Heaven's Door Cathedral Choir & Orchestra of Saint John the Divine - KENT TRITLE & BRYAN ZAROS, Conductors

Page created by Ruth Patel
Heaven's Door Cathedral Choir & Orchestra of Saint John the Divine - KENT TRITLE & BRYAN ZAROS, Conductors
Heaven’s Door
                        Cathedral Choir & Orchestra
                          of Saint John the Divine
                           KENT TRITLE & BRYAN ZAROS, Conductors

Tuesday, 5 April 2022
7:30pm Concert
Heaven's Door Cathedral Choir & Orchestra of Saint John the Divine - KENT TRITLE & BRYAN ZAROS, Conductors
Heaven's Door Cathedral Choir & Orchestra of Saint John the Divine - KENT TRITLE & BRYAN ZAROS, Conductors
HEAVEN’S DOOR                                                                                                                   3


                                            Kent Tritle & Bryan Zaros, conductors
                                                 Nola Richardson, soprano
                                               Tracy Cowart, mezzo-soprano
                                                     Andrew Fuchs, tenor
                                                Joseph Beutel, bass-baritone

Concerto in D minor                                                                                Antonio Vivaldi   (1678–1741)

    Adagio Spiccato e Tutti
    Largo e Spiccato

Stabat Mater                                                                                            Alissa Firsova   (b. 1986)

                                                  New York City premiere

Litanies à la Vierge Noire                                                                         Francis Poulenc   (1899–1963)

                                         New York premiere of 1947 orchestration


Prayer for Ukraine                                                                                 Mykola Lysenko (1842–1912)

Requiem                                                                              José Maurício Nuñes-Garcia      (1767–1830)

    Gradual and Tract
    Dies Irae
    Inter oves
    Domine Jesu Christe
    Agnus Dei

        To support this concert and the Great Music in a Great Space series, please donate here:
Heaven's Door Cathedral Choir & Orchestra of Saint John the Divine - KENT TRITLE & BRYAN ZAROS, Conductors
4                                                                                               HEAVEN’S DOOR

Stabat Mater                                        The Sorrowful Mother
Stabat Mater dolorosa                               The sorrowful mother was standing
Juxta crucem lacrimosa                              Beside the Cross weeping,
Dum pendebat Filius.                                While the Son was hanging.
Eia Mater, fons amoris                              Come now, O Mother, fountain of love
Me sentire vim doloris                              Make me feel the power of sorrow
Fac, ut tecum lugeam.                               That I might mourn with you.
Fac, ut ardeat cor meum                             Grant that my heart may burn
In amando Christum Deum                             In loving Christ the God
Ut sibi complaceam.                                 That I might please him.
Fac me plagis vulnerari,                            Make me injured by the wounds,
Cruce hac inebriari,                                Make me drunken by the Cross,
Ob amorem Filii.                                    And by the blood of the Son.
Inflammatus et accensus                             Lest I be consumed burned by flames,
Per Te, Virgo, sim defensus                         Through you, O Virgin, may I be defended
In die judicii.                                     On the day of judgement.
Fac me cruce custodiri                              Christ, when you shall call me hence,
Morte Christi praemuniri                            Be your Mother my defense,
Confoveri gratia.                                   Be your Cross my victory.
Quando corpus morietur,                             While my body here decays,
Fac, ut animae donetur                              May my soul Thy goodness praise,
Paradisi gloria. Amen.                              Safe in Paradise with you.

