Felices Fiestas! El Mundo - Jennifer Ellis Kampani soprano Nell Snaidas soprano Richard Savino guitar and direction - Early Music Society of the ...

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Felices Fiestas! El Mundo - Jennifer Ellis Kampani soprano Nell Snaidas soprano Richard Savino guitar and direction - Early Music Society of the ...
35 th SEASON

    ¡Felices Fiestas!
                El Mundo

Jennifer Ellis Kampani soprano Nell Snaidas soprano
        Richard Savino guitar and direction

                 Saturday 21 December 2019
                   St. Andrew's Cathedral
Felices Fiestas! El Mundo - Jennifer Ellis Kampani soprano Nell Snaidas soprano Richard Savino guitar and direction - Early Music Society of the ...
2019-20 Concert Season                                                                            ¡Felices Fiestas!
                                                                                                      Jennifer Ellis Kampani soprano Nell Snaidas soprano
                                                                                                               Richard Savino guitar & direction
                                                                                                           Alyssa Wright violin Wilton Huang violin
Bach and Buxtehude              Vivaldi in Paris
                                                                                                                    Martin Bonham violoncello
4 January 2020 Saturday 8pm     14 March 2020 Saturday 8pm
                                                                                                                    Michael Jarvis harpsichord
Chapel of the New Jerusalem     Alix Goolden Hall
at Christ Church Cathedral                                                                                           Peter Maund percussion
                                Martin Bernstein recorder (USA)
Chloe Kim violin                Anna Marsh bassoon
Martin Bonham viol              Byron Schenkman harpsichord
Michael Jarvis harpsichord
                                                                         Sinfonía para empezar		                                                         Domenico Scarlatti (1685 –1757)
                                Plaisirs de la Chambre
If Music be the Food of Love    18 April 2020 Saturday 8pm
                                                                         Gitanillas vienen		                                                              Rafael Castellanos (1725 – 1791)
11 January 2020 Saturday 8pm                                             Ciaconna		                                                                       Andrea Falconieri (1586 – 1656)
                                Alix Goolden Hall
Alix Goolden Hall
                                Emma Hannan soprano                      Ojos pues me desdeñáis		                                                                José Marín (1619 – 1699)
The Baltimore Consort (USA)
                                Victoria Baroque (PACIFIC NORTHWEST)     Folía and Canario		                                                                    Gaspar Sanz (1640 – 1710)
                                Soile Stratkauskas flute and direction
The Four Seasons                                                         Ausente del alma		                                                                             Rafael Castellanos
22 February 2020 Saturday 8pm                                            Vaya de xácara amigos 		                                                                       Rafael Castellanos
Alix Goolden Hall
                                                                         Tarara		                                                                      Antonio de Salazar (1650 – c. 1711)
Shunske Sato violin
Concerto Köln (GERMANY)                                                                                                 INTERMISSION

                                                                         Folía echa para mi Señora Doña Tarolilla                                                       Andrea Falconieri

                                                                         Al dormir el sol		                                                                 Sebastián Durón (1660 – 1716)

                                                                         Luceros y flores		                                                                    Juan Hidalgo (1614 - 1685)
                                                                         ¡Ay qui si! ¡Ay que no!

                                                                         Largo and Allegro from the concerto in D major                                      Antonio Vivaldi (1678 – 1741)

                                                                         Oygan una xácarilla                                                                            Rafael Castellanos

                                                                         A del día a de la fiesta                                                  José de Orejón y Aparicio (1706 – 1765)
                                                                             aria, recitative, aria

