Facing federal agents - Portland protests fi nd new momentum 15

Page created by Scott Bowman
Facing federal agents - Portland protests fi nd new momentum 15
Vol. 14 No. 30   8220 W. Gage Blvd., #715, Kennewick, WA 99336   www.TuDecidesMedia.com       July 23rd, 2020

Facing federal agents
                  Portland protests find new momentum > 15

 IMMIGRATION: Trump offers                STATE: Washington schools eye        POLITICS: Biden presents
confusion, contradictions > 14                   reopening > 14               economic recovery plan > 11
Facing federal agents - Portland protests fi nd new momentum 15
15                                                                                                          You Decide – A Bilingual Newspaper                                                                                                         July 23rd, 2020

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Table of Contents
                                                                                  NORTHWEST                                                                                                             15 NORTHWEST: Facing
Facing federal agents, Portland protests find                                                                                                                          new momentum                         federal agents, Portland
       PORTLAND, Oregon (AP)                                                                                                                                            use of federal agents against
                                                                                                                                                                                                           protests find new
                                                                                                                                                                        the will of local officials has    momentum

                     ardy Widman has                                                                                                                                                             also set up the potential
                     watched                      protests                                                                                                                                       for a constitutional crisis,       14 IMMIGRATION: Trump
                     against racial injus-                                                                                                                                                       which could escalate if               offers confusion,
tice unfold in her hometown of                                                                                                                                                                   Trump sends federal agents
Portland, Oregon, for more than                                                                                                                                                                  elsewhere.                            contradictions on
seven weeks but stayed away                                                                                                                                                                         Federal forces were                immigration orders
because, at age 79, she feared con-                                                                                                                                                              deployed      to Portland in
tracting the coronavirus.                                                                                                                                                                        early  July, and  tensions have    14 STATE: Various measures
   But that calculus changed for                                                                                                                                                                 risen   since:   On  July 11, a       needed as Washington
Widman when President Donald                                                                                                                                                                     protester    was    hospitalized
Trump sent federal law enforce-                                                                                                                                                                  with critical injuries after          schools eye reopening
ment agents to the liberal city to                                                                                                                                                               a U.S. Marshals Service
quell violent demonstrations — a                                                                                                                                                                 officer struck him in the          13 FINANCIAL LITERACY: Pros
                                                                           Hundreds of Black Lives Matter protesters hold their phones aloft on Monday,
tactic he’s said he’ll use for other                                                                              July 20, 2020, in Portland, Oregon.                                            head with a round of less-            and Cons to Buying a Home
cities. On Monday, a masked                                                                                                                                                                      lethal ammunition.
Widman was in the street with                                                                mostly          because             of     the      way        we      vote    and                     Then, anger flared again
                                                                                             make         an     example            of    it  for       his   base      is very                                                     11 POLITICS: Biden presents
more than 1,000 other Portland residents                                                                                                                                         over   the  weekend      after video surfaced
— a far larger crowd than the city had                                                       frightening,             ”   she    said.                                           of  a federal  agent   hitting  a Navy veteran
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ambitious economic
seen in recent days as it entered its eighth                                                     Far      from          tamping          down            the    unrest,      the repeatedly     with  a  baton    while another        recovery plan
week of nightly protests.                                                                    presence            of     federal        agents          —    and        particu-  agent   sprays  him  in  the  face with pepper
                                                                                             larly     allegations              they      have         whisked          people
   “It’s like a dictatorship,” Widman, a                                                                                                                                         spray.   Richard    Cline,   principal   deputy    11 LETTER TO THE EDITOR:
grandmother of five, said, holding up a                                                      away        in    unmarked                cars       without             probable   director   of the Federal   Protective  Service,      Why I’m running for County
sign that read: “Grammy says: Please feds, cause — has given new momentum and told reporters Tuesday that the officers are
leave Portland.”                                                                             a new focus to protests that had begun to part of the Marshals Service and that the                                                       Commissioner
   “I mean, that he can pick on our city devolve into smaller, chaotic crowds. The Justice Department’s inspector general is
                                                                                                                                                                                 investigating.                                     9 NATIONAL: Governor of
                                                                                                                                                                                    Crowds in Portland had recently num-              Puerto Rico investigated for

