Page created by Lester Fletcher
Welcome to McGill’s
Macdonald Campus
The essential guide for new students 2020-21
This booklet offers general information
and pointers for getting started as a new
student. Please note that the information
   in this booklet, including dates and
  deadlines, may be subject to change.
McGill’s website for new students offers
   much more detailed and up-to-date
   information. Please check it out at:
Table of contents
Campus Connect invitation			                             5
What to do first 				                                    6
Submit your required documents		                         7
Freshman students 				                                   8
McGill 101: online orientation			                        9
Advising, registration				                               9
ID cards, Tuition and billing			                      10
IT Services					                                         11
Housing, oneCard				                                  12
Request a Buddy				                                   13
Library and bookstore				                             14
Arrival, Frosh and Orientation			                     15
Francophone and Indigenous students		                 16
Health and Dental Care				                               17
Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD)              17
Macdonald Campus services			                          18
Life outside your classes			                          19
Inter-campus shuttle bus			                           19
International students				                            20
Pre-Arrival Orientation Webinars		                    21
Resources and contacts 			                            22
What to do and when				                               24
Macdonald Campus driving directions		                 27

How to use this guide

Throughout this booklet, you will be referred to
websites for more comprehensive information.

The Resources and Contacts section on pages 22-23
of this booklet lists all of the addresses, telephone
numbers and websites you will need to plan your arrival
and get settled in at McGill. Every department, office or
service mentioned in this booklet is listed there.

International students should refer to pages 20-21 for
important information on coming to Canada to study.
More information can be found on the website at:

Welcome to the
McGill community
Congratulations on being admitted to McGill University. Starting
a new chapter in your life is exciting. It involves a major change
and may mean leaving the home you grew up in and moving to a
new city or even a new country. Of course, this step also involves
logistical challenges that we are happy to assist you with. This
essential guide provides you with information you will need
about registering, settling into campus life, and getting to know
the Macdonald Campus community.

Studying at McGill’s Macdonald Campus is much more than
spending time in lecture halls and classrooms – your courses will
likely include laboratories, trips to fields and forests, and exposure
to active learning classrooms. Because we offer an intimate
educational setting, you will get to know your classmates well,
and you will discover that your professors and the Macdonald             Anja Geitmann, PhD
                                                                         Dean, Faculty of Agricultural and
staff are accessible, friendly and eager to help.                        Environmental Sciences

We really want you to feel at home quickly, so don’t be afraid
to ask for help or advice! The Student Affairs Office in Laird Hall will help you navigate your
academic program. The Student Services Office assists you with information about career
options, financial aid and also provides mental and physical health services. Get involved with
the Students’ Society, one of the student clubs, or check out the athletics facilities, the Glenfinnan
Arena and the Arboretum. Be sure to explore the local community of Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, and
take advantage of all that Montreal has to offer. It is important to dedicate time and energy to
your classwork, but you should also seize the moment to enjoy your new life, pursue established
hobbies, explore your surroundings and build a network of peers and friends. The friends you
make at university will be the social network surrounding you for many years to come. The first
step towards building your own community is simple – just introduce yourself to that other new
student sitting next to you in class. That person is likely as new to Macdonald Campus as you
are and will appreciate you reaching out. Sharing this new experience will make it all the more

I wish you every success as you embark on your academic program and this new chapter in your


Anja Geitmann, PhD
Dean, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

For students starting in September...

Financial Planning                     Scholarships                          Accept your
and Financial Aid                                                            offer of admission
An important step in planning          If you have been awarded an           Coming to McGill? Start by
your finances is estimating how        entrance scholarship, you will        accepting your offer on Minerva.
much money you’re likely to have       receive notification from the         Log in at www.mcgill.ca/minerva-
available to you for your university   Scholarships and Student Aid          students, select Applicant Menu
studies. This is why we encourage      Office. The entrance scholarship      > Applicant Status, select the
you to apply for Financial Aid         offer must be accepted by the         application and click Accept this
early - so that you will have the      deadline for accepting admission      offer. You will need a credit card
information you need to properly       to McGill. Simply respond to the      to pay the $400 non-refundable
estimate your resources before         offer by logging into Minerva         deposit.
the deadline to accept your offer      and selecting the Financial Aid/
arrives.                               Awards menu.                          If you have decided that McGill
                                                                             is the university for you, and you
The application deadline for our       Scholarships are credited directly    have been admitted to one of
Entrance Bursary Program is            to your fee account – one half on     your program choices but are still
30 days from the date of formal        September 1 and the other half in     waiting for a decision on another
acceptance to the university or        the first week of January.            program, you can accept your
June 30th (whichever comes                                                   first offer now. You will still receive
first).                                For complete information on           decisions on any other choices
                                       scholarships visit the Scholarships   and your confirmation can be
For further information on             site: www.mcgill.ca/studentaid        changed to another program by
calculating your costs and on                                                contacting Service Point at mcgill.
financial aid : https://mcgill.ca/                                           ca/servicepoint/modify

Deferring your offer                   Send us your final                    Submit your legal
                                       marks                                 documents
It is possible to request a deferral   To complete your admission we         You are required to send us a
of your offer of admission for one     need your final official transcript   number of legal documents, which
year. See: mcgill.ca/accepted/         including confirmation of             vary according to whether you are
nextsteps/accepting/deferring-         graduation. If you are coming from    an international student, Canadian
or-declining-your-offer                CEGEP or are an Ontario high          citizen or Quebec resident.
                                       school student (or graduate) with
                                       an OUAC number, we will receive
Accept your                            this information electronically.
                                                                             Send in all your documents after
                                                                             you have accepted your offer and
residence offer                        All other new students see: www.      before you arrive on campus.
                                       mcgill.ca/accepted/nextsteps/         This will ensure that your student
To guarantee a room in the             finalmarks                            record and tuition fees are up-to-
Macdonald Campus Residences,                                                 date.
confirm your room reservation          Mailing and courier address for
through Minerva and pay the            official transcripts and documents    For information on what to submit:
residence deposit by 11:59 P.M.        that cannot be uploaded:              www.mcgill.ca/accepted/
EST, June 2, 2020. Make sure you       Enrolment Services                    nextsteps/documents
read the online information and        Management of Academic
Community Living Guide carefully       Records Unit                          Electronic copies can be
before accepting your offer (see       McGill University                     submitted by webform at
page 12).                              3415 McTavish Street                  mcgill.ca/legaldocuments/
                                       Room MS-13                            submission-webform
Missed the residence deadline?         Montreal, Quebec H3A 0C8
As soon as possible, email:            Canada                                For criteria and instructions:
gerry.chevalier@mcgill.ca                                                    mcgill.ca/legaldocuments/how

Freshman Students
                                     You are considered a freshman student if you have been admitted from high
                                     school, or have completed a French Baccalaureate or International Baccalaureate,
                                     have less than 24 credits of advanced standing and/or are missing required
                                     freshman courses.

