Authentication as a service: No more stress - passwordless

Page created by Todd Herrera
Authentication as a service: No more stress - passwordless
Authentication as a service:
No more stress – passwordless
Authentication Cloud – faster, easier and more user-friendly

The driver for innovation is digitization. Secure and easy access to digital offers and services
plays an important role in its success.
With the NEVIS Authentication Cloud you can offer your customers maximum security and
a smooth user experience in no time. Available as an app with custom branding.                                                    1
Authentication as a service: No more stress - passwordless
The biggest security risk is the password                      Authentication of the new generation

It is a fact: passwords meet the security requirements no      Remembering a long, complex password for each of your
longer. In particular when it comes to mobile devices,         accounts is no longer compatible with today’s fast, mobile
where users often refrain from using special characters        world. New solutions with passwordless authentication
or long passwords. What’s more, the majority of security       such as fingerprint or face ID are not only faster and more
breaches and attacks are due to stolen passwords. And          convenient, but also significantly more secure for everyone
many attacks occur at the end points, namely mobile or         involved. Because they eliminate the primary target of
other devices.                                                 hackers: the password.

What is it all about?                                          Passwordless authentication

Today, the use of SMS-TANs results in high transaction         The combination of biometric identification and strong
costs. In addition, this type of authentication isn’t really   cryptography based on the FIDO standard makes authenti-
user-friendly.                                                 cation easy and secure for users. Their access data is stored
                                                               in a secured area of the smartphone and never leaves it.
By means of a branded smartphone app and a cloud-based
software solution, your customer can log in securely and       This protects the user’s privacy and companies against
conveniently – free of charge and without a password. The      potentially business-threatening security breaches during
end user can also confirm sensitive transactions.              login. Both browser-based and app-based login processes
                                                               are supported. This means that you can offer your
                                                               customers the same convenience with maximum security
                                                               on every type of device.

«The password is the biggest security risk. Get rid of it.
User-friendly, secure and legally compliant.»                                                                                2
The cloud authentication solution by NEVIS
Don’t compromise between user convenience and data security. Adapt the new
authentication standard now and go passwordless.

Passwordless                             Brandable                                Cloud-based

Replace passwords with fingerprint or    Provide a seamless and consistent user   Integrate this out-of-the-box, cloud-based
face recognition technology.             experience thanks to a fully brandable   software solution with just a few clicks.
                                         access app.
When passwords are eliminated,                                                    Because we care about data security,
common hacker attacks such as            Our highly skilled engineers deve-       we decided to not only offer the
password-guessing, credential            loped a biometrics-based mobile          passwordless login to our existing,
stuffing and phishing attacks can be     authentication app. True to our          very security-conscious customers. Our
prevented. This is possible thanks to    NEVIS values and with 30 years of        solution is industry- and company-
our biometrics-based approach for        experience in securing the most          independent and can be easily
user authentication.                     sensitive systems and data from          integrated.
                                         government institutions and
Integrating the Authentication Cloud     Swiss banks.                             Thanks to powerful REST APIs,
into your registration and login                                                  extensive documentation and quick
process allows you to meet your          While developing the app, the            start guides, the Authentication
customers’ expectations in terms         emphasis was put on creating             Cloud can be integrated into your
of data security and privacy with        an intuitive and convenient user         existing customer identity and access
little effort. All without unnecessary   experience. This will help keep your     management system in no time at all.
friction or squandering time in trying   users engaged over multiple channels
to change the users’ behavior.           and increase your conversion rate.

At the same time, you benefit from       Furthermore, the app’s front-end can
the highest security standards thanks    be completely branded and adjusted
to FIDO certification and end-to-end     to your corporate design. This gives
encryption.                              you the advantage of a consistent
                                         brand appearance across all channels
                                         and the possibility to differentiate
                                         yourself from your competitors.

Use the NEVIS Authentication Cloud. Improve the customer experience and
accelerate the acceptance of mobile solutions. Increase security and reduce
fraud. Cut costs by eliminating support requests.                                                                               3
Take off with digital security

Both browser-based and app-based login processes are                • Fast integration of the NEVIS Authentication Cloud into
supported. Thus you can offer your customers the same                 your IT environment
comfort with maximum security on every type of device.
                                                                    • Computer center either in the EU or Switzerland
• Protect your customers from data and identity theft
                                                                    • Integration of biometric features
• Easily comply with legal requirements for sensitive user
  data (DSGV, PSD2, GKV-SV, etc.)                                   • Significantly better usability, especially for mobile
• Based on the FIDO standard and certified by the FIDO
  Alliance, the world’s largest ecosystem for standards-
  based, interoperable authentication

                      Qualified                               Pioneer in                          Leader status
    > 500                                 24/7                                     SMS-TAN                                 20 years
                  partner network                        cloud authentication        Free         FIDO-certified

NEVIS protects                       Full availability                           No ongoing                        The NEVIS Identity Suite
  over 500                           of your services                           SMS transaction                      has been protecting
   portals                          around the clock                                 fees                          portals for over 20 years

Leverage the NEVIS Authentication Cloud, shorten the time to
market for digital offerings and increase customer loyalty.

                    ) Switzerland                                                          ) Germany
                   +41 43 215 29 09                                                     +49 89 26203 6240                                                                                           4
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