                                         AUTO LOAN                                                                                                                               bered fewer than 100 people but swelled
                                                                                                                                                                                 to more than 1,000 over the weekend
                                                                                                                                                                                 — and they’re once again attracting a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       tú Decides Newspaper

                                                REFINANCE                                                                                                                        broader base in a city that’s increasingly                           8220 W. Gage Blvd., #715
                                                                                                                                                                                 outraged.                                                             Kennewick, WA 99336
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Phone: 509-591-0495
                                                                   rates as low as                                                                                                  Federal agents again used force to                                    Fax: 800-790-4145
                                                                                                                                                                                 scatter protesters early Tuesday and                         Web Site: www. TuDecidesMedia.com
                                                                                                                                                                                 deployed tear gas and rubber bullets as                            Subscriptions
                                                                                                                                                                                 some banged on the doors of the Mark O.            Subscriptions are available for $26 for 6 months
                                                                                                                                                                                 Hatfield Federal Courthouse and tried to           tú Decides is published weekly by tú Decides
                                                                                                                                                                                 pull plywood off the shuttered entryway.           Media Inc. on every Friday. News deadline is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    every Monday at 12 p.m. Ad reservation deadline
                                                                                                                                                                                 The boarded-up courthouse, which has               is Monday at 10 a.m., ad material deadline is every
                                                                                                                                                                                 been a focus of protests, is now covered           Monday at noon.
                                                                                                                                                                                 with graffiti.
                                                                                                                                                                                    Portland police said some protesters lit
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Albert Torres, CEO & President
                                                                                                                                                                                 fires in the street and tried several times                  Albert@tudecidesmedia.com
                                                                                                                                                                                 to set them at the courthouse doors.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Ismael G. Campos, Owner
                                                                                                                                                                                    “It is time for the Trump troops to go                     Mel@tudecidesmedia.com
                                                                                                                                                                                 home and focus their attention on other
                                                                                                                                                                                 activities,” Democratic Gov. Kate Brown                         Gracie Campos, Owner
                                                                                                                                                                                 said on MSNBC.
                                                                                                                                                                                    State and local authorities didn’t ask                            Fernando Aceves
                                                                                                                                                                                 for federal help and are awaiting a deci-                             Editor & Sales

                                                                                                                                                                                 sion on a lawsuit seeking to restrain the                           Dr. Claudia Romay
                                                                                                                                                                                 federal agents’ actions. Oregon Attorney                              Translations
                                                                                                                                                                                 General Ellen Rosenblum said in court
          *APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Rate includes 0.50% discount for member having a Gesa checking account or Gesa Visa® credit card and 0.25% discount                     papers that masked federal agents have              Félix Connection, Isaiah Torres, Ezequiel Torres
          for automatic payments setup from a checking or savings account at the time the loan is originated. Rates, terms, and offer are accurate as of April 27,
          2020 and subject to change. Rate dependent on credit qualifications and loan term selected. All loans are subject to Gesa lending policies, collateral                 arrested people on the street, far from the                        Distribution
          requirements, and loan-to-value guidelines. Some exclusions apply for automobiles that have more than 115,000 miles or are more than seven model
          years old. Promotional rates apply only to vehicle loans that are new to Gesa; existing Gesa vehicle loans do not qualify. Ninety day no payment option                courthouse, with no probable cause and              All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
          available to qualified borrowers for a limited time only. Interest will begin to accrue the date the loan is funded. Contact Gesa for full program details.
                                                                                                                                                                                 whisked them away in unmarked cars.                  reproduced without the express written consent of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      tú Decides Media, Inc.

