Economic Outlook Townsville & North West Queensland - Regional Development Australia ...

Page created by Kelly Sutton
Economic Outlook Townsville & North West Queensland - Regional Development Australia ...
ISSUE 1                                                                                QUART ERL Y UP D ATE 0 2/20 21

& North West


1. Outlook February 2021
Entering 2021 the global economic         The Australian dollar has               The outlook is expected to continue
outlook continues to be dominated         appreciated strongly along with         to improve through early 2021.
by the COVID-19 pandemic. The virus       key commodity prices including          However, recent COVID outbreaks
and measures implemented to               coal and iron ore as a result of        in the New South Wales Northern
control its spread have resulted in       the improved sentiment. However,        Beaches area and Greater Brisbane’s
a severe global recession, with GDP       ongoing trade tensions with China       precautionary lockdown are timely
shrinking by 4.4% from the previous       continue to cloud the outlook for       reminders of the risks still facing the
year (IMF, 2020). The outlook remains     Australia’s major resource and          Australian economy.
highly uncertain, with rising infection   agricultural exports.                   The longer term implications of
rates in the United States and Europe                                             the pandemic are less clear. The
weighing against promising progress       The domestic economy bounced            significant public debts and deficits
towards a vaccine in the first half of    back in the second half of 2020, with   generated to fight the pandemic
2021. Ongoing political unrest in the                                             will likely lead to future reductions in
US post the presidential elections        GDP growing by 3.3%                     expenditure and potential increases
further clouds the economic outlook.      in the September Quarter as COVID       in taxation. Key industries such as
Equity markets have recovered             restrictions eased.                     international tourism will almost
strongly to new highs despite the                                                 certainly take years to recover from
downturn, driven by the impending         Unemployment edged lower to 6.6%        the downturn.
vaccine development and record            in December as the nation continues     The risk of future pandemic
low interest rates which have             to gradually transition from the        outbreaks will also need to be
moved capital into higher yielding        Jobkeeper and Jobseeker subsidy         factored into both business
assets. Emergency global monetary         programs which have served to           planning and public policy given
policy is likely to continue for some     boost expenditure and confidence        the significant integration of global
time, as inflation remains low            throughout the pandemic.                supply chains.
to negative globally.


       To receive future copies of the quarterly
TOWNSVILLE & NORTH WEST QUEENSLAND ECONOMIC OUTLOOK                                                                          1
       Economic Outlook, please subscribe here.
Economic Outlook Townsville & North West Queensland - Regional Development Australia ...

The Townsville and North West          The regional property market                              The ACCC has released its Northern
Queensland economy benefited           has also experienced a recent                             Australian Insurance Inquiry Final
from the rising commodity prices                                                                 Report and while this focus on
                                       resurgence, with limited rental
and reopening of Queensland’s                                                                    the issues has been welcomed,
State borders at the end of 2020.      vacancy, record low interest                              there are concerns that the
While the region has experienced       rates, and improved borrowing                             recommendations do not go
minimal direct COVID cases, the        conditions combining to drive                             far enough.
border closures and restrictions                                                                 As with the national economy, the
                                       increased transaction activity
on business operations has had a                                                                 region remains vulnerable to any
devastating impact on a number         and rental/ price growth across
                                                                                                 further COVID outbreaks. Ongoing
of industries.                         many parts of Townsville and North                        trade relations with China will
The tourism sector, including          West Queensland.                                          need to be monitored for their
aviation and hospitality as well as                                                              implications on the key mining and
international education have been      Despite the improving outlook,                            agricultural export sectors as well as
particularly hard hit. However key     the availability and affordability                        broad business confidence.
regional sectors including mining,     of insurance for businesses and
agriculture, health care and parts     households in the region is an
of the retail sector were able to      escalating issue and has the
continue operations, with some         potential to derail the economic
sectors experiencing increased         recovery. Strata titled units and
demand due to the pandemic.            leisure/recreational businesses have
                                       been particularly impacted, with
Sectors such as seasonal
                                       rapidly escalating premiums and a
horticulture and re-opening
                                       highly limited pool of insurers willing
hospitality businesses have reported
                                       to service the region.
difficulty in securing workers, with
regional employers forced to
compete with both the increased
Jobseeker subsidy and the absence
of seasonal international labour.



