Conquer curiosity - Chartered Insurance Institute 2020

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Conquer curiosity - Chartered Insurance Institute 2020
You can view and enlarge a copy of this                                                                                            2020 qualifications:
                                                                                                                         Your guide to studying with us
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                                                       2020 qualifications: Your guide to studying with us
The Chartered Insurance Institute
42–48 High Road, South Woodford,
London E18 2JP
tel: +44 (0)20 8989 8464

   Chartered Insurance Institute
© The Chartered Insurance Institute 2019
CII logo are registered trade marks of The Chartered
Insurance Institute.

Ref: QB2020 (01/20)
Conquer curiosity - Chartered Insurance Institute 2020
About us                                Contents
The Chartered Insurance Institute
(CII) is a professional body            4. Your journey, our
dedicated to building public trust in      commitment
the insurance and personal finance
                                        6. Becoming a member
profession. Over 125,000 members
commit to high professional             8. Your sector-specific
standards and continuing                   society
professional development.
We work with businesses to              10. Recognition of prior
develop bespoke, company-wide               learning
solutions that ensure competitive       12. Studying with us
advantage by enhancing
employees’ technical and                14. Insurance
professional competence.
                                           16. Insurance
Success in CII qualifications                  qualifications
is universally recognised as                   framework
evidence of knowledge and                  20. Insurance
technical expertise.                           qualifications
Our members are able to drive
                                        40. Personal Finance
personal development and maintain
their professional standing by             42. Personal Finance
adhering to our Code of Ethics                 qualifications
and by accessing a range of                    framework
learning services.                         46. Personal Finance
Find out more at:
                                        72. Supporting your studies
                                           74. Enrolment plus

Our vision                              76. Member designations
Our vision is to build public           78. Chartered status
trust across the insurance and
personal finance profession             80. Fellowship
by providing relevant learning,
insightful leadership and an
engaged membership. Driving
professional standards is at the
heart of everything we do. Ethical
conduct and technical competence
are supported by our Code of
Ethics and qualifications, designed
in conjunction with industry
practitioners and registered
with Ofqual in the Regulated
Qualifications Framework.

2   2020 qualifications                                            3 3
Conquer curiosity - Chartered Insurance Institute 2020
Your journey
We are here to support you and your career development,
whether you’re new to the sector or a professional looking
to keep ahead of the curve.

Tailor your qualification pathway                 Earn recognition for your                         Become a member                               Earn the mark of professionalism
The flexibility of our qualifications framework   prior learning                                    Membership supports your professional         Once qualified, members are entitled to use
allows you to select units that match the         If you hold a degree or professional              development and enhances your                 the accompanying designation. In order to
requirements of your current role or future       qualification in a relevant subject, such as      career potential.                             ensure your expertise remains current, use
career aspirations. We use a range of             accounting, business, maths or law; you                                                         of designations is dependent on ongoing
                                                                                                    As a member, you can join a sector-specific
assessment methods, all carefully chosen and      could receive CII credits that count towards                                                    membership and CPD requirements.
                                                                                                    Society, focusing on the issues that matter
designed to promote the optimum type of           completion of a CII qualification. In doing so,   most in your sector.                          To see the full list of designations available,
learning for each level and qualification.        you could avoid duplication of learning and                                                     head to pages 76-77.
                                                  achieve your qualification quicker.               Find out more on pages 8-9.
Find out more on pages 12-39 and 40-71.
                                                                                                                                                  Advanced Diploma holders can apply for
                                                  Find out more on pages 10-11.                                                                   Chartered status and progress to Fellowship.
                                                                                                                                                  Find out more on pages 78-81.

4   2020 qualifications                                                                                                                                                                             5
Conquer curiosity - Chartered Insurance Institute 2020
                                                                                                                                                             Becoming a member

to your

Our members are committed to ongoing professional development                                       Designations                                     Ethical culture
and champion the sharing of good practice to improve                                                Promote your expertise with pride using          Members commit to high professional
                                                                                                    internationally recognised designations          standards and adherence to our Code of
consumer outcomes.                                                                                  upon completion of qualifications. You’ll        Ethics. Operating with integrity and fairness
                                                                                                    demonstrate your level of knowledge to           increases the credibility and trust in our
                                                                                                    employers, clients and professional peers,       profession with consumers, policymakers
                                                                                                    ensuring your commitment to professional         and the government.
                                                                                                    development is clear for all to see.
                                                                                                    Designations may only be used by members.

Standards                       Professionalism                   Trust                             Continuing Professional                          Extensive member network
Be part of a professional       Our members are highly            Public trust is at the heart of   Development (CPD)                                A core benefit of your membership is access
body that’s recognised and      respected for their knowledge     all that we do. Our Royal         We believe that continued learning and           to an unrivalled network of local hubs
respected by employers,         and expertise. Membership         Charter ensures we never          professional development is important to you     throughout the UK, Channel Islands and the
regulators and your             supports your professional        lose sight of our mission. We     and your career. That’s why members commit       Isle of Man. 56 Local Institutes in addition
professional peers. We play     development, enhances your        help to unite the profession,     to ongoing learning and development, helping     to 26 Personal Finance Society Regional
a pivotal role within the       career potential and integrates   increasing its credibility with   to ensure their knowledge remains up-to-date     Committees provide you with access to local
profession, setting standards   you into a network of             consumers. Together, we drive     and relevant. We have created a programme        events and activities that help fulfil your
for competence and              like-minded professionals.        confidence in the power of        of events and a wealth of online resources to    professional expectations and grow your
influencing future direction.                                     professional standards.           ensure that professional development is at the   professional network.
                                                                                                    forefront of your membership.

6   2020 qualifications                                                                                                                                                                              7
Conquer curiosity - Chartered Insurance Institute 2020
Join a
                                                                                                                                               Your sector-specific Society

community of
Offering an enhanced member experience, our sector-specific Societies                            By becoming a member of a Society, you are joining a community
are dedicated to supporting you at every stage of your career, focusing                          of professionals committed to driving the profession forward through
on the issues that matter most in your sector.                                                   technical expertise, ethical behaviour, and a culture of learning
                                                                                                 and development.

Business relevant insights                      Supporting your career needs                     Personal Finance Society             Society of Insurance             Society of Claims
Guided by an Advisory Board of leading          Each Society is committed to supporting your     The leading professional             Broking                          Professionals
market practitioners, each Society addresses    ongoing professional development which           body in the UK for the                                                Committed to insurance
developments salient to your sector             means supporting you throughout every stage                                           Bespoke to those working
                                                                                                 personal finance profession.                                          claims professionals.
through knowledge, insights and good            of your career.                                                                       within the broking sector.
practice guidance.                                                                                                          
                                                Whilst professional qualifications demonstrate
Societies work closely with market experts to   your technical competence, membership
help identify emerging trends, with research    provides you with the assets to help             Society of Underwriting              Society of Mortgage
and thought leadership providing you with the   you progress.                                    Professionals                        Professionals
confidence to make key decisions.                                                                Supporting those involved in         Dedicated to professionals
                                                By providing focused CPD content along
                                                with a dedicated programme of events, your       evaluating and pricing risk.         working in the mortgage
                                                Society will offer access to the things that                         market.
                                                matter most to you, helping you build a strong                              
                                                professional network.

                                                                                                 How to join your Society
                                                                                                 New members can select their Society when registering for membership. If you are an existing member,
                                                                                                 you can join your Society by contacting Customer Service or visiting the Society’s website.

