European Software Skills Alliance - CASE STUDIES BOOKLET 12 Ideas to Tackle the Shortage of Software Professionals in Europe

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European Software Skills Alliance - CASE STUDIES BOOKLET 12 Ideas to Tackle the Shortage of Software Professionals in Europe
European Software
Skills Alliance.

12 Ideas to Tackle the Shortage of
Software Professionals in Europe
European Software Skills Alliance - CASE STUDIES BOOKLET 12 Ideas to Tackle the Shortage of Software Professionals in Europe
                                              12 IDEAS TO TACKLE THE SHORTAGE OF SOFTWARE PROFESSIONALS IN EUROPE      2

Copyright © 2021 by the European Software Skills Alliance. All rights reserved.

Title: Case Studies: 12 ideas to tackle the shortage of software professionals in Europe

Editor & Design: Marie Montaldo

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication
does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the
views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible
for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
European Software Skills Alliance - CASE STUDIES BOOKLET 12 Ideas to Tackle the Shortage of Software Professionals in Europe

    Table of Contents

    Foreword                                                                    5

    Learning game development at a distance with open-source tools              6

    An open education model for underserved students to be career-ready         7

    Digital certificates for the recognition of non-formal education            8

    Cultivating employees’ skills and attracting young ICT talents              9

    Training young NEETs for the most in-demand ICT job profiles                10

    A gamified, real-world approach to learning programming                     11

    Revamping traditional ICT education with an agile SCRUM-based methodology   12

    Glocalising high-quality, scalable training activities in tech              13

    Efficient corporate training with serious games                             14

    Training companies’ staff in software skills                                15

    Profession-relevant soft skills training for ICT professionals              16

    Bringing knowledge of market players into education                         17

    Achieving high quality, hands-on professional training for IT students      19
European Software Skills Alliance - CASE STUDIES BOOKLET 12 Ideas to Tackle the Shortage of Software Professionals in Europe
                                              12 IDEAS TO TACKLE THE SHORTAGE OF SOFTWARE PROFESSIONALS IN EUROPE      4

About the European Software Skills Alliance

ESSA is a four-year transnational project funded under the Erasmus+ programme. It ensures
the skills needs of the rapidly evolving software sector can be met — today and tomorrow.

It provides current and future software professionals, learning providers and
organisations with software needs with the educational and training instruments
they need to meet the demand for software skills in Europe.

ESSA will develop a European Software Skills Strategy and Vocational Education and
Training programmes for Europe. It will address skills mismatches and shortages
by analysing the sector in depth and delivering future-proof curricula and mobility
solutions, tailored to the European software sector’s reality and needs.
European Software Skills Alliance - CASE STUDIES BOOKLET 12 Ideas to Tackle the Shortage of Software Professionals in Europe


    Designing a strategy is both an exciting                       The booklet presents curated real-world
    and challenging exercise. If it lacks practical                good practice examples that help translate
    relevance, it will bring no added value. Only if               our strategy into concrete actions, and
    you bring practical and appropriate examples,                  in turn, into the design of education and
    your strategy can take a meaningful form.                      training programmes that will contribute to
                                                                   skill, upskill, or reskill individuals into high
    ESSA’s Software Skills Strategy for Europe is                  demand professional software roles.
    based on extensive research, where we looked
    at the market demand and supply in software                    The European Software Skills Alliance (ESSA) is
    skills. We asked ourselves a few questions                     a partnership between twenty-six organisations
    like what are the wishes and expectations                      from universities to large ICT companies, to
    from the labour market? What does supply                       EU-wide business associations. The partners
    consist of? But above all: how can the supply                  have provided one or more cases, based on
    better meet the market’s expectations?                         their own experience, to illustrate our strategy.

    We also explored what is happening from                        We hope that these case studies can serve
    the side of education and training — a field                   as further inspiration, not only for employers,
    that develops pretty quickly with the aid                      educational institutions, and trainers but also for
    of ICTs, bringing new learning modes and                       administrations, governments, and policymakers.
    opportunities. Today, learning and working
    at a distance are part of our daily practice.                  Thanks to all contributors.
    But, not only technologies have the power
    to expand opportunities. They can also be
    brought forward by initiatives, visions of
    people and organisations. Our strategy has
    been inspired and fueled by some of them.

