Trout Anglers - NEW YORK STATE - New York ...

Page created by Regina Sparks
Trout Anglers - NEW YORK STATE - New York ...

                                               APRIL/MAY 2021


Kayak Fishing
Hike the Finger Lakes Trail
Otters—charismatic critters
Trout Anglers - NEW YORK STATE - New York ...
Dear Readers,
   Spring is always a welcome sight in the
Northeast. Coupled with the arrival of
vaccinations to protect our families from
COVID-19 and warmer weather, thousands of                                                 Volume 75, Number 5 | April/May 2021
                                                                                       Andrew M. Cuomo, Governor of New York State
New Yorkers are venturing out into nature in
the days and weeks ahead.                                                       DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION
   Spring is also a time of rebirth both in                                     Basil Seggos, Commissioner
                                                                                Erica Ringewald, Deputy Commissioner for Public Affairs
nature and the human spirit as we emerge                                        Harold Evans, Director of Office of Communication Services
from winter and begin to reconnect with
                                                                                THE CONSERVATIONIST STAFF
nature and one another.                                                         Eileen C. Stegemann, Managing Editor
   This edition of Conservationist dives deep into the wonderful world          Peter Constantakes, Assistant Editor
of trout, taking readers on an underwater journey into their natural            Tony Colyer-Pendas, Assistant Editor
                                                                                Megan Ciotti, Business Manager
habitat and a behind-the-scenes look at the DEC biologists and wildlife         Jeremy J. Taylor, Editor, Conservationist for Kids
professionals managing trout populations and enhancing their habitats.          Rick Georgeson, Contributing Editor
You’ll ˜nd several articles about ˜shing, including e°orts to preserve          DESIGN TEAM
heritage brook trout, which have a long history in New York. Don’t miss the     Andy Breedlove, Photographer/Designer
                                                                                Jim Clayton, Chief, Multimedia Services
story about pumpkinseed, a sun˜sh found across the state that is a popular      Mark Kerwin, Art Director/Graphic Designer
˜shing target and a tasty treat.                                                Robin-Lucie Kuiper, Photographer/Designer
   Readers can also learn about the excitement of kayak ˜shing, a great way     Mary Elizabeth Maguire, Graphic Designer
                                                                                Jennifer Peyser, Graphic Designer
to explore waters throughout New York. You might be surprised at how            Maria VanWie, Graphic Designer
modern-day kayaks di°er from those of the past, and how they can provide a
                                                                                EDITORIAL OFFICES
unique and enjoyable experience for anglers and boaters alike.                  The Conservationist (ISSN0010-650X), © 2021 by NYSDEC,
   Back on land, hiking enthusiasts can read about the Finger Lakes Trail,      is an official publication of the New York State Department
a long-distance path that o°ers hikes of various durations and levels of        of Environmental Conservation published bimonthly at
                                                                                625 Broadway, 4th Floor, Albany, NY 12233-4502.
di˛culty, and connects people of all ages and abilities to State Forests,       Telephone: (518) 402-8047
State Parks, and other great attractions. The article also highlights how       Manuscripts, photographs and artwork will be accepted if accom-
volunteers maintain the trail, including constructing lean-tos for hikers.      panied by SASE. Please write to the above address with an author’s
   Finally, you won’t want to miss an article about river otters to learn how   query or to request a Contributor’s Guide. The˜publisher assumes
                                                                                no responsibility for loss or damage of unsolicited˜materials.
DEC and its partners have helped these personality-packed animals make a
                                                                                TO SUBSCRIBE:
remarkable comeback in central and western New York.
                                                                                $18 per year, $24 for two years, $30 for three years. Outside
   All this and much more as we welcome spring with the latest edition          the U.S., add $27 per year with a check drawn on a U.S. bank.
of Conservationist.                                                             All˜orders must be prepaid.
                                                                                Please allow 6 to 8 weeks for new subscriptions or changes of
  Best regards,                                                                 address. Periodical postage paid at Albany, NY, and additional
                                                                                mailing offices.
  Basil Seggos, Commissioner
                                                                                Send check or money order payable to:
  P.S. I want to extend my gratitude to Conservationist editor Eileen
Stegemann upon her retirement after a 39-year career with DEC. Eileen              625 Broadway
started at DEC in 1982 as a ˜sheries technician in Watertown, before               Albany, NY 12233-4502
moving to DEC’s Albany o˛ce in the mid-1980s. She has worked for                or call: 1-800-678-6399
Conservationist since 2003, and became its ˜rst woman editor in 2018. On        Visit the Department’s website at:
behalf of the entire DEC family, I thank Eileen for her exemplary service in    The New York State Department of Environmental
support of our environment and wish her all the best as she begins the next     Conservation does not discriminate on the basis of race,
                                                                                national origin, disability, age, or gender.
chapter of her life. Thank you, Eileen, for a job well done.
                                                                                POSTMASTER: Send address changes to:
                                                                                   625 Broadway
                                                                                   Albany, NY 12233-4502

Trout Anglers - NEW YORK STATE - New York ...
See page 18

Maintaining and improving the Finger Lakes Trail

CONTENTS                                     A P R I L / M AY 2 0 2 1   |   VO LU M E 75 , N U M B E R 5

D E PA R T M E N T S                          2    Blue Halos—In
                                                   Praise of Wild Brook
                                                                                              18    Time, Talent,
                                                                                                    and Treasure
17 On Patrol                                       Trout/The Secrets
                                                   of the Stream
                                                                                                    The Amazing Finger
                                                                                                    Lakes Trail and its

28 Briefy                                          BY CHRIS MURPHY AND                              Volunteer Stewards
                                                   MARK USYK                                        BY CHRISTY POST

30 Letters                                    4    Trout for the Future
                                                   DEC’s New Trout
                                                                                             22     The Rewards of
                                                                                                    Today’s Kayak Fishing
                                                   Management Plan                                  Natural Beauty and Outdoor
32 Back Trails                                     BY CHUCK GODFREY                                 Recreation Preserved and
                                                                                                    Open to the Public

                                              8    Streams of Dreams
                                                   The Importance of Trout
                                                                                                    BY ROBERT S. DREW

                                 17                Habitat Improvement                       26     Species Spotlight—
                                                                                                    The Pumpkinseed
                       30                          BY MARK KUGLER
                                                                                                    BY ROBERT MICHELSON

                      14                     10    New York’s
                                                   River Otters
 28 30     18
                                                                                                       SPECIAL INSERT
                              30                   A Conservation Success Story
                      28     17                    BY AMANDA BAILEY

                                             14    Heritage Trout—
                                                   A Fish Story
                                                   BY NORAH MACHIA