TOWNSVILLE &                                                                                                                  Hinchinbrook

                                                                                                                             Palm Island

NORTH WEST QUEENSLAND                                                                                                               Townsville

                                          Mount Isa
                                                                                                           Charters Towers
  North Queensland
                                                                       McKinlay      Richmond

  Mid-West Queensland                                      Cloncurry

  Western Queensland

Total 2018-19 GRP for Townsville            Boulia

& North West Queensland
is $16.9 billion
  -1.1% annual growth

TOWNSVILLE & NORTH WEST QUEENSLAND ECONOMIC OUTLOOK                                                                                              2
Economic Outlook Townsville & North West Queensland - Regional Development Australia ...
2. Key Indicators and Regional Development News


Indicator                            Townsville          Hinchinbrook       Burdekin          Palm Island         Charters Towers

Gross Regional Product
                                     $10.2 B             $509 M             $1.03 B           $42 M               $ 680 M
(GRP) (2018-19)
                                       -0.8%               -6.2%               -4.0%            -7.6%               -1.1%
Annual Growth Rate

                                     7.1%                8.1%               6.5%              54.9%               8.7%
                 Unemployment           -0.2                -0.3               -0.2             -3.1%                -0.5
                 (June Qtr. 2020)    ppt quarterly       ppt quarterly      ppt quarterly     ppt quarterly       ppt quarterly
                                     decline             decline            decline           decline             decline

                 Median              $320,00             $214,000           $165,000                              $190,000
                 House Price           3.2%                7.0%               -0.6%           NA                    -5.0%
                                     annual              annual             annual                                annual
                 (2019-20)           increase            increase           decline                               decline

                                     195,032             10,687             16,971            2,671               11,739
                 Population            0.5%                 -1.1%              -0.6%             1.29%                -0.9%
                 (June 2019)         annual              annual             annual            annual              annual
                                     growth              decline            decline           growth              decline

Table 2.1: Headline Economic Statistics North Queensland                                                 Source: NIEIR (2020), QGSO (2020)

OUTLOOK                                        REGIONAL DEVELOPMENTS                        previous stages developed at The
                                                                                            Stand and John Brewer Reef. MOUA
The North Queensland economy                   Works are set to begin on the Big
                                                                                            will serve as a key driver to support
has begun to pick up momentum                  Rocks Weir project north of Charters
                                                                                            the recovery of visitation to North
in late 2020. Unemployment has                 Towers with the Australian and
                                                                                            Queensland post-COVID-19, with the
come down slightly across the                  Queensland governments each
                                                                                            potential to generate up to 50,000
region and building approvals                  committing $30 million towards
                                                                                            visitors per annum and contribute
in Townsville have increased                   the development.
                                                                                            $22.5 million to GRP.
dramatically in recent months,                 The weir will provide an estimated
albeit from a very low base.                                                                The opportunity for a regional
                                               10,000 megalitres of water
                                                                                            hydrogen industry has continued
A strong pipeline of projects                  allocations per annum for urban
                                                                                            to gather momentum with Origin
is expected to see improved                    and agricultural use supporting
                                                                                            Energy announcing plans for a
economic performance continue                  $35 million per annum in increased
                                                                                            300MW electrolyser in Townsville with
through 2021. Economic risks                   agricultural production. The
                                                                                            aims to produce 36,000 tonnes of
remain, including further fallout              project forms stage one of the
                                                                                            green hydrogen a year for export.
from COVID-19 and low projected                proposed $5 billion Hells Gates
future prices for the region’s key                                                          The Queensland Government
                                               Irrigation Scheme.
sugar industry.                                                                             has identified Townsville as a key
                                               North Queensland’s Museum
                                                                                            gateway for hydrogen production,
                                               of Underwater Art (MOUA) is
                                                                                            and has committed a further $10
                                               on schedule to be completed                  million over the next four years to
                                               during 2021 following a commitment           support the industry’s development.
                                               to the final $1 million funding by the       The State’s initial $5 million in
                                               State Government.                            funding for the region will be used
                                               The final installations to be located        by local zinc manufacturer Sun
                                               at Magnetic and Palm Islands will            Metals to develop the region’s first
                                               complete the experience alongside            renewable hydrogen facility.