                                  Wanda Saabeel, Irish Computer Society
                                  Nina Kocbek, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia
                                  ESSA WP2 Leaders
European Software Skills Alliance - CASE STUDIES BOOKLET 12 Ideas to Tackle the Shortage of Software Professionals in Europe
                                                  12 IDEAS TO TACKLE THE SHORTAGE OF SOFTWARE PROFESSIONALS IN EUROPE      6

Learning game development at a
distance with open-source tools

 By: Hellenic Open University

  Industry: Higher Education                               Results:
  Location: Patras, Greece
  Size: +250 employees                                     In most cases, this short programme attracts
                                                           adult learners who would like to upskill or
                                                           reskill themselves into high-demand game
Challenges:                                                software development role profiles.

>> “Ghost” teachers in distance learning courses           The open, distance learning model proves to be
>> Limited flexibility of the higher                       effective to support large groups of learners.
education provision                                        In this course, the Hellenic Open University
>> Game software design high-                              supports up to 400 learners each year, divided
level requirements                                         into twenty groups with a 1:16 teacher-student
                                                           ratio to ensure a qualitative experience for all.
                                                           Upon successful completion of the
The “Game Development Short Course”                        programme, learners receive 20 ECTS
is a Greek high-level training course for                  credits (EQF level 5) and an undergraduate
programmers in the field of game design. The               certificate issued by the University.
programme uses open-source tools of the
Python language family (Python, PyGame,                    Key benefits:
Blender, Panda3D, Unity, etc.) and is delivered
fully online by the Hellenic Open University.               • Teaches both hard (programming)
                                                            skills and soft (management) skills
Over 32 weeks (550 hours), students are                     • Covers the entire game software
expected to deliver four mandatory individual               development lifecycle, from inception to
assignments and one group project-                          coding, to marketing the final product
based assignment. Learning is supported                     • Can be taught fully online to large groups
by open-source educational material and                     of learners with limited resources
regular team-tutors online sessions.                        • A working, open, distance learning model is
                                                            easily transferable to other types of course
All students are autonomous in their learning               • Python can also be used for teaching
but are expected to follow a schedule detailed              key competences for Data Analysts,
in a study guide. There are weekly workload                 FinTech experts, and a plethora of other
thresholds to ensure learners are not overloaded            high-demand software role profiles
and the drop-out rate is minimised. The
programme offers flexibility to learners but
also mentoring and support when needed.                    Key resources:
Online group consultation meetings take
place regularly to solve issues faced by the               • Intensive project-based, distance learning
learners, answer questions, and offer them a               courses require careful design and structured
chance to present their progress and results.              support from (experienced) trainers
                                                           • Educational content must effectively
The programme is designed so that students                 integrate a didactical approach and
may learn to work both individually and in                 anticipate learners’ expectations
teams (in an asynchronous manner), to develop              • A 1:30 teacher-student ratio to allow
both their hard (programming) skills and soft              for a qualitative experience for all
skills. In total, there are 358 hours of individual        • Curation of specialised educational
distance learning, 176 hours of collaborative              content, ideally in local languages
work, and 16 hours of group meetings.

