FIDO2 + Biometric Security Key = The Solid Passwordless Option - THE TREND OF AUTHENTICATION - Authentrend

Page created by Carlos Pearson
FIDO2 + Biometric Security Key = The Solid Passwordless Option - THE TREND OF AUTHENTICATION - Authentrend

FIDO2 + Biometric Security Key =
 The Solid Passwordless Option

                                        JUNE 2021
FIDO2 + Biometric Security Key = The Solid Passwordless Option - THE TREND OF AUTHENTICATION - Authentrend
Passwords Aren’t
A small leak will
sink a great ship.    Enough to Protect
— Benjamin Franklin
                      Your Data

                                      JUNE 2021
FIDO2 + Biometric Security Key = The Solid Passwordless Option - THE TREND OF AUTHENTICATION - Authentrend
54% of consumers
use 5 or fewer                              password
passwords for all
of their accounts.                          qwerty
TeleSign Consumer Account Security Report

                                            NordPass's most common passwords list

                                                                                    JUNE 2021
FIDO2 + Biometric Security Key = The Solid Passwordless Option - THE TREND OF AUTHENTICATION - Authentrend
Weak Passwords

80%                                               On average, it costs an
of account vulnerabilities
                                                  enterprise $70 for a single
were due to weak or
stolen passwords                                  password reset.

-Verizon 2019 Data Breach Investigations Report   - Forrester Research, January 8, 2018

                                                                                          JUNE 2021
FIDO2 + Biometric Security Key = The Solid Passwordless Option - THE TREND OF AUTHENTICATION - Authentrend
Set up 2-factor authentication?

                                  JUNE 2021
FIDO2 + Biometric Security Key = The Solid Passwordless Option - THE TREND OF AUTHENTICATION - Authentrend
Adopting either 2nd-factor authentication
          can improve security,

                                            JUNE 2021
FIDO2 + Biometric Security Key = The Solid Passwordless Option - THE TREND OF AUTHENTICATION - Authentrend
Backup                OTP/              Mobile          Security
                       Codes                TOTP               Push             Key

• Coverage issues   • Saving required   • Shared Secret     • Internet    Phishing-resistant
• Delay             • Phishable           Key                 required
• Phishable                             • Phishable         • Phishable

                                                                               Level of Assurance

                                           - Google Cloud                                 JUNE 2021
FIDO2 + Biometric Security Key = The Solid Passwordless Option - THE TREND OF AUTHENTICATION - Authentrend
Time to

               - Google Cloud   JUNE 2021
FIDO2 + Biometric Security Key = The Solid Passwordless Option - THE TREND OF AUTHENTICATION - Authentrend
has not had any of its 85,000+
employees phished on their work-related
accounts since 2017, when it began
requiring all employees to use physical
Security Keys in place of passwords and
one-time codes.
- KrebsOnSecurity

                                             JUNE 2021
FIDO2 + Biometric Security Key = The Solid Passwordless Option - THE TREND OF AUTHENTICATION - Authentrend
Phishing Attacks are Easier than you think!


                                                  JUNE 2021
Phishing Attacks are Easier than you think!

                                       From          Update your account

                                                                                       JUNE 2021
Once you enter your
credential on the
fake site, attackers
immediately log in to
the real website with
your ID/Password.


                        - Cloudflare       JUNE 2021
What about SMS Code?
SMS is transmitted in
cleartext and can be
also easily intercepted
by attackers

                          SMS Code

                                     JUNE 2021
What About A Physical Security Key?

                                   "I promise a user is here"
                                   "The server challenge was: XXXXXX"
                                   "The origin was:"

                                     - Fidoalliance

                                                                                     JUNE 2021
How Security Key Prevents Phishing Attacks

                               Request origin
                               ( !=

                               Registered relying party

                                                             JUNE 2021
It's not enough...
  2FA gives us stronger, safer password protection for your accounts, but it's a waste of time.

                                            High Security


                      Passwords + 2FA
Inconvenient                                                                               Convenient


                                            Low Security

                 That's where FIDO2 and WebAuthn play a role.
                          A better standard offers an extra layer of security
               by allowing users to authenticate their devices without using a password.

