The Parish of St. Theresa -

Page created by Martha Scott
The Parish of St. Theresa -
The Parish of St. Theresa
               450 Radio Road • Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey 08087

                                                                                            FEBRUARY 6, 2022
                                                                                       Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

                                                                                  Phone --------------------------- 609 296-2504
                                                                                  Fax------------------------------- 609 296-4530
                                                                                  Emergency Phone------------- 609 857-3676
                                                                                  Email -----------------

                                                                                  Parish Office Business Hours
                                                                                  Monday through Friday - 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM
                                                                                  Closed for lunch 12 Noon - 1:00 PM

PARISH STAFF                       MASS SCHEDULE
                                   Monday - Friday: 8:00 am (Main Church)
Rev. John Large                    Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm & Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am & 11:30 am
Parochial Vicar                    Holy Days of Obligation
Rev. Dean Gaudio                    Vigil Mass: 7:00 pm & Holy Day Mass: 8:00 am & 12:15 pm
Weekend Assistant
Rev. K. Michael Lambeth            RECONCILIATION
Parish Coordinator /               Saturday: 3:00 - 3:45 pm & By appointment
Assistant to the Pastor
Parish Secretary                   The Main Church and the Daily Chapel are opened for private prayer Monday through
Katrina Barrett                    Friday, 7:30 am - 6:00 pm. The Blessed Sacrament is exposed for Adoration (in the
Director of Religious Education    Daily Chapel) on Thursdays after the 8:00 am Mass and concludes at 11:30 am with
Joana Schmidt                      Daytime Prayer & Benediction and on Fridays after the 8:00 am Mass and concludes
                                   with Evening Prayer & Benediction at 6:00 pm.
Youth Minister
Amy Raimondi
                                   PARISH LIFE
Parish Finance Manager/HR          “The Church draws her life from the Eucharist. This truth does not simply express a
Chris Gile                         daily experience of faith, but recapitulates the heart of the mystery of the Church.”
Director of Parish Music           (St. John Paul - On the Eucharist & Its Relationship to the Church). At the parish of
Victoria Nichols                   St. Theresa, we strive to embody these words that describe the centrality of the Eucharist
                                   for the life and mission of the Church.
John Kern, Maureen Malsbury        We welcome you to join us as we gather to celebrate our faith and worship God.
                                   Whatever your present status in the Catholic Church, whatever your current family or
Facilities Manager
                                   marital situation, whatever your past or present religious affiliation, whatever your
Sean Abbott
                                   personal history, age, background, or race, you are a Child of God and you are
                                   welcomed, accepted, loved, and respected at the Church of St. Theresa.

