Clover School District Summer Math Learning Packet

Page created by Beth Cross
Clover School District
                                                            Summer Math Learning Packet
                                                              Students entering Grade 8
 These summer math activities will enable your child to review math concepts and reinforce skills learned this year. Just a few minutes
 each day spent “thinking and talking about math” will help reinforce all the math that has been learned and begin to bridge the
 foundation for extending to concepts that will be developed next year. The goal is for your child to have fun thinking and working
 collaboratively to communicate mathematical ideas. While your child is working, ask him/her how the solution was found and why a
 particular strategy was chosen.

 The math practice in this summer packet addresses 4 critical areas in grade 7:
   1. developing understanding of and applying proportional relationships;
   2. developing understanding of operations with rational numbers and working with expressions and linear equations;
   3. solving problems involving scale drawings and informal geometric constructions, and working with two- and three-
      dimensional shapes to solve problems involving area, surface area, and volume; and
   4. drawing inferences about populations based on samples.

   Packet contains:                                                         Suggested Use:
      • Math problems for June and July with an answer key                     • Complete at least 15 math days each month
      • Literature, APP, and website recommendations                           • Spend at least 10 minutes 4-5 times a week
      • Math journal directions                                                • Keep a math journal to record work
                                                                               • Make a summer math goal with your child

                          Student mathematicians - keep your mathematics skills sharp and have a safe and enjoyable summer. J

Clover School District 2021                                                          Adapted from Cambridge Public Schools
Websites to Explore:
                              Summer Math Ideas                                 
                              Grade 8 Students                                  
    Why Math Journals?                                                          
    Math journals are important tools to help build note-taking skills and mathematical
    communication. They can be used to record your thinking from the calendar math
    problems as well as the other summer math ideas to explore.                 
    Do your best to complete as many of these summer math activities as you can!
    Record all your work in your math journal. In August, share your Math Journal
    with your eighth grade teacher.                                             
    Each journal entry should:                                                  
       ü Have the date of the entry                                             
       ü Have a clear and complete answer                                       
       ü Be neat and organized
    Here are two examples of “Great” journal entries:                                     APPs to Try:
                                                                                           Grades 6-8                                                    All Grades
          June 4, 2021                                                                      • Everyday Mathematics, Beat the Computer,                    • KENKEN
          If 3 books cost $18, then I know 1 book costs $6. 7 books would                      Multiplication                                             • Kakooma
          cost $42. With $54, I could purchase 9 books since 9 X 6 = 54.                    • Everyday Mathematics, Divisibility Dash                     • Quick Math – Arithmetic &
                                                                                            • Everyday Mathematics, Equivalent Fractions                      Times Tables
                                                                                            • Fill the Cup                                                • Pick-a-Path
          July 28, 2021                                                                     • Pizza Fractions 1
                                                                                                                                                          • Sumdog
          Thinking Blocks Ratios APP: I practiced problems to review how to                 • Operation Math
                                                                                                                                                          • Conundra Math
          find the missing quantity in a ratio. I built my model using a bar                • Tony’s Fraction’s Pizza Shop
                                                                                                                                                          • Thinking Blocks
          diagram. Using a bar model helps me to visualize the problem. I was               • Pearl Diver HD
                                                                                            • Lobster Diver HD                                            • Fast Facts Addition,
          able to correctly answer 5 problems.                                                                                                                Subtraction
                                                                                            • Factor Samurai – multiplication and division
                                                                                            • Ninja Chicken                                               • Fast Facts Multiplication,
                                                                                            • Fraction App by tap to Learn                                    Division
  Math Books to Read:                                                                                                                                     • Learn Zillion
                                                                                            • Dare to Share Fairly
    Evil Genius by Catherine Jinks                                                          • Long Division Touch                                         • Khan Academy
    Forever Changes by Brendan Halpin                                                       • Math Ninja HD                                               • Symmetry shuffle
    All of the Above by Shelley Pearsall                                                    • Quick Math                                                  • Math matrix
    Hannah Divided by Adele Griffin                                                         • Wuzzit Trouble                                              • Ratio rumble
                                                                                            • Sushi Monster                                               • Math doodles
    Guinness Book of Records by Time Inc.                                                   • Deep Sea Duel                                               • Flash to Pass
    Mathematicians are People Too by Luetta Reimer & Wilbert Reimer                         • Super 7                                                     • Slice It!
                                                                                            • Chicken coop fractions                                      • 2048
  Worksheets to Practice Math:                                                              • Math vs zombies                                                     • Mathmateer                                                          • Buzzmath

Clover School District 2021                                                                             Adapted from Cambridge Public Schools
June 2021 Entering Eighth Grade Mathematics Calendar
   Sunday                     Monday                        Tuesday                            Wednesday                           Thursday                            Friday                Saturday

                                                1                                    2                                  3                                  4                                 5
                                                Twice a number (n)                   Try a new activity at              A menu has these options for       Solve:
                                                minus nine is ninety-           sandwiches: 3 types of bread, 4      45 ÷ (-9) =
                                                five. Find the number                                                   meat choices, and 5 topping
                                                (n).                                                                    choices. How many possible           (-105) ÷ (-15) =
                                                                                     Challenge yourself. What did       sandwiches can be made? Can
                                                                                     you choose to do?                  you create a different menu with
                                                                                                                        the same outcome?

