Page created by Vanessa Mejia
                         Center Square
                 1489 DeKalb Pike Blue Bell PA 19422     February 13th
                   610-275-7711 (P) - 610-275-7610 (F)

Parish Website              Parish Facebook               FORMED
     BRU  RY 13,, 2022 +
       UA                                                          + SIXTH SUNDAY
                                                                                Y OF ORDINARY TIME +

                                                              Oʐʇ Fʃʏʋʎʛ

                         United as members of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, we are committed, as
                          ONE FAMILY, to be messengers of God’s love and presence in the world, and to welcome
                                     and invite others to become part of this family and this mission.
                                                               Oʐʇ Hʇʃʔʖ
                              Called by our Baptism to a life of service in the Lord, we are committed, with
                         ONE HEART, to live in charity, practice the works of mercy, and work for peace and justice.
                                                               Oʐʇ Fʃʋʖʊ
                            Strengthened by God’s Word and nourished by His Sacraments, we are committed, in
                            ONE FAITH, to promote lives of learning, living, and proclaiming the Gospel message,
                            as we continue to grow in the knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of all that
                                                    embodies these awe-inspiring truths.

PRIESTS/DEACONS:                                              CHAPEL HOURS:
Parish Priest: Rev. Monsignor Joseph J. Nicolo                The Saint Theresa Chapel is open Monday - Friday from
Parochial Vicar: Rev. Brian T. Connolly                       6:30 AM to 9PM; Saturday from 8 AM - 5 PM; & Sunday
Deacon: Deacon A. Kenneth Belanger                            from 7 AM to 5 PM. On First Thursdays & Fridays,
                                                              special devotions are prayed at Mass.
Phone: 610-275-7711                                           SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM:
Web Site: www.sainthelena-centersquare.net                    Baptisms are celebrated the 2nd Sunday of each month
Email: parish@sainthelenachurch.org                           after the 11:00 AM Mass. Please stop by the Parish
                                                              Office for information on scheduling Baptism for your
Monday through Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM                     child. Pre-Jordan classes are required for parents &
Business Manager: Ms. Cathy Neugebauer                        optional for Godparents, and are usually offered the
Parish Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Gina Malony             first Monday of the month at 7:00 PM in the Convent.
                                                              Call the Parish Office to register for class. Letters of
EDUCATION CENTER:                                             eligibility are due at the Parish Office before a date can
1499 DeKalb Pike Blue Bell PA 19422                           be confirmed for Baptism.
Phone: 610-279-3345  Fax: 610-279-3272
Interim School Principal:    Miss Denise Britt                SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE:
School Secretary:            Mrs. Rene Ryan                   Arrangements must be made with a priest at least 6
School Nurse:                Mrs. April Maxwell               months prior to your desired wedding date.
                                                              The Archdiocese of Philadelphia requires that all
PREP:                                                         couples attend a Pre-Cana class before marriage.
Phone: 610-277-3573                                           Contact the Parish Office to schedule an appointment
Director of Religious Education:                              with a Priest and for information about attending a
Mrs. Madeleine Fitzgerald                                     Pre-Cana Class.
Phone: 610-930-0349
                                                              SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK:
                                                              Arrangements can be made by calling the Parish Office.
Mr. Christian Thompson
FACILITIES MANAGER:                                           SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION/
Phone: 610-322-5749                                           CONFESSION:
Mr. Vince Thompson                                            Saturdays at 3:00 PM in the Church or contact the Parish
DIRECTIR of FACILITIES:                                       Office to make an appointment.
Robert Malony                                                 MEMORIALS:
PARISH MASS SCHEDULE:                                         Mass Cards, Candles, Bread & Wine...in honor of the living
     Saturday Vigil is celebrated at 4:00 PM            or in memory of the deceased. If you would like to have
                                                              a spiritual memorial offered in memory or in honor of
Sunday:    7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, & 11:00 AM                       a loved one, please contact the Parish Office.
Weekdays: Mon - Sat 9:00 Holy Day Vigil: 7:00 PM
Holy Days: 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, & 12:15 PM                       SANCTUARY FLOWERS:
                 (Except on Saturdays)                        If you are interested in having fresh flowers placed on
                                                              the Altar in either the Church or the Chapel, please call
SPIRITUAL DEVOTIONS:                                          THERESA SMITH at 215-646-7636 to learn about details
Most Holy Rosary:        Mon-Sat 8:25 AM (Chapel)             and availability.
                         Wednesdays: 11: 30 AM (Grotto)
Eucharistic Adoration:   Mon-Fri 9:30 AM-7:30 PM
Divine Mercy Chaplet:    Mon-Sun 3:00 PM (Chapel)

