SYNDICATE TRAINING 2021 BROCHURE - We specialise in face-to-face Management and Soft Skills Training

Page created by Teresa Bowman
SYNDICATE TRAINING 2021 BROCHURE - We specialise in face-to-face Management and Soft Skills Training
      2021 BROCHURE

     We specialise in face-to-face
   Management and Soft Skills Training

 Develop your team – away from the screen
SYNDICATE TRAINING 2021 BROCHURE - We specialise in face-to-face Management and Soft Skills Training
In-house training

                      Our in-house courses are           £995                + vat per day delivery

             £35                             £50                          £100                        £250
              per head                        per head                       per head                    per head
    Three, two-hour mini courses     Two, half-day programmes         One day’s delivery with    Four, two-hour Coaching
    with 10 delegates per session   with 10 delegates per session         10 delegates          sessions with 1 delegate per
          on the same day                 on the same day                                         session on the same day

                            Just add £240 + vat per half day for course development
                                   if you would like your programme tailored

     What’s included?                                               Choose your trainer
     Syndicate Training’s prices are fully inclusive                The success of a training programme lies in the
     and include                                                    hands of the trainer. We help you to choose the
                                                                    right professional, from our highly experience
     •    All course material
                                                                    stable of trainers, by listening carefully to your
     •    Insertion of your company logo if required                needs. We will often suggest two or three
     •    Our trainers are charged by the day and                   trainers for you to view live before making a
          you can utilise that day as you choose                    final decision.

     •    Coaching sessions charged at same                         You will be assigned a named account director
          daily rate                                                who can meet with you free of charge and as
                                                                    often as you like to discuss your requirements.
     All clients are charged identically with no
     variation for UK location, course topic,
     seniority of delegate or trainer

020 8766 6080                                                                              2
SYNDICATE TRAINING 2021 BROCHURE - We specialise in face-to-face Management and Soft Skills Training
Open courses – on demand

    What’s included?
    •    All one-day open courses are priced at £349 + vat
    •    All two-day open courses are priced at £449 + vat
    •    Maximum of 8 delegates on all courses
    •    Preview course materials — before booking a course. Your delegates or their line
         manager are able to review the training material to make sure the right course is
         selected. We can email you any title listed in this brochure
    •    Sandwich lunch and refreshments included
    •    Named course administrator — from pre-course booking to post-course evaluation
    •    Every open course is updated regularly
    •    City of London training venue — nearest tube is Old Street

   Open course training –                                Meet our trainers —
   on demand                                             open days in London
   Arranging open courses for colleagues can             Companies frequently ask “What is the
   often be frustrating, with courses running            quality of your trainers and the content of
   irregularly or out of sync with the urgency of        your courses?” Come and see both as our
   the individuals needs. Course cancellation at         guest. You will be able to sit in on a variety of
   late notice can also be a problem.                    live training courses and see the delivery style
                                                         of different trainers. No two trainers are the
   To overcome these issues Syndicate Training
                                                         same — some delegates prefer an energetic
   now provide open course training on demand.
                                                         approach whilst others prefer a more relaxed
   Simply register your interest in the topic of         style or a thoughtful and serious facilitator.
   your choice and we will actively promote
   the course to our client base. As soon as five        Dates 2021
   delegates are registered we will deliver the          Dates will be available as soon as
   course immediately. Our bookings team will            Covid19 restrictions allow.
   co-ordinate a suitable date. This process
   eliminates a long wait for a course date and the
   possibility of last minute cancellation.
   Please call Nicola Bowker on 020 8766 6080 or
   email for
   further information or to register your interest.

