The Baptism of the Lord January 9, 2022 - Holy Family, Inverness

Page created by Bruce Thompson
The Baptism of the Lord January 9, 2022 - Holy Family, Inverness
The Baptism of the Lord   January 9, 2022
The Baptism of the Lord January 9, 2022 - Holy Family, Inverness
About Us
                                                                                    Visiting Presiders
                           Welcome to Holy Family
Holy Family                                                                                      Fr. Charles Bolser
Catholic Community             Holy Family Catholic community invites                              Fr. Kurt Boras
2515 Palatine Rd.          all to new life in Christ. Are you new to Holy                      Friar Johnpaul Cafiero
Inverness, IL 60067        Family? Are you considering becoming a
                                                                                                 Fr. Denis Carneiro
847-359-0042 (ph)          registered parishioner? We welcome you to
                           become part of our holy family in carrying
                                                                                                 Fr. John Hoffman
847-359-0639 (fax)                                                                                 Fr. Bill Zavaski
                           out our mission. Go to the website or contact
                           Sue at or 847-907-
Fr. Terry Keehan                                                                    Pastoral Table
                           3443 to register.
  Pastor                       Saint Paul says, “We are the Body of                                 Greg Flanagan
Deacon Dennis Brown        Christ.” We look forward to experiencing                                  Lisa Gagliano
  Pastoral Associate       that reality with you.                                                  Sue Geegan, Staff
Fr. Medard Laz                                   Fr. Terry Keehan, Pastor                           Grant Guthrie
  Pastor Emeritus                                                                                   Luis Gutierrez
                           Schedule                                                            Fr. Terry Keehan, Pastor
Vision Statement                                                                                        Joy Kull
Holy Family                Mass Schedule                                                             Anne Madsen
Catholic Community                                                                                  Rick McMahon
invites all to new life    Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday                                    Mike Myers, Chair
in Christ. Our response                                   9:00 a.m.                  Pastoral Table meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month
to God’s call is evident                                                              at 6:30. All meetings are open to visitors unless
through full,              Saturday                                  5:00 p.m.      otherwise indicated. Meeting Minutes are available
conscious and                                                                                   in About Us on the website.
                           Sunday                                 7:30 a.m.           e-mail:
active participation
                                                                  9:00 a.m.
in our community.             (interpreter for hearing impaired is available)        Finance Council
                                                                 11:00 a.m.             The Finance Council of Holy Family meets
Mission Statement                                                                         quarterly and its current members are:
To empower all to                                                                                    Tim French
experience New Life        Eucharistic Adoration
In Christ through
                                                                                                   Patrick Geegan
                           Daily                       6:00 a.m - Midnight                    Ft. Terry Keehan, Pastor
sacramental living,
transformative wor-                                                                                  Randy Olech
ship, lifelong spiritual                                                                       Bernie Schaeffer, staff
growth and communi-        Reconciliation                                                             Ron Sobon
ty in service to others.   Mondays                           5:00 - 6:30 p.m.                    Elia Ponce-Tokarz
                                                                                                   Jim Vande Logt
Core Values                                                                                       Chet Zara - Chair
Animated by our faith      Anointing of the Sick
in God to evangelize,
we live the following      Please know that recent hospital privacy laws have        Follow Us on Social Media
                           significantly limited our knowledge of parishioners
core values:
                           who are hospitalized. If you have a loved one who
• Integrity                is ill, please contact contact Jeannie Parry in our
• Excellence               Pastoral Care office at 949-632-2059 or jparry@ 
• Unity           to request the Anointing
• Service                  of the Sick. The ideal time for anointing is when
• Justice                  family is present and not necessarily in the final    
                           hours of life. Anointing of the Sick is offered on the
                           First Friday of every month following the 9:00am
                           morning Mass.

