Explore & Discover Bruce-Grey Region - www.escapetogreybruce.ca

Page created by Bradley Mcbride
Explore & Discover Bruce-Grey Region - www.escapetogreybruce.ca
Explore & Discover
Bruce-Grey Region
                      escapetogreybruce.ca • 2020 1
Explore & Discover Bruce-Grey Region - www.escapetogreybruce.ca
                   WIARTON KEPPEL
                   INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT
                            The Wiarton Keppel International Airport is proudly owned and
                            operated by the Township of Georgian Bluffs. The Airport welcomes
                            commercial and recreational pilots, visitors and business professionals
                            to our facility which is conveniently located just two hours north of
                            Toronto on the Bruce Peninsula and Niagara Escarpment.

              Lion’s Head


                                Owen Sound
Southampton                                                                    Collingwood

               501262 Grey Road 1, Georgian Bluffs
Explore & Discover Bruce-Grey Region - www.escapetogreybruce.ca
• 16 spacious, beautifully decorated rooms and
  cottage overlooking the Harbour
• King, Queen or Double beds
• Courteous, Knowledgeable staff on site
  24 hours
• Pet and Smoke Free rooms
• Complimentary parking, in room coffee and
• Hikers, Bikers, Boaters, Families welcome!

                                Book Online: Bluebay-motel.com
Explore & Discover Bruce-Grey Region - www.escapetogreybruce.ca
. . . the adventures are endless!
In spite of the global coronavirus pandemic,
Grey and Bruce Counties remain a wonderful
place to visit, with clean air, lakes and rivers,
miles of trails and the beauty of Lake Huron/
Georgian Bay at our doorstep.

Our tourism operators are working hard
to keep everyone safe, and appreciate your
cooperation with the Covid-19 rules put in
place to protect us all.

We hope to see you soon!

We are all in this together!

 Publisher:             Escape Productions
                                                                             Island      6
                        Lorna Rouse                                                                                 69
                                                                  South Baymouth                                               Parry Sound Huntsville
 Contact Info:          P: 519-376-5610                                                        Tobermory
                        info@escapetogreybruce.ca                                                             Georgian
                                                                                                       6                                 Gravenhurst
                                                                                                Wiarton            400
 Editorial Contributors: Grey County Tourism                       Lake
                                                                                 Sauble Beach       Owen
                         Lorna Rouse                               Huron        Southampton        Sound Collingwood
                                                                                  Port Elgin           Markdale 26
                                                                                                    Walkerton            Barrie
 Magazine Design:       Sharpe Design                                         Kincardine                          10
                                                                                                    9       Hanover
                                                                                                                 Orangeville 9              Oshawa
                                                                                          21               Mount Forest
 Cover Photo:         Brian Wardell                                           Goderich                                                         401
                                                                                                                     6         10
 Content Pages Photo: Lorna Rouse                                                                            23                             L. Ontario
                                                                 MI                                    8    Kitchener-                 TORONTO
                                                                           Grand Bend              4        Waterloo                 Hamilton
 Copyright March 2020 • Edition 20                                   Port                                                              QEW Lewiston
                                                                                    21                                   403
 Escape Productions All rights reserved.                            Huron                                  London                Niagara Falls
 Printed at Transcontinental Printing/RBW Graphics,                          Sarnia                                                     Fort Erie
 Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada
                                                                 Detroit            401
 All information in this guide was deemed accurate at the time
 of printing. Advertisements do not represent an endorsement                                       Lake Erie             Erie
 of events, facilities or activities.

Explore & Discover Bruce-Grey Region - www.escapetogreybruce.ca
9     Bruce Peninsula National Park   36    Waterfalls of Grey County      7    Tobermory
10    Parks Canada Visitor Centre     39    Bruce Trail Conservancy        9    Bruce Peninsula National Park
10	Orchids and Singing Sands         44    A Cyclist’s Dream              11   Miller Lake
12    Lions Head Lighthouse           45	Grey Roots Museum &              11   Lion’s Head

15    Greig’s Caves                       Archives                         15   Hope Bay
                                      47	Scenic Caves Nature              16   Red Bay
17    Birders Take Flight
                                          Adventures                       19   Wiarton
17    Gardeners & Plant Lovers
                                      48    Blue Mountain Resorts          21   Sauble Beach
22    Hit the Beach
                                      50    Winter Adventures              27   Owen Sound
23    Incredible Paddling
                                      51    La Scandinave Spa              42   Georgian Bluffs
24	Bruce County Museum &
                                      52    Hit the Trails in Grey Bruce   46   Meaford
    Cultural Centre
                                      54    Fish On                        48   Blue Mountain
28    Tom Thomson Art Gallery
                                                                           55   West Grey
31	Community Waterfront              57    Ride Grey Bruce
                                                                           56   Town of Hanover
    Heritage Centre                   60    Greenock Swamp Tours
                                                                           58   Brockton
32	Billy Bishop Home & Museum        61    Where to Stay in Grey Bruce
                                                                           65   Perth County
32    Owen Sound Library
                                                                           68   Cobble Beach

                                                                                                escapetogreybruce.ca • 2020 5
Explore & Discover Bruce-Grey Region - www.escapetogreybruce.ca
                                                                                              ICE • SHOWERS • WOOD
                                                                                         FISHING SUPPLIES • PROPANE

                                                                       GAS & VARIETY         6313 Highway 6
                                                                                         Tobermory, ON N0H 2R0

                                           20 Bay Street, Tobermory

             CoffeeShop                                                Cottage Rentals
            Tobermory’s best all-day breakfast sandwich
                                                          FREE WI-FI

                         T O B E R M O R Y

                              18 Bay Street, Tobermory

Explore & Discover Bruce-Grey Region - www.escapetogreybruce.ca
Tip of the Peninsula                                                                                            Lorna Rouse

The village consists of two deep,
natural harbours called Little Tub & Big Tub
Tobermory was originally named Collins Harbour, but by          home. Admission is by donation, and well worth the visit.
the 1850s the Scottish immigrants who were fishing the              Big Tub Harbour is the deepest natural harbour on the
area had renamed it Tobermory for their seacoast fishing        Great Lakes and is home to two shipwrecks.
and diving village on the Isle of Mull, Scotland. Today,            The Sweepstakes, a schooner built in 1867 which sank
the village still maintains the charm of a fishing village      in 1885, and the City of Grand Rapids built in 1870 and
from another era. Take a leisurely walk around Little Tub       sank October of 1907. Both vessels are visible from the
Harbour, follow the bricked sidewalks past the numerous         glass bottom tour boats that run out of Tobermory from
flowerbeds and visit the many quaint and unique shops,          May – October, weather permitting. These boats also have
stores, restaurants and galleries.                              tours which will drop you off at Flower Pot Island to allow
    Two miles south of the village of Tobermory is the          a few hours to explore.
St. Edmunds Museum. The museum is in a settlement                   Modern, affordable accommodation is available in
school built in 1898. The main floor deals with the fishing,    Tobermory, as well as a wide range of dining experiences.
lumbering and farming of the ancestors. The second floor        Don’t leave the Bruce Peninsula without enjoying a
deals with the rich marine history. There is also a log cabin   whitefish or prime rib dinner of locally raised Bruce
built in 1875 and totally furnished like a 19th century         County beef.

