First Reconciliation April 11, 2021 - St. Anthony of Padua - St. Anthony of Padua Parish

Page created by Theresa Reyes
First Reconciliation April 11, 2021 - St. Anthony of Padua - St. Anthony of Padua Parish
St. Anthony of Padua
   101 E Virginia Ave, Effingham, IL 62401

             First Reconciliation
               April 11, 2021
 Harper Althoff                   Nash Hoene
 Reagan Althoff                 Charlotte Jansen
   Louis Bailey                  Emery Jansen
 Nathan Bailey                   Emery Johnson
   Ava Barnes                   Morgan Kabbes
Bryson Bartimus                  Sophie Kabbes
   Miles Beyers                Alivia Lauritzen
  Elle Bierman                  William Ludwig
 Henry Bierman                   Jemma Lustig
 Nora Brumleve                  Parker Meinhart
  Lillian Butts                Brooks Niebrugge
Morgan Chambers                Maeve Niebrugge
 Zayden Durbin                 Reagan Niebrugge
   James Dust                   Paxton Nosbisch
  Owen Finney                   Aubrey Repking
   Jude Flach                 Christopher Repking
  Brynlee Frost                   Lucas Rogers
 Emma Galeener                 Donovan Schultz
Owen Gillenwater                 Liam Schultz
 James Gilmore                 Charlotte Sprecher
 Brock Goeckner                   Colin Storm
 Henry Haarman                     Kyle Thoele
William Hamilton                 Daisy Warner
  Jackson Hann                    Brynn Weber
 Amelia Hartke                 Noah Westendorf
 Kelsi Henning                  Ryan Wohltman
First Reconciliation April 11, 2021 - St. Anthony of Padua - St. Anthony of Padua Parish
ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA PARISH                                                                           EFFINGHAM, ILLINOIS

Fr. Al’s Ramblings...
Open your hearts to love one another and receive the joy of Easter.
Last Sunday in my ramblings I told you that Easter is more than just a day; the Church gives us a seven-week Easter season
to celebrate. Yet sometimes our everyday lives feel so heavy that celebration is not a part of them. Just in the past week I
have counseled both old and young with such things as illness in the family, loss of jobs, fear of what is happening in the
world with this Pandemic and the related stress it places on our lives. The current situations make feeling joyful particularly
difficult – even in the Easter season.
But the joy we are being invited into this season is beyond what we see in our everyday lives. It's true that Jesus says “Come
to me and bring me your burdens” but we usually can’t believe it. Maybe we don’t want to believe it. If I really allow Jesus
to come into my heart the way he wants to, will he ask me to change my life in ways that are too hard? How do I share the
chaos of my life with Jesus? If I keep him at arm’s length, my life might be difficult, but at least my problems are
familiar. What would it cost me to let go and change my life?
We know our own faults and failings very well. We believe that Jesus loves the way we love – with all of our human
limits. How could Jesus love us and accept us the way we are right now? Maybe when we fix a few things about our lives,
love our spouse a little better, stop being so critical of family members, stop drinking, stop nagging, love a little more…
when we are perfect, then Jesus will love us.
If we can overcome our fears, the real power of letting Jesus into our hearts is how free our hearts will become. Suddenly,
we are not afraid, not burdened and simply ready to serve with Jesus.
Jesus loves us - right now. At this moment, Jesus holds each one of us in his warm and loving gaze and loves us so freely at
a depth that our human minds can’t take in. Whether we comprehend this or not, Jesus loves us endlessly and waits for us
with his arms open, ready to hold and support us.
As we receive his embrace and feel the peace and joy of Easter wash over us, we can look over his shoulder, and see beyond
to those in need who now wait for us. That’s when we realize that the real joy in our lives is putting aside our own faults,
challenges and difficulties for a while and entering into the lives of others.
Pope Francis once said of the Easter season, we leave ourselves behind and encounter others by “being close to those
crushed by life’s troubles, sharing with the needy, standing with those who are sick, elderly and the outcast.”
We are being missioned as Easter People. We find peace in Jesus’ love for us and now we share it with others. We find
ourselves standing side by side with Jesus, looking together at those we are being sent to love.

