FERMIUM: A Framework for Real-time Procedural Point Cloud Animation and Morphing

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FERMIUM: A Framework for Real-time Procedural Point Cloud Animation and Morphing
Vision, Modeling, and Visualization (2021)
B. Andres, M. Campen, and M. Sedlmair (Eds.)

    FERMIUM: A Framework for Real-time Procedural Point Cloud
                  Animation and Morphing

                                                Ole Wegen       , Florence Böttger, Jürgen Döllner and Matthias Trapp

                                          Hasso Plattner Institute, Faculty of Digital Engineering, Unversity of Potsdam, Germany

              Figure 1: Single frames from a octree-based point cloud morphing animation created using the FERMIUM framework.

         This paper presents a framework for generating real-time procedural animations and morphing of 3D point clouds. Point clouds
         or point-based geometry of varying density can easily be acquired using LiDAR cameras or modern smartphones with LiDAR
         sensors. This raises the question how this raw data can directly be used in the creative industry to create novel digital content
         using animations. For this purpose, we describe a framework that enables the implementation and combination of animation
         effects for point clouds. It takes advantage of graphics hardware capabilities and enables the processing of complex datasets
         comprising up to millions of points. In addition, we compare and evaluate implementation variants for the subsequent morphing
         of multiple 3D point clouds.
         CCS Concepts
         • Computing methodologies , . . . , Procedural animation; Point-based models; Graphics processors;

1. Introduction                                                                         concepts early before performing possibly costly data enhancement
                                                                                        or transformation (e.g., synthesizing textured 3D meshes). In com-
Point-based geometry represented as 3D Point Clouds (PCs) are
                                                                                        puter games, for example, 3D PCs enable effects and animations,
sets comprising a large number of attributed 3D points. Similar to
                                                                                        such as particle systems or morphing, to scanned assets [SPB∗ 19].
3D polygonal meshes, their attributes can comprise color, surface
                                                                                        With respect to this, we present implementation approaches for pro-
normals, reflectiveness coefficients, segment identifiers, as well as
                                                                                        cedural animations [Ebe14] of PCs.
time. PCs are a simple, compact, and flexible geometric representa-
tion that can easily be acquired for real-world scenes using off-the-
                                                                                        Challenges for Rendering 3D Point Cloud Animations. Regard-
shelf photogrammetric techniques. In addition, high-end consumer
                                                                                        ing animation, especially morphing (Fig. 1), PCs have an advantage
smartphones with Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) sensors
                                                                                        over 3D polygonal models: they do not comprise inherent connec-
(e.g., iPad Pro or iPhone 12) enable a straightforward acquisition.
                                                                                        tivity information that needs to be respected or maintained, thus
Further, PCs can be obtained by sampling 3D polygonal geometry.
                                                                                        in turn facilitate their representation, transformation, and render-
   Surprisingly, and despite its potential applicability in various do-                 ing. Given a sufficient point density, PCs can also yield high qual-
mains, their usage as a basic geometric representation in computer                      ity renderings [SW15]. In contrast thereto, however, PCs are often
animation and respective animation systems or frameworks are                            characterized by their complexity, i.e., the number of points and
sparsely studied. Such systems can be applied in previsualization                       the number of per-point attributes. While the rendering of static 3D
(previz) or Digital Content Creation (DCC) to evaluate ideas and                        PCs can be implemented straight-forward using Graphics Process-

 c 2021 The Author(s)
Eurographics Proceedings c 2021 The Eurographics Association.
FERMIUM: A Framework for Real-time Procedural Point Cloud Animation and Morphing
O. Wegen, F. Böttger, J. Döllner & M. Trapp / FERMIUM: A Framework for Real-time Procedural Point Cloud Animation and Morphing

