PROSPECTUS 2018 - Higher Certificate Programmes Degree Programmes Honours Programmes Postgraduate Diploma Programmes - MANCOSA

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PROSPECTUS 2018 - Higher Certificate Programmes Degree Programmes Honours Programmes Postgraduate Diploma Programmes - MANCOSA

Higher Certificate Programmes
Degree Programmes
Honours Programmes
Postgraduate Diploma Programmes
PROSPECTUS 2018 - Higher Certificate Programmes Degree Programmes Honours Programmes Postgraduate Diploma Programmes - MANCOSA
Empowering you
to achieve.
PROSPECTUS 2018 - Higher Certificate Programmes Degree Programmes Honours Programmes Postgraduate Diploma Programmes - MANCOSA

04            05
Principal’s   Introducing
Message       MANCOSA

05            06
Vision and    Registration and
Mission       Accreditation

08            09
The MANCOSA   Academic
Advantage     Support

11            11
Access        Admission
To You        Requirements

15-39         43-59
Certificate   Degree
Programmes    Programmes

63-71         73-77
Honours       Postgraduate Diploma
Programmes    Programmes
PROSPECTUS 2018 - Higher Certificate Programmes Degree Programmes Honours Programmes Postgraduate Diploma Programmes - MANCOSA
Working hard for
something we love
is called passion.

Deciding to study is an important investment in your
future. It is crucial that you choose the programme
and school which is right for you. Making a career
choice today can be a very challenging decision in
a globalised and competitive environment. There
is a need to raise the skills base in the workplace
through the pursuit of appropriate qualifications from a
reputable higher education institution, the Management
College of Southern Africa (MANCOSA).

MANCOSA strives to ensure that its students develop
valuable life skills and become independent and
confident individuals. These life skills enable students
to deal more confidently with challenges that confront
them in the world of work. MANCOSA academics are
committed to lead students through the journey of
academic exploration by applying theory to practice.
MANCOSA ensures that the programmes it offers are
sufficiently rigorous to equip students with the values
of hard work, commitment and sacrifice.

Join the MANCOSA world of academic excellence
where learning is both fun and a challenge to prepare
you to succeed in a competitive working environment.
We wish you well in your studies.

Professor Y M Karodia

 4   Member Institution of Honoris United Universities | w w | 2018
PROSPECTUS 2018 - Higher Certificate Programmes Degree Programmes Honours Programmes Postgraduate Diploma Programmes - MANCOSA

                                                           During 2017, Mancosa [GSB] became a proud
                                                           member of Honoris United Universities. Honoris
                                                           United Universities is the first pan-African private
                                                           higher education network committed to preparing
                                                           and educating the next generation of African leaders
                                                           and professionals able to impact regionally in a
                                                           globalized world. Collaborative intelligence, cultural
                                                           agility and mobile mindsets and skills are at the

What we                                                    heart of Honoris’ vision of higher education. Honoris
                                                           United Universities joins the expertise of its member
                                                           institutions to create pan-regional profile graduates
stand for                                                  that are competitive in today’s fast-paced and
                                                           demanding labor markets.

                                                           Honoris United Universities gathers a community of
VISION                                                     27000 students on 48 campuses, in 9 countries and
                                                           30 cities across Africa. More than 100 degrees are
MANCOSA’S vision is to be the leading distance             offered in the fields of Health Science, Engineering,
education provider that is responsive to the               IT, Business, Law, Architecture, Arts and Design,
evolving education and training needs of dynamic           Media, Education and Political Science.
economies through a commitment to people,
opportunity and quality.                                   The Management College of Southern Africa
                                                           (MANCOSA) is a private higher education institution
                                                           committed to the provision of affordable, accessible
MISSION                                                    and accredited learning programmes.
MANCOSA endeavours to respond to the
                                                           MANCOSA is a leading provider of business and
changing education demands of both public and
                                                           management education programmes on the African
private sectors in dynamic economies through
                                                           continent and the Indian Ocean Islands through
the provision of innovative education.
                                                           supported distance education.

WHY CHOOSE MANCOSA?                                        MANCOSA is renowned for academic excellence
                                                           and cutting-edge insights in the delivery of
• MANCOSA provides high quality education                  education and training. A strong emphasis is placed
• MANCOSA develops competitive and                         on the application of theory to practice to ensure
  career-centred skills                                    that learning is applied to real-life work situations.
• MANCOSA provides an intellectually
  stimulating environment                                  The emphasis is on personal development from
• MANCOSA connects students to a global                    both a professional and academic perspective.
  gateway of knowledge; and                                MANCOSA qualifications prepare students for a
• MANCOSA programmes are responsive to                     future filled with many challenges and exciting
  regional,national and international needs.               opportunities.

                       Member Institution of Honoris United Universities | w w | 2018          5
PROSPECTUS 2018 - Higher Certificate Programmes Degree Programmes Honours Programmes Postgraduate Diploma Programmes - MANCOSA

     • MANCOSA is registered with the Department of Higher
       Education and Training (DHET), registration number 2000/HE07/003;
     • MANCOSA programmes are accredited by the Higher
       Education Quality Committee (HEQC) of the Council on Higher
       Education (CHE); and
     • MANCOSA programmes are recorded on the National Qualifications
       Framework (NQF) by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).


     • Honoris United Universities (HUU);
     • South African Business Schools Association (SABSA);
     • Association of African Business Schools (AABS);
     • National Association of Distance Education Organisations of
       South Africa (NADEOSA); and
     • European Foundation for Management and Development (EFMD)
     • United Nations Academic Impact Initiative (UNAI).


     • Accredited by the Mauritius Tertiary Education Commission (TEC)
     • Recognised by the Namibia Qualifications Authority (NQA)
     • Registered with the Zambia Higher Education Authority (HEA)
     • Accredited by the Malawi National Council for Higher Education (NCHE)
     • Registered with the Botswana Qualifications Authority
       (BQA), registration number 04217.

