EPIPHANY The of the Lord - Come, let us adore Him - Bon Venture Services

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EPIPHANY The of the Lord - Come, let us adore Him - Bon Venture Services
  of the Lord

Come, let us adore Him.
EPIPHANY The of the Lord - Come, let us adore Him - Bon Venture Services
St. Mary of Mount Carmel Parish

PARISH STAFF                                                        In-person masses / devotions
 Rev. David Rivera, Pastor                                          St. Joseph Church
  pastor@smmcp.net                                                  Monday through Saturday                 8:00 AM
 Rev. Jerold C. Mariastanislaus, Parochial Vicar                    Wednesday (Spanish)                     7:00 PM
  parochialvicar@smmcp.net                                          Wednesday Reconciliation         6:15 - 6:45 PM
 Rev. Neal F. Dante, Part-Time Assistance                           Saturday Reconciliation         2:00 – 4:30 PM
                                                                    Saturday Vigil Mass                     5:00 PM
 Misioneras de María Formadora
                                                                    Sunday                                  9:00 AM
                                                                    Sunday (Spanish)                    12:00 Noon
 Lori ScottoDiVetta, Religious Education
   rel.ed@comcast.net                                               Sunday Vespers                          5:00 PM
 Sr. Elena Isabel de Jesus, Youth Minister                          Rosary - Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri             7:00 PM
   youthminister@smmcp.net                                             Sunday 9AM Mass, Sunday 12 Noon Mass,
 Yuko Unehara, Music & Liturgy Minister                               Vespers and Rosary will be Live-streamed.
 Eileen Santangelo, Business Manager                                St. Anthony of Padua Church
   businessacct@smmcp.net                                           Sunday                      7:30 AM, 10:30 AM
 Susan Davidow, Director of Marketing
   marketing@smmcp.net                                             3PM Divine Mercy Chaplet (Mon-Fri) and 10PM Night
 Sr. Ester Luz del Alba, Parish Secretary                          Prayer (Mon, Tue, Fri) will be live-streamed only. In-
   parishsecretary@smmcp.net                                      person Chaplet will be the First Friday of every month.
 Mimi Veneziani, Director, Little Cubs Preschool
 General Information                                                Parish mission statement
                                                                   Called forth by the Holy Spirit through Baptism
                                                                  and nourished by our celebration of the Eucharist,
                                                                   we proclaim our witness to the Gospel of Jesus
                                                                  Christ. Following the example of Mary, the Mother
PARISH OFFICE HOURS                                               of God, we strive to give birth to God’s saving love
                                                                   by our prayerful and active participation in the
 Monday through Friday: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM                             healing ministry of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
                                                                        especially in His outreach to the poor.

