251 growth and puberty have distinct genetic archi- Sabine, Rücker, Martin, Zweifel, Daniel Fritz, tectures. European Journal of Endocrinology Bollache, Emilie, Barker, Alex J, Dolan, Ryan Rostetter, Claudio (2018): Denosumab as a 178 (4), 377-388 Scott, Carr, James C, van Ooij, Pim, Ahma- Treatment Alternative for Central Giant Cell dian, Rouzbeh, Powell, Alex, Collins, Jeremy Granuloma: A Long-Term Retrospective Cohort Cavigelli-Brunner, Anna, Hug, Maja I, Dave, D, Geiger, Julia, Markl, Michael (2018): k-t Study. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Sur- Mital Hitendu, Baenziger, Oskar, Buerki, accelerated aortic 4D flow MRI in under two gery 76 (4), 775-784 Christoph, Bettex, Dominique, Cannizzaro, minutes: Feasibility and impact of resolution, Vincenzo, Balmer, Christian (2018): Preven- Bronsky, J, Campoy, C, Braegger, C (2018): k-space sampling patterns, and respiratory tion of Low Cardiac Output Syndrome After ESPGHAN/ESPEN/ESPR/CSPEN guidelines on navigator gating on hemodynamic measure- Pediatric Cardiac Surgery: A Double-Blind pediatric parenteral nutrition: Vitamins. Clinical ments. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 79 Randomized Clinical Pilot Study Comparing Nutrition 37 (6 Pt B), 2366-2378 (1), 195-207 Dobutamine and Milrinone. Pediatric Critical Bucher, Hans Ulrich, Klein, Sabine D, Care Medicine 19 (7), 619-625 Boltshauser, Eugen (2018): Brain Arte- Hendriks, Manya J, Baumann-Hölzle, Ruth, riovenous Malformations and Arteriovenous Cavigelli-Brunner, Anna, Quandt, Daniel, Berger, Thomas M, Streuli, Jürg C, Fauchère, Fistulas. Neuropediatrics 49 (3), 227-228 Marcora, Simona, Valsangiacomo Büchel, Jean-Claude (2018): Decision-making at the Emanuela R (2018): Multimodality imaging Boltshauser, Eugen (2018): Pediatric Spinal limit of viability: differing perceptions and opin- in rare congenital heart disease: unilaterally Deformities. Neuropediatrics 49 (2), 160 ions between neonatal physicians and nurses. absent proximal pulmonary artery in a newborn. BMC Pediatrics 18, 81 Boltshauser, Eugen (2018): Rhoton’s Atlas European Heart Journal 39 (12), 1039-1040 of Head, Neck, and Brain. Neuropediatrics 49 Burg, Dominic, Schofield, James P R, Christmann, Martin, Wipf, Alexandra, Dave, (4), 298 Brandsma, Joost, et al, Singer, Florian, U- Mital Hitendu, Quandt, Daniel, Niesse, Oliver, BIOPRED Study Group (2018): Large-Scale Boltshauser, Eugen, Toelle, Sandra, Scheer, Deisenberg, Markus, Hersberger, Martin, Label-Free Quantitative Mapping of the Sputum Ianina, Hackenberg, Annette (2018): Torcular Kretschmar, Oliver, Knirsch, Walter (2018): Proteome. Journal of Proteome Research 17 Pseudomass. Neuropediatrics 49 (03), 225-226 Risk factor analysis for a complicated postop- (6), 2072-2091 erative course after neonatal arterial switch Bouilly, Justine, Messina, Andrea, Papadakis, Burkhardt, Barbara Eu, Byrne, Nicholas, operation: The role of troponin T. Congenital Georgios, Cassatella, Daniele, Xu, Cheng, Velasco Forte, Marí Nieves, Iannaccone, Heart Disease 13 (4), 594-601 Acierno, James S, Tata, Brooke, Sykiotis, Ger- Francesco, De Beule, Matthieu, Morgan, asimos, Santini, Sara, Sidis, Yisrael, Elowe- Corbacioglu, S, Carreras, E, Ansari, M, Gareth J, Hussain, Tarique (2018): Evaluation