Page created by Dan Kelly

CHRISTCHURCH SCHOOL CALENDAR 2019-2020 .................. 4
       November                  1-2 (Fri.-Sat.) Service Weekend ............................... 4
REACHING YOUR STUDENT AT SCHOOL.................................... 7
   How Can I Reach My Student By Email? ...........................................7
   How Can I Reach My Student By Mail? .............................................7
IN CASE OF EMERGENCY ................................................................. 7
   Whom Should I Call In An Emergency? ............................................7
   Whom Should My Student Call In An Emergency? .......................8
   How Can I Keep In Touch With Events At Christchurch In Case
   Of An Emergency? ...................................................................................8
   What Should I Do If I Have Bad News To Convey To My
   Student? ......................................................................................................9
ACADEMIC LIFE.................................................................................. 9
   Which Adult Should My Student Go To With Academic
   Concerns Or Questions? ........................................................................9
   Do Students Have Access To Their Grades? ...................................9
   What Happens If A Student Is Having Academic Difficulty? .. 10
   What If My Student Has A Diagnosed Learning Difference? .. 11
CO-CURRICULAR OBLIGATIONS .................................................11
   What Is The Co-Curricular Program? ............................................ 11
   Are Students Required To Participate Every Season In Co-
   curriculars? ............................................................................................ 11
ATTENDANCE QUESTIONS ...........................................................12
   What Is Boardingware? ...................................................................... 12
   What If My Student Must Miss Class Or Community
   Expectations Due To Illness? ............................................................ 13
   What If My Student Has To Miss Class Or A Community
   Expectation For An Important Event, Such As A Wedding? ... 13
   What If There Is A Family Emergency And My Student Needs
   To Return Home Suddenly? .............................................................. 14

What If My Student Misses Too Many Classes Or Co-Curricular
   Obligations? ........................................................................................... 14
COMMUNITY LIFE ...........................................................................15
   If A Family Has Questions Or Concerns, How Should They
   Communicate With The School?...................................................... 15
   What Is The Role Of My Student’s Advisor? ................................. 15
   What Is The Best Way To Reach An Advisor Or Other Faculty
   Member? ................................................................................................. 16
   What If My Student Doesn’t Get Along With Their Advisor Or
   Wants To Change Advisors? ............................................................. 16
   How Are Housing Assignments Made? .......................................... 16
   How Do I Find Out About My Student’s Advisor And Dorm
   Assignment, Including Roommate Information? ...................... 17
   Who Are The Hall Parents For This Year? ................................... 17
   Are Students Allowed To Have Pets? ............................................. 17
   During The Summer, Is It Okay If We Come And See The Dorm
   Room? ...................................................................................................... 18
   Whom Should My Student Talk To In The Dorm If There Is A
   Problem? ................................................................................................. 18
   What If My Child Does Not Get Along With Their Roommate?
   .................................................................................................................... 18
   Who Helps Students Monitor Their Time? .................................. 19
   What Should I Do If My Child Is Homesick? ................................. 19
   Are Students’ Birthdays Acknowledged While School Is In
   Session? ................................................................................................... 20
   How Can I Be Sure My Child Is Eating Well And Getting Enough
   Sleep? ....................................................................................................... 21
   Will I Be Notified If My Student Is Ill Or Seeks Help At Health
   Services? .................................................................................................. 21
   How Can My Student Find A Physician Specialist, Dentist,
   Orthodontist Or Therapist In The Local Area? ........................... 22
   Can Girls Visit Boys’ Rooms Or Boys Visit Girls’ Rooms? ........ 22
   How Are Day Students Involved In Community Life? .............. 22
   What Facilities Are Available For My Day Student? ................. 23
   Are Day Students Allowed To Drive To School? ......................... 23
   Are Day Students Allowed To Drive Boarders Into Town? .... 23
   Are We Allowed To Entertain Boarders In Our Home? ........... 24
   Are Day Students Allowed To Spend The Night On Campus? 24

