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Pastor We would like to extend a warm welcome Fr. Jose Panthaplamthottiyil, CMI. to all of our new parishioners! Parochial Vicars Fr. Christopher Knight Website: http://seaspcfl.org/ Mission Chapel frknight@seaspcfl.org St. Stephen’s Chapel Fr. Robert Trujillo Church, Rectory Office, 2400 E. Highway 100, Bunnell, FL 32110 frrob@seaspcfl.org School & Ministry Center 4600 Belle Terre Pkwy. Palm Coast, FL 32164 Church Hours 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday – Friday Retired Associates Phone: (386) 445-2246 • Fax: (386) 445-7808 Fr. John McElroy School: (386) 445-2411 Rectory Office & Ministry Center Emergency Phone: (386) 283-3420 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday – Friday Fr. George Sankoorikal Holidays Fr. James May (Pastor Emeritus) (after hours ONLY) Pastoral Ministry Deacon Perlito (Tom) Alayu Deacon Bob Devereux Masses Deacon Jose Homem Deacon Ed Wolff Monday - Friday Deacon Mike McKenna 7 am and 8:30 am Saturday 8:30 am Business Manager and 4 pm Vigil Elizabeth Foran Sunday Office Assistant 8, & 10 am Mrs. Elaine Leonard and 12 noon. St. Stephen Bookkeeper 6 pm Saturdays Leanne Rossi 5 pm Sundays Receptionist “Your Gift Today is Our Treasure Spanish Mass Carmen Cruz-Pritchard for Tomorrow” Sunday 5 pm. Maintenance Portuguese Mass: Jose Valverde First and third To ensure the February 13 Saturdays at 6 pm protection Additional School Principal of those Offertory…….$24,066.00 CDC Office Hours Barbara Kavanagh around us, guidance may Monday - Friday the faithful Online Giving…..$5,071.00 be obtained 9:00- 4:00 pm Director of Christian Formation are strongly Total……..…$29,137.00 at: https:/ Katie Allio encouraged www.cdc.gov/ Church is open 7-4pm to wear masks corona- Director of Youth Ministry or suitable Thank you for your support. virus/2019- Sacrament of face Donate to our parish by Reconciliation Jeremy Vest using Online Giving. ncov/prevent- coverings. getting-sick/ Saturday- 2:45-3:45pm about-face- Sunday-30 minutes Music Director before Mass Don Roy Thank you Go to www.seaspcfl.org coverings.html & by appointment & Bulletin Editor God bless! Phyllis Jenkins pjenkins@seaspcfl.org Online Giving myParish App • Saves envelopes (saves parish $) Cover Daily Readings, prayers & much • No need to write checks more! Go to the App Store or (saves YOU $) Statue of Jesus Google Play and search for myParish. • No missing donations while away by Italian sculptor Or search the internet, myparishapp.com • More efficient form of stewardship Gian Lorenzo Bernini for the ability to find info on all Catholic Go to www.seaspcfl.org and click churches within the Diocese . Online Giving link. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 2 February 20, 2022 View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
From the desk of Fr. Jose Panthaplamthottiyil Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal 2022 Love One Another as I Have Loved You Two men were marooned on an island. One man paced also follow. Of course, we cannot give away everything back and forth, worried and scared, while the other man God gives us. But we can give a good portion of it. And sat back and sunned himself. The first man said to the if God continues to give us, why should we hesitate to second man, “Aren’t you afraid we are about to die.” give? When we give away a good part of what we re- “No,” said the second man. “I make $10,000 a week, and ceive from the Lord for the needs of others, we truly be- I tithe faithfully to my church every week. It is Steward- come good stewards. ship Month at my church. My pastor will find me.” However, please don’t entertain the idea that you will The above story is one of the stewardship jokes on the give when you have everything in abundance. Remem- Internet. We had our Parish Stewardship Renewal Com- ber the story of the widow’s mite given in the gospel. mitment weekend in November 2021. And I am trying to When the widow put in two copper coins into the treas- reach out to parishioners who are still ury, Jesus said, “Truly I say to you that waiting to make their parish steward- this poor widow has put in more than ship commitment. In the meantime, all; for all these out of their abundance the Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Ap- have put in offerings for God, but she peal (BASA) is underway. You may out of her poverty put in all the liveli- have already received information hood that she had” (Luke 21:1-4). through mail asking you to make a commitment for BASA 2022. Let us learn to give not only from our abundance but also from our poverty. Next weekend is the BASA Commit- It is then that we truly recognize God’s ment Weekend, during which we will ownership of everything and our stew- watch and listen to the video message ardship of what we have. Kindly con- from our Bishop Felipe J. Estevez. It will also give us an tribute your share generously to BASA, and God will opportunity to make a commitment for the current year. reward you for your generosity. The theme for this year’s annual appeal is “Love one an- other as I have loved you,’ which reminds us that we are Funny Stories all called to support and strengthen each other through the faithful stewardship of our time, talents, and treas- Light and darkness: God is talking to one of his angels ures. and says, “Do you know what I have just done? I have just created a 24-hour period of alternating light and The money collected through BASA is spent for the For- darkness on Earth. Isn’t that good?” The angel says, mation of Seminarians, Support for Active and Retired “Yes, but what will you do now?” God says, “I think I’ll clergy, Catholic Charities of the Diocese of St. Augus- call it a day.” (via https://www.stewardshipoflife.org/ tine, Pro-Life initiatives, Prison Ministry, Catholic Edu- jokes/) cation, Evangelization, and various other pastoral minis- tries. Board Meeting: There will be a meeting of the Church Board immediately after the service,” announced the It is vital to remember that whatever we have is owned pastor. After the close of the service, the Church Board by God, and we are only stewards of what we have. Ac- gathered at the back of the sanctuary for the announced cording to the Bible, God created everything, but he also meeting. But there was a stranger in their midst — a vis- owns everything. As we read in Genesis, “In the begin- itor who had never attended their church before. “My ning, God created the heavens and the earth” (1:1). “What do you have that you have not received?” asks St. friend,” said the pastor, “Didn’t you understand that Paul (1 Corinthians 4:7). The psalmist tells us, “The earth this is a meeting of the Board?” “Yes,” said the visitor, and everything in it, the world and its inhabitants, be- “and after today’s sermon, I suppose I’m just about as long to the Lord” (Psalm 24:1). bored as anyone else who came to this meeting.” (via https://www.stewardshipoflife.org/jokes/) Yes, whatever we have is given by God, and he expects us to re-gift what we have for the welfare