FACT A special publication of the - townnews.com

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FACT A special publication of the - townnews.com

                        aso n FACT
                      M ounty BOOK
                       CC   A special publication of the Ludington Daily News
FACT A special publication of the - townnews.com
FACT A special publication of the - townnews.com
St. Simon
                           Catholic Church

St. Simon Catholic Church • 702 E Bryant Road, Ludington • (231) 843-3188

 St. Simon Catholic Church
 Weekend Mass Saturday 5:30PM and Sunday
 8:30 & 10:30AM, Daily Mass M-Th 8:30AM and
 Communion Service Friday at 8:30AM. Confession
 Tuesday at 9:15AM and Saturday from 4:30-5:00PM.


               Ludington Area Catholic School is dedicated
               to a Catholic-centered education which allows
               students to develop their relationship with
               God, enhance their unique talents, and strive
               for academic excellence in a safe environment.

Ludington Area Catholic School • 700 E Bryant Rd, Ludington • (231) 843-3188
FACT A special publication of the - townnews.com
4                                                                                          2020/2021 MASON COUNTY FACT BOOK

          to MASON COUNTY!
          Our county has so much of what you’re looking
          for, and there’s so much to discover around every

          If you’re seeking opportunities for recreation, they
          are there aplenty. From the swimming and fishing
t:        and more on Lake Michigan to enjoying our
          inland lakes and rivers for those plus canoeing
r,        and kayaking, our county has so much to give
          while having fun in the water.

          Points of pride, though, can be found around our
          lands, too. The Manistee National Forest makes
          up a significant part of our county, but once you
          break free of the forest, there’s a whole other
          set of trees to see — our incredible orchards of
          apples, cherries and more.

          We enjoy a great agricultural sector, too. Our
          orchards provide much of that, but we grow so
          much more from asparagus, corn and other grains.
          Livestock is another major portion of what we have
          here. All of it can be discovered, and then some,
          through the Western Michigan Fair in August.

          Inside this fact book, you’ll get a glimpse of life in
                                                                          4 LOCATIONS
          Mason County — our art fairs, our performances                wmkitchenstudio.com
          at such places as the Ludington Area Center for
          the Arts and West Shore Community College. You’ll
                                                                          5752 W. US 10, Ludington, MI 49431
          get the facts on the cities, villages, townships and
          county of which you’re here to perhaps visit or
          perhaps make a permanent home.                                          MUSKEGON
                                                                   200 Holton Rd., Suite A, North Muskegon, MI 49445
          Let this be your guide to Mason County, whether                         231-246-7184
          you’re rolling along our roads or cruising the lake       BYRON CENTER                 FOREST HILLS
          shore. And again, welcome to Mason County.               7440 Clyde Park Ave. SW   850 Forest Hills Ave., Suite C
                                                                   Byron Center, MI 49315      Grand Rapids, MI 49546
                                                                      616-281-6684                616-727-0909
FACT A special publication of the - townnews.com
Ludington Area School District               offers a top-
                                          notch quality education to our students while maintaining
                                          a unique small town feel. Our community supported
                                          technology bond allows us to put a device in the hands of
                                          every LASD student and offers our students the chance for a
                                          21st century education and access to the global community.

                                          Our partnerships with the community allow us to
                                          provide innovative opportunities beyond the traditional

                                          Michigan Merit Curriculum - expansive AP offerings, dual
                                          enrollment course with West Shore Community College,
                                          Career/Technology Education (CTE) and Oriole Work Based
Additional points of pride -              Learning Academy.

  • 24 varsity sports                     • Concert Choir        • We the People Civic Group
  • Athletic opportunities for students   • Jazz Band            • Community Service Club
    in grades 7-12                        • Marching Band        • Ludington Robotics
  • Business Professionals of America     • Concert Band         • Eighth Grade Camp
  • Drama Club                            • Wind Symphony        • Pere Marquette Early Childhood
  • Show Choir                            • Quiz Bowl              Center for our littlest “O’s”

                                          Planning for the Future – In 2019 our community approved
 FOR ALL THE LATEST                       a bond proposal of $100,935,000 to complete district-
  ORIOLE NEWS VISIT                       wide building improvements. We expect to welcome our
                                          students to a new elementary building complex Fall 2021
     WWW.LASD.NET                         and a reconstructed middle/high school complex Fall 2024.
FACT A special publication of the - townnews.com
6                                                                                                       2020/2021 MASON COUNTY FACT BOOK

        Mason County departments
                                              emAil: cakelly@masoncounty.net              the animal control officers for Mason
    Mason County Board                        Website: www.masoncounty.net/depart-        County. The office hours are Mondays,
    of Commissioners                           ments/clerk/                               Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays from
                                                                                          9 a.m. to noon, and Wednesdays and
ChAir: Janet S. Andersen, sixth district      County Prosecutor                           Thursdays from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
viCe-ChAir: Steven Hull, fifth district                                                   Address: 305 N. Meyer Road
First distriCt: Nick Krieger                    Lauren Kreinbrink is the Mason            Phone: 843-8644
seCond distriCt: Gary Castonia                County Prosecuting Attorney, and she
third distriCt: Charles Lange                 is the chief law enforcement officer in     Mason County Airport
Fourth distriCt: Dr. Lewis Squires            the county. She is elected to a four-year
seventh distriCt: Ron Bacon                   term.                                          The Mason County Airport is a pub-
                                              Address: 304 E. Ludington Ave., Ludington   licly owned and operated airport in
                                               49431                                      Pere Marquette Township. The airport
    Mason County Offices                      Phone: (231) 845-7377                       is available for use 24 hours a day, sev-
    and Departments                           emAil: prosecutor@masoncounty.net           en days per week. The airport is attend-
                                              Website: www.masoncounty.net/depart-        ed during the following hours: 9 a.m.
                                               ments/prosecuting-attorney/                to 5 p.m. on weekdays Oct. 16 through
County Administrator                                                                      April 15 and every day from 9 a.m. to 5
                                              Register of Deeds                           p.m., April 16 through Oct. 15. The air-
  Fabian Knizacky is the Mason Coun-                                                      port manager is John O’Connor.
ty Administrator. The administrator              Diane L. Englebrecht is the Mason        Address: 5300 W U.S. 10
oversees the day-to-day operations of         County Register of Deeds. The Regis-        Phone: 843-2049
the county including developing and           ter of Deeds records deeds, mortgage        emAil: airport@masoncounty.net
monitoring the county’s budget; hires,        liens, surveys, plats, land contracts,
disciplines and reviews employees in          condominiums, financing statements          Building Department
positions that are designated as those        and other documents related to real es-
that report to the administrator; inter-      tate.                                         The Mason County Building Depart-
prets county commission policy for of-        Address: 304 E. Ludington Ave., Ludington   ment handles electrical, mechanical
ficers, employees and the public; and           49431                                     and plumbing permits for all of Ma-
more.                                         Phone: (231) 843-4466                       son County. Building inspections in the
Address: 304 E. Ludington Ave., Ludington     emAil: register@masoncounty.net             City of Ludington and Pere Marquette
 49431                                        Website: www.masoncounty.net/depart-        Township are performed by their per-
Phone: (231)843-7999                            ments/register-of-deeds                   sonnel. All other entities have their
emAil: fknizacky@masoncounty.net                                                          building inspections done by the coun-
Website: www.masoncounty.net/depart-          Treasurer                                   ty.
 ments/administrators                                                                     Address: 102 E. Fifth St., Scottville, 49454
                                                Andrew Kmetz IV is the Mason Coun-        Phone: (231) 757-9345
County Clerk                                  ty Treasurer, an elected position. The
                                              treasurer is responsible for all of the     Planning and Zoning
  Cheryl Kelly is the Mason County            revenues received by the treasurer
Clerk. The clerk is elected by the peo-       and the various officers, departments,        The Mason County Planning and Zon-
ple, and maintains the records of the         agencies boards and commissions of          ing Department is responsible for the
county including deaths, births, mar-         the county.                                 administration and enforcement of
riages, assumed business names, con-          Address: 304 E. Ludington Ave., Ludington   the county’s zoning ordinance in each
cealed weapons permits and voter reg-          49431                                      township except for Hamlin, Pere Mar-
istration records among others. The           Phone: (231) 843-8411                       quette and Grant. The department pro-
clerk is the chief election official in the   emAil: akmetz@masoncounty.net               vides assistance and support to the
county, and supervises all elections.                                                     county’s planning commission and
Address: 304 E. Ludington Ave., Ludington     Animal Control                              zoning board of appeals.
 49431                                                                                    Address: 102 E. Fifth St., Scottville, 49454
Phone: (231) 843-8202                           Sarah Colbrook and Alesha Miller are      Phone: (231) 757-9272 or (231) 757-9345
FACT A special publication of the - townnews.com
2020/2021 MASON COUNTY FACT BOOK                                                                                                    7

