The newspaper of the Licensed Taxi Drivers’ Association



PHIL BROWN Pages 28 & 29
 20th April 2022 #514

 sk e d t o
 a vin g a th e
 e c ab h n o w in g
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 was th ks , la u e .
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 www.ltda.co.uk @TheLTDA
Contents & News


 20:04:22 The motion is proposed by Alderman Tim
 Hailes, a long-standing supporter of the licensed
 taxi trade. It has support from more than 45
 3 | News members of the City of London Corporation,
 many of whom the LTDA has been lobbying on
 5 | Steve McNamara this issue.
 Since restrictions were introduced in 2017,
 6 | Paul Brennan the LTDA has been pushing for taxi access to be
 restored. Corporation officers have repeatedly
 8 | Anthony Street promised to review the restrictions amid growing
 pressure from members of the Council, but
 10 | Lloyd Baldwin
 have failed to do so. A recent consultation on
 14 | Steve Kenton the All Change at Bank Scheme, which proposed
 further restrictions on vehicle access in the
 16 | Emma Lunn On April 21st, the City of London’s Court of area – with the creation of a pedestrianised area
 Common Council will vote on a motion which and new road layouts – found that the majority
 18 | Cab You Drive is calling on the Corporation’s Planning and of respondents favoured exempting black cabs
 Transportation Committee to present a draft from some of the current restrictions, however in
 20 | Robert Lordan traffic order permitting East-West and West-East their report on the findings Officers once again
 access to Bank Junction for licensed Hackney deferred making a decision on the future of taxi
 22 | So you think you Carriages at all times, seven days a week, for access, citing the impact of the pandemic and
 know London
 further approval. changing traffic patterns as their reasoning.
 24 | Al Fresco

 TAXI Mail
 27 | Puzzler
 TAXI | Letters
 28 | Phil Brown

 30 | Exclusive: Subject: Hanging Up my Badge
 Taxi Charity Dear Editor. – railway companies have been itching to charge us like
 After 44 years of driving a licensed cab and 12 years Heathrow and now London City Airport. Heathrow was
 34 | Musher Meg
 Puzzler Answers of minicabs before that, I have finally had enough. in and out a lot, Sundays in particular and it was free.
 Enough of the way London Mayors have screwed up It depresses me to see how the best taxi service in
 London and despite all the empty promises of how the world has withered to what it is. Everybody had
 the London Cab Trade is a ‘Jewel in the Crown’ have a nickname because you spent time on ranks getting 3
 allowed it to become the shadow of what it once to know your fellow cabmen and being so many
 was. The road system is now a permanent car park, named Joe, Harry, Bert etc, you had a nickname to
 increasing pollution tenfold. Perfectly good cabs be identified, like mine, FRED THE LEG because of
 forced off the road because some idiot thinks it is Fred the Fireman and a lot of other Freds. The Judge,
 Taxi House 133 Great Suffolk Street, ‘greener’ for London. A freehold cab is greener than Billericay Billie, Jack the Baron, Jack Trousers (thought
 SE1 1PP
 T: 020 7286 1046 | www.ltda.co.uk
 one costing a quarter of the value of your house. he wore the same trousers all his working life). The
 @TheLTDA Maybe working on ‘the clock’ is due to return, if the Sheriff of Finchley Rd, he only drove up and down
 Editor trade lasts that long. You used to see ‘Knowledge boys’ from Temple Fortune to Wellington Rd. So many, all
 Nick Hartop
 E: editor@ltda.co.uk
 everywhere. I can’t remember the last one I saw. The gone now to the big feeder park in the sky. Won’t be
 one thing I found better was NSL. Garages can’t now many years before I try and get on the back of that
 Produced by
 Century One Publishing Ltd just look at the reg of a cab and say "£850 son, your cab rank. I have enjoyed many years in the trade picking
 Alban Row,27-31 Verulam Road
 St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL3 4DG.
 is getting on" even if you have spent a fortune on it. up rides like Prince William, Princess Margaret,
 T: 01727 893 894, F: 01727 893 895 How many cabs have been forced out of London just Anthony Benn, Margaret Thatcher, Charlton Heston,
 E: hello@centuryone.uk
 too work in other big cities? Lord Denning, a whole cavalcade of Lords, Ladies, film
 Advertising Sales Executive
 You don’t get time to stop for a meal in a shelter. stars, tv and sports personalities – plus a million of the
 Loren Wedderburn T: 01727 739184 They are still there, protected by National Heritage, great British public.
 E: loren@centuryone.uk
 dark and unused. The one in Leicester Sq. was I was getting disenchanted… then, COVID! That
 Creative Director very popular. Have your dinner then ready for the put the tin hat on it for me. Months of getting used
 Peter Davies
 burst. That’s when you could drive into the square. to sitting in with Mrs and my dogs. So, I’ve sold my
 Sean McNamara Cambridge Circus was a roundabout with a big Gents cab and hung up the badge (4545). What’s the highest
 Printed by outfitters called ALLKITS. number now – so high my nose bled. Remember
 Manson Group, St Albans London Taxis, the last of Old London. The pigeon though, if you get nicked for anything, the LTDA is
 food seller in Trafalgar Sq. The print gone, cabs parked there looking after you, so keep those subs going. If
 Published on behalf of the LTDA by up on ranks all around Fleet St while boys went in to you don’t belong, join – they helped me out with the
 one of the big newspaper offices, clocked on, then took cab, medicals, and a problem with Bank Junction, all
 it in turns to either mind the printer or work the cab. to my satisfaction. Great institution.
 Docklands – when I started driving, Canary Wharf was
 full of ships loading and unloading goods from all over So as Dave Allen used to say, "MAY YOUR GOD GO
 the world. Some of these would take a few passengers WITH YOU".
 that would go on a cruise to parts of the world cheaper
 than the Queen Mary or SS Southern Cross. The stations FRED THE LEG

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored
in a retrieval system or transmitted by any means electronic, mechanical or
by photocopying without prior permission of the publishers. The views and FUNERAL NOTICE
opinions expressed in this publication may not necessarily be those of the
publishers. Please note that the last day for inclusion of Classified lineage The funeral of the late Bill Alsbury RIP will be held at Stevenage
advertisements is five working days prior to publication. No liability is ac-
cepted by the publisher should advertisements not appear in the requested Crematorium at Watton Road on Friday 29 April at 3.30 pm. All those
issue(s). While the publisher will take every care to ensure accuracy, no
liability can be accepted for loss or damage resulting from errors.
 who knew him are welcome to attend.

