Exhibit Planner Atlanta | Georgia World Congress Center March 6-9, 2023 - HAI Heli-Expo

Page created by Travis Saunders
March 6–9, 2023
Atlanta | Georgia World Congress Center
Exhibits Open March 7–9
Exhibiting at HAI HELI-EXPO       you can’t afford
                                    provides an opportunity to:       to miss this show.
                                                                      Whether you:
                                      ATTRACT NEW QUALIFIED
                                      BUYERS from an                     MANUFACTURE OR OPERATE
                                      international audience             helicopters or unmanned                                                                                                 ATLANTA
                                                                         aircraft systems (UASs)
exhibit at                            BOLSTER RELATIONSHIPS
                                      with existing customers            PRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE
                                                                                                                                                                                     Georgia World
hai heli-expo                         FOSTER STRATEGIC                   aviation products and services                                                                            Congress Center

                                      PARTNERSHIPS with                  PROVIDE AVIATION TRAINING                                                                                          Halls B through C
                                      industry professionals             through simulation, schools,                                                                                         March 6–9
                                      LAUNCH NEW PRODUCTS                or educational institutions
                                                                                                                                                                                    Exhibits Open March 7–9
As the world’s largest                AND SERVICES with global
                                      industry press coverage            ARE PART OF A REGULATORY
trade show and exposition                                                OR GOVERNMENT AGENCY
dedicated to vertical aviation,       DELIVER HANDS-ON                   or any other aspect of the
                                      DEMONSTRATIONS                     vertical lift industry
                                      of new products and services
must-participate event of
the year for the international
                                      EXTEND BRAND AWARENESS          You need to
                                      and stand out from your
vertical flight industry.             competition                     be part of
                                      GAIN POWERFUL RESULTS           HAI HELI-EXPO                       ASSIGNMENT OF SPACE
                                      from exposure to your
                                      customer base and prospects
                                      before, during, and after                                              Apply to Exhibit at heliexpo.com/exhibit
                                      the show.
Attendee Profile
                                                                                                          HAI HELI-EXPO uses an anchor and lottery system to ensure
INTERNATIONAL                     INVOLVEMENT IN                     ACTIONS TAKEN                        that booths are equitably assigned among exhibitors.
DISTRIBUTION                      BUYING DECISIONS                   AT HAI HELI-EXPO
                                  78% of attendees are                                                    Four large anchor exhibitors—Airbus; Bell;         To receive the HAI member discount, your
                                  involved in the decision-
                                                                     64%                                  Leonardo; and Sikorsky, a Lockheed Martin          membership dues for 2022–23 must be paid in
INT’L                                                                MET WITH CURRENT SUPPLIERS
27%                               making process.                                                         company—are placed first on the exhibit            full when you submit your application for space.
                                                                     FOUND AT LEAST 1 NEW SUPPLIER        floor, on a yearly rotation schedule. To qualify
                                                                                                                                                             If you aren’t yet a member of Helicopter
                                                                     33%                                  for future anchor designation, a company’s
                                                                                                                                                             Association International (HAI), visit
                                                                     REQUESTED CONTACT                    exhibit space must exceed 10,000 sq. ft. for a
                                                                                                                                                             rotor.org/join and see how membership in
                                                                     31%                                  minimum of two consecutive years.
                                                                     ASKED FOR LITERATURE                                                                    the trade association for the global vertical lift
US                                30%        32%        16%          24%                                  Most other booth assignments are determined        industry will help your business grow!
73%                            AUTHORIZE   RECOMMEND    IDENTIFY
                                                                     WANTED A QUOTE                       by two separate lotteries. Apply to exhibit at
                              PURCHASES    PURCHASES    NEEDS
                                                                     6%                                   heliexpo.com/exhibit.
                                                                     SIGNED PO OR LETTER OF INTENT                                                                                  CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE

Lottery 1 is open to all companies that
                                                    LOTTERY 2
                                                    Lottery 2 is open to any company that wishes
                                                                                                       SPONSORSHIP & ADVERTISING
exhibited at HAI HELI-EXPO 2022 in Dallas.          to exhibit and returns the application with        OPPORTUNITIES
To be considered for Lottery 1 (Stages 1–4),        50% payment by Aug. 19, 2022. Lottery 2 has
companies must submit their applications,                                                              Supercharge awareness of your company with an HAI HELI-EXPO sponsorship.
                                                    three stages:
with 50% payment, by Jun. 24, 2022. Lottery 1
                                                                                                       Put your brand in front of more than 14,000             signage placed prominently throughout the
has four stages:                                    LOTTERY 2, STAGE 1
                                                                                                       prospective customers attending the show with           convention center.
LOTTERY 1, STAGE 1                                  „ Exhibitors with a minimum of 1,200 sq. ft.       spons wareness with show attendees, you’ll
                                                      or larger.                                                                                               Advertising opportunities are also available
„ Exhibitors with a minimum of 2,500 sq. ft.                                                           benefit from the multiple ways sponsors are
                                                                                                                                                               through HAI and HELI-EXPO print and digital
  AND/OR                                            LOTTERY 2, STAGE 2                                 promoted to our audience of approximately
                                                                                                                                                               marketing channels.
„ Companies that have secured a minimum of                                                             100,000 individuals in 75 countries before,
                                                    „ Exhibitors with fewer than 1,200 sq. ft.
  $40,000 in sponsorships and/or advertising                                                           during, and after the show, including heliexpo.         Visit heliexpo.com/sponsor for additional
  (electronic or print) between Jul. 1, 2021, and   LOTTERY 2, STAGE 3                                 com, the HAI HELI-EXPO 2023 Program &                   information, or contact us at sales@rotor.org
  Jun. 24, 2022.                                                                                       Exhibit Guide, the June 2023 issue of ROTOR®            or 352‑388-7031 to discuss ways to increase
                                                    „ Exhibitors with static displays (visit
                                                                                                       magazine, ROTOR Daily® e-news, and                      your booth traffic in 2023!
LOTTERY 1, STAGE 2                                    heliexpo.com/booth-types to learn more).

„ Exhibitors with a minimum of 1,200 sq. ft.        Lottery space applications received after          2023 EXHIBIT RATES
  AND/OR                                            Aug. 19, 2022, will be considered for placement
                                                                                                        Member Rates                                           Nonmember Rates
„ Companies that have secured a minimum of          on the floor after all Lottery 2 exhibitors have
  $10,000 in sponsorships and/or advertising        been placed. Such applications will be assigned
                                                                                                        Standard Display      $3,150 for each 10’ × 10’ unit   Standard Display      $4,350 for each 10’ × 10’ unit
  (electronic or print) between Jul. 1, 2021, and   space in the order in which they are received.
  Jun. 24, 2022.
                                                    Applications for space must be received by          Static Display        $3,800 for each 20’ × 40’ unit   Static Display        $4,900 for each 20’ × 40’ unit

LOTTERY 1, STAGE 3                                  Dec. 16, 2022, to be included in the HAI
                                                                                                        Static Display with
                                                    HELI-EXPO 2023 Program & Exhibit Guide.                                   $2,800 for each 20’ × 40’ unit
„ Exhibitors with fewer than 1,200 sq. ft.                                                              Standard Display

LOTTERY 1, STAGE 4                                                                                     EXHIBIT FLOOR HOURS                              Tuesday, Mar. 7         10:00 am – 5:00 pm
„ Exhibitors with static displays (visit                                                                                                            Wednesday, Mar. 8           10:00 am – 5:00 pm
  heliexpo.com/booth-types to learn more).                                                                                                            Thursday, Mar. 9          10:00 am – 4:00 pm
May 2022                               heliexpo.com

           June 2022 ROTOR               Application for
                                                                                  „ Set your sales and
           Ad Reservations Due           Space & Convention
                                                                                    marketing goals for
                                    Center Floor Plan Online
                                                                                    2023 in Atlanta. What's
                                                                                    the purpose of your
                                                                                    attendance, and what
                                                                                    results do you expect?

                                                               June 2022 ROTOR
                                                               Ad Materials Due
June 2022                   heliexpo.com

                                                                „ Book your hotel rooms
                                                                  for the show now!
                                                                „ Create your budget
                                                                  for the show.
                                                                „ Always add 10% to your
                                                                  best estimated budget
                                                                  for last-minute and
                                                                  emergency opportunities
        Housing Opens                                             at the show.

