Explore - Meet Marine Scientist and TV star, Danni Washington! - DEC 2022 JAN - Stark Library

Page created by Doris Graham
Explore - Meet Marine Scientist and TV star, Danni Washington! - DEC 2022 JAN - Stark Library
                                              DEC 2022 • JAN • FEB 2023

Meet Marine Scientist
and TV star,
Danni Washington!
p. 6

          Celebrate Black History with the Library!   p. 4

Explore - Meet Marine Scientist and TV star, Danni Washington! - DEC 2022 JAN - Stark Library
                  OUR MISSION
              To spark curiosity and foster                                              Equal Access
               knowledge by connecting
                                                                                Serving Others with Excellence
            everyone to resources, services,
                   and opportunities.                                                   Confidentiality
                                                                                       Forward Thinking
                                                                                     Intellectual Freedom

As you read our mission statement and values, you’ll see that the Library is really all about YOU. We care about you
and your experiences at the Library. Whether you walk through the doors, visit our website, call on the phone, or just
read the Explore Guide, we want you to feel welcome and represented. That’s why we spend the time and resources to
survey both our patrons and our community to help us understand what you need and want from the Library. Thanks to
all of you who participated in our recent survey.

We’ll be using the information that we collected as we begin our strategic planning process for the coming years. Our most
recent strategic plan was for 2019–2022, and we all know how the pandemic turned those years upside down! We’re
looking forward to finding more and better ways to connect with the people of Stark County.

We know from our data that many of our patrons never walk through our doors, but only use our onlilne services. So, just
as we’ve been Re|imagining our buildings, we are in the process of redesigning our website to better serve our digital
patrons. In February, we’ll be unveiling our new website and we can’t wait for you to experience it.

I am beyond excited about our Dr. Audrey Lavin’s Speaking of Books
lineup this season! We were delighted by Tyler Merritt and Nigella
Lawson in the fall, and I can’t wait to meet Danni Washington and
Danny Trejo. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg of what’s happening
this winter at the Library. You’ll have a brrrrrrilliant time whether you use
our Maker Studio, join a book club, or attend the symphony – all free
with your Library card.

Explore the possibilities at your Library!

Mary Ellen Icaza
CEO/Executive Director

More Events
As always, there’s so much happening
at all of our Library locations that it’s
impossible to fit it all in this Guide.
Scan the QR code to see what’s
happening at all Library locations.
Explore - Meet Marine Scientist and TV star, Danni Washington! - DEC 2022 JAN - Stark Library
March 9 | 6:30 pm | Canton Palace Theatre
Danny Trejo’s personal life sounds like a movie, going from prison
to acting on the big screen and TV. His face is instantly recognizable
from dozens of films, like Spy Kids, and popular TV series, such as
Breaking Bad. However, his role in helping troubled kids avoid the
drug-related pitfalls he experienced brings him the most satisfaction.

Join us for a fascinating discussion of Danny’s journey from prison to
Hollywood, along with his latest passion – a cookbook!

X Reserve your FREE seats starting in February at

In partnership with                                 STARK

DeHoff Memorial Branch is Open!
This is it – we’re down to the final stretch of our Re|imagine
project! After five years of planning and three years of
construction, this spring we’ll open the final branch in the
Re|imagine project – the Lake Community Branch. Each of
our locations has become a beautiful and community-centric
destination, where people enjoy coming to spend the day.
The bookmobile will continue to be on site at the Lake
Community Branch while it’s closed for renovation.

Explore - Meet Marine Scientist and TV star, Danni Washington! - DEC 2022 JAN - Stark Library

      Black History Month focuses on the contributions of African Americans to our country. This February, we
      celebrate with art, fascinating stories, and book lists chosen by your favorite librarians.

      Travel back in time and hear the spoken words of African Americans who lived here with our recorded Stark
      Memory Collection. Experience the inspiring local stories of brave souls escaping slavery on the Underground
      Railroad. Write, paint, and reflect with inspiration from Black artists, civil rights activists, and leaders from all
      sectors of our society.

      These are just a few of the ways to enrich yourself at the Library during Black History Month. Enjoy events for all
      ages all month long!

      X StarkLibrary.org/BlackHistory

    Book Clubs                            X More Book Clubs on page 12

    Madge Youtz              Main Library              North Branch                Perry Sippo             Sandy Valley
    Thu Feb 23 | 2–3 pm     Tue Feb 7 | 6–7 pm       Mon Feb 27 | 11am–12 pm    Thu Feb 2 | 6–7 pm     Mon Feb 6 | 6–7 pm 

    Deacon King Kong         Born A Crime              The Hate U Give             Down the River          All American Boys
    by James McBride         by Trevor Noah            by Angie Thomas             Unto the Sea            by Jason Reynolds
                                                                                   by Walter Mosley        and Brendan Kiely
                             (Read Around the          (Banned Books
                             World Book Club)          Book Club)

Explore - Meet Marine Scientist and TV star, Danni Washington! - DEC 2022 JAN - Stark Library
EARLY LEARNERS                        ELEMENTARY, T WEENS,               ADULTS                                ALL AGES
                                      & TEENS