+ FEBRUARY 13,, 2022
                   2+                                              + SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME +
                                                                                              In your Christian charity
                                                                                                 and mindful of the
                                                                                               Communion of Saints,
Mon., Feb. 14 9:00 AM - St. Cyril                                                                please pray for our
              IMO ED KUREK
              Requested by Rita Kurek
Tue., Feb. 15     9:00 AM
                  IMO MARIA SALVITTI                                                              Dൾർൾൺඌൾൽ,
                  Requested by St. Helena Faculty
Wed., Feb. 16 9:00 AM                                                                         especially the following:
              IMO AGNES FERRARA
              Requested by the Schmidt Family                               Jඈඁඇ Bඋඈ඀ൺඇ
Thu., Feb. 17 9:00 AM                                                        Lඒඇඇ Lඈඐൾඋ,
              IMO CESDIA MARINI                                            Lൾඈඇ Sඈൻඈඅൾൿඌ඄ං
              Requested by her son, Joseph Marini
Fri., Feb. 18     9:00 AM
                                                                           Jඈඌൾඉඁ Gൺආൻඈඇൾ
                  IMO AMELIA WALLACE                              May their souls and the souls of all the Faithful
                  Requested by the Rooney Family                 Departed through the mercy of God rest in peace.
Sat., Feb. 19     9:00 AM
                  The living & deceased members
                  of the Saint Theresa Guild                           PRAY FOR OUR SICK  

                 MEMORIALS FOR THE                                                   In your charity, please pray
                                                                                     for our sick & home-bound
                WEEK OF FEBRUARY 13TH                                               parishioners, as well as those
                The Sanctuary Candle in the Church burns                               living in health/nursing
                              in memory of                                              facilities. In particular,
                         JOESPH WINKOWSKI                                                 please remember the
                     Requested by St. Martha’s Ministry                                  following individuals:
                The Sanctuary Candle in the Chapel burns                                Patrick Banicki,
                              in memory of                                             Marie Marrongelli,
                              RON MILES                          Linda & Chuck Basile, Peter J. Cissone, Jr.,
                         Requested by Dotty Miles                McGrail & Flynn Families, Dave Colman,
                         A Candle burns at the                   Ed Mitchell, Teri Smyth, Diane Bambino,
                       Altar of the Blessed Mother                   Marie Becker, MaryAnn McCauley,
                            For good health of                  Tom Collins, Mary Reedy, Patricia Leedom,
                           Aline McGrail                       Jennifer Young, Maryann Tinti, John Leedom,
                       Requested by Donna & Gina                      Samantha Hunsecker, Juan Barba,
                                                                   Claudia Restrepo, Juan Carlos Valencia,
                         A Candle burns at the                  Claudia Valencia, John Sajda, Ronald Agresti,
                       Altar of the Blessed Mother
                                                                  Marco Martinelli, Matthew McDonnell,
                              in memory of
                                                                 Baby Benjamin Berkowitz, Isaiah Bradwell,
                             Mary Spatz
                   Requested by Msgr. Nicolo, Fr. Brian,
                                                                Elizabeth Foster, Marie Valerio, Jack Keidel,
                     & the Rectory Staff                            Carolyn Smith, Mary Ann Freeman,
                                                                   Baby Reagan Audrea Palaigos, Nikki &
                        A Candle burns at the                                  Suzetta Eason.
                          Altar of Saint Joseph
                              in memory of                      To have someone listed, please call the Parish
                        Joseph Winkowski                           Office at 610-275-7711. Names will stay
                Requested by Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lamina                         listed for 2 weeks.

+ FEBRUARY 13,, 2022
                   2+                                                  + SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME +

           Nic NOTES                                              Our Lenten Penance Services will be on Tuesday,
                                                                  March 29 at 1:15 PM and 6:45 PM. Please prayerfully
                                                                  consider attending our Lenten Penance Services in
             D EAR P ARISHIONERS ,                                preparation for Easter.
             This weekend we will have the renewal and
             blessing of Wedding Vows. This will be done           May God, through the intercession of Saint Helena,
at all of the Weekend Masses. It is a special time to                                  bless us!
remember those who have pledged their love to one
another and to celebrate that love. May God continue to                       Love & prayers,
bless each and every one of our parishioners who are
married. Let us also remember to pray for those                              Monsignor Nicolo
parishioners of ours who will be getting married. May
their preparation and dedication to one another be
blessed.                                                                         A PRAYER for
To all of our parishioners happy St. Valentine Day!                              our MILITARY
                                                                        Lord God, Almighty Father, Creator of
We have just received from the Archbishop our 2022                  humankind and Author of peace, we are ever
Catholic Charities Appeal Program. Our goal is $101,000
                                                                      mindful of the cost paid for the liberty we
this year and remains the same as last year. We will show
the Appeal Video at all of the Masses, follow the                   possess, we ask You to bless the members of
diocesan timeline, as well as have a guest speaker to             our Armed Forces. Give them courage, hope and
address parishioners about the impact of the Catholic               strength. May they ever experience your firm
Charities Appeal.                                                 support, gentle love and compassionate healing.
                                                                     Be their power and protector, leading them
The Archdiocesan goal for the 2022 Catholic Charities                from darkness to light. To You be all glory,
Appeal is $12.5 million. Once again I am asking you for               honor and praise, now and forever. Amen.
your generosity and I thank you for your contributions to
this wonderful Appeal.                                                        Please pray for all our military
                                                                                   personnel especially:
There are two initiatives that are happening about the
same time in our Archdiocese. The first initiative will be          POI E LIZABETH F ENERTY , CPT K EVIN M AGUIRE ,
the “Disciple Maker Index” Survey, consisting of 75                 SFC J AMES K ILGORE , CDR D ANIEL N EVEROSKY ,
questions. As a parish we did this in 2019, however, the             TSGT J AMES L A P ORTE , SGT J OHN Z. M ATEJA ,
Archdiocese wants every parish in the Archdiocese to do                         LT N ICHOLAS H UMES ,
it now. The survey can be done online. We will have                          CPL A NTHONY J. C ICCARONE ,
some hard copies available. This will be done during the                  CPT E MILY M. L ORENZO -W OMACK ,
Lenten Season.                                                               CPT J ONATHAN R. W OMACK ,
                                                                              SSGT J OSEPH P. L ORENZO ,
“Called to Build a Synodal Church, Called for More” is
                                                                         LT C HRISTINA T AORMINA -L A P ORTE ,
the second initiative. There will be Listening, Reflection,
and Discernment opportunities throughout the                                   LTJG B RENDAN J. K OCH ,
archdiocese for in-person and virtual gatherings. There                       LTJG A NDREW J. S CHUTTA
will be events regionally throughout the Archdiocese that                    & COL E LIZABETH A NNE C AIN
one can go to or participate by Zoom. The timing for this
will be in the near future as the Archdiocese supplies us                                        SCAM ALERT!
with more information. This is ultimately a world wide
“adventure” that ends up at the Holy See.
                                                                                        Please know that
It feels very strange that Fr. Brian and I are already
beginning to assist other parishes and Catholic High                                    Monsignor
Schools with Confessions. At this time we are doing First                               Nicolo, Fr. Brian,
Reconciliations and shortly we will begin our rounds of
assisting other Parishes in Confessions for the Lenten            and the Saint Helena staff will never
Season. We usually have about 18 to 20 priest assist us           email or text requests for money, gift
with Confessions in the Lenten Season. Therefore, as you
may realize, we have many different parishes to help              cards, or help in any way. If you
because they help us.
                                                                  receive one, please DO NOT respond
                                                                  to these requests!
+ FEBRUARY 13,, 2022
                   2+                                               + SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME +

           L i tu r gi ca l M i n i s t ri ess
          S U N D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 1 9,, 20 2 2
                                                                             PARISH EVENTS:
                                                                   Febr uar y 133 too Febr uar y 20
Saturday, February 19                                          SUNDAY, February 13
4:00 PM - Fr. Brian                                            x   Masses: 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 AM - Church
Sunday, February 20                                                (Renewal of Wedding Vowels)
7:30 AM - Fr. Brian                                            x   CYO Basketball: 1:00 - Social & Rec. Center
9:00 AM - Msgr. Nicolo
11:00 AM - Msgr. Nicolo
                                                               MONDAY, February 14
LECTORS                                                        x   Daily Mass: 9:00 AM - Chapel
Saturday, February 19                                          x   Prayer Shawl Ministry: 12:00 PM - Convent
4:00 PM - C. Kain, T. Pantaleo                                 x   CYO Basketball: 4:30 PM - Social & Rec. Ct.
Sunday, February 20                                            x   First Lego League: 6:00 PM - Cafeteria
7:30 AM - J. Bond, P. Schaeffer                                x   Choir Practice: 6:30 PM - Church
9:00 AM - M J Mrazik, L. Fickett                               x   Walking with Purpose: 6:45 PM - Convent
11:00 AM - P. Lorenzo, R. Maiorano                             
EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF                                     TUESDAY, February 15
HOLY COMMUNION                                                 x   Daily Mass: 9:00 AM - Church (6-8)
Saturday, February 19                                          x   Adult Basketball: 5:30 PM - Social & Rec. Ct.
4:00 PM - M. Guckert, J. Kusnerick, T. Reigle, J. Smith,       x   PREP: 6:30 PM - Education Center & Cafeteria
          T. Smith                                             x   3 on 3 Basketball: 7:30 PM - Social & Rec. Ct.
Sunday, February 20
7:30 AM - T. McGarvey, M. Skeels                               WEDNESDAY, February 16
9:00 AM - S. Iannello, L. Iannello, K. McWilliams,             x   Daily Mass: 9:00 AM - Chapel
          H. McWilliams, J. Oberlies                           x   CYO Basketball: 4:30 - Social & Rec. Center
11:00 AM -M. Okenquest, J. Ramos, F. Ramos,                    x   RCIA: 7:00 PM - Our Lady of Mercy
          V. Thompson, K. Wurtenberg
ALTAR SERVERS                                                  THURSDAY,, February 17
Saturday, February 19                                          x   Mass: 9:00 AM - Chapel
4:00 PM - T. Dwyer, K. Dwyer, N. Laub, I. Masucci              x   Walking with Purpose: 11:00 AM - Convent
Sunday, February 20                                            x   CYO Basketball: 4:30 PM - Social & Rec. Ct.
7:30 AM - G. Capperella, J. Capperella, M. Wagner              x   Bell Choir Practice: 6:30 PM - Church
9:00 AM - T. Bushner, M. Merone, J. Trainor                    x   Scripture Study: 7:00 PM - Virtual
11:00 AM -H. Elliott, S. Morrissey, A. Ormond,                 FRIDAY, February 18
          C. Zapalac                                           x   Daily Mass: 9:00 AM - Chapel

