Page created by Randall Bowman

                                                  Mission Statement:
St. Charles Borromeo, St. Joseph, Immaculate Conception, (St. Mary), united in proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ
through His saving death and resurrection, by calling, forming and sending disciples to go out and make new disciples.
    As a people, we are called to encounter Jesus, and grow as disciples through the sacramental life of the church.
Today is the kick-off of the 2021 Catholic Stewardship Appeal. This year’s theme, Many Hands One Vision,
serves to remind us to be thankful for gifts that God has blessed us with as individuals and as a Church and to
commit ourselves to sharing these gifts to enhance the work of our Lord Jesus Christ. God’s great care and love
for us helps to deepen our faith, makes us more loving, caring people and, most importantly, better servants to
our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ’s name.

Each year we are asked to put our faith to the test; united in an effort to ensure the Church not only sustains, but
grows ministries that will strengthen and expand its support to parishes, Catholic schools and religious education
programs, the formation of priests and deacons, parish lay leaders, and lifelong faith formation for people of all

I hope that we can strengthen our parishes’ support to the Catholic Stewardship Appeal by making an even great-
er push for increased participation in this year’s campaign. I want to ensure our parishes are doing their fair
share to support the mission and good works of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.

The Appeal was founded on a tradition of hope, faith, and gratitude some 90 years ago. Supporting it is a demon-
stration of our humility and generosity that is firmly rooted in the biblical concept of stewardship and in our obli-
gation as Catholics, as disciples of Jesus Christ, to share our blessings with others. A request for Appeal support
from the archdiocese has or will arrive in your mailboxes very soon. Please take time to reflect on and prayerfully
consider that request and decide what part you want to play in ensuring the continued strength and vitality of our
beloved Church.

Thank you to those of you who have been faithful contributors to the Appeal in the past. I hope you will consider
renewing your support this year -- with increase if possible. And, for those of you who have not made a gift be-
fore, please think about doing so this year.
Your Appeal gift does make a difference! So please help assist a family . . . train a seminarian . . . educate a
child . . . change a life . . . or save a soul.

                                               God bless you always!
                                                 Fr. Jim Volkert

                                                                 REGISTER NOW FOR BURLINGTON
Membership Collected (1/30-31/21)           $ 7,984.00                     CATHOLIC SCHOOL
Feb. 1 Dir. Withdrawal (ACH)                   6,074.00    Are you interested in sending your son or daughter to
Total                                       $ 14,058.00    Burlington Catholic School? Go to the following link
Amount given fiscal year to date           $343,269.05     and register today:
Amount budgeted to date (31 Weeks)         $362,415.64
Difference                                (-)19,146.59     action=21130&culture=en
Amount budgeted for fiscal year (52 weeks) $615,000.00
Amount still needed for fiscal year        $271,730.95      The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be offered the 1st and
   Amount needed weekly to reach budget (21 Weeks)           3rd Saturdays at St. Charles. Confessions will be heard at
                    $12,939.57/wk                           4:00 PM in the Cry Room of church. You may also call one
                                                                 of the priests to schedule a time convenient for you.
W e e k en d M a s s S c h e d u l e
                         Saturday                                                       Directory
                  4:30 PM—St. Mary Parish
                5:00 PM—St. Charles Parish                         Emergency After Hours Phone # 262-210-9588
                  7:30 AM—St. Mary Parish
                8:00 AM—St. Charles Parish
                 9:00 AM—St. Joseph Parish
                 10:30 AM—St. Mary Parish
           11:00 AM—St. Charles Parish (Spanish)