Programme Notes                                                                                                                               The Artists
    In contrast to the English settlements of North America,         Juan Irribarren, maestro di capella at the Salamanca and       Richard Savino                                                       Symphony, Los Angeles Opera, West Edge Opera, Santa Fe
the Spanish colonies of Central and South America were               Malaga cathedrals, Sebastián Durón, Juan Hidalgo, and              A GRAMMY-nominated guitarist, lutenist, and                      Opera, San Diego Opera, Opera Colorado, Dallas Opera,
well-springs of musical and cultural sophistication. Latin           Jose de Torres all held appointments at the Royal Chapel       director, Richard Savino’s performances and recordings               and Glimmerglass Opera. He has also been guest director
American cathedrals, missions, and courtly life supported            in Madrid.                                                     have been praised by critics throughout the world. His               of the Aston Magna Music Festival, Santa Fe Chamber
a varied and active musical scene. Participation of the                  We conclude the first half of tonight’s programme          extensive discography of over thirty commercial recordings           Music Festival, Ensemble Rebel and Milano Classical
Indigenous populations in the arts was encouraged. The               with Tarara qui yo soy Antón, a 17th century villancico in     ranges from the early 17th century through to the virtuosity         Chamber Orchestra. From 1986-98 he has directed the
result was a musical style that, even in sacred compositions,        a negrilla setting by Antonio de Salazar. Salazar was born     of Paganini and Mertz. He has two GRAMMY-nominated                   CSU Summer Arts Guitar and Lute Institute.
bears the imprint of folk music. The use of guitars,                 in La Puebla de los Angeles in 1650 and in 1688 became         CDs with Ars Lyrica (2011) and El Mundo (2012) as well                  An avid writer, Richard has composed all of his CD
vihuelas, percussion, dance rhythms, and occasionally                maestro di capella at the Cathedral of Mexico City. He also    as the only available recording of Mauro Giuliani’s Op. 30           notes and published articles and editions with Cambridge
native languages demonstrates a close relationship between           composed several villancicos on texts by Sor Juana Inés de     Concerto for Guitar and Orchestra (on a period instrument            University Press, Edition-Chanterelle, and Indiana
European and Indigenous cultures.                                    la Cruz, one of the most important Latin American writers      and with original orchestration) conducted by violinist              University Press. He is presently Professor of Music at the
    As well as its holdings in the New World, Spain also             of the 17th century. In Tarara one hears the rhythmic          Monica Huggett. For the latter, he received a nomination             San Francisco Conservatory of Music and at Sacramento
ruled over much of southern Italy for more than four                 vitality of Spanish and Indigenous cultures combined in a      as conductor in the best small ensemble category. He is also         State University where he has been the only music professor
hundred years and the influence of Spanish music on Italian          setting that reflects an African pronunciation of Spanish:     the recipient of a Diapason d’Or and a 10 du Rèpertoire.             to receive “outstanding and exceptional” and “best”
composers is obvious. Their repertory contains Ciaconnas,,           r’s and l’s are reversed, consonant clusters simplified, and   The latter has also placed his Boccherini recordings in their        sabbatical awards. He is also a founding member of the
Passacaglias, Zarabandas, Folias and Romanescas, all of              word endings dropped.                                          “Great Discoveries” category, works deemed as essentialto            Historical Guitar Consortium at Cambridge University.
which are dance/variation pieces that began as works for                 José de Orejón y Aparicio, a gifted organist who spent     any classical music collection.                                      Richard’s instructors have included Andres Segovia, Oscar
Spanish guitar.                                                      his entire life in Peru, was most likely a student of Tomás        Richard has been a featured guest on numerous national           Ghiglia, Eliot Fisk, Albert Fuller, and Jerry Willard. He
    Andrea Falconieri was a lutenist from Naples, the                de Torrejón y Velasco, the composer of the first new world     and international television and radio programs such as              received his Doctorate from SUNY at Stony Brook. For
seat of Spanish power in Italy during the 17th and 18th              opera. Aparicio’s A del dia de la fiesta is a three-movement   NPR, PBS, CBC, and CBS. He has been chosen three times               more information go to: www.richardsavino.net.
