Page created by Marie Hodges

                                                                                  WELCOME TO THE WORLD’S LARGEST ENVIRONMENTAL MOVEMENT. WELCOME TO THE WORLD’S LARGEST ENVIRONMENT

                                                                                                                                                                                  AL MOVEMENT. WELCOME TO THE WORLD’S LARGEST ENVIRON-
Every April 22nd, stakeholders of all backgrounds come together to advance
sustainability and climate action in commemoration of Earth Day.

Our world needs transformation. It’s time for the people of the world to
hold governments and the private sector accountable for their role in our
environmental crisis while also calling for bold, creative, and innovative
solutions. This will require action at all levels, from business and investment
to city and national government.

That’s where you come in: as an individual, you yield real power for change
through your influence as a consumer, a voter, and a community member.

Don’t underestimate your power. When your voice and actions are united
with millions of others around the world, we can create an inclusive and
impactful movement that is impossible to ignore.

Throughout April, we commemorate Earth Month with marches, rallies,
volunteer events, and more. United together, we’ll drive a year of energy,
enthusiasm, and commitment to a sustainable and equitable future for our
2023 THEME
This year, we rally behind the theme “Invest In Our Planet”,
which highlights the importance of dedicating our time,
resources, and energy to solving climate change and other
environmental issues. Investing in our planet is necessary to
protect it and the best way to pave a path towards a prosperous

When we Invest In Our Planet together, we are supporting
healthy, happy, and wealthy communities worldwide.

Visit EARTHDAY.ORG to learn more and sign up for updates on
our work.
Use our interactive map to register your own Earth Day events or find community events happening near you.

                                                                                REGISTER YOUR EVENTS HERE

                                                                                FIND NEARBY EVENTS HERE

                                                                Participate In                                               Sustainable
 Plant Trees
                                                                Advocacy                                                     Fashion
 Our reforestation campaign                                     Send a letter to your local                                  Learn about the detrimental
 has planted tens of millions                                                                                                impacts of fast fashion, the
 of trees over the last                                         at your next town hall                                       importance of sustainable
 decade, often for as little                                    meeting, or sign an                                          fashion, and commit to
 as $1 per tree!                                                Earth Day petition.                                          responsible consumption.

                                Reduce Plastic
                                                                                              Vote Earth

                                Make a plan to reduce your                                    Use our Vote Earth hub to
                                plastic consumption                                           register to vote, learn your
                                using our plastic calculator.                                 voting rights, and get
                                                                                              reminders for important
                                                                                              voting deadlines.

*Click on the icons above to learn more about the many ways to invest in our planet and support our campaigns.
It’s easy to start your own Earth Day event! Click on the
toolkits below for step-by-step instructions on how to
organize an Earth Day activity for your community.