                                     Freshman students entering the Faculty of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences
                                     have been admitted to one of the five programs listed on this page. Refer to your
                                     letter of acceptance or to your Minerva student record to verify your program.

                                     The Freshman Academic Advisors will be holding mandatory advising sessions
                                     during Orientation Week. The Orientation schedule will be posted after July 23 at:
Dr. Alice Cherestes, Freshman
Program Director & Advisor and
Dr. David Titley-Peloquin, Advisor   There is an option to take admission science placement exams. Deadline to apply
                                     is August 15. See: www.mcgill.ca/students/exams/dates/science.

Required freshman courses
B.Sc. Agricultural & Environmental    B.Eng. (Bioresource)                B.Sc. Nutritional Sciences and
Sciences                              		                                  Concurrent B.Sc. Food Science &
		                                                                        B.Sc. Nutritional Sciences
Required Courses - Fall     Credits   Required Courses - Fall    Credits
AEBI 120 General Biology          3.0 AEBI 120 General Biology        3.0 Required Courses - Fall        Credits
AECH 110 General Chemistry 1 4.0      AECH 110 General Chemistry 1 4.0    AEBI 120 General Biology           3.0
AEMA 101 Calculus 1               3.0 AEMA 101 Calculus 1             3.0 AECH 110 General Chemistry 1 4.0
AEPH 112 Introductory Physics 1 4.0   AEPH 113 Physics 1              4.0 AEMA 101 Calculus 1                3.0
AGRI 195 Freshman Seminar 1 0.5       BREE 187 Freshman Seminar 1 0.5     AEPH 112 Introductory Physics 1 4.0
Total Fall Credits               14.5 Total Fall Credits             14.5 AGRI 195 Freshman Seminar 1 0.5
                                                                          Total Fall Credits                14.5
Required Courses - Winter             Required Courses - Winter
AECH 111 General Chemistry 2 4.0      AECH 111 General Chemistry 2 4.0    Required Courses - Winter
AEMA 102 Calculus 2               4.0 AEMA 102 Calculus 2             4.0 AEBI 122 Cell Biology              3.0
AEPH 114 Introductory Physics 2 4.0   AEPH 115 Physics 2              4.0 AEMA 102 Calculus 2                4.0
AGRI 196 Freshman Seminar 2 0.5       BREE 103 Linear Algebra         3.0 AEPH 114 Introductory Physics 2 4.0
Elective - Winter                 3.0 BREE 188 Freshman Seminar 2 0.5     FDSC 230 Organic Chemistry 4.0
Total Winter Credits             15.5 Total Winter Credits           15.5 AGRI 196 Freshman Seminar 2 0.5
                                                                          Total Winter Credits              15.5
                                      B.Sc. Food Science
                                                                          If students in the freshman Nutrition
Freshman students entering the        Required Courses - Fall    Credits  program wish to pursue a degree in
Agricultural Economics Major should   AEBI 120 General Biology        3.0 Dietetics, they must apply for a program
refer to www.mcgill.ca/macdonald/     AECH 110 General Chemistry 1 4.0    transfer at the end of freshman year.
prospective/freshmanyear/courses for AEMA 101 Calculus 1              3.0 Transfer is dependent on grade point
their freshman course selection.      AEPH 112 Introductory Physics 1 4.0 average and the number of spaces
                                      AGRI 195 Freshman Seminar 1 0.5     available.
                                      Total Fall Credits             14.5
                                                                          To transfer to Dietetics, please note that
                                      Required Courses - Winter           if you were required to provide proof of
                                      AECH 111 General Chemistry 2 4.0    English proficiency when you applied to
             Please note that         AEMA 102 Calculus 2             4.0 McGill you will also need to participate
    freshman students may take        AEPH 114 Introductory Physics 2 4.0 in a communication skills interview.
        a maximum of 8 credits        AGRI 196 Freshman Seminar 2 0.5
           outside the faculty        Elective - Winter               3.0
         in their freshman year.      Total Winter  Credits          15.5

McGill 101: online                   Academic advising                     Register for your
orientation                                                                classes
Say goodbye to pre-university        You will be assigned an Academic      McGill’s online registration system
confusion and frustration - McGill   Advisor who will advise you           is known as Minerva. Registration
101 has arrived! McGill 101 is an    throughout your degree with           opens in Minerva in June for all
online info hub for all new McGill   course selection and other related    new students, but on different
undergraduate students with          matters.                              dates depending on where you are
videos, quizzes, and much more.                                            coming from.
With information on everything       The list of Academic Advisors, as
from registration to courses to      well as specific program advising     You must register for at least one
getting involved, McGill 101 is an   information, can be found at:         course by August 14 to avoid a
invaluable resource to kick-start    www.mcgill.ca/macdonald/              late registration fee.
your McGill career.                  studentinfo/advising
                                                                           To find out your registration date
All new undergraduate students       You should review this information    see page 24 or:
are automatically enrolled in        before registering for your           mcgill.ca/accepted/nextsteps/
McGill 101 in the spring and         courses.                              register/dates
you will be notified of your
enrolment by email. Although         A Faculty Advisor is also available   A step-by-step registration guide
you will be accessing it from your   in the Student Affairs Office to      can be found at: www.mcgill.ca/
myCourses, it is not a course,       assist you with general advising.     students/courses/add
more like an online orientation.
McGill 101 will be available after   Students transferring from other
May 1.                               universities should bring their            Having problems using
                                     transcripts with them when                         Minerva?
See: www.mcgill.ca/firstyear/        they meet with their Academic               Fill out a webform at:
                                     Advisor.                                   mcgill.ca/servicepoint/
                                                                                  or call the helpline
                                                                                 during office hours at:

Get your ID card                     Tuition and fees                      E-Billing
Your student card is proof that      The cost of your first year at        Fall term tuition is billed in early
you are a registered McGill          McGill depends on your program        August and is due by the end of
student. You will need it to use     of study, your citizenship            August.
most essential services on our       and where you will be living
campuses including exams, the        (residences, apartment, home,         Winter term tuition is billed in
library, athletics facilities and    etc.).                                early December and is due in early
residences.                                                                January.
                                     For a tuition calculator, please
You can get your ID card at the      visit www.mcgill.ca/student-          Information on billing, fee
Macdonald Campus Student             accounts/tuition-fees/tuition-        payment and deadlines can be
Affairs Office or at Service Point   and-fees, and then select             found on the website:
on the downtown campus. To get       undergraduate fees from the side      www.mcgill.ca/student-
your card you must be registered     navigation bar.                       accounts
for at least one Fall term course.

You will need to bring with you:
 • your McGill student number
   (found on your letter of
 • one piece of government
    issued photo ID
                                                 During Macdonald Campus Orientation Week,
If you are moving into residence,             the Student Accounts Office will hold an information
the Macdonald Campus Student               session for new students and parents called Facts on Fees.
Affairs Office will be open for
ID cards in the afternoon on                     Learn about e-billing, billing dates, procedures,
residence move-in day, Sunday,                                 policies and more.
August 23, from 12:00 p.m. - 4:00
p.m. You can also get your card               www.mcgill.ca/macdonald/studentinfo/orientation
during the summer.

IT Services                                                          Macdonald Campus
You need your McGill Username
                                                                     Computing Centre
(usually firstname.lastname@
                                                                     The computing facilities on
mail.mcgill.ca) and McGill
                                                                     the Macdonald Campus are
Password to access most central
                                                                     managed by McGill’s IT Services
IT services, including: myMcGill
                                                                     unit. Undergraduate computer
portal, myCourses, Minerva, email,
                                                                     labs are available 24/7, year-
wireless, Virtual Private Network
                                                                     round, outside of scheduled
                                                                     class hours, offering Windows
                                                                     computers with Microsoft Office
Check out the IT Services
                                                                     software. Visit: www.mcgill.ca/
website for descriptions and/or
instructions on:
• your McGill Username and Short
                                                                     Both scanning and printing are
• creating or changing your McGill
                                     Please note that important      also available.
• using email                            communications will
                                        be sent to your official     IT Service Desk walk-in support
• using myMcGill, myCourses or
                                        McGill email address,        is available in the Macdonald-
                                       including your e-bill for     Stewart building, room MS2-025,
• getting connected (VPN,
                                      tuition and fees. It is your   from 9 a.m. to 4:45 p.m., Monday
                                     responsibility to make sure     to Friday. Students may also
• printing on or off campus
                                        you check it regularly.      contact the IT Service Desk by
• accessing free cloud storage
                                                                     webform at www.mcgill.ca/it or
                                                                     call 514-398-3398.
• accessing free software (MS
  Office 365, and more)
• two-factor authentication and         www.mcgill.ca/it/
  other security initiatives          get-started-it/students

Mac Rez Committee

                                           Housing and                            All about oneCard
                                           settling in
                                           If you are planning on living in       The convenience of making
                                           one of the Macdonald Campus            purchases on campus without
                                           Residences, you must accept your       the hassle of carrying cash — your
                                           residence offer on Minerva by the      oneCard account on your McGill
                                           deadline of 11:59 p.m. EST, June 2,    ID card is a convenient debit card
                                           2020. Please make sure you read        for services on campus.
                                           the information and Community
                                           Living Guide at www.mcgill.ca/         Use it to: • pay for meals/
                                           students/housing/macdonald/            beverages/snacks at the
                                           carefully.                             Macdonald Campus Cafe, or in
                  Students in Laird Hall                                          any of the dining halls and retail
                                           If you have not yet requested          locations on the downtown
                                           residence, please contact the          campus; • pay for laundry in rez;
                                           Residence Office immediately at:       • make purchases at the Mac
                                           gerry.chevalier@mcgill.ca              Market and at select vending
                                                                                  machines across campus; • pay a
                                           If you are planning to live off-       reduced admission at the McGill
                                           campus, tips and a list of available   Gault Nature Reserve.
                                           accommodations can be found
                                           at: www.mcgill.ca/students/            For students moving into Mac
                                           housing/offcampus                      residence, $150 will be billed to
                                                                                  your student account and placed
                                                                                  on your oneCard.

     Macdonald Campus Residences staff

 There is no full meal plan on
 the Macdonald Campus as
  there is no cafeteria open
   in the evenings. All Mac
residences have full kitchens
and a bus is provided weekly
   to go grocery shopping.

Request a Buddy!
Want a head start navigating your first year at McGill?

Why not get paired up with a current McGill student who can provide a helping hand by showing you the ropes of
McGill’s academic and social life.

To request a Buddy, International students should go to: www.mcgill.ca/internationalstudents/pre-arrival/

Canadian students can find a buddy through the Student Life Ambassador program. Info at: www.mcgill.ca/

Explore the Macdonald Campus Library
Located in the Barton Building, the Macdonald Campus Library provides leading-edge collections, facilities and
services to support a range of student needs. Books, journals, DVDs and course reserves are just some of the
many things that can be borrowed.

Friendly staff is on-hand to help students locate and use relevant information. Subject-specialist librarians can
help students in person, via phone, email or online chat. Comfortable seating, an eZone fitted with computers
and individual and group study areas are provided. Services such as printing, photocopying and scanning are
also available, as well as direct or wireless access to the internet and the McGill network.


