"Embrace the seasons" - Rotorua Golf Club

Page created by Darrell Doyle
"Embrace the seasons" - Rotorua Golf Club




20 2020
20 020

20 2020
                           VOL 3: ISSUE 6 : AUGUST 2020
"Embrace the seasons" - Rotorua Golf Club
President’s Report                                                                              1
Greetings Golfers.
How good it is to see so many people,
including visitors, out on the course
all with big smiles and now the deck

                                                                                  Ali Painter
is up, I sense a real ground swell of
enthusiasm about the club as people
see the plans coming to fruition.
The garden in front of the deck is still to   tasks that assist the green keepers in
be completed and we are working on            their work need to be done. This has
that and the same goes for the Board          covered a wide range of tasks I might
room.                                         add and RGC is all the better for having
                                              these volunteers and a co-ordinator
Talking of which, a big thank you to the
                                              such as Brian.
donor of the Billiard Table which will
be placed in the latter as will a Table       Reference to this position can be
Tennis Table when one can be found –          read elsewhere in the newsletter. We
any offers?                                   wish you all the best Brian and Kate in
                                              your move to the other side of the Bay.
This makes the space dual purpose
and provides a recreation area for            “The Library” ie the café extension; has
younger members as well as others             a book exchange tucked in to the left of
who might like to participate in such         the doorway. Not everyone is aware of
activities.                                   it’s existence though many of us have
                                              used it well over the years. This is for
As Brett and Vlasta ‘pull back’ I
                                              members’ use to borrow and or donate
would like to acknowledge the
                                              books and already members have
boundless energy and enthusiasm
                                              been spotted sitting in the window,
with which they have gone about
                                              book on lap enjoying the sunshine, the
their respective roles and been
                                              view up the 18th and the ambience of
ready to ‘roll up ‘ their sleeves,
                                              the room.
literally, to get things done about
                                                                         Yours in Golf
the club.
We thank you Brett and Vlasta
sincerely for all that you have done
to breathe new life into RGC.
Moving on, is our volunteer co-
ordinator, Brian Gore. Brian has
carried out this role for some time
now, ‘rounding up’ volunteers when
"Embrace the seasons" - Rotorua Golf Club
Chairman’s Report                                                                            2
Tena koutou katoa
By the time you read this newsletter, a
significant change to the way affairs at
Arikikapakapa are managed will have

                                                                               Leith Comer
Staff Changes
The six-month full-time commitment by
Brett and Vlasta Marvelly has now          We have completed the first phase
come to an end.                            of the renovations. This has been
From 1 August 2020 Vlasta will hand        achieved solely from the generous
over her administrative duties but will    donations of members.
still be available from time to time for   Our organisational financial stability
additional administrative support if       has strengthened considerably. For
required.                                  the first time in many years it is likely
Brett will continue as the general         that we will end the financial year
manager on a part-time basis of 10-        without having to draw down any funds
15 hours per week. He will concentrate     from our overdraft facility.
on leading the external relationship
                                           Membership Subscriptions
building and continue to generate
                                           The next important milestone will to
activities that will benefit the club.
                                           be to agree the new membership
This milestone can not go unheralded.      subscriptions that we will strike.
I want to take this opportunity to state
                                           Peter Spurdle and a small team have
how appreciative the Board is for the
                                           been working diligently on this for the
effort, time and commitment Brett and
                                           last six weeks. They will bring their
Vlasta have made over the last six
                                           deliberations to the next Board meeting
                                           for discussion and agreement. The
We are now in a much stronger              Board’s next focus will be retaining
position thanks to their efforts.          current membership and attracting
We have a competent and comple-            new members including associate
mentary set of staff members centred       members and visitors to our club.
on Sean and Kylie who are now              We are doing all this while retaining
confirmed as our resident managers.        the important notion that we are first
We have good staff in the cafe, behind     and foremost a golf club fostering
the bar and in the front office. These                         the enjoyment of
people have benefitted from the                                playing this great
mentoring and role modelling of Vlasta                         game.
and Brett.                                               Ngā manaakitanga, nā
"Embrace the seasons" - Rotorua Golf Club

     36 hole Mens & Womens Open Golf Tournament
         Come to Rotorua and play two great courses, All Ages

         SAT 5th & SUN 6th SEPTEMBER 2020

              Nett & Stableford prizes in All Divisions
                     Entry Fee $60 per person
              $50 per Rotorua & Springfield members

                   Men will be playing for the
            “Dave Seekup Cup “ ( Best Nett 36 holes )

Two Lucky draws for visitors outside Rotorua for one Country
Membership at Springfield GC and one Country Membership at
  Rotorua GC, you must be at club at time of draw to win.
      Entry Form & entry details attached. Payment required when entering.
                    Entries Close: Friday 28th August 2020.
                Any enquiries to Phil Hogg 027 717 8744
                    Or admin@springfieldgolf.co.nz