@TheLTDA www.ltda.co.uk
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 www.ltda.co.uk @TheLTDA
General Secretary | Steve McNamara

 Get Writing & Help
 People Breathe!
“The plan is to get a book together of great London black cab stories. Every single penny made
by the book will go to the charity…”

 workers rights legislation and be both pieces of legislation we face in London, via
Steve's comment liable for VAT on every booking, have been supported by the Parliament, through the APPG,
 interesting times! Government, who seem to be at City Hall and elsewhere.
 more on side when it comes
 Licensing to the need for new regulation Second-hand cabs

 t’s nice to occasionally There’s a lot going on in the than they have been previously. Just recently there has been
 make a prediction that world of taxi and PHV licensing. The Government also recently a record number of new taxis
 comes to fruition, and my At the end of March, the Taxis published a consultation on Best sold and correspondingly, a
 insight on Uber launching and Private Hire Vehicles Practice Guidance for Taxi and high number of older cabs
a part 8 challenge for the (Safeguarding and Road Safety) PHV licensing. This builds on changing hands. Unfortunately,
rest of the country was spot Bill introduced by Conservative the statutory standards released a couple of cabbies, who were
on. Last week Uber launched MP, Peter Gibson, became in 2020. There are still lots of not members, bought cabs that
the proceedings in Sefton, law. Based on a Bill originally issues which need addressing, had previously been written
Merseyside where they are proposed by Daniel Zeichner, mainly in relation to PHVs off by insurance companies
trying to get the courts to rule Chair of the Taxi APPG, it creates and cross border hiring which and subsequently repaired.
that private hire companies a legal requirement for local remains a big problem, as we These cabs, when presented for
outside of London, even though authorities to cooperate and will explain in our consultation licensing at NSL, were refused a
they are licensed under totally share information to prevent response, but it’s progress! licence on the grounds that the
different legislation, are the dangerous drivers obtaining I was happy to host a meeting vehicle was 'unsafe' to be used
‘principal’ in taking a booking licenses – basically to stop led by the National Institute as a licensed taxi.
from a customer, in the same licence shopping. of Licensing on this and other
way that the High Court ruled Another Bill to better protect issues at Taxi House recently, LTDA Exec, and ex-mechanic
that operators in London were. disabled passengers particularly along with organisations Anthony further explains cab
 If they are successful, and I am in PHVs, has also been going including the Suzy Lamplugh ‘write off’ categories and digs a
told that the local operators ‘up through Parliament. It is Trust. We will keep pushing little deeper into this topic on
north’ are all gearing up to fight currently being considered by for the national minimum page 8, explaining how the LTDA
it, every company in the country the House of Lords before it standards we need and on the can support you when it comes 5
will be liable for a degree of can become law. Unusually, specific regulatory challenges to buying a second-hand cab.

 My mate Harry
 I was recently approached by a long-term Okay, so what’s the plan?
 The newspaper of the Licensed Taxi Drivers’ Association
 supporter of our trade and a good friend Harry: The plan is to get a book together
 of mine, Dr Harry Brunjes, who typically of great London black cab stories. Every COVER STORY: E.N.O BREATHE
 for Harry, has had an idea for a book for single penny made by the book will go to
 a charity that helps people suffering with the charity. I’ve some cracking tales from PAUL BRENNAN Page 6
 breathing difficulties due to Long Covid. celebrities who have written in but not as FEATURE: THE KNIGHTS TEMPLARS
 His idea for the book is that it features a yet had submissions from cabbies… In fact, PHIL BROWN Pages 28 & 29

 selection of short cabbing stories written I’ve only had one sent in so far!
 20th April 2022 #514

 by London cab drivers and some tales ed to
 b ha ving ask ing the
 also from celebs about their experiences Okay Harry, let’s cut to the chase, what the ca ff know
 as passengers in London cabs. We have can we do? o fella s get in t, E1. I set o didn’t know
 Tw er S at I
 run a few appeals the past couple of Harry: This is my plea. There are three ways n to Eld g – wh lling
 be take te I’d be takin with tears ro arder
 editions for cabbies to send in stories, London Cabbies can get their stories to me:
 exact ro u ivin g it r and h
 but I thought I would catch up with Harry 1. Send me the yarn on an email at th a t d be dr ughing longe
 was ks, la .
 and ask him what it’s all about and see if cabbiestory@gmail.com y chee my life
 2. Phone my office on 01323 483946 and one
 down m r had done in
 I could put a bit of a spotlight on what he ve
 needs from cabbies out there with a tale of my staff will write the story down. than I e
 or two to tell… 3. Phone the office and leave their mobile
 number and I will phone them back
 Right Harry, what’s going on? personally!
 Harry: Well as you know, I’m Chair of
 English National Opera and they have Not all cabbies are Shakespeare y’know
 been putting their opera-singing tools of Harry?
 the trade to work, helping people with Harry: There’s no need to worry about that. OPERA NEEDS YOUR
 Long Covid who are struggling with their I am often surrounded by scriptwriters and STORIES
 breathing. It’s called ENO Breathe and comics due to my work in the West End. CABBIES ASKED TO PEN TALES
 we are helping over a thousand people We will put it into a form of words that FOR LONG COVID CHARITY
 already but need more funding to reach works, delivers and is funny. ENO Breathe
 the numbers out there struggling to needs you! Please get in touch with your
 breathe. cabbie tales! n LTDA

@TheLTDA www.ltda.co.uk
Chairman | Paul Brennan

 The Skullduggery
 “Don’t pee on me and then tell me it’s raining...”