TOWNSVILLE & NORTH WEST QUEENSLAND ECONOMIC OUTLOOK                                                                                     3
Economic Outlook Townsville & North West Queensland - Regional Development Australia ...

                                       Indicator                          Flinders          Richmond        McKinlay

                                       Gross Regional Product
                                                                          $157 M            $78 M           $675 M
                                       (GRP) (2018-19)
                                                                            -4.6%             -2.4%           9.1%
                                       Annual Growth Rate

                                                         Median           $80,000           $95,000
                                                         House Price        23.1%             -5.0%         annual change
                                                                          annual            annual          N/A
                                                         (2019-20)        increase          decline

                                                                          1,505             810             818
                                                         Population          0.5%             -0.5%           -0.5%
                                                         (June 2019)      annual            annual          annual
                                                                          growth            decline         decline

OUTLOOK                               Table 2.2: Headline Economic Statistics Mid-West Queensland
                                      Source: NIEIR (2020), QGSO (2020)
Economic conditions in Mid-West
Queensland have remained              REGIONAL DEVELOPMENTS                          The Richmond Agriculture Project
steady as key indicators have                                                        is a $210 million project aiming to
                                      Works have continued towards
shown mixed results.                                                                 irrigate 8,000 ha for broadacre
                                      developing major regional irrigated
While unemployment statistics                                                        cropping. The proposal would
                                      agricultural developments across
are not gathered consistently for                                                    support 55 ongoing FTE jobs on
                                      the Mid-West, including:
these local government areas                                                         the border of the Richmond and
                                      The 15 Mile Irrigation Project
individually, the Mid West region’s                                                  McKinlay Shires, using existing
                                      northwest of Hughenden has been
unemployment is currently                                                            infrastructure to transport produce.
                                      approved and aims to provide water
estimated at a very low 3%.                                                          Mineral Resources Grants of up
                                      to 300ha of high value agricultural
The housing market has had                                                           to $200,000 were approved by
                                      land. Once completed the project is
significant variation in results                                                     the Queensland Government
                                      expected to create 165 ongoing jobs
which were impacted by the                                                           in 2020 to explore possible new
                                      for the region.
typically low sales volumes.                                                         resource sites in a number of areas
                                      The Hughenden Irrigation
The return to modest population                                                      across the West and Mid-West.
                                      Project (HIPCo): Works continue on
growth in Richmond and Flinders                                                      The $200,000 grants will be used
                                      the detailed business case for the
is a significant milestone, given                                                    to employ an electromagnetic
                                      $300 million + project which plans to
the long-term trend of population                                                    survey to identify base metal
                                      provide 30,000 megalitres of water
decline. A number of small and                                                       deposits. Key opportunities include
                                      allocations to irrigate over 2000 ha
large developments including the                                                     new gold deposits in McKinlay
                                      of agricultural land. The scheme
Kennedy Energy Park, Hughenden                                                       Shire. The exploration could see
                                      will support high value perennial
Recreational Lake, and the Viper                                                     continued recovery and growth in
                                      crops such as citrus and mangoes
polyethylene pipe manufacturing                                                      the mining sector, which supported
                                      alongside fodder crops to intensify
facility have helped support                                                         the local economy through the
                                      the regional beef cattle industry.
growth and improved sentiment                                                        COVID downturn.
                                      The project has the potential to
in the region.
                                      grow the regional economy by
Major irrigation, meat processing,
                                      $72 million per annum and support
and mining projects proposed
                                      490 ongoing jobs.
for the region have the potential
to be game changing over the
coming years.

TOWNSVILLE & NORTH WEST QUEENSLAND ECONOMIC OUTLOOK                                                                         4
Economic Outlook Townsville & North West Queensland - Regional Development Australia ...