    An open education model for underserved
    students to be career-ready

      By: IBM                                                       the National College of Ireland, IBM, Cisco,
                                                                    Virgin Media, Irish Water, and Irish Life.
      Industry: ICT
      Location: Armonk, USA                                         The independent NEIC Programme
      Size: +250 employees                                          Implementation Board (PIB), composed of
                                                                    government departments and agencies, is
                                                                    tasked with the delivery of key services and
    Challenges:                                                     accountability for the expenditure of funds
                                                                    related to NEIC project priority areas. Four
    >> Lack of opportunities for underserved                        working subgroups, each including community
    communities to access tech education                            and business sector representatives, have
    >> Misalignments between traditional                            been established in line with these priority
    education offerings and market needs                            areas and assigned relevant actions.
    >> Employers need to rely in the
    main on traditional four-year degree                            Results:
    qualifications when hiring graduates
                                                                    As of January 2021, there are 200 P-TECH
    Solution:                                                       schools across 11 US states and 28 countries.
                                                                    IBM has provided 500 paid traineeships
    P-TECH is a public education model, developed                   to students (as of January 2020).
    by IBM and educators. It provides high
    school and secondary school students from                       Graduates obtain both second and third-
    underserved communities with the academic,                      level qualifications (EQF level 5). To date, 339
    technical, and professional skills and                          students graduated from the programme
    credentials they need for competitive STEM jobs.                (started in 2011). Among them, thirty-six were
                                                                    hired by schools’ company partners into full-
    P–TECH schools are open and free for students.                  time positions directly after graduating.
    They are partnerships between a second-level
    school, a third-level college or university,                    Key benefits:
    and industry partners working together. The
    model combines coursework with workplace                         • Strong commitment from students
    experiences like industry mentoring, worksite                    who are engaged by the curriculum,
    visits, traineeships and first–in–line for job                   mentoring, and workplace experiences
    considerations with a school’s company partner.                  • Graduates are immediately able to
                                                                     assume roles with the industry partners
    Free, digital learning is also available through                 or continue their education
    “SkillsBuild”, which introduces students
    and educators to tech skills, from emerging
    technologies such as artificial intelligence,                   Key resources:
    cloud computing, and cybersecurity, to new
    ways of working like agile and design thinking.                 • A P-TECH coordinator (part-time) for
                                                                    both industry and school partners
    In Ireland, the P-TECH initiative has been                      • P-TECH “Blueprint” (curated guide
    adapted to the Irish Education system. The                      of resources) to establish, implement,
    government launched the programme in 2018                       and advance the P-TECH model
    which is implemented as part of the Dublin                      • Upskilling training for second-level
    North East Inner City (NEIC) Initiative to oversee              teachers to deliver the curriculum
    the long-term social and economic regeneration                  • Collaboration between national
    of the area. Piloting P-TECH Irish schools include              education systems, IBM, schools, third-
    Larkin Community College, Marino College,                       level institutions, and industry partners
    and St Joseph’s CBS, Dublin partnering with
                                                 12 IDEAS TO TACKLE THE SHORTAGE OF SOFTWARE PROFESSIONALS IN EUROPE      8

Digital certificates for the recognition
of non-formal education

 By: HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht            Results:

  Industry: Higher Education                              380 learners have achieved 713 learning
  Location: Utrecht, Netherlands                          outcomes and 110 Edubadges have been
  Size: +250 employees                                    awarded by 12 teachers through the platform.

                                                          The results from this Edubadges proof of
Challenges:                                               concept are used to develop a pilot programme
                                                          to issue Microcredentials. While Edubadges
>> Digitisation and portability of the                    are used to award non-formal education,
qualification and certification processes                 Microcredentials will be used for formal
>> Lifelong learning and certification                    education with the issuing of ECTS credits.

Solution:                                                 Key benefits:

The University of Applied Science Utrecht                  • An easy-to-use platform to award Edubadges
joined the national Dutch pilot programme on               • Simple digital recognition of
Edubadges (digital certificates) to experiment             knowledge that is portable
and award students and professionals who                   • Eases the identification of acquired
completed extra-curricular achievements,                   skills and knowledge for students and
as part of their UAS Honours programme. The                potential employers — if recognised
initiative answers a broader need to achieve
lifelong learning with modular programmes
and increased flexibility for learning pathways.          Key resources:

The pilot programme is implemented by a group             • Involvement of legal, security, and
of universities that also meets to share their            IT departments of the university
experience and addresses important technical,             • Teachers need to be trained on how
legal, privacy, and communication issues                  to use the platform (0,5 hours)
related to the awarding of digital certificates.          • API connecting the Student Information
                                                          System of the university and the platform
The technical infrastructure used is supported            to facilitate the issuing of badges
by Surf — an IT cooperation organisation                  • Quality assurance processes and recognition
of educational and research institutions in               of the Edubadges by third parties
the Netherlands. In practice, teachers can
now issue Edubadges in a few clicks for
any student affiliated with the platform
so they can add it to their digital wallet.

    Cultivating employees’ skills and
    attracting young ICT talents

      By: Zemanta (an Outbrain company)                             skills at the social and networking activities.

      Industry: Computer and information science                    At the end of the week, the company
      Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia                                 evaluates the overall satisfaction of
      Size: > Students and young professionals lack data
    science and machine learning related skills                     Since its launch in 2018, the Data
    >> Young talents are hard to attract                            Science Summer School has attracted
    >> Keep employees’ skillsets up to date                         more than 90 applicants.

