Master's Programme in Biomedicine - Welcome to the - AUTUMN SEMESTER 2020 INFORMATION BOOKLET

Master's Programme in Biomedicine - Welcome to the - AUTUMN SEMESTER 2020 INFORMATION BOOKLET
Welcome to the

Master’s Programme
  in Biomedicine


Master's Programme in Biomedicine - Welcome to the - AUTUMN SEMESTER 2020 INFORMATION BOOKLET
CONTACT DETAILS .................................................................................................................................................. 3
STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................................................... 4
SEMESTER DATES and STUDY PERIODS .................................................................................................................. 5
    Autumn Semester 2020 Aug 31 – Jan 17 ......................................................................................................... 5
    Spring semester 2021 Jan 18 – June 4 ............................................................................................................. 5
    Autumn semester 2021 Aug 30 – Jan 16 ........................................................................................................... 5
    Spring semester 2022 Jan 17 – June 5 ............................................................................................................. 5
    Teaching-free periods ........................................................................................................................................ 5
LU CARD.................................................................................................................................................................. 6
    Places to obtain your LU card ............................................................................................................................ 7
INFORMATION SCREEN .......................................................................................................................................... 8
LEARNING PLATFORM: MOODLE ........................................................................................................................... 9
STUDENT ACCOUNT, EMAIL and STUDENT PORTAL ............................................................................................ 10
    Your Student Account gives you access to ...................................................................................................... 10
    How do I get my Student Account? ................................................................................................................. 10
    IT support ......................................................................................................................................................... 10
STUDENT INSURANCE........................................................................................................................................... 11
    During your studies .......................................................................................................................................... 11
    Outside of your studies .................................................................................................................................... 11
HEALTH CARE: COSTS and GENERAL INFORMATION ........................................................................................... 12
    Useful links ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
    Home and travel insurance .............................................................................................................................. 12
RULES and REGULATIONS for the MASTER’S PROGRAMME in BIOMEDICINE ..................................................... 13
    Entry Requirements and Application Procedures within the Programme ...................................................... 13
    Retaking of Course or Term ............................................................................................................................. 13
    Entry into Later Part of Programme / Transfer to Lund University ................................................................. 14
    Non-completion/Approved Leave of Absence................................................................................................. 14
    Resumption of Studies ..................................................................................................................................... 15
    Credit Transfer ................................................................................................................................................. 15
    Retests ............................................................................................................................................................. 15
    Disciplinary Action ........................................................................................................................................... 16
    Expulsion from the Programme ....................................................................................................................... 16
ACADEMIC INTEGRITY .......................................................................................................................................... 17
    Academic dishonesty ....................................................................................................................................... 17
    Citations and referencing................................................................................................................................. 17
    Reporting suspected cheating and plagiarism ................................................................................................. 18
PROGRAMME SYLLABUS ...................................................................................................................................... 20
OVERVIEW OF COURSES ....................................................................................................................................... 24

Master's Programme in Biomedicine - Welcome to the - AUTUMN SEMESTER 2020 INFORMATION BOOKLET

Welcome to our programme!

Education Coordinator
Alexandra Strandberg
Tel: 046-222 72 37

Study Counsellor                                  International Coordinator
Alexandra Odenmar                                 Caroline Morand
Tel: 046- 222 19 66                               Tel: 046- 222 31 73
Email:                Email:

Programme Director                                Deputy Programme Director
Magnus Hillman                                    Maria Swanberg
BMC B11                                           BMC A10
Tel: 046-222 07 04                                Tel: 046-222 06 12
Email:                   Email:

… and many other teachers & administrators whose contact details you will find on each course
site at

Student Association for biomedical education (BUR)

Master's Programme in Biomedicine - Welcome to the - AUTUMN SEMESTER 2020 INFORMATION BOOKLET

 Please read your email regularly. This is the email address you have registered in Ladok.
  Email is the programme’s primary method of reaching students with important information about
  your studies.