Litanies à la Vierge Noire                          Prayers to the Black Virgin
Seigneur, ayez pitié de nous.                       Lord, have pity on us.
Jésus-Christ, ayez pitié de nous.                   Jesus Christ, have pity on us.
Jésus-Christ, écoutez-nous.                         Jesus Christ, hear us.
Jésus-Christ, exaucez-nous.                         Jesus Christ, grant our prayers.
Dieu le père, créateur, ayez pitié de nous.         God the Father, creator, have pity on us.
Dieu le fils, rédempteur, ayez pitié de nous.       God the Son, redeemer, have pity on us.
Dieu le Saint-Esprit, sanctificateur,               God the Holy Spirit, sanctifier,
ayez pitié de nous.                                 Have pity on us.
Trinité Sainte, qui êtes un seul Dieu,              Holy Trinity, who are one single God,
ayez pitié de nous.                                 Have pity on us.
Sainte Vierge Marie, priez pour nous,               Holy Virgin Mary, pray for us.
Vierge, reine et patronne, priez pour nous.         Virgin, queen and patron, pray for us.
Vierge que Zachée le publicain                      Virgin, whom Zacchaeus the tax-collector
nous a fait connaître et aimer,                     made us know and love,
Vierge à qui Zachée ou Saint-Amadour                Virgin, to whom Zacchaeus or Saint Amadour
éleva ce sanctuaire,                                raised this sanctuary,
Priez pour nous.                                    Pray for us.
Reine du sanctuaire, que consacra Saint-Martial,    Queen of the sanctuary, which Saint Martial consecrated,
et où il célébra ses saints mystères,               And where he celebrated his holy Mysteries,
Reine, près de laquelle s’agenouilla Saint-Louis,   Queen, before whom knelt Saint Louis,
vous demandant le bonheur de la France,             Asking of you good fortune for France,
priez pour nous.                                    Pray for us, pray for us.
Reine, à qui Roland consacra son épée,              Queen, to whom Roland consecrated his sword,
priez pour nous.                                    Pray for us.
Reine, dont la bannière gagna les batailles,        Queen, whose banner won the battles,
priez pour nous.                                    Pray for us.
Reine, dont la main délivrait les captifs,          Queen, whose hand delivered the captives,
priez pour nous.                                    Pray for us.
Heaven's Door Cathedral Choir & Orchestra of Saint John the Divine - KENT TRITLE & BRYAN ZAROS, Conductors
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Notre-Dame, dont le pèlerinage est enrichi                Our Lady, whose pilgrimage is enriched
de faveurs spéciales.                                     by special favours,
Notre-Dame, que l’impiété et la haine ont voulu souvent   Our Lady, whom impiety and hate have often wished to
détruire.                                                 destroy,
Notre-Dame, que les peuples visitent comme autrefois,     Our Lady, whom the peoples visit as of old,
Priez pour nous.                                          Pray for us, pray for us.
Agneau de Dieu, qui effacez les péchés du monde,          Lamb of God, who wipes out the sins of the world,
pardonnez-nous                                            Pardon us.
Agneau de Dieu, qui effacez les péchés du monde,          Lamb of God, who wipes out the sins of the world,
exaucez-nous                                              Grant our prayers.
Agneau de Dieu, qui effacez les péchés du monde,          Lamb of God, who wipes out the sins of the world,
ayez pitié de nous.                                       Have pity on us.
Notre Dame, priez pour nous.                              Our Lady, pray for us.
Afin que nous soyons dignes de Jésus-Christ.              To the end that we may be worthy of Jesus Christ.

Prayer for Ukraine
Боже великий, єдиний,                                     Lord, oh the Great and Almighty,
Нам Україну храни,                                        Protect our beloved Ukraine,
Волі і світу промінням                                    Bless her with freedom and light
Ти її осіни.                                              Of your holy rays.
Світлом науки і знання                                    With learning and knowledge enlighten
Нас, дітей, просвіти,                                     Us, your children small,
В чистій любові до краю,                                  In love pure and everlasting
Ти нас, Боже, зрости.                                     Let us, oh Lord, grow.
Молимось, Боже єдиний,                                    We pray, oh Lord Almighty,
Нам Україну храни,                                        Protect our beloved Ukraine,
Всі свої ласки й щедроти                                  Grant our people and country
Ти на люд наш зверни.                                     All your kindness and grace.
Дай йому волю, дай йому долю,                             Bless us with freedom, bless us with wisdom,
Дай доброго світу, щастя,                                 Guide into kind world,
Дай, Боже, народу                                         Bless us, oh Lord, with good fortune
І многая, многая літа.                                    For ever and evermore.

Requiem aeternam dona eis,                                Eternal rest grant unto them,
Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis.                       O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon them.
Te decet hymnus, Deus in Sion,                            A hymn becometh Thee, O God, in Sion,
et tibi reddetur votum in Jerusalem.                      And unto Thee shall a vow be paid in Jerusalem.
Exaudi orationem meam,                                    Listen to my prayer;
ad te omnis caro veniet.                                  Unto Thee all flesh shall come.

Kyrie eleison.                                            Lord, have mercy upon us.
Christe eleison.                                          Christ have mercy upon us.
Kyrie eleison.                                            Lord, have mercy upon us.
Heaven's Door Cathedral Choir & Orchestra of Saint John the Divine - KENT TRITLE & BRYAN ZAROS, Conductors
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Gradual and Tract
Requiem aeternam dona eis Domine,                           Grant them eternal rest, O Lord.
et lux perpetua luceat eis.                                 And let perpetual light shine upon them.
In memoria aeterna erit Justus:                             He shall be justified in everlasting memory,
ab auditione mala non timebit.                              And he will not be afraid of any evil tidings.
Absolve Domine animas omnium fidelium                       Forgive, O Lord, the souls of all the faithful
defunctorum ab omno vinculo delictorum                      Departed from all the chains of their sins,
et gratia tua illis succurente mereantur evadere iudicium   And may they deserve to avoid the judgement of revenge by
ultionis,                                                   your fostering grace,
et lucis aeterne beatitudine perfrui.                       And enjoy the everlasting blessedness of light.

