February 14, 2021 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Modified Liturgical Schedule - St. Anthony's Manteca

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February 14, 2021 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Modified Liturgical Schedule - St. Anthony's Manteca
February 14, 2021
  6th Sunday in
  Ordinary Time
Modified Liturgical
    (Outdoor Mass)
   9:00 a.m. English
  10:30 a.m. Spanish

  Sunday & Weekday
     Video Mass
   Available Online

  Saturdays 8:00 a.m.
   (Indoor Church)

    Please visit the
  church website for
 Covid-19 updates and
     video mass.

February 14, 2021 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Modified Liturgical Schedule - St. Anthony's Manteca
       Rev. Chad Wahl,

     Rev. Gilbert Arango,
          Parochial Vicar

Rev. Christhudasan Varghese,
          Parochial Vicar

     Rev. Mr. Jeff Vierra,            MESSAGE FROM BISHOP COTTA
       Deacon Pastoral Care
         & Senior Ministry
                                      My Dear People of God,
 Rev. Mr. Ha Ngoc Nguyen,
              Deacon                  The month of February holds a special place in the hearts of many with the annual celebration
                                      of St. Valentine’s Day. Everywhere we look, with the help of the advertising world, we see the
    Rev. Mr. Fidel Carillo,           ever-popular symbol of St. Valentine’s Day - the heart.
                                      Universally, the heart is recognized as a common symbol for love; not just romantic love, but
      Mrs. Susie Dickert,             more profoundly, it can also serve as a symbol of God’s love for us and our love for him. God,
          School Principal            who is Love, has created us in his image to love, know and serve him. His unconditional love
                                      has a tendency to change, to transform hearts.
         Mary Ferreira,
          Office Manager
                                      In Holy Scripture, we see God’s willingness to initiate this change of heart as in the Book of
         Dave Corder,                 Ezekiel: “I will give you a new heart and place a new spirit within you, taking from your bodies
      Faith Formation Director        your stony hearts and giving you natural hearts”(Ez. 36:25-26). When this conversion of heart
                                      occurs, our worldview is transformed. The Holy Spirit awakens within us a sensitivity to sin.
          Laura Perez,                The Spirit initiates a movement away from self and directs one’s attention, and concern, toward
 Coordinator of Religious Formation   the other. The result: a profound movement of the heart, and with it, a desire to serve.
      Athena Rodriguez,               To serve, to care for the other, while turning away from sin, brings to mind another special day
     Director of Youth Ministry       in the month of February - the 17th - Ash Wednesday. It is a day that offers the opportunity for
                                      us to examine our hearts and consciences. During the 40 days of Lent, our attention will be
     Guillermo Garcia Jr.,
    Director of Liturgical Music      drawn to the three pillars of spiritual discipline: prayer, fasting and almsgiving. The third pillar,
                                      almsgiving - can be summed up as the selfless act of giving and offering service to the other.
        Robin Haworth,
       Environment Director           Through the penitential act of almsgiving, we are challenged to empty ourselves by giving of
                                      our time, talent and treasure. We, as the faith community, must be concerned about the com-
      Richard Sepulveda,              mon good - looking out for the well-being of the other. This concern for the common good
         Facilities Manager           moves us out of a mode of maintenance to that of mission! We need to arrive at a better under-
                                      standing of the purpose of the Church. We must never forget that the Church of Christ exists
                                      for the sole purpose of missio - mission. But what is the mission? It is evangelization!
            COUNCIL                   Lent is a time to humble ourselves by turning away from sin and accepting the Gospel of Jesus.
   Celso Doria, Martin Espinoza,      By accepting and living the Gospel, in our everyday lives, we become evangelized by the good
Allan Rodriguez, Lois Wiedenhoeft,    news of his passion, death and resurrection. This good news has the capacity to transform our
   Jose Martinez, Erica Campos,       lives. It will empower us to combat the evils of our day and age as we fulfill our call as mis-
    Jessica Campos, Jory Kusy,        sionary disciples.
Monica Poncini, & Barbara Graham
                                      This Lent, let us not be selfish, nor fearful, to give of our time, talent and treasure for the sake
                                      of our brothers and sisters in need. For if we truly profess Jesus as Lord of our lives, this must
   MISSION STATEMENT                  include every aspect of our lives, even our time, our talent and that of our treasure.
 We covenant to give ourselves        As today’s evangelizers, young and old, let us do our part to address and transform society
  to Christ as He gives Himself       through the power of good.
 to us in the Eucharist, so every     May our hearts be moved to participate in the mission of Jesus: to serve as he served. May the
 person might be a full, active,      love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus grant our hearts the courage and desire to serve our brothers
 & conscious participant in His       and sisters during the Lenten season. Let us never forget - this movement of the heart will only
 Church, empowered to share &         happen if we allow God’s grace and mercy to flow from his heart to ours!
         live the Gospel.
                                      In the Peace of Christ,

