Directory of Education Services - For Schools, Academies and MATs 2021/22 - Strictly Education

Page created by Norman Mcgee
Directory of Education Services - For Schools, Academies and MATs 2021/22 - Strictly Education
Directory of
Education Services
For Schools, Academies and MATs
Directory of Education Services - For Schools, Academies and MATs 2021/22 - Strictly Education
Welcome to our Directory of
                                               Services 2021/22

Greater Support for Your                                   Our Commitment to You
School or Multi-Academy Trust                              We recognise the continuing pressures you face as a
                                                           school leader; of having to do more with less, managing
We are delighted to provide you with a new Directory
                                                           the health and wellbeing of your staff, keeping your
of Services from Strictly Education for 2021/22. Our
                                                           school safe and compliant - the list goes on. In
commitment to working in partnership with you is as
                                                           alignment with our mission, our priority is to reduce
strong as ever, and our new directory highlights the
                                                           the administrative burden you may face and help you
breadth and depth of the support we offer.
                                                           run your school efficiently by providing an integrated
                                                           solution across HR, payroll, finance, premises, MIS, IT
As the UK’s leading education-specific provider of
                                                           and governance.
professional support services we continue to grow.
Strictly Education 4S and Strictly Education 3BM
joined the company in 2019 which means we now
provide support to over 1,200 maintained schools, 900          Our Mission
academies and 180 MATs in 130 local authorities.               To be the trusted partner in education
                                                               support services, enabling you to achieve
United by a common purpose, we support you as                  the best outcomes for children and young
governors and school leaders to achieve the best               people.
outcomes for children and young people. Our
combined capabilities, strategic advice and hands-on           You educate, we support.
operational support will help you and your staff to
remain focused on the children and their teaching
and learning.
                                                           Working in Partnership
Improving Service Quality                                  Thank you for putting your trust in us over the last
For 2021/22 we have enhanced our offer and have            eighteen years. We come to work every day to help
several brand-new services which are highlighted on        support you to improve outcomes for the children
the adjacent page. We are committed to providing a         and young people in your care. It is our belief that our
high-quality service for your school or multi-academy      value to communities lies in not only the provision of
trust by listening to your requirements, providing         improved and efficient service delivery to schools and
constructive challenge and investing in our people,        academy trusts, but also through investing and
systems and quality assurance.                             making a social impact in the local communities
                                                           where we work.

Remote Delivery of Services                                                     Amanda Fisher
In response to the turbulence the education sector is                           Chief Executive Officer
enduring due to Covid-19, we have adapted our offer
where possible, by delivering some of our services and
training online. Remote delivery is provided through
our own online website platforms and by using
collaboration tools for video calls, webinars and screen
sharing including MS Teams, G Suite and GoTo Webinar
and GoTo Training.                                             Contact
                                                               T: 0330 123 2549

Directory of Education Services - For Schools, Academies and MATs 2021/22 - Strictly Education
New Services for 2021/22

        Payroll & Pensions                                      Leadership & Efficiency
                                         NEW                                                    NEW
Pensions LGPS Administration                            Governance SLA - page 69
Service - page 13                                       Enabling you to ensure effective governance in
Timely and accurate Local Government                    your school.
Pension Service (LGPS) providing monthly and
annual administration for Payroll clients.              Digital Teaching & Learning -
                                                        page 80
Internal Scrutiny - page 22                             Remote, digital platform implementation,
Providing added value and reassurance to your           providing inspirational learning beyond the
trust.                                                  classroom.

                                                        Computing Curriculum Support -
                                                        page 83
                                                        Providing advice and support to help schools
                                         NEW            gain the best value in educational computing.
Employee Assistance Programme
                                                        Higher Level Teaching Assistant
- page 31
                                                        Status - page 86
Help your staff take control of personal
                                                        Created for teaching assistants to support 1:1
difficulties by accessing expert advice, support
                                                        activities, group and whole class teaching.
and counselling.

                                                        Teaching Times - page 87
Staff Health & Wellbeing Survey -
                                                        Save up to 50% off the RRP of an annual
page 32
Helping create a nurturing culture by identifying
and addressing difficulties early on.

Leadership Recruitment &                            How to purchase from
Selection - page 34
                                                    Strictly Education
Integrated expert support for school leaders
and governing bodies from succession                We look forward to working with you in the year ahead,
planning through to appointment.                    so whether you’re an existing customer or have never
                                                    worked with us before, please get in touch by calling
                                                    0330 123 2549.

                                                    Our services and service level agreements (SLAs) can be
Contact                                             purchased on an annual basis.

E:                  Pricing
T: 0330 123 2549
                                                    All prices quoted exclude VAT, which will be charged
                                                    where applicable. Depending on your location, our
                                                    standard daily rate prices may be subject to an increase
                                                    where additional travel time is necessary. Some
                                                    services are subject to contract and special terms.

Directory of Education Services - For Schools, Academies and MATs 2021/22 - Strictly Education
Our Service Offer
 As education specialists, we understand that leaders within MATs, academies and schools, face the twin pressures
 of having to raise standards in the classroom, whilst managing significant structural, human and financial changes in
 their organisation.

 Strategic                                                       Flexible
 Our specialist education expertise means we provide             Modular contracts and flexible strategic and
 the strategic guidance and expertise to help you                operational support to meet your changing needs and
 achieve your educational vision.                                budget, delivered when and where you need.

 Operational                                                     Innovative
 Hands-on, on-demand operational support available 24            The latest technology to streamline processes, generate
 hours a day to reduce your administrative burden and            efficiencies and continuously monitor the performance
 enable you to remain focused on teaching and learning.          of your staff and pupils.