of others, espe- Ask and You Shall Receive: Pastor Larson and his coun- cially the poor and the down-trodden. But then the criti- cil president, Sven Johnson ended up in a heated argu- cal question is, how much should we give. There is the ment over a seemingly minor worship detail. “I suggest story of a man who was annoyed by people asking him we go home and pray to God to grant us peaceful to give money for good causes. hearts,” said Pastor Larson as Sven stormed past him into the churchyard. After worship the next Sunday One night he heard himself asking an angel who ap- morning, Sven greeted Pastor Larson warmly. “I took peared to him in his dream, “How much should I give your advice,” he said. “I went home and said a prayer.” and how long should I give?” Immediately, the angel “Great!” said Pastor Larson. “So did I! I prayed that said, “Give as much as God gives you and as long as He God would grant us both peaceful hearts and a fresh gives you.” start.” “That’s not what I prayed,” said Sven. “I asked God to help me put up with you.” (via https:// I think this is a piece of excellent advice that we should www.stewardshipoflife.org/jokes/) St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 3 February 20, 2022 View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
Desde el Escritorio del Pastor, Padre Jose Panthaplamthottiyil Campaña Anual de Corresponsabilidad del Obispo 2022 Amaos Unos a Otros Como Yo Os He Amado Dos hombres quedaron abandonados en una isla. Un gel dijo: “Da tanto como Dios te da y mientras Él te da”. hombre caminaba de un lado a otro, preocupado y asus- Creo que este es un excelente consejo que también tado, mientras que el otro hombre se recostaba y tomaba debemos seguir. Por supuesto, no podemos regalar todo el sol. El primer hombre le dijo al segundo hombre: lo que Dios nos da. Pero podemos dar una buena parte "¿No tienes miedo de que estemos a punto de morir?". de ella. Y si Dios continúa dándonos, ¿por qué “No”, dijo el segundo hombre. “Gano $10,000 a la sema- deberíamos dudar en dar? Cuando damos una buena na y diezmo fielmente a mi iglesia todas las semanas. Es parte de lo que recibimos del Señor para las necesidades el Mes de la Mayordomía en mi iglesia. Mi pastor me de los demás, nos convertimos verdaderamente en bue- encontrará”. nos mayordomos. La historia anterior es uno de los chistes de mayordomía Sin embargo, por favor, no entretengas la idea de que en Internet. Tuvimos nuestro fin de semana de Com- darás cuando tengas todo en abundancia. Recuerde la promiso de Renovación de la Corresponsabilidad Par- historia del donado de la viuda que se da en el evan- roquial en Noviembre de 2021. Y estoy tratando de co- gelio. Cuando la viuda echó dos monedas de cobre en el municarme con los feligreses que todavía están esperan- arca, Jesús dijo: “De cierto os digo que esta viuda pobre do para hacer su compromiso de corresponsabilidad ha echado más que todos; porque todos éstos de lo que parroquial. Mientras tanto, la Campaña Anual de les sobra echaron para las ofrendas a Dios, pero ella de Mayordomía del Obispo (BASA, por sus siglas en in- su pobreza echó todo el sustento que tenía glés) está en marcha. Es posible que ya haya recibido información por correo solicitando que se comprometa Aprendamos a dar no sólo desde nuestra abundancia para BASA 2022. sino también desde nuestra pobreza. Es entonces cuan- do verdaderamente reconocemos la propiedad de Dios El próximo fin de semana es el Fin de Semana de Com- sobre todo y nuestra administración de lo que tenemos. promiso BASA, durante el cual veremos y escu- Por favor contribuya generosamente con su parte a BA- charemos el mensaje en video de nuestro Obispo Felipe SA, y Dios le recompensará por su generosidad. J. Estévez. También nos dará la oportunidad de hacer un compromiso para el año en curso. El tema de la cam- Cuentos Graciosos paña anual de este año es “Amaos unos a otros como yo Luz y oscuridad: Dios está hablando con uno de sus os he amado”, que nos recuerda que todos estamos ángeles y le dice: “¿Sabes lo que acabo de hacer? Acabo llamados a apoyarnos y fortalecernos unos a otros a de crear un período de 24 horas de alternancia de luz y través de la fiel administración de nuestro tiempo, oscuridad en la Tierra. ¿No es eso bueno? El ángel dice: talentos y tesoros. “Sí, pero ¿qué harás ahora?” Dios dice: "Creo que lahora descanso un día". El dinero recaudado a través de BASA se gasta en la Formación de Seminaristas, Apoyo al Clero Activo y Retirado, Caridades Católicas de la Diócesis de St. Au- Reunión de la Junta: Habrá una reunión de la Junta de gustine, Iniciativas Pro-Vida, Ministerio Penitenciario, la Iglesia inmediatamente después del servicio”, anunció Educación Católica, Evangelización y varios otros min- el pastor. Después de la clausura del servicio, la Junta de isterios pastorales. la Iglesia se reunió en la parte trasera del santuario para la reunión anunciada. Pero había un extraño entre ellos, Es vital recordar que todo lo que tenemos es propiedad un visitante que nunca antes había asistido a su iglesia. de Dios, y solo somos mayordomos de lo que tenemos. “Amigo”, dijo el pastor, “¿no entendiste que esta es una Según la Biblia, Dios creó todo, pero también es dueño reunión de la Junta (Board/Bored)?” “Sí”, dijo el visitan- de todo. Como leemos en Génesis, “En el principio creó te, “y después del sermón de hoy, supongo que estoy tan Dios los cielos y la tierra” (1:1). “¿Qué tienes que no aburrido como cualquier otra persona que haya venido a hayas recibido?” pregunta San Pablo (1 Corintios 4:7). El esta reunión”. Salmista nos dice: “La tierra y todo lo que hay en ella, el mundo y sus habitantes, pertenecen al Señor” (Salmo Pide y Recibirás: El pastor Larson y el presidente de su 24:1). consejo, Sven Johnson, terminaron en una acalorada dis- cusión sobre un detalle de adoración aparentemente Sí, todo lo que tenemos nos lo da Dios, y él espera que menor. “Sugiero que vayamos a casa y oremos a Dios demos lo que tenemos para el bienestar de los demás, para que nos conceda corazones en paz”, dijo el pastor especialmente de los pobres y los oprimidos. Pero en- Larson cuando Sven pasó corriendo junto a él hacia el tonces la pregunta crítica es, ¿cuánto debemos dar? Hay patio de la iglesia. Después del culto del próximo do- la historia de un hombre que estaba molesto porque la mingo por la mañana, Sven saludó calurosamente al pas- gente le pedía que diera dinero para buenas causas. tor Larson. "Seguí tu consejo", dijo. “Fui a casa y dije una oración”. "¡Estupendo!" dijo el pastor Larson. "¡Yo tambi- Una noche se escuchó a sí mismo preguntándole a un en! Recé para que Dios nos concediera a ambos cora- ángel que se le apareció en su sueño: “¿Cuánto debo dar zones pacíficos y un nuevo comienzo”. “Eso no es lo que y por cuánto tiempo debo dar?” Inmediatamente, el án- recé”, dijo Sven. “Le pedí a Dios que me ayudara a aguantarte”. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 4 February 20, 2022 View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