        Major Sponsors: Rotorua Mega Mitre 10
                PAK’nSAVE Rotorua
"Embrace the seasons" - Rotorua Golf Club
Men’s Report                                                                         4
Hi Golfers
So, we are past the shortest day and
the days will soon get longer. That

                                                                                 Graeme McKay
means the start of daylight saving and
the start of Twilight Golf.
This year we are introducing Business
House Twilight that will commence
once the days get longer. Keep your
eye on the information Matt sends out       and there are still places on the bus for
as he will provide all the details on how   those wishing to go over and challenge
to enter a team.                            Cambridge. Let Matt know as soon as
As I notified last newsletter, we are       possible. Only $25 a head.
carrying out an audit and register of all   Other events coming up include the
the Trophies and Cups for all men’s         Geyser Classic on 5 and 6 September
competitions that we have at the Club.      played at both Springfield and Rotorua
Unfortunately, there are a few missing      clubs. Entry forms with Matt.
so if you have one sitting on your                                   -Happy golfing
shelf that you won some time ago,
please return it to the Club as soon
as possible. Some of the Cups and
Trophies date back to early last century
so have a huge historical value and
are impossible to replace.
The LA Warner Match-play Com-
petition is currently winding down to
the finals and should be completed
soon. Quite a battle out there with keen
interest to see who makes the final.
The Handicap Pennants team won
their first round but unfortunately they
were beaten in the semi finals at Taupo
by the Turangi team.
Although we lost, I can say that
those who participated enjoyed the
experience of pennants golf especially
playing on courses that were                Four birds with broken wings! Taken at
unfamiliar. The Cambridge Inter-club        Pam King’s Farewell: Mary Browne, Debbie
takes place on 9 August (next Sunday)       Maindonald, Bev Skilling and Di Donnelly.
"Embrace the seasons" - Rotorua Golf Club
Volunteer Group Report                                 by Brian Gore
The Kanuka Bushes on                       medicinal uses, generate very hot fires
the Course                                 from their hard wood, and good pollen
The volunteer group recently gave          for honey. To find the difference, grab
the kanuka shrubs along the stream         a handful of leaf – if it is prickly it is
a haircut.                                 Manuka (mean), if it soft to touch it is
                                           Kanuka (kind).
Apparently there are a few members
who feel a heavier prune would be          This month, the Grey Warblers will
better - at ground level! Tut tut !        be nesting in the bushes, having their
                                           first batch of chicks before the Shining
These are valuable and unique plants       Cuckoos arrive back and take over
that are one of the few plants that will   the nests - listen for their plaintive call
grow in such a harsh environment –         in the Kanuka by the 6th tee!
along the stream, on the lake edges,
and even on the sinter volcanic                 SITUATIONS VACANT
material right of the 9th green.                            Brian is leaving!
They are a feature of our geothermal                        What can we do?
course which helps make us “The                             Maybe his role
Best 18 hole Thermal Golf Course                            is cut out for YOU?
in the World” (Yet to be challenged!)          Brian has been prized for
                                               many years in his role of
Rolling fairways, volcanic soils, mud        ‘VOLUNTEER BIG CHEESE’.
pools, thermal lakes, craters, warm          We need to find a replacement
stream, steam, smell, the view from                - and it has to be
the 14th tee, silica on your car from             another ‘good’un”
Pohutu if the wind is from the wrong
direction, the big mud hole by the          Responsibilities?
                                               Maintain the list of contacts for
17th, and native birds - Fantails, Grey
                                               existing volunteers - and try to find
Warblers, Silver Eyes, Karearea,
Bell Birds and Tuis - all in the City          Liaise with Kerry the Greenkeeper
Boundary! What more could you ask?             and Ali the Gardener to allot tasks
Think of Augusta Golf course –                 Have a keen eye for all those extra
famous for Azaleas and The Brook.              jobs that are needed to maintain
                                               ‘The Best 18 hole Thermal Golf
We’ve got Kanuka and Waimangeo
                                               Course in the World!’
- the WARM stream.
There is often confusion between                         CAN DO?
Manuka (genus Leptospermum) and              Wannabe the new ‘BIG CHEESE?
Kanuka (renamed genus Kunzea in                Contact the office, pronto.
the 80’s). Both are aromatic, have               Your Club Needs YOU!
9-Hole Ladies’ Report                                                              9

The recent three days of playing in the
July Foursomes reminded us that golf
is a winter sport but the wet conditions
didn’t dampen down our spirits.

