Spring 2021 Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress - M-STEP Paper/Pencil Test Administrator's Directions and Manual

Page created by Eric Moreno

 M-STEP Paper/Pencil
  Test Administrator’s
Directions and Manual
              Grade 3
 Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress

                                          Spring 2021

                             Michigan Department of Education
            Office of Educational Assessment and Accountability
Copyright © 2021, held by the State Administrative Board, State of Michigan.
Michigan schools have permission to duplicate this product for use within Michigan schools.

INTRODUCTION................................. 1                 Security Compliance .......................... 7

 Assessments Covered......................... 1                 Training Requirements and Resources for
                                                                Students........................................... 7
 Key.................................................. 1
                                                                   Resources for Students to Prepare for
                                                                   Testing................................................ 7
OVERVIEW........................................ 2

 Introduction...................................... 2          BEFORE TESTING............................... 8

 M-STEP Assessments.......................... 2                 Before Testing Checklist...................... 8

 What’s New....................................... 2            Test Materials Needed for M-STEP......... 9

 English Language Arts......................... 2              DURING TESTING............................ 10
    Listening............................................. 2
                                                                Important Tasks During Testing...........10
 Mathematics...................................... 3               Managing Student Test Materials.......... 10
    Calculator Policy................................... 3
                                                                Permitted Items in Testing Room.........10
 Test Administrator’s Directions and
 Manual ............................................ 3          Providing Assistance..........................11
                                                                   Student Questions ............................. 11
 Scratch Paper Guidelines .................... 3
                                                                Test Directions for the Student
 Designated Supports and                                        Demographic Page –
 Accommodations................................ 3               All M-STEP Grade 3 Assessments.........12
 Resources for Students to Prepare for                             Administration Directions for Completing
 Testing............................................. 3            the Student Data Grid......................... 12

 Call Center Contact Information........... 4                   Test Directions for Grade 3 ELA
                                                                Day 1: Part 1–Listening......................15
 OEAA Communications with Schools and
 Districts............................................ 4        Test Directions for Grade 3 ELA
                                                                Day 1: Part 2–Reading.......................19
 Standardized Testing.......................... 4
                                                                Test Directions for Grade 3 ELA
 Testing Schedules............................... 4             Day 2: Part 3–Writing and Research.....20
 Test Session Timings.......................... 5               Test Directions for Grade 3 Mathematics
                                                                Day 1: Part 1....................................21
 Assessment Security........................... 5
    Overview of required security practices .. 5                Test Directions for Grade 3 Mathematics
    Assessment Security Training ................ 6             Day 1: Part 2....................................24

 Material Security ............................... 6

 Test Administration ............................ 6

M-STEP Grade 3 Paper/Pencil Test Directions – Spring 2021                                                                      i
     TEST OF

AFTER TESTING............................... 25

     Assemble Materials
     for Return........................................25

     Checklist for Test Administrators.........25

APPENDICES................................... 26

     M-STEP Calculator Policy....................26
        Online and Paper/Pencil Testers ........... 26
        Online Testers ................................... 26
        Paper/Pencil Testers ........................... 26
        Important Notes................................. 26

     M-STEP Scratch Paper Policy...............28
        Terms............................................... 28
        Online Testers: Mathematics ............... 28
        Online Testers: English Language Arts,
        Science, and Social Studies................. 28
        Paper/Pencil Testers: Mathematics........ 29
        Paper/Pencil Testers: English Language
        Arts, Science, and
        Social Studies.................................... 29

     M-STEP Incident Reporting Guide........30

ii                                                    M-STEP Grade 3 Paper/Pencil Test Directions – Spring 2021


The M-STEP Grade 3 Test Administrator’s           Assessments Covered
Paper/Pencil Directions and Manual includes
all information that a Test Administrator needs   These test directions apply to the following
to know to administer any grade 3 M-STEP          Grade 3 assessments:
assessment. With the exception of the Test         • English Language Arts
Directions for content you will not administer,
Test Administrators are required to read this      • Math
document in its entirety before administering
any grade 3 M-STEP assessment.

The following sections are included in this

 • Overview
 • Before Testing
 • During Testing
 • Test Administration Directions
 • After Testing


 Icons                                               Descriptions

                                                     Speak the words in the shaded box.

           TIP! Icon                                 This is a tip to help with a smooth testing

M-STEP Grade 3 Paper/Pencil Test Directions – Spring 2021                                          1
            TEST OF
            EDUCATIONAL           OVERVIEW


           Introduction                                       updated information would otherwise have
                                                              been included in the Test Administration Manual
           On January 25, 2021, the Michigan Department       (TAM). Therefore, Test Administrators are no
           of Education (MDE) delivered a request to the      longer required to read the TAM; however, they
           U.S. Department of Education to waive certain      are required to read the Test Administrator’s
           assessment and accountability requirements         Directions and Manual (this document) before
           of the federal Every Student Succeeds Act          administering any M-STEP test session.
           (ESSA) including the Spring 2021 M-STEP. To
           comply with current law, MDE and the Office        In order to help with Test Schedule development,
           of Educational Assessment and Accountability       MDE has provided recommendations for test
           (OEAA) must continue to prepare for the            time estimates, test sessions, and breaks
           required spring assessments in the event           within sessions on page 5 of this manual.
           the USED does not grant our waiver request.        These are recommendations to assist districts
           Updates regarding the status of this request       and buildings in the development of testing
           will be provided through the weekly Spotlight      schedules—they are not required.
           on Assessment and Accountability newsletter.
                                                              Assessment Security training requirements
           Please know the health, safety, and well-being
                                                              have been updated for Spring 2021. Test
           of students, educators, and their families is
                                                              Administrators and Proctors are required to
           MDE’s first priority.
                                                                • complete the MDE Assessment Security
                                                                  online course and/or read the Assessment
           M-STEP Assessments                                     Integrity Guide (determined by the District
                                                                  or Building Coordinator)
           The Spring 2021 Michigan Student Test of
           Educational Progress (M-STEP) includes             Any educator who completed the Assessment
           summative assessments designed to measure          Security training modules in the past are
           student performance relative to the Michigan       allowed to take the Assessment Security
           Academic Standards in English language             Refresher course in place of the full Assessment
           arts (ELA), mathematics, science, and social       Security Training modules. More information
           studies. This overview will describe the unique    about the Assessment Security Refresher
           characteristics of these content–area tests.       course is available on the M-STEP web
                                                              page (www.michigan.gov/mstep) under the
                                                              Professional Development section.
           What’s New
           Updates to Spring 2021 M-STEP testing
                                                              English Language Arts
           were planned for Spring 2020 but were not
           implemented due to the cancellation of testing.    English language arts (ELA) is assessed
           These updates will be applied in Spring 2021.      with the M-STEP in grades 3-7. ELA covers
                                                              four claims: reading, writing, listening, and
           To simplify the materials Test Administrators
                                                              research. There are three parts to be completed
           are required to read before testing, MDE has
                                                              in two days for paper/pencil testers.
           created updated Test Administrator’s Directions
           and Manual documents (this document) for
           each grade by test mode (online and paper/         Listening
           pencil). These updated documents include test      Listening is part of the ELA assessment for all
           administration directions and other materials      students.
           that cover everything Test Administrators need
           to know regarding test administration. This