        Mason County departments
                                               mation. It is housed at West Shore Com-      local veterans and the families in apply-
Drain Commission                               munity College.                              ing for benefits earned via military ser-
                                               Address: 3000 N. Stiles Road, Scottville     vice. Jim Wincek is the accredited veter-
  The Mason County Drain Commission            Phone: (231) 845-3361                        an’s service officer.
is responsible for the care and mainte-        Email: msue53@msu.edu                        Address: 920 E. Tinkham Ave., Ludington
nance of more than 130 miles of drains.                                                      49431
Maintenance on drains is funded by spe-        Parks and Recreation                         Phone: 231-583-2028
cial assessments on properties that ben-
efit along with municipalities. Daniel           The department oversees the Mason          Oakview Medical Care Facility
Rohde is the drain commissioner.               County Campground, as well as areas
Address: 102 E. Fifth St., Scottville, 49454   for picnics, disc golf and snowshoeing.        The Oakview Medical Care Facilitypro-
Phone: (231) 757-9366                          The 10-member parks and recreation           vides long-term health care services. It
                                               commission oversees the department.          also has the Sutter Living Center, an Al-
Emergency Management                                                                        zheimer’s/dementia special care unit.
                                               Public Works                                 Address: 1001 Diana St., Ludington 49431
  The Mason County Emergency Man-                                                           Phone: 845-5185
agement Office is responsible for com-           The Mason County Department of
munity preparedness and planning for           Public Works is responsible for the care     District Health Department No. 10
natural and man-made diasters. The             and maintenance of the Mason County
emergency management coordinator               Sewage Disposal System. This system            The mission of the District Health De-
works with all of the local emergen-           provides sewer service to businesses         partment is to promote and enhance the
cy responders to ensure training and           and homes that are located on U.S. 10        health of communities and the environ-
equipment are ready to serve the coun-         between the cities of Scottville and Lud-    ment through protection, prevention
ty. Elizabeth Reimink is the emergency         ington. Daniel Rohde is the director/sec-    and intervention.
management coordinator.                        retary.                                        The Mason County office of District
Address: 408 Resseguie St. Suite 100, Lud-     Address: 102 E. Fifth St., Scottville        Health Department No. 10 offers cancer
 ington, 49431                                 Phone: (231) 757-9370                        screenings, as well as family planning
Phone: (231) 845-5911                                                                       clinics, flu clinics, sexually transmitted
Email: emergencymanagement@mason-              Sheriff                                      disease (STD) testing, immunizations,
 county.net                                                                                 and WIC, a nutrition program. In addi-
                                                 The Mason County Sheriff is Kim Cole.      tion, District Health Department No. 10
Equalization                                   Cole was elected to his term in 2013.        offers a maternal health program for
                                               The Sheriff’s Office employs more than       women through the start of pregnancy
  The Mason County Equalization De-            40 professionally trained deputies with      up to two months after delivery and for
partment provides property descrip-            expertises that range from a K-9 unit        infants from birth through one year of
tions and ownership; assessment roll           to accident reconstrutionists, evidence      age. A full list of District Health Depart-
processing for local governments; aeri-        technicians to divers. There are also        ment No. 10 services can be found at the
al maps and parcel maps; property tax          nearly 50 mounted and reserve deputies       website.
exemption and abatement information            along with a victim services unit, and the   Website: www.dhd10.org
and more services. Anthony Meyaard is          jail which can house more than 100 in-       Address: 916 Diana St., Ludington 49431
the director of the department.                mates.                                       Phone: (231) 845-7381
Address: 304 E. Ludington Ave., Ludington      Address: 302 N. Delia St., Ludington         WIC: (231) 316-8584
 49431                                          494931                                      Hours: 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Monday through
Phone: (231) 845-6288                          Phone: (231) 843-3475                         Friday
Email: ameyaard@masoncounty.net                                                               Kevin Hughes, MA, Health Officer
                                               Veterans Affairs                               (231) 876-3839
MSU Extension                                                                                 khughes@dhd10.org
                                                 The Mason County Veterans Service            Dr. Jennifer Morse, Medical Director
  The Michigan State University Ex-            Office is open from noon to 5 p.m. Mon-        (989) 773-5921 ext 1427
tension services assists residents and         days and Wednesdays and 8 a.m. to 1            jmorse@dhd10.org
visitors through education and infor-          p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays to assist
FACT A special publication of the - townnews.com
8                                                                                                   2020/2021 MASON COUNTY FACT BOOK

                 Mason County services
                                                                                         FiveCAP offers:
West Michigan Community                                                                  • Early Head Start, a home visiting/
Mental Health                                                                          school preparation program for preg-
                                                                                       nant women in the third trimester and
  WMCMH provides mental health ser-                                                    infants and toddlers ages 0 to 3 who
vices to residents of Mason County on                                                  meet the federal poverty guidelines
Medicaid, who are under-insured, or                                                      • Head Start, a federally funded pre-
have private insurance. WMCMH treats                                                   school.
mental illness, developmental disabili-                                                  • Weatherizing homes to help con-
ties and substance use disorders in Ma-                                                serve energy.
son County, as well as Lake and Oceana                                                   • Single and multiple-family homes.
Counties.                                                                                • Commodity Supplemental Food Pro-
Phone number, GenerAl Questions:                                                       gram (CSFP) /Mothers, Infants, and Chil-
 (231) 845-6294                                                                        dren (MIC) — A USDA funded program
Phone number, mentAl heAlth emer-                                                      that provides nutritional food supple-
 GenCies: (800) 992-2061                                                               ments to senior citizens 60 and older,
Address: 920 Diana St., Ludington, 494931   Manistee and Newaygo counties and is       as well as families with children under
hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday through        one of 29 Community Action Agencies        6 years of age not eligible for WIC. Re-
 Friday                                     in Michigan, offering a variety of ser-    cipients must meet income guidelines.
                                            vices to help community members. It        Distributions are at the FiveCAP office
FiveCAP                                     is a vital part of Mason County, provid-   on the third Wednesday of every other
                                            ing indispensable help to the disadvan-    month from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
    FiveCAP, Inc., serves Mason, Lake,      taged.                                       • The Emergency Food Assistance