8   2020 qualifications                                                                                                                                                                             9
Conquer curiosity - Chartered Insurance Institute 2020
                           Recognition of prior learning

not                        Before studying with us, check
                           whether your previous qualifications

                           from other professional bodies,
                           institutes or universities count
                           towards a CII qualification. It could
                           save repeated learning and reduce
                           your qualification costs.
                           To find out if you’re eligible, details
                           of the fee payable and to make
                           an application, visit

10   2020 qualifications                                             11
Studying with us

Quality assured learning                                                                                             RQF levels in context
Formed in consultation with experienced market practitioners and registered with Ofqual                              We have summarised each RQF level descriptor below, along with how each of our qualifications’
in the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF)*, our qualifications are quality assured.                            content and objectives correspond to that level. This should help you identify those that match
                                                                                                                     your skills and experience as well your career aspirations. For each RQF level, we have signposted
Choosing the qualification that’s right for you                                                                      qualification equivalents to help you further understand their difficulty. More information on
Our qualifications range in difficulty to ensure we meet the needs of individuals at different stages                qualification equivalents can be found on the Ofqual website.
in their career. We determine the difficulty of a qualification by its attributed RQF level, the higher
the RQF level, the more the qualification demands from the learner.                                                  The colours assigned to the RQF levels have been applied to their respective qualifications
                                                                                                                     throughout this brochure. You’ll also notice our qualifications are labelled ‘Award’, ‘Certificate’,
The level of qualification you obtain can act as an indicator of your understanding of the subject                   ‘Diploma’ and ‘Advanced Diploma’ to help you determine their size. The recommended study
for employers and your wider network to recognise.                                                                   hours for an Award would be significantly less than that of an Advanced Diploma.

     RQF level 2                             RQF level 3                              RQF level 4                       RQF level 6                           RQF level 7
     Level 2 qualifications                  Level 3 qualifications                   Level 4 qualifications            Level 6 qualifications                Level 7 qualifications
     build a basic                           develop an                               build a deeper                    develop the ability                   develop the ability
     understanding of the                    understanding of the                     technical and applied             to apply advanced                     to use specialised
     sector and its key topics               key principles, processes                understanding of                  or specialised                        skills, research and
     that can be applied                     and products in greater                  principles, processes             understanding to                      analysis to evaluate
     to common situations.                   detail that can be                       and products,                     complex situations.                   and propose enhanced
                                             applied to practice.                     enabling analysis of                                                    ways of working within
     Qualifications at this                                                           options relevant to               Within the insurance                  the sector and in
     level typically provide                 Qualifications at this                   specialist areas.                 profession, level 6                   professional practice
     an introduction to topics               level are ideal for those                                                  qualifications are                    in situations where
     within insurance and                    looking to appreciate the                Qualifications at this            suited to managers of                 there are many
     personal finance, ideal                 fundamental practices                    level are suited to those         technical functions such              interacting factors.
     for those in trainee or                 of key topics at junior                  who wish to have their            as claims, broking or
     junior roles, those new                 to mid-level roles.                      technical or specialist           underwriting.                         Qualifications give
     to the sector, or those                                                          applied knowledge and                                                   recognition to
     working in roles that                   Level 3 qualifications                   skills recognised through         Within the personal                   professionals who
     support technical areas                 within personal finance                  formal qualifications             finance profession,                   are taking the sector
     of an organisation, such                provide licences to                      for technical roles.              level 6 qualifications                forward through
     as Human Resources                      practice in areas such                                                     provide recognition that              researching and
     or IT.                                  as mortgage and equity                   Level 4 qualifications            you have consolidated                 proposing strategies
                                             release advice, and in                   within personal finance           and enhanced your                     and new ways of
                                             some oversight roles                     provide a licence to              technical knowledge to                working that will bring
                                             such as life and pensions                practice for retail               use in complex client                 benefits to the sector
                                             office administration.                   investment advice and             scenarios where options               and its customers.
                                                                                      advanced professional             must be carefully
                                                                                      recognition for                   analysed and balanced.
                                                                                      mortgage advisers.

     Equivalent                              Equivalent                               Equivalent                        Equivalent                            Equivalent
     qualification level:                    qualification level:                     qualification level:              qualification level:                  qualification level:
     GCSE                                    A-Level                                  First year of                     Bachelor’s degree                     Master’s degree
                                                                                      undergraduate study

                                                                                                                     Your Learning Statement
                                                                                                                     To help you plan your study journey, your personalised Learning Statement will keep a record
                                                                                                                     of your units and credits as you achieve them. It will also explain how they contribute towards
                                                                                                                     further qualifications.
*CII qualifications are also regulated by Qualification Wales, using the Credit and Qualifications Framework Wales
(CQFW). The CQFW level for each qualification mirrors the RQF level.                                                 Request your learning statement online: Registration is simple and free.

12   2020 qualifications                                                                                                                                                                                                    13

qualifications             RQF level 2
                           Award for the Foundation Insurance Test
                           Award in Motor Insurance
                           Award in Travel Insurance
                           Award in Home Insurance			                                      24
                           Award in Pet Insurance                                          25

                           RQF level 3
                           Award in London Market Insurance		                              26
                           Certificate in London Market Insurance                          31
                           Certificate in Insurance                                        32

                           RQF level 3 equivalent
                           Award in General Insurance (non-UK only)                        27
                           Award in General Insurance (Hong Kong)                          28
                           Award in Customer Service in Insurance (non-UK only)            29
                           Certificate in Insurance and Financial Services (non-UK only)   30

                           RQF level 4
                           Diploma in Insurance		                                          34

                           RQF level 6
                           Advanced Diploma in Insurance                                   36

                           RQF level 7
                           Certificate in London Market Insurance Specialisation           38
                           Certificate in Insurance Market Specialisation                  39