                                               - Microsoft                                       JUNE 2021
FIDO2: The New Passwordless Standard

  External             Platform/Client                  Relying Party (RP)


                CTAP        Browser             WebAuthn


                       Internal Authenticator

                                                                 FIDO Server

                              - Fidoalliance                                 JUNE 2021
+ Biometric = Truly Passwordless

 Fingerprint-enable                                                                  PIN-only
 Security Key                                                                        Security Key

          Truly Passwordless                                User Verification               PIN + Touch                  +

                           < 1s                           Time to Authenticate           > 3s (Depends on PIN length)

       Using just a fingerprint match                        User Experience         A strong PIN is difficult to remember

     No one can guess the fingerprint                                                           PIN is still guessable!
     The enrolled fingerprint template is stored and                                   • It's risky to type the PIN on an unknown device.
                                                          Security Consideration
  biometrically matched in a specialized secure element                              • Losing the key by accident will pose a security risk.
                                                                                   • Easily profiled when entering PIN codes in public places.
      to protect it from digital and physical attacks.
Individual User Journey

          - Microsoft     JUNE 2021
How FIDO2 Security Key Works?

                                            Who's                Challenge
                                           calling?       ”"


        Jenny's Key
                                 {challenge,                   Sign:
   Challenge was:123456
                           ”"}         {challenge,
        Origin was:
                                    Signed            ”"}

                               - Google
                                                                                    JUNE 2021
Where people can use the FIDO2 ATKey




                      Google    Microsoft   Facebook   GitHub   Twitter
                      Account   Account

                                                                          JUNE 2021
For Business

    - Microsoft   JUNE 2021
Passwordless+Biometric MFA Options on Azure
          User's Device                        Passwordless Authentication             Identity Provider       Access Application

                                                          Device Bound:
                                                          PC / Desktop

              Windows 10                                  Biometric Match-on-device
         Pro laptop or desktop

                                                         Device Bound:
                                                                                                    Azure AD
                                                         Microsoft Authenticator App
                                                                                                    Connect      Anything protected
                                                                                                                   with Azure AD-
                                                                                                                  Physical devices,
                                                         Biometric Match-on-device
                                                                                                                   SaaS web apps,
 ANY DEVICE has a web browser                                                                                        virtual apps,
                                                                                                                virtual desktops, etc.
  (BYO or enterprise Windows
  OS, mobile devices, virtual desktops, thin            CROSS-DEVICE
                 clients, etc.)                         + FIDO2 Security Key

                                                     Biometric Match-on-chip
Comparing Microsoft Passwordless Methods
                       Windows Hello for Business                           Microsoft Authenticator                            Fingerprint Security Key

                 Windows 10, version 1511 or later           Microsoft Authenticator App                             Windows 10, version 1809 or later
                 Azure Active Directory                      Phone (iOS and Android 6.0 or above devices)            Azure Active Directory

Security         Device Bound: Anyone with the PIN of the    Out of Band: Fraud is still possible from remote to     Cross-device : Only near-field
Assurance        device can log in directly                  control the user                                        authentication between key and devices

                 • Relies on devices with built-in Trusted   • Can be used to Azure AD-join a Windows 10-based       • Places with poor network communication
Device             Platform Module (TPM)                      devices (since Windows 10 1909), non-Windows           • Non-managed Windows devices or not place
Requirements     • Windows Hello for Business compatible      devices (Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, web browser, etc)    any company-related information on their
/Applicability     hardware, and only works with              and non-managed devices (aka BYOD).                     personal devices.
                   Windows 10-based devices.                 • A device can only be registered in a single tenant.   • Works with all major Operating Systems.

                 • The maximum number of supported           • Must back up the Authenticator App when               • Microsoft-validated security key, Such as
                   Windows Hello for Business enrollments      switching a new phone device or no longer work on       the entire series of ATKey security keys.
                   on a single Windows device is 10.           the new device.                                       • Require a logistical process to deploy.
                 • Needs to be enrolled for each Windows     • Requires colleagues to use their personal device
                   10-based device individually.               for corporate purposes.
FIDO2 Security Key Scenarios

      HI G H-T ECH                           PRI VI LEG ED                          REMOT E               T HI RD-PART Y
  MANUF ACT URERS                                 ACCESS                             ACCESS                    CONT ROL

 For places where mobiles are         Safeguard privileged user    Securely work anywhere and         Safely work with outside
not feasible or where Internet      accounts and lower the risk         help IT leaders manage        experts, consultants, and
           connectivity is poor                       of attacks      workforces more securely        other third-party vendor

              SHARED                            MULT I PLE                       OF F I CE            HI G HLY SECURE
           WORK SPACE                                AAD                      EMPLOY EES            SENSI T I VE ACCESS
      In an environment with      Easy identity selection among            Combined with office          Remotely have simple,
shared devices or kiosk, users     multiple AAD tenants with a     scenarios, one security key or    highly secure access to the
     can sign in more quickly             good user experience             card for multiple uses            most sensitive data

Raise your Security Standards Today with ATKey

                                             JUNE 2021
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