Gruau, Eglantine, Phan-Hug, Franziska, Balduzzi, A, Cesaro, S, Dalle, J-H, Dignan, of a modified Cheatham-Platinum stent for the Hauschild, Michael, Bouloux, Pierre-Marc, F, Gibson, B, Güngör, Tayfun, Gruhn, B, treatment of aortic coarctation by finite element Quinton, Richard, Lang-Muritano, Mariaro- Lankester, A, Locatelli, F, Pagliuca, A, Peters, modelling. JRSM Cardiovascular Disease 7, saria, Favre, Lucie, Marino, Laura, Giaco- C, Richardson, P G, Schulz, A S, Sedlacek, P, 2048004018773958 bini, Paolo, Dwyer, Andrew A, Niederländer, Stein, J, Sykora, K-W, Toporski, J, Trigoso, Nicolas J, Pitteloud, Nelly (2018): DCC/NTN1 Callaghan, Fraser Maurice, Grieve, Stuart E, Vetteranta, K, Wachowiak, J, Wallhult, E, complex mutations in patients with congenital Michael (2018): Normal patterns of tho- Wynn, R, Yaniv, I, Yesilipek, A, Mohty, M, Bader, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism impair GnRH racic aortic wall shear stress measured using P (2018): Diagnosis and severity criteria for neuron development. Human Molecular Ge- 4D-flow MRI in a large population. American sinusoidal obstruction syndrome/veno-occlusive netics 27 (2), 359-372 Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory disease in pediatric patients: a new classifica- Physiology 315 (5), H1174-H1181 tion from the European society for blood and 3
PUBLIKATIONSLISTE 2019 marrow transplantation. Bone Marrow Trans- al phenotypes determined by fluctuation-based Dworzak, Michael N, Buldini, Barbara, Gaipa, plantation 53 (2), 138-145 clustering of lung function measurements in Giuseppe, Ratei, Richard, Hrušák, Ondřej, healthy and asthmatic cohort participants. Tho- Luria, Drorit, Rosenthal, Eti, Bourquin, Cortina, Gerard, Best, Derek, Deisenberg, rax 73 (2), 107-115 Jean-Pierre, Sartor, Mary, Schumich, Angela, Markus, Chiletti, Roberto, Butt, Warwick Karawajew, Leonid, Mejstříková, Ester, Maglia, (2018): Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation Desgrandchamps, Daniel, Berger, Christoph Oscar, Mann, Georg, Ludwig, Wolf-Dieter, for neonatal collapse caused by enterovirus (2018): Vaccinations recommandées en 2018. Biondi, Andrea, Schrappe, Martin, Basso, myocarditis. Archives of Disease in Childhood. La gazette Médicale 10, 24-27 Giuseppe, International-BFM-FLOW-network, Fetal and Neonatal Edition 103 (4), F370-F376 Di Salvo, Giovanni, Miller, Owen, Babu et al (2018): AIEOP-BFM consensus guidelines Cosandier-Rimélé, D, Ramantani, G, Zentner, Narayan, Sonya, Li, Wei, Budts, Werner, 2016 for flow cytometric immunophenotyping of J, Schulze-Bonhage, A, Dümpelmann, M Valsangiacomo Büchel, Emanuela R, Frigiola, Pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Cytom- (2017): A realistic multimodal modeling ap- Alessandra, van den Bosch, Annemien E, etry. Part B 94 (1), 82-93 proach for the evaluation of distributed source Bonello, Beatrice, Mertens, Luc, Hussain, Ta- Ellenbogen, Jonathan R, Tuura, Ruth analysis: application to sLORETA. Journal of rique, Parish, Victoria, Habib, Gilbert, Edvard- O’Gorman, Ashkan, Keyoumars (2018): Neural Engineering 14 (5), 056008 sen, Thor, Geva, Tal, Baumgartner, Helmut, Localisation of DBS Electrodes Post-Implanta- Gatzoulis, Michael A (2018): Imaging the adult Crowther, L M, Poms, M, Plecko, Barbara tion, to CT or MRI? Which