           2                                        M-STEP Grade 3 Paper/Pencil Test Directions – Spring 2021


Mathematics                                        Manual (TAM)—everything they need is in the
                                                   Test Administrator’s Directions and Manual
Mathematics is assessed with the M-STEP in         document (this document).
grades 3-7. It covers four claims: concepts and
procedures, problem-solving, communicating
reasoning, and modeling and data analysis.         Scratch Paper Guidelines
There are two parts to be completed in one day
for paper/pencil testers.                          Scratch paper use varies by test grade, and
                                                   content area. Be sure to review the state’s full
                                                   Scratch Paper Policy in Appendix B.
Calculator Policy
Calculator use varies by grade and assessment
mode (online or paper/pencil). Therefore, it is    Designated Supports and
important for Test Administrators to understand
the state’s policy on their use.
                                                   The Michigan Supports and Accommodations
No Calculators Allowed in                          Guidance Document, which includes the
Grades 3, 4, and 5                                 Supports and Accommodations Tables,
Regardless of the mode of test a student is        presents appropriate Universal Tools,
taking (online or paper/pencil), calculators may   Designated Supports, Accommodations,
not be used for any item on the mathematics        identification processes, classroom
grades 3, 4, and 5 assessments; calculator use     considerations, and guidelines for all state
would change the construct of the items, or        assessments. The document can be found on
what they are intended to measure. All students    the M-STEP web page (www.michigan.gov/
must abide by this policy, even students whose     mstep). Guidance in the documents pertains
Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or        to general education students, as well as to
Section 504 Plans specify otherwise. The use of    English learners (ELs), students with disabilities
a calculator at grades 3, 4, and 5 is considered   (SWDs), and students who are considered ELs
a Nonstandard Accommodation, which will            and are also identified as SWDs.
render the assessment invalid. If a student
in one of these grades uses a calculator, an
incident report must be submitted. Refer to the    Resources for Students to
Incident Reporting Guide in Appendix C.            Prepare for Testing
The state’s full Calculator Policy can be          A number of resources and tools have been
found in Appendix A. Coordinators and/or           developed to help students gain valuable
Test Administrators may copy and share it          experience with testing. Sample items for
in its entirety with others involved in testing    paper/pencil testers are available on the M-STEP
mathematics.                                       web page (www.michigan.gov/mstep).

                                                   Available resources include:
Test Administrator’s
                                                    • grade-level Sample Item Sets
Directions and Manual
                                                    • sample essay prompts
New for Spring 2021: The test directions            • calculator practice
documents have been expanded to include
                                                   It is highly recommended that schools provide
all information that a Test Administrator
                                                   students with opportunities to practice using
will need to know. This means that Test
                                                   these resources before they take the online or
Administrators are no longer required to
                                                   paper/pencil tests.
read any section of the Test Administration

M-STEP Grade 3 Paper/Pencil Test Directions – Spring 2021                                             3
            TEST OF
            EDUCATIONAL                OVERVIEW


           Call Center Contact                                      OEAA Communications with
           Information                                              Schools and Districts
           The Office of Educational Assessment and                 Keeping educators up to date regarding
           Accountability (OEAA) has a call center to               changes in assessment and accountability is
           answer questions related to M-STEP testing.              critical. The OEAA communicates with the field
                                                                    in a number of different ways, including:
           Agents are available to receive questions at
           the following toll-free phone number and email             • Spotlight on Student Assessment and
           address during the specified hours.                          Accountability weekly newsletter – sign
               • Call: 1-877-560-8378                                   up to receive the newsletter and/or read
                                                                        archived copies on the Spotlight web page
               • Email: mde-oeaa@michigan.gov                           (www.michigan.gov/mde-spotlight)
               • December 1, 2020 - April 12, 2021:
                 8:00 AM–5:00 PM (M–F)                                • M-STEP web page (www.michigan.gov/
               • April 12, 2021 - May 28, 2021:
                 7:00 AM–5:00 PM (M-F)                                • DRC INSIGHT Portal (https://mi.drcedirect.
           The table below shows the options related to
           the paper/pencil M-STEP that are available                 • the Announcement page on the OEAA Secure
           on the call center phone menu. Select the                    Site (www.michigan.gov/oeaa-secure)
           appropriate option when contacting the OEAA,               • presentations at state conferences,
           either through our toll-free number                          including the Michigan School Testing
           (877-560-8378) or the Lansing-area local                     Conference held each year in February
           number (517-241-4102).
                                                                    Check these sources regularly to stay up to
                                                                    date on assessment- and accountability-related
           Topic                                          Option
                                                                    issues and activities.
               Known or suspected cheating or
               unethical testing practices on any state     1
                                                                    Standardized Testing
               DRC INSIGHT Portal, INSIGHT, Central
               Office Services (COS), or online                     Uniform procedures are essential to a
               assessment tools related to the online               standardized testing program. To ensure
               M-STEP                                               comparable scores, all testing staff must
               OEAA Secure Site, testing policies and               follow the same testing procedures and give
               paper/pencil materials regarding the                 instructions exactly as they appear in this
               M-STEP, MI-Access, and Accountability                manual.
                                                                    Ensure that you and all testing staff comply
                                                                    with all applicable laws, including those relating
                                                                    to discrimination. By strictly following policies
                                                                    and procedures, you give students the best
                                                                    guarantee of fair testing and the best possible
                                                                    test day experience.