14   2020 qualifications                                                                   15
Insurance qualifications                                                                                                               This is the framework for our insurance qualification units.
                                                                                                                   They are grouped according to their difficulty, from level 2 through to level 7.
Unit framework                                                                                                 Depending on the qualification you want to achieve, you’ll need to study a number of
                                                                                                             these units. Some of our qualifications require just one unit while others require several.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Study and assessment key
  Non RQF                          RQF level: 2            RQF level: 3                                       RQF level: 4                                          RQF level: 6             RQF level: 7
                                   CII credit level:       CII credit level:                                  CII credit level:                                     CII credit level:        CII credit level:          Assessment methods vary depending
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        on the unit’s level and subject matter.
                                   Award                   Certificate                                        Diploma                                               Advanced Diploma         Advanced Diploma
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Each unit within the framework has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        been assigned an icon, to identify
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        the assessment method from the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        options below.
 The following units               (FIT) Foundation        (IF1) Insurance, legal    (I11) Introduction to    (M05) Insurance law          (M94) Motor insurance    (530) Economics          (993) Advances
 are not registered                Insurance Test          and regulatory            risk management          25 credits                   25 credits               and business             in strategic risk
 as part of the UK’s               6 credits               15 credits                15 credits               120 study hours              100 study hours          30 credits               management in
 Regulated Qualifications          40 study hours          60 study hours            60 study hours                                                                 150 study hours          insurance
 Framework (RQF).
                                                                                                                                           (M96) Liability                                   50 credits                 Multiple choice question (MCQ) exam
                                                                                                              (M21) Commercial
                                   (PL1) Introduction to   (IF2) General insurance   (LM1) London market      insurance contract wording   insurances               (820) Advanced claims    180 study hours            Study is based on a specified enrolment period,
 (W01) Award in                    Motor Insurance9        business                  insurance essentials                                  25 credits                                                                   from 01 January–31 December for UK exams, and
 General Insurance1, 3                                                                                        20 credits                                            30 credits
                                   0 credits                                                                                               100 study hours                                                              01 May–30 April for non-UK exams. MCQ exams
                                                           15 credits                10 credits               100 study hours                                       150 study hours
 15 credits                        20 study hours                                                                                                                                                                       are available weekly at UK and selected
 50 study hours                                            60 study hours            40 study hours                                                                                                                     international online exam centres, or twice-yearly
                                                                                                              (M66) Delegated authority    (M97) Reinsurance        (930) Advanced
                                   (PL2) Introduction to                                                                                                                                                                in April and October at international paper-based
                                                           (IF3) Insurance           (LM2) London market      25 credits                   30 credits               insurance broking                                   exam centres. Head to your unit webpage to see
 (WH1) Award in                    Travel Insurance9                                                                                       120 study hours
 General Insurance                                         underwriting process5     insurance principles     100 study hours                                       30 credits               (991) London market        if remote invigilation is available for your exam.
                                   0 credits                                         and practices                                                                                           insurance specialisation
 (Hong Kong)2                                              15 credits                                                                                               150 study hours
                                   20 study hours                                    15 credits                                            (M98) Marine hull and                             50 credits
 15 credits                                                60 study hours                                     (M67) Fundamentals
 50 study hours                                                                      60 study hours           of risk management           associated liabilities                            180 study hours
                                   (PL3) Introduction to                                                                                                            (945) Marketing
                                                           (IF4) Insurance claims                             25 credits                   30 credits               insurance products
                                   Home Insurance9                                                                                         100 study hours                                                              Written exam
 (W04) Award in                                            handling process6         (LM3) London             100 study hours                                       and services             (994) Insurance
                                   0 credits                                         market underwriting                                                                                     market specialisation      Study is based on a 12 month enrolment period
 Customer Service                                          15 credits                                                                                               30 credits
                                   20 study hours                                    principles                                                                                              50 credits                 from the date of purchase. Written exams are
 in Insurance1                                             60 study hours                                     (M80) Underwriting                                    150 study hours
                                                                                     15 credits                                                                                                                         held twice-yearly in April and October at UK
 15 credits                                                                                                   practice                                                                       180 study hours
                                   (PL4) Introduction to                             60 study hours                                                                                                                     and international exam centres.
 50 study hours                                            (IF5) Motor insurance                              20 credits                                            (960) Advanced
                                   Pet Insurance9
                                                           products                                           80 study hours                                        underwriting
                                   0 credits                                                                                               (P61) Life, critical
                                   20 study hours          15 credits                                                                                               30 credits
                                                           60 study hours                                                                  illness and disability   150 study hours
                                                                                                              (M81) Insurance              underwriting7
                                                                                                              broking practice                                                                                          Mixed assessment
                                                                                                                                           30 credits                                                                   Study is based on an 18 month enrolment period
                                                           (IF6) Household                                    20 credits                                            (990) Insurance
                                                           insurance products                                                              80 study hours           corporate management                                from the date of purchase. Candidates must pass
                                                                                                              80 study hours
                                                           15 credits                                                                                               30 credits                                          a coursework assignment within the first 6
                                                                                                                                           (P62) Life, critical                                                         months and a MCQ exam within 18 months.
                                                           60 study hours                                     (M85) Claims practice                                 150 study hours
                                                                                                                                           illness and disability
                                                                                                              20 credits                   claims7
                                                           (IF7) Healthcare                                   80 study hours               30 credits               (992) Risk
                                                           insurance products8                                                                                      management
                                                                                                                                           120 study hours          in insurance                                        Coursework assignments
                                                           15 credits                                         (M86) Personal insurances
                                                           60 study hours                                                                                           30 credits                                          Study is based on a 12 month enrolment period
                                                                                                              20 credits                   (P63) Long term
Notes                                                                                                                                                               150 study hours                                     from the date of purchase. Candidates must pass
                                                                                                              80 study hours               insurance business7
                                                           (IF8) Packaged                                                                                                                                               three written assignments, each typically
1. Available to non-UK candidates only                                                                                                     25 credits                                                                   2,000-3,000 words.
                                                           commercial insurances                                                                                    (995) Strategic
                                                                                                              (M90) Cargo and goods        100 study hours          underwriting
2. Available to candidates in Hong Kong only               15 credits
                                                                                                              in transit insurances                                 30 credits
                                                           60 study hours
3. Unit W01 is also available in Arabic,                                                                      25 credits                   (P64) Private medical    150 study hours
   (W02) Award in general insurance; and                                                                      100 study hours              insurance practice7
   in simplified Chinese, (WM1) Award in                   (IF9) Customer service                                                          25 credits
   general insurance                                       in insurance                                                                                             (996) Strategic                                     Study is based on an 18 month enrolment period
                                                                                                              (M91) Aviation and space     100 study hours          claims management
                                                           15 credits                                                                                                                                                   from the date of purchase. Candidates must
                                                                                                              insurance                                             30 credits
4. Unit 590 is also available in Arabic, (595)             60 study hours                                                                                                                                               submit a dissertation, typically 10,000-11,000
   Principles of Takaful                                                                                      30 credits                                            150 study hours                                     words, on an agreed subject.
                                                                                                              120 study hours
5. Also available for non-UK candidates (WUE);             (I10) Insurance broking
                                                           fundamentals                                                                                             (997) Advanced risk
   and in Arabic (WUA)                                                                                        (M92) Insurance
                                                           15 credits                                                                                               financing and transfer
                                                                                                              business and finance                                  30 credits
6. Also available for non-UK candidates (WCE);             60 study hours
   and in Arabic (WCA)                                                                                        25 credits,                                           150 study hours
                                                                                                              100 study hours
7. Unit soon to be withdrawn. Final exam
   session will be April 2020                                                                                 (M93) Commercial
                                                                                                              property & business
8. Also available to candidates in India; (IN7)                                                               interruption insurances                               (590) Principles
                                                                                                                                                                    of Takaful4
9. Available January 2020                                                                                     25 credits
                                                                                                                                                                    30 credits
                                                                                                              100 study hours
                                                                                                                                                                    120 study hours

16   2020 qualifications
New! Available January 2020

Award for the Foundation Insurance Test                                                                                                              Award in Motor Insurance

2                          6               N/A                 40 hrs                             2                    N/A                 N/A                  20 hrs
RQF level                  CII credits     Member              Recommended study time per unit    RQF level            CII credits         Member               Recommended study time per unit
                                           designation                                                                                     designation

Overview                                                                                          Overview
The Level 2 Award for the Foundation Insurance Test is an introductory-level qualification that   The level 2 Award in Motor Insurance is suitable for entry-level staff, anyone working in
helps you develop an understanding of key insurance topics: how the insurance market operates,    customer facing roles and those in support roles seeking to build a better understanding
fundamental risk and insurance principles and procedures, and core personal and commercial        of Motor insurance.
insurance products.
                                                                                                  The Award gives a broad understanding of Motor Insurance, including the need for cover and
The Award is particularly suitable if you’re new to the sector, or in an associated industry or   its benefits; insurance legal principles and duties; product features; how cover is arranged and
support role where you need to demonstrate a basic understanding of general insurance.            provided, and the principles of delivering good customer service.