Dies Irae
Dies iræ! dies illa                                         Day of wrath! O day of mourning!
Solvet sæclum in favilla                                    See fulfilled the prophets’ warning,
Teste David cum Sibylla!                                    Heaven and earth in ashes burning!
Quantus tremor est futurus,                                 Oh, what fear man’s bosom rendeth,
quando judex est venturus,                                  When from heaven the Judge descendeth,
cuncta stricte discussurus!                                 On whose sentence all dependeth.
Tuba mirum spargens sonum                                   Wondrous sound the trumpet flingeth;
per sepulchra regionum,                                     Through earth’s sepulchers it ringeth;
coget omnes ante thronum.                                   All before the throne it bringeth.
Mors stupebit et natura,                                    Death is struck, and nature quaking,
cum resurget creatura,                                      All creation is awaking,
judicanti responsura.                                       To its Judge an answer making.
Liber scriptus proferetur,                                  Lo! the book, exactly worded,
in quo totum continetur,                                    Wherein all hath been recorded:
unde mundus judicetur.                                      Thence shall judgment be awarded.
Judex ergo cum sedebit,                                     When the Judge his seat attaineth,
quidquid latet apparebit:                                   And each hidden deed arraigneth,
nil inultum remanebit.                                      Nothing unavenged remaineth.
Quid sum miser tunc dicturus?                               What shall I, frail man, be pleading?
Quem patronum rogaturus,                                    Who for me be interceding,
cum vix justus sit securus?                                 When the just are mercy needing?
Rex tremendæ majestatis,                                    King of Majesty tremendous,
qui salvandos salvas gratis,                                Who dost free salvation send us,
salva me, fons pietatis.                                    Fount of pity, then befriend us!
Recordare, Jesu pie,                                        Think, good Jesus, my salvation
quod sum causa tuæ viæ:                                     Cost thy wondrous Incarnation;
ne me perdas illa die.                                      Leave me not to reprobation!
Quærens me, sedisti lassus:                                 Faint and weary, thou hast sought me,
redemisti Crucem passus:                                    On the cross of suffering bought me.
tantus labor non sit cassus.                                Shall such grace be vainly brought me?
Juste judex ultionis,                                       Righteous Judge! for sin’s pollution
donum fac remissionis                                       Grant thy gift of absolution,
ante diem rationis.                                         Ere the day of retribution.

Ingemisco, tamquam reus:                                    Guilty, now I pour my moaning,
culpa rubet vultus meus:                                    All my shame with anguish owning;
supplicanti parce, Deus.                                    Spare, O God, thy suppliant groaning!
Qui Mariam absolvisti,                                      Thou the sinful woman savedst;
et latronem exaudisti,                                      Thou the dying thief forgavest;
mihi quoque spem dedisti.                                   And to me a hope vouchsafest.
Preces meæ non sunt dignæ:                                  Worthless are my prayers and sighing,
sed tu bonus fac benigne,                                   Yet, good Lord, in grace complying,
ne perenni cremer igne.                                     Rescue me from fires undying!
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Inter oves
Inter oves locum præsta,                         With thy favored sheep O place me;
et ab hædis me sequestra,                        Nor among the goats abase me;
statuens in parte dextra.                        But to thy right hand upraise me.
Confutatis maledictis,                           While the wicked are confounded,
flammis acribus addictis:                        Doomed to flames of woe unbounded
voca me cum benedictis.                          Call me with thy saints surrounded.
Oro supplex et acclinis,                         Low I kneel, with heart submission,
cor contritum quasi cinis:                       See, like ashes, my contrition;
gere curam mei finis.                            Help me in my last condition.
Lacrimosa dies illa,                             Ah! that day of tears and mourning!
qua resurget ex favilla                          From the dust of earth returning
judicandus homo reus.                            Man for judgment must prepare him;
Huic ergo parce, Deus:                           Spare, O God, in mercy spare him!
Pie Jesu Domine,                                 Lord, all pitying, Jesus blest,
dona eis requiem. Amen.                          Grant them thine eternal rest. Amen.

