EVENTI info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it - Rimini turismo

Page created by Judith Cannon
                                                                  info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Parco degli Artisti: Introspections - Elena Lodovici Project
Sunday 7 August 2022
The 'Casotto Live' sunset concerts: Concert by the pianist Elena Lodovici
In the 'Casotto' area, at the Parco degli Artisti, concert of pianist Elena Lodovici who presents:
"INTROSPECTIONS", her debut album, produced by the "Notami Jazz" record label.

The artist moves from classical music to free jazz, from Celtic to progressive music, from minimalist style to
oriental music, from ethnic jazz to contemporary music, from new age music to world music, from pop music to

A record that goes beyond musical genres and transports the listener on a continuous "multidimensional" journey.

The project, which was originally created for trio (piano and voice, double bass and effects, drums), was also
attended by Marco Pacassoni, a talented vibraphonist known to the international jazz audience.

The trio is formed as follows: Elena Lodovici - music, arrangements, lyrics, piano and voice, Eros Rambaldi -
double bass and effects, Giacomo Bartolucci on drums.

It is possible to book a table at +39 327 4115353 (preferably Whatsapp) Opening at 7.30pm. Show supplement 4

Località: Parco degli Artisti (al Casotto Live), via Marecchiese, 387 - Rimini Vergiano
Telefono: +39 327 4115353 ( Whatsapp)
Sito: www.facebook.com/events/5703541759696522?ref=newsfeed
Tariffa d'ingresso: 4 €
Orario: 8.30pm

Music in Rivazzurra
Sunday 12, 19, 26 June; 10, 17, 24, 31 July; 7, 21, 28 August; 4, 6, 10 September 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
The Rivazzurra Tourist Committee proposes an evening of music with Enzo Music Band.
Località: Public park, viale Regina Margherita - Rimini Rivazzurra
Sito: www.facebook.com/Comitato-Turistico-Rivazzurra-819933104756350/
Orario: 8.30pm- midnight

Riminiterme: Fleurs
Sunday 7 August 2022
Concert at dawn by Rimini Classica
On the beach of Riminiterme, Andrea Amati, the trio EOS and Stefano Zambardino at the piano, recover the
essence of the masterpiece published in 1999 by Franco Battiato entitled Fleurs (first of three chapters), a very
personal sentimental journey composed of great songs by authors "close" to him.

During the concert, also some personal reinterpretations taken from the original repertoire of the Sicilian singer-
songwriter. A musical journey for voice, piano and strings.

Tickets available on Liveticket
Località: Riminiterme, via P. di Piemonte, 56 - Rimini Miramare
E-mail: riminiclassica@gmail.com
Sito: www.facebook.com/riminiclassica
Tariffa d'ingresso: 12 €
Orario: 5.30am

Entertainment evenings at the ‘Marebello sea arena’
Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, from 4 June to 11 Septembe 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
On summer evenings, the Arena del Mare is enlivened with five evenings of entertainment a week: concerts, live
bands, VIP guests, musicals, karaoke, theme nights.
Località: Arena del mare, via Regina Margherita, 22 - Rimini Marebello
                                                                 info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Sito: www.facebook.com/comitato.marebello
Orario: From 8.30pm to 11.30pm

Guida e basta-Just drive
Sunday 7 August 2022
Musical show in piazzale Fellini as part of the regional campaign to raise awareness of possible risks for those
who drive
An evening of entertainment and reflection to raise awareness of the possible risks for those who drive.
In fact, the event is part of #Just drive, no distraction while sitting at the wheel! ", The information and awareness
campaign of the Emilia-Romagna Region to prevent and reduce road accidents, after the indications of the
European Community , which aims to halve the number of victims and seriously injured by 2030 (compared to
Great protagonists of Italian musoc in Piazzale Fellini: Dolcenera, Sandy Marton, Paolo Belli, the Casadei
Orchestra, along with comedians and other artists.
The evening is organized in partnership with Anas.
For further info www.guidaebasta.it/
Località: piazzale Fellini - Rimini Marina Centro
Sito: www.regione.emilia-romagna.it/notizie/attualita/sicurezza-stradale-guida-consapevole-e-guida-e-basta-al-via-
Orario: 9.00pm

Musica in Rivabella
Every Saturdays and Sundaysd from 4 June to 11 September 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
Evenings of music with orchestra offered by the Rivabella Tourist Committee.
Località: Piazzale Adamello - Rimini Rivabella
Sito: www.facebook.com/comitatoturisticorivabella/?ref=page_internal
Orario: From 8.00pm to midnight

Entertainment evenings in the Laureti Park of Marebello
Every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday from 2 June to 9 September 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
On summer evenings, the Laureti Park is enlived four evenings of entertainment a week: concerts, live bands, VIP
guests, musicals, theme nights.

Località: Parco Laureti, via Mantova, Rimini Marebello
Sito: www.facebook.com/comitato.marebello
Orario: From 8.30pm to 11.30pm

Saturnino Celani DJ set
Monday 8 August 2022
La Terrazza della Dolce Vita Off: Dj set in piazzale Fellini
As part of the events 'La Terrazza della Dolce Vita Off', Saturnino Celani, multi-instrumentalist, composer and
record producer, currently one of the best bass players on the circuit, will perform with his DjSet.
Its explosion came thanks to Jovanotti, an artistic partnership that has lasted for over 30 years.
Località: Piazzale Fellini - Rimini Marina Centro
Sito: www.grandhotelrimini.com/
Orario: 9.30pm

Entertainment evenings at the ‘Marebello sea arena’
Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, from 4 June to 11 Septembe 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
On summer evenings, the Arena del Mare is enlivened with five evenings of entertainment a week: concerts, live
bands, VIP guests, musicals, karaoke, theme nights.
Località: Arena del mare, via Regina Margherita, 22 - Rimini Marebello
Sito: www.facebook.com/comitato.marebello
Orario: From 8.30pm to 11.30pm
                                                                  info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Entertainment evenings in the Laureti Park of Marebello
Every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday from 2 June to 9 September 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
On summer evenings, the Laureti Park is enlived four evenings of entertainment a week: concerts, live bands, VIP
guests, musicals, theme nights.

Località: Parco Laureti, via Mantova, Rimini Marebello
Sito: www.facebook.com/comitato.marebello
Orario: From 8.30pm to 11.30pm

Musica live and dj set in Torre Pedrera
Every Tuesday and Friday from 14 June to 30 August 2022 except 22 July
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
The Torre Pedrera Tourist Committee offers a live music concert on the beach every Tuesday and a Latin
American DJ set every Friday.
Località: Spiaggia Bagno 65, via San Salvador - Rimini Torre Pedrera
Sito: www.facebook.com/groups/93233047658
Orario: 9.00pm

Thea Crudi sings the Himalayan Mantras
Tuesday 9 August 2022
SGR Live: Spiritual concert at the Francesca da Rimini Arena. Peace Love Meditation
In the splendid setting of Castelsismondo, a concert organized by the SGR Group. Thea, an international spiritual
artist, performs.

