Examining the Greensill Fallout - BCR WEBFLASH - BCR Publishing

Page created by Sean Aguilar
Examining the Greensill Fallout - BCR WEBFLASH - BCR Publishing

Examining the
Greensill Fallout
11 March 2021
11:00-12:00 GMT

Examining Greensill
– an impending crisis for SCF?
The collapse of Greensill last week is once again raising questions about supply chain
finance and the way it is operated. Are these questions justified? Is it reasonable to
question the efficacy of supply chain finance based on what happened at Greensill?
Has the reporting of the Greensill situation and the whole sector been fair and objective?
What can the sector do to allay concerns and ensure that the growth and evolution of the
sector continue without hindrance and bad PR?

Join the BCR webflash on 11 March 2021, Thursday at 11:00 – 12:00 GMT

•   What reputational damage might there be to the sector?

•   What is the public perception of SCF now?

•   Credit insurance – friend or foe?

•   What action might be considered by regulators and rating agencies, if any?

•   Comparing fintechs and banks as SCF providers
Examining the Greensill Fallout - BCR WEBFLASH - BCR Publishing

Sean Edwards, Chairman, ITFA

Sean Edwards is an English lawyer, formerly with Clifford           Executive Committee of the ICC Banking
Chance, and is Chairman of the International Trade &                Commission and leads a work-stream on the
Forfaiting Association (ITFA). He is one of the principal           ICC Working Group on Digitalisation in Trade
draftsmen of the Uniform Rules for Forfaiting (URF) (ICC            Finance. Sean has written articles on trade finance, particularly
Publication no. 800), a joint initiative of the ITFA and ICC and    on different forms of receivables finance, for all the major
published by the ICC. He was also a member of the drafting          trade finance magazines and is on the editorial board of
group for the Standard Definitions for Techniques of Supply         Global Trade Review (GTR). He is a frequent presenter at trade
Chain Finance published by ICC, ITFA and a number of other          finance conferences dealing with a range of subjects.
international trade finance organisations. He sits on the

Frédéric Gits, Group Credit Officer, Global Corporates, FitchRatings

Frédéric Gits is a managing director at FitchRatings, based in      Frédéric has a commercial engineering degree
the Paris office. Previously, Frédéric was the head of the Credit   from the Solvay Business School at the Free
and Operations Group for corporates. Before that, he headed         University of Brussels, a Master’s Degree in political
Fitch’s coverage of industrial, construction and property           science from the University of London, and
corporate entities in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.          an MBA from INSEAD.

Peter Mulroy, Secretary General, FCI

Peter Mulroy is Secretary General of FCI, the world’s largest       decade. Peter has an MBA from Thunderbird,
association and network of factoring and receivables finance        School of Global Management in Arizona. As
companies, with its headquarters in Amsterdam, Netherlands.         Secretary General, Peter assists banks, regulators
Peter was previously Managing Director and International            and governments in his role and introducing the concept of
Regional Manager of CIT Commercial Services, having served          factoring. He addresses audiences around the world on the
on the Management Committee, supporting the global growth           subject of receivables finance and international trade and is
strategy of the company. Peter is a past Chairman of FCI            generally regarded as a ‘global ambassador for the factoring
and has served on the FCI Executive Committee for over a            industry’.
Examining the Greensill Fallout - BCR WEBFLASH - BCR Publishing

Matt Wreford, CEO, DEMICA

Matt Wreford joined Demica as CEO in November 2014 and,            Plc as well as CEO of Exotix Partners LLP, the
having raised $60m of series A/B/C growth capital, led the         investment banking boutique specialising in
expansion of the firm from 12 to 200 people. His primary           illiquid bonds and loans, equities, and structured
responsibilities are setting the firm’s strategy & product         finance. He has served as a non-executive director of
vision and building strategic relationships with our global        numerous other fintech and financial services companies
banking partners to deliver long term growth. Prior to joining     including City Index, Origin Asset Management, and Ri3K.
Demica, Matt was the Group of CEO of IPGL, the private
holding company of Michael Spencer, founder & CEO of ICAP

Igor Zaks, President, Tenzor Ltd.

Igor Zaks, CFA, founder and the President of Tenzor Ltd.,          with credit insurers, banks, and other finance
focusing on all aspects of working capital management              providers. Igor then moved as a director to
and financing. Igor is a seasoned finance professional,            Eurohypo / Commerzbank, undertaking traditional
combining experience in banking, blue-chip corporate, and          public finance transactions and driving expansion into new
consulting. Igor started his career in 1990, first in consulting   asset classes, such as receivables, leases, and export credit
and then as Finance Director for a high-tech company. He           agencies. From 2006 to 2009, he was a Managing Partner in
subsequently moved to Citibank, initially working in project       SCF Capital, a specialized boutique in supply chain financing
finance before setting up and running its first research           and its applications. He set up Tenzor Ltd. in 2009, firstly
department in Russia. After moving to Citibank London in           in the UK and then Toronto. Igor has Sloan Fellowship MSc
1996, Igor established market strategy research for Central        (with distinction) from London Business School and Global
and Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. In 2000 Igor      Professional LLM from University of Toronto.
moved to Dell to design many innovative structures, working

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Examining the Greensill Fallout - BCR WEBFLASH - BCR Publishing

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Examining the Greensill Fallout - BCR WEBFLASH - BCR Publishing Examining the Greensill Fallout - BCR WEBFLASH - BCR Publishing
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