                                      Bishop Myron J. Cotta

2 | St. Anthony’s Catholic Church
February 14, 2021 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Modified Liturgical Schedule - St. Anthony's Manteca
READINGS FOR THE WEEK                                                                   Ash Wednesday, February 17
Sunday:      Lv 13:1-2, 44-46/Ps 32:1-2, 5, 11
             [7]/1 Cor 10:31—11:1/Mk 1:40-45                                             9am - 11am: Distribution of Ashes
Monday:      Gn 4:1-15, 25/Ps 50:1 and 8, 16bc-17, 20-21                                 4pm - 7pm: Distribution of Ashes
             [14a]/Mk 8:11-13
Tuesday:     Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10/Ps 29:1a and 2, 3ac-4,                                    Attendants and instructions
             3b and 9c-10 [11b]/Mk 8:14-21                                                will be posted. You will enter
Wednesday: Jl 2:12-18/Ps 51:3-4, 5-6ab, 12-13, 14 and                                     through one door, follow the
             17 [cf. 3a]/2 Cor 5:20—6:2/Mt 6:1-6, 16-18                                 social distancing of at least 6 feet,
Thursday:    Dt 30:15-20/Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 and 6                                            receive your ashes and then exit
             [Ps 40:5a]/Lk 9:22-25
                                                                                                    the church.
Friday:      Is 58:1-9a/Ps 51:3-4, 5-6ab, 18-19
             [19b]/Mt 9:14-15
Saturday:    Is 58:9b-14/Ps 86:1-2, 3-4, 5-6                                                Universal Day of Fast and
             [11ab]/Lk 5:27-32                                                          Abstinence Catholics between the
Next Sunday: Gn 9:8-15/Ps 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9                                               ages of 18 and 59 are obliged to
             [cf. 10]/1 Pt 3:18-22/Mk 1:12-15                                                fast on Ash Wednesday
                                                                                                 and Good Friday.
                                                                                          All Catholics 14 years of age and
Sunday:      6th Sunday in Ordinary Time;                                                older must abstain from meat on
             World Marriage Day; Valentine’s Day                                         Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and
Monday:      Presidents’ Day
                                                                                                 ALL Fridays of Lent.
Wednesday: Ash Wednesday
Next Sunday: 1st Sunday of Lent
      We will remain available to you over the phone
           and email, during normal office hours.
Thank you for your patience and understanding, and please
continue to pray and check the website and social media for
                   updated information.
          Monday – Thursday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
               Friday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

     Thank you for your continued support                             Private Prayer & Adoration has been
                                                                        Cancelled on the following dates
                 Week of February 7                                                 March 3
                                                                           March 8 through March 12
                         $30,647                                                 March 15 & 17
                                                                                   April 1 & 2

       WELCOME HOME                                     Day         Time                 Service             Attendees Ticket Seating
     Starting November 16, 2020
                                                      Monday     8 to 11:30 am Private Prayer & Adoration       65       No     Yes
 Online Mass will continue as normal                Tuesday     4 - 7:00 pm   Private Prayer & Adoration      65       No     Yes
 Confession: You may need to stand
   outside until the number of attendees              Wednesday 8 to 11:30 am   Private Prayer & Adoration      65       No     Yes
   inside the church decreases. Please be prepared as
                                                       Thursday 8 to 11:30 am   Private Prayer & Adoration      65       No     Yes
   it may be cold outside.
 Attendants will ask you to sanitize your hands       Friday   4 - 7:00 pm    Private Prayer & Adoration      65       No     Yes
   with the church provided sanitizer JUST before Saturday         8:00 am             Confession             No Limit   No     No
   you enter.
 Please do not bring sanitizing "wipes" of any Sunday 10 to 11:00 am              Holy Communion            No Limit   No     No
   kind into the church as those products may           Sunday     9:00 am      OUTDOOR Mass English          No Limit   No    Some
   contain chemicals that cause a reaction or
   damage to upholstery, wood, etc.                     Sunday     10:30 am     OUTDOOR Mass Spanish          No Limit   No    Some