ing Unit (GPU)-aligned rendering pipelines, the implementation of          particle systems, PCs are also used to represent deformable ge-
interactive animation techniques are challenging with respect to:          ometry in physic-based simulations. These meshfree or meshless
                                                                           approaches often use sparse PCs for representing the volume of
Efficient Data Handling (C1): An efficient representation of               an object. These volume points (also denoted as phyxels or parti-
  complex PCs and respective animation data allows for indepen-            cles) are used as simulation nodes. To convey the impression of sur-
  dent animation of their attributes. This also concerns the reduc-        face smoothness, a dense PC consisting of surfels [PZvBG00], can
  tion of data transfer and update latencies to support real-time          be used for representing an object’s surface. Bart Adams [Ada06]
  rendering for interactive control.                                       presents an overview of possible point-based rendering and ani-
Interfacing Animation and Rendering (C2): Decoupling             of        mation approaches and demonstrates physics-based simulation of
  processing operations that are required for animation and                elastic or fracturing objects and fluids. Müller et al. also apply
  rendering (e.g., point-splat functions [ARLP18]) facilitates the         physically-based deformations to such point-based objects. Their
  interchange of respective techniques and increases ease-of-use.          system is capable of animating elastic, plastic, solidifying and melt-
Combination of Animation Techniques (C3): A potential com-                 ing objects based on the simulation of continuum mechanics. For
  bination and interchange of techniques within a common frame-            real-time interaction, low-resolution models are used, while higher
  work facilitates prototyping and development of new techniques           resolutions are possible for offline rendering [MKN∗ 04]. Dharma
  and can reduce time to market.                                           et al. implement a fluid simulation through particle animation based
Existing approaches to implement animation techniques for PCs              on compute shaders [DJKM17]. They are able to animate 1 million
are (1) customized integrations into existing game engines (to yield       particles at 50 Frames-per-Second (FPS) on a NVIDIA GTX Ti-
real-time rendering) or (2) specific tooling or scripts to extend ex-      tan X GPU. In this work, we also rely on compute shaders for ani-
isting software (e.g., Blender). These, however, require either aux-       mating PCs. As we are concerned with PC animation for aesthetic
iliary constructs for data representation (e.g., PCs represented as        purposes, which is not as complex as for example fluid simulation,
textures), lack real-time rendering capabilities, or can hardly han-       we are able to render even larger PCs.
dle PCs with millions of points.
                                                                           Morphing Techniques for Point Clouds. The goal of PC morph-
Approach & Contributions. With respect to the challenges                   ing is to transform the points of one PC over time in such a way
above, we present a unified GPU-aligned framework that enables             that they form another, predefined PC. An important aspect of PC
real-time animation and morphing of complex PCs. The frame-                morphing is to find an appropriate mapping from a source PC to
work encapsulates data buffers and operating stages for both, an-          a destination PC. As one of the earliest publications on this topic,
imation and rendering of PCs that potentially comprise millions of         Čmolìk and Uller analyzed and compared different clustering meth-
points. By implementing animation and rendering techniques using           ods based on Binary Space Partition (BSP) trees [CU03]. While this
Compute Shader (CS) programs operating on (atomically) writable            is a straight-forward approach, it does not allow feature-preserving
and readable data buffers (Shader Storage Buffer Object (SSBO)),           morphing. Tian et al. compute a point mapping by forming a super
we achieve decoupling between multiple, simultaneously active an-          PC by aligning the source and destination PCs in space. Subse-
imation techniques (C3) and rendering or stylization techniques            quent clustering and local mapping then yields the final mapping
(C2). Using individual data streams for PC attributes achieves a           result [THCF06]. Other publications approach the problem of find-
compact representation in Video RAM (VRAM) and allows for                  ing a feature-preserving point mapping supported by user interac-
fine-granular data updates (C1). The framework components enable           tion by (1) letting a user define a mapping between selected fea-
forward and deferred rendering techniques to be combined with              tures and (2) computing the mapping between single points. Xiao
point-attribute animations and the morphing of PCs with different          et al. compute the point mapping by projecting the PCs onto unit
sizes. To summarize, this paper makes the following contributions          disks and aligning these according to corresponding features se-
to the reader: (1) it presents a unified GPU-aligned framework that        lected by the user [XZPF04]. A Level-of-Detail (LOD) technique
enables the implementation of various PC animation techniques in           is used to accelerate the parametrization, i.e., complex geometry
real-time and (2) it demonstrates its capabilities using different ap-     is decomposed into several patches, that are treated independently.
plications, such as per-point attribute animations and PC morphing.        Aiming to achieve visually smooth morphing sequences, a simi-
                                                                           lar approach is used by Wang et al. who use a unit sphere for
                                                                           parametrization instead of a unit disk. For the actual interpolation
2. Related Work                                                            of the shapes, Laplacian coordinates are used [WZH12].
Animation Techniques for Point Clouds. Most previous work                     While most of the research focus on finding a meaningful map-
for real-time PC animation is concerned with physics-based sim-            ping between the points, others focus on computing physically
ulation rather than the utilization of PCs for animation purposes.         meaningful transition paths between the points. Bao et al. han-
In the domain of physics-based simulation, point-based represen-           dle this problem as a physics-based energy optimization, using
tations are already used for many years, for example in Harlow’s           surface deformation analysis on a subset of the points [BGQ05].
work on fluid dynamics in 1962 [Har62]. On one hand, particle              Tan et al. approach the problem of finding a convincing morph-
systems are used for simulating and depicting of natural phenom-           ing path by means of interpolation of vertex deformation gradi-
ena such as fire, smoke, or fluids, as highlighted by the survey of        ents [TZZ09]. Chen et al. [CHG∗ 20] presented an application ex-
Xi et al. [XLF∗ 19] on the advances regarding smooth particle hy-          ample for PC morphing, by utilizing it for training data augmenta-
drodynamics and particle systems. On the other hand, apart from            tion in the area of machine learning. A shortest-path computation