centuries. His publication Primo libro in1650 contains               work consisting of an opening da capo aria, followed by a      as the Global Hit on the Public Radio International/BBC
numerous dedications to Spanish nobles and Folia clearly             recitative, and concluding with a dance-like duo set in a      program The World, most recently in 2016 to celebrate the            Jennifer Ellis Kampani
demonstrates his command of Spanish musical style. It                villancico form.                                               release of What Artemisia Heard, Music from the Time of                 Los Angeles-based soprano Jennifer Ellis Kampani, who
is interesting to note that numerous Italian musicians,                  The guitar is certainly considered to be the               Carvaggio and Gentileschi. This CD surveys the life of the           "offers a freshness of voice, fineness of timbre, and ease of
including Domenico Zipoli and Roque Ceruti, migrated                 quintessential “Spanish” instrument, in both folk and          great 17th century painter Artemisia Gentileschi through             production that place her in the front rank of early-music
to the New World and that a significant number of works              fine art music.More importantly, in the 17th century it        music. He has also created concert programs and recordings           sopranos” (andante.com), is one of the leading interpreters
by Italian composers such as Arcangelo Corelli have also             was the guitar, often in multiples and combined with harp      on the lives of Francisco Goya and Peter Paul Rubens. In             of the Baroque repertoire. Her international career has
been found in repositories throughout Latin America.                 and viola da gamba, that produced the essential continuo       December 2016, he was asked by the Leiden Collection in              included appearances with the period instrument groups
    A featured composer on tonight’s program is Rafael               and theatre accompaniment band. Certainly, this is not         New York to create a series of soundtracks to accompany              New York Collegium. American Bach Soloists, Baroque
Antonio Castellanos. He was a native son of Guatemala                to suggest that the harpsichord played an insignificant        videos describing the world’s largest collection of privately        Band, Portland Baroque Orchestra, Seattle Baroque
and in 1765 was appointed maestro di capella at the                  role. But it is important to recognize the uniqueness of       held Rembrandts, the only private Vermeer, and dozens of             Orchestra, Opera Lafayette, Apollo’s Fire, Musica
Cathedral of Guatemala City. Like many Latin American                an additional ensemble and its importance to Spanish           additional paintings by other great Dutch masters. These             Angelica, and Boston Camerata. Jennifer has been heard
composers, Castellanos was well versed in 16th century               Baroque repertoire. The names most associated with this        can be viewed at: https://www.theleidencollection.com/               in many concert series and festivals including Le Flaneries
polyphony but he also incorporated dance music into                  legacy are Gaspar Sanz, Francisco Guerau, and Santiago         videos/                                                              Musicales de Reims in France, Aston Magna, Da Camera
his sacred work. Many of his compositions are excellent              de Murcia. De Murcia was the guitar teacher of Maria               Richard has recorded and toured with some of the world’s         Society, Houston Early Music, Music Before 1800, Carmel
examples of secular dance style (retaining the essential             Gabriela de Savoy, King Felipe V’s first wife . Following      most important performers including Joyce DiDonato,                  Bach, and the Berkeley and Boston Early Music Festivals.
villancico form) being used in ecclesiastical productions to         her death, Felipe married Isabella Farnese who brought to      Monica Huggett, Stephanie Chase, Chanticleer, and Paul               She has recorded many CDs, two highlights being
convert the masses. Vaya de xacara amigos and Oygan una              the Madrid Court a large entourage of Italian musicians.       Hillier. As as a continuo player he has performed as principal       Kingdoms of Castille (GRAMMY nomination 2012) and
xacarilla are wonderful examples of a secular, petty ruffian’s       Among these were the great castrato Farninelli as well as      with groups such as the Houston Grand Opera, New York                the works of Chiara Cozzolani (Gramophone editors’ pick,
dance having been co-opted for this purpose. In addition             harpsichordist Domenico Scarlatti who composed music           Collegium, Portland Baroque Orchestra, San Francisco                 August 2002.)
to Castellanos, the music archives of the Guatemala City             not only for his chosen instrument but also intermezzi,
Cathedral contains numerous works by some of the most                short “theater” pieces.
noted Spanish composers of the 17th and 18th centuries.                                                    – Richard Savino 2019