   6           7                                8                                    9                                  10                                 11                                12
               Look up a math topic and         Joe has an 80ft:1inch scale-         Write an expression for the        Visit the website                  If the product of 6 integers is
               read about the history. Who      drawing of the floor plan of his     sequence of operations           negative, at most how many
               discovered it? How was it        house. On the floor plan, the        below:                             vlibrary.html.                     of the integers can be
               used? Ex. pi, gallons, metric.   dimensions of his rectangular                                                                              negative?
                                                living room are 1⅞ inches by         Add 3 to x, subtract the
                                                                                     result from1, then double
                                                2½ inches. What is the area of                                          Challenge yourself with fun
                                                                                     what you have.                     activities! List them.
                                                living room in square feet?

   13          14                               15                                   16                                 17                                 18                                19
               Games Unlimited buys video       Go to website:                       Using a grocery store              Can a triangle have more           Describe situations in which
               games for $10. The store     receipt, figure what               than one obtuse angle?             opposite quantities combine
               increases the price 300%.        arch.aspx?view=search&gr=6-          percentage of the bill was         Will three sides of any            to make 0.
               What is the price of the         8.                                   spent on vegetables, meat,         length create a triangle?
               video game?                                                           drinks, junk food, and other.
                                                Choose a resource to explore.

   20           21                              22                                   23                                 24                                 25                                26
               The pages of a book are          Choose a favorite professional       Miaʼs cell phone plan is $15 a     Which is a better price? Why?      33.3% is the answer. What
               numbered consecutively from      athlete and research his/her         month including free texting        a. 15oz. for $1.69                could the question possibly
               1 to 275. How many times is      annual salary. How much does         plus $0.20 per minute of call       b. 12 oz. for $1.49               be?
               the digit 8 used in numbering    s/he earn in a month? A day?         time. Mia made 30 minutes of                                          Challenge yourself to think of
               the pages?                                                            calls this month, and 110 texts.                                      more questions.
                                                                                     How much does she have to

                                                                                                                         We encourage your child to
   27          28                               29                                   30
               Try one of the recommended       Visit the website Figure this        There are three choices of           •   complete at least 15 math days each month
               math APPs. Record what you       and solve a real life math           jellybeans: grape, cherry and        •   spend at least 10 minutes a day, 4 to 5 times a
               did                              challenge.                           orange. If the probability of            week, practicing math
                                                                                     getting a grape is 3/10 and the      •   use a math journal to record his work
                                                                                     probability of getting cherry is
                                         1/5, what is the probability of      • create a goal to help him stay strong in math
                                                ml                                   getting orange?                          over the summer.

Clover School District 2021                                                                                             Adapted from Cambridge Public Schools
July 2021 Entering Eighth Grade Mathematics Calendar
   Sunday                     Monday                         Tuesday                        Wednesday                           Thursday                             Friday                     Saturday
          We encourage your child to
              •   complete at least 15 math days each month
              •   spend at least 10 minutes a day, 4 to 5 times a week, practicing math
              •   use a math journal to record his work
              •   create a goal to help him stay strong in math over the summer
                                                                                                                     1                                  2                                       3
                                                                                                                     Visit the website:                 Play a strategy game.
                                                                                                                  Ex. Monopoly, Parcheesi,
                                                                                                                                                        Mancala, Connect Four.
                                                                                                                     Play a game with positive &
                                                                                                                     negative integers.                 What strategy did you

   4             5                               6                               7                                   8                                  9                                       10
                 Look up a famous math           Play Sudoku from the            Visit the website Figure this       George’s weekly pay rate is $455   m∠A= 13∘ and
                 person and read about           newspaper or online.            and solve a real life math          per week. He receives a 20%
                 him/her. What did he/she                                        challenge.                          raise. What is his new weekly
                 discover? How was it            How did logic help you to                                           wage rate?                         Are the angles
                 used? Ex. Fibonacci,            solve the puzzle?     
                 Pythagoras.                                                     tml

   11            12                              13                              14                                  15                                 16                                      17
                 Visit the website:              Calculate:                      Find the area of a circle if the    Dave buys 2 pineapples and         Dan’s salary is $70 less than
            7x8=                            diameter is 20 feet.                some bananas. One pineapple is     Sam’s, whose weekly salary
                 and play Connect Three          (-7) x 8 =                                                          $2.99. Bananas are $0.67 per lb.   is $50 more than Jan’s. If Jan
                 with positive & negative        (-7) x (-8) =                   A = πr2                             He wants to spend less than        earns $280 per week, how
                 integers.                                                                                           $10.00. Write an inequality that   much money does Dan earn
                                                                                 π ≈ 3.14
                                                                                                                     represents the number of pounds    per week?
                                                                                                                     of bananas, b, he can buy.