                           ST. JOSEPH CHURCH | 226 FRENCH STREET | HAMMONTON, NJ 08037
                       ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA CHURCH | 285 ROUTE 206 | HAMMONTON, NJ 08037
                        Phone: 609-704-5945 | Fax: 609-704-5249 | Email: parishoffice@smmcp.net
                                Web: www.smmcp.net | Facebook: www.facebook.com/smmcp
EPIPHANY The of the Lord - Come, let us adore Him - Bon Venture Services
St. Mary of Mount Carmel Parish
Sacramental Prepara on                                      Spiritual Readings
Sacrament of Bap sm
Parents should be registered and par cipa ng
members of the Parish. Please contact the Rectory to
schedule for the Parent Prepara on Program held the
second and fourth Tuesday of each month in St.                              The Epiphany of the Lord
Anthony of Padua Hall at 7:00 PM. Bap sms are                                  Sunday, January 2
scheduled every Sunday of the month at 2:00 PM.                       Is 60:1-6; Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6; Mt 2:1-12
Bap sms may also be scheduled on the first Sunday of
                                                                               Monday, January 3
each month at the 9:00 AM Mass (effec ve
                                                                        1 Jn 3:22─4:6; Mt 4:12-17, 23-25
October 3 - limited to 3 families).
                                                                                Tuesday, January 4
Sacrament of Bap sm (Spanish)                                                1 Jn 4:7-10; Mk 6:34-44
Spanish Bap sms are held Saturdays at 10:00 AM in
                                                                             Wednesday, January 5
St. Joseph Church. Contact the Parish at (609) 704-
                                                                            1 Jn 4:11-18; Mk 6:45-52
5945 to schedule.
                                                                               Thursday, January 6
Sacrament of Reconcilia on                                                  1 Jn 4:19—5:4; Lk 4:14-22
Saturdays 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM and Wednesdays 6:15 PM -
6:45 PM at St. Joseph Church, before or a er daily Mass,                        Friday, January 7
or any me upon request.                                                      1 Jn 5:5-13; Lk 5:12-16
                                                                               Saturday, January 8
Sacrament of Matrimony
                                                                             1 Jn 5:14-21; Jn 3:22-30
Those desiring to receive this Sacrament must be
registered for at least six months and be par cipa ng                       The Bap sm of the Lord
members of St. Mary of Mount Carmel Parish and                                 Sunday, January 9
request marriage date at least six months in advance.                   Is 42:1-4, 6-7 or Is 40:1-5, 9-11;
As you contemplate marriage, contact the Rectory.                      Acts 10:34-38 or Ti 2:11-14, 3:4-7;
                                                                               Lk 3:15-16, 21-22
Sacrament of Anoin ng (Care of Infirm and Elderly)
The Rectory may be called at any me for the Sacrament
of the Sick at (609)704-5945.
                                                            Parish Registra on
R.C.I.A. (Rite of Chris an Ini a on for Adults)
Are you, or have you at some point thought about                St. Mary of Mt. Carmel Parish welcomes all new
                                                            parishioners. We are happy to have you worship with us.
becoming Catholic? If so, why not ask the ques ons and        Please stop a er Mass and introduce yourself to our
get the answers to help you decide. If you are              staff. If you would like to register with our parish, please
interested, we would love to talk with you.                 download our registra on form at www.smmcp.net and
R.C.I.A. classes are held from October through the end of   email to parishsecretary@smmcp.net. You may also drop
May. R.C.I.A. Informa onal Sessions are held throughout                off at the parish office or in offertory.
the summer.
For more informa on, please contact the Rectory at
(609) 704-5945.                                             Sanctuary Candle
CCD Religious Educa on                                                          Week of January 2, 2022
Religious Educa on classes begin on Cateche cal Sunday
                                                                                  St Joseph Church
(the third Sunday in September) every year at the former                         People of the Parish
St. Joseph’s Elementary School for grades K through 8
                                                                              St Anthony of Padua Church
from 10:15 AM un l 11:30 AM. Parents meet and greet                               People of the Parish
with your child’s teacher and enjoy coffee and doughnuts
a er the 9:00 AM Mass.                                                         St Mar n de Porres Chapel
                                                                                  People of the Parish
For more informa on, contact Lori Sco oDiVe a at
rel.ed@comcast.net or (609) 704-2400, ext. 201.
EPIPHANY The of the Lord - Come, let us adore Him - Bon Venture Services
From the Desk of Fr. David Rivera, Pastor

Faith and Science - The Light of the Magi

 In today’s culture and in many secular educa onal ins tu ons it is common to hear that science and faith are opposed to
 each other. This idea started during the Enlightenment in the 17th and 18th centuries but it was limited to academics and
 others of a certain class. Over me, however, the idea that faith and science are incompa ble has trickled down and is even
 fed to the young in the ‘baby’s milk’, so to speak. Science is o en presented as debunking the Bible or religion. Many TV
 specials, YouTube and social media videos use science to a ack the claims of faith. Even many Chris ans have accepted a
 version of this ideology, taking for granted that, at minimum, faith and science have nothing in common because the former
 is a ma er of opinion while the la er is about facts and truth. The story of the Magi, however, presents the Chris an with a
 different view; one that emphasizes not only the compa bility, but also the proper ordering of faith and science to each