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Nell Snaidas                                                      Alyssa Wright                                                Martin Bonham                                                      Awards Classical Album of the Year. Their latest partnership
    Nell Snaidas has been praised by the New York Times              Historical Performance major Alyssa Wright was born          Martin Bonham, a leading chamber musician as a                  for the Marquis label, Michel Corrette’s Sonatas for
for her “beautiful soprano voice, superb sense of line” and       to a Thai mother and American father and raised in Japan.    member of the Victoria Symphony since 1978, also                   Harpsichord and Violin, op. 25 [1743] on mythological
“vocally ravishing” performances. She began her career            She began violin at age four, and studied with Izumi         established himself as one of Victoria’s leading chamber           themes is currently available.
singing leading roles in zarzuelas at New York City’s             Takeuchi for twelve years. She also played in the Chiba      musicians, also established himself as one of the top early           “Jarvis has an awesome technique that produces music
Repertorio Español. Specialization in Italian and Spanish         Youth Orchestra from 2008-14 and won the Shimamura           music specialists in Western Canada with performances              of enormous style and crystal clarity . . . the contours
Baroque music has since taken her throughout Europe,              Music Competition. For the past few years, she has been      for the Early Music Society of the Islands Vancouver Early         of the music are never even blurred, but emerge with
North America, and Latin America.                                 enrolled at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music where    Music Vancouver, and Victoria Baroque. Co-founder with             a coherence and persuasiveness that is remarkable.”
    Operatic performances include her European debut              she is studying baroque violin with Elizabeth Blumenstock    Kazue Kazahaya Seki of Les Violes de Saint-Colombe, a              The Hamilton Spectator (Canada)
in Alessandro Scarlatti’s Gli Equivoci nel Sembiante at the       , twice winning the Conservatory’s Baroque Concerto          founding member of both the Pacific Baroque Orchestra
Teatro Garibaldi in Palermo, Sicily as well as the role of        Competition. She has participated in summer festivals        and the Musick Masters, he appears frequently on stage             Peter Maund
Princess Olga in the world-premiere of the Boston Early           such as the Oregon Bach Festival, the Viola Da Gamba         throughout Alberta and the Pacific Northwest. His                      A native of San Francisco, Peter Maund studied
Music Festival’s production of Matheson’s opera Boris             Conclave, and the American Bach Soloists Academy.            interest in recreating early dance led to a role in the            percussion at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music and
Goudenow in Boston and Tanglewood. She has been                                                                                1990’s as both Music Director and dancer in Movimento!,            music, folklore, and ethnomusicology at the University
a featured soloist with the Los Angeles Philharmonic,             Wilton Huang                                                 then Victoria’s early dance and theatre company. Martin            of California, Berkeley. He is a founding member of
Apollo’s Fire, The Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,             San Francisco-based violinist Wilton Huang is a          plays an 18th century Italian cello restored to standards of       Ensemble Alcatraz and Alasdair Fraser’s Skyedance,
Tragicomedia, Seattle Baroque, The Dallas Bach Society,           versatile teacher and performer. He has performed            that period.                                                       and has performed with early and contemporary music
and Ex Umbris. Nell starred internationally as “Christine”        internationally on both baroque and modern violins.                                                                             ensembles including American Bach Soloists, Alboka,
in The Phantom of the Opera, is heard in Mel Brooks’              Although an experienced orchestral player, he particularly   Michael Jarvis                                                     Anonymous 4, Chanticleer, Davka, El Mundo, The
movie-musical The Producers, and was a soloist in the             enjoys performing chamber music and has attended many            Michael Jarvis is acclaimed as one of Canada’s finest          Harp Consort, Hesperion XX, Kitka, Los Cenzontles,
GRAMMY-nominated Broadway cast album Hair.                        festivals and programs including American Bach Soloists      harpsichordists, fortepianists, and continuo players. He           Musica Pacifica, Pacific MusicWorks, Philharmonia
She also collaborated with Alicia Keys in the musical             Academy, Festival Napa Valley Blackburn Academy,             has performed throughout Canada, the US, England,                  Baroque Orchestra, Texas Early Music Project, and Voices
arrangement and Italian translation of “Superwoman” for           Gonggeng Music Academy, and the Retreat for Violin           Italy, and Bermuda. Working with many of Canada’s finest           of Music.
Kathleen Battle for the grand finale of the 2008 America          Teachers at Indiana University.                              singers, Michael is in demand as a coach and collaborative             Performance events and venues include the Berkeley
Music Awards.                                                         Wilton received his Bachelor of Music and is currently   artist. He has recorded for the Hungaroton, Marquis                Festival, Cal Performances, Carnegie Hall, Celtic
    Nell has recorded for Sony Classical, Dorian, Koch            pursuing an Artistic Diploma at the San Francisco            Classics, ATMA, Naxos, Solitudes, and Avalon labels, and           Connections (Glasgow); Cervantino Festival (Guanajuato),
International, and Naxos. She was featured on CBC radio           Conservatory of Music, and is currently pursuing an          has many times broadcast nationally and regionally for the         Confederation House (Jerusalem); Edinburgh Festival;
as one of the leading interpreters of Spanish Renaissance         Artistic Diploma at the San Francisco Academy Orchestra.     CBC as well as across the U.S. on NPR. His performing              Festival Interceltique de Lorient; Festival Pau Casals;
and Sephardic song and is Co-Director of the NYC concert          During his time at SFCM, he studied with Cordula Merks,      editions of 17th and 18th century choral and organ music           Fillmore Auditorium, Folkfestival Dranouter; Freight
series GEMAS: Early Music of the Americas, a joint project        Elizabeth Blumenstock, and Wei He. He is currently           are published by GIA, Chicago.                                     & Salvage, Horizante Orient Okzident (Berlin); The
of Americas Society and GEMAS.                                    studying with David Chernyavsky.                                 Michael has taught fortepiano at the University of             Kennedy Center; Lincoln Center; Palacio Congresos
                                                                                                                               British Columbia and harpsichord, continuo, and baroque            (Madrid); Queen Elizabeth Hall (London); and Tage Alter
                                                                                                                               vocal ornamentation at the University of Toronto. He has           Musik (Regensburg).
                                                                                                                               also taught harpsichord performance at Wilfred Laurier                 Peter is author of “Percussion” appearing in A Performers
                                                                                                                               University in Waterloo, Ontario and at Havergal College,           Guide to Medieval Music (Indiana University Press, 2000).
                                                                                                                               Toronto. He is on faculty as harpsichordist and vocal              He has served on the faculty of the University of California,
                                                                                                                               coach at the Early Music Vancouver Summer Baroque                  Berkeley as well as in workshops sponsored by Amherst
                                                                                                                               Vocal Programme, “The Compleat Singer”.                            Early Music, the San Francisco Early Music Society, the
                                                                                                                                   His CD with violinist Paul Luchkow of J.N. Hummel’s            American Recorder Society, and the American Orff-
                                                                                                                               Sonatas for Fortepiano and Violin/Viola, Op. 5 (performed          Schulwerk Association. Described by the Glasgow Herald
                                                                                                                               on an original Viennese fortepiano c.1800) on the Marquis          as “the most considerate and imaginative of percussionists”,
                                                                                                                               Classics label was finalist in the Western Canadian Music          he can be heard on over sixty recordings.