020 8766 6080                                                              3
One day open courses

                                               Appraisal Interviewing                      5
                                               Assertiveness at Work                       5
                                               Communication Skills                        5
                                               Conflict Management                         5
                                               Emotional Intelligence Demystified          6
                                               Empower & Delegate Effectively              6
                                               Handling Difficult Conversations            6
                                               Listening Skills                            6
                                               Making Meetings Work                        7
                                               Performance Management                      7
                                               Time Management without the Stress          7
                                               Writing – Grammar is Fun                    7

                                               All one day courses £349 + vat
                                               All courses are limited to a maximum
                                               of 8 delegates to ensure lots of individual
                                               Action plans agreed to utilise new skills
                                               Lunch and refreshments included
                                               City of London location
                                               Other titles available on demand –
                                               let us know your requirements

020 8766 6080                                                   4
1 DAY OPEN COURSES £349 + vat

Appraisal Interviewing                                                    Assertiveness at Work
An appraisal is an opportunity to review individual performance in        The ability to be assertive is a rewarding skill and makes
the light of business needs. This programme provides delegates with       personal and professional life more fulfilling. This course gives
a system to ensure the appraisal discussion is useful and valuable to     delegates an understanding of assertiveness, and techniques to
both appraiser and appraisee and provides practice in its use.            help them deal with many different and difficult situations more
                                                                          confidently and successfully.
By the end of the course delegates will be able to:                       Objectives
• link appraisals with business objectives                                By the end of the course delegates will be able to:
• choose an appraisal style                                               • identify and distinguish between assertive, aggressive and
• recognise good performance and motivate staff members                     submissive behaviour, and how each impacts on the recipient
  through positive feedback during the appraisal                          • select and apply appropriate techniques to communicate
• address performance issues through the delivery of constructive           individual situations effectively
• set realistic objectives at the end of the appraisal and ensure they    Contents
  are followed up                                                         This course defines assertiveness in the context of each individual’s
• review their own performance as an appraiser and continuously           own rights. The focus is on assertiveness as a skill that can be
  develop their skill                                                     learned rather than an instinctive behaviour; role-play and exercises
                                                                          give delegates opportunities to practice techniques, receive
Contents                                                                  feedback and develop a personal action plan. Common situations
• good and poor appraisals                                                are explored: saying ‘no’ assertively; giving and receiving criticism;
• evaluating performance with and without rating scales                   issuing instructions to others; handling confrontation.
• appraising against competencies
• clarifying fact and opinion                                             Suitable for
• dealing with difficult situations — for the appraiser and the           Managerial and professional staff who need to communicate
  appraisee                                                               more confidently and effectively, whether instructing or
• reviewing and maintaining performance between appraisals                influencing others.
• transferring the learning to work
Suitable for
Anyone who appraises staff who wants to increase the value of the
exercise for themselves, the appraisee and their business.

Communication Skills                                                      Conflict Management
This course has been developed to help team leaders to                    In a business world of flatter structures and less clearly defined
communicate effectively from a position of authority – to motivate        areas of responsibility, the potential for conflict is rising.
your team and achieve performance improvements through them               Therefore, it is imperative that managers and professionals
while retaining their respect. You will learn how to communicate          increase their effectiveness in handling conflict.
under pressure and talk with difficult people more effectively.
Objectives                                                                By the end of the course delegates will be able to:
By the end of the course delegates will be able to:                       • describe how conflict and organisational tension can be bridled
• understand the necessities of good managerial communication               in pursuit of success
  techniques                                                              • aid the problem solving process by increasing your understanding
• have greater awareness of your own preferred style of                     of emotions
  communication                                                           • handle conflict confidently and positively
• communicate successfully with difficult people and in times of
                                                                          • recognising sources of conflict
• enhance personal and team productivity through better working
                                                                          • strategies for dealing with conflict situations
                                                                          • understanding reactions and emotions
Contents                                                                  • enhancing the individual’s responses to conflict
•   acknowledge and develop your own communication style                  • the positive aspects of conflict
•   adapt your style to the differing needs of individuals in your team   • strategies for objectivity and motivation in the face of
•   overcome barriers to effective communication                            unresolved conflict
•   learn to listen actively to your team members                         • practising conflict handling skills in a low risk environment
•   productive questioning techniques
•   develop receptive and open body language
                                                                          Suitable for
•   apply the art and science of influence                                Anyone who wants to develop a better understanding of the
•   dealing with and diffusing conflict situations                        dynamics of conflict and who wishes to enhance their skills in this
•   decide on at least three areas for personal change when you           challenging area.
    return to work
Suitable for
For those who want to improve how they get their message across
to their team members and other internal stakeholders.