Mantra singer, writer, speaker, yogini.

Thea's voice accompanies the listener on a deeply meditative journey, through the therapeutic power of the
Himalayan Mantras, the sacred sounds of Tibetan bells, the harmonium and sounds from India.

Località: Arena Francesca da Rimini, piazza Francesca da Rimini - Rimini historic centre
Sito: www.facebook.com/pg/GruppoSGR/events/?ref=page_internal
Orario: 9.30pm

FootVolley Championship
Every Tuesday from 7 June to 9 August 2022
In collaboration with Piacere Spiaggia Rimini
The FootVolley Championship returns to the Rimini beach and continues the whole summer, officially opening the
sporting season every Tuesday for ten weeks.
Now a must sport on the Rimini coast, FootVolley is a mix between football and beach volleyball, a discipline that
guarantee entertainment for those who practice it and those who watch it.
In Rimini for years, the FootVolley Rimini association collaborates with Piacere Spiaggia Rimini to organize this
and other important events, such as Super Cups and BeTable tournaments on the beach.
Località: Beach resorts 54-55
Sito: www.footvolleyrimini.it

Traveling show in Sacchini square in Torre Pedrera
Every Wednesday from 15 June to 7 September 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
Puppet shows in Torre Pedrera by Medini Daniele's Mix Art Production.
On 13 and 27 July and 10 August,the shows are organized by the Jonathan Niemen Company.

Seats subject to availability upon free offer. Entrance:for standing places, entry is free

Località: piazza Sacchini - Rimini Torre Pedrera
                                                                 info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Sito: www.facebook.com/groups/93233047658
Orario: From 9.00pm

Nordic Walking on the beach
Every Wednesday and Saturday until 3 September 2022
By 'La Pedivella'
On the beach it is possible to practice the Nordic Walking, a physical activity that allows you to obtain many
benefits thanks to the use of sticks.
The La Pedivella association offers this outdoor activity on the beach on Wednesdays at 8.30 am and 6.30 pm,
departing from Beach 14 and at 9.00am and 6.00 from Beach 51. Every Saturdays at 8.30 am, departing from
Beach 14 in Marina Centro and at 9.00am from Beach 51.
Group or individual lessons of first level Nordic Walking and advanced techniques are also possible.

Località: Beaches 14 and 51 - Rimini Marina Centro
Telefono: +39 320 7433000
E-mail: tour@lapedivella.com
Sito: www.lapedivella.com

Street artists in Rivabella
Every Wednesday from 8 June to 7 September 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
The Rivabella Tourist Committee offers fun evenings with street artists' shows.

Località: Piazzale Adamello - Rimini Rivabella
Sito: www.facebook.com/comitatoturisticorivabella/?ref=page_internal
Orario: From 8.00pm to midnight

The Terrace of the Dolce Vita
From Saturday 30 July to Wednesday 10 August 2022
among the guests: Bennato, Paul Young, Al Bano, Lavezzi, Giovanni Caccamo, Saturnino, Cecchi Paone,
Mughini, Marcello Veneziani, Politi, De Rossi, Cucinotta, De Caro, Gelmini, Garavaglia, Paul Strauss, Kerry
Kennedy, Fantin, Casadei
In the fascinating setting of the gardens of the Grand Hotel in Rimini, the third edition of the Dolce Vita Terrace,
the open air social and cultural gatherings conceived by Simona Ventura and Giovanni Terzi.
A series of meetings with important personalities from the world of entertainment and contemporary culture. Many
Italian and international guests from the world of entertainment, politics, sport and journalism will attend the Grand
Hotel lounge. Among them: Edoardo Bennato, Paul Young, Al Bano, Mirko Casadei, Mario Lavezzi, Giovanni
Caccamo, Saturnino, Alessandro Cecchi Paone, Giampiero Mughini, Marcello Veneziani, Alessandro Politi,
Barbara De Rossi, Maria Grazia Cucinotta, Enzo Decaro, the Ministers Mariastella Gelmini, Massimo Garavaglia
and Luigi Di Maio, the US Senator Paul Strauss and the American writer and activist Kerry Kennedy, the
swimming champion at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games, Antonio Fantin.
At the center of the interviews, the Country and young people, including Green Economy, digitalization, structural
investments and much more.
It begins on Saturday 30 July with Alessandro Cecchi Paone (journalist and science popularizer) - Giovanni
Caccamo (songwriter) - Pierguido Iezzi (CEO of Swanscan) and ends on Wednesday 10 August with Luigi Di
Maio (Foreign Minister) - Mario Lavezzi (composer, songwriter and record producer). Between the two events, a
roundup of big names that confront each other, interviewed by Ventura and Terzi, on issues such as the Green
Economy, the digitization of the country, but also the threats from the Dark Web and cyberbullying, structural
investments accelerated by the PNNR, the new generations and much more.
"Terrazza Off" events are also planned, with the concert by Al Bano and Edoardo Bennato in piazzale Fellini
(respectively 1 and 2 August), the DJ set by Saturnino (8 August, Fellini square) and the live OP3 concert at dawn
of the Trio who reinterprets classical music in a modern key (Wednesday 10 August) at the beach of the Grand
Hotel. Not to be missed the bikram yoga sessions with Master Yoga Dino Barenzelli at sunrise at the Grand Hotel
beach and and at sunset at the Piazza sull'acqua round the Tiberius bridge (5 and 6 August: 9.00am and
6.00pm), all with free admission / participation.
Reservation by email: congressi@grandhotelrimini.com, or by phone +39 0541 22122 - Lucrezia.
Località: Grand Hotel, parco Federico Fellini - Rimini Marina Centro
                                                                info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Telefono: +39 0541 22122 (info & reservation)
E-mail: congressi@grandhotelrimini.com
Sito: www.grandhotelrimini.com/
Orario: 6.15pm at the Grand Hotel

Rimini Shopping Night
Every Wednesday from 29th June to 31 August 2022
Every Wednesday in the historic center with shops open until late
In summer, on Wednesday evenings, in the historic center the shops keep open their doors at extra times with
special prices, between aperitifs and entertainment.
An opportunity to experience the city and go shopping even on summer evenings.
Località: Rimini historic centre
Sito: www.facebook.com/riminishoppingnight/
Orario: till late

La Magnèda
Every Wednesday from 29 June al 31 August 2022
Dinner at the indoor food market in Rimini on summer Wednesdays
The historic centre becomes the protagonist of the summer evenings, an event, now in its fifth edition, organized
by the operators of the indoor food market located in the heart of the city.
The dinners are prepared with the products of the market, and are enlivened by musical entertainment such as DJ
sets, live groups ...
A moment of leisure and fun for all ages.
Località: Mercato coperto, via Castelfidardo, 15 - Rimini centro storico
Telefono: +39 0541 53898
Sito: www.mercatocopertorimini.it/
Orario: from 6 pm to 11 pm