Completion requirements                                                                           Completion requirements
The Award comprises one core unit providing 6 CII credits on successful completion. These         The Award comprises one core unit: Introduction to Motor Insurance.
credits can be used towards further CII qualifications.
                                                                                                  (PL1) Introduction to motor
(FIT) Foundation                                                                                  insurance
Insurance Test                                                                                    0 credits*
6 credits

                                                                                                  * Completion of three of the four Personal Lines Awards (Award in Motor Insurance, Award in
See pages 16-18 for individual unit assessment method.                                            Travel Insurance, Award in Home Insurance, Award in Pet Insurance) contributes 15 CII credits
                                                                                                  towards the unit requirement of the Certificate in Insurance. More information on the Certificate
Included within your Enrolment:                                                                   in Insurance can be found on page 32.
• Study text – print and/or digital                  • Online support including exam guide        See page 16-18 for unit assessment methods.
• Assessment entry                                     via RevisionMate
                                                                                                  Included within your Enrolment:
                                                                                                  •		Interactive digital course                       • Assessment entry
                                                                                                  •		Study text – digital and/or print                • Online support including exam guide
                                                                                                                                                        via RevisionMate

More details and to enrol:                                                                                                              More details and to enrol:

20   2020 qualifications                                                                                                                                                                              21
New! Available January 2020

Award in Travel Insurance

2                          N/A            N/A                 20 hrs
RQF level                  CII credits    Member              Recommended study time per unit

The level 2 Award in Travel Insurance is suitable for entry-level staff, anyone working in
customer facing roles and those in support roles seeking to build a better understanding
of Travel insurance.
The Award gives a broad understanding of Travel Insurance, including the need for cover and
its benefits; insurance legal principles and duties; product features; how cover is arranged and
provided, and the principles of delivering good customer service.

Completion requirements
The Award comprises one core unit: Introduction to Travel Insurance.

(PL2) Introduction to travel
0 credits*


* Completion of three of the four Personal Lines Awards (Award in Travel Insurance, Award in
Motor Insurance, Award in Home Insurance, Award in Pet Insurance) contributes 15 CII credits
towards the unit requirement of the Certificate in Insurance. More information on the Certificate
in Insurance can be found on page 32.
See page 16-18 for all unit assessment methods.

Included within your Enrolment:
•		Interactive digital course                        • Assessment entry
•		Study text – digital and/or print                 • Online support including exam guide
                                                       via RevisionMate

                                                                                                    Explore the key
                                                                                                    legal principles that
                                                                                                    underpin a contract,
                                                                                                    such as insurable
                                                                                                    interest and utmost
More details and to enrol:                                                  good faith
22   2020 qualifications                                                                                                    23
New! Available January 2020                                                                                                                                                New! Available January 2020

Award in Home Insurance                                                                                                                                      Award in Pet Insurance

2                          N/A            N/A                 20 hrs                                 2                     N/A                N/A                  20 hrs
RQF level                  CII credits    Member              Recommended study time per unit        RQF level             CII credits        Member               Recommended study time per unit
                                          designation                                                                                         designation

Overview                                                                                             Overview
The level 2 Award in Home Insurance is suitable for entry-level staff, anyone working in customer    The level 2 Award in Pet Insurance is suitable for entry-level staff, anyone working in customer
facing roles and those in support roles seeking to build a better understanding of Home insurance.   facing roles and those in support roles seeking to build a better understanding of Pet insurance.
The Award gives a broad understanding of Home Insurance, including the need for cover and            The Award gives a broad understanding of Pet Insurance, including the need for cover and its
its benefits; insurance legal principles and duties; product features; how cover is arranged and     benefits; insurance legal principles and duties; product features; how cover is arranged and
provided, and the principles of delivering good customer service.                                    provided, and the principles of delivering good customer service.

Completion requirements                                                                              Completion requirements
The Award comprises one core unit: Introduction to Home Insurance.                                   The Award comprises one core unit: Introduction to Pet Insurance.

(PL3) Introduction to home                                                                           Introduction to pet
insurance                                                                                            insurance
0 credits*                                                                                           0 credits*

Core                                                                                                 Core

* Completion of three of the four Personal Lines Awards (Award in Home Insurance, Award in           * Completion of three of the four Personal Lines Awards (Award in Pet Insurance, Award in
Travel Insurance, Award in Motor Insurance, Award in Pet Insurance) contributes 15 CII credits       Travel Insurance, Award in Home Insurance, Award in Motor Insurance) contributes 15 CII credits
towards the unit requirement of the Certificate in Insurance. More information on the Certificate    towards the unit requirement of the Certificate in Insurance. More information on the Certificate in
in Insurance can be found on page 32.                                                                Insurance can be found on page 32.
See page 16-18 for unit assessment methods.                                                          See page 16-18 for unit assessment methods.

Included within your Enrolment:                                                                      Included within your Enrolment:
•		Interactive digital course                        • Assessment entry                              •		Interactive digital course                       • Assessment entry
•		Study text – digital and/or print                 • Online support including exam guide           •		Study text – digital and/or print                • Online support including exam guide
                                                       via RevisionMate                                                                                    via RevisionMate

More details and to enrol:                                                                                                       More details and to enrol:

24   2020 qualifications                                                                                                                                                                                25
Award in London Market Insurance                                                                                                                        Award in General Insurance
                                                                                                                                                                     Non-UK only

3                          25                  N/A                  40-60 hrs                         N/A                          15                 CII (Award)                       50 hrs
RQF level                  CII credits         Member               Recommended study time per unit   RQF level (equivalent        CII credits        Member designation                Recommended study
                                               designation                                            to level 3)                                                                       time per unit

Overview                                                                                              Overview
The level 3 Award is a specialist qualification for those working in or with the London Market.       The Award in General Insurance is an introductory-level qualification that helps develop your
It helps you gain a broad understanding of the insurance process and practice across the              understanding of insurance principles, procedures and products.
London Market.
                                                                                                      It’s particularly suitable if you’re a non-UK insurance practitioner at the beginning of your career
Designed in consultation with London Market practitioners, the Award in London Market                 or seeking to build on existing knowledge through formal study. It also meets the operating
Insurance provides an essential grounding for new entrants to the profession, or those who have       standards set by the local regulator.
dealings with it.
                                                                                                      Also available in Arabic, (W02) and in Simplified Chinese, (WM1).

Completion requirements                                                                               Completion requirements
The Award comprises two core units providing a total of 25 CII credits on successful completion.
                                                                                                      The Award comprises one core unit providing 15 CII credits on successful completion. These
These credits can be used towards further CII qualifications.
                                                                                                      credits can be used towards further CII qualifications.

(LM1) London Market                      (LM2) London Market
insurance essentials                     insurance principles and
                                                                                                      (W01) Award in
                                                                                                      general insurance
10 credits                               15 credits
                                                                                                      15 credits

Core                                                                                                  Core

See pages 16-18 for individual unit assessment method.                                                See pages 16-18 for individual unit assessment method.