                   We operate across four strategic areas:
                              Strategic HR Support                   Strategic Payroll Planning

                    HR Advisory &
            Administration Services                                                  Payroll & Pensions

          Safeguarding &                                                                      Strategic Finance
           Legal Support                                                                      Support

     Staff Wellbeing                                                                               Accounting &
     & Performance                                                                                Finance Advice

Governance Services                                                                               Strategic Premises


  Independent Strategic                         Effi
     Advice & Support for                            cie                                      Premises Management
            School Leaders

                                                                                    Statutory Health & Safety
          Technology & Education

                                   MIS Systems for                   Premises Staffing
                              Leadership Reporting

Directory of Education Services - For Schools, Academies and MATs 2021/22 - Strictly Education
Table of Contents
Directory of Education Services 2020/21

Welcome Page				                                  2    School Premises Commissioned Services		 59
Our Service Offer				                             3    Site Managers’ Training				60
Table of Contents				                             5
                                                       Premises Staffing
                                                       Premises Site Cover - Premises Assistant and Site 62
           Payroll & Finance                      7    Supervisor
                                                       Site Assistant Cover				63
Payroll & Pensions                                     Building Cleaning Management Service		            64
                                                       Premises Cleaning Audit				65
Payroll Bureau Service				                    9        Grounds Maintenance 				66
Payroll Implementation 		               		   10
Pension Administration Service			            12
Pensions LGPS Administration Service		   NEW 13
Pensions LGPS Banding Letter Service
Pensions Auto-Enrolment Services
                                                                  Leadership Efficiency 67
Teachers’ Pensions Administration Service		  16
Salary Statements					17                               Governance Services & Support for School
National Fraud Initiative (NFI) Reporting		  18        Leaders
Finance                                                Governance SLA					69

School Bespoke Finance Support			      20              Better Governor Subscription			           70
Internal Scrutiny					22
                 NEW                                   Bespoke Governance Training & Development 71
MAT & Single Academy Bespoke Finance		 24              Session NEW
Bespoke Strategic Consultancy			       25              GovernorHub					72
                                                       Internal Scrutiny					73
                                                       Strategic Support for Senior Leaders			   74

           People                               27     MIS & Technology
                                                       SIMS Support					77
                                                       SIMS Training & Consultancy			      78
Education HR Services                                  Whole School Technical Support			   79
HR Comprehensive SLA 				                         28   Digital Teaching & Learning
                                                                                    NEW    80
HR Advisory SLA					28                                 Additional MIS Support				81
HR Website Subscription				28
                          NEW                          Additional Technical Services
                                                                                     NEW   82
Bespoke SLAs NEW					                             28   Computing Curriculum Support			 NEW 83
Occupational Health 				30
                                                       Additional Services
EAP & Mediation NEW
                                                       Free School Meals Eligibility Check			           85
Staff Health & Wellbeing Survey
                                  NEW             32
                                                       Higher Level Teaching Assistant Status
                                                                                             NEW        86
Leadership Recruitment & Selection 			 NEW        34
Administrative HR Services
                            NEW                   35
Training: Developing People Management Skills NEW 37   Training Programme				88
Training: Education HR Administration 		 NEW      38   Directory Price List				90
Training: Adult Mental Health First Aid
                                        NEW       39   Our Promise to You				  95
Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) 			            40   Service Information				96
Absence Management Tool & Monitoring		            41   Referral Scheme					97
Legal Advice					42
Job Benchmarking					44
Contracts of Employment				46                                                      Many of
                                                                                 our service
                                                                               are AVAILA
           Premises                             47                            through O
Premises Support
Property Support Helpdesk (HD+)			               50
Property Support Helpdesk (HD+) - Summary		      51
Fire Risk Assessment				52
Premises Management ‘Best Practice’ Gap Analysis 53
Health & Safety Audit				                        55
Health & Safety Helpdesk				                     56
Health & Safety E-Learning Package			            57
Health & Safety Schools Assist Service for MATs  58
Directory of Education Services - For Schools, Academies and MATs 2021/22 - Strictly Education
Directory of Education Services - For Schools, Academies and MATs 2021/22 - Strictly Education
Achieving best value from
budgets with specialist payroll,
pension & finance expertise

               Payroll & Finance                               7

Payroll & Pensions
Payroll Bureau Service									 9
Payroll Implementation                  		   			 		 10

                                                                   Payroll & Finance
Pension Administration Service						 		12
Pensions LGPS Administration Service					NEW     		 13
Pensions LGPS Banding Letter Service						          14
Pensions Auto-Enrolment Services				 				15
Teachers’ Pensions Administration Service					      16
Salary Statements										17
National Fraud Initiative (NFI) Reporting							18

School Bespoke Finance Support								20
Internal Scrutiny										22
Multi-Academy Trust & Single Academy Bespoke Finance				 24
Bespoke Strategic Consultancy								25

   The service we receive from our dedicated payroll officer
   cannot be faulted. The service provided, the accuracy of
   payments and the quality of data, means that Strictly
   Education is greater than the sum of its parts.

   Bryan Alcock, St James CE High School
Directory of Education Services - For Schools, Academies and MATs 2021/22 - Strictly Education
Payroll & Finance

Payroll and Pensions

                     Making sure your staff
                    are paid accurately and
                                   on time
Directory of Education Services - For Schools, Academies and MATs 2021/22 - Strictly Education
Payroll Bureau Service
Providing a fully managed payroll service to schools, academies and MATs,
ensuring employees are paid accurately and on time each month.

Key features of the service
Your employees being paid accurately and on time is        Benefits

                                                                                                                 Payroll & Finance | Page 11
the most important part of running an organisation.
At Strictly Education we ensure your employees are         1. Nominated payroll officer.
able to do what they do best - educating children and
                                                           2. Direct contact details for payroll officer
young people without the worry of their salaries being
                                                              and payroll manager.
                                                           3. First Run Payroll Reports, allowing for
                                                              comprehensive checking of payroll,
•   Processing the school’s payroll following an
                                                              available one week before payday.
    agreed schedule
                                                              Second Run Reports available three
•   Calculation of gross pay, deductions and                  days prior to payday.
    net pay
                                                           4. Customer satisfaction survey.
•   Statutory deductions in line with legislation
                                                           5. Regular customer experience calls.
•   Producing secure paper and electronic payslips
    for employees, delivered in time for pay date each
•   Standard and management reports
•   Producing P45s for leavers, delivered by post or     Price
    electronically direct to the employee
•   BACS payments for all employees                       Price on application
•   Third party BACS payments and reports
•   Specified pensions scheme returns and electronic
    transfer of payments where applicable
•   Calculation and processing of electronic payments      Just for MATs
    and returns to HM Revenue & Customs
•   Submission of the relevant HMRC monthly and
                                                           1. MAT overview of all schools data.
    annual returns within statutory deadlines
                                                           2. Suite of interactive MAT reports to give
•   Producing P60s for all live employees as at 5th
                                                              full visibility of financial data.
    April of the relevant year, with dispatch to the
    employee by the same method as the payslips            3. Monthly KPI reporting.

•   Ensuring that the payroll complies with statutory      4. Ability to run all payrolls at school level
    legislation requirements relating to pay                  or centrally.

•   Designated payroll contacts

                                                           T: 0330 123 2549

Directory of Education Services - For Schools, Academies and MATs 2021/22 - Strictly Education
Payroll Implementation
                              Providing a smooth transition into the payroll system, so schools, academies
                              and MATs are fully supported and employees are paid accurately and on-time.