 Top rank

 robably two of the maddest schemes in Streetscape ‘planning’ are as
 follows… In the number two spot, the Park Lane cycle lane and in the
 number one spot, the Euston Rd eastbound cycle lane.

 Widespread condemnation
 These two schemes have probably received the most local and national
 press coverage with almost widespread condemnation of them for the
 harm they are perpetuating on London residents, visitors and businesses.
 The usual suspects have trotted out the usual tag lines and skewed data to
 try and justify these and other schemes, but all they do is infuriate those
 impacted who are tempted to retort with the old saying, “don’t pee on me
 and then tell me it’s raining.”

 FOI request
 I was recently sent the results of a freedom of information request made by
 my counterpart at the UCG, Karen Proctor who had asked for the figures
 of cycle counts on both Park Lane and Euston Rd. We were both quite Lowest average hourly cycle count Mon-Fri between
 surprised at what came back. Firstly, with Park Lane the request was for the July 2021 & Feb 2022
 daily cycle counts for Park Lane northbound between 6am and 10pm each
 day for the following months: September, October and November 2021;
 January and February 2022.
 Broad Walk 158 94 163
 What was received were the figures for the monitoring points located at
6 Brook Gate and Stanhope Gate, nothing unusual in that! That does indeed
 W Carriage Drive 131 68 201
 cover Park Lane as per the request, the times given were not quite as per
 the request though, instead they covered three periods in the day: 8am-
 Stanhope Gate 83 38 97
 11am, 12pm-2pm and 4:30pm-7:30pm. Yes, you got it – the three peaks
 – the morning, lunchtime, and evening rush with the other ‘quieter times’
 Brook Gate 59 42 76
 conveniently missing. “Aha”, you think, “that’s how they skew the figures –
 just count the busy hours and ignore the rest”, and of course you would be
 right and no doubt unsavoury thoughts like ‘cheeky buggers’ might have So, what do these two simplified tables show? Well, when it comes to
 also sprung to mind. how people cycle in the area, twice as many will ride through the Park on
 Broad Walk alone than those on Park Lane combined. Also, when it comes
 Digging deeper… to plumping out the figures, adding Broad Walk and West Carriage Drive
 Then you carry on looking at what has been provided and you notice they into the mix sure does make the Park Lane cycling figures look good. If it’s
 have also included the average counts in West Carriage Drive! Why have figures like these that are used by the likes of Will Norman to claim that 10
 they done that? As the crow flies, that’s 1.6 km away from Park Lane, very trillion billion people are using the Park Lane cycle lane every nano second
 curious! Then you look some more, and they’ve also included the counts (ok, that was not the claim, but it might as well be), then shame on them.
 for Broad Walk (for those of you that have never taken a stroll through
 Kensington Garden, Broad Walk is the big path that runs from Palace Gate Euston Rd chaos
 up past the Round Pond and Kensington Palace to Queensway), and again “What about Euston Road?” I hear you ask, how have they massaged the
 as the crow or perhaps more apt for this area the parakeet flies, it is 2.29 km figures on the Euston Road to show that the massive outcry by all and
 away from Park Lane – curiouser and curiouser… sundry that its causing absolute chaos in the area is wrong, and that it really
 When you then look at the numbers it makes more sense, and is clearly is just raining? Well for that they’ve gone straight to rule number one in the
 right out of the skulduggery playbook, with rule number three firmly skulduggery playbook – just deny, deny, deny, nothing to see hear, move on.
 followed: ‘If you’re going to try and hoodwink the public, go big’ – or to Confused? So were we when the response came back with figures for
 relate it to this scenario, using only the busy times is good, but is it good Marylebone Rd by Park Crescent, because (and this is going straight into
 enough? Let’s look at the highs and lows across the three peak time periods the ‘you couldn’t make it up file’), they do not have any monitoring on the
 at the four locations and put them in some kind of perspective: Euston Road cycle lane. One of the most controversial schemes out there
 and they have nothing? One can only assume from this, that despite the
 Highest average hourly cycle count Mon-Fri between best efforts of skulduggery authors, even they could not write anything to
 July 2021 & Feb 2022 hide/spin that shower of pee.

 LOCATION AM Lunchtime PM Branch election
 Following on from the debacle that was the recent FCA members rule
 Broad Walk 484 407 688 amendments ballot (and despite the best efforts of some), our rule
 amendment to allow for a safe election of branch officers can now go ahead
 W Carriage Drive 299 157 451 some three years after we first attempted to do so. With that in mind we
 are asking any Green Badge LTDA members that would like to get more
 Stanhope Gate 231 117 298 involved in the association and become a branch officer to register their
 interest by emailing info@ltda.co.uk. We will respond back with further
 Brook Gate 151 115 365 information on next steps and what is required of them to become a candidate
 and what is expected of them in that role. n LTDA

 www.ltda.co.uk @TheLTDA
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@TheLTDA www.ltda.co.uk
Executive | Anthony Street

 Don’t Be Sorry, Get
 “Before you hand over any cash – call me. Being an LTDA member is all about
 us protecting your interests, please make use of it!”