6    Member Institution of Honoris United Universities | w w | 2018
PROSPECTUS 2018 - Higher Certificate Programmes Degree Programmes Honours Programmes Postgraduate Diploma Programmes - MANCOSA

What makes us
                                                                   For the first time in
                                                                   the region, a higher
                                                                   education initiative,
                                                                   at international
                                                                   standards, introduces
                                                                   the collaborative
                                                                   intelligence of African
                                                                   institutions, leveraging
                                                                   the knowledge and
                                                                   expertise of multiple
                                                                   communities and

                                                                   1. DURBAN
                                                                   2. PIETERMARITZBURG
                                                                   3. JOHANNESBURG
                                                                   4. PRETORIA
                                                                   5. POLOKWANE
                                                                   6. CAPE TOWN
                                                                   7. PORT ELIZABETH
                                                                   8. EAST LONDON
                                                                   9. BOTSWANA
                                                                   10. NAMIBIA
                                                                   11. SWAZILAND
                                                                   12. ZAMBIA

      Member Institution of Honoris United Universities | w w | 2018   7
PROSPECTUS 2018 - Higher Certificate Programmes Degree Programmes Honours Programmes Postgraduate Diploma Programmes - MANCOSA
Studying through distance learning means that there is little disruption
to your personal life and full-time work schedule. MANCOSA
programmes enable students to complete modules and assignments
according to their own time management to meet deadlines. Should
your job require extensive travel and extended working hours,
MANCOSA’s supported distance learning programmes are ideally
suited for you.

                                               AND ACCESSIBILITY
                                                 MANCOSA is committed to
                                                providing affordable access to
                                                higher education through the
                                                 provision of accredited and
                                                     quality management

  OVERALL EXPERIENCE                                                                     INTERACTIVE
     Our programmes are designed                                                    The use of a range of teaching
     and structured to stimulate you                                              methods including formal lectures,
      intellectually. The rigour of the                                              case studies, group-work and
   programmes and the effort required                                             self-study exercises are core to the
      to complete them successfully                                              success of the programme you enrol
     will ensure that you acquire the                                              on. All of these help to build skills
  knowledge, skills and abilities to face                                          and competencies which develop
  the challenges of the business world.                                            students’ managerial capabilities.

 8   Member Institution of Honoris United Universities | w w | 2018
PROSPECTUS 2018 - Higher Certificate Programmes Degree Programmes Honours Programmes Postgraduate Diploma Programmes - MANCOSA

These are held over 2 days (a weekend) and focus on
orientation, academic requirements, group-work, tutor
presentations and assessment preparation.

These are held over 2 days (a weekend) and focus
on group-work, tutor presentations and assessment
                                                        Workshops are held during weekends to support students with their
                                                        studies. Students are given the opportunity to discuss key themes
                                                        and perspectives in their modules. Students are required to do the
                                                        pre-reading of modules before attending the workshops. Guidelines
                                                        are also given on how to prepare and submit quality assignments.
                                                        These sessions also foster group interaction between academics
                                                        and students in a supportive learning environment. Students are
                                                        encouraged to discuss issues which are relevant and to seek clarity
                                                        on important concepts in their studies.

        STUDY GUIDES                                                                   ACADEMIC SUPPORT
      Study guides for each module                                                   MANCOSA academics have industry
          include prescribed and                                                     experience and expertise to ensure
    recommended readings, practical                                                    that students receive continuous
        assignments, assessment                                                         support and guidance. Full-time
      activities and tutorial letters. In                                               academics are appointed in the
   addition, textbooks are prescribed                                                 various support centres to provide
   to supplement these readings and                                                     telephonic and email support to
   are a core element of the module.                                                               students.

                                               Additional workshops are held
                                              throughout the year. These are
                                               held over one day focusing on
                                            subjects such as maths, statistics
                                              and accounting. There is also a
                                            focus on assessment preparation.

                               Member Institution of Honoris United Universities | w w | 2018             9
PROSPECTUS 2018 - Higher Certificate Programmes Degree Programmes Honours Programmes Postgraduate Diploma Programmes - MANCOSA
Educating the
next generation
of African leaders
and professionals.

                                                            HIGHER CERTIFICATE,
                                                            ADVANCED CERTIFICATE AND
                                                            DEGREE PROGRAMMES
                                                            The minimum admission requirement to enrol
                                                            on a MANCOSA undergraduate programme is a
                                                            National Senior Certificate with appropriate subject
                                                            combinations and appropriate endorsement.

                                                            The minimum entry requirement for an Advanced
                                                            Certificate is a Higher Certificate in the appropriate

ACCESS TO YOU                                               field.

                                                            International students who have completed their
                                                            secondary education by means of the O and A level
LIBRARY AND ELECTRONIC                                      system must have a combination of both O and A
                                                            level subjects in order to qualify for admission to an
RESOURCES GUIDES                                            undergraduate programme.

MANCOSA has its own fully-equipped libraries in
most centres. It also has agreements with other             HONOURS AND POSTGRADUATE
institutions which grant MANCOSA students access to         DIPLOMA PROGRAMMES
library facilities. All MANCOSA students have free          The minimum entry requirement onto a MANCOSA
access to the latest research and online journal            postgraduate programme is an appropriate
articles via EBSCO Host, Emerald and SABINET.               Bachelor’s Degree or Advanced Diploma.

MANCOSA STUDENT                                             A recognised qualification, equivalent to a
                                                            Bachelor’s Degree, will also provide access to
SERVICES                                                    MANCOSA postgraduate programmes.
MANCOSA Student Services provides students with
comprehensive support on all aspects relating to their      RECOGNITION OF PRIOR
studies. Various forms of personal, telephonic and          LEARNING (RPL) / MATURE
online support are available to registered students.
                                                            It is possible, in exceptional circumstances, to gain
The dedicated student portal (
                                                            entry into a programme on the basis of RPL. Note
provides all registered students with a range of
                                                            that acceptance based on MANCOSA’s RPL policy
academic support and information.
                                                            is subject to approval of the Student Recruitment,
                                                            Admission and Selection Committee. For further
                                                            information contact the MANCOSA Offices.