Fr. Al

                   Please pray for Restoration of                In the event of a death, accident or other life emergency,
                   Religious Liberty, those who are ill,           while offices are closed, please contact our priests at
                   those in hospitals and nursing homes,                               (217) 703-1042.
                   those recovering from surgery, and all
                   those serving our country. Also,                           St. Anthony Church Mass Times
                   Adelaida Anderson, Margie Apke,                             Mon, Tues, Thurs. & Fri: 8:30am
                   Steve Bierman, Rosemary Bushur,                                     Wed.: 6:30am
Mary Lynn Byers, Mary Conder, Lisa Crosson, Paul                                     Saturday - 4:30pm
Deters, Dan L. Feldhake, Dave Feldhake, Judy French,                         Sunday 7:30am & 9:15am, 11:00am
John Gapsis, Stacia Gorden, Sandy Gravenhorst, Gary M
Hanner, Gina Hargis, Mike Hartke, Mark Jirak, Ingrid Kay,                Live Streamed Masses at St. Anthony
Susan Keenan, Tina Keller, Marita Kemme, Steve Koebele,                             Sunday at 9:15am
Amy Beth Koester, Clete Koester, Elisabeth Koester, Ralph          Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday Masses at 8:30am
Kortte, Terry Kraft, Lloyd Ludwig, Penny Meyer, Penny                        St. Mary’s, Shumway Mass Times
Mihlbachler, Sandy Mihlbachler, Jack Nisbet, Kathy                                 Wednesday: 8:30am
Nolan, Loretta Nolan, Bill Nuxoll, Cathy Polarek, Kenneth                            Saturday: 5:30pm
Polarek, Paula Pulley, Marty Reed, Anna Sparling, Irene                               Sunday: 8:30am
Spilker, Mary Rubsam-Stuckey, Roger Thoele, Allen
Wente, Elizabeth (Lizzy) Westendorf, Eugene Westendorf,                            Reconciliation Times
Carole Wheeler, Georgia Willenborg, Keith Willenborg,              Mon, Tues, Thurs. & Fri: 7:45am to 8:15am (St. Anthony)
Dr. Mel Willenborg, Paul V. Willenborg, Jerry Worman,                    Saturday: 3:15pm to 4:00pm(St. Anthony)
Pauline Worman                                                      Saturday: 4:15pm to 5:00pm (St. Mary’s - Shumway)
First Reconciliation April 11, 2021 - St. Anthony of Padua - St. Anthony of Padua Parish
Second Sunday of Easter (Sunday of Divine Mercy)                                                       April 11, 2021

                    Mass Intentions                                           Calendar of Events
Monday, April 12:                                           Sun 4/11     10:00am Radio Mass -
8:30am Mass:     Nicholas Horin, Charles & Grace Hotze                                  AM 1090/FM 99.5 & 96.3
                 Family; Intention of Liz Schmidt; Robert   Mon 4/12
                 L Behrman; Bernie Burford Family;
                 The Stuemier Family                        Tues 4/13    9am - 1pm: Scrip Sales in Parish Office
Tuesday, April 13:                                          Wed 4/14     6:30pm - PSR Class in the Parish Center
8:30am Mass:     Deb Hutchinson                             Thur 4/15    9am - 1pm: Scrip Sales in Parish Office
Wednesday, April 14:                                        Fri 4/16     9am - 1pm: Scrip Sales in Parish Office
6:30am Mass:     Marie C Dust                               Sat 4/17
Thursday, April 15:
                                                                        Mass Sign-Ups No Long Required
8:30am Mass:     Frances Brummer Buening Anniversary
                                                            As the Covid restrictions have been easing up, we have
Friday, April 16:                                           increased our Mass attendance to 350 people. Seating will
8:30am Mass:      Sean Niebrugge Anniversary; Ed            be every other pew, with signs posted on the available
                  Poeppelmeyer; Raymond Jones               pews. We ask you to continue to wear your mask while
                  Anniversary; Dan Sullivan Family          you're attending Mass.
Saturday, April 17:                                         The general dispensation to attend Mass is withdrawn on
4:30pm Mass:      Jeff Thoele                               April 11th. It will still be applicable for people in certain
                                                            categories, such as those over 65 years of age or who have
Sunday, April 18:
                                                            underlying medical conditions. For additional information,
7:30am Mass:      Parishioners of St. Anthony               visit the Diocese’s website at
9:15am Mass:      Dorothy Bushur
                                                            Along with this, St. Anthony Church will no longer require
11:00am Mass: Clem & Minnie Luchtefeld
                                                            sign-ups to attend Mass.
                                                            Weekday & weekend Masses will continue to be live
                                                            streamed on YouTube, weekdays at 8:30am and Sundays at
                                                            9:15am. The link can be found on