 If you get sick – contact your Course Manager. Their email address is found on the course page in
  For students with financial support from CSN it is important to contact Försäkringskassan the first
  day of illness. That way, if you are ill for a long period you can keep your financial support from
  the first day of illness. It is not possible to register illness retroactively.

 Roll Call is obligatory. – If you are not able to attend Roll Call at the start of your programme or
  course, this is interpreted as you giving up your study spot. Absence is only acceptable if you
  show proof of a serious hindrance, such a document from a medical visit.

 You have the right to equal treatment. – You have the right to not be discriminated against
  based on your sex, gender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, disability,
  sexual orientation or age. If you feel discriminated against in any context, make use of the action
  plan within the Faculty of Medicine. The main supervising authority regarding issues of equality is
  the Ombudsman against discrimination (Diskrimineringsombudsmannen, DO). If you feel
  unequally treated, get in touch with your Safety Representative (skyddsombud), someone in the
  programme management, or the Study Counsellor.
  More information:

 Academic honesty – Academic dishonesty means that a student misleads their examiner during
  an assessment activity, or, for example, fabricates (makes up data and results), falsifies (changes
  the obtained data and results), plagiarizes (uses another person's data, results or text in his/her
  own name) or uses prohibited material, during examinations.
  Academic dishonesty can have legal consequences and the student may be excluded from their
  studies. You can read more further on in this booklet.
  More information:

Master's Programme in Biomedicine - Welcome to the - AUTUMN SEMESTER 2020 INFORMATION BOOKLET

Autumn Semester 2020                 Aug 31 – Jan 17
Aug 31 – Nov 1              15 credits
Period 1: 31/8 – 29/9       7,5 credits
Period 2: 30/9 – 1/11       7,5 credits

Nov 2 – Jan 17              15 credits
Period 3: 2/11 – 1/12       7,5 credits
Period 4: 2/12 – 17/1       7,5 credits
Christmas break Dec 22 – Jan 6

Spring semester 2021              Jan 18 – June 4
Jan 18 – March 23           15 credits
 Period 1: 18/1 – 17/2      7,5 credits
 Period 2: 18/2 – 23/3      7,5 credits

March 24 – June 6         15 credits
Period 3: 24/3 – 2/5      7,5 credits
Period 4: 3/5 – 4/6       7,5 credits
Summer break June 5 – Aug 29

Autumn semester 2021 Aug 30 – Jan 16
Aug 30 – Oct 29              15 credits
Period 1: 30/8 – 29/9        7,5 credits
Period 2: 30/9 – 29/10       7,5 credits               Teaching-free periods
Nov 1 – Jan 16                15 credits
                                                       These include all public holidays, such as:
Period 3: 1/11 – 30/11        7,5 credits
Period 4: 1/12 – 16/1         7,5 credits
                                                       •   Christmas break, including New Year’s Eve
Christmas break TBD
                                                       •   Maundy Thursday (Skärtorsdagen), before Easter
                                                       •   Walpurgis Night (Valborg), the last day of April
                                                       •   All Saints Eve (Allhelgonaafton), the day before All
Spring semester 2022              Jan 17 – June 5          Saints Day, a Friday in November
Jan 17 – March 22              15 credits              •   Also there is no teaching on “bridging days”
 Period 1: 17/1 - 16/2         7,5 credits                 (klämdagar), when a regular day ends up between
 Period 2: 17/2 - 22/3         7,5 credits                 a public holiday and a weekend.

March 23 – June 5            15 credits                Moreover, it´s up to the Course Manager to add
Period 3: 23/3 - 29/4        7,5 credits               teaching-free periods in the course schedule, for
Period 4: 2/5 - 5/6          7,5 credits               example, longer breaks at Easter weekend.
Summer break June 6 – Aug 28

In order to access university premises, you need a Lund University access card, also called an LU card.
This is free of charge.

