Page created by Christina Payne

   2020– 2021

      N yce Daniel
     Nyce Daniel, Principal
LHTC School Catalog 2020 - 2021

                                       TABLE OF CONTENTS
ADMINISTRATION ........................................................................................................................... V
VISION STATEMENT ....................................................................................................................... V
MISSION STATEMENT .................................................................................................................... V
CORE VALUES ................................................................................................................................... V
PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE ................................................................................................................. V
ACCREDITATIONS ……………………………………………………………………………… - 6 -
GENERAL INFORMATION ........................................................................ - 8 -
HISTORY ........................................................................................................................................ - 8 -
FACILITIES .................................................................................................................................. - 9 -
PROGRAM OVERVIEW .............................................................................................................. - 9 -
OPEN-ENTRY/OPEN-EXIT PROGRAMS ................................................................................. - 9 -
DUAL ENROLLMENT ................................................................................................................. - 9 -
BOOKSTORE ................................................................................................................................. - 10 -
LOST AND FOUND....................................................................................................................... - 10 -
CHILDCARE SERVICES ............................................................................................................. - 10 -
CAFETERIA................................................................................................................................... - 10 -
MEDIA CENTER ........................................................................................................................... - 10 -
COPYRIGHT POLICY ................................................................................................................... - 10 -
CONSUMER INFORMATION ..................................................................................................... - 11-
TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT ........................................................................................................... - 11 -
SECURITY...................................................................................................................................... - 11 -
STUDENT IDENTIFICATION .................................................................................................... - 11 -
PARKING ...................................................................................................................................... - 11 -
ACADEMIC YEAR ....................................................................................................................... - 11 -
STUDENT SERVICES ............................................................................. - 12 -
ADMISSIONS................................................................................................................................. - 12 -
DUAL ENROLLMENT ADMISSIONS ........................................................................................ - 12 -
COUNSELING ............................................................................................................................... - 13 -
SERVICES FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES ............................................................... -13 -
STUDENT HEALTH ..................................................................................................................... - 13 -
ATTENDANCE POLICY ............................................................................................................... - 13 -
TRANSFER POLICY ..................................................................................................................... - 13 -
WITHDRAWAL POLICY .............................................................................................................. -13 -

LHTC School Catalog 2020 - 2021

EDUCATIONAL BENEFITS FOR VETERANS ......................................................................... - 13 -
ATTENDANCE AGREEMENT FOR VETERANS .................................................................... - 14 -
VETERAN'S ATTENDANCE POLICY ........................................................................................ - 14 -
STANDARDS OF ACADEMIC PROGRESS FOR VA STUDENTS ............................................ - 14-
VETERAN'S CREDIT FOR PREVIOUS EDUCATION OR TRAINING ................................... - 14 -
FINANCIAL INFORMATION .................................................................... - 15 -
FINANCIAL AID .......................................................................................................................... - 15 -
GENERAL ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................... - 15 -
FINANCIAL AID STANDARDS OF ACADEMIC PROGRESS ............................................... - 15 -
TUITION/FEES ............................................................................................................................ - 18 -
TUITION/FEE WAIVERS ........................................................................................................... - 18 -
PRO-RATED FEES ...................................................................................................................... -18-
REFUND POLICY ........................................................................................................................ - 18 -
ACADEMIC POLICIES ............................................................................. - 19 -
GRADING SYSTEM ..................................................................................................................... - 19 -
UNSATISFACTORY PROGRESS ............................................................................................... - 19 -
PROBATION ................................................................................................................................. - 19 -
TEST OF ADULT BASIC EDUCATION (TABE) ...................................................................... - 19 -
APPLIED ACADEMICS FOR ADULT EDUCATION (AAAE) ................................................ - 20 -
LICENSURE PROGRAMS ........................................................................................................... - 20 -
STUDENTS’ RIGHTS .............................................................................. - 20 -
STUDENT RIGHT-TO-KNOW AND CAMPUS SECURITY ACT OF 1990 ........................... - 20 -
GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES FOR STUDENTS ...................................................................... - 21 -
STUDENTS .................................................................................................................................... - 21 -
STUDENT RECORDS ................................................................................................................... - 21 -
AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT ................................................................................. - 21 -
CONDUCT AND DISCIPLINE..................................................................................................... - 22 -
SMOKING....................................................................................................................................... - 22 -
APPROVED DRESS CODE .......................................................................................................... - 22 -
FAMILY EDUCATIONAL RIGHTS & PRIVACY ACT (FERPA) ............................................ - 22 -
ADULT GENERAL EDUCATION (AGE) .................................................... - 23 -
ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................. - 23 -
LENGTH OF COURSE ................................................................................................................. - 23 -
COST ............................................................................................................................................... - 23 -
ADULT BASIC EDUCATION (ABE) ........................................................................................... - 23 -