           4                                              M-STEP Grade 3 Paper/Pencil Test Directions – Spring 2021


Testing Schedules                                      continuous session to complete each section of
                                                       this test. Arrangements should be made before
Part 1 of the test should be administered before       testing begins for any student who may need
Part 2, (and Part 2 before Part 3 for ELA).            additional time to complete a part of the test.
However, when students miss a test Part(s),
students should take the remaining Part(s)             For example, for the ELA assessment, the order
with the class, and complete the missed Part(s)        of administration is:
in a makeup session. The test is untimed
                                                           • Day 1: P
                                                                     art 1–Listening
and student‑paced. Students must be given
                                                                    Part 2–Reading
as much time as needed during the same
                                                           • Day 2: Part 3–Writing and Research

                                 Test Session Timings

                  Spring 2021 Estimated Test Session Timings Grades 3–7
                    Subject          Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7
             ELA                      2:00          2:00        2:00        2:00         2:00
             Mathematics              1:30          1:30        1:30        2:00         2:00
             Science Part 1            NA            NA         0:45         NA           NA
             Science Part 2                                     0:45
             Social Studies            NA           NA          0:60        NA           NA
             Estimated Total Hours    3:30          3:30        6:00        4:00         4:00

            Note: Times are in hours:minutes. Example, 1:30 equals 1 hour 30 minutes.

Assessment Security                                    administered. The AIG also includes information
                                                       on roles and responsibilities of testing staff, test
The primary goals of test security are to protect      preparation, administration irregularities, and
the integrity of the assessment and to ensure          security. District and Building Coordinators are
that results are accurate and meaningful. Test         required to read the AIG in its entirety.
security is integral in ensuring that no student
has an unfair advantage or a disadvantage in           By following the guidelines in the Assessment
assessment performance.                                Integrity Guide, schools ensure that:

The Assessment Integrity Guide (AIG) was                   • student test results are valid and reliable
revised and updated in November 2020. This
                                                           • the testing context is equitable for all
document, available for download on the M-STEP
web page (www.michigan.gov/mstep), details
how state-level assessments should be securely             • all practices are ethical

M-STEP Grade 3 Paper/Pencil Test Directions – Spring 2021                                                  5
            TEST OF
            EDUCATIONAL              OVERVIEW


           Overview of required security                           • Secure materials are bar-coded and
           practices                                                 recorded on the security checklists that
                                                                     accompany shipments, and must be
           For additional information on required security
                                                                     returned to the scoring contractor. Note:
           practices before, during, and after the test
                                                                     Schools must account for every secure item
           administration, refer to the checklists in
                                                                     recorded on the materials list.
           Appendix G of the AIG.
                                                                   • Paper/pencil answer documents are
           Assessment Security Training                              considered secure and must be handled
                                                                     and protected accordingly. Unused answer
           All staff members who participate in a state
                                                                     documents must be securely shredded.
           assessment must be fully trained in assessment
           security.                                               • All used scratch paper (including graph
                                                                     paper) must be collected and returned
           Test Administrators/Room Supervisors/
                                                                     to the building M-STEP Coordinator
           Proctors/ Training Requirements:
                                                                     immediately after testing, to be shredded.
               • complete the MDE Assessment Security                No used scratch or graph paper may be kept
                 online course and/or read the Assessment            in the classroom. Used scratch paper must
                 Integrity Guide (determined by the District         never be taken from one test session to
                 or Building Coordinator)                            another.

           Any educator who completed the Assessment               • No test materials that contain test questions
           Security training modules in the past are                 or student responses may be copied at any
           allowed to take the Assessment Security                   time or retained in the schools.
           Refresher course in place of the full Assessment
                                                                   • The use of cameras or cell phones and the
           Security Training modules. More information
                                                                     posting of pictures to social media sites
           about the Assessment Security Refresher
                                                                     during testing is an enormous security risk.
           course is available on the M-STEP web
                                                                     Therefore, students or testing personnel may
           page (www.michigan.gov/mstep) under the
                                                                     not take photographs at any time during
           Professional Development section.
                                                                     testing. If students violate this policy, their
                                                                     tests will be marked “Prohibited Behavior”
                                                                     and no emergency tests will be permitted.
           Material Security
               • All materials that allow access to or contain
                 test questions or student responses are         Test Administration
                 considered secure materials and must
                                                                 All testing staff must adhere to these
                 be handled in a way that maintains their
                 security before, during, and after testing.
                 This includes paper/pencil materials,             • Ensure an appropriate testing environment
                 accommodated materials, used scratch                is maintained.
                 paper, online test tickets, and test rosters.
                                                                   • Begin all standardized test administration
               • All secure materials must be retained in one        procedures according to the explicit
                 secure, locked location within the school.          directions in the Test Administrator’s
                 During the test administration window, the          Directions and Manual.
                 materials must be distributed and collected
                                                                   • Read test directions to the students exactly
                                                                     as they are written, as required.

           6                                           M-STEP Grade 3 Paper/Pencil Test Directions – Spring 2021


 • Monitor student behavior closely for            and all other staff or volunteers with access
   adherence to proper test-taking practices.      to secure test materials or student responses.
   Ensure that there are no distractions during    All OEAA Assessment Security Compliance
   the test administration period, including       Forms must be returned to the Building M-STEP
   talking, noises, and other interactions         Coordinator and kept on file for three years.
   among students; prevent students from
   viewing another student’s computer screen       Anyone involved in the administration of the
   or answer document.                             M-STEP is obligated to report any suspected
                                                   violations of test security.
 • Ensure that students whose IEP and or
   section 504 plan requires them to use
   Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and       Training Requirements and
   Accommodations have these available to          Resources for Students
   them at the time of testing.

 • Ensure that any student who needs an            Resources for Students to Prepare
   allowable Universal Tools or Designated         for Testing
   Support has these resources available to
                                                   A number of resources and tools have been
   them at the time of testing.
                                                   developed to help students gain valuable
 • Maintain material security.                     experience with testing. Sample items for
                                                   paper/pencil testers are available on the
                                                   M-STEP web page (www.michigan.gov/mstep).
Security Compliance                                Available resources include:
All staff involved in the administration of         • grade-level Sample Item Sets
M-STEP tests must read and sign an Office of
                                                    • sample essay prompts
Educational Assessment and Accountability
(OEAA) Assessment Security Compliance Form,        It is highly recommended that schools provide
affirming that they have read the required         students with opportunities to practice using
assessment materials related to their role in      these resources before they take the paper/
the M-STEP administration process, and that        pencil tests.
they understand their role and responsibilities.
                                                   Providing students with ample practice
Completed forms are required from Technology
                                                   opportunities will ensure they are familiar with
Coordinators, District and Building Test
                                                   the test content, and item types on test day.
Coordinators, Test Administrators, proctors,

M-STEP Grade 3 Paper/Pencil Test Directions – Spring 2021                                             7
                 TEST OF
                 EDUCATIONAL             BEFORE TESTING

                 Before Testing Checklist                               ¾    Ensure students are positioned in such
                                                                             a way that students cannot easily read
                     With the exception of the Test Directions               another student’s test or interact with
                     for content you will not administer, Test               one another.
                     Administrators are required to read                ¾    Check to make sure there are no test
                     this document in its entirety before                    materials left over from another testing
                     administering any grade 3 M-STEP                        session. If found, return to the Building
                     assessment.                                             Test Coordinator.