What Should A Day Student Do If Inclement Weather Makes
   Driving To School Hazardous? ......................................................... 24
   Are Students Allowed To Leave School On Weekends? ........... 25
DAILY LIVING ...................................................................................25
   What Kind Of Clothing Does My Student Need? ......................... 25
   Can My Student Bring A Bicycle To Campus? .............................. 25
   Is My Student Allowed To Have A Car On Campus As A
   Boarding Student? ............................................................................... 26
   Are Students Required To Bring A Computer To School? ...... 26
   Is Student Internet Use Monitored? ............................................... 26
   Do Students Need To Bring Printers? ............................................ 27
CORE VALUES ...................................................................................27
RESPONSES TO CONDUCT ISSUES ..............................................27
   What Happens If My Student Is Caught Breaking A Major
   School Rule Or Violating The Core Values? ................................. 27
   What Is The Family’s Role When A Student Has A Violation? 28
   Is There A Drug-Testing Policy When A Student Is Suspected
   Of Being Under The Influence Of Alcohol Or Other Drugs? .... 29
FINANCIAL INFORMATION...........................................................29
   What Additional Expenses Can We Expect During A Year At
   Christchurch School? .......................................................................... 29
   Can My Student Obtain Cash On Campus? .................................... 30
   How Much Money Should My Student Bring For A Year?........ 30
   What Is Our Responsibility Regarding Athletic Equipment? 30
ABBREVIATED PHONE LIST.........................................................31
WHO TO SEE FOR SCHOOL NEEDS .............................................32



August      14-17 (Thurs.-Sat.)   Football Camp
            18 (Sunday)           Student Registration I: Pre-
            23 (Friday)           New International Students
            25 (Sunday)           Prefect Training
            26 (Monday)           Student Registration II:
                                  Returning & New Students
            27-28 (Tues.-Wed.)    Student Orientation
            29 (Thursday)         First Day of Classes/Begin First
                                  Semester and Term 1

September   2 (Monday)            Labor Day (School in Session)
            25 (Wednesday)        10th & 12th Grades: FALL LONG
                                  WEEKEND BEGINS (Dorms
            25-27 (Wed.-Fri.)     9th & 11th Grades: FALL
                                  IMMERSION TRIPS
            29 (Sunday)           FALL LONG WEEKEND ENDS
                                  (Boarders Return 6:00 p.m.)
            30 (Monday)           Classes Resume

October     5 (Saturday)          SAT Testing
            16 (Wednesday)        PSAT Testing for Grades 10th &
            17 (Thursday)         End Term 1
            18-19 (Fri.-Sat.)     FALL FAMILY WEEKEND
            19 (Saturday)         HOMECOMING
            21 (Monday)           Begin Term 2
            26 (Saturday)         ACT Testing

November    1-2 (Fri.-Sat.)       Service Weekend
             2 (Saturday)         SAT Testing
             4 (Monday)           Classes Resume
23 (Saturday)        Travel Day; THANKSGIVING
                                BREAK BEGINS
                                (Dorm close at 12:00 p.m.)

December   2 (Monday)           THANKSGIVING BREAK
                                ENDS (Boarders Return 6:00
                                PM. Dorms open 12:00 p.m.)
           3 (Tuesday)          Classes Resume
           7 (Saturday)         SAT Testing
           8 (Sunday)           All School Lessons and Carols
                                (4:00 Service & 6:15 Service)
           13 (Friday)          End Term 2
           16 (Monday)          AM 1st Period Exams; p.m. 2nd
                                Period Exams
           17 (Tuesday)         AM 3rd Period Exams; p.m. 4th
                                Period Exams
           18 (Wednesday)       AM 5th Period Exams; p.m. 6th
                                Period Exams
           19 (Thursday)        AM 7th Period Exams; End First
           19 (Thursday)        CHRISTMAS BREAK BEGINS
                                at 12:00 Noon
           20 (Friday)          Travel Day; Christmas Break
                                (Dorms Close at 12:00 p.m.)