   18            19                              20                              21                                  22                                 23                                      24
                 In the following equation, a    Make a paper airplane and fly   On May 1st, Jay’s mom gave          Two adjacent angles are            Try one of the recommended
                 and b are both integers, find   it several times. Find the      him 1 cent. Each day, she paid      always complementary. True         math APPs. Record what you
                 their value:                    mean, median, and mode of       double the amount she paid the      or false?                          did
                      a(3x – 8) = b – 18x        the distance your plane can     day before. How much money
                                                 fly.                            did Jay earn in total by May 15?

   25            26                              27                              28                                29                                   30                             31
                 Solve:                          Go to website:                  Using a receipt, find the mean,   Solve: 3w + 2 = 20                   Joe has a bag containing 8 red
                    2 + (-3) =             median, and mode of the prices of                                      sweets, 9 yellow sweets and 11
                   (-2) + (-3) =                 oma/Kakooma?gameType=N          the items on the receipt from a                                        green sweets. He takes out a
                   (-2) + 3 =                                                    store (grocery, clothing).        Can you write a real world problem   sweet and eats it, then he
                                                                                                                   that this equation represents?       takes out a second sweet.
                                                                                                                                                        What is the probability that
                                                 Choose a level and enjoy                                                                               both the sweets are red?
                                                 practicing your quick
                                                 calculations.                                                                                          YOU DID IT! Please bring your journal
                                                                                                                                                        to your eighth grade teacher on the
                                                                                                                                                        first day of school!
Clover School District 2021                                                                                          Adapted from Cambridge Public Schools
Grade 8 Answer Key - 2021
                   Answers will vary for many of the activities depending on the choices students make. Below are the answers for activities with specific solutions.

 June 1                                                                                         June 18
 2n – 9 = 95                                                                                    Example:
 n= 52                                                                                          You borrow $10 from a friend and then you pay your friend back.

 June 3                                                                                         June 21
 There are 60 possible sandwiches. Use the counting principle (3 x 4 x 5 = 60), make a          Numbers are 8, 18, 28, 38, 48, 58, 68, 78, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 98,
 table, or tree diagram.                                                                        108, 118, 128, 138, 148, 158, 168, 178, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188,
 Answers will vary for creating a different menu.                                               189, 198, 208, 218, 228, 238, 248, 258, 268.
 Examples: 2 x 2 x 15 OR 2 x 3 x 10.                                                            The number 8 will occur 47 times.

 June 4                                                                                         June 23
 45 ÷ (-9) = -5               (-105) ÷ (-15) = 7                                                15 + (0.20 x 30) = 15 + 6 = 21
                                                                                                She has to pay the phone company $21.
 June 8
 The dimensions of the real living room in inches are:                                          June 24
 80 × 1 7/8 = 150 in.                                                                           1.69 ÷ 15 ≈ 0.112           1.49 ÷ 12 ≈ 0.124
 80 × 2½ = 200 in.                                                                              15 oz. for $1.69 is a better value as it is $0.11 per oz. and 12 oz. for $1.49 is $0.12 per
 The area of the real living room is 150 in × 200 in = 30, 000 in2.                             oz.
 To convert square inches to square feet, you have to divide by 122 = 144.
 30, 000 ÷ 144 = 208⅓. So the area of the living room is 208⅓ ft2.                              June 25
 Another way to solve: 150 ÷ 12 = 12½ feet and 200 ÷ 12 = 16⅔ feet so 12½ x 16⅔ =               Example: A store is having a 1/3 off all merchandise sale. What percent off would that
 208⅓ square ft.                                                                                be?

 June 9                                                                                         June 30
 2(1 - (X + 3))                                                                                 Probability of getting a grape is 3/10. Probability of getting a cherry is 1/5 or 2/10.
                                                                                                Probability of getting a grape or cherry is 3/10 + 2/10 = 5/10.
 June 11                                                                                        1 – 5/10 = 5/10 or 1/2
 Any ODD number of negative integers will lead to a negative answer, therefore with the         The probability of getting an orange jelly bean is ½.
 limit being 6, the answer will be 5.

 June 14                                                                                        July 8
 Using proportional reasoning, if $10 is 100% then what amount would be 300%? Since             $455 + $455(0.20) = $546.00 OR $455 x 1.20 = $546.00
 300% is 3 times 100%, $30 would be $10 times 3. Thirty dollars represents the amount
 of increase from $10 so the new price of the video game would be $40.                          July 9
                                                                                                The two angles are complementary. Complementary angles add up to 90 degrees.
 June 17
 No, a triangle cannot have more than one obtuse angle. An obtuse angle is a                    July 13
 measurement that is greater than 90 degrees. When all the interior angles of a triangle        7 x 8 = 56                 (-7) x 8 = -56               (-7) x (-8) = 56
 are added together, they must add up to 180 degrees.
                                                                                                July 14
 No, the sum of the two smaller sides must be larger than the third side.                       The diameter equals 20 so the radius equals 10 since it is half of the diameter.
                                                                                                A = πr2 = π(10)2 = 100π ≈ 100(3.14) = 314
                                                                                                The area of the circle would be 314 ft2.

Clover School District 2021                                                                           Adapted from Cambridge Public Schools
July 15
 2 pineapples + some bananas and spend less than $10. Let b = pounds of bananas.
 2(2.99) + 0.67b < 10
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