Your LU card has several functions:

                •   ID card within Lund University
                •   passage to all facilities you need during your education, including after-hours
                •   borrowing library materials
                •   printing/copying
                •   registering attendance during some obligatory learning activities, such as fire
                    protection course

Bring a valid ID and visit one of the following card stations. The code is sent to you via email when
you get a new card.

Places to obtain your LU card

The Biomedicine Programme has an information screen located in the BMC Student Centre, opposite
the Information Desk. (This may be moved during 2020 due to the renovation of BMC.)

The screen shows new information relevant to students.

Please make it part of your routine to read the information on the screen when you´re passing by,
so you don´t miss important information!

At the Biomedicine programme, we use the learning platform “Moodle” for our programme and
course websites. In these pages you will find information specific to the course and programme, and
all you need to know to send in assignments, assemble your portfolio, contact the Course Manager
or your fellow students, and more.

Log in with your Student Account (see next page) at

If you have any questions about Moodle or problems logging in, please contact the Programme
Coordinator (see contact details above).

As a registered student at Lund University you will receive a Student Account (handle and password),
giving you access to a number of electronic services.

Your Student Account gives you access to
   •   your student email account of 25 GB (that can be reached via POP, IMAP or webmail) gives
       you access to
          o Google’s office software for calendar, word processing, computing, presentations,
              formulas and drawing
          o unlimited storage of files and back-up
          o the possibility to forward email from and to other email accounts

   •   the Student Portal at , where you can
           o web-register for courses
           o find your academic results
           o print your own certifications of registration and results
           o download software
           o access your tuition fee invoices (if you are required to pay a tuition fee)
           o and more

   •   wireless internet on campus
   •   computers and computer rooms on campus
   •   printers on campus – learn how to pay to print and copy
   •   LUBsearch – the University's search engine for electronic publications and databases
   •   software
   •   worldwide access to the University’s computer network through VPN (Virtual Private

How do I get my Student Account?
Your Student Account is created automatically a few days after your final Letter of Acceptance. Your
receive information at the email address you indicated when you applied to the university.

IT support
If you have any problems activating your account, please contact LU ServiceDesk through the self-
service portal, phone or email (there is no walk-in desk available). The self-service portal also
provides the latest operating information, as well as user guides for the majority of Lund University's

LU ServiceDesk:, +46 (0)46 222 9000

During your studies
All students studying at Lund University are covered for accidents occurring within the framework of
their studies (for example, during classes, while studying at a university library and while travelling
from their accommodation to the University). Very specific definitions apply. Please get in contact
with your department if something happens.

Outside of your studies
All students
All students studying at a Swedish university or high school are currently covered by the Personal
Injury Insurance (the general student insurance) that is obtained on behalf of universities and
colleges within the State insurance system by the Central Student Grants Committee. The insurance
applies in Sweden during school hours and during travel to and from the location where school
hoursare spent. The insurance is free. For foreign students the Personal Injury Insurance is included
in the StudentIN or FAS+.

Tuition fee-paying students and scholarship holders
If you are a non-EU/EEA citizen required to pay tuition fees for your studies at Lund University, you
are also covered by a special insurance provided by the Swedish government, FAS+. The insurance is

Non tuition fee-paying students – EU/EEA citizens and Switzerland
As a Master's degree student at Lund University you are also covered by a special insurance provided
by the Swedish government; Student IN. You are entitled to access public medical services if you first
register with the social insurance office in your home country. The insurance is free.

Exchange students (outgoing)
If you go abroad you are covered 24-hours a day by the Student UT insurance (provided that you
receive credits for your time abroad at Lund University in Ladok and that there is an agreement
between the department at Lund University and the receiver).

More information
More information can be found at the            Student Insurance Manager
website of Kammarkollegiet:
                                                Isabelle Jönsson
                                                Tel: +46 (0)46 222 01 10

Depending on your citizenship and if you are an exchange student or degree student, different
regulations apply when it comes to your medical insurance coverage and to filing a medical insurance
claim. Unless you are an EU/EEA or Swiss citizen with an European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), you
need to pay your expenses initially at the health care clinic and then go through the insurance claims
procedure in order to get reimbursed by the insurance agency.