LHTC School Catalog 2020 - 2021

ENGLISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES (ESOL)............................................. - 23 -
GENERAL EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (GED)......................................... - 23 -
CAREER/TECHNICAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS .................................... - 25 -
ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION ................................................ - 27 -
ELECTRICITY ............................................................................................................................... -28 -
ARTS, A/V TECHNOLOGY AND COMMUNICATION...................................- 30 -
COMMERCIAL ART TECHNOLOGY ......................................................................................... - 30 -
FASHION TECHNOLOGY AND PRODUCTION SERVICES .................................................. - 30 -
EDUCATION AND TRAINING ........................................................................................... - 32 -
EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION .......................................................................................... - 32 -
HEALTH SCIENCE ...................................................................................- 32
DENTAL ASSISTING.................................................................................................................... - 33 -
PATIENT CARE ASSISTANT ...................................................................................................... - 33 -
PHLEBOTOMY ............................................................................................................................. - 34-
PRACTICAL NURSING ................................................................................................................ - 36 -
SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY ......................................................................................................... - 37 -
HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM ..................................................................- 40 -
PROFESSIONAL CULINARY ARTS & HOSPITALITY ........................................................... - 40 -
NUTRITION AND DIETETIC CLERK........................................................................................ - 41 -
DIETETIC MANAGEMENT AND SUPERVISION ................................................................... - 40 -
HUMAN SERVICES...................................................................................- 43 -
FACIALS SPECIALTY .................................................................................................................. - 43 -
NAILS SPECIALTY ....................................................................................................................... - 44 -
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY .................................................................- 45 -
COMPUTER SYSTEMS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (CSIT) ................................ - 45 -
TRANSPORTATION, DISTRIBUTION AND LOGISTICS .............................- 44-
AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE TECHNOLOGY 1 ............................................................................. - 46 -
AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE TECHNOLOGY 2 ............................................................................. - 47 -
AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE TECHNOLOGY ................................................................................ - 48 -
MARINE SERVICE TECHNOLOGIES ....................................................................................... - 49-

LHTC School Catalog 2020 - 2021

MANUFACTURING……………………………………………………….………………… - 50-
FACULTY LISTING (FULL-TIME) ..............................................................- 53 -
FACULTY LISTING (PART-TIME) .............................................................- 54 -

LHTC School Catalog 2020-2021                                                      Administration

           LINDSEY HOPKINS                                   PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE
          750 N. W. 20TH STREET                         Please accept my warmest welcome to
         MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127                           Lindsey Hopkins Technical College.
          PHONE: (305) 324-6070                         Functioning in a rich and diverse South                         Florida community, Lindsey Hopkins
                                                        Technical College sustains an accepting
                                                        environment which continues to maintain
             ADMINISTRATION                             singularly impressive results.

                                                        Lindsey Hopkins Technical College was the
Ms. Nyce Daniel, Principal                              first career and technical education center
Mr. Jean Garry Florestal, Vice-Principal                built in Miami-Dade County. It has a rich
Dr. Starsheema Greene, Assistant Principal              history within the educational annals of the
Ms. Judy Rodriguez, Assistant Principal                 school district. It is governed by the School
Ms. Cristina Ugalde, Assistant Principal                Board of Miami-Dade County through its
Ms. Tangela Morris, Business Manager                    Superintendent Alberto M. Carvalho. Lindsey
Mr. Dennis Caldwell, Administrative Assistant III       Hopkins Technical College reports to the
                                                        Office     of     Adult    and    Community
                                                        Education/District School Operations.
                                                        The school serves more than 10,000 students
Lindsey Hopkins Technical College will                  enrolled each year in English for Speakers of
be a showcase            institution.    Our            Other Languages (ESOL), Adult General
administration, faculty and staff, united in            Education, and Career/Technical Education
purpose, will provide our student body with             programs. In addition, a dual enrollment
the most advanced career/technical and                  program provides technical and career
academic education.                                     training for high school students enrolled at
                                                        ten local high schools.

           MISSION STATEMENT                            As you browse through the catalog, you will
                                                        find that a broad range of programs answers
The mission of Lindsey Hopkins Technical                the needs of the community in a very
College is to empower students to achieve               supportive way. We appreciate your interest
their career goals and to develop their ultimate        and hope to see you soon on our campus.

                CORE VALUES                                      Educationally yours,
We pursue high academic achievement for our
students and high performance standards from
our employees. We cultivate an environment
                                                                  Nyce Daniel
that serves the whole student population and                          Nyce Daniel
concentrates on closing the achievement gap.                           Principal

LHTC School Catalog 2020-2021                                       Adult General Education

           ACCREDITATIONS                              The Automotive Service Technology
                                                      Program is approved by the following:
           Lindsey Hopkins
           Technical College                         The National Automotive Technicians
          is accredited by the                           Education Foundation, Inc.
      Commission of the Council on                                (NATEF)
     Occupational Education (COE)

                                                       101 Blue Seal Drive, S.E. Suite 101
                                                              Leesburg, VA 20175
                                                           Telephone: (703) 669-6650
                                                              Fax: (703) 669-6125

                                                   In order to review the documents describing
           7840 Roswell Road                       the approval, accreditation, or licensure of
         Building 300, Suite 325                   this institution, provide a written request to
          Atlanta, Georgia 30350                   the principal.
       Telephone: (800) 917-2081
           Fax: (770) 396-3790                            MIAMI-DADE COUNTY
                                                             SCHOOL BOARD
  The school is approved by the following:            ANTI-DISCRIMINATION POLICY

 Florida Department of Veterans’ Affairs           The School Board of Miami-Dade County,
     Headquarters & Executive Offices              Florida adheres to a policy of
    11351 Ulmerton Road, Suite 311-K               nondiscrimination in employment and
          Largo, FL 33778-1630                     educational programs/activities and strives
        Telephone: (727) 518-3202                  affirmatively to provide equal opportunity
                                                   for all as required by:
      The Health Science Programs
      are approved by the following:
                                                    Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 -
            Practical Nursing                      prohibits discrimination on the basis of
        Florida Board of Nursing                   race, color, religion, or national origin.
  Department of Health Board of Nursing
    4052 Bald Cypress Way Bin C-02                 Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,
       Tallahassee, FL 32399-3252                  as amended - prohibits discrimination in
        Telephone: (850) 245-4125
                                                   employment on the basis of race, color,
           Fax: (850) 617-6460
                                                   religion, or national origin.
Dental Assisting – Commission on Dental
         Accreditation (CODA)                      Title IX of the Education Amendments
     American Dental Association                   of 1972 - prohibits discrimination on the
  Commission on Dental Accreditation               basis of gender.
        211 East Chicago Avenue
               Suite 1900                           Age Discrimination in Employment Act
         Chicago, Illinois 60611
                                                   of 1967 (ADEA) as amended - prohibits
       Telephone: (312) 440-4653
                                                   discrimination on the basis of age with
                                                   respect to individuals who are at least 40.