020 8766 6080                                                                                             5
1 DAY OPEN COURSES £349 + vat

Emotional Intelligence Demystified                                       Empower & Delegate Effectively
This course is about understanding how emotion affects work              Empowerment and effective delegation result in increased
performance and relationships in the workplace. It demonstrates          efficiency, higher quality and improved competence. These key
how to ensure emotions can be controlled and focused into                skills help to develop lower cost and more responsive, effective
‘enhanced efficiency’ and ‘relational effectiveness’.                    structures in which people give their best. This programme
                                                                         provides tools and techniques to improve delegation and addresses
                                                                         how to make the concept of empowerment a reality.
By the end of the course delegates will be able to:
• have an understanding of how working relationships can be              Objectives
  improved                                                               By the end of the course delegates will be able to:
• gain an insight into the underlying emotions which shape one’s         • determine the extent to which empowerment and delegation can
  own and others’ behaviours                                               take place
• control and deal with one’s own emotions                               • adapt empowerment and delegation to the task and members of
• read and respond effectively to the emotions of others                   staff involved, to their organisation and to their own approach
• build empathic relationships with others
                                                                         • understanding empowerment and delegation: their potential
•   the relationship between emotion and intelligence
                                                                           impact, risks and benefits
•   the root cause of emotion
                                                                         • identifying your preferred style
•   how emotions can affect everything we think, feel and do
                                                                         • determining what can and cannot be delegated
•   the three families of emotion
                                                                         • how to delegate — the key
•   the difference between emotions and feeling
                                                                         • overcoming obstacles to delegation
•   why we become emotionally over-sensitive
                                                                         • delegation as a step to empowerment
•   the difference between reaction and response
                                                                         • developing an empowered organisation
•   the relationship between emotion and motivation
                                                                         • ensuring empowerment and delegation is really working
•   cultivating awareness of others’ emotions
•   developing emotional literacy                                        Suitable for
•   the difference between empathy, sympathy and apathy                  Everyone who leads or directs teams and wants to make the most of
Suitable for                                                             their own and their staffs’ time and abilities.
Anyone working in environments where there are frequent and
challenging communications with colleagues and customers.
Particularly useful for those who need to understand the underlying
nature of colleagues and others’ responses, and who want to
improve the quality of their interactions.

Handling Difficult Conversations                                         Listening Skills
This course will show you how to prepare for difficult or crucial        Effective listening skills are the key to improving performance in
conversations, how to manage and control the workplace discussion        the workplace. By developing listening skills, it is possible to reduce
process and how to ensure you are talking to employees in as             misunderstandings, build rapport with others and establish clearer
productive a way as possible. Your confidence will improve as will       lines of communication.
your knowledge and skills for reducing stress, taking action and
tackling difficult conversations head on.
                                                                         By the end of the course delegates will be able to:
Objectives                                                               • identify the benefits of effective listening
By the end of the course you will be able to:                            • recognise and overcome barriers to listening
• apply a range of planning techniques and interpersonal skills to       • check for understanding
  effectively manage difficult conversations                             • contribute to improved work performance and better results
• understand the concept of EQ and the impact it can have in the         • develop trust and relationships with others
  workplace                                                              • know what questions to ask to get the right answers
• explain the 4 dimensions of EQ and list Goleman’s 5 domains
• enable your employees to succeed
                                                                         • familiarisation with both the theory and practicalities of listening
• understand the principles of effective feedback
                                                                           techniques through high levels of delegate participation
• identify a strategy for delivering feedback                            • opportunities for delegates to assess their own ability to listen
Contents                                                                   effectively
This course explains how to plan and prepare effectively for difficult   • selection and practice of the skills they need most
conversations and think quickly on your feet . The importance of         Suitable for
giving feedback , both positive and negative and how to do it. Role      Anyone who might benefit from improved listening skills, whether
plays will be used to practice some of the basic skills needed for       in meetings, interviews, day-to-day interaction with colleagues or
challenging situations.                                                  any other situation.
Suitable for
Managers, team leaders, supervisors and those who wish to refresh
their workplace communication skills in this area.