Domine Jesu Christe
Domine Jesu Christe, Rex gloriae,                Lord, Jesus Christ, King of Glory,
libera animas omnium fidelium defunctorum        Deliver the souls of all the faithful departed
de poenis inferni,                               From infernal suffering and from the
et de profundo lacu;                             Bottomless abyss; deliver them from the lion’s
libera eas de ore leonis, ne absorbeat           Mouth, that hell engulf them not, that they
eas tartarus, ne cadant in obscurum.             Sink not into darkness. But let the standard-
Sed signifer sanctus Michael repraesentet        Bearer Saint Michael lead them quickly into
eas in lucem sanctam:                            The holy light:
Quam olim Abrahae                                As of old Thou didst promise to Abraham
promisisti et semini ejus. Hostias et preces     And his seed. Sacrifices and prayers of praise
tibi, Domine, laudis offerimus; tu suscipe pro   We offer to Thee, O Lord; accept them
animabus illis, quarum hodie memoriam            For those souls of whom we this day commemorate;
facimus; fac eas, Domine, de morte transire      Cause them, O Lord, to pass from death to life.
ad vitam.

Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus                        Holy, Holy, Holy
Dominus Deus Sabaoth.                            Lord God of Hosts.
Pleni sunt coeli et terra gloria tua.            Heaven and earth are full of Thy glory.
Hosanna in excelsis.                             Hosanna in the highest.

Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini.           Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in excelsis.                             Hosanna in the highest.

Agnus Dei
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi,             Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
dona eis requiem.                                Grant them rest everlasting.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi,             Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
dona eis requiem.                                Grant them rest everlasting.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi,             Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
dona eis requiem sempiternam.                    Grant them eternal rest.

Lux aeterna luceat eis, Domine,                  May light eternal shine upon them, O Lord,
cum sanctis tuis in aeternum, quia pius es.      With Thy saints in eternity, because Thou art merciful.
Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine;               Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord;
et lux perpetua luceat eis.                      And may perpetual light shine upon them,
Cum sanctis tuis in aeternum, quia pius es.      With thy saints for evermore, for thou art gracious.
8                                                                                                         HEAVEN’S DOOR

                    KENT TRITLE is one of America’s leading choral conductors. Called “the brightest star in New York’s
                    choral music world” by The New York Times, he is Director of Cathedral Music and Organist at the
                    Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City; Music Director of the Oratorio Society of New
                    York, the acclaimed 200-voice volunteer chorus; and Music Director of Musica Sacra, New York’s
                    longest continuously performing professional chorus. In addition, Kent is Director of Choral Activities
                    at the Manhattan School of Music and is a member of the graduate faculty of The Juilliard School.
                    An acclaimed organ virtuoso, he is also the organist of the New York Philharmonic and on the organ
                    faculty of the Manhattan School of Music.

                       BRYAN ZAROS is a young American conductor recognized for his “strong musical imagination” and
                       “deep sense of musicality and communication.” He is the Associate Choirmaster at the Cathedral of
                       Saint John the Divine and made his conducting debut with the Cathedral Choirs at Westminster Abbey,
                       London. A native New Yorker, Zaros began his professional musical training as a member of the
                       Metropolitan Opera Children’s Chorus and as a boy chorister at The Church of the Transfiguration,
                       NYC. He is the Music Director of the Pro Arte Chorale, an ensemble with a 55-year legacy specializing
                       in the performance of choral/orchestral masterworks and is a frequent guest lecturer at the Manhattan
                       School of Music and at music conferences throughout the USA. He received a Bachelor of Music in
Sacred Music from Westminster Choir College and a Master of Music in Conducting from the University of Michigan. He
is currently a candidate for the Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Conducting at the Manhattan School of Music. Recent
conducting engagements have included invitations with choirs and orchestras in England, Italy, Switzerland, Canada,
Sweden, Argentina, Greece, Slovenia, Ireland and Romania. Most notably he has conducted ensembles at Alice Tully Hall-
Lincoln Center, the National Cathedral in Washington D.C., at American Choral Director’s Association Conferences and
various cathedrals in England including St. Paul’s Cathedral-London, Canterbury Cathedral and Salisbury Cathedral. He
is a recipient of several conducting awards including an American Prize award in Conducting. For more information about
Bryan, visit www.bryanzaros.com.

                    “An imposing bass-baritone,” as reviewed by Opera News, JOSEPH BEUTEL is often praised
                    for his “deep well-rounded tone,” and overall richness of voice and versatility on stage. Making
                    his career across five continents, Beutel enjoys performing traditional operas and originating new
                    roles in new operas on the cutting edge, along with many oratorios and other concert works. Some
                    roles of note include originating the role of the British Major in Silent Night, Kevin Puts and Mark
                    Campbell’s Pulitzer Prize winning opera, and most recently originating the role of Sir in Mila, an opera
                    commissioned by Asia Society Hong Kong most recently performed in New York and San Francisco.
                    Beutel has performed with many prestigious companies across the country and world, including, Santa
Fe Opera, NYCO, NY Philharmonic, New York City Ballet, English Concert, Seattle Opera, Minnesota Opera, and Sarasota
Opera to name a few. Beutel also enjoys performing musical theater with credits from Encores! at City Center in New
York and Live at Lincoln Center featured on PBS. Recordings include Grammy nominated Alexander Kastalsky’s Requiem,
Memory Eternal to the Fallen Heroes, performed live on the 100th anniversary of the Armistice to WWI in National
Cathedral, Washington D.C. on the Naxos label.

