SETON Sunday News - A Corpus Christi Jun 14 2020 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic ...

Page created by Tommy Potter
SETON Sunday News - A Corpus Christi Jun 14 2020 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic ...
Jun 14 2020
 Volume 6
Number 29

SETON Sunday News
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Church - A Missionaries of the Holy Spirit Community
SETON Sunday News - A Corpus Christi Jun 14 2020 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic ...
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                                                                          Dear Brothers and Sisters,
                                                                          In very fluid and changing circumstances, we urge
           Office Hours & Contact Information                             you to check the following resources for the most
                                                                          current situation:
    “STAY HOME, STAY HEALTHY” mandate                                     our website
All staff working remotely, please contact us via               
email only. We are still working to help and serve
you. Updates will be posted online and in the App                         myParish app
                                                                          Facebook page
Fr. Jose Ugalde, MSpS ................. Priest Administrator
Ext 304                                 Instagram @easbothell
Fr. Jesús Sanchez, MSpS ..................... Parochial Vicar             Be assured of our prayers, remember to keep us in
Ext 305                                  your prayers. If you need to reach a priest, use
                                                                          their email addresses shown on the left.
Administration                                                                                       Fr Jose, Fr Jesus, and Staff
Shannon Everist....................................... Administrator
Ext 303               
Veronica Mendez ............................................ Secretary       ELEVENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME
Ext 301           
Oscar Mejia                                             Facilities       The Readings this week:
                                           Sun, Jun 14:      Corpus Christi
                                                                                           Dt 8: 2-3, 14B-16A; 1 Cor 10: 16-17;
Faith Formation                                                                            Jn 6: 51-58
Stephanie Moran ............................................. Director   Mon., Jun 15:      1 Kgs 21: 1-16; Mt 5: 38-42
Ext 311     
                                                                         Tue., Jun 16:     1 Kgs 21: 17-29; Mt 5: 43-48
Kianna Garmanian................................ Youth Minister
Ext 312                                   Wed., Jun 17:     2 Kgs 2: 1, 6-14; Mt 6: 1-6, 16-18
Eduardo Cardona ....................... Bilingual Assistant              Thu., Jun 18:     Sir 48: 1-14; 12: 1-3 Mt 6: 7-15
ext 314                                  Fri., Jun 19:     Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
                                                                                           Dt 7: 6-11; 1 Jn 4: 7-16; Mt 11: 25-30
                                                                         Sat., Jun 20: Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Kathy Egashira ................................ Music Coordinator                        2 Chr 24: 17-25; Lk 2: 41-51
Marcia Gimenez ............................ Liturgy Coordinator          Sun., Jun 21: Jer 20: 10-13; Rom 5: 12-15; Mt 10: 26-33
Ext 308                  
                                                                                         Online at

                                                                          Amazing Parish                                        5
                     Officers and Councils                                Annual Catholic Appeal                               10
                    The Pastoral Council                                  Daily Readings                                        2
  Gerry Apin, Rolfson Augustine, Paul Gallagher, Francis
  Irudayaraj, Laura Keegan, Jim Krieger, Marco Olivares,
                                                                          Directory                                             2
                        Amy Walsh                                         From Fr Jose’s Desk                                   3
                   The Finance Council                                    Important Updates on Faith Formation                  4
    Fr. Jose Ugalde, Shannon Everist, Richard Carlson, Bill               Ministries                                           10
          Dunnigan, Patty McGoorty, Jon Alejandro                         Sección en Español                                  6y7
               Seton Sunday News Bulletin                                 Vocation Awareness                                    8
    Fr. Jose Ugalde, Marcia Gimenez, Eduardo Cardona                      Youth Page                                            9

Keep in touch
                                                                                                   SCAN ME FOR
                                                                                                      MORE                                                                                    INFORMATION
                                                     MyParish app                @easbothell
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                       From Fr. Jose’s desk

