Page created by Phyllis Watts

          AND SPORT



            Prague 2020
Edited by:
Mgr. Vladimír Hojka, Ph.D.
Mgr. Linda Komínková
Mgr. Vladimír Kocour
Helena Škábová

ISBN 978-80-87647-55-4
CONTACTS ............................................................................................................................... 7
ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2020/2021 ...................................................................................... 9
STUDY PLANS ....................................................................................................................... 13
       Specialization in Health Service ...................................................................................... 13
       Specialization in Health Service ...................................................................................... 21
       Physical Education and Sport ........................................................................................... 27
       Specialization Health Education ...................................................................................... 27
       Physical Education and Sport, Education in Nature......................................................... 30
       Physical Education and Sport, Coaching specialization .................................................. 33
       Coach ................................................................................................................................ 41
       Fitness Coach ................................................................................................................... 45
RULES OF STUDY ................................................................................................................. 51
LIST OF APPENDICES .......................................................................................................... 67

        Faculty of Physical Education and Sport

                           ACADEMIC YEAR


    Assoc. Prof. MUDr. Eva Kohlíková, CSc.

    Mgr. Vladimír Hojka, Ph.D.
    Study affairs

    doc. PaedDr. Dagmar Pavlů, CSc.
    External and International Affairs

    Assoc. Prof. PhDr. Miroslav Petr, Ph.D.
    Science, Research, Doctoral Programs

    Mgr. Jan Chrudimský, Ph.D.
    Economy and Development-Related Issues

   Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
   Charles University
   José Martího 31
   162 52 Prague 6
   Czech Republic

Vice-Dean for Study affairs:
    Mgr. Vladimír Hojka, Ph.D.
    Room: H 108
    Phone: + 420 22017 2216

International student officer for self-financing
students - Physiotherapy:

    Mgr. Jan Procházka, Ph.D.
    Room: H 063
    Phone: + 420 22017 3073

International student officer for self-financing
students - Physical Education and Sport and
Erasmus+ students:

    Bc. Michaela Jonášová
    Room: H 063
    Phone: + 420 22017 2354

Note: all calendar dates are in DD. MM. YYYY form.

 Commencement of academic year                       1. 10. 2020

 End of the academic year                            30. 9. 2021

                                                     1. 10. 2020 – 10. 1. 2021 S/2 from
 Winter semester
                                                     16. 11. 2020

 Matriculation                                       2. 10. 2020

 Opening day                                         5. 2. 2021

 Masters graduation ceremony                         8. 12. 2020

 Bachelors graduation ceremony                       27. 11. 2020

 Christmas Holiday                                   23. 12. 2020 - 3. 1. 2021

 Examination period                                  11. 1. 2021 - 14. 2. 2021

                                                     15. 2. 2021 - 23. 5. 2021 S/2 from
 Summer semester
                                                     5. 4. 2021

 Examination period of final years                   24. 5. – 31. 5. 2021

 Rector’s day                                        12. 5. 2021

 Examination period 1st part                         24. 5. – 4. 7. 2021

 Summer holidays                                     5. 7. – 22. 8. 2021

 Bachelors graduation ceremony                       22. 6. 2021 and 3. 9. 2021

 Masters graduation ceremony                         25. 6. 2021 and 8. 9. 2021

 Examination period 2nd part                         23. 8. – 17. 9. 2021
Enrolment – academic year 2020/2021

Regular enrolment

1st year – bachelor degree – Czech programs            2. 9. 2020

1st year – master degree – Czech programs              3. 9. 2020

2nd and higher years student – Czech programs          14. 9. – 21. 9. 2020

International students – fee-paying                    24. 9. 2020

Erasmus+ students – winter semester                    24. 9. 2020

Erasmus+ students – summer semester                    10. 2. 2021

Alternative enrolment

1st years – bachelor and master degree students        16. 9. 2020

2nd and higher year – bachelor and master degree
                                                       7. 10. 2020

Electronic enrolment of courses and schedule

Winter semester 1st round                              15. 9. – 16. 9. 2020

Winter semester 2nd round                              24. 9. – 30. 9. 2020

Summer semester 1st round                              1. 2. – 2. 2. 2021

Summer semester 2nd round                              8. 2. – 14. 2. 2021

Erasmus+ winter semester                               25. 9. – 30. 9. 2020

Erasmus+ summer semester                               11. 2. – 14. 2. 2021

State examinations

Winter term

Bachelor and Master thesis in electronic and printed   until 10. 12. 2020
versions, application for defense and State
study check before Bachelor and Master State

Bachelor and Master thesis defense, if they are not a
                                                         18. 1. – 28. 1. 2021
part of State Examinations

Bachelor and Master State Examinations                   1. 2. – 10. 2. 2021

Bachelor State Examination and Bachelor thesis
defense –
                                                         18. 1. – 10. 2. 2021
Master State Examination and Master thesis defense

Spring term

Bachelor and Master thesis in electronic and printed
versions, application for Bachelor and Master State      until 31. 5. 2021

Study check before Bachelor and Master State
                                                         until 31. 5. 2021

Bachelor and Master thesis defense if it is not a part
                                                         14. 6. – 23. 6. 2021
of State Examination

Bachelor State Examination and Master State
                                                         25. 6. – 8. 7. 2021

Bachelor State Examination and Bachelor thesis
defense – Physiotherapy
Master State Examination and Master thesis defense       14. 6. – 8. 7. 2021
Autumn term

Bachelor and Master thesis in electronic and printed
versions, application for Bachelor and Master State    until 8. 7. 2021

Study check before Bachelor and Master State
                                                       until 8. 7. 2021

Bachelor thesis defense if it is not a part of State
                                                       23. 8. – 2. 9. 2021
Master thesis defense if it is not a part of State

Bachelor State Examination
                                                       6. 9. – 15. 9. 2021
Master State Examination

Bachelor State Examination and Bachelor thesis
defense – Physiotherapy
Master State Examination and Master thesis defense     23. 8. – 15. 9. 2021
                                       STUDY PROGRAM

                       Specialization in Health Service
                        STUDY BRANCH: Physiotherapy

                   LEVEL OF DEGREE: Bachelor Degree
                                      CODE: 5342R004
In the Physical Therapy field of studies, graduates acquire professional qualifications for
performing non-medical health care activities of physical therapists. The graduates are
authorized to conduct activities in accord with the valid legislation of the Czech Republic
(CR), which stipulates the activities of health care workers and other professional workers on
health care. A bachelor's program graduate is an expert in the field of physical therapy who
works together with all the members of a health care team in the coordination and execution
of diagnostic, therapeutic, and preventive procedures and methods in the rehabilitation
process and care of the ailing. The graduate will find work in state and private health care
facilities such as therapeutic rehabilitation clinics, other specialized clinics, rehabilitation
institutions, rehabilitation departments in hospitals of all types, spas, facilities for treatment of
pain, social facilities for children and seniors, and other specialized workplaces. Bachelor's
studies graduates can continue in an associated Physical Therapy master's program.
The studies culminate with a defense of the baccalaureate thesis and the state bachelor's final

The basic outline of the curriculum:
A. The standard period of study in years: 3 years
B. Stages of study: years
C. Parts of the State Exam (SE):

Part 1:
A/ Defending of the bachelor thesis
B/ Theoretical examination with four sub-exams:
       Physiotherapy – theoretical examination
       Clinical Kinesiology
       Psychology
       Pathological Physiology and Sports Medicine
Part 2:
Physiotherapy - practical examination in physiotherapy performed in clinical institutions

D. Conditions for taking the State exam:

For taking the state final examination is necessary to complete all the prescribed compulsory
courses and obtain 180 credits.
    Total number of credits for compulsory courses: 171.
    The minimum number of credits for optional subjects: 9.

Course A is a prerequisite for course B if registration for course B is conditional of passing
course A during some earlier portion of studies.

Course A is a co-requisite of course B if course A must be completed earlier (in some prior
semester) or can also be registered concurrently (in the same semester) as course B, but credit
and exam requirements for course B can only be fulfilled once course A has been completed
(for complete specifications, see Article 6(5) of the Study and Examination Code of Charles
Information for requisites for all courses is available in SIS.