African American Authors                                                 From Yarborough to Neal               Black History Youth
Storytime                             I Have A Dream Capsules            Reconstructing an Enslaved            Community Quilt
Thu Feb 2, 9, 16, 23 | 10–11 am       Tue Feb 28 | 6:30–7:30 pm          Ancestral Family                      Wed Feb 1 | 2–4 pm
North Branch                          Madge Youtz Branch                 Sat Feb 4 | 2–3:15 pm                 Madge Youtz Branch
Celebrate Black History Month         What are your hopes, dreams,       Virtual/Online                        Contribute to our community
as we feature amazing African         and goals for the future? Join     Renate Yarborough Sanders             quilt by exploring and learning
American writers.                     us in a remembrance of Martin      explores how she used DNA             about influential African Amer-
                                      Luther King, Jr. We will explore   matching combined with docu-          icans throughout history. Can’t
                                      his “I have a dream” speech        mented genealogical research          make it? Stop by any time in
                                      while creating our own personal    to confirm the family of origin of    February to contribute!
ELEMENTARY                            dream capsules.                   her enslaved great-grandfather.
                                                                                                               African American Art
Art Lab Celebrates                                                                                             Expo
Picture Book Illustrators             T WEENS & TEENS                    Ohio African American                 Mon Feb 6–11 | Library Hours
Wed Jan 18, 25, Feb 1                                                    Military Heroes                       DeHoff Memorial Branch
3:30–4:30 pm                                                             Mon Feb 6 | 6–7:30 pm                 Stop in during library hours
                                      Tween/Teen                         Madge Youtz Branch
North Branch                                                                                                   all this week to view one-of-
Each week will have a new art
                                      Multicultural League               Join us for a conversation with       a-kind art pieces created by
project inspired by a Coretta Scott   Thu Dec 15, Mon Jan 23,            Willis Gordon, Veteran’s Affairs      Black artists from our very own
King Award winning illustrator.      Mon Feb 27 | 2:30–4 pm             Chairman of the Ohio NAACP,           DeHoff community. You won’t
                                      Sandy Valley Branch                about Ohio’s Black Medal of           want to miss this!
                                      Learn about different countries    Honor recipients. 
Clouds in a Jar                       and cultures by making crafts
Wed Feb 8 | 3–4 pm                    and learning about customs,                                              African American Art
North Branch                          food, and traditions. A differ-    African American                      Expo Meet ‘n’ Greet
Make clouds and learn about           ent country will be explored at    Genealogy: Journey to                 Tue Feb 7 | 5–6:30 pm
the first African American            every meeting.                    the Past                              DeHoff Memorial Branch
president of the American                                                Sat Feb 18 | 11 am–1 pm               Chat with local Black artists to
Meteorological Society, Dr.                                              North Branch                          ask questions and learn about
Warren Washington.                                                      Dr. Deborah Abbott from the           the inspiration behind their
                                      TEENS                              African American Genealogical         one-of-a-kind masterpieces!
                                                                         Society of Cleveland will speak
                                                                         about experiences, resources,
ELEMENTARY & T WEENS                  TeensCREATE                        and how to overcome obstacles         Let’s Throw Stories
                                      Mon Feb 6 | 3–4 pm                 in tracing African American           Wed Feb 8 | 4:30–5:30 pm
                                      DeHoff Memorial Branch             ancestries.                          Main Library
Early Ohio & The                      Black History Art Paint & Sip                                            Affrilachian storyteller Lyn Ford
Underground Railroad                                                                                           shares folktale adaptations
With Spring Hill Historic Home                                           Celebrating Black                     rooted in African and African
& Underground Railroad Site                                              History: Narratives of                American storytelling traditions.
Sat Feb 11 | 11 am–12 pm                                                 Success                               

Jackson Community Branch                                                 Sat Feb 25 | 2–3 pm
Learn about early Ohio and                                               Main Library
the Underground Railroad with                                            Local Black entrepreneurs share
a storytime and activity. For                                            their successes, and challenges,
students in grade 3 and above.                                          as business owners in Stark

                                                                                             Register at StarkLibrary.org or 330.452.0665

                                                                                          DeHoff Memorial Branch
                                                                                          Mondays | 4–5 pm 

                                                                                          Dec 12 | The Violin Conspiracy by Brendan Slocumb

                                                                                          Jan 9 | Sing, Unburied, Sing by Jesmyn Ward

                                                                                          Feb 13 | Transcendent Kingdom by Yaa Gyasi

                                                                                          (African American Book Club)
Explore - Meet Marine Scientist and TV star, Danni Washington! - DEC 2022 JAN - Stark Library
Celebrate Groundbreaking
            Women in Science!
     Our Speaking of Books Author Series features a scientific media pioneer, using the
     power of her pen and camera to pave the way for future women scientists.


                                          DANNI WASHINGTON
                                          Feb 16 | 6:30 pm | Canton Palace Theatre
                                          Danni Washington, a Miami native of Jamaican descent,
                                          is truly one of a kind. She is a full-time dedicated marine
                                          science communicator, a part-time educational “mermaid,”
                                          and an unstoppable rising media star. She brilliantly
                                          educates and entertains, standing at the intersection of
                                          science and the public at large. She is the first African
                                          American woman to host her own science television series.