                                                                                                                                         c 2021 The Author(s)
                                                                                                  Eurographics Proceedings c 2021 The Eurographics Association.
FERMIUM: A Framework for Real-time Procedural Point Cloud Animation and Morphing
O. Wegen, F. Böttger, J. Döllner & M. Trapp / FERMIUM: A Framework for Real-time Procedural Point Cloud Animation and Morphing

  Client-side (CPU) Processing                                  Server-side (GPU) Per-frame Processing

       Point Cloud Data                                                                Animation Parameters and Data Buffers

                                      Camera & Object                Point Animation           Geometry Processing             Rasterization       Post-Processing
                                    Transform Animation             (Compute Shader)            (Transform Shader)        (Fixed Func.|Compute)   (Compute Shader)

                                    Spatial Data Structure            Point Buffers              Geometry Buffer               Raster Buffer        Final Frame

Figure 2: Schematic overview of the compute components with control flow (orange) and data with data flow (blue) of our GPU-aligned
framework for point cloud animation.

is used to preserve the shapes of source and target PC as close as                                by interpreting each vertex of the input mesh as a single point.
possible. The results are a number of static, intermediate PCs that                               The density of the PC depends on the number and distribution of
can be used for training deep neural networks. Another application                                input vertices.
in the domain of virtual surgery simulation is presented by Cheng                               Primitive-based Sampling (PBS): For each primitive, one point
et al. [CSY∗ 20]. They use a morphing approach to simulate de-                                    is added to the PC (e.g., the centroid of the triangle). The density
formation of soft tissue, such as organs. Their work therefore is                                 of the PC then depends on the number and size of the triangles.
more related to physics-based simulation, as morphing takes place                               Density-based Sampling (DBS): Each triangle is sampled uni-
between two configurations of the same PC.                                                        formly [OFCD02], according to a defined density value d (cor-
                                                                                                  responding to the points per unit area), i.e., that larger triangles
                                                                                                  result in more points, than smaller triangles.
3. Point Cloud Animation Framework
                                                                                                   While VBS and PBS result in a fixed number of points for a spe-
3D Point Cloud Structure & Data Acquisition. Throughout this                                    cific mesh, DBS can be used to obtain PCs of different sizes. To
paper, we make the following assumptions with respect to the                                    achieve a smooth surface appearance, we use DBS with d between
representation, structure, and storage of a PC. We consider a PC                                200 and 300 for most of the examples in this paper (with the excep-
S = {p0 , . . . , pN } as discrete subset of the space Rd0 × . . . × Rdn                        tion of Fig. 3(c), which uses d = 100 000).
with the number of elements |S| = N. Each point p ∈ S is given as a
n-tuple of attributes p = (a0 , . . . , an ), whose components are in the                       Overview of Framework Components. Fig. 2 shows the concep-
respective space:                                                                               tual unified and GPU-aligned rendering pipeline that enables the
                                                                                                combination of attribute animations (Sec. 4) and morphing (Sec. 5).
                 (0)      (n)
     pi = ai , . . . , ai        ∈ Rd0 × . . . × Rdn for 0 ≤ i ≤ N (1)
                                                                                              We implemented the framework using C++ and OpenGL. It com-
    ( j)         ( j,0)     ( j,d )                                                             prises the following main processing stages:
   ai = ai , . . . , ai j ∈ Rd j                      for 0 ≤ j ≤ n (2)
                                                                                                Pre-Processing: After loading a PC, this stage computes required
The attribute a0 = (x, y, z) ∈ R3 defines the point position in a                                 scene statistics (e.g., bounding volumes) for camera and object
global 3D coordinate reference system. In combination with ad-                                    animations as well as spatial data structures for point mapping
ditional attributes, such as colors or normal vectors, these attributes                           when using a morphing animation. Simultaneously, the attribute
constitute a PC configuration C. For applications involving multi-                                point buffers are transferred to VRAM.
ple PCs (e.g., PC morphing), we assume that these have the same                                 Camera & Object Transform Animation: This stage controls
configuration. With respect to memory layout, both for Central                                    the animations of the virtual camera and the respective transfor-
Processing Unit (CPU) and GPU, we choose Structure-of-Arrays                                      mations of the PCs (e.g., translation, rotation, or scaling) using
(SoA) over Array-of-Structures (AoS) for attribute encoding. This                                 key frames. The animation data is encoded using uniform buffers
facilitates the manipulation and exchange of individual attribute                                 and can be accessed in the subsequent point animation and ge-
           (i)        (i)
streams a0 , . . . , aN in a configuration while preserving the states                            ometry processing stage.
of others and allows for memory management on a per-attribute                                   Point Animation: Passes in this stage implement attribute anima-
stream level.                                                                                     tions (Sec. 4) and morphing (Sec. 5) using possibly multiple
                                                                                                  compute shader invocations to modify the point buffers. This
   The PC data used in this paper is acquired using two methods:
                                                                                                  way, both types of animation techniques can be combined (C3).
(1) using the built-in LiDAR scanner of modern iOS devices and (2)
                                                                                                Geometry Processing: Prior to rasterization, this stage imple-
by sampling 3D meshes. For sampling 3D meshes, our framework
                                                                                                  ments primitive conversions (e.g., point to splats), geometry
supports the following approaches and its combinations:
                                                                                                  transformation and projection, as well as attribute mappings for
Vertex-based Sampling (VBS): The resulting PC is constructed                                      texturing and shading (C2).