020 8766 6080                                                                                                6
1 DAY OPEN COURSES £349 + vat

Making Meetings Work                                                    Performance Management
So much valuable time is spent in meetings but quite often very         Every business needs to devise a performance management culture
little is accomplished. Often there is no real purpose or agenda        that drives success at every level.
and the result is often demotivating for many attendees. This
course will give delegates guidelines on the necessary planning,
                                                                        By the end of the course delegates will be able to:
preparation, structure and process of meetings.
                                                                        • relate the performance review to the organisation’s strategy
Objectives                                                              • apply the principles of supportive management to the
By the end of the course delegates will be able to:                       organisation
• lead meetings both effectively and positively                         • coach the skills of SMART objective-setting and CLEAR action
                                                                        • planning and examine the processes of performance assessment
• plan meetings, the purpose and the objectives
                                                                        • understand principles of giving and receiving constructive
• clarify ground rules, objectives
• recognise common problems associated with meetings                    • conduct a structured and motivational review with team
• plan the structure and prepare a timed agenda                           members
• gain positive participation                                           • apply the principles of performance coaching
• make a constructive contribution                                      • support the use of the personal development plan
• support individuals and their ideas
Contents                                                                •   rational for performance management
This course uses examples and exercises to make meetings shorter,       •   consequences of managing performance badly
more focused and productive. Delegates will have the opportunity        •   elements of performance management
to practice chairing and participating at meetings.                     •   performance review and development cycle
                                                                        •   mutual rights of the participants
Suitable for                                                            •   planning for performance
Anyone who would like to be more effective as an                        •   managers/team leaders accountability
attendee or chairperson.                                                •   linking performance to business strategy
                                                                        •   the paperwork
                                                                        •   giving constructive feedback and coaching for success
                                                                        •   handling difficult people and having career discussions
                                                                        Suitable for
                                                                        Managers and team leaders who need to develop a range of skills to
                                                                        maximise the effectiveness and productivity of their teams.

Time Management without the Stress                                      Writing – Grammar is Fun
Good time management is crucial for personal effectiveness,             Written communication is the backbone of business, but messages
enabling staff to achieve more in both their jobs and careers.          can fail because of elaborate vocabulary, spelling mistakes or faulty
This course teaches delegates how to plan and prioritise, and           grammar. This workshop identifies the key issues in getting it right
avoid time wasters.                                                     and provides the foundation to concise writing that cannot be
By the end of the course delegates will be able to:                     Objectives
• understand and apply the principles and techniques of good time       By the end of the course delegates will be able to:
  management                                                            • recognise and correct common grammatical errors
• prioritise tasks and objectives, and plan their time accordingly      • use punctuation appropriately
• identify and avoid ‘time bandits’, or limit the effects of these on   • construct sentences correctly
  productivity                                                          • select appropriate vocabulary to meet readers’ needs.
• understand their own personal organisation style and identify
  areas for improvement                                                 Contents
• delegate more appropriately and effectively                           • the course uses examples and exercises to develop
                                                                          each delegate’s writing style
Contents                                                                • principles of correct English covered include: spelling,
•   clarifying work objectives and planning and prioritising them         punctuation, grammar, and sentence structure
•   differentiating between important and urgent tasks                  • good practice in plain English is introduced including:
•   improving communication skills and delegating effectively             active versus passive language; sentence and paragraph length;
•   identifying everyday time wasters                                     and choice of vocabulary
•   developing strategies to improve productivity
                                                                        Suitable for
Suitable for                                                            Anyone interested in improving her/his written communication.
Supervisory, managerial and professional staff who need to
maximise productivity at work through personal effectiveness and
through others.