                     TRACY COWART (mezzo-soprano) enjoys a wide range of vocal interests, from twelfth-century
                     polyphony to avant-garde old-time music. Based in NYC, Tracy has been praised by The New York
                     Times as “the real attraction” with a voice that is “light and lithe.” Tracy has performed and recorded
                     with ensembles including Apollo’s Fire, La Donna Musicale, Chivalrous Crickets, Makaris, Musica
                     Sacra, the Newberry Consort, Publick Musick, Rose of the Compass, and the Washington Bach
                     Consort. As co-director of the baroque ensemble Labyrinth, she annually stages and performs in
                     17th-century pastiches that juxtapose florid virtuosity and ribald comedy for the Catskill Mountain
                     Foundation. Tracy is also co-director of the medieval ensemble Alkemie, with whom she has developed
a number of interactive concerts and appeared on series including Music Before 1800, the Five Boroughs Music Festival,
Arizona Early Music, and Capitol Early Music. Her “Like a Woman” program that Alkemie debuted this past fall is one of
only two concerts by U.S. ensembles to be featured on the European Early Music Network’s 2022 Festival.
Tracy holds a D.M.A. in Historical Performance from Case Western Reserve University and an M.M. in Early Music
from the Longy School of Music. She is on the faculty of the Amherst Early Music Festival and co-directs the University
Collegium at Fordham, where she also teaches voice. When she is not performing, she is an enthusiastic forager and amateur
mycologist. www.tracycowart.com
HEAVEN’S DOOR                                                                                                                   9

                     Tenor ANDREW FUCHS’S wide-ranging repertoire includes an abundance of early music, performing
                     with such ensembles as Pegasus, ARTEK, TENET, The Choir of Trinity Wall Street where he was a
                     frequent soloist on the “Bach at One” series, and most recently as a new member of the GRAMMY-
                     nominated quartet New York Polyphony, whose extensive touring takes the acclaimed ensemble to
                     major concert series and festivals around the world. He made his Kennedy Center debut in Monteverdi’s
                     Vespers with The Thirteen and his Lincoln Center debut in Bach’s Magnificat with the American
                     Classical Orchestra. Also passionate about contemporary music, he has premiered a number of works
                     including the principal role of ME in Daniel Thomas Davis’s opera Six. Twenty. Outrageous., song
cycles by Alexander Goehr and Juliana Hall, and Zachary Wadsworth’s oratorio Spire and Shadow. Other highlights include
Reich’s Three Tales and Daniel Variations with Ensemble Signal, Liebeslieder Waltzes with the Mark Morris Dance Group,
Vaughan Williams’s On Wenlock Edge with the Momenta Quartet, and Bach’s St. John Passion Evangelist at St. John the
Divine. Andrew is an alumnus of the Fall Island Vocal Arts Seminar and the Tanglewood Music Center, and holds degrees
from the University of Kansas and Stony Brook University.

                    Making her mark as an “especially impressive” (The New York Times) soprano, Australian/American
                    NOLA RICHARDSON has won First Prize in all three major American competitions focused on the
                    music of J.S. Bach (Bethlehem Bach, 2016; Audrey Rooney Bach, 2018; Grand Rapids Symphony Linn
                    Maxwell Keller Award, 2019). These honors have catapulted her to the forefront of Baroque ensembles
                    and orchestras around the country, where she has been praised for her “astonishing balance and
                    accuracy,” “crystalline diction,” and “natural-sounding ease” (Washington Post). In recent seasons she
                    has made debuts with the Seattle, Pittsburgh, Kansas City, and Colorado Symphonies (Handel Messiah);
                    filmed arias with the Atlanta Symphony for a documentary about J. S. Bach; made appearances at the
Lincoln Center with the American Classical Orchestra; and performed with a wide range of Baroque ensembles including
the American Bach Soloists, the Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, Musica Angelica, the Colorado Bach Ensemble, and
Ars Lyrica Houston. Past operatic highlights include her debut at the Kennedy Center with Opera Lafayette (Fraarte in
Handel’s Radamisto) which drew praise for her “particularly appealing freshness and directness” (Washington Post), and
a “standout” performance (Opera News) as the First Lady in Die Zauberflöte with the Clarion Music Society. Nola is also
a devoted chamber musician and has performed, toured, and recorded with grammy nominated ensembles Seraphic Fire,
Clarion, Musica Sacra, and Trinity Wall Street. Nola is an Athlone Artist and holds a DMA degree in Early Music Voice
from Yale. www.NolaRichardson.com

