Page created by Edith Moran
FALL-WINTER 2022-2023

                        DRIVING into
                        THE FUTURE
FALL-WINTER 2022-2023
                                                      44   HUMBLE                                  46
Hilda M. Pinnix-Ragland ’77
Harold L. Martin Sr. ’74, ’76 MS
                                                                                      57           ON THE COVER
Erin Hill Hart                                                                        KEEPING IT
Todd H. Simmons
Sandra M. Brown
                                                                                                      FALL-WINTER 2022-2023

Donna M. Wojek-Gibbs, Graphic Design
Village Printing, Printing Services
Alana V. Allen ’07 (Alumni Relations)
Lydian Bernhardt (Agriculture and
Environmental Sciences)
Jamie Crockett (University Relations)
Tonya D. Dixon ’04, ’21 (University Relations)
Brian M. Holloway ’97 (Athletics)
Jordan M. Howse (Engineering)
Kathryn Kehoe (Library)                                                                                                       DRIVING into
Jacob Pritchett (Athletics)                                                                                                   THE FUTURE
Jackie Torok (University Relations)
Alexander Saunders
Todd H. Simmons (University Relations)
Will Toman (Athletics)                                                                             One of N.C. A&T’s Aggie Auto (autonomous)
PHOTOGRAPHER                                                                                       shuttles on the test track at Gateway
Chris English/Tigermoth Creative                                                                   Research Park, North Campus
Kevin L. Dorsey (Athletics)
Erin Mizzelle (Athletics)
James F. Parker (CAES)
iStock                                                                                             DEPARTMENTS
is published biannually by the Office of                                                            2                CAMPUS HIGHLIGHTS
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Office of University Relations
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North Carolina Agricultural and Technical

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CAmpus highlights
                                                                                                                              N.C. A&T HAS ANOTHER RECORD YEAR
                                                                                                                              IN RESEARCH FUNDING
                                                                                                                              By Jamie Crockett, Science Writer,
                                                                                                                              and Jackie Torok, Director of Media Relations
                                                                                                                                                                              $97.3 million in awards
                                                                                                                              Sponsored research activities at North          u   A $1.05 million N.C. Department       		   a reproducible, 3D membrane-

                                                                                                                              Carolina A&T expanded significantly          		     of Environmental Quality grant        		   free neuro-gliovascular-immune
                                                                                                                              in fiscal year 2022, supported by a          		     to principal investigator             		   system. If successful, this project

 FUTURE’ INVESTS $35M IN N.C. A&T                                                                                             second consecutive record year in
                                                                                                                              contracts and grants to A&T faculty

                                                                                                                                                                                  Raymond Tesiero, Ph.D., in support
                                                                                                                                                                                  of two research projects that will

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             will “reduce animal use, fill the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             scientific gap between in vitro
                                                                                                                              with researchers earning $97.3 million       		     provide cost-effective solutions to   		   and vivo models and accelerate
                                                                                                                              in awards. That marked an increase of        		     low-income housing challenges by      		   drug screening and discovery.” For
North Carolina Agricultural and          R1-Very High Research Activity in        In February of this year, A&T opened        $19.2 million over the previous fiscal       		     helping homeowners save energy        		   more on Yun, see page 44.
Technical State University will add      the Carnegie Classifications for         the Harold L. Martin Sr. Engineering        year and a nearly 62% in total research      		     and reduce household expenses.
new leading faculty, enroll more top     higher education. This new funding       and Research Complex, a new                 funding over the past two years.             		     This and other research and             u A $320,565 grant from the
engineering students and create          recognizes that momentum, and            $90-million facility that boasts cutting-                                                		     apprenticeship projects in clean      		 National Science Foundation
world-class research facilities with     frankly, it could not have come at a     edge technology, including humanoid         Faculty across the university are            		     energy were piloted alongside         		 (NSF) for collaborative research on
$35 million in new capital and           better time.”                            robotics, a holographic design studio,      increasingly prominent as principal          		     colleagues Balakrishna Gokaraju,      		 speech science to improve
operational state funding from the                                                a state-of-the-art cycloramic driving       or co-principal investigators on             		     Ph.D., and Greg Monty, Ph.D.,         		 automatic speech recognition
Engineering North Carolina’s Future      ENCF funds will address a range of       simulator and advanced support for          significant federally funded projects        		     whose work resulted in a major        		 systems that are becoming
(ENCF) program.                          priorities:                              A&T’s range of self-driving vehicles and    of interest to North Carolinians and         		     award from the U.S. Department of     		 ubiquitous in modern life. Joseph
                                                                                  autonomous drones.                          the world of science more broadly.           		     Commerce last week.                   		 D. Stephens, Ph.D., is the principal
ENCF is a special initiative of the        •   Recruitment and retention of top                                                                                                                                         		 investigator for the project, which
                                                                                                                                                                             u A $600,000 USDA National
N.C. General Assembly aimed at           		    undergraduate and graduate         The ENCF allocations will enable            A&T faculty also were awarded eight                                                       		 has received funding through the
                                         		    students, which will enjoy $2.5                                                                                             		 Institute of Food and Agriculture
dramatically beefing up the high-tech                                             A&T to build on the considerable            U.S. patents in FY22—the most ever in                                                     		 NSF Build and Broaden
                                         		    million in new support                                                                                                      		 grant to lead investigator Salam
workforce for a state exploding in new                                            momentum created by strong student          a single fiscal over the university’s 132-                                                		 Program. “We will help the
                                                                                                                                                                           		 Ibrahim, Ph.D., will help establish
business growth, with companies such                                              and corporate interest in the Martin        year history.                                                                             		 science to become more inclusive
                                           •   Creation of four new advanced                                                                                               		 an airborne virus transmission
as Apple, Toyota, Merck, Honda and                                                Complex. The College of Engineering,                                                                                                  		 by investigating how human
                                         		    engineering laboratories—The                                                                                                		 laboratory model to create and
Boom Supersonic either announcing                                                 which ranks among the nation’s top          Among the many projects to win                                                            		 listeners understand variable
                                         		    Convergence Engineering                                                                                                     		 disseminate best practices to keep
new campuses or operations in North                                               150 doctoral degree-granting programs       funding are efforts to keep food service                                                  		 speech, and will help diversify the
                                         		    Applications Lab, the                                                                                                       		 employees safe and address gaps
Carolina over the past year.                                                      in engineering, enrolled more than          workers safe from airborne viruses,                                                       		 field by increasing the capacity
                                         		    Interdisciplinary Core Research                                                                                             		 in evidence-based decision-
                                                                                  2,300 students this academic year.          increase flood-mapping capabilities,                                                      		 and involvement of students from
                                         		    Lab, the Metaverse Engineering                                                                                              		 making that the COVID-19
Already the nation’s No. 1 university                                             It is responsible for nearly half of the    reduce household energy expenses,                                                         		 groups that are underrepresented
                                         		    Lab and a glass technology                                                                                                  		 pandemic revealed in the food-
in graduation of Black engineers,                                                 university’s graduates each year in         expand Alzheimer’s disease research                                                       		 in speech science,” said Stephens.
                                         		    research lab                                                                                                                		 processing industry.
North Carolina A&T and its College                                                “critical workforce” disciplines.           frontiers and improve automatic
of Engineering are prepared to do          • Expansion of facilities in                                                       speech recognition systems.                    u A $473,615 National Oceanic and          “Our faculty are deepening their
much more with the new allocations       		 engineering and the Joint             Those graduates enjoy exceptional                                                        		 Atmospheric Administration                leadership and reputations across
from ENCF.                               		 School of Nanoscience and		           opportunities in the workplace.             “It’s important to underscore that           		 grant to Leila Hashemi Beni,              numerous areas of scientific interest,
                                         		 Nanoengineering, supporting the       A&T ranks second among the UNC              this funding, awarded competitively,         		 Ph.D., will support her team’s work       both on their own and in collaboration
“The substantial and welcome             		 latter’s ascent among the nation’s    System’s 16 university campuses in          is earned through the creativity and         		 to address gaps in flood extent           with peers across campus and around
investments for our university will      		 top nanoscience programs in           early career earnings for its alumni—a      focus of our talented faculty,” said         		 mapping capabilities by using             the country,” said Vice Chancellor for
expand our capabilities to prepare       		America                                position fueled by engineering and          North Carolina A&T Chancellor Harold         		 drones to gather data that is             Research and Economic Development
talented and highly competitive                                                   computer science graduates, whose           L. Martin Sr. “It enables them to            		 challenging to capture otherwise.         Eric Muth, Ph.D. “The growth for which
students in engineering, computer        A&T’s national leadership in             starting salaries typically exceed          make important, impactful advances           		 The data will assist regional and         they were responsible last year is not
science and related disciplines,”        STEM education generally, and its        $65,000.                                    in such areas as autonomous                  		 federal agencies to better manage         only great for the projects they’re
said Chancellor Harold L. Martin Sr.,    preeminence in engineering and                                                       vehicle technology, biomaterials,            		 rescue operations and assess              involved in now, but for those they will
himself a two-time graduate of A&T in    computer science, make it a high-        The College of Engineering also             nanoengineering and more.                    		 damages following a major                 pursue in the future.”
electrical engineering.                  demand partner for the high-tech         makes significant contributions to                                                       		 storm event.
                                         sector, as do its expanding degree       A&T’s annual economic impact, most          “I’m grateful for the outstanding effort                                                  Research funding is already off to a
                                                                                                                                                                              u   A $324,000 National Institutes of
“These investments also come as North    and certificate programs. The            recently valued at nearly $1.5 billion,     they collectively put forward.”                                                           brisk start in the current fiscal year, with
                                                                                                                                                                           		     Health National Institute of
Carolina A&T is executing strategy       university delivers new graduates        most of which is concentrated in the                                                                                                  a $23.7 million American Rescue Plan
                                                                                                                                                                           		     General Medical Sciences grant
across the board to enhance our          who are consistently recognized          10 counties comprising the Piedmont         The following are among the projects                                                      Good Jobs Challenge grant announced
                                                                                                                                                                           		     to lead investigator Yeoheung
standing as a research institution and   as exceptionally well prepared for       Triad region.                               that received funding in FY22:                                                            last week from the U.S. Department
                                                                                                                                                                           		     Yun, Ph.D., will expand previous
elevate our classification to            innovation, leadership and impact.                                                                                                                                             of Commerce to create an energy
                                                                                                                                                                           		     Alzheimer’s disease research by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        workforce training program.
                                                                                                                                                                           		     supporting Yun’s development of