Fishing offshore in Rimini
Every Wednesday from 8 June to 28 September 2022
Discovering the various types of fishing
An opportunity not only for experienced fishermen, but also for those who have never tried and are curious to
have this experience at sea.
The waters of Rimini sea are rich in mackerel, horse mackerel and, with a bit of luck, much more.
Accompanied by a skipper, it is an opportunity to learn about the various types of fishing, including spinning and
line fishing, and to spend a pleasant morning fishing in the Adriatic.
For those unwilling to bring their own, groundbait and fishing rods are available.
Località: Rimini, Viserba
Telefono: +39 0541 53399
E-mail: info@visitrimini.com
Sito: www.visitrimini.com/esperienze/308347-a-pesca-al-largo-di-rimini
Orario: At 6.00am

Hand Made Market - Artisans at the Center
Every Wednesday evening from 17 June to 2 September 2022
Evening summer edition of the handmade crafts market exhibition
Summer evening appointment with art, creativity, design and above all many ideas and desire to create and
Every Wednesday evening, artisans, creators and aspiring designers await you to present their creations using
woods, metals, fabrics, yarns, clay and forgotten objects.
Località: piazza Tre Martiri - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 340 3031200
E-mail: artigianialcentro@gmail.com
Sito: www.facebook.com/artigianialcentro/
Orario: From 6.00pm to 11.00pm

Summer 2022
On the beach of Rimini
                                                                info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Scenic lighting effects able to amaze and leave children and adults speechless: these are the Fireworks, still
protagonists of great shows organized by the Local Tourist Committees on the beach of Rimini.

Evening event on the occasion of the Pink Night, when on Friday 1 July at midnight, the fireworks on the sea
illuminate the whole coast in unison.

In Rimini there are three points, between the beach of Rimini North (Bath resort 29 Viserba) - South (bath resort
98-99) and Marina Centro (harbour area Molo Rock Island pier).

SUMMER FIREWORKS 2022 - from 10.30 pm

RIMINI SOUTH - Miramare, Rivazzurra, Marebello e Bellariva:

at Miramare: 29 June, 10 August, 6 September (bath resort 150)
at Rivazzurra: 20 July (bath resort 112-113), 26 August (bath resort 119-120)


Saturday 2 july, at 11 pm (bath resort 76)
Località: Rimini
Orario: 10.30pm

Shows and entertainment for children in Rivazzurra
Every Wednesday from 22 June to 31 August 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
Entertainment by Marco Merlino Show offered by The Tourist Committee of Rivazzurra.
Località: Public park, viale Regina Margherita - Rimini Rivazzurra
Sito: www.facebook.com/Comitato-Turistico-Rivazzurra-819933104756350/
Orario: 9.00pm

Entertainment evenings at the ‘Marebello sea arena’
Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, from 4 June to 11 Septembe 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
On summer evenings, the Arena del Mare is enlivened with five evenings of entertainment a week: concerts, live
bands, VIP guests, musicals, karaoke, theme nights.
Località: Arena del mare, via Regina Margherita, 22 - Rimini Marebello
Sito: www.facebook.com/comitato.marebello
Orario: From 8.30pm to 11.30pm

I Ricordi in Soffitta - Memories in the attic
Every Wednesday from 6 July to 31 August 2022
Exhibition market by children up to 12 years in the historic centre
Market for children aged 6 to 12 years old to sell old toys, video games, collections, plush toys, comics, books and
much more.
Località: Rimini, Piazza Cavour
Telefono: 0541 781108 (COCAP)
E-mail: info@cocap.it
Sito: www.cocap.it/
Orario: from 5.30 pm to 11.30 pm

Sup Yoga on the water
Every Saturday and Wednesday from June to 20 August 2022
Group lessons by Rimini Yogi
Rimini is beach and relax, an opportunity to practice Yoga on the waves, choosing between the energy of the
morning with breakfast included and the magic of the sunset with an aperitif on the water.The classes, lasting
about 90 minutes, are for both beginners and experienced practitioners. By RiminiYogi. Only 8 seats per class.
Reservation via Whatsapp is required.
                                                                  info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Località: Darsena Via Ortigara 80 - Rimini San Giuliano Mare
Telefono: +39 331 528 5154
Sito: www.facebook.com/YogiRimini/?ref=page_internal
Tariffa d'ingresso: 20 € including brunch/aperitif
Orario: Every Saturday morning at 10.00am, Every Wednesday evening at 7.00pm

Quartetto Eos: Da Bach ai Led Zeppellin
Thursday 11 agosto 2022
SGR Live: Concert at the Francesca da Rimini Arena
In the splendid setting of Castelsismondo, a concert in the morning by the Eos Quartet .

A sort of game in which classic instruments such as violin, flute, viola and cello interpret rock songs.

The show begins with some reinterpretations of the cornerstones of the classical music repertoire including the
famous Aria sulla quarta corda by J.S. Bach to suddenly move on to Piazzolla's tangos and milongas and famous
soundtracks by Morricone and John Williams.

The last part of the concert with great rock classics arranged for the Eos quartet, such as Sweet Child of Mine by
Guns'n Roses, Smoke on the Water by Deep Purple, some masterpieces by Queen such as Bohemien Rapsody,
Eleanor Rigby by the Beatles, until the Eighties with Sting's masterpieces.

Grand finale with Led Zeppelin's timeless Stairway to Heaven.
Località: Arena Francesca da Rimini, piazza Francesca da Rimini - Rimini centro storico
Sito: www.facebook.com/pg/GruppoSGR/events/?ref=page_internal
Orario: at 9.30 pm

Entertainment evenings in the Laureti Park of Marebello
Every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday from 2 June to 9 September 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
On summer evenings, the Laureti Park is enlived four evenings of entertainment a week: concerts, live bands, VIP
guests, musicals, theme nights.

Località: Parco Laureti, via Mantova, Rimini Marebello
Sito: www.facebook.com/comitato.marebello
Orario: From 8.30pm to 11.30pm

Bocce tournament
From 30 July to 11 August 2022
Pallino D'Oro and individual male and female Master
The Libra bath resorts organize, as usual, a National Master of bocce for men and women reserved for the cat. A,
which sees the participation of National Bocce Champions. The event takes place on Wednesday 10 August..The
final is at 10.00pm. On the other evenings in the turn for categories B, C, D, Amateurs and non-members. Tourists
and fans of the sport of bocce can therefore participate in the evening competitions. The awards ceremony at

Località: Bagni Libra 63 - 63/A e 63/B - 64 - 65, via Lungomare Di Vittorio 8B - Rimini
Telefono: +39 338 6104321
Orario: From 9.00pm to Midnight

Folkloristic party in Sacchini square in Torre Pedrera
Thursday 23 June; 7, 28 July; 4, 11, 18, 25 August 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
Live folk music offered by the Torre Pedrera Tourist Committee in Piazza Sacchi
Località: piazza Sacchini - Rimini Torre Pedrera
Sito: www.facebook.com/groups/93233047658
Orario: 21 - 24
                                                                 info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Circus in Pascoli square in Viserba
Thursday 14, 28 July; 11, 18 August 2022
A Party lasting 100 days
Show of the 'Circus of the acrobats' offered by The Viserba Tourist Committee.