                                                                                              escapetogreybruce.ca • 2020 7
Explore & Discover Bruce-Grey Region - www.escapetogreybruce.ca
Respect the Beauty of the Bruce!
Keep The Bruce Clean & Green
Visitors to the Bruce Peninsula will see our green                    Remember that we share our space with many other
slogan posted throughout the area. Keeping the                    animals that forage for food in our wastes areas so closing
Bruce Clean and green reminds us that the beauty of               trash containers is essential. We encourage you to plan your
our peninsula should be respected by all who visit or             visit well and remember that we should “take only pictures
                                                                  and leave only footprints” so that not only you but all
live here, so that it will remain healthy for all future
                                                                  future generations will also be able to enjoy the beauty of
generations.                                                      “The Bruce.”
                                                                      As you visit the National Parks on the Bruce pick up a
Started as a grassroots response to the large visitor influx to   green bag and you can support the “clean and green” spirit.
the area, Keep the Bruce Clean & Green volunteers promote         Litter is the number one violation to our environment.
ecological citizenship around the peninsula. The need to          Dispose of your litter in the larger trash and recycle bins,
support the natural environment to keep it beautiful has          provided.
the people of the peninsula banding together. Look for the
folks wearing white t-shirts with the slogan on it and stop to
chat with them. They will gladly point out places for proper
disposal of trash along with directions to areas of interest.
    In preparation for your trip to the Bruce it might be
helpful to keep in mind that we can all help to keep the
environment healthy. Plan to take along refillable liquid
containers for drinking water. There are water filling
stations around the villages. Pack your picnics with reusable
containers to decrease the amount of waste that ends up in
the landfill sites.

                                                                                                • 20 tastefully decorated rooms
                                                                                                • Air-conditioned with individual
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                                                                                                • Colour cable T.V.
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                                                                                                • Complimentary Continental
                                                                                                • No Pets

         Centrally located overlooking                                                          COTTAGE
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                                                                                                                  & PATIO
      Little Tub Harbour & Georgian Bay.                                                            OPEN YEAR ROUND
           Enjoy the fabulous sunsets in our
          fully licensed dining room & patio.                                                   Tobermory Princess Hotel
       Serving breakfast, lunch and dinner daily!                                                         34 Bay St. S.
                                                                                                    Tobermory, ON N0H 2R0
                                                                                                 519.596.8282 • 1.877.901.8282

Explore & Discover Bruce-Grey Region - www.escapetogreybruce.ca
Bruce Peninsula
National Park                                                                                                      Nemesia Cabral

The 127 km² park is located near the tip of the
Bruce Peninsula and can be accessed from                         Fathom Five National Marine Park
Highway 6 on Cyprus Lake Road, Emmett Lake                       Canada’s first national marine conservation area encom-
Road or Dorcas Bay Road.                                         passing 113 km² consists of 20 islands and part of the lake
                                                                 bottom and waters of Lake Huron and Georgian Bay.
The park’s shoreline cliffs are a part of the spectacular        It is very much alive, being an ecosystem that includes
Niagara Escarpment, which in many places are eroded to           all the aquatic and island life, the water, and the myriad
create caves, unusual rock shapes, pitting and overhangs.        of food chains that are its engines. Because water flows
As a consequence, each location along this 20 km Georgian        freely within the Great Lakes system, its health depends
Bay shore has remarkable features. The Bruce Trail follows       a lot on what is happening elsewhere in the basin. Fathom
the shoreline climbing up 40 metre high cliffs providing         Five is clean and clear and home to many species of fish
some of the best hiking and scenic lookouts in Ontario.          and over 20 shipwrecks! The park has gained a reputation
    The park has the largest block of contiguous forest in       for excellent scuba diving and snorkelling. Divers must
southwestern Ontario, which is critical in maintaining the       register at the Park Canada Visitor Centre or either of the
peninsula ecosystem. The Bruce Peninsula is home to 42 species   local dive shops located in Tobermory.
of orchids that are at their peak in mid-June. Huge waves of
migrating birds – everything from Blackburnian Warblers to       Flowerpot Island
Rough-legged Hawks – move through the park during spring         The jewel of Fathom Five National Marine Park, Flowerpot
and fall. The Cyprus Lake area features a 242-site campground    Island is famous for its iconic natural rock pillars. It is a
including 10 yurt accommodations, swimming and canoeing          must-see visitor attraction. Come to marvel at rock pillars,
on Cyprus Lake and hiking on an extensive network of trails.     visit an historical lightstation, swim in crystal-clear waters
    During the summer months, visitation to the park is high     and enjoy a relaxing picnic – all in one spot. With ongoing
with parking lots reaching capacity daily. Parking is limited    repairs and improvements to island facilities, the stairs
for visitors wishing to hike to the Grotto area and there is     to the cave will be closed. The five km trip to the island
no shuttle or taxi service. New timed parking system is in       begins in Tobermory’s picturesque harbour. During spring,
place for the Grotto. Visit www.pc.gc.ca /grotto for details.    summer and fall, tour boats operate on a regular schedule
Plan ahead before making the trip to the park and once here,     if the weather is favourable. While cruising to the island,
make the Visitor Center your first stop to get information on    you are surrounded by the beautiful waters of Canada’s
parking availability and things to do. Consider visiting the     first National Marine Park. Plan to spend a half-day or so
park in the spring or fall and take advantage of the orchids     on Flowerpot Island to have ample time to explore and
in bloom or the fall colours! If you’re planning on staying      relax. Six tenting sites are available for primitive camping
overnight, it is important to make your reservations ahead       (registration at the Visitor Centre in Tobermory is required
of time as availability is extremely limited during the peak     in advance). Campfires are not permitted on the island.
season. Make campsite reservations by calling 877.737.3783       Help keep the island clean by using the designated garbage
or visit www.reservations.pc.gc.ca. Don’t forget to plan         receptacles at the trail head, or better yet, carry your garbage
ahead!                                                           off the island.

                                                                                                  escapetogreybruce.ca • 2020 9
Explore & Discover Bruce-Grey Region - www.escapetogreybruce.ca
Parks Canada

Parks Canada                                                                      Orchids and
Visitor Centre                                                                    Singing Sands
Make the state-of-the-art Parks Canada Visitor Centre in                          Singing Sands is located on Dorcas Bay,
Tobermory your first stop to plan your stay and learn about Bruce                 just west of Highway 6, about a 10 minute
Peninsula National Park and Fathom Five National Marine Park!                     drive south from Tobermory. This is a
                                                                                  popular spot because of the shallow sand
The visitor centre is the “front door” to the two national parks on the           beach for swimming and the abundance of
Bruce. Friendly on site staff are there to help you plan your stay and            wildflowers, including orchids, which grow
provide up to date details on parking, interpretive programs, and other           in a diverse array of habitats. There are 44
attractions throughout the region.                                                varieties of orchids found here.
    As you walk through the gallery, you’ll learn about the different                 If you are a wildflower lover, visit
geological forces that have shaped the peninsula and the First Nations            from late May through late June to see the
peoples that have lived on the Bruce Peninsula since time immemorial.             succession of blooms.
Learn about the animals and plants that call this home and the ecological
connections that support the largest contiguous forest in Southwestern
Ontario. Interactive and multi-media displays will take you underwater
to explore the shipwrecks and connect you with the rich marine heritage
of the region.
    Before heading out on the trail, relax in the high definition theatre for a
virtual adventure through the parks, from deep shipwrecks to a helicopter
high above the cliff-rimmed shoreline of Georgian Bay. Outside, climb the
20 metre tower for a panoramic view of the tip of the Bruce Peninsula, the
surrounding waters and islands of Fathom Five. The Bruce Trail crosses
the deck of the visitor centre and following the trail past the tower will
take you to one of the most scenic segments of shoreline on Georgian Bay.
    To get to the visitor centre, turn off Highway 6 and follow Chi sin tib
dek Road across from the RBC bank in Tobermory. Or enjoy the 5 minute
walk from downtown by following Head Street and the Bruce Trail. The
visitor centre is from May to October. And a there is an entry fee. For more
information, visit: www.pc.gc.ca/fathomfive or www.pc.gc.ca/grotto.

