Ricerca Partner - Febbraio 2017 - Eurosportello Confesercenti

Page created by Diana Wood
Ricerca Partner – Febbraio 2017
Per favorire la crescita della competitività delle PMI, la rete Enterprise Europe Network offre un servizio
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importatori in altri paesi. Eurosportello Confesercenti in quanto partner della rete, pubblica mensilmente
un quadro aggiornato delle proposte di cooperazione più rilevanti.

Eurosportello in quanto partner della rete, pubblica mensilmente un quadro aggiornato delle proposte di
cooperazione più rilevanti. Per ottenere maggiori informazioni riguardo le proposte pubblicate o per
effettuare una nuova ricerca, è possibile accedere alla Banca dati EEN specificando nella stringa di ricerca
il codice della proposta o una parola chiave in inglese (es. settore di interesse, programma di riferimento).

 Titolo        Cyprus - EUROSTARS proposal: High resolution volumetric crop/harvest
 Codice       RDCY20170127001
 Summa        SME from Cyprus is looking for partners to develop a "harvest prediction" model by
 ry           employing the space-time evolution of vegetation canopy and imagery from drones and
              satellites. The proposal will be submitted in the Eurostars Call (deadline 2nd of March 2017)
               and is looking for partners to work on the algorithms of the prediction model as well as
              carry out the market analysis and develop the business model for commercialization of the
 and          Our consortium is looking for two partners:
 Role of
              The first prospective partner, to be a company, research institution or university, will be
              responsible to design the “harvest prediction model” at the algorithmic level and to test and
              to validate it with real world data and scenarios. The partner should have solid background
              and knowledge in the agriculture and agrofood domains. Specific skills and experiences are
              required on the harvest monitoring and prediction studies.

              The second prospective partner, to be a small, medium or large sized wholesale company,
              is responsible for market analysis, business model and support the commercialisation of the
              project’s product. This partner might be a wholesale company, which might operate in
              buying of vegetable and fruit kind of foods from the greengrocery farms.
 EOI          Expressions of interest will only be accepted by 24th of February 2017.
 Call         The Eurostars Call deadline is on the 2nd of March 2017

                                     Energia e Ambiente
 Titolo       Estonia - A Consortium coordinator is looking for partners for a H2020 call on
              nature-based solutions for inclusive urban regeneration
 Codice      RDEE20170120001
              An Estonian NGO, who is currently in the process of creating a project Consortium, seeks to

Per ulteriori informazioni, si prega di scrivere a een@eurosportello.eu oppure telefonare allo
0555320100, indicando il CODICE DELLA PROPOSTA.
involve 1-2 frontrunner cities and at least 3 follower cities as well as respective local partners (e.g.
             industry partners, NGOs, SMEs and universities) to further develop a project idea for the
             H2020 call "Demonstrating innovative nature-based solutions in cities" (SCC-02-2016-2017), which
             focuses on issues of inclusive urban regeneration in 2017.
 Type        First and foremost, the coordinator is looking for cities that are interested in joining the
 and         Consortium. However, the cities will be expected to form their local partnerships, including
 Role of     e.g.:
             *Environmental science/engineering (ecology, civil engineering, hydrology etc.)
             *Business studies (business models, exploitation plan etc.)
             *Social sciences and humanities (co-design, co-implementation, participation, social
             acceptance etc.)
             *Political sciences, economics, governance (legal, societal and market challenges, urban
             planning disciplines etc.)
             *Industry partners/SMEs from relevant sectors (innovative solutions, ICT, communication
             strategies etc.)

 EOI         07 Mar 2017
 Call        07 Mar 2017

 Titolo      Greece - H2020-EO-2017: Looking for SMEs working with solar energy forecasts
             and solar irradiances
 Codice      RDGR20170202001
             A Greek research organization is preparing a proposal for the call H2020-EO-2017 (EO Big
             Data Shift). The proposed project aims at leveraging the EO (Earth Observation) data by
             receiving satellite datasets from multiple sources. It aims to develop a set of tools for better
              performance of solar market. The institute is seeking for SMEs working with solar energy forecasts and
             solar irradiances for research collaboration.
 Type        The Greek research organization is looking for SMEs which are relevant to solar energy
 and         forecasts and solar irradiances. The SMEs would ideally have also strong market interest to
 Role of     the solar energy market and connection to energy traders and TSOs (Transmission System
             Operator). The Greek organization will provide the    downstream service to the SMEs which
             will provide more accurate and frequent forecast of the solar radiation.
 EOI         The deadline for Expressions of Interest is 28/2/2017.
 Call        Call deadline: 1st of March 2017