                                                               SATURDAY, February 19
                                                               x   Mass: 9:00 AM - Chapel
    THANK YOU                                                  x   Confessions: 3:00 PM - Church
                                                                   Vigil Mass: 4:00 PM - Church

Collection for the                                             SUNDAY, February 20
weekend of
                                                               x   Masses: 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 AM - Church
February 6
                                                                   CYO Basketball: 1:00 PM - Social & Rec. Ct.
PLATE:               $14,883
E-GIVING:            $ 3,700
MAIL-IN:             $ 4,678

+ FEBRUARY 13,, 2022
                   2+                                            + SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME +
                                                                       S MESSAGE
Saints Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs
                                                                                  Confirmation News
         c. 1562-1597; late Sixteenth Century
Native Japanese priests and laity die nobly for a                               Thank you to Carol Brown and
                    new faith                                                   Debbie Erthal for their teaching
                                                                                and guidance. Since September
      Continued from Last week.                                                 they have been working with
                                                                                their students and their parents
Paul, a Jesuit brother, and his companions were the                             through all the stages needed to
first group to suffer mass martyrdom in Japan. A             complete Confirmation requirements.
military leader and adviser to the Emperor feared
Spanish and Portuguese conquest of the island and            CONFIRMATION REQUIREMENTS
ordered the arrest of six Franciscan priests and             Attendance at all Sunday Mass & Holy Days of
brothers, three Japanese Jesuits, sixteen other              Obligation
Japanese, and one Korean. The captured had their             Attendance at all PREP classes
left ears mutilated and were then forced to march,           Attendance at all special events pertaining to
bloodied, hundreds of miles to Nagasaki. On
                                                             Saint Project
February 5, 1597, Paul and his companions were
                                                             20 Hours of Service
bound to crosses on a hill, like Christ, and pierced
with lances.
                                                             Sacrament of Reconciliation
An eyewitness described the scene:                           Confirmation for Level Seven will be on Thursday,
Our brother, Paul Miki, saw himself standing in the          March 31st, 2022 at 4:00PM with Bishop McIntyre
noblest pulpit he had ever filled. To his                    presiding.
“congregation” he began by proclaiming himself a
Japanese and a Jesuit… “My religion teaches me to            Have a great week!     Madeleine
pardon my enemies and all who have offended me. I
do gladly pardon the Emperor and all who have                                     St Helena Knights #14210
sought my death. I beg them to seek baptism and be
Christians themselves.” Then he looked at his                                         www.shkofc.com
comrades and began to encourage them in their final                               Grand Knight George Gillin
struggle…Then, according to Japanese custom, the                                     GGillin@comcast.net
four executioners began to unsheath their spears…
The executioners killed them one by one. One thrust
of the spear, then a second blow. It was over in a
short time.
The executions did nothing to stop the Church.
Persecution only fanned the flames of faith. By 1614
about 300,000 Japanese were Catholics. So more
intense persecutions followed. Japanese leaders             Be Super! Donate Blood. Save a Life!
eventually chose to seal off their ports and borders        Calling all donors, A critical blood shortage exists. You
from virtually all foreign penetration, a policy that       can make a lifesaving difference! We will be at
would last until the nineteenth century. Only in 1854       MONTCO on Saturday, February 19 from 9 A M till
was Japan forcibly opened to foreign trade and              2 PM in Parkhouse Hall Atrium., enter off Rout 202. For
Western visitors. Then, thousands of Japanese               more information contact Carl Wagner at 610-730-4301.
Catholics suddenly came out of hiding, mostly near          Go to www.redcross.org to register.
Nagasaki. They bore the names of the Japanese
martyrs, spoke some Latin and Portuguese, asked             Praying for Peace in the Ukraine
their new guests for statues of Jesus and Mary, and         Pope Francis recently called for an international day of
sought to verify if a French priest was legitimate          prayer for peace to stop the Ukraine crisis from
with two questions: 1) Are you celibate?; and 2) Do         worsening. The Pope asked the Lord to "grant that the
you come from the Pope in Rome? These hidden                country may grow in the spirit of brotherhood and that all
Christians also opened their palms to show the              hurts, fears and divisions will be overcome. He asked
priest something else—relics of the martyrs who             “that our prayer for peace be made with the words of the
their remote ancestors had known and honored                Our Father, explaining that "it is the prayer of sons and
centuries before. Their memory had never died.              daughters to the one Father, the prayer that makes us
                                                            brothers and sisters, the prayer of children who plead for
God Bless!    Deacon Ken                                    reconciliation and concord."