10   ESCAPE TO GREY BRUCE • 2020                                                                          Ram’s Head, Brendan Toews
Summerhouse Park                                                       Walter Warder

     Miller Lake Lion’s Head
     The Largest Inland Lake of the North Bruce Peninsula.          Lion’s Head is located on the shores of Isthmus Bay and
     The lake is a hidden gem, surrounded by majestic               sits on the 45th parallel, halfway to the North Pole.
     hardwood forests and inviting wetlands.
                                                                    The villages’ central location on the Peninsula makes it ideal
     Miller Lake provides a quiet, peaceful retreat to savour the   for exploring the Bruce Peninsula. It was named for the rock
     haunting echoes of the loon, or the many other species of      formation located on the east escarpment. The first settlers
     birds and other wildlife that make Miller Lake their home.     who waded ashore, having arrived by boat, thought it
        Enjoy a day in a canoe or kayak exploring the nine          resembled a lion’s head in profile. Further into the harbour,
     kilometres of varied shoreline, or test your luck fishing.     you will find a great marina and docking facility, a sandy
     Conveniently situated between the grand cliffs of Georgian     beach with a playground.
     Bay and the rocky shallows of the Huron Shoreline.                Come and view the rock face of the “Lion’s Head,” from
                                                                    the observation deck at the Lighthouse, where mechanical
                                                                    binoculars have been installed to provide you with a close
                                                                    up view. Come down at dusk and join other astronomers
                                                                    who are eager to share their knowledge of the dark skies,
                                                                    on Friday and Saturday nights. The stars are so bright and
                                                                    plentiful you’ll think you can almost reach out and touch
                                                                    them. Lion’s Head is designated as a Dark Skies community
                                                                    and home to Bayside Astronomy.
                                                                       Harbourside Music, hosts free concerts on Friday
                                                                    evenings during July and August. On Saturdays, there is a
                                                                    farmer’s market in the morning down at the beach, which
                                                                    runs from Victoria Day till Thanksgiving weekend.
                                                                       Lion’s Head has long been a favourite hiking destination
                                                                    on the Bruce Trail, thanks to its accessibility, rugged terrain
                                                                    and expansive views. The trails are challenging but not
                                                                    formidable and most routes can be enjoyed in an afternoon. A
                                                                    parking lot on Moore Street provides access to the trailhead.
                                                                       Rising through the forest and meadow, the trail climbs
                                                                    up through cedars and along the limestone cliffs past several
                                                                    lookouts, until it reaches the highest elevation at the Lion’s
                                                                    Head Lookout. From this spectacular vista, one can see
                                                                    down to the Village of Lion’s Head and Isthmus Bay to
                                                                    the south-west, sweep around the whole of the coast of
                                                                    Whipporwill Bay to the west, and reach across to White
                                                                    Bluff and further north, to Smokey Head. Soaring birds, a
                                                                    bracing wind and the turquoise clear waters far below make
                                                                    this a view to remember.
                                                                       Ambitious? Consider a loop hike involving the side

                                                                                                           Continued on page 14

Mary Vann                                                                                          escapetogreybruce.ca • 2020 11
The Saga of the Lion’s Head Lighthouse
1903                                                        1983 & 1984
The first navigational aid was a red light, at the end of   Students, led by the direction of their teacher Brian
the Lion’s Head harbour dock. It was a square, tubular      Swanton of the Bruce Peninsula District School, built a
lantern hoisted upon a pole and located on the outer        replica of the original structure. They used the original
end of the breakwater at a cost of $197.16.                 plans with funding provided by the local Rotary Club.
                                                            The students’ tower wasn’t a replacement for the metal
1911                                                        light tower that still sat unlit on the nearby shoreline.
In November plans for a lighthouse were prepared to
replace the light on a pole.                                2000
                                                            A violent storm damaged the metal pole and the coast
1913                                                        guard decided to replace it with the student built
J. C. Kennedy of Owen Sound was paid $825.22 to             replica. Once again, a proper functioning lighthouse
construct a square, pyramidal tower on the breakwater.      proudly marked the Lion’s Head harbour.
This lighthouse was knocked off the wharf in the Great
Storm of November 8, 1913. It was recovered from            2020
the south beach by John H Tyndall. W.B. Lamont              A vicious storm in January demolished the tower.
was paid $341.60 to repair it and restore to its original   Officials of Northern Bruce Peninsula immediately
location in 1914.                                           decided to rebuild the lighthouse. They are accepting
                                                            donations and volunteer help, so the community can
1919                                                        once again take ownership of their lighthouse. It will be
The lighthouse was moved further back on the wharf          located at the original spot that it sat on in 1919, 40 feet
to reduce the possible damage from the storms.              west of its’ last location. Brian Swanton and Douglas
                                                            Hill are leading the charge to get the lighthouse to once
1933                                                        again, proudly shine on the shores of Lion’s Head.
Fire caused more damage to it, but once again it was
repaired and restored to its original location.

The Canadian Coast Guard arrived early one morning,
dismantled the light and burned it at the local landfill.
It was replaced with a metal tower topped with a
flashing light. Locals were enraged and pressed the
coast guard for an explanation. They were told it was
“rotten beyond repair.”

12   ESCAPE TO GREY BRUCE • 2020                                                                       Benjamin Madill
Lion’s Head

                                                                                                        Gill Ireland, Taste Kitchen

HEAD LIGHTHOUSE KEEPERS • Charles Knapp, 1903-1912 • Peter Brady, 1912-1924 • Ivan Butchart, 1924-1956 • Ed Rouse, 1956-1969

                                                                    The generosity of residents and cottagers,
                                                                    past and present, has been widespread. As we
                                                                    continue to receive donations and offers for
                                                                    volunteer labour, we anticipate the lighthouse
                                                                    will truly be rebuilt by the community.

                                                                    1. G
                                                                        iven popular demand, if you would like
                                                                       to lend financial support, MNBP will be
                                                                       accepting tax-deductible donations to
                                                                       help with reconstruction costs. Cash,
                                                                       cheque or credit card donations will be
                                                                       received by the Municipal Office at
                                                                       56 Lindsay Road 5, Lion’s Head,
                                                                       Ontario NOH 1W0 or by telephone

                                                                    2. T
                                                                        o share your own story of the
                                                                       Lion’s Head Lighthouse or to volunteer,
                                                                       please send us an email at

                                                                    The Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula
                                                                    56 Lindsay Road 5
                                                                    Lion’s Head, ON NOH 1W0
                                                                    Phone: 519-793-3522
                                                                    Fax: 519-793-3823

                                                                                             escapetogreybruce.ca • 2020 13
Joanne Leman
                                            Lions Head Beach Motel

Continued from page 11

trails, lookouts and points of interest. Embark from the
Moore Street parking lot to the Lion’s Head Lookout,
around the point down through birch, maple, poplar and
beech forests to the sprawling stoney beach of McKay’s
Harbour. Return to the main trail via the side trail, to
complete a satisfying afternoon adventure. Other paths
find the high elevation lookout at Gun Point with its grand
views of Georgian Bay, and the Geodetic Side Trail which
marks 45 degrees North Latitude.
    Spend an entire day on the sandy beach experiencing
real serenity. Lion’s Head waterfront is the perfect
location for enjoying crystal clear waters. Whether you                   Representing exceptional properties
are swimming, kayaking or pleasure boating, you are                       and exceptional people...
guaranteed a memorable day.
                                                                          Kathy Dimaline
                                                                          519-793-3444                        Grey Bruce Realty Inc., Brokerage
                                                                                                              Locally Owned and Independently Operated

                                                                                                       ent Senior Ap
                                                                                                  resc               ar
                                                                                                C                      t                                 m


                                                                                                     Come live with us.
                                                                                           Let us worry about the snow and grass.
                                                                           T&P Hayes
                                                                         Investments LTD     Call for complete rental details 519-793-3761

                                                           Lion’s Head
                                           Beach Motel & Cottages Inc.
                                   Your Destination for 4 Seasons of Adventures • Kayaks and Canoe Rentals
                                               1 McNeil Street, Lion’s Head, ON

Hope Bay:
A Thriving Cottage Community

                                                                   Cedarholme Bed & Breakfast and Cottages, Lynn McCurdy

As you head south from Lion’s Head or north from
Wiarton on Bruce Road 9, you will arrive at Hope
                                                                             Bed & Breakfast and Cottages
Bay, a thriving cottage community with a natural
                                                                                108 Beech Street, Hope Bay
sand beach.                                                                South Bruce Peninsula, ON N0H 2T0
The Bruce Trail travels through Hope Bay north to
Cape Dundas overlooking Hope Bay, where it passes
a number of Glacial Potholes. Hope Bay is home to a                             www.cedarholmebb.com
Bed & Breakfast and cottage rentals. Area attractions                              519-534-3705
within a ten minute drive include the Bruce Peninsula
Mountain Bike Park, Cape Croker Indian Reserve and
Campground, operated by the Chippewas of Nawash,
and the reopened Greig’s Caves which offers ten caves
for exploring. In 1981 portions of the movie “Quest For
Fire” were filmed on location in the caves. The views are
spectacular. Be sure to wear appropriate hiking footwear.
   With the beautiful sunrises, peaceful beach and great
hiking, Hope Bay continues to be a popular and relaxing
retreat on the Bruce Peninsula.