 The Magi were the ancient version of astronomers. They studied the stars and made very accurate calcula ons about the
 earth, moon, constella ons etc. Archaeologists, to their great surprise, are con nuously discovering how sophis cated
 ancient astronomers and mathema cian were. These ancient proto-scien sts were not content with knowing about the
 heavens but also about how to get to heaven, as one famous Catholic priest scien st, Fr. Stanley Jaki, loved to say. The Magi
 studied the heavens to learn more about the creator of the heavens. They had a deep sense that nature was knowable and
 intelligible because it had a Creator and therefore nature itself proclaimed the Creator and was the Creator’s means of
 communica ng with His crea on. The Magi were inspired by their faith to inves gate the world and what they discovered
 also guided them.

 The Magi are a model for understanding the proper rela onship between faith and science. Faith is our knowledge about
 God received through revela on. Science is our knowledge about the physical world acquired using our God given
 intelligence. Both are about truth. Faith gives us the ul mate reasons for existence, gives us the meaning of life, and gives us
 moral direc on and the basis of right and wrong, while through science we acquire the ability to understand more about the
 physical world and how to control it. Science without faith can lack moral guidance and faith without science can quickly turn
 to supers on. These two are not opposed but need each other so that they benefit the human person.

 The light of star was discovered by observa on but following the star was a ma er of faith. Faith turned the Magi’s gaze to
 the sky, their human intelligence helped map and observe the stars, and their faith again mo vated them to follow the light.

 In our age of radical skep cism and rejec on of faith the Magi show us that if science is going to truly benefit human society,
 it needs to be guided by faith. The two should not be confused, separated or pi ed against each other. Only with the two
 working together can we follow the light of the star as the Magi did and arrive at the one true light, Jesus Christ.
EPIPHANY The of the Lord - Come, let us adore Him - Bon Venture Services
The Epiphany of the Lord - January 2, 2022
                             SMMCP Music Ministry                         Collec on Envelope Schedule
                           There are many opportuni es in the          01/01/2022      SOLEMNITY OF MARY
                           Music Ministry for you to be part of.
                           Rehearsals will be in Music Room in         01/02/2022      WEEKLY OFFERING
                            St. Joseph Center (school building).       01/02/2022      UTILITIES
English Choir for adults, 18 years-old and up (Sept - June)            01/09/2022      WEEKLY OFFERING
Sings at Masses on Sundays and feast days, including                   01/09/2022      ST. VINCENT de PAUL
Christmas/Easter - Rehearsals: Thursdays 6:30PM - 8:00 PM              01/16/2022      WEEKLY OFFERING
Chant Choir for all ages                                               01/16/2022      BUILDING AND GROUNDS
Sings at Sunday Vespers and Special Liturgies on the feast days.
Rehearsals: Wednesdays 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM                               01/23/2022      WEEKLY OFFERING
Handbell Choir for youth and adults (Sept - June)                      01/23/2022      LATIN AMERICA
Plays on Christmas and during the Christmas Season, on Easter          01/30/2022      WEEKLY OFFERING
and throughout the Easter Season, and on other feast days.             01/30/2022      CHURCH BEAUTIFICATION
Rehearsal: Mondays 5:15 PM - 6:45 PM
Children’s & Youth Choir (Grades 1-12) (Sept - June)
Sings in English, Spanish and bilingual Masses, including
Christmas Vigil Mass in English at 4:00 PM                                                St. Mary of Mount Carmel
Choristers will learn how to read music, basic music theory, and
vocal technique, and sing in harmony.                                                   Collec on - 12/19 and 12/26
Rehearsals: Mondays & Wednesdays 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM                                      (Will be reported next week)
Fes val Choir for those who cannot make a commitment to the                                  Weekly Offering - $
weekly rehearsal. Sings at special Masses on Christmas, Easter,                           Religious Re rement - $
and Mt. Carmel Feast - Rehearsals: 2-3 rehearsals for each                                        eGiving - $
Mass (TBA)
Polyphonic Choir - audi oned small choral group                     When dona ng to St. Vincent de Paul, please use the
Sings sacred polyphony and advanced choral music at                  green envelope provided, or place your dona on in a
special Liturgies (Mass & Vespers) - Rehearsals: TBA                plain white envelope marked “SVDP”. Donate the safe
    If you are interested in joining in the choirs, in serving as    way online! Visit our website at www.smmcp.net
  Cantor, Organist, or playing the musical instrument at Mass,
            please contact Yuko at music@smmcp.net
                     or 609-704-5945 ext. 120.
 In addi on to those listed above, we have three Spanish choirs
                (2 adult choirs & 1 children’s choir).