Indicator                        Cloncurry    Mount Isa   Boulia      Burke       Doomadgee      Mornington      Carpentaria

Gross Regional Product
                                 $1.1 B       $2.13 B     $29 M       $21 M       $27 M          $34 M           $114 M
(GRP) (2018-19)
                                    -1.6%       -1.2%       -3.5%       -3.19%      -9.6%          -11.3%           -6.3%
Annual Growth Rate

                                 5.0%         6.9%        2.3%        22.6%       22.4%          22.3%           22.4%
              Unemployment          -0.6%        -0.8%    0             -3.6%       -3.7%          -3.7%           -3.7%
              (June Qtr. 2020)   ppt          ppt         ppt         ppt         ppt            ppt             ppt
                                 quarterly    quarterly   quarterly   quarterly   quarterly      quarterly       quarterly
                                 decline      decline     change      decline     decline        decline         decline

              Median             $120,000                                                                        $190,000
                                   -29.4%     $250,000    NA          NA          NA             NA                -9.5%
              House Price
                                 annual       no change   no change   no change   no change      no change       quarterly
              (2019-20)          decline                                                                         decline

                                 3,047        18,595      423         354         1,526          1,230           1.977
                                    -1.4%        -1.5%      -0.47%      0.6%         0.5%           1%              -0.15
              (June 2019)        annual       annual      annual      annual      annual         annual          quarterly
                                 decline      decline     decline     growth      growth         growth          growth

Table 2.3: Headline Economic Statistics North West Queensland                                    Source: NIEIR (2020), QGSO (2020)

The outlook for Western
Queensland regions remained
steady entering 2021, with
generally lower unemployment
offset by weakness in GRP and
ongoing population decline in the
region’s largest centres (Mount
Isa and Cloncurry). Despite the
labour market improvements,
                                             REGIONAL DEVELOPMENTS
local unemployment remains
a major concern at above 20%                 The CopperString 2.0 project has continued to progress with the draft
for the remote communities of                Environmental Impact Statement released for public consultation and a
Burke, Doomadgee, Mornington                 further commitment of $11 million from the Australian government to fast
and Carpentaria.                             track the project.

The recovery in key base metals              The $1.5 billion transmission line aims to connect the community of Mount
prices at the end of 2020 has                Isa and the North West Minerals Province to the National Electricity Grid.
helped to strengthen the regional            Economic modelling estimates 3,500 regional jobs and $79 billion in
outlook entering 2021.                       economic activity will be created over 30 years due to additional resource
                                             projects made viable through lower electricity costs.
                                             A final investment decision for CopperString 2.0 is expected during 2021.
                                             Grand Central Industries are continuing to progress the Cloncurry
                                             Intermodal Terminal. The project is shovel ready and finalising project
                                             finance. The debottlenecking rail infrastructure will increase the capacity of
                                             the Great Northern Rail Line by up to 4 million tonnes per annum and provide
                                             greater rail access for junior miners.

TOWNSVILLE & NORTH WEST QUEENSLAND ECONOMIC OUTLOOK                                                                             5
Economic Outlook Townsville & North West Queensland - Regional Development Australia ...
3. Business Confidence

Confidence in Queensland’s             OVERALL QUEENSLAND                          Political and economic stability, as
12 month outlook significantly         BUSINESSES REPORTED                         well as the level of demand remain
improved in the September              IMPROVEMENTS IN:                            the most significant concerns
quarter (+8.3ppt), as the state        • Sales and revenues (+15.5ppt)             (particularly for small businesses)
economy continues its recovery                                                     across the state.
                                       • Profitability (+7.8ppt)
from COVID-19.
                                       • Operating costs (+7.4ppt)
While there is increased optimism
                                       Positive results were also reported
for the coming quarters, caution       in regard to labour costs and
remains due to the recent              employments levels, which was
domestic outbreaks of COVID 19         driven largely by a decrease in
and the impending finalisation         the Jobseeker supplement and
of the Jobkeeper and Jobseeker         the reopening of the domestic
subsidy programs.                      Queensland economy.

Indicator                           Index Sep 2020       Quarterly Change

12 Month Outlook Queensland              33.3                   +8.3

General Business Conditions              40.1                      +9.7

Sales and Revenue                        45.9                  +15.5

Labour Costs                             51.6                      +8.1

Profitability                            38.2                      +7.8

Employment                               45.4                      +6.1

Capital Expenditure                      43.6                      +3

Table 3.1: Queensland Business Confidence Sep 2020           Source: CCIQ (2020)   Image credit: Cam Laird

TOWNSVILLE & NORTH WEST QUEENSLAND ECONOMIC OUTLOOK                                                                       6
Economic Outlook Townsville & North West Queensland - Regional Development Australia ...
4. Industry Profile: Agriculture Forestry & Fishing