1st year

Obligatory courses

Code          Subject                      Teachers(s)            Amount Credits Semester
              Anatomy and General
PABA030C                                   Kvítek, V.             4/2 C         3         W
              Kinesiology I
                                           Heller, J.,
PFYB029C Physiology I                                             2/2 C         2         W
                                           Čížková, K.
                                           Vránová, J.,
PFYB033C Biochemistry                                             2/0 C         2         W
                                           Šteffl, M.
              Introduction to              Stupková, M.,
PFYZ074C                                                          1/1 C+Ex      2         W
              Rehabilitation               Maršáková, K.
PKIN145C Basics of Philosophy              Parry Martínková, I.   2/0 C+Ex      2         W
PFYZ072C Physical Therapy I                Vomáčková, H.          1/1 MC        2         W
Examination and Basic
PFYZ075C                             Vomáčková, H.            1/2 C      3   W
            Therapeutic Methods I
PFYZ082C Clinical Practice I         Vomáčková, H.            0/1 C      2   W
            Biophysics and
PABA032C                             Stupka, M.               2/0 C      2   W
            Biomechanics I
PPPD070C General Psychology          Harbichová, I.           1/1 C+Ex   2   W
PFYZ077C Latin and Greek             Karakozová, K.           0/2 C+Ex   1   W
            Pedagogy for
PPPD001C                             Kotlík, K.               2/0 MC     2   W
PFYB034C Biology                     Jaklová Dytrtová, J.     2/0 C      2   W
PATL039C Basic Athletic Exercises Hojka, V.                   0/1 C      1   W
                                                              0/1 —
PPLS047C Basics of Swimming          Jurák, D., Peslová, E.              1   W+S
                                                              0/1 C
PZTV111C First Aid                   Malá, M.                 1/1 C+Ex   2    S
            Anatomy and General
PABA031C                             Kvítek, V.               2/2 C+Ex   3    S
            Kinesiology II
                                     Heller, J.,
PFYB030C Physiology II                                        2/2 C+Ex   3    S
                                     Čížková, K.
PFYZ215C Massage                     Kučerová, I.             0/1 C      1    S
            Examination and Basic
PFYZ076C                             Vomáčková, H.            0/4 C+Ex   4    S
            Therapeutic Methods II
PFYZ083C Clinical Practice II        Vomáčková, H.            0/1 C      2    S
PFYZ073C Physical Therapy II         Malá, J.                 1/2 C+Ex   2    S
            Biophysics and
PABA033C                             Stupka, M.               2/0 C+Ex   2    S
            Biomechanics II
PFYZ176C Ergonomics                  Pavlů, D.                0/1 C      1    S
PKIN097C Ethics                      Bednář, M.               2/0 C      2    S
            Health Care
PFYZ080C                             Nováková, T.             0/1 C      1    S
PZTV112C Hygiene                     Malá, M.                 1/0 C      1    S
         Foundations of
         Informatics and             Navrátil, T.,
PKIN011C                                                      0/2 C      1    S
         methodology of              Vokounová, Š.
         scientific research
Clinical Work
PFYZ084C                                Stupková, M.            0/4[T] C      3         S
              Placement I

The number of credits for compulsory subjects is 57.

Optional courses suggested by the Physiotherapy department

Code       Subject                        Teachers(s)           Amount Credits Semester

           Czech Language for            Blažejová, M.,
PJAZ054                                                         0/4 C         1        W
           Foreigners I - Physiotherapie Vaněčková, A.

        Czech Language for
                                          Vaněčková, A.,
PJAZ122 Foreigners II —                                         0/4 C         2         S
                                          Blažejová, M.

Each student should register one optional subject suggested by the Physiotherapy Department
or one optional subject from the List of optional Courses taught in English in this academic
Fifty-four credits are the minimum to proceed into 2nd part of the bachelor degree study.

2nd year

Obligatory courses

Code          Subject                      Teachers(s)          Amount Credits Semester
         Examination Methods and
                                 Maršáková, K.,
PFYZ104C Basic Therapeutic                                      1/6 C+Ex      5        W
                                 Stupková, M.
         Processes III
              Reflex Massage and Soft
PFYZ105C                                   Stupková, M.         0/2 C+Ex      2        W
              tissue techniques
              Application of Remedial
PZTV157C                                   Strnad, P.           0/2 C         2        W
              Clinical Practice
PFYZ106C                                   Maršáková, K.        0/2 C         2        W
              (demonstration) I
PFYZ107C Clinical Practice III             Vomáčková, H.        0/2 C         2        W
PFYZ108C Clinical Neurophysiology          Pánek, D.            3/0 C+Ex      3        W
PFYZ109C Clinical Psychology               Jandourková, D.      2/0 C+Ex      2        W
PFYZ110C Pathological Anatomy              Náprstková, J.       2/0 C         2        W
PFYZ111C Internal Medicine I              Skalská, M.       1/0 C      1      W
PFYZ112C                                  Kvítek, V.        2/0 MC     2      S
PFYZ113C Neurology I                      Brejchová, G.     2/0 C      2      W
PFYZ114C Pediatrics                       El-Lababidi, N.   1/1 C+Ex   2      W
                                          Kohlíková, E.,
PFYB048C Pathological Physiology                            2/2 MC     3      W
                                          Větrovský, T.
PGYM129C Gymnastics                       Černá, J.         0/2 C      1      W
PGYM125C Principles of Fitness            Krištofič, J.     0/1 C      1      W
              Manual Methods in
PFYZ116C                                  Maršáková, K.     0/7 C+Ex   5      S
              Physiotherapeutic Methods Nováková, T.,
PFYZ117C                                                    4/0 C      3      S
              in Clinical Subjects      Pavlů, D.
PFYZ118C Clinical Practice IV             Vomáčková, H.     0/3 C      2      S
              Clinical practice
PFYZ119C                                  Stupková, M.      0/2 C      2      S
              (demonstration) II
                                          Pánek, D.,
PFYZ120C Clinical kinesiology                               2/0 C+Ex   2      S
                                          Stupková, M.
PFYZ121C Internal Medicine II             Skalská, M.       2/0 C+Ex   2      S
                                          Kvítek, V.,
PFYZ122C Surgical Subjects                                  3/0 C+Ex   2      W
                                          Šafář, P.
PFYZ123C Neurology II                     Brejchová, G.     3/0 C+Ex   2      S
PSPP091C      Outdoor Sports              Brtník, T.        1/1 C      1      S
              Clinical Work
PFYZ124C                                  Stupková, M.      0/4[T] C   3      S
              Placement II
              Bachelor's thesis —
PFZB001C                                  Pavlů, D.         0/0 C      1      S

The number of credits of compulsory subjects: 57.

Optional courses suggested by the Physiotherapy department

Code         Subject                 Teachers(s)            Amount Credits Semester
             Czech Language for
                                     Vaněčková, A.,
PJAZ125      Foreigners III —                               0/4 C      3      W
                                     Blažejová, M.
Foreign Language for     Vaněčková, A.,
PJAZ057      medical and Nursing      Korbel, M.,               0/2 C        3         W
             Staff                    Blažejová, M.
             Czech Language for
                                      Vaněčková, A.,
PJAZ126      Foreigners IV —                                    0/4 C        3         S
                                      Blažejová, M.
PFYB049C Biology of Children          Jaklová Dytrtová, J.      2/0 C        3         S
         Professional                 Korbel, M.,
PJAZ060C Terminology in               Vaněčková, A.,            0/2 C        3         S
         English                      Blažejová, M.