                                            FRONT COVER: Stream trout fshing, by Chris Murphy; BACK COVER: River otter, by Amy Comerford
Trout Anglers - NEW YORK STATE - New York ...
Bl u e H a l ˜
                                            —IN PRAISE OF WILD BROOK TROUT
BY CHRIS MURPHY with MARK USYK                                                             The brook trout’s colorful appearance
                                                                                        is what ˜rst made me fall in love with
   Nothing makes me happier than ˜shing for wild brook trout. These ˜sh have            them. Brookies could have been painted
a long history in New York State, and there is a dedicated group of people who          by the ˜nest of Renaissance minds,
chase these gorgeous jewels of nature.˝˝                                                mixing a rainbow of green, scarlet, blue,
   Brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) are native to the eastern United States and      yellow, white, and black. Brook trout
Canada. They are a coldwater species, meaning they prefer coldwater habitats,           have characteristic markings on their
such as brooks, streams,                                                                back called vermiculations, which
creeks, rivers, and deep                                                                appear as a marbled swirl of dark green
lakes and ponds; they thrive                                                            and yellow.
in water temperatures                                                                      The sides of brookies are a lighter
ranging from the 50s into                                                               green color that can vary to near cobalt
the mid-60s.                                                                            blue or violet, and are covered with
   Brook trout have a number                                                            yellow spots and the quintessential red
of common nicknames,                                                                    spots surrounded by blue halos. Their
including brookies, specks,                                                             belly is either white or orange, and
speckled trout, squaretails,                                                            their ˜ns are red or orange, with white
and brook char. The latter                                                              tips separated by a black line. The tail
nickname comes from the                                                                 is square, with rounded corners, and
fact that the brook trout is                                                            is usually orange and green, with black
not a true trout, but rather                                                             spots and patterns.˝
a char. Trout have lighter                                                                    Many fly anglers cherish the
colored bodies with darker                                                                   sight of watching a brook trout
colored spots, while char                                                                    rise and leap out of the water,
have darker colored bodies                                                                   attempting to take a dry ˙y. If I
with lighter spots.                                                                         ever win the lottery, the ˜rst thing
   The brook trout is one of                                                               I’ll do in celebration is take my
two char that are native to                                                             6-foot, 6-inch, 2/3 wt. ˙y rod, with a
New York State; the other       Brook trout are colorful fish with characteristic red   Goddard Caddis, to an Adirondack
is the lake trout. There is     spots surrounded by blue halos on their sides.          brook trout stream. Ironically, when
actually no true trout native to New York. Rainbow trout were introduced from           I am ˙y ˜shing for brook trout in a
the West Coast of the United States, and brown trout were brought over from             small headwater stream, I feel like I
Europe. Even with trout and char being stocked throughout the state, there are          already won the lottery.
still places where you can ˜nd wild ˜sh whose genetics have not mixed with                 No one puts this wonderful feeling
stocked ˜sh. These places are often far o° the beaten path, but the reward is well      about trout streams into words like
worth the e°ort to get to these remote and wild places.                                 my friend and author, Mark Usyk.

2 New York State Conservationist APRIL/MAY 2021
Trout Anglers - NEW YORK STATE - New York ...

   It starts as several little branches, ˙owing, wandering through the Adirondacks           In this stream, I’ve learned that if
like lost souls without a care. Some begin as the out˙ows of small ponds in no-           it looks ˜shy, you cast to it. There’s
named forests, some gather the trickles of streams that only ˙ow in the spring            probably going to be a ˙ash of coppery
as snow melts and gradually become larger streams, and yet others just appear             pink, the tea color tinted waters
from out of the ground itself.                                                            playing on the pink belly of a brook
   These branches ˙ow through a pathless, dense forest, and as they gather their          trout. If it doesn’t look ˜shy, well,
miles, they also gather width and depth, but still remain what you’d call a stream.       even then I’ve seen many times the
They all ˜nally join together, just before entering a notable lake. And through           dart of a black ˜sh shape and the same
this lake, these waters pass, until it becomes the outlet of this ˜rst lake, which at     ˙ash, as a ˜sh takes and turns.
the same point becomes the growing inlet of a second, larger lake, downstream.               This stream is just a tiny pinpoint
   All things in nature                                                                                     on the map of the
are linked, and                                                                                             Adirondack Park,
watersheds are the                                                                                          yet to ˜sh it—and be
basis. They’re linked                                                                                       totally honest with
as everything else is,                                                                                      myself—I know I’ll
and they depend on                                                                                          never discover all
their surroundings                                                                                          of its secrets. That
to gather water and                                                                                         doesn’t mean I won’t
grow, just as their                                                                                         try, but truthfully,
surroundings depend                                                                                         I’m not sure I want
on the water systems                                                                                        to. Some things are
themselves.                                                                                                 better with an aura
   There are brook                                                                                          of mystery, so I travel
trout here, wild ˜sh                                                                                        to this watershed not
that call these waters                                                                                      trying to pry answers
home. These native                                                                                          from it, but rather
˜sh have a lineage                                                                                          waiting to see what
going back to the end of the last ice age. Their will to survive, genetically             information it willingly gives up.
ingrained in them, is why they’ve survived various threats to their existence,               This is not my stream; I think it’s
including deforestation, over˜shing, and acid rain. And now as the climate                completely the opposite. The stream
continues to warm their home waters, these ˜sh face another challenge—how                 doesn’t belong to me, I belong to the
to survive in an increasingly inhospitable environment. For when water                    stream. And so, I’ll do what I can to
temperatures are above 68°F, these beautiful ˜sh can su°er from heat stress,              protect it, while sharing its space. I’ll
which is potentially fatal to them.                                                       carry out what I carry in; I’ll catch
   I can only hope that they, once again, find a way to carry on. The cold                and release; I’ll tread lightly and leave
headwaters, I need to believe, will be the key. It’s because of these trout that          no trace. This is the least I can do for
I’ve spent so many days over the past few seasons hopping from rock to rock,              such a great friend that I’ve only just
crouching on the banks in the cover of green ferns, and exploring around each             met. It’s already done more for me
new bend, pushing farther upstream or downstream, making it my goal to ˜nally             than I could ever repay.
be able to say that I’ve ˜shed the entire thing.
                                                                                          Chris Murphy is a high school science
   That of course doesn’t mean I know the stream with any intimacy, though                teacher and president of Trout Power,
there are a couple of runs I can say I know very well. But I could never claim to         a non-proft organization that seeks to
know where all the deep holes are, or where the largest ˜sh live. The ˜shing can          identify and monitor wild and genetically
be so good that I’ve enjoyed success year after year. In fact, I’ve only ever been        unique brook trout in the Adirondacks.
skunked on it once, and I blame that on the storm the day before, which raised            Mark Usyk is the marginal fy fsherman
the water level to raging whitewater on several runs.                                     and author˛of Refections of a Fly Rod
                                                                                          and Carp are Jerks.