                       Activ              Your kids will love meeting Danni, as she discusses her new
                             is    t      book for children. Bold Women In Science tells the inspiring
                                          stories of 15 women who changed the course of science.
                                          Her stories inspire young people to dream big!

                                          X Reserve FREE seats at StarkLibrary.org/Danni

                                                      Register at StarkLibrary.org or 330.452.0665

Explore - Meet Marine Scientist and TV star, Danni Washington! - DEC 2022 JAN - Stark Library
More Events

Ocean Yoga and Play                  Polar Plunge
Mon Feb 27 | 6–7 pm                  Sat Feb 18 | 11 am–12:30 pm
East Canton Branch                  Plain Community Branch
Learn about the ocean through       Learn about majestic polar
yoga and sensory play.             bears and their ocean
                                    habitat. Create a polar bear
                                    luminary while also learning
                                    why ocean conservation is
                                    critical to their existence via
ELEMENTARY                          STEM activities. 
Chemistry Kids
Mon Feb 13 | 3:30–4:30 pm
                                    T WEENS & TEENS
North Branch
Kids are chemists! Explore          Upcycled Jellyfish
chemical reactions and learn        Thu Feb 9 | 3:30–4:30 pm
about women chemists at this
                                    Madge Youtz Branch
hands-on program. 
                                    Learn how recycling benefits
                                    the land and ocean while
                                    making a mesmerizing, upcy-
                                    cled jellyfish!

Ocean Conservation and
Carbon Footprint Sensory Play       TEENS & ADULTS
Mon Feb 13 | 6–7:30 pm               Marine Ecosystems
Madge Youtz Branch                  Presented by the Monterey Bay Aquarium
Let’s dive in and learn more        Tue Feb 7 2023 | 6–7 pm
about ocean pollution and
                                    Virtual/Online Events
conservation while also discov-
                                    Joe Welsh, Curator of Collec-
ering ways to reduce your
                                    tions, will share his obser-
carbon footprint. This one will
                                    vations on the health of the
be a splash! 
                                    marine ecosystem...locally
                                    and beyond. Learn how
                                    ocean warming has changed
                                    that environment. 

Creative Conservation
Tue Feb 21 | 5–6 pm                 ADULTS
Perry Sippo Branch
                                    The Ocean...It’s Closer Than You Think
Curious about the impact that
                                    Presented by the Ohio Ocean Foundation
plastic bottles have on our
waterways? Learn about the          Tue Feb 28 | 6–7:30 pm
effect of water pollutants, dive    Perry Sippo Branch
deep into the water filtration      Learn about the connection
process, and get creative while     between Ohio and the
upcycling plastic!                 ocean. We’ll explore pollu-
                                    tion, its impact on the oceans
                                    and health of Ohioans, and
                                    talk about solutions we can
                                    get involved with in Ohio. 

                                   With the support of the Herbert W Hoover Foundation,
                                   Stark Library celebrates groundbreaking women in science and
                                   raises awareness about ocean conservation, marine ecosystems
                                   and environmentalism through engaging programming.

Explore - Meet Marine Scientist and TV star, Danni Washington! - DEC 2022 JAN - Stark Library
GET YOUR                                                                 ON!
    The holiday spirit is contagious as we light up the season with fun!

