Fifteen-year trends in the prevalence of barriers to healthy eating in Switzerland

Page created by Edwin Parks
Fifteen-year trends in the prevalence of barriers to healthy eating in Switzerland
Fifteen-year trends in the
prevalence of barriers to healthy
      eating in Switzerland

                                   Carlos de Mestral
           Swiss Public Health Conference, Basel - November 2017

PhD candidate in the Division of Chronic Diseases, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, Lausanne, Switzerland

                                             IUMSP – Institut universitaire de
                                             médecine sociale et préventive                                             1
Fifteen-year trends in the prevalence of barriers to healthy eating in Switzerland

Healthy eating:

                                                       - World Health Organization, 2016

                   IUMSP – Institut universitaire de
                   médecine sociale et préventive                                    2
Fifteen-year trends in the prevalence of barriers to healthy eating in Switzerland
Most people do not eat healthfully
• Low adherence to dietary recommendations for most foods groups
• menuCH sample:
   • 18% - fruits & vegetables
   • 22% - total meat
   • 6% - Nuts, seeds, olives…
                                                                   - Chatelan et al., 2017. Nutrients.

• Bus Santé sample:
   • Substantial deviation from recommended optimal macro and micro
     nutrient intake
                                                                 - de Abreu et al., 2012. Clinical Nutr.

                             IUMSP – Institut universitaire de
                             médecine sociale et préventive                                   3
Fifteen-year trends in the prevalence of barriers to healthy eating in Switzerland


 Diet quality

                                                                gradient in diet


                Lower   Socioeconomic Position                Higher

                             - Darmon & Drewnowski, 2008. AJCN; Wang et al, 2010. JAMA Internal Med.

                          IUMSP – Institut universitaire de
                          médecine sociale et préventive                                      4
Fifteen-year trends in the prevalence of barriers to healthy eating in Switzerland
•   In Switzerland, several barriers to healthy eating are:
    1.   highly prevalent (≥20%)
    2.   demographically and socioeconomically patterned

                             IUMSP – Institut universitaire de
                             médecine sociale et préventive      5
Fifteen-year trends in the prevalence of barriers to healthy eating in Switzerland
                                                                               Price                                                               43.2
Prevalence of                                                                                                                             35.8
barriers to healthy                                                                                                                          39.8
                                                            Daily habits, constraints                                                       37.5
eating in Switzerland,
by sex, Swiss Health                                         Fondness of goodTaste
                                                                              food                                                              38.8
Survey, 2012
                         Barriers to healthy eating

                                                                    Time constraint                                               29.0

                                                                  Lack of willpower                                      21.2

                                                                                                                      19.5                                              Women
                                                      Limited options in restaurants                               17.1
                                                                                                           11.0                                                         Men
                                                        Fondness of abundant food                                 16.4

                                                                  No social support                  7.8

                                                          Limited options at market            5.9

                                                            Social group opposition          3.0

                                                                                        0           10            20         30           40           50          60     70      80

                                                                                                                         Prevalence (%) and 95% CI

                                                                         IUMSP – Institut universitaire de
                                                                         médecine sociale et préventive                                                                       6
Fifteen-year trends in the prevalence of barriers to healthy eating in Switzerland

• To assess fifteen-year trends in the prevalence of self-reported
  barriers to healthy eating, overall and according to demographic
  and socioeconomic indicators.

                          IUMSP – Institut universitaire de
                          médecine sociale et préventive        7
Fifteen-year trends in the prevalence of barriers to healthy eating in Switzerland
Swiss Health Survey
• Four surveys: 1997, 2002, 2007, 2012
• “Please identify which of the following barriers prevent you from
  having a healthy diet…”

 1. Time constraint                                          6. Social group opposition
 2. Limited options at markets                               7. Taste
 3. Limited options in restaurants/cafes/cafeterias 8. Fondness of abundant food
 4. Price                                                    9. Daily habits and constrains
 5. Lack of social support                                   10. Lack of willpower