                                           Lottery 1 Deadline
July 2022       heliexpo.com

                                                                          „ Profile your “perfect”
                                                                            customer to determine
                                                                            the best way to reach
                                                                            them by scheduling a
                                                                            call with HAI Sales to
                                                                            explore sponsorship and
                                                                            advertising opportunities.

                                                     Lottery 1 Booth
                                                     Confirmations Sent

                                     2022 ROTOR
                               Ad Reservations Due
August 2022       heliexpo.com

                                                                         „ Build a few days into
                                 2022 ROTOR
                                 Ad Materials Due                          the show deadlines
                                                                           to give yourself and your
                                                                           stakeholders a little extra
                                                                           time to get things done.
                                                                         „ Determine your key
                                                                           messages and strategy for
                                                                           before, during, and after
                                                                           the show.

                                                    Lottery 2 Deadline
September 2022       heliexpo.com

                                                         „ Select your show
                                                           contractors for Atlanta.

                                    Lottery 2 Booth
                                    Confirmations Sent
October 2022                        heliexpo.com

                                                                         „ Contact your shipping
                                                                           company to alert them
                                                                           to your shipment(s) to
                                                                         „ Register for the show
                                                                           early to make sure
                                                                           you receive the early-
                                                                           registration discount.

               Registration Opens                       December
                                                        2022 ROTOR
                                                   Ad Reservations Due
November 2022       heliexpo.com

                                   December 2022            Last Day to Cancel or
                                                                                    „ Update your show
                                   ROTOR Ad Materials       Reduce Exhibit Space
                                                                                      literature for 2023.
                                   Due                  & Receive Partial Refund
                                                        Minus 25% Admin Fee         „ Plan your booth graphics.
                                                                                      Will they be easy to read
                                                                                      from a distance in less
                                                                                      than 3.5 seconds?
December 2022       heliexpo.com

                                       Last Day to Cancel or
                                                                 „ Create your show
                                       Reduce Exhibit Space
                                                                   shipping checklist.
                                   & Receive Partial Refund
                                   Minus 50% Admin Fee           „ Order show logo attire for
                                                                   your staff. Rule of thumb:
                                                                   1 staff member for every
                                                                   50 square feet of open
                                                                 „ Prepare any press releases
                                                                   you plan to place in show
                                                                 „ Register for the show
                                                                   early to make sure
                                                                   you receive the early-
                                                                   registration discount.
                                                                 „ Book show sponsorships
                                                                   before the signage and
                                         Last Day to Apply for
                                                                   program guide deadlines.
                                         Space & Be Included
                                   in Program Guide              „ Book exhibit space before
                                   > Last Day to Become            the signage and program
                                   a Sponsor & Receive             guide deadlines.
                                   Recognition on Signage
January 2023       heliexpo.com

                                                                                         „ Save money and order
                                                                                           show services before the
                                                                                           Feb. 9 discount deadline.

                                       March 2023 ROTOR           Early-Registration
                                       Ad Reservations Due        Discount Deadline
                                                             > Exhibitor-Appointed
                                                             Contractor Authorization
                                                             Form Deadline

                                       March 2023 ROTOR
                                       Ad Materials Due

                                        Program Guide              Exhibitor-Appointed
                                        Ad Reservations            Contractor
                                  Deadline                   Insurance Deadline
                                                             > Aircraft Display &
                                                             Insurance Documents Due
                                                             to HAI Operations
February 2023                               heliexpo.com

                                                                                              Program Guide
                                                                                                                    „ Create a booth-duty
                                                                                              Ad Materials
                                                                                                                      schedule for your staff.
                                                                                                                    „ Prepare a show plan for
                                                                                                                      your staff: hotel info,
                                                                                                                      transportation info, time
                                                                                                                      lines, and deadlines.
                                                                                                                    „ Spoil your on-site
                                                                                                                      staff whenever and
                    Deadline for             Deadline for Ordering   Official Vendor          Deadline for            however you can to make
                    Individual & Group       Additional Guest        Discount Deadline        Submitting HAI
                                                                                                                      them as comfortable as
                Hotel Reservations       Passes                                          Forms from Exhibitor Kit
March 2023                                   heliexpo.com