    Solution:                                                       Zemanta has trained 35 young professionals
                                                                    and students, among which two have
    Zemanta regularly updates the knowledge,                        joined their team as full-time employees.
    competences, and skills of its employees. The
    company supports the employees’ career                          Key benefits:
    objectives by offering challenging projects,
    working in a close-knit team, and fostering                      • The short, focused programme
    continuous professional development.                             offers participants real-world,
                                                                     concrete problems to solve
    Actively sharing knowledge and experience                        • Companies can detect young
    is one of the key objectives of the company                      talents and hire them
    who also sponsors a data science                                 • The programme can be replicated in an
    Masters programme at the University of                           online format to get international participants
    Ljubljana and organises the “Data Science                        or transfer knowledge to other companies
    Summer School” where its employees                               • A multi-disciplinary or cross-sectoral approach
    take part as lecturers and mentors.                              can be applied to define broader challenges

    Zemanta invites a selected group of young
    professionals and students to take part in the                  Key resources:
    summer school. The practice-oriented training
    lasts for one week, during which participants get               • Companies need to rearrange the
    to experiment, learn, and brainstorm about how                  work so their employees can take an
    to apply data science and machine learning.                     active part in the programme
                                                                    • A one-week programme implies limits to
    The programme is delivered by the                               what real-world problems the company
    company’s expert data scientists and                            can propose and how accurately they
    external lecturers which requires office                        can assess the participants’ skillsets
    work schedule adjustments to accommodate                        • To run such a programme, companies
    everyone. The participants are given real-                      must ensure that there is a large pool of
    world problems related to the company’s                         interested potential applicants to balance
    challenges in the advertising technology                        out the relative organisational, logistical,
    industry and can socialise and build their soft                 and human resources costs induced
                                                         12 IDEAS TO TACKLE THE SHORTAGE OF SOFTWARE PROFESSIONALS IN EUROPE      10

Training young NEETs for the most
in-demand ICT job profiles

  By: Adecco Formazione                                           roles and skills and host the beneficiaries of
                                                                  the programme at their organisations so young
   Industry: Training and development                             people can fulfil the programme’s work-based
   Location: Milan, Italy                                         learning component. This win-win approach
   Size: > High rates of youth unemployment
in southern Italy                                                 The programme aims at delivering 2,320
>> Low number of ICT specialists                                  hours of specialised training by twelve
>> Need for companies to fill specific                            experienced trainers with the objective to
ICT professional vacancies                                        train 110 young NEETs and qualify them for
                                                                  high demand ICT specialist role profiles.
                                                                  Key benefits:
The project “Digital Evolution in the South”
is a specialised training programme funded                         • Teaches the required professional
by ANPAL under the National Operational                            and technical skills to access
Program “Youth Employment Initiative”. It                          high demand ICT job roles
specifically targets young NEETs (Not Engaged                      • Beneficiaries perform a traineeship within
in Education, Employment or Training) in                           partner organisations that need ICT specialists
southern Italy to skill, upskill, or reskill them                  • Directly addresses the social and
into high-demand professional ICT job profiles.                    work challenges of southern Italy. This
                                                                   can be replicated in other regions
The blended programme is based on a                                • The project is part of the National
theoretical part (over 6 months) followed                          Operational Program — which leverages the
by a practice-oriented part (3-month                               opportunity offered to the Member States
traineeship). It is divided into three tracks —                    under the European Social Fund’s “Youth
technical specialist, design & development,                        Guarantee Initiative” and is thus highly
and development. Each of them targets one                          transferable to other eligible countries
or more ICT professional role profiles that
have been identified as critical and in high
demand by project partner companies.                              Key resources:

The technical specialist track relates to                         • Coordinators of the project must
professional role profiles such as system                         identify and recruit relevant partner
architect, digital media specialist, ICT consultant;              companies at the local level
the design & development track targets web                        • Companies need to be committed to sharing
business analyst, technical specialists; the                      insights on the skills and professional roles
last track on development is channelled on                        they need and host trainees for 3 months
the developer role profile — the most needed                      • A pool of coordinators (one per track)
professional software roles of all1. Given the                    and specialised trainers is necessary
training focuses on developing advanced                           to deliver quality training
skills for the corresponding role profiles, there                 System of the university and the platform
are some requirements, students must meet to                      to facilitate the issuing of badges
enrol (i.e., basic knowledge of relevant topics).                 • Quality assurance processes and recognition
                                                                  of the Edubadges by third parties
The partner companies have a leading role in
the successful delivery of the project. They take
part in the identification of the high demand