3 | St. Anthony’s Catholic Church
February 14, 2021 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Modified Liturgical Schedule - St. Anthony's Manteca
Mass                           Lifting up to God for healing
                      Intentions                      those in need of our prayers:

             M         ,F         15                    Janet DeLisle                   Sandra Denis
                   Fr. Gilbert                       Christopher Rowen               Albert Barbarona
   † Anthony Isaac Rosales (Luz Elena Rosales)
    † Carl A. Joaquin (Herb & Kathy Goularte)
                                                          Joe Rowen               Jesus Garcia Zambrano
        † Tommy Sablan (Belinda Jacob)                 Elizabeth Cantu                    Jim Fields
                                                       Duane Golliher                   Dahlia Cano
             T        ,F          16                   Judy Simmons                      Marc Pella
                    Fr. Chris                             Jorge Dias                     Aida Ceron
        † Antonio H Braga (Rosa DeSilva)               Patricia Meyers                Victoria Richie
      † Emilio Garcia Cortes (Ena C. Islas)          Griselda Hernandez                Susie Dickert
    † Linda M. Telles Dias (Fatima Leonardo)           Rosa Gonzalez                     Serina Horn
           † Martin Guzman Gutierrez                   Juan Gonzalez                    Julie Ferreira
                                                      Jessie Villalovos              Michael Relloque
           W             ,F         17
                                                       Brody Kasinger                    Tara Jones
                    Ash Wednesday                        Gilbert Diaz                  Maria Cigarra
                                                        Sharon Ryder                Edward Cordoza III
            T         ,F         18                   Rosalina Gurrola                Ellen Williams
                   Fr. Chris                             Frank Castro                     Joni Costa
         † Joseph Thomas (Joby Joseph)                  David Daneau               Pablo (Ricky) Salcedo
   † Richard Thomas Banegas (Zonia Banegas)           Sarah McCarthy                  Faye Escovedo
        † William Wallace (Gina Wallace)                Cathy Valente                Mauricio Arango
                                                     Rebecca Mayorga                Baby Gianni Garcia
                F    ,F          19                      Vince Cestra                Jocelyn San Juan
                    Fr. Chad
 † Linda M. Telles Dias (Jeremy & Darcy Goulart)
                                                      Louis George III               Belinda Solorzano
     † Mary Lotti Family (Merces Ferrumpau)               Macy Hekl                   Athena Sequiera
          † Peter Riley (Marlene Riley)                  Enrigue Rios                  Eufemia Jacob
                                                         Paul Rebelo                  Maria Castanon
            S           ,F          20                Emilia Sanfilippo                 Joe Teixeira
                     Fr. Chad                        Anthony Figueroa                  Peter Pimentel
       † Anne Drummond (Marianne Rotert)             Edmundo Damasco             Maria Rosalina Tenizeros-
       † Eloy Baca (Baca Family & Friends)              Jean Damasco                      Rodriguez
† Fr. William Beuth, C.P.P.S (Knights of Columbus)       Walter Frey                  Ricardo Velasco
          † Leonard Joaquin (Sandy Mello)                Bob Neeley                   Reyna De Leon
       † Manuel Galvez Solis (Luisa Basile)              Michele Day                  Santos De Leon
             † Nick Bush (Lillian Bush)
           † Socorro Urquidi (Aida Ceron)              Maria Amador                   Sophia Schwark
                                                      Lonnie Cannady              Joselito Guerero Munoz
                   Fr. Gilbert                           Joan Cowan                    Gladys Munoz
           † Martin Guzman Gutierrez                    Lupe Alcantar                  Delarine Barut
                                                          Paz Galvan                  Daisie Bagarino
             S       ,F          21                    Mary Ann Silva            Ramona & George Phelps
                    Fr. Chris                         Celestina Manuta                   Judy Wahl
† Gregoria "Nana" Orozco (Anna Sanchez Mendoza)      Nemesio Domingo                   Cathy Valente
   † Mercedes Sanchez (Anna Sanchez Mendoza)             Craig Yeszin                     Mia Grace
† Salvador "Tata" Orozco (Anna Sanchez Mendoza)        Rodrigo Acosta                  Ed Thompson
                  Fr. Gilbert                           Abel Ramirez                   Rey Calderon
     † Jose Luis De la Barrera (Anita Bartra)           Amanda Rosa
 † Fernando & Oscar De la Barrera (Anita Bartra)
 † Nemesio & Margarita Hermosilla (Cora Doria)
                                                     If you are ill or in the hospital, please call 823-7197
                                                             to let us know, we can arrange a visit
                                                                  from a Priest, or Deacon Jeff