January    5 (Sunday)           CHRISTMAS BREAK ENDS
                                (Boarders Return 6:00 p.m..
                                Dorms open 12:00 p.m.)
           6 (Monday)           Classes Resume/Begin Second
                                Semester and Term 3
           13-14 (Mon.-Tues.)   Senior Retreat

February   28 (Friday)          End Term 3
           29 (Saturday)        Travel Day; SPRING BREAK
BEGINS (Dorms close at 12:00

March           9-13 (Mon.-Fri.)         Spring Break Training Week
                                         (Dorms will only be open to
                                         participating individuals)
                15 (Sunday)              Dorms Open 12:00 p.m.
                16 (Monday)              SPRING BREAK ENDS
                                         (Boarders Return 6:00 p.m.)
                17 (Tuesday)             Classes Resume/Begin Term 4

April           4 (Saturday)             ACT Testing
                10 (Friday)              Good Friday (School in Session)
                15 (Wednesday)           9th & 11th Grades: SPRING
                                         LONG WEEKEND BEGINS
                                         (Dorms Open)
                15-17 (Wed.-Fri.)        10th & 12th Grades: SPRING
                                         IMMERSION TRIPS
                19 (Sunday)              SPRING LONG WEEKEND
                                         ENDS (Boarders Return 6:00
                20 (Monday)              Classes Resume
                24 (Friday)              GRANDPARENTS AND
                                         SPECIAL FRIENDS DAY
                24-25 (Fri.-Sat.)        SPRING FAMILY WEEKEND

May             2 (Saturday)             SAT Testing
                18 (Monday)              End Term 4
                18-21 (Mon.-Thurs.)      Senior Second Semester Exams
                19-22 (Tues.-Fri.)       Underclass Second Semester
                22 (Friday)              End Second Semester;
                                         BACCALAUREATE (4:30 p.m.)
                23 (Saturday)            COMMENCEMENT (9:00 a.m.)
                24 (Sunday)              Dorms close at 12:00 p.m.

NOTE: Except for Fall and Spring Long Weekend, the Christchurch
School campus is closed during breaks; students are not allowed to stay on


How Can I Reach My Student By Email?

Each student is assigned an email address once registered for
school. The address is usually made up of some form of the user’s
name followed by “” The email address
information for your student is available on the Parent Portal by
selecting Student Information.

How Can I Reach My Student By Mail?

Each student is given a post office box number and combination
during registration. You can send postal mail to:

Student Name
Christchurch School
49 Seahorse Lane
Christchurch, VA 23031


Whom Should I Call In An Emergency?

If your situation is a medical emergency and involves a student on
campus needing immediate medical care, instruct the student to
report to Health Services or Community Life. If the emergency is
after 7:30 p.m., boarding students should report to the adult on
their hall. You may also call the Administrator On Duty (AOD) at
804-815-3449 at anytime.

For other emergencies, such as an illness or death in the family, or
a concern about your student, you should start by contacting your
student’s advisor and/or Hall Parent. If you are unable to reach that
person in a timely manner you may always call the AOD at 804-
815-3449. Our online directory provides email and phone contact
information for all faculty.

Whom Should My Student Call In An Emergency?

Depending on the type of emergency, there are many available
avenues of support on campus. There are faculty on duty 24 hours
a day, 7 days a week. Students can also speak with Hall Parents,
advisors, teachers, coaches or any adult with whom they feel

If the emergency is medical in nature the on duty faculty will
coordinate the necessary response with our on-call nurse.

How Can I Keep In Touch With Events At
Christchurch In Case Of An Emergency?

Christchurch School uses the Christchurch School Website, texts,
and email to communicate proactively with families during
situations that we know may cause concern. If you hear of a
situation that you believe impacts the Christchurch Community
please check your email.

What Should I Do If I Have Bad News To Convey To
My Student?

If your student is a boarder and you need to inform them of
unpleasant news, we strongly encourage you to alert either the
their advisor or Hall Parent prior to, or soon after, contacting your
student. That way an adult in our community will be available for

If you are unable to reach an advisor or Hall Parent in this
situation, please contact The Director of Guidance at ext. 164, or
after 6 p.m., the AOD at 804-815-3449.