        Plan a March or Rally

        Host a Community Cleanup

        Popular Earth Day Events
Plan a March or Rally

1. Select an appropriate site, date, and time             protests.                                                 passionate about the environment before the main          7. Post to social media and follow up
– Choose a public location for people to meet:            – In general, protest organizers should be prepared       event. Bringing people together beforehand can            – Take pictures throughout your rally and share
a park, church, or a similar community site that          to obtain a permit in advance through an                  increase commitment and turnout to the actual             them on Twitter and Instagram. Use handles
is ideally accessible by public transportation or         application and a small fee. Tip: It may take up to       event.                                                    #EarthDay and #InvestInOurPlanet
bicycle.                                                  90 days in advance to obtain a permit, so start this      – Ask local vendors and restaurants to donate food        – Share your images with local newspapers,
– Select a date. TIP: Earth Day is on April 22nd          research ahead of time.                                   for volunteers. Be sure that contributors get credit      magazines, and EARTHDAY.ORG at info@earthday.
– Select a Time: Depending on where you are,              – Each state has its own form of protest laws, and        for their donations in promotions.                        org
choose a time that allows for plenty of daylight and      some individual municipalities and cities may also        – Gather supplies:                                        – Write thank you emails to any cooperating
comfortable temperatures for volunteers. TIP: The         have varying laws.                                        – Poster supplies: poster board, markers                  government officials, businesses, and organizations.
time should reflect the needs of your community.          – Speak with a local attorney or contact your             – Water and snacks                                        8. Keep the momentum going after the rally.
If the rally is for students, is the meeting time after   representative to learn more about your city’s rules      – First aid kit                                           Share these resources with attendees to deepen
school hours?                                             and regulations.                                          – Sunscreen and bug spray                                 the impact of your event:
– If you are planning on leading a march, select          4. Gather volunteers                                      – For larger events, a megaphone is helpful               –Register to vote
an accessible walking route. See step 3 to learn          – Register your rally to list your event on our map       . – Print out fliers with QR codes to any petitions you   –Contact your local representative and encourage
more about blocking off roads. TIP: Plan your route       and connect it to our global network of volunteers        want attendees to sign onto. We recommend our             them to set achievable sustainability goals
around significant landmarks, like city hall or the       – Advertise to your organization, family, friends, and/   petition to end plastic pollution, or you can make        –Sign our petition to end plastic pollution.
courthouse.                                               or community members                                      your own!                                                 –Plan and participate in local cleanups – here is a
–– Register your rally to list your event on our          TIP: people from different organizations and              6. Start your rally day                                   link to find one near you
map and connect it to our global network of               associations can help turn out volunteers and             – Closer to the date, check the weather, and plan         –Plant trees within your neighborhood and donate
volunteers                                                bridge community members through the rally ie: A          to dress appropriately. Wear something you can            to The Canopy Project
2. Organize a planning group                              reverend asking their ministry                            comfortably move in!                                      –Make sure that your event is registered on the
– Decide who will be organizing the rally. Whether it     – Online: Use Facebook or Eventbrite to create the        – Send a reminder to all participants and key             EarthDay event map to find more rallies, marches,
is your friends, your organization, or just you!          event and manage volunteer sign-up, and share             individuals that you hope to attend the night before      cleanups, and other events.
– Invite members from local government, civic             event information. Create a shareable flier to post to    or the day of.                                            –Become a Volunteer with EARTHDAY.ORG
organizations, clubs, homeowner associations,             a wide range of social media platforms.                   – Invite local media outlets to cover the event and       –Become an Earth Day member
churches, and media to serve on the planning              – Offline: Put up posters around the neighborhood,        spread awareness.                                         – Take a quiz to test your knowledge on individual
committee. TIP: Having a diverse coalition can help       on the elevator in your apartment building, on the        – As a leader, arrive at the event early to set up        action, climate and emissions, or conservation and
the event run well.                                       bulletin board in your building or dorm, etc. Get         before volunteers arrive.                                 restoration.
– Appoint site captains who will manage the event         creative and make sure to include the important           – Have a check-in table and posters that are easily       –Learn and understand the impacts of plastic
and designate roles so that the event goes well.          details of the rally in your flier!                       identifiable.                                             pollution and make changes towards the
3. Obtain the proper licenses and permits                 5. Line up support and supplies                           – Host an orientation and a brief safety talk once        movement to End Plastic Pollution.
– Peaceful protest is a constitutional right under the    – Decide if you want to host a poster-making              everyone has arrived.                                     –Divest from companies with a high environmental
First Amendment of the US Constitution. However,          session before the event or on the day of.                – Direct your volunteers to sign a petition (we           footprint, and instead invest ethically in sustainable
there are certain governmental restrictions that          An art build is a great way to facilitate community       suggest using our petition to end plastic pollution,      companies—you’ll be likely to make more money
dictate the time, place, or manner of rallies and         bonding and get to know other individuals                 but you can also make your own)                           over time!
Host a Community Cleanup