Da secretária do Padre José Panthaplamthottiyil Apelo Anual de Administração do Bispo para 2022 Amem-se uns aos outros como Eu vos Amei Dois homens foram abandonados numa ilha. Um Deus nos dá. Mas podemos dar uma boa parte. E se homem andava para a frente e para trás, preocupado e Deus continua a dar-nos, por que hesitamos em dar? assustado, enquanto o outro homem sentava-se e Quando damos uma boa parte do que recebemos do bronzeava-se. O primeiro homem disse ao segundo Senhor para as necessidades dos outros, tornamo-nos homem: “Você não tem medo, nós estamos prestes a realmente bons administradores. morrer.” “Não”, disse o outro homem. “É o mês do apelo anual na minha igreja. O meu pastor vai-me No entanto, por favor, não entretenha a ideia que irá encontrar.” dar, quando você tem tudo em abundância. Lembre-se da história da viúva dada no evangelho. Quando a A história acima é uma das piadas do apelo anual da viúva colocou duas moedas de cobre no recipiente, administração na Internet. Tivemos o nosso fim de Jesus disse: “Digo-vos verdadeiramente que esta pobre semana de compromisso de renovação da viúva deu mais do que todos; porque todos deram da administração da paróquia em Novembro de 2021. E sua abundância em oferendas a Deus, mas ela deu da continuo a tentar falar com paroquianos que ainda não sua pobreza deu todo o seu sustento” (Lucas 21:1-4). assumiram o seu compromisso de administração paroquial. Agora o Apelo Anual de Administração do Vamos aprender a dar não só da nossa abundância, Bispo (BASA) está em andamento. Concerteza você já mas também da nossa pobreza. É então que recebeu informações pelo correio pedindo pelo seu reconhecemos verdadeiramente a propriedade de Deus compromisso para a BASA 2022. de tudo e a nossa administração do que temos. Por favor, contribua generosamente com a sua parte para a No próximo fim de semana é o Fim de Semana de BASA, e Deus irá recompensá-lo pela sua generosidade. Compromisso da BASA, durante o qual assistiremos e ouviremos a mensagem de vídeo do nosso Bispo Felipe Anedotas J. Estevez. Também nos dará a oportunidade de assumir um compromisso para o ano actual. O tema do Luz e escuridão: Deus fala com um dos seus anjos e apelo anual deste ano é “Amem-se uns aos outros como diz: “Você sabe o que eu acabei de fazer? Acabei de Eu vos amei”, o que nos lembra que todos somos criar um período de 24 horas de luz e escuridão chamados a apoiar e fortalecer-nos através da fiel alternadas, na Terra. Não é bom?” O anjo disse: “Sim, e administração do nosso tempo, talentos e finanças. agora o que vai fazer?” Deus disse: “Acho que são horas de acabar o dia.” (via https:// O dinheiro angariado através da BASA é gasto para a www.stewardshipoflife.org/jokes/) Formação de Seminaristas, Apoio ao Padres Activos e Aposentados, Instituições Católicas da Diocese de St. Reunião do Conselho: “Haverá uma reunião do Augustine, iniciativas Pró-Vida, Ministério prisional, Conselho da Igreja imediatamente após este serviço,” Educação Católica, Evangelização e vários outros anunciou o pastor. Após o encerramento do serviço, o ministérios pastorais. Conselho da Igreja reuniu-se ao fundo do santuário para a reunião anunciada. Mas havia um estranho no É vital lembrar que tudo o que temos é propriedade de meio deles - um visitante que nunca tinha frequentado Deus, e somos apenas administradores do que temos. a sua igreja anteriormente. “Meu amigo”, disse o De acordo com a Bíblia, Deus criou tudo, mas ele pastor, “Você não entendeu que esta é uma reunião do também é dono de tudo. Como lemos em Gênesis: “No Conselho?” “Sim”, disse o visitante, “e depois do início, Deus criou os céus e a terra” (1:1). “O que é que sermão de hoje, acho que estou tão aborrecido como os você tem que você não recebeu?”, pergunta São Paulo outros que vêm a esta reunião.” (via https:// (1 Coríntios 4:7). O salmista diz-nos: “A terra e tudo www.stewardshipoflife.org/jokes/) nela, o mundo e os seus habitantes, pertencem ao Senhor” (Salmo 24:1). Peça e vai receber: Pastor Larson e o presidente do Conselho, Sven Johnson discordaram numa discussão Sim, tudo o que temos é dado por Deus, e ele espera a sobre um detalhe de menor interesse acerca da reza. nossa retribuição do que temos para o bem-estar dos “Eu sugiro que vamos para casa e rezemos a Deus para outros, especialmente os pobres e os infelizes. Mas nos conceder corações calmos”, disse o Pastor Larson então a questão crítica é, quanto devemos dar. Há a enquanto Sven passava por ele no cemitério. Após a história de um homem que estava irritado com as adoração na manhã do domingo seguinte, Sven pessoas que lhe pediam dinheiro para boas causas. cumprimentou com amizade o Pastor Larson. “Eu Uma noite, perguntou a um anjo que lhe apareceu num aceitei o seu conselho”, disse ele. “Fui para casa e fiz sonho: “Quanto devo dar e quanto tempo devo dar?” uma oração.” “Óptimo!”, disse o pastor Larson. “Eu Imediatamente, o anjo disse: “Dê o quanto Deus lhe der também! Rezei para que Deus nos concedesse corações e enquanto Ele lhe der.” calmos e um novo começo.” “Não foi isso que eu rezei”, disse Sven. “Eu pedi a Deus que me ajudasse a aturá- Eu acho que este é um conselho excelente que devemos lo.” (via https://www.stewardshipoflife.org/jokes/) também seguir. Claro, não podemos dar tudo o que St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164 , page 5 February 20, 2022 View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
Sunday Readings Explained– 135 - Fr. Tony Kadavil Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, I Samuel 26: 2: 7-9, 12-13, 22-23; I Corinthians 15: 45-49; Luke 6: 27-38 Invitation to Grace-filled Behavior Introduction a vivid example of self-control, forgiveness, and mer- The readings today are linked together by one main cy. The ancient Israelites were governed first by Mo- theme: the power of Christian love, when exercised in ses, then by a long line of judges. Since they noticed the unconditional forgiveness. The readings also instruct us progress made by their Gentile neighbors who about our right and wrong choices. The right choices lead had kings, the Israelites finally prevailed on their last us to God, and the wrong ones break our relationship Judge, Samuel, to anoint a king for them. (1 Samuel: 8). with Him and with one another. The first reading The king was Saul. In Saul's army, the youth David shows us how David made the right choice respecting won a famous victory over Goliath, and thereby gained God’s anointed king by forgiving his offenses, while the admiration of the people and the envy of King Saul. Saul continued to make the wrong choices, perpetuat- Saul and his "three thousand picked men" went in ing his misery with his revenge. In the second reading, search of David to kill him. St. Paul tells us how the “First Adam” made a wrong choice of disobedience, bringing death into the world, Yet, David and Abishai were able to steal into Saul's whereas Jesus, the “Second Adam,” made the correct camp and stand over the sleeping king. But David choice of fulfilling his Father’s saving plan. turned down Abishai's offer to "nail Saul to the ground with one