         Open Daily – May to Thanksgiving
 HOURS: Spring and Fall 9 am – 5 pm / Summer 9 am – 6 pm
                                                                            e r e A  d v enture
                                                                         Wh                 urally!
                          CASH ONLY
                                                                               e n s N  a t
 Located between Lion’s Head and Hope Bay off Bruce County Rd. 9        Happ
                                                                                       Hiking or Running Shoes
                                                                                           No Pets Allowed

                                                                              407 Scenic Caves Rd
                                                                            Northern Bruce Peninsula
                                                                         GPS Coordinates: 44.95117_81.141039

                                                                                      escapetogreybruce.ca • 2020 15
822 Pike Bay Rd.
 N. Bruce Peninsula
 NOH 2T0

                              EARTH BOUND GARDENS
                                   Red Bay Bruce Peninsula

                                                                                 Off The
                                     Plant Sales, Landscape & Design
                                                                                                                                        Estate of
                                           Gift Shop, Metal Art                                                                    Winnifred Wain
                                       Sunday Concert Series

                                                                                 Beaten Track

         Bluewater Park Campground, Wiarton
      Overnight & Seasonal Sites - Open May 15-October 15
 Hot showers, accessible washrooms, dumping station, playground,
    boat launch, splash pad, swimming pool, Bruce Trail access,
                                                                                 & Worth It
 adult fitness equipment, ball diamond, tennis courts, Wi-Fi hot spot,          Red Bay is a true naturalist’s retreat.
         historical Train Station, beautiful view of Colpoy’s Bay
                                                                                Many orchids and rare ferns are found in the two parks:
                       Inquiries welcome                                        Petrel Point, just north of Red Bay, and Red Bay Conserv-
               May 15-Oct 15: 519-534-1400 ext. 316                             ation Area at Reid Point, west of the Red Bay Park and
               Jan 2-May 14: 519-534-1400 ext. 132
                                                                 Home of
                                                               Wiarton Willie   beach. Sprinklings of pink, mauve, red, blue and yellow
                                                                                that fill the wetland through the seasons can only inspire
                                                                                a passion for nature. Petrel Point Nature Reserve is a spec-
                                                                                tacular example of Great Lakes Coastal Meadow Marsh,
                                                                                a very rare habitat. Changes in elevation in the fen separ-
                                                                                ate distinct communities of plants, many of them are rare.
                                                                                Petrel Point is home to many unusual wildflowers due to
                                                                                its basic acidic groundwater which is the result of dissolved
                                                                                calcium carried upwards from the limestone bedrock. A
                                                                                dense white cedar swamp surrounds the meadow marshes.
                                                                                This meadow marsh supports a diverse family of carnivor-
                                                                                ous plants, including Horned Bladderworts, Sundews and
                                                                                Pitcher Plants. Orchid lovers will find Showy Lady Slip-
                                                                                pers, Rose Pogonias, Grass-pink, Purple-fringed Orchids
                                                                                and Broad-leaved Twayblade scattered throughout. Due to
                                                                                the delicacy of the plant life, visitors must explore from the
                                                                                walkways provided.
                                                                                    Pop into Earthbound Gardens where you can purchase
                                                                                Native Plants.

Red Bay Tent & Trailer Park                                                       White Trilliums, Lorna Rouse
Indigo Bunting, Brendan Toews

                                                                                                                                                                    Heritage Guest House & Gardens
Birders                                                                                           Gardeners &
Take Flight                                                                                       Plant Lovers
Birding Hotspots                                                                                  The Rural Gardens of Grey and Bruce Counties are natural
• Bognor Marsh – Red tailed hawk, Ruffed Grouse,                                                 destinations for those passionate about gardening. This
   Great Egrets                                                                                   network of private gardens offers both inspiration and
                                                                                                  knowledge for your own gardening desires. Come and
• Cabot Head – Dyers Bay – Ontario’s premier area for
                                                                                                  explore the diverse garden experiences these spectacular
   Red-necked Grebes
                                                                                                  rural gardens and landscapes offer you. For more ideas visit
• Chantry Island – A Federal bird sanctuary. 50,000                                              www.ruralgardens.ca
   birds on the island during breeding season
• Grotto – Cypress Lake – Visit in May during Spring                                             Combine these garden sites with the natural beauty of
   migration. Follow path from Head of Trails Parking                                             Grey-Bruce. Explore hiking trails, waterfalls, historic light-
• Gauley’s Bay – Stokes Bay – Shorebirds & Bald Eagles                                           houses, Bruce Peninsula rare orchids and ferns, rugged
   (almost guaranteed)                                                                            coastline and beautiful beaches.
• Hibou Conservation Area – Harlequin Ducks, Black
   capped chickadees, Bald Eagles, Mute Swans                                                                          Some Member Gardens:
• Inglis Falls – Owen Sound – Northern Oriole, Pileated                                                               Artemesia Daylilies
   Woodpecker, Blue Jays                                                                                               Essentially Lavender
• Isaac Lake – Wiarton – Nesting marsh birds ie Sandhill                                                              Ginkgo Footprints
   Crane                                                                                                               Morland Place
• Linsday Tract – Miller Lake – Ducks Unlimited                                                                       Walnut Tree Hollow
   Viewing Platform                                                                                                    Willow Farm Grasses
• MacGregor Point Provincial Park – Port Elgin – Visit                                                                Plus 16 more...
   the Ducks Unlimited Viewing Platform
• Oliphant North – Osprey, Swallows, Bald Eagles,                                                Enter the
   Herons, and migrating shorebirds
• Parks Canada Lookout Tower – Tobermory –
   Migrating raptors in May
• North Sauble Beach – Piping Plovers
• Skinners Bluff – Georgian Bluffs – Meadow Bird                                                  Collect the Codes to        WIN!
• Singing Sands – Migrating songbirds in May
                                                            Female Piping Plover, Brendan Toews

                                                                                                             For more information, visit
                                                                                                     ruralgardens.ca or pick up
                                                                                                   the Rural Gardens brochure at local
                                                                                                                 information centres.

                                                                                                                                   escapetogreybruce.ca • 2020 17
                                                                                                 HOUSE                                        OPEN YEAR ROUND!
                                                                                                   Trading Post                                     DAILY 9-9 IN SUMMER

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             We Welcome Tents & Trailers ~ On site Cottage & Trailer Rentals
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Bruce Peninsula’s Basecamp!                                                                                           Postcards from the
                                                                                                                 Estate of Winnifred Wain

As you break over the hill going south into the town                 1881 by Alexander McNeill, a Federal Member of Parliament
of Wiarton, witness the panoramic crystal blue                       for the North Bruce Riding from 1881-1901. The property is
waters of Colpoy’s Bay.                                              managed by the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority.
                                                                         The historic Wiarton Train Station, is located in
This sheltered bay is a favourite with sailing enthusiasts and       Bluewater Park, and serves as the campground office. There
fishermen alike. The Bruce Trail runs through town with easy         is a children’s playground, a small beach, a splashpad, pool
access for day or extended hikes. There also is a spiral staircase   and a fitness trail. In addition to Wiarton Willie, the town is
that leads you up to Spirit Rock Conservation Area. The              home to many unique stores and services and is the perfect
name Spirit Rock derives from a legend involving an Indian           spot to shop before heading north. Its bevy of beautiful
maiden. The park encompasses 87 hectares, and features the           historic homes and buildings are also worth exploring.
historical ruins of the Corran, a 17 room mansion built in               Fridays offer a midday farmers market in the heart of
                                                                                                          downtown with count-
                                                                                                          less local goods from
                                                                                                          May to Labour Day, 10
                                                                                                          a.m. – 2 p.m. Located
                                                                                                          at the Berford Street
                                                                                                          parkette. The group of
                                                                                                          vendors are celebrating
                                                                                                          their 12th season.