2 n.c. a&t magazine                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ncat.edu 3
CAmpus highlights


                                                                                                                               L-R: Chancellor Harold L. Martin Sr., second-year elementary education
                                                                                                                               student and February One Scholar Jayden Seay, U.S. Secretary of
     President Joe Biden                                                                                                       Education Miguel Cardona and First Lady Jill Biden

     PRESIDENT AND FIRST LADY BIDEN                                                                                            Biden’s plan later became the massive
                                                                                                                               CHIPS and Science Act of 2022, which
                                                                                                                                                                               North Carolina Governor Cooper
                                                                                                                                                                               and U.S. Congresswoman Kathy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        sizes and safety concerns have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        discouraged potential teachers.

     KICK OFF NATIONAL TOURS AT N.C. A&T                                                                                       he signed into law in August.                   Manning (NC-06) also spoke at the
                                                                                                                                                                               event where A&T senior electrical        “So, if we want to add more bright,
                                                                                                                               Included in the law are provisions              engineering student Malkam               talented people into this field, if we
                                                                                                                               of potential interest to North                  Hawkins introduced the president.        want educators to be able to do
     Of all the many places across             university campuses – as a matter       Alumni-Foundation Event Center,
                                                                                                                               Carolina A&T students and faculty.                                                       what they do best, we have to give
     the country President Joe Biden           of fact, for four years, I was a full   the president connected the
                                                                                                                               A major investment in funding for               On Sept. 12, First Lady Jill Biden and   them the support that they – or you
     could have chosen to boost his            professor at the University of          dots between A&T’s leadership
                                                                                                                               wireless supply chain innovation, for           U.S. Secretary of Education Michael      all – deserve, we have to come to
     monumental “Building A Better             Pennsylvania. And North Carolina        in STEM education and research
                                                                                                                               instance, could have a significant              Cardona made North Carolina A&T          places like North Carolina A&T and
     America” plan, he chose North             A&T is a really impressive place        and the needs of a nation focused
                                                                                                                               effect on graduates of A&T’s Supply             their first stop for the Department of   say, ‘We need you.’”
     Carolina A&T. In an April 14 visit that   with a lot of very impressive           on increasing its global standing
                                                                                                                               Chain Management and Marketing                  Education’s Road to Success Back to
     drew media coverage from around           students,” said Biden, surrounded       in the advanced manufacturing
                                                                                                                               program, ranked no. 21 nationally               School Bus Tour for academic year        Cardona agreed saying, “Whatever
     the world, the 46th president of          by media and dignitaries following      sector. “America used to be ranked
                                                                                                                               for its bachelor’s degree and 19th              2022-23.                                 you’re doing at A&T, and whatever
     the United States enthusiastically        a tour of the Harold L. Martin          No. 1 in the world in investing in
                                                                                                                               for the Supply Chain Management                                                          you will do, you know that your
     explained his decision.                   Sr. Engineering Research and            the future. Now we’re ranked No.
                                                                                                                               concentration of its MBA program.               “Teaching isn’t what we do, it’s who     school is raising the bar. A&T is a
                                               Innovation Complex.                     9 on research and development.
                                                                                                                                                                               we are,” said Biden, who teaches         testament to something any good
     “A&T is an extraordinary university                                               Other countries are closing in fast,”
                                                                                                                               U.S. Environmental Protection                   at Northern Virginia Community           teacher knows: If you set high
     with a great tradition – an HBCU          In a policy speech later that day       Biden said. “We can and we must
                                                                                                                               Agency Administrator and A&T                    College. “Obstacles like student         expectations and you give students
     tradition. I’ve been on a lot of          before a packed ballroom in the         change that.”
                                                                                                                               alumnus Michael S. Regan ’98,                   loans, low salaries, large class         access to opportunity, they deliver.”

