"FINGER ON THE PULSE" - Decision ...

Page created by Rebecca Austin
"FINGER ON THE PULSE" - Decision ...

Real-time Decision Intelligence and Awareness of
the top trending Topics, Sentiment and Emotions of
Queenslanders towards Leadership
Duration of analysis
5 May 2020 > 4 June 2020
"FINGER ON THE PULSE" - Decision ...
01. Report scope
02. Insights summary
03.1 Top/Key Phrase Analysis
03.2 Top topics - posts
03.3 Chatter Timeline
04.1 Emotion Timeline - Annastacia Palaszczuk
04.2 Emotion Allocation - Insights
05.1 Emotion Timeline - Deb Frecklington
05.2 Emotion Allocation - Insights
06.1 Network of Influencers
06.2 Network of Influencers - insights

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"FINGER ON THE PULSE" - Decision ...
01.                                                                                            QUEENSLAND LEADERSHIP
                                                                                                       INSIGHTS SUMMARY

                                                                                                          5 MAY - 4 JUNE

1. This sample report on Queensland Leadership is a collection of data from a pilot
   campaign that was setup as a test
2. This report and campaign is to showcase DHI’s potential of the capability and service
3. Report contains a partial view of the insights and offering, a full campaign will provide
   insights and analysis that are multiple layers deeper
4. The data collected from this pilot campaign is a sample data set to show the potential of
   the capability.
5. Current data-set is indicative of the conditions, and should not be taken as fully
   representative of the actual trending Topics, Sentiment, Emotion, associated with the topic,
   as it does not contain the full data set and has not been through the necessary rigour to
   ensure data quality
6. For a fully accurate representation of the topic, an actual campaign will need to be
   commissioned and analysed.

Note: Data does not include some Facebook, Instagram information at this stage, but a typical
campaign will include all information from all social media channels

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"FINGER ON THE PULSE" - Decision ...
02.                                                                                                          QUEENSLAND LEADERSHIP
                                                                                                                     INSIGHTS SUMMARY

                                                                                                                        5 MAY - 4 JUNE

INSIGHTS SUMMARY - LEADERSHIP                                                                                            TOTAL MENTIONS

                                                                                                                          27,840 mentions

1.’NAZI’ POST                                2.LOTS OF CHATTER, BUT…                       3.BORDER STORY
The ‘Nazi’ post by Andrew Laming             The Premier significantly dominates          The border closure is the trending
dominated the chatter during this            the chatter volume over the period           narrative this past week (leading up to 4
period, with more than 50% of the            with 86%. This is positive from an           June). This discussion is close to 20% of
chatter related to this topic. This          Awareness perspective, however               the chatter volume, but climbing rapidly.
was an Emotionally Involved topic            from an Emotional Involvement                Emotionally, it is very intensive. At
as well, with over 40% of people             perspective, the Premier does not            present, nearly 65% of people have
feeling Anger or Disgust towards             command the same dominance.                  negative emotions towards the closure,
the post, and 28% feeling Sadness            People are Emotionally fickle about          while 27% feel positive towards it.
towards the Premier. The duration            the two Leaders, with a lot of
of the Emotions and Chatter                  fluctuating Emotions.                        Opportunity:
extended beyond the average,                                                              • If the borders are to remain closed, a
lasting for more than 1 week.                Opportunity:                                   clear ‘Opening the Border’ strategy
                                             • People are influenced by the party           needs to be communicated concisely
Opportunity:                                   that dominates the Emotional                 and repeatedly to reduce the Anger
• As this is an Emotionally charged            Involvement positively. A steady             and Fear of uncertainty that drives
  post/topic, expect this post to              flow of posts that creates positive          Emotions.
  resurface as we near the election            Emotions, and managing the
  campaign period. Preparations                negative Emotions posts, will
  will need to be done to influence            level out the Emotional
  the Emotions when it does                    fluctuation, thus creating a more
  appear.                                      predictable situation.