An hour of fun, with the participation of cartoon characters and giant soap bubbles.
Località: piazza Pascoli - Rimini Viserba
Sito: www.facebook.com/comitatoturisticoviserba
Tariffa d'ingresso: 5 €
Orario: 9.00pm

Theater in Rivazzurra
Every Thursday from 16 June to 1 September 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
The Tourist Committee of Rivazzurra offers an evening of show and entertainment with the artist Francesco
Checco Tonti.
Località: Public park, viale Regina Margherita - Rimini Rivazzurra
Sito: www.facebook.com/Comitato-Turistico-Rivazzurra-819933104756350/
Orario: 9.00pm

Amedeo Visconti Show in Rivabella
Thursday 2, 16, 30 June; 14, 28 July; 11, 25 August; 8 September 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
The Rivabella Tourist Committee presents some evenings of entertainment with performances by Amedeo
Visconti, an artist who offers live music and cabaret shows.

Località: Piazzale Adamello - Rimini Rivabella
Sito: www.facebook.com/comitatoturisticorivabella/?ref=page_internal
Orario: From 8.00pm to midnight

Notturno d'Arte: guided tour with Discover Rimini
Every Thursday evening from 16 June to 15 September 2022
Cultural walk from the Arch of Augustus to the Tiberius Bridge
The summer cultural walk entitled Notturno d'Arte is back again this year, amidst fascinating lights and nights,
between the avenues and squares of the historic center.

An encounter with the history and monuments of Rimini, revealing their beauty and importance: the Arch of
Augustus, the Malatesta Temple, Castel Sismondo, the Tiberius Bridge with the new Piazza sull'Acqua.

The events of illustrious personalities linked to the city are also remembered: from Julius Caesar to the emperor
Augustus, from Francesca da Rimini to Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta, up to Federico Fellini.

Curated by Michela Cesarini, art historian and licensed guide. Reservations are required within the day before the


Località: Arco d'Augusto (punto d'incontro e di partenza) - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 333 7352877 info
E-mail: michela.cesarini@discoverrimini.it
Sito: www.discoverrimini.com
Tariffa d'ingresso: € 13 per person (including audio guide)
Orario: 9.30pm
                                                                   info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Magic nights 70-80-90 with Inarrestabile Fucina
4 June, 3 July, 12 August, 9 September 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
An evening of music and dance with the Unstoppable Fucina band offered by the Rivazzurra Tourist Committee.
The band performs with a repertoire from the 70s, 80s, 90s.
Località: Public park, viale Regina Margherita - Rimini Rivazzurra
Sito: www.facebook.com/Comitato-Turistico-Rivazzurra-819933104756350/
Orario: 9.00pm

Friday night in the city center
Every Friday evening from 3 June to 9 September 2022
Antiques market, modern antiques, vintage, artistic crafts and Art Fridays
The traditional summer evening market returns again this year in the historic center of Rimini with its curious stalls
of art objects, antiques, second hand items, modern antiques, vintage, artistic crafts, curiosities of the past,
There will be no lack of Italian artistic craftsmanship with the 'I venerdì d'Arte'' space. The initiative is implemented
by the Consortium of Commerce Operators on Public Areas.
Località: Rimini, Piazza Cavour
Telefono: +39 0541 781108 (COCAP)
Sito: www.cocap.it/it/mercati/
Orario: From 6.30pm to 11.30pm

Musica live and dj set in Torre Pedrera
Every Tuesday and Friday from 14 June to 30 August 2022 except 22 July
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
The Torre Pedrera Tourist Committee offers a live music concert on the beach every Tuesday and a Latin
American DJ set every Friday.
Località: Spiaggia Bagno 65, via San Salvador - Rimini Torre Pedrera
Sito: www.facebook.com/groups/93233047658
Orario: 9.00pm

Entertainment evenings in the Laureti Park of Marebello
Every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday from 2 June to 9 September 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
On summer evenings, the Laureti Park is enlived four evenings of entertainment a week: concerts, live bands, VIP
guests, musicals, theme nights.

Località: Parco Laureti, via Mantova, Rimini Marebello
Sito: www.facebook.com/comitato.marebello
Orario: From 8.30pm to 11.30pm

Entertainment evenings at the ‘Marebello sea arena’
Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, from 4 June to 11 Septembe 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
On summer evenings, the Arena del Mare is enlivened with five evenings of entertainment a week: concerts, live
bands, VIP guests, musicals, karaoke, theme nights.
Località: Arena del mare, via Regina Margherita, 22 - Rimini Marebello
Sito: www.facebook.com/comitato.marebello
Orario: From 8.30pm to 11.30pm

Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens
Every Friday and Saturday from 29 July to 13 August and 14, 15 August 2022
Show in the square with lights, music and flying coreographies
A big show in Piazza Malatesta will transform the outdoor of Museo Fellini into a place where you can dream an
eternal present, with a huge event for children and adults who don't want to grow up. Green areas will become
Kensington Gardens; water fountains will turn into the gardens' lake - the Serpentine - where the adults' boat will
sail, with sailboats crossing the sky. The Tower will become an island - the Birds' Island. From the end of June to
mid-August, a live show with flying choreographies, images, music and words will bring magic and astonishment
                                                               info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

to this dream square, by FestiGroup with Monica Manimone's Direction.
On the evenings of performances, the Fellini Museum, Galli Theater and the PART - Palazzi dell’arte Rimini will
be open to the public extraordinarily 8 pm to midnight, with free admission.
Località: Rimini, Piazza Malatesta
Sito: www.facebook.com/studiofesti/
Orario: on Fridays and Saturdays from 29 July to 13 August, at 9.30 pm and 10.30 pm., The show is also
repeated on Sunday 14 August and Monday 15 August, always at 9.30 pm and 10.30 pm

Musica in piazza Pascoli in Viserba
Every Saturday from 11 June to 3 September and Sunday 17 July 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
The Viserba Tourist Committee offers evenings of music with different local bands, who perform live.
Località: Piazza Pascoli - Rimini Viserba
Sito: www.facebook.com/comitatoturisticoviserba
Orario: 9.30pm

Music and show in Rivazzurra
Saturday 13 August 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
The Rivazzurra Tourist Committee presents an evening of music with the Fuoritempo show.
Località: Public park, viale Regina Margherita - Rimini Rivazzurra
Sito: www.facebook.com/Comitato-Turistico-Rivazzurra-819933104756350/
Orario: 8.30pm - midnight

Musica in Rivabella
Every Saturdays and Sundaysd from 4 June to 11 September 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
Evenings of music with orchestra offered by the Rivabella Tourist Committee.
Località: Piazzale Adamello - Rimini Rivabella
Sito: www.facebook.com/comitatoturisticorivabella/?ref=page_internal
Orario: From 8.00pm to midnight

Rimini Beach Arena: Circoloco
Saturday 13 August 2022
Ibiza party with Maceo Plex, Mochakk, Peggy Gou, Seth Troxler, The Martinez Brothers and Sossa
Appointment with Circoloco, the Ibizan party scheduled every Monday in the famous DC10 club, which lands on
the Rimini Beach Arena with national and international DJs.