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Texts & Translations
Gitanillas Vienen                                                                                Ojos, pues me desdeñáis

Estribillo                                                                                       Estribillo
Gitanicas vienen, gitanicas van             Little gypsies come, little gypsies go               Ojos, pues me desdeñáis          Eyes, since you scorn me,
A adorar al Niño, y a ver a portal.         To adore the child and to see the cradle.            No me miréis, no, no.            don’t look at me,
                                                                                                 pues no quiero que logréis       for I don’t wish for you to
Qué hermosas salen todas a bailar,          How beautifully they all start to dance,             el ver como me matáis.           achieve the look with which you kill me.
cómo suenan las castañitillas               How their castañets sound
que repican las gitanillas                  As the gypsy girls play them                         Coplas
y en dulce armonía las hacen hablar.        And in sweet harmony make them talk.                 Cese el ceño y el rigor,         End the frowns and the severity;
                                                                                                 ojos, mirad que locura           Eyes, behold what madness is:
Lazos forman, trenzas hacen;                They form lines and braids in their dance;           arriesga buestra hermosura       to risk your loveliness
con el mismo primor que des hacen           With the same delicacy they dissolve                 por hazerme un disfavor          by doing me a discourtesy.
las trenzas y lazos a son y q compás,       Their lines and braids in rhythm and swing,
y a la Madre del Niño gracioso,             And to the mother of the gracious child              Si no os corrige el temor        If fear doesn’t cause you to lessen your charms,
morenica del sol máas hermoso.              That dark skinned beauty of the most beautiful sun   si no os corrige el temor        don’t look at me, for I don’t wish that you
la gala le canten, la gloria le dan,        they pleasingly sing, glory they give,               de la gala que os quitáis.       achieve the look with which you kill me.
que bailan airosas,                         they gracefully dance,
que cruzen briosas,                         lively they move,                                    Y si el mostraros serenos        And if your harsh behavior
que cantan graciosas a son y a compás       and pleasingly sing with rhythms and swing,          es no más que por matarme        is for nothing more than to kill me,
chás, chás, chás, chás.                     chas, chas chas, chas.                               podéis la pena excusarme,        you may let me forgo the pain,
                                                                                                 pues morirme de no veros.        for I will die from not seeing you.
Gitanico hermoso, Niño celestial,           Beautiful gypsy boy, heavenly Child                  Pero si no e de deveros,         But if it is true that you want me to be at peace,
Hijo de la aurora que su sol nos da.        Son of the daybreak who gives us her son.            pero si no e de deveros          don’t look at me, or I don’t wish that you
                                                                                                 que de mi os compadezcáis.       achieve the look with which you kill me.

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Ausente del alma mía                                                      Vaya de jácara amigos,

Estribillo                                                                Estribillo
Ausente del alma mía                 Absent of my soul                    Vaya de jácara amigos,               Go dance the xacara friends
Que al cielo subiendo váis           That to heaven going up              y sin gastar arrumacos.              And without using sticks
Volando por el aire                  Flying by the wind                   Oigan, escuchen, atiendan            Listen, listen closely, and pay attention
Subís a la eternidad,                Ascend you to the eternity           que es el corridillo aseado:         It is a clean path:
Ay, ay, ay,                          Alas!                                En nombre de Dios comienzo,          In the name of God we begin
Subís a la eternidad.                Ascend you to the eternity           vaya el diablo para diablo.          To chase the devil back to hell