thrust of the spear.” ”Do not harm him," Da- Today’s gospel (Luke 6:27-38), gives us Jesus' revolu- vid commanded. Then taking Saul's spear and water tionary moral teaching about correct choices in our hu- jug, he went to an opposite hill and yelled across to Ab- man relationships, placing special emphasis on the ner, Saul' lieutenant: "Here is the king's spear.... Today, golden rule, “Do to others as you would have them do though Yahweh delivered him into my grasp, I would not to you.” This golden rule is amplified by a string of par- harm Yahweh's anointed." David’s sense of justice, spirit ticular commands: "Love your enemies...Do good to of forgiveness, and respect for divine authority helped those who hate you; bless those who curse you and him to go beyond the retaliation which others expected pray for those who maltreat you." For Jesus, love is a him to show. David is an image of Christ and an exam- fundamental attitude that seeks another’s good. Jesus ple to us. If he can forgive his mortal enemy, so should orders us to love our enemies and to be merciful as God we. our Father is merciful. Jesus challenges us to do for oth- ers what God does for us. “Be compassionate, as your Second Reading, I Corinthians 15: 45-49 Father is compassionate." He concludes by instructing In the second reading, we have Saint Paul's doctrine of us to stop judging and start forgiving. the resurrection of Jesus, contrasting Christ, "the last Adam," with the "first Adam." He reminds the Corin- First Reading, 1 Samuel 26: 2: 7-9, 12-13, 22-23 thian community that everyone shares in the sinful na- The first reading from the Hebrew Scriptures, gives us ture of the "first Adam." But he encourages his follow- ers to remember that by baptism they also share in the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164 , page 6 February 20, 2022 View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
spiritual nature of Jesus -- the "last Adam." Hence Christians are expected to go beyond our earthly, natu- ral desire to seek revenge and retaliation. Instead, when we are injured, we are to offer the Christian response of forgiveness and mercy, whether our culture accepts or rejects it. If, through the power of the Holy Spirit, we do so, we share in the life of the risen Christ, both here and now, and after our death. Gospel Reading, Luke 6: 27-38 The gospel passage contains four commands of Jesus: love, forgive, do good, and pray. They specify the kind of love that the Christian follower is expected to show toward an enemy. The ‘enemy’ is one who injures hates or rejects the Christian. 1. Love your enemies: This command proposes a course of action that is contrary to human nature. Jesus invites those who follow him to repudiate their natural inclinations and instead follow his example and the ex- ample of the heavenly Father. He recommends, not merely a warm affection (philia), such as one might have for one’s family, or a passionate devotion (eros), such as one might expect between spouses, but a gra- cious, active interest (agape), in the welfare of precisely those persons who are antagonistic to us. Agape is the love that cares deeply for others simply because they are created in God’s image, and wishes them well be- 3. “Forgive and you will be forgiven. Bless those cause that is what God wishes. Jesus not only com- who curse you, pray for those who abuse you” manded us to love our enemies, he also gave us the This message might have sounded very strange to the most vivid and awesome example of this type of love in Jews, who were familiar with a God who was merciful action. While hanging on the cross, he prayed, “Father, to his own people and vengeful to their enemies, as pic- forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” tured in Psalms 18, 72 and 92. But Jesus repeats his teaching on forgiveness, both in the prayer he taught 2. Offer your other cheek to the one who strikes his disciples “forgive us our trespasses as we forgive you. This injunction and that in v. 30, cut through the those who trespass against us,” and in his final com- old principle of retaliation (Exodus 21:24; Lev 24:20; mandment to his apostles, “Just as I have loved you, Deut 19:21-30). Jesus is not saying that we should per- you should also love one another.” Another good rea- mit the destruction of the innocent and defenseless or son for us to forgive our enemies is, “so that everyone allow ourselves to be abused or killed! The Catechism is will know that we are disciples of the Most High.” That very clear on this point: “Self-defense is morally legiti- is, Christian forgiveness can be a form of evangeliza- mate, as long as it’s proportional to the attack. Let us tion. Jesus does not advise his followers to overlook remember that the commandment is ‘Love your neigh- evils, wars, economic disparity, and exploitation of the bor AS YOU LOVE YOURSELF’...Love toward oneself vulnerable. Instead, we are called to forgive, to be mer- remains a fundamental principle of morality. Therefore ciful and not to retaliate. But we cannot achieve this it is legitimate to insist on respect for one’s own right to level of love and forgiveness by ourselves. We need the life” (CCC 2264). power of God working through us by the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. What are the challenges Jesus gives us in this command to "turn the other cheek”? First, he challenges us to 4. The Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you forgive others totally and completely, which would have them do unto you.” Christian ethics means letting go of any and every grudge. He also chal- consists, not in merely refraining from evil, but in ac- lenges us not to seek vengeance. In addition, he wants tively doing good, not only to those who are friends, us to be patient with the shortcomings of others and to but to those who hate us or do evil against us. In other love everyone, even our enemies. (CCC-2264). So the words, Jesus expects us to rise above our human in- bottom line is this: It’s morally wrong not to defend the stincts and imitate the goodness and generosity of innocent, when we have a responsibility to do so; it’s God. The observance of the golden rule makes us like morally legitimate to defend ourselves from an unjust God whose love and mercy embrace saints and sinners aggressor; but it can be virtuous to endure unjust suffer- alike. At the same time the Golden Rule does not re- ings and even martyrdom for the sake of Jesus Christ quire that we allow others to take advantage of us. and his Gospel. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 7 February 20, 2022 View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