                        Member Institution of Honoris United Universities | w w | 2018          11
• Higher Certificates • Advanced Certificates

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Collaborative Intelligence
   at the heart of our vision.
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T: +27 31 300 7200 / T: +27 11 853 3000 / T: +27 21 671 6576

    Higher Certificate
    in Accounting
    Programme Description                        Career Opportunities
    The Higher Certificate in Accounting is an   On completion of the programme,
    undergraduate programme that offers a        graduates can aspire to the following
    combination of theory and practice in the    positions:
    key area of accounting. The purpose of
    the programme is to provide a structured     • Accountant
    qualification for students wishing to work   • Bookkeeper
    as bookkeepers and junior accountants        • Accounts Clerk
    and to equip students with a sound           • Debtors Clerk
    fundamental knowledge base regarding
                                                 Who Should Apply?
    The programme aims to develop an             • School leavers looking to pursue a
    integrated conceptual understanding,           career in accounting.
    synthesis and application of accounting      • Individuals looking to work in the
    principles. It provides a relevant higher      accounting field.
    education qualification enabling students
    to gain meaningful employment.               Mode of Delivery
    The programme will develop junior            This programme is offered through
    management skills, and provide               distance learning.
    participants with skills in accounting,
    organisation and management.                 Applicants can enquire about additional
                                                 support classes.
    The Higher Certificate in Accounting
    programme provides a career path for         Admission Requirements
    those wanting to specialise in accounting    • The minimum entry requirement is the
    and financial management.                      National Senior Certificate or National
                                                   Certificate Vocational with appropriate
    Articulation                                   subject combinations and levels of
    Completion of the Higher Certificate           achievement; or
    meets the minimum entry requirement for      • An equivalent NQF level 4 qualification
    admission to an appropriate Advanced           with proven proficiency in English.
    Certificate. A Higher Certificate may
    also allow access to an appropriate
    Bachelor’s degree.

    Programme Structure
    Duration: 1 Year
    Semester One                                 Semester Two
    • Management Principles                      • Financial Accounting A
    • Financial Accounting B                     • Management Accounting
    • Business Law                               • Basic Economics and Finance

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T: +27 31 300 7200 / T: +27 11 853 3000 / T: +27 21 671 6576

    Higher Certificate in
    Business Management
    Programme Description                      Who Should Apply?
    The Higher Certificate in Business         • School leavers looking to pursue a
    Management is a one year programme           career in business and management.
    that prepares students for employment in   • Individuals who wish to acquire
    junior and middle management positions.      business management skills.
    It develops skills, knowledge and values   • Managers of small businesses.
    in the areas of team management,           • Individuals who are currently in
    strategic management, project                supervisory and management positions
    management, marketing, finance and           looking to improve their management
    people management.                           skills.

    The programme is aimed at preparing        Mode of Delivery
    students for a career in business and      This programme is offered through
    management. It focuses on the functional   distance learning.
    areas of management and ensures
    students apply theory to practice.         Applicants can enquire about additional
                                               support classes.
    Completion of the Higher Certificate       Admission Requirements
    meets the minimum entry requirement for    • The minimum entry requirement is the
    admission to an appropriate Advanced         National Senior Certificate or National
    Certificate. A Higher Certificate may        Certificate Vocational with appropriate
    also allow access to an appropriate          subject combinations and levels of
    Bachelor’s degree.                           achievement; or
                                               • An equivalent NQF level 4 qualification
    Career Opportunities                         with proven proficiency in English.
    On completion of the programme,
    graduates can aspire to the following

    • Business Administrator
    • Business Assistant
    • Junior Manager
    • Assistant Manager
    • Supervisor

    Programme Structure
    Duration: 1 Year
    Semester One                               Semester Two
    • Management Principles                    • Project Management
    • End User Computing                       • Business Communication
    • Business Mathematics                     • Accounting and Finance
    • Business Law                             • Marketing

Member Institution of Honoris United Universities | w w | 2018        17
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T: +27 31 300 7200 / T: +27 11 853 3000 / T: +27 21 671 6576

    Higher Certificate in Human
    Resource Management
    Programme Description                          Career Opportunities
    The Higher Certificate in Human Resource       On completion of the programme,
    Management is a one year programme             graduates can aspire to the following
    that prepares students for employment          positions:
    in human resource positions. Human
    resource management is critical for the        • Human Resources Administrator
    long-term sustainability and economic          • Human Resources Consultant
    growth of the Southern African industry,       • Human Resources Assistant
    business and other types of organisations.
                                                   Who Should Apply?
    People in industry and business determine      • School leavers looking to pursue a
    to a great extent economic success or            career in human resource management.
    failure, and therefore it is critical that     • Individuals who wish to acquire
    supervisors and administrative staff             human resource management skills.
    have the basic ability to engage with the      • Human resource administrators who
    changing demands of the workplace and            wish to move into a human resource
    industry. A Higher Certificate in Human          consultancy position.
    Resource Management provides an ideal          • Individuals who are currently in
    platform for school leavers to develop basic     human resource positions looking
    human resource administration knowledge,         to improve their human resource
    skills and competencies.                         management skills.

    This programme has a real-world and
    market focus and can be immediately            Mode of Delivery
    applied in the workplace. It offers up         This programme is offered through
    to date information on domestic and            distance learning. Applicants can enquire
    international human resource practices.        about additional support classes.
    The course work stresses on practical
    techniques to identify and attract             Admission Requirements
    employees. In addition, it positions human     • The minimum entry requirement is the
    resource as a strategic business partner in      National Senior Certificate or National
    a highly competitive work environment.           Certificate Vocational with appropriate
                                                     subject combinations and levels of
    Articulation                                     achievement; or
    Completion of the Higher Certificate           • An equivalent NQF level 4 qualification
    meets the minimum entry requirement for          with proven proficiency in English.
    admission to an appropriate Advanced
    Certificate. A Higher Certificate may
    also allow access to an appropriate
    Bachelor’s degree.

