Amen, I say to you, I do not know you. Therefore, stay awake, for you know neither the day nor the hour." - Matthew 25:12-13
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WWW.OLAVENTURA.COM | (805) 642-7966 | 3175 TELEGRAPH ROAD, VENTURA, CA 93003 11-08-2020 Rev. Leon Hutton Amen, I say to you, I do not know you. Therefore, stay awake, Rev. Joseph Choi Dn. Don Huntley Dn. Dan Bojorquez Dn. Mike Burns for you know neither the day nor the hour." Dn. Raul Gonzalez Matthew 25:12-13 Dn. Phil Joerger Dn. Ed Mills Dn. Charles Wessler Nemesio Santana “Yo les aseguro que no las conozco. Pre-Kindergarten - Eighth Grade Mrs. Karen Fussell, Principal Estén pues, preparados, porque no 3169 Telegraph Road School Office: (805) 642-7198 saben ni el día ni la hora’’. Mateo 25:12-13 Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
First Reading Resplendent and unfading is wisdom, Responsorial Psalm and she is readily perceived by those who love R. My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God. her, O God, you are my God whom I seek; and found by those who seek her. for you my flesh pines and my soul thirsts She hastens to make herself known in like the earth, parched, lifeless and without water. anticipation of their desire; Whoever watches for her at dawn shall not be R. My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God. disappointed, Thus have I gazed toward you in the sanctuary for he shall find her sitting by his gate. to see your power and your glory, For taking thought of wisdom is the perfection For your kindness is a greater good than life; of prudence, my lips shall glorify you. and whoever for her sake keeps vigil R. My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God. shall quickly be free from care; Thus will I bless you while I live; lifting up my because she makes her own rounds, seeking hands, I will call upon your name. As with the those worthy of her, riches of a banquet shall my soul be satisfied, and and graciously appears to them in the ways, with exultant lips my mouth shall praise you. and meets them with all solicitude. The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. R. My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God. Wisdom 6:12-16 I will remember you upon my couch, and through the night-watches I will meditate on you: You are my help, and in the shadow of your wings I shout for joy. Second Reading R. My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God. We do not want you to be unaware, brothers and sisters, about those who have Gospel fallen asleep, so that you may not grieve like Jesus told his disciples this parable: the rest, who have no hope. "The kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took For if we believe that Jesus died and rose, so their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. too will God, through Jesus, bring with him Five of them were foolish and five were wise. those who have fallen asleep. The foolish ones, when taking their lamps, brought no oil Indeed, we tell you this, on the word of the with them, but the wise brought flasks of oil with their Lord, lamps. Since the bridegroom was long delayed, they all that we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will surely not precede became drowsy and fell asleep. At midnight, there was a those who have fallen asleep. cry, ‘Behold, the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’ Then For the Lord himself, with a word of all those virgins got up and trimmed their lamps. The command, with the voice of an archangel foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for and with the trumpet of God, will come our lamps are going out.’ down from heaven, and the dead in Christ But the wise ones replied, 'No, for there may not be will rise first. enough for us and you. Go instead to the merchants and Then we who are alive, who are left, will be buy some for yourselves.’ While they went off to buy it, the caught up together with them in the clouds bridegroom came and those who were ready went into the to meet the Lord in the air. wedding feast with him. Then the door was locked. Thus we shall always be with the Lord. Afterwards the other virgins came and said, ‘Lord, Lord, Therefore, console one another with these open the door for us!’ But he said in reply, ‘Amen, I say to words. you, I do not know you.’ Therefore, stay awake, for you The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. know neither the day nor the hour." 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 OR 4:13-14 The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. Matthew 25:1-13 WWW.OLAVENTURA.COM • (805) 642.7966 OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION CATHOLIC CHURCH 2