    EARLY LEARNERS &                     ELEMENTARY                       ADULTS                            ALL AGES
                                         Holidays Around The              10th Annual Savoy Big             Santa’s Workshop
    Hikes and Humbugs                    World Open House                 Band Holiday Concert              Sponsored by Jackson FOL
    Sat Dec 3 | 4:30–4:45 pm             Sat Dec 3 | 11:30 am–3:30 pm     Sponsored by the Perry FOL        Sat Dec 3 | 2–4 pm
    Perry Sippo Branch                   Madge Youtz Branch               Thu Dec 1 | 6–7:30 pm             Jackson Community Branch
    Meet at the playground to            Take a trip around the world     Perry Sippo Branch                Meet Santa, decorate cook-
    join us for a lantern hike           in an afternoon of games,        Join us for a concert with a      ies, craft holiday decor, and
    down the Trail Tales                 fun, and adventure!             13-piece jazz ensemble.          enjoy a cup of hot cocoa to
    Storywalk. Then stay for                                                                                get into the festive spirit! 
    Here Comes Santa!                    Handmade Ornaments               DIY December
    (see All Ages).                     Tue Dec 13 | 6–6:45 pm           Main Library                      Here Comes Santa!
                                         Main Library                                                       with Stark Parks and
    Gingerbread                          Decorate clear, fillable         Fri Dec 2 | 10 am–12 pm           Perry Twp. Rotary Club
    with Santa                           ornaments or try something       Embroidered Canvas Pouch          Sat Dec 3 | 5–8 pm
    Mon Dec 12 | 6–7 pm                  fun with paper. We’ll provide    Learn the basics of hand-         Perry Sippo Branch
    East Canton Branch                   the materials to make a truly    stitch embroidery, then           Join us for live music, food,
    Run, run as fast as you can!         unique gift to give or keep!    embroider a canvas pouch          crafts, a tree lighting, and
    Can you help Santa catch the                                          to keep or give as a gift!       Mr. & Mrs. Claus.
    gingerbread man? Spend an
    adventurous evening doing                                             Wed Dec 7 | 5–6:30pm              Holiday Escape Room
                                         ELEMENTARY & TWEENS
    activities and visit with Santa.                                     Singlade Balls:                   Tue Dec 6 | 4–7 pm
                                                                          A Scandinavian Folk Craft         Sat Dec 10 | 10 am–4 pm
                                         Handmade Holiday
                                                                          Learn the history and process     Sandy Valley Branch
                                         Gifts & Cards
    EARLY LEARNERS,                                                       of creating a Singlade Ball       Solve the puzzles and
                                         Sat Dec 3 | 2–4 pm
    ELEMENTARY, & TWEENS                                                  with yarn scraps, hand-stitch-    open the locks in time to
                                         Sandy Valley Branch              ing, and embroidery.             celebrate the holidays! Call
                                         Show your love for a friend                                        330.866.3366 to register.
    Holiday Hoopla                       or family member with a          Thu Dec 15 | 2–3pm
    Tue Dec 20 | 5–6:30 pm               handmade gift or card!                                             Winter Bash
                                                                          Winter Wonderland
    Perry Sippo Branch                   We’ll also have a festive        Etched Glass                      Sat Dec 10 | 9 am–4:30 pm
    Try the traditional Jewish           photo booth set up to take       Learn the basics of glass         North Branch
    game of Dreidel, get silly           pictures together as a family.   etching, then etch a wintery      Celebrate winter holidays,
    with some Reindeer games,                                             design onto a drinking glass.    including Hanukkah, Kwan-
    make a glittery snow globe
                                                                                                            zaa, and Christmas, and visit
    to take home, and more! 
                                         T WEENS & TEENS                  A Christmas Carol                 Santa and Mrs. Claus!
    Winter Solstice                                                       Enjoy a spirited evening
                                         Winter Window                    as Jim Knight performs an         Illumination Celebration
    Celebration                                                                                             Sat Dec 10 | 11 am–1 pm
    Wed Dec 21 | 3:30–4:30 pm            Wonderland                       abbreviated version of A
                                         Fri Dec 2 | 3–4:45 pm            Christmas Carol.                 Plain Community Branch
    North Branch
                                         Perry Sippo Branch                                                 Experience cultural cele-
    Welcome good luck and                                                    Mon Dec 5 | 6–7:30 pm          brations that center around
    the return of the sun with           Transform the Exploration
                                                                             Perry Sippo Branch             “Festivals of Light” through
    our (virtual) yule log on the        Gateway into a winter
                                                                                                            live international folk music
    shortest day of the year.            wonderland and choose a             Tue Dec 13 | 6–7 pm
                                                                                                            and crafts. 
    We’ll celebrate with tradi-          window to paint!                   Madge Youtz Branch
    tions around the world!                                                                                A Not-So-Silent
                                                                          Water Marbled                     Family Celebration
                                         TEENS                            Ornaments                         & Holiday Movie
       Register at StarkLibrary.org                                      Tue Dec 13 | 6–7 pm
        or 330.452.0665                  Gift Creation and                                                  Tue Dec 20 | 5–8 pm
                                                                          North Branch                      DeHoff Memorial Branch
                                         Wrapping Techniques              Learn how to hydrographic
        Santa                            TeensCreate                                                        Celebrate the holidays with
                                                                          print, also known as water        stories, Santa, and a movie.
                                         Mon Dec 19 | 3–4 pm              marbling, to create a             PJ attire welcome!
                                         DeHoff Memorial Branch           marbled effect with nail            5–6 pm Santa & More
                                                                          polish and apply it to a glass
                                                                                                              6–8 pm Holiday Movie
                                                                          ornament. 
                                                                                                            Light Up Downtown
                                                                                                            Thu Dec 1 | 5:30 pm
                                                                                                            Main Library
Explore - Meet Marine Scientist and TV star, Danni Washington! - DEC 2022 JAN - Stark Library
If you’re a creator (or an aspiring creator) of any kind, you should visit
                                          the Maker Studio at Main Library! The Studio has elite, state-of-the-art
                                          equipment that will help you on your way to completing your next project.

                                          Is sewing your thing? Try our high-tech sewing and embroidery machines.
                                          Would you like to try your hand at 3D design and printing? We’ve got that,
                                          too. You can even transfer your pictures, movies, and audiotapes to digital
                                          using the digitization station!

                                          You can create almost anything you can imagine at the Maker Studio.
                                          Come spend an hour or two and find out!


    Canton Symphony Orchestra
Don’t miss your chance to enjoy the Canton Symphony
Orchestra free of charge. You can get four free tickets
from the Library to the Holiday Pops concert on
December 11 at 3:00 pm or Scheherazade on January 22
at 7 pm. Children under 18 are free. We have a limited
supply, so reserve your tickets now!

Call the Canton Symphony Orchestra Box Office
(330.452.2094) or email: boxoffice@cantonsymphony.org


Library 2022 for Holiday Pops

Library 2023 for Scheherazade

Explore - Meet Marine Scientist and TV star, Danni Washington! - DEC 2022 JAN - Stark Library
Time for Teens
     Teens – find your happy place with crafts, stress relief, and fun!