 c 2021 The Author(s)
Eurographics Proceedings c 2021 The Eurographics Association.
FERMIUM: A Framework for Real-time Procedural Point Cloud Animation and Morphing
O. Wegen, F. Böttger, J. Döllner & M. Trapp / FERMIUM: A Framework for Real-time Procedural Point Cloud Animation and Morphing

                                                                           GPU-aligned animation framework can require the application of
                                                                           easing functions on client-side (CPU) and on server-side (GPU).
                                                                           The framework supports the definition of easing functions repre-
                                                                           sented as Bézier curves [IKS20]. To enable efficient usage in the
                                                                           programmable shader stages, we encode these functions using a
                                                                           texture atlas that can be sampled and filtered (C1).

(a) Displacement       (b) Particles         (c) Explosion view
                                                                              Further, our framework enables the combination of stateless
                                                                           attribute-animations with additional data on a per-vertex or per-
Figure 3: Single frames from exemplary attribute animations im-            group level. Assuming a segmented PC, these segment points
plemented using our framework. The stateless (a) and stateful (b)          can be animated in such a way that the segments move away
attribute animation use a point cloud comprising 673 411 points            from the center of the PC, potentially depicting it’s internal struc-
while the explosion view animates 1 577 299 points.                        ture (Fig. 3(c)). Such explosion views can be easily implemented
                                                                           using our framework by performing a compute shader pass for
                                                                           stateless attribute-animation. For example, the center of each seg-
                                                                           ment and the center of the complete PC is computed. Subsequently,
Rasterization: The rasterization stage performs an offscreen-              the translation vector for each segment can be computed and used
  rendering pass to create the raster buffers. It can be implemented       for animation (please refer to accompanying video). This technique
  as render-to-texture pass using fixed-function rasterization for         can be applied to implement animated transitions for PC visualiza-
  rendering into G-Buffers or using compute shaders in combina-            tion techniques in geo- or scientific visualization.
  tion with SSBOs [SKW21] (C2).
Post-Processing: This optional stage allows the integration of
  raster-based procedural animation effects that can be imple-             5. Morphing Animations
  mented by potentially using multiple passes.
                                                                           Morphing as an animation that changes (or morphs) one shape into
Most animation parameters and data that are required by the indi-          another via a seamless transition, requires the processing of multi-
vidual stages are represented using suitable GPU-based data struc-         ple PCs. In general, the morphing between two PCs is the anima-
tures residing in VRAM. This comprises precomputed volumetric              tion during which the point attributes of the source S are interpo-
noise textures, raster-based representation of easing functions, or        lated to the points of a destination D. The morphing methods should
material captures for shading and texturing.                               consider the attributes configuration of the PCs and should be able
                                                                           to perform morphing between two different-sized PCs. The funda-
4. Attribute Animations                                                    mental principle underlying all introduced methods is the finding
                                                                           of a mapping [CU03]. A PC morphing is defined component-wise
Attribute animations concerns the procedural modification of PC            by the mapping Ft : S → D with t ∈ R, 0 ≤ t ≤ 1:
attributes such as position or color. Depending on the type of at-                                                                           
                                                                                                  (1)         (n)         (1)                  (n)
tribute animation, our framework implements these based on a                 Ft (pi ) = qi = Ft ai , . . . , ai    = ft1 ai     , . . . , ftn ai
combination of point buffers and compute shader functionality. Our
framework supports the following attribute-animation types:                A morphing sequence M is the successive morphing of a PC se-
Stateless Attribute-Animation: The visual results of this type are         quence L = S0 , . . . , Sk denoted by:
  solely determined by the input time and do not change point at-                     M = Ft
                                                                                             (0)              (k−1)
                                                                                                   , . . . , Ft        with Ft
                                                                                                                                         : Si → Si+1
  tributes persistently (Fig. 3(a)). It can be implemented by means
  of time-controlled shader programs and is suitable for simple an-        For testing and demonstration purposes, we implemented different
  imations that do not rely on prior animation results or simulation       approaches for computing a mapping Ft :
                                                                           Random Mapping: The points of the source and destination PCs
Stateful Attribute-Animation: This type relies on the time and
                                                                             are shuffled and mapped to each other according to this order.
  prior animation steps. During animation, the attribute values are
                                                                           Axis-based Mapping: The points of both input PCs are sorted
  changed persistently (Fig. 3(b)). Stateful animations are espe-
                                                                             with respect to a reference axis. Subsequently, the points are
  cially useful for simulation of physics-based phenomena that are
                                                                             mapped to each other using this new order.
  computed iteratively.
                                                                           Octree-based Mapping: For each of the PCs, an octree is con-
By invoking successive computer shader implementations in the                structed. Subsequently, the points are mapped according to a
point animation stage, instances of both animation types can be              depth-first traversal of the leaf nodes of the octrees.
easily combined (C3, please refer to accompanying video).                  Distance-based Mapping: For each point of the source PC, the
                                                                             nearest-neighbor point of the destination PC is assigned. For
   Our framework supports the application of different easing func-
                                                                             nearest-neighbor search, a k-d tree can be used.
tions per attribute class. This enables fine control over the anima-
tion behavior and allows decoupling time control between attribute         For these mappings, we have to consider the common case of
classes. Each attribute class ai can be interpolated using individual      different-sized PCs. For the first
                                                                                                              three approaches an assignment
mapping functions. For any 1 ≤ j ≤ n, we have a family of maps             rate: r = min |S|,|D| /max |S|,|D| is computed first. We then assign
parametrized by time t ∈ R with 0 ≤ t ≤ 1: ft : Rd j → Rd j . A            each point of the larger PC at index i the point of the smaller PC

                                                                                                                                              c 2021 The Author(s)
                                                                                                       Eurographics Proceedings c 2021 The Eurographics Association.
FERMIUM: A Framework for Real-time Procedural Point Cloud Animation and Morphing
O. Wegen, F. Böttger, J. Döllner & M. Trapp / FERMIUM: A Framework for Real-time Procedural Point Cloud Animation and Morphing