                                                                             Sue Mahar
With a bit of start time juggling from
Matt, as his eye was glued to the rain
radar map, we managed to avoid most
of the heavy rain.
One of the 9 hole competitors (not         warmer in the stream than out. Good
from our club) even went for a “dip” in    on her!
the stream running across the bottom       There were four local players entered;
of the 16th.                               Phyllis & Sue M, and Keiko & Gay.
Unfortunately her clubs had taken it       Phyllis & Sue won the Flight. The
upon themselves to find their own way      Monday night dinner theme was
down the hill from the tee assisted by     Kiwiana. Needless to say there were
the wind and wound up in the stream.       many Gumboot Gals and Fred Daggs.
In true sportsmanship the owner went       Keiko & Gay switched codes for the
in after them, tipped the water out of     evening and were representing NZ at
the bag and continued to finish her        hockey with Gay wearing her father-in-
round. She did comment that it was         law’s NZ team manager blazer.


                                           caci clinic
                                           fine sponsors!
We have just finished playing the June          online course which is very good. Link
Patchett Nett competition. Sue won              here if you are interested.
in a very close competition and had                        R&A rules Academy
to play a 10th hole. Runner up Phyllis.          https://www.randa.org/rulesacademy
Games are now underway for the
                                                The Rules Academy is an online
Mildred Grogan Stableford trophy.
                                                version of the Level 1 Rules Seminar
The weather has been kind to us and
                                                and provides an interesting and easy
we’ve only had to forfeit one golf day
                                                way to learn the basics of the Rules
in which some of us replaced it with a          of Golf. Test your knowledge by taking
game of Mahjong.                                the review questions at the end of each
Mahjong                                         section and try to gain an official R&A
If anyone is interested in joining us, we       certificate by taking the online Level 1
usually play after golf on a Wednesday
in the clubrooms.                               Our 9 Hole Tournament for Ladies and
                                                Men Friday 25 September 2020.
Golf Rules
                                                    Special thanks to our sponsors
A few of us have been brushing up on                       Pak ‘n’ Save and
our golf rules by doing the R&A Level 1                 Tremains Real Estate.

Farewell to Pam King                            You may have been wondering about the
Last Friday we finally got to say our formal    banner flags on the string below the 8th tee…
farewells to our great golfing buddy Pam King   Due to a sight deficiency Pam tripped over
who passed away during lock-down. It was a      these ropes before they had flags on them.
wonderful service celebrating her 91 years of   When Pam’s family were clearing out her
very full life.                                 house they came across some golfing gear
                                                which they passed on to us ladies. One of the
                                                items was a long waterproof golf skirt, in bright
                                                pink, that none of us would wear. As a tribute to
                                                Pam, Phyllis made some new banner flags for
                                                the ropes on the 8th so no one else trips.
Introducing TAMMY (Office)                                                                          8
I am a born and bred Rotorua girl, love challenges,
learning and trying new things, have a competitive
tenacious streak and believe that once you stop enjoying

                                                                                          Tammy Nicholls
or feeling challenged it is time to learn something new!
Raised in Kaingaroa village, at age
four BMX racing was my first taste of
winning. In anything I have done since,
I have pushed myself to either place or
advance in that position at work and             would never be one of those crazy
sport. Redundancies hit and my parents           people chasing a little white ball for kms
purchased a lifestyle block at Ngakuru           just to get it in a hole in the ground! Oh
introducing me to farm life.                     how wrong I was!
At Intermediate we had to join a sport;          On playing a few Ambrose Tournaments
hockey was the only one that had spots           (and two babies later - now teenagers)
left so I thought goalie would be great -        I decided to start with Tuesday Ladies
not much running! (Don’t like running!)          to get some adult time. Thousands of
My competitiveness hit again and I               kms later, loads of lost balls to the lakes
ended up playing rep hockey.                     and the rough, my competitive side had
                                                 got the better of me once again and I
After finishing school, I worked as a            had to beat my score. In doing so I also
beekeeper for a few years until 1999,            ended up playing in a couple of regional
when my partner and I moved to                   competitions for the club.
Matarangi on Coromandel Peninsula
                                                 In 2012 we moved back to Rotorua, and
to start our electrical business. This is
                                                 now live at Hamurana. I worked as Office
where my admin/office skills were honed,
                                                 Manager at a local timber company.
and many others were gained along the
                                                 A local gym-owner wanted people for
journey - like electrical training, so I could
                                                 a corporate boxing match. I told them
help finish off with wiring, allowing hubby
                                                 I’d give it a go, never having thrown or
to attend the all-important fishing and
                                                 taken a punch. After weeks of training I
duck shooting trips. Gaining massage
                                                 jumped in the ring and won TKO.
qualifications I had a selection of regular
clients, and volunteered for community           I moved on, worked in then purchased,
roles. The family sport of dirt-bike riding      a business for four years, which we sold
began and also my association with the           a month pre covid . . . which led me to
game of golf.                                    this position to which I will apply my life’s
                                                 skills to do the best I can for the club and
In 1999 I took a job driving a tractor and       its members.
trailer unit for a company developing the
second nine holes of Matarangi Beach             See you at the office, the club house . . .
Estates Dunes Course. I declared I               and maybe the course?               -Tammy
Ladies’ Report                                                                9