www.heartofthenation.org/online-mass/sunday-mass                   Website………………………...…...www.mystcharles.org
 CATHEDRAL https://www.stjohncathedral.org/index.php/              Hispanic Ministry……….….….………..…..262-767-2630
                connected/#eluid07c9c37e                            Sr. Janeth Vasconez Email: janeth67@hotmail.com
9:00 am - Radio Mass – AM 920 WOKY
11:00 am - Live Streamed on YouTube                                Parish Staff
The Order of Worship will be available here: YouTube and Radio
Masses                                                             Pastor: Very Rev. Jim Volkert……….……..262-763-2260
Live-stream and radio broadcast of Mass from the Cathedral will              E-Mail: jvolkert@stmb.org
continue for those who stay home. The 9:00 AM Mass is availa-      Associate Pastor: Rev. Sergio Rodriguez......262-763-2260
ble on Radio 920 AM, WOKY. You can view this week's 11:00                    E-Mail: srodriguez@mystcharles.org
am Cathedral Mass on our YouTube channel or via the video box      Deacon: Anton Nickolai………………...….262-763-2260
below.                                                             Parish Secretary/Bookkeeper: Jami Morrow
RADIO/TV Sunday Mass is available in the archdiocese via
broadcast in two forms, on the radio, at 9a.m., Sunday mornings,   ……………………………………….....262-763-2260 x201
on Radio 920 AM, W.O.L.F., and on broadcast television on                     E-Mail: jmorrow@mystcharles.org
WVTV, My24 at 7am, and 9am, and on WITI Fox 6, at 5:30am.          Director of Rel.Ed: Ellie Schultz………...….262-757-8054
                                                                              E-Mail: eschultz@mystcharles.org
                   Liturgical Roles                                Youth Ministry: Ellie Schultz ………….…...262-757-8054
                                                                              E-Mail: eschultz@mystcharles.org
Saturday, February 13 @ 5:00 pm                                    Trustee: Barb Bakshis……………………..... 262-539-2694
Reader: Jacki Scholze                                              Trustee: Bob O’Neill……...………...……….262-939-1292
Eucharistic Minister: Priest Only Until Further Notice             Bulletin Editor: Jami Morrow………....262-763-2260 x201
Ushers: Bridget Hinchliffe, John Anderson, Al Lois, Rose           Prayer Chain: Sara Schoepke……………….414-510-1841
Alternate: Barb Beix
                                                                   RCIA Coordinator: Erin Aldrich………………………...
                                                                              E-Mail: erin.l.aldrich@gmail.com
Sunday, February 14 @ 8:00 am
Reader: Bob O’Neill                                                Tri-Parish Pastoral Council Members…………………
Eucharistic Minister: Priest Only Until Further Notice
Ushers: Pete DeGrave, Tom Aldrich, Mary LaBadie, Tim
                                                                   Brian Daniel (763-7317), Mark Ehlen (763-8194), Mary Ann
Spiegelhoff                                                        Johnson—Vice Chairperson (262-812-7547), Bill Korducki
Alternate: Jim Martin                                              (262-763-4369), Tom Lebak—Chairperson(763-6006), Mari-
                                                                   lyn Putz—Secretary (763-9075), Jacki Scholze (763-4611),
Sunday, February 14 @ 11:00 am—Spanish Mass                        Rick Tinder (767-0499), Ellen Voslar (763-2056)
All Roles to be filled by the Hispanic Community