On stage: Maceo Plex, Mochakk, Peggy Gou, Seth Troxler, The Martinez Brothers and Sossa.

Tickets are available at: www.ticketsms.it/event/CIRCOLOCO13AGOSTORIMINI
Località: Spiaggia Libera, Viale Principe di Piemonte, 56/62 Rimini
Telefono: +39 335 5645740
E-mail: info@riminibeacharena.com
Sito: riminibeacharena.com/
Orario: From 4.00pm to 1.00am

Sup Yoga on the water
Every Saturday and Wednesday from June to 20 August 2022
Group lessons by Rimini Yogi
Rimini is beach and relax, an opportunity to practice Yoga on the waves, choosing between the energy of the
morning with breakfast included and the magic of the sunset with an aperitif on the water.The classes, lasting
about 90 minutes, are for both beginners and experienced practitioners. By RiminiYogi. Only 8 seats per class.
Reservation via Whatsapp is required.

Località: Darsena Via Ortigara 80 - Rimini San Giuliano Mare
Telefono: +39 331 528 5154
Sito: www.facebook.com/YogiRimini/?ref=page_internal
                                                                info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Tariffa d'ingresso: 20 € including brunch/aperitif
Orario: Every Saturday morning at 10.00am, Every Wednesday evening at 7.00pm

Entertainment evenings at the ‘Marebello sea arena’
Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, from 4 June to 11 Septembe 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
On summer evenings, the Arena del Mare is enlivened with five evenings of entertainment a week: concerts, live
bands, VIP guests, musicals, karaoke, theme nights.
Località: Arena del mare, via Regina Margherita, 22 - Rimini Marebello
Sito: www.facebook.com/comitato.marebello
Orario: From 8.30pm to 11.30pm

Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens
Every Friday and Saturday from 29 July to 13 August and 14, 15 August 2022
Show in the square with lights, music and flying coreographies
A big show in Piazza Malatesta will transform the outdoor of Museo Fellini into a place where you can dream an
eternal present, with a huge event for children and adults who don't want to grow up. Green areas will become
Kensington Gardens; water fountains will turn into the gardens' lake - the Serpentine - where the adults' boat will
sail, with sailboats crossing the sky. The Tower will become an island - the Birds' Island. From the end of June to
mid-August, a live show with flying choreographies, images, music and words will bring magic and astonishment
to this dream square, by FestiGroup with Monica Manimone's Direction.
On the evenings of performances, the Fellini Museum, Galli Theater and the PART - Palazzi dell’arte Rimini will
be open to the public extraordinarily 8 pm to midnight, with free admission.
Località: Rimini, Piazza Malatesta
Sito: www.facebook.com/studiofesti/
Orario: on Fridays and Saturdays from 29 July to 13 August, at 9.30 pm and 10.30 pm., The show is also
repeated on Sunday 14 August and Monday 15 August, always at 9.30 pm and 10.30 pm

Entertainment evenings at the ‘Marebello sea arena’
Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, from 4 June to 11 Septembe 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
On summer evenings, the Arena del Mare is enlivened with five evenings of entertainment a week: concerts, live
bands, VIP guests, musicals, karaoke, theme nights.
Località: Arena del mare, via Regina Margherita, 22 - Rimini Marebello
Sito: www.facebook.com/comitato.marebello
Orario: From 8.30pm to 11.30pm

Social Music City Rimini on The Beach
Sunday 14 agosto 2022
Rimini beach Arena: Paul Kalkbrenner, Loco Dice, Marco Carola, Salmo, Armonica e Brina Knauss
The greatest techno DJs on the Rimini beach.
Rimini Beach Arena becomes the theater of the biggest underground event of the whole season, with a top-level
lineup thanks to artists such as Paul Kalkbrenner, main protagonist of the evening, Loco Dice, Marco Carola,
Salmo, Armonica and Brina Knauss.
Tickets are available on www.ticketnation.it
Località: Rimini beach Arena, via Principe di Piemonte, 56/62 - Rimini Miramare
Sito: www.socialmusiccity.it/Eventi/smc-rimini-on-the-beach/
Orario: From 4.00pm to 2.00am

Entertainment evenings in the Laureti Park of Marebello
Every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday from 2 June to 9 September 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
On summer evenings, the Laureti Park is enlived four evenings of entertainment a week: concerts, live bands, VIP
guests, musicals, theme nights.

Località: Parco Laureti, via Mantova, Rimini Marebello
Sito: www.facebook.com/comitato.marebello
Orario: From 8.30pm to 11.30pm
                                                                 info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Musica in Rivabella
Every Saturdays and Sundaysd from 4 June to 11 September 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
Evenings of music with orchestra offered by the Rivabella Tourist Committee.
Località: Piazzale Adamello - Rimini Rivabella
Sito: www.facebook.com/comitatoturisticorivabella/?ref=page_internal
Orario: From 8.00pm to midnight

Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens
Every Friday and Saturday from 29 July to 13 August and 14, 15 August 2022
Show in the square with lights, music and flying coreographies
A big show in Piazza Malatesta will transform the outdoor of Museo Fellini into a place where you can dream an
eternal present, with a huge event for children and adults who don't want to grow up. Green areas will become
Kensington Gardens; water fountains will turn into the gardens' lake - the Serpentine - where the adults' boat will
sail, with sailboats crossing the sky. The Tower will become an island - the Birds' Island. From the end of June to
mid-August, a live show with flying choreographies, images, music and words will bring magic and astonishment
to this dream square, by FestiGroup with Monica Manimone's Direction.
On the evenings of performances, the Fellini Museum, Galli Theater and the PART - Palazzi dell’arte Rimini will
be open to the public extraordinarily 8 pm to midnight, with free admission.
Località: Rimini, Piazza Malatesta
Sito: www.facebook.com/studiofesti/
Orario: on Fridays and Saturdays from 29 July to 13 August, at 9.30 pm and 10.30 pm., The show is also
repeated on Sunday 14 August and Monday 15 August, always at 9.30 pm and 10.30 pm

Entertainment evenings at the ‘Marebello sea arena’
Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, from 4 June to 11 Septembe 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
On summer evenings, the Arena del Mare is enlivened with five evenings of entertainment a week: concerts, live
bands, VIP guests, musicals, karaoke, theme nights.
Località: Arena del mare, via Regina Margherita, 22 - Rimini Marebello
Sito: www.facebook.com/comitato.marebello
Orario: From 8.30pm to 11.30pm

Music and dance in Rivazzurra
Monday 15 August 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
An evening of music and dance with the Marco Dance Show proposed by the Tourist Committee of Rivazzurra.