Each Quarter the Townsville and         The outlook varies significantly                                                                                                         The Townsville and North West
North West Queensland Economic          between commodities. The                                                                                                                 Queensland region hosts a number
Outlook profiles a key regional         region’s traditional sugar crop                                                                                                          of proposed major agricultural
industry sector. This quarter reviews   has been impacted by stagnating                                                                                                          developments. Key current
the Agriculture, Forestry and           global demand due to increasing                                                                                                          opportunities under investigation
Fishing industry.                       health concerns associated with                                                                                                          as identified in the Townsville and
                                        excess consumption. Beef on the                                                                                                          North West Queensland Economic
INDUSTRY OVERVIEW                       other hand has continued to see                                                                                                          Recovery and Growth Strategy
The Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing   strong demand and price growth,                                                                                                          (2020-2030) are summarised in the
industry is a major economic            predominantly driven by changing                                                                                                         table below.
sector in Townsville and North West     consumer preferences in Asia. Local                                                                                                      Combined the economic impact
Queensland, contributing $867           horticultural production continues                                                                                                       of these projects could be game
million to GRP (5.1%) in 2018-19 and    to be constrained by the limits of                                                                                                       changing for the region. If all
supporting over 4,500 regional jobs.    domestic demand and increasing                                                                                                           projects were to go ahead they
North Queensland (specifically          export access will be key to realising                                                                                                   would be estimated to create
Burdekin and Hinchinbrook) is one       future growth.                                                                                                                           up to 20,000 Full Time Equivalent
of Australia’s most productive          Despite these macro trends, all                                                                                                          (FTE) jobs during construction and
sugarcane regions alongside             of Townsville and North West                                                                                                             contribute nearly $4 billion dollars
diversified broadacre cropping          Queensland’s major agricultural                                                                                                          to GRP (including direct and flow on
(cotton, legumes). North Queensland     industries have experienced                                                                                                              construction impacts).
also hosts a notable aquaculture        significant periods of growth and                                                                                                        Potential ongoing impacts from
industry including black tiger          decline in recent years (see Figure                                                                                                      increased agricultural output total
prawns, redclaw crayfish,               4.1). The fluctuations which are                                                                                                         approximately 5,000 direct and
barramundi, and cobia.                  common to the industry have                                                                                                              2,000 indirect jobs and $1.1 billion p.a.
The Mid-West and Western regions        been driven by weather events                                                                                                            in GRP (direct and flow on).
currently specialise in extensive       (including the 2019 floods which
cattle grazing.                         saw approximately 500,000 head
                                        of cattle lost across the region) and                                                                                                                                                                                               50.0%
The industry also supports a
                                        market fluctuations.                                                                                                                                                                                                                40.0%
significant value add manufacturing                                                                                                                                                                               50.0%

sector, including six regional sugar                                                                                                                 50.0%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Annual Value Add Growth (%)

mills and the 1,800 head per day JBS                                    50.0%

Townsville Meatworks.
                                                                                                                                                                                    Annual Value Add Growth (%)

                                                                        40.0%                                                                                                                                                                                               10.0%

                                                                        30.0%                                                                                                                                                                                                0.0%
                                                                                                                       Annual Value Add Growth (%)

OUTLOOK                                                                                                                                              20.0%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         2016/17       2017/18         2018/19       20
                                          Annual Value Add Growth (%)

                                                                        20.0%                                                                                                                                                                                               -10.0%
The Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing                                                                                                                10.0%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2016/17     2017/18                                2018/19       2019/20         2020/21       2021/22
                                                                        10.0%                                                                                                                                                                                               -20.0%
industry has seen significant                                                                                                                         0.0%
                                                                                                                                                                2016/17       2017/18                                 2018/19    2019/20     2020/21    2021/22                                    2022/23       2023/24         2024/
investment interest over recent                                          0.0%
                                                                                 2016/17     2017/18         2018/19                            2019/20             2020/21     2021/22                                2022/23    2023/24     2024/25
years, with rising incomes in                                           -10.0%
emerging market economies                                               -20.0%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Sugar Cane Growing                     O
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  -40.0%                                                                       Beef Cattle Farming                    A
and a growing global population                                                                                                                      -30.0%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Sugar Cane Growing                                           Outdoor Vegetabl e Growing             In
driving demand for high quality                                                                                                                      -40.0%                                                                       Beef Cattle Farming                                          Aquaculture