                                                                                        APRIL/MAY 2021 New York State Conservationist 3
Trout Anglers - NEW YORK STATE - New York ...
DEC’s New Trout Management Plan


  If you like to ˜sh, what would you              included gathering input from the        according to its characteristics,
say if someone asked you what could               anglers themselves.                      taking into account their physical
be done to create a better ˜shing                   DEC held public meetings across        and water quality characteristics, the
experience? If you’re like me, you’d              the state and asked anglers what         extent of its wild trout population,
say “I’m glad you asked.”                         they desired in the way of trout         and the amount of angler use.
  As anglers venture out to their                 ˜shing. Anglers happily shared their     Additionally, and equally important,
favorite trout streams this spring,               ideas, and after compiling all the       the categories de˜ne expectations for
they will be taking part in a new                 feedback, DEC created a focus group      anglers so they can pick and choose
trout ˜shing world—one that anglers               of ˜shermen and women from across        the trout stream ˜shing experience
helped create. This year will be the              the state to advise them on whether      they desire. Speci˜c categories within
˜rst season under new management                  the proposed actions would deliver       the Plan are:
practices outlined in DEC’s Inland                on what had been identi˜ed as the           1) Wild
Trout Stream Management Plan.                     most important desires of the public.       2) Wild-Quality
Many of these practices were                      DEC ˜sheries sta° then tweaked              3) Wild-Premier
developed from ideas suggested                    the Plan and submitted the ˜nal             4) Stocked
by˝anglers.                                       version, which was received with            5) Stocked-Extended
  To me, the previous trout stream                overwhelming support.
                                                                                           Note: To fnd out more detailed
management objectives—in place                      One of the key components of the       information for each of the categories,
since the late-1980s—always seemed                new Plan is that DEC recognizes          go to DEC’s website to view the Plan
to be centered around stocked trout               that not all streams are the same        and the new regulations. There is also
and the catch rate goal. But several              throughout their full length. As such,   a Categorization of New York State
                                                                                           Trout Stream reaches document, which
years ago, DEC recognized the                     these streams are now divided into       anglers can use to fnd the angler
need to revise and update the goals,              “reaches,” and DEC categorizes           experience they desire, in the location
objectives, and strategies, and that              the management of each “reach”           they choose.

4 New York State Conservationist APRIL/MAY 2021
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The new Plan strives to meet the       As for stocked trout, DEC
                                    wishes of a diverse angling public,   recognizes that the stocking program
                                    and also places an emphasis on        is an integral part of the trout °shing
                                    managing wild trout populations,      experience in New York. Through
                                    which has been absent from “o˜cial”   this program, anglers can pursue
                                    policy in the past.                   trout in waters that would otherwise
                                      Here are a few highlights.          not support enough wild trout to
                                                                          provide quality °shing. The stocking
                                    Regulations                           program provides great value from
                                       One of the goals of the new Trout  both a recreational perspective and
                                    Management Plan is to simplify        in introducing trout stream °shing to
                                    the regulations. By separating        anglers who might otherwise not take
                                    management strategies into the °ve    advantage of the opportunity.
                                    categories above, DEC has eliminated     Fishing for stocked trout is also a
                                    the need to develop special           great way to introduce children to
                                    regulations for many varying streams, trout °shing. My °rst experience
                                    thereby making it easier for anglers  trout °shing was as a 5-year-old on
                                    to understand and follow. There will  Little Bu˝alo Creek in Erie County,
                                    still be a regulations                                 and it helped spur
A rainbow trout to remember
                                    guide printed that                                     my love for the
                                    will list, by region, all   “DEC has                   outdoors and a
                                    the stream reaches           eliminated                lifetime of volunteer
                                    that fall into the           the need to               conservation work.
                                    Wild-Quality, Wild-          develop special              In my opinion,
                                    Premier, and Stocked-        regulations for           one of the Plan’s
                                    Extended categories.         many varying              highlights is that
                                    All other stream             streams, thereby in the Stocked-
                                    reaches, including           making it easier Extended “reaches”
                                    Stocked, Wild, or            for anglers to            there will be four
                                    “uncategorized” will                                   stockings of trout,
                                    be managed under                                       each two weeks
                                    a new statewide
Brook trout—New York’s state fish                                                          apart. For years,
                                    regulation for trout                                   many people have
                                    streams, which is 5 °sh per day, but  complained that the stocked trout
                                    now no more than two of those °sh     are “all caught out” after the °rst two
                                    can be 12 inches or longer.           weeks of the season. The “extension”
                                       There are some changes made to     will enhance the opportunity to catch
                                    the regulations related to the three  stocked trout during the season, on
                                    “wild” trout categories. Most notable these select stream reaches, beyond
                                    is the reduction in the number of     the relatively short period of time
                                    °sh that can be creeled in the Wild-  allowed under previous stocking
                                    Quality and Wild-Premier categories.  procedures. The Stocked-Extended
                                    Even though studies show that more    category regulation of three trout
                                    than 80 percent of all trout caught   with only one allowed over 12 inches
                                    are released, the reduced creel limit also extends the length of time trout
                                    re˛ects the value of these °sh. DEC   are available to be caught. These
                                    has been managing wild trout in       changes in stocking and regulations
                                    Western New York waters extensively   addresses one of the wishes identi°ed
                                    for 30 years and now welcomes it as a during the public meetings during the
                                    more formal statewide policy.         Plan’s development.
A new generation of anglers

                                                                          APRIL/MAY 2021 New York State Conservationist 5
Trout Anglers - NEW YORK STATE - New York ...
Another outcome of the Plan is
stocking larger ˜sh. To help make
this a reality, DEC hatcheries are
currently raising yearling trout to be
at least 9 inches long before being
stocked. Additionally, 10 percent of
the ˜sh in each stocking will consist
of ˜sh 12 inches in length or longer.

             STOCKING                                                                        Stocked-Extended reaches can handle higher
                                                                                             fishing pressure due to their larger size and
Trout,                                            A happy angler                             extensive public access.

             9"+ Trout, 90%

10% of each stocking will comprise
trout˜12 inches or longer.

                                                  The Catch-and-Release Season expands fishing opportunities outside of the regular
New Tools and                                     harvest season.
Opportunities for Anglers
  To help anglers have better ˜shing    and-release” season from October˝16      for any issues. There have been no
experiences, DEC is developing an       through March 31, in nearly every        documented problems related to the
interactive map that will show every    stream covered under the Plan. For       October through March extension of
reach of every stream with public       those of us lucky enough to live in      the season; however, DEC plans to
access, its management category, and    Western New York, this will not be as    study this issue over the next three
where public access is located. People  great a change as it will be for anglers years to ensure there are no concerns.
will be able to use the interactive     in the rest of the state, as we’ve been    Of course, people will need to be
map to see what                                                                                     encouraged not to
the “reach” they                                                                                    ˜sh for spawning
                         “For me, perhaps the biggest change in˜the
are going to ˜sh is
                           Plan is the introduction of ‘year-round’ trout trout on redds (i.e.,
categorized as, and                                                                                 ˜sh nests), but this
then look up the
                           fishing in streams. This will be implemented has proven not to
regulations for that       through the creation of an ‘artificials only,                            be a problem in my
category. It should        catch-and-release’            season.”                                   neck of the woods.
be noted that the                                                                                   I’ve spent many a
interactive map covers only those       able to do this on  many   of our local  day  taking advantage   of this provision
“reaches” with o˛cial public access.    wild trout streams for much of the       over the last few years, ˜shing a
  For me, perhaps the biggest change    last 15 years or more.                   couple of our most popular wild
in the Plan is the introduction of        These Western New York streams         trout streams. We have some really
“year-round” trout ˜shing in streams.   have all been extensively studied        nice weather in October and early
This will be implemented through the    through electro˜shing surveys and        November and catching trout in the
creation of an “arti˜cials only, catch- angler diary programs, to check          Fall is a memorable experience.