     Starting Orientation Week,
   info sessions will be available
    to help students learn about
  Library basics. Check it out at:

Buy your books
and supplies
Please consult the Macdonald
Campus Students’ Society (MCSS)
website for information about where
to purchase course materials and

For the downtown bookstore:

Photo: Arno Rogg

When should you get                   Winter Orientation                   Preparatory
here?                                                                      workshops
Residence Move-in Day for the         If you are entering McGill in        Are you curious about what McGill
Macdonald Campus is Sunday,           January, you don’t have to feel      expects from you academically?
August 23. If you are not moving      left out. All of the Frosh and
into residence, be sure to arrive     Orientation sessions offered         McGill has organized a number of
in time for Orientation and Frosh,    in September of the year you         helpful workshops and information
which runs from August 24 –           start at McGill are open for you     sessions to aid you in adjusting to
September 1.                          as well. Just send an email to       a university setting.
                                      in August and we will send you the   Discover McGill’s Academic
Frosh and Orientation                 orientation information.             Expectations, which is a full
                                                                           day of sessions, is offered at
Don’t worry about trying to get                                            the Macdonald Campus during
settled into university life all by                                        Orientation week.
yourself. A week of Orientation
and Frosh activities is planned                                            See:
for you that will be filled with                                           mcgill.ca/macdonald/
opportunities to meet people,                                              studentinfo/orientation
make new friends and get answers
to any questions you may have.
                                       Macdonald Campus
                                                                           Transfer students also have an
                                         Parents’ Tent                     information session designed just
Orientation and Frosh                                                      for them. It will be held on the
schedules will be available               We have special events           downtown campus. Please see
online in the summer at www.           planned just for parents during     the website below for details:
mcgill.ca/macdonald/                         Orientation. See:
studentinfo/orientation and             www.mcgill.ca/macdonald/           www.mcgill.ca/firstyear/
www.maccampusfrosh.com                studentinfo/orientation/parents      undergraduate/orientation-
respectively. Some events require                                          week/fall/transfer

Francophone                          English language                       Indigenous students
students                             skills
                                                                            McGill’s First People’s House, on
Vous n’avez encore jamais étudié     While it isn’t necessary to be
                                                                            the downtown campus, provides a
en anglais? C’est à vous que         perfectly fluent in English to study
                                                                            “home away from home” for First
s’adresse la session d’accueil       at McGill, it helps to have a good
                                                                            Nations, Inuit and Métis students.
durant la semaine d’orientation.     understanding. If English is not
                                                                            Playing many roles including those
                                     your first language and you are
                                                                            of residence, gathering place and
Pendant cette session l’Adjointe     entering Year 0 or Year 1, we
                                                                            resource centre, it is foremost a
aux étudiants francophones           offer a summer English course
                                                                            community. They provide a space
vous souhaitera elle-même la         in August to help prepare you for
                                                                            where students can find academic
bienvenue et vous communiquera       studying at McGill. Subsidies are
                                                                            support and stay connected to
des informations essentielles pour   available; payment is required up
                                                                            Indigenous culture.
réussir à McGill.                    front and eligible students will
                                     receive a credit in their student
                                                                            Activities are organized during
Nous espérons avoir l’occasion       account in the fall.
                                                                            orientation and throughout
de vous rencontrer lors de cette
                                                                            the year, such as the annual
session, au campus Macdonald le      For more information, see:
                                                                            Pow-Wow, community dinners,
vendredi 28 août 2020.               www.mcgill.ca/mwc/courses/
                                                                            social activities, weekly soup
                                     undergraduate-courses, course
                                                                            and bannock lunches and guest
Pour plus d’informations sur         number CESL 299, Academic
cette session d’orientation, et      English Seminar.
notamment l’horaire des activités
                                                                            Also offered is the Cousins Peer
et les modalités d’inscription,      Note: At the time of printing,
                                                                            Mentorship Program which offers
veuillez voir: www.mcgill.ca/        this information was not yet
                                                                            the chance for new Indigenous
firstyear/undergraduate/             confirmed for 2020. Please visit
                                                                            students to connect with current
orientation-week/fall /academic-     the above website for details.
                                                                            Indigenous McGill students.
                                                                            For more information, see:

Health and dental                                                        Students with
care                                                                     disabilities
All Canadian undergraduate          Recent permanent residents           A variety of services are available
students (including students        and non-resident Canadians           to ensure that you can pursue a
from Quebec) are automatically      should refer to www.mcgill.ca/       successful academic life at McGill.
included in a supplemental health   accepted/nextsteps/health-           To make sure you have access to
and dental plan administered by     dental                               these services at the beginning
the Macdonald Campus Students’                                           of the term, contact the Office
Society (MCSS). For more            International Students, and          for Students with Disabilities as
information, see:                   their accompanying dependants        soon as you receive your offer of
www.studentcare.ca                  are required to participate in the   admission.
                                    compulsory McGill International
Canadian students from other        Health Insurance(IHI).               Advisors are available to discuss
provinces should check with their                                        any barriers in your learning - be
provincial medicare office about    For more information, see: www.      they temporary or permanent,
the conditions of their health      mcgill.ca/ internationalstudents/    visible or invisible:
coverage while studying in QC.      health                               www.mcgill.ca/osd or email:

We’re here to help you ...

Macdonald Campus Student Affairs Office                         Macdonald Campus Student Services

Macdonald Campus                          Services on the                       Student Services,
Student Affairs Office                    Macdonald Campus                      Macdonald Campus
The Student Affairs Office can            While all McGill students are         Student Services promotes
help with any issues related to           entitled to use the services          students’ overall well-being and
your admission or academic                of both campuses, both the            success. Students can access
record.                                   Student Affairs Office in Laird       financial aid, career planning, help
                                          Hall, and Student Services in the     with spiritual well-being, office for
Students can get their ID card,           Centennial Centre can provide         students with disabilities, services
help with general advising,               most of the help you will need as a   for indigenous and international
registration or exam issues,              Macdonald Campus student.             students, and support for sexual
transfer credit questions,                                                      violence.
exchange information, and letters
of attestation.                                                                 Student Services also offers
                                                                                on-site physical and mental
The Student Affairs Office also                                                 health care through the Student
organizes orientation week for                                                  Wellness Hub. Students can meet
new students, as well as campus                                                 with a doctor, nurse, counsellor,
tours.                                                                          dietitian, or local wellness advisor
                                                                                at Macdonald Campus.
If you have other questions or
issues, our staff will be happy to                                              See page 22 for contact
point you in the right direction for          As the parent or guardian         information.
the answers you need.                        of a newly-admitted McGill
                                             student, you may also have         www.mcgill.ca/macdonald-
See page 22 for contact                       questions. For resources          studentservices
information.                                 created especially for you,
                                                 see: www.mcgill.ca/
www.mcgill.ca/macdonald/                          accepted/parents