4 n.c. a&t magazine                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ncat.edu 5
CAmpus highlights

                                     By Jamie Crockett, Science Writer

                                     North Carolina Agricultural and Technical        IBM will provide access to the following:
                                     State University will collaborate with IBM to
                                                                                        •   Cybersecurity curricula. IBM will develop for each HBCU a customized
                                     establish a virtual Cybersecurity Leadership
                                                                                      		    IBM Security Learning Academy portal—an IBM client offering—including
                                     Center aimed at enhancing opportunities
                                                                                      		    courses designed to help the university enhance its cybersecurity
                                     for learning, application and professional
                                                                                      		    education portfolio.
                                     development for students and faculty.
                                                                                        •   Immersive learning experience. Faculty and students will have an
                                     “North Carolina A&T State University             		    opportunity to benefit from IBM Security’s Command Center, through
                                     being chosen as one of the first six HBCU        		    which they can experience a highly realistic, simulated cyberattack,
                                     (historically Black college and university)      		    designed to prepare them and train them on response techniques.
                                     Cybersecurity Leadership Centers is a great      		    Moreover, faculty will have access to consultation sessions with IBM
                                     privilege that will provide our students         		    technical personnel on cybersecurity.
                                     with access to top-notch education,
                                                                                        • Cloud access. IBM will provide faculty and students with no-cost access
                                     technology, and industry professionals
                                                                                      		 to multiple SaaS IBM Cloud environments.
                                     and will ensure the future cybersecurity
                                     workforce will be diverse, experienced
                                                                                      In a recent announcement, IBM noted the Cybersecurity Leadership
                                     and capable of protecting this country,”
                                                                                      Center is the result of a pledge the company’s leaders made last year in
                                     said Hossein Sarrafzadeh, Ph.D., director of
                                                                                      efforts to “build a more diverse U.S. cyber workforce” and “underscore IBM’s
                                     the Center of Excellence in Cybersecurity
                                                                                      focus on providing STEM job training to traditionally underrepresented
                                     Research, Education and Outreach
                                                                                      communities as part of its commitment to skill 30 million people
                                                                                      worldwide by 2030 to create equitable, inclusive economic opportunities
                                                                                      while also addressing a longstanding STEM job skills shortage impacting
                                     “IBM recognizes the untapped talent
                                                                                      the business community.”
                                     at HBCUs, and with this investment,
                                     they are building a cybersecurity
                                                                                      “We believe that the most promising job candidates for today’s demanding
                                     education infrastructure that will propel
                                                                                      careers will come from communities that may have been historically
                                     underrepresented communities to the
                                                                                      overlooked or excluded due to outdated hiring policies and old-fashioned

                                     forefront of security leadership,” Sarrafzadeh
                                                                                      credentialing,” said Justina Nixon-Saintil, vice president, IBM Corporate
                                                                                      Social Responsibility and Environmental, Social and Governance. “That’s why

CYBERSECURITY LEADERSHIP CENTER,     N.C. A&T joins this initiative with Clark
                                                                                      we’re uniting the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors to cultivate STEM

                                                                                      talent from underrepresented communities to address the world’s most
                                     Atlanta University, Morgan State University,
                                                                                      critical challenges.”
                                     South Carolina State University, Southern
                                     University System and Xavier University of
                                                                                      The university has cemented its leadership in cybersecurity research and its
                                                                                      preparation of the next generation of leaders in the field through CREO and
                                                                                      the College of Engineering, which consistently garners national recognition,
                                                                                      including recent graduate program rankings for the college and its
                                                                                      computer science program in U.S. News & World Report.
                                     “We believe that the most
                                      promising job candidates                        The Cybersecurity Leadership Center builds upon an already-existing
                                      for today’s demanding                           relationship between A&T and the company, following the university’s
                                      careers will come from                          designation as an IBM-HBCU Quantum Research Center.

                                      communities that may have
                                      been historically overlooked
                                      or excluded …”

                                   — Justina Nixon-Saintil, vice president, IBM Corporate
                                     Social Responsibility and Environmental, Social and Governance

6 n.c. a&t magazine                                                                                                                                   ncat.edu 7
CAmpus highlights
                                                                                                                                                                              SOCIAL WORK PROGRAMS
                                                                                                                                                                              EARN TOP 10 RANKING

RESEARCHERS TO EXAMINE                                                                                                                                                               ranked
                                                                                                                                                                              North Carolina A&T

                                                                                                                                                                                       has been

                                                                                                                                                                               among the Best
                                                                                                                                                                                  Social Work
                                          The Engineering Research Center for
                                          Precision Microbiome Engineering, or
                                                                                      environments—the homes, offices, cars,
                                                                                      hospitals, stores and other manmade
                                                                                                                                Joining Duke and A&T in this effort
                                                                                                                                are the University of North Carolina at
                                                                                                                                                                              Schools in North
                                          PreMiEr, aims to develop diagnostic
                                          tools and engineering approaches
                                                                                      enclosures that underpin modern
                                                                                      society. Yet very little is known about
                                                                                                                                Chapel Hill, UNC Carolina and North
                                                                                                                                Carolina State University.
                                                                                                                                                                               Carolina for 2022 by Social Work
                                                                                                                                                                              				                                Degree Center.
                                          that promote building designs               the ever-present but largely invisible

                                          for preventing the colonization of          populations of microorganisms (built      Of the more than 40 researchers, almost

                                          harmful bacteria, fungi or viruses          environment microbiomes) that grow        half are women and nearly 20% belong
                                          while encouraging beneficial                and live in these spaces.                 to historically marginalized groups in        		        N.C. A&T is the
                                                                                      “PreMiEr represents a logical
                                                                                                                                STEM, contributing to the development
                                                                                                                                of a diverse workforce capable of tackling    historically Black
                                          PreMiEr is funded by a five-year,
                                          $26 million grant from the National
                                                                                      continuation in an ongoing
                                                                                      collaboration between Duke and
                                                                                                                                these critical challenges into the future.
                                                                                                                                                                                college or
                                          Science Foundation (NSF), renewable
                                          for a second five-year, $26 million term.
                                                                                      North Carolina A&T State University
                                                                                      in microbiome research,” said Joseph
                                                                                                                                The NSF ERC program supports
                                                                                                                                convergent research that will lead to
                                                                                                                                                                                        named to the website’s Top 10 list.
                                          The Duke center is one of four new          Graves Jr., professor of biological       strong societal impact. Each ERC has
                                          Engineering Research Centers (ERCs)         sciences at N.C. A&T. “Researchers        interacting foundational components
                                          announced by the agency in August.          at A&T will be contributing much of       that go beyond the research project,
                                                                                      the foundational research that will       including engineering workforce              Students can earn
                                                                                                                                                                              a B.A. in sociology,
                                          “This center touches on the struggles       allow us to better understand the