Please find general information about insurance on our international web page:

Useful links
Kammarkollegiet is the Swedish government agency
providing the insurance mentioned above. For more
information about the insurance terms and claim forms,
please visit their website:

Försäkringskassan, the Swedish Social Insurance Agency, is a Swedish government agency
responsible for large parts of the public social security systems. You can find useful information
about health and dental care for international students on their website. (Please note that
most of the information from Försäkringskassan is aimed at Swedish citizens or people
registered in the Swedish Population Register with a Swedish personal identity number.)

More information from the Swedish Institute about Medical insurance and care in Sweden can be
found here:

Home and travel insurance
You are strongly recommended to have home or renters’ insurance during your stay in Sweden. If
something is stolen from your room, or if you or your landlord’s property is damaged/lost during
your rental period, you are responsible for covering the repair or replacement costs. If you have
home insurance in your home country, make sure that you are still covered during the time you are
in Sweden. You can find a selection of Swedish insurance companies by searching online.


Entry Requirements and Application Procedures within the Programme

Attendance at introductory meetings is always mandatory.

There are special entry requirements for term 3 of the Master’s programme in biomedicine.

An application for entry onto term 3 is to be submitted to the study adviser at the Office of the
Faculty of Medicine by 15 April for the following autumn term.

An application form is available on the website of the programme.

A list of students who have met the entry requirements specified below will be drawn up by the
Student Welfare Committee on the instruction of the Biomedical, Medical and Public Health
Training Board.

Entry requirements for term 3:

The student must have passed exams and courses during terms 1 and 2 totalling at least 45 credit

Students who for special reasons do not meet the entry requirements for a course in biomedicine
may apply for an exemption from those requirements. Applications are reviewed by the biomedical
Student Welfare Committee.

Applications are to be made in writing, and any grounds of health are to be supported by a doctor’s
certificate. In connection with exemptions, students should consult a study adviser about the
planning of their continued studies.
A form for applications for exemptions is available on the website of the programme.

A student who has passed exams after the application deadline bringing her/him up to the number of
credit points required for entry onto term 3, must inform a study adviser about that fact.

Order of Priority for Course Entry
If there are more eligible applicants than course places, students who have followed the regular
course of studies will be given priority over those who have been on approved leave from their

Students who have been on leave are placed in priority group I or II for entry; see instructions under
Approved Leave of Absence below.

Retaking of Course or Term
The student has a course place once per course. The Student Welfare Committee may grant a
student permission to retake a course if there are special reasons for that and if there is a vacancy.
Entry into Later Part of Programme / Transfer to Lund University
A student may be admitted to a later part of the MSc programme in biomedicine at Lund University
on the following conditions.

1. The student meets the entry requirements or has equivalent qualifications.

2. The student can apply for the second term at the earliest.

3. The student has taken courses which correspond largely to the courses in the Master’s programme
at Lund University. Supplementary course work may sometimes be required.

4. The student has passed former relevant courses.

5. There is a vacancy.

Admission Rules
If the number of students wishing to be admitted to a later part of the programme/ transfer to Lund
University exceeds that of places available, the following order of priority will apply:

1. Strong social, medical or other special grounds which have arisen or been strengthened after the
student commenced her/his studies.

2. Drawing of lots.

An application in the form of a personal letter is addressed to the Student Welfare Committee.
Certificates and syllabi from the other institution and any certificates supporting the circumstances
adduced should be attached. Applications are reviewed by the study advisers, and decisions are
made by the Student Welfare Committee.

Application deadlines are 15 April for the following autumn term and 15 October for the spring term.
Applications should be sent to the Office of the Faculty of Medicine, Study Guidance at avanced
level/Biomedicine, BMC F11, SE-221 84 LUND, Sweden

Non-completion/Approved Leave of Absence
Students are to notify the faculty office of any leave of absences, and they should always discuss it
with a study adviser.