 Streets ahead

 n the past weeks, there
 has been a record number
 of new cabs sold and
 correspondingly, the
 second-hand cab market is
 booming. Sadly, a few cabbies
 who were not LTDA members,
 purchased cabs, (one knowingly
 and one not), that had previously
 been written off by insurance
 companies and then repaired.
 These vehicles were presented for
 licensing at NSL and were refused
 licences on the grounds that the
 vehicle was 'unsafe' to be used as
 a licensed taxi. I am also aware
 “If you are considering
 there have been a rise in similar buying a second-
 instances concerning private hand taxi that is not
 hire vehicles.
 currently licensed or
 Second-hand cabs is licensed outside of
 If you are considering buying London, it is essential
8 a second-hand taxi that is not
 that you contact
 currently licensed or is licensed
 outside of London, it is essential the LTDA before
 that you contact the LTDA before TXe is loaded with gadgets and  Category S: The vehicle is
 committing to the purchase.
 committing to the technology. What comes with repairable, but the cost of repairs
 One of the services we offer to purchase.” that are parts that are extremely is higher than the value of the
 members is a free HPI check expensive, and it may not always vehicle. The damage may include
 on taxi purchases. We can then be as simple to write off a TXe structural damage leading to the
 advise if the vehicle has been and the insurance companies excessive cost of repair.
 damaged or is the subject of may make the decision to repair  Category N: The vehicle can
 outstanding finance – again, companies are more than likely the taxi, which in turn can be repaired and only has minor
 another area where you could to make the decision not to bring about issues for drivers damage, but the cost of repairs is
 lose out… repair older vehicles due to the if the process is not managed a considerable proportion of the
 Be vigilant when buying a cost of obtaining parts and the correctly. Only the most severely vehicle’s market value.
 second-hand cab, I would say man hours needed to repair it at damaged taxi would be classed Once the vehicle has been
 most of the time when you are official insurance company rates. as a total loss and can only be deemed a total loss by the
 buying a cab from another driver In these cases, the insurance sold for parts, but the body and engineer, the fault party’s insurer
 it would be fine, but sometimes company would put the vehicle shell of the vehicle must be will offer a settlement equivalent
 can go badly wrong with you on the DVLA register as an crushed and must never be put to the pre-accident market value
 being left out of pocket. The uneconomical repair, formerly back on the road. of the vehicle. An insurance write-
 option for buying second-hand known as a category D – but that The simple guide that follows off is usually best avoided, but I
 is especially good for those has now changed to a category N. demonstrates what the damaged do understand why some drivers
 drivers that want the freedom to The Category N is classed as vehicle or taxi is classed as, if may investigate this avenue,
 work part time 3-4 days a week the lesser damage, so if you were the insurance company decide especially now we have lost three
 but be aware of certain pitfalls going to buy a taxi with a history to write the vehicle off due to years on the life of a working
 that may arise when buying any of this kind, this is the one you it being considered unsafe or cab but do your homework and
 taxi, full stop. would need to buy. When buying uneconomical to repair. There are contact the LTDA.
 the cab, you will need to follow four categories of a total loss that We have had members that
 Purchase precautions certain guidance to have the an engineer can class a damaged have purchased a cab that’s been
 There are certain precautions taxi licenced. vehicle as: written off and when they have
 you should take to safeguard If you are considering doing  Category A: Severe damage come to get it licenced, TfL have
 any potential investment. I was a this, I implore you, before you with no serviceable parts, the put up a brick wall and the driver
 motor engineer and qualified to hand over any cash, to please vehicle must be crushed. has been requested to provide
 a prominent level when repairing call me (Anthony) to help. Being  Category B: The vehicle has paperwork that they don’t always
 vehicles utilising specialised an LTDA member is all about us major structural damage and have. Before you put yourself in
 measuring equipment that would protecting your interests, please the repairs cost more than the the situation, it’s all ways best to
 be needed to repair a vehicle that make use of it! value of the vehicle. Parts can be call the LTDA and speak to me
 had been involved in a serious But now things are very salvaged from the vehicle, but it in order to obtain the correct
 accident back to a roadworthy different in our trade. Unlike the cannot be re-sold or used on the guidance on how to get through
 standard. These days, insurance old TX4s, the new vehicle, the public roads. this process. n LTDA

 www.ltda.co.uk @TheLTDA
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Executive S.O | Lloyd Baldwin

 Vigilance &
 “Please take a look at the list of Hot Spots, memorise them and keep vigilant.”

 On point

 Cornwall Road Lambeth: Both left and right hand turns into
 Cornwall Road.
 Charterhouse Square School Street, no vehicle entry from
 Monday to Friday 08.15 - 09.15 and
 15.00 - 16.00.
 Savile Row Left turn only from Savile Row into
 Conduit Street LTCFC
 Southampton Row No U turns signs
 I’ve included below,
 the details of a trip
 Hans Road into No right turn being organised by the
 Basil Street London Taxi Drivers
 Hans Road Yellow Box Camera monitoring junction Charity for Children.
 Obviously, these trips have
10 had to put on hold for the
 Buckingham Palace Road Hole in the Wall – drivers stopping last couple of years as we
 on red route battled our way through
 Praed Street Over ranking Covid, but they are now
 back on.
 I realise that we are asking
 Beeston Place: No entry to Victoria Square. Cabbies to give up a day’s
 earnings and fuel expenses,
 Wapping High Street: Bus Gate. but I’ve done a couple of
 these day trips myself over the
 years and the joy on the faces
 Mornington Street: Prohibited Zone.
 “I realise that we are of the kids and their parents
 who attend is something that will
 Lansdowne Drive: Bus Gate.
 asking Cabbies to give always stay with me. I salute all
 up a day’s earnings those that volunteer and also
 and fuel expenses, but those who spend so much of their