LHTC School Catalog 2020 - 2021

 The Equal Pay Act of 1963 as amended -                Boy Scouts of America Equal Access Act
prohibits gender discrimination in payment             of 2002 – no public school shall deny equal
of wages to women and men performing                   access to, or a fair opportunity for groups
substantially equal work in the same                   to meet on school premises or in school
establishment.                                         facilities before or after school hours, or
                                                       discriminate against any group officially
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of               affiliated with Boy Scouts of America or
1973 - prohibits discrimination against the            any other youth or community group listed
disabled.                                              in Title 36 (as a patriotic society).

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990                Veterans are provided re-employment
(ADA) - prohibits discrimination against               rights in accordance with P.L. 93-508
individuals with disabilities in employment,           (Federal Law) and Section 295.07,
public service, public accommodations, and             (Florida Statutes), which stipulates
telecommunications.                                    categorical preferences for employment.

The Family and Medical Leave Act of
1993 (FMLA) - requires covered employers               School Board Policies 1362, 3362, 4362,
to provide up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job -             and 5517
protected leave to “eligible” employees for
certain family and medical reasons.                    Prohibit harassment and/or discrimination
                                                       against students, employees, or applicants
                                                       on the basis of sex, race, color, ethnic or
The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of                    national origin, religion, marital status,
1978 - prohibits discrimination in                     disability, genetic information, age, political
employment on the basis of pregnancy,                  beliefs, sexual orientation, gender, gender
childbirth, or related medical conditions.             identification, social and family background,
                                                       linguistic preference, pregnancy, and any
                                                       other legally prohibited basis. Retaliation for
Florida Educational Equity Act (FEEA) -                engaging in a protected activity is also
prohibits discrimination on the basis of race,         prohibited.
gender, national origin, marital status, or            Questions, complaints or requests for
handicap against a student, or employee.               additional       information       regarding
                                                       discrimination or harassment may be sent to:
Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992 - secures             Executive      Director,     Civil    Rights
                                                       Compliance Office, 155 NE 15 Street, Suite
for all individuals within the state freedom
                                                       P-104E, Miami, Florida 33132; PH: 305-
for discrimination because of race, color,             995-1580               or             e-mail
religion, sex, national origin, age, handicap,
or marital status.

Title II of the Genetic Information
Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA) –
prohibits discrimination against employees
or    applicants   because     of  genetic

LHTC School Catalog 2020 - 2021

                                                      commensurate with the needs of this
                                                      community.” Soon thereafter the school was
                                                      renamed the Lindsey Hopkins Education
                                                      Center. In 1968 it was designated as the
                                                      county’s first area vocational school. In
                 HISTORY                              1983 the school was relocated to its present
                                                      site, 750 Northwest 20th Street and offered
                                                      Hotel Front Desk Operation, including a
Lindsey Hopkins Technical College has                 hotel wing, as one of its career and technical
grown out of a philosophy of service to               programs. The school affiliated with the
the educational, cultural and career needs            Commission on Occupational Education
of the people of Miami-Dade County.                   Institutions of the Southern Association of
Founded in 1937 as Northside                          Colleges and Schools in the fall of 1970 and
Technical School, the center was the first            was initially accredited in 1972.
technical school established in Miami,
Florida. During World War II the school,              Since moving to its current site, Lindsey
                                                      Hopkins Technical Education Center has
renamed the Miami Technical High
                                                      had five principals. From 1969 to 1990, Dr.
School, was utilized by the United States             John T. Coursey served as the school’s
military for war production training                  principal. Dr. Coursey made key decisions
programs.                                             related to the design of the building and
In 1936 Mr. Lindsey Hopkins, who made a               oversaw its construction and relocation to its
fortune while in Atlanta, Georgia through             present site in 1983. Dr. Coursey initiated
Coca-Cola, moved to Miami. He bought an               the quest for a multi-level parking garage.
unfinished fifteen-story boom-years hotel,
The Roosevelt, for $38,000 across the street          From 1990 to 1997, Mr. John Leyva served
from the Technical High School. Mr.                   as the school’s principal. During Mr.
Hopkins paid off all the claims to the hotel          Leyva’s tenure, the hotel program was
and updated the outside of it before dying in         closed and the hotel was remodeled and
1937. Seven years later the School Board of           converted into much-needed classroom
Dade County bought the hotel for $225,000             space. Mr. Leyva was instrumental in
and sold the existing technical school site           obtaining the funds and zoning needed to
for $50,000. Using $400,000 in federal                begin the construction process for Lindsey
money, the former hotel building was                  Hopkins’ parking garage.
remodeled. The technical school and the
school board administrative offices were              From 1997 to 2004, Mr. James V. Parker
relocated to this building which was                  served as the principal. During Mr. Parker’s
renamed the Lindsey Hopkins Building.                 term, the long-awaited construction of the
                                                      Lindsey Hopkins’ parking garage came to
Shortly after World War II ended, the school          fruition.
had its first open house as the Miami
Technical High School with an initial                 From August 2004 to August, 2010, Rosa D.
enrollment of 400 students. Dr. James T.              Borgen, Ph.D. served as Lindsey Hopkins
Wilson,        Miami-Dade           County’s          Technical Education Center principal. She
Superintendent of Schools at the time, stated         fully    embraced      Lindsey     Hopkins’
in the Skyscraper, the school’s 1950                  commitment to the community it serves
yearbook that he wanted to “develop not               through the business partners on EESAC.
only a technical high school, but also a
comprehensive       vocational      program           As of August, 2010, Ms. Nyce Daniel has
                                                      enthusiastically taken hold of the reigns as