1. Select an appropriate site, date, and time     –TIP: people from different organizations and      –Event Signage                                      materials.
–Choose a public location: a park, a river,       associations can help turn out volunteers and      –Download and print this QR code to have            7. Dispose of the waste
or a similar community site that is ideally       bridge community members through the               the attendees sign the Global Plastic Treaty        –Find a location to properly dispose of all of
accessible by public transportation or bicycle.   cleanup; i.e.: A reverend asking their ministry)   petition                                            the waste you will clean up!
–Select a date. TIP: Earth Day is on April        –Online: Use Facebook or Eventbrite to create      5. Start your cleanup day                           –Sort the waste into trash, recyclables, and
22nd and World Cleanup Day is on the Third        the event and manage volunteer sign up, and        –Closer to the date, check the weather and          hazardous waste.
Saturday in September).                           share event information.                           plan to dress appropriately. Wear something         –If you are unsure of where to dispose of any
–Select a Time: Depending on where you            –Offline: Put up posters around the                you don’t mind getting dirty!                       of this waste, contact your local municipality’s
are, choose a time that allows for plenty of      neighborhood, on the elevator in your              –Send a reminder the night before or day off        waste department for further instruction.
daylight and comfortable temperatures for         apartment building, on the bulletin board in       to all participants and key individuals that you    8. Following up
volunteers. Most cleanups happen between          your building, etc. Get creative!                  hope to attend.                                     –Help us track trash and have your cleanup be
9:00am and 11:00am.                               4. Line up supplies and arrange for disposal       –Invite local media outlets to cover the event      recorded on our public map by reporting your
2. Organize a planning group                      –Ask for donations of trash bags,                  and spread awareness                                cleanup
–Decide who will be organizing the cleanup.       refreshments, and equipment. TIP: Local            –As a leader, arrive to the event early to set up   –Take pictures before and after your collection
Whether it is your friends, your organization,    hardware stores are usually willing to donate      before volunteers arrive                            and share to twitter and instagram. Use
or just you!                                      these resources                                    6. Orientation and safety talk                      handles #EarthDay #GreatGlobalCleanup,
–Invite members from local government, civic      –Coordinate with local waste management            –Safety is key. Two people make a team! Wear        #TrashTag, and #Plogging. EARTHDAY.ORG
organizations, clubs, homeowner associations,     through a short phone call to ensure               gloves, and closed toe shoes. Bring a hat,          will be re-posting content to our social media
churches and media to serve on a cleanup          everything is being disposed of in accordance      sunscreen & reusable water bottle                   –Post your event on social media. Tag us at
planning committee. Having a diverse              with rules and regulations.                        –Keep the environment safe.Vegetation is            @thegreatglobalcleanup on Instagram and
coalition can help the event run well.            –Be sure that contributors get credit for their    sensitive and wildlife is best kept wild            TikTok.
–Appoint site captains who will manage the        donations in cleanup promotions                    –What to remove:                                    –Share your images with local newspapers,
event and designate roles to assure cleanup       –Gather supplies:                                  –Trash and Litter (Anything created by              magazines, and EARTHDAY.ORG
goes smoothly.                                    –Trash Bags or Buckets                             humans)                                             –Write thank you emails to any cooperating
3. Gather volunteers                              –Trash Grabbers                                    –Recyclables                                        government officials, businesses, and
–Register your cleanup so it appears on the       –First Aid Kit                                     –What to leave:                                     organizations.
Great Global Cleanup Map and is connected         –Gloves and Hand Sanitizer                         –Nature                                             –Learn more about EARTHDAY.ORG’s Great
to our global network of volunteers               –Water/ Snacks                                     –Homeless Encampments                               Global Cleanup.
–Advertise your cleanup to your organization,     –Table and chairs (we recommend two tables,        –Dead Animals
family, friends, and/or community members         one 6’ and the other 4’)                           –Syringes, needles, and other hazardous
Popular Earth Day Events

• Organize a teach-in to educate your peers or students about the

 importance of environmental action. Check out our climate liter-

 acy resources for an in-depth guide!

• Plant a pollinator garden using native species to support local

 populations of butterflies, bees, and other organisms that are

 critical to biodiversity.

• Form a community sustainability committee to create a happier,

 healthier, and wealthier environment for you and your neighbors.

• Help your family and friends register to vote using our Vote

 Earth resources.

Be sure to register any and all events you plan on the official Earth Day Map.

Post what you’re doing this Earth Day and make sure to tag #EarthDay and/or #In-
vestInOurPlanet to possibly be featured on our social channels!

