First Baptist Church Love God, Love People, Love Shawnee - A Fresh Filling of God's Holy Spirit

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First Baptist Church Love God, Love People, Love Shawnee - A Fresh Filling of God's Holy Spirit
First Baptist Church
     Love God, Love People, Love Shawnee
                Shawnee, OK

         Morning Worship • 10:45 am
                July 4, 2021

     A Fresh Filling of God’s Holy Spirit
                  Acts 2:1-38
         Dr. Charles Kimball, pastor

First Baptist Church Love God, Love People, Love Shawnee - A Fresh Filling of God's Holy Spirit
First Baptist Church • Shawnee, OK
                          Morning Worship
                          Sunday, July 4, 2021 • 10:45 am


Call to Worship: Christ Our Hope in Life and Death

I Stand Amazed (How Marvelous)

The Apostles’ Creed                                                   Congregation
I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried;
He descended to the dead.
On the third day He rose again;
He ascended into heaven,
He is seated at the right hand of the Father,
and He will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy Christian Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting.

Welcome                                                      Pastor Charles Kimball

Corporate Prayer                                          Pastor and Congregation
Heavenly Father,
As we face these uncertain times in our nation and the world,
we ask you, Lord, to dwell among us.
We are comforted by the knowledge that You alone
are our Savior and Lord, and the ultimate Master of life.
We trust our nation to Your loving care, Lord.
Send Your Spirit to touch the hearts of our nation’s leaders.
Give them the wisdom to know what is right, and the courage to do it.
Give us Your light and Your truth to guide us
in our ways so that we may seek Your will in our lives
and impact the world around us for Your Kingdom.
In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen.

Time of Silent Confession

Scripture Reading: 2 Chronicles 7:11-14                                Michael Ware
Thus Solomon finished the house of the Lord and the king's house. All that
Solomon had planned to do in the house of the Lord and in his own house he
successfully accomplished. Then the Lord appeared to Solomon in the night and
said to him: “I have heard your prayer and have chosen this place for myself as a
house of sacrifice. When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or
command the locust to devour the land, or send pestilence among my people, if
my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my
face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive
their sin and heal their land.

If My People’s Hearts Are Humbled

Spirit of the Living God

Message in Song: Restore My Joy                                   Sanctuary Choir

Message: A Fresh Filling of God’s Holy Spirit              Pastor Charles Kimball
                                  Acts 2:1-38

Time of Commitment: There Is a Redeemer

Announcements                                                        Michael Ware

Offertory Prayer                                                     Jim Hansford

Offertory: Blessed Assurance                                        Carol Ann Bell

Benediction: God Bless America               Conchita Hansford and Congregation
Opportunities for Worship and Service

     Today – Sunday, July 4
     9:30 am – Sunday Morning Bible Study
     10:45 am – Morning Worship (In-person, Radio, or Livestream)

     Monday, July 5
     Church Office Closed for Independence Day Holiday

     Wednesday, July 7
     6:30 pm – Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal

     Sunday, July 11
     9:30 am – Sunday Morning Bible Study
     10:45 am – Morning Worship (In-person, Radio, or Livestream)
     Lord’s Supper in Morning Worship Service

     Elder Have Been Elected
     Jim Farthing
     Jim Hansford
     Charles Prescott
     Paul Riggins
     Jonathan Singelton

          Fill out a digital connection card     Watch past worship services on our
          by scanning this code with your        YouTube channel by scanning this
                   phone’s camera:                code with your phone’s camera:

Christ Our Hope In Life And Death
                                            (based on the recording by Keith & Kristyn Getty)

                                                                                                                       Words and Music by
                                                                                                Keith Getty, Matt Boswell, Jordan Kauflin,
                                                                                                           and Matthew Merker, Matt Papa

               76     INTRO
                      F5                                                                               B   2(no3)

                                      VERSE 1 & 2
4                                      F            Fsus            F           Fsus           F           Dm7          C(4)               Csus
                                                                                                       (2nd Verse)

        1.     What is our           hope       in life and death?             Christ a - lone,            Christ a - lone.       What is our
       (2.     What truth can)       calm      the trou -bled soul?             God is good,                God is good.          Where is His