Life Messages Jesus challenges us to embrace every day in his name! (CCC 2264) 1. Invitation to grace-filled behavior: What makes Christianity distinct from any other religion is the qual- ity known as grace, i.e., God’s own life working in us, 3. Pray for the strength to forgive. At every so that we are able to treat others, not as they deserve Mass we pray the “Our Father”, asking God to forgive but with love, kindness and mercy. God is good to the us as we forgive others. Our challenge is to overcome unjust as well as to the just. Hence our love for others, our natural inclination to hate. To meet that challenge even those who are ungrateful and selfish towards us, we need to ask God for the strength to forgive other. must be marked by the Each of us needs to ask: do I same kindness and mercy have anyone in my life I call which God has shown to an enemy? Is there anyone us. When we pray for who actually hates me? Are those who do us wrong, there people who would we break the power of really curse me? Is there hate in anyone in my life who mis- treats me-–a boss, a teacher, ourselves and in others, a parent, a co-worker, a and release the power of family member, a former love. How can we possi- spouse? These things hurt bly love those who cause us, and they are often diffi- us harm? God gives the cult to forgive. However, necessary power and grace we must forgive, because to those who believe and only forgiveness truly heals accept the gift of the Holy us. If we remember how Spirit. His love con- God has forgiven us, it will quers our hurts, fears, help us forgive oth- prejudices and grief. Only ers. For those who have the cross of Jesus Christ hurt us, Jesus tells us our can free us from the tyran- response should be love: ny of malice, hatred, re- “Forgive and you will be venge, and resentment, forgiven.” Let us start for- and give us the courage to return good for evil. giving right now by curbing the sharp tongue of criti- cism, suppressing the revenge instinct and tolerating the irritating behavior of a neighbor. 2. Accept the challenges of day-to-day life. Jesus challenges our willingness to endure unjust suffering for his sake and the sake of his Gospel. For example, we 4. Let us try to live our lives in accordance with must often endure the suffering that comes when a co- “the Golden Rule." Let us examine our conscience. Is worker calls us "a religious fanatic" because we believe generosity central to our lives, or do we often in the Ten Commandments; the pain that comes when choose selfishness instead? Are we willing to trust in family members refuse to associate with us because we God’s providence or do we place our faith in ourselves? take our faith seriously and refuse to compromise our Do we really accept and embrace our responsibility for beliefs; the suffering that comes to a practicing Chris- one another and for the world we live in, or do we see tian youth who is ostracized by his friends because he all things in terms of our own wants and needs? Do we won’t do drugs or engage in promiscuous sexual activi- allow emotions such as hatred and jealousy guide our ty. These are examples of the "little martyrdoms" that spiritual lives, or do we try to be more like our Lord? Anecdote Two presidents and a truck driver: When President strict justice in order to exercise a mercy that was dictat- Gerald Ford granted former President Richard Nixon ed, not by law, but by a conscience formed on gospel “a free, full and absolute pardon” for his participation principles. During the race riots in Los Angeles, in the and perjury in the “Watergate” scandal, many consid- aftermath of the Rodney King incident, a truck driver ered Ford’s decision to be an act of weakness. In 1977, named Reginald Denny was pulled from his vehicle when President Jimmy Carter offered amnesty to those and severely beaten with a brick. When the case went to who, during the Vietnamese War, had avoided being trial in 1993, Denny stunned the courtroom with his conscripted, he was criticized for not enforcing the law. offer of forgiveness to those who had almost killed him. Both men, one a Republican, the other a Democrat, Later Denny said that only by forgiving the perpetra- “took the heat”, as it were, because neither was moti- tors of the crime against him had he been able to put vated by partisan politics or the pressure of public the event behind him and move on. opinion. Each had chosen to go beyond the limits of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 8 February 20, 2022 View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
One Faith, One Family Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal (BASA) Our Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal (BASA) is gether in support of the beautiful mission of the now underway. If you are a registered member of our Church, as we are called to be good stewards of what parish or another parish in our diocese, you may have we have been gifted with. We have the opportunity to received a mailing from Bishop Estévez, asking for your proclaim His love and faithfulness through sharing the support and participation in this year’s Annual Appeal. blessings we have gratefully received from Him. Please prayerfully consider a pledge to the Appeal us- ing gift options on the response card mailed to you or We ask that you commit this invitation to prayer and if by completing a commitment envelope at Mass next your circumstances allow, please come prepared to re- weekend. spond next week. Your gift should be in addition to what you are already giving to your parish. Please Our annual theme, “One Faith, One Family” reminds know that every gift is important, especially as the us that our faith community is made up of a network of Church continues to serve during these times of great parishes. Bishop Estévez invites each of us to join to- need. Stewardship Reflections In today’s Gospel, taken from the sixth chapter of Luke, abundance of love. This changes everything! This means Jesus offers a very challenging, seemingly impossible “my” cloak, “my” tunic, “my” money, and time — all of approach to daily life. “Love your enemies, do good to it ultimately belongs to God. He has entrusted these those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for things to each of us in love to use for His purposes and those who mistreat you. To the person who strikes you His glory. on one cheek, offer the other one as well, and from the person who takes your cloak do not withhold even your Does this mean we are to be passive “doormats” to tunic.” It makes one want to say, “Seriously, Lord?” anyone who wants to take advantage of us? Certainly And He doesn’t stop there. Jesus adds, “Give to not. Jesus explains this in the next verse of this passage everyone who asks of you, and from the one who takes when He says, “Do to others as you would have them what is yours do not demand it back.” do to you.” There is nothing wrong with loving oneself since God loves us and has made us in His own image It seems so unfair! That is, unless we look at this way of and likeness. Jesus is simply asking that we also life from a stewardship point of view. Then, not only approach others, and the sharing of our gifts, with this does it seem doable (though challenging), but it also same attitude. He is giving us a definition here of real actually makes perfect sense. A steward understands love, a steward’s love! clearly that all he has and all that he is — his very life — — Stewardship Reflections by Catholic Stewardship is a gift from God given to him from an unfathomable Consultants St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164 , page 9 February 20, 2022 View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