LHTC School Catalog 2020 - 2021

                                                       clusters: Architecture and Construction,
the school’s principal. She feels fortunate to
                                                       Arts, A/V Technology and Communications,
work with a dedicated team of professionals
                                                       Education and Training, Health Science,
in order to continue to carry out Lindsey
                                                       Hospitality and Tourism, Human Services,
Hopkins’ mission “to empower students to
                                                       Information Technology, Transportation,
achieve their career goals and to develop
                                                       Distribution and Logistics. The Adult
their ultimate      potential”. Ms. Daniel
                                                       General Education (AGE) curriculum covers
facilitates dynamic educational program so
                                                       English for Speakers of Other Languages
that each student is a prepared, resilient,
                                                       (ESOL), Adult Basic Education (ABE) and
skillful and committed individual in the
                                                       General Educational Development (GED)
competitive global society.
                                                       test preparation to obtain a high school
                                                       diploma and basic skills remediation.
                                                       Guidance counselors assist all students. Case
                                                       managers work on introducing new students
               FACILITIES                              to career pathways, providing support, and
                                                       following-up to ensure their progress.
Lindsey Hopkins Technical College is a full-
service career/technical school that offers                  OPEN-ENTRY/OPEN-EXIT
adults applied technology and academic                            PROGRAMS
programs on a full-time and/or a part-time
basis at the main campus and at a number of
                                                       Many programs are open-entry/open-exit,
post-secondary auxiliary instructional sites
                                                       which means that students may enroll at any
including Miami-Dade County Department of
                                                       time during the trimester. Some programs
Corrections and Rehabilitation, Miami
                                                       particularly in the health science area,
Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually
                                                       require a specific entry date and may have
Impaired, Miami Rescue Mission, Miami-
                                                       an enrollment waiting list. Prospective
Dade County Public Schools’ Department of
                                                       students are     encouraged to check with a
Plant Operations, Notre Dame D’Haiti
                                                       counselor, and/or instructor to determine
Catholic Church, Lotus House, and Braman
                                                       the specific admission requirements of their
Automotive Training Center. Furthermore,
                                                       program of interest.
the school partners with Community Smiles,
a non-profit dental clinic which annually
serves about 7,400 patients based on financial
need. On a rotating basis more than 110                         DUAL ENROLLMENT
dentists volunteer their expertise to help in
this multi-cultural community uninsured                The Dual Enrollment Program at Lindsey
patients which need dental care.                       Hopkins        Technical     College      was
                                                       instituted in 2002 to provide career/technical
The 380,000 square foot campus houses a                training for 11th and 12th grade students in
staff of almost 200: administrators,                   the following high schools:
counselors,         teachers,       clerks,
                                                       • North Miami Beach Senior High School
paraprofessionals, security and custodians.
                                                       • North Miami Senior High School
The school operates Monday through
Thursday from 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM and                  • Miami Senior High School
Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.                        • Miami Jackson Senior High School
                                                       • Westland-Hialeah Senior High School
        PROGRAM OVERVIEW                               Admission is by application only. Students
                                                       are selected on an individual basis after a
Career/technical post-secondary certificate            review of academic records and a personal
programs are offered in eight different career         interview. Requirements for admission

LHTC School Catalog 2020 - 2021

include a minimum GPA of 2.0, excellent                  ext. 8010 Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM
attendance and conduct records, motivation               to 3:00 PM. Evening baby-sitting services
to pursue a career in a specific field and               are also available.
recommendations by teachers and counselors.
The students are eligible for free
transportation from their home schools to
                                                         The cafeteria is located in Building F.
Lindsey Hopkins Technical College for two
                                                         Breakfast is served Tuesday through
class blocks in the morning and are returned
                                                         Thursday from 7:30 AM. to 9:00 AM., and
to their home schools by school bus for the
                                                         lunch Tuesday to Thursday from 11:00 AM
remainder of the day. High school credits and
                                                         to 12:00 PM. Vending machines are
Occupational Completion Points (OCPs) are
                                                         conveniently located throughout the campus.
awarded upon completion of any of the
following courses:
• Automotive Service Technology                                      MEDIA CENTER
• Commercial Art Technology
• Professional Culinary Arts and                         The media center is located in Room F-211.
     Hospitality                                         The hours of operation are Monday to
• Computer Systems Technology                            Thursday from 7:45 AM to 9:30 PM and
• Early Childhood Education                              Fridays from 7:45 AM to 4:00 PM. It
• Fashion Design                                         allows students to research academic
                                                         subjects, to access information on current
              BOOKSTORE                                  events and to obtain visual/ancillary
                                                         materials for school projects. Students using
                                                         computers with internet access must adhere
A currently enrolled student may purchase                to the Miami-Dade County Public Schools’
books and supplies in the bookstore. Valid               Acceptable Use Policy for Internet Use
student identification (ID) badge is required            according to Miami-Dade County School
to make purchases. The bookstore is located              Board Policy #2531 regarding copyright
in Room C-108. Hours of operation are                    laws and fair use guidelines.
Monday to Friday, 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
and Monday to Thursday, 6:00 PM to 8:00
                                                                  COPYRIGHT POLICY

          LOST AND FOUND                                 LHTC adheres to Miami-Dade County
                                                         School Board Policy “2531 - Copyrighted
                                                         Works” in compliance with copyright laws
Articles that are found are taken to the                 and fair use guidelines.
security office in Room C-104. Students are               Students are reminded that a copyright is
required to provide some form of                         the legal protection of intellectual property,
identification when making any claim.                    in whatever medium, that is provided for by
                                                         the laws of the United States to the owners
                                                         of copyright. Types of works that are
       CHILDCARE SERVICES                                covered by copyright law include, but are
                                                         not limited to, literary, dramatic, musical,
                                                         artistic, pictorial, graphic, film and multi-
Childcare services are offered for staff and             media works. Many people understand that
students with children age 18 months to 5                printed works such as books and magazine
years. For application or eligibility                    articles are covered by copyright laws but
information, contact the child-care center               they are not aware that the protection
office in Room D-119, or at 305-324-6070                 extends to software, digital works, and