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                                    Child, Adolescent and
                                 Adult Orthodontic Treatment
     Invisalign • Traditional Braces • Ceramic/Clear Braces
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          (616) 842-8820                           (231) 480-0281                             (231) 981-0554
FACT A special publication of the - townnews.com
2020/2021 MASON COUNTY FACT BOOK                                                                                                      9

                    Mason County services
Program (TEFAP), a program providing           gram, many activities and resources.
federally purchased surplus food for             Bill Kerans is the director.               79th District Court
low-income families. The income guide-         Address: 140 S. Main St., Scottville 49454
lines must be met. Distribution is at the      Phone: (231) 757-4705                           The Hon. John Middlebrook oversees
FiveCAP office four times a year, on the                                                    the district court, and Glenn Jackson
first Thursday of every third month.           Tallman Lake Area Senior Center              III is the attorney magistrate. The court
   • The Emergency Food Pantry pro-                                                         handles traffic violations, civil cases
vides up to 30 days of food on an emer-          The Tallman Lake Area Senior Cen-          when the disputed amount is $25,000
gency needs basis. Call the Mason Coun-        ter provides many activities and several     or less, landlord-tennant and land-con-
ty office for more information.                services.                                    tract matters and civil infractions. The
   • Training for families on gardening        Address: 6765 E. Marshall Rd., Fountain,     court may also conduct marriages in a
and food preparation including can-             49410                                       civil ceremony. The small claims divi-
ning, drying and food freezing work-           Phone: 757-3306                              sion of the district court handles dis-
shops.                                                                                      putes involving $3,000 or less. The
   FiveCAP Mason County office:                Free Soil Senior Center                      court itself handles criminal proceed-
Address: 302 N. Main St., Scottville 49454                                                  ings from the disposition of misde-
hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through         Address: 8480 N. Democrat St., Free Soil,    meanors, conducting preliminary ex-
  Friday, but services are walk-in or by ap-    49411                                       ams for felony cases and appointing
  pointment.                                   Phone: (231) 464-5885                        attorneys to defendants who may not
Phone number: (231) 757-9669                                                                be able to afford one.
                                               Meals on Wheels
                                                                                            Friend of the Court
Ludington Area Senior Center                     The food service department at Ma-
                                               son County Central receives funding          suPPort inFormAtion Phone: 1-877-
  The Ludington Area Senior Center             through the Area Agency on Aging, the         543-2660
provides services and support groups           United Way, the Council on Aging and         mAilinG Address: 304 E. Ludington Ave.,
to residents; information and referral         through customer donations. For more          Ludington
assistance; a free 30-minute consul-           information, contact Mary Ann Nielsen,
tation with a representative from Pal-         the program director, or Mary Alway,
menter Law Office; medicare/medicaid           the program assessor, at (231) 757-5721      Probation/Parole
assistance; tax assistance; educational        or (231) 757-4814.
forums; tech assistance; low vision sup-                                                      The Mason County Probation/Parole
port group; diabetes support group;                                                         Office is a part of the Michigan Depart-
nutrition programs; medical loan               51st Circuit Court                           ment of Corrections. Matt Chitwood is
equipment; foot care; social activities;                                                    the field supervisor for Mason, Oceana
exercises; special interest groups/clubs         The Hon. Susan K. Sniegowski over-         and Newaygo counties.
and the Angel Christmas Tree program.          sees the circuit court. The court handles    Address: 408 Resseguie St. Suite 101,
  Vickie Collins is the director and Ray-      all actions except those assigned to oth-     Ludington, 49431
ma Burgett is the program coordinator/         er courts.                                   Phone: (231) 845-1266
assistant to the director.
Address: 308 S. Rowe St., Ludington 49431      Probate Court
Phone: (231) 845-6841
                                                 The Hon. Jeffrey C. Nellis oversees
Scottville Area Senior Center                  Mason County Probate Court. The court
                                               has jurisdiction over guardianships and
  The Scottville Area Senior Center pro-       conservatorships; the commitment if
vides services such as its homemaker           needed and the course of treatment for
program, medical transportation, re-           the mentally ill, and the admission of
spite care, support groups, the senior         wills, administration of estates and su-
nutrition program, a Keep in Touch pro-        pervision of trusts.
FACT A special publication of the - townnews.com
10                                                                                                        2020/2021 MASON COUNTY FACT BOOK

                   Mason County Schools
Mason County Road Commission                   Pere Marquette Early Childhood              Franklin Elementary
  Mary Samuels, manager/director               Center                                      PrinCiPAl: Katie Eisinger
  Office: 510 E. State St., Scottville                                                     Address: 721 E. Anderson St., Ludington,
49454                                          AdministrAtor: Sarah Cooper                  49431
Phone: (231) 757-2882.                         Address: 1115 S. Madison St., Ludington,    Phone: (231) 845-3830
                                               Phone: (231) 845-3850
                                                                                           Foster Elementary
     Mason County Schools                                                                  PrinCiPAl: Brian Dotson
                                               Lakeview Elementary                         Address: 505 E. Foster St., Ludington,
                                               PrinCiPAl: Jenn Mackey                       49431
Ludington Area Schools                         Address: 502 W. Haight St., Ludington,      Phone: (231) 845-3820
  Jason Kennedy is the superintendent           49431
of Ludington Area School District. Dan         Phone: (231) 845-3840
Mesyar is the Ludington High School                                                        O.J. DeJonge Middle School
principal and Mike Hart is the O.J. De-                                                    Address: 706 E.Tinkham Ave., Ludington,
Jonge Middle School principal.                                                              49431
  Three elementary schools serve the                                                       Phone: (231) 845-3810
district, plus an early childhood center:

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2020/2021 MASON COUNTY FACT BOOK                                                                                                  11

                      Mason County Schools
Ludington High School                     Victory Early Childhood Center                 Mason County Central High School
Address: 508 N. Wasington Ave., Luding-   direCtor: Angie Taylor                         Address: 210 W. Broadway, Scottville,
 ton, 49431                               Address: 4171 N. Stiles Road, Scottville,       49454
Phone: (231) 845-3880                      49454                                         Phone: (231) 757-4748
                                          Phone: (231) 843-2410
Mason County Central Schools                                                             Mason County Eastern schools
  Jeff Mount is the superintendent of     Scottville Elementary                            Paul Shoup is the superintendent of
Mason County Central Schools. Jeff        PrinCiPAl: Chris Etchison                      Mason County Eastern. Mark Forner is
Tuka is the Mason County Central          Address: 201 W. Maple St., Scottville, 49454   the principal.
High School principal and Robert Den-     Phone: (231) 757-4701                          Address: 18 S. Main St.,Custer
nis is the Mason County Central Middle                                                   Phone: (231) 757-3733
School principal.
  Two elementary schools serve the dis-   Upper Elementary
trict, plus an early childhood center:    PrinCiPAl: Kevin Kimes
                                          Address: 505 W. Maple St., Scottville, 49454
                                          Phone: (231) 757-5720

                                          Mason County Central Middle
                                          Address: 310 W. Beryl St., Scottville, 49454
                                          Phone: (231) 757-3724

        Oakview Medical Care Facility strives to create a home-like environment that upholds each resident’s quality
           of life, with a skilled medical staff, pleasant surroundings, carefully prepared meals, engaging social
                    activities, a variety of rehabilitative therapies, a family support center and much more.