at index bi · rc. For the distance-based mapping, we first assign the         morphing step and PAD B UFFER(B) adds the necessary padding to
points of the smaller PC to spatially close points of the larger PC.          a buffer B that is to be used as a SSBO. The M AP PC S function
The not yet assigned points of the larger PC are then assigned to             returns a list of destination point indices to which the points of
close points of the smaller PC. This way it is guaranteed that each           a source PC map (=  b Ft ), depending on the mapping type. Finally,
point of the smaller PC is mapped to at least one point in the larger         R ENDER PASS issues a GPU-based rendering pass that uses the ras-
PC. After a mapping has been computed, the morphing can be per-               terization pipeline and the C OMPUTE PASS function issues a com-
formed. During morphing, the points of the larger PC are rendered             pute shader pass without rasterizing any primitives.
and interpolated using an arbitrary easing function. The interpola-
tion direction depends on the order of the PCs.                               VBO-based Implementation. For this approach, the source and
                                                                              destination point positions are written into buffers (according to the
6. Variants for GPU-based Morphing Implementation                             computed mapping), transferred to VRAM, and bound as VBOs.
                                                                              A vertex shader performs the interpolation between source and
We implemented three different approaches to perform the mor-                 destination according to the current interpolation progress t. This
phing. Algo. 1 shows their common structure. The function calls               approach is straightforward, but a re-transfer of the source and
shown in blue mark hook-methods that differ in their concrete im-             destination buffers are required, each time the morphing mapping
plementation across the three approaches. The following functions             changes. Algo. 2 shows the pseudocode implementation for the cor-
are used in the code and not further defined here with respect                responding hook methods.
to concrete implementation: E LAPSED T IME returns the elapsed
time since the last call; S HOULD S TART M ORPHING returns true if
                                                                              Algorithm 2 VBO-based morphing implementation.
the morphing sequence should be started. S HOULD C HANGE M AP -
                                                                               1: procedure C OMPUTE M APPING(L)
PING returns true if the mapping should be re-computed, which
                                                                               2:   BufferS ← C ONSTRUCT B UFFER(L[0])
is the case if the mapping type is changed. The algorithm frame-
                                                                               3:   T RANSFERT O GPU(BufferS )
Algorithm 1 Common structure for morphing implementations.                     4:   for all S ∈ L\L[0] do
                                                                               5:      BufferS ← C ONSTRUCT S ORTED B UFFER(L[0], S)
 1: procedure M ORPH S TEP(S, D, i)
                                                                               6:      T RANSFERT O GPU(BufferS )
 2:   I NIT M ORPH S TEP(S, D)
                                                                               7:   end for
 3:   B IND B UFFERS(i)
                                                                               8: end procedure
 4:   t←0
                                                                               9: procedure P ERFORM M ORPHING(t)
 5:   while t
FERMIUM: A Framework for Real-time Procedural Point Cloud Animation and Morphing
O. Wegen, F. Böttger, J. Döllner & M. Trapp / FERMIUM: A Framework for Real-time Procedural Point Cloud Animation and Morphing

Algorithm 3 SSBO-based morphing implementation.                                                        Average Frame Time (Rendering Only)
 1: procedure C OMPUTE M APPING(L)
 2:   for all i ∈ [0, |L| − 2] do
        BufferMi ←M AP PC S(L[i], L[i + 1])

                                                                            Time in ms
 4:      T RANSFERT O GPU(BufferMi )
 5:   end for                                                                            20

 6: end procedure                                                                        10