Coplas                                                                    Aquel don Adán valiente              That one brave Sr. Adam
La piedad no se os olvide            Don’t be forgotten the piety         a quien todo lo criado,              whom all the created
Porque os diga la piedad             Because I tell you the piety         vasallaje le rendía                  rendered obedient to his mandates.
De lo fuerte que partís              Is so hard when you go               obediente a sus mandatos,            King of the Paradise
Y que sin vos me dejáis,             And you leave me without you         monarca del paraíso                  he happily enjoys
Ay, ay, ay,                          Alas!                                le gozaba alegre cuando              when he finished
Y que sin vos me dejáis,             And you leave me without you         acabó con todo el mundo              with all the world
                                                                          con solamente un bocado.             with only one bite.
Mis sentimientos queridos            My loved senses
Forzosos en mí serán                 Will be necessary to me              Torpe quebrantó el precepto          Awkwardly disrupt the precept
Pues me quedo sin mi bien            Because I stay without my love       quién dijera en este daño            If someone could say of this wreckage
En posesión de mi mal.               In possession of my evil.            que fuera de un hombre fuerte        that out of a strong man
Ay, ay, ay,                          Alas!                                toda su culpa ser flaco.             all his guilt be skinny.
En posesión de mi mal.               In possession of my evil.            Pero yo me lo dijera                 But I said to myself
                                                                          arrimándome al adagio                Coming in to the refrain that
El alma viéndose sola                The soul seeing self alone           de que la soga más fuerte            “the strongest rope
Decir mi Dueño podrá                 To say of my love will can           quibra por lo más delgado.           breaks with the thinnest thread.”
Que siempre que os eche menos        Always that to miss you
Será su tormento más                 His torment will be plus.            Coplas
Ay, ay, ay,                          Alas!                                Príncipe nació y a penas             The Prince was born and the pain
Será su tormento más.                His torment will be plus.            el veneno le ha tocado               has touched him
                                                                          cuando por ruin obediencia           when by ruined obedience
Si camináis para el cielo            If you walking to the heaven         se miró el príncipe esclavo.         the slave prince looked at himself.
Por qué me dejáis acá                Why leave me here                    La divina providencia                The divine providence
Adonde todo es mentira               Where all the things are lies        que tuvo todo previsto               that had everything planned
Y vos solo sois verdad               And only you are truth.              amparar al enemigo                   protected the enemy
Ay, ay, ay,                          Alas!                                elige por acertado.                  and was successfully chosen.
Y vos solo sois verdad.              And only you are the truth
                                                                          Obligados y ofendidos                Forced and offended
Los ojos que os ven partir           The eyes are seeing that you leave   Dios y el hombre se miraron          God and man looked at each other
Fuentes perennes serán               Perpetual fountains will be          del hombre Dios ofendido             man offended God
Porque no sabe sentir                Because don’t know to feel           de Dios el hombre obligado.          God the obligated man.
Quien no ha sabido llorar            Who did not to have known cry.       Deponiendo los enojos                Deposing the anger
Ay, ay, ay,                          Alas!                                sale al empeño mostrando             goes out to show
Quien no ha sabido llorar.           Who did not to have known cry.       cómo han de ser los amigos           how should friends be (together)
                                                                          en los mayores trabajos.             in the greatest works.

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Al dormir el sol
Tarara qui yo Anton
Estribillo                                                                    Al dormir el sol en la cuna del alva              While the sun sleeps in the cradle of dawn
Tarara tarara qui yo soy Anton        Tarara tarara, I am Anton,              Con arrullos con halagos con olores               With lullabies, complements, fragrances,
ninglito li nacimiento                little black one since birth,           Le mezen le aplauden le cantan                    they rock him, applaud him, sing to him,
qui lo canto lo mas y mijo.           and I sing it alot, and oh my oh!       Los ángeles puros los zéfiros gratos              The pure angels, the graceful zephyrs,
                                                                              Las fértiles flores las líquidas fuentes          The fertile flowers, the flowing fountains,
Coplas                                                                        Las rápidas aves las débiles auras.               The swift birds, the gentle breezes,
Yo soy Anton molinela                 I am Anton, a miller,                   Y todos humildes dizen a una voz                  And all with a single voice humbly say:
y ese niño qui nacio                  and this boy who was born               roro rororo dormid niño Dios.                     Roro rororo, go to sleep, God child.
hijo es li unos la labialola          is also the son of a peasant woman,
li tula mi estimacion.                one that I hold in highest esteem.      Coplas
                                                                              Los ángeles puros con dulze canzión               The pure angels with sweet songs
Pul eso mi sonajiya                   So with my rattle,                      la cuna le mezen al dormido amor.                 Rock the cradle of their sleeping love.
cascabela y stambo                    my bells and my drum,                   No le despertéis, no, pues su amante voz          Don’t awaken him, no, their loving voice
voy a bayla yo a Belena,              I’m going to dance in Bethlehem,        El aire repite con leve rumor:                    Strikes the air with barely a sound:
pultilica y camalon.                  dances from Puerto Rico and Camaroon.   roro rororo dormid niño Dios.                     Roro rororo, go to sleep, God child.

Milalo quantu pastola                 See how many shepherdesses              Los zéfiros gratos, con huella veloz              The graceful zephyrs treading quickly,
buscando a la niño Dios,              are looking for the Child God,          Moviendo las plantas no pisan la flor.            Ruffle the leaves but do not step on the flowers.
van curriendo a las pultale           they go running to the portal           No le despertéis, no, pues su acorde unión        Don’t awaken him, no, their concordant Union
pala daye la adoracion.               to offer him their adoration.           se inflama y entona con tierno fabor:             kindles and tunes with tender favor:
                                                                              roro rororo dormid niño Dios.                     Roro rororo, go to sleep, God child.
La sagala chilubina                   The country-girl cherubim,
vistila li risplandor                 clothed in splendor,                    Las fétriles flores, con salvas de olor,          The fertile flowers, with hints of fragrance,
las conta sus viyancica,              sings her villancico,                   perfumes exalen en suave prisión.                 Exhale their perfumes in sweet vases.
gluria cun compas y son.              a gloria with rhythm and melody.        No le despertéis, no, su inspiración,             Don’t awaken him, no, their devotion
                                                                              el catre le muellen cantando una voz:             fluffs his pillow, singing in one voice:
                                                                              roro rororo dormid niño Dios.                     Roro rororo, go to sleep, God child.