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen. WWW.OLAVENTURA.COM • (805) 642.7966 OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION CATHOLIC CHURCH 4
“OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION PARISH IS A WELCOMING COMMUNITY OF DISCIPLES OF JESUS CHRIST IN THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. THROUGH THE GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THE INTERCESSION OF MARY, WE SERVE TO BUILD THE KINGDOM OF GOD.” Photo by Dennis Goff It is easy to be cynical and forget that we When I become the instrument of Christ’s profess the Christian covenant of all life is peace and presence then I can touch the sacred. In a world where poverty, life of another. Better yet, that other violence, and neglect of others is person can touch my life. We will everywhere, we may grow despondent. probably not end world hunger, violence, How to we feed the hungry when there and the racial and economic divide. But, Our October Respect are so many hungry people even in our we can do it one person at a time. We can Life fundraiser own country with all its abundance? How do it as we continue to support the work supported the Life do we end war and violence in other of those entrusted with the unborn and Centers of Ventura County and Tender Life countries when we see unrest in our struggling families. We can do it with our Maternity Home with a generous donation. cities and within families? How do we end work as Catholic Christians making a Thank you so much for your generosity. the cycle of despair and depression difference in the life of on other person in These are two very worth organizations among the youth of our country when need. Meet the face of Jesus in another for our charitable contributions. As suicide and drug abuse is evident? We person and you will be transformed. “Let Catholic Christians, we advocate for the look to the Good News of Jesus Christ. there be peace on earth and let it begin dignity of every human person. As we with me.” Jesus models for us the care and often state: Human life is precious from attention that each person must receive. conception to natural death. Sometimes, Conversion of hearts is the first step for however, it is possible to forget the whole Fr. Leon us to take. We MUST take this to our person and human dignity that must be prayer. The first conversion is my heart offered everyone throughout all stages of which seeks healing for my indifference, life. These organizations care for the my hatred, my prejudice, and my children, the mothers, and entire families personal needs. Only then can I look who are struggling to provide a stable, outside myself to realize how my actions nurturing home. hinder the grace of God to act for others. WWW.OLAVENTURA.COM • (805) 642.7966 OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION CATHOLIC CHURCH 5
Thanks to EVERYONE who has donated clothing and other items to the Many Meals Program over the years! Our clients have been abundantly blessed by your generosity. A truck will be in the OLA parking lot for you to drop off your donations. Because of COVID restrictions and guidelines, we have not been able to keep the distribution room open. We are requesting very specific items for this drive and request also that you limit your donations to these items as we do not have storage room for anything additional at this time. Items needed are: Especially during this time of global health concern, please continue to x sweatpants: both men’s and women’s x warm socks, crew socks, tube socks x women's yoga style stretch pants x wrapped toothbrushes: many are support our parish by making your x long sleeved, zip front sweatshirts - reluctant to take unwrapped ones financial offerings online through with or without hoods x shampoo and conditioner: smaller WeShare. Please call (800) 950-9952 x long sleeved knit shirts - preferably no sized bottles (they do not have a lot of (select option 1) or visit: logos space to store) x athletic or tennis style shoes x body wash and body wipes are a x underwear: both men's and women's favorite Thank you for your continuing support of Our Lady of the Assumption Parish. For the month of October, 2020 our We invite those who are interested in the Catholic way of life to parish budget calls for $19,569.00 to be participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) RCIA donated weekly at the Sunday involves preparation of non-baptized adults to