1   ESSA consortium (2021), Results of “Europe’s Most Needed
Software Roles and Skills” needs analysis report https://

     A gamified, real-world approach
     to learning programming

       By: Junior Olympiad in Informatics, High School XIV

       Industry: Education
       Location: Warsaw, Poland
       Size: > Engage young people in
     programming from an early age                                  Results:
     >> Identify and train the future
     ICT talents and IT leaders                                     The programming competition “Olympiad
                                                                    in Informatics” is an excellent platform for
     Solution:                                                      students to apply their knowledge to real-
                                                                    world challenges offered by organisations
     The Olympic Computer Club (Olimpijskie                         and prove to be a good practice example for
     Koło Informatyczne - OKI) invites                              engaging young people in programming.
     young polish people, aged 9-19, to                             National winners get the chance to compete
     learn programming, algorithmics and                            in the International “Olympiad in Informatics”
     artificial intelligence — regardless of their                  and, so far, have returned with medals.
     background, initial knowledge, or location.
                                                                    The online, live classes hosted on
     Teachers from high schools and universities                    YouTube gather about 500 students,
     offer training activities free of charge to enable             mostly from primary schools.
     equal access to education. OKI students follow
     live, online classes and receive daily guidance                Key benefits:
     and support. They can also take part in weekly
     physical training for beginner, experienced,                     • The gamified learning programme
     or advanced level at the High School XIV.                        is attractive for young people
                                                                      • Young pupils can develop both hard
     During those online classes, students                            and soft skills that are essentials
     are taught and asked to solve concrete                           for pursuing a career in tech
     cases using a tailored-made system for                           • Encourages the mobility of young people
     programming competitions, run by Warsaw                          at the local, national, and European levels
     University. Working on these cases, students
     can not only reinforce their knowledge but
     also boost their soft skills such as creativity                Key resources:
     and critical thinking skills while self-
     exploring, testing, and seeking solutions.                     • A system that runs and tests
                                                                    students’ programmes and computer
     OKI also adds a gamified and competitive                       applications for competitions
     element to the learning path — the                             • Availability of the teaching staff at
     preparations for participation in the National                 high schools and universities
     “Olympiad in Informatics” where students
                                                    12 IDEAS TO TACKLE THE SHORTAGE OF SOFTWARE PROFESSIONALS IN EUROPE      12

Revamping traditional ICT education with
an agile SCRUM-based methodology

  By: HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht              At the end of an education cycle, students
                                                             assess themselves and set their own
  Industry: Higher Education                                 development goals for the following period.
  Location: Utrecht, Netherlands                             The developments are discussed and polished
  Size: +250 employees                                       during an interview with their coach.

                                                             The agile programme is effective to lower the
>> Education and training programmes                         drop-out rate during the first year (25%) at the
are distant from the market needs                            university. Coaches have noted a very high level
>> Education and training programmes                         of commitment from students (>35 working
can be too rigid for learners                                hours/week) and overall high satisfaction (9/10).
>> High drop-out rates during
the first year at university                                 Often, external clients have taken the products
                                                             developed by the students into production.
                                                             The programme has won the university’s
The University of Applied Sciences Utrecht                   educational innovation award and a national
(HU) is revamping ICT education with its                     innovation award. The related gains have
“Open-ICT” bachelor programme. No                            been re-injected into the programme to cover
standard courses and no exams on the                         for increased staff and innovation capacity.
menu but self-discovery and cultivation of
a passion for ICT-related professions.                       Key benefits:

To propose such a shift from traditional                      • Flexible, personalised learning pathways
learning paths, HU built on successful previous               widen the access to education and
experiences of its programme’s specialised                    improve learners’ satisfaction
branch on Open Innovation and introduced                      • Real-world assignments ensure
agile learning and working processes                          education is linked to market needs
based on the SCRUM methodology.                               • Task-based learning makes it simple for
                                                              students to identify their next learning step
Students are given real-life assignments                      and continue learning independently
and, after six months, work on real-world                     • Teachers can focus on coaching students
challenges offered by external clients. To                    rather than grading student work
complete their assignments, students meet
every two weeks — as a team — to define the
solutions they will build for their clients (sprint).        Key resources:
Based on their functional wishes, students
assign themselves tasks and identify what they               • Support teachers to move from
need to learn next to complete the tasks.                    the “expert” to “coach” role
                                                             • Remodel classrooms into an open learning
Each student has a coach and receives                        space fit for the student’s needs, including
continuous feedback on their professional                    1-1 or team meetings, pitching areas, etc
and content-related development from peers                   • Agile programmes are well suited
and experts. Their progress is tracked via a                 to markets where tech plays a major
dashboard based on ten essential ICT-related                 role and changes are rapid. It can be
skills and helps them visualise where they stand             challenging to apply to other fields
as well as acts as a basis for the assessment.