                                           ICT e Design
 Titolo       UK - H2020: Partners sought for the delivery and testing of 'ICT e-learning & Training' in
              low and middle income countries
 Codice       RDUK20170209001
              A UK SME providing ICT courses in community learning centres is planning a project to investigate,
              develop and implement an adaptable e-learning support system for integrating and managing learning
              objects for universities in the sub-Saharan region with the open source learning platform Moodle.
              Partners are sought for ICT-39-2016-2017 to apply the system in universities, provide training,
              manage and analyse feedback and test software modules designed to adapt and reconfigure the
              Moodle system.
 Type         To complement the consortium the UK SME is looking for the following from either industry or academia:
 and          - Partners to test the system (in other universities in the sub-Saharan region);
 Role of      - Partners to provide human resources training on relevant content management system (e. g. Moodle);

Per ulteriori informazioni, si prega di scrivere a een@eurosportello.eu oppure telefonare allo
0555320100, indicando il CODICE DELLA PROPOSTA.
Partner      - Training of teachers, lecturers and facilitator on the use and management of courses with the
 Sought       proposed system;
              - Managing and analysing comments and feedback, of the test-run/implementation of the proposed
              system, for future development;
              - Testing software modules/components designed for adapting / reconfigure the Moodle system for t
              College of Technology / University of Buea and the sub-Saharan region.

 EOI          17th March 2017
 Call         25th April 2017

 Titolo       Greece - Partner search for Horizon 2020: ICT-14-2016-2017 - Big Data PPP:
              cross-sectorial and cross-lingual data integration and experimentation.
 Codice       RDGR20170206001

              A Greek SME is developing a proposal under ICT-14-2016-2017, and is looking for a coordinator
              under a research agreement. An Italian SME and a French research center are already members of
               the consortium and they are specializing in data collection, management, integration and fusion.
              The project aims to facilitate the data sharing between data “owners” (e.g. data warehouses)
              and entrepreneurs. An experimentation incubator will be developed to link data providers
              with entrepreneurs.
 Type         The potential coordinator could be either:
 Role of      -         National/international company or organization willing to share its data in order to provide
              the SMEs with the opportunity of developing innovative products or services that will promote the
              sector by tackling specific problems or identifying lacks in the market.
              -         Organization (e.g. chamber of commerce, university, public authority, company) or
              association of business development experts or existing incubator that is willing to assist in the
              development of the data.

 EOI          5 March 2017
 Call         25 April 2017
 Titolo       Swiss - Eurostars project: Smart IT platform for profiling digital forensics crimes
 Codice       RDCH20170111001
              A Swiss consortium (university and SME) is preparing a Eurostars proposal. The aim of the project is to
              develop new technologies in the field of digital intelligence and investigations, and in particular for
              technologies for digital forensics crimes.The consortium is looking for a R&D performing SME
              specialized in developing innovative technologies in the field of digital intelligence and investigations
              for what concern cyber crimes analysis, information profile, and user pattern recognition.
 Type         The consortium is looking for partners, responding to the Eurostars definition of R&D-performing SME
 and          (please see: https://www.eurostars-eureka.eu/sites/default/files/Eurostars_eligibility_v3.0-June2016.pd
 Role of      ).
              Partners sought will be active in one of the following domains, to complete the knowledge base of the
              •         Knowledge management system
              •         Data interoperability and integration
              •         Data open sources intelligence acquisition and management
              •         Artificial Intelligence

              The partners should come from Eurostars member country different from Switzerland.

 EOI          24 February 2017

Per ulteriori informazioni, si prega di scrivere a een@eurosportello.eu oppure telefonare allo
0555320100, indicando il CODICE DELLA PROPOSTA.
Call         March 2nd, 2017
 Titolo       Turkey - SESAR-VLD1-10-2016: Partner Search in the fields of software developing,
              microcontroller embedded system designing and manufacturing
 Codice       RDTR20170123001
              A Turkish SME specialized in mechanical design, electronics, automation technologies and development
              of IT applications, preparing a proposal for SESAR-VLD1-10-2016:Safe integration of drones. The aim
              of the project is to develop drone services for e-identification and registration, surveillance and tracking
              , automatic flight permissions and flight plan validation. The SME is looking for partners, in the fields
              of software developing, microcontroller embedded system designing and manufacturing.
 Type         SME is looking for University/ Company/ SME partners under the following expertises:
 Role of      Embedded system developing and manufacturing companies who has knowledge of wireless
              communication system without gsm like LoRa etc.
              Web and computer software developing companies or universities
              Outdoor advertising companies
              Owners of sensor networks
              City open data developers