                                                                                                   escapetogreybruce.ca • 2020 19
                                                                                                                           329 Main Street, Sauble Beach

                                                                                             Season                                        Reservations
                                                                                      May 1 - Thanksgiving                                  Accepted

                                                                                           • Indoor Heated Pool/             • Bingo
                                                                                             Whirlpool                       • Movies
                                                                                           • Outdoor Children’s Pool         • Wagon Rides in
                                                                                           • Complete Hook-ups                 July & August
                                                                                           • Wi-Fi                           • Horseshoes
                                                                                           • Hot Showers                     • Basketball
                                                                                           • Store                           • Volleyball
                                                                                           • Laundry                         • Playground
                                                                                           • Propane                         • Activities Director (KIDS)
                                                                                           • Rec. Hall

                                                                                                         THE MARTIN FAMILY
                                                                                              877 Main Street, Sauble Beach, ON N0H 2G0
                                                                                            Tel: 519-422-1101 • Fax: 519-422-3580
                                                                                                       BOOK ONLINE AT:
                                                                                      www.saubleresortcamp.com • info@saubleresortcamp.com

                                                                                     LOCATED 1 MILE E. OF THE LIGHTS IN SAUBLE BEACH ON THE HEPWORTH-SAUBLE RD.

                                                                                                           Trailer Life Rating 10/10 /10

                            RED INDIAN ART DECO
               www.redindianartdeco.com • Established since 1982
      1000’s of items, 1850 to 1970’s spread over 2 floors
 Summer Closed Wed OFF Season Open Weekends Closed Winter
         Sunday Outdoor Market on Long Weekends in May, July, Aug & Sept
               Sat, July 4 – Sun, July 5, 2020
     Free Admission Up to 30 Vendors Selling In and Outside
 610 Bruce Rd 8                      N0H 2T0                T: 519-935-2552
                                                                                                • 730 sites
                                                                                                • RV and large pull-thru sites
                                                                                                  with cement pads
         PUBLIC BOAT RENTALS                                                                    • Indoor heated pool and whirlpool
                      OPEN DAILY 10-6 pm in season                                              • Cable TV and high speed internet
                          ACCOMMODATIONS                                                        • Closest campground to downtown Sauble
                                   YEAR ROUND
                                                                        SUP Boards
                                                                                             47 Sauble Falls Pkwy., Sauble Beach, ON N0H 2G0
      519-422-1762                                                     Pedal Boats                     info@woodlandpark.on. ca
     18 Marina Ave. Sauble Beach
                                                     Lazy Sauble River Tubing….

b l e   B e a c h . . .
                                            a  u
                                        “S is calling!”
                                        h a p p i n e s s
                                                                                          Lorna Rouse

Be a part of Sauble this year.
After all, what happens in Sauble . . .
stays in your family’s memories forever ;)
Sauble Beach is the second longest freshwater beach
in the world…over seven miles or (11 kilometres) in
length. The unique sandbar deposits, along the Lake
Huron shoreline keeps the water relatively shallow
and warm. The beaches name originated when early
French explorers dubbed the Sauble River “Riviere
aux Saubles.”

                                                                                   Shelley Partington

                                                                    escapetogreybruce.ca • 2020 21
Hit the Beach!                                                                                                                                                                 Ken Atkinson

It’s one of those Grey Bruce summer days where
you wake up and it’s already 23 degrees; by mid
day the mercury will be soaring to 30. Sure, you                                                                             CANDACE MOORE
could crank the AC and stay inside, but if you’re                                                                               226.979.4499
from Grey Bruce, you’re more likely to hit the beach.                                              Sales Representative
                                                                                                                                             Independently Owned & Operated

It’s the simplicity of a day at the beach that makes it so                                                                                   www.walkercateringco.ca
beautiful. You only need the basics – sunscreen, some                                                                                    chefdougwalker@outlook.com
drinks, snacks and a towel. Upon arrival, start the time-
tested rotation of swimming, lounging on your towel and
                                                                                                                                                  & EATERY
playing in the sand until you’re smoking hot again … then
repeat until sunset.                                                                              Buffet • Plated • Family Style • BBQ
                                                                                                         Small Bites • Dessert                   EAT IN • TAKE OUT
    The beach is one of the few sacred places where adults                                        or contact us to customize a menu
can act like kids. Go ahead, dig in the sand, run splashing                                                Whatever the occasion              10 Yonge St. Tara, ON
through the water, pretend you’re a shark and deliver                                                      we’ve got you covered!                    519-934-2200
poorly-executed handstands under water. We won’t judge.
    No matter what your preferred beach style is, you’ll
find one you love in Grey Bruce.

                                                                                                  107-2nd Ave. North • 226-926-2223                                       C o m eusst!a y
                                                                                                  harlowdunes@gmail.com• www.harlowdunes.ca                               w it h

                                                                                                  Top 4 Beaches:
                                                                                                  Sauble Beach – The nostalgic red sign will greet you as you
                                                                                                  arrive at this 11km sandy stretch on Lake Huron.
                                                                                                  Northwinds Beach, The Blue Mountains – This busy sand
                                                                                                  beach is centrally located by Blue Mountain. Popular SUP,
                                                                                                  kayak and swimming spot.
                                                                                                  Cedar Hill Beach, Wiarton – A secluded, treasure this
                       104 Third Ave. N., Sauble Beach                                            cobbled beach has amazing views of islands and Niagara
 Call 905-450-3734 or 416-371-4894 • amabelshorescottages.com                                     Escarpment outcroppings. Very popular with scuba divers.
 Five beautiful two bedroom cottages located only a short walk to the beach and shopping.
 Cottages are equipped with fridge, stove, microwave, all essential kitchen utensils, cable TV,   Memorial Park, Meaford – Take the Georgian trail and head
 picnic tables, BBQ and fire-pits. All 5 cottages have air conditioning and Wi-Fi.
                                                                                                  down to this sandy beach located in the heart of Meaford.

1000 + KM of
Shoreline and Rivers =
Incredible Paddling                                                                                                      Marsha