+ FEBRUARY 13,, 2022
                   2+                                       + SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME +

         High School
         Youth Group
 2022 Calendar HSYG Meeting Dates
  Sunday evenings 7 – 8:30 p.m. in the
           Parish Convent.                                 Sൺංඇඍ Hൾඅൾඇൺ Yඈඎඇ඀ Aൽඎඅඍ
                                                            Gඋඈඎඉ Mൾൾඍංඇ඀ ඌർඁൾൽඎඅൾ
     February 13 - NO MEETING!                             Tਈਕ਒ਓ਄ਁਙਓ ਉ਎ ਔਈਅ Pਁ਒ਉਓਈ Cਏ਎ਖਅ਎ਔ
                                                                    7—8:30 P.M.
February 20 - T he Patriarchs: Part Two
                                                          St. Therese of Lisieux, pray for us!
     February 27 — Service Event –
    Writing Cards to the Elderly/Sick                     February 17 — “This Teaching is Hard”

  March 6 — Egypt & Exodus: Moses                          February 24 — “Do You Love Me?”

       March 13 — Rahab & Ruth                            For Lent, we will be watching Bishop
                                                           Barron’s “Seven Deadly Sins, Seven
                                                                     Lively Virtues”
    The Purpose of Man's Existence
                                                               March 3 — Pride & Humility
1. Who made us?
God made us.                                                 March 10 — Envy & Admiration

In the beginning, God created heaven and                    March 17 — Anger & Forgiveness
earth. (Genesis 1:1)
                                                                March 24 — Sloth & Zeal
2. Who is God?
God is the Supreme Being, infinitely perfect,               March 31 — Avarice & Generosity
who made all things and keeps them in
existence.                                                April 7 — Gluttony & Asceticism AND
                                                                    Lust & Chastity
In him we live and move and have our being.
(Acts 17:28)

3. Why did God make us?
God made us to show forth His goodness and
to share with us His everlasting happiness in

Eye has not seen nor ear heard, nor has it
entered into the heart of man, what things God
has prepared for those who love him.
(I Corinthians 2:9)
              Lesson 1 from the Baltimore Catechism