                                                                                     st-anthonys.org | 4
February 14, 2021 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Modified Liturgical Schedule - St. Anthony's Manteca
St Anthony’s School
                                                               2021-2022 Registration
                                                                 Opens January 31st

                                                     Just a reminder that priority registration for
                                                       current school families for the new school
                                                          year opens on January 31st with the
                                                        beginning of Catholic Schools Week. All
                                                     registrations must be completed by April 1st
                                                      to avoid a late fee of $150 per student and
                                                           to ensure your spot in next year's
                                                     classes. New families are welcome to apply
                                                       at any time, however current families will
                                                      have priority until April 1st. Please visit our
 RELIGIOUS ART 2021 CALENDAR                               website at www.sasmanteca.org
                                                                 for more information.

                                                        Scholarship applications including
                                                          SEEDS are due on March 15th.

                                                         It's important to get your 2020 taxes
                                                     completed since the scholarships do require
                                                      current year tax information. New families
                                                     wishing to apply for financial aid must have
                                                     their Grant & Aid application completed with
                                                      required supporting documents by March
                                                       15th. An enrollment application must be
                                                          submitted to be considered for aid.
                                                       Questions regarding tuition, scholarship
The Religious Art calendar is available for pickup     and/or assistance with FACTS should be
 in the church, outdoor mass or call the parish       directed to Kelly Meyer at 209-392-9068.
    office. We ask that you please take one                         St. Anthony’s School
            calendar per household.
        "Are you new to the parish?
To obtain a registration form, please visit our
   website, email, or call the parish office.              St. Anthony's Preschool is now accepting
              Have you moved?                              applications for School Year 2020-2021!
        Had an information change?                       We are a high quality program which prepares
                                                     children for kindergarten and beyond. We provide a
 Let us know by contacting our parish office            nurturing environment, offers structured setting,
            by phone or by email.                      encourages language, social, emotional skills and
                                                      spiritual development aligned with the values of the
 Monday – Thursday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM                                     Catholic faith.
      Friday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM                            Preschool: 3 year old and potty tr ained by
     receptionist@st-anthonys.org                    Sept.1st. 3 day-Half Day or 5 day-Full Day schedule
                                                      Pre-K: 4 year s old and potty tr ained by Sept.1st.
             209-823-7197                                 5 day -Half Day or 5 day-Full Day schedule
                                                       For more information, visit our
          We respect your privacy!                     website at www.sasmanteca.org
            This information is for                   or contact the Preschool Director,
        St. Anthony’s Parish use only.                 Jennifer Dalen at 209-823-3959

                                                                                   st-anthonys.org | 5
February 14, 2021 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Modified Liturgical Schedule - St. Anthony's Manteca
PERPETUAL ADORATION                                             Ministries and Activities
                                                                            St. Vincent de Paul Society’s food
                                                                            pantry has remained open two days a
                                                                            week, Wednesdays and Fridays, from
                                                                            2:00-3:30pm, since March. We
                                                                            hope to reopen more days as we are
  Given the developing situation, Adoration will take                       able.
                                                                            New members are welcome!
        place inside the church as scheduled:
    Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday 8:00 am - 11:30 am                          The coronavirus has disrupted many
          Tuesday & Friday 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
                                                                              people’s lives both in our
                           Could you not watch                                parish and in our community.
                           one hour with me?”                                 Our outreach team is here to help our
                              “MT. 26:40”                                     parishioners and community members
                                                                              in need. We have emergency funds
      Adoration will be cancelled on the following dates:                     and can help with needs such as rent
                           March 3                          and utilities. Please call our Helpline at 209-302-5702.
                 March 8 through March 12
                           March 17                            Please for all other calls, use our office number,
                          April 1 & 2                                            209-823-8099.
                                                              Thank you to St. Anthony’s parishioners continued
                                                                support of our ministry during this time. It has
                                                              enabled us to continue to serve our neighbors and
  EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY                                              friends and is greatly appreciated