                                                                                                                                development at all participant stages,
                                          any parent or caregiver undergoes           microbiomes of built environments.”       fostering a culture of diversity and
                                          because they want to make the best
                                          decisions about what their loved            PreMiEr will focus its efforts through
                                                                                                                                inclusion where all participants gain
                                                                                                                                mutual benefit, and creating value              a BSW, an MSW
                                          ones are exposed to,” said Claudia
                                          Gunsch, Ph.D., professor of civil and
                                                                                      an inclusive and collaborative lens
                                                                                      to ensure that any of the questions
                                                                                                                                within an innovation ecosystem that
                                                                                                                                will outlast the lifetime of the ERC.
                                                                                                                                                                             and Ph.D. in social work, the latter two
                                                                                                                                                                             		 from the Joint Programs in Social Work
                                          environmental engineering at Duke           asked or solutions pursued                The program was created in 1984 to
                                                                                                                                                                             				                with UNC Greensboro.
                                          and the director of PreMiEr.                incorporate a wide range of cultural      bring technology-based industry and
                                                                                      and societal viewpoints. This is          universities together in an effort to
                                          “We want to be able to go into              reflected in the structure of the         strengthen the competitive position          “The BSW is a four-year program that prepares students
                                          hospital rooms or other closed              research center, which includes a core    of American industry in the global           to become effective social workers in various roles that
                                          environments and devise treatment           area for investigating the societal and   marketplace.                                 ultimately champion human rights at all levels” while
                                          strategies for unwanted microbes,”          ethical implications of microbiome                                                     “the MSW program focuses on preparing students to
                                          Gunsch added. “That’s something that        engineering to innovate responsibly.      “For decades, NSF Engineering                work in a multicultural environment,” the website notes.
                                          is achievable in the short term. For                                                  Research Centers have transformed            “Graduates are ready to promote economic and social
                                          the long term, we want to develop           “We have been particularly interested     technologies and fostered innovations        justice that benefits the population of North Carolina.”
                                          the tools, procedures and knowledge         in how the novel environments             in the United States through bold
                                          base needed to identify and define          that will be produced by long-term        research, collaborative partnerships,
                                          what a healthy microbiome looks like        space travel will alter the human         and a deep commitment to inclusion
                                          and devise approaches for promoting         microbiome,” Graves said. “We have                                                     The joint MSW is ranked among
North Carolina A&T scientists will join                                                                                         and broadening participation,” said
with colleagues at Duke University to
study microbial communities within
                                          those healthy microbiomes across a
                                          wide range of built environments.”
                                                                                      already performed one of the only
                                                                                      long-term studies of the impact of
                                                                                                                                Sethuraman Panchanathan, Ph.D.,
                                                                                                                                director of NSF. “The new NSF centers
                                                                                                                                                                                       top 75 such
the built environments in which                                                       microgravity and silver (a material       will continue the legacy of impacts that             programs in the United States,
people work, live and play.               Human beings spend more than                used in water purification in space) on   improve lives across the Nation.”                  according to U.S. News & World Report’s
                                          90% of their time within built              a microorganism.”                                                                                    Graduate School rankings for 2022.

8 n.c. a&t magazine                                                                                                                                                                                                             ncat.edu 9
CAmpus highlights


By Lydian Bernhardt, Interim Director of Communications, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (CAES)

A team from North Carolina                “The overarching goal of our work        the United States was 55.3 deaths
Agricultural and Technical State          is to transform perinatal and            per 100,000 live births, which
University and the University of North    reproductive health services so that     exceeds the national maternal
Carolina at Chapel Hill has been          each mother, birthing person, and        mortality rates in more than 100
awarded a four-year, $2.3 million         health team member is seen, heard        countries worldwide.
grant from the American Heart             and valued,” Williams said. “The
Association to study ways to improve      curriculum that we create will           “For Black infants, the mortality rate
outcomes among women who are              help to establish trust and healing      is 10.6 per 1,000 live births, which
                                                                                                                                                                     Janiya Mitnaul Williams, right, works with a student in N.C. A&T’s lactation program.
more likely to experience pregnancy       from birth-related trauma and            is higher than that of more than
                                                                                                                                                                     Lactation students will help implement a curriculum that Williams and her partners
complications because of poor             professional moral injury, and share     80 countries. These disparities are                                               developed with the support of an American Heart Association grant.
heart health.                             it with a national audience.             rooted in structural racism, and
                                                                                   they require holistic solutions that
Building Equitable Linkages with          “Through this training, birthing         address the cultural norms and
Interprofessional Education Valuing       people, community members and            practices that define the distribution
                                                                                                                            BELIEVE has three main components:
Everyone (BELIEVE) will be led by         health team members will be able to      of health care.”
Janiya Mitnaul Williams, director of      engage in holistic, person-centered,
the Human Lactation Program at N.C.       collaborative care that can reverse      BELIEVE is one of five nationwide        1). First, the team will partner         Harper, an expert in technical               3). Finally, the team will implement
A&T; Kimberly D. Harper, perinatal        the structural racism and mistrust       projects funded by the American              with community-based                 writing, bias and visual rhetoric,               the BELIEVE curriculum and
neonatal outreach coordinator             that drives disparities in maternal      Heart Association as part of its             organizations and national           which includes the ways                          quantify its impact though
at the UNC School of Medicine;            and infant outcomes.”                    Health Equity Research Network on            leaders in Black maternal health     images are used to include or                    assessments, simulated
Alison Stuebe, M.D., M.Sc., a professor                                            Disparities in Maternal-Infant Health        to identify gaps in current          exclude others, will take the lead               interactions among birthing
of obstetrics and gynecology at           Pre-eclampsia, or high blood             Outcomes, a $20 million program              care and discover the structural     in writing BELIEVE’s curriculum                  people and health teams, and
the UNC School of Medicine;               pressure during pregnancy and            with the goal of improving heart             changes that are needed to           and best practices to help                       interviews.
and Kimberly C. Harper, Ph.D., an         in the postpartum period, is the         health, particularly among women             support sustained change and         address implicit biases that
associate professor in A&T’s English      No. 1 killer of Black women during       of color.                                    improve maternal outcomes.           providers may have. The students             “To work on dismantling systemic
department whose research interests       pregnancy or postpartum. Systemic                                                                                          in A&T’s Lactation Certificate               racism in the health care system
include Black maternal health and         racism is one of the contributors to     A&T will also take the lead              2). Second, the team will develop        Program, in the Department of                requires this kind of holistic
reproductive justice.                     high blood pressure, Williams said.      in engaging a diverse population             and test the BELIEVE curriculum      Family and Consumer Sciences,                approach,” Williams said. “We expect
                                                                                   of participants from among                   both virtually and in-person. Pre-   will take part in the curriculum             that this curriculum will help to
The project’s goal is to assess gaps in   “In 2020, a Black birthing woman in      historically Black colleges and              licensure interdisciplinary teams    and help develop its next phases.            establish the trust and healing that
current practice, create a curriculum     the United States was 2.9 times as       universities (HBCUs) to work with the        will include students enrolled in                                                 lead to better outcomes.”
to address them, and implement            likely to die as a non-Hispanic white    project. Other collaborators include         programs such as medicine,           Teams from four hospitals in
the curriculum across a network of        woman,” Williams said. “The maternal     the University of Pennsylvania,              nursing, lactation, doula, social    central North Carolina, including
hospital and community providers.         mortality rate for Black women in        Northwestern University, The Ohio            work, and nutrition.                 Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital,
                                                                                   State University and the University of                                            Duke University Hospital and UNC
                                                                                   Alabama at Birmingham.                                                            Hospitals, will participate in
                                                                                                                                                                     piloting and development.