Kent Tritle, Director of Cathedral Music and Organist            Brendon Boyd, Director of Production
Daniel Ficarri, Associate Organist                               Will Best, Production Supervisor
Bryan Zaros, Associate Choirmaster                               Sarah Penland, Assistant Production Manager
Samuel Kuffuor-Afriyie, Organ Scholar
Christina Kay, Music Administrator
Jie Yi, Music Administrator
Douglass Hunt, Organ Curator

On April 14, 2019, Palm Sunday, a minor fire in our crypt resulted in smoke and detritus entering the Cathedral, and
temporarily silenced our pipe organs. Until they are cleaned, we are blessed to have use of the finest electronic organ available.
This instrument, by Walker Technical of Zionsville, PA, has a digitally sampled Æolian-Skinner sound palette and a state-of-
the-art audio support system. We will be using this Walker organ for at least the next year. Follow us at stjohndivine.org, and
on Facebook at facebook.com/GreatMusicGreatSpace, for more information regarding the cleaning of the Great Organ, as it
becomes available!
10                                                                                                          HEAVEN’S DOOR

The Cathedral Choir
Soprano                            Alto                            Tenor                           Bass
Lianne Coble                       Eric Brenner                    Paul D’Arcy                     Matthew Curran
Halley Gilbert                     Alison Cheeseman                Brian Giebler                   Jason Eck
Linda Jones                        Hai-Ting Chinn                  Brandon Hynum                   Dominic Inferrera
Amy Justman                        Wendy Gilles                    Bradley King                    Steven Moore
Christina Kay                      Heather Petrie                  Michael Steinberger             Gregory Purnhagen
Jamet Pittman                      Kirsten Sollek
Motomi Tanaka

Margery Daley, Choral Contractor

The Cathedral Orchestra
Violin I                           Viola                           Flute                           French Horn
Lisa Rautenburg, Concertmaster     Sarah Adams, Principal          Sato Moughalian, Principal      Nancy Billmann, Principal
Tallie Brunfelt                    Alissa Smith                    Reva Youngstein                 Yin-Chi Lee
Elizabeth Nielsen                  Jill Jaffe
Shinwon Kim
                                                                   Clarinet                        Timpani
Alexander Sharpe
                                   Violincello                     Meryl Abt, Principal            Benjamin Herman Jr.
                                   Arthur Fiacco Jr., Principal*   Benjamin Baron
Violin II                          Garo Yellin
                                                                   Bassoon                         Harpsichord
Andrea Schultz, Principal          Robert Burkhart
                                                                   Stephanie Corwin, Principal     Kent Tritle
Lisa Matricardi
                                   Bass                            Cornelia Sommer
Valerie Levy
                                   Roger Wagner
Paula Flatow                                                                                       *Orchestra Contractor


       HE Great Music in a Great Space (GMGS) concert series seeks to utilize the full potential of the massive Gothic
       design of the Cathedral to present music, both familiar and not so familiar, in unique and spiritual settings. In
       addition to using the more common performance areas of the Cathedral such as the Great Choir and the Crossing,
GMGS concerts also take place in less obvious locations such as the Nave or in one of the Chapels of the Seven Tongues,
located along the Cathedral’s eastern periphery.
GMGS is comprised of three concert series: the Great Choir choral series, the Great Organ recital series, and our holiday
concerts celebrating the Christmas season and New Year’s Eve. The repertoire of the choral series encompasses a musical
palette from Renaissance polyphony to contemporary compositions, and also features explorations of less familiar traditions
such as Spanish Renaissance music and Eastern Orthodox hymnody. The Great Organ recital series features evening organ
recitals, from both Cathedral organists and internationally acclaimed guest artists.

TUESDAY, 26 APRIL 2022                                             MONDAY, 23 MAY 2022
7:30 pm                                                            7:30 pm
Samuel Kuffuor-Afriyie and Raymond Nagem                           Rose of the Compass and Cathedral Choir
Organ Scholar Samuel Kuffuor-Afriyie and Raymond Nagem,            Come to sunny Portugal for an exploration of rarely heard
former Associate Music Director at the Cathedral, share this       works, including the remarkable 13th century female-voiced
program of organ delights, with music by Chelsea Chen,             Cantigas de Amigo, symphonies of the converso Jewish
Sigfrid Karg-Elert, Alfred Hollins, Thomas Kerr and Ad             heiress Leonora Duarte, as well as sacred and secular works
Wammes.                                                            of the 16th century composer Vicente Lusitano.
HEAVEN’S DOOR                                                                                                              11

