Focal Point Meeting External evaluation of the focal point network - 19 May 2021 - EFSA

Focal Point Meeting External evaluation of the focal point network - 19 May 2021 - EFSA
Focal Point Meeting
External evaluation of the focal point network
19 May 2021
Focal Point Meeting External evaluation of the focal point network - 19 May 2021 - EFSA
Contents of the presentation
Methodology and main tasks (performed and still to be done)
Communication and coordination with EFSA
Next steps
Methodology and main tasks

                             We are here
Methodology and main tasks
                                                            Task 2 -Involvement
    Inception phase            Task 1 – Literature              of AF and FP              Task 3 – Evaluation
                                     search                  through dedicated               and proposal
                                                               interviews and
                                                                   survey             ▪    N+6 months
▪   N+2 weeks              ▪   N+2 months
                                                        ▪    N+3 months               ▪    Answers to the
▪   Initial meetings and   ▪   Agree on the list of
                                                        ▪    Interviews with               evaluaton questions
    consultations              documents available
                                                             representatives of            based on inputs from
▪   Aligning the           ▪   Agree on what needs           EFSA (managing the            Tasks 1 and 2 +
    understanding of the       to be provided by             FP network – ENCO,            intervention logic
    study                      EFSA                          DATA, COM), senior            analysis, CBA,
▪   Refining the           ▪   In the literature             management,                   benchmarking,
    methodology                search include                representatives of            SWOT, scenario
                               already possible              MB, AF memebers               analysis
▪   Refining the work
                               benchmarking             ▪    Survey with FP           ▪    Proposal of different
                               examples                                                    scenarios for FPs
                                                        ▪    D2 – Report on
                           ▪   D1 – Report on                interviews and survey    ▪    D3 – Final report with
                               literature search             (delivered 12/05/2021)        proposal for FP
                               (delivered 12/04/2021)                                      network optimization
Criteria        No.   Evaluation question

Relevance       1     How relevant are implemented operations in relation to originally planned?
                2     Were all originally planned operations implemented?
                3     Did implementation of operations increased workload for FP's?
                      Is the current operational model fit for purpose to establish cooperation of EFSA and
                4     the MS in terms of stable partnerships, as required by the Transparency regulation?

Efficiency      5     What was efficiency of operations? (value for money, difference between FP's)
                      What was value added of FPs in priority areas of EFSA, in particular data collection,
                6     Art.36, scientific divergence, duplication of work?
Added Value
                7     Were there synergies in FP/scientific networks cooperation?
                8     Where any unexpected positive results recorded?
Deliverable 1: Overview of the literature search
 Activity started with signing of        Main documents consulted:
                                     ✓ FP annual reports 2018-2020
  contract i.e. after Inception      ✓ Ammendment to Multi-annual FP Agreement
  meeting (22/02/2021)               ✓ EFSA Annual Activity Reports
                                     ✓ Guidelines for new FPs
 EFSa website + ENCO unit made
                                     ✓ Main fwk for new FP Grant Agreements 2019-2022
  available all neccessary           ✓ List of indicators
  documentation                      ✓ Scientific Cooperation Annual Reports
                                     ✓ FP review 2013
                                     ✓ Independent evaluaton of EFSA (2017)
                                     ✓ Transparency regulation
                                     ✓ EFSA Strategy
Involvement of AF and FP through dedicated interviews and survey

             EFSA                  Advisory Forum              Focal points
   ▪ Interviews with EFSA     ▪ Interviews with all AF   ▪ On-line survey on
     staff managing the FP      members (possible          implementation
     network (ENCO,             focus groups,              capacities and
     DATA, COM); EFSA           regional)                  challenges,
     senior management;       ▪ Focus on cooperation       communication with
     MB                         with national food         national food safety
   ▪ Focus on operations,       safety authorities,        authorities, competent
     capacities, challenges     their own cooperation      organizations and
     and value added of         and exchanges of           scientific networks;
     FPs                        practices, challenges      investigate
                                in their work              internat.cooperation
                                                         ▪ If needed – additional
Involvement of AF and FP through dedicated interviews and survey

 Activity was implemented as planned
 In total, expert team has implemented 17 interviews with EFSA representatives
  and 14 with AF members (31 in total):
      EFSA Units/Departments/Senior Management – 12 interviews with EFSA
      Units/Departments + 5 interviews with Senior management
       Interviews were implemented in period 25/03/2021-26/04/2021
      AF members – 14 group interviews, 1-3 MS per interview
       Interviews were implemented in period 20/04/2021-18/05/2021
 All interviews were implemented using Microsoft Teams
Involvement of AF and FP through dedicated interviews and survey
On line survey
 Activity was implemented as planned
 During regular coordination meetings it was agreed that expert team use EU survey
  as an EC approved tool for online surveys
 FP’s received survey questions in advance (before actual publishing)
 Draft version of online survey was delivered to EFSA at 19/04/2021, online survey
  was published and invitations were sent to FP’s on 22/04/2021
 Reminders were sent on 29/04/2021
 Deadline for participation was 03/05/2021
 At request of some FPS, the survey (as agreed at FP info session) was prolonged
  until 07/05/2021
 In total, 26 out of 29 FP’s sent their responses
Communication and coordination with EFSA
 Regular (1-2x weekly) project team internal consultation
 Ad-hoc calls/mails whenever needed
 Minutes of all the meetings drafted by Ecorys (max 3 days after the meeting)

In total:
 Initial meeting with EFSA (22/02/2021)
 13 operational coordination meetings with ENCO representatives (cut-off
  date 11/05/2021)
 Expert team has participated in two FP meetings
 Additional two info sessions with FP’s were organised (30&31/03/2021)
Next steps (May-August 2021)
Analysing qualitative data from interviews and survey results
                         (May, June)

    SWOT, CBA, benchmarking, scenario analysis (June)

 Conclusions and recommendations per evalution question,
              incl. validation workshop (July)

   Final report with proposal for FP network optimization
                      (11 August 2021)
Thank you!
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