Paddle our Rivers                                                 Stand-Up Paddleboarding
Whether you’re looking for family friendly flat-water or          An increasingly popular way to paddle our rivers and lakes
fast-moving whitewater, there’s a paddle that’s perfect for       in Grey Bruce, stand-up paddleboarding offers both a
you. Load up your canoe or kayak and head for the Saugeen         unique view of the water you’re gliding over and a truly
River. This well-known paddle is a local’s favourite and has      relaxing experience. Rentals are available in Sauble Beach
a variety of put-ins from Durham to Southampton. The              if you want to explore Lake Huron and at Blue Surf in
Sauble River also offers a nice paddle from Concession 15 to      Craigleith if you’d like to put in at Northwinds Beach
Lake Huron. You will have to either wrap up at Sauble Falls       and explore Georgian Bay. If you have your own board,
or portage around to finish at the shoreline. The Beaver River    SUPing a local river is another unique experience, just be
offers a variety or routes with shuttles and rentals available    sure that water levels will permit safe passage over rocks
from Free Spirit Tours or Eagle Adventure Experiences             and obstacles.
both located in Heathcote. The Sydenham River in Owen
Sound is a great option for beginners wanting to rent and         Outfitters: Gear Rentals and Great Guides
paddle out from Harrison Park.                                    Blue Surf – Blue Mountains – Georgian Bay
                                                                  Eagle Adventure Experiences – Beaver River and
Sea Kayaking Hotspots                                               Georgian Bay
If you’re not looking for a point A to point B paddle, then       Free Spirit Tours – Beaver River and Georgian Bay
taking a sea kayak out on Lake Huron or Georgian Bay is           Suntrail Source for Adventure – Sauble River and
another great option. As with any open water, check the             Lake Huron
weather and ask local outfitters for advice first. In Bruce
County, a paddle to Chantry Island in Southampton is
amazing on a calm day. Try Cameron Lake or Cyprus Lake
in the Bruce Peninsula National Park. The shallow waters
of the Fishing Islands in Oliphant are a unique experience                                        Quality outdoor equipment and clothing for
                                                                                                   the camper, backpacker, canoeist & kayaker
or paddle over the shipwrecks in Tobermory’s Fathom Five
National Marine Park.                                                                               Sea kayaking trips and instruction
    In Grey County, Northwinds Beach in Craigleith is a
great place to put in. Paddle to the small island to the north,                CANOE & KAYAK SALES AND RENTALS
                                                                                      Highway 6 in Hepworth
head west towards the Shale Beach or hire a guide to help you      www.suntrail.ca                                      519-935-2478
find the wreck of the Mary Ward. Lake Eugenia has a public         info@suntrail.ca                                   1-877-882-2958
boat launch and this manmade lake offers some great fishing.

                                                                                                escapetogreybruce.ca • 2020 23
escapetogreybruce.ca • 2020 25
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Owen Sound:
This Great Lake City                                                                                                 Ann Keeling

The City of Owen Sound welcomes you with stunning                news of the fire spread the crowd rushed to the docks where
views of Georgian Bay, endless recreational possibilities,       several brave citizens grabbed the lines of the steamship
wonderful entertainment venues, and incredible cultural          Athabaska to pull her along the wharf and out of danger.
institutions, all centered around a beautiful harbour. And       The loss of the elevators caused the all-important grain trade
this year the community is celebrating 100 years as an           to bypass the port for 14 years. That trade returned with
incorporated city providing visitors and residents alike an      the construction of the current elevator in 1925 ensuring the
excellent opportunity to experience its fascinating history      city’s continued prosperity.
and that history starts at the harbour.                              The harbour is now a growing cultural and recreation
   A very tangible way to understand Owen Sound’s                centre. Factories and railway tracks have been replaced by
history as an important Great Lakes port is to stroll along      parkland and walking trails. Once a place of hard work and
the west harbour walkway. Step up to the water’s edge at         industry it is now a place of peace and relaxation.
the Community Waterfront Heritage Centre and listen as               Visit the Community Waterfront Heritage Centre for
wind and waves whisper a tragic tale of the package steamer      more stories and information before continuing into the
Hibou.                                                           city with all its shopping, dining and cultural attractions
   It might have been along this wharf that she slipped her      including the Tom Thomson Art Gallery, Billy Bishop
moorings that dark November morning in 1936. As she              Home and The Library.
cleared the harbour only the short sweeps of her searchlight
were visible. Nearly two miles out of Owen Sound a sharp         Robert A. Cotton is a
turn to port shifted the cargo, enough to cause the ship to      photographer and amateur
capsize. The call to lower the life rafts was swallowed by the   historian. In 2018 he
night as were the cries of the crew as they jumped into the      published a book ‘Owen
dark and icy depths of the bay. Ten survivors, clinging to       Sound Harbour – A
their raft in the frigid waters, were guided by a lone window    Photographic History’,
lamp to the distant shore and safety.                            using historical
   Or imagine a raging fire across the harbour as the            photographs to tell the
Canadian Pacific Railway elevators burned to the ground.         story of the harbour.
That night a large crowd had gathered in town to celebrate
their candidate’s victory in the 1911 provincial election. As

                                                                                                escapetogreybruce.ca • 2020 27
Tom Thomson
                                   Art Gallery
                                   The Tom Thomson Art Gallery is a regional public gallery
                                   established as a memorial to iconic Canadian landscape artist
                                   Tom Thomson (1877-1917), and holds a nationally significant
                                   collection of his work. Where art and community meet, the
                                   Gallery offers an ever-changing program of contemporary art
                                   and historical exhibitions, artists’ talks and demonstrations,
                                   tours, films, and more.
                                       The Gallery is open Tuesday through Saturday, 10am to
                                   4pm. Admission is by donation.
                                       For more information about the Gallery’s hours, collection,
                                   programs and events visit: www.tomthomson.org
                                       The Tom Thomson Art Gallery celebrates the 100th
                                   anniversary of the formation of the Group in 1920 with its
                                   exhibition The View from Here. Showcasing its impressive
                                   collection, The View from Here takes you on a visual tour
                                   across the country as experienced by the Group. Beyond
                                   the captivating artworks, this stunning exhibition explores
                                   the unique connections between the members of the Group
                                   and Owen Sound, the legacy of community donors, and the
                                   importance of the Gallery’s collection within the larger Group
                                   of Seven story. The View from Here offers an intimate local
                                   perspective on the artists that helped shape the nation.

                                   Outdoor Patio
                                        CALL AHEAD

Harrison Park, is a rare urban oasis, considered to be
one of the most beautiful parks in Ontario.

Clean, fresh and invigorating year-round, Harrison Park is
Owen Sound’s “Jewel in the Crown,” a 40-hectare retreat with
gardens, playgrounds, trails, recreational facilities, a full-service
campground, with the Sydenham river flowing through it.
    The park offers access to the Bruce Trail and two waterfalls,
Weaver’s Creek Falls and Inglis Falls. You can swim outdoors
in a heated pool under a canopy of trees or cool off on the quiet
boardwalk leading to Weaver’s Creek falls, featuring a plunge
and a cascade.
    Canoe and paddle boats are available for rental, and the
park also has tennis courts, basketball courts, mini-golf and
flat, easy trails for walking or cycling.
    While you’re there, visit the Black History Cairn and                                                    Marsha Courtney
learn about Owen Sound’s role as the northernmost stop
on the Underground Railroad trail to freedom. The oldest
                                                                        parkland to the city, for a small sum of money. Today it remains
emancipation festival on the continent is held here each year
                                                                        one of the Scenic City’s top attractions, still retaining the natural
during the last weekend in July!
                                                                        beauty and rustic charm that have drawn generations of people
    Visit the bird sanctuary to feed the ducks and swans, and
                                                                        through the gates. The park is a must-see, whether you have an
marvel at the peacocks and other waterfowl. You can purchase
                                                                        hour to spare, or an entire day or a weekend. Admission and
corn from the dispensers provided. In late fall, you can watch
                                                                        parking are free.
Chinook Salmon migrating up the Sydenham River as it flows
through the park, to their spawning beds.
    Harrison Park was the passion of a sawmill owner, John
Harrison in the late 1800s, so much so they called it Harrisons’
Pleasure Grounds. After his death his family donated the

                                                                                                                                 Lorna Rouse

                                                                              Park Amenities Include:
                                                                              Heated outdoor pool
                                                                              Canoe & Paddle boat rentals
                                                                              Mini-Putt Golf
                                                                              Weaver’s Creek Falls
                                                                              Cycling and Walking Trails
                                                                              Black History Cairn & Freedom Trail
                                                                              Bird Sanctuary
                                                                              Accessible Playgrounds
                                                                              Tennis & Basketball courts
                                                                              Bruce Trail access to Inglis Falls a 2.6 km hike
                                                                              Full-Service Campground

                                                                                                            escapetogreybruce.ca • 2020 29
195 24th Street West
                                                      Owen Sound, Ontario
                                              519.371.3999 • 1.888.565.2628
                                                                                                                              OR THE
                                                           FAX 519.371.3024
                                                                                                                      S E D F
                                                                                                                    2020 S