Which Adult Should My Student Go To With Academic
Concerns Or Questions?

There are many people to whom a student can turn for academic
assistance; however, as high school students, we ask that they try
to be their own advocates and solve their own problems first,
before adults step in. If your student says that they have a problem
in a class, the first step is for them to talk to the specific teacher. If
they really can’t bring themselves to talk to the teacher directly,
they should talk over the problem with their advisor. Students may
also seek assistance from department heads or the Studies Office.

Do Students Have Access To Their Grades?

Students are able to view their grades on their student portal.
Advisors also regularly review grades and help students identify
areas for growth. We work hard to keep the focus on learning, not
on grades, and we ask that you as a family help us with this. One
simple way to do this is to show more interest in what students are
learning and the questions they are asking, rather than any grade
point average they might have earned.

Families receive grades and comments at the end of each marking
period and the end of each semester. An email from the Studies
Office will let you know that the grades and comments are
available online.

What Happens If A Student Is Having Academic

Students who encounter difficulty in any of their academic pursuits
will have access to a large support network. Given the rigorous
curriculum, students need to seek support at the first sign of a
problem. Often students are aware of academic challenges;
however, if a student is not aware, an advisor or instructor will
alert the student if there appears to be an academic difficulty.

The student will be encouraged to attend extra help sessions and
seek academic support from the network of instructors.

If a student continues to struggle, the amount of academic support
will increase. This could include specified study locations, extra
help sessions outside of normal help, testing and or referral to our
Learning Skills Program.

What If My Student Has A Diagnosed Learning

If a student has undergone some form of neuro-educational
assessment prior to entering or while attending Christchurch
School, it is important for families to share this with the school so
that we can help support their academic success. This information
will be reviewed by our Learning Skills Office and we will work
with students and their families regarding individual
accommodations and recommendations.


What Is The Co-Curricular Program?

Afternoon co-curricular offerings are an important part of the
curriculum. The offerings provide breadth of exposure while
giving each student the opportunity to explore their individual
interests. With a multitude of different types of offerings each
student is encouraged to explore and expand his or her interests
and will develop key skills from these offerings.

Are Students Required To Participate Every Season In

Students typically must participate in a co-curricular activity every
season. After their first year, students can petition the Director of
Athletics & Co-Curricular Programs for a season off if they wish.

Students who wish to participate in an activity off campus must
petition the Director of Athletics & Co-Curricular Programs. A
student must participate in two seasons of on-campus activity and
provide documentation that the off-campus activity consists of at
least 80 hours during the season.

For both of these, there is an approval process in which a student
completes a petition. A committee then decides whether or not to
approve the petition.


What Is Boardingware?

Boardingware is the software system we use to track leaves and
transportation for both boarding and day students. Students and
guardians receive an email invitation directly
from Boardingware to sign up. Please follow the instructions
given in that invitation to create your account. Several quick
tutorial videos are available to help you better navigate the
system. Day students will not use Boardingware as often as
boarders; however, they will use it for appointments during the day
when they need to leave school. Students or Guardians may
request the following leaves:
   •   Leave of Absence is for doctor’s appointments, arriving
       late to school, or other short-term absences.
   •   Overnight Leave is for any absence that involves an
       overnight away from school.
   •   College Leave is primarily for juniors and seniors and must
       be approved by the Director of College Counseling.

•   Weekend Activity Leaves are posted each Tuesday and
       students have until 6:30 p.m. each Friday to request those.
   •   Travel Leaves will also be set up several times each
       year. This is the leave used for extended travel such as
       arrival in August, Thanksgiving break, Christmas, spring
       break and final departure from school in May.

What If My Student Must Miss Class Or Community
Expectations Due To Illness?

Boarding students who are ill must sign in at Health Services and
be evaluated before being excused from classes or commitments.

Day students who are ill should have an adult contact the
Community Life Office (804-758-2306, ext. 581) no later than
9:30 a.m. on the day of an absence. If a day student becomes ill
while at school, they should report to Health Services and a nurse
will contact the family.