9        F                 C/E              Dm                B               F/C                  C                F

        on      -    ly con - fi - dence?                    That       our   souls       to Him be - long.                    Who holds our
       grace        and good - ness known?                    In        our   great       Re - deem - er's blood.              Who holds our

                                                                CCLI Song # 7147502
© 2020 Getty Music Hymns and Songs | Getty Music Publishing | Jordan Kauflin Music | Love Your Enemies Publishing | Matthew Merker Music
                                                                 | Messenger Hymns
                              For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved.
                                                               CCLI License # 882533
Christ Our Hope In Life And Death - 2

13   Am                                              Dm                                                            Gm7                 F/A

     days            with - in          His  hand?                          What comes,          a         -        part        from     His     com -
     faith           when fears          a - rise?                          Who stands           a         -        bove         the   storm    - y

16     B                                                    F/C                          C                          Dm                  B

     -mand?                 And   what        will        keep                us        to           the            end?         The  love         of
      trial?                Who   sends       the         waves              that     bring           us            nigh         un - to          the

             2nd time to Coda                                                                  CHORUS 1a
19    F/C               C              F             Fsus          F                           Dm              B                F

     Christ,        in which we      stand.                                          O         sing            ha      -   le - lu - jah!          Our
     shore,        the rock of

24   C/E                        Dm             F/A          B                            F/A                       B            F/A         C

     hope springs         e - ter - nal;         O          sing       ha    -      le - lu - jah!             Now and           ev - er we     con -
Christ Our Hope In Life And Death - 3

29       B                                         Dm7                C                    F5

       -fess                   Christ    our       hope          in   life       and   death.

                                                   B   2(no3)
                                                                                                                           D.S. al Coda

                                                                                                                    What truth    can

                        Coda                   CHORUS 1b
         35         F                      Dm      B                   F                        C/E     C            Dm           F/A

                Christ?              O     sing    ha      -    le - lu - jah!         Our      hope springs     e - ter - nal;    O

40   B                         F/A             B                F/A          C         B                          Dm7       C

     sing      ha   -    le - lu - jah!        Now and          ev - er we con - fess               Christ our    hope   in life and
Christ Our Hope In Life And Death - 4

45      F5                                                              B   2(no3)

      death.                                                                                                         Un - to the

      VERSE 3
49     F           Fsus          F         Fsus            F                         C(4)         Csus          F          C/E

     grave,    what will we sing?         "Christ, He lives;         Christ, He lives!"      And what re - ward       will heav - en

54    Dm           B          F/C           C          F                             Am                    Dm

     bring?        Ev - er - last - ing life with Him.             There we will     rise   to meet the Lord,        Then sin and

59   Gm7           F/A           B                         F/C           C °          Dm            B         F/C           C

     death     will be    de - stroyed,    And we will     feast      in end - less joy,    When Christ is    ours    for - ev - er -
Christ Our Hope In Life And Death - 5

                                                             CHORUS 1c
64     F                                           F/E    Dm Dm/C          N.C.                    F                             C/E       C

     -more.                                O              sing            ha          -    le - lu - jah!            Our         hope springs          e   -

69   Dm              F/A      B                           F/A              B                  F/A          C             B

     -ter - nal;       O      sing    ha       -    le - lu - jah!        Now and              ev - er we       con - fess                Christ our

                                                                               CHORUS 1d
74     Dm7             C               F                           F/E         Dm Dm/C B                             F       F/G F/A

       hope        in life   and     death.                    O               sing           ha       -       le - lu       -     jah!           Our

78    C C/D C/E                      Dm                  F/A       B                          F/A              B              F/A           C

     hope     springs          e - ter - nal;            O         sing    ha         -   le - lu - jah!       Now and           ev - er we con -
Christ Our Hope In Life And Death - 6

83   B                          Dm7           C            B   2(no3)                               F/C       F/A

     -fess   Christ our         hope     in life    and    death.                Now   and          ev - er we      con -

87   B                                 Dm7          C                     F                  Fsus         F

     -fess     Christ     our          hope    in   life   and          death.
I Stand Amazed (How Marvelous)
                                                                                                                                          Words and Music by
                                                                                                                                  Charles Hutchinson Gabriel
                                                                                                                                                  Arranged by
                                                                                                                                                 Chris Tomlin