+ FEBRUARY 13,, 2022
                   2+                                            + SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME +
                  This week on                                    CORPORALL WORKS
                                                                     OF MERCY:
                                                                            D THE HUNGRY……
             Family Movie Choice:                                        CLOTHEE THE NAKED..
            St. Bernadette of Lourdes                      R@@QHRG @LHKX~VDRTOONQSL@MXNENTQMDHFGANQR~
The first “Children’s Cinema” released from                SGDLƒ
Navis Pictures, “St. Bernadette of Lourdes” is a
                                                             E BROTHER
                                                                     R HOUSE
beautiful and faithful retelling of the familiar
story of one of the world’s most beloved saints.           The Brother House is in need of new Men's
Humorous, moving, and reverent, this unique,               underwear, white socks, gently used clothing
award-winning, independent film has been seen              and monetary donations for the homeless
by millions worldwide and has sold tens of                 men in Norristown. We
thousands of copies since its release in 2009.             have a container in the
Featuring a cast of over 160 home-schooled                 Information Room off
(mostly), Catholic children ranging from 3 to 17           the Narthex.
years of age, the film is perfect viewing for the
entire family.                                             Thank you for helping
                                                           to cloth the poor!
                                                             E PATRICIAN
                                                                       N SOCIETY
  Mary: The Indispensable Mother of God                    GD@SQHBH@MNBHDSXHR@ENNCA@MJHM@RSNQQHSNMSG@S
             By Tim Staples                                VDGDKOSNJDDORSNBJDCVHSGSGDMNM§ODQHRG@AKDENNCSG@S
In this Lighthouse Talk, Tim Staples explains the          G@UDRDUDQ@K NNCNKKDBSHNMRSGQNTFGNTSSGDXD@Q@RVDKK
incredible impact that the Church's                        @RNTQMMT@K@MM@@FNKKDBSHNMHM@X EXNTB@M
understanding of Mary has on our spiritual lives,          GDKO~OKD@RDAQHMFXNTQMNM§ODQHRG@AKDHSDLRSNGTQBGNM
                               and the profound            SGDVDDJDMC@MCKD@UDSGDLHMSGD MENQL@SHNMNNL
                               way that Marian             QDOQDRDMS@SHUDEQNLGD@SQHBH@MNBHDSXTRT@KKXBNLDRHM
                               doctrines and               NMNMC@XLNQMHMFRSNOHBJTONTQCNM@SHNMR
                               dogmas safeguard
                               what we believe             CARING
                                                                G FOR
                                                                    R FRIENDS
                               about her Son.              GHRLHMHRSQX@RJRXNTSNBNNJ@EQDRGLD@KNQSNS@JDXNTQ
                               Using penetrating           KDES§NUDQR@MCOTSSGDLHMSGDBNMS@HMDQROQNUHCDCQHMF
                               insights and                SGDLSNSGDGTQBG@MCOK@BDSGDLHMSGDEQDDYDQHMSGD
                               humor, Tim                   MENQL@SHNMNNL   
                               shows how                    §         
                               correct knowledge            DG@UDCHMMDQBNMS@HMDQR@MCRNTO
                               of our humble               BNMS@HMDQR@U@HK@AKDSNFDSGDQVHSGHMRSQTBSHNMRNMGNVSN
                               Mother reveals              OQDO@QDSGDLD@KRKD@RDQDLDLADQSNC@SDXNTQCHMMDQR
our own identity in Christ and empowers us to
say "Yes" to God!

There are featured selections for both adults and            Visit the Church & Chapel Live
children alike that instruct and inspire you to live
                                                                        Go to the Parish Website and
your Faith more fully. PLEASE sign up for                                  on the Homepage select
FREE at formed.org/signup today!                                         Church Live or Chapel Live
                                                                      on the right hand side of the page.
It is the parish gift for you.
+ FEBRUARY 13,, 2022
                   2+                                               + SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME +
                                                                            Dൾඏඈඍංඈඇඌ ංඇ ඍඁൾ Cඁൺඉൾඅ.
                                                                                    Dൺංඅඒ Mൺඌඌ
              This year’s 40 Days for Life Spring                 9:00 AM ~ Monday - Saturday
              Campaign, a worldwide, life-saving event,            Rඈඌൺඋඒ Rൾർංඍൺඍංඈඇ
              runs from Feb. 2 through April 10. Check
              our future columns for more information            8:25 AM ~ Monday - Saturday
              about our parish prayer vigils. Daily              11:30 AM ~ Wednesdays
              devotionals & more information are                 3:15 PM ~ Monday—Saturday
available at www.40daysforlife.com Also available in the
Parish Library located in the Information Room, is Shawn        Give the gift of prayer of the
Carney’s inspirational book, To The Heart Of The Matter
– The 40 Day Companion to Live a Culture of Life,               New Year - a Spiritual Bouquet!
donated by the Respect Life Ministry. This book contains        Come and pray the Rosary for your intentions -
40 days of Shawn’s brief reflections, short Scripture
passages, and suggested daily intentions.
                                                                Wednesdays, 11:30 in the Saint Therese Chapel.
                                                                        Dංඏංඇൾ Mൾඋർඒ Cඁൺඉඅൾඍ
      We’re Looking for Leaders =                                    3:00 PM ~ Mon. - Sun., followed by the Rosary