The student should register one optional subject suggested by the Physiotherapy Department
or one optional subject from the List of optional Courses taught in English in this academic
One hundred six credits are the minimum to proceed into 3rd part of the bachelor degree

3rd year

Obligatory courses

Code          Subject                 Teachers(s)              Amount Credits Semester
PFYZ006C Ergotherapy                  Koubková, D.             1/1 C         2         W
              PNF and Movement
PFYZ021C                              Vláčilová, I.            0/4 C+Ex      4         W
              Analysis I
PFYZ001C                              Nováková, T.             1/2 C+Ex      3         W
PFYZ009C Clinical Practice V          Nováková, T.             0/9 C+Ex      6         W
              Clinical practice
PFYZ007C                              Kučerová, I.             0/2 C         2         W
              (demonstration) III
         Social and
PFYZ160C Occupational                 Sládková, P.             2/1 C         2         W
              Adapted Physical
PZTV169C                              Prokešová, E.            1/1 C         2         W
              Education and Sport
              Basics of
PFYZ005C                              Kutinová Canová, N.      1/0 MC        1         W
Geriatrics and         Daďová, K.,
PZTV246C                                              1/0 C      1   W
              gerontology            Majorová, S.
              Basics of Sport
PZTV168C                             Vilikus, Z.      1/1 C+Ex   2   W
              Music Movement
PGYM031C                             Doležalová, K.   0/1 C      1   W
              Clinical Work
PFYZ066C                             Stupková, M.     0/3[T] C   3   W
              Placement III
                                     Korbel, M.,
              Special Language
PJAZ131C                             Vaněčková, A.,   0/0 Ex     2   W
              (Bc.) — Examination
                                     Blažejová, M.
PSPH095C Sports Games                Kokštejn, J.     0/2 C      1   W
PFYZ153C Psychiatry                  Maršálek, M.     1/0 C      2   S
PFYZ064C                             Pavlů, D.        2/3 C      3   S
PFYZ081C Balneology                  Říha, M.         1/1 C+Ex   2   S
              PNF and Movement
PFYZ071C                             Vláčilová, I.    0/2 C+Ex   2   S
              Analysis II
              Basics of Special
PPPD177C                             Kotlík, K.       2/0 C      2   S
              Clinical Practice
PFYZ069C                             Kučerová, I.     0/2 C      2   S
              (Demonstration) IV
PFYZ063C Clinical Practice VI        Nováková, T.     0/11 C     6   S
              Basics of
PFYZ062C                             Müllerová, J.    1/1 C+Ex   2   S
PFYZ045C                             Šolc, Z.         1/1 C+Ex   2   S
PTUS019C Oriental PE systems         Čadová, L.       0/2 C      2   S

The number of credits of compulsory subjects: 57.
Optional courses suggested by the Physiotherapy department

Code       Subject                              Teachers(s)     Amount Credits Semester
           Czech Language for Foreigners V -
PJAZ024                                      Vaněčková, A. 0/4 C             3            W

The student should register one optional subject suggested by the Physiotherapy Department
or one optional subject from the List of optional Courses taught in English in this academic
One hundred fifty-four credits are the minimum to proceed into 4th part of the bachelor
degree study.

                       Specialization in Health Service
                        STUDY BRANCH: Physiotherapy

                     LEVEL OF DEGREE: Master Degree
                                      CODE: 5342R004
In the Physical Therapy field of studies, graduates acquire professional qualifications for
performing non-medical health care activities of physical therapists. The graduates are
authorized to conduct activities in accord with the valid legislation of the Czech Republic
(CR), which stipulates the activities of health care workers and other professional workers on
health care. A bachelor's program graduate is an expert in the field of physical therapy who
works together with all the members of a health care team in the coordination and execution
of diagnostic, therapeutic, and preventive procedures and methods in the rehabilitation
process and care of the ailing. The graduate will find work in state and private health care
facilities such as therapeutic rehabilitation clinics, other specialized clinics, rehabilitation
institutions, rehabilitation departments in hospitals of all types, spas, facilities for treatment of
pain, social facilities for children and seniors, and other specialized workplaces. Bachelor's
studies graduates can continue in an associated Physical Therapy master's program.
The studies culminate with a defense of the baccalaureate thesis and the state bachelor's final

The basic outline of the curriculum:

A. The standard period of study in years: 2 years
B. Stages of study: years
C. Parts of the State Exam (SE):

Part 1:

A/ Defending of the diploma thesis
B/ Theoretical examination with three sub-exams:
     Human Biomechanics
     Remedial Rehabilitation
     Special and Developmental Kinesiology
Part 2:

Physiotherapy - practical examination in physiotherapy performed in clinical institutions

D. Conditions for taking the State exam:

For taking the state final examination is necessary to complete all the prescribed compulsory
courses and obtain 120 credits.
    Total number of credits for compulsory courses: 114.
    The minimum number of credits for optional subjects: 6.

Course A is a prerequisite for course B if registration for course B is conditional of passing
course A during some earlier portion of studies.

A condition for completing a given course (i.e., fulfilling credit and exam requirements) is
that the student has passed a course (can also be in the same semester) that is designated as
a co-requisite.
Course A is a co-requisite of course B if course A must be completed earlier (in some prior
semester) or can also be registered concurrently (in the same semester) as course B, but credit
and exam requirements for course B can only be fulfilled once course A has been successfully
completed (for complete specifications, see Article 6(5) of the Study and Examination Code
of Charles University).
Information for requisites for all courses is available in SIS.
1st year

Obligatory courses

Code        Subject                Teachers(s)              Amount Credits Semester
            Objectification        Heller, J., Pánek, D.,
PFYZ035C                                                    1/1 C      2      W
            methods                Lopot, F.
PABA006C                           Vilímek, M.              3/0 C+Ex   3      W
            Methodology of         Buriánková, J.,
PKIN013C                                                    1/1 C+Ex   2      W
            Science                Komarc, M.
PFYZ034C                           Nováková, T.             1/1 C      4      W
            Kinesiology I
            Special Clinical
PFYZ099C                           Pavlů, D.                0/5 C      5      W
            Practice I
PFYZ038C                           Pavlů, D.                1/1 C      2      W
            Specialization I
            Demonstration —        Malá, J.,
PFYZ088C                                                    0/2 C+Ex   2      W
            Clinical Practice I    Opatrná Novotná, I.
PFYZ089C Imaging Methods           Sedlák, V., Vrána, J.    0/1 MC     1      W
            Clinical Effectiveness
PFYZ090C                           Pavlů, D., Musálek, M.   1/1 C      2      W
            in Physiotherapy
            Basic of Health-
PPLS046C                           Jurák, D., Hubená, K.    0/2 C      2      S
            related Swimming
PFYZ037C Pharmacology              Kutinová Canová, N.      2/0 C+Ex   2      S
PFYZ091C                           Nováková, T.             6/1 C+Ex   4      S
            Kinesiology II
            Special Clinical
PFYZ100C                           Pavlů, D., Říha, M.      0/5 C      5      S
            Practice II
PFYZ093C                           Pavlů, D.                1/1 C      2      S
            specialization II
                                   Opatrná Novotná, I.,
PFYZ094C Diagnostics in                                     2/0 C+Ex   2      S
                                   Malá, J., Pavlů, D.
            Demonstration —
PFYZ095C                           Malá, J., Nováková, T.   0/2 C+Ex   2      S
            Clinical Practice II
PFYZ162C Psychosomatics            Týkalová, J.             2/0 C+Ex   2      S
Applied techniques of
PFYZ040C                           Vláčilová, I.               0/2 C         2         S
         Special Chapters
PFYZ041C from Clinical               Pavlů, D., Novák, F.      3/0 C+Ex      2         S
             Management in
PFYZ042C                             Nováková, T.              2/0 C         2         S
             Health Care
             Physiotherapy in
PFYZ098C                             Maršáková, K.             1/1 C         3         S
             Clinical (Summer )
PFYZ043C                             Stupková, M.              0/4[T] C      4         S
             Work Placement

The number of credits of compulsory subjects: 57.

Optional courses suggested by the Physiotherapy department

Code         Subject                  Teachers(s)               Amount Credits Semester
         Therapy of postural
PFYZ052C disorders — Brügger          Pavlů, D.                 0/2 C        3         W
         concept I
             Alternative therapeutic
PFYZ086C                             Pánek, D.                  0/2 C        3         W
         Therapy of Postural
PFYZ129C Disorders — Brügger          Pavlů, D.                 0/2 C        3         W
         Concept III
         English Language in          Korbel, M.,
PJAZ048C Clinical Practice —          Vaněčková, A.,            0/2 C        3         W
         English                      Blažejová, M.
         Therapy of postural
PFYZ096C disorders — Brügger          Pavlů, D.                 0/2 C        3         S
         concept II
             Stress and its
PFYB651                               Jaklová Dytrtová, J.      2/0 MC       4         S
         Foreign Language for Korbel, M.,
PJAZ051C Management in Health Vaněčková, A.,                    0/2 C        3         S
         Care — English       Blažejová, M.