 Give the gi
Join our family of donors and help suport our
               MUSIC MINISTRY FUND!
                  Sponsor a Special Mass
     The Bap sm of the Lord - 1/9/2022
     St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary - 3/19/2022
     The Annuncia on of the Lord - 3/25/2022
     Pascal Triduum: Holy Thursday, Friday of the Passion of
     the Lord, Holy Saturday (Easter Vigil), Easter Sunday -
     4/14-17, 2022
     Pentecost: Vigil, Day - 6/4-5/2022                                             of the Lord
    Feast of St. Anthony - 6/13/2022
    The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Chris ) -
    Our Lady of Mount Carmel - 7/16/2022
    Assump on of the Blessed Virgin Mary - 8/15/2022
    All Saints Day - 11/1/2022
    All Souls Day - 11/1/2022
              Other Sponsorship Opportuni es
  Sunday 9AM Mass                   Workshops, concerts
  Monthly Sunday Vespers            Purchase instruments
  Scholarships for musicians
     For sponsorship opportuni es, please contact Yuko at
      music@smmcp.net or call (609) 704-5945, ext. 120
EPIPHANY The of the Lord - Come, let us adore Him - Bon Venture Services
Mass Inten ons for the Week
SATURDAY, JANUARY 1st                                                THURSDAY, JANUARY 6th
10:00 am/SJC          Beverly Corsiglia                              8:00 am/SJC           Rosemarie Damico
                      (Mar and Joe Badagliacco)                                            (Carol and Joseph)
12:00 Noon/SJC        People of the Parish                           FRIDAY, JANUARY 7th
                                                                     8:00 am/SJC           Dec’d Members of Fucetola Family
SUNDAY, JANUARY 2nd                                                                        (Family)
7:30 am/SAC             Negro and De Fiore Families                  SATURDAY, JANUARY 8th
                        (Tom and Michelle DeFiore & Family)          8:00 am/SJC           Josephine Pinto
9:00 am/SJC             Giuseppe Costa                                                     (Be y Ann)
                        (Parish)                                     5:00 pm/SJC           Mary G. Baglivo
                        Robert Conn                                                        (Linda Tassone)
                        (Love, Joanna)                               SUNDAY, JANUARY 9th
                        Frank G. Donio                               7:30 am/SAC           Bob Frankenfield
                        (Angela)                                                           (Butch and Ericka Di Meo and Sons)
                        Mar n Blaskey                                9:00 am/SJC           Amelia Scardino
                        (Carol A. Iannaco)                                                 (Marlene Hingstman)
                        Joseph Criscillo                                                   Aurelio Sassano
                        (Daughter)                                                         (Altar and Rosary Society)
                        Gloria Cappuccio                                                   Mamie Grebowich
                        (Cosimo and Georgia LaMazza)                                       (Altar and Rosary Society)
                        Pat Achey                                                          Anne e D’Agos no
                        (Catherine Giardino)                                               (Gloria and Family)
                        Joseph Cacia                                                       Joseph and Anna Ba aglia
                        (Karen O nger)                                                     (Ginger and John)
                        Catherine Moriarity Douress                                        Anna Marie Sergi Correio
                        (Do y Orlandini)                                                   (Ralph and Heather Maione & Family)
                        Joseph Cirillo                                                     John B. Ordille, Jr.
                        (JoAnne Henshaw)                                                   (Lori Ruggero)
                        Madeline Bartalone                                                 Helen Fisher
                        (Family)                                                           (Ron and Elaine)
                        Fr. David and Fr. Jerold (Living)                                  Gloria Cappuccio
                        (Reyna Mendez)                                                     (Anita Fichetola)
                        Alena Lombardelli                                                  Joseph Arena, Sr.
                        (Family)                                                           (Do y Inferrera Orlandini)
                        Ma lde Rivera                                                      Guiseppa Munno
                        (Varley Family)                                                    (Amelia Trepiecione)
10:30 am/SAC            Mary Baglivo                                                       Kathy Volpi