    Programme Structure
    Duration: 1 Year
    Semester One                                      Semester Two
    • Principles of Human Resource Management         • Training and Development
    • Human Resource Planning                         • Compensation and Benefits
    • Recruitment and Selection                       • Performance Management

Member Institution of Honoris United Universities | w w | 2018             19
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T: +27 31 300 7200 / T: +27 11 853 3000 / T: +27 21 671 6576

    Higher Certificate in
    Information Technology
    Programme Description                         Career Opportunities
    The Higher Certificate in Information         On completion of the programme,
    Technology is a one year programme            graduates can aspire to the following
    and provides a structured programme           positions:
    for persons wishing to work as
    information technology support staff in       • Network Developer
    public and private sector organisations.      • Business Analyst
                                                  • IT Consultant
                                                  • Data Capturers
    The qualification aims to develop an
                                                  • IT Administrator
    integrated conceptual understanding,
    synthesis and application of information
    technology principles. It will also develop   Who Should Apply?
                                                  • School leavers looking to pursue a
    communication and project management
                                                    career in Information Technology.
    skills, and provide students with skills in
                                                  • Individuals who are interested in
    information technology support.                 pursuing a career in providing IT
    This qualification covers fundamental         • Individuals who enjoy providing
    concepts and components into the                business solutions and solving
    technology and operation of modern              problems.
    information systems.
                                                  Mode of Delivery
    Articulation                                  This programme is offered through
    Completion of the Higher Certificate          distance learning.
    meets the minimum entry requirement for
    admission to an appropriate Advanced          Applicants can enquire about additional
    Certificate. A Higher Certificate may         support classes.
    also allow access to an appropriate
    Bachelor’s degree.                            Admission Requirements
                                                  • The minimum entry requirement is the
                                                    National Senior Certificate or National
                                                    Certificate Vocational with appropriate
                                                    subject combinations and levels of
                                                    achievement; or
                                                  • An equivalent NQF level 4 qualification
                                                    with proven proficiency in English.

    Programme Structure
    Duration: 1 Year
    Semester One                                  Semester Two
    • Computer Hardware and Architecture          • Business Communication
    • Web Development                             • Information Systems
    • Essential Business Mathematics              • Introduction to Programming
    • End User Computing                          • Networking Fundamentals

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T: +27 31 300 7200 / T: +27 11 853 3000 / T: +27 21 671 6576

    Higher Certificate in Local
    Government and Development
    Programme Description                        Career Opportunities
    The Higher Certificate in Local              On completion of the programme,
    Government and Development                   graduates can aspire to the following
    Management aims to build the capacity        positions:
    of local government officials and those
    wishing to join the public sector. The       • Public Administrator
    programme provides foundational              • Local Government Official
    learning in the functional areas of          • Municipal Councillor
    local government and development             • Compliance Monitoring Officer
                                                 Who Should Apply?
    This programme also empowers                 • School leavers looking to pursue a
    students with a high level of professional     career in local government management.
    expertise together with a broad range of     • Individuals who wish to acquire
    managerial skills in the local government      business management skills in local
    sector. This qualification is tailor-made      government.
    for the local government environment,
    allowing managers and councillors to
                                                 Mode of Delivery
    meet their different professional needs
                                                 This programme is offered through
    while keeping up-to-date with the latest
                                                 distance learning. Applicants can enquire
                                                 about additional support classes.
    The programme ensures that students
    gain knowledge, skills and competencies      Admission Requirements
    in the principles and practices of local     • The minimum entry requirement is the
    government management enabling them            National Senior Certificate or National
    to make a difference in the delivery of        Certificate Vocational with appropriate
    services to local communities.                 subject combinations and levels of
                                                   achievement; or
                                                 • An equivalent NQF level 4 qualification
    Articulation                                   with proven proficiency in English.
    Completion of the Higher Certificate
    meets the minimum entry requirement for
    admission to an appropriate Advanced
    Certificate. A Higher Certificate may
    also allow access to an appropriate
    Bachelor’s degree.

    Programme Structure
    Duration: 1 Year
    Semester One                                 Semester Two
    • Local Government Finance                   • Local Government Management
    • Local Government Law                       • Project Management
    • Local Government Human Resource            • Disaster Management
      Management                                 • Ethics and Professionalism

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T: +27 31 300 7200 / T: +27 11 853 3000 / T: +27 21 671 6576

    Higher Certificate
    in Marketing
    Programme Description                         Career Opportunities
    The Higher Certificate in Marketing aims      On completion of the programme,
    to provide students with the framework        graduates can aspire to the following
    for understanding the dynamics of             positions:
    marketing which is a major operating
    function of any organisation in pursuit       • Marketing Administrator
    of business. Equipped with the core           • Marketing Coordinator
    marketing principles and concepts,            • Marketing Assistant
    students of this programme will have
    greater opportunity to compete and            Who Should Apply?
    succeed in their future marketing career.     • School leavers looking to pursue a
                                                    career in marketing.
    This programme provides the                   • Individuals who wish to acquire
    foundational building blocks of                 marketing skills.
    understanding marketing. It is neither too    • Entrepreneurs.
    narrow nor limited to retail marketing or     • Individuals who are currently in
    sales management.                               management positions looking
                                                    to improve their marketing skills.
    This qualification will equip students
    with a fairly broad-based knowledge
    of the world of business. They will be        Mode of Delivery
    able to think across different disciplines,   This programme is offered through
    as companies are confronted with              distance learning. Applicants can enquire
    a continuous process of developing            about additional support classes.
    and maintaining a feasible fit between
    organisations’ objectives, skills and         Admission Requirements
    resources and their changing marketing        • The minimum entry requirement is the
    opportunities.                                  National Senior Certificate or National
                                                    Certificate Vocational with appropriate
    Articulation                                    subject combinations and levels of
    Completion of the Higher Certificate            achievement; or
    meets the minimum entry requirement for       • An equivalent NQF level 4 qualification
    admission to an appropriate Advanced            with proven proficiency in English.
    Certificate. A Higher Certificate may
    also allow access to an appropriate
    Bachelor’s degree.