                              IAN C° BODDY
                              Barrister & Solicitor
                              195 - 9th Street West
                              Owen Sound, Ontario
                              N4K 3N5
                              (519) 372-9886
                              (519) 372-1091                                                                           GENTLY USED
                              Email:                                                                                     CLOTHING
                              ianboddy@bellnet.ca                                                                      HOUSEWARES,
                                                                                                                     FURNITURE, BOOKS
                                                                                                                         AND MORE
                                          Real Estate                          KAREN EARLS        MARY ANDERSON
                                                                                                                      AT GREAT PRICES
                                         Wills | Estates
                                                                              Assistant Manager      Manager

                                                                                        1698 18th Avenue East, Owen Sound • 519-416-7780

                                                                                                                  “The Real Estate Lady”
                                                   Quality Teas from
                                                   around the world                                               Marylon Hall                    to

      279 10th Street East,Owen Sound
                                                   Fine Art Creations
                                                      from around
                                                       Grey Bruce
                                                                                                                  Call Marylon
                                                                                                                                        LIST & BUY
             www.allthingst.ca                                                                                    hall@bmts.com           Grey Bruce Realty Inc., Brokerage (OS)
                                                                                                                                                        Locally Owned and Independently O perated

                                                   Winnifred Walcott
                                                       221 8th Street East
                                                        Owen Sound, ON
Owen Sound Wellness                                               N4K 1L2
                                                        Tel: 226 664 0407
        Lifestyle Changes and More                     Cell: 416 553 9661

Owen Sound:
a Century
                                                                         Owen Sound
From the beginning, Owen Sound’s prosperity was based
on its proximity to Georgian Bay. The completion of the
Garafraxa Road overland from Durham, and the choice of
Owen Sound as the County Town brought fortune seekers,                    a Century
entrepreneurs and settlers to the little frontier village. It was
an important stop for ships travelling the bay and, in 1884,
when the CPR chose Owen Sound as its northern terminus,
real prosperity arrived.
    The railroad had a massive impact. During the thirty
years Owen Sound was the CPR’s terminus, the town’s
population grew by 184%, to 12,558.
    When the CPR moved to Victoria Harbour, the effect
on Owen Sound was immediate. Anger and fear were the
presiding emotions: anger at the CPR’s departure, and fear
of the loss of the massive economic engine that had driven
Owen Sound for so long.
    For nearly a decade, politicians struggled with ways to
re-invent the town. Promotional materials were produced.
There was talk of building a new grain elevator or an inter-
switching bridge, allowing trains to cross the harbour. No
one could agree on the right course of action.
    In 1920, Town Council decided that Owen Sound would
incorporate as a city. The suggestion received a rousing
endorsement from the community, but not everyone was
happy. Grey County Council took a stand against Owen
Sound. Its opposition revolved around the Good Roads
plan, which saw all municipalities contributing towards the          Join us in 2020 as we honour the
cost of roads throughout the County. Owen Sound paid a
significant share and incorporation was viewed as an attempt        visionaries who saw a bright future
to dodge its financial responsibility.
    In the end, there was little to worry about. On April 23,
                                                                    for the little city on Georgian Bay.
1920, news came that the Private Bills Committee of the
Provincial Legislature had passed the bill to incorporate, with
a few amendments to address the concerns of Grey County.
    July 1, 1920 would long be remembered. All day, the streets
were filled with boisterous crowds. Mayor Paterson chaired
the official ceremony at Queen’s Park, where Lieutenant
Colonel William Avery Bishop V.C., who had flown up that
day from Toronto, walked up the steps of the platform and
presented its Charter to the City of Owen Sound.                     1155 1st Avenue West,
    One hundred years later, we honour the visionaries
who saw a bright future for the little city on Georgian Bay.
                                                                     Owen Sound ON
The Community Waterfront Heritage Centre is closed this              (519) 371-3333
summer due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But you can still               Find us on              Owen Sound, Ontario • www.allthingst.ca

enjoy our story of Owen Sound, through a virtual display
using augmented reality. Drop by the museum, open your                  waterfrontheritage.ca
cellphone browser and type in: portal.worldcast.io and
watch history come to life! Celebrate a century.

                                                                                        escapetogreybruce.ca • 2020 31
Visit the boyhood
     home of Billy Bishop
     to see exhibitions
     on Victorian Life, the
                                                                                     Billy Bishop
                                                                                     Home & Museum
     Bishop Family, Billy
     Bishop, Military and
     Historical events.
     • Gift shop
     • Accessible
       Victorian Grounds
                                                                                     “Things are Boomin’ at the Billy! Interior repairs may have
                                                                                     the Museum looking fresher than you ever remember, come
                                                                                     and see! May 1st is the opening of an exhibit marking the
                                                                                     75th anniversary of Victory in Europe and the Liberation of
                                                                                     the Netherlands. We are excited to introduce a collaborative
                                                                                     Peace Project with students and community members! 2020 is
                                                                                     the 20th anniversary of Honouring Our Local Veterans, Oct.
                                                                                     25th at the Owen Sound Legion and everyone is welcome to
                                                                                     attend and celebrate the men and women who have served
                        948 3rd Avenue West          @BillyBishopMuseum
                                                                                     and are serving in the Armed Forces. There is something
                                 Owen Sound                                          going on for everyone! Visit the Museum and check out
                                519-371-0031         @BillyBishopHomeMuseum
                                                                                     Grey County’s only National Historic Site and honour the
                              Billybishop.org        @BillyBishopHero                memory of one of Canada’s greatest war heroes!

        Visiting                                                                     The Library
                                                                                     ‘A library outranks any other one thing a community
                                                                                     can do to benefit its people. It is a never failing spring
                                                                                     in the desert.’ – Andrew Carnegie
                                                                                     Andrew Carnegie, the Scottish immigrant boy who went
                                                                                     on to make a fortune in the steel industry, donated over
                                                                                     fifty million dollars worldwide for the construction of free
 On sunny days and rainy days:                                                       public libraries. Of the 2,500 public library buildings erected
                                                                                     with Carnegie funds, 111 of them were in Ontario. Some
 ♥ Free wi-fi ♥ Local events and community notices board                             travelers have a grail-like quest to visit Carnegie Libraries
 ♥ Books, magazines and newspapers                                                   when travelling.
 ♥ Children’s toy yard ♥ Board games ♥ Library programs                                  There are seventeen libraries in Bruce County and
 ♥ Photocopying and scanning services                                                another nine in Grey County. Some of these libraries,
 ♥ Genealogical resources and local history materials                                including the Owen Sound & North Grey Union Public
 ♥ Bruce trail maps ♥ Creation stations and tech petting                             Library were started with grants from the Carnegie
 zoos ♥ Public computers (small fee for non-members)                                 Foundation. Andrew Carnegie’s benevolence has helped to
 ♥ Family fun activities including our letterbox, geocache                           nurture cultural, educational and scientific learning in many
 and scavenger hunts ♥ And more . . .                                                communities.
                                                                                         Owen Sound’s Carnegie Public Library, designed by

 Check Out                                                                           Forster & Clark Architects of Owen Sound, is a prime
                                                                                     example of the classical design favoured by the Carnegie
 Library Hours                                                                       Foundation. It features an arched ceiling decorated with
 Monday - Thursday 9:30 am - 9:00 pm       824 1st Avenue West, Owen Sound           intricate plaster moulding executed by Toronto’s W.J.
 Friday - Saturday 9:30 am - 5:00 pm       Phone: 519-376-6623 | Fax: 519-376-7170   Hynes Ltd. It is one of the last remaining Carnegie Libraries
 Sunday 2:00 - 5:00 pm                     www.owensound.library.on.ca
                                                                                     with this ceiling. Check it out.

                              Magazines (Bondage + TV Titles) Mail Order.