                        (Rosemary Santora and Family)                                      (Class of ‘56 SJHS)
12:00 Noon/SJC          Almas Del Purgatorio                                               Ma lde Rivera
                        (Rosio Cortes)                                                     (Falcione Family)
                        Maria Rodriguez                              10:30 am/SAC          Salvatore N. Colasurdo
                        (Family)                                                           (Richard and Marlene Penza)
                        Rev. J. Garre Thomson                        12:00 noon/SJC        Lisse Queen
                        (Carmen Diaz)                                                      (Nancy Orama)
                        Ninos Abortados                                                    Almas Del Purgatorio
                        (Pedro Bernardino Gomez)                                           (Virginia Paredes)
                        Almas Del Purgatorio
                        (Pedro Bernardino Gomez)
                        Gerardo Velazquez (Salud)                     Please pray for the sick….
                        (Rosio Cortes)
                        Naum Velazquez (Salud)                       Donald Ambrose, Fred Anthony, Edith Asselta, Susan A lio,
                        (Rosio Cortes)                               Lorena Avelar, Lori Bauder, Anthony Berenato, Jr., Nicole Biagi,
                        Por el Bien Estar de los Ancianos            David Butler, Shirley Capelli, Anita Cassano, Tony Champion,
                        (Le cia Santos)                              Leah Cirillo, Gregory Clark, Jr., Elizabeth Clarke, Angela Coia,
                        Por los Sacerdotes (Oracion)                 Kris na Rose Coia, Ben Costa, Cheryl Darby, Wayne Demling,
                        (Le cia Santos)                              Dorothy DeStefano, Maryanne DeStefano, Devyn, Sco
                        Por el Bien Estar de la Junventud (Vicios)   DiGerolamo, Lilly Domzalski, George Eastland, Erica Egizi, Angie
                        (Le cia Santos)                              Esposito, Joann Esposito, Anthony Falcone, Dean Ferrarie, James
                                                                     Fitzpatrick, Barbara Foster, Nancy Garchinsky, Sally Groff,
MONDAY, JANUARY 3rd                                                  Michael Guagnoli, Nancy Goodman, Gaby, John Inferrera, Ellen
8:00 am/SJC             Mrs. Barbara McCarthy                        Jacobs, Joseph Kimble, Mary Klein, Nicole Landancini, Frankie
                        (Velma Echevarria and Family)                Lasasso V, Joseph Leconey, Ronald Maier, Jr., June Mazza,
8:00 am/SJC           People of the Parish                           Michael Mazzara, Zachary Megnin, Stephanie Murphy, Lori Orsi,
                      (Parish)                                       Crystal Pagan, Anthony Pagano, Edward Perez, Ted Purnell,
                      Verna Rita Silipena                            Freddy Robles, Miguel Rodriguez, Rick Rommel, Frank Rubino,
                      (Parish)                                       Chuck Ru er, Gretchen Schaller, Alexa Siligato, Grace Silipino,
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5th                                               Winifred Snyder, Catherine Statsen, Debbie Tell, Erma Tidwell,
8:00 am/SJC           Ross S. Restuccio                              Robert Tra a, Antonio Valdes, Jesus Manuel Vasquez, Bob
                      (Parish)                                       Wagner, Joanne Wiessner, William Wise
7:00 pm/SJC           Grace Ransom
                      (Richard Grillo)
EPIPHANY The of the Lord - Come, let us adore Him - Bon Venture Services
Parish News
Please pray for the deceased….
 Anna DeMarco, Ma lde Rivera, Katherine Volpi, Brian
 Condella, Alfred D’Agos no
                                                                         MASS INTENTIONS POLICY
                                                             Only one (1) Mass Inten on may be scheduled per Mass,
                                                             with the excep on of the Sunday 9AM Mass and Sunday
                                                             12 Noon Mass. If more than one (1) inten on is listed for
                                                             any other Mass, it is for the one-year anniversary of the
                                                                        deceased requested by the parish.
        Confessions: Wednesday 6:15-6:45 PM and                      MASS INTENTIONS NEW DATES!
           Saturday 2-4:30 PM, St. Joseph Church                  As of December 28, 2021 inten ons will be
         Sunday Vespers: 5PM, St. Joseph Church                       open through November 30, 2022.
     First Friday Devo ons: Exposi on of the Blessed
           Sacrament begins a er the 8am Mass
     up to and including the Rosary, then Benedic on
          to end the Devo on - St. Joseph Church
     Sign-up sheets are in the ves bule of the church.
      No funerals will be scheduled at this me
                at St. Joseph Church