REGISTRATION: We invite you to officially register as a member of our parish community. By registering you declare
your desire to be part of our Catholic community and you are able to stay closely connected with the life of the parish. In
order to register, please call or stop by the Parish Office.
The Parish of St. Theresa -
Please remember in your prayers all those members
of our parish family and our friends who                  Lord of Harvest, we petition you as you have
continuously suffer physically, emotionally and/or        instructed us to ask for more laborers to serve in the
spiritually and those who tirelessly care for them.       vineyard of Your Church. You have told us that the
Let us especially remember those currently in need        harvest is rich and laborers are few, and we
of our prayers: Tara Barrett, Esther Berdini, John        experience this great need in the face of the
Blotnik, Kim Carroll, Rachel Carroll, Mary                challenge of the New Evangelization. We ask the
Cesari, Charles Constantino, Kim Coyle, Johnny            Holy Spirit to inspire young men to seriously
Favro,      Emma      Fernandez-Regan,      Cecilia       consider vocations to the priesthood. Help all of us to
Garbaravage, Joe Ghigzone, Gregory Gioe III,              be effective instruments to encourage and support
Cheryl Kalinowski, Nelida Kuhlman, Margaret               those whom you are calling to serve and lead in the
Kurczewski, Bill Lisner, Joyce Lynch, Nancy               Church in the future. Lord, you told your Apostles to
McCarten, Peter Mills, Rev. William Modlin, John          put out into the deep. We ask for the grace and
Moore, Owen Noble, Leona O’Grady, Rita                    courage to accept your call as we pray and work for
O’Neill, John Post, Patricia Punzo, Thomas                an increase in vocations to the priesthood. We ask
Punzo, Andrew Joseph Ragusa, Tracy Robinson,              this in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Great High
Thomas Ruie, Michelle Scott, Donna Seeley,                Priest, Amen.
Thomas Smith, Lois Somodi, Amanda Super,                  THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Baptisms
Doyle Sutton, Elliot Truex, Sean William, John            are held the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month at 1:00
Williamson, Sharon Williamson & Mary Ann                  PM. Arrangements must be made in person at the
VanOstendorp.                                             Parish Office at least 2 months in advance. Parents
                                                          and Godparents are required to attend a Baptismal
                                                          Prep Class.
                                                          THE SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE:
We extend our prayers and
                                                          Arrangements must be made at least 1 year in
sympathy to the family and
                                                          advance. Preparations include sessions with a
friends of Louis Ogno. May he find eternal rest in
                                                          member of the clergy and attendance at a Pre-Cana
peace with God our Father.
                                                          Conference. For more information, please call the
                                                          Parish Office.
                   Please remember in your                THE SACRAMENT OF THE SICK:
                   prayers all those members of           The Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us there is
our parish family and our friends who are currently       no need to wait until a person is at the point of death
deployed especially: Master Sgt. Jordan Bieda,            to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.
Airman Steven Brown, Boatswain Gabrielle Fest,            A careful judgment about the serious nature of an
Airman Staff Sgt. Frank J. Kowalewski, Jr., Lt.           illness is sufficient. “Hence, as soon as anyone of the
Amanda Keller, Lt. Jennifer LaFalace, FC2 Paul            faithful begins to be in danger of death from sickness
R. Lund, Pvt. Anthony Mackiewicz, Jr., Pvt.               or old age, the fitting time for him to receive this
                                                          sacrament has certainly already arrived."130
Logan Mora, Staff Sgt. Michael Novelli, Staff Sgt.
                                                          We welcome anyone who has a physical condition, is
Nicholas Okoszko, Spec. Jeffrey Peterson, Jr., Cpl.
                                                          anticipating entering the hospital for surgery or tests,
Matthew Volko, Cpl. Andrew Werling, Lt.
                                                          or under any emotional distress to avail them of this
Christopher J. Worosz, USN, Lt. Matthew A.
                                                          beautiful Sacrament. Please call the Parish Office to
Worosz, USN. May the Lord protect them as they
                                                          schedule the Sacrament with a priest. Please do not
protect us.
                                                          wait until the very last minute to call.
The Parish of St. Theresa -
MONDAY – February 7, 2022
                                                     8:00AM – Ray Mazanek/ Eileen Wertz
SATURDAY – February 5, 2022                                   Francis Paulucci/ Phil & Dottie
4:00PM – John Kozzi/ Marjorie Annette                         Paulucci
         Irene Neumuller/ Cranberry Creek
         Sunshine Club
                                                     TUESDAY – February 8, 2022
         Maribel Colon Figueroa/ The Spinelli        8:00AM – Helen & Edward Hurley/ Diane
         Family                                               Cregan
                                                              Gianna Palmieri/ Lazarus Ministry
SUNDAY – February 6, 2022
7:30AM – Wayne Donnelly/ Kathy Donnelly              WEDNESDAY – February 9, 2022