                              Key features of the service
                              The Payroll Implementation process is fully managed          Benefits
Payroll & Finance | Page 12

                              by the dedicated implementation team.
                                                                                           1. Ensuring your employees are paid
                              Our welcome pack outlines the process, highlighting             accurately and on-time during the
                              key dates and actions and provides a smooth                     transition phase.
                              transition into the payroll bureau service.
                                                                                           2. Seamless transition from your previous
                              Clients also receive regular emails and telephone calls,
                              walking them through the on-boarding process at              3. Understanding how you work and how
                              each milestone. We designate a single point of contact          we can best meet your needs.
                              for the transition over to the payroll bureau service        4. Training is on-going and available
                              with a dedicated implementation officer.                        weekly. We are always available to
                                                                                              support you.
                              Training sessions are offered to clients, focusing on
                              payroll processes and efficient use of the payroll

                                   MAT Offer
                                                                                          Price on application
                                   Tailored training sessions for the individual
                                   schools, extra training on MAT specific

                                   MAT Price
                                   Adding an academy to your MAT?
                                   We have a team that understands the
                                   conversion process and will guide you

                                    £200 per academy

                                   Forming a MAT?
                                   We can guide you through the changes                    Contact
                                   needed with HMRC and convert your data
                                   to the new PAYE scheme.
                                    £200 per academy                                       T: 0330 123 2549
                                    (< 5 academies £250/academy)

Online HR solutions

                        HR Portal

           DBS Checks      Contract Variations
           Medical Checks  Contract Issuing
           Occupational  Absence
             Health Checks        Management

 Remove the administrative burden of staff contracts,
legislation compliance and child safeguarding through
                   our online portal.

       For more information about our online HR solutions
  Call 0330 123 2549 or email
Pensions Administration Service
                              Timely and accurate Teachers’ Pensions and LGPS monthly, and annual
                              administration for Payroll clients.

                              Key features of the service
                              Our pensions service provides calculation of             Benefits
Payroll & Finance | Page 14

                              employee and employer contributions using the
                              relevant pension fund legislation, with payment of       1. Single source of information for clients
                              contributions to the relevant pension fund - where          to refer to through our
                              applicable. The service also includes completion and        multi-pension report provided
                              submission of monthly payment remittances in the            each month.
                              required formats for LGPS and Teachers’ Pensions.
                                                                                       2. Expert advice and guidance available
                                                                                          through unlimited access to the
                              •    Calculation of employee and employer                   dedicated pensions helpdesk.
                                   contributions using pension fund legislation
                              •    Payment of contributions to the relevant
                                   pension funds where possible
                              •    Provide the Teachers’ Pensions MDC/MCR return
                              •    Provision of an iConnect Monthly Return
                              •    A monthly spreadsheet of all starters, leavers
                                   and changes of employee information for            Included in the standard Payroll
                                   LGPS members in an easy-to-use format              SLA price
                              •    Completion of unaudited EOYC annual returns in
                                   the required format
                              •    We will provide LGPS year end data in our
                                   standard template                                   Contact
                              •    Helpdesk support for ad-hoc queries at any time
                              •    Continuously reviewed processes ensuring            E:
                                   reports meet the legislative requirements of TP     T: 0330 123 2549
                                   and LGPS schemes

                                   MAT Offer
                                   We can combine the school level monthly
                                   reports into a MAT level report. We can
                                   offer private scheme reports should they
                                   use NEST or People’s Pensions as their
                                   alternative pension schemes.

                                   We can arrange the EOYC on your behalf
                                   with an approved external auditor.
                                   Additional fees apply to this service and
                                   are set by the audit firm.

Pensions LGPS Administration Service
Timely and accurate Local Government Pension Service, providing monthly and
annual administration for payroll clients.

Key features of the service
Strictly Education’s dedicated pensions team will log       Benefits

                                                                                                           Payroll & Finance | Page 15
into the pension fund portal each month on behalf of
the employer to submit starters/leavers details plus        1. Alleviates the administrative
any changes that need reporting.                               requirements of uploading documents
                                                               for your non-teaching staff
If the pension fund requires a monthly web
                                                            2. Saves valuable time
submission to be uploaded, we will upload this onto
the portal on their behalf. If the LGPS annual return       3. Adheres to regulations by LGPS funds
needs to be uploaded to the portal during the year
end process, we will upload this for clients and
respond to any queries leading from the upload.
This service is only available if the LGPS fund has an
online portal for Employer Self Service.                 for schools:

                                                          £600 per annum
    MAT Offer                                             + £100 admin fee for the first year only

    This service can be provided for MATs for
    any LGPS funds they work with, that have
                                                         for MATs:
    an online portal for employer self-service.
                                                          Price on application

                                                            T: 0330 123 2549

Pensions LGPS Banding Letter Service
                              Generation of statutory compliant letters for all staff enrolled in the LGPS scheme
                              as at 1st April each year.

                              Key features of the service
                              Letter Banding includes the creation of the required     Benefits
Payroll & Finance | Page 16

                              letter for each relevant member of staff in the LGPS
                              scheme, broken down by each separate contract the        1. Statutory compliance is achieved for
                              employee has.                                               LGPS administration.
                                                                                       2. PDF format letters, for employers to
                                                                                          tailor or brand.
                                                                                       3. Access via the payroll portal for
                                                                                          indefinite reference
                                                                                       4. Re-prints at any time.

                                                                                      Price on application

                                                                                       T: 0330 123 2549

Pensions Auto-Enrolment Services
Providing support to schools in respect of their administrative duties as an
employer, for auto-enrolment and re-enrolment.

Key features of the service
We provide written support to employees, a monthly     Benefits

                                                                                                        Payroll & Finance | Page 17
monitoring report and template letters plus we
complete declarations of compliance with The           1. Expert guidance and support
Pensions Regulator.                                       throughout the auto-enrolment
                                                       2. Collaboration to ensure that employer
                                                          obligations are met.
                                                       3. Time-saving through our auto-
                                                          enrolment service.
                                                       4. Working together to ensure avoidance
                                                          of penalties and fines by The Pensions

                                                      Price on application

                                                       T: 0330 123 2549

Teachers’ Pensions Administration
                              Monthly data collection return and monthly contribution reconciliation uploads
                              plus payroll remittance uploads to the Teachers’ Pensions portal.