                     Complete the MDE Assessment Security               ¾    Verify the testing room will be free of
                     online course and/or read the Assessment                distractions for the duration of the test
                     Integrity Guide (determined by the District             session.
                     or Building Coordinator).
                                                                        Ensure each student answer document
                     Sign the OEAA Assessment Security                  has a barcode label attached. If an answer
                     Compliance Form.                                   document does not have a barcode label, the
                     Ensure student’s Designated Supports and/          student may test, then notify the Building
                     or Accommodations (if applicable) have             Assessment Coordinator so a barcode label
                     been set and/or that all materials necessary       can be attached.
                     to administer assigned Designated Supports
                     and/or Accommodations are available.             Assessment          Number of Test Parts
                     Clearly understand the scheduled testing
                                                                      ELA                    3 parts; 2 days
                     time, including planned breaks.
                     Prepare the classroom for testing:               Math                   2 parts; 1 day

                     ¾   Remove or cover all classroom
                                                                        Ensure all Designated Supports and
                         instructional materials that may affect
                                                                        Accommodations are completed in the
                         the validity of the assessment. All
                                                                        demographic portion of the answer
                         instructional materials must be removed
                         or covered. This includes all information
                         regarding the content area of the test
                         being administered or test-taking
                         strategies. Examples include, but are not
                         limited to:
                         » tips for taking tests
                         » content displays
                         » word lists
                         » writing formulas
                         » definitions
                         » mathematical formulas/theorems
                         » multiplication tables
                         » charts or maps

                 8                                        M-STEP Grade 3 Paper/Pencil Test Directions – Spring 2021

Test Materials Needed for M-STEP

   Materials Needed by Test                       Materials Needed by Students

   This booklet                                   Test booklet
   CD for Listening Script for ELA Listening      Answer document

                                                                                                           BEFORE TESTING
   Spare sharpened No. 2 pencils                  At least two sharpened No. 2 pencils per
   (recommended)                                  student
                                                  Blank scratch paper (optional—Universal

          Take a few minutes to review all the parts of this document you will need to read aloud
          during testing. Use sticky notes or sticky flags to give yourself a quick reference to the
          next set of directions to read.

M-STEP Grade 3 Paper/Pencil Test Directions – Spring 2021                                              9
                  TEST OF
                  EDUCATIONAL           DURING
                                        DURING TESTING

                 Important Tasks During                               Permitted Items in Testing
                 Testing                                              Room
                 The following tasks should be performed in the       Students may only have required testing
                 order listed.                                        materials and any Accommodations specified
                                                                      in the student’s IEP, Section 504 Plan, and EL
                 Managing Student Test Materials                      instruction documentation at their work spaces
                                                                      during testing.
                 Test booklets, used answer documents, and
                 used scratch/graph paper are secure materials.
                 They must be kept in a secure location until          Item          Permitted?
                 the test session is scheduled to begin. Test
                                                                       Pencil        YES – If students are provided
                 Administrators are instructed to distribute test
                                                                                     scratch paper as a Universal
                 materials just prior to student testing.
                 After a testing session is complete, the Test         Highlighter   YES
                 Administrator should return all test materials to
                 the Building M-STEP Coordinator for:                  Additional    YES – Blank scratch paper is
                                                                       paper         allowed for ELA, social studies,
                  • destruction (if all students finished the test)    (provided     science, and mathematics as a
                                        OR                             by School/    Universal Tools.

                  • secure storage (if students have not
                                                                       CD and DVD    NO
                    completed the test)

                 Test Administrators need to know which                Headphones    NO
                 Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and             (provided
                 Accommodations are needed for all students            by School/
                 prior to the test administration.                     District)
                                                                       Non-          YES – Non-academic reading
                                                                       academic      material is allowed for
                                                                       reading       student use after testing is
                                                                       material      completed. Electronic formats
                                                                                     are not allowed. Reading
                                                                                     material must be a traditional
                                                                                     book or magazine. Reading
                                                                                     material must be kept off
                                                                                     work surface until the test has
                                                                                     been submitted.

                 10                                        M-STEP Grade 3 Paper/Pencil Test Directions – Spring 2021

Providing Assistance                                    » pointing out important information in the
                                                          question or suggesting a student read a
It is particularly important to understand the            certain section of the item or highlight
difference between helping students understand            any part of the question
test directions and online tools and helping            » in any way provide any verification of a
them with their responses. With the exception             correct/incorrect answer if asked by a
of making sure students understand the                    student
directions and implementing any approved
                                                    Any of these activities are inappropriate and
Universal Tools, Designated Supports, or
                                                    violate ethical test administration practices and
Accommodation, Test Administrators and
                                                    will result in test scores being invalidated.
proctors may not give help of any kind to
students during this test. This includes defining    • Allowable practices include:
or pronouncing words, reading any part of the
                                                        » telling the student to “do their best
test aloud to students, or manipulating tools.
These activities are not appropriate and will
result in test scores being invalidated.                » telling the student to select their best
                                                          answer for a question
Student Questions
Answering student questions: Test
Administrators must not help students with any

                                                                                                          DURING TESTING
content of the test.

 • Prohibited practices include (but are not
   limited to):
    » providing hints
    » defining any words
    » helping to read or pronounce any word

M-STEP Grade 3 Paper/Pencil Test Directions – Spring 2021                                            11
                    TEST OF
                    EDUCATIONAL           DURING TESTING

                         Test Directions for the Student Demographic Page –
                                   All M-STEP Grade 3 Assessments

                   Use the following information and script to       students not to open their test booklets until
                   assist students in completing the Student         told to do so and to put away all materials that
                   Data Grid on the front cover of each student      may not be used during the test. Scratch paper
                   answer document at the start of every test        is allowed as a Universal Tools for students who
                   administration. Repeat these directions and       need it. Test booklets are designed to have
                   script for all subjects.                          ample space for note-taking. If used, blank
                                                                     scratch paper must be distributed at the start
                   All directions that a TA needs to read to         of each test session or part, collected at the
                   students are in shaded boxes so they stand        end of each part, and securely returned to the
                   out from the regular text. They should be read    Building Assessment Coordinator for shredding.
                   exactly as they are written, using a natural      Scratch paper must be treated at all times as a
                   tone and manner. (All other information is for    secure material.
                   the Test Administrator and should not be read
                   to the students.) If the TA makes a mistake       Make sure each student has his or her own
                   in reading a direction, the TA should stop and    answer document before the test begins. If a
                   say, “I made a mistake. Listen again.” Then the   student’s name is misspelled on the answer

                   direction should be reread.                       document, corrections can be made at a later
                                                                     date prior to the return of materials to the
                   Administration Directions for                     scoring contractor. Immediately notify the
                   Completing the Student Data Grid                  school M-STEP coordinator, who can help you
                                                                     resolve this problem after the test is completed.
                   Non-personal information the students will be
                   entering on the Student Data Grid at the start    Read aloud the directions in the shaded blocks.
                   of testing may be posted so that all students
                   can see it (including a whiteboard, smartboard,
                   chalkboard) prior to the start of test              [SAY] Do not open your test booklet until
                   administration. This information can include:       told to do so.