     Glocalising high-quality, scalable
     training activities in tech

       By: NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute                            Results:

       Industry: Artificial intelligence                             This private-public partnership proves to be
       Location: Santa Clara, USA                                    successful to update the knowledge of large
       Size: +250 employees                                          numbers of people in highly specialised
                                                                     and technological fields of science.
                                                                     The Ambassador Program and financial
     Challenges:                                                     support allow for rapid, local uptake of the
                                                                     knowledge and Training Kits and support the
     >> Organising high-quality, scalable                            universities’ reskilling and upskilling efforts.
     training activities at the local level on
     artificial intelligence and related topics                      Instructor-led workshops can be scaled up
     >> Scarcity of and challenge to get                             by involving “teaching assistants” (with a 1:20
     up-to-date teaching material in the                             assistant-learner ratio) allowing up to 120
     field of artificial intelligence                                people or more to be trained at once. Upon
                                                                     successful completion, workshop participants
     Solution:                                                       receive an NVIDIA DLI certificate of competency.

     The NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute (DLI)                        Key benefits:
     collaborates with universities and research
     laboratories to train professionals, educators,                  • The more ambassadors, the more
     and students in artificial intelligence,                         people trained (snowball effect)
     accelerated computing, accelerated data                          • Online courses and Training Kits
     science, and other hot topics. To this end,                      maintenance costs are low
     NVIDIA supports two complementary                                • Excellence programme that
     educator programmes — the “Teaching Kits”                        attracts instructor candidates
     and “University Ambassador Program”.                             • Financial support to the universities’
                                                                      certified instructors
     Teaching Kits, developed in collaboration with
     academic partners, are available to qualified
     university educators who can integrate at                       Key resources:
     their convenience the lecture materials, hands-
     on exercises, GPU cloud resources, etc., into                   • University educators must go through
     curricula. These educators are also eligible to                 a rigorous evaluation to be certified
     get the “instructor certification” via the DLI                  and able to deliver workshops
     Ambassador Program. This certification enables                  • Experienced researchers and educators
     them to deliver free “instructor-led workshops”                 are busy with their academic duties
     to their university staff, students, and peers.                 can propose and how accurately they
                                                                     can assess the participants’ skillsets
     To be certified, instructor candidates
     must complete rigorous, course-specific
     evaluations, run by a DLI Master Instructor,
     covering technical qualifications, subject
     matter expertise, knowledge of the teaching
     kits, classroom delivery skills, and the use of
     the DLI platform. Once certified, instructors
     update their knowledge through continuing
     education and the annual renewal of the
     University Ambassador membership.
     Certified instructors oversee the organisation
     of the workshops, including logistics,
     marketing, and delivery, but do receive
     financial support from NVIDIA to cover some
     of the expenses of the training activity.
                                                       12 IDEAS TO TACKLE THE SHORTAGE OF SOFTWARE PROFESSIONALS IN EUROPE      14

Efficient corporate training
with serious games

  By: Pegneon
                                                                A summary of the player performance
  Industry: IT/Human Resources                                  is provided to learners, indicating
  Location: Athens, Greece                                      the areas of improvement.
  Size: +250 employees

Challenges:                                                     Pegneon’s clients, like Netlink or the Eleftherios
                                                                Venizelos Airport, have reported that all
>> Training a wide and diverse group of learners                learners have completed their learning
>> Employees’ and companies’                                    objectives successfully. These results seem
lack of time for training                                       to indicate serious gaming increases the
                                                                learners’ completion and engagement rates.
                                                                Key benefits:
Pegneon develops and delivers serious games
for corporate training like the “safety game”                    • A flexible, tailored approach
where learners explore an office area and                        to training employees
act on hazards they may encounter at work                        • Action-based approach engages the
or “factory”, designed to educate industrial                     learners and offers better completion
zone workers about safety measures.                              rate than other types of e-training
                                                                 • Cost and time effective training
Serious games have the potential to engage                       for companies and employees
the learners/players with an immersive,                          • Replicable and adaptable to
personalised, and active journey which                           different learning materials
facilitates the learning process. The same
game can be given to a diverse group
of learners and does not require the                            Key resources:
involvement of a trainer, making it cost-
efficient for companies. Pegneon also                           • Knowledge of game design and good UI/UX
adapts its offer to the needs of companies,                     • Clear definition of the learning
developing custom made serious games.                           objectives and in-game parallelism
                                                                • Basic knowledge of gaming
It takes about 20-30 minutes to complete                        mechanics for learners
a learning objective. This parameter is
important for learner professionals and
companies who often lack time for training1.