                              Key features of the service
                              •    MDC/MCR report updating all teaching staff
Payroll & Finance | Page 18

                                   service and salary information with Teachers’
                                   Pensions each month                                  1. Time-saving for employers.
                              •    Monthly payment remittance reconciled against        2. Employer responsibilities met each
                                   the payment each month                                  month, within the deadlines set by
                              •    Service cleansing after uploads have taken place        Teachers’ Pensions.
                                                                                        3. Copies of all uploads provided
                                                                                           to employers.
                                                                                        4. Leave the burden of challenging
                                   Just for MATs                                           pensions reporting to experts.
                                   This service is only available to MATs, free         5. Adherence to regular changes in
                                   schools and academies.                                  legislation.

                                                                                       £600 per annum

                                                                                        T: 0330 123 2549

Salary Statements
Providing salary statements for teaching and support employees on an
annual basis.

Key features of the service
Salary Statements from Strictly Education provide an          Benefits

                                                                                                              Payroll & Finance | Page 19
annual determination of remuneration, as necessary
under the employer’s responsibility in a standard letter      1. Meets requirements for annual
template. A file containing letters for teaching staff is        Teaching Salary Statements.
available for portal users to download securely, for
                                                              2. Provides employees with an accurate
printing on school letter headed paper.
                                                                 statement of earnings.

Salary Statements can also be provided for non-
teaching staff, if required.

•   Annual determination of remuneration as                 Price
    necessary under the employer’s responsibility
•   Collation of information for the selected staff         < 75 Employees                             £150
    member                                                  > 75 Employees                             £250

                                                              T: 0330 123 2549

National Fraud Initiative Reporting
                              If the school, local authority or Audit Commission requires data to satisfy the
                              National Fraud Initiative, Strictly Education can provide this for you.

                              Key features of the service
                              The National Fraud Initiative is an exercise that
Payroll & Finance | Page 20

                              matches electronic data within and between public
                              and private sector bodies to prevent and detect fraud.     1. Meets the necessary requirements to
                                                                                            ensure you are NFI compliant.
                              We will produce a full report, meeting the                 2. Save administration time.
                              requirements of the NFI as outlined in their
                                                                                         3. A report produced directly from your
                              requirement documents.
                                                                                            payroll, ensuring accuracy.


                                                                                        £100 per report

                                                                                         T: 0330 123 2549

Payroll & Finance


Adding expertise across all aspects
of financial management including
 funding, budgeting and reporting
School Bespoke Finance Support
                              Whether you need a comprehensive detailed package or simply a three-day termly
                              review, this is the specialist package for your maintained school.

                              Key features of the service
                              This finance package is ideal for maintained schools         Benefits
Payroll & Finance | Page 22

                              that have multiple needs and are seeking advice on
                              their budgets, reconciliations and reporting. This           1. Assures best value for the Chair of
                              service also includes site visits to the school to              Maintained schools.
                              support operational and strategic issues, helpdesk
                                                                                           2. Ensures that coding structure is in
                              and email support.
                                                                                              line with DfE requirements for school
                              We will discuss with you the level of support you
                              require and agree the number of days support                 3. Relieves staff of other work
                              required. Additional days can also be purchased                 commitments.
                              at a discounted rate should circumstances change
                              in the year.

                              Key features include:
                              •    Budget review and assistance with termly
                                   reviews                                              0 - 6 Days                                    £570
                              •    Quarterly return, advice and assistance with
                                                                                        7 - 12 Days                                   £530
                                   budgets, reconciliations and reporting
                              •    Budget review, monitoring and data entry,            12+ Days                                      £500
                                   reconciliations, advice and general assistance       Strategic Management Consultancy
                              •    Review of Consistent Financial Reporting codes for   (per day)
                                   maintained schools providing correct reporting
                              •    Support with the completion of mandatory SFVS
                                   for submission to local authority
                              •    Support for Access Education Budgets (formerly
                                   HCSS Budgeting)

                                   Spotlight on CPD
                                   One-to-one and bespoke training is
                                   available on all systems, including PS
                                   Financials, SIMS FMS, Capita Finance, Access
                                   Education Budgets, Corero and Sage.

                                   A range of training for SIMS is available
                                   throughout the year.                                    Contact
                                                                                           T: 0330 123 2549

Are you ready for
internal scrutiny?

Adding value and                                                 31st DEC
reassurance to your trust
A review by our team provides independent        W   Independent and objective,
assurance that can add significant value to           advice from a “critical friend”
the trust and provide assurance to trustees
that key risks are being mitigated effectively.   W   Tailored to MAT requirements and
                                                     risks identified in the risk register
Every academy now has a statutory duty           W   Delivered by education specialists
to complete internal scrutiny by the period
                                                 W   Separate to external auditing
ending 31st August. We can ensure that
financial controls, and risk management           W   Guidance on how the trust
procedures are operating effectively                  board can move forward
within your academy trust.
                                                 W   Secure document sharing portal to
                                                     ensure we can work as effectively
For more details please see overleaf.                remotely as we can in school

                                                                      0330 123 2549
Get in touch today                         
Internal Scrutiny
                              Providing independent assurance to ensure your academy trust is ready
                              for internal scrutiny.

                              Key features of the service                                       •     Visit each term to carry out the review, three per year
                                                                                                      with a report of findings.
                              The new statutory duty placed on MATs and the trust board
Payroll & Finance | Page 24

                                                                                                •     A summary report of the year’s findings will be supplied
                              in the 2019 Academies Financial Handbook (AFH), has                     to your external auditors at the audit scoping meeting.
                              significantly strengthened the requirement for independent              This report must be uploaded to the DfE with your
                              assurance to be sought to ensure that financial controls and            accounts by 31st December to ensure you comply with
                              other risk management procedures are operating effectively              the AFH.
                              within their academy trust.