020 8766 6080                                                                                             7
Two day open courses
                                               Change Management                           9
                                               Coaching for Performance                    9
                                               Creative Problem Solving                    9
                                               Customer Service –
                                               Handling Customers Professionally
                                               Influencing & Persuading –
                                               A Competitive Edge
                                               Leadership Skills                           10
                                               Management Skills Workshop                  10
                                               Negotiation Skills – Essentials             10
                                               Presentation Skills – Advanced              11
                                               Presentation Skills – Foundation            11
                                               Project Management – An Overview            11
                                               Supervisory Skills – A Tool Kit             11
                                               Teams – Developing Performance              12
                                               Tools for the Experienced Manager           12
                                               Train the Trainer – Tips and Techniques     12
                                               Writing – Business Writing Skills           12

                                               All two day courses £449 + vat
                                               All courses are limited to a maximum
                                               of 8 delegates to ensure lots of individual
                                               Action plans agreed to utilise new skills
                                               Lunch and refreshments included
                                               City of London location
                                               Other titles available on demand –
                                               let us know your requirements

020 8766 6080                                                    8
2 DAY OPEN COURSES £449 + vat

Change Management                                                      Coaching for Performance
Successful change programmes result in increased morale and            Coaching is an essential skill for managers as it enables them to
productivity. Ineffective management can result in disaster with       participate in the development of others, going beyond the formal
emotional and commercial fallout. This course will provide effective   training environment. This course will build skills and
methods for overcoming barriers to change.                             confidence, enabling the delegates to coach others to perform
                                                                       more effectively.
By the end of the course delegates will be able to:                    Objectives
• engage with the change process in a positive and empowering way      By the end of the course delegates will be able to:
• develop tools to make potentially difficult situations easier for    • select the most appropriate coaching and development style for
  you and your team                                                      specific individuals and situations
• achieve positive outcomes both during and immediately after the      • identify and work with individuals’ own learning objectives
  change programme                                                     • set meaningful and realistic learning objectives
• understand goal and objective setting, so you can put practical      • ask and answer questions effectively
  action plans in place when you return to your organisation           • manage feedback in a learning environment
                                                                       • handle objections or resistance to coaching
Contents                                                               • monitor and evaluate the results of the development process
• delegates’ experience of change
• a fundamental model of change; for organisations, teams and          Contents
  individuals                                                          •   the manager as developer – identifying where coaching can help
• analysing the present; my team, my staff, myself                     •   how to provide the essential tools to ensure the best outcome
• visualising the future; where do we want to be?                      •   the benefits of coaching for the coach, learner and organisation
• managing the transition; checklists and tools; unfreezing, moving,   •   learning style profiles
  and refreezing: Kurt Lewin’s three phases of change                  •   ensuring that conditions are right for development and that the
• a detailed model for planning change                                     development programme is effective
• barriers to change
• planning your own change programme                                   Suitable for
• why change programmes fail; the most common errors                   Supervisors and managers who want to take an active role in
• your own change programme; avoiding the most common errors           developing others. No previous experience with coaching or other
                                                                       development tool is required.
Suitable for
Managers who are facing the challenge of leading their teams
through a change programme with positive results.

Creative Problem Solving                                               Customer Service –
In the ever changing business world, success depends on                Handling Customers Professionally
innovative and creative thinking. This course will help individuals
                                                                       A foundation for understanding the principles, attitudes and skills
to develop their own creativity and the creativity of others.
                                                                       essential for delivering an exceptional customer experience, to gain,
Objectives                                                             maintain and grow existing relationships.
By the end of the course delegates will be able to:
• think beyond the immediate needs
• stimulate innovation in themselves and others                        By the end of the course delegates will be able to:
• challenge the norm                                                   • create a positively memorable service experience
• increase confidence in implementing new ideas                        • find ways to manage customers’ expectations and where possible
• add value to their organisations                                       to exceed them
                                                                       • recognise the significance of good and bad service on customers’
Contents                                                                 loyalty, and company’s reputation
•   the need for innovation                                            • fine tune the ability to turn around customer complaints and
•   understanding how we think                                           dissatisfaction
•   challenging traditional notions of creativity                      • develop a framework for saying ‘no’ constructively, and giving
•   sources of creativity                                                ‘bad’ news
•   elements of creativity
•   a systematic approach to innovation                                Contents
•   communicating your ideas                                           • meeting and exceeding customers’ expectations
•   problem solving techniques                                         • the service balance: competence and care
•   establishing a climate of creativity                               • building customer relationships and loyalty
                                                                       • the internal customer service links
Suitable for                                                           • projecting a professional image face-to-face, on the phone and
Managers, project leaders and anyone whose success at work               e-mail
depends on innovative and creative thinking.                           • customer service behavioural styles and their consequences
                                                                       • the 8 A’s formula for handling complaints
                                                                       • best practice for saying ‘no’ constructively, and giving bad news
                                                                       Suitable for
                                                                       Frontline and support staff, whose actions can have a significant
                                                                       impact on a company’s reputation and customer satisfaction.