         Alex Hearn/ Thomas & Denise                 8:00AM – Carol Ann Sasin/ Mom & Dad
         McGuire                                              Linda Serafin/ Peggy & Bill Murphy
         Nona Leek/ Keenan Family
                                                     THURSDAY- February 10, 2022
9:00AM – (L) Patrick Flaherty/ Grandmom &            8:00AM – (L) Fr. Mick Lambeth/ Roman Isaryk
         Grandpop                                             Ray Mazanek/ Eileen Dolan
         Anna Giansanti/ Fio & Marty
         Ray Mazanek/ Rita Murray                    FRIDAY- February 11, 2022
                                                     8:00AM – Don Knechtel/ Dad & Mom
11:30AM –Fred Bizzarro/ Art & Norma Mooney                    Rick Lambeth/ Fr. Mick
         Dr. Marin Intasamakul/ Alicio & Mila
         Delapena                                    SATURDAY – February 12, 2022
         Eduardo Dilag/ Alicio & Mila                4:00PM – Sally Ann Dinkowitz/ Mr. & Mrs.
         Delapena                                             Timothy Kelly
                                                              Irene Neumuller/ Chris & Gus Capasso
                        Bread and Wine                        Charles Jaworski/ Cathy Mazanek
                   In memory of: Don Barber
                   Requested by: Ginny Hagan         SUNDAY – February 13, 2022
                        Sanctuary Light              7:30AM – Joseph Colletti/ Katherine Quigley
                     In Memory of: Vito Milano                Sean & RoseMary Quigley/ Katherine
                      Requested by: Mary Pizza                Quigley
                                                              Josephine & Joseph Richard/
    Readings for Next Weekend                                 Marianne & Michael Hoover
    Sunday, February 13, 2022
  Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time                      9:00AM – Josephine Solares/ Irma Chagnon
Reading I: Jeremiah 17:5-8                                    Nancy Bongiovanni/ Pat & Joe Weill
Reading II: 1 Corinthians 15:12, 16-20                        Bob Linquist/ Eileen Wertz
Gospel: Luke 6:17, 20-26
                                                     11:30AM –Helen & Edward Hurley/ Diane
             The 9:00 AM Mass on Sunday                       Cregan
             will be livestreamed. For more                   Alice Weimer/ Larry
             information, please visit our                    Harold Holmes/ Annette & Bob
             website and Facebook.
The Parish of St. Theresa -
Monday, February 7, 2022
                                                                 Altar Rosary 1:30 PM
  Liturgical Ministers for Next Weekend:                       Nar-Anon Meeting 7:00 PM
  Saturday, February 12, 2022 - 4:00 PM                         (Faith Formation Center)
                                                              Tuesday, February 8, 2022
CELEBRANT: Fr. Mick Lambeth                                   Scriptural Rosary 1:30 PM
READER: Eileen Wertz                                                (Daily Chapel)
ALTAR SERVERS: Jacob Schaffer, Xavier Clayton               Fundraising Committee 6:00 PM
EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY                              Knights of Columbus 7:00 PM
COMMUNION: Patricia O’Hara, Lorraine Schaefer,                 (Faith Formation Center)
Janet Pascavitch, Barbara Ragusa, Patricia Musto,
Anne Marie Rehrmann, John Kern                               Wednesday, February 9, 2022
                                                               Scripture Study 9:15 AM
   Sunday, February 13, 2022 - 7:30 AM                         (Faith Formation Center)
                                                                 Youth Choir 5:30 PM
CELEBRANT: Fr. Dean Gaudio/Deacon David                      Adult Choir Practice 7:00 PM
O’Connor                                                               (Church)
READER: Mary Joan Piechocki                                     Youth Group 6:30 PM
                                                               (Faith Formation Center)
ALTAR SERVER: Angelina Papa
EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY                               Thursday, February 10, 2022
COMMUNION: Mary Schneider, Patricia Shepherd,           Adult Faith Formation 9:30 AM & 7:00 PM
Gail Englert                                                     (Faith Formation Center)
                                                           Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
   Sunday, February 13, 2022 – 9:00 AM                             8:30 AM – 11:30 AM
                                                        Daytime Prayer with Benediction 11:30 AM
CELEBRANT: Fr. John Large/Deacon David                                (Daily Chapel)
O’Connor                                                           Chant Choir 3:00 PM
READER: John Sullivan                                                    (Church)
ALTAR SERVERS: Christian AuCoin, Jillie AuCoin
                                                              Friday, February 11, 2022
EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY                            Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
COMMUNION: Ann Hummel, Peter Hummel, Peggy                        8:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Madison                                                 Evening Prayer with Benediction 6:00 PM
                                                                     (Daily Chapel)
  Sunday, February 13, 2022 – 11:30 AM                          Organ Recital 7:00 PM
CELEBRANT: Fr. Mick Lambeth
READER: Mary Modlin                                           Saturday, February 12, 2022
ALTAR SERVERS: Alex Acquaviva, Kim Werling                       50/50 Chances on Sale
EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY                                    (Gathering Space)
COMMUNION: Norma Mooney, Vir Nantes, Mary                     Sunday, February 13, 2022
Reichner, Kay Dolch, Ann Burg, Patricia Claussen,               50/50 Chances on Sale
Terry Walsh                                                      (Gathering Space)