The student should register one optional subject suggested by the Physiotherapy Department
or one optional subject from the List of optional Courses taught in English in this academic
Fifty credits are the minimum to proceed into 2nd part of the Master Degree study.

2nd year

Obligatory courses

Code         Subject                   Teachers(s)             Amount Credits Semester
PFYZ128C Diagnostics in                Říha, M.                2/0 C+Ex      6       W
         Physiotherapy II
             Orthopedic Prosthetics
PFYZ130C                            Princ, V.                  2/1 C+Ex      3       W
             — Special Chapters
PFYZ136C Oriental methods I            Schneeweissová, J.      0/2 C         2       W
PFYZ137C Clinical Colloquium I         Nováková, T.            0/5 C         5       W
             Presentation of results
PFYZ085C                               Musálek, M.             1/2 MC        3       W
             of scientific work
PFYZ170C                               Pavlů, D.               1/3 C         5       W
             Specialization III
             Organization of
PFYZ049C                               Pavlů, D.               1/2 C         3       W
             educational actions
                                       Pavlů, D.,
PFYZ131C methods — special                                     1/2 C+Ex      3       W
                                       Nováková, T.
             Taping in
PFYZ139C                               Pavlů, D.               1/1 C         3       W
                                       Korbel, M.,
         Special Language
PJAZ129C                               Vaněčková, A.,          0/0 Ex        3       W
         (MA) — Examination
                                       Blažejová, M.
             Preventive programs in
PFYZ140C                            Stupková, M.               1/2 C+Ex      3       S
         Internship in
PFYZ050C physiotherapeutic             Nováková, T.            0/5 C         5       S
PFYZ141C Oriental Methods II           Schneeweissová, J.      0/2 C         2       S
PFYZ171C                               Pavlů, D.               1/3 C         5       S
             Specialization IV
Vomáčková, H.,
PFYZ135C Clinical Colloquium II                                0/5 C         6         S
                                       Nováková, T.

The number of credits of compulsory subjects: 57.

Optional courses suggested by the Physiotherapy department

Code         Subject                       Teachers(s)          Amount Credits Semester
         Therapy of postural
PFYZ052C disorders — Brügger               Pavlů, D.            0/2 C        3         W
         concept I
         Therapy of Postural
PFYZ129C Disorders — Brügger               Pavlů, D.            0/2 C        3         W
         Concept III
             Alternative therapeutic
PFYZ086C                                   Pánek, D.            0/2 C        3         W
         Therapy of postural
PFYZ096C disorders — Brügger               Pavlů, D.            0/2 C        3         S
         concept II
PFYB651      Stress and its Mechanisms     Jaklová Dytrtová, J. 2/0 MC       4         S

The student should register one optional subject suggested by the Physiotherapy Department
or one optional subject from the List of optional Courses taught in English in this academic
One hundred two credits are the minimum to proceed into 3rd part of the Master Degree
Physical Education and Sport
                     Specialization Health Education
Graduates of the program acquire general and specialized knowledge and skills in the fields of
pedagogy, didactics, psychology, and didactics of specific sports activities. These
competencies are the basis for the future professional application and the following
professional and personal development in other forms of academic, vocational, or lifelong
Graduates of the study program are entitled to work as a physical education teacher at all
types of higher secondary schools and the second level of elementary schools.
Studying the specialization provides a graduate with knowledge and skills in the field of
health and a healthy lifestyle. The graduate is competent to act as a professional counselor,
creating individual and group movement programs focused on influencing one's lifestyle and
increasing the quality of life.

The basic outline of the curriculum:

A. The standard period of study in years: 2 years
B. Stages of study: years
C. Parts of the State Exam (SE):

1. part: Thesis defense
(Thesis Methodology; Colloquium)

2. part: four sub-exams
Pedagogy and pedagogical psychology
Social-science aspects and biomedical aspects of PE
Didactics of PE
Specialization Health education

D. Conditions for taking the State exam:

For taking the state final examination is necessary to complete all the prescribed compulsory
courses and obtain 120 credits.
    Total number of credits for compulsory courses: 108.
    The minimum number of credits for optional subjects: 12.
1st-year compulsory subjects

Code            Subject                         Teachers(s)      Amount Credits Semester
PPPD227NC Teaching School PE                    Fialová, L.      1/1 C+Ex       4        W
                Theory and application of
PPPD189NC                                       Fialová, L.      1/1 C+Ex       4        W
                motor learning
PKIN233NC       Philosophy of Education         Bednář, M.       2/0 MC         4        W
PKIN237NC                                       Musálek, M.      1/1 C+Ex       3        W
PFYB111N        Academic writing in English     Tufano, J.       1/1 C          3         S
PGYM132NC Didactics of Gymnastics               Novotná, V.      1/3 C+Ex       4         S
PSPH624NC Didactics of Sports Games             Velenský, M.     1/3 C+Ex       4         S
PPLS120NC       Didactics of Swimming           Čechovská, I.    1/1 C+Ex       4         S
PATL115NC Didactics of Athletics                Vindušková, J. 1/2 C+Ex         4         S
PZTV250NC Remedial physical education Strnad, P.                 1/2 C+Ex       3         S
PKIN234NC       Thesis Methodology              Komarc, M.       1/1 C          3        W
                Thesis — Setting *              .                0/0 C          3         S
                Leadership in Sport
PMNG104C                                        Crossan, W.      1/1 C          3         S

* Students should register thesis topis in the department. A Code of thesis-setting will be
given subsequently.

Code            Subject                             Teachers(s) Amount Credits Semester
                Health-Promoting Physical
PLSM093NC                                           Bunc, V.      2/0 MC        3        W
                Social psychology and the
PPPD200NC                                           Slepička, P. 1/1 C          3        W
                development of social skills
PKIN245NC Violence, individual and society          Buriánek, J. 2/0 C          3         S
                Risks of life in postmodern
PKIN246NC                                           Waic, M.      2/0 Ex        3         S

The number of compulsory credits is 58. The student should register two optional subjects
2nd-year compulsory subjects

Code           Subject                     Teachers(s)         Amount Credits Semester
               Student Teaching at
PPPD190NC                                  Suchý, J.           0/4 C         6   W
               Secondary School
               Pedagogic Psychology
PPPD191NC                                  Slepička, P.        2/1 C+Ex      4   W
               and Sports Psychology
               Didactics of martial
PTUS375NC                                  Pavelka, R.         1/1 C+Ex      4   W
PZTV252NC Sports Medicine                  Vilikus, Z.         1/0 MC        3   W
               Pedagogic diagnostics in
PPPD193NC                               Kotlík, K., Jansa, P. 1/1 C+Ex       4   W
               Physical Education
PKIN232NC Ethics, Ethics of Sport          Parry Martínková, I. 1/1 C+Ex     3   S
PKIN240NC Politology                       Waic, M.            1/0 C         3   S
*              Diploma colloquium                              0/0 C         3   S

Students continue colloquium in the same department where they set thesis.

Code           Subject                           Teachers(s)   Amount Credits Semester
               Research of activities
PFYB104NC                                        Šteffl, M.    1/1 MC        3   W
               promoting health
PKIN248NC Kinanthropometry                       Vokounová, Š. 1/1 Ex        3   W
               Bioenergetics of Motion
PLSM097NC                                        Bunc, V.      1/1 MC        3   W
               Exercise programs in primary
PLSM098NC                                        Bunc, V.      1/1 Ex        3   W
               and secondary prevention
PKIN247NC Ethics of coadjutant professes         Bednář, M.    2/0 MC        3   S
               Student Teaching in Sport
PPPD201NC                                        Suchý, J.     0/2 C         4   S
               II_Health Education
Physical Education and Sport, Education in Nature
Graduates of the Training Teachers of Physical Education at Higher Secondary Schools
program acquire general and specialized knowledge and skills in the fields of pedagogy,
didactics, psychology, and didactics of specific sports activities. These general competencies
are the basis for the future professional application and the following professional and
personal development in other forms of academic, vocational, or lifelong learning.
Graduates of the study program are entitled to work as a physical education teacher at all
types of higher secondary schools and the second level of elementary schools.
Studying the Education in Nature specialization provides a graduate with competencies in
planning, organizing, executing, and evaluating outdoor physical activities corresponding to
the requirements and conditions in the Czech Republic.