              That’s You                                            Cඁൺඉൾඅ ංඌ Oඉൾඇ ൿඈඋ Dൺංඅඒ Mൾൽංඍൺඍංඈඇ
                                                                        6:30 AM - 9:00 PM ~ Monday - Friday
                                                                            8:00 AM - 5:00 PM ~ Saturday
      Children’s Liturgy of the Word is seeking                              7:00 AM - 5:00 PM ~ Sunday
      Volunteer Leaders for the 9 & 11 Masses                            Qඎൾඌඍංඈඇඌ? Cൺඅඅ Mൺඋඒ Jൺඇൾ Mඋൺඓං඄
                                                                                   ൺඍ 610-733-0814.
 x    All materials supplied; no teaching
      experience is needed
 x    There are 2 groups: Pre-school/K & 1st/2nd.                    ƩUƺǖPƩDŽN ƯƣǟNT
 x    A great opportunity to witness faith to the
      youngest members of our parish.
                                                                      NNJXT ƻƾƳMER
 x    You only have to lead once a month!                          Sʙʋʖʜʇʔʎʃʐʆ, Lʃʍʇ Cʑʏʑ & Mʋʎʃʐ
                                                                You are invited to join Monsignor Nicolo on a
                    Interested?                                 Spectacular Switzerland, Lake Como and Milan trip
        Please Contact Christian Thompson at                    from August 14, 2022 to August 26, 2022. The
                  610-930-0349 or                               price of the trip is $5,450 double occupancy and
         cthompson@sainthelenachurch.org                        single supplement is $1,380.

                                                                    For more information call Theresa Smith at
                                                                215-646-7636 or email theresacsmith@verizon.net.

                      We as a parish serve our
                      homebound parishioners by
                      visiting them weekly with Prayer
                      and Holy Communion.
                         We are reaching out to you, our
                        parishioners to consider becoming
                          an Extra Ordinary Minister for
                Homebound Parishioners.
             If interested or have questions,
                         please call
          Jim McLaughlin at 610-587-6186 or
             e-mail mcassoc.1@gmail.com

+ FEBRUARY 13,, 2022
                   2+                                  + SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME +

                   Lenten Adult Faith Formation Video Series
                  5-Week Series: Begins Wednesday, March 9th!
                            RSVP for one or all 5 weeks
       Each night includes Dinner, Prayer, Video & Group Discussion
  In “No Greater Love”, you will experience the unconditional love Christ has for you.
 We often hear about Jesus’ passion and              SERIES DETAILS & FORMAT
 death, but imagine experiencing them                        Five Wednesday Nights
 for the very first time. In                              March 9, 16, 23, 30, and April 6
 “No Greater Love” we are going to walk                          Empress Room
 step-by-step with Jesus on His journey                    from 7:00 PM to 8:45 P.M.
 from His agony in the garden to His                         for All Adults 18 & Over
 crucifixion on Calvary. Along the way,
                                                     Each Wednesday Night includes Prayer,
 we will unpack the biblical background                a catered dinner by Paravati Catering,
 to these events, the prophecies, and                 Ascension Press video & Small Group
 most especially, the ways Jesus is                                 Discussion.
 inviting us to walk more closely with               An offering of $15.00 per session to help
                                                       cover the cost of the meal is greatly
 Him today.                                                        appreciated.
 Questions, comments, want to sign up? Please             Interested? How to Sign Up:
 Contact Christian Thompson at 610-930-0349             Visit the Parish Website for a video
 or cthompson@sainthelenachurch.org                       trailer of the Series and to RSVP
                                                              for 1 or 2 nights...or All 5!
+ FEBRUARY 13,, 2022
                   2+                                                 + SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME +

             WE REMEMBER                                                           BEQUESTS
 and we gratefully acknowledge the following                         The following people have prayerfully made
   families who so thoughtfully asked that                          bequests in their Wills to Saint Helena Church.
donations in memory of their loved one be sent                        Please remember them in prayer as well.
           to Saint Helena Church.                                  Vivian Becker, Alice P. Devlin, Mary E. Flanagan,
        We ask that you please keep them                           Hon. Robert W. Honeyman, Concetta Marchesani,
                in your prayers:                                        Mary Ellen Sullivan, Laura E. Wisniewski,
                                                                   Estelle Noska, Elizabeth Ann Quillinan, Jean Stock,
             James Adams, John Botto, Mary Ellen Brogan,                  Lawrence Marinari, Catherine Frawley,
            Dr. Elwin S. Carlin, Audrey F. Crause,                   Mary Rosciola, Marian Curran, Charles Loeper,
          Harry DeFazio, Ann Kelly, Jennie Dinardo,
       Michael Frawley, Nicholas Grant, Ann Gerlach,                    Rev. John Coates, Kathleen Schoemaker,
         Eugene P. Kenworthy Sr., Peter J. Kelly, Sr.,            Regina Zaleski, Margaret Donahue, Lorraine Gigliello,
    Orville Johnson, John S. Maguire, Jane O’Doherty,                        Margaret (Peg) Tannenbaum &
Lucille Mazur, Grace Migliarese, George T. McCool, Jean                           John H. Quillinan, III.
         P. McQuade, Dorothy Nicolo, Joanna Roth,
            Thomas Oakes, Matilda M. Schoppet,
 Mary Ellen Sullivan, Gertrude Usher, Virginia Valentine,
                 Louise Vanelli, Jean Vereb,                               Wඈඎඅൽ ඒඈඎ අං඄ൾ
                                                                             ඍඈ උൾආൾආൻൾඋ
             Mary C.& Raymond F. Uccelletti, Sr.,
              Margaret Wright, Carmen Pagliaro,
   Dottie Monastra, William Curran, Shawn Henry, Jack
Gambone, Gasper Butera, Helen Borkowski, Mary Ryan,
      Edward Garbacz, John Cantarini, Dave Landers,                         Sൺංඇඍ Hൾඅൾඇൺ
       Joseph Nicolo, Sr., Ron Miles, Harold Rodgers,
     Marge Fitzpatrick, Mildred Dulin, Candida Barone,                      ංඇ ඒඈඎඋ ඐංඅඅ?
             Stanley Lentz, Sr., Walter P. Piecyk,               Ask your attorney to include such words as these in your
 Henry Orzechowski, Gasper Sclafani, Rose Trombetta,
  Brad Souders, Peter Nicolo, Joseph Yaccarino, Irene            will: “I give, devise, or bequeath to Saint Helena Church,
            Koziol, Frances Lavin, Anna Silvaggio,               1489 DeKalb Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422, for its general
       Vincent J. Petrone, Stanley Toscani, Rita Rego,           purposes all, (or state a fraction or percentage) of the
   Charles Halfpenny, Sr., Gerard Geisel, Carol Piskai,
            Stephen Imms, Betty Haly, Ed Sciarra,                rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, whether real or
         Ralph Martino, Thomas Keane, Mary Russo,                personal.” OR “I give to Saint Helena Church, 1489
  Marlin Souders, William Guerrini, William Schmitz, Jr.,
        Andy Ortlieb, Nicola Rocco, Richard Duszak,              DeKalb Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422 ($X..00) to be used
              Salvatore Giuffrida, Harry Neff, Sr.,              for the general purposes of Saint Helena Parish.”
 Ronald Lattanze, Katherine Roth, Maria Begley, Peggy
Guerrini, Daniel Staffieri, Norma Leuallen, John Frawley,
 Rae Bordo, Veronica Graff, Thomas & Anne Yuengling,
         Francis Nolan, Thomas Swan, Dixie Katrina,                 Prayer of the Week—
          Anna Marie Esposito, Karen DeGennaro,
       Catherine Murphy, Rita Curran, Ann Yaccarino,
  Tom Gaasche, Catherine Swanick, Agnes Dougherty,
                                                                  “Prayer of Saint Ignatius”
          Vera Lentz, Marg Agresti, James Frawley,
 Suzanne Bottinger, Jack Fitzpatrick, Antoinette Cannon,
    Harvey Kreitzer, Nancy Cavan, Theresa Tomczak,               TAKE, O LORD, all my liberty.
        John Barry, Nicholas Machion, Daniel Begley,             Receive my memory, understanding, and
            Joseph Monastra, Catherine Frawley,
         Rev. John T. Coates, Linda Taormina Kuhn,               entire will. Thou hast bestowed on me
 Dorena Colonnello, Marian Curran, Alexander Piermani,
  III, Kathleen DePietro, Francis Zuest, Joseph O’Hara,          whatever I have or possess: I give all
         Steve Bacino, Phyllis D’Amico, Emil Bilinski,           back to Thee, and deliver it to Thee to be
   Carol Mignogna, Edward Stimmler, Marie Neff, Joan
   Schmitz, Yolanda Marinari, Deacon Donald Kretsch,             entirely subject to thy will. Only grant
        Charles Walters, James F. “Smitty” Smith, Sr,            me thy love and thy grace, and I am rich
            Edward Sciarra, Jr., Daniel Fitzgerald,
     Marie Litman, Elaine Thompson, Carmen Branco,               enough and ask for nothing more.
   Matthew Mazza, Edward Lock, Phyllis Galanti, Mary
 Scarafone, Anne Burr, James Bozzelli, Margaret (Peg)
    Tannenbaum, Barbara Souders, Joseph Smee, Sr.,               Let us pray this prayer with a mindset of
       James Bottinger, Anne Nolen, Martha Flannery,             complete abandonment to the will of God.
           Joan Cannon, Hilda Carr, Joseph Wallin,
        Kathleen & James Fenerty, Louis R. DiMaria,
       Jim Dougherty, Elsie McDermott, Rita Sciarra &            St. Ignatius of Loyola, pray for us!
                       Maria C. Salvitti.

+ FEBRUARY 13,, 2022
                   2+        + SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME +

+ FEBRUARY 13,, 2022
                   2+        + SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME +

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043 St. Helena - Center Square, PA (b)                                                                               John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. 800-333-3166 • www.jppc.net
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