Education Opportunity! Please join Fr. Knight in an exciting new five-week series exploring an essential part of our faith, the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments are the moral foundation of our daily life, helping to teach us how to interact with God and our neighbors. Each conference will take place on Tuesday evening or Friday morning in the Hall. Dates: Session One 2/22 7:00 pm or 2/25 9:15 am Session Two 3/1 7:00 pm or 3/4 9:15 am Session Three 3/8 7:00 pm or 3/11 9:15 am Session Four 3/15 7:00 pm or 3/18 9:15 am Session Five 3/22 7:00 pm or 3/25 9:15 am The Men's Club will sponsor the annual St. Patrick's Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner in the parish hall Saturday March 12, 2022. Doors open at 5 PM with a full dinner served at 6 PM. Ticket donations are unchanged at $15.00 and 12 years and under $8.00. Soda, wine and beer will available and tickets will be available after all Masses Feb. 19, 20, 26, 27 and Mar. 5, 6 as the final sale day. Tickets will also be available at the Rectory Office and after the 8 and 10 AM Coffee Gatherings. For questions or assistance, please call Jim, 447-9849 or Ted, 585-4291. Hard Rock Casino Tampa Come join us on our long awaited trip to the Hard Rock Casino in Tampa on Wednesday, May 11. Our buses will depart @ 8AM from the church parking lot with a short stop in Orlando and then directly to the casino. The cost is $45 per person with raffle on the bus enroute and danish and water provided, the buses will depart the casino @ 5PM promptly for a direct trip to Palm Coast. Reservations can be made by calling Jim @447-9849 or Willie @446-0501. Worldwide Marriage Encounter It takes much effort just to make ends meet in our world today. Do you wish you could talk about something besides all the stresses in your life? Sign up today to attend an upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend on July 15-17, 2022 at Marywood Retreat Center in Jacksonville, FL or No- vember 4-6, 2022 at St. Stephen Christian Retreat Center in Titusville, FL. For more information visit our website at wwme.org or e-mail: Applications@FLCN- wwme.org. Faith on a Mission As part of the celebration of the History of Diocese of St Augustine, our Parish has been invited to participate in the sale of a book about it’s history. Available in the gift shop and the rectory for $25.00. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 10 February 20, 2022 View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
Cancer Support Group Rosary Cenacles Support Group for anyone affected The Cenacles are worldwide and have been with Cancer at SEAS in rectory meet- in our parish for many years. The Cenacle ing room every second Thursday helps us to deepen our understanding and morning of the month at 9:30 am and every fourth Thursday afternoon of the live the obligations of our Christian Faith. month at 2:30 pm. We meet on Wednesdays at 1pm in the Rec- tory Meeting room to say the Rosary in the languages Our Lady of Fatima of the people present. We are always looking for peo- Portuguese Committee ple who can speak other languages. For more infor- mation call Marie at 447– 0847. Meets at 7:00pm on Wednesdays in the Rectory Meeting Room. For more info call the Rectory. Legion of Mary The Legion is a lay All are Welcome to Kerygma Meeting apostolic organization that meets every Tuesday morning at 9:30am in the The Kerygma Group meets at 6 pm in the Church on Rectory Meeting Room or in the Rectory Meeting the last Monday of every month. The session begins Room of Seton Hall. with praise and worship music, followed by a talk on a Free AARP Tax-Aide Preparation spiritual topic. The meeting ends after discussions and more praise and worship music. All are welcome to By Appointment Only join. For more information, contact: Deacon Mike AARP Tax- Aide Foundation volunteers will be avail- McKenna, deaconmike430@gmail.com able February 1 - April 15, 2021 at multiple sites in Flagler County for free tax preparation. All sites are on an "Appointment Only" basis! SEASONS of HOPE Starting January 20, 2022, call 386-313-4048, Bereavement Support Group between the hours of 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Wed @ 10:00am in the Monday through Friday. For further information, Rectory Meeting Room. please contact Roger Carlson -rogerc1948@gmail.com Caregiver Support Group The Sunday Scripture Prayer Group Support groups create a safe, confidential, The Sunday Scripture Prayer Group meet supportive environment for participates to on Friday at 1:00 PM in the Rectory Meet- ing Room. We read the scripture readings develop informal mutual support and social relation- for the up coming Sunday and then discuss ships as they deal with a loved one suffering from Alz- them. “Come and see the goodness of the heimer’s/ Dementia. For more information, please Lord.” call Pam Cowles at the rectory. St. Joseph & Sorrowful Mother Padre Pio Prayer Group Rosary Makers Ministry Our St. Padre Pio Prayer Group will meet every Second Friday of the month at 9:30 We have resumed our weekly meeting in the AM from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. in the Rus- Russo Room on Mondays at 9:30 AM. so. Please join us. All are welcome! Diocese of St. Augustine- How to Report Abuse ATTENTION: The Diocese of St. Augustine treats all allega- ATENCION: La Diócesis de San Agustín trata seriamente todas tions of sexual misconduct seriously and deals with all allega- las acusaciones de conducta sexual inapropiada, de manera tions in a prompt, confidential, and thorough manner. To Re- rápida, confidencial y minuciosa. Para reportar Abuso, llame a port Abuse, call the police or the Department of Children and la policía o al Departamento de Niños y Familias al (904) 962‐ Families at (800) 962‐2873. Or call the Diocesan Victim Assis- 2873. O llame al Coordinador Diocesano de Asistencia a Vícti- tance Coordinator at (904) 208‐6979 or email inquir- mas (904) 208‐6979 o envíe un correo electrónico a inquir- ies@dosafl.com. To report abuse by a bishop, call (800) 276‐1562 ies@dosafl.com. Para denunciar abuso por parte de un obispo, or visit www.reportbishopabuse.org. llame al (800) 276‐1562 oviwww.reportbishopabuse.org ATENÇÃO: A Diocese de St. Augustine toma muito sériamente PAUNAWA: Ipinagbibigay alam na lubos na pinahahalagahan todas as alegações de má conduta sexual e resolve todas as ng Diyosesis ng San Agustin ang mga paratang sa anumang uri alegações de forma rápida, confidencial e completa. Para de- ng abusong sekswal, at agad na masusing sinusuri ang anumang alegasyon habang pinananatiling kumpidensyal. Kung meron nunciar abuso(s), ligue para a polícia ou para o Department of kayong nalalamang alegasyon tumawag agad sa Pulisya o kaya Children and Families pelo (800)962-2873. Ou ligue para o Di- ay sa Department of Children and Families (800) 962‐2873. O ocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator pelo (904)208-6979 ou tawagan ang Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator sa (904) 208 por e-mail inquiries @dosafl.com . Para denunciar abusos co- ‐6979 o kaya ay mag‐email sa inquiries@dosafl.com. Kung ang metidos por um bispo ligue para (800)276-1562 ou visite a web- irereport nyo naman ay isang Obispo, tumawag sa (800) 276‐ site www.reportbishopabuse.org. 1562 o kaya ay tumungo sa www.reportbishopabuse.org St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 11 February 20, 2022 View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