Life outside your                       To see what is available on the         Macdonald Campus
                                        Macdonald Campus, check out:
classes                                 macdonaldcampusathletics.ca or          Students’ Society
                                        our Mac Athletics and Recreation
We know that as a new McGill            FB page.                                The Macdonald Campus Students’
student you are eager to meet                                                   Society (MCSS) is the association
new people, try new things and                                                  of undergraduate and certificate
get involved. Whether you are           Two campuses - one                      students enrolled in a program on
looking for social opportunities,       shuttle bus ride away                   the Macdonald Campus.
cultural, political, intellectual and
physical challenges, or a taste of      McGill’s shuttle is free for students   The MCSS represents the student
fun and excitement, you can find        and runs between McGill’s               body and protects its welfare.
it all here!                            Downtown and Macdonald                  Involved in all aspects of campus
                                        Campuses, Monday through                life, the Society advocates for
                                                                                students at the faculty, University
Athletics and                           Friday, approximately every 45
                                                                                and community levels, organizes
                                        minutes, but more frequently
recreation                              during peak periods. For                internal events such as Frosh and
                                        information, see: www.mcgill.ca/        Halloween, runs the Ceilidh (the
McGill’s Macdonald Campus               transport/shuttle                       campus pub), and much more.
offers many ways to get active!
Come check out our Fitness                                                      mcss.mcgill.ca
Centre, where you can work up a           Joining the clubs and coming          www.maccampusfrosh.com
sweat on our machines or in our            out to campus events can
gym. We offer varsity, intramural          significantly enhance your
and rec sport programs, as well              university experience!                      McGill
as lunch and evening fitness                     mcss.mcgill.ca/                         Agricultural
classes. The campus also has                     Facebook page:                          and Environmental
a paddle shack, arena, outdoor                www.facebook.com/                          Sciences Frosh -
trekfit and sand volleyball courts.                mcssmcgill                            MacCampusFrosh

International                        Don’t delay!                          Minors: Are you
students                                                                   under the age of 17?
Studying internationally is an       Apply for your immigration            If you will be less than 17 years old
exciting adventure, but you may      documents early! You should start     by the time you travel to Canada,
also have a lot of questions!        the process as soon as you receive    you must have a legal custodian
International Student Services is    your offer of admission to McGill.    in Montreal before starting
dedicated to helping ease your       We strongly encourage you to          immigration procedures to study
transition and ensure you arrive     start the process early to ensure     at McGill.
well prepared.                       that you receive your documents
                                     in time for the start of classes.     If you do not have a custodian in
Consult the International Student                                          Montreal - and you will be living in
Pre-Arrival Resources for detailed   Once in Montreal, don’t forget        McGill Student Residences - you
information on:                      to scan copies of your legal          can request to have the Dean of
                                     documents and send them to            Students act as your custodian.
• Immigration documents              Service Point.
• Health Insurance                                                         For details: www.mcgill.
• Student Residences & Off-          mcgill.ca/accepted/international      ca/internationalstudents/
     Campus Housing                                                        immigration-documents/
• The Buddy Program                                                        documents/minors
• Packing for Montreal’s climate     Exchange Students
• Arriving at Customs and
• Your Airport Arrival
                                     Are you at McGill on exchange?        Internship/Co-op
                                     Visit the McGill Abroad site for
• Getting the essentials (banking,   information you need to begin         work permits
     cell phones, and more)          your studies at McGill.
• And much more!                                                           All international students who
                                     mcgill.ca/mcgillabroad                need to complete a mandatory
mcgill.ca/internationalstudents/                                           internship as part of their program
pre-arrival                                                                requirements will need a co-
                                                                           op work permit, whether the
                                                                           internship is paid or not (e.g.
                                                                           Dietetics or Concurrent Food
                                                                           Science/Nutrition students). You
                                                                           may apply for the permit at the
                                                                           same time as your study permit.
                                        For more information about
                                                                           For more information: www.
                                      your eligibility to work on or off
                                           campus, please visit:

Plan ahead!
                  Starting at McGill this September?
          Meet us online for a Pre-Arrival Orientation Webinar!
        For newly-admitted International students who have accepted their offer of admission.

           Learn everything you need to know about:

  			                        • McGill			                • Montreal
  			                        • Study Permits		          • Health Insurance
  			                        • Housing		                • Banking
  			                        • Cell phone plans         • Orientation
  			                        • and so much more

 Must attend...
 • Learn about essential immigration documents
 • Get step-by-step instructions on how to obtain your CAQ, Study Permit, and Visa or eTA
   (if needed)
 • Understand how your Health Insurance Plan works

 Voluntary attendance...
 • Find out what to expect when crossing the border into Canada
 • Learn what to pack and what to do upon arrival (banking, cell phones, etc.)
 • Find out about ISS Orientation activities

 For details: www.mcgill.ca/internationalstudents/pre-arrival/pre-arrival-orientation-webinars-0

 Part I: Monday, March 9, Thursdays March 19, April 2, April 16, April 30
 Part II: May 21, June 11, July 2, August 6 and 20

 See above website for details and exact dates and times (subject to change)

 Also offered: Bringing your Family: March 26

   Find out more online
   McGill’s International Student Services (ISS) has a team of professional advisors and support
   staff who offer a range of services for you and your family, including assistance with immigration
   procedures. Visit the ISS website at www.mcgill.ca/internationalstudents for information on
   customs and immigration, insurance, weather, finances, and life in Montreal, as well as events and
   workshops hosted by International Student Services.