Become a part of the Cathedral’s great music tradition by becoming a Friend of Music at the Cathedral Church of Saint
John the Divine. Friends of Music supports the Cathedral’s music program, including developing individual performances,
expanding the Cathedral concert series, and undertaking other musical projects.
The Choirs of the Cathedral—including professional singers, volunteer singers and choristers – perform a wide range
of music. The repertoire draws on the rich Anglican cathedral tradition, as well as works based on sacred customs and
traditions from around the world. When the whole choir sings, the Choristers (students from The Cathedral School, in
grades 5–8) and Schola Cantorum (local youth, in middle and high school) add their rigorously trained young voices to those
of some of the finest choral musicians in New York.
For information on how you can join the Friends of Music, please contact Priscilla Bayley at pbayley@stjohndivine.org or

Founder’s Circle ($10,000 and over)          Artist’s Circle ($1,500 – $2,499)          Donor ($500 – $999)
Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Brown                  Anonymous                                  Mrs. Beatrice M. Francais
The Florence Gould Foundation                Ms. Judith Bartlett                        Ms. Nancy Leo
Laymen’s Club of the Cathedral of St. John   The William Brown Foundation               Mr. Micah Nerio in memory of
   the Divine                                Mr. and Mrs. James Davies                     Katy Neubert, Adam Hall and
Mount Sinai Health System                    Mr. Paul Griffiths                            Rachel Escamilla
Nimocks Family Trust                         G. William Haas, Esq.                      Tailwinds Charitable Foundation
Byron Nimocks and Emilie Murphy              Ms. Anne Lockwood and Mr. Sean Kelly       Priscilla and Matthew Snyder
Lois A. and Richard A. Pace                  Ms. Betty Kranzdorf                        Mr. Jeffrey Steinkamp
The Rebecca Rawson 2006 Irrevocable          Mr. and Mrs. Theodore W. Kuck              Mr. Albert Watson
   Lifetime Charitable Lead Trust            Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Withington
Mr. Simon Yates and Mr. Kevin Roon           Zeitz Foundation                           Contributor ($250 – $499)
Dr. Gwen Zornberg
                                             Benefactor ($1,000 – $1,499)               Ms. Shereen Taylor-Berger
Composer’s Circle ($5,000 – $9,999)                                                     Ms. Virginia Biniek
                                             Mr. Christopher Babcock
                                                                                        Ms. Marilyn Budzanoski
Ms. Louise M. Bozorth                        The Right Reverend Clifton Daniel III
                                                                                        Mr. Thomas Fedorek and
Congregation of St. Saviour                  James and Susan DeRossitt
                                                                                           Ms. Barbara Lilliston
Ms. Cynthia Munzer and Mr. Gary Glaze        The Right Reverend and
                                                                                        Mr. Daniel Moody
Arthur Judson Foundation, Inc.                  Mrs. Andrew M L Dietsche
                                                                                        Dr. and Mrs. William A. Simpson
Charles and Anne Wright                      Mr. Joseph G. Goddu
                                             Dr. and Mrs. Kevin V. Kelly
                                             Mary Victoria Monroe Kopke and             Friend ($100 – $249)
Conductor’s Circle ($2,500 – $4,999)
                                                Peter Kopke
                                                                                        Ms. Rosanne Bricker
Mrs. Jane Briggs                             Mrs. Alisa A. Mitchell
                                                                                        Mr. Richard Cummins
Drs. Patricia and Robert Carey               Ms. Barbara Reeves-Cohen
                                                                                           in honor of Kent Tritle
Cathedral Gardens Conservancy                Mr. Christopher P. Scott
                                                                                        Ms. Sharon Goldberg
Mallory and Carla Nimocks                    Mr. and Mrs. David Shover
                                                                                        Ms. Fara Greenberg
Ms. Marsha Ra                                Ms. Elizabeth Bernick and
                                                                                        Dr. Gary Levine
David and Marie Louise Scudder                  Dr. Hugh M. Taylor
                                                                                        Ms. Susan Mendelsohn
Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Strouss III            Mr. William Traylor
                                                                                        Ms. Patricia M. Milano
Ms. Geraldine Wang                           Ms. Cynthia Wang
                                                                                        Ms. DiAnn Pierce
                                             Ms. Geraldine Wang
                                                                                        Ms. Elisa Reisner
                                             Ms. Nancy Wight
                                                                                        Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Richards
                                             Mr. Charles Wolf
                                                                                        Mr. Alan Schaplowsky
                                                in memory of Katherine Wolf
                                                                                        Mr. William Schlegel
                                                                                        Mr. Lynn Smith
                                                                                        Ms. Glenda I. Strother
                                                                                        Ms. Elizabeth Tidwell
                                                                                        Brother Hal Weiner and
                                                                                           Mrs. Phyllis Murray
                                                                                        Mr. Jason Wilcox
                                                                                        Mr. Michael Witsch
12                                                                                                                           HEAVEN’S DOOR