                                                                                             Aircraft Fly-In     Aircraft Fly-In
                                                                                                                                   „ Pack comfortable shoes
                                                                                                                                     for the show.
                                                                                                                                   „ Prepare a post-show
                                                                                                                                     report for executive
                                                                                                                                     management to share
                                                                                                                                     your successes in Atlanta.
                                                                                                                                   „ Follow up with your leads
                                                                                                                                     from HAI HELI‑EXPO
        HAI HELI-EXPO   HAI HELI-EXPO 2023   HAI HELI-EXPO 2023         HAI HELI-EXPO         Aircraft Fly-Out                       2023.
        2023 Begins     Exhibits Open        Exhibits Open              2023 Exhibits Open
                                                                  > Aircraft Fly-Out

SHOW MANAGEMENT                                                                                         SHOW SERVICES                               USEFUL LINKS
                                                                                                                                                    How do I register to exhibit?
                                                           P 703-683-4646 | F 703-683-4745 |                                                        Heliexpo.com/exhibit
                                                                                                                                                    Who’s coming to the show?
                                                                                                        P 800-475-2098 (702-515-5970)
Akena Better, cmp, des, Assistant Director                                                                                                          Heliexpo.com/show-floor
                                                           Exhibitor and attendee registration,         F 866-329-1437 (702-263-1520)
of Convention Operations and Meetings                                                                   ges.com/contact
                                                           guest passes                                                                             How do I get the member price?
Caitlin Mann, cem, cmp, des,                               Booth assignments, booth relocation          CARPET, FURNITURE, LABOR,
Manager of Exhibits and Experience                         requests, booth variances, EACs, exhibitor   ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, ETC.                  What are the show rules and regulations?
Caitlin.Mann@rotor.org                                     regulations and policies                     Customer Service/Orders:                    Heliexpo.com/rules-and-regulations
                                                                                                        info@ges.com | ges.com/contact
Chris Martino,                                                                                                                                      Can you make it easy for me to book
Senior Director, Operations and International Affairs      Exhibitors flying in aircraft                SHIPPING QUOTE REQUESTS                     travel and hotels?
Chris.Martino@rotor.org                                                                                 Beth Kyle, Regional Logistics Manager:      Heliexpo.com/housing-travel
                                                                                                        P 201-538-1808 | bkyle@ges.com
Emily Monahan, Conventions Manager                         Publication bins and                                                                     How do I get more visibility at the show?
Emily.Monahan@rotor.org                                    exhibitor meeting rooms                      A/V AND COMPUTER RENTAL                     Heliexpo.com/sponsor
                                                                                                        Shannon Delaney,
Wayne O’Brien, Finance Manager                                                                          Senior Account Manager:
                                                           HAI invoices, receipts, payments
Wayne.Obrien@rotor.org                                                                                  sdelaney@onservices.com

The Wyman Company, Customer Experience Team                                                             OVERALL MANAGEMENT
                                                           Advertising, booth sales, sponsorships
Sales@rotor.org                                                                                         Amy Ellis,
                                                                                                        Senior Strategic Client Services Manager:
Charlotte Zilke, cem, cmp, des                                                                          aellis@ges.com
Senior Director of Membership and Conventions Charlotte.   Overall management
Zilke@rotor.org                                                                                         SPONSORSHIPS
                                                                                                        Sandy Velilla,
                                                                                                        Senior Client Services Manager:
SHOW-APPOINTED VENDORS                                                                                  svelilla@ges.com

Convention Data Services                                                                                RIGGING
P 508-743-0570                                             Lead retrieval                               Tammy Vanhooser:
xpressleadpro.com | cdonovan@cdsreg.org                                                                 P 714-412-4136 | tvanhooser@ges.com

onPeak                                                                                                  TRUCKED-IN AIRCRAFT
P 855-211-4898 (312-527-7300)                              Housing                                      Eric Birdsell:
HELI-EXPOHousing@onpeak.com                                                                             P 770-294-2506 | ebirdsell@ges.com
HOTELS                                                                                          1
                                                                                                    A   B   C   D

Name                                         Address | Distance to GWCC              Map Grid