020 8766 6080                                                                                            9
2 DAY OPEN COURSES £449 + vat

Influencing & Persuading –                                               Leadership Skills
A Competitive Edge                                                       Leading and managing are not the same. This course addresses the
                                                                         skills needed to give teams the confidence to achieve success in a
The ability to influence people positively, enables us to achieve more
                                                                         common purpose. By considering the steps needed to move from
and boosts our personal credibility. This programme will enable
                                                                         vision to action and results, the course shows how teams can be
delegates to gain the co-operation of others without manipulation.
                                                                         built and managed to maximise individual and group performance.
By the end of this course delegates will be able to:
                                                                         By the end of the course delegates will be able to:
• build self-esteem and confidence in dealing with people
                                                                         • set team goals and describe their vision
• use appropriate language to persuade
                                                                         • know how to inspire people to make it happen
• reduce potential conflict in working relationships
                                                                         • plan and manage the action needed to produce results
• influence people to change — willingly
• achieve business results                                               Contents
                                                                         •   the difference between a leader and a manager
                                                                         •   setting objectives and creating a vision
• influencing and persuading: what they mean
                                                                         •   balancing the team, the task and the individuals
• negative influences: barriers to commitment and willingness
                                                                         •   leadership styles and identifying individual preferences
  and how to overcome them
                                                                         •   developing the team — stages of team development
• building confidence and self-esteem
                                                                         •   building trust and commitment
• the power of persuasion
                                                                         •   planning the action — leading under pressure
• how to understand other people’s values and motivation
                                                                         •   solving problems, regulating and resolving conflict
• effective communication
                                                                         •   managing change
• conflict minimalisation
                                                                         •   managing business politics
• converting reluctance and compliance into commitment
                                                                         Suitable for
Suitable for
                                                                         Newly appointed managers and supervisors leading formal or
Managers, professionals and specialists who want to improve their
                                                                         informal teams and those who will soon take a leadership role.
effectiveness with staff, colleagues, superiors, customers, clients
and suppliers.

Management Skills Workshop                                               Negotiation Skills – Essentials
Holding a management position is a major achievement and                 Unsuccessful negotiations can be very costly to organisations in
postholders want to give their best. But someone who is                  terms of customers, employee relations, productivity and, therefore,
experienced in the job doesn’t necessarily make a good manager -         money. This course focuses on negotiation as a mutual process
management has its own knowledge and skill requirements. This            which aims to achieve a winning outcome. It covers the concepts and
course fulfils these requirements in a practical way, giving managers    skills of negotiating and influencing for a satisfactory result.
the confidence and skills to get better results.
Objectives                                                               By the end of the course delegates will be able to:
By the end of the course delegates will be able to:                      • understand the philosophy, strategies and phases of negotiation
• identify different management styles, including their own, and         • compile information and knowledge, and plan comprehensively
• recognise where each is most effective                                   for negotiation
• understand the role of their positions in relation to the hierarchy    • understand and control the psychological aspects of negotiation
  of their organisations, as well as their teams                           and the exchange of information
• direct and motivate a team using effective communication               • understand and apply the principles of concession, compromise
  and delegation, and demonstrate individual coaching and                  and mutual benefit
  development techniques                                                 • bargain, build agreement and conclude negotiations
• plan and control workload
• apply proven decision-making and problem-solving skills
                                                                         • defining negotiation and its strategies and techniques through the
Contents                                                                   use of tutorials and discussions
• identifying the delegates’ job responsibilities and areas for          • role playing and case studies to allow delegates to practise
  personal development                                                     the skills of information exchange, bargaining, concession and
• managing tasks and people                                                agreement building
• planning and prioritising to achieve business objectives
                                                                         Suitable for
• leadership skills
• ensuring the team is effective                                         Anyone involved in negotiating internally with bosses or
• communicating effectively with team members                            subordinates, or externally with suppliers or customers.
• role playing, questionnaire analysis and group discussion to
  reinforce key learning points
Suitable for
Managers and senior staff who wish to develop their personal, task
and people management competencies.