    Programme Structure
    Duration: 1 Year
    Semester One                                  Semester Two
    • Principles of Marketing Management          • Marketing Communication
    • Consumer Behaviour and Decision Making      • Branding and Brand Management
    • Marketing Research                          • Global and e-Marketing

Member Institution of Honoris United Universities | w w | 2018            25
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T: +27 31 300 7200 / T: +27 11 853 3000 / T: +27 21 671 6576

    Higher Certificate in
    Project Management
    Programme Description                         Career Opportunities
    Project Management has emerged in             On completion of the programme,
    the business world as one of the most         graduates can aspire to the following
    popular career fields in the twenty-first     positions:
    century. It encompasses and touches
    every facet and business unit of the          • Project Administrator
    organisation from human resources             • Project Coordinator
    to finance and information technology.        • Supervisor or Planner
    Having a project management                   • Project Manager
    qualification enables individuals to easily
    switch careers.                               Who Should Apply?
                                                  • School leavers looking to pursue a
    The project management framework                career in project management.
    cuts across all disciplines while the         • Individuals who wish to acquire
    tools and techniques required to manage         project management skills.
    projects remain the same. Some of             • Managers of businesses.
    these tools and techniques may need to        • Individuals who are currently in
    be adapted based on the nature of the           supervisory and management positions
    project and the industry. This programme        looking to improve their project
    is intended to provide students with            management skills.
    the framework for understanding the
    dynamics of project management and
    covers all the essential elements and         Mode of Delivery
    processes in project management.              This programme is offered through
                                                  distance learning.

    Articulation                                  Applicants can enquire about additional
    Completion of the Higher Certificate          support classes.
    meets the minimum entry requirement for
    admission to an appropriate Advanced
    Certificate. A Higher Certificate may         Admission Requirements
    also allow access to an appropriate           • The minimum entry requirement is the
    Bachelor’s degree.                              National Senior Certificate or National
                                                    Certificate Vocational with appropriate
                                                    subject combinations and levels of
                                                    achievement; or
                                                  • An equivalent NQF level 4 qualification
                                                    with proven proficiency in English.

    Programme Structure
    Duration: 1 Year
    Semester One                                  Semester Two
    • Fundamentals of Project Management          • Project Schedule, Cost and Budget Control
    • Project Scope and Time Management           • Project Risk Management
    • Project Quality Management                  • Project Monitoring and Evaluation

Member Institution of Honoris United Universities | w w | 2018            27
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T: +27 31 300 7200 / T: +27 11 853 3000 / T: +27 21 671 6576

    Higher Certificate in
    Public Management
    Programme Description                         Career Opportunities
    The Higher Certificate in Public              On completion of the programme,
    Management is an undergraduate                graduates can aspire to the following
    programme that offers a combination of        positions:
    theory and practice in the area of public
    management.                                   • Local Government Official
                                                  • Public Administrator
    The purpose of the programme is to
    provide a structured programme for
    students wishing to work as public            Who Should Apply?
    officials. The need for well-qualified,       • School leavers looking to pursue a
    efficient, client-oriented public officials     career in public management.
    has been identified as a priority in all      • Individuals looking to get into the
    spheres of government.                          public management field.
                                                  • Administrators in public enterprises.
    The qualification aims to develop an
    integrated conceptual understanding,          Mode of Delivery
    synthesis and application of specific         This programme is offered through
    issues in public management.                  distance learning.

    The qualification is aimed at equipping       Applicants can enquire about additional
    line managers with the knowledge and          support classes.
    skills required to fulfil their management
    role within the public sector.                Admission Requirements
                                                  • The minimum entry requirement is the
    Articulation                                    National Senior Certificate or National
                                                    Certificate Vocational with appropriate
    Completion of the Higher Certificate            subject combinations and levels of
    meets the minimum entry requirement for         achievement; or
    admission to an appropriate Advanced          • An equivalent NQF level 4 qualification
    Certificate. A Higher Certificate may           with proven proficiency in English.
    also allow access to an appropriate
    Bachelor’s degree.

    Programme Structure
    Duration: 1 Year
    Semester One                                  Semester Two
    • Public Administration                       • Business Communication
    • End User Computing                          • Politics and Ethics in Governance
    • Local Government Management                 • Public Finance

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    Higher Certificate in
    Public Sector Procurement
    Programme Description                         Who Should Apply?
    The Higher Certificate in Public Sector       • School leavers looking to pursue a
    Procurement aims to build the capacity          career in public sector procurement.
    of local government officials and those       • Individuals currently working in the
    wishing to join the public sector.              field of public sector procurement.

    The purpose of the programme is to            Mode of Delivery
    equip students with a sound fundamental       This programme is offered through
    knowledge base and basic skills               distance learning.
    regarding procurement in the public
    sector. The programme ensures that
    students gain knowledge, skills and           Admission Requirements
    competencies in procurement.                  • The minimum entry requirement is the
                                                    National Senior Certificate or National
                                                    Certificate Vocational with appropriate
    Articulation                                    subject combinations and levels of
    Completion of the Higher Certificate            achievement; or
    meets the minimum entry requirement for       • An equivalent NQF level 4 qualification
    admission to an appropriate Advanced            with proven proficiency in English.
    Certificate. A Higher Certificate may
    also allow access to an appropriate
    Bachelor’s degree.