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"FINGER ON THE PULSE" - Decision ...
03.1                                                                                                    TOTAL MENTIONS

                                                                                                            27,840 mentions
                                                                                                                                         QUEENSLAND LEADERSHIP
                                                                                                                                                  INSIGHTS SUMMARY

 TOP/KEY PHRASE ANALYSIS                                                                                                                              5 MAY - 4 JUNE

1. Backlash from Nazi Uniform post Recent trending post that shows Annastacia Palaszczuk in a nazi uniform has dominated social media
   in the past month, with more than half the chatter. Ranging from request for apologies to blaming Andrew Laming. The chatter around
   this post lasted for more than 1 week.

2. Border Closure Trending chatter about Queenslands border closure, especially the exchange between NSW and Queensland Premiers

3. Media Propaganda before Elections chatter about how media is trying to influence October election outcomes

                                                 Top Topics for Queensland Leadership 5 May - 4 June
   Post that pictured Annastacia             Annastacia Palaszczuk 's Polish grandpa was interred in a Nazi camp. Her Polish grandma was forced to strip                  57.5%
   Palaszczuk in a Nazi Uniform has          naked at gunpoint for the Nazis to use for sex. Yet Federal Liberal Member for Bowman, Andrew Laming MP,
   received heavy backlash                   thinks it's OK to post a photo of her in a Nazi uniform. https://t.co/5GJMCrueKL
                                             RT @anonymous Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk is the daughter of former Qld minister Henry Palaszczuk who
                                             was persecuted by the Nazis. It's total BS Andrew Laming didn't know. #qldpol #auspol https://t.co/
   NSW and QLD feud over border closure      It seems that @GladysB is mad that the Qld Premier @AnnastaciaMP isn’t in a rush to open the borders to a                    14.4%
                                             State that let a festering covid ridden cruise ship dock. Weird huh.
                                             BORDERS CLOSED: "We're not going to be lectured to by a State that has the highest number of cases in
                                             Australia." QLD Premier

   Post about propaganda to help LNP win     The @couiermail is trying every trick in the book to make sure @AnnastaciaMP doesn't win the Qld election in                 7.7%
   Oct elections                             October.. Lets try extra hard to make this not happen folks.. Could you imagine what it would be like having
                                             @DebFrecklington as Premier.. It would be worse than Newman

   Petitions to Annastacia Palaszczuk        Annastacia Palaszczuk & Jeanette Young to make a national apology to Nathan Turner family - Sign the                         6.9%
                                             Petition! https://t.co/vHZn6O4H2m via @anonymous
                                             Annastacia Palaszczuk : Reconsider spending $40mil on a new greyhound racing complex in Ipswich. - Sign
                                             the Petition! https://t.co/bfJ7q5P8sg via @anonymous
   Positive posts that recognises            Kudos to @AnnastaciaMP. Qld was the first state to declare a public health emergency in January.                             6.1%
   Annastacia Palaszczuk swift reaction to   @ScottMorrisonMP still wanted to go to an NRL game in March! #QandA
   lnp to ensure that workers only get 24    #BREAKING: One Nation has just voted with the LNP to ensure that workers only get 24 hours’ notice to vote                   4.2%
   hours                                     on permanent cuts to their pay and conditions. This means workers have no time to consult or get advice. Yet
                                             again One Nation sides with the LNP over workers. #auspol

   annastacia palaszczuk and labor have      Annastacia Palaszczuk and Labor have almost bankrupted Queensland and they can't even get their trains to                    3.2%
   almost bankrupted queensland              run on time. How on earth could they run an airline? https://t.co/YQMFycz18a

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03.2                                       TOTAL MENTIONS

                                            27,840 mentions
                                                                        QUEENSLAND LEADERSHIP
                                                                                INSIGHTS SUMMARY

TOP TOPICS - POSTS                                                                 5 MAY - 4 JUNE

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03.3                                                                    Annastacia Palaszczuk (86%)

                                                                        Total - 23,625 ; High - 28 May
                                                                                                              QUEENSLAND LEADERSHIP
                                                                                                                       CHATTER TIMELINE
                                                                           Deb Frecklington (14%)

CHATTER TIMELINE                                                        Total - 3,762 ; High - 27 May                    5 MAY - 4 JUNE