020 8766 6080                                                                                       10
2 DAY OPEN COURSES £449 + vat

Presentation Skills – Advanced                                         Presentation Skills – Foundation
Professional and managerial staff are often required to deliver        Speaking to groups is a powerfully influential form of
influential, high-level presentations to larger and more well          communication in business; presentations can clinch that crucial
informed audiences. This course is designed to refine the skills of    sales contract or persuade companies to “do things differently”. Yet
those with some presentation experience.                               the prospect can be daunting for the speaker! This course equips
                                                                       delegates with proven skills and increased confidence, whether for
                                                                       proposals, promotions, meetings or training events.
By the end of the course delegates will be able to:
• present confidently, powerfully and with poise                       Objectives
• handle difficult subjects and audiences                              By the end of the course delegates will be able to:
• make an impact both personally and with their message                • successfully plan, structure and prepare a presentation according
                                                                       • to the needs of the audience
                                                                       • control anxiety and feel more at ease in front of an audience
• optimising guidance and feedback for delegates through the
                                                                       • project their delivery by using proven vocal techniques
• revising the areas of preparation, structure, vocal techniques and
                                                                       • understand the impact of body language in communication, and
  body language
                                                                         add professionalism through appropriate non-verbal means
• introduction of more advanced techniques in the above areas
                                                                       • select and prepare appropriate visual aids
• gearing the structure and content of your presentation to specific
  audiences                                                            Contents
• personal appearance and presentation                                 • coaching in the preparation and planning of presentations
• conference and social speaking                                       • practising the techniques in front of a video camera so delegates
• advanced visual aid techniques                                         can analyse their own presentation skills and identify areas for
• the focus is on improving the power of personal style without the      improvement
  aid of powerpoint technology.                                        • verbal and non-verbal communication
                                                                       • using visual aids
Suitable for                                                           • handling audience questions and managing anxiety
Middle and senior management, professional staff and directors.        • delivery of instant feedback to delegates in a relaxed
Numbers are limited to allow delegates maximum practical               • environment to improve their performance and confidence
application of techniques.                                             • Powerpoint is not used
                                                                       Suitable for
                                                                       Anyone whose work requires them to address meetings or make
                                                                       group presentations to internal or external customers.

Project Management – An Overview                                       Supervisory Skills – A Tool Kit
All functions within organisations are being run increasingly on a     A good supervisor is someone who can achieve results by turning
project basis, and project management skills are becoming essential    decisions into action. This means effectively managing the team
for managers at every level. This course introduces delegates to       and the task. This invaluable course will develop delegates’
proven techniques for ensuring that projects are completed with a      personal and supervisory effectiveness by equipping them with a
quality result, on time and within budget.                             range of proven skills.
Objectives                                                             Objectives
By the end of the course delegates will be able to:                    By the end of the course delegates will be able to:
• identify the characteristics and stages of a project                 • set effective team and individual goals and monitor progress
• set objectives for a project and plan the main elements                towards them
• select and prepare a project team and motivate members               • understand the concepts of leadership and communication
• implement measures for monitoring, control and co-ordination         • motivate and develop team members
• manage time and finances                                             • understand and implement the stages of the decision-making
• apply the principles of quality management                             process
                                                                       • manage their time more effectively
Contents                                                               • identify and solve problems as they arise
• application of the skills through analysis of the delegates’ own
  experiences, and by using exercises and case studies                 Contents
• project definition                                                   • identifying delegates’ personal leadership styles and
• planning and critical path analysis                                    developmental needs
• teambuilding and communication                                       • the dynamics of teamworking
• budgeting and resource allocation                                    • techniques for effective team communication and motivation
• monitoring and control techniques                                    • resource management and cost control
• review and evaluation                                                • problem solving and decision making
                                                                       • time management
Suitable for                                                           • tutorials and exercises to reinforce learning points
Managers, technical and professional staff who need to manage
projects or lead project teams.                                        Suitable for
                                                                       Recently appointed supervisors and first-line managers looking to
                                                                       develop sound practical techniques for all supervisory situations.