1 ESSA consortium (2021), Results of “Europe’s Most Needed
Software Roles and Skills” needs analysis report https://

     Training companies’ staff
     in software skills

       By: University of Ljubljana                                   The training courses are delivered on-site on
                                                                     the faculty’s premises and are limited to ten to
       Industry: Higher Education                                    fifteen participants depending on the type of
       Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia                                 activity to allow for higher levels of engagement
       Size: > Upskilling personnel in software skills                      Six tailored courses have been organised for
     >> Skilling students in software skills                         companies but there is no one-fit-all solution.
     >> Shortages of software                                        Results have shown that even if the courses
     professionals in Slovenia                                       are tailored to the needs of a specific company,
                                                                     it can only be done up to a certain degree
     Solution:                                                       and specific individual skills gaps remain.
                                                                     Companies should segment their needs
     The Faculty of Computer and Information                         further for more efficient training results.
     Science at the University of Ljubljana runs
     the FRI Academy (Akademija FRI), offering                       Key benefits:
     extra-curricular courses to train individuals,
     companies, or high schools in software skills.                   • Flexible training courses, tailored
                                                                      to the audience needs
     The university appointed a coordinator,                          • Direct transfer of knowledge from
     who oversees the organisation of the                             the latest research results
     yearly programme of the courses, looks for                       • Leverages the knowledge and
     interested academic lecturers and external                       expertise of academic staff to upskill
     collaborators and assumes the logistical and                     and reskill companies’ personnel
     marketing responsibilities. The programme                        • Companies can get public co-financing from
     is led and delivered by the professors and                       the Slovenian Enterprise Fund to cover the
     researchers of the faculty, allowing the                         training costs. In Slovenia, this is managed
     transfer of the latest research results and                      by the Digital Innovation Hub of Slovenia
     knowledge, and ensuring quality content.

     The FRI Academy offers a wide range of                          Key resources:
     training courses from data mining to big data
     management, to artificial intelligence and                      • Availability of the academic staff, level of
     deep learning. Training activities are flexible                 expertise and depth of knowledge in specific
     and adapted to the audience, upon request                       topics, depending on the company’s needs
     from companies or high schools. They can take                   • Visibility towards potential clients,
     the form of lectures, technical training with a                 i.e., companies and high schools
     demo project, or first-hand intensive training
     — from basic to highly specialised levels.
                                                   12 IDEAS TO TACKLE THE SHORTAGE OF SOFTWARE PROFESSIONALS IN EUROPE      16

Profession-relevant soft skills
training for ICT professionals

 By: ITS Antonio Cuccovillo                                 This modular experience and research-based
                                                            way of working and learning enable students to
  Industry: Non-academic professional training              benefit from tailored training and allow teachers
  Location: Bari, Italy                                     flexibility in the delivery of the course — making
  Size: > Equip ICT professionals with soft skills                 understanding of the relevance of soft
                                                            skills in ICT-related professions and can
Solution:                                                   build their skillsets accordingly. Their
                                                            employability potential is therefore boosted.
ITS A. Cuccovillo is a training institute (EQF
level 5) specialised in mechatronics. The                   Key benefits:
foundation’s training offering includes specific
modules related to soft skills including team                • Soft skills capacity building
working, communication, problem-solving,                     for ICT professionals
project management, and entrepreneurship                     • Formal learning of soft skills, integration
— essential non-technical skills sought after                into professional subjects
by companies for software professional roles.

These modules are 10-20 hours long and built                Key resources:
based on the results of labour market research
defining the required soft skills. The courses              • A well-oiled evaluation mechanism
are, for the most part, practical activities that           to assess soft skills and competences
are based on the experiences of students (some              rather than knowledge
of whom have work experience) and on real-                  • A clear link to the profession-
life cases. Small classes of 20-25 students give            related goals of students
every learner a chance to actively participate.

     Bringing knowledge of market
     players into education

       By: ICT Association of Hungary                                To be eligible, universities must send their
                                                                     plans before the start of the semester,
       Industry: ICT                                                 allowing enough time to find, negotiate,
       Location: Budapest, Hungary                                   and plan the course with the trainer.
       Size: > Graduates lack practical technological and                   lectures to the labour market expectations.
     business-related knowledge and competencies
     >> Shortages of university lecturers                            Upon acceptance and after the delivery
     and/or appropriate institutional                                of the training, the intermediary
     knowledge on recent technologies                                company remunerates trainers.