                                                                                           “Like Family”

                                                                                               1001 Diana Street
                                                                                              Ludington, MI 49431

                                                                                         Visit our website for more information
12                                                                                                                                                     2020/2021 MASON COUNTY FACT BOOK

                               Mason County schools
West Shore Educational                                                                                                                   non-credit community service classes
                                                                                                                                         and adult lifelong learning classes.
Service District                                                                                                                         Website: www.westshore.edu
  West Shore Educational Service Dis-
trict West Shore ESD’s mission is to pro-                                                                                                Ludington Mass Transit Authority
vide leadership and support to local
school districts. The vision is success                                                                                                     The Ludington Mass Transit Author-
for all students. We believe that every                                                                                                  ity provides public transportation ser-
aspect of our organization must focus                                                                                                    vice inside the City of Ludington, the
on students, demonstrate servant lead-                                     Sherman Township and soon in the City                         City of Scottville and Pere Marquette
ership, and serve as a catalyst for col-                                   of Manistee that offers comprehensive                         Charter Township. The rate to ride
laborative communities. West Shore                                         general education classes to meet stu-                        a bus is $2 per person, ages 12 to 59;
ESD serves most of Mason County, in-                                       dents seeking occupational programs                           and $1 for those 60 and older, 11 and
cluding students attending Luding-                                         leading to immediate employment or                            younger and for the disabled. to get a
ton, Mason County Central and Mason                                        students aiming to transfer to a four-                        ride, call (231) 845-6218. The service rec-
County Eastern.                                                            year institution. Various associates de-                      ommends giving the bus driver between
                                                                           grees are available to be earned as well                      30 to 45 minutes ahead of your planned
West Shore Community College                                               as one-year and two-year certifications.                      pick up. For those who are riding in the
                                                                           The college offers special events and                         mornings, the service recommends cal-
  West Shore Community College is                                          cultural activities during the year. There                    lin the night before. The service accepts
a two-year school located in Victo-                                        is also a recreation center and ice are-                      cash or tokens. The service in Ludington
ry Township with off-campus sites in                                       na on campus. The school also provides                        and Pere Marquette Township is 6 a.m.

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14                                                                                                       2020/2021 MASON COUNTY FACT BOOK

                                    Mason County
to 7 p.m., Mondays through Fridays; 8        Address: 105 N. Main St., Scottville          is Sherman Township, to the east is
a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturdays; and 8 a.m.      mAYor: Marcy Spencer                          Branch Township, to the south is Eden
to 2 p.m. on Sundays. The service in         CitY mAnAGer: Courtney Magaluk                Township and to the west is Amber
Scottville is from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.,   CitY Clerk: Debbie Howe                       Township.
Mondays through Fridays. The service         CitY treAsurer: Kathy Shafer                  suPervisor: Mark Anderson
is closed on New Year’s Day, Easter, Me-     PoliCe ChieF: Matt Murphy                     Clerk: Ann Larr
morial Day, July 4, Labor Day, Thanks-       Phone: )231)757-4729                          treAsurer: Carey M. Jolly
giving and Christmas. The service ends                                                     trustees: George A. Allison, Larry A. Larr
at 2 p.m. on New Year’s Eve and Christ-
mas Eve.                                        Mason County                               Eden Township
Phone: (231) 845-6218
Website: www.dialaridelmta.com
                                                Townships                                    Eden Township is along the south
                                                                                           of Mason County, and it has such as
                                             Amber Township                                lakes as Eden, Woodruff and Pleiness. It
     Mason County Cities                                                                   shares a border with Custer Township
                                               Amber Township is north of the Pere         to the north, Riverton Township to the
                                             Marquette River and is between Scott-         west and Logan Township to the east.
City of Ludington                            ville and Pere Marquette Township. The        Address: 5327 S. Eden Lake Rd., Custer,
                                             U.S. 10/31 corridor is one of the busiest      49405
  The City of Ludington is on the shore      stretches in the county, and it’s in the      suPervisor: Roger Nash
of Lake Michigan. It is known for its        township. Riverton Township is to the         Clerk: Julie Van Dyke
beach, the Ludington North Breakwa-          south, Custer Township is to the east         treAsurer: Sally J. Wittlieff
ter Lighthouse and the home of the Lake      and Victory Township is to the north.         trustees: Michelle Beenen, Joseph Stick-
Michigan Carferry’s SS Badger. The city      Address: 144 S. Amber Rd., Scottville 49454    ney
boasts a downtown shopping district          suPervisor: James Gallie
and several parks.                           Clerk: Brenda Knizacky                        Free Soil Township
CitY hAll Address: 400 S. Harrison St.,      treAsurer: Connie Rathbun-Anderson
 Ludington 49431                             trustees: Richard G. Alway, Thomas Alway        Free Soil Township is along the north
Phone: (231) 845-6237                                                                      of Mason County, and the village of
CitY hAll hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday    Branch Township                               Free Soil is within it. It shares a border
 through Friday                                                                            with Grant Township to the west, Sher-
Website: www.ludington.mi.us                   Branch Township is along the east-          man Township to the south and Meade
mAYor: Steve Miller                          ern edge of Mason County and includes         Township to the east.
CitY mAnAGer: Mitch Foster                   the towns of Walhalla and Branch. It is       Address: 2691 E. Michigan St., Free Soil
CitY Clerk: Deborah L. Luskin                bordered by Sheridan Township to the           49411
CitY treAsurer: Mari Jo Lange                north, Custer Township in the west and        suPervisor: Gregg Surma
PoliCe ChieF: Tim Kozal                      Logan Township to the south.                  Clerk: Lynda Papes
                                             Address: 6600 E. First St., Fountain, MI      treAsurer: Lisa Stankowski
City of Scottville                            49410
                                             suPervisor: Michael Shoup                     Grant Township
  The City of Scottville lies near the       Clerk: Kimberly Tenney
center of Mason County and the inter-        treAsurer: Ralph Razminas                       Grant Township is along Lake Michi-
section of U.S. 10 and U.S. 31 as U.S.       trustees: Shirley Brayton, Joseph Fiers       gan and has the federal Lake Michigan
10 heads east away from Lake Michi-                                                        Recreation Area including the Nord-
gan and U.S. 31 north toward Traverse        Custer Township                               house Dunes within it. To the south is
City. The city is home to Riverside Park,                                                  Victory and Hamlin townships and to
a campground with the grounds for the          Custer Township has all of the Village      the east is Free Soil Township.
West Michigan Old Engine Club and a          of Custer within it, and it shares a line     Address: 843 W. Hoague Road, Manistee
disc golf course.                            with the City of Scottville. To the north     suPervisor: Robert Rakowski
2020/2021 MASON COUNTY FACT BOOK                                                                                               15