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                                                                                                                   Seventy years after Chief Justice Henry Frye and Shirley          for Action Greensboro, served on the Greensboro City
                                                                                                                   Frye met as undergraduates at North Carolina A&T, the             Schools Board of Education and in leadership positions at
                                                                                                                   legendary couple donated their personal archives to the           United Way of Greater Greensboro, N.C. A&T Real Estate
                                                                                                                   university’s F.D. Bluford Library.                                Foundation Board, High Point University Board of Trustees
                                                                                                                                                                                     and others.
                                                                                                                   The acquisition of this collection, which was announced
                                                                                                                   following the university’s Student Honors Convocation in          “Shirley Frye is the most requested woman in the archives,”
                                                                                                                   April, represents more than five decades of materials that        said James Stewart, archives and special collections
                                                                                                                   document the Fryes’ historic legacy in civil rights, social       librarian at A&T. “Her leadership and civic engagement are
                                                                                                                   justice and civic engagement.                                     of the highest order and her dedication to public service is
                                                                                                                                                                                     matched by that of her husband, Justice Henry Frye.”
                                                                                                                   The materials will establish the Justice Henry E. and
                                                                                                                   Shirley T. Frye Archival Collection, which will be preserved,     Henry Frye joined the Air Force upon graduating with
                                                                                                                   protected and made accessible to the university, the public       highest honors from A&T. When he returned home, he
                                                                                                                   and the world for study, research and discussion.                 married Shirley Taylor on Aug. 25, 1956—the same day he
                                                                                                                                                                                     was denied the right to vote. This act of discrimination
                                                                                                                   The Fryes both graduated from N.C. A&T in 1953 and went           fueled his desire to build an equitable America, and in 1959
                                                                                                                   on to become local, state and national trailblazers, each in      he became the first African American student to complete
                                                                                                                   their own right.                                                  all three years of study and graduate from the University of
                                                                                                                                                                                     North Carolina School of Law.
                                                                                                                   Shirley Frye, who received the 2022 Triad Business
                                                                                                                   Journal’s Outstanding Women in Business Special                   His continued hard work and dedication led to a series
                                                                                                                   Achievement Award in May, has earned many accolades               of additional firsts: the first African American assistant U.S.
                                                                                                                   in her lifetime, including The (Greensboro, North Carolina)       district attorney (1963); first Black man in the 20th century
                                                                                                                   News & Record Woman of the Year Award for 2017 and                to be elected to the N.C. General Assembly (1968); first
                                                                                                                   the Order of the Long Leaf Pine, one of North Carolina’s          African American appointed to the N.C. Supreme Court
                                                                                                                   highest civilian honors.                                          (1983); and first African American chief justice of the N.C.
                                                                                                                                                                                     Supreme Court (1999).
                                                                                                                   After earning her B.S. in education and English with high
                                                                                                                   honors, Shirley Frye taught at Washington Elementary
                                                                                                                   School then earned a master’s degree in special education         The collection represents more than five decades
                                                                                                                   and psychology to become a special education teacher
                                                                                                                                                                                     of materials that document the Fryes’ legacy in
                                                                                                                   serving the Greensboro community. Later, she returned
                                                                                                                   to A&T as assistant vice chancellor for development and           civil rights, social justice and civic engagement.
                                                                                                                   university relations and as special assistant to the chancellor
                                                                                                                   before her career led her to serve as special assistant to the
                                                                                                                   president and director of planned giving at neighboring           While making a career out of making North Carolina history,
                                                                                                                   Bennett College. She also worked for the North Carolina           Henry Frye also remained dedicated to serving Greensboro
                                                                                                                   Department of Public Instruction and retired as vice              through endeavors such as establishing Greensboro
                                                                                                                   president of community relations at WFMY News 2, where            National Bank to combat lending discrimination against
                                                                                                                   she won an Emmy.                                                  Black business owners in the city. He is also moved by
                                                                                                                                                                                     poetry, having memorized Edgar Albert Guest’s “It Couldn’t
                                                                                                                   Throughout her career, Shirley Frye has also been a               Be Done” and writing a poem for his wife on the occasion of
                                                                                                                   devoted community volunteer. She led the integration              their 65th wedding anniversary that was published in The
                        JUSTICE HENRY E. AND SHIRLEY T. FRYE                                                       of Greensboro’s two segregated YWCAs in the 1970s,                News & Record.
                          ARCHIVAL COLLECTION ESTABLISHED                                                          serving as the new organization’s first president and
                                                                                                                   with her work used as a model for YWCAs across the                “I am proud that my alma mater, which gave me my
                       By Kathryn Kehoe, Communications Librarian, and Jackie Torok, Director of Media Relations   country. The city’s newest YWCA building is named in her          foundation to do all I was able to do, is receiving this
                                                                                                                   honor. Additionally, she chaired the steering committee           collection,” he said.

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                                                                                                                                                                          N.C. A&T CONTINUES
                                                                                                                                                                          ITS ASCENT IN U.S.
                                                                                                                                                                          NEWS & WORLD REPORT
PARTNERSHIP FORMED WITH CHEMOURS                                                                                             Renzun Zhao, Ph.D., an assistant professor
                                                                                                                                                                          GRADUATE RANKINGS