                                 IUMSP – Institut universitaire de
                                 médecine sociale et préventive                               8
•   Trends assessed according to:
      1. Gender
      2. Age (18-35, 36-50, 51-65, >65)
      3. Income (quartiles)
      4. Education (primary, secondary, tertiary)
•   Multivariable adjusted logistic regression
•   Statistical significance at p
Trends in prevalence of barriers to healthy eating in Switzerland, 1997-2012, SHS

                                      IUMSP – Institut universitaire de
                                      médecine sociale et préventive                10
• Trends in prevalence were similar for all barriers irrespective of sex
  and age

                              IUMSP – Institut universitaire de
                              médecine sociale et préventive           11
• Trends in prevalence were similar for all barriers irrespective of
  education and income

                              IUMSP – Institut universitaire de
                              médecine sociale et préventive           12
• Self-reported answers
• No assessment of “healthy eating” understanding
• Excluded participants (29%)

                          IUMSP – Institut universitaire de
                          médecine sociale et préventive      13
• Over a 15-year period, several barriers to healthy eating
  remained highly prevalent in the adult Swiss population
• Trends in prevalence evolved similarly irrespective of sex, age,
  education, and income.

                           IUMSP – Institut universitaire de
                           médecine sociale et préventive        14
Thank you for your attention

      IUMSP – Institut universitaire de
      médecine sociale et préventive      15
Source: Swiss Federal Statistical Office – Consumer Price Index. Available at:

        IUMSP – Institut universitaire de
        médecine sociale et préventive                                     16
Item               German                            French                          Italian                      English translation         Abridged statement

       Hofer Zeitaufwand für             Les achats et la préparation    Troppo tempo per gli acquisti      Shopping and preparation
1                                                                                                                                             “Time”
       Einkaufen und Zubereitung.        prennent beaucoup de temps.     e la preparazione dei pasti.       takes too much time.

       Zu wenig Angebote in den          L’offre dans les magasins est   L’offerta nei negozi è troppo      Options are too limited at the    “Limited options at
       Geschäften.                       trop restreinte.                scarsa.                            store.                            markets”

                                         L’offre dans les restaurants,
       Zu wenig Angebote in                                              L’offerta nei ristoranti, mense,   Options are too limited in
3                                        cantines, etc. est trop                                                                              “Limited options”
       Restaurants, Kantinen, usw.                                       ecc. è troppo scarsa.              restaurants, cafeterias, etc.

       Gesundes Essen ist relativ        Une alimentation saine est      Il costo dell’alimentazione
4                                                                                                           Healthy eating is expensive.      “Price”
       teuer.                            relativement chère.             sana è relativamente alto.

       Zu wenig Unterstützung durch      Le manque de soutien de la      Poco aiuto dalle persone           Lack of support from my
5                                                                                                                                             “No social support”
       Mitmenschen.                      part de mon entourage.          circonstanti.                      social group.

                                         Mon entourage fait              Ostacoli da parte delle            Opposition from my social
6      Mitmenschen halten davon ab.                                                                                                           “Social opposition”
                                         opposition.                     persone circonstanti.              group.

       Grosse Vorliebe für gutes                                         Grande preferenza per il
7                                        J’aime bien manger.                                                Fondness of good food.            “Taste”
       Essen.                                                            mangiare bene.

       Grosse Vorliebe für reichliches                                   Grande preferenza per il                                             “Fondness of
8                                        J’aime beaucoup manger.                                            Fondness of abundant food.
       Essen.                                                            mangiare molto.                                                      abundant food”

                                                                         Le abitudini e le esigenze della
       Gewohnheiten und Zwänge des       Les habitudes et contraintes                                       Habits and constraints of daily
9                                                                        vitaquotidiana lo                                                    “Daily habits”
       Alltags.                          de la vie quotidienne.                                             life.

       Fehlender Wille, fehlender        Le manque de volonté, pas       Poca volontà e scarsa fiducia
10                                                                                                          Lack of willpower.                “Lack of willpower”
       Glaube an Erfolg.                 convaincu de l’efficacité.      in un risultato positivo.

                                                                 IUMSP – Institut universitaire de
                                                                 médecine sociale et préventive                                                          17
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