                              Our service provides assurances to the academy trust
                              board, in line with the new statutory duty for the reporting
                              period ending on 31st August 2021. Trust boards will need
                              to ensure compliance with this requirement. The cycle of
                              scrutiny undertaken by our team can add significant value              1. Independent and objective advice from
                              to the trust and provide assurance to trustees that key                   a ‘critical friend’.
                              risks are being mitigated effectively. As risk management
                                                                                                     2. Provides assurances to the Academy
                              underpins internal scrutiny, you will have access to best
                                                                                                        Trust Board, in line with the AFH new
                              risk management tools and templates to support your risk
                              management strategy.
                                                                                                        statutory duty.
                                                                                                     3. Strategic approach tailored to MAT
                              This new service is independent and objective and will be                 requirements and risks identified in the
                              directed by the scheme of work agreed by the trust’s audit                risk register.
                              committee’s programme of internal scrutiny.
                                                                                                     4. Far-reaching reporting enables the
                                                                                                        Trust to demonstrate steps towards
                                   What you will receive                                                improvement and mitigating risk.
                                                                                                     5. Education-specific expertise and
                                   •      A flexible service that can be scaled dependant
                                                                                                        support from our wide-reaching
                                          on the size of the trust, but we anticipate most
                                                                                                        portfolio of services and suitably
                                          visits to trusts will be limited to once per term.
                                                                                                        experienced scrutineers.
                                   •      Subsequent to the visit, feedback is provided
                                                                                                     6. No conflict of interest as Strictly
                                          and an annual summary report incorporating,
                                                                                                        Education doesn’t provide external
                                          where appropriate, recommendations that
                                          enhance the trust’s financial and operational
                                          controls, and risk management, will be
                                          submitted to the Audit Committee after
                                          management comments have been included.
                                   •      This report will then be available for sharing with   Price
                                          the trust’s external auditors for submission, with
                                          your annual accounts, to the Education and
                                          Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) to meet the 31st
                                                                                                    Price on application
                                          December deadline.                                        Prices will vary dependant on the size of the
                                   We can offer a Trust Board presentation to trustees              academy trust and its requirements.
                                   and where required, support advice and guidance
                                   from experienced governance experts on how the
                                   Trust Board can implement recommendations
                                   moving forward.
                              The process, driven by the Audit Committee would follow the
                              following guidelines:
                                                                                                      T: 0330 123 2549
                              •        Meeting with the Audit Committee to agree the
                                       programme of work for the coming academic year.

Have a clearer picture of
    the numbers that drive
    your trust

                                                                    for academy
                                                                   trust financial
Not just your pupils                                                  services’
deserve clear reports
Strictly Education has developed software to demystify the financial figures for your trust.
Our unique reporting tool provides clear budget monitoring reports to suit the different
needs within the trust.

W   Current finance software integration            W   A clear set of dashboards of key
                                                       information – designed for all
W   Works with your chart of accounts                  stakeholders
W   Maps to the DfE Academy Chart of Accounts      W   Key KPI comparisons providing
    for ease of statutory reporting to the DfE         benchmarking against similar trusts
W   Clear engaging RAG rated budget monitoring     W   Assisted commentary pack
    reports for senior leadership teams and
    separate strategic board reports

                                                                           0330 123 2549
Get in touch today                              
MAT & Single Academy Financial
                              Services Package
                              Provision of secure and comprehensive support to the central MAT finance team
                              and all establishments within a multi-academy trust (MAT).
                                                                                                        NEW FEATURES
                              Key features of the service                             Additional Consultancy Days

                              Benefit from unlimited telephone and email support,     Additional consultancy days can also be purchased on
Payroll & Finance | Page 26

                              assistance with month end reporting and forecasting     an ad-hoc basis, at a discounted rate, to support the
                              to aid decision making by SLT and trustees with full    needs of the trust as required, these could include:
                              ESFA compliance.                                        •    Staff recruitment
                                                                                      •    Financial Health checks and benchmarking
                              Budget Monitoring Tool NEW                              •    Staff and trustee training- including financial
                              In addition to this, your monthly management                 responsibilities
                              accounts will be produced using Strictly Education’s    •    Support to help avoid a deficit or produce a
                              new, unique monthly management accounting and                three-year recovery plan
                              budget monitoring tool. This includes the production
                              of the engaging SLT budget monitoring report, board
                              reports, commentary and KPI dashboards to fully
                              meet the financial governance expectations of the            Benefits
                              ESFA. Designed with the end user in mind, both from a
                              financial or non-financial background.                       1. Includes new budget monitoring tool.
                                                                                           2. ESFA mandatory deadlines met.
                              Other key features include:
                                                                                           3. Assisting the trust’s financial
                              •    Site visits, remote support or a combination, to           management team to meet ESFA
                                   best meet the needs of the trust and current               statutory requirements.
                                   environmental situation                                 4. Assisting the team to provide accurate
                              •    Access to Strictly Education’s directory of                and timely reports for trustees.
                                   templates, such as ‘Month-End Procedure                 5. Experienced staff working with PS
                                   Checklist’                                                 Financials, SIMS FMS, Sage, Access and
                              •    Assistance with your academy or MAT’s monthly              Corero.
                                   checklists and reconciliations and inter-company
                              •    Budgetary and longer-term financial forecasting
                              •    Cashflow forecasting
                              •    VAT returns
                              •    ESFA, BFR and BFRO reports and submissions             Price on application
                                   dealt with
                              •    Assistance with budget monitoring software (this
                                   can be on a full or light touch approach)
                              •    Audit preparation and be on hand to support you         Contact
                                   through the full audit process at year-end
                              •    Compliance with Academies Financial Handbook            E:
                              •    Risk management processes                               T: 0330 123 2549
                              •    Training and support to understand financial
                                   responsibilities of senior staff and trustees
                              •    Enhanced consultancy can be purchased on a half
                                   or full day basis

Bespoke Strategic Consultancy
A bespoke package of pre-arranged consultancy days designed for one-off services
to suit various circumstances.

Key features of the service

                                                                                                             Payroll & Finance | Page 27
This strategic support is a bespoke package which is
designed around the specific needs of your school.
It can be used to provide support and guidance on a        1. Annual packages can be purchased at a
number of areas, such as:                                     discounted rate.
•   Operational review and operational staff structure     2. Daily or hourly rates considered.
•   Transition planning                                    3. Flexible support when required.
•   Process review and streamlining to realise             4. Financial support for senior leadership
    efficiencies and enhanced best practice                   team and governing bodies.
•   Finance system or coding structure transition
•   CPD training support to enhance staff and trustee
    knowledge and awareness                              Price
•   Recruitment support
                                                          Price on application

    Strictly Education worked with our whole
    operations team prior to a consultation process        Contact
    resulting from a school merger. Their perceptive
    insight was fundamental in designing a                 E:
    proposed structure which combined efficiency,
                                                           T: 0330 123 2549
    value and future proofing. As a result of the
    open and responsive approach, we have
    successfully achieved widespread buy-in to a
    new structure and were able to benefit from
    their support in subsequent selection processes.

    Senior School Leader

Helping you manage and retain
the best staff

              People                                     27

Education HR Services
HR Comprehensive SLA 									28
HR Advisory SLA										28
HR Website Subscription									28
Bespoke SLAs NEW										28
Occupational Health 									30
EAP and Mediation NEW										31
Staff Health and Wellbeing Survey
                                     NEW             32
Leadership Recruitment and Selection 							34
Administrative HR Services 									35

Training: Developing People Management Skills
                                              NEW    37
Training: Education HR Administration 							38
Training: Adult Mental Health First Aid
                                        NEW          39
Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) 							           40
Absence Management Tool & Monitoring							41
Legal Advice											42
Job Benchmarking										44
Contracts of Employment									46

   The services the HR team provide are fundamental to
   running our school.