The basic outline of the curriculum:

A. The standard period of study in years: 2 years
B. Stages of study: years
C. Parts of the State Exam (SE):

1. part: Thesis defense
(Thesis Methodology; Colloquium)

2. part: four sub-exams
Pedagogy and pedagogical psychology
Social-science aspects and biomedical aspects of PE
Didactics of PE
Specialization Health education

D. Conditions for taking the State exam:

For taking the state final examination is necessary to complete all the prescribed compulsory
courses and obtain 120 credits.
    Total number of credits for compulsory courses: 108.
    The minimum number of credits for optional subjects: 12.
1st-year compulsory subjects

Code            Subject                         Teachers(s)      Amount Credits Semester
PPPD227NC Teaching School PE                    Fialová, L.      1/1 C+Ex       4        W
                Theory and application of
PPPD189NC                                       Fialová, L.      1/1 C+Ex       4        W
                motor learning
PKIN233NC       Philosophy of Education         Bednář, M.       2/0 MC         4        W
PKIN237NC                                       Musálek, M.      1/1 C+Ex       3        W
PFYB111N        Academic writing in English     Tufano, J.       1/1 C          3         S
PGYM132NC Didactics of Gymnastics               Novotná, V.      1/3 C+Ex       4         S
PSPH624NC Didactics of Sports Games             Velenský, M.     1/3 C+Ex       4         S
PPLS120NC       Didactics of Swimming           Čechovská, I.    1/1 C+Ex       4         S
PATL115NC Didactics of Athletics                Vindušková, J. 1/2 C+Ex         4         S
PZTV250NC Remedial physical education Strnad, P.                 1/2 C+Ex       3         S
PKIN234NC       Thesis Methodology              Komarc, M.       1/1 C          3        W
*               Thesis — Setting                *                0/0 C          3         S
                Leadership in Sport
PMNG104C                                        Crossan, W.      1/1 C          3         S

* Students should register thesis topis in the department. A Code of thesis-setting will be
given subsequently.

Code           Subject                      Teachers(s)       Amount        Credits Semester
PSPP379NC Didactics of Skiing               Fořterová, P.     6/0[D] C+Ex       3        W
               Education and Learning of
PSPP381NC                                Neuman, J.           1/1 MC            3        W
               Activities in Nature
               Didaktics of Canoeing and
PSPP380NC                                Bílý, M.             1/0 C+Ex          3         S
               Water Turism
               Physical Activities in the
PSPP382NC                                   Chrástková, M. 0/2 C                3         S
               Urban Environment

The number of compulsory credits is 58. The student should register two optional subjects
2nd-year compulsory subjects

Code           Subject                   Teachers(s)          Amount Credits Semester
               Student Teaching at
PPPD190NC                                Suchý, J.            0/4 C         6    W
               Secondary School
               Pedagogic Psychology
PPPD191NC                                Slepička, P.         2/1 C+Ex      4    W
               and Sports Psychology
               Didactics of martial
PTUS375NC                                Pavelka, R.          1/1 C+Ex      4    W
PZTV252NC Sports Medicine                Vilikus, Z.          1/0 MC        3    W
               Pedagogic diagnostics in
PPPD193NC                               Kotlík, K., Jansa, P. 1/1 C+Ex      4    W
               Physical Education
PKIN232NC Ethics, Ethics of Sport        Parry Martínková, I. 1/1 C+Ex      3    S
PKIN240NC Politology                     Waic, M.             1/0 C         3    S
               Diploma colloquium                             0/0 C         3    S

Students continue colloquium in the same department where they set the thesis.

Code          Subject                     Teachers(s)          Amount Credits Semester
              Research in Outdoor
PSPP383NC                                 Baláš, J.            1/1 MC       4    W
              Application of Outdoor
PSPP384NC                                 Neuman, J.           2/0 Ex       4    S
              Management of Outdoor
PSPP385NC                                 Neuman, J.           1/1 C        3    S
PKIN249NC Philosophy of Nature            Parry Martínková, I. 1/1 MC       4    S
              Student Teaching in Sport
PSPP378NC                               Bačáková, R.           0/2 C        4    S
              II_Outdoor Education
Physical Education and Sport, Coaching specialization
Graduates of the study program acquire general and specialized knowledge and skills in the
fields of pedagogy, didactics, psychology, and didactics of specific sports activities. These
general competencies are the basis for the future professional application and the following
professional and personal development in other forms of academic, vocational, or lifelong
Graduates of the study program are entitled to work as a physical education teacher at all
types of higher secondary schools and the second level of elementary schools.
Additionally, by studying the Coaching specialization, the graduate gains competence in
planning, managing, and evaluating sports training in a given sporting specialization. The
graduate is a fully qualified professional trainer in the sports industry.

The basic outline of the curriculum:

A. The standard period of study in years: 2 years
B. Stages of study: years
C. Parts of the State Exam (SE):

1. part: Thesis defense
(Thesis Methodology; Colloquium)

2. part: four sub-exams
Pedagogy and pedagogical psychology
Social-science aspects and biomedical aspects of PE
Didactics of PE
Specialization Health education

D. Conditions for taking the State exam:

For taking the state final examination is necessary to complete all the prescribed compulsory
courses and obtain 120 credits.
    Total number of credits for compulsory courses: 108.
    The minimum number of credits for optional subjects: 12.
1st year compulsory subjects

Code            Subject                         Teachers(s)      Amount Credits Semester
PPPD227NC Teaching School PE                    Fialová, L.      1/1 C+Ex       4        W
                Theory and application of
PPPD189NC                                       Fialová, L.      1/1 C+Ex       4        W
                motor learning
PKIN233NC       Philosophy of Education         Bednář, M.       2/0 MC         4        W
PKIN237NC                                       Musálek, M.      1/1 C+Ex       3        W
PFYB111N        Academic writing in English     Tufano, J.       1/1 C          3         S
PGYM132NC Didactics of Gymnastics               Novotná, V.      1/3 C+Ex       4         S
PSPH624NC Didactics of Sports Games             Velenský, M.     1/3 C+Ex       4         S
PPLS120NC       Didactics of Swimming           Čechovská, I.    1/1 C+Ex       4         S
PATL115NC Didactics of Athletics                Vindušková, J. 1/2 C+Ex         4         S
PZTV250NC Remedial physical education Strnad, P.                 1/2 C+Ex       3         S
PKIN234NC       Thesis Methodology              Komarc, M.       1/1 C          3        W
*               Thesis — Setting                                 0/0 C          3         S
                Leadership in Sport
PMNG104C                                        Crossan, W.      1/1 C          3         S

* Students should register thesis topis in the department. A Code of thesis-setting will be
given subsequently.