receive and live collection. The collection for Sunday, sacraments of initiation, as well as adults already baptized who October 25, 2020 was $16,772.95. This are interested in receiving and living the sacraments of Eucharist collection is not only used for operating and Confirmation. We meet Tuesday evenings at 7:00 PM via a expenses each week, but also for any Zoom gathering. To register visit: ongoing repair work, upgrades, etc. to rcia-registration. our parish facility. There are many ways For more information contact Deacon Don Huntley at to contribute; credit card and or (805) 642-7966, extension 123. automatic debit are available. Please visit: This year OLA is shifting to a family-based model where parents are empowered and prepared to teach their children the faith and live it more fully at home. All of our classes are being offered virtually through Zoom. Each group meets at a day and time which accommodates your schedule. The commitment is 4 meetings per month. Two of these are 75-minute sessions during which parents must be present and participating. The other 2 meetings will be conducted by catechists with the children to supplement the lessons Thank you to all those who have done at home and provide community for the children. already contributed to this year’s Please email with any questions. All of our catechetical team is campaign. If you have not had the asking for God's richest blessings and graces for your families at this time. opportunity, please donate at today and help us reach our parish goal. Many of the generous contributions from OLA are being processed now. Parish Goal: $120,076.00 Amount Pledged: $89,134.00 (as of 11/2/2020) Amount Paid: $84,957.08 Difference Over/(Under) Goal vs. Paid: ($35,118.92) WWW.OLAVENTURA.COM • (805) 642.7966 OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION CATHOLIC CHURCH 6
Of all the ways authors in Scripture praise their kings, prophets and heroes, the greatest of all was to call them “wise.” This virtue had a connotation different from the today’s usage. In our time, wisdom refers to someone with tremendous knowledge and experience. It’s a far cry from what Scripture’s inspired authors meant by Wisdom. In today’s second reading Paul counts as wise those who’ve managed to make some sort of peace with the reality of death. The Gospel parable speaks of Wisdom in terms of five bridesmaids who had sense enough to realize that the wedding procession might be delayed and brought along extra oil for their lamps. At the heart of both readings is assertion that those who are wise are first and foremost realists, and live life as it is – not as they would prefer it to be or as others tell them it is. If we take a deeper look at this “realist” approach we discover that the wise person is someone who knows something of what God knows, because they see the world as God sees it. In the book of Proverbs the author writes, “The beginning of Wisdom is fear of the Lord.” Fear in this sense means a “surrender and openness to the Lord.” This involves a willingness to listen quietly when God speaks, because they recognize that only God can know life as it truly is. For the truly wise person, hearing God speak the Truth necessarily proceeds to making the best of whatever situation they are in at the present moment. Wisdom, therefore, is the crowning virtue and, as the Book of Proverbs promises, stirs up in us the ability to take great pleasure in what God has already done for us and great delight in what he has yet to do. Gracious God and Father, Transform us to live your Word we enter into your presence more profoundly. realizing you know us better Awaken us to the sacred; Monday, November 9 than we know ourselves. rebuild trust among us. 6:30 AM † Frank Dickinson & You know the cares and sufferings Enliven our parishes; † Ron Feinstein we carry in our hearts. reunite our families. 8:00 AM † All Souls Day Novena & You call us to holiness May your Holy Spirit empower us † Michael Siegler and we trust you to lead us to live as a community of love, Tuesday, November 10 together on our journey freed to share in your work 6:30 AM † George Nicastro to be a renewed Church, of recreating our world 8:00 AM † All Souls Day Novena & for with you all things are possible. and restoring justice. Hyden Jordon Create us anew in Jesus Christ We believe you are doing Wednesday, November 11 your Son. something new, 6:30 AM Joyce Cantrell Liberate us from all that keeps us calling us to arise together in Christ 8:00 AM † Dolores Grote & † Mary Ouellette from you. to celebrate the fullness of life. Heal us from every form Amen. Thursday, November 12 6:30 AM † Kim Penny of sin and violence. 