 7: procedure P ERFORM M ORPHING(t)                                                      0
                                                                                              10 Mio                      50 Mio                       100 Mio
 8:   R ENDER PASS(t)                                                                                   1280x800 (Windowed)   1920x1080 (Fullscreen)
 9: end procedure
10: procedure I NIT PC S(L)                                                Figure 4: Base-line measurements: average frametime (millisec-
11:   for all S ∈ L do                                                     onds) for rendering PCs of different sizes without animation.
12:     BufferS ← C ONSTRUCT B UFFER(S)
13:      PAD B UFFER(BufferS )
14:      T RANSFERT O GPU(BufferS )
15:   end for
16: end procedure
                                                                              In our work, we nevertheless relied on the standard rasterization
                                                                           pipeline, as it allows for controlling the point size easily. Especially
                                                                           for the standard rasterization pipeline, Schütz et al. further propose
Algorithm 4 CS-based morphing implementation.                              to sort the points using shuffled Morton order to increase perfor-
 1: procedure C OMPUTE M APPING(L)                                         mance. However, this approach relies on spatial locality of points,
 2:   for all i ∈ [0, |L| − 2] do                                          which would be invalidated during animation and is therefore not
 3:      BufferMi ← M AP PC S(L[i], L[i + 1])                              applicable to our use-case. Note that the focus of Schütz et al. is
 4:      T RANSFERT O GPU(BufferMi )                                       on fast rendering of huge PCs, while we focus on animation. Our
 5:   end for                                                              work is therefore complementary to theirs. Their compute-based
 6: end procedure                                                          rendering approach could be probably adapted and included into
 7: procedure I NIT M ORPH S TEP(S, D)                                     our framework for even faster rendering. We evaluate the perfor-
 8:   BufferR ←I NIT B UFFERO F S IZE(max(|S|, |D|))                       mance of the different implementation approaches for PC morph-
 9:   T RANSFERT O GPU(BufferR )                                           ing, described in Sec. 6.
10: end procedure
11: procedure P ERFORM M ORPHING(t)                                        Test Data & Test Setup. For testing purposes, we generate two
12:   C OMPUTE PASS(t)                                                     PCs, resembling a unit cube and a unit sphere. For each of the
13:   R ENDER PASS()                                                       PCs, three variants are generated with |A| = 106 , |B| = 107 , and
14: end procedure                                                          |C| = 2 · 107 points. Further, we use a common per-vertex config-
15: procedure I NIT PC S(L)                                                uration comprising position, color, and normal vector. The perfor-
16:   for all S ∈ L do                                                     mance is measured for the following morphing animations: A −→ A
17:      BufferS ← C ONSTRUCT B UFFER(S)                                              µ              µ              µ               µ
                                                                           (T.1), B −→ A (T.2), B −→ B (T.3), C −→ A (T.4), C −→ B (T.5),
18:      PAD B UFFER(BufferS )                                                 µ
                                                                           C −→ C (T.6). We only measure the performance of morphing the
19:      T RANSFERT O GPU(BufferS )
                                                                           larger PC to the smaller PC. The morphing direction has no im-
20:   end for
                                                                           pact on the performance, as internally always the larger PC is used
21: end procedure
                                                                           for rendering and the mapping computation is independent of the
                                                                           morphing direction. For the measurements, the camera is fixed in
                                                                           a way that the PCs are screen-filling and the viewing direction is
                                                                           not changed, as this can influence the performance (as observed
7. Evaluation and Discussion
                                                                           by Schütz et al. [SKW21]). The output window had a resolution