             Director of Liturgy                                        PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY
       St. Anthony’s Church, Manteca                         If someone would like to request a shawl (for ladies)
                                                                 or lap robe (for men), please send an e-mail to
St. Anthony’s Church, Manteca is seeking a                                prayer.shawls@yahoo.com.
fulltime Director of Liturgy. The Director of               Shawls and lap robes are not just for those who are ill;
Liturgy is responsible for all liturgical aspects           they are also given out to celebrate a special occasion
                                                            such as an anniversary. A message of love and caring
of the parish. The Director of Liturgy will                        comes with each shawl or lap robe and the
collaborate very closely with the Pastor to                          giving of the shawl or lap robe enriches
ensure his vision of liturgy for the entire parish                      the giver as well as the recipient.
is fulfilled. In addition, the Director of
Liturgy will work closely with volunteer                     WIDOW’S FELLOWSHIP & SUPPORT GROUP
liturgical ministry leaders to ensure each
liturgical ministry meets the worship needs of                             If you are a woman who has lost your
the parish.                                                                   spouse and would like to connect
This individual must be a self-starter who is                                 spiritually and socially with other
able to perform key tasks independently and                                     fellow widows please contact
                                                                           Deacon Jeff at (209) 823-7197 ext. 227
enjoys working in a team environment. This
position requires a flexible work schedule,
which will include weekends and evenings.                    Scan QR code to watch
Interested candidates are asked to submit a
cover letter and resume to:                                    St. Anthony’s
   St. Anthony’s Church, Attn: Mary Ferreira,                   Video Mass
      505 E. North St., Manteca, CA 95336
          or email mary@st-anthonys.org                     st-anthonys.org/
6 | St. Anthony’s Catholic Church
February 14, 2021 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Modified Liturgical Schedule - St. Anthony's Manteca
DRIVE-THRU                              FISH FRY
MRPS sponsored “Gil’s Fish Fry” DRIVE-THRU
on Ash Wednesday has tickets available on
Eventbrite! $20 for fish, potatoes, vegetable,
salad, roll and ice cream!!
WHAT A DEAL! Order your tickets available
until 2/15! No tickets sold at the door.                                Make a Donation or Access Your Account
                                                                        VISIT ST. ANTHONY’S WEBSITE st-anthonys.org
                                                                   Please send your contribution electronically through
                                                                     our webpage. (Select CONNECTNOW GIVING)

              EVERYDAY STEWARDSHIP                                            Family & Respect Life:
The Unfailing Goodness of God                                       Catholic Engaged Encounter 2021 Weekends

I have always wondered why Jesus told the cleansed leper          Catholic Engaged Encounter of Stockton has decided to
not to publicize how he had been healed by the Son of God.        present all its marriage preparation retreats virtually in
It’s not that I can’t understand why Jesus would want to keep     2021. Their leadership team under the direction of Tom &
the matter quiet — after all, he knew that as soon as people      Mercedes Hollcraft have done a great job in converting the
heard, he would be mobbed with requests for healings, and         traditional retreat weekend into an effective instructional,
his movements restricted.                                         spiritually formational, and emotionally rewarding virtual
What gets me is the fact that Jesus simply must have realized
the leper would not listen to him. Why give someone a             2021 Engaged Encounter Virtual Weekend Schedule:
command you know they will ignore? It’s a complicated
question, and when I reflect on it, I can’t help but connect it   February 20 & 21 Two-day weekend retreat
to another equally complicated question: why does God,            April 15 - May 20 Six 90-minute sessions over 6 consecu-
all-good and all-knowing, allow bad things to happen?             tive Thursday evenings
                                                                  May 29 & 30 Two-day weekend retreat
Yes, God is all-good and all-knowing. So when He gives us
                                                                  July 8 - August 2 Six 90-minute sessions over 6 consecutive
free will, He knows what we will do with it. However, He is
also all-powerful. He can and will bring good from any            Thursday evenings
situation, any tragedy, or even any instance where someone        August 7 & 8 Two-day weekend retreat
ignores Him.                                                      September 9 - October 14 Six 90-minute sessions over 6
                                                                  consecutive Thursday evenings
Was it a sin for this leper to do other than what Jesus had       November 13 & 14 Two-day weekend retreat
said? That’s a heavy question for a Sunday morning! But it’s
plain to see that, even though this man ignored Jesus’            Registration is available via the Stockton Diocese Engaged
command, God still used his actions. How many were                Encounter Website at www.stocktonee.org.
brought to Christ because of the news spread by this leper!
                                                                  Cost of retreats is $75 per couple.
As someone trying to live out a stewardship way of life, what
is God requesting of you right now?                               Workbooks will be mailed to couples prior to the retreat
                                                                  and a certificate of competition will be mailed to couples
— Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS                                        on completion of the retreat.