                                  Chill Out!                                            Art Therapy
                                  Mindful Meditation                                    Cookies n’ Canvas
                                  Thu Jan 19 | 4–5 pm                                   Tue Jan 24 | 4–6 pm
                                  Perry Sippo Branch                                    Jackson Community Branch
                                  Take time to chill out with some guided               Self-care January! Use a variety of art supplies to
                                  meditation. Bring a blanket, take a rest              create as a form of art therapy. Plus, learn how these
                                  on a yoga mat, and enjoy some peaceful                actions can help relieve stress while enjoying a tasty
                                  music. Don’t like doing nothing? Color                treat! 
                                  some coloring pages instead! 

                                                                                                    Peppermint Swirl
                                                                                                    Sugar Scrub
                                                     TeensCREATE                                    Thu Jan 19 | 3:30–4:30 pm
                                                     Mon Jan 9 | 3–4 pm                             Madge Youtz Branch
                                                     DeHoff Memorial Branch                         Learn how to use natural
                                                     Sugar scrub                                    materials to make a fragrant
                                                                                                    sugar scrub, and treat yourself
                                                     Shower Bombs                                   to some homemade
                                                     Tue Jan 17 | 5–7 pm                            self-care!
                                                     North Branch
                                                                                                    Kool-Aid Lip Gloss
                                                     Experiment with essential oils
                                                                                                    Sat Feb 4 | 3–4 pm
                                                     intended to revive the spirit. 
                                                                                                    North Branch
                                                                                                    Experiment and
                                                                                                    make lip gloss! 

                  Stress Relief with Fidget Toys
                  Sat Jan 14 | 2–3 pm
                  Main Library
                  Make your own fidget toys that will help
                  combat stress with fun. 

            Tweens & TeensCREATE
            Mon Jan 9 | 2:30–4 pm
            Sandy Valley Branch
            Create your own journal and learn how
            journaling can help you reduce stress, control
            your anxiety, and organize your thoughts.

             Brain Dump
             Thu Jan 26 | 3:30–4:30 pm
             East Canton Branch
             Relax your mind by “dumping” your
             overwhelming thoughts into a handmade
             gratitude journal. 

Frozen Fun !                                                                   A brrrrrrrrrilliant time for kids as we chill out in January!

EARLY LEARNERS                          ELEMENTARY                                   ELEMENTARY & T WEENS                         T WEENS

Ice Cube Art Work                       Frozen Science Fun                           Frozen Fun Science                           Snowstorm in a Jar
Mon Jan 9 | 10–11 am                    North Branch                                 Experiments                                  Thu Dec 8 | 3:30-4:30 pm
Madge Youtz Branch                                                                   Wed Jan 11 | 4–5 pm                          Madge Youtz Branch
Express your creativity and                  Snowstorm in a Jar                                                                   Have you ever heard the saying,
                                                                                     DeHoff Memorial Branch
expression using a vivid, freez-             and Fake Snow                                                                        “oil and water don’t mix?” Learn
                                                                                     Learn how to make frost, cool
ing cold technique.                         Wed Jan 11 | 3–4:30 pm                  a drink quickly, and the best                the science behind this saying
                                             Bring the weather inside and            ingredients to melt ice.                    as we explore the possibilities in
Rainbow Ice                                  learn about winter weather!                                                         this fun, STEM activity.
Sensory Play Bins                                                                    Slime Time
                                             Save the Frozen Penguin
Wed Jan 11 | 10:30–11:30 am                                                          Wed Jan 18 | 4–5 pm
                                             Thu Jan 19 | 3–4 pm                                                                  ALL AGES
DeHoff Memorial Branch                                                               DeHoff Memorial Branch
                                             Help our penguin friends
Join us as we explore shapes                 escape the frozen ball!                When it’s too cold to play
and colors through messy art.                                                        outside, homemade slime is the               Do You Want to Build a
                                        STEAM on Ice                                 perfect indoor activity. Learn               Snowman?!
Frozen Bear Hunt                        Tue Jan 17 | 4–5 pm                          how to make your very own                    Family Movie Night
Sensory Play                            Sandy Valley Branch
                                                                                     slime that is ooey, gooey, and               Tue Jan 24 | 5–8 pm
Mon Jan 30 | 10–11 am                                                                perfect for playtime!                        DeHoff Memorial Branch
                                        Brrr! What kind of science exper-
Madge Youtz Branch                      iments can you do with ice? We                                                            We’ll have games and crafts for
Let’s go on a bear hunt. Enjoy          will do projects involving melt-                                                          snowman lovers, followed by a
hands-on sensory play, with a                                                        ELEMENTARY, T WEENS,                         screening of a COLD movie with
                                        ing and freezing, including one
story, singing, and dancing.           tasty project you can eat!                  & TEENS                                      a snowman who LOVES warm
                                                                                                                                  hugs. Come dressed in your
                                                                                     Everything Frozen                            cozy PJs!
                                                                                     Sat Jan 21 | 10–11:30 am
EARLY LEARNERS &                        EARLY LEARNERS,                                                                           The History of Sled Dogs
                                                                                     Plain Community Branch
ELEMENTARY                              ELEMENTARY, & T WEENS                        Are you a lover of snow? Come                Presented by the Siberian Husky
                                                                                     explore snow and ice in all their            Club of Greater Cleveland
The Little Red Hen and                  Dear Yeti Activities                         forms through crafts and vari-               Sat Jan 28 | 2–3 pm
the Frozen Treat                        Tue Jan 10 | 5–6 pm                          ous STEM experiments. All in                 North Branch
Mon Jan 23 | 6–7 pm                     Perry Sippo Branch                           the warmth of the Library!                  Ever wonder about the Iditarod
East Canton Branch                      Have you checked out our Trail                                                            or the true story of Balto? Get
Hear a version of “The Little           Tails, Yet-i? We’re teaming up                                                            an up-close look at sledding
Red Hen” with a sweet, cold             with Stark Parks – write your                                                             equipment and see how a real
twist and then make your own            own letter to our elusive pal,                                                            Siberian husky is harnessed! 
frozen treat to enjoy.                 create a snowy painting to take
                                        home, and snap a Yeti selfie! 