2                                                          January 9, 2022
The Baptism of the Lord January 9, 2022 - Holy Family, Inverness
Fr. Terry Keehan
Baptism of the Lord 2022                                  Holy Family’s sacramental records are kept in a
    Proof of Baptism is a requirement for Chris-          fireproof filing cabinet on the property.
tians celebrating the Sacrament of Marriage in                But a certificate of Baptism is just a start. It is
the Catholic Church. This is for all Christians,          verification of an event in the past. In our highly
both Catholic and non-Catholic. It is part of the         institutionalized Church, it can become simply a
paperwork in the process of marriage preparation          record and not a statement of identity or process.
and acknowledges the unifying and universal-                  My hope is that the adventure moment that
ity of Baptism that all Christians celebrate. Proof       we focus on this weekend at all Masses and this
of Baptism in the paperwork world is the most             coming Wednesday at our base camp will vault off
authentic verification that the person or persons,        of the fact that we were baptized – into the world
entering into marriage or other sacraments, were          of… Are We Baptized? Terry Nelson-Johnson first
in fact baptized. This is all part of the Catholic        introduced many of us to this difference when he
Church’s record keeping and, in some countries,           preached here at Holy Family a few years ago and
baptismal certificates are key pieces of informa-         he will certainly embellish this notion this weekend
tion in identifying details for the roots of ancestors.   and on Wednesday.
    The Catholic Church keeps very good records               I have insisted that for each adventure we do
for many things but, perhaps most importantly, for        not use church words that often minimize and
the reception of sacraments.                              institutionalize what happens in the grace adven-
    A Baptismal certificate is, in many ways, simi-       tures celebrated and realized in the sacred mo-
lar to a driver’s license and proof of Insurance          ments of life. Sacraments are continual illumina-
that verify one’s privilege to drive. Many of you         tion of the current of grace that runs through all
are familiar with proof of identity or licensing in       life. Similar to electricity in our homes, grace is a
your chosen professional fields. However, there           current that is manifest when we turn on the light
are significant differences in the simple verifica-        or appliance of realization or mediation. I appreci-
tion purpose of a Baptismal certificate and other         ate the Church’s recording of the big Sacramental
documents that are often proof of minimal require-        moments, but I urge and challenge every one of
ments for participation or practice.                      you to identify, articulate and even record the sac-
    For us Catholics, the church of Baptism is the        ramental experiences that you have experienced
permanent keeper of all sacramental records.              along the Pilgrimage way as well as, the person or
As subsequent sacraments are received, the                agent of the mediation of that sacrament. These
Baptismal record held at the church of Baptism            can be recorded in your Passports. Also, consider
is updated. On the Baptismal certificate, often           the statement “Hail___________________, full
on the reverse side, are records of reception of          of grace” to acknowledge sacred dynamics in our
First Communion, Confirmation, Marriage and               midst on a regular basis.
Priesthood as sent from parishes where these                  Because of my insistence on non-church lan-
sacrament were received. For example on my                guage, this adventure will be called DRENCHED,
Baptismal certificate at St. Antoninus Church in          not baptized. As only Terry Nelson-Johnson can
Cincinnati, Ohio it is noted that I was ordained a        do, we will be led pretty far out of the box of the
deacon on April 20, 1985 and a priest on May 24,          experience of baptism and into the world of being
1986.                                                     DRENCHED by God’s grace in the pool of all life.
    Records are maintained by the church of Bap-          This experience will be one more expression of
tism and the keeping of these records is standard         the strong pro-life stance that we advocate here at
and consistent all over the world, in every parish,       Holy Family.
in every country. A Baptismal certificate can be              The pool is not simply a font in church. The
obtained from any parish in the world. Baptismal          pool is ALL life, and ALL life is sacred. And be-
records are always carefully accounted for if a           cause of the sacred gift of life that we have been
parish closes or merges with another parish, and          given by God, we should not simply be dipped in
great care is taken to safely and securely hold           life-giving water—we should be DRENCHED with
Baptismal records in the midst of destruction of a        its energy!
church office through fire or other natural disaster.           See you on Wednesday!
The Baptism of the Lord January 9, 2022 - Holy Family, Inverness
a pilgrimage

    A blessed and Happy New Year to All! Now: get ready to get “Drenched!”
    This coming weekend, we’ll dive into the next leg of our journey: “Adventures in Grace: a
    pilgrimage”. This segment is all about exploring the concept of Baptism, well beyond the
    traditional sacramental ceremonial rite that comes to mind. Rather, we’re going to explore
    how we can all engage in ongoing “baptism” in our everyday lives: renewing, cleansing, re-
    committing. And a new year is the perfect time to do this.