 CNs have been coming small fortune on high quality own time organising these trips. If
 in thick and fast this CCTV cameras. I’ve done a couple of the dates work for you, give it a go
 week and seeing that these day trips myself – I don’t think you will regret it.
 TfL have raised their Discount period over the years and The London Taxi Drivers’
 PCN charge from £130 to £160 appeals Charity for Children are having
 (£80 if you pay within the All PCNs can be appealed – and the joy on the faces their first comeback trip to
 discounted period), we have to as long as you appeal within of the kids and their Woburn Safari Park on Tuesday
 try and be more aware. Please the discount period it stays at parents who attend 28th June 2022. Could all taxi
 take a look at the list of Hot that cost, whether your appeal drivers who would like to
 Spots, memorise them and is accepted or rejected. I took is something that will volunteer to help on this fun day
 keep vigilant. a call from a member last week always stay with me.” out contact:
 that had been issued a PCN for  John Godfrey 07973 313148 or
 Council income stopping on a Red Route by TfL. j.godfrey@ltcfc.org.uk
 Canonbury Villas is a The member was very surprised Please also share this
 particularly large source of to have received it, and thought information with all of your taxi-
 income for Islington. PCNs that we were allowed to stop driver friends, the more drivers
 issued by Lambeth for Cornwall on these routes... which we are we have, the more children we
 Road off Stamford Street are of course allowed to stop on can take!
 being seen almost on a daily Red Routes – but only to drop We would like to stress that
 basis. All the councils are and pick up! Hackney Carriage drivers are in no way obliged
 now making the shift and are Law states this, but we can’t or expected to take their taxi
 producing video evidence, and get away with stopping on one through the monkey enclosure!
 this is very difficult to challenge. and popping to get a coffee or a Drivers can divert around this
 Islington seem to have spent a sandwich. part of the safari. n LTDA

 www.ltda.co.uk @TheLTDA

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@TheLTDA www.ltda.co.uk
 Feature CardPayments
 Card Payments

 Transaction authorised!
 Unless you're Wile E. Coyote, beep beeps are a very welcome sound...
 Unless you’re Wile E. Coyote, beep-beeps are a very welcome sound…
 that the
 the machines
 machines available
 available back
 back then
 Dave Cannell,
 Cannell, then
 could be
 be more
 more trouble
 trouble than
 than they
 they were
 Working green
 green badge
 badge driver,
 driver, taxi
 taxi worth.
 trade ambassador and BCHT Navigator
 ambassador and BCHT Navigator worth. That
 That was
 was aa decade
 decade ago
 ago now,
 now, so
 what’s changed?
 what’s changed?