2014 RENEW International 8:00 AM † Walt & Pat Reardon Friday, November 13 6:30 AM † Maria Padilla Bible Study/topic discussions every other Wednesday, 8:00 AM Dr. Mike Lopiano & 7:30 PM, outdoor in-person (maintaining social † Brian McDonald distancing). Facial covering is required. Upcoming dates: Saturday, November 14 November 4th, 18th; December 2nd, 16th. Email for info 8:00 AM Bea Mahoney and location: 5:15 PM † McFarland Family Sunday, November 15 8:00 AM † Janet Lane & † Barbara Hudoba 9:30 AM Mass for the People Prospective families can explore Saint Bonaventure High School 11:00 AM † Matthew Joseph Wall & virtually from the comfort of home and will be able to learn more † Benigno M. Bunggay about the following SBHS topics: Academics, Admissions, Athletics, 12:30 PM† Alfredo Ulloa Catholic Identity and Counseling. To RSVP, please visit 5:15 PM † Carolyn DeVore & For more information or to schedule a tour, † Cindy Elizabeth Lara contact David Palomares: or (805) 648-6836, ext. 124. WWW.OLAVENTURA.COM • (805) 642.7966 OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION CATHOLIC CHURCH 7
During this Covid-19 period being a cancer survivor or caregiver comes with much added stress. Please join us to share with others from our Parish what it is like to be on a stay-at-home order with a compromised immune system. We meet the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month. Please click the link below to join others who understand. Please join the Cancer Support Group Meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone:, Access Code: 254-370-541. For further information, please contact Rochida McClure at ext. 143. We are still meeting via videoconferencing! If you are divorced Message from Ken Lynch: or separated, this period of time we are with Covid-19 may be adding to your The Grief Support group is open to any stress. Please join us on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month and share adult who has lost a loved one through with others what working from home, home-schooling, and joint custody is like death, whether your loss is recent or during this time. Clicking the link below to find a community. many years old. We invite you to join Please join the Separated/Divorced Group Meeting on your computer, tablet or us to find support and help in working smartphone:, Access Code: 857 through the grief process and -219-725. For further information, please contact Rochida McClure at ext. 124. transforming your pain into healing and joy. We generally meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the Month and We’re living in uncertain times, and our anxiety about what is due to Covid-19 we are having Zoom happening today, and will happen in the future, can trickle down Meetings so you can attend in the to our children, making them anxious, too. This anxiety may comfort of your home! The group is manifest in new fears, such that a child becomes reluctant to try led by Chaplain Ken Lynch. If you have new things, or it may exacerbate existing fears, such that a child any questions, please email Ken at becomes even more anxious than before. Parents can help their or leave a children with anxiety by practicing techniques for deep breathing, ensuring voicemail at (805) 642-7966, Extension regular exercise and talking honestly about feelings and concerns. For 150." If you want to start receiving more tips, request a copy of the VIRTUS article “Techniques for Calming emails for this group, please email Ken Anxiety for Youth” at at Thanks to your participation as Ambassadors of OLA we continue to provide and welcoming and safe environment for everyone to attend Mass. Serving as an Ambassador is easy (greeters, ushers, and those who help disinfect our worship space after Mass). We are always in need of volunteers, either on a regular basis or now and then. Don’t have me you say… for this ministry your time is served during Mass…multitasking both prayer and service at the same time! You can join this ministry today by contacting The Eleventh Annual African American Catholic Ancestral Mass November 21, 2020 -12:00 Noon Due to the emerging health crisis, SVdP-OLA is unable to offer St. Odilia Catholic Church face-to-face services as usual. This is in keeping with Department Most Reverend Edward W. Clark, Presider Msgr. Timothy Dyer, Homilist of Health and CDC guidelines to protect the community and staff. However, SVdP-OLA is working from home via telephone, internet PLEASE LOG IN, TELL YOUR FRIENDS, AND and the U.S. Postal Service. If you have a need we may be able to JOIN US FOR LIVESTREAM address, please contact us in one of these ways: x Phone: Call (805) 642-4104 - leave a message and your call will be returned (phone will ring 6 times and then switch to voice mail). x Internet: Email with a brief message of your need. x USPS: Mail can be sent to SVDP c/o OLA 3175 Telegraph Road, Ventura CA 93003. Any donations to SVDP during this time are urgently needed, and can be mailed to the address above. SVDP is a 501(c)(3) non-profit agency. WWW.OLAVENTURA.COM • (805) 642.7966 OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION CATHOLIC CHURCH 8