6 New York State Conservationist APRIL/MAY 2021
Trout Anglers - NEW YORK STATE - New York ...
Ed Ostapczuk
                                                                  Protecting Trout Habitat                Conservation Districts, U.S. Fish
                                                                     Habitat improvement and              and Wildlife Service, as well as many
                                                                  restoration are key themes in the new   private companies.
                                                                  trout plan—something that is both          While these habitat improvement
                                                                  welcome and necessary.                  and   restoration measures provide
                                                                     Here in Western New York, the        places for trout to live in, they
                                                                  area’s three Trout Unlimited chapters   can also aid landowners who are
                                                                  have worked together with DEC           losing valuable land due to erosion
                                                                  ˜sheries since                                                 and protect
                                                                  1970 to improve                                                structures which
                                                                                          “While these habitat                   municipalities
                                                                  and restore
                                                                  trout habitat. I
                                                                                            improve-ment and                     are responsible
                                                                  estimate we’ve
                                                                                            restoration     measures             for maintaining,
                                                                  been able to take         provide    places      for           saving taxpayer
                                                                  part in more              trout to live in,                    dollars.
                                                                  than 70 habitat           they    can also    aid                 Hopefully,
                                                                  improvement               landowners who are                   everyone will
                                                                  and restoration           losing valuable land                 be able to take
                                                                  projects during           due to erosion and                   advantage of this
                                                                  that time,                protect structures                   new approach to
                                                                  including                 which municipalities managing stream
                                                                  installing                                                     ˜shing for trout. I
                                                                                            are responsible for                  know that on any
                                                                  “cribbing,” log
                                                                                            maintaining,       saving            nice, pleasant day
                                                                  de˙ectors, and
                                                                                            taxpayer    dollars.”                in early spring,
Healthy stream habitat is essential for success.
                                                                  more. One of the                                               I’ll be tearing
                                                                  most important things we have done      myself away from the Lake Erie
                                                                  is to restore riparian zones along      tributaries to ˜sh my favorite streams
                                                                  trout streams by planting tens of       in New˝York State—the wild brook
                                                                  thousands of trees and shrubs.          trout streams of Allegany State Park.
                                                                     Given the impacts of climate         I’ve been ˜shing now for 71 of my 73
                                                                  change, establishing shade trees        years and it doesn’t get any better than
                                                                  along with bank stabilizing plants,     hiking for 30 minutes (it used to take
                                                                  like willows, is some of the most       15) to get back to my favorite stream
                                                                  important habitat work we can do.       and try to catch some wild brook trout.
                                                                  There is a real commitment on the
                                                                  part of DEC to make this an ongoing     Chuck Godfrey is a retired math
                                                                                                          teacher (Williamsville South), present
                                                                  e°ort, and active organizations like    Girls’ head track coach (Maryvale H.S.),
                                                                  the State Council of Trout Unlimited    past president of the WNY Chapter of
                                                                  are always working on projects like     Trout Unlimited and the Erie County
                                                                  this with many other governmental       Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs, the
                                                                                                          Region 9 Vice President of the NYS
                                                                  and non-governmental partners,
                                                                                                          Council of Trout Unlimited, and a
                                                                  such as county Soil and Water           lifelong conservationist.
Reach management category assignments
will be reevaluated as biological surveys and
fishing pressure estimates are conducted.                                                                  APRIL/MAY 2021 New York State Conservationist 7
Trout Anglers - NEW YORK STATE - New York ...
                                                                                         of trout habitat

                                                                 A hard truth that we must accept is that humans are
  From the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes, and all areas    widely responsible for population declines of many native
in between, New York State and its residents are blessed       ˜sh species. Historic and current activities, such as
with a diverse bounty of water resources, which provide for    development, overharvesting of timber and other natural
a vast array of aquatic habitats and angling opportunities.    resources, and the construction of manmade impassible
  My fascination with ˜sh began at an early age, and           barriers (e.g. dams) have all contributed to far-reaching
my pursuit of ˜sh-related objectives went through what         displacement and long-lasting population declines. To
seems to be a natural progression. My passion began in the     think that brook trout were once a dominant species in
back corner of a ˜eld on my family’s property that had a       the Mohawk River seems far-fetched, but archaeological
pond, and it eventually led me to the tip of Rock City Falls   evidence tells us otherwise.
in Saratoga County’s Kayaderosseras Creek, and every             As a person who deeply values our natural world, I feel
direction I’ve ventured since. For me, there has never been    that there should be a responsibility, if not a restitution,
a greater potential reward for my e°ort than I get from        for the error of our ways. There are de˜nitely things we
catch-and-release ˙y ˜shing for trout.                         can do to help. Having played baseball throughout my
  Trout represent what is pure about the natural resources     younger years, and now working as a Stream Technician
of our beautiful state. They rely on cold, clean water         in Cooperstown, I recall the commonly confused movie
to survive, and many of the locations they inhabit are         quote, “If you build it, they will come,” and I can’t help
incredibly serene. Brook trout are a particularly sensitive    but feel that it applies to ˜sh. If we can work to improve
species, with a fragile beauty that some might compare to      in-stream habitat and restore riparian corridors to the
a priceless painting. If you’ve ever seen a wild Adirondack    forested areas they once were, we might be very pleased
brook trout, you’d probably agree.                             with the result—the return of more ˜sh, to more places.