                                                                                                                      Wisdom for your decisions
Facing federal agents - Portland protests fi nd new momentum 15
July 23rd, 2020                                                      You Decide – A Bilingual Newspaper                                                                               14

                Trump offers confusion, contradictions on immigration order
           WASHINGTON (AP)                     sign and there is zero appetite in                                                                             have been accepting new applica-
                                               Congress to wade into the divi-                                                                                tions, even though some immigra-

          resident Donald Trump is prom-       sive issue with four months to                                                                                 tion lawyers argue that the Supreme
          ising new executive action on        go before the election and in the                                                                              Court ruling should require the
          immigration as he returns to         middle of a pandemic.                                                                                          program to return to its original
the defining issue of his administration.         Elsewhere in the interview,                                                                                 form. A federal court on Friday
But Trump has offered contradictory and        Trump said he would instead be                                                                                 restored the program to its origi-
confusing statements about his plans in        signing “a big executive order”                                                                                nal form, but it’s unclear whether
recent days. His comments come after           that would include DACA. “But,                                                                                 USCIS will start accepting new
the Supreme Court rejected his efforts to      we put it in, and we’ll probably                                                                               applications.
end the Obama-era Deferred Action for          going to then be taking it out.                                                                                   WHAT ELSE MIGHT THE
Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program,          We’re working out the legal com-                                                                               ORDER INCLUDE?
which protects young immigrants brought        plexities right now, but I’m going                                                                                In addition to his complaints
to the country as children. Trump said         to be signing a very major immi- In this June 23, 2020 file photo, United States President Donald Trump about illegal immigration, Trump
last month that he would quickly be filing     gration bill as an executive order,” participates in a border security briefing at the Border Patrol base in has long railed against the country’s
                                                                                                               Yuma, Arizona.
paperwork to address the court’s con-          he said.                                                                                                       legal immigration system, saying
cerns, but has yet to make a move.                White House spokesman Judd                  rently enrolled in DACA who would lose                          it should favor high-skilled immi-
   WHAT TRUMP HAS SAID:                        Deere quickly tried to walk back the mean- their protections against deportations and grants admitted for their “merit’ instead
   The latest confusion about Trump’s          dering comments, saying that Trump was the ability to legally work in the country of those with family connections. While
thinking started with a Telemundo inter-       “working on an executive order to estab- if Trump dismantles the program again. he has spent years trying to overhaul the
view earlier this month in which the pres-     lish a merit-based immigration system to The program hasn’t accepted any new immigration system, the coronavirus has
ident said he would soon be “signing an        further protect U.S. workers.” Trump, he applications since 2017, and the Migra- allowed him to dramatically step up those
immigration bill” — “a very good bill and      added, “has long said he is willing to work tion Policy Institute, a nonpartisan think efforts, including pausing the issuance of
merit-based bill” — and that “one of the       with Congress on a negotiated legislative tank, estimates an additional 66,000 green cards to many people living outside
aspects of the bill is going to be DACA.”      solution to DACA” — one he said “could people would now meet the age require- the country, including the relatives of
   “We’re going to have a road to citizen-     include citizenship” but not “amnesty.”        ment for the program if it were reinstated. permanent residents.
ship,” he added.                                  WHAT’S AT STAKE:                               The United States Citizenship and                         Any new restrictions are likely to be
   The problem: No such bill exists to            There are about 650,000 people cur- Immigration Services has not appeared to challenged in court.