Resources and Contacts

Student Services                    Student Affairs                  Other Macdonald Campus            Service Point /
                                                                     Contact Information               Enrolment Services
The services listed below are       Student Affairs Office
located in the:                     Laird Hall, Room 106             Macdonald Athletics               General contact information for
                                    21,111 Lakeshore Road            Stewart Athletics Complex         all services listed below:
Centennial Centre                   Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue,            T: 514-398-7789
Room 124                            Quebec H9X 3V9                   mac.athletics@mcgill.ca           Service Point
21,111 Lakeshore Road               T: 514-398-7925                  macdonaldcampusathletics.ca       3415 McTavish Street
Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue,               studentinfo.macdonald@                                             Room MS-13
Quebec H9X 3V9                      mcgill.ca                        Macdonald Campus IT walk-         T: 514-398-7878
T: 514-398-7992                                                      in support:                       www.mcgill.ca/students/
stuserv.macdonald@mcgill.ca         Hours of Service                 Macdonald Stewart Bldg.,          servicepoint
www.mcgill.ca/macdonald-            Monday to Friday,                Room MS2-025
studentservices                     9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.                                              Enrolment Services
                                    except statutory holidays. For   Macdonald Campus Library          See general contact information
Hours of Service                    summer hours, see page 25.       Barton Building, Service Desk     above
Monday to Friday,                                                    T: 514-398-7881
9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.               Manager, Student Affairs         www.mcgill.ca/library/branches/   Legal Documents
Individual service hours may vary   Silvana Pellecchia               macdonald                         Emailing of documents is
                                    T: 514-398-7926                                                    preferred. For file formats,
General Information/                silvana.pellecchia@mcgill.ca     Macdonald Campus                  please see: www.mcgill.ca/
Appointments for:                                                    Residence and Student             legaldocuments/how
• Career Planning Service           Faculty Advisor                  Housing
• First Peoples’ House              Mona Hachem                      Campus Housing Office             Sending documents by
• International Student Services    T: 514-398-7859                  Gerry Chevalier, Coordinator      mail/courier:
• Office of Religious & Spiritual   mona.hachem@mcgill.ca            Laird Hall, Room 107              Enrolment Services
       Life                                                          T: 514-398-7716                   Management of Academic
• Office for Students with          Campus Tours                     residences.macdonald@mcgill.ca    Records Unit
       Disabilities                 To book a Campus tour:           www.mcgill.ca/students/housing/   McGill University
• Office for Sexual Violence        https://mcgillinmind.mcgill.ca   macdonald                         3415 McTavish Street
       Response, Support and        Tour information:                                                  Room MS-13
       Education                    studentinfo.macdonald@           Macdonald Campus                  Montreal, Quebec
• Scholarships & Student            mcgill.ca                        Students’ Society (MCSS)          Canada, H3A 0C8
       (Financial) Aid                                               Centennial Centre Reception
• Student Wellness Hub (T: 514-     Orientation Information          T: 514-398-8787                   Student Exchanges and
       398-6017)                    T: 514-398-7925 or               mouthpiece.mcss@mail.mcgill.ca    Study Abroad
                                    514-398-8717                     mcss.mcgill.ca                    See general contact information
                                    welcome.macdonald@mcgill.ca                                        above
                                    www.mcgill.ca/macdonald/         University Advancement –          www.mcgill.ca/mcgillabroad
                                    studentinfo/orientation          Macdonald Campus
                                                                     Laird Hall, Room 199b             Student Accounts Office
                                                                     Anna Duff, Alumni Relations       Service Point
                                                                     Associate                         McLennan Library Building
                                                                     T: 514-398-7852                   3415 McTavish Street
                                                                     anna.duff@mcgill.ca               Montreal, Quebec H3A 0C8
                                                                                                       T: 514-398-7878
                   For help using                                                                      F: 514-398-2656
                      Minerva,                                                                         student.accounts@mcgill.ca
                call Service Point at

Student Services                    Scholarships &               Contact information               McGill Parents Association
(downtown campus)                   Student Aid Office           for other offices                 alumni.mcgill.ca/community/
                                    Suite 3200                                                     parents
Unless otherwise indicated, all     T: 514-398-6013              Continuing Studies
services below are located in the   US Loan Specialist:          688 Sherbrooke St. West,          Off-Campus Housing
Brown Student Services Building     T: 514-398-6013              Suite 1199                        Student Housing and Dining
3600 McTavish Street                us.studentaid@mcgill.ca      Montreal, Quebec H3A 3R1          Service Centre
Montreal, Quebec H3A 0G3            student.aid@mcgill.ca        T: 514-398-6200                   3473 University Street
www.mcgill.ca/studentservices       scholarships@mcgill.ca       info.conted@mcgill.ca             Montreal, Quebec H3A 2A8
                                    www.mcgill.ca/studentaid     www.mcgill.ca/continuingstudies   T: 514-398-6368
Campus Life & Engagement                                                                           offcampus.housing@mcgill.ca
Suite 4100                          Student Wellness Hub         Drivesafe                         www.mcgill.ca/students/housing/
T: 514-398-6913                     3rd Floor                    Thursday, Friday and Saturday:    offcampus
cle@mcgill.ca (general)             General Inquiries and        11:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m.
firstyear@mcgill.ca (new student-   appointments:                Facebook SSMU Drivesafe           Office of the Dean of
related inquiries)                  T: 514-398-6017              drivesafe@ssmu.ca                 Students
www.mcgill.ca/cle                   wellness.hub@mcgill.ca       drivesafe.ssmu.ca                 Brown Student Services Building
                                    www.mcgill.ca/wellness-hub   (downtown campus only)            3600 McTavish Street,
First Peoples’ House                                                                               Suite 2100
3505 Peel Street                                                 French Language Centre            Montreal, Quebec H3A 0G3
Montreal, Quebec H3A 1W7                                         853 Sherbrooke Street West        T: 514-398-4990
T: 514-398-3217                                                  Arts Building, Room 155           deanofstudents@mcgill.ca
firstpeopleshouse@mcgill.ca                                      Montreal, Quebec H3A 0G5          www.mcgill.ca/deanofstudents
www.mcgill.ca/fph                                                T: 514-398-8896
                                                                 flc@mcgill.ca                     Office for Sexual Violence
International Student                                            www.mcgill.ca/flc                 Response, Support, and
Services                                                                                           Education
Suite 5100                                                       Health and Dental Insurance       550 Sherbrooke W., Suite 585
General Inquiries:                                               Student Care                      (West Tower)
T: 514-398-4349                                                  T: 514-789-8775 or                T: 514-398-3954
international.students@mcgill.ca                                 1-866-795-4435                    osvrse@mcgill.ca
Health Insurance:                                                www.studentcare.ca                www.mcgill.ca/osvrse
T: 514-398-4349
international.health@mcgill.ca                                   Health Insurance                  Office of the Ombudsperson
www.mcgill.ca/                                                   International Students            for Students
internationalstudents                                            See International Student         3610 McTavish Street, Suite 14
                                                                 Services                          Montreal, Quebec H3A 1Y2
Career Planning Service                                                                            T: 514-398-7059
Suite 2200                                                       IT Services                       ombudsperson@mcgill.ca
T: 514-398-3304                                                  T: 514-398-3398                   www.mcgill.ca/ombudsperson
careers.caps@mcgill.ca                                           Ask for IT help via a web form:
www.mcgill.ca/caps                                               www.mcgill.ca/it/forms            Walksafe
                                                                                                   Sunday to Thursday:
McGill Office of Religious                                       McGill Alumni Association         9 p.m. to 12 a.m.
and Spiritual Life (MORSL)                                       Martlet House                     Friday to Saturday:
3495 University Street, 2nd Floor                                1430 Peel Street                  9 p.m. to 3 a.m.
Montreal, QC H3A 2A8                                             Montreal, Quebec H3A 3T3          T: 514-398-2498
T: 514-398-4104                                                  T: 514-398-5000                   executive@walksafe.ca
morsl@mcgill.ca                                                  info.alumni@mcgill.ca             walksafe.ssmu.ca
www.mcgill.ca/morsl                                              http://myalumni.mcgill.ca         (downtown campus only)