8 New York State Conservationist APRIL/MAY 2021
“Perched” culverts can block access to important habitat.

  Trout Unlimited has partnered throughout the years
with government and local stakeholders to restore in-
stream habitat in a number of Catskill streams. They           “If you build it, they
are now expanding their e°orts to Washington County’s
Battenkill, and their work is an example of what great
                                                                    will come”
partnerships can accomplish.
  We have come a long way from the days of placing
                                                                  DEC’s Trees for Tributaries program works with
temporary structures in streams that would merely
                                                               organizations, such as the Upper Susquehanna Coalition,
hold ˜sh within reaches (sections) of streams, and we
                                                               and local Soil and Water Conservation Districts, to plant
have learned valuable lessons about how to work with
                                                               native trees and shrubs along streams throughout New
nature, rather than against it. Utilizing modern scienti˜c
                                                               York. This low-cost conservation practice can help aid in
techniques, Watershed and Fisheries Managers are
                                                               nutrient and sediment reductions, while providing shade
now learning that natural stream channel design and
                                                               during summer months and leaf litter in the fall, which
engineering allows us to repair sections of streams to
                                                               fuels productivity for the coming year. These actions will
withstand what are becoming more frequent and more
                                                               have long-term bene˜ts that will help and support trout
extreme episodic weather events. We have learned that by
                                                               as well as other aquatic organisms that rely on cold, clean
using various aggregates (e.g., sand, gravel, crushed stone)
                                                               water to survive.
and large woody debris, we can tailor these repairs to the
                                                                  Riparian bu°ers provide forage and habitat for a wide
speci˜c hydrology and geology of each stream, allowing
                                                               range of terrestrial organisms, and they enhance the
them to further heal on their own.
                                                               aesthetic qualities of our landscapes. Planting riparian
  In recent years, numerous public meetings with trout
                                                               bu°ers can be a great way to volunteer and enjoy the
stream stakeholders throughout New York State have
                                                               outdoors, while working to bene˜t your community and
produced a resounding sentiment for the conservation and
                                                               future generations. At the very least, we can improve our
preservation of wild ˜sh, and DEC heard that message loud
                                                               environment, sequester carbon, and prepare vulnerable
and clear. After years of careful thought and planning, we
                                                               ecosystems for climate resilience and other challenges that
are now in a new age of Trout Stream Management, where
                                                               lie ahead.
we will not only be provided with traditional and newly
                                                                  I applaud the e°orts that are being made, and I’m excited
expanded opportunities for angling, but there will be an
                                                               about the direction we are heading. So, let’s work to build
added priority on habitat management for conserving our
                                                               it, and see if they will become streams of dreams.
highly valued wild ˜sh. This endeavor will undoubtedly
require dedication and patience, as well as a holistic
approach to watershed management, where a connection           An avid trout angler, Mark Kugler is a Stream Technician
                                                               for the Otsego County Soil and Water Conservation
between land and water is understood. This can be our          District in Cooperstown. He is primarily involved in riparian
most cost-e°ective and prudent option for producing long-      restoration within New York’s portion of the Chesapeake Bay
lasting impacts to promote sustainable ˜sh populations.        Watershed.

                                                                                  APRIL/MAY 2021 New York State Conservationist 9
The year 2018 marked the second      identi˜able by the webbing visible
                                                   winter of river otter surveys           between the ˜ve toes. After much
                                                   conducted by DEC sta°. All across       searching, the ˜eld crew stumbled
                                                   central, western, and southeastern      across a latrine, a kind of communal
                                                   New York, wildlife biologists and       bathroom used by river otter. It was
                                                   technicians were scouring wetland       the jackpot.
                                                   and riparian habitats for the             Surveys like this one have been a
                                                   charismatic critters.                   critical part of DEC’s understanding
                                                      “We’ve got some jelly over here,”    of river otter distribution in New
                                                   one of the technicians shouted.         York. The species is quite active
                                                   Others gathered to take some            during the winter, and the snow
                                                   pictures. While the substance is        shows signs of otter even when the
                                                   jelly-like in consistency, it’s not     otters themselves aren’t visible.
                                                   anything you would want to put on       Biologists spend hours searching
                                                   your sandwich. It’s actually a stinky   for scat and tracks along lakeshores,
A C˜°˛˝˙ˆˇ˘˜°                                     secretion left behind by river otter,

 S˝˛˛ S˘˜˙                                     consisting of intestinal lining, bits
                                                   of undigested food, and anal
                                                   secretions. It may sound gross, but
                                                   the anal jelly plays an important
                                                   role for the otter. Biologists
BY MANDY BAILEY                                    believe that the matter protects
                                                   the lining of the river otter’s
  Sometimes, the work of a wildlife                intestines from the sharp
biologist is much like that of a                   bones and body parts of
detective. Most of our careers are                 ˜sh, cray˜sh, mollusks,
spent studying wildlife that are rarely            and other food items they
seen. And so we are left hunting for               consume. Since the jelly
the smallest clues, pieces of a puzzle             contains pieces of
that tell a greater story: a footprint             undigested food, it
in the snow or a tuft of hair caught               can help biologists
on a branch—clues that tell us which               ˜gure out what an
wildlife are around and what they’re               otter is eating.
up to.                                                Someone else
  A cold day in February 2018 was                  pointed out a
one of those days. Biologists from                 few pieces of scat
New York State’s Department of                     littering the area,
Environmental Conservation (DEC)                   shiny with scales
were on the hunt in western New York,              from the ˜sh that
searching the snow along a beaver                  make up the bulk of
pond for a weaselly character. In                  the river otters’ diets
fact, they were looking for the largest            in this area. The snow
member of the weasel family found in               here was trampled, but
New York: the North American river                 it was possible to make
otter (Lontra canadensis).                         out a few individual tracks,

10 New York State Conservationist APRIL/MAY 2021
beaver ponds, wetlands, and swamps,       the case, with river otter being found      throughout the nineteenth century
photographing otter signs, and            nearly everywhere there was suitable        led to a sharp decline in New York’s
marking datasheets. At the end of         habitat in these areas. River otter are     otter population. By 1900, river otter
the winter, they compile the results      most common in northern New˝York,           had disappeared from most of central
of the surveys and send them to           where untouched wetlands and                and western New York and were
researchers at the State University of    remote ponds provide ample, ideal           reduced to isolated pockets in the
New York College of Environmental         habitat for this semi-aquatic critter.      Adirondack and Catskill mountains.
Science and Forestry (SUNY-ESF).          However, it is the central and western      Things improved for the river otter
These researchers use these results to    half of the state that DEC is most          in the second half of the twentieth
develop “occupancy models”—a kind         interested in. In fact, before 2000,        century. As otter populations
of statistical analysis that uses ˜eld    river otter had not been sighted there      recovered in the eastern half of the
surveys and habitat characteristics to    in more than 100 years.                     state, the Conservation Department
estimate how likely it is that an otter     Before European settlement, river         (DEC’s predecessor) began to regulate
inhabits an area.                         otter were widespread throughout            river otter trapping, using science
  The survey results are enlightening     New York, as evidenced by the many          to set speci˜c seasons and ensure
and help guide DEC’s management of        waterbodies throughout the state            that any harvest was sustainable.
river otter. Historically, the eastern    that were named for the charismatic         The environmental movement of
portion of the state has supported        critter—there is an Otter Lake in both      the 1960s and ’70s brought major
robust river otter populations. DEC’s     Cayuga and Oneida counties, Otter           improvements in water quality. Land
surveys con˜rmed that this is still       Creek ˙ows through Lewis County,            once cleared for agriculture began

While fish are
a favorite food,
river otter will
hunt for a variety
of prey, including
frogs, crayfish,
crabs, turtles,
insects, and some
small mammals.