   Monica Paines, Headteacher
Consultancy, Advisory & Strategic HR
                   Manage your HR matters effectively and with confidence. Our Education HR
                   consultants, HR Advisory Service and online resources ensure you have access to
                   timely and appropriate professional HR advice.

                   Key features of the service                                     HR Website Subscription                                NEW
                   Our flexible range of SLAs ensure the appropriate level         A website subscription provides unlimited full access to the
                   of support to suit your needs and help you manage the           latest guidance, model policies, templates, bulletins and
                   unpredictability of some HR matters.                            much more for two registered users.

                   The HR Comprehensive SLA and HR Advisory SLA                    (Subscription to the website is automatically included for
                   both include full access to our website, but we also offer a    clients purchasing our Comprehensive and Advisory
                   standalone website subscription. See summary table below        Service SLAs)
                   and key HR areas of support on the subsequent pages.

                                                                                   Key Education HR areas of support
                   HR Comprehensive SLA                                            Our Education HR services cover all aspects of employing
                   This is our most popular SLA which includes unlimited           and managing staff in an education setting. We provide
                   access to the HR Advisory Service and a named consultant        advice and guidance on the following areas:
                   who can develop a close professional working relationship
                                                                                   •   Strategic HR Planning
                   with your setting to enhance the service that you receive.
                   Access to your named consultant is unlimited for:               •   Conduct and Discipline

                   •    Telephone and email support                                •   Performance Management and Capability
People | Page 30

                   •    Attendance at formal meetings such as hearings             •   Management of Absence
                        (including pre-meetings) and appeals                       •   Appointment of Staff
                   •    Attendance at formal consultation meetings with            •   Pay and Terms and Conditions of Employment
                        staff and/or unions, e.g. redundancy or restructuring,     •   Grievances and Disputes
                        TUPE, etc.
                                                                                   •   Management of Change
                   In addition to this, the SLA includes provision for a number    •   Employment Law
                   of on-site or remote meetings for up to two hours each:         •   Equality and Diversity
                   •    One strategic planning meeting using our HR strategic
                        discussion model to enable a more proactive approach
                        to HR support for your school                              Bespoke SLAs                   NEW
                   •    A further two meetings (for primary and special schools)   In order to meet the varying HR needs of different schools
                        or five meetings (for secondary schools) for HR matters    and MATs, we can also offer flexible SLAs tailored to your
                        as requested by the school. For example, these optional    requirements and budget in addition to our standard SLAs.
                        meetings could be for attendance at investigation or
                        informal meetings, redundancy selection meetings/
                        interviews prior to formal stages or one-to-one
                        meetings with staff during the redundancy process
                   If more meetings are needed by schools these can be
                   purchased on a pay-as-you-go basis.

                   HR Advisory SLA
                   HR matters are not always straightforward and it can help
                   enormously to talk through the available options with our
                   experienced HR consultants and advisers. Unlimited advice
                   is available by telephone and email:

                   In term time:
                   Mon – Thur 08:00 – 17:30, Fri 08:00 – 16:30

                   In school holidays:
                   Mon – Fri 09:30 – 16:00

Consultancy, Advisory & Strategic HR

Features of the service                                                                     HR Advisory
                                                                         Comprehensive                    Subscription
A named HR consultant to gain a fuller understanding of your school’s
HR needs.
                                                                               W                X               X
Unlimited support from your named HR consultant via email/
                                                                               W                X               X
Unlimited attendance of your named HR consultant at formal
                                                                               W                X               X
Annual on-site strategic meeting with your named HR consultant.                W                X               X
Further on-site or virtual meetings with your named HR consultant
on HR matters as requested by the school. (Up to 2 per annum for
primary/special schools and 5 for secondary schools)
                                                                               W                X               X
Unlimited calls/emails to our HR Advisory Service.                             W                W               X

                                                                                                                          People | Page 31
Unlimited access to our website which has over 1,000 sector-specific
policies, guidance documents, templates and other useful resources.
                                                                               W                W               W
Regular newsletters (HR Bytes) with hot topics and best practice
                                                                               W                W               W
   Benefits                                                         Please refer to pricing table on page 91.

   1. Expert advice from Education HR
      specialists.                                                      Contact
   2. A named consultant is able to build a
      close working relationship with you,
      which allows greater understanding
                                                                        T: 0330 123 2549
      of your HR needs and more tailored
      support (Comprehensive SLA
   3. Manage complex staffing issues, giving
      you peace of mind and minimising
      the risk of employment tribunals and
      associated costs.
   4. Up-to-date guidance documents, model
      letters and templates to save you time
      but ensure you comply with regulations.
   5. Creative solutions to complex HR issues.
   6. Our range of services provide the HR
      support you need, when you need it
      most at an affordable price that you can
      budget for more reliably.

Occupational Health
                   This service supports our customers and their line managers to address and
                   overcome the day-to-day challenges of sickness and absence as well as providing
                   pre-medical screening.

                   Key features of the service
                   Your staff are the key to the successful running             Benefits
                   of your establishment, and their wellbeing is
                   vitally important.                                           1. Sophisticated clinical triage.
                                                                                2. Managers and employees are
                   In association with our provider, we can arrange half-
                   day sessions for your staff to receive flu vaccinations
                   and immunisation programmes as a preventative                3. Productivity is maximised.
                   measure.                                                     4. A dedicated customer care team.
                                                                                5. Free advisory service to support
                   We can also arrange access to a physiotherapist,                any application.
                   Employee Assistance Programme and Drug & Alcohol             6. Compliance with Health & Safety and
                   Screening. A series of Health Information Sheets to             employment legislation.
                   help improve understanding of the more common
                   conditions can be supplied.