   Meditation:                                                        then fed you with manna, a food unknown to you and your
                                                                      fathers, in order to show you that not by bread alone does one
“I am the living bread that came down from heaven”                    live, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of the
    My dear brothers and sisters, today we celebrate the              LORD.” The Israelites lived in a world of injustice and
Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, the Eucharist, the         despair. But their tenacity and perseverance in prayer helped
center of our Christian faith. The readings this Sunday speak         them achieve their freedom. God heard their prayer and freed
about the importance of the food that comes from God,                 them, guiding them towards the promised land. On that
without which humanity does not have life, especially eternal         journey God allowed them to be hungry, but He fed them
life. As believers, we need this food which nourishes not only        Himself with the manna that nobody knew, as a way of
our spiritual and physical life in a powerful way, but our life       teaching them that not by bread alone does man live, but by
of communion with God. Jesus says, “Whoever eats my flesh             every word that comes forth from the mouth of the Lord. The
and drinks my blood                                                   word that comes forth from the mouth of God are the
                                                                      commandments that God gave His people then, and He offers
    remains in me and I in him.” We have been experiencing            them to us today so they can guide our life. But today’s world
the lack of reception of the Eucharist due to the pandemic            is reluctant to live according to God’s teachings. We live in
these last several weeks, and people are feeling a void, a            strong tension and we need God’s help. What’s one thing that
spiritual weakness due to the absence of this food come down          can help us lower the rates of violence and injustice in today’s
from heaven. Nevertheless, this spiritual hunger has helped           world? Love! Love saves because it engenders peace. This
us, I think, to value and magnify the essential character of this     peace should reign in our hearts first as a fruit of Love, and
food which sustains our spiritual life. The people of Israel          then we will be able to teach our children and youth to do the
have a similar experience. God allowed them to go hungry so           same. This is the road we are to follow.
He could teach them that He Himself is the essential food for
their journey of faith and freedom. They would be lost if He              God reminds the people of Israel, and he reminds us today,
were not in their hearts.                                             that there is no other way of living that gives more meaning to
                                                                      our life, and that we would be lost if He is not a part of our
    In the first reading, we hear Moses telling the people of         plans. God wishes good for all His children, and He wants us
Israel, “Remember how for forty years now the LORD, your              to remember this truth.
God, has directed all your journeying in the desert, so as to
test you by affliction and find out whether or not it was your            “Do not forget the LORD, your God, who brought you out
intention to keep his commandments.” Undoubtedly, during              of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery; who guided you
this time of the pandemic, God walks next to us. However, we          through the vast and terrible desert with its saraph serpents
also feel afflicted and tested. Many people are not seeking           and scorpions, its parched and waterless ground; who
God, or even trying to live His commandments. God wants to            brought forth water for you from the flinty rock and fed you in
know how much we love Him, because if we love Him, then               the desert with manna, a food unknown to your fathers.” God
we love our neighbor like we love ourselves. What does God            always is a Word of hope and light. What God asks of us is
see when He looks at us today? He sees us committing all              very simple. We must not forget that He is our Creator. He
sorts of atrocities against human lives in particular and             has created us with intellect, with abilities that make us
creation in general. We are manufacturing our own                     different from other living beings. He has placed in our hearts
destruction in the name of free will, in the name of the greed        abilities which should guide us to act responsibly in our daily
for power and control over the weaker members of society.             lives. God does not leave us alone. From the very beginning,
We accept the subtle blackmail of the powerful, a symbol of           God has been merciful with humanity. He did not abandon
lies and darkness. This time of a pandemic is a call to take up       Adam and Eve, like He didn’t abandon His people in the
again the commandment to Love. If we love, we will respect            desert. He has not abandoned us, wither. He sent His Son
the dignity of life from conception to natural death. We will         Jesus to the world not only to teach us the true way, but also
also care for our home, Creation, as Pope Francis likes to say.       to feed us with His Body and Blood. “Whoever eats my flesh
Indifference kills Love.                                              remains in me and I in him.” “whoever eats my flesh has
                                                                      eternal life.”
    When we are hungry, we want anything to eat, as long as
it satisfies our hunger. The same is true in or spiritual life;          Brothers and sisters, today more than ever we need to pray
right now, we are burdened by the lack of clarity of this             more fervently, asking God to never leave us. May we soon
reality we are living. There is a hunger for justice and truth.       able to return to receive the Bread come down from heaven,
Young adults today are asking for change, for justice. We are         the Holy Eucharist which sustains our life of faith and our
living uncertain times, and they scare us. It is not just about       communion with God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
the pandemic anymore, there are issues of injustice, racism,          Amen.
division of belief, and ideas contrary to truth, to life, to social
and religious harmony. This causes discouragement. Moses
says, “[God] therefore let you be afflicted with hunger, and             Fr Jose Ugalde, MSpS
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                                                              It has been over a months since we have been able
                                                              to come together for the celebration of the Mass
      FIRST HOLY COMMUNION LETTER                             and even longer since the children met in their
                                                              Faith Formation groups! Are you worried your
 Parents of First Holy Communion Candidates: You should       child may be losing their connection to the
 have received a letter from the Office during last week of   Church? Well, we now have an online Formation
 May. If you did not receive a letter, we need an             Opportunity for Elementary age children. Don’t
 updated address for you. Please email your current           worry. You and your child work on it together!
 mailing address to:               You don’t need to be a teacher or a theologian.
                                                              You watch a video, talk about it and do an optional
                                                              worksheet. Each session is fun and short. You can
                                                              do it in less than 10 minutes. Go to our website,
                       FORMED                        and click on the Faith
                                                              Formation box.       Then click on the Online
 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton now has a parish subscription to     Formation link. It is just that easy. Check it out!
 the online Faith Formation site called FORMED. Here is       Stay connected!
 how you can register to the program.
                                                                   FAITH FORMATION FOR YEAR
 Go to
 Select your parish by entering name, city and/or zip code                  2020-2021
 Register with your name and email address                    Faith Formation registration will begin on the first
 Check that email account for a link to begin using           of July. (Online and paper form). If this is the first
 FORMED.                                                      year in Faith Formation you will need to submit the
                                                              student’s Baptismal Certificate. For more
 We’ve created a series of videos to guide you parishioners   information contact:
 through logging in, signing up, and using the
 platform. Watch them here.                                                 INFANT BAPTISMS
 Directions to Register in Spanish are here.
                                                              Baptisms have been postponed for the time being.
 Please Contact the Faith Formation Office if you have        As soon as the new dates are set, we will post them
 any questions at:                 in all our information venues. If you have any
                                                              questions, please contact us at:

                                                              ¡Padres de familia!
    CARTA DE LA PRIMERA COMUNIÓN                              ¡Hace más de un mes que no hemos podido reunirnos
                                                              para la celebración de la Misa y aún más desde que
  Padres de los candidatos a la primera comunión: !           los niños se reunieron en sus grupos de Catecismo!
  Ustedes debieron recibir una carta de parte de la oficina
                                                              ¿Le preocupa que su hijo esté perdiendo su conexión
  durante la ultima semana de mayo. Si no recibió la carta    con la Iglesia?        Bueno, ahora tenemos una
  talvez no tengamos su dirección actualizada. Por favor      oportunidad de formación en línea para niños en edad
  mande un correo electrónico con su dirección actual a:
                                                              primaria. No se preocupe. ¡Usted y su hijo/a
                                                              trabajarán juntos! No necesita ser profesor o teólogo.
                                                              Miren un video, platiquen sobre él y completen una
                       FORMED                                 hoja de trabajo opcional. Cada sesión es divertida y
Sta. Elizabeth Ann Seton ya cuenta con una subscripción al    corta. Pueden hacerlo en menos de 10 minutos.
programa de formación FORMED. Estos son los detalles          Vaya a nuestro sitio web, y haga
como puede tener acceso a este programa:                      clic en el cuadro “Faith Formation” A continuación,
                                                              haga clic en el enlace “Online Formation” Es así de
Vaya a                                      fácil.    Miren de que se trata. ¡Manténganse
Seleccione su parroquia entrando el nombre y código postal    conectados!
Registre su nombre y correo electrónico. Chequear su correo
por un enlace para comenzar a usar FORMED.                        INSCRIPCIONES PARA CLASES DE
                                                                       CATECISMO AÑO 2020/2021
Hemos creado una serie de videos en Español para guiarlos;      Las inscripciones para las clases de catecismo
Ir a este enlace en español aquí                               comenzarán el primero de Julio 2020. (En línea o
                                                               por formulario) si es primer año de catecismo se
Por favor de contactar a la oficina de Formación en la Fe     necesitará un copia de la fe de Bautismo. Para más
para mas información o preguntas:            información;
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 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

 an                                                                   With the Heart of Jesus

                             The Return to Public Masses– updated 6/5/2020
In conjunction with the Archdiocese of Seattle and the State of Washington, we are working hard on our plan to have public
There is criteria that must be meet in terms of compliance with the guidelines set by the Archdiocese of Seattle and the whole
staff at St. Elizabeth is coming together to make sure that when we do have public Masses we will meet or exceed all of the
In looking ahead, there is no official start date for us to resume public Masses at our Parish, but please watch our website and
our Facebook page for updates. Father Jose is working on a video that will be posted on both of those sites that will explain
our new, temporary way of having public Masses.
Please pray for everyone who is working to bring our Parish into compliance!

When we do reopen, please expect the following temporary changes:
--We will have 4 Masses each weekend, 5pm Saturday, 9am Sunday, 1pm Sunday in Spanish and 5pm Sunday
--Seating will be limited to 50 people at each Mass, including infants and children.
--Mass attendance will be by Reservation Only. Information on that will be coming soon.
--All seating will be in the Fellowship Hall to allow for Social Distancing.
--Online giving will still be encouraged.