1.   AC Hotel by Marriott Atlanta Downtown   101 Andrew Young Int’l Blvd | 0.56 mi     C-2

2. Atlanta Marriott Marquis                  265 Peachtree Center Ave | 0.88 mi        C-2

3. Embassy Suites Atlanta                    267 Marietta St | 0.20 mi                 B-2      2
     at Centennial Olympic Park

4. Glenn Hotel, Autograph Collection         110 Marietta St NW | 0.48 mi              B-3

5.   Hilton Atlanta                          255 Courtland St NE | 0.91 mi             D-2

6. Hilton Garden Inn Atlanta Downtown        275 Baker St | 0.18 mi                    B-2

7.   Hotel Indigo Atlanta Downtown           230 Peachtree St | 0.75 mi                C-2

8. Hyatt Regency Atlanta                     265 Peachtree St NE | 0.75 mi             C-2
9. Omni Hotel at CNN Center                  100 CNN Center | 0.36 mi                  B-3
     (HEADQUARTERS HOTEL)                    Connected by Walkway

10. Ritz-Carlton Atlanta                     181 Peachtree St NE | 0.82 mi             C-3

11. Sheraton Atlanta Hotel                   165 Courtland St NE | 0.90 mi             D-3

12. SpringHill Suites by Marriott            239 Ivan Allen Jr Blvd NW | 0.47 mi       B-2
     Atlanta Downtown                                                                           4
13. Westin Peachtree Plaza                   210 Peachtree St NW | 0.75 mi             C-3

Important Dates
                      2022                                                        2023
     May 2 June 2022 ROTOR ad reservations due               Jan. 12 March 2023 ROTOR
                                                                     ad reservations due
     May 4 Application for space and floor plan
           online                                            Jan. 13 Early-registration
                                                                     discount deadline
 May 13 June 2022 ROTOR ad materials due
                                                                       Exhibitor-appointed contractor
     Jun. 6 Housing opens                                              authorization form deadline
 Jun. 24 Lottery 1 (stages 1–4) application for              Jan. 19 March 2023 ROTOR
         space and payment deadline                                  ad materials due
 Jul. 22 Lottery 1 booth confirmations sent                  JAN. 26 Program guide ad reservations due

 JUL. 28 September 2022 ROTOR                                Jan. 27 Exhibitor-appointed contractor
         ad reservations due                                         insurance deadline
     Aug. 4 September 2022 ROTOR                                       Aircraft display and insurance
            ad materials due
                                                                       documents due to HAI Operations
 Aug. 19 Lottery 2 (stages 1–3) application for
         space and payment deadline                            FEB. 3 Program guide ad materials deadline

     Sep. 9 Lottery 2 booth confirmations sent                 Feb. 7 Hotel reservation deadline for
                                                                      individuals and groups
 Oct. 25 Registration opens
                                                               Feb. 8 Deadline for ordering additional
 OCT. 27 December 2022 ROTOR                                          guest passes
         ad reservations due
     Nov. 3 December 2022 ROTOR                                Feb. 9 Official vendor discount deadline
            ad materials due                                 Feb. 10 Deadline for submitting HAI forms
     Nov. 4 Last day to cancel or reduce exhibit                     from Exhibitor Kit
            space and receive partial refund minus
                                                           Mar. 3–4 Aircraft fly-in
            25% admin fee
     Dec. 2 Last day to cancel or reduce exhibit              Mar. 6 HAI HELI-EXPO 2023 begins
            space and receive partial refund minus            Mar. 7 Exhibit hall open 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
            50% admin fee
 Dec. 16 Last day to apply for space and                      Mar. 8 Exhibit hall open 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
         be included in program guide
                                                              Mar. 9 Exhibit hall open 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
             Last day to become a sponsor and
             receive recognition on signage               Mar. 9–10 Aircraft fly-out

                                                     /COMPANY/HELICOPTER                  /HELICOPTERASSOC
                                                     -ASSOCIATION-INTERNATIONAL           #HAIEXPO23
ON                       /HELICOPTER                 /HELIEXPO @HELIEXPO #HAIEXPO23
SOCIAL                    ASSOC                      HTTPS://TWITTER.COM/HELIASSOC

                               Helicopter Association International
                          1920 Ballenger Avenue, 4th Floor, Alexandria, VA 22314-2898
                             T 703-683-4646 | F 703-683-4745 | heliexpo@rotor.org
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