                   Occupational Health teams keep people well at work –
People | Page 32

                   physically and mentally. We deliver:

                   •    Quick and easy online pre-placement medical
                        questionnaires reviewed by experienced               Referrals to Consultancy Services
                        medical professionals
                   •    Occupational Health referral meetings with           Employee seen by an Occupational Health
                                                                             Physician including report
                        experienced doctors and nurses
                   •    A comprehensive report providing medical advice      Letters from Consultancy                    £170
                        on the best way forward                              Pre-placement questionnaires                £20
                                                                             Pre-placement consultation with a nurse     £60

                                                                                T: 0330 123 2549

Staff Health & Wellbeing Support
These enable schools to create a nurturing culture by identifying and addressing
difficulties early on. Services include Employee Assistance Programme and
Employee Assistance                                               Mediation Service
Programme                                                         Mediation can be a powerful tool to develop harmonious
                                                                  working relationships. A trained mediator can help to add
Our Employee Assistance Programme will help your staff            perspective and balance in a way that is more palatable to
to take control of personal difficulties by accessing expert      the individuals than from school peers or leaders.
advice or counselling, as appropriate.
                                                                  Key features of the service
Key features of the service                                       •    A structured approach can facilitate solutions to a range
•    A confidential freephone helpline, available 24 hours             of workplace conflict situations
     a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year for employees          •    Mutually agreeable outcomes are facilitated by impartial
     and their families to receive expert advice on personal,          professionals and underpinned by a written agreement
     family, financial and legal issues
                                                                  •    This is an effective alternative to formal procedures e.g.
•    Telephone assessment with a trained counsellor for                grievance, disciplinary or capability, and reduces the
     personal problems, followed by up to six sessions                 number of employment tribunal cases
     of telephone or face-to-face counselling, or online
     e-cognitive behaviour therapy (e-cbt) as deemed
     clinically appropriate                                       Price
•    The provision of the wellbeing platform, ‘Optimise’, to

                                                                                                                                    People | Page 33
     aid identification of health and wellbeing risks, designed       Price on application
     to empower employees to take greater control of
     their wellbeing. Users can access four different health
     risk assessments as well as a wealth of resources on
     wellbeing related topic

In association with

                                                                       1. Support for staff on wellbeing,
Price                                                                     emotional, financial, legal and family
    Price on application                                               2. Effective mediation leading to improved
                                                                          working relationships, productivity and
                                                                          staff retention.

                                                                      T: 0330 123 2549

Staff Health & Wellbeing Survey
                   The Ofsted Inspection Framework includes staff wellbeing as an important
                   measure of school leadership, with effective communication and engagement
                   being key elements.

                   Key features of the service
                   Our Staff Health & Wellbeing Survey can support you with           Benefits
                   creating a strategy to improve the wellbeing of staff in your
                   school. This service includes:                                     1.   Gain a more reliable and authentic
                   •    An easy to complete online survey tailored to the                  perspective on staff wellbeing through use
                        education sector, with sections covering:                          of a survey, which is run independently of
                                                                                           the school/employer.
                                                                                      2.   Target wellbeing interventions where they
                              ‫څ‬    Job satisfaction                                        are most needed to make best use of limited
                              ‫څ‬    Communication and working                               resources.
                                                                                      3.   Take a ‘temperature check’ on wider aspects
                              ‫څ‬    Work-life balance
                                                                                           of workforce engagement and factors
                              ‫څ‬    The physical working environment
                                                                                           affecting retention and productivity.
                              ‫څ‬    Health and wellbeing
                                                                                      4.   Demonstrate that the organisation
                                                                                           values the workforce and is committed to
                   •    A detailed bespoke report containing an analysis of the            improving the quality of work and work-life
                        survey results with recommendations and suggested                  balance.
People | Page 34

                        areas to prioritise
                   •    No limit on staff numbers participating per employer

                                                                                   Primary/Special schools                           £349

                                                                                   Secondary schools                                 £459

                                                                                     T: 0330 123 2549

Help Employee
                             Assistance Programme
                        Our Help Employee Assistance Programme

                             in higher sickness absence costs, but it leads to

                             Our Help Employee Assistance Programme is
                             perfect for the education sector

  The service includes an online wellbeing platform that is a tool to help
  school employees take control of their health and wellbeing and is
  designed to highlight any risk factors and encourage health and personal

Find out more, contact
Call 0330 123 2549                                       In association with
                                                           Optima Health
Leadership Recruitment & Selection
                   We offer a bespoke service to support you through the recruitment and selection

                   Key features of the service
                   In this current competitive recruitment market, it is              Benefits
                   important that schools showcase what they can offer
                   effectively and reach as many potential candidates as              1.   Ensuring the recruitment process is robust
                   possible. We can help you identify the best candidate with              and meets all legal requirements.
                   the right skills.                                                  2.   Enabling governors to select a bespoke
                                                                                           service that meets the needs of their
                   The recruitment and selection of leadership roles in                    individual circumstances.
                   schools and colleges can amount to the most critical task a        3.   Provision of expert advice in relation to a
                   governing body is responsible for, particularly given that the          wide range of leadership roles including
                   cost of making the wrong appointment can be substantial.                Executive Head, Headteacher, Head of
                                                                                           School, Deputy and Assistant Head.
                   We offer a bespoke service to support you through the              4.   Securing the appointment of the best
                   recruitment and selection process. An HR consultant would               possible candidate for the school.
                   attend an initial planning meeting free of charge to scope
                   out the support needed and then provide you with a no
                   obligation estimate of the costs.
People | Page 36

                   After a free scoping meeting to identify your requirements,      Price
                   we can provide you with resources, advice and expert
                   support to enable you to:
                                                                                     Price on application
                   •    Undertake a rigorous planning process
                   •    Review your leadership structure
                   •    Design a high-quality assessment and selection process,
                        including providing key resources
                   •    Ensure maximum impact of your recruitment
                   •    Determine the suitability of candidates to lead
                        your school
                                                                                     T: 0330 123 2549
                   •    Deliver professional feedback to all candidates

Administrative HR Services
A range of services to help you review your administrative functions and ensure
your staff are deployed effectively and HR practices are up-to-date, appropriate
and compliant with the latest regulations.