                                                - 10 -
LHTC School Catalog 2020 - 2021

unpublished works and it covers all forms of                badge is $5.00 and may be obtained in the
a work, including its digital transmission and              registration office.
subsequent use.          Any unauthorized
distribution   of    copyrighted      material,
including unauthorized peer-to-peer file                                    PARKING
sharing, is subject to civil and criminal
liabilities. For more information regarding
                                                            Parking is permitted in the parking garage in
copyright expectations and penalties please
                                                            designated area. Students should make
visit the U. S. Copyright Office website at:
                                                            certain that their vehicles are parked
                                                            properly as not to block the exit, other
                                                            vehicles, driveways, gates or areas designed
                                                            for handicap persons. All vehicles MUST be
     CONSUMER INFORMATION                                   parked with tag visible. The school shall not
Lindsey Hopkins Technical            College’s              be responsible for vandalism or damage to
website address to access            Consumer               vehicles parked on school property.
Information is:                                               2020- 2021
A paper copy of the school’s Consumer                            SCHOOL CALENDAR
Information is available upon written request               ADULT/VOCATIONAL EDUCATION
to the principal.
                                                                  2020 – 2021 (1) Fall Trimester
                                                            August 24, 2020 Class Begin
       TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT                                   September 7, 2020    Holiday
                                                            September 28, 2020 Teacher Planning Day
                                                            October 23, 2020     Teacher Planning Day
There are various computer laboratories that                November 3, 2020 Teacher Planning Day
facilitate learning. They are stationed in                  November 11, 2020 Holiday
English for Speakers of Other Languages                     November 25, 2020 Teacher Planning Day
(ESOL) classrooms, Adult General Education                  November 26, 2020 Holiday
(AGE)       classrooms,     health    science               November 27, 2020 Recess
classrooms, and the library media center.                   December 18, 2020 Class Ends
                                                            December 24, 2020 to
                SECURITY                                    January 1, 2021     Winter Break-Recess
                                                                  2020 – 2021 (2) Winter Trimester
Lindsey Hopkins Technical College has a
                                                            January 4, 2021      Class Begin
security plan detailing procedures to follow
                                                            January 18, 2021      Holiday
in the event of both internal and external
                                                            January 22, 2021      Teacher Planning Day
emergencies. Both security lockdowns and
                                                            February 15, 2021     Holiday
fire drills are held periodically throughout the
                                                            March 26, 2021        Teacher Planning Day
year, as per school district mandates.
                                                            March 29, 2021 to
                                                            April 2, 2021         Spring Break-Recess
     STUDENT IDENTIFICATION                                 April 9, 2020         Class Ends
                                                                 2020 – 2021 (3) Summer Trimester
A valid Lindsey Hopkins Technical College                   April 12, 2021       Class Begins
Identification Badge (ID) must be worn                      May 31, 2021         Holiday
visibly at all time by all students. Student ID             June 10, 2021        Teacher Planning Day
badges are obtained by paying a $5.00 fee at                July 2, 2021         Teacher Planning Day
the time of registration. A replacement ID                  July 5, 2021          Holiday
                                                            August 3, 2021        Class Ends

                                                   - 11 -
LHTC School Catalog 2020 - 2021

August 4, 2021       Teacher Planning Day                request testing accommodations, if they
                                                         provide written documentation verifying
The adult academic year is divided into three            their disability.
trimesters of approximately 16 weeks. The
first trimester usually begins in August and             Prospective students may register directly
ends in December. The second trimester                   for many courses that do not have pre-
usually begins in January and ends in April.             entrance requirements by completing
The third trimester usually begins the middle            registration and paying a small registration
of April and ends in August.                             fee plus career/technical tuition, if required.
                                                         For certain adult career/technical programs,
                                                         primarily in the field of health sciences,
                                                         prospective students must meet with a
                                                         counselor prior to enrollment because of
                                                         additional      admissions       requirements
                                                         including proof of high school or GED
                                                         transcripts, minimum scores on an entrance
                                                         test and orientation sessions. If counseling
              ADMISSIONS                                 and/or testing indicate that students do not
                                                         qualify for the original program choice, then
                                                         an alternate program or remediation is
Any person 16 years of age or older,
officially withdrawn from the K-12 program               recommended. Students enrolling in adult
                                                         education programs are required to take a
in Miami-Dade County Public Schools, may
enroll in the programs offered. For the                  basic skills test for placement prior to
                                                         registration to determine the appropriate
Automotive Service Technology 1 and
                                                         level of study.
Automotive Service Technology 2, offered at
Braman Automotive Training Center, a
person must be between the ages of 17 to 25              DUAL ENROLLMENT ADMISSIONS
years. Any individual with special needs
applying for admission will be referred to               During the second high school semester of
Vocational      Rehabilitation   or    other             each school year, the dual enrollment
appropriate agencies which will work closely             facilitator visits the participating high
with the school in determining when the                  schools for recruitment purposes. The dual
individual is ready to be accepted for                   enrollment facilitator interviews the
admission to the adult program.                          applicants, and the high school counselors
                                                         and teachers are consulted for the purpose of
Career/technical students who wish to enter              determining whether or not the student
programs of 450 clock hours of instruction or            possesses adequate academic skills for the
more must complete a basic skills                        selected courses. If the course work appears
examination within the first six (6) calendar            to be academically too demanding, the
weeks after admission into the program, even             student is encouraged to select a more
if they hold a high school diploma.                      appropriate program. A student may be
Exceptions from the basic skills testing                 accepted without conditions, accepted on a
requirements include students possessing an              probationary basis, or encouraged to
associate of applied science or arts,                    improve deficiencies and reapply in the
baccalaureate graduate-level degree; students            following school year. The courses offered
who have passed or are exempt from the                   are carefully screened and monitored by the
college     level    communication        and            dual enrollment facilitator to ensure
computation examination; and/or students                 appropriate academic and occupational
who are exempt from the college entry-level              content. The high school students are
examination. Students with disabilities may              expected to fulfill the same requirements as