Once again the Steiners July

                                                                       Karen Chard
Foursomes Matchplay was a huge
success with a good field of 59 pairs.
The ‘Kiwiana’ Themed dinner on
Monday night was a highlight of the
Tournament with entertainer Chrissie     Group 2 Winners: Viv Ryan/Raewyn
Knap doing such a great job, she has     Bainbridge, Mt Maunganui
been booked for next year!               Runners Up: Christine Kampfraath/
Dates for this will be 5, 6 & 7 July     Judy Hayes, Rotorua
2021.                                    Group 3 Winners: Sue Ross/Jane
The Division Winners and Runners         Williams, Pahiatua/Masterton
Up as follows:                           Runners Up: Valerie Hancox/Trish
                                         Young, Pukekohe
Kate Shaw Trophy
Winners: Lindy Underwood/Trish           Group 4 Winners:
Cavangh, Te Puke                         Ruth Clapperton/
Runners Up: Gloria Mayes/Marilyn         Christine Vincent, Rotorua
field, Rotorua
Hay Rosebowl                             Runners Up: Dorace Bishop/
Winners: Marian Irvine/Rochelle          Maureen Carter, Rotorua
McKay, Rotorua                           9 Holers Group 1 Winners: Rhonda
Runners Up: Sian Stevenson/Vivien        Pike/Helen Cahill, Whitford Park
Hall, Cambridge                          Runners Up: Mary Corboy/Sue
                                         Jones, Whitford Park
                                         9 Holers Group
                                         2 Winners:
                                         Judy Hindrop/
                            Rochelle     Kaye Donnelly,
                            and          Cambridge
                            Marian       Runners Up:
                                         Pam Millward/
Group 1 Winners: Toni Stout/Janine       Irene Henry,
Healey, Miramar/Manawatu                 Whitford Park
Runners Up: Susan Taylor/Darryl
Jones, Rotorua
Snippets                                                                         10

                                             for th?e
Who have played to their age
Name	              Date	       Score	 AgE
J.D. Todd             25.10.1978 71     73
B.A. Vercoe           17.01.1979 78     78   A little boy got on the bus, sat
W.T. Powell            8. 02.1984 86    87   next to a man reading a book,
                                             and noticed he had his collar
A.R. Carmichael       27.03.1984 70     70
                                             backwards.The little boy
L.J. O’Connor         16.11.1986 67     67   asked why he wore his collar
A.C. Relph             8.05.1985 62     67   backwards.
R.R. Harcourt         31.12.1986 67     69
                                             The man, who was a priest,
R.S. King              8.12.1990 75     75   said, ‘I am a Father.’ The little
D.G. Stubbing          8.10.1992 72     72   boy replied, ‘My Daddy is also
N. Nottle             23.04.1993 71     72   a father, but he doesn’t wear
I. Deadman            23.05.1994 68     68   his collar like that.’
W.H. (Bill) McHale 5.01.1995 74         75   The priest looked up from his
W.R. (Bill) Lean      18.11.1995 66     66   book and answered, ‘I am the
Bob Bishop            16.01.1996 74     75   Father of many.’
P.J. Campbell          2.02.1996 68     69   The boy said, ‘My Dad has
Gordon Sutherland 10.02.1999 74         75   four boys, four girls and two
Ray Smith             13.03.2002 80     81   grandchildren and he doesn’t
Ron Nicol             17.02.2003 70     72   wear his collar that way!’
Don Butler            13.11.2004 69     69   The priest, getting impatient,
Brian Smyth           25.04.2007 67     67   said. ‘I am the Father of
                                             hundreds’, and went back to
John Lafferty         16.12.2009 74     74
                                             reading his book.
Angus Carle           12.03.2006 77     77
Noel Wildbore         11.04.2010 74     75   The little boy sat quietly
                                             thinking for a while, then
George Shaw           13.04.2013 73     74
                                             leaned over and said,
Rod Park               1.04.2015 72     73   “Maybe you should wear a
Rod Park is still a member of the RGC.       condom, and put your pants
25 Members have played to their age,         on backwards instead of
from 1978 until Rod Park in April 2015.      your collar.”
    -article contributed by Mary Browne
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