                                                                   For the time being, the Chapel will be open for private
                                                                   prayer only during Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday -
                                                                   Friday 10:30am-4pm.
                                                                   Daily Mass at 9am, Monday, Wednesday - Friday and
                                                                   Sundays at 9am on Facebook Live only
                                                                   Please continue to practice the recommendations of the
                                                                   CDC for when you have to leave home for essential
                                                                   business only:
                                                                   Stay home if you’re sick or at risk
                                                                   Wash hands or use sanitizer upon entering the Church
                                                                   Practice social distancing
                                                                   Cover your cough or sneeze

                                                                   Due to the Covid-19 crisis, Two Hearts/Pregnancy
                                                                   Aid in Everett is running really low on new or
                                                                   gently used children's clothes, sizes infant thru size
                                                                   5, diapers, formula, etc. They are open for donation
                                                                   drops just by making an appointment. Someone will
                                                                   come out to your car and get your donations. Please
                                                                   call for a drop off appointment at (425) 252-6444.
                                                                   The Moms and little ones of Snohomish county will
                                                                   be so grateful for your help.
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                          El Regreso a Las Misas Públicas: actualizado 6/5/2020
En colaboración con la Arquidiócesis de Seattle y el Estado de Washington, estamos trabajando arduamente en nuestro
plan de apertura para tener Misas públicas.
Hay requisitos que debemos cumplir para estar de acuerdo con las pautas establecidas por la Arquidiócesis de Seattle.
Todo el personal de Sta. Elizabeth está trabajando junto para asegurarse de que cuando tengamos Misas públicas
cumplamos o excedamos con todos los requisitos.
En este momento no podemos dar fecha de inicio oficial para la apertura de las Misas públicas en nuestra parroquia,
pero por favor siga nuestro sitio web y nuestra página de Facebook para recibir actualizaciones. El padre José está
trabajando en un video que se publicará en ambos sitios que explicará nuestra nueva forma temporal de tener Misas
¡Oren por todos los que están trabajando para la reapertura de nuestra parroquia!

Cuando volvamos a abrir, espere los siguientes cambios temporales:

-    Tendremos 4 misas cada fin de semana, 5pm sábado, 9am domingo, 1pm domingo en español y 5pm domingo
-    Los asientos se limitarán a 50 personas en cada misa, incluidos bebés y niños.
-    La asistencia será solo por reservación. La información sobre como reservar estará disponible pronto.
-    Los asistentes tomarán asiento en el Salón Parroquial para facilitar el distanciamiento social.
    Le sugerimos que sigan con las donaciones en línea.


     Gracias por su continua ayuda a la                        Por ahora, la Capilla estará abierta para la oración
      Sociedad de San Vincent de Paúl                          personal solamente los: lunes, miércoles a viernes de
                                                               10:30am a 4pm.
                                                               Misa en Español del día a las 5pm lunes, miércoles a
               El ministerio de San Vincent de Paúl está       viernes. El domingo a las 10:30am en vivo por
               agradecido por la generosidad de los            Facebook solamente
               feligreses de la Parroquia de Sta. Elizabeth
                                                               Continúe    por     favor   usando    las   prácticas
               Ann Seton. Gracias a sus donaciones de          recomendadas por las autoridades de Salud cuando
               comida y de dinero, ustedes han ayudado         tenga que salir por necesidades esenciales:
               a muchas familias de la comunidad en            Quédese en casa si se siente enfermo o es de alto
tiempos difíciles debido a los recientes eventos de la         riesgo
pandemia del COVID-19. Por favor únase en oración              Lávese las manos o use el desinfectante al llegar a la
para que todos nuestros vecinos que están sufriendo y          Iglesia
tienen necesidad tengan una experiencia de confianza en        Mantenga la distancia social
Dios y que Dios incremente su fe, su esperanza y caridad
                                                               Cúbrase al toser o estornudar
durante estos tiempos difíciles.