Included within your Enrolment:                                                                       Included within your Enrolment:
• Study text – print and/or digital                       • Online support including exam guide       • Study text – print and/or digital                   • Online support including exam guide
• Assessment entry                                          via RevisionMate                                                                                  via RevisionMate
                                                                                                      • Assessment entry

More details and to enrol:                                                                                                        More details and to enrol:

26   2020 qualifications                                                                                                                                                                                  27
Award in General Insurance (Hong Kong)                                                                                           Award in Customer Service in Insurance
                                                                                                                                                          Non-UK only

N/A                           15               CII (Award)                       50 hrs                  N/A                        15                   CII (Award)                     50 hrs
RQF level (equivalent         CII credits      Member designation                Recommended study       RQF level (equivalent      CII credits          Member designation              Recommended study
to level 3)                                                                      time per unit           to level 3)                                                                     time per unit

Overview                                                                                                 Overview
The Award in General Insurance (Hong Kong) is similar to the Award in General Insurance (non-            The Award in Customer Service Insurance (non-UK) provides an essential introduction to the
UK) but is specific to the Hong Kong regulatory environment. The Award is an introductory-level          customer service function specific to insurance companies, intermediaries and providers. It helps
qualification that helps develop your knowledge and understanding of insurance principles, local         build knowledge and understanding of the key processes and requirements related to good
procedures and products.                                                                                 customer service.
It is suitable for new entrants to the profession or insurance practitioners at the beginning of their   Designed for those working in non-UK customer-facing roles, the Award is suitable for sales
career seeking to build on existing knowledge through formal study. It also meets the operating          support and claims settlement staff, as well as new entrants to the profession.
standards set by the Hong Kong regulator.
                                                                                                         Completion requirements
Completion requirements                                                                                  The Award comprises one core unit providing 15 CII credits on successful completion. These
The Award comprises one core unit providing 15 CII credits on successful completion. These credits       credits can be used towards further CII qualifications.
can be used towards further CII qualifications.
                                                                                                         (W04) Award in customer
                                                                                                         service in insurance
(WH1) Award in general
insurance (Hong Kong)                                                                                    15 credits
15 credits
                                                                                                         See pages 16-18 for individual unit assessment method.
See pages 16-18 for individual unit assessment method.
                                                                                                         Included within your Enrolment:
Included within your Enrolment:                                                                          • Study text – print and/or digital                  • Online support including exam guide
• Study text – digital only                          • Online support including exam guide               • Assessment entry                                     via RevisionMate

• Assessment entry                                     via RevisionMate

More details and to enrol:                                                                           More details and to enrol:

28   2020 qualifications                                                                                                                                                                                  29
Certificate in Insurance and Financial Services                                                                                   Certificate in London Market Insurance
Non-UK only

N/A                          15                    CertCII
                                                   Member designation
                                                                                  50 hrs               3                    40                   CertCII                        40-60 hrs
RQF level (equivalent        CII credits                                          Recommended study    RQF level            CII credits          (London Market)                Recommended study time
to level 3)                                                                       time per unit                                                  Member designation             per unit

Overview                                                                                               Overview
The Certificate offers a dedicated pathway for candidates outside the UK to achieve the                Building on introductory knowledge gained from the Award in London Market Insurance, the
Certificate in Insurance and Financial Services. It is ideal for those who provide financial advice,   Level 3 Certificate in London Market Insurance requires one further unit (LM3) London market
act as an insurance agent, or aspire to either of these roles.                                         underwriting principles.
In successfully completing three units you will gain valuable knowledge relevant to your role and      The Certificate develops knowledge and understanding of the underwriting disciplines within
qualify for the Certificate.                                                                           the London Market, and of the key elements of the cycle. It also explores the opportunities and
                                                                                                       challenges posed by using different distribution channels such as delegated underwriting.
Completion requirements                                                                                It is a specialised qualification for those working in or conducting business through the London
The Certificate comprises three core units, providing 40-45 CII credits on successful completion.      Market. It is particularly suitable for employees of Lloyd’s syndicates, brokers, managing agents
You must select three units from the following options: AWF or AWB (not both), W01 or WH1 (not         or members’ agents in administrative, operational or other support roles, for example, business
both), AWP, or W04.                                                                                    development managers, underwriting technicians or business analysts.
Credits achieved can be used towards further CII qualifications.
                                                                                                       Completion requirements
(AWF) Award in                             (AWB) Award in                                              The Certificate comprises three core units providing 40 CII credits on successful completion.
financial planning               OR        bancassurance                                               These credits can be used towards further CII qualifications.
15 credits                                 15 credits

(W01) Award in                             (WH1) Award in general                                                                            (LM2) London Market             (LM3) London
                                                                                                        (LM1) London Market                  insurance principles            Market underwriting
general insurance                OR        insurance (Hong Kong)                                        insurance essentials
15 credits                                 15 credits                                                                                        and practices                   principles
                                                                                                        10 credits
                                                                                                                                             15 credits                      15 credits
(AWP) Award in
investment planning                                                                                    Core
10 credits

(W04) Award in customer                                                                                See pages 16-18 for individual unit assessment method.
service in insurance
15 credits                                                                                             Included within your Enrolment:
                                                                                                       • Study text – print and/or digital                 • Online support including exam guide
                                                                                                       • Assessment entry                                    via RevisionMate

See pages 16-18 for individual unit assessment method.

Included within your Enrolment:
• Study text - print and/or digital (digital only        • Online support including exam guide
  for WH1)                                                 via RevisionMate
• Assessment entry

More details and to enrol:                                                                                                                More details and to enrol:

30   2020 qualifications                                                                                                                                                                                   31
Certificate in Insurance
                                                                                                         Discover how to
3                          40                       CertCII                     40-60 hrs                identify, classify,
RQF level                  CII credits              Member designation          Recommended study time
                                                                                per unit                 value and manage
Overview                                                                                                 risk and how risk
The Level 3 Certificate in Insurance is a core qualification for insurance staff working across all
sectors of the industry. It provides a fundamental grounding of the key insurance principles,            management has
                                                                                                         developed as a
disciplines, products and markets, including the regulatory environment, key disciplines of
underwriting and claims, in addition to popular products such as motor, household, healthcare
and packaged commercial insurances.
The Certificate develops the knowledge and confidence needed as you begin to specialise your
studies according to your ambitions and career requirements.                                             discipline within
Completion requirements                                                                                  an organisation’s
The Certificate requires a minimum of 40 CII credits for successful completion. Candidates must
study one core unit: IF1, or both LM1 and LM2. It is recommended that non-UK candidates study            structure and
W01 as their core unit.

(IF1) Insurance,                              Award in London                    (W01) Award in
legal and regulatory                          Market Insurance:                  general insurance
                                              (LM1) London market
15 credits                                    insurance essentials               15 credits
                                         OR   AND                         OR
                                              (LM2) London market
                                              insurance principles
                                              and practices
                                              25 credits


The remaining credits can come from any units within the insurance qualifications framework.
However, please note the following restrictions:
• Due to the extent of syllabus overlap between IF1, LM1 and W01, achieving more than one
  of these units will receive only one award of credits.
• If you choose (LM1 + LM2) as your core unit, studying LM3 to satisfy the remaining credit
  requirement will achieve the Certificate in London Market Insurance, instead of the Certificate
  in Insurance.
We recommend that you sit the required core unit(s) first as these provide foundation knowledge
upon which the others build. Credits achieved via the Certificate can be used towards further
CII qualifications.

See pages 16-18 for individual unit assessment method.

Included within your Enrolment:
• Study text – print and/or digital                          • Online support including exam guide
• Assessment entry                                             via RevisionMate

More details and to enrol:

32   2020 qualifications                                                                                                       33
Diploma in Insurance
4                          120                   DipCII                       80-120 hrs                the vital role
RQF level                  CII credits           Member designation           Recommended study time
                                                                              per unit                  reinsurance
Overview                                                                                                contract wording
The Level 4 Diploma in Insurance is a technical and supervisory qualification appropriate for
insurance staff working across all sectors of the profession. It provides a firm understanding          plays in an
of insurance fundamentals and develops advanced technical knowledge.
We recommend that candidates complete the Certificate in Insurance or equivalent, prior to
studying for the Diploma.