                                                                              Las líquidas fuentes, con músico son              The flowing fountains are soft whispers,
                                                                              De blandos murmureos le adormecen hoy.            Music which today puts him to sleep.
                                                                              No le despertéis, no, pues en su canción          Don’t awaken him, no, in their song
                                                                              Con vozes de perlas repiten sin voz:              With voices of pearl they repeat in hushed voice:
                                                                              roro rororo dormid niño Dios                      Roro rororo, go to sleep, God child.

                                 12                                                                                        13
Luceros y flores                                                              ¡Ay que sí! ¡Ay que no!

Estribillo                                                                    Estribillo
Luceros y flores                     Stars and flowers                        Ay, que sí, ay, que no:               Oh! but yes, Oh! but no:
arded y lucid,                       Glow and shine                           que lo que me duele,                  since I myself
al ver una aurora                    when you see a dawn                      me lo siento yo;                      feel what afflicts me.
que ilustra el zafir.                that brings glory to the sapphire.       que soy Pedro Grullo                  I am “Pedro Grullo” telling tales
                                                                              de mi pasión:                         of my passion:
Coplas                                                                        y es pesadilla mi pena,               and my sorrow is a nightmare
Las flores del cielo ardan           Let the flowers of heaven burn;          que no reconoce, no,                  that does not confess
los astros del campo brillen;        let the star of the field shine;         del plomo del sentimiento             its leaden weight of emotion
y exhalando sus alientos             and exhaling their breath                ligerezas de la voz.                  through the lightness of my voice.
en esfereas y pensiles,              in spheres and gardens,                  Ay, que sí, ay, que no:               Oh! but yes, Oh! but no:
las flores ardan,                    let the flowers glow,                    que lo que me duele,                  since I myself
los astros brillen.                  let the stars shine.                     me lo siento yo;                      feel what afflicts me.

Las rosas sus rayos copien;          Let the roses copy their rays;           Coplas
los orbes sus luces pinten;          let the orbs paint their lights;         Pues vaya, amigas del alma,           Go on, my good friends,
pues no imitan sus reflejos          since their reflections do not imitate   de en sanchas a mi dolor              make way for my grief to expand;
con el claro sus perfiles,           their profiles with clarity,             que un corazon apretado               for a constricted heart
las rosas copien,                    let the roses copy,                      merece lo que un jubon.               deserves the same as a tight bodice.
los orbes pinten.                    let the orbs paint.
                                                                              Dos amas que Dios me ha dado,         God has given me two mistresses,
La estrella a sus ojos muere;        The star dies before its eyes;           si es queda las amas Dios             if indeed it is God who assigns mistresses,
el alba al valiente vive;            the dawn lives for the valiant;          que no es por cuenta del çielo        but it is not on heaven’s account
que a la luz de sus candores         for at the light of its whiteness        el mal que me busco yo.               that I procure unhappiness.
en encuentros tan felices.           in such happy encounters,
la estrella muere,                   the star dies,
el alba vive.                        the dawn lives.

Luceros su planta huella;            Its step tramples the stars;
claveles su vista tiñe               its view tinges the carnations;
pues con puras influencias           so with pure influences
en milagros de matices,              in miracles of hues,
luceros huelle,                      may it trample the stars
claveles tiñe.                       may it tinge the carnations

                                14                                                                             15
Oygan una xacarilla                                                           A del dia de la fiesta;
                                                                              A Nuestra Señora de Copacabana
Oygan una xacarilla de una niña          Hear the royal girl’s jacara,        (Aria)
soberana que luce y brilla farol,        The light shines and sparkles,       A del dia de la fiesta                                    A feast day
clavel rayo rosa y llama                 The rosy rays blush and call,        luces activas, voces diversas                             Lights active, diverse voices
que luce y brilla farol.                 The light shines and sparkles.       encended vuestra nitida pompa                             Kindle your pomp (light you bright splendor
Oygan que en ecos e de cantarla.         Hear the ecos, I must sing to her.   exalad vuestra nitida ydea                                Exhault your bright idea