      14 MAY                                         17 MAY - 23 MAY
      • Trending post supporting Qld Premier         • Andrew Laming’s post with photoshopped              27 MAY
        and questioning Peter Duttons record.          picture on Nazi character posted                    • Chatter around Queensland border
        Post gathered a lot of additional chatter    • Increase in chatter volume over period from           closure and ‘feud’ between
      • News that One Nation voted with LNP            reposts and strong pushback from many                 Premiers
      • Qld government to buy stake in Virgin          quarters                                            • Chatter about Pauline Hanson,
        Australia                                    • Posts dominates chatter volume for 1 week             against Annastacia

11-12 MAY
• Post that called for Kudos to
  Qld Premier who was first to
  declare state of emergency,
  while Scott Morrison still
  wanted to attend NRL

   5 MAY - 16 MAY                                                                                          26 MAY
   • Minimal chatter related to Deb Frecklington
                                                      17 May                                               • LNP sponsored posts about
                                                      • Spike in chatter on Deb was to                       Premier keeping the border closed
     during this period
   • Chatter that did emerge on Deb around
                                                        question her leadership, and over                    gain good traction
     alternative proposal for Virgin buyout to LNP      Andrew Laming antics
                                                      • Pushback over gutter politics
   • LNP sponsored chatter did not gain any
                                                        played by LNP

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04.1                                                                                                                                  QUEENSLAND LEADERSHIP
                                                                                                                                                   EMOTION TIMELINE
   EMOTION TIMELINE - ANNASTACIA PALASZCZUK                                                                                                           5 MAY - 4 JUNE

 Overall Emotions - 5 May - 4 June                                                                   21 MAY - QLDS BORDERS REMAIN CLOSED
                                                                                                     • 65% have negative feelings at this period towards
                                                                                                       Borders remaining closed, with 27% feeling positive.
                                                    14 MAY - VIRGIN AUSTRALIA INVESTMENT
 disgust                                            • Small spike in Sadness and Anger, mostly
                                                                                                     • Long lasting Anger and Sadness towards Annastacia

   8.2%                     anger                     from chatter around Queensland
                                                                                                       for keeping the borders closed, while other states start
                                                                                                       to open up. Most of the chatter is about
                                                      government planning to buy stake in
sadness                     29.2%                                                                      Queenslanders needing to get on with lives and
                                                      Virgin Australia, concerns around debt
                                                                                                       businesses, especially Tourism.
 29.4%                       surprise
                                                      and giving tax payers money to foreign
                                                                                                     • These Emotions are longer lasting, as it dominates
                                                                                                       chatter for nearly 5 days.
    joy                      3.1%

     11-12 MAY - ‘KUDOS’                                                     17 MAY - ‘NAZI’ POST                                     26 MAY - BORDER FEUD
     • ‘Kudos’ Post for Qld Premier for
                                                                             • High and extended sense of Sadness                     • Divided Emotions around on-going border
       being first to declare emergency                                        and Anger (58%) towards Andrew                           feud, with 25% feeling Sad that borders
       resulted in high spike in Sadness,                                      Laming’s post labelling Annastacia as a                  remain closed
       due to some people not agreeing                                         Nazi. Calls for an apology                             • Anger around on-air attack on Annastacia
       with giving praise, and also                                          • Further Sadness at tactics of the LNP                    on Sunrise to open border
       Sadness towards Fed government.                                         and their smear campaign strategy                      • Joy was humour that Pauline Hanson’s
                                                                                                                                        failed to crowdfund a legal challenge
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04.2                                                                                QUEENSLAND LEADERSHIP
                                                                                            EMOTION TIMELINE

                                                                                               5 MAY - 4 JUNE


1. Fluctuating Emotions The general sentiment is fluid, with fluctuating emotions
   towards Queensland Premier, Annastacia Palaszczuk. This indicates a level of
   uncertainty on the Premier’s position in the hearts of Queenslanders, which will
   result in unpredictability. Increase the predictability of the results by focusing on
   campaigns that stabilises the positive Emotions, and reduces the troughs of
   negative Emotions.
2. ‘Nazi’ Post resulted in emotions of Disgust and Anger towards Andrew Laming and
   Liberals. Most people felt Sadness and sympathy towards the Premier as a result of
   the post. While the Chatter dominated social media for a week, the intensity of the
   Emotions were largely confine to the first 3 days. As this topic was controversial
   and had Emotional stamina, it will remain in peoples memories, and will likely
   resurface as we get closer to the Election campaign period in 3Q 2020. Best to be
   prepared for the potential viral posts related to this topic.