Office for Students with                                         McGill Bookstore
Disabilities (OSD)                                               Multiple locations, please see
1010 Sherbrooke Street West,                                     website
Suite 410 (4th floor)                                            T: 514-398-5063
Montreal, QC H3A 2R7                                             https://lejames.ca
T: 514-398-6009
TDD/TTY: 514-398-8198                                            McGill Food and Dining
disabilities.students@mcgill.ca                                  Services, Service Centre
www.mcgill.ca/osd                                                3473 University Street
                                                                 Montreal, QC H3A 2A8
                                                                 T: 514-398-6368

What to do and when ...
This information is intended as a guideline. Some dates could be subject to change. For a complete list of events
and deadlines for the academic year, see: mcgill.ca/importantdates

2020                                           June 17                                          or computer
                                               ¨ 9:00 a.m. - Registration begins for
May 1                                          all newly admitted Macdonald Campus
¨ Deadline to accept your offer of             freshman students who have a classification
admission unless otherwise indicated in        of year 0 (U0)                                   August 6
your letter of admission                                                                        ¨ If registered before August 6,
                                               June 18                                          check Minerva for your Fall term e-bill –
June 1                                         ¨ Early pick-up of ID cards begins for           notification is sent by email
¨ Students from the US apply for US            all newly admitted Macdonald Campus
Direct Loans by this date. Go to www.          students at the Macdonald Campus                 August 14
mcgill.ca/studentaid/government/               Student Affairs Office or at Service Point       ¨ Deadline for new students to register
us for information on how to apply for         on the downtown campus. You must be              in at least one course to avoid a late
US Direct Loans when attending a foreign       registered for at least one course 24            registration penalty
school                                         hours before you obtain your McGill
                                               ID card. Please see page 9 for a list of         August 15
June 2                                         what to bring with you                           ¨ If registered after August 6, check
¨ Last day for guaranteed housing. You                                                          Minerva for your Fall term e-bill –
must accept your offer on Minerva and pay      June 30                                          notification is sent by email
the deposit before 11:59 p.m. EST              ¨ Canadian students apply for
                                               government student aid by this date to           August 23
June 5                                         ensure money arrives by September                ¨ Residence move-in day on the
¨ CSI McGill (CEGEP student information        ¨ Canadian students: Don’t delay                 Macdonald Campus, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00
session)                                       submitting the legal documents that affect       p.m.
                                               your tuition and fees. Submitting early will     ¨ The Macdonald Campus Student
June 8                                         help ensure your tuition and fees are billed     Affairs Office will be open for ID cards
¨ 9:00 a.m. - Course registration begins       at the correct residency rate in early August.   between 12:00 and 4:00 p.m. Please see
for all newly admitted CEGEP students          www.mcgill.ca/student-accounts/                  page 9 for a list of documents to bring with
                                               tuition-charges/fallwinter-term-                 you
June 9                                         tuition-and-fees/undergraduate-fees
¨ Early pick-up of ID cards begins for         ¨ Final deadline for need-based financial        August 24 - September 1
newly admitted Quebec CEGEP students           aid application for McGill’s Entrance            ¨ Macdonald Campus Undergraduate
at the Macdonald Campus Student Affairs        Bursary Program, or 30 days from date of         Orientation and Frosh activities
Office or at Service Point on the downtown     acceptance, whichever comes first
campus. You must be registered for at                                                           August 31
least one course 24 hours before you           July 1                                           ¨ Fee payment deadline
obtain your McGill ID card. See page 9         ¨ Application opens for McGill’s need-           ¨ Deadline for cancellation of
for a list of what to bring with you           based Work Study Program that provides           registration for the Fall term
                                               part-time work opportunities on campus.
June 15                                        For info on how to apply:                        September 2
¨ 9:00 a.m. - Course registration begins       www.mcgill.ca/studentaid/work-study              ¨ Classes begin
for all newly admitted Macdonald Campus
students on the basis of advanced levels or    July 31                                          September 15
CAPE, a French Baccalaureate, International    ¨ Deadline for deferral of admission to          ¨ Course change (add/drop) deadline for
Baccalaureate, at least one year of            the Fall term                                    the Fall term
university, or other academic qualifications
that provide for advanced standing credit,     August 1                                         September 22
and who have a classification of year 1 (U1)   ¨ International students confirm their           ¨ Deadline for course or university
                                               health insurance coverage by accessing           withdrawal (grade of W or W--) WITH fee
                                               MinervaèStudentèInternational                    refund
                                               Student Health Insurance Coverage
                                               Form. Doing this will allow you to view,
                                               save and print an electronic version of your
                                               health insurance card on your mobile device

