EXHIBITOR October 7-8, 2022 - Parker Arts, PACE Center 20000 Pikes Peak Avenue Parker, CO 80138 - Colorado Speech-Language-Hearing Association

Page created by Justin Lawson
EXHIBITOR October 7-8, 2022 - Parker Arts, PACE Center 20000 Pikes Peak Avenue Parker, CO 80138 - Colorado Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Colorado Speech-Language-Hearing Association

       October 7-8, 2022
        Parker Arts, PACE Center
        20000 Pikes Peak Avenue
           Parker, CO 80138

EXHIBITOR October 7-8, 2022 - Parker Arts, PACE Center 20000 Pikes Peak Avenue Parker, CO 80138 - Colorado Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Location and Hotel Information                                 Other Important Information
Parker Arts, PACE Center                                        • Cancellations received in writing, by mail or email,
20000 Pikes Peak Avenue                                           and no later than September 16, 2022, will receive a
Parker, CO 80138                                                  refund minus a $40 service charge. After this date,
                                                                  your entire fee will be forfeited.
The following are hotels located near the PACE Center.
Please make arrangements at a location right for you.           • Shipping instructions: Materials may be shipped for
                                                                  receipt up to 2 days prior to the event start date.
• Ascent on Main (0.8 Miles from PACE Center)                     Parker Arts Cultural
  https://www.ascentonmain.com/                                   PACE Center
• Super 8 by Wyndham (1.9 Miles from PACE Center)                 Attn: Becky Berends
  https://www.wyndhamhotels.com/super-8/parker-                   20000 Pikes Peak Avenue
  colorado/super-8-parker-se-denver-area/overview                 Parker, CO 80138
• Springhill Suites by Marriott (2.3 Miles from PACE Center)    • Donations are needed for door prizes and a silent auction.
  https://www.marriott.com/en-us/hotels/denpk-springhill-         Please consider donating a gift card or merchandise.
• Holiday Inn (2.7 Miles from PACE Center)
  https://www.ihg.com/holidayinn/hotels/us/en/parker/          Tentative Exhibit Hall Hours
• Hampton Inn and Suites (2.8 Miles from PACE Center)               Friday, October 7
  https://www.hilton.com/en/hotels/denpahx-hampton-                 8:00 am - 10:00 am      Exhibitor Setup
  suites-parker/                                                    10:00 am - 6:00 pm      Exhibits Open

                                                                    Saturday, October 8
 Sponsorship Opportunities                                          7:30 am - 1:00 pm       Exhibits Open
                                                                    1:00 pm - 2:30 pm       Exhibitor Tear Down

 Session Sponsor: $500
      •   Sign recognition
      •   Recognition in Conference Onsite Program
                                                               Exhibitor Checklist and Deadlines
 Friday Lunch Sponsor: $1,000
      •   Free exhibit display                                       July 25, 2022         Deadline for ads and
      •   Sign recognition                                                                 recognition placed in the
      •   Recognition in Conference Onsite Program                                         Conference Onsite Program
      •   Company banner displayed on the CSHA website
                                                                     August 25, 2022       Early Registration Deadline to
          home page for one year
                                                                                           receive reduced fee
 Break Sponsor: $500
                                                                     September 16, 2022    Cancellation deadline
      •   Sign recognition                                                                 (see below for details)
      •   Recognition in Conference Onsite Program

                                             2022 CSHA Fall Conference
                                    October 7-8, 2022  Parker, Colorado
Exhibitor Opportunities
Strategy Package: $800                                              Non-Profit or Home-Based Space: $150
Achieve your goals by purchasing this enhanced exhibitor            Display space includes: One 6’ skirted table, two chairs.
package. This option includes our single space package plus         This display space does not include one complimentary
all of the marketing items below, enabling you to reach more        Conference registration or a Conference attendee mailing list.
of your audience.                                                     Note: The non-profit rate is available to those filing as 501(c)
                                                                      who are exhibiting to promote FREE services/information for
 •    Your choice of a prime location on the exhibit floor            individuals with disabilities. Proof of non-profit status or similar
                                                                      IRS documentation must accompany the exhibitor application.
 •    Half-page advertisement in the Conference Onsite                Home-based is defined as a business involved in direct selling of
      Program                                                         merchandise out of their home.

 •    Company logo with a link to your home page from the           Take-One Display: $75
      CSHA or WyoSHA website for a six-month period                 Can’t attend the Conference but would still like a presence?
                                                                    Have a Take-One Display to showcase your product, catalogs
Single Space: $250                                                  or printed materials (without a representative). Extra products
Display space includes: One 6’ skirted table, two chairs. One       or materials will not be returned. This display space does
complimentary Conference registration and one complimentary         not include one complimentary Conference registration or a
post Conference attendee mailing list.                              Conference attendee mailing list.