                                                                      INTENCIONES PARA MISA
               Aproveche la oportunidad
    Transferencia de Fondos Electrónicos (EFT) para            ¡Solicite sus intenciones para Misa! Solamente
sus ofrendas automáticas para la parroquia de Sta. Elizabeth
                                                               mande un correo electrónico a la secretaria de
 Ann Seton. Sus ofrendas son usadas por nuestra parroquia      la parroquia.
para proyectos y mantenimiento de las instalaciones. Usted
  puede hacer una cuenta de EFT contactando a la oficina
       parroquial o por medio de nuestra página web.
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                   Del escritorio del P. José
Meditación:                                                         también de toda palabra que sale de la boca de Dios”. El
   “Yo soy el pan vivo que ha bajado del cielo”                     pueblo hebreo vivía en un ambiente de injusticia y
                                                                    consternación. Sin embargo, su tenacidad y perseverancia en
    Mis queridos hermanos y hermanas, hoy celebramos la             la oración les ayudó a lograr su libertad. Dios escuchó su
Solemnidad del Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo, la Eucaristía, el      plegaria y lo liberó, poniéndolo en camino hacia la tierra
centro de nuestra fe cristiana. Las lecturas de este domingo        prometida. En su caminar Dios le permitió experimentar
nos hablan de la importancia del alimento proveniente de            hambre, pero después lo alimentó con el maná que nadie
Dios, que sin este alimento el hombre no tiene vida y sobre         conocía y lo hizo con el fin de enseñarle que no sólo de pan
todo vida eterna. Como creyentes, necesitamos de este               vive el hombre sino de la Palabra de Dios. La palabra que
alimento que nutre no sólo de manera poderosa la vida               sale de la boca de Dios son los mandamientos que Dios le
espiritual y física sino también la comunión con Dios. Jesús        ofreció a su pueblo y ahora los ofrece al mundo de hoy para
dice, “El que come mi carne y bebe mi sangre, permanece en          regir nuestra vida. Sin embargo, el mundo se manifiesta
mí y yo en él”. Se tiene la experiencia de no recibir la            renuente a vivir de acuerdo con las enseñanzas de Dios.
Eucaristía durante estos días de pandemia y como                    Vivimos grandes tensiones y necesitamos la ayuda de Dios.
consecuencia la gente siente vacío y debilidad espiritual por       ¿Qué puede ayudar a bajar los niveles de violencia e injusticia
la falta de este alimento bajado del cielo. Sin embargo, esta       en nuestro mundo de hoy? ¡El Amor! El Amor es lo que salva
hambre espiritual ha ayudado también, creo yo, a valorar y          porque genera paz y armonía familiar, ambiental y social. Si
profundizar la esencialidad de este alimento que sostiene           queremos que en nuestro mundo reine la paz, esta paz debe
nuestra vida de fe. El pueblo hebreo tuvo una experiencia           reinar primero en nuestro corazón como fruto del Amor, y así
similar; Dios le permitió tener hambre con el fin de enseñarle      podremos enseñar a nuestros niños y jóvenes a hacer lo
que Él es el alimento esencial en su caminar de fe y libertad.      mismo. Este es el camino que todos debemos seguir.
No teniéndolo en su corazón, se perderían.                              Dios recuerda al pueblo hebreo, y a nosotros hoy en día,
    En la primera lectura, Moisés habla al pueblo hebreo y le       que no hay otro camino que le dé sentido a nuestra vida si Él
dice: “Recuerda el camino que el Señor, tu Dios, te ha hecho        está fuera de nuestra agenda, de nuestros planes. Dios desea
recorrer estos cuarenta años por el desierto, para afligirte,       el bien de todos sus hijos e hijas y nos pide que no olvidemos
para ponerte a prueba y conocer si ibas a guardar sus               esta verdad. “No te olvides del Señor, tu Dios, que te sacó de
mandamientos o no”. Sin duda alguna durante este tiempo de          Egipto y de la esclavitud; que te hizo recorrer aquel desierto
pandemia, Dios camina con nosotros; sin embargo, sentimos           inmenso y terrible, lleno de serpientes y alacranes; que en
también la aflicción y la prueba. Mucha gente no busca a            una tierra árida hizo brotar para ti agua de la roca más
Dios y mucho menos vivir de acuerdo a sus mandamientos.             dura, y que te alimentó en el desierto con un maná que no
Dios quiere saber hasta qué punto lo amamos porque si lo            conocían tus padres”. La Palabra de Dios es siempre Palabra
amamos, amamos al prójimo como a nosotros mismos. ¿Qué              de esperanza y de luz. Lo que Dios nos pide es muy sencillo.
es lo que Dios ve en nosotros hoy en día? Ve que estamos            No olvidarnos de que Él es nuestro Creador. Nos ha creado
cometiendo muchas atrocidades contra la vida humana y la            con inteligencia, con habilidades que nos hacen diferentes a
creación. Estamos creando nuestra propia destrucción a              los demás seres vivientes. Ha depositado en nuestro corazón
nombre del libre albedrío con deseo de poder y de control           habilidades con el fin de actuar con responsabilidad en
sobre los más débiles. Aceptamos sutilmente el chantaje de          nuestro diario vivir. Dios no nos deja solos. Desde el
los fuertes, símbolo de mentira y oscuridad. Este tiempo de         comienzo, Dios ha tenido misericordia con el hombre. No
pandemia es un llamado a retomar el mandamiento del Amor.           abandonó a Adán y Eva, y no dejó solo a su pueblo en el
Si amamos, respetaremos la dignidad de la vida desde su             desierto. Tampoco nos ha abandonado a nosotros. Envía a su
concepción hasta la muerte natural y cuidaremos también             Hijo Jesús al mundo no solamente para enseñarnos el camino
nuestra casa, la creación como dice el Papa Francisco. La           verdadero sino para alimentarnos también con su Cuerpo y
indiferencia mata el Amor.                                          Sangre. Quien “come mi carne y bebe mi sangre, permanece
                                                                    en mí y yo en él”. “El que come de este pan vivirá para
    Cuando sentimos hambre, queremos comer lo que sea con           siempre”.
el fin de satisfacer nuestra hambre. En lo espiritual, pasa lo
mismo; nos aflige la falta de claridad en la realidad que              Hermanos y hermanas, hoy más que nunca debemos orar
estamos viviendo. Hay hambre de justicia y verdad. Hoy en           con más intensidad, pidiéndole a Dios que nunca se aparte de
día los jóvenes piden cambio, piden justicia. Vivimos tiempos       nosotros. Que pronto podamos regresar a recibir el Pan
de incertidumbre que nos dan miedo. Ya no es sólo la                bajado del cielo, la Santa Eucaristía que sostiene nuestra vida
pandemia, es también la injusticia, el racismo, la división de      de fe y nuestra comunión con Dios Padre, Hijo y Espíritu
creencias e ideas contrarias a la verdad, a la vida, a la armonía   Santo. Amén.
social y religiosa. Todo esto causa consternación. Moisés
dice, “[Dios] te afligió, haciéndote pasar hambre, y después
te alimentó con el maná, que ni tú ni tus padres conocían,             P. José Ugalde, MSpS
para enseñarte que no sólo de pan vive el hombre, sino
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                 A WAITING HARVEST
                                  Vocation Awareness
     Signs of a Vocation to Priesthood
     and Characteristics of a Good Candidate
14. A good candidate for diocesan priesthood has           The spiritual life is a battle and it demands
self-possession and self-mastery. Part II                mastery over one’s will. A vocation director and
                                                         seminary do not expect a man to be perfect in this
   Self-discipline and self-mastery also indicate a regard to be accepted. Priestly formation is a process
man who is dependable. He can wake up on time, precisely designed to help a man grow in self-
keep his scheduled appointments, in general to do mastery, selflessness, and holiness.
the things that are expected of him. Procrastination,
tardiness, and lack of responsibility are all signs that “This voice of the Lord calling, however, is never to
a man does not yet possess the required self-mastery be expected as something which in an extraordinary
to be a priest.                                          manner will be heard by the ears of a future priest. It
    Many times, during my years as a vocation is rather to be known and understood in the manner
director, I would be working with men who would in which the will of God is daily made known to
suddenly stop returning my calls or miss prudent Christians.”
appointments, they would not call to cancel an
appointment or apologize for missing it. They just           Presbyterorum Ordinis
missed. This was a good indication that this man still
lacked self-mastery. Admittedly, this was probably
triggered by fear or cold feet. After all, speaking                                  From the Book
with the vocation director for the first time about the                 “To Save a Thousand Souls”
possibility of priesthood can cause a considerable                             Fr. Brett A. Brannen
amount of anxiety or stress. Nonetheless, a man with
self-mastery will have the courtesy to return phone
calls or cancel appointments.