                                                                       During this test, you must turn off and put
                    • Teacher Name
                                                                       away all electronic devices, including cell
                    • School Name                                      phones, tablets, smart watches and other
                    • District Name (leave blank for                   wireless devices. The only items you may
                      non-public schools)                              have on your desk or table are the materials
                                                                       necessary for the test.
                    • Assessment Date (today’s date)
                    • Form Number                                      All answers must be marked in your answer
                      (Standard forms are Form 1. Emergency            document using a No. 2 pencil only.
                      forms are Form 2. For all subjects, the          Make sure that you have a 2021 M-STEP
                      Braille forms are Form 88. Note that form        (insert grade and subject)          Test
                      numbers always appear on the front cover         Booklet.
                      of the Test Booklet.)
                                                                       Write your name on the line labeled
                   Distribute test materials to students. Remind       “Student Name” on the front cover of your
                                                                       test booklet.


                   12                                      M-STEP Grade 3 Paper/Pencil Test Directions – Spring 2021

 [SAY] Look at your answer document. Make          [SAY] In the space labeled “Day,” print the
 sure you have your own answer document.           digits of the day on which you were born.
 The box at the top of the page should             If there is only one digit in your day of
 contain a label with your name and other          birth, print a zero before the numeral. For
 information.                                      example, if your day of birth is the seventh,
                                                   you would print the digits zero and seven.
 Raise your hand if your name does not
 appear in this box or if the label is missing.    In the two columns below “Day,” fill in the
                                                   bubbles for the digits of the day on which
                                                   you were born. Fill in only one bubble in
           If any students do not have a
                                                   each column.
           barcode label affixed, they can
           still test, but the Building M-STEP    Pause.
           Assessment Coordinator must be
                                                   [SAY] In the space labeled “Year,” print the
                                                   last two digits of the year in which you were
 [SAY] Follow these steps to complete the
 Student Data Grid. Turn to the front cover of     In the two columns below “Year,” fill in the
 your answer document.                             bubbles for the last two digits of the year in
                                                   which you were born. Fill in only one bubble

                                                                                                          DEMOGRAPHIC PAGE
 Write your name on the line that says,
                                                   in each column.
 “Student Name.”

 Write (insert teacher name)                on
 the line that says “Teacher Name.”               Pause.

 Write (insert school name)                on     Make sure each student has filled in the correct
 the line that says “School.”                     bubbles for the month, day, and year of birth.

 Write (insert district name)              on
 the line that says “District.”                    [SAY] Next, find the section labeled
                                                   “Assessment Date.”

Non-public schools may leave “District” blank.     In the first column, fill in the bubble next to
Pause.                                             the current month.

                                                   The next two spaces are for today’s date.
 [SAY] Find the section labeled “Birth Date.”      Write the numbers for today’s date in the
 In the column under “Month,” fill in the          spaces provided. If there is only one digit
 bubble next to the month in which you were        in today’s date, print a zero before the
 born.                                             numeral. For example, if the date is the
                                                   seventh, you would print the digits zero and
Pause.                                             seven.

                                                   In the two columns below today’s date, fill in
                                                   the bubbles for the numerals of the date. Fill
                                                   in only one bubble in each column.

                                                   The year is already filled in for you.

                                                  Pause to allow students to finish.

M-STEP Grade 3 Paper/Pencil Test Directions – Spring 2021                                            13
                    TEST OF
                    EDUCATIONAL           DURING TESTING

                    [SAY] Now find the section labeled “Form.”
                    Then check the front cover of your Test
                    Booklet to find the correct form number.
                    Bubble in that form number.

                   Check to make sure all students have bubbled
                   the correct form number. It is critical that the
                   correct form number is bubbled on the answer
                   document in order to ensure the student’s test
                   is scored properly.

                   When the students have completed the Student
                   Data Grid, turn to the appropriate page in this
                   document for subject-specific test directions,
                   and continue with test administration.

                   14                                       M-STEP Grade 3 Paper/Pencil Test Directions – Spring 2021

                        Test Directions for Grade 3 ELA
                            Day 1: Part 1–Listening

Be sure you have completed the directions on
                                                   [SAY] This test booklet contains several
pages 12–14 before you start this section.
                                                   different types of questions. This Sample
Do not Read Samples Aloud.                         Question section shows what certain types
                                                   of questions look like and how they should
                                                   be answered in the answer document. You
 [SAY] Now you will be taking Part 1 of the        will review these samples along with the
 M-STEP English Language Arts Assessment.          test administrator.

 First, open your test booklet to page 3.          When you come to the STOP sign, you have
                                                   finished the sample questions.
 We will begin by looking at some sample
 questions. Read the directions silently as I      DO NOT work on any other part of this test
 read them aloud.                                  until you are told to do so.

 DIRECTIONS                                        Do you have any questions?

 You are about to take the Michigan Student
 Test of Educational Progress, or M-STEP. You     Pause to answer any questions, then continue.

                                                                                                     ELA DAY 1: PART 1
 have been given a test booklet and answer
                                                   [SAY] Now turn to page 4 and read Sample
 In order for the results to be valid, you must    Question 1 silently.

 ● talk to or help another student
                                                  Give students time to read Sample Question 1.
 ● look at or copy another student’s answers
                                                  When students are ready,
 ● ask for or accept any help from another
                                                   [SAY] Sample Question 1 is a multiple‑choice
 ● use your cell phone or any other                question that has a single correct answer.
   electronic device including an eBook            The correct answer for this sample question
 ● take pictures or make copies of any test        is C.
   materials                                       For these types of questions you will fill
 ● cause a disturbance                             in one answer bubble that goes with the
                                                   answer you chose. Be sure to fill in the
 ● remove test booklet or answer document
                                                   bubble completely and make your mark
   from the room
                                                   heavy and dark.
 ● post or chat about any part of the test
   through social media (example: Facebook,        If you want to change your answer,
   Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, etc.)             completely erase the mark you made before
                                                   making a new mark.
 If you do not understand these requirements
 or have questions, please raise your hand.        Are there any questions?