Universities     Home Owners        0   Faith Leaders

Professors       Parents                Community Groups

Students         Schools                Senior Activists

Administrators   Businesses             Creators

                 City Governments
Universities                        Professors                         Students                              Administrators

The future of civilization begins   • Plan a protest or volunteer       • Make Climate a Class by             • Invest in a sustainable campus.
with higher education. The next       event with your student             planning a teach-in for your          Energy efficient buildings
generation of leaders are today’s     organization! Make sure to          students on Earth Day. Visit          with sustainable water and
students, and it is essential         register your events on our         our Toolkit for Professors or our     heating systems will save your
students entering fields across       Earth Day Map to connect            Education Resource Library for        institution a significant amount
all sectors are educated in how       them to volunteers in your          inspiration to plan your lesson.      of money and also contribute
their work intersects with the        area and be recognized in the     • Share our Earth Day                   to a healthy climate. Cultivating
climate and our environment.          official commemoration of           Map and information on                a biodiverse, green space will
Students who implement                Earth Day 2023.                     environmental events &                create a healthy and enriching
sustainability in their careers     • Write a letter to your school       volunteer opportunities with          campus environment for your
are more likely to succeed, and       administrators demanding            your students to help them get        students.
universities who implement            your university take                involved this Earth Day.            • Support the global call for
sustainability on campus and          measures to improve campus        • Consider extra credit for             climate education by signing
incorporate climate education in      sustainability and make climate     participation to incentivize your     the Climate Literacy Letter on
all classrooms are essential.         investments.                        students!                             behalf of your institution.
                                    • Host a tabling event in your
                                      university common area to
                                      educate your peers and get
                                      them involved in upcoming
                                    • Join the Climate Education
                                      Coalition and become an
                                      advocate for climate literacy
                                      in education policy. To join,
                                      email Johnny Dabrowski at

                                                                                                                           Explore Other Communities
Home Owners

A sustainable home is a happy          your family money.                 outdoor living space. If you
home. If you are a homeowner,      •   Install a smart thermostat to      want to keep some grass in
Investing in Our Planet is             lower your energy consumption the lawn, maintain it with an
essential to financial success.        (and your heating bill!).          electric mower.
A home that is equipped with       •   Switch to LED lightbulbs         • Display a yard or window sign
efficient power/water/heating          to dramatically reduce the         to showcase your commitment
systems, coupled with renewable        amount of power needed to          to sustainability and get your
energy, will save you thousands        light your home. LED lights last   neighbors on board.
of dollars per year while              100x longer than traditional     • Talk to your homeowners
drastically reducing your impact       light bulbs!                       association about its current
on the environment. With the       •   Seal air and water leaks in your   regulations related to climate
newly passed Inflation Reduction       home to improve efficiency and and the environment. Discuss
Act, you could also be eligible        reduce your utility bills.         how the community can
for massive tax breaks when you    •   Install modern low-flow shower     improve these policies.
implement sustainable home             heads, saving carbon emissions,
improvements.                          energy costs, and up to 15,000
                                       gallons of water per person per
• Learn about the tax                  year!
  opportunities for sustainable   •    Learn how to compost and
  home improvements in the             reduce the carbon impact of
  Inflation Reduction Act and          food waste; plus, this will give
  make a plan to take advantage        you a free source of soil if you
  of these benefits this year.         have a garden!
• Install rooftop solar panels,   •    Plant native species and
  explore ways of making your          pollinators to support
  home energy efficient, and save      biodiversity and beautify your