                  Mass Intentions                                  Finance Council Members……………………………..
                                                                   Barb Bakshis, Emily Berg, Bob Lois, Karen Middlecamp
Monday, February 8—No Mass                                         (Chairperson), Chris Miller, Bob O’Neill, Bil Scherrer, Fr. Jim
Tuesday, February 9—8:30am Mass at St. Charles                     Volkert
               †Marge Martin (Carol Pihringer)
Wednesday, February 10—† No Mass                                   Burlington Catholic Grade School
Thursday, February 11—No Mass                                      St. Charles & St. Mary Campus’s · Burlington
Friday, February 12 - Mass at St. Mary (8:30am)                    Principal: Emily Berg……..……...........…262-763-1515
       SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME                               Secretary: Ashleigh Seidl…..……...……..262-763-2848 x209
Saturday, February 13                                              Bus. Manager: Tyler Galstad………..…...262-763-2848 x210
5:00 pm—† Lenore Boulden (Bob Boulden)
                                                                   Catholic Central High School
Sunday, February 14                                                Principal: Bonnie Scholz....……………..……...262-763-1510
8:00 am— †Warren, Catherine & Bob David
                                    (Jack/Judy David)
11:00 am—†Living & Deceased Members of St. Charles                 St. Charles Knights of Columbus Council 1578
                                                                            Please call Jim Martin at 262-534-4359
Junior Toppers Fast Pitch Softball Clinic 2021
                   5th - 8th Grade Girls:
Looking to enhance your softball skills this clinic is just
what you are looking for!
Skill work will be offered in Offense, Defense, Pitcher /                       Week of February 07, 2021
Catcher Sessions
Email Coach Steve Kirst at: stevekirst@cchsnet.org              Sunday: Jb 7:1-4, 6-7/Ps 147:1-2, 3-4, 5-6/1 Cor 9:16-19,
Clinic Dates February 13th & 27th, March 13th...                22-23/Mk 1:29-39
See flier or contact                                            Monday: Gn 1:1-19/Ps 104:1-2a, 5-6, 10 and 12, 24 and
Coach Kirst at stevekirst@cchsnet.org for more details.         35c/Mk 6:53-56
                                                                Tuesday: Gn 1:20—2:4a/Ps 8:4-5, 6-7, 8-9/Mk 7:1-13
Monday Night Women’s AA meeting is now being held at            Wednesday: Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17/Ps 104:1-2a, 27-28, 29bc-
6:00PM at the 12 & 12 Club at 724 N. Pine St.                   30/Mk 7:14-23
Any questions please call Marlene at 262-210-5918. If no an-    Thursday: Gn 2:18-25/Ps 128:1-2, 3, 4-5/Mk 7:24-30
swer, please leave message.                                     Friday: Gn 3:1-8/Ps 32:1-2, 5, 6, 7/Mk 7:31-37
                                                                Saturday: Gn 3:9-24/Ps 90:2, 3-4abc, 5-6, 12-13/Mk 8:1-
                       Senior Valentine Delivery                10
                 St. Charles Helping Hands will be helping to   Next Sunday: Lv 13:1-2, 44-46/Ps 32:1-2, 5, 11/1 Cor
                 deliver hand-made Valentines from our BCC      10:31—11:1/Mk 1:40-45
                 students and REP members and will most
                 likely begin the week of Feb 8th. We have         The entire cost of our parish bulletin is covered by
                 170 on our mailing list and our goal is to        the advertisers on the back of this bulletin. Please
hand-deliver those that are local only. The rest of them will          thank them by patronizing their businesses.
be sent through the mail. The list will be divided according                   May God bless our advertisers!
to area with each area containing 12 – 15 residences. If you
are interested in helping, please contact Mary LaBadie at 262 St. Vincent de Paul Donations
-206-5569. Our seniors SO appreciate this and we hope you The mission of our St. Vincent de Paul Society is to bring
can join in the fun! Thanks in advance for your help.         help and hope to the poor of our community by providing
                                                              rent/utilities assistance. Our efforts are supported by the gen-
 Catholic Central High School Placement Exam erous donations of our parishioners and income from the Wa-
Know any 8th graders taking steps toward high terford Thrift Store. During these extraordinary times, we
school, interested in becoming a Hilltopper! Our need your help. Please consider making a donation. (Checks
goal is to serve fifty new freshmen in the fall of can be made payable to “St. Vincent de Paul Good Shepherd
2021. We are currently offering the exam on an Conference” and mailed to St. Mary Church, 108 McHenry
appointment only basis. To schedule a time to Street, Burlington 53105)
take the exam or have any questions please con-
tact       Admissions          at     262.763.1519         or St. Vincent de Paul Volunteers
email kschwenn@cchsnet.org                                    Our St. Vincent de Paul conference is a tri-parish group of
                                                              volunteers and is part of the Racine District Council whose
                                                              mission is to seek union with God through serving the poor
                                                              with love and justice. We make home visits to those in need,
                                                              collect household items for those recently homeless, and of-
                                                              fer professional skills on Council Boards. Each member con-
                                                              tributes to the service of others with their gift of time and
 "The students at Catholic Central High School have a varie-
                                                              their unique talents. With service comes the reward of know-
ty of tastes when it comes to music. A number of students
                                                              ing you have made a difference. Become a Vincentian and be
enjoy listening to hard rock bands such as: Def Leppard,
                                                              a part of the Good Shepherd Conference. For details, call
Guns N' Roses, AC/DC, Van Halen, Led Zeppelin, Man for
                                                              Georgia McCanna, at 262-763-6225 or email Georgia at
Man and Pink Floyd. Other students are listening to the
'new wave' sounds of bands like U2, UB40, The Cure and
Midnight Oil. Still others
enjoy the Jam Rock of                                         Are you someone who is considering joining the Catholic
                                                              Church or just interested in finding out more? Do you know
Samantha Fox, The
                                                              someone who is? Or, are you an adult Catholic who has never
Escape Club and Stevie                                        been confirmed or just want to learn more about your faith?
B. Conventional rock                                          RCIA, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is for you!
seems to be the favorite                                      RCIA will begin soon and runs until Easter. Our RCIA sessions
type of music for                                             follow a very interactive/open discussion format,
many. They enjoy the                                          are interesting, informative—and fun!
music of INXS, Breathe,                                       Please contact the parish office to register for the
George Michael and New                                        program       or    email    Erin     Aldrich     at
Edition." Marian 1989                                         erin.l.aldrich@gmail.com.
Lenten Study                                             UPDATES AS OF AUGUST 29/30
Lent is a special time Church in her wisdom has set apart for us
to grow stronger spiritually. She sends forth us with the mes-     35% Capacity
sage “Repent, and believe in the Gospel”, on Ash Wednesday.         35% = St. Mary – 190 St. Charles – 140 St. Joseph – 78
What does it mean to be truly repentant? What does it take to      Even though Archbishop Listecki has reinstated the Sunday obliga-
believe in the Gospel? Do we take this seriously? Does it pro-     tion for all Catholics to attend Holy Mass, all of those who as de-
duce a change of heart even when we make a sincere effort?         fined by the health department as more vulnerable (60+ years of