                                                                                                                  Register at StarkLibrary.org or 330.452.0665

Storytime + more!

                              BABY              TODDLER          PRESCHOOL                  FAMILY                                  SPECIAL
       DeHoff Memorial                                                             Mondays 10:30 am
           East Canton           Wednesdays 10 am                                      Wednesdays 10:30 am
    Jackson Community              Tuesdays 10 am                 Tuesdays 11 am                                                Wednesdays 10 am
       Lake Community                          Tuesdays 10 am*   Tuesdays 11 am*

          Madge Youtz                                             Tuesdays 10 am                                     Adopt A Reading Buddy | Sat Jan 28 | 2 pm

           Main Library                                          Thursdays 9:30 am
                            Fri Jan 20,
                 North                                           Thursdays 10 am**      Wednesdays 10 am                        Tue Dec 13 | 10 am
                          Feb 3, 17 | 9 am
                                                                                        Sat Dec 10, Jan 21,             Lunar New Year | Mon Jan 23 | 10 am
            Perry Sippo   Mondays 11 am        Mondays 10 am     Thursdays 10 am
                                                                                          Feb 18 | 10 am                 Dolly’s Stories | Wed Jan 11 | 10 am
       Plain Community          Wednesdays 10:30 am              Tuesdays 10:30 am
           Sandy Valley                                  Thursdays 10:30 am                                            Mon Dec 12, Jan 9, Feb 13 | 10:30 am

                                                Music            *Held at Lake YMCA               **Jan: Yoga Tots, Feb: African American Authors
Serving Your YOUnique Needs
          There are many things you may hope to find when you visit your Library. Perhaps you’re looking for the latest book
          by a favorite author, starting a job search, attending a program, or simply letting your mind wander and recharge.

          Whatever the reason, each person who visits the Library is on a unique mission and is sharing in a diverse and
          multidimensional community hub. Having equitable access to resources like the library, feeling connected, and
          seeing yourself reflected in your surroundings are essential parts of a healthy and rewarding life.

          When you embrace and celebrate diversity in our libraries and communities, you help build that experience for
          all people, all families, all neighbors, and all friends – each one as unique and valued as you.

                             Book Clubs                         X More Book Clubs on pages 4–5

     Main Library
     Read Around the World
     Tue Dec 6 | 6–7 pm 
     A Man Called Ove
     by Fredrik Backman

     Tue Jan 3 | 6–7 pm 
     Crying in H Mart
     by Michelle Zauner

     Saturday Sizzlers
     Saturdays | 2–3 pm 

     Dec 17 | A Thousand Splendid Suns
     by Khaled Hosseini

     Jan 21 | The School for Good Mothers
     by Jessamine Chan

     Feb 18 | The Last White Man
     by Mohsin Hamid

                                                                      Perry Sippo
                                                                      From Book to Big Screen
                                                                      Mondays | 12–1 pm 
                                                                      (Film and book discussion)

                                                                      Dec 19 | The Hundred-Foot Journey
                                                                      by Richard C. Morais

                                                                      Jan 23 | Brooklyn
                                                                      by Colm Toibin
                              North Branch
                              Banned Books                            Feb 27 | The Book Thief
                              Mondays | 11 am–12 pm                  by Markus Zusak

                              Dec 19 | Persepolis
                              by Marjane Satrapi

                              Jan 23 | Gender Queer: A Memoir
                              by Maia Kobabe


                               TECH EVENTS                                                                Getting to Know
                                                                                                          the Maker Studio
                                                                                                          Tue Dec 6 | 6–7 pm
Microsoft Word I & II            Cloud Storage Basics                 BASICS                              Wed Jan 18 | 10–11 am
Wed Dec 7, Dec 14 | 9:30–11 am   Sat Jan 28 | 2–3:30 pm                                                   Mon Feb 6 | 10–11 am
Main Library                    Main Library                        Computer Basics I & II              Main Library   
                                                                      Tue Jan 10, Jan 17 | 6–7:30 pm
Cutting the Cord                 Protect Yourself                     Main Library                       Cricut Crafting
Sat Dec 10 | 2–3:30 pm           Against Scams                                                            DIY Gift Tag Stickers
Wed Jan 11 | 10–11:30 pm         Thu Feb 16 | 10–11 am                Email for Beginners I & II          Mon Dec 12 | 2–3:30 pm
Main Library                    DeHoff Memorial Branch               Thu Jan 12, Jan 19 | 10–11:30 am    Main Library   
                                                                      Madge Youtz Branch      
The Libby App for                Zoom for Video                                                           3D Printer Keychains
Digital Materials                Conferencing                         Computer Basics I & II              Mon Jan 23 | 6–7:30 pm
    Tue Dec 13 | 2–3 pm          Tue Feb 21 | 6–7:30 pm               Thu Jan 12, Jan 19 | 2–3:30 pm      Main Library   