                                  NEW SITE ! www.pinterest.ca/flp2748

Ignore your GPS...
and its recommended detours and come on downtown.
Anne Finlay-Stewart                                                  an Odeon Theatre, it has been
                                                                     home to the Owen Sound
The barrel arch bridge across the Sydenham River at 10th             Little Theatre since 1986.
Street was built in 1911, and more than a hundred years after           Across the street is Bay-
it opened, it is being replaced. It is a perfect time to park your   shore Broadcasting, where CFOS AM Radio is celebrating its
car in one of our free lots and take a stroll through Owen           80th birthday this year, and the Owen Sound Sun Times. The
Sound’s historic downtown.                                           Times newspaper was founded in 1853 and The Sun news-
    One of the oldest commercial buildings on our main street        paper in 1893; the amalgamated paper has been publishing a
was The Molson’s Bank when it was built in 1860, and the             daily paper since 1922.
brick vault is still visible in Birgit’s Café. Right next door was      The 1910 Beaux-Arts style Post Office on the corner has
McKay Brothers’ Dry Goods – a business that ran from 1924            been restored and renovated into offices and apartments, and
until 1989. Look up, in what is now the Owen Sound Artists’          another block east is a lovingly-restored Queen Anne style
Co-op, and you can still see the “money monorail”, where             home built in 1891 for the Butchart family. After making
money moved to and from the office up on the mezzanine.              their money locally manufacturing Portland cement, they
    Like most Ontario towns, Owen Sound had its downtown             moved toVictoria B.C where they created the magnificent
5 and dime stores. In renovating the old bingo hall for the          Butchart Gardens.
new Georgian Bay Centre for the Arts, workers discovered                There are so many other treasures in town – you haven’t
the tilework that had been behind the lunch counter at the           even walked past Damnation Corners yet, or the birthplace of
original Kresge’s store. The green and black tiles are bringing      the Women’s Christian Temperance Union, or the museums.
back happy memories for Owen Sounders coming in to the               The harbour, the rivers, the train stations, all reminders of
new Palette Café in the Centre.                                      our history as a rail and marine hub – all within easy walking
    Up the street is the Roxy Theatre. Once featuring vaude-         distance of our downtown.
ville as The Grand Opera House and double-bill movies as

 CHESLEY                              MEAFORD                               TARA
519-363-3335                         519-538-1544                        519-934-2040
 FERNDALE                          OWEN SOUND                           TOBERMORY
519-793-3444                       519-371-1202                         519-596-2255
LION’S HEAD                       SAUBLE BEACH                            WIARTON
519-795-7400                       519-422-1170                          519-534-2370

                                                                                                     Blue Mountain Activity Central...... 705.443.5522      Meaford..................................... 519.538.1060
                                                                                                     Bruce County Tourism................. 800.268.3838     Mildmay Info Centre.................... 888.667.3545
                                                                                                     Ferndale Info Centre................... 519.793.4734   Owen Sound Tourism.................. 519.371.9833
                                                                                                     Georgian Triangle Tourism........... 888.227.8667      Port Elgin Info Centre.................. 800.387.3456
                                                                                                     Grey County Tourism.................. 877.733.4739     Southampton Info Centre............ 888.757.2215
                                                                                                     Grey Highlands Chamber............ 519.986.4612        Springmount Info Centre............. 800.265.3163
                                                                                                     Hanover Library........................ 519.364.1420   Tobermory Info Centre................ 519.596.2452

                                                                                                     Kincardine Info Centre................. 866.546.2736   Walkerton.................................. 519.881.3413
                                                                                                     Lucknow Info Centre................... 519.528.3002    West Grey Chamber................... 519.369.5750




                                                                                                                                                                   For your copy of the full size map
                                              Corners                                                                                                              please contact
                                                         Bay                                                                                                       www.visitgrey.ca/travel-tools/guides-brochures
                                                         Lion’s Head
                                                             Spry      Bay
                                                            Pike                        Hope
                                                            Bay                          Bay

                                                                        Red       Mar
Bay                                                  Colpoys
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Big Bay

                                                                                                                                         Oliphant                                                                                            Wolseley

                                                                                                                                        of Saugeen                                                                                                                                                              Balaclava
                                                                                                                                      First Nation 28                                  Clavering

                                                                                                                                        Sauble                                                                                                                          Cobble
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        East                                                      Silcote
                                                                                                                                        Beach                                                                                       Copperkettle       Linton
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Shallow                                      Balmy     Leith
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Park                Lake                 Benallen                                             Annan                                                                 Meaford
                                                                                                                                              Chippewas                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Thornbury
                                                                                                                                              of Saugeen                                                            Springmount                                     Sound
                                                                                                                                            First Nation 29

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Alvanley               Jackson
                                                                                                                                                                        Allenford                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Clarksburg
                                                                                                                                    Saugeen First                                                                                                                                                                                                              Griersville                                                    Camperdown                Craigleith
                                                                                                                                      Nation 29                                                                                                       Waverley                                  Hoath
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Heights                                   Head            Bognor                                                                                         Slabtown
                                                                                                                                                                Elsinore                                                                                                       Rockford
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Kilsyth                                                                                           Blantyre                                                  Heathcote          Victoria
                                                                                                                            Southampton                                                                                                                                                                                             Walter’s                                                                                Corners
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Falls                                         Fairmount
                                                                                                                                                                                   Tara                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Banks
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Massie                                                                                                         Ravenna
                                                                                                                                                                                   Invermay •
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Chatsworth                                                                                      Epping                           Red
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Keady                                                                                                                                                                           Wing
                                                                                             Port Elgin                                                                     Arkwright                                                                                                                                                              Goring
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Duncan               Kolapore

                                                                                                                                                                                   Dobbinton                                                          Desboro                                                  Holland Centre
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Marmion                                                                                                                       Wodehouse
                                                                                                                                             Dunblane         Williscroft                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Kimberley
                                                                                                           North                                                                                                                                                                          Williamsford                          Berkeley
                                                                                                           Bruce                                                          Salem

                                                                                                                                                                                       Salisbury                                 Peabody

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Cheeseville                                                                   Feversham
                                                                                                                                                                                         Gillies Hill                                                  Mooresburg
                                                                                                                                             Paisley                    Lockerby                                                                                                                                        Markdale                                                               Eugenia                                               McIntyre •
                                                                                             Underwood                                                                                                                                                                                     Dornoch                                                                                                                                     Maxwell
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Scone                                                                                                                Barrhead
                                                   Inverhuron                                                                                                                                                                                                                       • Welbeck
                                                                                                                                                                                   Vesta                                                                                                                               Waudby
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Crawford •                                                                                   Flesherton                                                                                         Badjeros •
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Elmwood                                                                                                                                      Ceylon                                          Warham

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Edge Hill                   Glenelg Centre
                                                                                                                                                                        Grove                                                                                             Mulock
                                                                                                                                                Pinkerton                                                                                               • Lamash
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         • Aberdeen
                                                                                                           Glammis                                                                                 • Solway                                                                                                                                                                                    Proton
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Pearl                                                                                                                                   Priceville                         Station
                                                                                   • Armow                                                                    Cargill                                               Lake                                                                                                         •

                                                        Kincardine                                                                                                                                                                                                             Durham
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Allan Park
                                                                • Millarton                                                                                                 Dunkeld
                                                                                                       • Kingarf                                        Chepstow                                                     Hill                                                                                                                                      Swinton
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Hanover                                                                                                                                               Park
                                                                              Bervie •
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Walkerton                                                              Hampden                                                                                    Hopeville
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Carlsruhe                                                                                                                  Dromore
                                    Pine River •
                                 Lurgan                                                          Kinloss •

                                                                                                                        Riverdale                                                                                              Neustadt
                                                                                                                                                           Formosa •
                                                                                                    • Kinlough                                                                                                                                                          Ayton
                                                                                                                                           • Salem                                                                                                                                                                       Holstein
                                     Amberley                                                              Westford •                                                                                                   Deemerton                                                    Nenagh
                                                                                              • Holyrood

                                                                                                                                                                                • Ambleside
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Alsfeldt                                                Mount

escapetogreybruce.ca • 2020 35
                                                                 Lucknow                                                                                                           •
                                                                                                                                                                                       Bellmore                                                                                                                                                               Base map provided by Grey County Tourism
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