    Career Opportunities
    On completion of the programme,
    graduates can aspire to the following
    positions in the public sector:

    • Procurement Officer
    • Buyer
    • Procurement Administrator
    • Supply Chain Administrator
    • Transport and Logistics Administrator

    Programme Structure
    Duration: 1 Year
    Semester One                                  Semester Two
    • Principles of Public Administration         • Fundamentals of Public Finance
    • Legal Issues in Public Sector Procurement   • Supply Chain Diligence
    • Public Sector Procurement and Supply        • Logistics and Materials Handling
      Chain Management                            • Public Procurement and Supply Tools
    • Managing Supply Chain Relationships

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    Higher Certificate in
    Supply Chain Management

    Programme Description                         Career Opportunities
    The Higher Certificate in Supply Chain        On completion of the programme,
    Management offers a combination of            graduates can aspire to the following
    theory and practice in the area of supply     positions:
    chain management. The qualification
    aims to develop an integrated conceptual      • Supply Chain Manager
    understanding, synthesis and application      • Logistics Manager
    of specific issues in supply chain            • Procurement Manager
    management. The purpose of this               • Assistant Manager
    qualification is to equip students with       • Supervisor
    a sound fundamental knowledge base
    and basic skills regarding supply chain       Who Should Apply?
                                                  • School leavers looking to pursue a
    The Higher Certificate in Supply Chain          career in supply chain management.
    Management is aimed at equipping first-       • Individuals looking to get into the
    line managers with the knowledge and            logistics or procurement field.
    skills required to fulfil their management    • Managers of small businesses.
    role within the supply chain. This includes   • Individuals who are currently in
    the areas of warehousing, transport,            supervisory and management positions
    inventory, materials management and            looking to improve their management skills.
                                                  Mode of Delivery
    Articulation                                  This programme is offered through
    Completion of the Higher Certificate          distance learning. Applicants can enquire
    meets the minimum entry requirement for       about additional support classes.
    admission to an appropriate Advanced
    Certificate. A Higher Certificate may
                                                  Admission Requirements
    also allow access to an appropriate
                                                  • The minimum entry requirement is the
    Bachelor’s degree.
                                                    National Senior Certificate or National
                                                    Certificate Vocational with appropriate
                                                    subject combinations and levels of
                                                    achievement; or
                                                  • An equivalent NQF level 4 qualification
                                                    with proven proficiency in English.

    Programme Structure
    Duration: 1 Year
    Semester One                                  Semester Two
    • Management Principles                       • Logistics Management
    • Supply Chain Management                     • Operations Management
    • Basic Economics and Finance                 • Purchasing Management

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    Higher Certificate in
    Tax Administration
    Programme Description                       Who Should Apply?
    The Higher Certificate in Tax               • School leavers looking to pursue a
    Administration is a one year                  career in tax administration.
    programme that prepares students            • Individuals who are currently in
    for employment in tax administration.         employment within a tax environment
                                                  and wish to advance their careers.
    The programme provides students
    with the framework for understanding        Mode of Delivery
    tax administration and covers basic         This programme is offered through
    individual and business taxation.           distance learning.

    The purpose of the programme is
                                                Admission Requirements
    to respond to the needs of industry,
                                                • The minimum entry requirement is the
    government and the private and
                                                  National Senior Certificate or National
    financial sector in the provision of a
                                                  Certificate Vocational with appropriate
    qualification in taxation administration.
                                                  subject combinations and levels of
                                                  achievement; or
    Articulation                                • An equivalent NQF level 4 qualification
    Completion of the Higher Certificate          with proven proficiency in English.
    meets the minimum entry requirement for
    admission to an appropriate Advanced
    Certificate. A Higher Certificate may
    also allow access to an appropriate
    Bachelor’s degree.

    Career Opportunities
    On completion of the programme,
    graduates can aspire to the following

    • Tax Clerk
    • Tax Administrator
    • Tax Consultant
    • Bookkeeper

    Programme Structure
    Duration: 1 Year
    Semester One                                Semester Two
    • Tax Administration and Tax Policy         • Business Communication
    • End User Computing                        • Taxation B
    • Basic Accounting                          • Taxation C
    • Taxation A                                • Elementary Economics

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    Advanced Certificate in
    Financial Planning
    Programme Description                            Career Opportunities
    The Advanced Certificate in Financial            On completion of the programme,
    Planning is an undergraduate                     graduates can aspire to the following
    programme that offers a combination              positions:
    of theory and practice in the area of
    financial services.                              • Financial Planner
                                                     • Financial Advisor
    Qualifying students will develop an              • Personal Financial Consultant
    integrated conceptual understanding,             • Financial Analyst
    synthesis and application of specific            • Investment Broker
    issues in financial planning.
                                                     Who Should Apply?
    They will also develop research skills,          • Individuals who are interested in
    financial planning skills as well as skills in     pursuing a career in a financial
    communication.                                     service field.
                                                     • Individuals who enjoy consulting in
    The programme provides background                  financial matters and planning
    knowledge to allow junior and middle               financial investments.
    managers to pursue senior management
    positions within their organisations.
                                                     Mode of Delivery
    This programme will allow students to            This programme is offered through
    apply theories to practice and students          distance learning.
    will be well placed to pursue further
    studies.                                         Applicants can enquire about additional
                                                     support classes.

    Completion of the Advanced Certificate           Admission Requirements
    meets the minimum entry requirement              • The minimum entry requirement is a
    into a cognate Diploma programme or                Higher Certificate in the appropriate
    Bachelor’s degree.                                 field; or
                                                     • An equivalent NQF level 5 qualification.

    Programme Structure
    Duration: 1 Year
    Semester One                                     Semester Two
    • Financial Planning Environment                 • Practice Management
    • Personal Financial Planning                    • Income Tax Planning
    • Business Financial Planning                    • Financial Management

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    Advanced Certificate in
    Management Studies
    Programme Description                         Career Opportunities
    The Advanced Certificate in Management        On completion of the programme,
    Studies is a one year programme aimed         graduates can aspire to the following
    at providing students with an overview        positions:
    of key management philosophies and
    practices.                                    • Business Manager
                                                  • Business Assistant
    It offers students the opportunity to build   • Management Assistant
    a strong foundation in management             • Administration Manager
    education. This programme provides a
    comprehensive view of contemporary            Who Should Apply?
    management practice in both the public        • Junior and middle managers.
    and private sectors.                          • Executives with recently acquired or
                                                    expanded general management
    The programme provides background               responsibilities.
    knowledge to allow junior and middle          • Persons aspiring to advance within
    managers to pursue senior management            their organisations.
    positions within their organisations.         • Individuals wishing to gain a strong
                                                    foundation in management practices.
    This programme will allow students to
    apply theories to practice and students
    will be well placed to pursue further         Mode of Delivery
    studies.                                      This programme is offered through
                                                  distance learning.