                                      Mason County
Clerk: Mary Jo Janowiak                                                                   Treasurer: Mary Hasenbank
Treasurer: Kristen Brandt                       Logan Township is in the southeast        Trustees: Jimmy Lee Metzger, William K.
Trustees: Allen Bufka, Brenda Kelly           corner of Mason County and it has            Thomas
                                              branches of the Pere Marquette River
Hamlin Township                               and Carr Creek within it. Eden Town-        Pere Marquette Charter Township
                                              ship is to the west and Branch Town-
  Hamlin Township is along Lake Mich-         ship is to the north.                          Pere Marquette Charter Township
igan and has famed Ludington State            Address: 3975 Tyndall Road, Branch          surrounds the City of Ludington, and
Park within it. Hamlin Lake a major re-       Supervisor: Bruce Burke                     it includes the Mason County Airport,
sort area itself, also is within much of      Clerk: John Kampfschulte                    the fairgrounds and Historic White Pine
the township. The township is bor-            Treasurer: Tammy Bromley                    Village along the Buttersville Peninsula.
dered by Pere Marquette Township to           Trustees: Robert Burke, Daniel R. Stewart   To the north is Hamlin Township, to the
the south with Lincoln Lake and Lincoln                                                   south is Summit Township and to the
River serving as a line. To the east are      Meade Township                              east are Amber and Riverton townships.
Victory and Amber townships.                    Meade Township is in the northeast        Address: 1699 S. Pere Marquette Highway,
Address: 3775 N. Jebavy Drive, Ludington      corner of Mason County. It is bordered       Ludington
Supervisor: Nancy Vandervest                  by Free Soil Township to the west and       Supervisor: Gerald Bleau
Clerk: Catherine Lewis                        Sheridan Township to the south.             Clerk: Rachelle Enbody
Treasurer: Susan Ptaszenski                   Address: 5435 E. Free Soil/Larsen roads,    Treasurer: Karie Bleau
Trustees: Larry Rees, Johnaine A. Gurzynski    Free Soil                                  Trustees: Andrew Kmetz III, James T.
                                              Supervisor: Lois Krepps                      Nordlund, Henry E. Rasmussen, Ronald
Logan Township                                Clerk: Sue Hasenbank                         Soberalski

The light of the Big Sable Lighthouse shines over Lake Michigan within Ludington State Park.
16                                                                                                        2020/2021 MASON COUNTY FACT BOOK

                                                       Mason County
            Riverton Township                                 Clerk: Marlynn E. Gulembo                 to the east is Riverton Township.
        Riverton Township is situated be-                     Treasurer: Jennie Borema                  Address: 4879 W. Deren Road, Ludington
      tween the Pere Marquette River and the                  Trustees: Jeff Cormany, Douglas Damkoe-   Supervisor: Wayne Kelly
      county line with Oceana County. North                    hler                                     Clerk: Kay Deanda
      Oxbow and South Oxbow lakes are with-                                                             Treasurer: Mary Bedker
      in the township. To the east are Eden Sherman Township                                            Trustees: Edward L. Chase, Todd Jorissen
      and Custer townships. To the west are      Sherman Township contains the vil-
      Summit and Pere Marquette townships. lage of Fountain. Free Soil township is                      Victory Township

      Amber Township is to the north.          to the north, Victory Township is to the                   Victory Township is home to West
      Address: 2122 W. Hawley Road, Scottville west, Custer Township is to the south                    Shore Community College, and the
      Supervisor: Gary Dittmer                 and Sheridan Township is to the east.                    township is bordered by Grant Town-
      Clerk: Cindy Gerbers                     Supervisor: Joseph Mickevich                             ship to the north, Hamlin Township to
      Treasurer: Kristi Griffis                Clerk: Kurt D. Lubben                                    the west, Amber Township to the south
      Trustees: Scott A. Dittmer, Greg Thurow  Treasurer: Rita Randle                                   and Sherman Township to the west.
                                               Trustees: Lori Cregg, Curt Jones                         Address: 2417 N. Victory Corner Road
            Sheridan Township                                                                            Scottville
        Sheridan Township is along the east Summit Township

                                                                                                        Supervisor: James Mazur
      side of the county and it contains sev-   Summit Township is the smallest                         Clerk: Barbara Egeler
      eral lakes including Thunder, Ford and township in terms of area in the county,                   Treasurer: Patricia Geers
      Round lakes. Meade Township is to the and it is in the southwest corner of the                    Trustees: Robert W. Kesling, Jerome Papes
      north, Sherman Township is to the west county. Bass Lake within the township,
      and Branch Township     is toLAKE   BEACON
                                   the south. and it is along Lake Michigan. To the
      Supervisor: Corliss T. Gulembo III      north is Pere Marquette Township and

               published by

                               LUDINGTON DAILY NEWS
                               OCEANA’S HERALD-JOURNAL
 ON                               WHITE LAKE BEACON                                      Did you miss the deadline for

                 Publisher: Ray McGrew
                                                                                           advertising in this book?
                                                           Ludington Daily News

ne media Sales:
                 VP/CRO: Banks Dishmon
         logoMonica Evans,
                                                           202 N Rath Ave.,
                                                           P.O. Box 340,                 You can still be a part of next
                                                           Ludington, MI 49431
  have the three
              Jim Johnson, Shelley Kovar,
              Jan Thomas, Stacie Wagner
                                                           (231) 845-5181
                                                           (231) 843-4011 fax
                                                                                         year’s, contact our sales team
                                                                                                at 231-845-5181.
                                                           Oceana’s Herald-Journal
                 Graphics: Judy Lytle, Julie Eilers,       123 State Street,
                 Robin Moline, Candy Bryant,               PO Box 190,
                 Shanon McDowell                           Hart, MI 49420
                 News: David Bossick – Ludington           (231) 873-5602
                 Jeff Kiessel – Ludington                  (231) 873-4775 fax
                 John Cavanagh – Hart                      White Lake Beacon
                 Amanda Dodge – Hart                       PO Box 98
                 Jared Leatzow – Whitehall                 Whitehall, MI 49461
                                                           (231) 894-5356
                                                           (231) 894-2174 fax

                                  © Copyright 2020 Shoreline Media
2020/2021 MASON COUNTY FACT BOOK                                              17

                                     Mason County
                                     Clerk: Kathleen J. Soper
   Mason County                      treAsurer: Jeanne VanSickle
                                     trustees: Scott A. Fenner, Kathleen
   Villages                           I. Sorenson

Village of Custer                    Village of Free Soil
  The Village of Custer is along       The Village of Free Soil is in the
U.S. 10, just a few miles east of    northern portion of Mason Coun-
Scottville. The Pere Marquette       ty along Free Soil Road between
Railway bisects the village.         Custer and Stephens roads. A spur
President: Lyle Reene                of the Pere Marquette Railway
Clerk: Margaret Griswold             travels through the village.
treAsurer: Jody Baunoch              President: Vince Williams
trustees: Stanley McCumber, Lon      Clerk/treAsurer: Mary Brown
 Reader, Caleb J. Whitaker           trustees: Jason Brown, Duane Haiss,
                                      Carrie VanSlooten
Village of Fountain
  The Village of Fountain is situ-
ated near the Lincoln River, and a
branch of the Pere Marquette Rail-             Members of the Scottville
way travels through the village.               Clown Band perform at its
President: Kenneth Budzynski                      band shell in Scottville.