The Parish of St. Theresa -
Thank you to all our patrons, parishioners,
 ministries, sponsors, and volunteers for
 making our 2022 Chili Cookoff a Huge
    Congratulations to our Champion,
     Ann Burg, on her Turkey Chili!
    2nd Place: Blake Larsen with “Doc
         Larsen’s Famous Chili”
3 Place TIE: Nancy Deckman “Venison
Chili”, Suzan Haegele “Red Beef & Bean
  Chili”, and the Knights of Columbus
            “Crusaders Chili”

                                                                ORGAN RECITAL
                                                              A Hymn to Our Lady
                                                              Presented by Vicki Nichols
                                                  An Organ Recital in Honor of the Feast of Our
                                                  Lady of Lourdes, featuring great organ music from
                                                  France by composers: Widor, Franck, Grigny,
                                                  Boëllmann, Guilmant, Benoit, Bach/Gounod,
                                                  Duprè, and Tournemire.
                                                             Friday, February 11, 2022
                                                                        7:00 PM
                                                                 St. Theresa Church
                                                                A light reception to follow
                                                             in the Faith Formation Center.
                                                            We hope you will join us!

The Parish of St. Theresa -

                                                      Martha’s      Cleaning   Ministry
                                                      needs people to help dust and
                                                      polish the Church (light cleaning)
                                                      - especially anyone who can use a
                                                      Swiffer under and around the
      HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP:                        If you can help and spare an hour on Tuesdays
  SUNDAY GATHERINGS - 11:00am-2:00pm                  at 9:00 AM, please call Carolyn at 294-0230.
Sunday, February 6th - Youth Group 11:00am-           Thank You!
2:00pm - meet in the Church to assist with the
                                                                               SYNOD 2021/2022
food collection before Mass! After Mass, we'll
                                                                       Journeying Together through the
assist the Food pantry & have Lunch (Jersey
Mikes).                                                                   Sharing Your Own Experience
Sunday, February 20th - Youth Group                                    Pope Francis has given all the
11:00am-2:00pm - meet in the Church for               Catholic faithful an opportunity to take part in the
11:30am Mass. After Mass, we'll have some             preparation for the 2023 Synod of Bishops in our
time for prayer & discussion over lunch!              own diocese and parishes. You might wonder why
(Pizza)                                               the experience of individual people is so important.
                                                      Our stories illustrate how we live our faith in the
    WEDNESDAY NIGHTS - 6:30-8:30pm                    concrete every day of our lives. Listening to each
                                                      other’s stories helps us relate to one another, to
                                                      empathize, to recognize our common hopes and the
           Wednesday, February 9th
                                                      faith that sustains us. If we are willing to ponder
            Dinner & Discussion
                                                      these stories and consider them in the light of our
Join us for a guest speaker who will share
                                                      call to be Church, then we might be able to hear
about a unique way she has experienced her            what the Spirit is saying to the Church in our time.
Catholic faith! (Dinner - Spaghetti &                 Please check the bulletin for further details.