                                                                        -40.0%                                                                                           Sugar Cane Growing                                       Outdoor Vegetabl e Growing                                   Indoor V egetable Growing
agricultural produce.
                                                                                       Sugar Cane Growing                                             Outdoor Vegetabl eBeef Cattle Farming
                                                                                                                                                                         Growing                            Aquaculture
                                                                                                                                                                                          Indoor V egetable Growing
                                                                                       Beef Cattle Farming                                            Aquaculture

                                             Figure 4.1: Historical and Projected Industry Growth                                                                                                                                                              Source: IBISWorld (2021)

TOWNSVILLE & NORTH WEST QUEENSLAND ECONOMIC OUTLOOK                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              7
Economic Outlook Townsville & North West Queensland - Regional Development Australia ...
Project                Description                                    Proponent                  Status                         Capex

                       140,000 ML dam and distribution network                                   Detailed Business
Cave Hill Dam                                                         MITEZ                                                     $460 million
                       supporting irrigated agriculture.                                         Case Completed

                       Unlocking an additional 150,000 ML per                                    Detailed Business              $358 - $665 million,
Burdekin Falls
                       annum of water allocations for agricultural    SunWater                   Case Under                     depending on the
Dam Raising
                       irrigation, mining and urban use.                                         Investigation                  final height

Richmond Irrigated                                                    Richmond
                       8,000 ha irrigated agricultural project.                                  Confirmation of                $210 million
Agriculture Project                                                   Shire Council
                                                                                                 Water Allocations

                       Irrigated agriculture and urban
                                                                      Charters Towers
Big Rocks Weir         water storage for the Township of                                         Funding Committed              $60 million
                                                                      Regional Council
                       Charters Towers.

                                                                      Townsville                 Detailed Business
Hells Gates Dam        50,000 ha long-term irrigation scheme.         Enterprise                 Case Under                     $5.5 billion
                                                                      Limited                    Investigation

                       10,000 ha irrigated agricultural                                          Final Stages of
HIPCo Irrigated
                       development for hay, fodder and high           HIPCo                      Design and Business            $300 million
Agriculture Project
                       value food crops.                                                         Case Underway

                       918 hectare irrigated agriculture precinct
15 Mile Irrigated                                                     Flinders Shire             Stage 1 Development
                       growing high value table grapes and                                                                      $47 million
Agriculture Project                                                   Council                    Approved
                       citrus crops.

Hughenden Feedlot      50,000 head feedlot and 800-15,000 head/       CVNM                       Development
                                                                                                                                $100 million
and Abattoir           day abattoir.                                  Investments                Approved

Table 4.1: Proposed Agricultural Developments                                                                                         Source: RDA (2020)

For Further Information
                      The Regional Development Australia                                             Regional Economic Advisory (REA)
                      Townsville and North West Queensland                                           provides specialised economic
                      (RDA) Committee is pleased to partner                                          consultancy services to the
                      with Regional Economic Advisory on this                                        communities of Central, Northern, North
                      initiative to provide a quarterly update                                       West, and Far North Queensland.
                      on the region’s Economic Outlook.                                              REA is passionate about unearthing
                      For more information on investment and                                         new, evidence-based opportunities that
Cr Frank Beveridge    growth opportunities within our region,        Mr Matthew Kelly                help regional centres prosper long into
Chairman              please don’t hesitate to contact RDA           Principal Economist
                                                                                                     the future.
                      CEO Ms Glenys Schuntner.

                      Regional Development Australia                                                 Regional Economic Advisory
                      Townsville and North West                                                      07 4767 7234 / 0417 790 016
                      Queensland Inc.                                                      
                      07 4410 3655                                                         
                                                                          Level 1, 33 Palmer Street
                                                                              South Townsville QLD 4810
                      Level 1, Enterprise House
                      6 The Strand, Townsville QLD 4810

                                                                     All care and diligence has been exercised in the preparation of this report. Forecasts
              To receive future copies of the                        or projections developed as part of the analysis are based on adopted assumptions
                                                                     and can be affected by unforeseen variables. Consequently, Regional Economic
              quarterly Economic Outlook,                            Advisory gives no warranty that a particular outcome will result and the authors
              please subscribe here.                                 accept no responsibility for any loss or damage that may be suffered as a result of
                                                                     reliance on this information.
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