                                                            St. Anthony Church & Schools are currently seeking appli-
                                                                        cations for the following positions:
                                                                  Parish Missionary
                                                                  High School Math Teacher
                                                                  High School Faith Formation Director
                                                                  3rd Grade Teacher
                                                                  5th Grade Teacher
                                                                  Grade School PE/Health Teacher
                                                                  Classroom Aide for 3-year-old program on Tues-
                                                                   days-Thursdays from 7:30 – 11:30 am
                                                                  Classroom Aide for 4-year-old program on Mon-
                                                                   day-Wednesday-Friday afternoons from 11:45
                                                                   am – 3:45 pm
                                                                  Junior High Girls Track Coach
                                                                  Junior High Girls Basketball Coach
                                                                  Junior High Bellettes Coach
                                                                  High School Assistant Soccer Coach
                                                                  High School Assistant Girls Basketball Coach
                                                            For a description of these positions and for information on
                                                            how to apply, visit

                                                            Child Abuse Reporting & Investigation number at 217-321-
                                                             1155 or Children & Family Services Child Abuse Hotline
First Reconciliation April 11, 2021 - St. Anthony of Padua - St. Anthony of Padua Parish
Liturgical Ministers for April (10/11 & 17/18 & 24/25)             Radio Mass Recorder: Jim Wolters
Ministry                    4:30pm                   7:30am                  9:15am                     11:00am
Lectors               Bob Mette              Marilyn Woodruff        Rita Devore                 Kent Schmidt

                      Jane Brummer           Sue Bushur              Teresa Beck                 Larry Masengale
Eucharistic           Nicole Field           Bob Thies               Mandy Henning               Theresa Masengale
Ministers             Jamie Schuette         Shae Thoele             Connie Rudolphi             Lisa Lauritzen

                      Carrey Goeckner        Anthony & Adam          Avery Henning               Addie Lauritzen
Servers               Emily Kowalke          Brandenburger           Andrea Rudolphi             Susy Tripiano

Ushers                Mike Nosbisch          Greg Bushur             Troy Greene                 Jeff Clausius
                      David Schuette         Gerald Westendorf       Joe Jansen                  Chris Quandt
                      Joe Ungrund                                    Doug Rudolphi

                                                                              Church Cleaning for April
                                                                  Cleaning is done Saturday morning from 8:30-9:30.
                                                                  If you are unable to clean, please call a replacement.
                                                               Kyle & Dannielle Harden        Ken & Ann Harris
                                                               Robert Harris                  Robin Harris
                                                               Carl & Erin Hartke             Kirk & Emily Hartke
                                                               Cody & Jennifer Hatcher        Derek & Jackie Having
                                                               Jeff & Diane Having            Casey & Erin Haynes
                                                               Adam & Amanda Hazlett          Anthony & Taylor Hecht
                                                               Dan & Paula Hecht              Jerry & Donna Hecht
                                                               Chris & Nicole Heil
                                                               Michael & Connie Heischmidt

                                                                              The Table Of Plenty is celebrating their 3
                                                                              year anniversary this month! Thanks to all
                                                                              of you, food has been given to those in need
                                                                              not just during the holidays but all year
                                                                              round!!! This program continues to help
                                                                              offset some of the cost for Catholic
                                                              Charities as they continue to serve our community and
                                                              beyond. This month we are asking for donations of dry
                                                              pasta, canned fruit and regular size jars of peanut butter.
                                                              Baskets will be set up at the back entrance of church on
                                                              Saturday, April 10th and Sunday, April 11th. St. Anthony
                                                              grade school children may bring their donations to school
                                                              on Thursday, April 15th. Please pray for the continued
                                                              success of this program, for those that are able to give and
                                                              to those who will receive. Thank you and God Bless!

                                                                               Looking for volunteers to assist with
                                                                               watering and weeding the flower garden
                                                                               areas around St Anthony church. The
                                                                               work includes helping weed, mulch and
                                                                               plant the flowers in the second week of
                                                              May, then each volunteer waters and weeds alternating
                                                              with the other volunteers, a week at a time during the
                    Wedding Banns                             summer until the second week of October when the fall
              Michael Brummer/Ann Bushur                      cleanup is done. Please call/text Karla Hodge at 217-821-
                  April 17, 2021 (III)                        9724.     Thank you!