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LHTC School Catalog 2020 - 2021

adult students in order to earn occupational               class during their first three (3) days of their
completion points (OCPs) available in each                 initial registration will be withdrawn as a
program.                                                   no-show. All students who accumulate six
                                                           (6) consecutive absences are dropped
              COUNSELING                                   automatically from the class. Excessive
                                                           absences that interfere with academic
                                                           progress may be grounds for disciplinary
Lindsey Hopkins Technical College offers a                 action.
comprehensive Student Services program to
all students through individual, small and                 Attendance policies for veterans receiving
large    group counseling       to address                 benefits for attending school are covered in
personal/social, educational and career needs              a brochure distributed to each veteran upon
of all students. Counselors are available                  enrollment in school. These brochures are
Monday through Thursday from 7:50 AM to                    available in the registration office and may
9:00 PM and on Friday from 7:50 AM to                      be obtained upon request.
3:10 PM in Room C-109.
                                                                     TRANSFER POLICY
                                                           Students may transfer from one program to
                                                           another program within the institution or
The student services program offers services
                                                           from other institutions by obtaining the
for students with special needs. Students
                                                           recommendation       of    counselors   and
must see a guidance counselor for more
                                                           instructors. Transferring students are
information about available programs and
                                                           assessed by instructors to determine the
services in Room C109.
                                                           highest achieved competency in order to
                                                           assist them in continuing their education at
          STUDENT HEALTH                                   the appropriate level. Students beyond the
                                                           compulsory school age and currently
Lindsey Hopkins Technical College has no                   enrolled as full-time secondary students
facilities or personnel to render medical                  must follow Miami-Dade County Public
assistance of any type. If a student has a                 Schools’ transfer policy to transfer to a
medical problem that might result in an                    career/technical post-secondary school.
emergency situation, the student should
inform the instructor of the condition when
initially entering the class. If a student                         WITHDRAWAL POLICY
emergency occurs, school officials will call
fire rescue, which personnel will make the                 Withdrawal of students occurs upon the
decision as to the need for an ambulance. If               sixth consecutive absence for adult general
an ambulance is dispatched, the student                    education classes and career/technical
requiring medical attention is responsible for             classes. Students who fail to report to class
payment.                                                   during their first three (3) days of their
                                                           initial registration will be withdrawn as a
                                                           no-show. Students may also officially
        ATTENDANCE POLICY                                  withdraw by notifying the registrar located
                                                           in the Registration office in Room C-106.

All students are expected to attend class
regularly. Attendance is maintained by the                   EDUCATIONAL BENEFITS FOR
teacher on a daily basis through the electronic                VETERAN’S AFFAIRS (VA)
grade book. Students who fail to report to

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LHTC School Catalog 2020 - 2021

Lindsey Hopkins Technical College has been                  CGPA is still below 3.0 at the end of the
approved by the Florida Department of                       second consecutive term of probation, the
Veteran’s Affairs (VA) to provide                           student’s VA educational benefits will be
educational benefits to eligible veterans.                  terminated.
Veterans may obtain assistance or
                                                            A VA student terminated from VA
information concerning matters dealing with
                                                            educational benefits due to unsatisfactory
benefits for veterans from the registrar
                                                            progress may petition the school to be
located in Room C-106. All veterans will be
                                                            recertified after attaining a CGPA of 3.0.
advised whether or not their program of study
has been approved by the Department of
Veteran’s Affairs. Veterans are permitted to                      VETERAN’S CREDIT FOR
receive educational benefits only for the                          PREVIOUS EDUCATION
length of time approved for the course.                                OR TRAINING

VETERAN’S ATTENDANCE POLICY                                 Students must report all education and
                                                            training. The school must evaluate and
                                                            grant credit, if appropriate, with the training
Early departures, class cuts, tardies, etc., for
                                                            time shortened, the tuition reduced
any portion of a class period will be counted
                                                            proportionately, and the VA and student
as unearned hours.
Students exceeding 20% total absences in a
calendar month will be terminated from their                         Title 38 US Code § 3679
VA benefits for unsatisfactory attendance.
                                                            In accordance with Title 38 US Code § 3679
In order to show that the cause of                          subsection (e), this school adopts the
unsatisfactory attendance has been removed,                 following additional provisions for any
students must show good attendance (as                      students using U.S. Department of Veterans
defined) for one calendar month after being                 Affairs (VA) Post 9/11 G.I. Bill® (Ch. 33)
terminated for unsatisfactory attendance.                   or Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment
After such time, the student may be                         (Ch. 31) benefits, while payment to the
recertified for VA education benefits.                      institution is pending from the VA. This
                                                            school will not:
The student’s attendance record will be
retained in the veteran’s file for USDVA and                •Prevent the student’s enrollment;
SAA audit purposes.                                         •Assess a late penalty fee to the student;
                                                            •Require the student to secure alternative or
                                                            additional funding;
     STANDARDS OF ACADEMIC                                  •Deny the student access to any resources
     PROGRESS FOR VETERAN’S                                 (access to classes, libraries, or other
        AFFAIR STUDENTS                                     institutional facilities) available to other
                                                            students who have satisfied their tuition and
                                                            fee bills to the institution.
Students receiving VA educational benefits                  However, to qualify for this provision, such
must maintain a minimum cumulative grade                    students will be required to:
point average (CGPA) of 3.0 each trimester.                 Provide the enrolling institution with a copy
A VA student whose CGPA falls below 3.0                     of his/her VA Certification of Eligibility
grade point average at the end of any                       (COE) - A “certificate of eligibility” can
trimester will be placed on academic                        also include a “Statement of Benefits”
probation for a maximum of two consecutive                  obtained from the U.S. Department of
terms of enrollment. If the VA student’s                    Veterans Affairs’ (VA) website; eBenefits;