Località: Giardinetti bagni 120/128, viale Regina Margherita - Rimini Rivazzurra
Sito: www.facebook.com/Comitato-Turistico-Rivazzurra-819933104756350/
Orario: 9.00pm

Random, a random party
Monday 15 August 2022
August 15th on the beach with rappers VillaBanks and Bresh at the Rimini Beach Arena
Random, a random party, is the first and only random party in Italy, on the beach of the RImini Beach Arena.
The event has only one fundamental rule: dress randomly. Only in this way is it possible to receive the official
Random gadgets: t-shirts, glasses, lollipops and much more ...
To cheer the evening the rappers VillaBanks and Bresh, to celebrate the most random Ferragosto ever. The
songs among the greatest hits of all time are played at random.
Official Playlist click on bit.ly/Playlistacaso
Tickets are available on www.ticketsms.it
Località: Rimini Beach Arena, via Principe di Piemonte, 56/62 - Rimini Miramare
Telefono: +39 335 5645740
Sito: www.randomunafestaacaso.it/
Orario: from 6.00pm
                                                                info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens
Every Friday and Saturday from 29 July to 13 August and 14, 15 August 2022
Show in the square with lights, music and flying coreographies
A big show in Piazza Malatesta will transform the outdoor of Museo Fellini into a place where you can dream an
eternal present, with a huge event for children and adults who don't want to grow up. Green areas will become
Kensington Gardens; water fountains will turn into the gardens' lake - the Serpentine - where the adults' boat will
sail, with sailboats crossing the sky. The Tower will become an island - the Birds' Island. From the end of June to
mid-August, a live show with flying choreographies, images, music and words will bring magic and astonishment
to this dream square, by FestiGroup with Monica Manimone's Direction.
On the evenings of performances, the Fellini Museum, Galli Theater and the PART - Palazzi dell’arte Rimini will
be open to the public extraordinarily 8 pm to midnight, with free admission.
Località: Rimini, Piazza Malatesta
Sito: www.facebook.com/studiofesti/
Orario: on Fridays and Saturdays from 29 July to 13 August, at 9.30 pm and 10.30 pm., The show is also
repeated on Sunday 14 August and Monday 15 August, always at 9.30 pm and 10.30 pm

Musica live and dj set in Torre Pedrera
Every Tuesday and Friday from 14 June to 30 August 2022 except 22 July
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
The Torre Pedrera Tourist Committee offers a live music concert on the beach every Tuesday and a Latin
American DJ set every Friday.
Località: Spiaggia Bagno 65, via San Salvador - Rimini Torre Pedrera
Sito: www.facebook.com/groups/93233047658
Orario: 9.00pm

Entertainment evenings in the Laureti Park of Marebello
Every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday from 2 June to 9 September 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
On summer evenings, the Laureti Park is enlived four evenings of entertainment a week: concerts, live bands, VIP
guests, musicals, theme nights.

Località: Parco Laureti, via Mantova, Rimini Marebello
Sito: www.facebook.com/comitato.marebello
Orario: From 8.30pm to 11.30pm

Lorenzo Semprini & 44 Band: Between the Via Emilia and the West
Tuesday 16 August 2022
SGR Live: Concert at the Francesca da Rimini Arena
In the splendid setting of Castelsismondo, concert by Lorenzo Semprini, the Rimini singer-songwriter who offers
the songs of his latest album entitled 44: reinterpretation of Bruce Springsteen, Damien Rice, Gaslight Anthem,
Francesco De Gregori and others, with a band of 7 elements including Massimo Marches, Elisa Semprini,
Fabrizio Flisi.
For the realization of the album 22 musicians were involved including Federico Mecozzi, Vanessa Peters, Alex
Valle, Massimo Marches, Diego Sapignoli, Elisa Semprini, Antonio Gramentieri, Daniele Tenca.

Località: Arena Francesca da Rimini, piazza Francesca da Rimini - Rimini historic centre
Sito: www.facebook.com/pg/GruppoSGR/events/?ref=page_internal
Orario: 9.30pm

Rimini Beach Arena: Deejay Time
Tuesday 16 August 2022
AdvenTour 2022 with Albertino, Molella , Fargetta e Prezioso
The program that made the history of Italian radio on the Rimini Beach Arena with a new live show: AdvenTour
A complete Deejay Time with Albertino, Molella, Fargetta and Prezioso.
The historic DJs of the famous Radio DeeJay, all together, are ready to make you dance to the notes of the most
famous hits of the 90s and dance music.
                                                                info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Località: Spiaggia Libera, viale Principe di Piemonte, 56/62 Rimini
Telefono: +39 335 5645740
E-mail: info@riminibeacharena.com
Sito: riminibeacharena.com/
Orario: 6.00pm

Entertainment evenings at the ‘Marebello sea arena’
Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, from 4 June to 11 Septembe 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
On summer evenings, the Arena del Mare is enlivened with five evenings of entertainment a week: concerts, live
bands, VIP guests, musicals, karaoke, theme nights.
Località: Arena del mare, via Regina Margherita, 22 - Rimini Marebello
Sito: www.facebook.com/comitato.marebello
Orario: From 8.30pm to 11.30pm

Nordic Walking on the beach
Every Wednesday and Saturday until 3 September 2022
By 'La Pedivella'
On the beach it is possible to practice the Nordic Walking, a physical activity that allows you to obtain many
benefits thanks to the use of sticks.
The La Pedivella association offers this outdoor activity on the beach on Wednesdays at 8.30 am and 6.30 pm,
departing from Beach 14 and at 9.00am and 6.00 from Beach 51. Every Saturdays at 8.30 am, departing from
Beach 14 in Marina Centro and at 9.00am from Beach 51.
Group or individual lessons of first level Nordic Walking and advanced techniques are also possible.

Località: Beaches 14 and 51 - Rimini Marina Centro
Telefono: +39 320 7433000
E-mail: tour@lapedivella.com
Sito: www.lapedivella.com

Street artists in Rivabella
Every Wednesday from 8 June to 7 September 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
The Rivabella Tourist Committee offers fun evenings with street artists' shows.