                        SPANISH CLASSES
                       WITH SR. GABRIELA!
               MONDAY, JANUARY 17th | 4:30 PM                  Saint Mary of Mount Carmel is proud to offer
                   ST. ANTHONY’S HALL                          to our parishioners free online access to this
                       EVERY MONDAY AT 4:30                  incredible gateway to the best Catholic content,
                        ST. ANTHONY’S HALL
                     285 RT. 206 | HAMMONTON                               It’s Easy to Register!
                                                                              1. Visit FORMED.org
                                                                               2. Click “Sign Up”
                                                               3. Select “I Belong to a Parish or Organiza on”
                                                                 4. Find St. Mary of Mount Carmel Parish by
                                                                           entering our zip code 08037
  Don’t forget to purchase your Scrip Cards!                                5. Click on our name
                                                             6. Enter your name and email - and you’re in!
 St. Mary of Mt. Carmel Parish offers        cards from

    Bagliani’s |                    |
   You can save me and money by              these
                                                                     PARISH MUSICIANS NEEDED
    cards at our Church - a one-stop shop and you                  Pianist/organist to accompany choir
           help St. Mary of Mt. Carmel                             Instrumentalists (strings, bass, woodwind)
                earn the small                                We are always looking for new choir members!
                                                              Handbell Choir, Chant Choir, Children and Youth
                                                                          Choir, and regular Choir.
                                                                 Please contact Yuko at music@smmcp.net
                                                                         or (609) 704-5945, ext. 120

         Need something in the Bulle n?
     Just email Susan at bulle n@smmcp.net
             or call (609) 774-0119.
    Any submissions for the bulle n are due by
      Monday evening at 4PM, or the latest
            Tuesday morning at 9AM.
EPIPHANY The of the Lord - Come, let us adore Him - Bon Venture Services
Around Our Church and Community
                Hammonton Parishioner Heeds Years-long Call to Give Back
 “The Call to Stewardship” is a periodic series in the Catholic Star Herald profiling individuals and families throughout the
 Diocese of Camden who have shown an inspiring response to the call to Chris an stewardship highlighted in 1 Peter 4:10
 “As each one has received a gi , use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.”
 We are so proud that our very own Lou Caruso was profiled in the December 22nd issue. The ar cle details Lou’s deep
 commitment to his faith and to his dedica on to this parish. His ever-increasing stewardship includes helping with the Mount
 Carmel Feast, landscaping, par cipa ng in three choirs, doing work for the Saint Vincent de Paul Society, vespers and movie
 nights a er Sta ons of the Cross during Lent. He also ran a summer cooking program for youngsters at the St. Joseph
 Community Center.
 To view the full ar cle, go to: h ps://catholicstarherald.org/hammonton-parishioner-heeds-years-long-call-to-give-back/