                                                  Pause to answer any questions, then continue.
Pause to answer any questions, then continue.

M-STEP Grade 3 Paper/Pencil Test Directions – Spring 2021                                       15
                     TEST OF
                     EDUCATIONAL          DURING TESTING

                     [SAY] Now read Sample Question 2 silently.         [SAY] Turn to page 8 in your booklet.

                    Give students time to read Sample Question 2.       Now read Sample Question 4 silently.

                    When students are ready,                          Give students time to read Sample Question 4.

                     [SAY] Sample Question 2 is a multiple‑choice     When students are ready,
                     question that has multiple correct answers.
                     The correct answers for this sample question       [SAY] Sample Question 4 is a matching table
                     are B and F.                                       question. For this type of question you will
                                                                        need to complete a table with the correct
                     For these types of questions you will fill
                                                                        answers. The correct answers for Sample
                     in all the answer bubbles that go with the
                                                                        Question 4 are as follows:
                     answers you chose. Be sure to fill in the
                     bubbles completely and make your marks             ● the row A correct answer is N for “night”
                     heavy and dark.
                                                                        ● the row B correct answer is N for “night”
                     If you want to change an answer, completely        ● the row C correct answer is D for “day”
                     erase the mark you made before making a
                                                                        ● the row D correct answer is D for “day”
                     new mark.
                                                                        For these types of questions you will fill
                     Are there any questions?
                                                                        in the answer bubble that goes with the

                                                                        answer you chose for each row in the table.
                    Pause to answer any questions, then continue.
                                                                        Be sure to fill in the bubbles completely and
                                                                        make your marks heavy and dark.
                     [SAY] Turn the page in your booklet.
                                                                        If you want to change an answer, completely
                     Now read Sample Question 3 silently.
                                                                        erase the mark you made before making a
                    Give students time to read Sample Question 3.       new mark.

                                                                        Are there any questions?
                    When students are ready,

                     [SAY] Sample Question 3 is a multiple‑choice
                                                                      Pause to answer any questions, then continue.
                     question that has two parts. The correct
                     answer for Part A of this sample question          [SAY] Now read Sample Question 5 silently.
                     is B. The correct answer for Part B of this
                     sample question is B.                            Give students time to read Sample Question 5.

                     For these types of questions you will fill       When students are ready,
                     in the answer bubble that goes with the
                     answer you chose for each part. Be sure to         [SAY] Sample Question 5 is a passage‑based
                     fill in the bubbles completely and make your       writing prompt. You must write your answer
                     marks heavy and dark.                              on the lines provided in the text box in your
                     If you want to change an answer, completely        answer document. Write neatly, so you will
                     erase the mark you made before making a            be scored accurately.
                     new mark.                                          Anything you write outside the text box in
                     Are there any questions?                           your answer document will not be scored.

                                                                        Are there any questions?
                    Pause to answer any questions, then continue.
                                                                      Pause to answer any questions, then continue.

                    16                                      M-STEP Grade 3 Paper/Pencil Test Directions – Spring 2021

 [SAY] Turn to page 3 in your answer                 [SAY] Make sure you are on page 3 in your
 document.                                           answer document.

 Turn to page 11 in your test booklet.               Turn to page 12 in your test booklet.

 Read the directions silently as I read them         Now I will play (or read aloud) a
 aloud.                                              presentation, and then you will answer
                                                     We will begin.
 You will be taking Day 1: Part 1–Listening
 of the English Language Arts M-STEP. This
 part of the test includes passages that you         Play track 1 of the audio CD (or read
 will listen to rather than read, and it includes    aloud passage 1 of the Listening Script).
 different types of questions. You may
 underline, circle, or write in this test booklet
                                                     [SAY] I will play it (or read it aloud) one
 to help you, but nothing marked in this test
                                                     more time.
 booklet will be scored.

 Read each question carefully and follow
 the directions. Mark your answers in your           Play (or read) passage 1 again.
 answer document with a No. 2 pencil. If
 you erase an answer, be sure to erase it

                                                                                                        ELA DAY 1: PART 1
 completely. Remember that if you skip a             [SAY] Answer questions 1 and 2. When
 question in the test booklet, you need to skip      you complete these questions, please stop
 the answer space for that question on the           working and sit quietly.
 answer document. If you are not sure of an
 answer, mark your best choice.
                                                    Allow time for students to respond.
 When you come to the STOP sign, you have
                                                    When students are ready,
 finished Part 1. If you finish early, you may
 go back and check your work for Day 1:
                                                     [SAY] Now we will continue.
 Part 1–Listening only.
                                                     Turn to page 14 in your test booklet.
 DO NOT work on any other part of this test
 until you are told to do so. When you have          I will play (or read aloud) a second
 finished, please close your test booklet and        presentation, and then you will answer
 answer document and sit quietly.                    questions.
 It is important to do your best on this test so
 your teacher and school can know how much
 you have learned this school year.
                                                     Play track 2 of the audio CD (or read
                                                     aloud passage 2 of the Listening Script).
 Do you have any questions?

                                                     [SAY] I will play it (or read it aloud) one
Pause to answer any questions, then continue.        more time.

                                                     Play (or read) passage 2 again.

M-STEP Grade 3 Paper/Pencil Test Directions – Spring 2021                                          17
                     TEST OF
                     EDUCATIONAL           DURING TESTING

                                                                        Before dismissing students (whether it’s for
                     [SAY] Answer questions 3 through 5. When
                                                                        a break, or between separate test sittings,
                     you complete these questions, please stop
                                                                        or the end of testing) you must collect all
                     working and sit quietly.
                                                                        materials, including scratch paper, from each
                                                                        student individually. Do not have students pass
                    Allow time for students to respond.                 materials to the end of a row or aisle. Students
                                                                        may not be dismissed until it is verified that all
                    When students are ready,
                                                                        test materials have been returned.

                     [SAY] Now we will continue.                        Securely store the test materials until you
                                                                        begin testing again. Used scratch paper
                     Turn to page 16 in your test booklet.
                                                                        must be returned to the Building Assessment
                     I will play (or read aloud) another                Coordinator for secure shredding. (You will
                     presentation, and then you will answer             need to distribute new, blank scratch paper
                     questions.                                         before each part.)

                     Play track 3 of the audio CD (or read
                     aloud passage 3 of the Listening Script).

                     [SAY] I will play it (or read it aloud) one

                     more time.

                     Play (or read) passage 3 again.