  O Jesus,                              your priests,
  Our Eternal Pastor,                   And those consecrated
  Deign to look with merciful           in the religious life.
  Upon this part of your loving         We ask you all this through the
  flock.                                Immaculate Virgin Mary of
  Lord,                                 your sweet and holy Mother.
  we need a large number of
  priests,                              Jesus give us priests
                                                                                         This week please pray for
  and men and women                     according to your heart.                           Nov. Daniel Zorilla,
  consecrated to the religious life.                                                             N.M.Sp.S.
  Multiply vocations,                   Jesus, savior of all people,                  Daniel is from Oceanside, CA.
  And sanctify more and more            save them, save them!                          He is a first year novice with
                                                                                      the M.Sp.S at Long Beach, CA

 For information on becoming a Religious Priest Missionary of the Holy Spirit or
 a Diocesan Priest contact one of the following people: Serra Club: Arthur Adams
                                              Priests:     Fr. Jose Ugalde, M.Sp.S.
                                                         Fr. Jesus Sanchez, M.Sp.S.
Corpus Christi, 06/14/2020 | SETON Sunday News | 9

                           Youth Page

Dear Parishioners,

Greetings! I am very pleased to announce that we have a new Youth Minister. Please, help me to welcome Kianna
Garmanian, a member of our parish. Maybe you know her. She started the young adult group called RISE. We believe that
Kianna will do a great job. She is very charismatic and has a spirit for the youth. Her faith and spirituality will be a great
asset for our youth and parish community. Fr. Jesus and Kianna will be working together to develop the programs for our
youth according to the new reality we are living today. Please, pray for them.