Please consider joining an on-line Lenten study as we delve into   age, those with compromised immune systems, those with underly-
                                                                   ing health conditions, those who are anxious about being in a large
this deeply. Lessons will be offered on Mondays from 6:30 to
                                                                   group, etc.) as well as children under the age of 7, are encouraged
7:30 p.m. through Zoom, beginning February 1st. Contact Soly       to stay at home. The Archdiocese at this time asks that Holy
Johns at solycjohns@gmail.com or (262) 581-0055 with ques-         Communion be received in the hand.
tions.                                                             Cleaning of Facilities
                                                                   Frequently touched surfaces such as pews/pew tops, doors handles
  We would like to extend a warm welcome to our                    as well as bathrooms will continue to be cleaned and sanitized by
  Christian Community to 2 little ones who were                    CDC recommendations after every Mass. All ushers/greeters will
              baptized here in January:                            wear masks and gloves while taking up the collection. At this time,
                                                                   Archbishop Listecki has mandated that masks must be worn in
Oaklynn Marie Weis, daughter of Vaughn and Lauren                  church. Masks will continue to be available at the entrances.
(Wieners) Weis, was baptized on January 9th.
Saylor Jaymes Jones, daughter of Kevin & Haley
(Torgerson) Jones was baptized here on January 30th.               FEED YOUR SOUL WITH PRAYER THIS LENT!
                                                                Nothing will transform your life so completely, absolutely,
May the meaning of your baptism fill your heart with joy and forever like really learning how to pray. That’s why this
today and always. God bless each of you.                        year’s BEST LENT EVER journeys through Matthew
                                                                Kelly’s latest book, I HEARD GOD LAUGH: A practical
                                                                Guide to Life’s Essential Daily Habit.
                                                                Beginning on Ash Wednesday and continuing through all
                                                                forty days of Lent, you will receive a daily email with a short
                                                                video to help you reconnect with yourself and your God.
                                                                If you choose to throw yourself into this experience, we
                         End of Mass                            promise you, that you will be surprised by what God can do
Question:                                                       in your life with just an email, a short video and an open
Is it ever Ok to leave Mass before it ends?                     heart. So this year, don’t just sign up for BEST LENT EV-
Answer:                                                         ER, have your best Lent ever!
This is an interesting question because beneath the surface
there seems to be an assumption that if it’s okay, then why             40 DAYS TO GRACE AND GLORY
do we have to stay after we receive communion? The short        This Lent, we invite you to journey with Dr. Tim Gray by
answer is “no,” but we definitely want to go a bit deeper as    signing up for Free Daily Lenten Reflections. Each day you
we consider why.                                                will receive in your inbox a short video which features Dr.
First, when we think about questions like this, we must con- Gray commenting on the daily Mass readings, explaining the
sider this in adult terms. If there is something gravely im-    Scriptures, and providing you with concrete ideas on how to
portant that we need to do, then we must attend to that.        apply them to your Christian life. Available for free on
However, if it is a matter of convenience or preference, then FORMED.ORG
we really have to stop and think again. First, while we al-
ways want to recognize the importance of sacramental com-                        H A P P Y B IR T H DA Y !
munion in the Mass, we also need to understand how im-           Each month we like to take a moment and wish those special
portant the time of thanksgiving and prayer after commun-          members of our parish, who are turning 80 and up, a very
ion is. This is summarized in the Prayer After Communion          happy birthday. This February we recognize the following:
offered by the celebrant and then we are also commissioned
to “Go forth” during the Dismissal of the Mass, reminding          * Karlene Gebhard—February 2nd
us that we have been entrusted with a gift — the Word of           * Lillian Robers—February 3rd
God and the Presence of Christ in the sacrament — and that         * Suzanne Weis—February 3rd
we are to share that gift with others.                             * Martin Robers—February 6th
If we simply leave after we receive communion, we risk two         * Dorothy Swanson—February 12th
things. First, there is the possibility that we will turn our      * Tom Pringle—February 12th
reception of communion into a purely personal, individual          * Albert “Bud” Gores—February 13th
experience that is separated from our common experience of         * Jean Schultz—February 15th
worship — and communion in the fullest sense — and, sec-           * Patricia Spiegelhoff—February 19th
ond, we lose an opportunity for gratitude and serious reflec-      * Don Harry—February 21st
tion if we simply leave after communion. This time of              * Thomas Hubbard—February 25th
thanksgiving, reflection, and, ultimately, missioning, are         * Evelyn Fallon—February 26th
important and, in the end, an essential part of the celebration
of the Mass.                                                       * Joan Labutski—February 27th
©LPi                                                               * Constance Lutz—February 28th
                                    Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
                               Job 7,1-4, 6-7
                               1 Corintios 9,16-19, 22-23
                               Evangelio de San Marcos 1,29-39
                            En la explicación que nos presenta la Biblia católica para jóvenes sobre el libro de Job es
                            muy interesante. Nos dice: “Entra en oración” aquí Job se distingue de sus amigos, pues,
                            mientras ellos hablan sobre Dios, Job habla con Dios. ¿Qué puedes aprender de la
                            oración de Job en su sufrimiento? *Sé honesto con Dios y contigo mismo. Si sufres, dile
                            claramente a Dios lo que sientes. Puedes escribir tu oración en un diario o cuaderno.
                            *Expresa tus sentimientos con libertad, incluyendo tu impaciencia, ira y desconcierto,
                            como lo hizo Job. Dios es comprensivo y te conoce con amor. Los sentimientos negativos
reprimidos producen reacciones psicológicas y sociales peligrosas. *Tomate de la mano de Dios y dile con toda confi-
anza: Te hablaré con toda la angustia de mi espíritu, me quejaré con amargura en el alma (Job 7, 11). *Acoge su luz
y pide que te ayude a buscar a un consejero o una comunidad que te apoye. Dios tiene muchos caminos para
ayudarte. (Job 7)
En esta ocasión San Pablo, nos da ejemplo de su predicación radical del Evangelio, él predica a Cristo y este resucitado. Su
frase enfática de ‘ay de mí si no anuncio el Evangelio’ es una invitación a no quedarnos pasivos, como bautizados tenemos
la tarea de anunciar la buena noticia del amor redentor de Cristo que se entregó en la cruz por amor. Con su muerte nos
redimió y nos devolvió la gracia de ir gozar de la presencia de Dios Padre. Este amor redentor nos debe animar a hacer
presente en las familias, en el trabajo y en todo lugar donde nos encontremos. Que como San Pablo anunciemos a Cristo,
que acojamos a todos nuestros hermanos y les hagamos partícipes del amor de Cristo, con nuestro testimonio de vida.
En el Evangelio vemos como Jesús en su infinita misericordia curó a los enfermos. Él es quien nos devuelve la paz al alma y
al cuerpo. Nosotros como humanos y por nuestras limitaciones en ocasiones estamos llenos de preocupaciones y de miedos.
Las enfermedades nos pueden visitar, pero esto no debe ser un motivo para alejarnos de Dios sino al contrario, debemos
fortalecernos en el amor compasivo y misericordioso del Buen Dios que está siempre a nuestro lado.