                                            Radio Mass Recorders Needed
The church is looking for someone to record Mass on Saturday evenings during 4:30pm Mass. This recording is used for
broadcast on the radio on Sunday mornings for those not able to get out. There are three months in which we are looking
for recorders; May, November, & December. Please give the parish office a call at 217-347-7129 if you have any questions
or if you would like to join this ministry.
First Reconciliation April 11, 2021 - St. Anthony of Padua - St. Anthony of Padua Parish
Easter Flowers                            Perpetual Adoration at St. Anthony Hospital
            In Loving Memory of Carl & Carolyn Koerner       The process of restarting perpetual adoration at St. Anthony
           and Jim Kinkelaar & Carolyn Kinkelaar              Memorial Hospital Chapel has begun! There will now be a
                                                              "Captain" for each day:
                                                                  Sunday is Joe & Karie Sudkamp 217-821-3154
                                                                        Available time slots - Midnight, 1am, 2am, 3am,
                                                                        1pm (1st Sunday), Noon (4th Sunday), 3pm (2nd,
                                                                        3rd, & 4th Sunday)
           Feed Your Soul Gospel Reflections                        Monday is Connie Wegman 217-821-6364
Did you enjoy Best Lent Ever from Dynamic Catholic?                     Available time slots - midnight (3rd & 5th
Here is a new program from Dynamic Catholic - a weekly                  Mondays), 1am, 2am (every other week), noon,
preview of the upcoming Gospels!                                        1pm (5th week), 9pm (4th Monday)
We are excited to share with you another game-changer               Tuesday is Irene Koester 217-821-4595
from Dynamic Catholic! Feed Your Soul Gospel                            Available time slots - Midnight, 2am, 3am
Reflections is a new email program in which participants            Wednesday is Bernice Sandschafer 217-536-6320
will receive a weekly video from Matthew Kelly or Allen                 Available time slots - 2am, 11am (need someone to
Hunt discussing the upcoming Sunday’s Gospel reading.                   share)
                                                                    Thursday is Mary Sandschafer 217-821-8098
We’ve created this program to help parishioners become
more prepared and engaged in the Mass each Sunday - or                  Available time slots - 1am (5th Thursday), 2am (5th
maybe even inspire you to return to Mass if you haven’t                 Thursday), 4am
                                                                    Friday is Brad & Carrie Koenig 217-690-3333
                                                                        Available time slots - 1am, 9am (2nd, 4th, and 5th
Sign up for the weekly video at                                         Fridays), 4pm (2ndFriday), 6pm (2nd, 4th, and 5th                     Fridays), 11pm (1st, 2nd, and 5th Fridays)
                                                                    Saturday is Ann Wilson 217-821-1313
                    Pro-Life Corner                                     Available time slots - 1am (4th, and 5th Sundays),
                                                                        2am, 4am (1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays), 5pm (2nd,
                                                                        4th, and 5th Fridays), 10pm
  Everyone is welcome to attend the Monthly Prayer
  Vigil for Life to celebrate our precious Gift of Life at    We are in need of people to pray an hour a week. If you do
  St Mary Help of Christians in Green Creek on Monday         not feel you can fill all weeks of a given time slot,
  April 19. Praying the scriptural rosary will begin at       encourage a friend or family member to join you in
  6:00 pm. Fr. Ery will be the celebrant for the 6:30 pm      splitting up the weeks. This is a great opportunity to grow
  mass. The business meeting will follow in the parish        closer to God.
  center. Refreshments will be served while current           Please seriously consider spending time with Jesus in the
  legislation and local pro-life events are discussed.        Most Blessed Sacrament.

                                                                   Public School Promotion & Graduation Names
                         Those in the Military                If you have a student in the public school who is being pro-
             Please update the information of your family     moted to high school or graduating from high school and
                                                              would like their name on the bulletin cover, please call
             who is in the military with the parish office.   Sara at the parish office, 347-7129. We will need all infor-
             We would like to recognize them in our           mation by Monday, May 3rd.
bulletin during Veterans days. Please include their name,
rank and how they are related to you. You can call the                                Scrip Hours
parish office at 347-7129 or email          The Scrip store is fully stocked for all your shopping
                                                                needs! The Scrip store will be open in the parish center
Adult Confirmation - Bishop Paprocki will celebrate the          from 9am - 1pm on Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays
Sacrament of Confirmation for adults who have been                            Non-Discriminatory Policy
catechized but have not yet been Confirmed on Sunday,         “St. Anthony Grade and High Schools admit students of
May 23, 2021 at the Cathedral of the Immaculate               any race, color, sex, national and ethnic origin to all the
Conception in Springfield. Details, including suggested       rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally
formation programs, are posted on the diocesan website at     accorded or made available to students at the school. These               schools do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex,
                                                              national or ethnic origin, or immigrant status in
Confirmandi must register for this event by April 30. For     administration of their educational policies, admission
more information, contact Kyle Holtgrave in the Office for    policies, scholarships, and loan programs, and athletic and
Catholic Education at (217) 698-8500, ext. 154, or email.     school administered programs.”
First Reconciliation April 11, 2021 - St. Anthony of Padua - St. Anthony of Padua Parish
Week Ending          Weekly        Fiscal YTD        Last Year’s
Apr 4, 2021          Totals       (Week 40 of 52)       YTD            2020 ANNUAL FUND
                                                                      Giving to Foster Growth
Regular Church
Support              $29,851.70      $993,400.67 $1,015,507.56