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2020/2021 MASON COUNTY FACT BOOK                                                             19

  The county is named for Stevens T. Ma-
son, Governor of Michigan. It was creat-
ed by the Michigan Legislature in 1840 as
Notipekago County, then renamed Mason
County in 1843. The county was adminis-
tered by Ottawa County prior to the orga-
nization of county government in 1855.
  According to the U.S. Census Bureau,
the county has a total area of 1,242
square miles, of which 495 square miles
is land and 747 square miles (60%) is wa-
  The estimated population is 29,100.
12,115 households.

                              family care  inLudington.
                                     care in  Ludington.

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20                                                                                                      2020/2021 MASON COUNTY FACT BOOK

         Sable Points Lighthouse Keepers Association
                                     The mission of SPLKA is to preserve, promote and educate the public and make our light
                                     houses accessible to all.
                                      Standard admission rates to climb the towers are as follows: All lighthouses are $5 for
                                  adults and $2 for children 12 and under. Our height re quirement to climb all of our lighthouse
                                  is 40 inches. The admission prices help our effort to meet the goal of preserving our majestic
                                  lighthouses. We hope your visit will spur your interest to join our organization or a lighthouse
                                  organization near you. Bus Day to Big Sable: Round trip bus transportation from noon to 5 pm
                                  is offered from the building next to the park office to the Big Sable Lighthouse. An additional
                                  charge of $50 for adults and $2 for children 12 and under will be collected on these days from
                                  visitors who take advantage of the bus transportation.

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                                                                          DISCOUNT FOODS                                757-9130
2020/2021 MASON COUNTY FACT BOOK                                                                                                                 21

                 Lake Michigan Carferry
                                              National Historic Landmark
      The SS Badger Carferry is Desig-               The SS Badger offers the larg-
   nated as a National Historic Land- est cross-lake passenger service on                                                 e l b atr o P
   mark                                            the Great Lakes and an authentic                                        e ga r a g
      The S.S. Badger is the last coal- steamship experience. The relax-                                             ot r     ecirP    eziS
                                                                                                                    95.712    007,4$   02 x 21
   fired passenger steamship in op- ing four-hour, 60-mile cruise takes                                             00.052    004,5$   42 x 21
   eration in the United States. She passengers, autos, RVs, tour bus-                                              39.003    005,6$   23 x 21
   has provided a fun, reliable and af- es, motorcycles, bicycles, and com-
 The Lofted Barn also has the barn
                                                                                                                    62.952    006,5$   02 x 41
                                                Lofted BARNS                                                        40.782    002,6$   42 x 41
 style roof withshortcut
                 tall walls (6across
                               ft., 3” beauti-Size mercial trucks across Lake Michigan
                                                        Price       rTO                                             07.823    001,7$   03 x 41
   ful  Lake  Michigan     for  more
 standard) with a loft overhead for    than 60     between
                                              8 x 12
                                                                             Michigan and
                                                                   101.85 esoht rof si egaraG elbatroP ehT          44.913    009,6$   42 x 61
   years An  accessible
           and             opening ismillions Manitowoc, Wisconsin.
                has transported                                           elbaevom si taht egarag a tnaw ohw
                                              8 x 20     $3,000    138.89                                           51.893    006,8$   23 x 61
 placed overhead the front door.                                            rof elbatallows
                                                                                     ius si gniraoolF .derised fi
   of passengers since her re-birth in       10 X 12The$2,800
                                                                                   .gnikrap kcurt ro rac
   1992. In 2016 she received the na-              rare
                                             10 X 16     opportunity
                                                         $3,200         to
                                                                   148.15   explore     a little
   tion’s highest historic honor when              history
                                             10 X 20        – and a171.30
                                                         $3,700      lot of fun by taking a
   the Department of Interior officially     10 x 24     $4,100into189.91
                                                   step back        the past on a journey
   designated the Badger as a National       12 x 16
                                                   that’s$4,100    189.91 gas
                                                           as important      nicirP rof llaC
                                                                                the destina-
                                                                           ediW-elbuoD no
   Historic Landmark.                              tion.                          segaraG

                                                          S e D Ul C N I e C I r P                                      e ga r a g t F ol
                                                      ROOD EGARAG DAEHREVO ’7 X ’9                                   ot r     ecirP    eziS
                                                                                    WODNIW 1                         98.362   007,5$   02 X 21

                            Built Strong to Last Long!
                                                                                   R  OOLF ”4/3                      76.192   003,6$   42 x 21
 6’ 3” WALLS
                                                             ” 2 1  YR  E V E S T S I O J ROOLF                      00.573   001,8$   23 x 21
 FULL LOFT FOR OVERHEAD STORAGE                                                                                      07.823   001,7$   42 x 41
                                                                           ROOD YRTNE ”63
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22                                                                          2020/2021 MASON COUNTY FACT BOOK

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2020/2021 MASON
                                                                                                             MASON COUNTY
                                                                                                                   COUNTY FACT
                                                                                                                          FACT BOOK
24                                                                                                 2020/2021

                       White Pine Village
                                            Historic White Pine Village offers a living- history, family- friendly, fun- filled
                                          tour of a late 19th to early 20th century pioneer village. The Village boasts 30
                                          historic exhibit buildings, including the original 1849 Mason County Courthouse
                                          (on the State Register of Historic Places) and an authentic turn- of- the- century
                                          steam locomotive, tender car and flat car loaded with logs and headed toward the
                                          Village’s working sawmill. Visitors come face- to- face with early settlers: first-
                                          person interpreters with scripts carefully prepared by staff and historians, they
                                          interact and improvise with visitors in the persona of historical characters and
                                          recreate actual personages from Mason County. The buildings contain thousands
                                          of authentic artifacts and archives depicting the rich lumbering and agricultural
                                          history of its area. Thousands of area school children, families, individual visitors
                                          and residents tour the Village annually. Historic White Pine Village is open early
                                          May through October and takes around 2 hours to tour through.

  LUDINGTON NORTH                LITTLE SABLE POINT               BIG SABLE POINT                     WHITE RIVER
 BREAKWATER LIGHT                    LIGHTHOUSE                     LIGHTHOUSE                       LIGHT STATION

                                               IS ON FACEBOOK
                       Search “Sable
                       Search   “Sable Points
                                         Points Lighthouse
                                                Lighthouse Keepers
                                                            Keepers Association”
                                              and  LIKE  US!
                                              and LIKE US!
                              Or, scan
                              Or, scan the
                                        the QR
                                            QR code
                                                code with
                                                     with your
                                                          your smartphone!
               Need reminders
               Need  reminders of of our
                                     our Bus
                                         Bus Days
                                             Days or
                                                   or other
                                                      other special
                                                            special events?
     Keep up
     Keep up to
             to date
                date with
                     with all
                          all the
                              the SPLKA
                                   SPLKA happenings
                                          happenings byby visiting
                                                          visiting our
                                                                   our Facebook
                                                                       Facebook page.