 EOI          Deadline for Expressions of Interest is 30th of March 2017
 Call         Call deadline: 11th of May 2017

                                     Industria e Artigianato
 Titolo       Bulgaria - H2020: SMEs in the IT sector and municipalities are sought
 Codice       RDBG20170113001
              A Bulgarian municipality will act as coordinator in a project under the ICT-11-2017 call - Innovation in
               e-services on the behalf of public authorities. 3 partners are sought to form the consortium, where
              the type and role of the partner could be IT sector SMEs, municipalities and NGOs, with experience in
              data storage & access, public governance and dissemination. The aim of the call is creating collective
              awareness platforms for sustainability and social innovation
 Type         The type and role of the partner could be 1 or 2 IT sector SMEs with experience in Data Storage &
 and          Access and 1 or 2 Municipalities which may be interested in digitalisation of its own archives.
 Role of      The role of the partners will be to perform basic research, model preparation and scale testing of the
              system for data storage & access of large volumes of municipalities’ archives.
 EOI          Deadline for the Expression of interests: 1.03.2017
 deadline     The project is scheduled to be submitted on April 2017 or in Summer 2017.

 Titolo       Korea - [EUREKA or Eurostars2] Looking for European partners to employ developed metal
              foam technology into energy and bio material industry
 Codice       RDKR20161226001
              A Korean university has developed micro & nano sized porous metal foam for energy cells. Titanium
              and Nickel foam that employed this technology provide better performance than conventional carbon
              electrode. The developed metal foam can be applied in various products such as in energy cell
              electrode and bio material. The university already formed a Korean consortium and is looking for a
              European partner for its commercialization. EUREKA or EUROSTAR2 programme is considered for
              application in 2017
 Type         - Type of partner sought: Company, research institute, University
 and          - Specific area of activity of the partner: A partner from Energy(fuel cell, lithium ion battery cell)

Per ulteriori informazioni, si prega di scrivere a een@eurosportello.eu oppure telefonare allo
0555320100, indicando il CODICE DELLA PROPOSTA.
Role of      industry or biomaterial industry
 Partner      - Task to be performed: research and develop metal foam together with the Korean company for
 Sought       application and commercialization of the development result in Europe.

 EOI          Therefore, deadline of EOIs(expressions of interest) for this profile will be at the latest end of June 2017.
 Call         EUREKA or Eurostar2 project is considered targeting August 2017.

                                 Sanitario e biomedicale
 Titolo     Bugaria - H2020: expertise in clinical metabolomics, gene expression or proteomics, patient da
            bases and clinical studies sought
 Codice     RDBG20170111001
             Bulgarian R&D company looks for partners to build a project consortium as coordinator under JTI-IMI2-
             2016-10 for analysing and testing novel biomarkers for prostate cancer. They are specialized
             in mathematical modeling of various types of ‘omics’ data using own computational platform
              for big data analyses. Partners sought are universities, R&D institutes, SMEs, hospitals and
             labs with expertise in clinical metabolomics, gene expression or proteomics, patient data
             bases, clinical studies.
            The company looks for the following project partners:
 Type       - R&D organisation, university and/or R&D company with expertise in clinical metabolomics,
 and        gene expression or proteomics data. The main tasks will be to analyse, develop and validate
 Role of    novel biomarkers for discovering predictive disease signatures for prostate cancer.
 Partne     - Hospitals, patients organisations or companies for clinical research with main role to
 r          provide and analyse data on patients with prostate cancer.
 Sought     - Laboratories and/or companies for clinical research to test and validate the biomarkers.
            The company looks for the following project partners:
            - R&D organisation, university and/or R&D company with expertise in clinical metabolomics,
            gene expression or proteomics data. The main tasks will be to analyse, develop and validate
            novel biomarkers for discovering predictive disease signatures for prostate cancer.
            - Hospitals, patients organisations or companies for clinical research with main role to
            provide and analyse data on patients with prostate cancer.
            - Laboratories and/or companies for clinical research to test and validate the biomarkers.

 EOI        Deadline for submitting EoI: 28 February 2017
 Call       Deadline of the call, 1 stage submission: 28 March 2017

Per ulteriori informazioni, si prega di scrivere a een@eurosportello.eu oppure telefonare allo
0555320100, indicando il CODICE DELLA PROPOSTA.
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