Specialization part

Code          Subject                           Teachers(s)      Amount Credits Semester
              Sport specialization 1 —
PATL122C                                        Kaplan, A.       2/2 C+Ex       6        W
              Athletics — Sprints
              Sport Specialization 2 —
PATL123C                                        Jebavý, R.       2/2 C+Ex       6         S
              Athletics — Throws
              Sport specialization 1 —
PSPH697C                                        Velenský, M.     2/2 C+Ex       6        W
              Sport specialization 2 —
PSPH698C                                        Velenský, M.     2/2 C+Ex       6         S
              Sport specialization 2 —
PSPH632C                                        Kokštejn, J.     2/2 C+Ex       6         S
Sport specialization 3 —
PSPH633C                                        Kokštejn, J.     2/2 C+Ex      6           W
              Sport specialization 1 —
PGYM139C                                        Chrudimský, J. 2/2 C+Ex        6           W
              Sport specialization 2 —
PGYM140C                                        Chrudimský, J. 2/2 C+Ex        6           S
              Sport specialization 1 —
PSPH701C                                        Petružela, J.    2/2 C+Ex      6           W
              Sport specialization 2 —
PSPH702C                                        Petružela, J.    2/2 C+Ex      6           S
              Sport specialization 1 — Ice
PSPH693C                                        Vojta, Z.        2/2 C+Ex      6           W
              Sport specialization 2 — Ice
PSPH694C                                        Vojta, Z.        2/2 C+Ex      6           S
              Sport specialization 1 —
PPLS127C                                        Čechovská, I.    2/2 C+Ex      6           W
              Swimming sports
              Sport specialization 2 —
PPLS128C                                        Čechovská, I.    2/2 C+Ex      6           S
              Swimming sports
              Sport specialization 1 —
PSPH713C                                        Pravečková, P. 2/2 C+Ex        6           W
              Softball, Baseball
              Sport specialization 2 —
PSPH714C                                        Pravečková, P. 2/2 C+Ex        6           S
              Softball, Baseball
              Sport specialization 1 —
PSPH709C                                        Kočíb, T.        2/2 C+Ex      6           W
              Sport specialization 2 —
PSPH710C                                        Kočíb, T.        2/2 C+Ex      6           S
              Sport specialization 1 —
PTUS384C                                        Pavelka, R.      2/2 C+Ex      6           W
              Combat Sports
              Sport specialization 2 —
PTUS385C                                        Pavelka, R.      2/2 C+Ex      6           S
              Combat Sports
              Sport specialization 1 —
PSPH705C                                        Vorálek, R.      2/2 C+Ex      6           W
              Sport specialization 2 —
PSPH706C                                        Vorálek, R.      2/2 C+Ex      6           S

The student should register two subjects from the same sport in the specialization part.
2nd year

Code           Subject                     Teachers(s)         Amount Credits Semester
               Student Teaching at
PPPD190NC                                  Suchý, J.           0/4 C        6    W
               Secondary School
               Pedagogic Psychology
PPPD191NC                                  Slepička, P.        2/1 C+Ex     4    W
               and Sports Psychology
               Didactics of martial
PTUS375NC                                  Pavelka, R.         1/1 C+Ex     4    W
PZTV252NC Sports Medicine                  Vilikus, Z.         1/0 MC       3    W
               Pedagogic diagnostics in
PPPD193NC                               Kotlík, K., Jansa, P. 1/1 C+Ex      4    W
               Physical Education
PKIN232NC Ethics, Ethics of Sport          Parry Martínková, I. 1/1 C+Ex    3    S
PKIN240NC Politology                       Waic, M.            1/0 C        3    S
*              Diploma colloquium                              0/0 C        3    S

Students continue colloquium in the same department where they set the thesis.

Specialization part

Code            Subject                         Teachers(s)    Amount Credits Semester
                Sport specialization 3 —
PATL124C                                        Hojka, V.      2/2 C+Ex     6    W
                Athletics — Jumps
                Sport specialization 4 —
PATL125C        Walking, Running,               Vindušková, J. 2/2 C+Ex     6    S
                Combined Events
                Special practice II —
PATL144NC                                       Vindušková, J. 0/2 C        4    S
                Coaching — Athletics
                Research in Sport
PATL142NC                                       Vindušková, J. 1/1 C        3    W
                Specialization — Athletics
                Sport specialization 3 —
PSPH699C                                        Velenský, M.   2/2 C+Ex     6    W
                Sport specialization 4 —
PSPH700C                                        Velenský, M.   2/2 C+Ex     6    S
          Research in Sport
PSPH674NC Specialization — Sport                Kokštejn, J.   1/1 C        3    W
Special practice II —
PSPH409NC                                   Kokštejn, J.    0/2[H] C   4   S
             Coaching Sport Games
             Sport specialization 4 —
PSPH634C                                    Kokštejn, J.    2/2 C+Ex   6   S
             Sport specialization 1 —
PSPH692C                                    Kokštejn, J.    2/2 C+Ex   6   W
          Research in Sport
PSPH674NC Specialization — Sport            Kokštejn, J.    1/1 C      3   W
             Special practice II —
PSPH409NC                                   Kokštejn, J.    0/2[H] C   4   S
             Coaching Sport Games
             Sport specialization 3 —
PGYM141C                                    Chrudimský, J. 2/2 C+Ex    6   W
             Sport specialization 4 —
PGYM142C                                    Chrudimský, J. 2/2 C+Ex    6   S
             Special practice II —
PGYM158NC                                   Chrudimský, J. 0/2[H] C    4   S
             Coaching Gymnastics
          Research in Sport
PGYM156NC Specialization — Gymnastics Chrudimský, J. 1/1 C             3   W
             Sport specialiazation 3 —
PSPH703C                                    Petružela, J.   2/2 C+Ex   6   W
             Sport specialization 4 —
PSPH704C                                    Petružela, J.   2/2 C+Ex   6   S
          Research in Sport
PSPH674NC Specialization — Sport            Kokštejn, J.    1/1 C      3   W
             Special practice II —
PSPH409NC                                   Kokštejn, J.    0/2[H] C   4   S
             Coaching Sport Games
             Sport specialization 3 — Ice
PSPH695C                                    Vojta, Z.       2/2 C+Ex   6   W
             Sport specialization 4 — Ice
PSPH696C                                    Vojta, Z.       2/2 C+Ex   6   S
          Research in Sport
PSPH674NC Specialization — Sport            Kokštejn, J.    1/1 C      3   W
Special practice II —
PSPH409NC                              Kokštejn, J.    0/2[H] C   4   S
            Coaching Sport Games
            Sport specialization 3 —
PPLS129C                               Čechovská, I.   2/2 C+Ex   6   W
            Swimming sports
            Sport specialization 4 —
PPLS130C                               Čechovská, I.   2/2 C+Ex   6   S
            Swimming sports
            Research in Sport
PPLS144NC                             Čechovská, I.    1/1 C      3   W
            Specialization — Swimming
            Special practice II —
PPLS147NC                              Jurák, D.       0/2[H] C   4   S
            Coaching Swimming
            Sport specialization 3 —
PSPH715C                               Pravečková, P. 2/2 C+Ex    6   W
            Softball, Baseball
            Sport specialization 4 —
PSPH716C                               Pravečková, P. 2/2 C+Ex    6   S
            Softball, Baseball
          Research in Sport
PSPH674NC Specialization — Sport       Kokštejn, J.    1/1 C      3   W
            Special practice II —
PSPH409NC                              Kokštejn, J.    0/2[H] C   4   S
            Coaching Sport Games
            Sport specialization 3 —
PSPH711C                               Kočíb, T.       2/2 C+Ex   6   W
            Sport specialization 4 —
PSPH712C                               Kočíb, T.       2/2 C+Ex   6   S
          Research in Sport
PSPH674NC Specialization — Sport       Kokštejn, J.    1/1 C      3   W
            Special practice II —
PSPH409NC                              Kokštejn, J.    0/2[H] C   4   S
            Coaching Sport Games
            Sport specialization 3 —
PTUS386C                               Pavelka, R.     2/2 C+Ex   6   W
            Combat Sports
            Sport specialization 4 —
PTUS387C                               Pavelka, R.     2/2 C+Ex   6   S
            Combat Sports
          Research in Sport
PTUS397NC Specialization — Combat      Pavelka, R.     1/1 C      3   W
            Special practice II —
PTUS389NC                              Pavelka, R.     0/2[H] C   4   S
            Coaching Martial sports
Sport specialization 3 —
PSPH707C                                         Vorálek, R.      2/2 C+Ex       6         W
                 Sport specialization 4 —
PSPH708C                                         Vorálek, R.      2/2 C+Ex       6          S
          Research in Sport
PSPH674NC Specialization — Sport                 Kokštejn, J.     1/1 C          3         W
                 Special practice II —
PSPH409NC                                        Kokštejn, J.     0/2[H] C       4          S
                 Coaching Sport Games

Students should register a total of 4 subjects from specialization part: sport specialization 3
and 4 and special practice II and subject related to preferred sport.