 II signed
 signed upup with
 with Verifone
 Verifone (now
 known as
 known as Curb)
 Curb) years
 years ago
 ago and
 and have
 he beep-beep
 beep-beep of of a
 a card
 card been
 been with
 with them
 them ever
 ever since.
 since. Over
 Over the
 payment authorisation
 payment authorisation years
 years their
 their systems
 systems have
 have been
 been good
 is music
 music toto the
 the ears
 ears of
 of and
 and Curb
 Curb rates
 rates have
 have certainly
 certainly been
 many of us keen to
 of us keen to competitive.
 competitive. II know
 know some
 some Curb
 make up for all
 up for all that
 that lost
 lost business
 drivers had
 had problems
 problems in in 2018
 2018 when
 in 2021.
 2021. Remember
 Remember when when they
 they upgraded to the new TXN
 upgraded to the new TXN
 workers weren’t
 weren’t working,
 working, tourists
 tourists system although
 system although II must
 must admit
 admit that
 weren’t touring and shoppers
 weren’t touring and shoppers in
 in my
 my case
 case everything
 everything hashas worked
 weren’t shopping?
 shopping? Expensive
 Expensive newnew like
 like aa dream.
 cabs need beep-beeps as
 need beep-beeps as much
 much asas
 they need
 need rapid
 rapid charging
 charging points. II checked
 points. checked with
 with Mary,
 Mary, who
 who runs
 runs the
 Curb Driver Services Team, and
 Driver Services Team, asked
 and asked
 Thankfully, many drivers have
 Thankfully, many drivers have been been
 her what
 her what issues she had
 issues she had to
 to deal
 deal with.
 much busier
 busier over
 over the
 the past
 past few
 few months
 months She explained “There were some
 despite the best efforts of Covid. She explained “There were some
 despite the best efforts of Covid. instances of old hardware failure
 Business has
 has definitely
 definitely picked now instances of old hardware failure
 up now
 picked up made
 made worse
 worse by
 by the
 the aging
 aging 2G
 2G network
 so many
 many people
 people are
 are vaccinated
 vaccinated and
 and which
 which meant
 meant that
 that coverage
 coverage was
 get regular
 regular tests,
 tests, so
 so the
 the welcome beep-
 welcome beep- patchy.
 patchy. Now
 Now 4G 4G is
 is well
 well established
 beep of
 of card
 card transactions
 transactions can
 can now
 now be
 be and
 and has proved to be aa much
 has proved to be much more
 heard ringing out once again.
 heard ringing out once again.
12 reliable
 reliable network.
 network. Having
 Having spoken
 spoken to
 those affected
 affected at
 at the
 the time,
 time, we
 we realised
 that aa back-up
 back-up system
 system was
 was needed
 needed to
 protect drivers
 drivers in
 in the
 the future.”
 Lessons learned
 Curb learned
 learned from
 from that
 that experience,
 and it
 and it shows.
 shows. I’ve
 I’ve tried
 tried out
 out the
 the new
 new The
 The CurbLite
 CurbLite payment
 payment solution
 solution fixes
 fixes neatly
 CurbLite system
 system andand it’s
 it’s aa triumph.
 triumph. beside the
 beside the door
 door to
 to satisfy
 satisfy TfL
 TfL regulations
 Advanced technology
 technology means
 means lessless
 parts, and that makes it
 and that makes it much
 much smarter
 and more
 more reliable.
 reliable. It
 It provides
 provides 100%
 Those beep-beeps
 beep-beeps haven’t
 haven’t always
 always coverage
 coverage and
 and even
 even includes
 includes aa unique
 unique CurbLite is incredibly
 signalled goodgood news
 news though.
 though. Some
 Some new CurbLite is
 new back-up solution which
 back-up solution which gives easy
 transactions can’tcan’t be
 be completed
 completed if if added
 easy to use –– if
 to use if you
 you can
 your added reliability
 reliability and
 and reassurance.
 reassurance. It’sIt’s
 your payment
 payment terminal
 terminal lets
 lets you
 you down
 down been use a smartphone,
 use a smartphone,
 and been really well received by
 really well received by drivers
 and there’s
 there’s nono back-up.
 back-up. I’ve
 I’ve also you’ll
 also already,
 already, and
 and isis available
 available now
 now forfor you’ll have
 have no
 no problem
 heard of drivers thinking they’ve
 of drivers thinking they’ve got
 got aa installation with it.
 great deal with a decent transaction installation at
 at the
 the smart
 smart new
 new Curb
 Curb with it.
 great deal with a decent transaction Operations
 rate, Operations Centre
 Centre inin W3.
 rate, only
 only toto find
 find that
 that hidden
 hidden extras,
 like ‘per transaction’ charges and
 ‘per transaction’ charges Transaction
 and Transaction fees
 machine rental,
 rental, push
 push the
 the cost
 cost up
 up compare
 unexpectedly -- like
 unexpectedly like an
 an Uber
 Uber fare!
 fare! compare very favourably
 very favourably you’re ever
 you’re ever likely
 likely to
 to encounter
 encounter – –
 around 96%96% toto be
 be precise.
 CurbLite is
 is incredibly
 incredibly easy
 easy to
 to use – if
 The card
 card payments
 payments use –
 you can use a smartphone, you’ll
 you can use a smartphone, you’ll have have After the
 the year
 year we’ve
 we’ve had,
 had, everyone
 merry-go-round no problem
 no problem with
 with it.
 it. It’s
 It’s even
 even easier
 easier will
 will be
 be reassessing
 reassessing their
 their outgoings
 outgoings soso
 than my
 my Curb
 Curb TXNTXN system
 system which
 which II CurbLite
 CurbLite isis bound
 bound toto be
 be in
 in demand.
 demand. If
 II go than
 go back
 back far
 far enough
 enough toto remember
 remember you’re
 loved. The
 The transaction
 transaction fees
 fees compare
 compare you’re in
 in the
 the market
 market for
 for aa new
 carbon paper receipts. That
 paper receipts. That waswas payment Dave’s
 Dave’s gleaming
 gleaming cab
 cab at
 at the
 favourably to anything else
 to anything else on
 on the
 the payment system
 system oror aren’t
 aren’t happy
 happy with
 with the
 before microchips
 microchips and
 and PIN
 PIN numbers
 numbers the Curb
 Curb Operations
 Operations Centre
 arrived. Since
 Since then
 then things
 market too,
 too, and
 and there
 there are
 are no
 no nasty
 nasty the system you’ve got in the cab,
 system you’ve got in the cab, you’d
 arrived. things have
 have moved
 moved be
 hidden costs.
 costs. be well
 well advised
 advised toto reserve
 reserve your
 on of
 of course,
 course, but
 but service
 service has
 has been
 been CurbLite
 unreliable CurbLite now.
 unreliable and
 and value
 value from
 from many
 many Great
 Great value
 payment system providers had
 system providers had All
 All things
 things considered,
 considered, CurbLite
 CurbLite is is For
 For more
 more information
 information about
 about the
 generally been
 been aa heap
 heap ofof ‘beep-beep’
 ‘beep-beep’ All
 All the
 the popular
 popular UK
 UK and
 and European
 European beep-beep
 beep-beep great.
 great. I’m
 I’m sold
 sold on
 on it
 it and
 and CurbLite card payment
 CurbLite card payment system
 for too
 too long.
 long. Many
 Many drivers
 drivers jumped
 jumped onon EEA
 EEA debit and credit cards
 debit and credit cards are
 are am
 am getting
 getting mine
 mine installed
 installed at
 at the
 the or
 or to
 to reserve
 reserve your
 your device,
 device, call
 the card payments’ merry-go-round
 the card payments’ merry-go-round processed
 processed onon CurbLite
 CurbLite at
 at just
 just 1.7%.
 1.7%. Curb
 Curb Operations Centre this week.
 Operations Centre this week. Curb
 Curb on 0333 666 1000
 on 0333 666 1000 or
 or visit
 in time
 time for
 for London
 London 2012,
 2012, only
 only to
 to find
 find That accounts
 That accounts for
 for almost
 almost every
 every card
 card Maybe
 Maybe I’ll
 I’ll see
 see you
 you there?
 there? gocurb.co.uk.

 www.ltda.co.uk @TheLTDA
Work smarter.
 Pay less, keep more.


 The best card
 payment package
 I’ve ever had

@TheLTDA www.ltda.co.uk
Columnist | Steve Kenton

 Lords, Elections,
 Councils & Objectivity
 “With elections fast approaching, current council incumbents would best evidence and without
 discrimination or bias.
 be foolish to take voters’ concerns lightly…”
  Accountability: Holders of
 nitrogen dioxide levels (NO2) public office are accountable
 A man in black had "decreased at all [LTN] sites" to the public for their decisions
 when in fact the council's own and actions and must submit
 report showed pollution had themselves to the scrutiny
 actually risen by 26 percent