GOAL                 $25,150.00    $1,006,000.00                                       St. Anthony Schools
Difference            $4,701.70     ($12,599.33)                                       Annual Fund Update
                                                                                    As of Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Diocesan                      Week Ending           YTD                          $ 325,000      Goal for 2020/2021
Collections                   Apr 4, 2021
                                                                                 $ 364,346      Total Pledges
Twining Parish in Nigeria            $305.00        $56,768.00                         315      Total Gifts Received
                                                                                       106      Gifts at $1,000 Challenge
Cemetery                           $2,480.00        $16,888.00
                                                                                 Thank you to everyone who has
Catholic Charities                    $50.00         $6,575.00
                                                                             made a difference in St. Anthony Schools!
Catholic Times                          $0.00        $2,717.00
Catholic Home Mission                 $90.00          $165.00
Operation Rice Bowl                     $5.40         $151.32
Seminarians                          $553.00         $1,690.75
Holy Land                            $852.00         $1,257.00
Christmas/Easter Flowers             $430.00         $4,446.00

        Please submit written bulletin articles to: or mail to Bulletin, PO Box 764,            Dive Deep - Running for a Higher Purpose: Eight steps
 Effingham, IL 62401. Articles must be in the office by            to spiritual and physical fitness – that’s the theme of Bishop
            noon Monday prior to publication.                      Thomas John Paprocki’s new book, Running for a Higher
                                                                   Purpose, now available for purchase at
                          St. Anthony Media Center
                 WE'RE BACK AND READY FOR YOU!!                    Perfect for runners, Bishop Paprocki joins Dive Deep to
                 Come and choose from the many DVDs,               explain why the book may be exactly what you need to give
                 books, and CDs. We have a wide variety of         your spiritual and physical well-being a boost. Go to
                 pamphlets and other materials to help you to listen and to register to win a free, signed
                 grow in your Catholic Faith. Everything is        copy of the book!
                 FREE and for you to keep with the
                 exception of the DVDs- please return them          22nd Annual Austin Luckett Memorial Golf Memorial
                 after viewing.                                    Catholic Charities is hosting the 22nd annual Austin
                                                                   Luckett Memorial Golf Tournament on May 7 & 14 at the
           St. Thomas Gigantic Garage Sale                         Cardinal Golf Course in Effingham.
          April 22nd , 2021 8:00 am - 6:00 pm                      If you are interested in playing, sponsoring a hole, or
           April 23rd , 2021 8:00 am - 6:00 pm                     making a financial contribution please contact the Catholic
          April 24th , 2021 8:00 am - 11:00 am                     Charities office at 217-857-1458 or visit us at
         St. Thomas Parish Center in Newton, IL
                                                                   Cost for the event is $80 per player which includes green
          Specials announced during the sale!!                     fees and a cart. For $100, you can sponsor the event which
 Acceptable donations: Gently used clothing (seasonal),            includes your name printed on the scorecard.
   house wares, home decor items, shoes, toys, books,
bedding & curtains, purses, belts, backpacks and furniture                      Natural Family Planning Class
                   with prior approval.                            2021 Sessions:
 Cannot accept: Undergarments, girls/ladies swimwear,              Due to the required social distancing for COVID-19, the
 motor oils, lawn & garden chemicals, paint, spray paint,          NFP classes will be held using WebEx, which is a platform
   lawn & garden tools, outdated electronics, printers,            that allows video conferencing and screen sharing by the
       monitors, keyboards or reference book sets                  presenter. To register, contact Kate Pruemer at 217-821-
                                                                   1840 or She will send you an
    Drop donations off April 19th, 8:00 am - 6:00 pm               email with the time and link to the class.
             & April 20th, 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
                                                                   WebEx: Fri., April 30th 6:30-8:00pm
 All proceeds go to the St Thomas School's Technology/
                   Improvement Fund                                At St. Francis, Teutopolis: Sat. June 12th 9:30-11:00am
First Reconciliation April 11, 2021 - St. Anthony of Padua - St. Anthony of Padua Parish First Reconciliation April 11, 2021 - St. Anthony of Padua - St. Anthony of Padua Parish First Reconciliation April 11, 2021 - St. Anthony of Padua - St. Anthony of Padua Parish First Reconciliation April 11, 2021 - St. Anthony of Padua - St. Anthony of Padua Parish
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