                   LEVEL OF DEGREE: Bachelor Degree
                                   CODE: 1014A280005
A task of the new Study Programme is to meet the demand for an education of coaches who
do not have ambitions to become physical education teachers. All the students in the area of
Physical Education and Sport have been educated and prepared so far for the career of
physical education teachers. The aim of the Programme is to prepare experts in the area of
a sport training with coaching and methodical, psychological, social, diagnostic and
intervention competences in all levels of sport such as a professional one within their chosen
branch of sport, sport for everyone and health reason physical activity programmes. The
graduates are expected to be experts in the theoretical designing of training programmes, their
application to the practical form of training using the didactic interaction with a specific group
of population.
The design of the study plan enables to understand necessary principles from area of applied
sport sciences alongside with development of basic movement skills first (during first and
partially second year of the study). Their application in specific sport didactic courses is
covered later (second and third year) alongside with sport practice.

The basic outline of the curriculum:

A. The standard period of study in years: 3 years
B. Stages of study: years
C. Parts of the State Exam (SE):
A/ Defending of the bachelor thesis
B/ Theoretical examination with three sub-exams:
    Biomedical aspects of sport
    Theory and didactics of sport training (general)
    Theory and didactics of sport training in specific sport

1st year

Obligatory courses

Code           Subject                   Teachers(s)              Amount Credits Semester
               Basics of Anatomy and
PABA088C                             Kvítek, V.                   2/2 C+Ex       5         W
Pedagogy, Pedagogy of
PPPD209C                          Kotlík, K.             1/1 C+Ex    5     W
         Basic of Hygiene,        Majorová, S.,
PZTV288C Regeneration and         Prokešová, E.,         2/0 C+Ex    3     S
         Massage                  Malá, M.
            Basics of Sport
PMNG150C                          Voráček, J.            2/0 C+Ex    3     W
            Biochemistry and
PFYB102C                          Šteffl, M., Vránová, J. 2/0 Ex     3     W
            Basics of Nutrition
PATL120C Basics of Athletics      Hojka, V.              0/1 C       2     W
PPLS126C    Basics of Swimming    Jurák, D.              0/2 C       3     W
PSPH689C Basics of Sport Games    Kokštejn, J.           0/2 C       3     W
            History of Physical
PKIN270C                          Waic, M.               1/0 C+Ex    3     S
PPPD210C                          Mudrák, J.             2/1 C+Ex    4     S
            psychology of sport
PFYB113C Human Physiology         Heller, J., Čížková, K. 2/1 C+Ex   4     S
PABA084C Biomechanics of sport    Jelen, K.              2/2 C+Ex    3     S
                                  Majorová, S.,
PZTV289C First Aid                                       1/1 C+Ex    3     S
                                  Malá, M.
PBML021C Applied Nutrition        Coufalová, K.          2/0 C       4     S
PGYM138C Basics of Gymnastics     Chrudimský, J.         0/2 C       3     S
PSPH630C Movement games           Kokštejn, J.           0/2 C       3     S

2nd year

Obligatory courses

Code        Subject                     Teachers(s)      Amount Credits Semester
PPPD212C Didactics of Sport             Peřinová, R.     1/1 C+Ex    4     W
                                        Petr, M.,
PFYB109C Exercise Physiology                             2/1 C+Ex    5     W
                                        Heller, J.
PPPD211C Sports training                Perič, T.        4/0 C+Ex    5     W
PKIN251C    Anthropomotorics            Musálek, M.      1/1 C+Ex    4     W
Methodology of Bachelor
PKIN269C                                       Komarc, M.        2/0 C          3         W
              Children and Youth Sports
PPPD213C                                       Perič, T.         1/1 C+Ex       4         S
PZTV284C Remedial PE                           Strnad, P.        1/2 C+Ex       4         W
                                               Šíma, J.,
PMNG109C Sport Management                                        2/2 C+Ex       6         S
                                               Ruda, T.
              Diagnostics in Sport
PLSM089C                                       Zahálka, F.       1/1 C+Ex       4         S
*             Bachelor's thesis — Setting                        0/0 C          3         S

 * Students should register thesis topis in the department. A Code of thesis-setting will be
given subsequently.

Sport specialization courses - 2nd year

Code          Subject                           Teachers(s)      Amount Credits Semester
              Sport specialization 1 —
PATL122C                                        Kaplan, A.       2/2 C+Ex       6         W
              Athletics — Sprints
              Sport Specialization 2 —
PATL123C                                        Jebavý, R.       2/2 C+Ex       6         S
              Athletics — Throws
              Sport specialization 1 —
PSPH697C                                        Velenský, M.     2/2 C+Ex       6         W
              Sport specialization 2 —
PSPH698C                                        Velenský, M.     2/2 C+Ex       6         S
              Sport specialization 1 —
PGYM139C                                        Chrudimský, J. 2/2 C+Ex         6         W
              Sport specialization 2 —
PGYM140C                                        Chrudimský, J. 2/2 C+Ex         6         S
              Sport specialiazation 3 —
PSPH703C                                        Petružela, J.    2/2 C+Ex       6         W
              Sport specialization 4 —
PSPH704C                                        Petružela, J.    2/2 C+Ex       6         S
              Diagnostics of game efficiency
PSPH635C                                     Kokštejn, J.        1/1 C+Ex       3         W
              in sport games
PSPH636C Modified Sport Games                   Vorálek, R.      1/1 C          3         S
Sport specialization 1 — Ice
PSPH693C                                        Vojta, Z.       2/2 C+Ex       6          W
              Sport specialization 2 — Ice
PSPH694C                                        Vojta, Z.       2/2 C+Ex       6          S
              Sport specialization 1 —
PSPH713C                                        Pravečková, P. 2/2 C+Ex        6          W
              Softball, Baseball
              Sport specialization 2 —
PSPH714C                                        Pravečková, P. 2/2 C+Ex        6          S
              Softball, Baseball
              Sport specialization 1 —
PSPH709C                                        Kočíb, T.       2/2 C+Ex       6          W
              Sport specialization 2 —
PSPH710C                                        Kočíb, T.       2/2 C+Ex       6          S
              Sport specialization 1 —
PTUS384C                                        Pavelka, R.     2/2 C+Ex       6          W
              Combat Sports
              Sport specialization 2 —
PTUS385C                                        Pavelka, R.     2/2 C+Ex       6          S
              Combat Sports
              Sport specialization 1 —
PSPH705C                                        Vorálek, R.     2/2 C+Ex       6          W
              Sport specialization 2 —
PSPH706C                                        Vorálek, R.     2/2 C+Ex       6          S
              Sport specialization 1 —
PSPH692C                                        Kokštejn, J.    2/2 C+Ex       6          W
              Sport specialization 2 —
PSPH632C                                        Kokštejn, J.    2/2 C+Ex       6          S
              Sport specialization 1 —
PPLS127C                                        Čechovská, I.   2/2 C+Ex       6          W
              Swimming sports
              Sport specialization 2 —
PPLS128C                                        Čechovská, I.   2/2 C+Ex       6          S
              Swimming sports

The student should register two subjects from the same sport in the specialization part

                                      Fitness Coach
                  LEVEL OF DEGREE: Bachelor Degree

                                CODE: 1014A280007
A task of the new Study Programme is to meet the demand for an education of fitness coaches
who do not have ambitions to become physical education teachers. The study program
focuses on critical aspects of developing motor abilities. The study plan consists of the
theoretical courses from the field of pedagogy-psychology, physiology and adaptation,
biomechanics, and sports training. Subsequently, theoretical foundations are applied and
specified in practically oriented courses from the area of strengthening, athletics, gymnastics,
and other sports areas. The graduate can understand the complexity of the development of
general and specific motor abilities. The graduate is eligible to create and apply movement
programs with a specific goal and target group.
The design of the study plan enables students to understand necessary principles from the area
of applied sport sciences. Additionally, students receive the knowledge about the development
of fundamental movement skills first (during the first and partially second year of the study),
and their application in specific didactic courses is covered later (second and third year)
alongside with sports practice.