    Articulation                                  Applicants can enquire about additional
    Completion of the Advanced Certificate        support classes.
    meets the minimum entry requirement
    into a cognate Diploma programme or
    Bachelor’s degree.                            Admission Requirements
                                                  • The minimum entry requirement is a
                                                    Higher Certificate in the appropriate
                                                    field; or
                                                  • An equivalent NQF level 5 qualification.

    Programme Structure
    Duration: 1 Year
    Semester One                                  Semester Two
    • Principles of Management                    • Microeconomics
    • Marketing                                   • Business Statistics
    • Business Information Systems                • Accounting

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• Degrees

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Bachelor of Business
The Bachelor of Business Administration             On completion of the programme,
is a three year undergraduate degree                graduates can aspire to the following
programme that equips students with                 positions:
an understanding of the business
and management environments. The                    • Business Manager
programme aims at developing a student’s            • Business Strategist
intellectual ability, executive personality and     • Entrepreneur
managerial skills through an appropriate            • Business Consultant
blend of business and general education.
                                                    WHO SHOULD APPLY?
Students are able to understand and                 • School leavers looking to pursue a
develop unique leadership qualities                   career in business and management.
required to successfully manage a                   • Individuals aiming at a career in
business. The programme is also designed              business and management.
to produce up-to date, assertive and                • Individuals intending to occupy middle
effective executives for business and other           management positions.
organisations and prepares students for             • Managers of small businesses.
further studies. The programme covers               • Entrepreneurs wishing to start their
a variety of business and management                  own business.
                                                    ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS
ARTICULATION                                        • The minimum entry requirement is the
A Bachelor’s Degree is the minimum entry              National Senior Certificate or National
requirement for admission to a Bachelor               Certificate Vocational with appropriate
Honours Degree or Postgraduate Diploma.               subject combinations and levels of
                                                      achievement; or
MODE OF DELIVERY                                    • An equivalent NQF level 4 qualification
This programme is offered through distance            with proven proficiency in English.
learning. Applicants can enquire about              • A Higher Certificate; an Advanced
additional support classes.                           Certificate or Diploma in a cognate field.

Year One                           Year Two                           Year Three
Semester One                       Semester One                       Semester One
• Business Management 1A           • Business Management 2A           • Business Administration 3A
• Economics 1A                     • Business Administration 2A       • Business Administration 3B
• End User Computing               • Business and Society             • Business Management 3A
• Business Mathematics             • Management Accounting            • Business Management 3B
Semester Two                       Semester Two                       Semester Two
• Business Management 1B           • Business Management 2B           • Business Administration 3C
• Economics 1B                     • Business Administration 2B       • Business Administration 3D
• Business Communication           • Information Systems              • Business Management 3C
• Financial Accounting             • Business Statistics              • Business Management 3D

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Bachelor of Public
Programme Description                               Career Opportunities
The Bachelor of Public Administration               On completion of the programme,
programme is an undergraduate degree                graduates can aspire to the following
programme which focuses on the principles           positions:
and practices of Public Administration and
Management in the Public Sector. The                • Public Manager
programme equips the student to function            • Immigration Administrator
effectively and efficiently in public service       • Local Government Manager
organisations. It also examines local
systems of government.                              Who Should Apply?
                                                    • School leavers who wish to pursue a
This includes an understanding of the                 career in the public sector.
different types of local government                 • Public service employees who wish to
and their constitutional relations with               upgrade their skills.
intermediate and central government. It
also examines public policy issues and
priorities. The programme has the primary           Admission Requirements
purpose of providing a well-rounded,                • The minimum entry requirement is the
broad education that equips students with             National Senior Certificate or National
the knowledge base and methodology                    Certificate Vocational with appropriate
principles that enable them to enter the              subject combinations and levels of
labour market.                                        achievement; or
                                                    • An equivalent NQF level 4 qualification
Articulation                                          with proven proficiency in English.
A Bachelor’s Degree is the minimum entry            • A Higher Certificate; an Advanced
requirement for admission to a Bachelor               Certificate or Diploma in a cognate field.
Honours Degree or Postgraduate Diploma.

Mode of Delivery
This programme is offered through distance
learning. Applicants can enquire about
additional support classes.

Year One                          Year Two                            Year Three
Semester One                      Semester One                        Semester One
• Public Administration 1A        • Public Administration 2A          • Public Administration 3A
• Economics 1A                    • Local Government 1A               • Public Administration 3B
• End User Computing              • Public Law                        • Local Government 2A
• Business Mathematics            • Public Sector Economics           • Research in the Public Sector
Semester Two                      Semester Two                        Semester Two
• Public Administration 1B        • Public Administration 2B          • Local Government 2B
• Economics 1B                    • Local Government 1B               • Public Administration 3C
• Business Communication          • Introduction to Politics          • Public Administration 3D
• Financial Accounting            • Ethics in the Public Sector       • Public Sector Budgeting

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Bachelor of Commerce
in Entrepreneurship
Programme Description                                Mode of Delivery
Entrepreneurship is the process of                   This programme is offered through distance
identifying, creating and realising                  learning. Applicants can enquire about
opportunities for new business or social             additional support classes.
ventures. The Bachelor of Commerce in
Entrepreneurship is an undergraduate                 Career Opportunities
degree programme that aims to provide                On completion of the programme,
knowledge, skills and acumen to those                graduates can aspire to the following
aspiring to start their own business or              positions:
those wishing to contribute to successful
entrepreneurial ventures.                            • Business Owner
                                                     • Advisor for SMME's
The Bachelor of Commerce in                          • Analyst for SMME's
Entrepreneurship responds to the                     • Business Development Manager
needs of students and the community                  • Business Management
through providing appropriate training               • Business Consultant
in entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial
development. The programme content                   Who Should Apply?
is designed to provide qualifiers with               • School leavers who wish to pursue a
graduate-level knowledge, specific skills              career in Entrepreneurship.
and applied competence (including the                • Persons wishing to become entrepreneurs
development of graduate attributes and                 or start up their own business.
qualities) in the field of entrepreneurship,         • Existing business owners wishing to
the programme provides opportunities for               improve their entrepreneurial skills.
continued personal intellectual growth,
gainful economic activity and rewarding              Admission Requirements
contributions to society.                            • The minimum entry requirement is the
                                                       National Senior Certificate or National
Articulation                                           Certificate Vocational with appropriate
A Bachelor’s Degree is the minimum entry               subject combinations and levels of
requirement for admission to a Bachelor                achievement; or
Honours Degree or Postgraduate Diploma.              • An equivalent NQF level 4 qualification
                                                       with proven proficiency in English.
                                                     • A Higher Certificate; an Advanced
                                                       Certificate or Diploma in a cognate field.