Students who wish to discontinue their education must hand in a written resignation to the study
adviser for biomedicine at the faculty office.

The notification of leave of absence is to be made to the study adviser at the faculty office by 15
April and 15 October, respectively. Leave of absence during the first term will only be granted for
compelling medical or other exceptional reasons.

The form is available on the website of the programme.

The application of leave of absence is normally made for two consecutive terms and must be
renewed for any prolongation. On the basis of the notification to the faculty office, students are
placed in one of two groups of priority for their return to the programme:

Priority group I
Illness, pregnancy or maternity/paternity leave, military service, fully financed student´s union work
regarding the biomedicine programme, research studies.

Priority group II
Other grounds.

Supporting documents are required for group I placement. For group II placement a statement of
reasons should be submitted.

Resumption of Studies
When resuming their studies after a leave of absence, students must have passed all exams up to the
term of reentry. An application for reentry is to be submitted to the study advisers at the faculty
office by 15 April for the following autumn term and by 15 October for the following spring term.

Leave of absence is normally registered for a maximum of six consecutive terms. After that, the
student must apply to the Student Welfare Committee for a resumption of her/his studies. In some
cases, the Committee may order the student to retake courses or parts of courses.

Credit Transfer
If a student has acquired equivalent knowledge in some other way, e.g. through earlier course work
or by professional experience, he/she may be given credit for that.

An application on a special form is to be submitted to the study adviser for biomedicine at the faculty
office. The application is to be submitted well before the start of the course. Syllabi for courses taken
earlier and course certificates are to be attached to the application.

The form is available on the website of the programme.

The Student Welfare Committee makes the decision after consulting the course director.

A student who has failed an exam is entitled to take the exam again at the times announced.

In accordance with Ch 6 Section 22 of the Higher Education Ordinance, a student who has taken two
examinations in a course or part of a course without obtaining a pass grade is entitled to have
another examiner appointed, unless there are special reasons to the contrary.

If a course is discontinued or greatly changed, a student is entitled to be examined on the earlier
contents of the course for a period of one year. A student who has been on approved leave of
absence or has other special reasons such as prolonged illness is entitled to a prolonged transitional
period of another year.

Disciplinary Action
Students who cheat or attempt to cheat or deceive in exams or who disturb or obstruct teaching,
testing or other educational activities, may be subjected to disciplinary action. Well-founded
suspicions of such offences are to be reported promptly to the Vice-Chancellor of the University.
After due investigation, the case may

• be dismissed without further action or
• cause the Vice-Chancellor to issue a warning or
• be referred to the Disciplinary Committee of the University.

Expulsion from the Programme
A student may be expelled from higher education studies if there is clear risk that the student will
harm another person or cause substantial damage to property during the course of her or his studies
and if the student also suffers from a mental disorder, or abuses alcohol or drugs, or has been found
guilty of a serious crime. Such matters are handled by the Suspension Board for Higher Education.

As a university student, you are not only to acquire subject knowledge and develop various skills, but
must also be trained in academic integrity. This means for a start that you are expected to do your
examinations in complete compliance with the rules provided by your course directors. It also means
that from your first cycle studies onwards, you are to approach the research process (e.g. laboratory
work, project work) and academic writing (e.g. lab reports, project reports) in an ethically correct

Academic dishonesty
Academic dishonesty is when a student deceives an examiner in an exam performance, by for
   • fabricating, i.e. inventing data and results
   • falsifying, i.e. changing obtained data and results
   • plagiarizing, i.e. using another person’s data, results or text in their own name
   • using unauthorized aids during an exam

For more information can be found here:

Remember to always:
   • follow the instructions on authorised aids in exams.
   • pay attention to the rules that apply to cooperation in group work or take-home exams for
     example, and to the submission and presentation of lab reports.
   • honestly present data obtained in course lab work or project work.
   • correctly and accurately indicate your sources in both oral and written presentations.