“We’re blessed to have volunteers like him,” Father David Rivera, pastor of Saint Mary of Mount Carmel Parish, Hammonton, says
of parishioner Lou Caruso. “Without them, the parish can’t func on.” (Dave Hernandez) “

                           Puerto Rican Civic Associa on 2nd Annual Coat Drive
   St. Mary of Mount Carmel Parish was proud to support the Puerto Rican Civic Associa on for their 2nd Annual Coat Drive
   and Distribu on this year. They were able to help over 40 families with coats, sweaters, hats, gloves, scarves, clothing,
   socks, shoes and toys.
EPIPHANY The of the Lord - Come, let us adore Him - Bon Venture Services
Suppor ng Our Youth
                                    LEARN AND

                                    IN FAITH

The Religious Education program is meant to supplement
  the Religious formation already happening in the home.
    Parents are the first and foremost educators of their
children. Our mission at St. Mary of Mount Carmel Parish
 is to help you as parents/guardians to nurture and foster
     growth in the Catholic faith of your children. This is
   accomplished with the help from the Catechists of our
          Parish who give of their time and talents.
      We o er Religious Education for children                         FRIDAYS 6:30 PM
      from Kindergarten through the 8th grade:
        Traditional and Home School Programs in
                                                               ST. JOSEPH RECTORY BASEMENT
       Sacramental Preparation for the Sacraments of                 226 FRENCH STREET
         Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Confirmation
                  Vacation Bible School                      FUN | FELLOWSHIP | COMMUNITY
   Traditional/Home School Intensive Summer Program

           For more informa on on our programs,
  contact Lori Sco oDiVe a, CRE, at 609-704-2400, ext. 201
                   or rel.ed@comcast.net
                                                                    Join us!

                  G.I.V.E. Club
    Get Involved Value Everyone

   Sponsored by the Family Fun Commi ee, St. Mary of
      Mount Carmel Parish is happy to showcase its
    service-based G.I.V.E. Club, which is commi ed to
     teaching students the value of local community
   service through hands-on experiences! Volunteering
      allows them to build skills, make new friends,
               and change the lives of others
              - all while gaining service hours!
            Students in Grades K-10 meet at the
               St. Joseph Community Center.
  The G.I.V.E. Club will soon announce new ac vity dates
for 2022. Please con nue to follow Facebook for updates!
        What a wonderful way for our students
        to make a difference in our community!
    For more informa on, please contact a commi ee member:
         Sharon Quigley - srbquig@gmail.com | Liz Falciani-
   erf21707@gmail.com | April Cushino o - apecush@gmail.com
       Denise Zingrone- denised07@aol.com | Kristen Wilson-
  kristen_m_wilson@yahoo.com | Jenn Lewis- jnlr89@yahoo.com
EPIPHANY The of the Lord - Come, let us adore Him - Bon Venture Services
Organiza ons and Ministries

                          Ministry                           SCRIPTUAL READINGS
                                                                            ...Reflections and Resources
                                                            WEDNESDAY EVENINGS | 7:30 PM
          FROM 9 AM - 9 PM                                      COMING TO YOU ON
 Person-to-person counseling is available every 3rd          OPEN TO ALL PARISH MEMBERS!
  Wednesday of the month (appointment needed)
St. Anthony Church Mtg. Rm. 7PM | 285 Route 206        The Lector Ministry invites you to join us on Zoom as we
  Please note that the back entrance of the church    reflect on Scripture, share insights, and cite resources on
                    will be open.                         the upcoming Sunday’s Scriptural Readings. Sacred
                                                        Scripture, the Word of God, is our Faith heritage. Every
     ROSARY FOR THE DEPARTED                           me we embrace Sacred Scripture, we encounter the God
  Rosary for the Departed is available every 4th       of our forefathers, the God of our Redeemer, the God of
Wednesday of the month (please RSVP if a ending)      our Eucharis c Church, and the God of our Sanc fica on -
  St. Anthony Church | 7PM | 285 Route 206                    certainly worth a few minutes of your me!
                 All are welcome!                            To receive an invite, email Michelle DeFiore at
       CALL DEBBIE AT (609) 442-4673                                     or call (609) 567-8827.
         OR BILL AT (609) 576-6221