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05.1                                                                                                                                   QUEENSLAND LEADERSHIP
                                                                                                                                                             EMOTION TIMELINE
             EMOTION TIMELINE - DEB FRECKLINGTON                                                                                                                   5 MAY - 4 JUNE

          Overall Emotions - 5 May - 4 June                                                                            22 May - NO LAUGHING MATTER
                                                                                                                       • Sadness spike attributed to post about

                                                              13 MAY - BIRTHDAY WISHES                                   LNP members laughing during Qld
           disgust                                            • Joy spike was almost entirely                            parliament, where Dr Anthony Lynham
                                                                                                                         talked about a friend who lost a son to
             8.6%                       anger
                                                                from birthday wishes to Scott
                                                                                                                         Covid. Low level of chatter, but high
         sadness                        28.9%                                                                            emotional involvement.

           27.3%                        surprise
              joy                       1.7%

10 MAY - GENERAL POLITICS                                                 17 MAY - ‘PALASZCZUK AIRLINES’                                          26 - 28 MAY - BORDER CLOSURE
• Emotionally charged low volume                                          • LNP sponsors post on ‘Palaszczuk Airlines’ had                        • LNP sponsored message about
  chatter…people reading the posts                                          unintended high emotional involvement with                              Annastacia keeping borders closed
  are Emotionally Involved                                                  large numbers feeling Anger towards LNP’s                               has mixed emotions.
• Split between corruption in LNP                                           campaigning and perceived double standards                            • 32% feel Joy towards Deb and party
  (29% Anger), Support for Deb                                            • Anger also towards Deb’s repeat answers to                              regarding the post
  (25% Joy), LNP’s practice of gutter                                       questions about a racist LNP video.                                   • However, more than 50% feel Anger
  politics and lack of a good                                             • Interestingly, not as much Anger associated                             or Sadness, as people view this as
  alternative (23% Sadness)                                                 to Deb as a result of Andrew Laming’s Nazi                              dividing Queensland, and LNP gutter
                                                                            post                                                                    politics

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05.2                                                                               QUEENSLAND LEADERSHIP
                                                                                           EMOTION TIMELINE

                                                                                              5 MAY - 4 JUNE


1. Low Volume, High Involvement Chatter volume around LNP leader Deb
   Frecklington is relatively low compared to the Premier. However, the Emotional
   Involvement around the chatter is significant. This means that people are engaged
   emotionally, positively or negatively, towards posts that appears around Deb and
   the LNP. Utilise this high Involvement to influence and sway emotions through
   targeted campaigns
2. No Association The ‘Nazi’ post that dominated the chatter during this period has
   had a high emotional involvement for the Premier, and one would expect an
   opposite emotional response towards the Opposition leader, Deb. However, there
   was minimal associated between the negative emotions of the post and Deb, and
   she seemed removed from the controversy Emotionally. Leverage this emotional
   distance from this post, as this is a post that could be recycled during the election

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06.1                                                                                      QUEENSLAND LEADERSHIP
                                                                                            NETWORK OF INFLUENCERS

                                                                                                     5 MAY - 4 JUNE


                                                                                                   Potential Bot, due to
                                                                                                   expansion of post from one

                                          @ AnneSMIXX
                @ DebFrecklington

                                                                                                  Annastacia’s influence is significant
                                                                                                  vs Deb, which is non-existent

                Potential Bot               @AnnastaciaMP

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06.2                                                                             QUEENSLAND LEADERSHIP
                                                                                   NETWORK OF INFLUENCERS

                                                                                            5 MAY - 4 JUNE

1. Annastacia has the Floor The Premier is the main source of influence and
   news in this Network for this period. People are listening to and responding
   to what the Premier is posting online. This is in contrast to Deb, who has
   little influence over the last month.
2. Potential Bots There are several handles and clusters that resemble ‘bot’
   patterns. These could potentially be paid promoters/detractors who amplify
   the rhetoric (positive or negative). Identify who they are and manage the
   conversation and influence.

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Real-time Decision Intelligence and Awareness of
the top trending Topics, Sentiment and Emotions of
Queenslanders towards Leadership
Duration of analysis
5 May 2020 > 4 June 2020
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