Year One                          Year Two                            Year Three
Semester One                      Semester One                        Semester One
• Entrepreneurship 1A             • Entrepreneurship 2A               • Entrepreneurship 3A
• Economics 1A                    • Business Management 2A            • Business Management 3A
• Business Management 1A          • Management Accounting             • Business Management 3B
• Business Mathematics            • Business Law                      • Entrepreneurship 3B
Semester Two                      Semester Two                        Semester Two
• Entrepreneurship 1B             • Entrepreneurship 2B               • Entrepreneurship 3C
• Economics 1B                    • Business Management 2B            • Entrepreneurship 3D
• Business Management 1B          • Computing Applications            • Statistical Techniques in Business
• Business Communication          • Financial Accounting Principles   • Information Management

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Bachelor of Commerce in
Financial Management
Programme Description                             Career Opportunities
The Bachelor of Commerce in                       On completion of the programme,
Financial Management is a specialised             graduates can aspire to the following
undergraduate degree programme that               positions:
prepares students for the management of
monetary resources in an organisation.            • Bank Branch Manager
This programme is primarily aimed at              • Financial Manager
developing financial and managerial skills,       • Financial Analyst
to equip students to meet the demand              • Financial Planner
for specialists and leaders in the financial      • Portfolio Manager
sector.                                           • Trust Manager
                                                  • Financial Administrator
The programme examines financial
concepts such as capital, cash budgets,           Who Should Apply?
analysis of financial statements,                 • School leavers who wish to pursue a
taxation, commercial law and provides               career in financial management.
a comprehensive overview of financial             • Finance specialists who wish to
management. In this way, while primarily            become finance managers.
gaining specialised financial skills, students
consider and evaluate different factors in        Admission Requirements
making informed decisions for continued           • The minimum entry requirement is the
financial growth in an organisation.                National Senior Certificate or National
                                                    Certificate Vocational with appropriate
Articulation                                        subject combinations and levels of
A Bachelor’s Degree is the minimum entry            achievement; or
requirement for admission to a Bachelor           • An equivalent NQF level 4 qualification
Honours Degree or Postgraduate Diploma.             with proven proficiency in English.
                                                  • A Higher Certificate; an Advanced
Mode of Delivery                                    Certificate or Diploma in a cognate field.
This programme is offered through distance
learning. Applicants can enquire about
additional support classes.

Year One                           Year Two                         Year Three
Semester One                       Semester One                     Semester One
• Business Management 1A           • Business Management 2A         • Business Management 3A
• Economics 1A                     • Financial Management 2A        • Business Management 3B
• Financial Management 1A          • Taxation 2A                    • Financial Management 3A
• Business Mathematics             • Commercial Law 2A              • Financial Management 3B
Semester Two                       Semester Two                     Semester Two
• Business Management 1B           • Business Management 2B         • Financial Management 3C
• Economics 1B                     • Financial Management 2B        • Financial Management 3D
• Financial Management 1B          • Taxation 2B                    • Financial Management 3E
• Information Systems              • Commercial Law 2B              • Financial Management 3F

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 Bachelor of Commerce in
 Human Resource Management
 Programme Description                             Career Opportunities
 The Bachelor of Commerce in Human                 On completion of the programme, graduates
 Resource Management degree is an                  can aspire to the following positions:
 undergraduate programme that prepares
 students for managerial roles that contribute     • Human Resource Manager
 to their organisations’ performance. The          • Labour Relations Officer
 goal of the human resources management            • Corporate Trainer / Manager
 degree is to prepare human resource               • Human Resource Consultant
 professionals to deal with the complexities
 and challenges of managing today’s                Who Should Apply?
 workforce.                                        • School leavers who wish to pursue a
                                                     career in human resource management.
 The programme content is designed to              • Human resource officers who wish to
 provide a comprehensive coverage of the             move into a human resource
 major human resource responsibilities,              management position.
 while addressing strategic and operational        • People wishing to become human
 aspects. The modules involve both                   resource management consultants.
 practical and theoretical considerations in
 the professional development of men and
 women in the field of human resources             Admission Requirements
 in such settings as business, industry,           • The minimum entry requirement is the
 institutions, government and non-profit             National Senior Certificate or National
 organisations.                                      Certificate Vocational with appropriate
                                                     subject combinations and levels of
                                                     achievement; or
 Articulation                                      • An equivalent NQF level 4 qualification
 A Bachelor’s Degree is the minimum entry            with proven proficiency in English.
 requirement for admission to a Bachelor           • A Higher Certificate; an Advanced
 Honours Degree or Postgraduate Diploma.             Certificate or Diploma in a cognate field.

 Mode of Delivery
 This programme is offered through distance
 learning. Applicants can enquire about
 additional support classes.

Year One                        Year Two                     Year Three
Semester One                    Semester One                 Semester One
• Business Management 1A        • Business Management 2A     • Performance Management
• Economics 1A                  • Organisational Staffing    • Employee Health and Wellness
• End User Computing            • Training and Development   • Career Management
• Business Communication        • Principles of Labour Law   • Group Dynamics and Leadership
Semester Two                    Semester Two                 Semester Two
• Business Management 1B        • Business Management 2B     • Labour Relations
• Economics 1B                  • Human Resources Ethics     • Employee Benefits and
• Introduction to Human         • Human Resource               Compensation
  Resource Management             Information Systems        • Diversity Management
• Financial Accounting          • Business Statistics        • Strategic Human Resource Management

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