September 30                                                      2021
¨ Deadline to opt in to the International

                                                                                                    E D
Health Insurance plan (Canadian non-            January 4
¨ Deadline to request an exemption
from International Health Insurance plan on
Minerva and submit supporting exemption
                                                ¨ Classes begin
                                                ¨ Deadline to request exemption in
                                                Minerva without incurring interest on
                                                International Health Insurance fee            CLO S
documents                                       ¨ Deadline for new students to register
                                                in at least one course to avoid a late
October 27                                      registration penalty                              University offices
¨ Deadline for course or university                                                               will be closed on
withdrawal (grade of W or W--) with NO          January 6                                           these dates:
fee refund                                      ¨ Deadline for fee payment for Winter
Beginning December 1 (Winter newly-                                                                    2020:
admitted students)                              January 19                                         Friday, April 10
¨ International students confirm their          ¨ Course Change (add/drop) deadline               Monday, April 13
health insurance coverage by accessing          for Winter term                                   Monday, May 18
MinervaèStudentèInternational                   ¨ Deadline for web withdrawing (grade           Wednesday, June 24
Student Health Insurance Coverage               of “W”) from multi-term courses that             Wednesday, July 1
Form. Doing this will allow you to to view,     started in September 2020 (WITH fee             Monday, September 7
save and print an electronic version of your    refund for Winter term)
health insurance card on your mobile device
                                                                                                 Monday, October 12
or computer                                                                                   Thursday, December 24 to
                                                January 26
                                                ¨ Deadline for course or university
                                                                                               Thursday, December 31
December 1                                      withdrawal (grade of W or W--) WITH fee
¨ 9:00 a.m. - Registration begins for           refund                                                 2021:
newly admitted undergraduate students to                                                          Friday, January 1
the Winter 2021 term                            January 31                                         Friday, April 2
                                                ¨ Deadline to request an exemption                 Monday, April 5
December 2                                      from International Health Insurance Plan on
¨ Newly admitted Undergraduate                  Minerva and submit supporting exemption
students may obtain their student ID card       documents
at the Student Affairs Office (Macdonald        ¨ Deadline to opt in to the International
Campus) or at Service Point (Downtown           Health Insurance plan (Canadian non-
Campus). You must be registered in at           residents)                                     The Macdonald Campus
least one course 24 hours before you                                                            Student Affairs Office
obtain your McGill ID card. Please see          March 1 - 5                                     will close at 3 p.m. on
page 9 for a list of what to bring with you     ¨ Study Break                                        Fridays from
                                                                                              June 26 - August 21, 2020
December 7                                      March 2-3
¨ Classes end for Fall term                     ¨ Deferred exams
¨ Check Minerva for Winter term e-bill
                                                March 9
December 8                                      ¨ Deadline for course or university
¨ Exams begin. See www.mcgill.ca/               withdrawal (grade of W or W--) with NO
students/exams for the complete exam            fee refund
schedule (Dec. 8-22)
                                                April 13                                                 Visit
December 24 - January 1                         ¨ Classes end for Winter term                      www.mcgill.ca/
¨ Holiday break, University closed                                                                 importantdates
                                                April 15                                          for comprehensive
December 31                                     ¨ Exams begin. See www.mcgill.ca/
¨ Deadline for cancellation of                                                                 information on holidays,
                                                students/exams for the complete exam
registration in, or deferral of admission to,                                                       exam schedules
                                                schedule (April 15-29)
the Winter term                                                                                  and other deadlines.
                                                April 30
                                                ¨ Rez move out: If you need to stay in
                                                residence longer than April 30, you must
                                                contact the residence office for permission

Macdonald Campus
driving directions
                                                                 to Quebec Cit y
     McGill University
     Downtown & Macdonald Campuses
     Distance between campuses: 32 km/20 mi

                                                         ISLAND OF
                                                         MONTREA L
                                                                   Downtown Campus
  to Ottawa
                                              Macdonald Campus
  VA UDREUIL-DORION                                                      15

        to Toronto                                                      to the USA

From Downtown:

Take Highway 20 West from downtown to the Sainte-Anne-
de-Bellevue exit. Turn left after coming off the highway onto
Rue St. Pierre and continue to the end. Turn left onto Rue
Ste-Anne/Bord du Lac. Continue straight to the Campus.
Turn left at the John Abbott sign after the bus terminal.


Take Highway 40 West (Trans-Canada) from downtown to
exit 41, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue.

Once you exit, continue along the Service Road, then follow
the road to the right (direction Ch. Ste-Marie) to the top of
the hill.

At the stop sign (there is a Macdonald Campus sign), turn
right and follow the road over Highway 40 through the farm
fields. At the end of the road, turn left onto the Campus.

From the West:

Take Highway 20 East towards Montreal to the Sainte-Anne-
de-Bellevue exit. Turn right after coming off the highway onto
Rue St-Pierre and continue to the end. Turn left onto Rue Ste-
Anne/Bord du Lac. Continue straight to the Campus. Turn left
at the John Abbott sign after the bus terminal.


Take Highway 40 East (Trans-Canada) towards Montreal to
the Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue exit.

Take the 3rd turnoff to the right off the service road by
the Macdonald Campus sign and follow the road onto the

McGill University, Macdonald Campus
21,111 Lakeshore Road, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Québec Canada H9X 3V9

514 398-7925 | studentinfo.macdonald@mcgill.ca

    facebook.com/groups/macdonald2020               @McGillMacCampus

    McGill University - Macdonald Campus
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