                                          and there are three di°erent Otter          to transition back into forest. The
                                            Ponds in St. Lawrence County              river otter population in the eastern
                                                alone. However, the destruction       half of New York ˙ourished. Despite
                                                   of wetland and riparian            all of this, otter remained scarce in
                                                      habitats, deforestation         other areas of the state. Without
                                                       for agriculture and            more intensive intervention, DEC
                                                         development,                 biologists estimated that it may take
                                                          pollution of New            the greater part of a century for river
                                                            York’s waterways,         otter to naturally recolonize all the
                                                             and unregulated          areas where they once lived.
                                                              fur trapping              In the 1990s, DEC held a series
                                                                                      of public meetings to discuss the
                                                                                      possibility of reintroducing otter
                                                                                      to areas where they were not even a
                                                                                      memory. These meetings resulted
                                                                                      in a unique partnership, a group of
                                                                                      biologists, trappers, veterinarians,
                                                                                      and interested private companies
                                                                                      and individuals all committed to
                                                                                      bringing back otter to central and
                                                                                      western New˝York. The not-for-pro˜t

                                                                                    APRIL/MAY 2021 New York State Conservationist 11
circa 1990s

                                                                                                                                            Van Kollias
New˝York River Otter Project, Inc.                 and had the
was formed, a unique partnership                   needed expertise
where DEC worked with the private                  to make the
sector on a wildlife restoration                   project a success.
project.                                           Captured otter
  But restoring the species by                     were transferred
capturing wild river otters in                     to a holding area,
places where they were abundant                    where they were
in the eastern part of the state and               evaluated by
translocating them to areas where                  veterinarians and
they were absent would be a huge                   kept prior to being
undertaking. About 100 people                      released into their
volunteered 54,000 hours of their                  new homes.
time to ensure the success of the                    All told, 279
project. Businesses also contributed               river otter
to this e°ort, like Perry’s Ice Cream,             were trapped
based in Akron, New York, which                    and released            Various groups, including nature lovers, trappers, businesses,
created a new “Welcome Back, Otter”                into central            schoolchildren, and many others celebrated the˜return of
                                                                           river otter.
˙avor, and donated the proceeds                    and western New
from the sale of 35,000 half-gallons               York between 1995
of this ice cream ˙avor to the                     and 2000. New York became one                internationally. The Eurasian otter
project. Children also chipped in: a               of 22 states to reintroduce otter.           (Lutra lutra) had su°ered a similar
kindergarten class contributed $35                 The techniques developed in the              fate as the North American river
in pennies, children donated their                 New˝York River Otter Project were            otter, and both Holland and Spain
allowances, and a Girl Scout troop                 later used to ensure the success of          reached out to New York for advice on
donated 1,000 towels to be used when               similar programs in other states,            their own restoration projects for this
the river otters were held in captivity            Canadian provinces, and even                 closely related species. In addition,
(prior to being released). The e°orts                                                           trapping techniques perfected by
made by so many people from so                                                                  participating trappers formed the
many di°erent walks of life was truly                                                           framework for best management
something to behold.                                                                                 practices (BMPs) for trapping
  Of course, the project’s success                                                                        river otter. These BMPs
depended on the river otters.                                                                                have been crucial in the
Biologists estimated that at least                                                                            management of river
270 river otters would have to be
relocated from eastern New York, a
daunting number, as river otter are
intelligent and di˛cult to trap, even
in areas where they are relatively
common. Luckily, New York trappers
rose to the challenge. Hunters and
trappers have long been champions
of conservation, as exempli˜ed
by this project. Trappers devoted
untold time and energy attempting
to capture river otter in northern and
southeastern New York, contributing
around 300 trap-nights to capture
each river otter for this project.
But the trappers were dedicated

12 New York State Conservationist APRIL/MAY 2021
otter in New˝York, ensuring that          success story. The surveys found           populations remain stable and that
traps are more selective and humane,      that river otter were ˙ourishing           New Yorkers can continue to enjoy
and outlining methods to avoid            in the areas where they had been           them for years to come. We encourage
unintentional captures of river otters    reintroduced. Occupancy rates of           everyone to report sightings of
in traps set for other species, such      river otter in central and western         river otter to the DEC Furbearer
as˝beaver.                                New York were similar to rates in          Sighting Survey, accessible via the
  While much of the fanfare died out      southeastern New York, where river         DEC website (
with the last release of the relocated    otter were already well established.       animals/30770.html).
otters, the story wasn’t over. Just       While river otter were originally            One of the more remarkable things
because river otter were brought to       introduced to just 16 sites across         about the success of river otter
central and western New York, there       central and western New York, they         restoration is that it is not limited to
was no guarantee they would ˙ourish       now are found in nearly all suitable       New York. Across the entire range of
there. And so, we returned to those       habitats in those areas.                   the North American river otter, the
river otter surveys conducted by DEC        This leaves us with just one             species is doing well. New York is just
in partnership with SUNY-ESF in 2017      question: What is next for New York’s      one piece of a larger puzzle that spells
and 2018. Eighteen years had passed       river otters? Although the population      out success for this species. A recent
since the last river otter was released   appears to be doing very well, it is       survey of state wildlife agencies
in western New˝York. While public         important to continue to monitor           found that river otter populations

                                                                                                                                Teri LeBaron
River otters are
well known for
their playful
nature. They are
home in the water
and on land.

sightings and limited surveys suggested   otter            “All told, 279 river otter were trapped
that river otter were doing well, no      throughout        and released into central and western
large-scale, standardized evaluation      the state         New York between 1995 and 2000.”
of the population had been completed      to ensure
following the restoration e°ort.          their success. DEC biologists will be are stable or increasing in every
  During the surveys, biologists and      conducting another round of winter    state, with populations robust
technicians scouring the landscape        sign surveys for otter in the coming  enough to support regulated harvest
found more than otter tracks and          years to compare to the surveys       opportunities in 40 states, including
            sign—they uncovered           completed in 2017 and 2018. We are    New York. Of the 13 species of otter
                        a˝restoration     also in the process of developing a   occurring worldwide, the North
                                          management plan for river             American river otter is the only one
                                          otter to ensure                       listed by the International Union for
                                          that their                            Conservation of Nature as a species
                                                                                of least concern. The recovery of the
                                                                                river otter across North America—
                                                                                and here in New York—is a true
                                                                                conservation success story.

                                                                                     Mandy Bailey is a Wildlife Biologist in
                                                                                     DEC’s Albany˛o˝ce.

                                                                                  APRIL/MAY 2021 New York State Conservationist 13
Trout —A Fish
      —A˜Fish Story

   A good ˜sh story is never truly
˜nished—it continues to be shared,
sometimes changing as time goes on.
This ˜sh story starts with the species
itself—the popular brook trout,
designated as the o˛cial New York
State Freshwater Fish in 1975.                     stocked ˜sh. These ˜sh have been          domesticated hatchery cousins. In fact,
   Native to New York’s coldwater                  bu°ered from intense development          scientists believe certain populations
streams and lakes, brook trout have                and managed to adapt, survive, and        have resided in the same protected
endured the test of time, but their                thrive in their natural habitats.         watersheds for thousands of years.
numbers have declined throughout the               Having these diverse populations            While several genetically distinct
Northeast during the past century, in              increases the resilience of New York’s    strains have been discovered, they
part due to habitat fragmentation. The             wild brook trout to climate change.       still face the potential destruction of
cause of fragmentation and habitat                   Studies have shown that wild brook      their habitats from outside sources.
loss is often suburban development                 trout have a longer lifespan than their   “Land and water conservation e°orts
and increased paving associated with
it. Such development can result in                 Remote stream fished in Tug Hill
sedimentation, stormwater runo°, and
reduced groundwater recharges—all
potential threats to brook trout habitats.
   Fortuntately, DEC researchers and
citizen scientists continue to discover
populations of native brook trout
throughout New York. Some of these
˜sh have been carefully studied and
were determined to be “genetically
distinct,” con˜rming their distinct
value as heritage trout.