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LHTC School Catalog 2020 - 2021

or a VAF 28-1905 form, for chapter 31                    2. Be enrolled in a certificate program of at
authorization purposes.                                     least 600 clock hours of       instruction.
Additional criteria to qualify for this                     Students enrolled in programs of less
provision are also required for such students               than 600 hours may be eligible for
and listed below:                                           district financial aid and FSAG.
‘No Other Requirements Other Than COE                    3. Make satisfactory progress in academics
Submission’                                                 and attendance.
                                                         4. Not be in default or owe a refund for
                                                            any aid previously received.
                                                         6. Sign a statement certifying non-
FINANCIAL INFORMATION                                       participation in any drug related activity.
                                                         7. Register with the United States Selective
                                                            Service, if required by federal law.
            FINANCIAL AID
                                                            FINANCIAL AID STANDARDS
Students enrolled in career/technical classes                OF ACADEMIC PROGRESS
are encouraged to complete the Free
Application for Federal Student Aid,
(FAFSA) for the current year. The federal                Career/technical centers of Miami-Dade
school code for LHTC is 005586, and the                  County Public Schools in conjunction with
application     can       be    accessed   at            federal regulations have established the Students are required to               following standards of academic progress,
complete a new FAFSA for each academic                   which must be met to continue receiving
year. For students to be eligible for federal            financial assistance. These standards
financial aid, such as the Pell Grant, they              become effective when the student starts the
must be enrolled in a career/technical                   program, not when the student applies for
program of 600 or more clock hours of                    financial aid. For returning students the
instruction.    To be eligible for Florida               standards start the first day of class in the
Student Assistance Grant (FSAG-CE),                      next trimester.
students     must     be     enrolled   in  a
career/technical program of 450 or more                  A. To make satisfactory progress a
clock hours. District Financial Aid (DFAP)                  student must meet the following:
and Fee Waiver programs are also available
on a limited basis. Eligibility for these                    The Satisfactory Academic Progress
funding sources requires completing the                      form must be utilized by the Financial
FAFSA application. Pell Grant recipients                     Aid Officers in order to document and
may receive textbooks as part of the award.                  monitor students’ progress at the
Students must maintain a Satisfactory                        completion of each payment period.
Academic Performance (SAP) in order to                       The Satisfactory Academic Progress
maintain all financial aid. Financial                        Report form (FM 5431) is completed by
assistance is available in room D-106.                       the career/technical teachers and
                                                             returned to the Financial Aid Officers.
                                                             The student’s current grades derived
                                                             from class/shop work assessment appear
         REQUIREMENTS                                        in the electronic gradebook and the
                                                             district’s Vocational Tracking System.
In order to participate in the Pell Grant                    The school’s Registrar will confirm that
financial aid program, a student must comply                 the students       have completed the
with the following eligibility requirements:                 scheduled number of hours enrolled.
1. Hold United States citizenship or United
    States permanent resident status.                        The Satisfactory Academic Progress

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   criteria that are expected from all                     If the student’s appeal is approved, a
   students are as follows:                                meeting will be held with the student
                                                           and the Financial Aid Officer and the
       Satisfactorily attain a minimum grade               student will then be placed on
       of “C” or better or GPA of 2.0 and                  “Financial Aid Probation” status for one
       above                                               payment period. Reinstatement of a
       Satisfactorily complete outcomes                    student’s financial aid after an appeal is
       within 150% of the length of the                    denied can only be attained if the
       program.                                            student attends a trimester without
       Successfully complete 67% of the                    financial assistance and achieves
       maximum scheduled hours for which                   Satisfactory Academic Progress for that
       the student is enrolled                             payment period. Students will be
                                                           entitled to one (1) appeal’s hearing
   If a student fails to make Satisfactory                 during the entire length of their
   Academic Progress as reflected on their                 program.
   Satisfactory            Academic Progress
   Report form, a meeting will be held with                The Financial Aid Officers and teachers
   the student and the Financial Aid Officer.              will work together to closely monitor a
   The student will be placed on                           student’s progress while on “Financial
   “Financial Aid Warning” for one                         Aid Probation” and should the student
   payment        period. The Financial Aid                regain Satisfactory Academic Progress
   Officer will closely monitor the student’s              during the next evaluation, they will be
   progress; and if the student         regains            considered as being in academic
   Satisfactory Academic Progress while                    compliance and their eligibility will be
   they are on “Financial Aid Warning”,                    reinstated. If a student does not make
   they will be considered as being in                     Satisfactory Academic Progress while
   academic compliance.                                    on “Financial Aid Warning” or
   If the student fails to achieve Satisfactory            “Financial Aid Probation”, a meeting
   Academic Progress, while on “Financial                  will be held with the student and the
   Aid Warning”, they will be notified of                  Financial Aid Officer and the student
   the cancellation of their financial aid                 will be informed that they will not be
   award. They will have the opportunity to                eligible for the payment period
   appeal such action and can submit a                     following      their    “unsatisfactory”
   Financial Aid Student Appeals form (FM                  academic progress report. Students will
   6863) obtained from the Financial Aid                   be financially responsible for their
   Officer in order to request an appeal. All              academic expenses until they have
   requests for appeal will be heard by the                successfully reestablished Satisfactory
   school’s     Financial      Aid     Appeals             Academic Progress.
   Committee which will be comprised of
   an administrator, financial aid officer,                Students who exceed their maximum
   and counselor. The committee shall                      hours of eligibility will be considered as
   convene as needed and will carefully                    not making Satisfactory Academic
   review       all       information       and            Progress and will no longer be eligible
   documentation related to the student’s                  for financial aid. Financial Aid Officers
   appeal. The committee will render a                     will be able to effectively monitor all
   written decision to the student within 48               students’ hours and academic grades in
   hours of the appeal hearing using the                   order to make the necessary Satisfactory
   Student Appeals form (FM 6863). The                     Academic Progress determinations.
   decisions of the Financial Aid Appeals
   Committee are final.                                    Students are considered as ineligible
                                                           when it becomes mathematically