7 | St. Anthony’s Catholic Church
Adult/Youth Formation Corner
                                                                                        promoting within our community from time to
                                                                                         time. So please join us. Also once you have
                                                                                         signed up, don’t forget to download the free
                                                                                         iOS or Android app to put FORMED at your
                                              We're pleased to announce the                               fingertips.
                                               Availability of FORMED, an              To sign up for FREE, just visit
                                               online service for accessing             formed.org/signup Type in
                                         thousands of Catholic videos, audios and
                                                                                        St Anthony of Padua
                                    ebooks On Demand anytime, anywhere! As a
      Infant Baptism:                member, you will have access to entertaining  click on the Manteca location
  Minimum of three months                            movies, inspiring                  then click on next,
                                        audio talks, informative bible studies, and     type in your name and email, then click sign
   notice & pre-baptismal              much more. We are providing this resource            up.
     instruction required.           free of charge to help our members learn and We hope you will enjoy this incredible gift and
    Dave Corder, ext.230            grow in their faith. You will also be able to eas- please spread the word to others.
                                       ily access any featured content that we are

   First Holy Communion
    For school age children                                                                   SUNDAY'S READINGS -
 (2nd grade or higher) this is a
      two year preparation.                                                                        First Reading:
        Faith Formation:                                                                        He shall dwell apart,
         (209) 239-4302
                                                                                               making his abode outside
         Confirmation                                                                           the camp. (Lv 13:46)
For students 7th grade or above
 who desire to become a fully                                                                            Psalm:
initiated Catholic: this is a two                                                                 I turn to you, Lord,
        year preparation.                                                                          in time of trouble,
        Faith Formation:
         (209) 239-4302
                                                                                                and you fill me with the
                                                                                                joy of salvation. (Ps 32)
 Following an appointment a                                                                       Second Reading:
   minimum of six months                          LIVE THE LITURGY                            Whether you eat or drink,
   preparation is required.                                                                      or whatever you do,
    Dave Corder, ext.230            Everybody has a place at the table, and nobody de-
                                                                                              do everything for the glory
                                    serves to feel inferior, unworthy, unwanted, or mar-
     Christian Initiation
                                    ginalized. It is not part of God’s vision. Jesus came       of God. (1 Cor 10:31)
                                    to heal, make things whole, set things right, and re-
 This process provides adults       store relationships. No one is to feel unwelcome or
and children over the age of 7      alienated from the community. Whether we like it or                 Gospel:
       the opportunity to           not, this message is at the core of the Gospel. It            The leprosy left him
    explore their calling to        makes a lot of sense when you think about it. Per-
                                    haps this is why people kept coming from every-             immediately, and he was
 Baptism, Confirmation and          where to listen to Jesus speak and to be in his pres-        made clean. (Mk 1:42)
Communion to become a fully         ence. He made perfect sense. Most of us have no
 initiated Catholic Christian.      issue buying into this vision. We run into trouble,
     Dave Corder, ext.230           however, when we fall into the trap of privilege and
                                    power. We diverge from God’s vision when the
If you have question or would       powerful begin to control who is entitled to whole-
                                    ness and inclusion, and greed becomes a driving
 like more information please       force. Prejudice and entitlement have no place in the
   contact the parish office at     kingdom of God, and even the most needy and hurt-
    (209) 823-7197 or email:        ing among us are worthy of the compassion Jesus
receptionist@st-anthonys.org        desires to offer. There are no easy solutions to the
                                    world’s dilemmas. But one thing is for certain, no
                                    one can be singled out, excluded or mistreated. Eve-
                                    ryone matters.