                                                                                                           Explore Other Communities
Parents                                  Schools

Every parent wants their children        Education is the foundation of a          • Sign the petition on behalf of your
to grow into responsible,                prosperous and thriving civilization.       school or organization
considerate, and successful adults.      A successful society is one which         • Sign the petition as an individual
Commemorating Earth Day as a             respects nature, and these values         • Plan a teach-in to educate your
family is key to nurturing these         are born in the classroom. Teachers         students about the climate crisis
values and ensuring that nature and      and school administrators are in            and how each of us can be part of
sustainability are an important part     a unique position to nurture our            the solution. Use our Education
of your child’s identity.                children to grow into intelligent and       Resource Library to help guide the
                                         responsible citizens. Every school          conversation.
• Have a conversation with your          can use Earth Day to ensure that          • Use our Climate Literacy
  children about the importance          environmental values are passed             Communications Toolkit to spread
  of living sustainably and identify     along to the next generation!               the word about the importance of
  ways that your family can improve                                                  climate education in schools.
  together.                              • Register your institution as an         • Visit our page for Climate and
• Work together as a family to             Earth Day School! Put your school         Environmental Literacy to learn
  implement as many of these               on the map and ensure that your           more about how schools are critical
  52 Actions and Tips to make a            community’s Earth Day efforts are         to a sustainable future.
  difference.                              recognized.
• Take your family to a local            • Become an Education Champion
  cleanup, or start your own in the        by joining our global network of
  neighborhood or a nearby park!           educators who work together
• Plant a pollinator garden with           to bring climate education to
  your kids for a fun, impactful, and      communities everywhere.
  educational day outside.
• Use our plastic calculator with your   • Sign the climate literacy petition to
  kids and discuss how your family         advance environmental education
  can reduce plastic consumption.          worldwide:
                                                                                                                           Explore Other Communities

The business world is among               work from home opportunities
the most significant emitters of          for employees, increasing quality
greenhouse gasses and other               of life and job satisfaction for
pollutants. However, they are also        your workforce while eliminating
in a position to profit significantly     a significant source of carbon
from a sustainable transition. When       emissions from your business.
businesses Invest in Our Planet, they • Expand your sustainable investment
are aligning themselves with the          portfolio. Institutions that have
modern economy, invariably leading        made these investments early
to a more cost efficient, respected,      and often are already seeing the
and profitable enterprise. Companies      returns, which continue to grow as
that invest early and often are already   the world inevitably transitions to a
seeing gains and are on track for         sustainable economy.
prosperity in the 21st century.         • Mitigate the carbon impact of
                                          your business by planting a forest
• Invest in sustainable infrastructure    with the Canopy Project, our
  for your business. A workplace that     reforestation campaign that has
  operates using renewable energy         collaborated with institutions
  and has taken measures to ensure        including several major Fortune
  energy efficiency will see vast         500 companies to plant over ____
  reductions in their operating costs,    million trees in the last decade.
  increasing the profit margin.           Email Kathryn Stoddard, Chief of
• Go paperless as much as possible.       Marketing, at stoddard@earthday.
  Electronic records are better           org for the best opportunities for
  maintained and are less resource        your business to participate in the
  intensive.                              Canopy Project.
• Offer bike-to-work incentives or
                                                                                  Explore Other Communities
City Governments

Local elected officials have the greatest      partnering with ICLEI—Local Governments            new green spaces, especially in marginalized
opportunity to directly impact the quality of afor Sustainability to support cities around the    and low-income areas.
city’s air, land, water, and climate—the natural
                                               world in hosting their own Paris Agreement       • Revitalize waterfronts to mitigate pollution
resources that their constituents depend on.   “local stocktake” event on or                      and beautify communities.
                                               around Earth Day. Email Evan Raskin, National • Ban or tax single-use plastics, especially
When city governments Invest in Our Planet, Campaign Manager, at                                  those used in foowd serviceware and create
they are taking an essential step in securing to get involved.               a Zero Waste or Circular Economy plan.
a happy, healthy, and wealthy future for                                                        • Pass stricter clean water and clean air
their community, all while saving millions of  • Set high building efficiency standards           ordinances.
taxpayer dollars.                                for development projects and building          • Expand access to recycling and composting
                                                 upgrades.                                        services.
• Lead by example by implementing              • Develop and implement a plan for all public • Create catchment basins and place nets
  sustainable solutions in government            transportation to run on renewable energy.       around drainage pipes to stop waste from
  buildings and institutions.                  • Mandate green roofs for all buildings            polluting waterways.
• Work with your department of parks and         and plant trees to protect human health,
  recreation to plan events such as cleanups,    conserve natural spaces, and mitigate
  pollinator gardening, and habitat restoration climate impacts.
  for the community on Earth Day. Be sure to • Significantly expand or create pedestrian
  register these events on our map.              and bicycle-only zones in the city.
                                               • Establish a carbon pricing or taxing scheme.
As the world commemorates five years since • Launch a major clean energy or green
the signing of the Paris Agreement, the          infrastructure project, taking climate justice
United Nations has declared that officials       into account.
at all levels of government, especially local  • Develop a biodiversity protection strategy
leaders, should take stock of the progress       & establishing green corridors for wildlife in
they have made and adapt their plans for         your city.
implementation by 2030. EARTHDAY.ORG is        • Expand or create significant stretches of
                                                                                                                          Explore Other Communities
0    Faith Leaders                                                        Community Groups                     Senior Activists