Completion requirements
The Diploma requires a minimum of 120 CII credits for successful completion, with at least 90 credits
at Diploma level or above.
                                                                                                        financial world
Contributing towards the 90 credits at Diploma level or above requirement, candidates must
study unit M05, along with either M92 or 530, providing 50-55 Diploma level or above credits.
A further 40-45 credits at Diploma level or above must be achieved to meet the requirement of
90, along with a further 30 credits for full qualification completion. These remaining 30 credits
can come from any units within the insurance framework.

(M92) Insurance,                              (530) Economics                 (M05)
business and finance                     OR   and business             AND    Insurance Law
25 credits                                    30 credits                      25 credits


To see which units are regarded as Diploma level, along with individual unit assessment methods,
see pages 16-18.
Credits achieved via the Diploma can be used towards further CII qualifications.

Included within your Enrolment:
• Study text – print and/or digital                        • Online support including exam guide via
• Assessment entry                                           RevisionMate. (no exam guide available
                                                             for 530).
                                                           • Specimen coursework assignment

More details and to enrol:

34   2020 qualifications                                                                                                   35
Advanced Diploma in Insurance
                                                                                                            Demonstrate your
6                          290                   ACII                120-180 hrs                            advanced technical
RQF level                  CII credits           Member
                                                                     Recommended study time per unit
                                                                                                            awareness and critical
Overview                                                                                                    understanding of
The Level 6 Advanced Diploma in Insurance provides you with enhanced understanding of
insurance practice, and is a comprehensive assessment of market knowledge and understanding.                the sector to your
                                                                                                            customers, colleagues
On completion, the Advanced Diploma demonstrates your advanced technical awareness
and critical understanding of the sector to your colleagues, customers and regulators. Widely
recognised, it stands as evidence of your commitment and ability, and can be your passport to a

                                                                                                            and regulators
successful career. Holders of the Advanced Diploma can apply for Chartered status and progress
to Fellowship.
We recommend you complete the Diploma in Insurance or equivalent, prior to studying for the
Advanced Diploma.

Completion requirements
The Advanced Diploma requires a minimum of 290 CII credits for successful completion, with at
least 150 at Advanced Diploma level, and a further 55 at Diploma level or above. The remaining 85
credits can come from any units within the insurance framework.
Contributing towards these requirements, candidates must achieve unit M05, one unit from M92
or 530, and one unit from 820, 930, or 960:

(M92) Insurance,                              (530) Economics
business and finance                     OR   and business
25 credits                                    30 credits

Insurance law
25 credits

(820) Advanced                                (930) Advanced                    (960) Advanced
claims                                   OR   insurance broking          OR     underwriting
30 credits                                    30 credits                        30 credits


The remaining credits can come from any units within the insurance framework. To see which
units are regarded as Advanced Diploma, or diploma level and what your options are, along with
individual unit assessment methods, see pages 16-18.
Credits achieved via the Advanced Diploma can be used towards further CII qualifications.

Included within your Enrolment:
• Study text – print and ebook                              • Online support including exam guide via
• Assessment entry                                            RevisionMate (exam guide only available for
                                                              units M05 and M92)
• Specimen coursework assignment

More details and to enrol:

36   2020 qualifications                                                                                                             37
Certificate in London Market Insurance Specialisation                                                              Certificate in Insurance Market Specialisation

7                          50              N/A                    180 hrs                           7                   50                    N/A                   180 hrs
RQF level                  CII credits     Member                 Recommended study time per unit   RQF level           CII credits           Member                Recommended study time per unit
                                           designation                                                                                        designation

Overview                                                                                            Overview
Developed in partnership with the Lloyd’s Market Association (LMA), the Level 7 Certificate         Similar in structure to the Certificate in London Market Insurance Specialisation, the Certificate in
in London Market Insurance Specialisation improves practitioners’ research skills within a          Insurance Market Specialisation has been developed for the broader insurance community. It is
concentrated field of study appropriate to the London Market.                                       ideal for insurance market practitioners who wish to develop their research skills and apply them
                                                                                                    to a specific subject area.
The Certificate will enable you to create learning that matches precisely to your role and career
aspirations and gain an in-depth understanding of a chosen topic through research and analysis.     The Certificate will enable you to create learning that matches precisely to your role and career
                                                                                                    aspirations and gain an in-depth understanding of a chosen topic through research and analysis.
The qualification requires study at a level equivalent to Master’s degree learning, and as such
we would advise candidates not to underestimate the demands associated with its completion.         The qualification requires study at a level equivalent to Master’s degree learning, and as such
Candidates should fully familiarise themselves with the available dissertation guidelines and       we would advise candidates not to underestimate the demands associated with its completion.
instructions in advance of entry.                                                                   Candidates should fully familiarise themselves with the available dissertation guidelines and
                                                                                                    instructions in advance of entry.
Completion requirements
The Certificate comprises one core unit, assessed by dissertation on an agreed topic, providing
                                                                                                    Completion requirements
50 CII credits on successful completion.                                                            The Certificate comprises one core unit, assessed by dissertation on an agreed topic, providing
                                                                                                    50 CII credits on successful completion.
(991) London market
insurance specialisation                                                                            (994) Insurance
50 credits                                                                                          market specialisation
                                                                                                    50 credits
See pages 16-18 for individual unit assessment method.
                                                                                                    See pages 16-18 for individual unit assessment method.
Included within your Enrolment:
• Exemplar research proposal and dissertation            • Online support via RevisionMate,         Included within your Enrolment:
                                                           including guidance on research and       • Exemplar research proposal and dissertation         • Online support via RevisionMate,
• Support from a dissertation guide - an expert
                                                           dissertation writing                                                                             including guidance on research and
  practitioner from the sector                                                                      • Support from a dissertation guide - an expert
                                                                                                                                                            dissertation writing
                                                                                                      practitioner from the sector

More details and to enrol:                                                                                                More details and to enrol:

38   2020 qualifications                                                                                                                                                                                 39

Finance                    Financial Planning:
                           RQF level 3

                           Award in Long Term Care Insurance		                             48
                           RQF level 3 equivalent:
                           Award in Financial Planning (non-UK only)		                     46
                           Award in Bancassurance (non-UK only)		                          47
                           Certificate in Insurance and Financial Services (non-UK only)   49

                           RQF level 4
                           Certificate in Paraplanning                                     50
                           Certificate in Pension Transfer Advice                          52
                           Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning                         53
                                Regulated Retail Investment Adviser Re-evaluation
                           Diploma in Financial Planning		                                 54

                           RQF level 6
                           Advanced Diploma in Financial Planning                          56

                           Investments and Securities
                           RQF level 3
                           Certificate in Investment Operations                            59
                           RQF level 3 equivalent:
                           Award in Investment Planning (non-UK only)                      58

                           RQF level 4
                           Certificate in Securities Advice and Dealing                    60
                           Certificate in Discretionary Investment Management              62
                           Life and Pensions
                           RQF level 2
                           Award in Life and Pensions Foundations                          63

                           RQF level 3
                           Award in Financial Administration                               64
                           Certificate in Financial Services                               65
                           Certificate in Regulated Financial Services Operations          66

                           Mortgages and Equity Release
                           RQF level 3
                           Certificate in Mortgage Advice                                  68
                           Certificate in Equity Release                                   69