SEAS students at a recent Track Meet Survey says “Time’s Almost Up” Over the past few weeks we have been conducting a parish survey, and we have had a great response. If you have not completed and returned your survey to the parish office, this is the last week we will be accepting them. Please complete it and return it to the parish office this week. Your opinions and comments matter and will make a difference. Thank you for your cooperation and participation.. You are helping to build up our parish. ARE YOU SOMEONE OR DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO… •Has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic? •Has a child over the age of seven who hasn’t been baptized? •Was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not celebrated the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist? We offer an opportunity to come together in a small group to learn more about our faith. Sessions focus on the teachings and experience of Church and prepare individuals to celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist during the Easter season. For information please contact Katie Allio at 386-445- 2246, ext 112 or by email at kallio@seaspcfl.org. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164 , page 12 February 20, 2022 View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
Readings for the Week of February 20 In Memoriam Sunday 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time We remember all our 1 Sm 26:2, 7-9, 12-13, 22-23/ Ps departed brothers and 103:1-2, 3-4, 8, 10, 12-13/ 1 Cor sisters with love and 15:45-49/ Lk 6:27-38 gratitude. Monday Jas 3:13-18/ Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 15/ Mk 9:14-29 Monday, February 21 Tuesday Feast of the Chair of Saint 7:00am John E. Lilly Ilda Frazao Peter, Apostle 1 Pt 5:1-4/ Ps 23:1-3a, 4, 5, 6/ 8:30am Angelo Dappio Mt 16:13-19 August 3, 1932 - Wednesday Memorial of Saint Polycarp, Tuesday, February 22 January 31, 2022 Bishop & Martyr 7:00am Eileen Jackson Jas 4:13-17/ Ps 49:2-3, 6-7, 8-10, 8:30am Henry Shepherd 11/Mk 9:38-40 Margaret T. Newport Thursday Jas 5:1-6/ Ps 49-14ab, 15cd-16, Wednesday, February 23 17-18, 19-20/ Mk 9:41-50 7:00am Antonio & Emilia Moitoso July 16, 1927 - Friday Jas 5:9-12/ Ps 103:1-2, 3-4, 8-9, 8:30am Karl H. Giebmanns February 4, 2022 11-12/ Mk 10:1-12 Saturday Jas 5:13-20/ Ps 141:1-2, 3-8/ Thursday, February 24 Mk 10:13-16 7:00am James S. Gilbert Eternal rest, grant unto Sunday 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30am Romeo C. Gealon them O Lord and let perpetual light Sir 27:4-7/ Ps 92:2-3, 13-14, Friday, February 25 shine upon them. 15-16/ 1 Cor 15:54-58/ Lk May they rest in peace. 6:39-45 7:00am Carlos Comes 8:30am Ana Becerro Amen. Saturday, February 26 Fr. Jose never sends out email or text messages requesting 8:30am Sally Roach money or gift cards for his personal use or for the benefit 4:00pm Julia & Charles Andreasen of parishioners or anybody else. Hence, kindly do not 6:00pm(*) Jody Sisti respond to the messages you receive in my name for financial help. It is a scam by misguided people to extort Sunday, February 27 your money. Kindly report to the rectory office if you receive such 8:00am Lester Lue a message. It is a scam. 10:00am SEAS Parishioners Extraordinary Minister 12:00pm Haide, Antonio & Angelo The Rectory office of Holy Communion Gomes Training will be closed 5:00pm(S) Ramon Trujillo on 5:00pm(*) Christine Kelly Wednesday, Feb. 23 at Monday, February 21 * St. Stephens 7:00pm in the church. Repeated on Saturday, in honor of February 26 at 9:15am in the President’s Day church. Mark Your Calendar Spiritual Life Committee Presents Parish Spiritual Life Events March 19, 2022: 9.15 AM to 12.35 PM Dr. Scott Hahn’s Conference March 26, 2022: 9.30 AM-11.30 AM Prayer Garden Presentation on Florida Martyrs by Dr. Mary Soha March 28,29,30, 2022 Our Prayer Garden is a peaceful place for Lenten Retreat with Fr. Roy Palatty, CMI prayer and meditation. Purchasing a March 29, 2022: 5:00 PM brick in the Prayer Garden for someone Lenten Penance Service who has died is a wonderful way to April 2, 2022: 9.30 AM-11.30 AM remember that the person is still with Presentation on the Science of the Shroud of Turin you in thoughts and through prayer. by Dr. Jess Socrates The purchase of a brick is $100.00; please Sept. 5,6,7,8, 2022 consider honoring a loved one. Contact Parish Mission with Fr. Wade Menezes the Rectory Office for more details. Last Monday of every month, 6 PM: Kerygma Evening with Fr. Jose St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 13 February 20, 2022 View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
Ten Candles Burning in the Holy of Holies Please Pray for Our Sick February 19—February 25 Adele Carson Lois Shaw Aguilda Bleakley Louis Lubin IN MEMORY OF: Anna Sandler Madison Hope DeVane Anne Garbarino Margaret Berkley Roseann Bradley; Isabel Chambino; Peter Ryczak; Anthony Janna Margaret Torell Harold R. Boerke; Paulo Malheiros; Anthony Panetta Margarita Condezuloaga Angelo & Rosemarie Dappio; Ariana Marcette Marie Berry Gerald Rodriguez; Ruth Vigiliatme; David Jose Tavares Ashley Clarke Maryalice P. Ralston Ashley Cooper Mary Clarke Barbara Parziole Mary Gaudio FOR INTENTIONS OF: Bill Clark Mary Doris Kolesar Strickland & Downs Families Bina Leahy Maureen G. Bobby Phillips Mel Meo In our Holy of Holies, we have ten candles al- Bryan Detro Melanie Rielly Cash Krempecki Melinda Scriver ways burning around the tabernacle, just as in the Charlene Carbino Michael Foley temple in Jerusalem there were ten lights always Charles & Christine Michael Post burning around the Ark of the Covenant. They in- Salerno Michael Rosa Cindy Heiregin Michelle Pinto dicate the presence of our precious Lord in the Diane Purcell Mina Bico Blessed Sacrament. Don Reljin Nicole Merced Donald Martin Olga Conway Drude Riba Paul Flaherty The candles used are seven day candles and may Henry Gardner Raymond Lawson be purchased either in memoriam or for the inten- Jack Leger Remington Walczak tions of a loved one for a $10 donation through the Jack Verrette Renee Verostek James Brendan McCallen Richard Heinrich Seton Shop. This space lists the names of those for James Russell Robert Allen whom candles have been purchased. Jeanne Eakins Robert Dowling Jennie Martin Roger L. Muller Jennifer Cabral Ron Czier Please Pray for Our Military Jerry (Gerard) Jenkins Ron Gaines Jim Norris