            Various measures needed as Washington schools eye reopening
       OLYMPIA, Washington (AP)                   The report, released by the                                                                                    nity to support school
                                               state Department of Health,                                                                                       reopening,” said Dr.

           new report looking at the           Seattle and King County Public                                                                                    Jeff Duchin, the health
           impact of opening Washing-          Health and Institute for Disease                                                                                  officer for Seattle and
           ton schools in the fall says that   Modeling, details modeling ran                                                                                    King County Public.
various measures — including masks and         by IDM based on the first three                                                                                   “I find that conclu-
physical distancing — may be able to           months of the upcoming school                                                                                     sion very problematic.
ensure that sending students back to the       term in King County, but said                                                                                     It reflects the intense
classroom doesn’t increase transmission        the results could be applied to                                                                                   interdependence that
of the coronavirus, but only if commu-         other communities.                                                                                                we have on each other
nity-wide activity of COVID-19 remains            It showed various scenarios                                                                                    in this community in
low.                                           that included grouping students                                                                                   order to move forward
   “What’s happening in the community          by age, physical distancing,                                                                                      safely in the era of
matters just as much as what happens in        wearing masks, as well as daily                                                                                   COVID-19.”
the schools,” Lacy Fehrenbach, deputy          screening of staff and students                                                                                      Durchin said that
secretary for COVID-19 response at the         for symptoms.                                                                                                     the community as a
Department of Health, said at a news              The report found that reopen- Teachers construct a “We Miss You” message to their students at Adams Elementary whole needs to be more
                                                                                                         School in Spokane, Washington.
conference to discuss the report. “We          ing schools without any of the                                                                                    aggressive about lim-
very, very much want to reopen schools         above countermeasures could                 and that the rate of transmission would                               iting social interac-
for some level of in-person learning in        lead to a doubling in the number of new need to drop by the end of August for tions, and abiding by physical distancing,
the fall and we’re also very concerned         COVID-19 cases in the county between schools to reopen in September “without wearing facial coverings and washing
about the rising level of COVID-19 activ-      September and December.                     trigger exponential growth in COVID-19 hands.
ity throughout Washington state and               The report also said the report was burden.”                                                     More than 42,300 people have tested
what that means for reopening schools in       drafted before a recent spike in cases in      “At this time, there is too much positive for the virus in Washington state
a little more than a month.”                   King County and other areas of the state, COVID-19 transmission in our commu- and about 1,400 have died.

                                                                          Wisdom for your decisions
Facing federal agents - Portland protests fi nd new momentum 15
13                                                         You Decide – A Bilingual Newspaper                                              July 23rd, 2020

                                                This Page is Sponsored by Washington Federal

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let.com found that buyers who pur-        payment.
chased a $300,000 house spent be-

                                                                 Wisdom for your decisions
Facing federal agents - Portland protests fi nd new momentum 15
July 23rd, 2020                                        You Decide – A Bilingual Newspaper                                                   12

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                                                            Wisdom for your decisions
Facing federal agents - Portland protests fi nd new momentum 15
11                                                                  You Decide – A Bilingual Newspaper                                                           July 23rd, 2020

                           Biden presents ambitious economic recovery plan
         WASHINGTON (AP)                                                                                                                               plan to rebuild the post-coronavi-
                                                                                                                                                       rus economy, following a $2 trillion