Primera lectura Radiante e incorruptible es la sabiduría; Salmo Responsorial con facilidad la contemplan quienes la R. Señor, mi alma tiene sed de ti. aman Señor, tú eres mi Dios, a ti te busco; y ella se deja encontrar por quienes la de ti sedienta está mi alma. buscan y se anticipa a darse a conocer a Señor, todo me ser te añora los que la desean. como el suelo reseco añora el agua. El que madruga por ella no se fatigará, R. Señor, mi alma tiene sed de ti. porque la hallará sentada a su puerta. Para admirar tu gloria y tu poder, Darle la primacía en los pensamientos con este afán te busco en tu santuario. es prudencia consumada; Pues mejor es tu amor que la existencia; quien por ella se desvela pronto se verá siempre, Señor, te alabarán mis labios. libre de preocupaciones. A los que son dignos de ella, ella misma R. Señor, mi alma tiene sed de ti. sale a buscarlos por los caminos; Podré así bendecirte mientras viva se les aparece benévola y colabora con y levantar en oración mis manos. ellos en todos sus proyectos. De lo mejor saciará mi alma; te alabaré con jubilosos labios. Palabra de Dios: Te alabamos Señor. R. Señor, mi alma tiene sed de ti. Sabiduría 6, 12-16 Te recordaré en mi sofá, y a través de los relojes nocturnos meditaré sobre ti: Te gustas, y a la sombra de tus alas grito de alegría. Segunda lectura R. Señor, mi alma tiene sed de ti. Hermanos: No queremos que ignoren lo que pasa con los difuntos, para que no Evangelio vivan tristes, como los que no tienen En aquel tiempo, Jesús dijo a sus discípulos esta parábola: esperanza. Pues, si creemos que Jesús “El Reino de los cielos es semejante a diez jóvenes, que murió y resucitó, de igual manera tomando sus lámparas, salieron al encuentro del esposo. debemos creer que, a los que murieron en Cinco de ellas eran descuidadas y cinco, previsoras. Las Jesús, Dios los llevará con él. descuidadas llevaron sus lámparas, pero no llevaron Lo que les decimos, como palabra del aceite para llenarlas de nuevo; las previsoras, en cambio, Señor, es esto: que nosotros, los que llevaron cada una un frasco de aceite junto con su quedemos vivos para cuando venga el lámpara. Como el esposo tardaba, les entró sueño a Señor, no tendremos ninguna ventaja todas y se durmieron. sobre los que ya murieron. A medianoche se oyó un grito: ‘¡Ya viene el esposo! ¡Salgan a su encuentro!’ Se levantaron entonces todas Cuando Dios mande que suenen las aquellas jóvenes y se pusieron a preparar sus lámparas, y trompetas, se oirá la voz de un arcángel y las descuidadas dijeron a las previsoras: ‘Dennos un poco el Señor mismo bajará del cielo. Entonces, de su aceite, porque nuestras lámparas se están los que murieron en Cristo resucitarán apagando’. Las previsoras les contestaron: ‘No, porque no primero; después nosotros, los que va a alcanzar para ustedes y para nosotras. Vayan mejor quedemos vivos, seremos arrebatados, a donde lo venden y cómprenlo’. juntamente con ellos entre nubes, por el Mientras aquéllas iban a comprarlo, llegó el esposo, y las aire, para ir al encuentro del Señor, y así que estaban listas entraron con él al banquete de bodas estaremos siempre con él. y se cerró la puerta. Más tarde llegaron las otras jóvenes y Consuélense, pues, unos a otros con estas dijeron: ‘Señor, señor, ábrenos’. Pero él les respondió: ‘Yo palabras. les aseguro que no las conozco’. Estén pues, preparados, porque no saben ni el día ni la Palabra de Dios: Te alabamos Señor. hora’’. 1 Tesalonicenses 4, 13-18 Palabra del Señor: Gloria a ti, Señor Jesús. Mateo 25, 1-13 WWW.OLAVENTURA.COM • (805) 642.7966 OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION CATHOLIC CHURCH 9