Rose Gulli Although we pray for all of our military, space does not Joan Carter Rosemarie Modica permit everyone’s name to be printed. Joanne DeSouza Roy Johnston Please advise when a person below is no longer Joanne Mulligan Ruth O’Keefe John Merced Sally Lombardo deployed so we can remove their name from our list. John Relgan Salvatore Catapano Please contact the parish office if you wish to have the John Sandor Samuel Marzano name of someone listed for 4 weeks. As a courtesy John Walczak Stacey Morris please notify the office when the name can be removed Joseph Bartolotta Steve Jackson Joseph Cigas Tera Frassrand or if you wish to have the name continued. Be sure to Joseph Pavon Terry Lilly get the person’s permission first! Joseph Vascellaro Theodore Simmons God bless them all & continue to pray for them! Kara Whaley Thomas Bradley Karen Murphy Thomas Hemstreet 1st Lt. Brendan Leonard (US Army) Karen Overbey Thomas Solokowski Kyle McCrossen (US Army/Iraq) Kay Kerins Wendy Bentzley Larry DeCamillo Yvonne Roper Terisa Toussaint (USMC/Iraq) Liz Campbell Erin & Ben Walker (Iraq) 2nd Lt Christian San Miguel (US Army) Please contact the parish office if you Stephen Hayes (US Air Force/Iraq) wish to have the name of someone Kevin Daley (US Navy) listed for 4 weeks. Cap. Javier Acosta (Air Force) As a courtesy please notify the office Prayer for the Unborn when the name can be removed or if you wish to have the name continued. Lord, Creator of Life, you have blessed us Be sure to get the persons permission first! with the privilege of bringing new life into the world. May your Holy Spirit open our Mass on TV for the Homebound hearts and minds to recognize Your spe- cial gift of children, and Your great love https://www.ewtn.com/tv/schedule for each of us created in Your image and likeness. You Sunday Mass-8:00am sent Your son Jesus to redeem us and through love He entered our world. We now turn to Mary, our Mother, DIRECTV—Channel: 370 for her intercession as we struggle to protect innocent DISH—Channel 261 unborn children. Following Mary's example may we SPECTRUM— Channel 169 proclaim the truth of our faith, assist those in crisis and ATT U—Verse—Channel 562 protect those most vulnerable. We ask this through SIRIUS Radio—Channel 130 /XM Christ, Our Lord. Amen. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 14 February 20, 2022 View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
The Respect Life Ministry of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic church will Adoration hold it’s monthly ‘Stand for Life’ on The hours of Adoration of March 4th and on the the Blessed Sacrament are first Friday of each from 9 am to 9 pm, seven month from 4 PM to days a week. 5PM on the sidewalk in front of the church. Since the closest abortion The Exposition and facilities are in Jacksonville, this is a great opportunity for us to show our support for the mothers and our Adoration of the Blessed opposition to abortion. Signs will be provided. Sacrament on Fridays also are from 9 am to 9 pm. Father Jose has given the Respect Life Ministry permission to collect baby items (baby clothes & Please remember that if the Holy of Holies is filled diapers) for Alpha Pregnancy Center and St. Gerard’s you are encouraged to pray in the main worship area Campus. There is a Bassinet in the Gathering Area of of the church. the church on the right wall as you enter the church. The baby items can be placed there. Volunteers from the Respect Life Ministry will distribute them to Alpha and We are asking that you contact Gilda Sadio, (386 225– St Gerard Campus. We thank you for your generosity 7261 or gilda.sadio@yahoo.com) our Adoration and support in the endeavor. Facilitator, and select ONE hour which you will commit to. There's no limit to how many Senate Bill Limiting Abortion after 15 Weeks parishioners can be present every hour since it's in Passes Health Policy Committee the Church not the Holy of Holies, we just want to be SB 146 (Stargel) was found favorable by the Senate sure that there's at least one or two persons who will Health Policy Committee by a 6-4 vote. HB 5 and SB 146 be present every hour. (Stargel) were filed on the first day of the legislative session, proposing to protect women and limit the harm of abortion in Florida. The bills would prohibit abortion Anyone interested in spending time with Our Lord after 15 weeks gestation. Current state law bans in Adoration should call Gilda Sadio at abortions when a child is viable, or able to survive 386-225-7261 for availability and information. outside the womb. Prohibiting abortion after 15 weeks would align with research demonstrating that unborn Las Reunionés del Comité Hispano children have the capacity to feel pain at that point of development. son el último martes del mes a las Exceptions to the bills' 15-week abortion ban are 6:30pm en el Russo Room adjunto al allowed for saving the life of the mother, for avoiding salón social. Éste comité sirve para an irreversible and substantial impairment of a major hablar todos asuntos de la bodily function of the mother, and for fatal fetal comunidad hispana de la parroquia. abnormality. These align with the Mississippi law at Todos son invitados. La primera issue in the Dobbs case. reunión es el 22 de febrero. Para más información llamen a Marina A British medical doctor who was suspended for saving Medina, 386-445-2200. unborn babies from abortion is appealing his case in court this month. Christian Today reports Dr. Dermot Kearney wants to be allowed to provide the abortion pill reversal treatment again to women who are Parish Photo Directory desperate to save their unborn babies’ lives. It is time for a new parish photo directory for Catholic Nuns Opened Convent Across from Planned our parish. Since our church directory will not Parenthood, Now They’re Saving Babies From be complete without you, kindly sign up with Univer- Abortions. Situated opposite a Planned Parenthood sal Church Directories immediately. abortion facility, Our Lady of Guadalupe Convent in St. Louis, Missouri, in the United States, is run by the Everyone who Universal photographs will receive a Sisters of Christian Charity, who have helped to save complimentary 8x10 portrait and a directory! Univer- the lives of unborn babies every day since 2017. sal provides a complete professional portrait studio The convent in St Louis, established in 2017, was right here at our church. strategically set opposite a Planned Parenthood facility, which has since seen a significant decline in abortions. To sign up, please visit ucdir.com, choose photog- raphy appointment scheduling login. Then log in to The Respect Life Ministry of SEAS is always looking for make your appointment. The church code is FL738. new members especially the young. Our next meeting Church password is photos (in lower case). will be on March 12, 2022, at 9:30 in the Cody Room. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 15 February 20, 2022 View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
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