The basic outline of the curriculum:

A. The standard period of study in years: 3 years
B. Stages of study: years
C. Parts of the State Exam (SE):
A/ Defending of the bachelor thesis
B/ Theoretical examination with three sub-exams:
    Biomedical aspects of sport
    Theory and didactics of sport training (general)
    Theory and didactics of fitness training
1st year

Obligatory courses

Code        Subject               Teachers(s)            Amount Credits Semester
            Basics of Anatomy and
PABA088C                          Kvítek, V.             2/2 C+Ex    5     W
            Pedagogy, Pedagogy of
PPPD209C                          Kotlík, K.             1/1 C+Ex    5     W
         Basic of Hygiene,        Majorová, S.,
PZTV288C Regeneration and         Prokešová, E.,         2/0 C+Ex    3     S
         Massage                  Malá, M.
            Basics of Sport
PMNG150C                          Voráček, J.            2/0 C+Ex    3     W
            Biochemistry and
PFYB102C                          Šteffl, M., Vránová, J. 2/0 Ex     3     W
            Basics of Nutrition
PATL120C Basics of Athletics      Hojka, V.              0/1 C       2     W
PPLS126C    Basics of Swimming    Jurák, D.              0/2 C       3     W
PSPH689C Basics of Sport Games    Kokštejn, J.           0/2 C       3     W
            History of Physical
PKIN270C                          Waic, M.               1/0 C+Ex    3     S
PPPD210C                          Mudrák, J.             2/1 C+Ex    4     S
            Psychology of sport
PFYB113C Human Physiology         Heller, J., Čížková, K. 2/1 C+Ex   4     S
PABA084C Biomechanics of sport    Jelen, K.              2/2 C+Ex    3     S
                                  Majorová, S.,
PZTV289C First Aid                                       1/1 C+Ex    3     S
                                  Malá, M.
PBML021C Applied Nutrition        Coufalová, K.          2/0 C       4     S
PGYM138C Basics of Gymnastics     Chrudimský, J.         0/2 C       3     S
PSPH630C Movement games           Kokštejn, J.           0/2 C       3     S

2nd year

Obligatory courses

Code        Subject                      Teachers(s)     Amount Credits Semester
PPPD212C Didactics of Sport              Peřinová, R.    1/1 C+Ex    4     W
Petr, M.,
PFYB109C Exercise Physiology                                     2/1 C+Ex       5         W
                                                Heller, J.
PPPD211C Sports training                        Perič, T.        4/0 C+Ex       5         W
PKIN251C Anthropomotorics                       Musálek, M.      1/1 C+Ex       4         W
PFYZ219C Kinesiology                            Nováková, T.     1/1 C+Ex       3         W
              Athletic conditioning — winter
PATL128C                                     Jebavý, R.          5/0[D] C       3         W
              Methodology of Bachelor
PKIN269C                                        Komarc, M.       2/0 C          3         W
              Children and Youth Sports
PPPD213C                                        Perič, T.        1/1 C+Ex       4         S
PZTV284C Remedial PE                            Strnad, P.       1/2 C+Ex       4         W
PLSM090C Functional Load Diagnostics            Zahálka, F.      1/2 C+Ex       4         S
         Regeneration and
PPLS132C Reconditioning in the Aquatic          Čechovská, I.    1/1 C+Ex       3         S
              Conditioning preparation in
PTUS383C                                        Pavelka, R.      1/1 C+Ex       3         S
              Combat Sport
              Interventional Movement
PLSM087C                                        Hráský, P.       1/1 C+Ex       3         W
PZTV290C Evaulation of Motor system             Levitová, A.     0/2 C          3         S
*             Bachelor's thesis — Setting       *                0/0 C          3         S

 * Students should register thesis topis in the department. A Code of thesis-setting will be
given subsequently.

List of optional courses for incoming Erasmus students

Code           Subject                 Teachers(s)              Amount       Credits Semester
PABA006C Human Biomechanics Vilímek, M.                         3/0 C+Ex        3         W
               Biophysics and
PABA032C                               Stupka, M.               2/0 C           2         W
               Biomechanics I
               Biophysics and
PABA033C                               Stupka, M.               2/0 C+Ex        2         S
               Biomechanics II
               Biomechanics of         Šorfová, M.,
PABA609                                                         2/0 MC          3         S
               Locomotor System        Vilímek, M.
PABA652    Basics of Kinesiology Stupka, M.               2/0 C+Ex    4    W
PABA653    Kinesiology of Sport    Stupka, M.             2/0 C+Ex    2   W,S
           Athletic Muscle
PATL619                            Jebavý, R.             1/1 MC      4    W
PATL650    Athletic Conditioning Hojka, V.                1/1 MC      4    S
           Athletic conditioning
PATL653                            Hojka, V.              5/0[D] C    3    S
           — course
PFYB049C Biology of Children       Jaklová Dytrtová, J.   2/0 C       3    S
PFYB605    Sport Nutrition         Vránová, J.            1/0 C       3    S
           Stress and its
PFYB651                            Jaklová Dytrtová, J.   2/0 MC      4    S
PGYM631    Dance Programs          Fričová, M.            0/1[H] C    3    W
PGYM654    Programs in             Krištofič, J.          0/1 C       3    W
PGYM646    Gymnastic for All       Chrudimský, J.         0/1 C       4    S
           Czech Language for
PJAZ130    Foreigners —            Pokorná, E.            0/2[H] MC   4   W, S
           ERASMUS (1)
           Czech Language for
PJAZ151    Foreigners —            Pokorná, E.            0/2[H] C    3    S
           ERASMUS (2)
           Methodology of
PKIN653                            Buriánková, J.         1/0 MC      3    W
           Exercise Programs in
PLSM609                         Bunc, V.                  1/0 C       3    S
           Secondary Prevention
           Movement Programs
           in Primary, Secondary
PLSM610                          Bunc, V.                 1/1 MC      4    W
           and Tertiary
           Diagnostics of Human
PLSM611    Movement             Bunc, V.                  1/1 MC      4    S
           Leadership in Sport
PMNG038N                           Crossan, W.            1/1 C       3    S
Sport Event
PMNG056C Management and           Crossan, W.              2/0 MC      3    S
PMNG057N                          Štědroň, B.              2/0 MC      3    W
           Psychology of
PMNG620                           Janák, V.                2/0 MC      4    S
                                  Čáslavová, E.,
PMNG642    Sport Marketing                                 2/0 MC      4    S
                                  Voráček, J.
PMNG643    Economics of Sport     Šíma, J.                 1/0 C       3    S
PMNG645    Basic of Management Ruda, T.                    2/0 MC      4    W
                                                           0/1 —
PPLS047C   Basics of Swimming     Jurák, D., Peslová, E.               1   W+S
                                                           0/1 C
PPLS655                           Čechovská, I.            1/1 C       3    S
           Children and Sports
PPPD612                           Perič, T.                2/0 MC      4    S
           Sport Talent
PPPD628                           Perič, T.                1/0 C       3   W, S
                                  Slepička, P.,
PPPD697    Kinesiotherapy                                  1/0 C       3    S
                                  Harbichová, I.
           Figure Skating and Ice
PSPH034C                          Šťastný, P.              5/0[D] C    3    W
                                                           0/1 —
PSPH292C   Sport Games II         Kokštejn, J.                         3   W+S
                                                           1/1 C
           Theory and Basics of
PSPH293C   Didactics of Sport     Kokštejn, J.             1/2 C+Ex    4    W
PSPH602    Tennis — Squash        Kočíb, T.                0/2 MC      4    W
PSPH620    Handball               Petružela, J.            0/2 C       3    S
           Outdoor Management
PSPP237C                      Brtník, T.                   3/0[D] C    4    S
PSPP284C   Skiing                 Chrástková, M.           7/0[D] C    3   W, S
           Theory and Basics of
PSPP369    Didactics of Outdoor   Baláš, J.                6/0[D] MC   3    S
Education in nature —
PSPP371                          Brtník, T.        1/1 C       3   S
           Sport Climbing and
PSPP372                           Baláš, J.        1/1 C       3   W
           Theory and Basics of
PSPP422                           Fořterová, P.    6/0[D] MC   3   W
           Didactics of Skiing
           Theory and Basics of
PSPP423    Canoeing and Water     Bílý, M.         1/0 MC      3   S
PTUS019C Oriental PE systems      Čadová, L.       0/2 C       2   S
PTUS642    Self-defence           Pavelka, R.      0/2 MC      4   S
                                  Vařeková, J.,
PZTV655    Sport Massage          Prokešová, E.,   0/2 MC      4   W
                                  Daďová, K.
PZTV661                           Prokešová, E.    0/2 MC      4   S
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