                     [SAY] Answer questions 6 through 8. When
                     you complete these questions, please stop
                     working and sit quietly.

                    When all students have finished,

                     [SAY] Okay. We will stop now. Please close
                     your test booklet and answer document.
                     Remain quietly in your seat until all
                     materials are collected.

                    18                                        M-STEP Grade 3 Paper/Pencil Test Directions – Spring 2021

                        Test Directions for Grade 3 ELA
                            Day 1: Part 2–Reading

Be sure that each student has his or her
                                                   [SAY] When you come to the STOP sign, you
own test booklet and answer document, a
                                                   have finished Part 2. If you finish early, you
sharpened No. 2 pencil with an eraser, and, if
                                                   may go back and check your work for Day 1:
used, a fresh sheet of blank scratch paper.
                                                   Part 2–Reading only.

 [SAY] Turn to the front cover of your answer      DO NOT work on any other part of this test
 document. Make sure you have the answer           until you are told to do so. When you have
 document with your name on it and not             finished, please close your test booklet and
 another student’s answer document. Do not         answer document and sit quietly.
 open your test booklet until I tell you to do
                                                   Do you have any questions?
 so. Make sure you are using a No. 2 pencil
 with an eraser when taking this test. Pens
                                                  Pause to answer any questions, then continue.
 are not allowed.

Pause to make sure the students have their         [SAY] Make sure you are on page 4 in your
own test booklet and answer document.              answer document.

                                                                                                       ELA DAY 1: PART 2
                                                   You may turn the page in your test booklet
 [SAY] Now you will be taking Part 2 of the        and begin.
 M-STEP English Language Arts Assessment.

 Turn to page 4 in your answer document.          When all students have finished,

 Open your test booklet to page 19.
                                                   [SAY] Okay. We will stop now. Please close
 Read the directions silently as I read them
                                                   your test booklet and answer document.
                                                   Remain quietly in your seat until all
 DIRECTIONS                                        materials are collected.

 Now you will be taking Day 1: Part 2–
 Reading of the English Language Arts             Before dismissing students (whether it’s for
 M-STEP. This part of the test includes           a break, or between separate test sittings,
 passages you will read and different types of    or the end of testing) you must collect all
 questions. You may underline, circle, or write   materials, including scratch paper, from each
 in this test booklet to help you, but nothing    student individually. Do not have students pass
 marked in this test booklet will be scored.      materials to the end of a row or aisle. Students
                                                  may not be dismissed until it is verified that all
 Carefully read each passage and the
                                                  test materials have been returned.
 questions that follow. Mark your answers in
 your answer document with a No. 2 pencil.        Securely store the test materials until you
 If you erase an answer, be sure to erase         begin testing again. Used scratch paper
 it completely. Remember that if you skip a       must be returned to the Building Assessment
 question in the test booklet, you need to skip   Coordinator for secure shredding. (You will
 the answer space for that question on the        need to distribute new, blank scratch paper
 answer document. If you are not sure of an       before each part.)
 answer, mark your best choice.

M-STEP Grade 3 Paper/Pencil Test Directions – Spring 2021                                         19
                     TEST OF
                     EDUCATIONAL           DURING TESTING

                                          Test Directions for Grade 3 ELA
                                        Day 2: Part 3–Writing and Research

                    Be sure that each student has his or her own
                                                                          [SAY] When you come to the STOP sign, you
                    test booklet and answer document, a sharpened
                                                                          have finished Part 3. If you finish early, you
                    No. 2 pencil with an eraser, and, if used, a fresh
                                                                          may go back and check your work for Day 2:
                    sheet of blank scratch paper. Students will
                                                                          Part 3–Writing and Research only.
                    record their answers in their answer document.
                                                                          When you have finished, please close your
                     [SAY] Turn to the front cover of your answer         test booklet and answer document and sit
                     document. Make sure you have the answer              quietly.
                     document with your name on it and not
                     another student’s answer document. Please            Do you have any questions?
                     do not open your test booklet until I tell you
                     to do so. Make sure you are using a No. 2           Pause to answer any questions, then continue.
                     pencil with an eraser when taking this test.
                     Pens are not allowed.                                [SAY] Make sure you are on page 6 in your
                                                                          answer document.
                    Pause to make sure the students have their            You may turn the page in your test booklet

                    own test booklet and answer document.                 and begin.

                     [SAY] Now you will be taking Part 3 of the          When all students have finished,
                     M-STEP English Language Arts Assessment.

                     Turn to page 6 in your answer document.              [SAY] Okay. We will stop now. Please close
                                                                          your test booklet and answer document.
                     Open your test booklet to page 39.                   Remain quietly in your seat until all
                                                                          materials are collected.
                     Read the directions silently as I read them
                                                                         Before dismissing students (whether it’s for
                                                                         a break, or between separate test sittings,
                     You will be taking Day 2: Part 3–Writing            or the end of testing) you must collect all
                     and Research of the English Language Arts           materials, including scratch paper, from each
                     M-STEP. This part of the test includes a            student individually. Do not have students pass
                     passage-based writing prompt and different          materials to the end of a row or aisle. Students
                     types of questions. You may underline,              may not be dismissed until it is verified that all
                     circle, or write notes in this test booklet to      test materials have been returned.
                     help you, but nothing marked in this test
                     booklet will be scored.                             Securely store the test materials until you
                                                                         begin testing again. Used scratch paper
                     Read each question carefully and follow the         must be returned to the Building Assessment
                     directions. Mark or write your answers in           Coordinator for secure shredding. (You will
                     your answer document with a No. 2 pencil.           need to distribute new, blank scratch paper
                     If you erase an answer, be sure to erase            before each part.)
                     it completely. Remember that if you skip a
                     question in the test booklet, you need to skip      Refer to the “After Testing” chapter on
                     the answer space for that question on the           page 25 for specific instructions about
                     answer document. If you are not sure of an          assembly and return of materials.
                     answer, mark your best choice.

                    20                                        M-STEP Grade 3 Paper/Pencil Test Directions – Spring 2021

                Test Directions for Grade 3 Mathematics
                              Day 1: Part 1

Be sure you have completed the directions on
                                                   [SAY] This test booklet contains several
pages 12–14 before you start this section.
                                                   different types of questions. This Sample
Calculators are NOT allowed.                       Question section shows what certain types
                                                   of questions look like and how they should
Do not Read Samples Aloud.                         be answered in the answer document. You
                                                   will review these samples along with the
                                                   test administrator.
 [SAY] Now you will be taking Part 1 of
 the M-STEP Mathematics Summative                  When you come to the STOP sign, you have
 Assessment.                                       finished the sample questions.