Fr. Jose Ugalde, MSpS

Estimados Feligreses,

¡Saludos! Me complace anunciarles que ya tenemos un nuevo Coordinador de Jóvenes. Por favor, démosles la bienvenida a
Kianna Garmanian; ella es miembro de nuestra parroquia. Quizá algunos de ustedes ya la conocen. Ella inició el grupo de
jóvenes adultos con el nombre de RISE. Creemos que Kianna hará un gran trabajo. Es muy carismática y le encanta trabajar
con los jóvenes. Su fe y espiritualidad serán de gran beneficio para los jóvenes y para nuestra comunidad. El P. Jesús y
Kianna trabajarán juntos en el desarrollo de nuevos programas para nuestros jóvenes de acuerdo con la nueva realidad que
estamos viviendo en este tiempo. Por favor, recen por ellos.

P. Jose Ugalde, MSpS

To my St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish family- My name is Kianna Garmanian, and I am thrilled to be the new
youth minister for our parish. I have been a parishioner at this parish for about 12 years now, so I feel so
blessed to serve in this position for such a vibrant, loving, and welcoming community, and help lead our youth
closer to the Heart of Jesus. This past year, I formed and led the Young Adult group at our parish, RISE, and
have been involved in ministry and Church leadership for about 6 years. A month ago, in May of 2020, I
graduated from St. Martin’s University in Lacey, Washington, where I was actively involved in Campus
Ministry as a student leader. Please pray for me as I step into this new role, along with all our youth and
volunteers. Be assured of my prayers for each of you. God Bless!
10 | SETON Sunday News |     Corpus Christi, 06/14/2020

pic-                                                tures/2020/5/

The 2020 Annual Catholic Appeal is underway, and we are
seeking everyone’s participation this year so that we reach
our goal of $151,672.
All contributions received in excess of this Archdiocesan
goal will come directly back to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton as a             As we all know, the “social distancing” practices
rebate.                                                               and suspension of gathering for Mass have created
                                                                      unique challenges to the way we practice our faith.
Our 2020 ACA rebate goal will be used for lost offertory                 Nothing is more important than all of us taking the
donations.                                                            necessary steps to protect and ensure the health and
                                                                      well-being of our families, friends, neighbors, as well
                                                                      as our parish.
If you gave to the Appeal last year, I ask you to consider
                                                                         Although we are physically separated from the
increasing your gift by 5% this year. If you are not sure
                                                                      Eucharist---our church is alive and still on mission.
what to give, would you consider a gift of $365 ($1 per
                                                                         This year our parish share of the Appeal is
day) ?                                                                $151,672. If we exceed this goal, all excess payments
 Because of the current situation, we have three simple               received will come back to us and we will put that
ways to for you to donate:                                            towards recovery of lost offertory donations.
                                                                          In addition, this year 10% of all the funds collected
    Mail the enclosed pledge card                                     through the ACA (excluding our rebate) will be placed
                                                                      into a special Parish Solidarity Fund at the
    Go online to                   Archdiocese.
    donate to make a secure pledge org                                   In this way, your donations will help us, but will
                                                                      also help other parishes recover.
                                                                          The reality is that many of your fellow parishioners
 Call us at 1-800-809-4921                                            may not be able to participate this year, so your support
                                                                      is more important than ever.
                                                                         Be assured of my gratitude for your gift –whatever
                                                                      the amount— and of my continuing prayers for you and
                                                                      your loved ones!
                                                                         Fr. Jose Ugalde MSpS
Corpus Christi, 06/14/2020 | SETON Sunday News | 11