School Office Review                                            Personnel File Review
The changing nature of the administrative functions of          Schools hold a range of information on personnel files,
schools has led to an increased and diversified workload. An    either because they are legally required to do so or because
office review by an independent observer can be a prudent       it helps to operate and monitor policies and procedures,
investment.                                                     compile and analyse data and respond to information
                                                                requests. Whatever the reason, it is essential that best
Key features of the service                                     practice is being followed for safeguarding, recruitment and
•   A comprehensive review of the administrative function       selection, and time-bonded storage.
    of your school office
                                                                Key features of the service
•   Assessment of some or all of the following: task
    allocation, workload, efficiency of systems and             •   A comprehensive review of the content and
    resources, staffing structures and working hours                organisation of personnel files, linking them to vital
                                                                    statutory documents such as the single central record
•   Interviews with other staff as users of the service (e.g.
    SLT and teachers)                                           •   Guidance on maintaining employee data as well as
                                                                    legislative compliance with General Data Protection
•   Work-based observations
                                                                    Regulations (GDPR), Data Protection Act 2018
•   Production of a report making recommendations on
                                                                •   Correctly organised personnel files enable key
    improvements and efficiences
                                                                    employee information and data analysis to be carried

                                                                                                                                People | Page 37
                                                                    out efficiently

Single Central Record Review                                    Employment Contracts
The rules about who and what must be included on the            Review
single central record are complex because of the wide
range of people who interact with schools, whether on           Education staff work to a complex range of different terms
a professional or voluntary basis. This review will ensure      and conditions, covered by national and local arrangements,
compliance and provide valuable professional development        in a variety of settings and different roles. Continuity of
for office staff.                                               service and TUPE arrangements also require extra vigilance
                                                                to ensure contractual arrangements are accurate and
Key features of the service                                     up-to-date.
•   A comprehensive review of your single central record        Key features of the service
    with recommendations regarding errors, amendments
    and improvements to satisfy current Ofsted                  •   A comprehensive review of contractual records to
    requirements                                                    identify discrepancies, and ensure they are up-to-date
                                                                    and accurately reflect the terms and conditions of each
•   Provision of a ‘tried and tested’ single central template
    for you to use that will ensure safeguarding protocols
    are enforced                                                •   Ensuring accuracy and compliance with legal
                                                                    requirements will avoid the risk of contractual disputes
•   The option to enlist the time of an HR officer to make
                                                                    in the future
    necessary amendments to the single central record on
    your behalf                                                 •   This service can be undertaken in conjunction with a
                                                                    personnel file review

* Geographical restrictions may apply

Administrative HR Services
                   Due Diligence Checks of
                   HR Records                                                           Benefits
                   Whether you are preparing to join a multi-academy
                   trust, preparing for an Ofsted inspection or planning a              Our range of HR administration services can
                   restructuring process, a due diligence check will ensure your        help optimise the efficiency of your internal HR
                   HR records are accurate, consistent, up-to-date and fully            functions and compliance of your school with
                   compliant with current legislation.                                  Ofsted and other legal requirements.

                   Key features of the service
                   •    Pre-employment checks are reviewed to ensure these
                        have been undertaken appropriately
                   •    Single central record and contractual documentation is
                        reviewed to ensure it is up-to-date and compliant with
                        latest guidance
                   •    Payroll records are cross-checked with personnel files         Following our school office review, thanks for a
                        to ensure the information matches                              really useful and thorough report. I’ve shared it
                                                                                       with our staffing governor to decide next steps.
                   •    A summary report is provided with a red/amber/green
People | Page 38

                                                                                       Thank you for your sensitivity, expertise and
                        rating and recommended actions for each of these
                                                                                       clear recommendations.
                        three areas

                                                                                       Headteacher, Junior School, Surrey

                   HR Administration Cover
                   The HR responsibilities of the school bursar or business
                   leader are often an integral part of this role. If this position
                   becomes unexpectedly vacant, it is essential that key HR            Price on application
                   tasks are continued and therefore our HR admin cover
                   service can prove invaluable (service subject to location).

                   Key features of the service
                   •    This service provides interim cover to maintain the             Contact
                        school’s HR administration function in the absence of
                        the bursar                                                     E:
                   •    Tasks undertaken include recruitment (advertisements,          T: 0330 123 2549
                        contracts, offer letters); issuing/amending contracts;
                        new starter administration; induction and probation
                        administration; DBS, single central record updates/
                        checks; occupational health referrals; end of contract
                   •    This service also includes a handover to the bursar at
                        the end of the cover period

                   * Geographical restrictions may apply

Training: Developing People
Management Skills
Effective management of employees is essential for the productivity and success of
a school as well as the wellbeing of staff. Our portfolio of courses is invaluable for
helping to develop the people management skills of teachers and leaders.
Key features of the service                                        Redeployment - Job Search Training
Training can be delivered on-site or online depending on           Cost savings through restructuring is a necessary reality
location and requirement. We provide a wide range of               sometimes, so staff vulnerable to redundancy may benefit
training workshops on the management of HR in a school             from this course. The recruitment process can be very
setting.                                                           competitive and overwhelming especially for long-term
                                                                   staff who have not navigated their way through it for many
•    Specifically designed content for staff working
                                                                   years. This course covers where to search for jobs and
     in schools
                                                                   helps delegates identify their strengths and experience and
•    Delivered by our experienced Education HR                     present these effectively in an application process
     practitioners                                                  and interview.
•    Termly scheduled courses give the additional benefit of
     sharing experiences with peers
                                                                   Additional courses available
•    Courses can also be tailored to your needs and
     delivered at your school at a time that suits you             •    Managing Stress and Building Resilience

•    Content can be adapted to accommodate varying                 •    Team Building
     numbers of staff: individuals, small groups or                •    Managing Demands on Your Time
     whole school                                                  •    Managing Capability Issues

                                                                                                                                  People | Page 39
                                                                   •    Managing Redundancy and Changing Staffing Needs
Safer Recruitment for School
This workshop is aimed at all those with a responsibility
for recruitment, including those who may be shortlisting                Benefits
and interviewing staff as well as those responsible for
undertaking vetting checks.                                             1.   Provides delegates with a mix of up to date
This training meets the requirement of School Staffing                       information, theory, skills training and peer
(England) Regulations 2009 for at least one panel member                     discussion, which develops confidence to
who conducts an interview in a maintained school to be                       manage people effectively.
trained in safer recruitment.                                           2.   Central courses with other schools provide
                                                                             the opportunity to share expertise.
Appraisal Training                                                      3.   Bespoke training in your setting can ensure
                                                                             a consistent approach is implemented
The appraisal process done well provides an opportunity for
                                                                             across the school.
staff to reflect on the past and feel valued and motivated to
identify areas for growth. This takes specific skills, knowledge
and preparation on the responsibilities of both appraiser
and appraisee. We can deliver courses for both parties.

Managing Difficult Conversations                                   Price
This workshop, through a blend of theory, practice and
observation helps to develop the skills and confidence
                                                                       Price on application
necessary to have effective conversations with staff about
underperformance and/or misconduct.

Managing Investigations                                                 Contact
If grievance, conduct or capability issues are raised, it is
important that the correct procedure is followed to avoid              E:
potential legal proceedings. This workshop covers the issues           T: 0330 123 2549
specific to the education sector and helps develop the skills
to carry out a robust investigation.

You can also read