       Un momento de reflexion - Papa Francisco                                        Oremos juntos
  El Papa Frnacisco, recordando, el 2 de febrero, la memoria
  de cuando «los jóvenes María y José, llevaron a su recién        Señor Jesucristo, Tú llamas a muchas mujeres a
  nacido», Cristo Luz del mundo, al Templo de Jerusalén - con      consagrarse de muy diversos modos en la obra de la
                                                                   evangelización. El cuerpo de tu Iglesia, Señor, cuenta
  «¡la alegría de caminar en la Ley del Señor!», puso de re-       con una rica vida consagrada femenina que, con su
  lieve «el encuentro entre la sagrada Familia y estos dos rep-    oración, su sacrificio, su aportación, su confianza y su
  resentantes del pueblo santo de Dios. En el centro está Jesús.   alegría, animan y fortalecen la misión. Te damos gra-
  Es Él quien mueve todo, que atrae a unos y otros al Templo,      cias por el gran regalo que son para tu Iglesia. Señor,
  que es la casa de su Padre». «Encuentro singular entre ob-       envía vocaciones a sus comunidades para que nunca
  servancia y profecía». Como ocurre también en la vida            falte este pulmón en la vida de tu Iglesia. Ellas, vivien-
  consagrada. El Encuentro entre los jóvenes y los ancianos,       do en pobreza, castidad y obediencia, nos invitan a vi-
                                                                   vir aspirando a los bienes del cielo, mientras camina-
  animados por el Espíritu Santo, cuyo signo es la alegría de      mos en la tierra. Las consagradas testimonian la es-
  comunicar y de recibir. Hace bien a los ancianos comunicar       peranza de la gloria mientras, con su oración y su ser-
  a los jóvenes el patrimonio de experiencia y sabiduría. Y a      vicio diario, atraen esta espera en muchos lugares
  los jóvenes les hace bien recibirlo, «no para guardarlo en un    difíciles: haciendo posible lo imposible, poniendo
  museo», sino para llevarlo adelante, por el bien de la           alegría en la tristeza, consuelo y perdón en la perse-
  vocación a la vida consagrada, de las familias religiosas y de   cución, alivio en el dolor y calor humano en la fría re-
                                                                   alidad tantas veces deshumanizada.
  toda la Iglesia.