TO ENHANCE RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES                                                                                            of environmental engineering in the
                                                                                                                             College of Engineering, research goals are
                                                                                                                                                                          North Carolina A&T continued its ascent in the U.S. News &
                                                                                                                             to “promote environmental sustainability,
                                                                                                                                                                          World Report graduate program rankings, showing up with
By Jamie Crockett, Science Writer                                                                                            by understanding the complex water-
                                                                                                                                                                          national rankings in four key academic areas.
                                                                                                                             energy interrelationship and mitigating
                                                                                                                             the environmental impacts by industrial
Over the next three years, North                                                                                                                                          Graduate programs in the Willie A. Deese College of Business
                                                                                                                             activities, with emphasis on water/
Carolina A&T and The Chemours                                                                                                                                             and Economics led the pack, with its highest ranking yet
                                                                                                                             wastewater and solid/hazardous waste.”
Company will partner to enhance                                                                                                                                           at No. 94 nationally. The Deese College broke into the top
research, educational and coaching                                                                                                                                        100 last year, and continues to be the highest-ranked public
                                                                                                                             Additionally, Zhao was a mentor for civil
opportunities for faculty and graduate                                                                                                                                    HBCU graduate business program in the nation.
                                                                                                                             engineering undergraduate student
students in areas related to chemistry
                                                                                                                             Myles Greer for his project selected for
and chemical engineering.                                                                                                                                                 N.C. A&T’s College of Engineering, the nation’s top college in
                                                                                                                             Virginia Tech’s 2021 Nanotechnology
                                                                                                                                                                          graduation of African American engineers, earned two major
                                                                                                                             Entrepreneurship Challenge project,
The company will provide funding          academic programming consistent           forward to deepening our partnership                                                  rankings: No. 146 among all doctoral-granting engineering
                                                                                                                             which focused on repurposing coal fly
for faculty-led research proposals        with our land-grant mission.”             with N.C. A&T and engaging with their                                                 schools, and No. 175 in computer science. Only three other
                                                                                                                             ash on a nanoscale.
that are of mutual interest and are                                                 faculty and students.”                                                                North Carolina graduate engineering programs rank higher.
collaboratively selected following        This partnership builds upon                                                                                                    A&T is ranked No. 175 in computer science, with only four in-
                                                                                                                             Zhao recently received an Environmental
the university’s annual request for       Chemours’ previous scholarship            A&T is uniquely positioned to                                                         state programs ahead.
                                                                                                                             Enhancement Grant from N.C. Attorney
proposals. The funding also will          support of A&T students and               contribute to this partnership and the
                                                                                                                             General Josh Stein to lead a project
support at least one graduate student     the company’s 2030 Corporate              goal of driving new science in water                                                  Finally, A&T is among the nation’s top 300 biology programs,
                                                                                                                             which will partly focus on characterizing,
for each project, and the research        Responsibility Commitment goals           treatment as it is home to leading                                                    with a ranking of 275. The College of Science and Technology
                                                                                                                             measuring the amount of and removing
team will have access to coaching         which include a commitment                experts in multiple disciplines across                                                program is one of eight across the state to earn a national
                                                                                                                             dissolved organic nitrogen found in
from Chemours’ scientists and             to reduce process emissions of            campus whose research interests                                                       ranking.
                                                                                                                             liquid waste generated from landfills in
engineers. Additionally, N.C. A&T and     fluorinated organic chemicals by          explore and address PFAS or other
                                                                                                                             eastern North Carolina.
Chemours have agreed to pursue            99% or more.                              environmental challenges.                                                             In the U.S. News Online Graduate Program rankings, A&T was
extramural funding, which could                                                                                                                                           already ranked 19th among all universities in information
                                                                                                                             Niroj Aryal, Ph.D., an assistant professor
support the establishment of a center     “Chemours is a company focused on         For example, the research                                                             technology and No. 20 in such programs for veterans.
                                                                                                                             in the College of Agriculture and
of excellence in water treatment,         innovation and sustainable solutions,     of Dongyang “Sunny” Deng, Ph.D., an
                                                                                                                             Environmental Sciences (CAES), focuses
among other initiatives.                  with a bedrock commitment to              associate professor in the Department                                                 “Our growth in quality in graduate programs is matched by
                                                                                                                             partly on emerging pollutants, watershed
                                          responsible manufacturing. We’re          of Built Environment in the College                                                   our growth in applications and enrollment, which has grown
                                                                                                                             and stormwater management. He
“N.C. A&T is known for producing          excited to partner with a premier         of Science and Technology, includes                                                   by more than 14% over the past three years, in the midst of
                                                                                                                             and other CAES colleagues recently
strong STEM graduates from richly         institution like N.C. A&T to help         a focus on “physical, chemical and                                                    a pandemic,” said Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for
                                                                                                                             published “A Review on Constructed
diverse backgrounds. We’re excited to     advance new research to meet the          biological wastewater treatment                                                       Academic Affairs Tonya Smith-Jackson, Ph.D. “As a doctoral-
                                                                                                                             Treatment Wetlands for Removal
work with Chemours on challenging         world’s demands now and in the            technology development and                                                            granting land grant institution, we take very seriously our
                                                                                                                             of Pollutants in the Agricultural
new technical programs that will drive    days to come,” said Chemours Vice         chemical spill and fate in the                                                        commitment to the students of this state in making strong,
                                                                                                                             Runoff” in Sustainability.
research with the potential to benefit    President of Technology Randal            environment.”                                                                         meaningful graduate programs available to them. We look
people everywhere,” said Eric Muth,       King. “N.C. A&T’s students represent                                                                                            forward to continued growth in the years ahead.”
                                                                                                                             Finally, EPA Administrator Michael S.
Ph.D., vice chancellor for research and   the future of chemistry, and we’ve        Deng previously received the
                                                                                                                             Regan, who graduated from CAES
economic development. “Working            been fortunate to fund scholarships       Outstanding Young Investigator                                                        A&T is now in its eighth year as America’s largest HBCU,
                                                                                                                             with a B.S. in earth and environmental
alongside our distinguished faculty,      for several students attending the        award during a university celebration                                                 according to U.S. Department of Education data. It is ranked
                                                                                                                             science, announced last fall the agency’s
our students will also benefit from       university through our Future of          of faculty excellence event. The U.S.                                                 No. 1 among all HBCUs by Money magazine and Washington
                                                                                                                             roadmap to address PFAS contamination
interaction and mentoring from            Chemistry Scholarship program and         Environmental Protection Agency also                                                  Monthly magazine, as well as the top-ranked public HBCU
                                                                                                                             as well as implementing a new testing
Chemours’ leading scientists. We look     the Future of STEM Scholars Initiative.   invited her to review “an emerging                                                    by Forbes.
                                                                                                                             strategy for PFAS manufacturers
forward to bringing new opportunities     This agreement is a natural next          contaminant proposal regarding PFAS
to advance our research and               step in our relationship, and we look     in agricultural wastewater.”

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                                                                                                                                                                                      foundational components of investing
                                                                                                                                                                                      and finance, integrating a degree with
                                                                                                                                                                                      entrepreneurial pursuits, career and plan
                                                                                                                                                                                      roadblocks, corporate success and more.

                                                                                                                                                                                      Hobson concluded the conversation with
                                                                                                                                                                                      the considerable need to improve financial

                                                                                                                                                                                      “If I could change one thing, if I were queen
                                                                                                                                                                                      for a day, and if I could just wave my wand,
                                                                                                                                                                                      it’s that we would be teaching money
                                                                                                                                                                                      and investing starting in grade school,”
                                                                                                                                                                                      she said. “I think financial knowledge and
                                                                                                                                                                                      the language of money is like a foreign
                                                                                                                                                                                      language. The earlier you start, the better
                                                                                                                                                                                      you will be.”

                                                                                                                                                                                      Johnson shared his personal story of
                                                                                                                                                                                      business development and practical
                                                                                                                                       Mellody Hobson
                                                                                                                                                                                      knowledge with a capacity-filled audience

CHANCELLOR’S SPEAKER SERIES                                                                                                                                                           at North Carolina A&T’s Harrison
                                                                                                                                                                                      Auditorium on March 29.

ADDRESSES BUILDING BLACK                                                                                                                                                Nearly as soon as he took the stage, Johnson

WEALTH AND WOMEN’S RIGHTS                                                                                   Earvin "Magic" Johnson
                                                                                                                                                                        admonished attendees to understand one thing above
                                                                                                                                                                        all else: “If you don’t dream it, you can’t become it.” Then
                                                                                                                                                                        he added, “See yourself in that [CEO] position. Here it is
                                                                                                                                                                        40 years later, and I am that CEO.”

                                                                                                                                                                        Johnson’s statement referenced his own story of working
                                                                                                                                                                        as a young janitor of a company, but envisioning himself
                                        By Tonya D. Dixon ’04, ’21, Director of Digital Content                                                                         as the CEO.

                                                                                                          Hobson addressed one of the top roadblocks to Black           Throughout the evening, he referenced the power of
                    Mellody Hobson      Global finance expert Mellody Hobson and business
                                                                                                          wealth creation and proliferation—it is taboo to talk about   investing in urban America by way of increased housing
                                        mogul Earvin “Magic” Johnson shared their personal
                 and Earvin “Magic”     stories and tried-and-true advice during their respective         money—and that it must be dispelled.                          and retail opportunities as well as job creation.
              Johnson share wealth      keynote presentations for the 2021-22 Chancellor’s Speaker
                                        Series. To kick off the 2022-23 series, actor, director and       “When I was very young, my mother had me paying               “A lot of money leaves our communities because
              (of knowledge), while     director Tracee Ellis Ross took center stage to discuss           the check. In the beginning it was handing the money          somebody else owns the businesses. We need our own
                Tracee Ellis Ross has   empowering women.                                                 over the counter, then it was counting the change,” she       businesses,” he said.
                                                                                                          said, noting the very act of participating in the process
                  a conversation on                                                                       and exchange of money provides a sense of clarity for         In addition to numerous other ventures, Johnson
                                        The first event, on Feb. 17, was virtual, but to the delight of
                     empowerment.       viewers the conversation progressed along the lines of an         children at a young age.                                      thrived with Magic Johnson movie theaters and
                                        intimate conversation between trusted advisors—Hobson                                                                           Starbucks franchise stores located in urban areas.
                                        and moderator/N.C. A&T graduate Ebony Thomas ’97.                 The conversation navigated and addressed issues specific      Knowing his customer base was key and continues to
                                                                                                          to college students, including student loan repayment,        be key to his success.

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On Oct. 4, Ross was met by a sold-out Harrison               She added that the antidote to fear, whenever it creeps
Auditorium eager to hear her views on “Empowered: A          in, is being well informed. “Getting information is part of
Conversation About Women’s Rights.”                          being empowered,” she said.