 necessary to ensure this.
 othing has polarised across Highbury area and even
 local politics in recent reached a level as high as 44  Openness: Holders of
 years as much as low percent in one part of Highbury. public office should act and
 traffic neighbourhood The findings, which were take decisions in an open and
 schemes. They have created a discovered after residents transparent manner. Information
 major division in some areas, submitted a formal complaint should not be withheld from the
 both politically and sociologically. were compiled by a data public unless there are clear and
 With local elections approaching, analytics company called The lawful reasons for so doing.
 they have once again been Project Centre. Interestingly, The
 catapulted to the forefront of Project Centre have also been  Honesty: Holders of public
 discussion… linked to data analysis within office should be truthful.
 Waltham Forest's LTNs. Now this
 Social Injustice in-turn links in the campaigns  Leadership: Holders of
 There aren't many subjects manager at the London Cycling tenure as Prime Minister after public office should exhibit
 that can promulgate as much Campaign (LCC), Simon Munk, the cash-for-questions affair these principles in their own
 discussion, rhetoric and vitriol as who helped Waltham Forest win (not to be confused with the behaviour and treat others with
 the LTN debate. On one side, we £27 million of funding from TfL’s Edwina Currie affair). The respect. They should actively
 have residents both able bodied ‘mini-Holland’ programme. This committee wasted no time in promote and robustly support
 and disabled screaming about therefore begs the question as to causing controversy, with its the principles and challenge
 the social injustice attributed to whether the LCC have exerted first report recommending poor behaviour wherever it
 being locked into one small area any influence over the council full disclosure of MPs' outside occurs.
14 with only a single entry and exit in relation to the imposition of interests. However, our interest
 point. Complaints have also been Islington's LTNs. lies with Lord Nolan's report Objectivity?
 made by those who live on or Islington Council admitted into standards of conduct within Now the one principle which
 near main roads, that have seen some claims were not supported local government, which was stands out in relation to a
 an upweight in pollution due to by the report’s findings because produced in July 1997. Now possible breach is ‘objectivity’.
 the over-subscription of traffic of the questionable quality of despite the principles being How objective have numerous
 which has been pushed away data due to technical errors embedded in public life in the councils been in relation to
 from secondary arterial roads within the equipment used to UK, many people have never LTNs. With the evidence which
 and side roads. Those residents monitor results, including a heard of them nor understand has emerged against Islington
 are being supported by business claim that there had been a 42% their function. This of course Council, it isn't unreasonable
 owners, blue light service reduction in traffic on Holloway works to a local council's to assume that other borough
 workers and of course taxi and Road. Now even in your wildest advantage as they possess a councils haven't acted in
 bus drivers. On the flip side, you fantasy, that claim would carry greater ability to dodge scrutiny the same way in relation to
 have a clutch of residents who about as much credibility as through public ignorance. The LTNs. Given that many of the
 are extremely happy with the an Uber driver claiming to Seven Principles of Public Life in emergency traffic orders are
 LTNs, claiming that there is now have a superior topographical relation to local government are coming to an end, resulting
 less pollution and traffic noise. Knowledge to a London cabbie. as follows: in many LTNs becoming
 They also state that not only do Ultimately, the council admitted permanent features, there is
 they find it easier and safer to that errors had been made and  Selflessness: Holders of a strong argument to suggest
 cycle but their children can now issued an apology, however, public office should act solely in that all permanent LTN
 play in the road. It seems that this now arguably brings into terms of the public interest. installations should be halted
 David Prowse, A.K.A the Green question whether Islington with immediate effect until data
 Cross Code Man's efforts, were Council have breached any  Integrity: Holders of public can be re-analysed. This should
 in vain. aspects of the Nolan principle. office must avoid placing perhaps especially apply to
 themselves under any obligation areas where The Project Centre
 Exposé The girl group and to people or organisations that have performed the analytics.
 As a result of the depth of feeling the Lord might try inappropriately to This should also perhaps
 surrounding this issue, the local Now for the uninitiated, The influence them in their work. apply until any given council
 elections could potentially throw Nolan Principle is not an album They should not act or take can satisfy all aspects of the
 up one or two very surprising produced by everybody's decisions in order to gain Nolan Principle – especially the
 results. One such council in favourite female warblers, financial or other material objectivity aspect.
 danger of seeing seats overturned The Nolan Sisters. It is in fact benefits for themselves, their So, with those elections fast
 is Islington. In an exposé by The a code of conduct promoting family, or their friends. They approaching, current council
 Telegraph's, Steve Bird, it was ethical standards in public life must declare and resolve any incumbents would be foolish
 revealed that Islington Council and was established by Lord interests and relationships. to take voters’ concerns lightly
 has been accused of “misleading” Michael Nolan, who chaired and, on that note, Elected by
 residents. The accusation the Committee on Standards in  Objectivity: Holders of Alice Cooper comes on the
 came after a report analysing Public Life from 1994 to 1997. public office must act and radio and I’ve picked up my
 data in the Highbury West and The Committee was established take decisions impartially, dogs rubber snake and draped it
 Highbury Fields LTN stated that in late 1994, during John Major's fairly and on merit, using the around my shoulders. n TAXI

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 are valid for vehicles ordered and delivered before 30th June 2022.

@TheLTDA www.ltda.co.uk
Columnist | Emma Lunn

 Finding the
 Cheapest Supermarket
 “With the cost-of-living skyrocketing, finding the cheapest place to
 buy food and household essentials is more important than ever…”

 Money matters

 or many people, their
 supermarket shop is
 one of their biggest
 bills. With the cost-of-
 living skyrocketing, finding the
 cheapest place to buy food and
 household essentials is more
 important than ever.