Località: Piazzale Adamello - Rimini Rivabella
Sito: www.facebook.com/comitatoturisticorivabella/?ref=page_internal
Orario: From 8.00pm to midnight

Rimini Shopping Night
Every Wednesday from 29th June to 31 August 2022
Every Wednesday in the historic center with shops open until late
In summer, on Wednesday evenings, in the historic center the shops keep open their doors at extra times with
special prices, between aperitifs and entertainment.
An opportunity to experience the city and go shopping even on summer evenings.
Località: Rimini historic centre
Sito: www.facebook.com/riminishoppingnight/
Orario: till late

La Magnèda
Every Wednesday from 29 June al 31 August 2022
Dinner at the indoor food market in Rimini on summer Wednesdays
The historic centre becomes the protagonist of the summer evenings, an event, now in its fifth edition, organized
by the operators of the indoor food market located in the heart of the city.
The dinners are prepared with the products of the market, and are enlivened by musical entertainment such as DJ
sets, live groups ...
                                                                  info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

A moment of leisure and fun for all ages.
Località: Mercato coperto, via Castelfidardo, 15 - Rimini centro storico
Telefono: +39 0541 53898
Sito: www.mercatocopertorimini.it/
Orario: from 6 pm to 11 pm

Fishing offshore in Rimini
Every Wednesday from 8 June to 28 September 2022
Discovering the various types of fishing
An opportunity not only for experienced fishermen, but also for those who have never tried and are curious to
have this experience at sea.
The waters of Rimini sea are rich in mackerel, horse mackerel and, with a bit of luck, much more.
Accompanied by a skipper, it is an opportunity to learn about the various types of fishing, including spinning and
line fishing, and to spend a pleasant morning fishing in the Adriatic.
For those unwilling to bring their own, groundbait and fishing rods are available.
Località: Rimini, Viserba
Telefono: +39 0541 53399
E-mail: info@visitrimini.com
Sito: www.visitrimini.com/esperienze/308347-a-pesca-al-largo-di-rimini
Orario: At 6.00am

Hand Made Market - Artisans at the Center
Every Wednesday evening from 17 June to 2 September 2022
Evening summer edition of the handmade crafts market exhibition
Summer evening appointment with art, creativity, design and above all many ideas and desire to create and
Every Wednesday evening, artisans, creators and aspiring designers await you to present their creations using
woods, metals, fabrics, yarns, clay and forgotten objects.
Località: piazza Tre Martiri - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 340 3031200
E-mail: artigianialcentro@gmail.com
Sito: www.facebook.com/artigianialcentro/
Orario: From 6.00pm to 11.00pm

Traveling show in Sacchini square in Torre Pedrera
Every Wednesday from 15 June to 7 September 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
Puppet shows in Torre Pedrera by Medini Daniele's Mix Art Production.
On 13 and 27 July and 10 August,the shows are organized by the Jonathan Niemen Company.

Seats subject to availability upon free offer. Entrance:for standing places, entry is free

Località: piazza Sacchini - Rimini Torre Pedrera
Sito: www.facebook.com/groups/93233047658
Orario: From 9.00pm

Shows and entertainment for children in Rivazzurra
Every Wednesday from 22 June to 31 August 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
Entertainment by Marco Merlino Show offered by The Tourist Committee of Rivazzurra.
Località: Public park, viale Regina Margherita - Rimini Rivazzurra
Sito: www.facebook.com/Comitato-Turistico-Rivazzurra-819933104756350/
Orario: 9.00pm

I Ricordi in Soffitta - Memories in the attic
Every Wednesday from 6 July to 31 August 2022
Exhibition market by children up to 12 years in the historic centre
                                                                 info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Market for children aged 6 to 12 years old to sell old toys, video games, collections, plush toys, comics, books and
much more.
Località: Rimini, Piazza Cavour
Telefono: 0541 781108 (COCAP)
E-mail: info@cocap.it
Sito: www.cocap.it/
Orario: from 5.30 pm to 11.30 pm

Sup Yoga on the water
Every Saturday and Wednesday from June to 20 August 2022
Group lessons by Rimini Yogi
Rimini is beach and relax, an opportunity to practice Yoga on the waves, choosing between the energy of the
morning with breakfast included and the magic of the sunset with an aperitif on the water.The classes, lasting
about 90 minutes, are for both beginners and experienced practitioners. By RiminiYogi. Only 8 seats per class.
Reservation via Whatsapp is required.

Località: Darsena Via Ortigara 80 - Rimini San Giuliano Mare
Telefono: +39 331 528 5154
Sito: www.facebook.com/YogiRimini/?ref=page_internal
Tariffa d'ingresso: 20 € including brunch/aperitif
Orario: Every Saturday morning at 10.00am, Every Wednesday evening at 7.00pm

Notturno d'Arte: guided tour with Discover Rimini
Every Thursday evening from 16 June to 15 September 2022
Cultural walk from the Arch of Augustus to the Tiberius Bridge
The summer cultural walk entitled Notturno d'Arte is back again this year, amidst fascinating lights and nights,
between the avenues and squares of the historic center.

An encounter with the history and monuments of Rimini, revealing their beauty and importance: the Arch of
Augustus, the Malatesta Temple, Castel Sismondo, the Tiberius Bridge with the new Piazza sull'Acqua.

The events of illustrious personalities linked to the city are also remembered: from Julius Caesar to the emperor
Augustus, from Francesca da Rimini to Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta, up to Federico Fellini.

Curated by Michela Cesarini, art historian and licensed guide. Reservations are required within the day before the


Località: Arco d'Augusto (punto d'incontro e di partenza) - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 333 7352877 info
E-mail: michela.cesarini@discoverrimini.it
Sito: www.discoverrimini.com
Tariffa d'ingresso: € 13 per person (including audio guide)
Orario: 9.30pm

Folkloristic party in Sacchini square in Torre Pedrera
Thursday 23 June; 7, 28 July; 4, 11, 18, 25 August 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
Live folk music offered by the Torre Pedrera Tourist Committee in Piazza Sacchi
Località: piazza Sacchini - Rimini Torre Pedrera
Sito: www.facebook.com/groups/93233047658
Orario: 21 - 24

Entertainment evenings in the Laureti Park of Marebello
                                                                   info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday from 2 June to 9 September 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
On summer evenings, the Laureti Park is enlived four evenings of entertainment a week: concerts, live bands, VIP
guests, musicals, theme nights.

Località: Parco Laureti, via Mantova, Rimini Marebello
Sito: www.facebook.com/comitato.marebello
Orario: From 8.30pm to 11.30pm

Circus in Pascoli square in Viserba
Thursday 14, 28 July; 11, 18 August 2022
A Party lasting 100 days
Show of the 'Circus of the acrobats' offered by The Viserba Tourist Committee.

An hour of fun, with the participation of cartoon characters and giant soap bubbles.
Località: piazza Pascoli - Rimini Viserba
Sito: www.facebook.com/comitatoturisticoviserba
Tariffa d'ingresso: 5 €
Orario: 9.00pm

Theater in Rivazzurra
Every Thursday from 16 June to 1 September 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
The Tourist Committee of Rivazzurra offers an evening of show and entertainment with the artist Francesco
Checco Tonti.
Località: Public park, viale Regina Margherita - Rimini Rivazzurra
Sito: www.facebook.com/Comitato-Turistico-Rivazzurra-819933104756350/
Orario: 9.00pm

Live music in Rivabella
Thursday 9, 23 June; 7, 21 July; 4, 18 August; 1 September 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
The Rivabella Tourist Committee offers live music evenings with the voice of Magda Pagani.