From the moment the curtains opened, the anticipation        “We should all have the right to whatever happens in our
was high and the energy never waned. Ross and                bodies. Full stop,” said Rankins. “Historically, as women, we
moderator, alumna and obstetrician-gynecologist              haven’t had control over our own bodies.”
Dr. Nicole Rankins ’98 settled into an engaging
conversation that touched on health and welfare wellness,    As the conversation drew to a close, Ross discussed how
representation, success and self-empowerment.                she has evolved and grown into the woman she is today,
                                                             the importance of intentionality with your own path,
In response to her thoughts on the implicit requirement      advocating for one another and the power of voting.
that women must overproduce for equal treatment, Ross
said that not only are women enough, but women are           “Even as a child, when I saw things unfair, I think that was
worthy and powerful: “Those are facts. Even though the       me beginning to be a figher for justice and showing up for
world doesn’t always mirror that back.”                      others,” she said. “My freedom is inextricably tied to yours
                                                             and others. I have decided to be intentional and purposeful
After exploring the complexities and obstacles women         about how I use my voice and the agency I have.
historically have had to overcome, the conversation
turned toward entrepreneurship, specifically how women       “Don’t compare your insides to other people’s outsides.
are breaking barriers and developing the products and        Genuinely make space for yourself in the world and honor
services they want and need. Ross shared the evolution of    your heart. Don’t live a life that’s anyone’s but your own. I
her haircare line, Pattern Beauty, which has been 10 years   just want you guys to thrive.”
in the making.

“I’m excited to have total creative control,” she said.

Ross said she certainly endured doubt, but she knew
what she wanted and was willing to wait until she could
provide a product she was proud to offer.

“I want to promise something with the [Pattern Beauty]
brand … everything with the company runs through the

Touching on the recent Roe v. Wade Supreme Court
decision, Ross and Rankins shared their concerns in a
moment that nearly silenced the room.

Out of the country at the time of the announcement,
Ross said she was overwhelmed and had to gather her
thoughts through journaling. “I am worthy. I am more
than the parts of my body. I am a whole being,” she said
in summation.                                                “Don’t compare your insides to                                  Dr. Nicole Rankins (moderator)
                                                                                                                             and Tracee Ellis Ross
                                                                     other people’s outsides."
                                                                          — Tracee Ellis Ross
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                                                                                                                                                                              UNC BOARD OF GOVERNORS
 MAKING NEWS                                                                                                                                                                  RAISES OUT-OF-STATE
                                                                                                                                                                              ENROLLMENT CAP
                                                                                                                                                                             By Jordan M. Howse, Director of Communications,

N.C. A&T HITS HIGH MARKS                                                                                                                                                     College of Engineering (COE)

By Jackie Torok, Director of Media Relations
                                                                                                                                                                             IIn April, in an endorsement of North Carolina A&T’s growing
                                                                                                                                                                              prominence in drawing highly qualified prospective students
                                                                                                                                                                              from around the globe, the UNC System Board of Governors
                                                                                                                                                                              increased the university’s out-of-state enrollment cap from 30%
Following a year when A&T                  students incur to begin with by           chain management as well as his           Women in Technology, she accelerated           to 35%.
generated a record $181.4 million          both reducing their expenses and          proactive contributions defining          the number of women in technical roles.
through the eight-year Campaign            accelerating their time to degree.”       healthy, engaged corporate cultures,                                                     With the new cap, up to 35% of N.C. A&T’s annual incoming
for North Carolina A&T—believed to                                                   implementing environmental and            Uzzell received her B.S. in mechanical         first-year class can be comprised of students from other states
be the largest capital campaign total      Provost Emerita Beryl McEwen              sustainability standards, diversity,      engineering from A&T and MBA in                and nations. Dramatically growing numbers of such students
ever raised by a public historically       joined other HBCU leaders on              equity and inclusion practices            international business from Fairleigh          seek admission to A&T, owing to its recognized national
Black college or university (HBCU)—        June 17 to address the Professional       and policies, and leadership              Dickinson University. She is a recipient of    leadership in STEM education, engineering, journalism,
the university continues to attract        Pipeline Development Group at             development.                              numerous awards, including the United          agricultural science and liberal arts. Such students may not
national attention for its own success     the New York Stock Exchange. She                                                    Nations Global Leadership Award and            displace qualified in-state students who meet the university’s
and champion that of its fellow            shared details on A&T’s research,         Deese earned his B.S. in business         one of ADWEEK’s Top Black Women                admissions standards; as a result, they enroll at A&T with
HBCUs.                                     corporate collaborations and overall      administration from A&T and               Trailblazers in Tech. She fuses her passion    exceptionally high academic profiles (their high school GPA, for
                                           ascent as a research university,          MBA from Western New England              for social justice and her leadership to       instance, are typically above 4.0).
In June, Chancellor Harold L. Martin       helping to show what A&T and              College. The Willie A. Deese College      shine light on inequality in tech spaces
Sr. represented HBCUs across the           its HBCU colleagues have to offer         of Business and Economics – the           and forge opportunities for others.            A&T is in its ninth-straight year as the nation’s largest HBCU
country as part of the 2022 Business       members of NYSE looking for               first named college at A&T – honors                                                      and is ranked the no. 1 HBCU in America by the UniversityHQ
Roundtable Racial Equity and               new hires and opportunities to            his many contributions to his             Two other President’s Board of Advisors        rankings organization.
Justice Event, “Bridging the Gap:          collaborate.                              alma mater, which he credits with         on HBCUs appointees— Academy Award
Creating Wealth through Equitable                                                    providing him the foundational            nominated and SAG and Golden Globe             “As a doctoral, land-grant institution, our mission is to be the
Opportunity,” in Washington, D.C.          McEwen, HBCU colleagues and               platform upon which he was able           winning actor, filmmaker and activist          people’s university, providing rich educational opportunity to
                                           leaders of the PPDG also rang the         to build a successful. He fervently       Taraji P. Henson and 12-time NBA All-          high-achieving students from all backgrounds and origins,” said
Martin served on a panel with Marvin       closing bell for the stock exchange       believes that when we level the           Star, two-time Olympic Gold medalist,          Chancellor Harold L. Martin Sr. “We are grateful for a new cap
Ellison, chairman, president and           that day, a special moment that can       playing field by providing equitable      philanthropist and humanitarian Chris          that recognizes the impact of our university nationally and the
CEO of Lowe’s Companies Inc., and          be viewed online at https://www.          resources and opportunities for all, it   Paul—also have ties to A&T.                    chance to educate more outstanding students in our state, a
Robert Smith, founder, chairman            youtube.com/watch?v=7-leFkInh-o.          leads to positive outcomes that have                                                     great many of whom remain here after graduation, increasing
and CEO of Vista Equity Partners, to       (McEwen is pictured front left.)          an exponential impact on society.         The President’s Board advances the goal        the quality and diversity of our workforce.”
speak on “Strengthening Diversity                                                                                              of the HBCU Initiative, established by
in the Workforce: Partnering with          Before visiting the A&T campus in         Uzzell is CEO of the National Society     the Carter Administration, to increase         An increased interest in HBCUs has led to more applications at ​
HBCUs” with moderator CNBC                 April, President Biden appointed          of Black Engineers, the largest           the capacity of HBCUs to provide the           all the UNC System’s HBCUs. In 2020, the board increased the
Senior White House Correspondent           alumni Willie A. Deese ‘77 and            Black STEM community impacting            highest-quality education to its students      18% enrollment cap to 25% for A&T which proved to benefit
Kayla Tausche.                             Janeen Uzzell ‘90 to the 18-member        society and industry. In her former       and continue serving as engines of             the learning environment for high-caliber Aggies.
                                           President’s Board of Advisors on          role as chief operating officer for       opportunity.
“Our alumni have been and continue         Historically Black Colleges and           the Wikimedia Foundation, which                                                          In 2021, legislation was passed to allow students on full
to be an excellent source of support       Universities.                             operates Wikipedia, she drove             “We are constantly exploring methods           scholarship, including student-athletes, be counted as in-state
for current students. We know                                                        process improvement and helped            and developing strategies to build upon        students when calculating first-year enrollment rates. These
we can count on our alumni to              Deese is a retired pharmaceutical         launch the Wikimedia Knowledge            our success and maintain its momentum          measures have continued to present A&T with preeminent
reach back and help their fellow           executive and corporate board             Equity Fund to address racial             well into the future,” said Martin. “Our       growth for the university, the city of Greensboro and the
Aggies find success,” said Martin,         member whose career spans five            inequities in free knowledge. For         mission is rooted in the charge to create      workforce of North Carolina.
“We have also heavily invested in          decades. He most recently served          nearly two decades, she held various      a diverse and inclusive community
student success initiatives—such           as executive vice president of            roles at General Electric, working        of change agents who will provide              In addition to raising the enrollment cap at A&T, the board also
as free textbooks and iPads and            manufacturing at Merck and Co.            in healthcare technologies in some        innovative solutions to the issues facing      voted to raise North Carolina Central University’s cap to 35%
free summer school sessions – that         Inc. He is recognized for his expertise   of the world’s most challenging           our society and our global economy.”           and Elizabeth City State University’s cap to 50%.
are intended to minimize the debt          in manufacturing and supply               environments. As the head of