          Wednesday, February 16th
                Game Night
     B-I-N-G-O with the best (craziest!) prizes
                                                      Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is held on
yet! Pizza & hang out in the Youth Group              Thursdays in the Daily Chapel following the 8:00
Room! All are encouraged to bring a new               AM Mass and concludes with Daytime Prayer &
friend!                                               Benediction beginning at 11:30 AM.
                                                      Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is held on
         Wednesday, February 23rd                     Fridays in the Daily Chapel following the 8:00 AM
             "Indoor Pilgrimage"                      Mass and closing with Evening Prayer and
   Journey with us to prepare our hearts for          Benediction at 6:00 PM.
Lent - with a chance to choose your own
                                                      Please prayerfully consider spending an hour or
adventure! (Dinner - Walking Tacos!)                  so in the presence of our Lord each week.

The Parish of St. Theresa -
HEALTH “TIP” OF THE MONTH                                   FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME
        Early Lung Cancer Screenings                                     First Reading: Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8
                                                            Isaiah recounts the awe he felt the first time he saw the
An early lung cancer diagnosis can give patients a
                                                            Lord, who was surrounded by angels. He began to feel
better chance for successful treatment and save             despair because he was a man of unclean lips, until an
lives.                                                      angel touched an ember to his lips and pronounced them
                                                            clean. The Lord asked who He should send forth, to
If any of the following apply to you, you should talk       which Isaiah replied, "Here I am, send me!"
to your doctor and get screened now even if you                     Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11
have no signs or symptoms of Lung Cancer.                   Paul reminds the Corinthians that Christ died for us to
                                                            free us from our sins. He encourages them to remember
55-77 years old.                                            the importance of Jesus' death and resurrection. He
                                                            admits that he initially failed to believe, and therefore
Smoked 1 pack a day for 30 years or 2 packs a day           was very grateful to be called an apostle and preach in
for 15 years.                                               the name of Christ.
                                                                               Gospel: Luke 5:1-11
Currently smoke or quit within the past 15 years.           Luke tells of Jesus preaching to a crowd, then joining
                                                            Peter who was about to end a fruitless day of fishing. He
                                                            told Peter to lower his net back in, and a great number of
                                                            fish were caught. Upon seeing this, Peter and his
                                                            companions, James and John, immediately abandoned
                                                            their nets to follow Jesus.
                                                                                Consider & Reflect
                                                            “When he had finished speaking he said to Simon,
                                                            ‘Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a
                                                            catch.’ Simon answered, ‘Master we have been hard at
                                                            it all night long and have caught nothing, but if you
                                                            say so I will lower the nets.’ Upon doing this they
                                                            caught such a great number of fish that their nets were
                                                            at the breaking point... They filled the two boats until
LITURGY OF THE WORD FOR CHILDREN                            they nearly sank. At the sight of this Peter fell at the
           9:00 AM Mass                                     feet of Jesus saying, ‘Leave me Lord, I am a sinful
                                                            man.’” We hear the teaching from the boat. Can you
Children between kindergarten and fourth                    feel the sway, of the boat, catch the aroma of fish, enjoy
grade are invited to share the Liturgy of the               the refreshing breeze, feel the coolness of the water?
Word (readings, profession of faith, prayers                The scene is so clear. Enjoy it. But the real message is to
                                                            listen to the invitation of the Lord to go deeper, lower
of the faithful) on their own level. The
                                                            the nets again and don’t be surprised. The boat is the
children proceed to the Daily Chapel after                  church, the nets are the invitation we are to extend to
the opening prayer and return before the                    others, those who have never been part of our
Offertory during the 9:00 AM Mass on                        community, newcomers, backsliders who are waiting to
Sundays.                                                    be caught once again. Surely I do not have to say ‘leave
                                                            me Lord’, but instead, to reach out and bring that person
        Hope you will bring the kids!
                                                            I have in mind back to Him.
The Parish of St. Theresa -
CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION PROGRAM                    God’s plan for marriage: love and respect,
          .Pre-school thru 8th grade
                                                        forgiveness, protecting your marriage, and
       ALL In-Person Classes are on Sundays                        purpose in marriage.
                10:00 AM - 11:15 AM
                                                              SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2022
  For more information, please call Joana Schmidt                    5:00-6:00 PM
  at 609-296-2504 Ext. 224.
                                                        Open to all married couples regardless of age or
                                                        number of years married. If your marriage is in a
                                                        strong season, share some strength. If your
                                                        marriage is in need of hope, come get some. The
                                                        purpose of this ministry is to help each other
                                                        remember God’s perfect plan for marriage.
       St. Theresa’s MONTHLY 50/50 Raffle
                                                                   Five Sessions Remaining
Tickets are on sale after all the Masses in the
Gathering Space and at the Parish Office during                         One each month
office hours.                                           Dates: Saturdays: February 26th, March
    CONGRATULATIONS to Nora Pasquerella,                26th, April 30th, May 21st, and June 25th.
           thismonth’s winner of our 50/50.
               The prize totaled $530.00!
  The next drawing will be held March 1, 2022 at        Time: After the 4:00 PM Mass
            10:00 AM at the Parish Office.                     5:00 PM to 6:00 PM
       We hope you will support this fundraiser!
                                                        Place: Faith Formation Center
                                                                BABYSITTING AVAILABLE
                                                        RSVP by calling Katrina at the Parish Office
                                                                  609-296-2504 Ext. 232