Gloria a Dios Hijo del Padre: tú que quitas el pecado del mundo, en el cielo, ten piedad de nosotros; tú que quitas el pecado del mundo, atiende nuestra súplica; y en la tierra paz a los hombres que ama el Señor. tú que estás sentado a la derecha Por tu inmensa gloria te alabamos, del Padre, te bendecimos, ten piedad de nosotros; te adoramos, te glorificamos, porque sólo tú eres Santo, te damos gracias, sólo tú Señor, Señor Dios, Rey celestial, sólo tú Altísimo, Jesucristo, Dios Padre todopoderoso. con el Espíritu Santo Señor, Hijo único, Jesucristo. en la gloria de Dios Padre. Señor Dios, Cordero de Dios, Amen. WWW.OLAVENTURA.COM • (805) 642.7966 OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION CATHOLIC CHURCH 10
“LA PARROQUIA DE NUESTRA SEÑORA DE LA ASUNCIÓN ES UNA COMUNIDAD DE DISCÍPULOS DE JESUCRISTO DENTRO DE LA IGLESIA CATÓLICA ROMANA. POR MEDIO DE LOS DONES DEL ESPÍRITU SANTO Y LA INTERCESIÓN DE MARÍA, SOMOS SERVIDORES DEDICADOS A CONSTRUIR EL REINO DE DIOS”. abandono de los demás están en todas partes, podemos sentirnos abatidos. ¿Cómo alimentar a los hambrientos cuando hay tanta gente hambrienta incluso en nuestro propio país tan prospero? ¿Cómo ponemos fin a la guerra y la violencia en otros países Nuestra cuando vemos disturbios en nuestras ciudades y dentro de las familias? recaudación de ¿Cómo ponemos fin al ciclo de Photo by Dennis Goff fondos Respect Life de octubre apoyó a los Life Centers desesperación y depresión entre la mundo. Pero podemos hacerlo una del condado de Ventura y Tender Life juventud de nuestro país cuando el persona a la vez. Podemos hacerlo Maternity Home será una generosa suicidio y el abuso de drogas son mientras continuamos apoyando el donación. Muchas gracias por su evidentes? Volteamos la mirada a la trabajo de aquellos a quienes se les ha generosidad. Estas son dos Buena Nueva de Jesucristo. confiado que estar por nacer y las organizaciones muy merecedoras de Jesús es modelo del cuidado y atención familias que batallan por salir adelante. nuestras contribuciones. Como que cada persona debe recibir. La Podemos hacerlo con nuestro trabajo cristianos católicos, abogamos por la conversión de corazones es el primer como cristianos católicos haciendo una dignidad de toda persona humana. paso que debemos dar. DEBEMOS diferencia en la vida de otras personas Como solemos decir: La vida humana llevar esto a nuestra oración. La necesitadas. Encuentra el rostro de es preciosa desde la concepción hasta primera conversión es mi corazón que Jesús en otra persona y serás la muerte natural. A veces, sin busca la curación de mi indiferencia, mi transformado. "Que haya paz en la embargo, es posible olvidar a toda la odio, mis prejuicios y mis necesidades tierra y que comience conmigo". persona y su dignidad humana que personales. Solo entonces puedo mirar debe ofrecerse en todas las etapas de fuera de mí para darme cuenta de la vida. Estas organizaciones cuidan de cómo mis acciones obstaculizan la los niños, las madres y familias enteras gracia de Dios para actuar por los que luchan por proveer un hogar estable y acogedor. demás. Cuando me convierto en el instrumento de la paz y la presencia de Cristo, entonces puedo tocar la vida de El padre León Es fácil ser cínico y olvidar que profesamos una alianza cristiana en la otro. Mejor aún, esa otra persona que toda vida es sagrada. En un mundo puede tocar mi vida. Probablemente no donde la pobreza, la violencia y el acabemos con el hambre, la violencia y la división racial y económica en el Estamos viviendo en tiempo de incertidumbre, y nuestra ansiedad sobre lo que ocurre hoy y lo que pasará en el futuro, puede ser transmitida a nuestros hijos, poniéndolos ansiosos también. Esta ansiedad puede manifestarse en nuevos miedos, los cuales pueden llevar a que los niños se nieguen a probar cosas nuevas, o puede agravar sus miedos existentes, poniéndolos más ansiosos que antes. Los padres de familia pueden ayudar a sus hijos con la ansiedad, practicando técnicas de respiración profunda, implementando el ejercicio regularmente y hablando honestamente con ellos sobre sus sentimientos y preocupaciones. Para más consejos, solicite una copia del artículo de VIRTUS, “Techniques for Calming Anxiety for Youth” (Técnicas para calmar la ansiedad en los jóvenes) en WWW.OLAVENTURA.COM • (805) 642.7966 OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION CATHOLIC CHURCH 11