Citations and referencing
You do not need to provide references to what is considered general knowledge (“textbook
knowledge”). Please note that this does not mean that students are allowed to copy this type of text
from a textbook or from an internet source. Students must independently reproduce or summarise
the content in their own words.

If you choose to quote a part of a text, i.e. reproduce it word for word, you must unconditionally put
citation marks (“these”) around the quoted passage and indicate its source, regardless of where you
found the text. If it is a longer passage (several lines) it can also be appropriate to indent the quoted
text, so that it is clear which parts are your own writing and which part is quoted from another

If you wish to reproduce or discuss data, concepts, ideas, images, sounds or text in a manuscript or in
published form, whether in a scholarly article or on the internet, your own or another student’s text,
you must indicate the source in a form that is appropriate to the context. Readers must never be in
doubt as to which thoughts are your own and which are someone else’s!

Urkund is the name of a search engine that you yourself as well as your lecturers can use to check
texts for similarities with sources on the internet as well as previously submitted student papers.
Urkund’s plagiarism handbook provides advice and tips on how to avoid unintentional plagiarism.

Reporting suspected cheating and plagiarism
According to the Higher Education Ordinance (Chapter 10), all employees at the university are
obliged to report any cases of suspected cheating. The suspicion must be founded, i.e. there must be
some factual basis for the suspicion. Students can also report suspected cheating or plagiarism. The
procedure for reporting such cases is as follows:

   1. The person who suspects that cheating or plagiarism has taken place must immediately
      contact the examiner (usually the Course Manager) for the course in question.
   2. The examiner informs the programme director, who, together with the course director
      promptly makes a preliminary investigation of the case. This may mean a discussion with the
      student and lecturer, where the student is given the opportunity to explain the circumstances
      which gave rise to the suspicion.
   3. The programme director decides whether the case is to be reported to the Vice-Chancellor.
   4. The Vice-Chancellor orders an investigation into the reported case. The student is contacted
      and allowed to present his or her position with regard to the reported event. After the
      investigation, the case is usually passed on to the disciplinary board.
   5. The disciplinary board reviews the case and takes a decision on disciplinary measures, if
      applicable. These can take the form of a warning or suspension.


Lectures, seminars and other teaching situations at the University are not public events. It is the
University that determines who is to have access to these sessions and premises. An exception
applies to public defences of doctoral theses, which are public events.

According to the University’s decision of Sept. 12, 2012 (LS 2011/893) the following rules apply at
Lund University:

   1. As a general rule, sound recording, photography and filming of teaching situations is not

   2. The lecturer has an option at a teaching session to state that permission is granted for
      recording of the teaching session in question. The lecturer also sets the conditions that apply
      for recording of the teaching session in question, for example that only sound recording is
      permitted. Students who are active in the teaching situation have the right to request that
      recording be prohibited.

   3. Students who due to disability have been granted support measures by the University’s
      disability support service, are entitled to record lectures. The recording is only to be made by
      the student in person at the lecture. Such a need is to be communicated well before the

   4. A recording made at a teaching session does not mean that the recording may be distributed
      or made accessible in a way that contravenes the Act on Copyright for Literary and Artistic
      Works (1960:729), or any other Act. The student is thus only entitled to utilise the recording
      for their own personal use.

Below is the syllabus for the entire programme. Syllabuses for the individual courses are available via

                                        Approved by the Board of the Faculty of Medicine    Reg. no M 2011/942
                                        20 September 2011 Valid from autumn semester 2012
                                        Amended by the Board of the Faculty of Medicine     Reg. no M 2012/1590
                                        23 October 2012 Valid from spring semester 2013
                                        Amended by the Board of the Faculty of Medicine     Reg. no U 2014/413
                                        2 June 2014 Valid from autumn semester 2015
                                        Amended by the Undergraduate Education Board        Reg. no U 2019/285
                                        28 May 2019 Valid from autumn semester 2020