               MINISTRIES & GROUPS                          Please keep the sick among us in your prayers, especially:
           Alpha, Roger Ditto and Lisa Nelson
  Altar Servers, Jane McKenzie and Veronica Cardona        Dorathy Ambrozic      Tom Gresczyk            Herb Schafer
        Apostleship of the Cross, Marcia Gimenez           Salvador Andrada      Richard Gross          Gladdis Schafer
            Bible Study in English, Julie Jones               Rudy Aviles      Virginia Guzman          Sharon Schafer
         Bible Study in Spanish, Marcia Gimenez
                                                              Tom Bender          Dee Holiday-             Jim Sloane
Catholic Social Teachings Min, Jane Smoke/Karyn Sullivan
      Coffee & Donuts, Roger Ditto and Lisa Nelson             Don Bender           Osborne               Judy Sloane
       EMEs, Ana May Apin and Cuquita Cardona                 Jane Bentley    Louise Hundertmark          John Sloane
    Encuentro Matrimonial, Raquel y Antonio Ramírez         Janet Paul- Boers    David Hurtado         Leticia Solorzano
            Eucharistic Adoration, Kimie Mori                Shawna Boger         Steve Jasmer           Fran Sphung
         Funeral Committee, Marianne Iwamoto                  Tyler Brown      Rosemary Jesmer         Harry St Nicholas
              Good Samaritans, in transition
                                                             Sharyl Buehler      Steven Jesmer          Adrienne Steuer
         Guadalupe Committee, Carmen Ramos
        Homebound Ministers, Marianne Iwamoto                 Cindy Burby       Helen Johnston          Francis Sullivan
             Hospitality Team, Tony Fletcher                   Rick Burns       Alfredo Lazaga          James Sullivan
       Lectors, Niki Gagner and Elvira Hernandez               Tom Burns         Arcely Lazaga         Michael Trupiano
                 Linens, Marcia Gimenez                        Ian Bridges     Christopher Leon          Peter Valdez
 “Luz y Vida” Prayer Group, Jose & Angelica Velazquez         Ruth Carpizo        Jennie Leyva          Alexa Vazquez
            Music Coordinator, Kathy Egashira
                                                              Claire Carter     David McDaniel         Neveha Velazquez
       Pastoral Council, Paul Gallagher/Gerry Apin
            Prayer Shawl Ministry, Joan Kluck                Eulalia Castillo   Elisa Mogollan         Evelio Villalobos
               Prayer Team, Rolf Augustine                 Jason Consolacion       Jim Moran            Vladimir Vozar
              Pro-Life Ministry, Karen Salvati              Magaly Cristerna     Maria Muniz-          Rosemary Wentz
                 Rise, Kianna Garmanian                          Ed Crull          Valdovinez              Barb West
              Sacramentors, Scott Occhiuto                    Gary Darnell    Yolanda Noblezada           Tami Wyatt
                Simbang Gabi, Gerry Apin
                                                              Sharyl Davis     Selena Oceguedal-         Jorge Zepeda
        Stavros, Jim Krieger and Marcia Gimenez
         Symbolon, Roger Ditto and Lisa Nelson                Mary Deering         Hernandez             Beatrice Zorzi
Velankanni Community, Johnson Andrews & Benson Babu        Alex De Leon Diaz      Teresa Paris
           Women’s Fellowship, Mary Christie                    Saul Diaz        Elamar Perez
                                                            Billie Dougherty    Margarita Perez
                                                               Anna Epps       Margaret Quigley
           Cascade Serra Club, Ken Christie                Devlynn Ferguson     Michael Quigley
           Catholic Daughters, Kathy Taylor                   Fran Fielden         Ritzy Rafer
           Knights of Columbus, Frank Celli
                                                              Jason Gagner      Teresita Ramos
         St. Vincent de Paul     425-355-3504                Ricardo Garcia      Arnold Rivera
                                                              Annie Gillen        Joyce Rosas
                                                               Rebecca Go     Florentine Ruhland
  Contact for all ministries            Lupita Gonzalez    Jesus Sanchez Sr.
     Mention the ministry in the subject line.
                                                                 May the Father bless you, the Son heal you and
                                                                       the Holy Spirit comfort you. Amen.
      Counseling   425-257-2111 or 888-240-8572             To add/remove someone on this list, please contact
                                                            Eduardo Cardona (425) 481-9358 ext 314 or email:
                                                   Si quisiera añadir/remover a
                                                            alguien a esta lista, comuníquese a la oficina parroquial.

              You may take advantage of                                            Catholic Store
       Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) for
 automatic gifts to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church.           Our bulletin is published at no cost to the parish as it is
                                                              supported by the ads on the back. Please consider using
     Gifts to our home parish are used for parish           their services and tell them you saw their ad in our bulletin.
  projects and for the upkeep of our facilities. You
may set up for EFT by contacting the Parish Office or
              through our parish website.
Patty McGoorty, CPA
                                     Estate Planning,
                                     Estate Planning, Wills,
  Tom & Joseph Harvey                           Downtown
                                                Downtown Kirkland
                                                                                                                                        "A PLACE TO FEED THE SOUL"                      10410 - 19th Ave SE, Ste 102
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                                                               .com                      The Queen of Cleaning                          KIRKLAND 425.825.8222 � KENT 253.520.0695 | (425) 385-3483
                                                                                     Victoria Rodriguez owner
                                                                                  20211 10th Dr. SE • Bothel, WA
                                                                                           Cel. 425-652-9243
                                                                                 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parishioner

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