    We invite all to join us for our next inspirational segment during weekend Masses on
    January 9th and 10th, and at our in-depth adventure on Wednesday evening, January 12th,
    7-8:30 PM. Bring your Passports, invite others, and spread the word. All are welcome and
    anyone can join at any time. Go to our website at: where
    you can learn more,r register, and catch up on prior events you might have missed. You
    can also stop by our kiosk after Masses or reach out to any Holy Family staff member.

    Safety first! We will be following all Covid-19 protocols for onsite Masses and events
    as we have been over the past year. Masks are required, and we will take extra steps to
    ensure safe social distancing. We truly hope most of you will attend in person, as sharing
    the journey in the company of others is priceless. However, if you prefer, you can still
    participate virtually by watching Mass online and participating in our Wednesday evening
    events remotely. First and foremost, we want you and your loved ones to be safe and

    A quick reminder to also mark your calendars for our next “Adventures in Grace: a
    pilgrimage” rest stop on January 26th, via Zoom, 7-8:30PM. It’s an opportunity for
    reflection and for shaping your individual path along our journey.

    Fr. Terry

4                                          January 9, 2022
The Baptism of the Lord January 9, 2022 - Holy Family, Inverness
Liturgical Arts
     Mass Intentions                                      Eternal Rest Grant Unto Them...
     Weekday intentions are prayed for at
 all three Morning Masses during that week
                                                                           + Ronald Petterec
  and Saturday and Sunday intentions are                                + Leonard James Pokuta
prayed for the entire weekend at every Mass.
                                                                             + Bob Wilhite
        Mass Intentions for                               “I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me,
       1/10, 1/11, 1/12, 1/13, 1/14                        even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and
                                                                    believes in me will never die. John 11:25
     Walter Gonsalzes (Sarita Pinto)
 Dr. Daniel Kwankwo (Nwankwo Family)
    Jean Sacco (Barbara Balik Family)
                                                               In a Special Way We Remember
   Elaine Rudnicki (Deborah Lancaster)                               Those Who Are Ill...
        Saturday, January 15 &                                                Paula Collins
         Sunday, January 16
                                                                              Kay Hanrahan
 Santosh and Sarita Pinto (Anniversary)
     Philip Polizzi (Joanne Muehlfelt)                                  Wedding Banns
   Pat Giannelli (Kurt and Judy Haben)
                                                                  Samantha Noga & Ralph Pineda - II
    Catherine Barrett (Adult Faith Life)
    Thomas Placek (Adult Faith Life)                              We Pray for Family Members
       Joan Lynch (Adult Faith Life)                               in Service of Our Country
    Margaret Brahm (Adult Faith Life)                               Lt. Michael J. Graft III (Air Force)
                                                                  Pvt. Zachary Heisner (Marine Corps)
  Catherine Chrubia (Marietta Satalivo)                                Captain Peter Keiser (Army)
  Filemón Villanueva (Jiménez Family)                               Ensign Patrick J. Kennelly (Navy)
                                                                      Capt. Nick Lewis-Walls (Army)
       Gloria Doyle (Tess Legarde)
                                                                     2nd Lt. Madeline Lopez (Army)
  Margie Byron Minton (Michael Minton)                               Lt. Colonel Brian Malloy (Army)
                                                            SPC James Purvin (Army), PFC Jacob Riedl (Army)
                                                                      SPC Theodore Rogers (Army)
                                                                   Airman Zachary L. Schirmer (Navy)
                                                               Maj. Elizabeth Greenstein Simmons (Army)
                                                                      Maj. Joshua Simmons (Army)
    Mass Intentions are available by contacting
         the Parish Office up to 2 weeks
              prior to the Mass date.
                                                                    Weekly Readings
                                                     Sunday, January 9                  Thursday, January 13
                                                       Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7                  1 Samuel 4:1-11
                                                       Acts 10:34-38                       Mark 1:40-45
                                                       Luke 3:15-16, 21-22              Friday, January 14
                                                     Monday, January 10                    1 Samuel 8:4-7, 10-22a
                                                       1 Samuel 1:1-8                      Mark 2:1-12
                                                       Mark 1:14-20                     Saturday, January 15
                                                     Tuesday, January 11                   1 Samuel 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1
                                                       1 Samuel 1:9-20                     Mark 2:13-17
                                                       Mark 1:21-28                     Sunday, January 16
                                                     Wednesday, January 12                 Isaiah 62:1-5
                                                       1 Samuel 3:1-10, 19-20              1 Corinthians 12:4-11
                                                       Mark 1:29-39                        John 2:1-11
The Baptism of the Lord January 9, 2022 - Holy Family, Inverness
Parish Support & Services
                                                                                    Holy Family's Fiscal Year 2021-22