Coplas                                                                        Y en rayos, y en himnos                                   And in rays and hymns
Ya la niña concebida,                    The babe conceived,                  con grata asistencia celebrad                             With great assistance
vida graciosa y sin mancha               A gracious life and without sin,     a esta aurora Divina                                      Celebrate this Divine dawn
le da Dios eterno                        She will give God the eternal,       qu’en su dia se obstenta mas vella                        That on her day becomes more beautiful
de luz soberana .                        Royal light of life.
Ana le obtiene en su vientre,            Ana, blessed among women,            Y pues oi en su solio asi se ofrece                       And today on her throne she offers herself
entre mujeres la clara,                  Holds her in her womb,               como madre que todos favorece                             As a mother who favors all
Ana sera y la contemplo,                 Ana I pray to you,                   y pues en este templo ya tesora                           And in this temple she is treasured
templo de mayor monarca.                 The temple of our Holy Queen.        ser la Madre feliz que se adora                           To be a happy Mother that is adored
                                                                              buscad en el influxo con que inspira                      Look at the influence she inspires
Arca de Dios y su Nave,                  Fortune of God and of his Church,    unos el explendor y otras lira                            The splendor in others and the lyre
 ave que sube a la escala,               Bird that rises to the heavens,
a la cumbre donde estrella,              At the summit she shines,            Estribillo
ella a luzbel es desgracia.              Triumphant over Satan.               En la sed pues el empeño                                  In the thirst for commitment
                                                                              en asento mas brillante de armonia y de arebol            In groves of tress bright harmony
Alma en que Dios se recrea,              Soul in which God recreating,        si al formar el fiel diseño esta lus mi vos amante        The true form is the light I love
crea el mundo que es sin falta,          Creating world without sin,          es clarin de tanto sol                                    It is the clarion of both suns
alta por que se confirme,                In the lofty heavens he confirms
firme su ya enamorada.                   His beloved Queen.                   Coplas
                                                                              Esta es la madre felise                                   This is the happy mother
                                                                              que en este templo se adora                               That is worshiped (adored) in this temple
                                                                              a que le ofrecen los cultos                               To whom the wise give offerings
                                                                              y aquien le canten sus loores.                            And here we sing their praises.

                                                                              Esta es de Copacabana                                     This is the Copacabana
                                                                              Reyna la excelsa y siempre invicta                        Queen of the sublime and always undefeated
                                                                              que socorre a lo que le piden                             Who helps those that ask
                                                                              y a tiende a los que le adoran                            And tends to those who worship Him

                                    16                                                                                             17
Supporting the Society
Make a Donation                                             help the Fund grow. These operating grants will both assist
The Early Music Society of the Islands relies on            in presenting artists who would otherwise be unaffordable
individual donations, memberships, and grants to            and ensure the long-term sustainability of the Society.
sustain its operations each year. Your donation will help   Tax receipts will be provided.
to present concerts featuring internationally-renowned
artists and to promote interest and appreciation of Early   You can contribute directly to this Fund in three ways:
Music in the community.
                                                            MAIL By sending a cheque to:
Ways to Donate                                              Early Music Endowment Fund, Victoria Foundation,
ONLINE To make a secure online donation                     Suite #109–645, Fort Street Victoria, BC V8W 1G2              For advance notice of EMSI concerts and performers,
by Visa, MasterCard or AmEx, visit:
www.earlymusicsocietyoftheislands.ca                        ONLINE Donate online by Visa, MasterCard,                              subscribe to the EMSI newsletter:
                                                            Amex at the Victoria Foundation’s Web site:                         www.earlymusicsocietyoftheislands.ca
MAIL Please send cheque payable to EMSI to:                 http://www.victoriafoundation.bc.ca/web/give/ways Click
EMSI Donations c/o McPherson Box Office,                    on “give now” to go to CanadaHelps, select “Donate             The programme, notes, and artist biographies are
#3 Centennial Square, Victoria BC V8W 1P5                   Now” and choose “Early Music Endowment Fund” from             available on the EMSI website prior to each concert
                                                            the drop-down list.
CAMPAIGNS If your employer participates in                  BEQUESTS OR GIFTS OF SECURITIES                                            EMSI wishes to thank…
the United Way or other employee campaigns,                 Bequests or gifts of life insurance or securities may                     The EMSI Volunteer Guild
you can support the Early Music Society of the Islands      be arranged through the Victoria Foundation.
by writing in the gift on your pledge                       For more information, visit www.victoriafoundation.bc.ca           Caroline Mitic, graphic designer for EMSI
card. Our charitable registration number is                 or phone the Foundation at (250) 381–5532.                       David Strand, maintainer of the EMSI website
                                                            Sponsorships                                                        www.earlymusicsocietyoftheislands.ca
To discuss donation options, please contact                 BUSINESS SPONSORS The Society welcomes business
Rondallyn Perras, Fundraising Director                      sponsorships and will provide appropriate public
emsi.perras@shaw.ca                                         acknowledgement of such support.
Tax receipts are issued for all donations
of $10 and over.                                            CONCERT SPONSORS
                                                            Artistic Director James Young (joy@uvic.ca) would be
Donate for the Future                                       pleased to offer guidance and information relating to gifts
The Early Music Endowment Fund is owned and                 to support a specific concert.
managed on our behalf by the Victoria Foundation.
Each year, part of the investment income is given as        You can reach the Society at:
a grant to EMSI and the balance is re-invested to           info@EarlyMusicSocietyoftheIslands.ca

                               Thank you for your generosity in supporting
                               Early Music on southern Vancouver Island
                              www.earlymusicsocietyoftheislands.ca PHONE 250-882-5058

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