              68                VERSE 1 & 2
                                     G                                                                                      D                             C

                    1. I         stand                   a-mazed in the            pres      -    ence          of      Je - sus,                  the Naz - a           -
                   (2. He)        took                  my sins and my              sor     -    rows,          He     made them                   His ver - y

4      G                                                       C                                                   G

     -rene,                                       and      won      -        der   how   He could                  love                     me,                   a
      own,                                        He       bore              the   bur - den  to                  Cal   -              va - ry,                  and

                       Last time to Coda                                                         CHORUS
7                                    D                     G                                     G

     sin - ner          con -demned, un - clean.                               Sing -in':        How          mar -vel-ous!            How             won -der - ful!
     suf - fered        and died a -

11    D                                                                                     G                      D/F           Em7

     And      my       song              shall        ev - er      be:                    How            mar - vel - ous!        How               won - der - ful!

                                           1.                                                                                                2.
15   Am               Em7                         D                      G                             C                                           D

     Is       my       Sav - ior's               love      for          me.                                                     1. I              love         for

                                                                 CCLI Song # 4674207
                                        © sixsteps Music | Vamos Publishing | songs
                               For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved.
                                                                CCLI License # 882533
I Stand Amazed (How Marvelous) - 2

20         G                                                                                C


22   Em7                                                                                    G
                                                                                                                                                     D.C. al Coda

                                                                                                                                                        2. He

                     Coda                            VERSE 2
          24         G                                G                                                                         D                      C

                 lone.                  2. He        took          my sins and my               sor       - rows,     He      made them          His ver - y

28   G                                                       C                                                          G

     own,                                    and He         bore               the    bur - den                to              Cal - va - ry,                 and
31                              D                    G                                                G

     suf - fered          and died            a - lone.                        Sing -in':        How            mar -vel-ous!        How         won -der -ful!

35    D                                                                                     G                        D/F         Em7

     And        my       song        shall     ev - er             be:                  How                mar - vel - ous!      How            won - der - ful!

                                         1.                                                                                                2.
39   Am                  Em7                   D                         G                      C                                                D

     Is         my        Sav - ior's         love    for                me.                                  Ev-'ry -bod - y sing -in':        love    for
I Stand Amazed (How Marvelous) - 3

                                                                       3.                                                          VERSE 3
44         G                        C                                       D                     G                                    G

         me.                                         Sing -in':             love for              me.                 3. And       with            the ran -som'd in

49                                             D                   C                        G                                      C

     glo        -       ry,             His   face      I      at last           shall     see.                        It will be             my joy through the

53   G                                                                                 D                  G

     ag             -         es,              to       sing      of            His      love                 for me.                  Ev - 'ry - bod - y sing - in':

56             G                                                                                  D

           How                mar - vel - ous!        How              won -der - ful!          And     my    song             shall       ev - er        be:

60    G                                       D/F            Em7                                               Am                            Em7

     How                      mar - vel - ous!               How                  won - der - ful!              Is         my                Sav      -    ior's

                                                       1.                                                                          2.
63         D                                                G                                                                      G

         love                 for                           me.                                         Sing - in':               me.
682                       Spirit of the Living God
                     The Holy Spirit came on all who heard the message. Acts 10:44

     4         j                                                                                      œœ .. œœj œœ œœ
 & b 4 œœ .. œœ œœ œœ œœ # œœ ˙˙
                                                             n ˙˙       œœ œœ ww
          1.!!Spir - it of the liv - ing God,                fall fresh on          me;              Spir - it of the
          2.!!Soul of heav - en, heart of God,               wash   o - ver         me.              Soul of heav - en,

        .          œ œ ˙                                                                              œœ .. œœ œœ œœ
 ? 4 œœ . œœ œœ œœ œ œ ˙                                       ˙        œ œ ww
          3.!!Ho - ly pres - ence, love di - vine,           cast out my            fear.            Ho - ly pres- ence,
  b4      J                                                    ˙        œ œ                                 J