    Madge Youtz Branch     
                                 Main Library                        Jackson Community Branch        
                                                                                                          Introduction to Canva
    Mon Jan 23 | 6–7:30 pm                                            Using Technology to                 Thu Jan 26 | 2–3:30 pm
    Perry Sippo Branch                                               Stay Connected                      Main Library   

                                 GAMING                               Thu Jan 19 | 10–11 am
Your Stark Library Apps                                               DeHoff Memorial Branch              Using the Cricut for
Fri Jan 6 | 2–3:30 pm                                                                                     Home Organization
Wed Feb 8 | 10–11:30 am          Game On
                                                                      iPad Basics                         Sponsored by Perry Sippo FOL
Main Library                     Super Smash Bros. Tournament                                             Mon Jan 30 | 6–7:30 pm
                                                                     Thu Feb 2 | 2–3:30 pm
                                 Sat Feb 4 | 2–4 pm
                                                                      Wed Feb 22 | 10–11:30 am            Perry Sippo Branch      
Introduction to Newsbank         Jackson Community Branch       
                                                                      Main Library   
Thu Jan 12 | 2–3 pm                                                                                       Crafting with Creativebug
North Branch                     Virtual Bowling for                                                      Thu Feb 16 | 10–11:30 am
                                                                     Email for Beginners I & II
                                 Older Adults                                                             Main Library
                                                                      Tue Feb 7, Feb 14 | 2–3:30 pm                      
Introduction to                  Thu Feb 23 | 2–3:30 pm
                                                                      Main Library   
MyFitnessPal                     Jackson Community Branch                                                Cricut & Cosplay
Wed Jan 25 | 10–11 am                                                                                     Tue Feb 21 | 6–7 pm
Main Library                                                                                             North Branch
                                                                                                          Learn how to create a graphic,
                                             Register at StarkLibrary.org or 330.452.0665                cut it, weed it, and press it onto
                                                                                                          a shirt. Please bring your own
                                                                                                          dark colored shirt. 

  Help with Computer and Online Skills!
  Are you having trouble figuring out digital technology? Don’t despair –
  we can help!

  With our new online training service, Northstar Digital, you can learn
  the skills you need to navigate the digital world.

  Sign up for these easy-to-follow courses today!

  X StarkLibrary.org/NorthstarDigital (or call 330.458.3160)

                                                             YOU’VE GOT (BOOKS BY) MAIL!

                                                             Stuck at home? Get library materials delivered
                                                             right to your door – FREE ! Call 330.458.2822
                                                             to learn more.

“         The Madge Youtz Branch is an undiscovered treasure,
                       helping people in more ways than you can imagine!
                       — Madge Youtz Branch Manager, Susan Jacobs

     Madge Youtz Branch                                                              Making Life Easier!
     LIFELONG FRIENDSHIPS                          encouraging and helping. Now Pat           Over the years, the loss of
                                                   proudly hangs her art at home – and        manufacturing jobs in the area has
      60-plus years of friendship center           family members are fighting over who       taken a toll on this tight-knit community.
      around the Madge Youtz Branch                can have her version of The Scream.        Library assistant Ashley Lewis created
      in Northeast Canton for a group                                                         a large binder with resources like food
                                                   “They have no idea what they are           pantries, clothing giveaways, and
      of women who grew up in the
                                                    missing,” says Rosemary, when             unemployment assistance. “This way
      neighborhood of Crystal Park. The
                                                    considering those who don’t come          they can maintain privacy while finding
     “ringleader,” Auldine Tovissi, refused
                                                    into the branch. “There is so much        the help they need.”
      to tolerate her friends complaining
                                                    to do here, and the people are so
      of boredom as they grew older. Her
      solution? The 80 -somethings had to                                                     HELPING KIDS & FAMILIES
      get a new lease on life by joining a
      library book club. Auldine, Pat, Sue,        MORE THAN BOOKS                            On a Saturday morning, a group
      and Rosemary enjoyed it so much                                                         of boys finds a comfortable place
      that they joined a popular painting           For these and many other patrons,         to play video games together. Sun
      class. There, they made new friends –         Madge Youtz is so much more than          streams through the floor-to-ceiling
      Delores, Clarice, Aretha, and Sheila.         art and books. This is HOME. The          windows, as a boy around five laughs
                                                    inviting, cheerful space is reinforced    at a LEGO ® bee on his screen. When
     “They are the tried and true patrons           by the friendly people who work           branch manager Susan asks him a
      over there,” says library specialist Patti    here. They go far beyond book             question, he smiles but does not
      Wollenberg. “They are always here.”           recommendations and research.             answer. His fourth-grade brother
                                                    Branch manager Susan Jacobs says,         Roberto explains that only Spanish is
     For today’s project, the women
                                                   “We frequently make free copies,           spoken at home. Susan quickly brings
     create their own versions of a
                                                    help new computer users, and help         a stack of Spanish audio picture
     landscape painting, chatting and
                                                    patrons to access legal forms for         books. With the push of a button,
     laughing all the while.
                                                    healthcare, real estate, or even to set   Juan hears the story narrated in
     “When I started, everything I painted          up a new business. We do whatever         Spanish. The Library has many books,
      turned out green or brown,” says Pat.         we can to help. I even found options      DVD s, and other materials in Spanish
                                                    for an inexpensive, pay-as-you-go cell    to accommodate a growing number
     Pat was frustrated, but Patti kept             phone for a man who needed one.”          of Spanish-speaking households in
     doing what the staff here do best –                                                      the Crystal Park community.