The Right Reverend Andrew ML Dietsche, D.D.                                 The Reverend Pamela Cooper-White, Ph.D​., Assisting Priest
   Bishop of New York                                                       The Reverend Paul Anthony Daniels II, M.Div., Assisting Priest
The Right Reverend Clifton Daniel III, D.D.                                 The Reverend Deacon Kenton J. Curtis, M.S.W., Deacon
   Dean of the Cathedral
The Right Reverend Allen K. Shin                                            CATHEDRAL MUSIC STAFF
   Bishop Suffragan of New York                                             Kent Tritle, M.M., Director of Cathedral Music
                                                                            Daniel Ficarri, M.M., Associate Organist
The Right Reverend Mary D. Glasspool
   Bishop Assistant of New York                                             Bryan L. Zaros, M.M., Associate Choirmaster
                                                                            Douglass Hunt, Organ Curator
The Reverend Canon Patrick Malloy, Ph.D.
                                                                            Samuel Kuffuor-Afriyie, B.M., Organ Scholar
   Sub-Dean and Canon for Liturgy and the Arts
                                                                            Christina Kay, M.M., Music Administrator
The Reverend Canon Steven Lee, M.Div.                                       Jie Yi, D.M.A., Music Administrator
   Canon Pastor and Vicar, Congregation of Saint Saviour

THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES                                                       CATHEDRAL PROGRAMS
Officers of the Board                                                       Advancing the Community of Tomorrow, Marie Del Tejo, Director
The Right Reverend Andrew ML Dietsche, Chair                                Cathedral Community Cares, Thomas Perry, Director
Frank Brown, President                                                      Cathedral Productions, Brendon Boyd, Interim Director
David Gordon, Treasurer                                                     Public Education & Visitor Services, Kristine Pottinger, Director
Mary Jane Brock, Secretary                                                  Textile Conservation Laboratory, Marlene Eidelheit, Director
Trustees                                                                    THE AMERICAN POETS CORNER
The Right Reverend Clifton Daniel, Dean                                     Marie Howe, Poet in Residence
Katie Conway
Peter Gevalt                                                                CATHEDRAL RESIDENCIES
John Griffin                                                                David Briggs, Organist
Angie Karna                                                                 Jason Robert Brown, Composer
The Rev. Sam Owen                                                           I Giullari di Piazza
The Rev. Daniel P. Matthews                                                 Judy Collins, Musician
The Rev. Richard McKeon                                                     Early Music New York
Bruce G. Paulsen                                                            The Paul Winter Consort
Jennifer Potter                                                             Philippe Petit, High Wire Artist
Kathi Watts-Grossman                                                        The Mettawee River Theatre Company
                                                                            The Forces of Nature Dance Company
CATHEDRAL SENIOR LEADERSHIP TEAM                                            Eiko Otake, Dancer-Choreographer
Laura Bosley, Head of Staff                                                 Christopher Pellettieri, Stonecarver
Monica Butta, Vice President, Development                                   Simon Verity, Sculptor
Michael J. Edwards, Chief Financial Officer                                 Greg Wyatt, Sculptor
The Reverend Canon Patrick Malloy, Ph.D.                                    Wayne Pearson, Photographer
Lisa Schubert, Vice President, Cathedral Programming & External Relations   Nicole Toutounji, Beekeeper
John Tiebout, Director, Human Resources                                     Susan Brind Morrow, Scholar
CATHEDRAL ADMINISTRATION                                                    Elaine Pagels, Scholar
Priscilla Bayley, Director, Development                                     Elizabeth Howard, Madeleine L’Engle Fellow
Peter Ennis, Chief Sacristan                                                THE CONGREGATION OF SAINT SAVIOUR AT THE
Keith Hinkson, Director, Security                                           CATHEDRAL CHURCH OF SAINT JOHN THE DIVINE
Amy Leissner, Director, Budget                                              Officers of the Vestry
Jim Patterson, Director, Facilities & Capital Projects                      Joan Adams, Warden                                Marsha Ra, Warden
Geoff Smith, Director, Information Technology
Bill Wagner, Controller                                                     DEAN EMERITUS
Isadora Wilkenfeld, Director, Cathedral Programming & Communications        The Very Reverend James A. Kowalski, D.Min. (2002 - 2017)

The Cathedral Church of
Saint John the Divine
1047 Amsterdam Avenue             212.316.7540
New York, NY 10025                stjohndivine.org
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