       oe Biden wants to spend more                                                                                                                    environmental proposal he released
       than three-quarters of a tril-                                                                                                                  last week and a $700 billion plan
       lion dollars to dramatically                                                                                                                    unveiled the week before seeking
improve care for older Americans,                                                                                                                      to increase government purchas-
bolster low-income families’ tax                                                                                                                       ing of U.S.-based goods and invest
credits and provide preschool for all                                                                                                                  in new research and development.
3- and 4-year-olds — part of the pre-                                                                                                                  Biden is attempting to illustrate
sumptive Democratic presidential                                                                                                                       for voters how the coronavirus can
nominee’s larger plan to remake an                                                                                                                     present opportunities for job growth
economy ravaged by the coronavirus.                                                                                                                    and new policy priorities in contrast
   Unveiled Tuesday, the proposal                                                                                                                      to President Donald Trump, who has
is slated to cost $775 billion over                                                                                                                    promised to rebuild the economy
10 years and is designed to create 3                                                                                                                   stronger than ever but other-
million new jobs caring for older                                                                                                                      wise struggled to articulate what he
people and providing improved early                                                                                                                    hopes to accomplish with a second
education to children. Biden prom-                                                                                                                     term.
ises to pay for it by reducing tax                                                                                                                        Senior Biden campaign officials
breaks for real estate investors with                                                                                                                  described the care-giving plan as a
annual incomes of $400,000-plus,                                                                                                                       “core pillar” of their candidate’s eco-
while also increasing compliance Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden speaks during a campaign event on Tuesday, July 14, nomic recovery plan, saying on a
                                                                            2020, Wilmington, Delaware.
with existing tax law for high earners.                                                                                                                conference call with reporters that
   The former vice president is plan-     “The pandemic has laid bare just how ties of working and also caring for family                              it was an important key to “getting
ning to provide more details during an hard it is for people in this country to find members,” Biden campaign’s wrote in a people back to work” in the wake of the
afternoon speech near his home in Wilm- access to quality caregiving they need for 10-page announcement of the plan.                               pandemic and the rising unemploy-
ington, Delaware.                       themselves, or to juggle the responsibili-              It marks the third plank of Biden’s larger ment it sparked.

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                                                                          Wisdom for your decisions
Facing federal agents - Portland protests fi nd new momentum 15
10                                                                                 tú Decides – A Bilingual Newspaper                                                                          23 de julio 2020

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                                                                                                    Sabiduría para las decisiones
Facing federal agents - Portland protests fi nd new momentum 15
23 de julio 2020                                                       tú Decides – A Bilingual Newspaper                                                                              9

                    Investigan a gobernadora de Puerto Rico por corrupción
       SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP)                    El panel también investigará a otros           repentinamente tras recibir una llamada de         Desde entonces Vázquez ha negado que
                                                  cuatro funcionarios gubernamentales,              una persona en ese departamento.                Longo fuese despedida en represalia por

  L       a gobernadora Wanda Vázquez y           incluyendo a un senador y al secretario de la        Wandymar Burgos, la secretaria de Jus-       la investigación. Dijo que le pidió a Longo
          otros altos funcionarios de Puerto      Gobernación, Antonio Luis Pabón.                  ticia nombrada después de que Longo fue         que renunciara debido a una presunta
          Rico se convirtieron el lunes en el        Una portavoz de la gobernadora le dijo         despedida, dijo posteriormente que ella es      interferencia en una pesquisa federal sobre
objeto de una investigación gubernamental         a la AP que Vázquez ya expresó su opinión         la que pidió que los casos le fueran devuel-    un posible fraude al Medicaid, el servicio
por acusaciones recientes de corrupción.          sobre el tema hace algunos días en una con-       tos porque acababa de enterarse de su exis-     gubernamental de atención médica a las
   El Panel sobre el Fiscal Especial Inde-        ferencia de prensa, en la que dijo que reci-      tencia y necesitaba investigarlos. Después      personas de bajos recursos.
pendiente de este territorio estadounidense       biría con beneplácito una investigación y         varios altos funcionarios del partido de la        Mientras tanto, la gobernadora defendió
accedió a investigar las acusaciones contra       señaló que los alegatos eran “vengativos” y       gobernadora exigieron que renunciara, lo        a Burgos, diciendo que sus acciones fueron
Vázquez y otros luego de que el Departa-          “amañados”. No fue posible contactar a un         cual hizo.                                      inusuales, pero no ilegales.
mento de Justicia de la isla se las remitió, lo   vocero del secretario de la Gobernación
cual derivó en la renuncia de dos secretarias     para que comentara.
de Justicia hace algunos días y en exhorta-          La exsecretaria de Justicia Dennise Longo
ciones para que se someta a la gobernadora        emitió un comunicado en los primeros días
a un juicio político.                             de julio en el que dijo que la gobernadora y
   “Es un asunto muy serio”, dijo Edgardo         otros eran blanco de una investigación que
Román, presidente del Colegio de Aboga-           el departamento había iniciado este año, rel-
dos y Abogadas de Puerto Rico, a The Asso-        acionada al presunto mal manejo de sum-
ciated Press. “Esto significa que ya hay dos      inistros destinados a los puertorriqueños