7.1. Performance Evaluation                                                of 1280 × 800 pixels and rendering was performed without multi-
                                                                           sampling enabled.
Fig. 4 shows a base-line measurement of the average frametime
when rendering a single PC without animation. The measured PCs                The following timings were obtained: (1) initialization time de-
resembles a sphere. Two different resolutions, one in windowed             notes the time required to prepare all necessary buffers after a new
mode, one in full-screen mode, were tested. The measurements               PC has been loaded; (2) mapping computation time denotes the
show that our system is able to render PCs with millions of points.        time to compute the point mapping for the different mapping ap-
Even for 100 million points, the frametime is with 50 ms per-              proaches; (3) average frametime denotes the time to render frames
frame in full-screen mode sufficient for interaction (with approx.         during the morphing process. Each measurement was performed
20 FPS). Schütz et al. showed that the performance of rendering a          three times for each morphing sequence and the results were aver-
PC can be increased significantly when using a compute-based ren-          aged (3 s window). The measurements were performed on an In-
dering approach instead of the standard rasterization pipeline with        tel Core i5-4460 processor (4 cores, 3.2 GHz), 16 GB RAM and a
GL_POINT primitives [SKW21].                                               NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti GPU (16 GB VRAM).

                                                                                                                                                c 2021 The Author(s)
                                                                                                         Eurographics Proceedings c 2021 The Eurographics Association.
FERMIUM: A Framework for Real-time Procedural Point Cloud Animation and Morphing
O. Wegen, F. Böttger, J. Döllner & M. Trapp / FERMIUM: A Framework for Real-time Procedural Point Cloud Animation and Morphing

                                                                                                                                                                      Initialization Time
Table 1: Comparison between the different implementation ap-                                     700

proaches for morphing animations.                                                                600

                                                                                    Time in ms
        Implementation Aspect                 VBO          SSBO      CS                          300
        Initialization time                    low       medium    medium                        100
        Mapping computation time               high      medium    medium                                                       VBO                                                   SSBO                                              Compute Shader

        Average frametime                     stable      stable   unstable                                                                              T.1          T.2     T.3      T.4         T.5      T.6

        Memory update/transfer                 high        low       low                                                     (a) Initialization time for different PCs sizes
        VRAM consumption                       low       medium      high
        Modularity                             low         low       high                                                                                       Mapping Recalculation Time
                                                                                                                          VBO                                                         SSBO                                               Compute Shader

                                                                               Time in ms

Test Results. Fig. 5(a) shows the initialization time for the differ-                       2000

ent PC sizes and implementation approaches. Fig. 5(b) shows the                             1000

mapping computation time, which includes the client-side com-                                     0
                                                                                                           Random          Axis-based     Octree-based         Random               Axis-based           Octree-based     Random           Axis-based     Octree-based

putation of the mapping and the transfer of the result buffers to                                                                                               T.1     T.2   T.3     T.4    T.5     T.6