                                                             THE RICHNESS
              ST. VINCENT DE PAUL                            OF OUR FAITH
              FOOD PANTRY                                    Our monthly Speaker Series and Fellowship
                                                                 has been revived and is now called
        HOURS OF OPERATION                                          “The Richness of Our Faith”.
                                                       This monthly series will be on the Fourth Sunday of the
   THURSDAYS | 2-4PM AND 7-8PM                                month at St. Anthony’s, 6PM (tenta ve).
 219 N. 3rd St. (corner 3rd and French)                        We are looking for volunteer s to help
                                                                     with their me and talent.
             Servicing families                         Please contact the Parish Center at (609) 704-5945,
                                                             or email Susan at marke ng@smmcp.net.
     in the 08037 zip code area ONLY!

             CLIENTS MUST BRING:
                   VALID ID
              PROOF OF INCOME

          HOTLINE (609) 704-7285

      ED MULLER (609) 412-4604
Marriage Enrichment Opportuni es

                                                          “It is the presence of the Lord, who reveals Himself and
  “Beloved: Finding Happiness in Marriage”                 the gi of His grace, that will render marriage full and
            Now on Formed.org                                           profoundly true” – Pope Francis
   In 12 stunning sessions, 6 sessions marriage
 prepara on and 6 sessions marriage enrichment-                              Couples Married Civilly
 BELOVED uncovers the mystery and the meaning                      Have you thought about ge ng married
           of the sacrament of marriage.                                     in the Catholic Church?
   What if marriage is more than you think it is?        Catholics who exchange vows in the presence of ministers
   What if God has woven into the very fabric of            from other religious tradi ons or civil officials are not
 your humanity a purposeful need and desire that        considered validly married in the eyes of the Catholic Church.
      can only be fulfilled in your marriage?                 We invite you to bring new meaning to your lives by
    BELOVED invites all couples to experience             embracing the voca on of marriage and dedica ng your
      firsthand the wonder, mystery, and joy                          family’s mission to sharing God’s love.
              behind that first "I do" ...                   For more informa on on the many blessings received
  whether you said it last year or many years ago.                    through the Sacrament of Marriage
                                                        Visit our website to download the Marriage Prepara on Brochure
        Visit FORMED.org - Click “Sign Up”                        at www.smmcp.net - Our Parish → Sacraments
   Select “I belong to a Parish or Organiza on”                   Contact: Fr. David Rivera - pastor@smmcp.net
   Find SMMCP by entering our zip code 08037

             Saint Mary of Mount Carmel would like to invite all married couples to par cipate
                        in a wonderful and engaging Marriage Enrichment Program
The REFOCCUS© Marriage Enrichment Inventory
Growth and change are ongoing with marriage. This program is designed to be used by a couple mul ple mes
throughout their marriage.
ReFoccus is a five part, self-evalua on ques onnaire taking in the privacy of your own home, discussed privately be-
tween the couple with periodic direc on of a facilitator. Deacon Mike Kubiak will be the Facilitator of the program
and welcomes all couples to par cipate in this fun, interac ve and eye opening adventure.
Each me a couple uses REFOCCUS, their responses are a snap shot of that point in me.
   Their current responses indicate:
   a) what needs discussing today,
   b) what the couple has achieved that can be celebrated, and
   c) what would benefit from further discussion.
REFOCCUS is ul mately about bringing awareness to major aspects of marriage. Further, it is about the discussion
that happens between the couple a er taking the Inventory and the communica on and problem solving that is u -
lized and developed.
The cost of the program is Free and available in English and Spanish.
If interested, contact
Fr. David Rivera at pastor@smmcp.net
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