Is the Best Option?. with congenital heart disease: a multimodal- (2018): Multiomics tools for the diagnosis and Stereotactic and functional neurosurgery 96, ity imaging approach-position paper from the treatment of rare neurological disease. Journal 347-348 EACVI. European Heart Journal. Cardiovascu- of Inherited Metabolic Disease 41 (3), 425-434 lar Imaging 19 (10), 1077-1098 Emma, Rosalia, Bansal, Aruna T, Kolmert, Cusini, A, Béguelin, C, Stampf, S, Boggian, K, Johan, et al, Singer, Florian (2018): Enhanced Dierig, Alexa, Berger, Christoph, Agyeman, Garzoni, C, Koller, M, Manuel, O, Meylan, P, oxidative stress in smoking and ex-smoking Philipp K A, Bernhard-Stirnemann, Sara, Mueller, N J, Hirsch, H H, Weisser, M, Berger, severe asthma in the U-BIOPRED cohort. PLoS Giannoni, Eric, Stocker, Martin, Posfay-Barbe, C, van Delden, C, Swiss Transplant Cohort ONE 13 (9), e0203874 Klara M, Niederer-Loher, Anita, Kahlert, Study (2018): Clostridium difficile infection Christian R, Donas, Alex, Hasters, Paul, Relly, Farebrother, Jessica, Zimmermann, Michael is associated with graft loss in solid organ Christa, Riedel, Thomas, Aebi, Christoph, B, Abdallah, Fatma, Assey, Vincent, Fingerhut, transplant recipients. American Journal of Schlapbach, Luregn J, Heininger, Ulrich, Ralph, Gichohi-Wainaina, Wanjiku N, Hussein, Transplantation 18 (7), 1745-1754 Swiss Pediatric Sepsis Study (2018): Time- Izzeldin, Makokha, Anselimo, Sagno, Kalil, Cytlak, Urszula, Resteu, Anastasia, Bogaert, to-Positivity of Blood Cultures in Children With Untoro, Juliawati, Watts, Michael, Andersson, Delfien, Kuehn, Hye Sun, Altmann, Thom- Sepsis. Frontiers in Pediatrics 6, 222 Maria (2018): Effect of Excess Iodine Intake as, Gennery, Andrew, Jackson, Graham, from Iodized Salt and/or Groundwater Iodine on Diez-Fernandez, Carmen, Rüfenacht, Kumánovics, Attila, Voelkerding, Karl V, Thyroid Function in Nonpregnant and Pregnant Véronique, Gemperle, Corinne, Fingerhut, Prader, Seraina, Dullaers, Melissa, Reichen- Women, Infants, and Children: A Multicenter Ralph, Häberle, Johannes (2018): Mutations bach, Janine, Hill, Harry, Haerynck, Filomeen, Study in East Africa. Thyroid 28 (9), 1198-1210 and common variants in the human arginase 1 Rosenzweig, Sergio D, Collin, Matthew, Bigley, (ARG1) gene: Impact on patients, diagnostics, Fernández-Lainez, Cynthia, Ibarra-González, Venetia (2018): Ikaros family zinc finger 1 regu- and protein structure considerations. Human Isabel, Alcántara-Ortigoza, Miguel Ángel, lates dendritic cell development and function in Mutation 39 (8), 1029-1050 Fernández-Hernández, Liliana, Enríquez- humans. Nature Communications 9 (1), 1239 Flores, Sergio, González-Del Ángel, Ariadna, Dimitrov, B, Himmelreich, N, Hipgrave, Darlow, John M, Darlay, Rebecca, Dobson, Blau, Nenad, Thöny, Beat, Guillén-López, Ederveen A L, Lüchtenborg, C, et al, Hacken- Mark G, Stewart, Aisling, Charoen, Pimphen, Sara, Belmont-Martínez, Leticia, Ruiz-García, berg, A (2018): Cutis laxa, exocrine pancreatic Southgate, Jennifer, Baker, Simon C, Xu, Matilde, Vela-Amieva, Marcela (2018): Muta- insufficiency and altered cellular metabolomics Yaobo, Hunziker, Manuela, Lambert, Heather tional spectrum of PTS gene and in silico patho- as additional symptoms in a new patient with J, Green, Andrew