 Undergraduate Education Board

Master (120 credits) of Medical Science in Biomedicine

120 credits                          Second cycle                   LADOK VABME

Programme description
 The Master’s programme consists of courses in the main field of biomedicine. It is designed to provide
 students with both breadth and specialisation through combinations of compulsory and elective courses. The
 programme is based in an internationally competitive research environment including world-leading
 infrastructures in which most of the teaching is conducted by active researchers at the faculty. It results in a
 degree of Master (120 credits) in biomedicine specialising in either industrial or academic research.
 Irrespective of specialisation, the programme will provide knowledge and expertise that prepares the student
 for both an academic and industrial career.
 The objective of the programme is to provide students with cutting-edge expertise in biomedicine that makes
 them well prepared to independently contribute to biomedical research and development in teams as well as
 in leadership positions, in academic environments as well as in private sector companies and the public

 Second-cycle courses in a number of fields of biomedical research are intended to prepare students for medical
 research and development. There are also opportunities for specialisation in adjacent and supplementary
 subject fields through collaboration.

 The language of instruction on the programme is English.

Learning outcomes
 On completion of the programme, the student must have achieved the learning outcomes specified in the
 Higher Education Ordinance (2006:1053), Annex 2, Qualifications Ordinance:

 Knowledge and understanding
 For a degree of Master (120 credits) the student shall
     −   demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the main field of biomedicine, including both broad
         knowledge of the field and a considerable degree of specialised knowledge in certain areas of the
         field as well as specialised insight into current research and development work, and
     −   demonstrate specialised methodological knowledge in biomedicine.

 Competence and skills

 For a degree of Master (120 credits) the student shall
     −   demonstrate the ability to critically and systematically integrate knowledge and analyse, assess
         and deal with complex phenomena, issues and situations even with limited information
     −   demonstrate the ability to identify and formulate issues critically, autonomously and creatively as
         well as to plan and, using appropriate methods, undertake advanced tasks within predetermined
         time frames and so contribute to the formation of knowledge as well as the ability to evaluate this
     −   demonstrate the ability in speech and writing both nationally and internationally to clearly report
         and discuss his or her conclusions and the knowledge and arguments on which they are based in
         dialogue with different audiences
     −   demonstrate the skills required for participation in research and development work in biomedicine
         or autonomous employment in some other qualified capacity
     −   demonstrate the ability to engage in teamwork, also in the capacity of manager, with other
         staff categories within the field of biomedicine
     −   demonstrate the ability to provide popular science presentations and applications of biomedicine

 Judgement and approach
 For a degree of Master (120 credits) the student shall
     −   demonstrate the ability to make assessments in the field of biomedicine informed by relevant
         disciplinary, social and ethical issues and also to demonstrate awareness of ethical aspects
         of research and development work
     −   demonstrate insight into the possibilities and limitations of research, its role in society and the
         responsibility of the individual for how it is used

     −   demonstrate the ability to identify the personal need for further knowledge and take
         responsibility for his or her ongoing learning

Specific learning outcomes for the Lund University Master’s programme in Biomedicine
 For a degree of Master of Medical Science (120 credits) specialising in Biomedicine the student shall be
 able to
     −   fit into a research team or the equivalent and actively contribute to its activities
     −   apply methods of relevance to experimental and/or translational industry-based or
         academic research in biomedicine
     −   independently process scientific problems in biomedicine and provide theoretical and
         practical solutions in relation to global challenges
     −   lead biomedical projects in academic or industry-based research and reflect on their value
         from perspectives of science, innovation and/or entrepreneurship

Independent project (degree project)
 A requirement for the award of a degree of Master (120 credits) is completion by the student of an
 independent project (degree project) for at least 30 credits in the main field of biomedicine.