Les invitamos a todos a participar de la Santa Misa los días Jueves a las 6:30 pm aqui en San Car-

Gracias por su presencia y un Feliz Domingo.
Hna. Janeth Vásconez, mfj
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    sgebert@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x5827                                                                                                                                    BUILDING THE HIGH ROAD
                                                                                                                                               324 S. Pine       763-9385      reesmans.com | 262.539.2124                             262-539-2664

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                                  For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com		                                                                                     St. Charles Borromeo, Burlington, WI                                         B 4C 01-0648
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                 SAWING & DRILLING
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262-763-2555 • 1-800-270-6788 • Fax 262-763-7787                                     Burlington, WI 53105      262-763-6259        www.ketters.com        (262) 763-8185 or (262) 763-1888
       Email: bigelow@bizwi.rr.com                                                    262-661-4239 office      257 Milwaukee Ave., Burlington, WI 53105      Brian R. Wanasek • Richard Scholze
    Website: shopbigelowappliance.com                                                    414-416-3575 cell            Gary Ketterhagen, Owner             Peter J. Ludwig • Brett Ekes • Jennifer Gorn

    Builders & Remodeling, Inc.
                                                   Fax           sales & service, inc.
         General Contractor

       Troy Ketterhagen
       Civil/Structural Engineer Technician                    1197 MILWAUKEE AVE.                                                                               Contact Shirley Gebert to place an ad today!
121 Industrial Drive, Burlington, WI 53105                     BURLINGTON, WI 53105                                                                               sgebert@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x5827
          Email dmketter@sbcglobal.net                             (262) 763-3563

                                                                                                                       Call LPi today for
                                                                                                                        advertising info
                                                                                                                         (800) 950-9952

                                                            140 W. Chestnut Street
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      Remodeling • Restoration
JIM: 262-534-4359                  2657 Timber Ln.
TONY: 262-763-5536                   Burlington, WI       www.supertacosmoy.com

                                              For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com		                                                      St. Charles Borromeo, Burlington, WI                                    A 4C 01-0648
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