Dios y Padre de infinita bondad Transf6r(anos para vivir t Palabra Gracias por su continuo acudimos a Ti sabiendo que nos mas prof ndamente. apoyo a la Parroquia de conoces mejor que nosotos mismos Despier)a en nosotos la sed de lo sagado. Nuestra Señora de la nos conocemos, y sabes el peso que Restaura ente nosotos la confianza. Asunción. Para el mes de llevamos en nuesto coraz6n. Vivifica nuestas paroquias; octubre de 2020, nuestro presupuesto Nos llamas a la santidad y reunifica a nuestas familias. parroquial exige $19,569.00 para ser y, porque para Ti todo es posible, Que t Espirit Santo nos for)alezca donados semanalmente en la colecta del confiamos que nos g iaras unidos y nos congeg e en una comunidad domingo. La colección del domingo 25 de por la senda que nos lleve de amor, liberados para ser/ir)e octubre de 2020 fue de $16,772.95. Esta a ser una Iglesia renovada. y continuar t misi6n de recrear colección no solo se usa para gastos Crea nos de nuevo en Jesucristo t Hija. el mundo y restaurar la justicia. operativos cada semana, sino también para cualquier trabajo de reparación en curso, Libera nos de todo lo que nos aleja de Ti. Creemos que haces algo nuevo mejoras, etc. a nuestra instalación Sananos de toda for(a de pecado con t llamado a levantar1os en Cnsto parroquial. Hay varias maneras de y violencia. para celebrar la plenit d de la vida. Amen. contribuir; tarjeta de crédito y débito automático están disponibles. El RICA es el proceso para los adultos que desean prepararse Por favor visite para los sacramentos de iniciación: El Bautismo, La Primera Comunión y/o la Confirmación. Aquí en OLA ofrecemos esta formación en español. El primer paso es comunicarse con el Diácono Raúl o Rosario llamando al (805) 642-7966, ext. 192 o por email a Gracias a los que ya han contribuido a la campaña de este año. Si aun no ha tenido la oportunidad, por favor tome una tarjeta de Este es un recurso para las parroquias puestos por el compromiso del vestíbulo y ayúdenos a Instituto Agustín para la evangelización de las lograr la meta de nuestra parroquia. parroquias. Todos en nuestra parroquia podran iniciar LA FE CATÓLICA BAJO DEMANDA sesión en Formed y utilizar su contenido. Nuestros Meta Parroquial: $120,076.00 profesores y catequistas, junto con cualquier persona que trabaje en el campo de Cantidad Prometida: $89,134.00 la evangelización, pueden conectar y utilizar sus recursos. 11/2/2020) Iniciar la sesión, compruébalo y vea cómo podría usarse en su ministerio, sus Cantidad Pagada: presentaciones y sus experiencias de zoom. Lo mejor de todo esta inglés y español $84,957.08 y está disponible para todo el mundo con una computadora o tableta. Diferencia Sobre/(Debajo) Mientras trabajamos para volver abrir la iglesia y tratar de responder a los muchos de la Meta vs. Pagado: $35,118.92 corazones que el Espíritu Santo tocó durante este tiempo de la Pandemia y Disturbios Sociales, es hora de estar allí para todos los que buscan a Cristo. De todas las formas en que los narradores de las Escrituras elogiaban a sus reyes, profetas y héroes, la más importante de todas era llamarlos “sabios”. Esta virtud tenía una connotación diferente del uso que se le da actualmente. En nuestro tiempo, ser sabio se refiere a alguien con gran conocimiento y experiencia, lo cual está muy lejos de lo que los autores inspirados de las Escrituras querían decir con sabiduría. En la segunda lectura de hoy, Pablo considera sabios a aquellos que han logrado hacer las paces con la realidad de la muerte. La parábola del Evangelio habla de la sabiduría de cinco damas de honor que tuvieron el suficiente sentido común, como para darse cuenta de que la procesión nupcial podría retrasarse y entonces trajeron aceite adicional para sus lámparas. En el corazón de ambas lecturas está la afirmación de que los sabios son ante todo realistas y viven la vida como es, no como ellos preferirían que fuera, o como otros les dicen que es. Si hacemos un análisis más profundo de este enfoque “realista”, vamos a descubrir que la persona sabia es aquella que sabe algo de lo que Dios sabe, porque ve el mundo como Dios lo ve. En el libro de Proverbios se dice: “El temor de Dios es el principio de la sabiduría” y en este contexto, “temor” significa “entrega y apertura al Señor. Esto implica la voluntad de escuchar con atención cuando Dios habla, porque reconocemos que solo Dios conoce la vida como realmente es. Para la persona verdaderamente sabia, escuchar a Dios hablar la Verdad es necesariamente aprovechar lo mejor de cualquier situación en la que se encuentre en el momento. La sabiduría, por lo tanto, es la virtud suprema y, como promete el Libro de Proverbios, despierta en nosotros la capacidad de complacernos en lo que Dios ya ha hecho por nosotros y deleitarnos en lo que todavía está por hacer. WWW.OLAVENTURA.COM • (805) 642.7966 OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION CATHOLIC CHURCH 12
For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church, Ventura, CA C 4C 05-1013
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