8 | St. Anthony’s Catholic Church
Miércoles de Ceniza
              6º DOMINGO                                                                                           17 de febrero
         DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO                                                                      9 am. - 11am.: Distribución de cenizas
                                                                                                    4pm – 7pm: Distribución de cenizas

“Pero la gente venía a el de todas partes” (Marcos 1:45).                                        Asistentes e instrucciones será
Tengo presente en mi mente, los inicios de la pandemia que                                     publicado. Entrará por una puerta,
azota al mundo desde el 2019. Conforme llegó el 2020, los                     sigue el distanciamiento social de al menos 6 pies,
casos se multiplicaron en todo el mundo. La angustia se                          recibe su cenizas y luego salga de la iglesia.
apoderó de muchos de nosotros por la enfermedad, la falta
de trabajo, la pérdida de viviendas, y más. También, fluye el                      Día Universal de ayuno y de abstinencia.
recuerdo del Papa Francisco haciendo oración por el fin de                     Los católicos entre 18 y 59 años están obligados
la pandemia. Acudimos a orar gente de todos los lugares de                     a ayunar el miércoles de ceniza y Viernes Santo.
la tierra. Cada país, cada gobierno encontró la forma de orar
juntos, Misa, Hora Santa, y el Rosario. ¿Lo recuerdas?
Nuestra oración continúa sin cesar. ¡Sananos, Señor, como                   Todos los católicos de 14 años o más deben abstenerse
aquel leproso del Evangelio! Límpianos, necesitamos tu                              de comer carne el Miércoles de Ceniza,
compasión.                                                                   el Viernes Santo y TODOS los viernes de Cuaresma.
La Iglesia tiene grandes santos y santas que se han dedicado
al cuidado de los enfermos. Uno de ellos es San Camilo de
Lelis. Nació el 25 de mayo de 1550 en Abruzzo, Italia. Fue
sacerdote. Murió el 4 de julio de 1614. Es el Santo protector
de los enfermos, a quienes cuidaba y atendía con amor.
Parte de su oración dice así: “Haznos, como San Camilo,
conscientes de que, en el
rostro del enfermo, del que sufre y está agobiado o del que
padece grandes necesidades, está tu mano acariciando a
nuestro corazón”. Ojalá, que el ejemplo de este santo católi-
co nos ayude, ahora, a nosotros, a girar nuestro corazón y la
mente hacia a Dios. Para, lograr así, ser personas de com-
pasión y servicio. Dejarse tocar por Jesús tiene su com-
promiso. Arrodillarse, pedir, y lo más importante querer.
¡Quiero Señor, no me dejes!                                                         La Oficina Parroquial está cerrada al público
                                                                                   Estaremos disponibles para usted por teléfono y
                                                                                   correo electrónico, durante el horario normal de
                                                                             oficina. Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión, y continúe
El día Mundial                                                                          orando y revise el sitio web y las redes
                                                                                    sociales para obtener información actualizada.

del Matrimonio                                                                              Lunes-jueves de 9:00 am-5:00 pm
                                                                                               y Viernes 9:00 am-4:00 pm
                                                                                      receptionist@st-anthonys.org (209)-823-7197

         BIENVENIDOS!                                    Día       Hora                Servicio                Cupo
           Comenzando el                                                                                                  Reservacimes
       16 de noviembre de 2020
                                                        Lunes    8-11:30 am Oración Privada y Adoración         65            No                Si
 La misa en línea continuará                         Martes      4-7pm     Oración Privada y Adoración        65            No                Si
   normalmente                                         Miéocles 8-11:30 am Oración Privada y Adoración          65            No                Si
 Confesión: es possible que deba permanecer
   afuera hasta que diminuya el número de              Jueves    8-11:30 am Oración Privada y Adoración         65            No                Si
   personas dentro de la iglesia. Prepárese ya que     Viernes     4-7pm     Oración Privada y Adoración        65            No                Si
   pueda hacer calor afuera.
 Antes de ingresar a la iglesia, los asistentes le   Sábado      8 am             Confesiónes              Sin Limite       No               No
   pedirán que desinfecte sus manos SOLO con el        Domingo   10-11 am    Distribución de la Comunión        65             no              No
   desinfectante dado por la iglesia.
 No traiga “toallitas” desinfectantes de ningún                                                                                        Limitados puede
                                                       Domingo     9 am       Misa al aire libre en ingles   Sin Limite       No
   tipo a la iglesia, ya que esos productos pueden                                                                                         traer su silla
   contener productos químicos que causan una                                      Misa al aire libre                                    Limitados puede
   reacción o daño a la tapicería, la madera, etc.     Domingo   10:30 am                                    Sin Limite       No
                                                                                      en español                                           traer su silla

                                                                                                                            st-anthonys.org | 9
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