The brothers walked to the Library with
14 -year-old Paul and seventh-grader           Branch Hours
Tom, who live near them. Roberto is            December 2022–February 2023
grateful that the neighborhood Library
is a short walk away.
                                               Main Library                                         North
For Tom’s part, besides having a safe          Jackson Community                                    Perry Sippo
place to game, he enjoys reading his           Mon–Wed......... 9 am–8 pm                           Mon–Tue........... 9 am–8 pm
two favorite book series – Harry Potter        Thu–Sat............. 9 am–5 pm                       Wed................... 9 am–5 pm
and Lord of the Rings. Meanwhile, Paul                                                              Thu.................... 9 am–8 pm
likes having his independence to play                                                               Fri–Sat............... 9 am–5 pm
Fortnite and check out anime books             DeHoff Memorial                                      Sun.......................... 1–5 pm
and movies.                                    East Canton
                                               Madge Youtz
Roberto’s family moved here from                                                                    Lake Community
                                               Plain Community
Honduras when he was a toddler.                                                                     Reopening Spring 2023.
In perfect English, learned at his             Sandy Valley
                                                                                                    Please visit the bookmobile:
neighborhood school, he proudly                Mon–Tue........... 9 am–8 pm
mentions how hard his parents work             Wed–Sat............ 9 am–5 pm                        Mon.................. 11am–2 pm
to care for him, his brother, and his                                                               Tue......... 9:30 am–12:30 pm
baby sister, Maria. Sometimes his                                                                   Wed.........................3–6 pm
mom brings all three kids to the                                                                    Thu........ 9:30 am–12:30 pm
library, where Maria is delighted to           Closed:                                              Sat.................... 9 am–12pm
wander around playing with toys in the         Nov 23 (Closing at 5 pm)
children’s section.                            Nov 24 (Thanksgiving)
                                               Dec 24, 25, 26 (Christmas)                            StarkLibrary.org
“My Mom only speaks Spanish,” he says.
                                               Dec 31, Jan 1, 2 (New Year’s)                         hello@starklibrary.org
“But she always says MY NAME in                Jan 16 (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day)                   @starklibrary
 English,” says Tom, proudly.                  Feb 20 (President’s Day)                              330.452.0665
Thinking of home, Roberto wonders
if there are any dinosaur movies – his
little brother’s favorite! Library assistant
Ashley brings over a stack of DVDs, and
Juan’s face lights up with a grin. Madge
Youtz has a huge selection of movies
                                               Bookmobile                                                    Friends
and TV shows on DVDs to borrow.
                                                                                                             of the Library
Tonight will be family movie night. Then
tomorrow – and for decades to come             Carriage Hill..........................9–9:45 am              Book Sales
(if they follow the path of the “Tried         Woodlawn Village.............10–10:45 am
& True Ladies”) – they can always find         Village Tower............... 11 am–12:15 pm                   East Canton
more of what they need at the Library.         Linwood.......................... 3:30–4:15 pm                Wed–Sat Feb 15–18
                                               Wilmot.............................2:30–3:30 pm
                                               Beach City............................4:30–6 pm
                                                                                                             FOL Garage
                                               TUESDAYS                                                      (North of Main Library)
*Some names and details are changed to         Pleasant View............... 10:45–11:30 am                   Sat Dec 3, Jan 7, Feb 4
 protect the identity of minors.               Southgate............................4:30–6 pm                9 am–3 pm

                                               WEDNESDAYS                                                    Wed Dec 7, Jan 18, Feb 8
                                               Waynesburg.................... 4:30–5:30 pm                   1:30–4:30 pm

                                               Bender Woods............... 12:30–1:15 pm
                                               Perry Hills Colony Apts... 1:45–2:30 pm
                                               Mayfield Manor............... 2:45–3:30 pm

                                               Skyline.............................. 2:30-3:15 pm

Internet2Go | Chromebook & WiFi Hotspot
Don’t have the Internet at home? Get it FREE wherever you need it from the Library! Borrow this
kit with a Chromebook and WiFi Hotspot and take the Internet with you.


              These kits are provided with funding from the Emergency Connectivity Fund, and are available in
                 specific areas with low broadband access. Limited availability. You must be 18 to borrow.

                                                   MEET DANNY TREJO ON MARCH 9.
                                                   RESERVE YOUR FREE SEATS (page 3).
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