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LHTC School Catalog 2020 - 2021

   impossible for them to complete the                         If notified that financial aid is cancelled,
   program within 150% of the length of the                    the student may appeal such action. The
   program.                                                    appeal should be in writing and include
                                                               the following documents:
   Students who transfer will have their
   hours and grades earned at the previous                     1. A letter by the student describing
   school counted towards their Satisfactory                      mitigating circumstances.
   Academic Progress.                                          2. A physician’s note and/or medical
                                                                  records, if the appeal is based on a
   Any student who has received an                                medical reason.
   Incomplete (“I”) in a course or has                         3. Any additional documents.
   recycled hours or grades, will have these
   hours and grades counted towards their                      The decision of the appeal committee is
   Satisfactory Academic Progress.                             final. A student will receive written
                                                               notification of the decision. After an
   If a student withdraws, their existing                      appeal is denied, reinstatement is
   hours and grades upon re-entering will be                   possible if a student attends one
   counted towards their Satisfactory                          trimester without financial assistance
   Academic Progress.                                          and maintains satisfactory progress for
                                                               that trimester. A student may be granted
                                                               only one appeal during the entire
B. The number of trimesters a student                          program of study.
   will be eligible to receive Pell Grant
   will be limited by the number of hours                   D. Verification
   required to complete the program.
                                                               Federal regulations require that the
       Length of     Maximum Trimesters
                                                               school validates income and other
       Program (Hrs.)   of Eligibility
                                                               information reported on the Pell Grant
            600              3                                 Student Aid Report (SAR) with the
            750              3                                 parent’s/student’s IRS Transcript and
            900              4                                 attached schedules. When discrepancies
           1080              5                                 occur, the corrected SAR must be
           1200              5                                 resubmitted to the federal processor.
           1440              6                                 The financial aid office reserves the
           1550              7                                 right to require other documentation
           1800              8                                 when deemed necessary before the
                                                               student becomes eligible for a Pell
  If a student exceeds the maximum                             Grant.
  trimesters of eligibility as defined in the
  above chart, the student will be considered
  as not making satisfactory progress and
  will no longer be eligible for Pell Grant                 E. Pell Grant Disbursements
  financial aid. Additionally, a student is
  allowed to transfer programs once. A                         Pell Grant aid will be disbursed each
  student will lose financial aid eligibility if               trimester based on the number of hours
  he transfers more than allowed.                              students complete in a trimester. After
                                                               seven consecutive days of attendance, if
C. Appeals Concerning Unsatisfactory                           necessary, students may request to
   Progress                                                    receive a book voucher. Students who
                                                               do not complete all of their hours within

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LHTC School Catalog 2020 - 2021

               the enrollment period will not be eligible              Adult          General          Education:
               for a disbursement. Subsequent payments                 Resident     (In-State)……….         $30.00
               are contingent upon the students                        Non-Resident (Out-of-State)…...$30.00
               maintaining     satisfactory    academic                Test Fee (AGE Only)……………$5.00
               progress. Students can only receive Pell
               Grants for a maximum of six years.                      When student fees are paid by credit card,
                                                                       the name and address of the registering
                                                                       student must match the credit card
     General Disbursement Times for Pell Grant                         information.

Disbursement      Clock Hours       Disbursement   Academic            Other Fees/Costs
                    Needed           Amount          Year              Other fees/costs such as laboratory,
                                                                       textbooks, tools and uniforms vary
     1                 150             25%           1st
                                                                       according to the program. A fee is charged
                      271 &                                            for duplicate transcripts and certificates.
     2            re-enrolled for      25%           1st
                  next trimester
                      600 &                                                    TUITION FEE WAIVERS
     3            re-enrolled for      25%           1st
                  next trimester
                      721 &                                            Tuition fee waivers may be granted to
     4            re-enrolled for      25%           1st               financially needy students. A FAFSA
                  next trimester                                       application must be on file. In order to
                                                                       qualify, the student cannot receive financial
     5                1050             25%           2nd
                                                                       aid from any other source. A fee waiver
                      1171 &                                           application must be submitted each
     6            re-enrolled for      25%           2nd               trimester. In addition, the applicant must
                  next trimester                                       provide documentation verifying financial
                      1500 &                                           need.
     7            re-enrolled for      25%           2nd
                  next trimester

     8                1620             25%           2nd
                                                                                  REFUND POLICY

                         TUITION FEES                                  The refund policy of M-DCPS
                                                                       postsecondary educational centers
                                                                       follows this schedule:
         Each trimester, tuition and fees are collected
         at the time of registration for classes. The                      •   Within 5 days of the beginning of
         State of Florida determines the range of                              the class start date or registration
         tuition per contact hour. Current fees are                            date, whichever is later.
         listed in the Class Schedule and are subject to                       (No show) – 100%
         change without notice.

         Career/Technical Program:                                         •   AGE fees, ID fees and lab fees
         Resident (In-State)… $ 2.56/hour                                      are non- refundable.
         Non-Resident (Out-Of-State)…. 10.25/hour                          •   Cash payments are refunded by
         Application fee……………… $ 15.00                                         internal funds checks. Credit
         Student IDs……………… $5.00
                                                                               Card refunds will only be applied

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