Course information
 The Master’s programme in Biomedicine consists of four semesters of second-cycle studies primarily
 conducted as student-centred learning. The courses in the first semester are compulsory and include skills
 training in experimental design and research communication enabling students to develop their ability to use
 scientific methods to address and solve problems. Furthermore, students are enabled to develop skills in
 presentation technique, information retrieval and academic writing in medicine as well as provided with
 training in modern biomedical methods such as biostatistics, bioinformatics, image analyses and animal
 experiments. Altogether, this provides a firm foundation for the following semesters and a professional
 career in industry-based and experimental research. In semester 2, the students will have the opportunity to
 broaden and/or specialise their expertise through elective courses within the faculty’s strong research
 environments or through external courses.

 The second year of the programme provides the students as a group with broader and professional skills
 such as project management, patents, health economics, bioethics, application procedures and professional
 networking using a CV and creating an individual portfolio before they commence specialised studies. The
 specialisation in industrial biomedical research starts with elementary drug development and clinical trials
 before a project of 45 credits is initiated, preferably within a pharmaceutical company or equivalent
 corporate organisation. The specialisation in experimental biomedical research starts with project
 management in preparation of research and includes assessed training in drafting applications for ethical
 permission and research funding, and preparing a project plan before a project of 45 credits is initiated,
 preferably at an academic biomedical research laboratory or equivalent organisation. A place within a
 specific specialisation cannot be guaranteed but the aim is to grant the students’ wishes.
 An overview of the courses available within the programme can be found in appendix 1. Elective
 specialisation courses and project courses are included in semester 2.

 For the degree of Master of Medical Science (120 credits) in Biomedicine, students must complete a degree
 project of at least 30 credits and other courses within the programme amounting to at least 30 credits. No
 more than 60 credits of project courses may be credited for a degree, including the degree project. The
 remaining courses must have a clear specialisation in biomedicine or science. A maximum of 15 credits can
 be credited for courses within other disciplines.

For the degree of Master of Medical Science (120 credits) in Biomedicine specialising in experimental
 biomedical research, the students must take the courses Experimental Design and Scientific Communication
 15 credits, Biomedical Methods and Experimental Animal Models 15 credits, Biomedicine the Profession
 7.5 credits, Research Project Management 7.5 credits and a degree project of at least 45 credits with a clear
 link to biomedicine and academic research. For the degree of Master of Medical Science (120 credits) in
 Biomedicine specialising in industrial biomedical research, the student must take the courses Experimental
 Design and Scientific Communication 15 credits, Biomedical Methods and Experimental Animal Models 15
 credits, Biomedicine the Profession 7.5 credits, Drug Development and Clinical Trials 7.5 credits and a
 degree project of at least 45 credits based at a company in the life science sector.

 The name of the degree is Master of Medical Science (120 credits) with a Major in Biomedicine. The name
 of the specialisation can be added (Master of Medical Science, with a Major in Biomedicine and
 specialisation in industrial biomedical research or experimental biomedical research) if the courses defining
 the relevant specialisation are included in the degree certificate.

Admission requirements and selection criteria
 To be admitted to the programme, students must

     −   meet the general entry requirements and have a Bachelor’s degree of 180 credits in biomedicine,
         bioengineering, cell and molecular biology or medicine, including an independent project (degree
         project) of at least 15 credits in biomedicine or science. Furthermore, the student’s previous
         studies must include at least 15 credits in biochemistry, at least 20 credits in basic cell biology (cell
         biology, molecular biology, microbiology, immunology, genetics and/or developmental biology), at
         least 5 credits in immunology, at least 5 credits in microbiology, at least 7.5 credits in human
         physiology and at least 30 credits in molecular medicine, pathobiology, pharmacology and/or

     −   have proficiency in English corresponding to a pass in English B/English 6 at a Swedish upper
         secondary school or equivalent.

     −   A combined qualitative assessment is made of the student’s previous education, relevant
         professional and/or research experience and reasons for applying to the programme. The
         applicant must attach a letter of intent and degree project to the application. Other research
         qualifications must be documented by a certificate of employment or written research paper in
         which their individual contribution is clearly indicated.

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