VRAM. The distance-based mapping approach was not included in                                                       (b) Time required computing different mapping types
the measurements as it is very compute intensive and not suitable to
                                                                                                                                                                 Average Frame Time
render morphing sequences in real-time. Fig. 5(c) shows the aver-                                30
age frametime for the different mapping types and implementation                                 25

approaches. Due to system characteristics, the minimum frametime                                 20

is 15 ms. In addition to the performance measurements, Fig. 5(d)                  Time in ms     15

shows the required amount of memory that is transferred to the
GPU on initialization of the PCs, on mapping computation, and the                                 0
overall VRAM memory consumption. Using the VBO-based ap-                                                                      VBO                                                    SSBO                                               Compute Shader
                                                                                                                                                         T.1          T.2     T.3      T.4         T.5      T.6
proach, each point requires 36 B for representation in VRAM. All
points have to be transferred after mapping computation. Addition-                                        (c) Average frametime regarding PC sizes and mapping types
ally, the size of the buffer for each PC is determined by the size
                                                                                                                                                           VRAM Transfer and Consumption
of the larger PC, as the VBOs are required to have the same size.                           3000
                                                                                                                             VBO                                                        SSBO                                             Compute Shader
Using one of the other two approaches, each point requires 48 B as                          2000
                                                                               Data in MB

additional padding is required for correct buffer alignment, but the                        1500


points have to be transferred to VRAM only once. During mapping                                500

computation, only the mapping data is transferred. For the compute                                        Init Transfer   Recalculation
                                                                                                                                          Overall Data    Init Transfer         Recalculation
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Overall Data   Init Transfer     Recalculation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Overall Data

shader approach, an additional result buffer is required, therefore                                                                                            T.1      T.2   T.3     T.4    T.5     T.6

the overall memory consumption is higher than the SSBO-based                                                                    (d) Data transfer and VRAM consumption
                                                                              Figure 5: Measurement results for the different morphing ap-
7.2. Discussion and Comparison of Approaches                                  proaches and morphing animations are shown (a)-(c), while (d)
                                                                              compares data transfer and VRAM consumption of the different
Tab. 1 gives an overview of the three implementation approaches               morphing implementations and test animations.
and their characteristics. For the VBO-based approach, no data
is transferred to VRAM initially (Fig. 5(d)) and therefore no ini-
tialization time is measured (Fig. 5(a)). On mapping computa-
tion though, all points have to be transferred to VRAM, result-
                                                                              may be slightly higher compared to the VBO-based approach, due
ing in the higher processing time, compared to the other two ap-
                                                                              to padding. The implementation using compute shaders is simi-
proaches (Fig. 5(b)). The average frametime is stable, only for
                                                                              lar to the SSBO-based approach, with respect to initialization and
PCs with 20 million points, a small increase could be observed.
                                                                              mapping recomputation costs. The overall memory consumption is
Thus overall, the VBO-based approach is capable of providing
                                                                              higher (Fig. 5(d)), as an additional result buffer has to be stored.
interactive frame rates during the morphing itself, but has high
                                                                              Using compute shaders, the frametime increases for larger PCs.
mapping computation costs and memory transfer rates before the
                                                                              There are probably two reasons for this: (1) the compute pass in-
morphing can be performed. The SSBO-based approach improves
                                                                              duces additional state changes. (2) the compute shader uses mul-
on this and is able to reduce the mapping computation costs sig-
                                                                              tiple SSBOs, which do not provide access as fast as a VBO. Nev-
nificantly while maintaining interactive frame rates. The initial-
                                                                              ertheless, this approach has the advantage of high modularity, due
ization time (Fig. 5(a)) increases with the PC size, as all points
                                                                              to the decoupling of morphing and rendering. This results in better
are transferred to VRAM once during preprocessing. On mapping
                                                                              reusability and maintainability.
recomputation, only a small buffer containing the mapping data
has to be transferred (Fig. 5(d)), which results in faster mapping-              To summarize, the SSBO-based implementation is well suited
computation times (Fig. 5(b)). The overall memory consumption                 for rendering at interactive frame rates even when rendering large

 c 2021 The Author(s)
Eurographics Proceedings c 2021 The Eurographics Association.
FERMIUM: A Framework for Real-time Procedural Point Cloud Animation and Morphing
O. Wegen, F. Böttger, J. Döllner & M. Trapp / FERMIUM: A Framework for Real-time Procedural Point Cloud Animation and Morphing

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                                                                                                                                            c 2021 The Author(s)
                                                                                                     Eurographics Proceedings c 2021 The Eurographics Association.
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