2020/2021 MASON COUNTY FACT BOOK                                                                                                25

Port of Ludington Maritime Museum
                                             The Port of Ludington Maritime Museum brings history to life with
                                             digital storytelling, authentic images and artifacts, and engaging in-
                                             teractive exhibits that entertain, enlighten and inspire a deeper ap-
                                             preciation for the region’s maritime history. Located in the former
                                             U.S. Coast Guard Station, now listed on the National Register of
                                             Historic Places, this family-friendly, three-story museum overlooks
                                             Lake Michigan’s wild shoreline, Ludington’s iconic North Pier
                                             Light, and the historic carferry (SS Badger carferry) Badger, extend-
                                             ing the maritime experience beyond its doors in this vacation won-
                                             derland. The museum is operated by the Mason County Historical
                                             Society, which also operates the nearby Historic White Pine Village.

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26                                                                                                2020/2021
                                                                                                  2020/2021 MASON
                                                                                                            MASON COUNTY
                                                                                                                  COUNTY FACT
                                                                                                                         FACT BOOK

     Sandcastles Children’s Museum
                 The mission
                The     missionof of  Sandcastles  Children’s
                                         Sandcastles    Chil-
              Museum        is  to  create  an  environment
              dren’s Museum is to create an envi-
              that encourages
              ronment                 and inspires
                           that encourages           children
                                                and inspires
              children and families to exploreworld.
              and     families    to   explore  their   their
              world.             Children’s
                        Sandcastles           Museum
                                        Children’s       is a
              non    profit,   hands-on,    educational
              is a non profit, hands- on, educational    chil-
              children’s museum. Sandcastles’ mis-is
              dren’s    museum.      Sandcastles’  mission
              to encourage
              sion                and inspire
                     is to encourage            childrenchil-
                                           and inspire    and
              families    to  explore   their world  through
              dren and families to explore their world
              through        exhibitson and   programs
                                         exhibits        that
                                                   and pro-
              stimulate      creativity,  curiosity, the
              grams that stimulate creativity, curios-   love
              of the
              ity, learning,
                        love ofcultural
                                  learning,awareness,     and
                                             cultural aware-
              positive    interactions    within  and
              ness, and positive interactions within   among
              and   among families.

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2020/2021 MASON COUNTY FACT BOOK                                                                               27

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28                                                                                                   2020/2021 MASON COUNTY FACT BOOK

 Mason County charities and how to give
                                             ing events like beach clean-ups and in-    homeowners and renters, and hosts
AAUW                                         vasive species removal days. To learn      first aid and CPR training classes. An-
  The AAUW has an elected board of           more, get involved or donate, check out    other Red Cross program, Pillowcase,
directors and holds meetings month-          www.affew.org or contact Julia Cham-       teaches second- through sixth-graders
ly, and also sponsors young women to         bers at earthmuffin56@gmail.com.           how to prepare for fires and home di-
attend leadership training. Funds for                                                   sasters. For information about upcom-
the group are raised largely through an      American Legion                            ing blood drives, call (231) 256-3624.
annual book sale in the summer and a
                                               Membership is open to any veteran or
sugar plum auction in the fall.              immediate family member of a veteran       Area 24 Special Olympics
  For more information or to make a          who served from Dec. 7, 1941 to the          For questions or to make a donation,
donation, call Patricia Otto at (231) 845-   present. The legion is actively recruit-   contact Area 24 Director Jerry Shangle,
7665 or visit www.ludington-mi.aauw.         ing new members.                           (231) 843-4416, or Assistant Director
net.                                           The Post Commander is Pete Probst.       Gary Boerema, (231) 845-7604.
                                             For more information about how to join       Financial help and donations of
                                             or to make a donation, visit the Post or   equipment are welcome, as well as vol-
AFFEW                                        call 845-7094.                             unteers.
  The group’s mission is to provide
Mason County’s visitors and residents
                                             American Red Cross                         Church Women United
with information about environmen-             Blood drives are just one program the      Church Women United is a nonprofit
tal issues by promoting public aware-        local branch of the American Red Cross     organization that works to improve the
ness, recognizing good environmental         offers. The Red Cross offers and in-       community. To get involved, donations
practices, hosting panels and sponsor-       stalls smoke detectors for free for both   can be made to participating churches

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2020/2021 MASON COUNTY FACT BOOK                                                                                             29
or to Church Women United directly         materials for winter cat shelters are also   ing 231-845-0326, emailing alarge@
by calling (231) 843-3523 or (231) 843-    welcome. Donations may be directed to        cffmc.org or visiting www.mason-foun-
2901.                                      P.O. Box 384, Ludington, MI 49431.           dation.org.

Circle Rocking S Children’s Farm           Community Foundation                         COVE
   At Circle Rocking S Children’s Farm,    for Mason County                               COVE has been the safety net for
special needs children are in the spot-                                                 women, men and their children who
light. The farm’s programming is fund-       At the Community Foundation for            are experiencing domestic violence and
ed solely through donations. To donate     Mason County, collaborating with do-         sexual assault in Mason, Oceana and
or learn more, contact Nancy Supran at     nors, grantees, advisors and individuals     Lake counties for more than 40 years.
circlerockingsfarm@att.net or see www.     to identify issues that are important to       Contact COVE in person or by mail
circlerockingsfarm.org.                    local communities is the goal. By bring-     at 906 E. Ludington Ave., Ludington,
                                           ing people together around a common          MI 49431. Make donations by credit or
Community Cats TNR                         mission and creating links between re-       debit, or get more information by call-
  Community Cats TNR is a local, non-      sources and a vision for the future, the     ing (231) 843-2541. See www.callcove.
profit group of volunteers, caregivers     organization helps to ensure that com-       com for more information, and check
and veterinarians working to reduce        munities remain vital and strong. Every      out COVE’s Facebook page for upcom-
and stabilize the number of free-roam-     year, the foundation awards Donations        ing events.
ing, abandoned, homeless and feral cats    to the Community Foundation are in-            If you or someone you love needs
in Mason County through a humane           vested for long-term growth, providing       help, call the 24-hour crisis line at
program called Trap-Neuter-Return.         grants back into the community. If ev-       1-800-950-5808.
  For more information or to donate to     eryone leaves 5 percent of their estate
the cause, see www.communitycatstnr.       to a Foundation fund, more than $136         Custer Veterans of Foreign Wars
org or call (231) 845-7888 or (231) 843-   million will be invested in Mason Coun-        The Custer VFW Gold Bar Post is lo-
9312. The organization is in need of do-   ty by 2055.                                  cated at 2022 E. U.S. 10 in Custer. So-
nations of funds and cat food. Building      More information is available by call-     cial events and fundraisers for the post,