                                                                 Weekly Attendance and Collection - Last 4 Weeks
                                                                                  Dec 12                1,080          $         47,442
Ro Geisler                                                                        Dec 19                1,290          $         81,249
Parish Manager                                                                    Dec 26                 452           $         39,824 Only 3 Masses
847-907-3424                                                                       Jan 2                 509           $         12,856
rgeisler                                                    Note: Collections vary week to week primarily based on the timing of electronic contributions                                                          Year to Date Collection Summary
                                                                                           Through January 4, 2022
The Parish Support                                                                  Delta to      Last Year    Delta to
& Services                                                    Actual      Budget     Budget        Actual      Last Year
Community...                Sunday & Electronic Collections $ 965,253 $ 1,036,080 $     (70,827) $ 950,948 $ 14,305
oversees the parish         Christmas                       $ 164,044 $ 175,000 $       (10,956) $ 162,633 $         1,411
business and                Easter                          $        65 $      -  $          65 $        490 $        (425)
infrastructure activities
to ensure they operate
                            Major Collections Totals                          $ 1,129,362 $ 1,211,080 $                       (81,718) $ 1,114,071 $        15,291
efficiently.                Prior Week Totals                                 $ 1,106,981 $ 1,133,907 $                       (26,926) $ 1,103,245 $         3,736
                            Note: Parish fiscal year is July 1 to June 30    Note: Total budget for Christmas is $175,000

                            Envelope Users: Please either mail your weekly collection envelopes to Holy Family at 2515 Palatine Road,
                                                           Inverness, IL 60067, or you can drop in the mail slot by Door 1.
                                              Consider making an electronic contribution at

6                                                                           January 9, 2022
The Baptism of the Lord January 9, 2022 - Holy Family, Inverness
Adult Faith Life
                                       Bible Journey
                          A Journey with Paul and Life in the Spirit
Mary Whiteside
                                                          Presented by Anne Madsen
Director                                            The journey in Romans with Paul continues, with the
847-907-3450                                        addition of 1 Corinthians. Here we will discover Paul’s
mwhiteside                                          vision of Christian living – “Life in the Spirit” – what it                               means for our daily living in Christ and how it impacts
                                                    our Church and our world. If you were unable to attend
The Adult Faith                                     Bible Journey in the Fall, these four sessions stand
Community...                                        apart and don’t require previous study in Romans for
supports the mission
                                                    full understanding and involvement.
of lifelong learning by                                January 19 – “Love”
providing educational,                    January 26 – “Spiritual Gifts and the Church”
spiritual, and                       February 2 – “Individual ‘gift’ inventory – What is my gift?”
formational activities                           February 9 – “Fruit of the Spirit”
for the parish and the     All sessions begin at 9:45 am and will conclude by 11:15 am and the fee will be
community.                $15. You may attend a live presentation at Holy Family or you have the option to
                                                      view the session on Zoom.
                            To register, contact Marsha Adamczyk at