     Solution:                                                       Results:

     Hungary’s “Code your future!” project                           Over four years of the project, 2906 guest
     (GINOP-3.1.1-VEKOP-15-2016-00001) is a large-                   lectures were given and 101 courses
     scale initiative, supported by the European                     delivered by market professionals.
     Social Funds, that tackles the shortages of ICT
     specialists. The project is about significantly                 Each year, there are about 50 market
     growing the number of ICT career-ready                          professionals involved in the lecturing activities.
     graduates and bringing knowledge
     from market players into education.                             Key benefits:

     Partner of the national project, the ICT                         • Strong relationship between
     Association of Hungary was tasked to                             academic and company partners
     develop and manage the concept and                               • Future-ready workforce, with the IT
     service of a “trainers’ pool” that extends or                    competences sought after by companies
     establishes cooperation between academic                         • Replicable and adaptable to different Member
     partners and ICT companies and most                              States, using the European Social Funds
     importantly, involves market professionals
     in practical training activities at the
     participating universities. For operations, an                  Key resources:
     intermediary company takes charge of the
     implementation of the “trainers’ pool” and                      • Experts and IT specialists to
     service provision via public procurement.                       conduct the quality assurance
                                                                     • Coordinating organisation (intermediary
     The “trainers’ pool” is a virtual database                      company) and administrative support
     of market professionals who previously                          to ensure seamless matchmaking
     collaborated with participating universities                    • Competitive financial compensation
     of this initiative. The matchmaking between                     for company partners/trainers
     universities and trainers also happens via the                  • Availability of funding
     intermediary company which coordinates with
     both parties and ensures service provision.

     In practice, this means universities define
     their semestrial plan, needs, and include
     their wishes for specific trainers. They
     submit them to the intermediary company,
     tasked to hire the trainers identified by the
     university or by the intermediary company in
     the “trainers’ pool” or in its own network.

     Achieving high quality, hands-on
     professional training for IT students

       By: ICT Association of Hungary
                                                                     The programme is run operationally by a SCCC,
       Industry: ICT                                                 operating via public procurement. Internship
       Location: Budapest, Hungary                                   positions are curated, students’ skills pre-
       Size: > Universities’ high drop-out                                  like task delegation, internship programme
     rates among IT students                                         building, monitoring and evaluation.
     >> Attractivity of market entry job offers
     leading to discontinuity of studies                             Results:
     >> Universities’ lack of institutional knowledge
     on the latest/most sought after technologies                    The internship programme strengthens
     >> Companies’ senior employees                                  cooperation between universities and ICT
     have limited mentoring skills                                   companies. It results in lower drop-out rates
                                                                     and immediately services the labour market
     Solution:                                                       with a capable workforce. Over two years, 230
                                                                     ICT companies benefitted from it and 760 IT
     The ICT Association of Hungary is part of the                   students found a paid internship opportunity.
     national project “Code your future!” (GINOP-
     3.1.1-VEKOP-15-2016-00001), supported by                        Results from the second year of the programme
     the European Social Funds. The association                      show that out of the 260 students serviced
     was tasked to conceptualise and design an                       this year, 150 of them have received longer-
     internship programme (and service) for IT                       term, part-time offers from companies
     students, based on desk research findings                       under favourable conditions which allow
     and in-depth analysis of ICT companies’                         them to continue and finalise their studies.
     needs and internship practices.
                                                                     Key benefits:
     Internship programmes are not new, but the ICT
     Association of Hungary brought on the table                      • Real-world, hands-on experience for
     innovative elements that facilitate the talent                   IT students that doesn’t jeopardise
     selection and hiring of interns for companies                    their university learning experience
     and ensure that students can receive high                        • Companies can easily hire
     quality, hands-on professional training.                         interns at (almost) no cost
                                                                      • Better retention rates at universities
     Instead of working with employment agencies,                     • Replicable and adaptable to different
     they turned to student career counselling                        Member States, using the European
     centres (SCCC) who have direct means of                          Social Funds or national funds
     communication with the potential interns and
     apply advantageous tax solutions for companies
     to hire them. The internships are paid by the                   Key resources:
     project and covers about three months of
     internship at the selected companies which                      • Mentors’ time and availability
     removes companies’ roadblocks and offers                        • Availability of funding
     financial stability to the working students.

     With this programme, a student can benefit
     from a maximum of 500 hours of internship
     at one or up to three companies. Companies
     can hire interns for 20h/week when classes are
     held, but this can go up to 40h/week during
     any other period — a model that protects the
     quality of the students’ learning experiences
     and increases its practical relevance.
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