 Head to Aldi or Lidl
 If you want to slash your
 supermarket bill, the cheapest
 way is to head to Lidl or Aldi.
 Both budget supermarkets
 are significantly cheaper than
 the likes of Tesco, Sainsburys, and own-label seedless grapes,
 Morrisons, Asda and Waitrose. which had a difference of £1.41.
 Which? runs a series of tests The main downside with Lidl
 to determine the cheapest and Aldi is that neither offer
 supermarket every month, and home delivery for groceries,
 either Lidl or Aldi is the winner although Aldi does offer click
 each time. There is normally and collect.
16 just a pound or two difference
 between the two. For example, Online tools
 in February, Which? found Lidl Monitoring research from
 to be the cheapest supermarket. Which? and surveys from other
 Researchers compared prices consumer groups is one way
 for a basket of 23 items every to decide where the cheapest
 day throughout the month and place is to do your shopping, but
 found that, on average, shoppers there are plenty of online tools
 would have paid £24.21 at Lidl that can help too. For example,
 and just 62p more at £24.83 at the ‘Latestdeals’ app compares items too and its comparison Food banks are community
 Aldi. Which?’s basket included prices across Tesco, Asda, for these items includes stores organisations that can help if you
 own-brand products such Sainsbury’s, Morrisons, Iceland such as Wilko, B&M, Superdrug, can’t afford the food you need.
 as apples and eggs as well as and Waitrose. Users can search Savers and Poundland. Food is donated by people who
 branded goods such as Hovis for a product and see where it’s You can also compare pack can afford to help or collected in
 wholemeal bread. cheapest. sizes to check you’re getting supermarkets. You’ll usually need
 The ‘Trolley’ app is another the most bang for your buck. to get a referral to a food bank
 Waitrose one worth downloading. Users For example, for Ariel washing before you can use it.
 The same basket cost £33.71 at can see the cheapest grocery powder Trolley calculates the According to a survey by
 Waitrose – 39% more. Groceries prices across UK's largest price per 100g in various pack community platform Neighbourly
 with some of the biggest price stores, receive daily deals, get sizes at different supermarkets. and Aldi, almost all food banks
 differences included PG Tips tea price alerts, and create smart MySupermarketCompare. (99%) have seen a surge in
 bags, which had a difference of shopping lists. It doesn’t just co.uk is another tool to help demand since the start of the year.
 £1.52 between Lidl and Waitrose, compare food but household you compare prices of products Your GP, school or a charity
 across the supermarkets and may be able to refer you to a
 various other retailers. For food bank. If you go to Citizens
 example, for baby items it also Advice, they'll probably make you
 compares prices at Boots and an appointment to discuss your
 Superdrug, while for alcohol situation with an adviser.
 it also runs comparisons The adviser will ask you some
 with MasterofMalt.com and questions about your income
 TheWhiskyExchange.com. and needs. They can check if you
 should be getting any benefits
 Food crisis you're not currently claiming
 Unfortunately, the current crisis and then give you a voucher for a
 means thousands of people are food bank if necessary. The food
 struggling to afford to buy enough bank will exchange the voucher
 food to feed them and their family. for a food parcel and may also
 If you fall into this category, you be able to give you other items
 may be able to get help from a such as period products and
 foodbank. toiletries. n TAXI

 www.ltda.co.uk @TheLTDA
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@TheLTDA www.ltda.co.uk
Column | Cab You Drive

 Record Numbers!
 “Damaged and repaired vehicles is a world full of sharks armed with MIG welders
 and spray guns, whose only concern is making the vehicle look ‘right’…”

 and should reach 15,000 in the next identical vehicle, but always get
 Cab you drive few weeks and we are only months it inspected irrespective of what
 away from the TXE overtaking the the dealer tells you. They will
 TX4 as king of the ranks. always refer to a Cat S as “…it
 was only ‘light damage’ nothing

 ast March I was sitting Cut and shuts to worry about”. To which the
 on my hands glad that Elsewhere in vehicle news, it’s answer is “the insurance company
 I’d cleared any stock I very likely that TfL will soon stop obviously never thought so, or they
 had, this year the world licensing written off and repaired wouldn’t have written it off in the
 has gone mad! There were over taxis, following reports of some first place!” Damaged and repaired
 300 new cabs registered in horrendous cut and shuts being vehicles is a world full of sharks
 March, that’s twice what a good presented at NSL. armed with MIG welders and
 month would have looked like busy and for the first time in many An insurance write-off is spray guns, whose only concern is
 even at the height of the TX1’s years I was able to cherry pick the industry jargon for a car that’s making the vehicle look ‘right’ and
 reign, long before Uber etc. best examples – in cabbie land that either sustained so much damage are not worried about its structural
 normally means the lowest mileage it’s unsafe to go back on the road, integrity or safety. Cat S and N
 The real world examples. A high mileage cab is or it is still safe to drive but is vehicles are cheap for a reason
 Funniest thing, on the day I saw known as a space shuttle, because beyond economical repair. What is and my advice is to stay well away
 the figures, I happened to glance it’s been to the moon and back, and ‘economic’ or not depends on the from them. n TAXI
 at a cabbies Facebook group whilst will always trade as such. That’s not insurance company, the model of
 on a train. According to this lot, the to say that dealers sell them cheap, car and a few other factors, but it’s
 TXE will never sell because it’s too by the time they prep them, put a generally at about 60% of the market DYNAMO 156
 expensive – it’s incredible how out warranty on them and fix all the value. As an example, if your cab
 of touch social media can be. They faults, there’s little difference in the is worth, say £20,000 as a trade in LEVC 5,181
 are online still, spouting doom price to that of a low mileage cab. I and it suffers damage estimated
 and gloom whilst in the real world, prefer to only buy low mileage cabs at around £12000 to repair, in all
18 London cabbies are buying more to start with if I can. probability the insurance company
 TX1 1
 new vehicles than at any time Price wise, the late Euro VI Vito’s will ‘write it off,’ pay you the trade
 in history! and TX4’s are still holding up, but value and sell the damaged cab on.
 TX2 79
 only because demand for early TXEs Never ever buy a second-hand
 Record numbers is good and the prices for them are cab or car without having it
 TX4 6,624
 Even before I saw the figure’s I knew high – late diesels are still a cheap checked for an insurance report or
 it was going to be a record just by option by comparison. existing finance. If you do decide VITO 2,653
 the number of cabs that have been The London fleet is now gradually to knowingly buy a Cat S or N
 offered to me or that dealers wanted creeping back up from an all time car it should retail at around Total 14,695
 underwritten. I have never been so low of sub 14,000 after the pandemic 55-70% of the price of a normal






 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 22
 LEVC 13 15 57 38 61 102 73 52 207 154 167 109 55 73 285
 DYNAMO 2 2 2 3 9 1 8 4 1 13 10 16

 www.ltda.co.uk @TheLTDA
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