                           RQF level 4
                           Certificate in Advanced Mortgage Advice                         70

40   2020 qualifications                                                                   41
Personal Finance qualifications                                                                                      This is the framework for our personal finance qualification units. They are grouped
                                                                                                                                              according to their difficulty, from level 2 through to level 6.
Unit framework                                                                                                     Depending on the qualification you want to achieve, you’ll need to study a number of
                                                                                                                 these units. Some of our qualifications require just one unit, while others require several.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Study and assessment key
  Non RQF                         RQF level: 2              RQF level: 3                                          RQF level: 4                                        RQF level: 6
                                  CII credit level:         CII credit level:                                     CII credit level:                                   CII credit level:                         Assessment methods vary depending
                                                                                                                                                                                                                on the unit’s level and subject matter.
                                  Award                     Certificate                                           Diploma                                             Advanced Diploma
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Each unit within the framework has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                been assigned an icon to identify the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                assessment method from the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                options below.
 The following units              (LF1) Life and pensions   (CF1) UK financial        (LP2) Financial services    (J02) Trusts              (J10) Discretionary       (AF1) Personal tax and
 are not registered               foundations               services, regulation      products                    20 credits                investment                trust planning
 as part of the UK’s              0 credits                 and ethics                and solutions               100 study hours           management                30 credits
 Regulated Qualifications         40 study hours            15 credits                20 credits                                            20 credits                150 study hours
 Framework (RQF)                                            60 study hours            100 study hours             (J03) The tax and legal   80 study hours                                                      Multiple choice question (MCQ) exam
                                                                                                                  aspects of business                                 (AF2) Business                            Study is based on a specified enrolment period,
 (AWB) Award in                                             (CF6) Mortgage advice     (LP3) Life and pensions     20 credits                (J12) Securities advice   financial planning                        from 01 September–31 August. MCQ exams are
 bancassurance1                                             20 credits                principles                  100 study hours           and dealing               30 credits                                available weekly at UK and selected international
 15 credits                                                 100 study hours           and practices                                         20 credits                150 study hours                           online exam centres, or twice-yearly in April and
 60 study hours                                                                       10 credits                                            70 study hours                                                      October at international paper-based exam
                                                                                                                  (J05) Pension income
                                                                                      50 study hours                                                                                                            centres. Head to your unit webpage to see if
                                                            (CF8) Long term                                       options                                             (AF4) Investment
 (AWF) Award in                                             care insurance                                                                  (R01) Financial           planning                                  remote invigilation is available for your exam.
                                                                                                                  20 credits
 financial planning1, 2                                     15 credits                (R05) Financial             100 study hours           services, regulation      30 credits
 15 credits                                                 70 study hours            protection                                            and ethics                150 study hours
 60 study hours                                                                       10 credits                  (J07) Supervision in a    20 credits
                                                            (ER1) Equity release      50 study hours              regulated environment     60 study hours            (AF5) Financial                           Written exam
 (AWP) Award in                                             15 credits                                            20 credits                                          planning process                          Study is based on a 12 month enrolment period
 investment planning1                                       70 study hours                                        100 study hours           (R02) Investment          30 credits                                from the date of purchase. Written exams are
 10 credits                                                                                                                                 principles and risk       150 study hours                           held twice-yearly in April and October at UK
 60 study hours                                             (FA1) Life office                                     (J11) Wrap and            20 credits                                                          and international exam centres.
                                                            administration                                        platform services3        60 study hours            (AF7) Pension transfers
                                                            10 credits                                            20 credits                                          20 credits
                                                            60 study hours                                        100 study hours           (R03) Personal taxation   100 study hours
                                                                                                                                            10 credits
                                                                                                                                            50 study hours                                                      Coursework assignments
                                                            (FA2) Pensions                                        (R06) Financial
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Study is based on a 12 month enrolment period
                                                            administration                                        planning practice
                                                                                                                                            (R04) Pensions and                                                  from the date of purchase. Candidates must pass
                                                            10 credits                                            30 credits                                          (AF6) Senior                              three written assignments, each typically
                                                            60 study hours                                        100 study hours           retirement planning       management                                2,000-3,000 words.
                                                                                                                                            10 credits                and supervision
                                                            (FA5) Individual                                                                50 study hours            30 credits
                                                            savings account                                                                                           150 study hours
                                                            administration                                        (J09) Paraplanning        (R07) Advanced
                                                            10 credits                                                                      mortgage advice           (AF8) Retirement
                                                                                                                  30 credits
                                                            70 study hours                                        100 study hours           15 credits                income planning
                                                                                                                                            70 study hours            30 credits
                                                            (GR1) Group risk                                                                                          150 study hours
                                                            10 credits
                                                            50 study hours

                                                            (LP1) Life and pensions
                                                            customer operations
                                                            15 credits
                                                            60 study hours

1. Available to non-UK candidates only
2. Unit AWF is also available in Arabic, (AWA)
   and in Indian, (AWI)
3. Unit J11 will be withdrawn in April 2020.

42   2020 qualifications                                                                                                                                                                                  43
Financial Planning                                                                                                                                                                 Financial Planning

Award in Financial Planning                                                                                                                             Award in Bancassurance
Non-UK only                                                                                                                                                        Non-UK only

N/A                        15               CII (Award)                        60 hrs              N/A                        15              CII (Award)                        60 hrs
RQF level (equivalent      CII credits      Member designation                 Recommended study   RQF level (equivalent      CII credits     Member designation                 Recommended study
to level 3)                                                                    time per unit       to level 3)                                                                   time per unit

Overview                                                                                           Overview
The Award in Financial Planning provides foundation knowledge in the core financial and life       Designed for financial advisers and insurance agents working outside the UK in the banking
assurance products. You’ll learn what constitutes professional practice and ethical behaviour.     sector, the Award in Bancassurance provides foundation knowledge in core financial, life
                                                                                                   assurance and insurance products. You’ll also learn what constitutes professional practice and
The Award is suitable for anyone working outside the UK in the insurance and financial services
                                                                                                   ethical behaviour.
sector. This qualification can only be awarded to non-UK residents.
                                                                                                   The Award is suitable for anyone working outside the UK in the insurance and financial
Also available in Arabic, (AWA) Award in financial planning.
                                                                                                   services sector.

Completion requirements                                                                            Completion requirements
The Award comprises one core unit, providing 15 CII credits on successful completion. These
                                                                                                   The Award comprises one core unit, providing 15 CII credits on successful completion. These
credits can be used towards further CII qualifications.
                                                                                                   credits can be used towards further CII qualifications.

(AWF) Award in                                                                                     (AWB) Award in
financial planning                                                                                 bancassurance
15 credits                                                                                         15 credits

Core                                                                                               Core

See pages 42-44 for individual unit assessment method.                                             See pages 42-44 for individual unit assessment method.