J, Santibanez-Koref, Mauro, logical assessment of a novel variant in Mexico. ATP6AP1-CDG. Molecular Genetics and Me- Sayer, John A, Goodship, Timothy H J, Puri, Brain & Development 40 (7), 530-536 tabolism 123 (3), 364-374 Prem, Woolf, Adrian S, Kenda, Rajko B, Festa, Beatrice Paola, Chen, Zhiyong, Ber- Barton, David E, Cordell, Heather J (2018): Dold, Susanne, Zimmermann, Michael B, quez, Marine, Debaix, Huguette, Tokonami, Publisher Correction: Genome-wide linkage Jukic, Tomislav, Kusic, Zvonko, Jia, Qingzhen, Natsuko, Prange, Jenny Ann, Hoek, Glenn van and association study implicates the 10q26 Sang, Zhongna, Quirino, Antonio, San Luis, de, Cremonesi, Alessio, Raimondi, Andrea, region as a major genetic contributor to primary Teofilo O L, Fingerhut, Ralph, Kupka, Roland, Nevo, Nathalie, Giles, Rachel H, Devuyst, nonsyndromic vesicoureteric reflux. Scientific Timmer, Arnold, Garrett, Greg S, Andersson, Olivier, Luciani, Alessandro (2018): Impaired Reports 8 (1), 459 Maria (2018): Universal Salt Iodization Provides autophagy bridges lysosomal storage disease Sufficient Dietary Iodine to Achieve Adequate De Young, Alexandra C, Landolt, Markus A and epithelial dysfunction in the kidney. Nature Iodine Nutrition during the First 1000 Days: A (2018): PTSD in Children Below the Age of 6 Communications 9 (1), 161 Cross-Sectional Multicenter Study. Journal of Years. 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PUBLIKATIONSLISTE 2019 Lange, Lars, Bilò, Maria Beatrice, Papado- Haas, Nikolaus A, Carere, Ronald Giacomo, provision of specialist psychosocial support poulos, Nikolaos G, Hourihane, Jonathan O Kretschmar, Oliver, Horlick, Eric, Rodés- for people with visible differences: A European B, Lang, Roland, Fernández-Rivas, Montser- Cabau, Josep, De Wolf, Daniel, Gewillig, Marc, survey. Body Image 25, 35-39 rat, Christoff, George, Cichocka-Jarosz, Ewa, Mullen, Michael, Lehner, Anja, Deutsch, Cor- Hartman, Corina, Shamir, Raanan, Sim- Worm, Margitta (2018): Epinephrine in Severe nelia, Bramlage, Peter, Ewert, Peter (2018): chowitz, Venetia, Lohner, Szimonetta, Cai, Allergic Reactions: The European Anaphylaxis Early outcomes of percutaneous pulmonary Wei, Decsi, Tamas, ESPGHAN/ESPEN/ESPR/ Register. 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Clinical Cancer Research Marie, Braegger, Christian P, Swiss IBD Co- Adams, Nancy, Landolt, Markus A, Jobson, 25 (1), 222-239 hort Study Group (2018): Age at disease onset Laura, Van Der Westhuizen, Claire, Curtis, Jochum, F, Moltu, S J, Senterre, T, Nomayo, of inflammatory bowel disease is associated Sarah, Kharbanda, Anupam B, Lyttle, Mark A, Goulet, O, Iacobelli, S, ESPGHAN/ESPEN/ with later extraintestinal manifestations and D, Parri, Niccolò, Stanley, Rachel, Alisic, Eva ESPR/CSPEN working group, Braegger, C, complications. European Journal of Gastroen- (2018): Knowledge and training in paediatric et al (2018): ESPGHAN/ESPEN/ESPR/CSPEN terology & Hepatology 30 (6), 598-607 medical traumatic stress and trauma-informed guidelines on pediatric parenteral nutrition: care among emergency medical professionals Heye, Kristina Nadine, Knirsch, Walter, Latal, Fluid and electrolytes. Clinical Nutrition 37 in low- and middle-income countries. 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