020 8766 6080                                                                                         11
2 DAY OPEN COURSES £449 + vat

Teams – Developing Performance                                           Tools for the Experienced Manager
In many organisations the tasks traditionally done by managers and       Many management development programmes are designed to
supervisors are successfully becoming the responsibility of teams.       equip new managers with the basic skills needed to tackle their new
This change in emphasis requires new thinking and new skills. This       roles. More senior managers are frequently overlooked when it
course will equip managers and supervisors to develop the teams          comes to skills development. This workshop is designed especially
they are responsible for.                                                for experienced managers and will help to further develop the skills
                                                                         already used, while exploring practices which may also be new to
By the end of the course delegates will be able to:
• understand the role of team leaders                                    Objectives
• apply the behaviours that encourage empowerment                        By the end of the course delegates will be able to:
• improve teamwork and relationships with other team members             • identify areas for further personal development
• review and measure team performance                                    • select key areas to focus on back in the workplace
• apply team problem-solving and decision-making techniques              • analyse their own management style
• use coaching skills to help team members to achieve business           • apply new approaches to problem solving
Contents                                                                 •   new leadership styles
•   a critical review of leadership responsibilities                     •   influencing others
•   encouraging teamwork                                                 •   measuring and managing performance
•   building on interpersonal skills                                     •   developing others and self
•   conflict management                                                  •   problem solving techniques
•   coaching skills                                                      •   strategic planning/change management
•   creative problem-solving
•   measuring performance                                                Suitable for
                                                                         Senior managers with several years’ management experience,
Suitable for                                                             with or without direct reports.
Experienced managers, supervisors and team leaders who want to
build self-managed, empowered teams.

Train the Trainer – Tips & Techniques                                    Writing – Business Writing Skills
To be a successful trainer, your trainees need to learn. To achieve      Written communications are a powerfully influential
this you need a special set of skills. This practical workshop will      communication method in the business world, yet many people find
enable you to design and deliver professional, cost-effective training   it difficult to say what they mean clearly on paper. Waffling, muddled
that meets business needs.                                               letters, emails and reports waste time and are often ignored. This
                                                                         course teaches delegates to produce the concise, clear, impressive
                                                                         documents that organisations need.
By the end of the course delegates will be able to:
• develop training programmes which meet your audience’s needs           Objectives
• control nervous tension                                                By the end of the course delegates will be able to:
• manage difficult audiences                                             • recognise and meet their readers’ needs
• create a personal impact                                               • define the objectives of their communication
• design and produce visual aids which communicate effectively           • adapt the tone and style of their writing to suit their commercial
                                                                         • structure documents correctly
•   writing clear, concise learning objectives
                                                                         • plan and organise their material and ideas
•   planning and structuring a new training programme
                                                                         • write clearly and concisely
•   making the material relevant to the needs of your audience
•   motivating your audience and maintaining interest                    Contents
•   maximising learning and minimising forgetting                        •   drafting documents efficiently and clearly
•   overcoming nervous tension                                           •   planning, organising, structuring and layout techniques
•   managing diverse and difficult groups                                •   all types of business communication — letters, reports and email
•   training delivery and personal style                                 •   exercises, examples and discussions to reinforce learning points
•   effective design and use of visual aids
                                                                         Suitable for
Suitable for                                                             Anyone who writes business letters, emails and/or reports.
Anyone who has responsibility for training others. This course is        Delegates should already possess the basic skills of good written
designed for both new and experienced trainers, including                English.
personnel, line managers, and supervisors.

020 8766 6080                                                                                          12
If your organisation has an open course training need which
       is not listed in the brochure, please contact us with your
     particular requirements and we will actively promote your
                       suggestion to our client base.

     Nicola Bowker 020 8766 6080

Develop your team – away from the screen
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