          for St. Theresa’s Food Pantry
       Thanks so much for your continued support
with our monthly food collection.

Items needed this month: Pasta, Hamburger
Helper type packaged products, rice side dishes,
Spaghetti O’s, Beef-A-Roni type canned pasta,             Thank you to all who donated to our Christmas
cake mixes, bottled juice, and canned fruit,              Collection. We collected a total of, $48,247.00.

.                                                        We truly appreciate your continued support of our
Thank you, as always, for your continuous                               parish. God Bless.
generosity to our Food Pantry.
The Parish of St. Theresa -
            Sponsored by AARP/IRS
                                                                       What does LOVE
     YOU MUST MAKE AN                                         have to do with it…everything!
   APPOINTMENT IN PERSON                                   This year’s theme for the Annual Catholic
      AT THE TAX SITE                                      Appeal is:
                                                               “What does love have to do with it…
 NO PHONE CALLS - NO WALK-INS                                              Everything!”
PLEASE DO NOT CALL OR STOP BY                              Help us share the love with so many of our
        THE CHURCH OFFICES                                 neighbors in need here in the Diocese of
This is an AARP/IRS sponsored Program
        AND NOT THE CHURCH                                 Remember, love is not what you say, love is
                                                           what you do. And so, we are asking that you
WEDNESDAYS: 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM                             prayerfully consider a gift to the 2022 Annual
    At St. Theresa Faith Formation Center                  Catholic Appeal, so we may share the love by
     450 Radio Road, Little Egg Harbor                     reaching out to provide the essential ministries,
THURSDAYS: 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM                              programs and services that make a critical
    At St. Mary of the Pines Parish Center                 difference in the lives of so many.
       100 Bishops Lane, Manahawkin                        The first Appeal mailing will be mailed to all
MUST HAVE THE FOLLOWING TO MAKE                            registered Catholics in the Diocese the week of
AN APPOINTMENT:                                            February 11th, which includes a brochure,
                                                           pledge card, and return envelope. This year’s
   •    Copy of last year’s federal & NJ tax returns       Annual Appeal Pledge Weekend in Church is
   •    Social Security card & photo ID/driver’s           scheduled for the weekend of February 19 &
        license for each person on tax return              20, 2022.
   •    Social Security Statement (pink box)
   •    All W2 wage statements                             If you do not return the pledge card you
   •    The Property Tax Relief booklet (the pink          received in the mail, you will be asked to make
        book from NJ last year)                            a pledge this weekend in Church. A short video
   •    All 1099, 1099R, pension, annuity, interest,       will be shown.
        dividend statements                                Please make your gift early. This will give
   •    1095A, B, C, etc. Health Insurance                 you the opportunity to spread payments of your
        Information                                        gift over the remaining months of the year, but
   •    Medical Expenses                                   also decreases the cost of mailings sent from
   •    All Unemployment Information                       the Diocese.
   •    All tax statements - property tax, state           Rebate Formula: When a parish collects funds
        refunds                                            equal to their ACA goal, they will receive a
   •    Stimulus Payments – proof of receipt               15% rebate. Funds collected in excess of the
   •    Voided check to verify bank information            parish goal will earn a 50% rebate
   •    Deposit of refund or debit for balance due
                                                                       Thank you once again
               For other information
                                                                    for your continued support.
                Call 609-294-0730
The Parish of St. Theresa -
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                 ELLIS’ FAMILY EYECARE                                                                           Bring This Bulletin For
                                                                                                                20% DISCOUNT
                                                                                                                                                                 JEWELRY REPAIR,
                                                                                                                                                                  APPRAISALS &
           DR. J. SCOT ELLIS - Parishioner                                                                         On Frame Purchase
                                                                                                                                                                    CLEANING                                                   During Business