Included within your Enrolment:                                                                    Included within your Enrolment:
• Study text – print and/or digital                  • Online support including exam guide         • Study text – print and/or digital                • Online support including exam guide
• Assessment entry                                     via RevisionMate                            • Assessment entry                                   via RevisionMate

More details and to enrol:                                                                                 More details and to enrol:

46   2020 qualifications                                                                                                                                                                            47
Financial Planning                                                                                                                                                                         Financial Planning

Award in Long Term Care Insurance                                                                                Certificate in Insurance and Financial Services
                                                                                                                                                   Non-UK only

3                          15            N/A                 70 hrs                                 N/A                       40-45                     CertCII                    50-60 hrs
RQF level                  CII credits   Member              Recommended study time per unit        RQF level (equivalent     CII credits               Member designation         Recommended study time
                                         designation                                                to level 3)                                                                    per unit

Overview                                                                                            Overview
The Level 3 Award in Long Term Care Insurance develops knowledge and understanding of               The Certificate offers a dedicated pathway for candidates outside the UK to achieve the
long term care cover, including legal, taxation and regulatory issues and the responsibilities of   Certificate in Insurance and Financial Services. It is ideal for those who provide financial advice,
local authorities. When held with the Diploma in Financial Planning or the Diploma in Regulated     act as an insurance agent, or aspire to either of these roles.
Financial Planning, it meets the FCA’s qualification requirements for advising on long term care
                                                                                                    In completing the Certificate you will gain valuable knowledge relevant to your career.
products and retirement advice.

Completion requirements                                                                             Completion requirements
                                                                                                    The Certificate comprises three core units, providing 40-45 CII credits on successful completion.
The Award comprises one core unit, providing 15 CII credits on successful completion. These
                                                                                                    You must select three units from the following options: AWF or AWB (not both), W01 or WH1
credits can be used towards further CII qualifications.
                                                                                                    (not both), AWP, or W04.

(CF8) Long term
                                                                                                    Credits achieved via the Certificate can be used towards further CII qualifications.
care insurance
15 credits                                                                                          (AWF) Award in                          (AWB) Award in
                                                                                                    financial planning               OR     bancassurance
Core                                                                                                15 credits                              15 credits

See pages 42-44 for individual unit assessment method.                                              (W01) Award in                          (WH1) Award in general
                                                                                                    general insurance                OR     insurance (Hong Kong)
                                                                                                    15 credits                              15 credits
Included within your Enrolment:
• Study text – print and/or digital                 • Online support including exam guide           (AWP) Award in
                                                      via RevisionMate                              investment planning
• Assessment entry
                                                                                                    10 credits

                                                                                                    (W04) Award in customer
                                                                                                    service in insurance
                                                                                                    15 credits


                                                                                                    See pages 42-44 for individual unit assessment method.

                                                                                                    Included within your Enrolment:
                                                                                                    • Study text - print and/or digital (digital only       • Online support including exam guide
                                                                                                      for WH1)                                                via RevisionMate
                                                                                                    • Assessment entry

More details and to enrol:                                                                                                        More details and to enrol:

48   2020 qualifications                                                                                                                                                                                    49
Financial Planning

Certificate in Paraplanning
                                                                                                           Explore the
4                          75-80                  CertPFS                         50-100 hrs               necessity and
RQF level                  CII credits            (Paraplanning)
                                                  Member designation
                                                                                  Recommended study time
                                                                                  per unit                 structure of
Overview                                                                                                   UK financial
The Level 4 Certificate in Paraplanning develops core technical knowledge in a number of key
advisory areas, and helps you gain specialist report writing skills that improve your ability to           services and
                                                                                                           how it operates
provide sound professional advice.
It is ideal for senior and mid-level paraplanners looking to further their knowledge or those
aspiring to the role, including new entrants, graduates and anyone looking for an entry route into
financial planning.
                                                                                                           in the UK and in
Completion requirements
The Certificate comprises four core units providing 75-80 CII credits on successful completion.
                                                                                                           a European and
These credits can be used towards further CII qualifications.
                                                                                                           global context
(R01) Financial services,                     (CF1) UK financial services,
regulation and ethics                    OR   regulation and ethics
20 credits                                    15 credits

(R02) Investment principles                   (R03) Personal                      (J09) Paraplanning
and risk                                      taxation
20 credits                                    10 credits                          30 credits


See pages 42-44 for individual unit assessment method.

Included within your Enrolment:
• Study text – print and/or digital                            • Online support including exam guide
• Assessment entry                                               via RevisionMate

More details and to enrol:

50   2020 qualifications                                                                                                      51
Financial Planning                                                                                                                                                                            Financial Planning

Certificate in Pension Transfer Advice                                                                                           Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning

4                          70                N/A                 50-100 hrs                              4                     100                  DipPFS                           50-60 hrs
RQF level                  CII credits       Member              Recommended study time per unit         RQF level             CII credits          Member designation               Recommended study time
                                             designation                                                                                                                             per unit

Overview                                                                                                 Overview
The Certificate in Pension Transfer Advice provides the in-depth knowledge and practical skills          The Level 4 Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning meets the FCA’s qualification requirements
needed by anyone seeking to advise on the transfer of safeguarded benefits, an increasingly              for anyone advising on retail investment products. It helps develop core technical knowledge and
important part of the advice process following the Government’s pension reforms.                         financial planning capabilities.
The Certificate in Pension Transfer Advice is suitable for retail investment advisers and non-           The Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning is appropriate for paraplanners, technical
advisers alike seeking to undertake pension transfer work and become pension transfer                    consultants, and those in financial planning support roles. It is particularly suitable for
specialists. It is ideal for retail investment advisers, paraplanners, technical consultants and those   anyone seeking to give retail investment advice.
in financial planning support roles wanting to update their knowledge in this area.
FCA announcement                                                                                         Completion requirements
The Certificate will satisfy FCA requirements to be a pension transfer specialist until September        The Diploma comprises six core units, providing 100 CII credits on successful completion. These
2020. After September 2020 pension transfer specialists will be required to hold the full                credits can be used towards further CII qualifications.
qualification for retail investment advice. Those holding only the Certificate in Pension Transfer
Advice may need to undertake further study. If you think you will be affceted by this change
or to find more information, head to the Certificate in Pension Transfer Advice webpage:                 (R01) Financial services,             (R02) Investment                     (R03) Personal
                                                                                                         regulation and ethics                 principles and risk                  taxation
                                                                                                         20 credits                            20 credits                           10 credits

Completion requirements                                                                                  (R04) Pensions and                    (R05) Financial                      (R06) Pensions and
                                                                                                         retirement planning                   protection                           retirement planning
The Certificate comprises four core units, providing 70 CII credits on successful completion. These      10 credits                            10 credits                           30 credits
credits can be used towards further CII qualifications.
(R01) Financial services,                (R02) Investment                  (R04) Pensions and
regulation and ethics                    principles and risk               retirement planning           See pages 42-44 for individual unit assessment method.
20 credits                               20 credits                        10 credits

                                                                                                         Regulated Retail Investment Adviser Re-evaluation
(AF7) Pension transfers
                                                                                                         The FCA has collaborated with the CII to form a re-evaluation test of the knowledge required for
20 credits
                                                                                                         practising retail investment advisors. Identifying areas of strength and weakness, the re-evaluation
                                                                                                         is a great way to demonstrate that your technical knowledge and application is up-to-date. The
Core                                                                                                     test contains 100 questions based on Diploma units R01-R05.
                                                                                                         Successfully passing the re-evaluation counts as 35 CPD hours when supported by an identified
See pages 42-44 for individual unit assessment method.                                                   learning need and a reflective statement.
                                                                                                         More information can be found online:
Included within your Enrolment:
• Study text – print and/or digital                     • Online support including exam guide
• Assessment entry                                        via RevisionMate                               Included within your Enrolment:
                                                                                                         • Study text – print and/or digital                  • Online support including exam guide
                                                                                                         • Assessment entry                                     via RevisionMate

More details and to enrol:                                                                                                           More details and to enrol:

52   2020 qualifications                                                                                                                                                                                      53
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