Why the Fuss About
Heritage Trout?
  When ˜sh populations possess
their own distinct genetic pro˜les, it
means they have been “reproductively
isolated,” and have not crossbred with

14 New York State Conservationist APRIL/MAY 2021
the project, Trout Power Inc., a
                                                                                        New˝York-based nonpro˜t dedicated
                                                                                        to protecting, restoring, and
remain critical for their continued          New York State has a robust                enhancing heritage brook trout and
survival,” said Dr. Spencer A. Bruce, a    stocking program that provides               their habitats, developed citizen
researcher at the State University of      recreational trout ˜shing in locations       science protocols that were followed
New York at Albany (UAlbany). “The         where it otherwise would not exist           by all of the anglers. Members of
documentation of genetically unique        at a meaningful level if it depended         Trout Unlimited local chapters
brook trout is important because it        on wild trout. At the same time, DEC         also followed these protocols when
shows the existence of biodiversity        has been doing its part to protect wild      gathering samples in their own
across the landscape. If you plant         brook trout populations by carefully         communities.
the same type of corn throughout           documenting their existence. These             Although volunteers collected their
New˝York State and a disease comes         data have helped state o˛cials avoid         samples in mostly remote areas, the
along, it will wipe it all out. The same   stocking decisions that risk diluting        majority were ˜shing on public access
is true for ˜sh populations.”              valuable genetic resources.                  lands. Anglers collected the samples
   Having unique pockets of species                                                     by taking a small clip of the tail ˜n
with di°erent genetic pro˜les means        Identifying Unique                           before returning the ˜sh to the water.
some populations may be better             Strainsof Brook Trout                       The samples were stored in prepared
suited to withstand environmental            In order to document the existence         vials ˜lled with a preservative
changes than others. That’s why it is      of “genetically distinct” strains of         chemical. The vials were then sent to
important to preserve biodiversity         brook trout, a collaborative e°ort was       the UAlbany laboratory for genetic
by protecting the natural habitats of      made with a group of enthusiastic            analysis.
these ˜sh.                                 anglers who volunteered their time             Using precise methods of extracting
   “Some heritage brook trout              to ˜sh (which for many, was really           DNA from the ˜n samples, Dr. Bruce
populations may hold the genetic           no hardship at all). Representatives         and his colleagues were able to
key to resilience, in terms of climate     from UAlbany, DEC, The Nature                determine if the trout was genetically
change and its e°ect on natural            Conservancy, and the U.S. Geological         distinct. Having local residents
habitats,” said Fred Henson, a senior      Survey were partners in the endeavor.        involved in the collection of brook
aquatic biologist with DEC. “The             Many of the volunteer anglers were         trout samples for DNA testing
protection of these watersheds             members of nonpro˜t organizations            helped spread the message about the
remains critical for heritage trout to     that helped with the ˜eld studies.           importance of protecting the ˜sh
continue to survive and thrive.”           In order to ensure accuracy with             habitats in their own communities.

                                                                                     APRIL/MAY 2021 New York State Conservationist 15
With the help of volunteer anglers,
a number of genetically distinct
populations in the Adirondacks,
Catskills, and Tug Hill regions have
been identi˜ed. One strain that was
determined to be genetically distinct
compared to other genetic pro˜les
in the surrounding area was recently
discovered in the Tug Hill region. It
marked the ˜rst time such a population
had been identi˜ed in Tug Hill, an
indication that these ˜sh may possess
adaptations unique to their stream
habitats. This is a signi˜cant ˜nd, and
all involved agree that it is important
to do everything possible to protect
their habitat to ensure the survival
of these genetically distinct trout. As
such, the exact locations of where the
native brook trout were discovered
has not been made public, to avoid the
potential for over˜shing in those areas.

Protecting a Unique Strain                         Volunteer angler in Tug Hill
  Conservation of the “Heart of
Tug Hill” has been a priority of the                 The protected forestlands in the       woods for an opportunity to discover
Tug Hill Tomorrow Land Trust, a                    Heart of Tug Hill give rise to major     native ˜sh, to enjoy their beauty, and
nationally accredited, nonpro˜t land               river systems that provide what          release them back into the water.
trust established 30 years ago. The                many have called world-class ˜shing      For some people, they feel a greater
land trust protects wildlands, forests,            opportunities. DEC does stock            connection to the landscape by
and farms throughout the Tug Hill                  brook trout in the region, but natural   ˜shing for native species. With that in
region, which encompasses more                     barriers, such as waterfalls and         mind, it’s a safe bet that if anglers put
than 2,000 square miles between                    rapids, appear to have prevented the     some distance between themselves
Lake Ontario and the Adirondacks.                  native brook trout from mixing with      and the nearest locations where
  Portions of the core forest were                 the stocked population.                  domestic brook trout are stocked,
recently identi˜ed as “last chance                   DEC continues to protect native        the wild brookies they catch will
ecosystems” by The Nature                          brookie populations by carefully         likely be the descendants of the ˜sh
Conservancy—meaning if the land                    reviewing permit applications to         that recolonized New York when the
remains relatively unspoiled, through              ensure projects such as bridge and       glaciers retreated.
conservation e°orts such as those                  culvert replacements do not occur           And to make sure these distinct
being conducted by DEC and the Land                during spawning seasons, and that        strains remain available for future
Trust, the habitats that are important             precautions are taken to avoid adding    generations to enjoy, biologists will
for wildlife species diversity will be             sediment and turbidity into the water.   continue to study and protect them,
preserved.                                         New York State also undertakes           which is great for the species and
  “This has been a major project,”                 a big stocking e°ort each year,          for˝anglers.
explained Dr. Bruce. “We are now                   with a variety of species, so there
moving forward with other studies,                 are numerous options for ˜shing,         A former reporter for the Watertown
determining the actual di°erence                   depending on an angler’s preference.     Daily Times, Norah Machia is a regular
                                                                                            contributor to the Northern New York
between the populations, beyond                      While there are many anglers who
                                                                                            Magazines. She recently released a
their DNA, by studying how genes                   enjoy ˜shing at sites stocked by DEC,    book, Tug Hill – Shaping the Future of
in˙uence the behavior of the ˜sh.”                 others prefer to head deep into the      the Region.