   A little story about a sacramental in Mary Whiteside’s life
                      (along with this reminder to bring your own sacramental to
                                 the Pilgrimage this Wednesday night)
                                    When I was about 5 years old, my grandfather died and my grand-
                                mother, who was afflicted with polio at a young age, came to live with
                                us. Since she was unable to walk for most of the 11 years she lived
                                with us, my mother gave her this bell so if she ever needed anything
                                she could just ring it and one of us would come. During this time,
                                whenever the bell would ring one of us would go to her to empty her
                                bedpan, clean her dentures, mix her medication with a little grape jelly
                                on a spoon so she could get it down, or make her favorite breakfast,
                                which was a cheese omelet. By the time I was 8 I could make a pretty
                                good one.
                                   This bell became the music that said “I need you” but at times it
was also a call to just “be” with my grandmother. She would ring the bell and when I would go into
her room she would ask if I wanted to watch baseball with her (she was an avid Sox fan) or some-
times she would pass me a few extra dollars for the school fun fair. Sometimes she just wanted to
chat or have a little Fannie Mae candy together.
     In the years that followed my mother became the bell ringer as she lived with us when she was
ill, and my children saw the love that followed that beautiful music. Just recently, my sister moved
in with us while she recovered from emergency surgery and the first thing I did was hand her that
bell to ring when she needed someone.
     This bell will always be right beside my bed as a reminder of the love the women of my family
shared, and the sound it makes brings me right back to the warmth of my grandmother and moth-
er. It comforts me to hear that beautiful sound of love.

The Baptism of the Lord January 9, 2022 - Holy Family, Inverness
Human Concerns

                                      Welcoming A New Year
                               A new year stands on my doorstep ready to enter my life’s journey.
Sue Geegan
Director                    Something in me welcomes this visitor: the hope of bountiful blessings,
847-907-3443                   the joy of a new beginning, the freshness of unclaimed surprises
                               Something in me rebuffs this visitor; the swiftness of the coming,
                                the boldness of the entrance, the challenge of a year’s good-bye.
The Human                      Something in me fears this visitor: the unnamed events of future days,
Concerns                  the wisdom needed to walk love well, the demands of giving away and growing.
offers assistance with                         A new year stands on my doorstep.
life’s basic needs,              With fragile caution I move to open the door for its entrance.
spiritual and emotional                My heart leaps with surprise, joy jumps in my eyes,
support as well as
                          for there beside this brand-new year stands my God with outstretched hand!
additional resources
                                He smiles and gently asks of me: Can we walk this year together?
with partners in our
community while                              And I, so overwhelmed with goodness,
promoting mercy and                              Can barely whisper my reply:
justice by putting our
faith into action.                                           Welcome in!
                                          Fresh Bread and Other Gifts of Spiritual Nourishment,
                                                Ave Maria Press, 1985, Joyce Rupp, osm

                                  Holy Family’s Statement
                                  Against the Sin or Racism
                          Individual and systemic racism, in our past and currently, is a sin. It is
                          antithetical to the founding principles of our nation’s Democracy, the vision
                          of equality in which our God created us and the Gospel values of Jesus
                          Christ. Sin is reconciled by truly acknowledging it, being as sincere as pos-
                          sible in asking for, and trusting in, God’s forgiveness and genuinely commit-
                          ting to change through action.

                          WE here at Holy Family Catholic Community will carry out our commitment
                          to reconciling racist sin by fully living out the seven principles of Catholic
                          Social Teaching and will carry out that commitment through education, for-
                          mation, discussion and engagement.

                          Fr. Terry Keehan, Pastor

8                                                 January 9, 2022
The Baptism of the Lord January 9, 2022 - Holy Family, Inverness
Family & Teen Faith

Peg Hanrahan

The Family & Teen
Faith Community...
offers faith formation
and catechesis
to preschool through
elementary school aged
children and
high school teens
and their families.

The Baptism of the Lord January 9, 2022 - Holy Family, Inverness
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