Località: Piazzale Adamello - Rimini Rivabella
Sito: www.facebook.com/comitatoturisticorivabella/?ref=page_internal
Orario: From 8.00 pm to midnight

Friday night in the city center
Every Friday evening from 3 June to 9 September 2022
Antiques market, modern antiques, vintage, artistic crafts and Art Fridays
The traditional summer evening market returns again this year in the historic center of Rimini with its curious stalls
of art objects, antiques, second hand items, modern antiques, vintage, artistic crafts, curiosities of the past,
There will be no lack of Italian artistic craftsmanship with the 'I venerdì d'Arte'' space. The initiative is implemented
by the Consortium of Commerce Operators on Public Areas.
Località: Rimini, Piazza Cavour
Telefono: +39 0541 781108 (COCAP)
Sito: www.cocap.it/it/mercati/
Orario: From 6.30pm to 11.30pm

Entertainment evenings at the ‘Marebello sea arena’
Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, from 4 June to 11 Septembe 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
On summer evenings, the Arena del Mare is enlivened with five evenings of entertainment a week: concerts, live
bands, VIP guests, musicals, karaoke, theme nights.
Località: Arena del mare, via Regina Margherita, 22 - Rimini Marebello
                                                                info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Sito: www.facebook.com/comitato.marebello
Orario: From 8.30pm to 11.30pm

Music and dance in Rivazzurra with Onda Sonora
17 June, 15, 29 July, 19 August 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
The Tourist Committee of Rivazzurra proposes an evening of 70-80-90s music with Onda Sonora.

Località: Public park, viale Regina Margherita - Rimini Rivazzurra
Telefono: +39 0541 53399 (Info)
Sito: www.facebook.com/Comitato-Turistico-Rivazzurra-819933104756350/
Orario: 9.00pm

Musica live and dj set in Torre Pedrera
Every Tuesday and Friday from 14 June to 30 August 2022 except 22 July
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
The Torre Pedrera Tourist Committee offers a live music concert on the beach every Tuesday and a Latin
American DJ set every Friday.
Località: Spiaggia Bagno 65, via San Salvador - Rimini Torre Pedrera
Sito: www.facebook.com/groups/93233047658
Orario: 9.00pm

Genderful - Bodies / Identities
Friday 19 August 2022
Dance parade in Piazza Malatesta
In the splendid setting of Castel Sismondo, in Piazza Malatesta, a show where the elegance of the movements is
accompanied by the clothes of the designer Simon Cracker.
The event is part of the Genderful-Bodies / Identities project and stems from the consideration that gender identity
is increasingly "fluctuating" in contemporary society.
The show is made in collaboration with the Central Movement Teatro Danza and with the Diversamente Danzanti
Through the dance and clothes of the stylist Simon Cracker, between light effects and sounds, we witness the
alternation of bodies and clothes as instruments of freedom, where there are no limits of age, size, male or
Professional dancers and models alternate with non-professional, together with the Collettivo Differamente
Località: piazza Malatesta - Rimini historic centre
Sito: www.facebook.com/GenderfulRimini
Orario: 9.30pm

Entertainment evenings in the Laureti Park of Marebello
Every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday from 2 June to 9 September 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
On summer evenings, the Laureti Park is enlived four evenings of entertainment a week: concerts, live bands, VIP
guests, musicals, theme nights.

Località: Parco Laureti, via Mantova, Rimini Marebello
Sito: www.facebook.com/comitato.marebello
Orario: From 8.30pm to 11.30pm

Sup Yoga on the water
Every Saturday and Wednesday from June to 20 August 2022
Group lessons by Rimini Yogi
Rimini is beach and relax, an opportunity to practice Yoga on the waves, choosing between the energy of the
morning with breakfast included and the magic of the sunset with an aperitif on the water.The classes, lasting
about 90 minutes, are for both beginners and experienced practitioners. By RiminiYogi. Only 8 seats per class.
Reservation via Whatsapp is required.
                                                               info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Località: Darsena Via Ortigara 80 - Rimini San Giuliano Mare
Telefono: +39 331 528 5154
Sito: www.facebook.com/YogiRimini/?ref=page_internal
Tariffa d'ingresso: 20 € including brunch/aperitif
Orario: Every Saturday morning at 10.00am, Every Wednesday evening at 7.00pm

Musica in piazza Pascoli in Viserba
Every Saturday from 11 June to 3 September and Sunday 17 July 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
The Viserba Tourist Committee offers evenings of music with different local bands, who perform live.
Località: Piazza Pascoli - Rimini Viserba
Sito: www.facebook.com/comitatoturisticoviserba
Orario: 9.30pm

Entertainment evenings at the ‘Marebello sea arena’
Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, from 4 June to 11 Septembe 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
On summer evenings, the Arena del Mare is enlivened with five evenings of entertainment a week: concerts, live
bands, VIP guests, musicals, karaoke, theme nights.
Località: Arena del mare, via Regina Margherita, 22 - Rimini Marebello
Sito: www.facebook.com/comitato.marebello
Orario: From 8.30pm to 11.30pm

Memorabilia on the beach
Saturday 20 August 2022
Techno music by Cocoricò at the Rimini Beach Arena
The historic musical format of Cocoricò moves on Saturday afternoon to Rimini Beach Arena with: Cirillo,
Federica Babydoll, Jam El Emar, Pcp, Ricci Jr, Saccoman, Tom Craft.
A great techno event with guests who have contributed to the fame of the Riccione nightclub.

Località: Rimini Beach Arena, via Principe di Piemonte, 56/62 - Rimini Miramare
Telefono: +39 335 5645740
E-mail: info@riminibeacharena.com
Sito: riminibeacharena.com/

Musica in Rivabella
Every Saturdays and Sundaysd from 4 June to 11 September 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
Evenings of music with orchestra offered by the Rivabella Tourist Committee.
Località: Piazzale Adamello - Rimini Rivabella
Sito: www.facebook.com/comitatoturisticorivabella/?ref=page_internal
Orario: From 8.00pm to midnight

Musica in Rivabella
Every Saturdays and Sundaysd from 4 June to 11 September 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
Evenings of music with orchestra offered by the Rivabella Tourist Committee.
Località: Piazzale Adamello - Rimini Rivabella
Sito: www.facebook.com/comitatoturisticorivabella/?ref=page_internal
Orario: From 8.00pm to midnight

Music in Rivazzurra
Sunday 12, 19, 26 June; 10, 17, 24, 31 July; 7, 21, 28 August; 4, 6, 10 September 2022
A party lasting 100 days by the Tourist Committee
The Rivazzurra Tourist Committee proposes an evening of music with Enzo Music Band.
Località: Public park, viale Regina Margherita - Rimini Rivazzurra
Sito: www.facebook.com/Comitato-Turistico-Rivazzurra-819933104756350/
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