                             Medical & Routine Eyecare                                                            (cannot be combined with other offers)         STERLING SILVER
                                                                                                                                                                                       JEWELRY &                                 Hours Only
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               No Clothes - No
       Optical Boutique · Contact Lenses · Kremmer Lasik Affiliate · Treatment of Cataracts & Glaucoma                  294-8144                                  (Always on Sale)
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                                                                                                                                                                Rhodium Plating
                                                               DENISE                                                                                          Diamond Remounts                Tues. & Wed. 10am - 6pm        will be donated to
                                                                IRVIN                                                                                            Wedding Bands                    Thurs. 11am - 6pm           St. Jude’s Children’s
                                                                          Agent                                                                                                          Fri. 10am - 6pm • Sat. 10am - 4pm
                                                                                                                                                               FREE RING CLEANING                                              Research Hospital
  Bus 609 748 7888
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                                                                                                                                   Owner/Manager • NJ Lic. No. 4000
                                                                                                                          203 Main Street • West Creek NJ 08092
                                                                                                                                     A Caring Cremation Funeral Home                                                 609-879-0277
                                                                                                                                      Offering In-Home Appointments                                               114 East Main Street
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     Parishioner                                                                 609-994-6950                                      326 West 9th Street • Ship Bottom, NJ 08008
C84880 (CK) • St. Theresa - Little Egg Harbor, NJ                          FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: 800-883-4343 • Bon Venture Services, LLC • 34 Ironia Road • Flanders, NJ 07836                                          Inside Left
Wood Funeral Home, Inc.
                                                                                 (609) 296-2414
  EDWARD T. LEGENZA                                            134 E. Main St. • Tuckerton, NJ 08087                                                        TODD E. LEGENZA
  Owner/Manager · N.J. Lic. No. 3027                                                                                     Director · N.J. Lic. No. 4425
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                                                                                  Office: 283 Beachview Avenue · Manahawkin                   Cell: 609-661-3100 · Office: 609-693-1500
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   ~ AffordAble CremAtion ServiCeS offered ~
                                                                                   Dale R. Bodman, VMD
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      Dedicated to improving the quality of life
                in the community we serve.
     Mark C. DeMeno, Manager, Funeral Director, N.J. Lic. No. 4554                                                                             Christopher J. DiFrancia
           Francis Hoyer, Funeral Director, N.J. Lic. No. 4262                                                                                     (609) 296-0001
                          (609) 597-7740                                                                                               
                                                                                                           147 East Main Street • Tuckerton, NJ 08087
     1 0 H i l l i a r d d r i v e · M a n a H aw k i n , nJ 08050

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C84880 (CK) • St. Theresa - Little Egg Harbor, NJ       FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: 800-883-4343 • Bon Venture Services, LLC • 34 Ironia Road • Flanders, NJ 07836              Inside Right
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C84880 (CK) • St. Theresa - Little Egg Harbor, NJ     FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: 800-883-4343 • Bon Venture Services, LLC • 34 Ironia Road • Flanders, NJ 07836                                     Outside
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