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 By Jackie Torok, Director of Media Relations

 U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina            STEPs4GROWTH will create quality,         Group, the International Brotherhood
 Raimondo announced a $23.7                 demand-driven training for the            of Electrical Workers and the
 million American Rescue Plan Good          region’s growing clean energy sector.     North Carolina Sustainable Energy
 Jobs Challenge grant to North              With a focus on equity, the program       Association were also on hand.
 Carolina A&T on Aug. 4, to create          will use mobile training units in
 STEPs4GROWTH, a clean energy               16 economically distressed North          “We are on the cutting edge of
 workforce training program.                Carolina counties to remove barriers      the clean energy economy,” said
                                            to access and deliver training where      Cooper, noting North Carolina’s
 N.C. A&T’s portion of the overall $500     workers are. STEPS4GROWTH will            ranking by CNBC and Business
                                                                                                                                    U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo high-fives North Carolina A&T mechanical engineering
 million Good Jobs Challenge, which         serve as a national training model        Facilities magazine as the top state
 is funded by President Biden’s             that will create a diverse talent         in the country to do business. “This
                                                                                                                                    student Sydney Parker as Assistant U.S. Commerce Secretary for Economic Development Alejandra
 American Rescue Plan, is the largest       pipeline to support the economy.          transformative grant will invest in           Castillo, left, and N.C. Secretary of Commerce Machelle Baker Sanders look on at the Harold L. Martin
 among the 32 worker-centered,                                                        our state’s diverse workforce as we           Sr. Engineering Research and Innovation Complex on Aug. 4.
 industry-led workforce training            “This is the first-ever Commerce          continue to create high-paying
 partnerships across the country and        Department initiative where we            clean energy jobs and bolster North
 is single-largest award the university     are totally focused on job training,”     Carolina A&T’s reputation as a
 has received for research.                 said Raimondo. “That’s what this is       national leader in preparing students
                                            about—real jobs, family-sustaining        for the economy of the future.”
                                                                                                                              Black colleges and universities.       Through a holistic, integrated         clean energy employers to create
 “Through this important project,           jobs that everybody can get.”
                                                                                                                              Few institutions are so critical, so   partnership approach, these projects   an effective, inclusive workforce
 North Carolina A&T will play a                                                       As part of the project, more than 40
                                                                                                                              central to their communities and       will provide tangible opportunities    training program.”
 leading role in preparing well-trained     Joining Raimondo on the                   employers—including Strata Clean
                                                                                                                              their alumni, so HBCUs are a perfect   and security for American workers,
 workers to fill the many skilled jobs      A&T campus for the historic               Energy, Enviva, Siemens, Duke and
                                                                                                                              place to build lasting relationships   focusing on serving and supporting     “We are on a mission to make sure
 in America’s rapidly growing clean         announcement were Assistant               Blue Ridge Power—have committed
                                                                                                                              to unlock opportunity.”                a broad range of underserved           that every American—regardless of
 energy sector,” said Chancellor            U.S. Commerce Secretary for               to hiring 3,000 STEPs4GROWTH
                                                                                                                                                                     communities and connecting             where they live or the color of their
 Harold L. Martin Sr. “The prescient        Economic Development Alejandra            trainees over four years, then 1,500
                                                                                                                              The 32 awardee projects were           workers with the training, skills      skin, how old they are, whether
 work of A&T engineering faculty            Castillo, U.S. Congresswoman Alma         trainees every year afterward.
                                                                                                                              selected from a competitive pool of    and support services needed to         they are in recovery, formerly
 and principal investigators on this        Adams ’68, Gov. Roy Cooper, N.C.
                                                                                                                              509 applicants. By partnering with     successfully secure a good job.        incarcerated—has a chance to get a
 grant, Balakrishna Gokaraju and Greg       Secretary of Commerce Machelle            “I’m happy to pick up the baton
                                                                                                                              stakeholders such as labor unions,                                            real job,” said Raimondo. “You guys
 Monty, has culminated in a novel           Baker Sanders, N.C. Department of         here because, as y’all already know,
                                                                                                                              community colleges and industry,       “The Good Jobs Challenge is            are working together as a team.
 program for delivering education           Revenue Secretary Ronald Penny,           our national champion Aggies
                                                                                                                              these projects will solve for local    bringing together diverse partners     When we sit down to say, ‘Where
 credentials through stackable              N.C. Department of Environmental          know how to run a relay,” joked
                                                                                                                              talent needs, increase the supply of   and local leaders to advance           do we want to invest the money?’
 certificates.                              Quality Secretary Elizabeth Biser, N.C.   Adams, referring to A&T’s national
                                                                                                                              trained workers and help workers       workforce training programs across     we keep coming back here [to
                                            Senator Gladys Robinson and               championship 4x400 men’s relay
                                                                                                                              secure jobs in 15 key industries       the country,” said Castillo. “Led by   North Carolina] because we trust
 “Their training program will               Greensboro Mayor Nancy Vaughn.            team. “As the founder and co-chair
                                                                                                                              that are essential to U.S. supply      North Carolina A&T, the nation’s       your stewardship. So, let’s make
 contribute significantly to preparing                                                of the Congressional Bipartisan
                                                                                                                              chains, global competitiveness, and    largest historically Black college     this great.”
 the highly skilled clean energy            Business leaders from Duke Energy,        HBCU Caucus, I know the power of
                                                                                                                              regional development.                  and university, this program is
 workforce of the future.”                  Siemens Energy, Piedmont Services         partnerships with our historically
                                                                                                                                                                     bringing together education and

22 n.c. a&t magazine                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ncat.edu 23
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