Marketing Opportunities
Badges for Conference Attendees: $225                               Advertise in the Onsite Conference Program
Your company logo will be placed on all attendee badges. This       *Back Page (7.75"w x 10"h).................................. $300
is a first-come, first-served opportunity. As the exclusive badge   *Inside Front Cover (7.75"w x 10"h).................... $175
sponsor, your company will be responsible to provide the logo for   *Inside Back Cover (7.75"w x 10" h)..................... $175
placement on the attendee badge. Sizing and email instructions      ½ Page Ad (7.75"w x 5"h)..................................... $100
will be provided with your exhibitor confirmation.                  ¼ Page Ad (3.75"w x 5"h)....................................... $50
                                                                    Full Page Ad (7.75”w x 10”h)................................ $125
Bags for Conference Attendees: $150                                 *Indicates first-come, first-served basis.
Be the company that is in the hands of every attendee by
providing the carrying totes. The bags should be strong enough      Email attachments are preferred. Advertisements should be
to hold up to five pounds and made of a material other than         in the form of a gif, pdf or jpeg file. All hard copy ads must be
paper. This is a first-come, first-served opportunity. As the       submitted in “camera ready” art form.
exclusive bag sponsor, your company will be responsible to order
and ship the bags as instructed by the CSHA Office. Shipping        Company Banner
instructions will be provided with your exhibitor confirmation.     Banner Ad for CSHA website................................ $100
                                                                    Banner ads must be submitted by email to mjoseph@
Lanyards for Conference Attendees: $100                             robertcraven.com as either a jpeg or gif file. Ad size to be
Provide the attendee lanyards and see your company name in          no larger than 234 x 60 pixels and any animation shall be
motion as the attendees wear your name. This is a first-come,       limited to two cycles. Banner ads will be displayed on the
first-served opportunity. As the exclusive lanyard sponsor, your    Conference information page.
company will be responsible to order and ship the lanyards
as instructed by the CSHA Office. Shipping instructions will be
provided with your exhibitor confirmation.

                                                2022 CSHA Fall Conference
                                       October 7-8, 2022  Parker, Colorado
CSHA 2022 Exhibitor Response Form
                                                                                                            October 7-8, 2022
  Registration Information                                                                                  Parker, Colorado
                                                                                                                                                      REGISTRATION FEE
Company Name (preferred for badge):
                                                                                               EXHIBITOR OPTIONS                        QUANTITY     ON OR                          TOTAL DUE
______________________________________________                                                                                                       BEFORE              AFTER
                                                                                                                                                      8/25/22            8/25/22
Contact Information:                                                        DISPLAY SPACE
Name:_________________________________________                              Single Space   *                                                               $250              $300

                                                                            Strategy Package   *                                                           $800              $850

_____________________________________________________                       Non-Profit or Home-Based Space                                                 $150              $200
                                                                            Additional Table Space (limit to one)                                          $100              $100
                                                                            Electricity                                                                No Charge        No Charge
                                                                            Take One Display                                                                    $75          $125
It is agreed that failure on part of the exhibitor to meet booth            Badges for Conference Attendees                                                           $225
payment in full shall automatically forfeit all rights, privileges
and claims of any nature the exhibitor has, may have, including             Bags for Conference Attendees                                                             $150
the forfeit of any payments previously made. Exhibitor assumes
responsibility and agrees to defend CSHA and their employees                Lanyards for Conference Attendees                                                         $100
and agents against any claims or expenses arising out of the use            Banner Ad for CSHA website with email or web link                                         $100
of the Exhibit premises.
                                                                            Onsite Program Full Page Ad Back Cover                                                    $300            TAKEN
  Payment Options                                                           Onsite Program Full Page Ad Inside Back Cover                                             $175

                                                                            Onsite Program Full Page Ad Inside Front Cover                                            $175
1) Check made payable to CSHA
                                                                            Onsite Program Full Page Ad                                                               $125
   Mail completed form to:
           CSHA Office                                                      Onsite Program 1/2 Page Ad                                                                $100
           c/o Craven Management Associates                                 Onsite Program 1/4 Page Ad                                                                 $50
           700 McKnight Park Drive, Suite 708
           Pittsburgh, PA 15237 | FAX 888-729-3489                          SPONSORSHIPS
                                                                            Friday Lunch Sponsor                                                                 $1,000               TAKEN
2) Credit Card
    Visa  MasterCard     Discover  AMEX                                 Session Sponsor                                                                           $500

                                                                            Break Sponsor                                                                             $500
                                                                              Door Prize                      We will bring a donation with us     Yes                Qty          No Charge
                                                                                                                                     TOTAL DUE

                                                                                                Cancellations received in writing and no later than September 16, 2022,
                                                                                                           will receive a refund minus a $40 service charge.
  Booth Representative(s)
 Name                                                                Cell Phone                            Email
                                                                                                                                                                             * See Below

   Contact Information

CSHA Office
Craven Management Associates
                                                                                               * Indicate which representative will be using the one free
Melissa Joseph                                                                                 Conference registration. This applies to single space or
Email: mjoseph@robertcraven.com                                                                strategy packages only.
Telephone: 855-727-2836
Fax: 888-729-3489
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