16 New York State Conservationist APRIL/MAY 2021
Carl Heilman II

On Patrol
Real stories from Environmental Conservation Police O˜cers and Forest Rangers in the °eld

                                                                          Sni°ng Out Trouble—Oswego County
                                                                            Three teams of ECOs and newly acquired,
                                                                          young German Shepherd dogs recently
                                                                          completed three months of K9 Basic Training
                                                                          School in Pulaski. The K9 teams were put
                                                                          through numerous real-life scenarios, learning
                                                                          how to track humans through di˛erent terrain
                                                                          and environmental conditions, and detecting
                                                                          wildlife and even burnt gunpowder. The K9s
                                                                          were also trained in basic obedience, handler
                                                                          protection, and criminal apprehension. The
                                                                          dogs’ keen sense of smell will assist in police

Dolphin Watch—                                                            investigations, including illegal hunting crimes
                                                                          and the taking of wildlife across New York State.
Su˜olk County
   Several months ago, Environmental
Conservation O°cers (ECOs)               Wilderness Rescue—
Bobseine and Doroski assisted the
New York Marine Rescue Center with
                                         Essex County
                                           This past January, Acting Lieutenant
locating a dolphin in Bellport Bay, o˛
                                         Forest Ranger Burns was notifed
Long Island. The dolphin had been
                                         of a hiker with a hip dislocation on
living in the bay for nearly a year.
                                         Cobble Hill in the Saranac Lake Wild
Throughout 2020, the Rescue Center
                                         Forest, and three Forest Rangers
periodically checked on the dolphin
                                         responded to assist. Once on the
due to reported sightings. On a sunny
                                         scene, the Rangers evaluated the
winter afternoon, the two ECOs went
                                         52-year-old woman, from Lake Placid,
under Smith’s Point Bridge in their
                                         and placed her in a vacuum splint.
safeboat and watched the dolphin
                                         She was then packaged into a litter
surface. A biologist from the Rescue
                                         and sled, brought to the trailhead,
Center, also onboard the vessel,
                                         and transferred to the Lake Placid
quickly identifed the dolphin and
                                         Volunteer Ambulance Service for
determined that it was healthy before
                                         additional medical treatment.
it swam away.

                                         Wilderness Rescue—Ulster County
                                           Forest Ranger Slade received a report of an injured hiker on the Menla Resort
                                         property. A 52-year-old female hiker from New York City was attempting a two-
                                         mile loop on the resort’s blue trail and fell down an embankment, dislocating
                                         her left shoulder; she was also mildly hypothermic. When Ranger Slade and
                                         additional Rangers arrived at the hiker’s location, they warmed her, provided frst
                                         aid, including placing her left arm into a sling. They then assisted her back to the
                                         trail, where she was treated by Shandaken Paramedics and transported to a local
                                         hospital for further medical treatment.

                                                                                  APRIL/MAY 2021 New York State Conservationist 17
Map based on data provided by Finger Lakes Trail Conference, Inc.
                   and TREASURE
                           The Amazing Finger Lakes Trail
                             and its Volunteer Stewards
                                                                    BY CHRISTY POST

                               TAKE A HIKE.                      While this phrase has some unfortunate connotations, in general,
                              it’s good advice. There’s something special about hiking in nature—the clean air, beautiful
                               scenery, views of wildlife, and more. Taking a hike can refresh the body and mind.
                                  The Finger Lakes Trail (FLT) System o°ers amazing opportunities for people to enjoy nature
                                on a hike. If you want to take a short hike near home with young children, you’ll ˜nd many
                                 options. If you are looking for a strenuous hike, there are sections requiring various skills and
                                  o°ering distances from one mile to hundreds of miles.
                                     The FLT System is New York State’s longest continuous footpath, with a main trail of 580
                                   miles, six branch trails, and 29 loop trails and spur trails that total an additional 480 miles, as
                                    well as connections to trails in Canada, the Long Path and Appalachian Trail in Vermont, and
                                    the North Country National Scenic Trail all the way to North Dakota. But, with more than
                                     1,000 miles of trails in New York alone, hikers have beautiful trails to explore without ever
                                     leaving the state.

18 New York State Conservationist APRIL/MAY 2021
With so many miles of trails, the management and
maintenance of the FLT is a substantial task. In 1962, the
non-pro˜t Finger Lakes Trail Conference (FLTC) was                                                  Enjoying State Forests
founded by a group of extremely dedicated volunteers.                                                 Did you know that New York has 470 State
Ironically, from the outset, much of the FLTC’s planning                                            Forests and Unique Areas, covering nearly every
took place in the living rooms, basements, and kitchen                                              area of the State?
tables of its volunteers. The organization’s o˛ce was                                                 Along the Finger Lakes Trail, hikers may
originally located in the home of its founding president,                                           travel through a State Forest (or more than one)
Wallace D. Wood. Thirty-nine years later, in 2001, the                                              that is managed by DEC. In fact, the FLT passes
FLTC Service Center opened in Mount Morris, with a                                                  through more than 42 State Forests, four Wildlife
mission “… to build, protect, enhance, and promote a                                                Management Areas, and three Forest Preserve Areas.
continuous footpath across New York State. Forever!”                                                  State Forest lands are managed by DEC’s
  Each year, more than 500 volunteers work on projects                                              professional foresters, who monitor conditions
to support the trail, often working with a˛liated hiking                                            and work to address threats and challenges, such
clubs or organizations that helped build the trail. Each                                            as invasive species, shifting land use trends, and
successive generation has risen to the task, and today,                                             climate change. The goal is to ensure these lands,
students play an important, active role in maintenance of                                           which comprise a total of more than 77,000 acres
the trail.                                                                                          statewide, continue to provide bene˜ts ranging
  The FLT would not be possible without the volunteers                                              from the protection of vital natural resources and
who donate more than 20,000 hours each year in support                                              drinking water, to outdoor recreation, to forest
of the trail. These are people like Rob Hughes, a high school                                       product manufacturing and other economic
science teacher who has donated his own time and talent to                                          bene˜ts, and mitigation of climate change.
the FLT and has introduced a new generation of trail lovers                                           As you hike along a trail in a State Forest, or
to the trail by involving his students (see sidebar “Teacher,                                       camp overnight under a State Forest canopy, you
Volunteer, and Trailblazer”).                                                                       can enjoy the natural beauty of these amazing
  As is typical for long distance trails, the FLT was built                                         resources, clear your mind and immerse yourself
sectionally by di°erent groups. Existing hiking clubs                                               in nature, yet still be connected to society. You
in upstate cities adopted speci˜c sections and started                                              can also take comfort in knowing these resources
building the planned cross-state trail in chunks, utilizing                                         are being managed in a manner that protects
State Forests and State Parks whenever possible. The                                                their lands, waters, and beauty, and keeps them
trail route was planned to meander generally south of the                                           accessible to the public.
Finger Lakes, connecting new segments with just enough                                                To learn more about DEC’s management of State
coordination to ensure that each segment would eventually                                           Forests, visit
connect with another one. In fact, thirty years had passed

                                                                                                                                                                   ADK Mountain Club-Onondaga Chapter
                                                             ADK Mountain Club-Onondaga Chapter

 Adk-Onondaga volunteers help build, maintain, and improve                                        Volunteers create maps and install signage and markings
 trails in the Finger Lakes Trail system to provide a safe and                                    along the 1,000+ mile trail to ensure hikers of all skills and
 enjoyable experience to all trail users.                                                         abilities can navigate the trail easily and safely.

                                                                                                                     APRIL/MAY 2021 New York State Conservationist 19
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