                                                                                                                    Llame para una cita.
entidades por separado que han concluido          afectados por una serie de terremotos.
que existen hechos suficientes como para             Longo fue despedida el mismo día en el
investigar una gobernadora”.                      que refirió los casos al panel especial. El
   Es la primera vez que el panel especial le     presidente de ese panel le dijo a la AP que
abre una pesquisa a un gobernador en fun-         alguien del Departamento de Justicia estaba                                                             ABIERTO DIARIAMENTE
ciones en la historia reciente de Puerto Rico,    a punto de entregar archivos relacionados a
agregó.                                           los casos que se iban a investigar, pero se fue

                           Governor of Puerto Rico investigated for corruption
        SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP)                   The panel also will investigate                                                                        the cases be returned because she
                                                  four other government officials                                                                           had just found out about them and

           uerto Rico’s governor and other        including one senator and Chief of                                                                        needed to research them. Several top
           top officials on Monday became         Staff Antonio Luis Pabón.                                                                                 members of the governor’s party then
           the formal targets of an in-depth         A spokeswoman for the gov-                                                                             demanded she resign, which she did.
government investigation into recent cor-         ernor told the AP that Vázquez                                                                               Vázquez has since denied that
ruption allegations.                              already expressed herself on the                                                                          Longo was fired in retribution for
   The U.S. territory’s Special Indepen-          issue earlier this month during                                                                           the probe. She said she asked Longo
dent Prosecutor’s Panel agreed to probe           a press conference in which she                                                                           to quit because of purported inter-
the allegations against Gov. Wanda                said she would welcome an inves-                                                                          ference in an unrelated federal probe
Vázquez and others following a referral           tigation and called the allegations                                                                       into possible Medicaid fraud. Mean-
from the island’s Department of Justice           “vengeful” and “rigged.” A spokes-                                                                         while, the governor defended Burgos,
that ended with two justice secretaries           person for the chief of staff could                                                                        saying her actions were unusual but
stepping down earlier this month and led          not immediately be reached for Two protesters hold a picture of Governor Wanda Vázquez be- not illegal.
                                                                                          hind bars during a protest on Thursday, January 23, 2020, in San
to calls for impeachment against the gov-         comment.                                                       Juan, Puerto Rico.
                                                                                                                                                               The special panel now has 90 days
ernor.                                               Former Justice Secretary Dennise                                                                        to investigate the allegations. Inde-
   “This is very serious,” Edgardo Román,         Longo had issued a statement in                The president of that panel told the AP                     pendent prosecutors can decide
president of the Bar Association of Puerto        early July saying the governor and others that someone from the Department of whether to dismiss them or determine
Rico, told The Associated Press. “It means        were the targets of an investigation that Justice was about to drop off files related there is enough evidence to file charges.
there are already two entities that have          the department had launched earlier this to the cases slated for investigation but                       The decision to investigate comes
independently concluded there is suffi-           year involving the alleged mismanage- abruptly left after receiving a call from nearly three weeks before Vázquez com-
cient basis to investigate a governor.”           ment of supplies slated for Puerto Ricans someone at the Department of Justice.                        petes in the Aug. 9 primary of the pro-
   The decision marks the first time the          affected by a series of strong earthquakes.       Wandymar Burgos, the justice secre- statehood Progressive New Party to be
special panel investigates a sitting gover-          Longo was fired the same day she tary appointed after Longo was fired, its candidate for governor in the island’s
nor in recent history, he said.                   referred the cases to the special panel. later said she’s the one who demanded general elections in November.

                                                                          Sabiduría para las decisiones
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