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       individual recovery outcomes and long-term overall wellness.         emergency please call: 1-800-992-2061
30                                                                                                      2020/2021 MASON COUNTY FACT BOOK

such as steak dinners and dances, are        For more information, visit the club’s
open to the public, and all are welcome      website at www.finandfeatherclub.org         Free Soil Senior Center
to attend — see times in your daily com-                                                    Senior citizens from Free Soil and all
munity calendar. For more information        FiveCAP                                      over Mason County are invited to come
or to make a donation, call (231) 757-         The purpose of FiveCAP, Inc. is to mo-     to lunch and other activities at Free Soil
9665.                                        tivate the poor through public and pri-      Senior Center. Senior activities take
                                             vate resources to achieve economic and       place Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10
Disability Network West Michigan             social independence. The main FiveCAP        a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Free Soil Com-
                                             office is located at 302 N. Main St. in      munity Center, 8480 N. Democrat St. in
  Disability Network West Michigan           Scottville. Other locations are in Manist-   Free Soil. Hot home-cooked meals are
helps provide independent living re-
sources for people with disabilities in      ee, Baldwin and White Cloud. To donate       served for lunch at noon. A nurse comes
Muskegon, Oceana, Newaygo, Lake and          to the cause or learn more, call (231)       to the center once a month to give free
Mason counties. The organization is          757-3785 or email fivecap@fivecap.org.       blood pressure checks. For more infor-
based in Muskegon. Call (231) 722-0088                                                    mation, or to rent the venue, call (231)
for more information.                        Fixing Furry Friends                         464-5885.
Fin & Feather Club                             Fixing Furry Friends works in Mason
                                             County by providing certificates to local
of Mason County                              residents who have dogs or cats to help      Friends of the
  The Fin & Feather Club of Mason            with some of the cost of spaying and
County is a local conservation club.         neutering their companion animals. All
                                                                                          Ludington State Park
Fin & Feather Club offers hunter safety      pet owners are welcome to request as-          Friends of the Ludington State Park
classes, basic pistol training classes and   sistance. The organization has issued        was founded in 1992 with the mission
concealed pistol license training. The       more than 4,500 certificates as of Au-       of helping the Ludington State Park in
club operates skeet, trap, pistol, rifle     gust 2014. To learn more or make a do-       any way it can.
and both 3-D and indoor archery ranges       nation, see www.fixingfurryfriends.org         FLSP is a volunteer, 501(c)3 charitable
for the use of members and the public.       or call (231) 757-4470.                      organization dedicated to preserving,

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2020/2021 MASON COUNTY FACT BOOK                                                                                              31
enhancing and promoting the park. It       program identifies neighborhoods with
has about 100 members and/or volun-        owner-occupied homes in need of exte-         Lakeshore Animal Friends
teers. To learn more, join or donate to    rior home repairs, and in the spring and        For more than 25 years, Lakeshore
the cause, see www.ludingtonfriends.       fall, volunteers work to complete these       Animal Friends has been advocating for
com or look for Friends of Ludington       repairs with the help of the homeown-         Mason County’s animals.
State Park on Facebook. Donations for      er. To volunteer or donate to the cause,        The nonprofit provides spay/neu-
the playground or for other activities     contact Jamie Healy at hfh.masoncoun-         ter services for animals adopted from
can be mailed to Friends of Ludington      ty@gmail.com or (231) 843-7888.               Mason County Animal Control, lends
State Park, P.O. Box 123, Ludington, MI                                                  a hand and raises funds for the shel-
49431. Email FLSP at ludingtonstate-                                                     ter and fosters dozens of local animals
parkfriends@gmail.com.                     HELP Ministry                                 in need. Lakeshore Animal Friends has
                                             HELP Ministry, or Hands Extended            sponsored projects like roofing over
                                           Loving People, works to provide furni-        the shelter’s outdoor kennels.
Friends of the Mason                       ture, appliances and household goods            The organization raises funds
County Sheriff’s Office                    to families and individuals in need. As       through annual events like a Memorial
  Keeping Mason County’s youth safe        resources allow, HELP assists clients         Day weekend yard sale, a Best Friends
is the goal of the Friends of the Mason    with rent, utilities and medical bills in     Fun Fest in October and a Home for the
County Sheriff’s Office. Donations can     collaboration with area social service        Holidays open house and Christmas ba-
be payable to “Friends of the Mason        agencies and churches. The group also         zaar at Mason County Animal Control,
County Sheriff’s Office” and mailed to     helps with minor home repairs, includ-        held earlier this month. Lend a hand by
P.O. Box 10, Ludington MI 49431. For       ing the construction of handicap ramps,       volunteering at Mason County Animal
more information, contact Mason Coun-      and provides transportation for medi-         Control, fostering or giving a donation
ty Sheriff Kim Cole at the sheriff’s of-   cal purposes. To learn more, volunteer        by contacting the group by going to its
fice, (231) 843-3475.                      or donate to HELP, contact Lange at           Facebook page by searching Lakeshore
                                           (231) 843-6811 or see www.help-minis-         Animal Friends.
Gateway to Success Academy                                                               Lakeshore Food Club
  Gateway to Success Academy offers a      Hospitality in the Name of Christ               Healthy, balanced food options are a
second chance to students who struggle       The organization’s first priority is to     vital need in any household. For those
with traditional learning environments.    make sure that guests have a safe place       struggling to make ends meet, there’s
The charter school, at 526 S. Scottville   to go for food and shelter, and to give its   the Lakeshore Food Club. Contact
Road, houses students from sixth to        struggling guests love and respect. The       O’Nealya Gronstal at (231) 480-4334
12th grade, offering innovative, hands-    ministry also provides opportunities          or ongronstal@lakeshoreresourcenet-
on learning. The school offers lessons     for shelter attendees to connect with         work.org to donate or get involved. Fi-
in engineering, cooking, robotics, elec-   religion, if they so choose. For more in-     nancial contributions and food dona-
tronics and agriculture, to name a few.    formation or to donate to Hospitality In      tions are welcome, as well as non-food
Attending G2S is free, and transporta-     the Name of Christ, email hospitality-        products like hygiene items and clean-
tion services are provided. The staff      inc1@gmail.com, see www.hospitality-          ing supplies. Those looking to do-
works closely with students to form re-    inthenameofchrist.org or call (231) 852-      nate food are encouraged to consider
lationships and guide children through     4236 or (231) 510-4591. The shelter is        things like hot chocolate, tea, coffee and
their lessons. Counselors, a gym, meals    open from 6 p.m. to 8 a.m. from Novem-        soups. Diapers, deodorant, toothpaste
and laundry services are available to      ber through April.                            and toothbrushes are also needed. To
students. To donate to the school or                                                     volunteer or for more information, visit
learn more, call (231) 845-0922.                                                         www.lakeshorefoodclub.org.
                                           Jericho House of Mason County
Habitat for Humanity                         The Women’s Jericho House of Ma-            Lakeshore Food 4 Kids
                                           son County (under J&J Mission, Inc.) is          Lakeshore Food 4 Kids is a non-prof-
of Mason County                            a non-profit home for single, homeless        it food program for food insecure stu-
  Habitat for Humanity works with lo-      women. Women housed at the shelter            dents in grades kindergarten through
cal communities to improve, maintain       range from age 18 to older. Past guests       12th grade at Ludington Area School
and build housing for those in need.       have been as old as 77 — all women old-       District. For more information, email
The organization has partnered with        er than 18 are welcome. For more infor-       lakeshorefood4kids@gmail.com        or
the Pennies from Heaven Foundation         mation or to make a donation, stop by         search for the organization on Face-
to create a Neighbor to Neighbor neigh-    912 E. Ludington Ave. or call (231) 843-      book.
borhood revitalization program. The        3044.
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