 First, open your test booklet to page 3.          DO NOT work on any other part of this test
                                                   until you are told to do so.
 We will begin by looking at some sample
 questions. Read the directions silently as I      Do you have any questions?
 read them aloud.
                                                 Pause to answer any questions, then continue.


 You are about to take the Michigan Student        [SAY] Now turn to page 4 and read Sample
 Test of Educational Progress, or M-STEP. You      Question 1 silently.
 have been given a test booklet and answer

 document. In order for the results to be
                                                 Give students time to read Sample Question 1.

                                                                                                      ELA DAY
 valid, you must NOT:
                                                 When students are ready,

 ● talk to or help another student
 ● look at or copy another student’s answers       [SAY] Sample Question 1 is a multiple‑choice
 ● ask for or accept any help from another         question that has a single correct answer.
   student                                         The correct answer for this sample question
                                                   is B.
 ● use your cell phone or any other
   electronic device including an eBook            For these types of questions you will fill
                                                   in one answer bubble that goes with the
 ● take pictures or make copies of any test
                                                   answer you chose. Be sure to fill in the
                                                   bubble completely and make your mark
 ● cause a disturbance                             heavy and dark.
 ● remove test booklet or answer document
                                                   If you want to change your answer,
   from the room
                                                   completely erase the mark you made before
 ● post or chat about any part of the test         making a new mark.
   through social media (example: Facebook,
                                                   Are there any questions?
   Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, etc.)
 If you do not understand these requirements     Pause to answer any questions, then continue.
 or have questions, please raise your hand.
                                                   [SAY] Now read Sample Question 2 silently.
Pause to answer any questions, then continue.
                                                 Give students time to read Sample Question 2.

M-STEP Grade 3 Paper/Pencil Test Directions – Spring 2021                                       21
                       TEST OF
                       EDUCATIONAL           DURING TESTING

                      When students are ready,
                                                                          [SAY] Now read Sample Question 4 silently.

                       [SAY] Sample Question 2 is a multiple-select
                       question that has multiple correct answers.      Give students time to read Sample Question 4.
                       The correct answers for this sample question
                                                                        When students are ready,
                       are A and B.

                       For these types of questions you will fill         [SAY] Sample Question 4 is a short‑response
                       in all the answer bubbles that go with the         question. The correct answer for this sample
                       answers you chose. Be sure to fill in the          question is a dot on the number line on the
                       bubbles completely and make your marks             tick mark that is 4 marks to the right of the
                       heavy and dark.                                    point labeled “0.”

                       If you want to change an answer, completely        For these types of questions you must write
                       erase the mark you made before making a            or draw your answers in the boxes or on the
                       new mark.                                          graphics provided in your answer document.
                                                                          Write or draw neatly, so you will be scored
                       Are there any questions?
                      Pause to answer any questions, then continue.
                                                                          Anything you write or draw outside the
                                                                          boxes or graphics provided in your answer
                       [SAY] Now read Sample Question 3 silently.         document will not be scored.

                                                                          Are there any questions?
                      Give students time to read Sample Question 3.

                      When students are ready,                          Pause to answer any questions, then continue.

                       [SAY] Sample Question 3 is a table response        [SAY] Now read Sample Question 5 silently.

                       question. For this type of question you will
                       need to complete a table with the correct
                                                                        Give students time to read Sample Question 5.
                       answers. The correct answers for Sample
                       Question 3 are as follows:                       When students are ready,
                       ● the row A correct answer is N for “No”
                                                                          [SAY] Sample Question 5 is also a
                       ● the row B correct answer is N for “No”
                                                                          short‑response question. The correct answer
                       ● the row C correct answer is Y for “Yes”          for this sample question is 23.
                       For these types of questions you will fill
                                                                          For these types of questions you must write
                       in the answer bubble that goes with the
                                                                          or draw your answers in the boxes or on the
                       answer you chose for each row in the table.
                                                                          graphics provided in your answer document.
                       Be sure to fill in the bubbles completely and
                                                                          Write or draw neatly, so you will be scored
                       make your marks heavy and dark.
                       If you want to change an answer, completely
                                                                          Anything you write or draw outside the
                       erase the mark you made before making a
                                                                          boxes or graphics provided in your answer
                       new mark.
                                                                          document will not be scored.
                       Are there any questions?
                                                                          Are there any questions?

                      Pause to answer any questions, then continue.
                                                                        Pause to answer any questions, then continue.

                      22                                      M-STEP Grade 3 Paper/Pencil Test Directions – Spring 2021

 [SAY] Turn to page 3 in your answer                 [SAY] Make sure you are on page 3 in your
 document.                                           answer document.

 Turn to page 7 in your test booklet.                You may turn the page in your test booklet
                                                     and begin.
 Read the directions silently as I read them
                                                    When all students have finished,
 You will be taking Part 1 of the Mathematics
 M-STEP. In this part, you will answer               [SAY] Okay. We will stop now. Please close
 different types of mathematics questions.           your test booklet and answer document.
 Some questions may include a picture, chart,        Remain quietly in your seat until all
 or other mathematics-related information.           materials are collected.
 Use that information with what you know
 to answer the question. You may NOT use a
 calculator for any part of the test. You may
                                                    Before dismissing students (whether it’s for
 underline, circle, or write in this test booklet
                                                    a break, or between separate test sittings,
 to help you, but nothing marked in this test
                                                    or the end of testing) you must collect all
 booklet will be scored.
                                                    materials, including scratch paper, from each
                                                    student individually. Do not have students pass
 Read each question carefully and follow            materials to the end of a row or aisle. Students

 the directions. Mark your answers in your          may not be dismissed until it is verified that all

 answer document with a No. 2 pencil. If            test materials have been returned.
 you erase an answer, be sure to erase it
 completely. Remember that if you skip a            Securely store the test materials until you

 question in the test booklet, you need to skip     begin testing again. Used scratch paper

                                                                                                          ELA DAY
 the answer space for that question on the          must be returned to the Building Assessment
 answer document. If you are not sure of an         Coordinator for secure shredding. (You will

 answer, mark your best choice.                     need to distribute new, blank scratch paper
                                                    before each part.)
 When you come to the STOP sign, you have
 finished Part 1. If you finish early, you may
 go back and check your work for Part 1 only.

 DO NOT work on any other part of this test
 until you are told to do so. When you have
 finished, please close your test booklet and
 answer document and sit quietly.

 It is important to do your best on this test so
 your teacher and school can know how much
 you have learned this school year.

 Do you have any questions?

Pause to answer any questions, then continue.

M-STEP Grade 3 Paper/Pencil Test Directions – Spring 2021                                           23
You can also read