 & b œœ # œœ ˙˙               n ˙˙      œœ œœ ww                    ˙
                                                                         ˙˙         ˙˙          ˙˙        n ˙˙     ˙˙         _

         liv - ing God,        fall fresh on me.             Melt    me,          mold me,                 fill me,
         heart of God,        wash o - ver me.               Cleanse me,          teach me,               hold me,            _
    œ œ ˙                       ˙                                        ˙          ˙           ˙                  ˙˙
         love di - vine,      cast out my fear.              Shield me,            free me,               call me,

 ?b œ œ ˙                       ˙
                                        œ œ ww
                                        œ œ
                                                                    ˙    ˙          ˙           ˙          ˙

 & b œ̇ œ ˙˙
                                 œœ .. œœ œœ œœ                œœ # œœ ˙˙                n ˙˙          œœ œœ       ww
         use        me.         Spir - it of the      liv - ing God,                  fall           fresh on     me.
         reach      me.         Soul of heav - en, heart of God,                      wash             o - ver    me.

                                 œ .. œ œ œ                    œ œ ˙
         lead       me.         Ho - ly pres - ence, love di - vine,                  cast            out my      fear.
    ˙   ˙                                                                                 ˙            œ œ         ww
 ?b œ œ ˙                        œ Jœ œ œ                      œ œ ˙                      ˙            œ œ          w         _




WORDS: Daniel Iverson, stanza 1; Lowell Alexander, stanzas 2, 3                                                 INVERSON      _
MUSIC: Daniel Iverson                                                                                       Irregular meter
                   © Copyright 1935, 1994 by Birdwing Music (ASCAP) (admin. by EMI CMG Publishing).
                                          All rights reserved. Used by permission.
279                          There Is a Redeemer
  ## 4
Jesus...became wisdom from God, as well as righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. 1 Corinthians 1:30
 & 4 œœ                  œœ œœ œœ                 ˙˙      ˙˙        œœ œœ œ œœ œ˙ . œ œ ˙˙
           1. There is   a             Re - deem - er–             Je - sus, God’s own Son;
           2. Je - sus, my             Re - deem - er,            name a - bove all names;
           3. When I stand             in    Glo - ry,              I will see His face;

 ? # # 44 œœ             œœ œœ         œœ         ˙       ˙˙        œ œœ œœ œ œ˙ . œ œ ˙
                                                  ˙                 œ                  ˙

 & # œœ                                    j j
                             œœ œœ œœ .. œœ œœ œœ .. œœ . œ œ œ œœ. œ œœj ww
                                             J                J                                                         _
          Pre - cious Lamb of God, Mes - si - ah, Ho                                    -        ly One.
          Pre - cious Lamb of God, Mes - si - ah, Hope                                for sin - ners slain.
          There I’ll serve my King for - ev - er   in                                that ho - ly place.

 ? # # œœ           œœ       œœ      œœ œ .. œœ œ œœ .. œ œ œ œ œ . œ ww
                                        œ J œJ          œ œ œ œ œ . Jœ                                                  _

  # #Chorus
 & œœ œœ œœ                        œœ ˙˙           œœ .. œœj œœj œœ . œœ œœ                 œ˙ . œ œ œœ .. œœj
          Thank You, oh,          my        Fa - ther,    for   giv- ing     us Your Son,                      And
             œ                     œ ˙˙            œ . œ œœ œœ . œœ œœ                      œ˙ . œ œ œ . œ
 ? # # œœ œœ œ                     œ               œ . œJ J .                                        œ . œJ

 & # ˙˙                  œœ œœ         œœ œœ œœ .. œœj œœ œ œœ œ œœ. œ œj w
                                                                       œ w                                              _

                                       œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ                                    œ.
           leav - ing Your           Spir - it     till    the work          on        earth         is    done.

 ? # # ˙˙                œœ œœ                                                                        œ ww
                                       œ œ œ . œJ œ œ œ                                  œ.           œJ
WORDS: Melody Green                                                                                          GREEN
MUSIC: Melody Green                                                                                   Irregular meter
 © Copyright 1982 Birdwing Music (ASCAP)/BMG Songs (ASCAP)/Ears To Hear Music (ASCAP) (admin. by EMI CMG Publishing).
                                          All rights reserved. Used by permission.
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