Houses of worship bring people     environmental volunteer          Are you part of a community          Our senior activists are a
together and form communities activities for the community.         organization such as a running       respected source of wisdom and
bonded by shared values. As      • Organize a volunteer event for   team, garden club, or fishing        guidance for our families and
a faith leader, you are in an      your congregation. Popular       group? Bring your organization       communities. This Earth Day,
essential position to foster the   events for houses of worship     together for Earth Day and give      make a valuable contribution to
community’s identity and guide     include community cleanups       back to the public spaces that       conserving our common home.
their values. Every religion       and planting intergenerational   your group calls home.
and spiritual practice includes    pollinator gardens.                                                   • Donate to the Canopy Project
the call for humanity to act as  • Discuss the spiritual call to    • Host a cleanup event in a park       to plant a forest in your family’s
stewards of creation—on Earth      protect nature in a sermon on      that your club typically meets       name for as little as $1 per tree.
Day, bring your congregation       or near Earth Day, April 22.       in.                                • Call your mayor and tell
together to ensure that          • Make sustainable                 • Take time at your next meeting       them to support healthy
your community is united in        improvements to your house         to discuss how to improve the        communities by Investing in
protecting nature.                 of worship, such as the            sustainability of your club’s        Our Planet.
                                   suggestions found in the           activities.                        • Hold a conversation with your
• Form a sustainability            “Homeowner” section.             • Attend a local march or rally as     family on the importance of
  committee composed of          • A more energy efficient            a group.                             sustainability and climate
  clergy and/or lay leaders, who   congregation will save money,                                           action.
  will guide the congregation’s    which can be used to support
  implementation of sustainable the community and further
  improvements and plan            the mission of your faith.

                                                                                                                      Explore Other Communities

Content creators and artists play   • NGOs and civil society              your voice is especially
a critical role in communicating      organizations play a vital role     powerful when it comes to
the importance of climate action.     in the success of Earth Day!        advocacy. Organize a petition
Share your vision and inspire the     Climate and the environment         or letter writing campaign for
public to make a difference!          are relevant to every nonprofit     your audience to sign onto
                                      mission, join us in building a      and demand change from
• Create posters, banners and         more sustainable, equitable         businesses, elected officials, or
  other art for nearby protests       future for communities              other decision makers!
  and rallies.                        everywhere! Your audience         • Use your media platform
• Host a charity art auction and      cares about making the              to spread the word about
  donate the proceeds to tree         world a better place; this          the importance of being
  planting with the Canopy            April mobilize them to come         an engaged member of
  Project.                            together on Earth Day and           the community; use the
• Make posts and reels on             advocate for our common             hashtags #EarthDay and
  Instagram/TikTok/Facebook           goals!                              #InvestInOurPlanet on socials.
  encouraging your followers        • Plan a community event for
  to volunteer, attend events,        your audience! Use the guides
  and become advocates for the        contained in this toolkit to plan
  planet.                             a cleanup, a march or rally, or
• Be sure to share on                 another volunteer event to
  social media using the              help communities Invest in
  hashtags #EarthDay and              Our Planet.
  #InvestInOurPlanet                • As a nonprofit organization,

                                                                                     Explore Other Communities
Be sure to register any and all events you plan on the official Earth Day Map.

Post what you’re doing this Earth Day and make sure to tag #EarthDay and/or #In-
vestInOurPlanet to possibly be featured on our social channels!

EARTHDAY.ORG		      1752 N STREET NW, SUITE 700, WASHINGTON, DC 20036   INFO@EARTHDAY.ORG (202) 518-0044
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