Pre-planned doctor appointments should be noted in
Boardingware. Please login, select ‘leave of absence’, complete the
details and submit.

What If My Student Has To Miss Class Or A
Community Expectation For An Important Event, Such
As A Wedding?

A student’s contact time with his or her classroom teachers is vital
to the student’s academic success. However, with approval from
the Community Life Office, parents can take students out of school
for non-emergency reasons. A request for the leave must be
submitted through Boardingware. If the leave will involve
missing more than three classes, students should obtain a
Request for Extended Leave form (commonly referred to as an
‘Orange Sheet’) and complete this with as much advance
notice as possible. A leave needs to be approved prior to students
leaving campus, and this must be signed off by the Dean of

What If There Is A Family Emergency And My Student
Needs To Return Home Suddenly?

In the event of an emergency affecting the student or a close family
member, the Dean of Students will expedite leave approval and
assist with rapid departure from campus. This includes travel
coordination to closest transportation hub.

If such circumstances arise, please contact the Community Life
Office or AOD at 804-815-3449. It is a good idea to let someone
on campus know prior to talking with a student so that an adult can
be present for support.

At times there is a tension between a student’s need to attend
classes and the need to be home with family and friends. When
appropriate, we will do our best to ease that tension by excusing
absences, allowing extra time on assignments, and extending
deadlines. However, it is important that the student return to
school as quickly as possible to avoid additional stress.

What If My Student Misses Too Many Classes Or Co-
Curricular Obligations?

We monitor student attendance closely. A student who misses a
class or co-curricular without an excuse will typically receive a
consequence. Students who miss too many classes, with or

without excuse, run the risk of not earning academic credit for that


If A Family Has Questions Or Concerns, How Should
They Communicate With The School?

If you know which department you need to address, please feel
free to contact that department directly. You’ll find the contact
names and phone numbers in the appendix of this document.

For student-related concerns we suggest you start with the
student’s advisor. The advisor will be able to assist you or refer
you to the appropriate person or department.

Of course, you are always free to contact the Dean of Students
Office at (804)758-2306, ext. 121

What Is The Role Of My Student’s Advisor?

The advising program at Christchurch constitutes a very important
element in the overall educational mission of the School. It
provides opportunities for close relationships between adults and
students. In so doing, advisors guide their advisees in academics
and character development, helping them to grow into the adults
they will eventually become. Students typically see their advisor
every day for a period of time. Twice a week students eat lunch
with their advisory group, and one day a week there is an extended
meeting to review overall progress within the community.

Families are encouraged to use the advisor as their primary contact
with the school. The advisor’s role is to serve as a mediator and
liaison, an advocate in the school community, and an adult to turn
to for support.

What Is The Best Way To Reach An Advisor Or Other
Faculty Member?

Because individual advisors may answer this question differently
we suggest you ask specific advisors how best to be in touch. In
general, you can reach any faculty member via email or telephone.
You are always welcome to schedule an appointment to visit with
an advisor in person as well.

What If My Student Doesn’t Get Along With Their
Advisor Or Wants To Change Advisors?

We recognize that all students will not necessarily connect with all
teachers. The same is true with one’s advisor. At the end of each
year, returning students are allowed to request an advisor for the
upcoming school year, and this is typically when changes are
made. If a student has a particular problem with an advisor they
can speak to the Chaplain about changing advisories, but they
should also plan on speaking to individual advisors about this as

How Are Housing Assignments Made?

Each spring, our returning students are able to submit roommate
requests. The Community Life Office does its best to honor these
request when placing students into dorm rooms for the next year;
however, there are times when it is not possible to honor a

student’s first choice due to the many variables that come into play
in planning room assignments for the year.

If your student has any special request regarding housing, we
suggest putting that request in writing and forwarding it to the
Dean of Students and Director of Guidance prior to August 1. As
mentioned above, we do our best to meet request, however we
cannot make any guarantees.

How Do I Find Out About My Student’s Advisor And
Dorm Assignment, Including Roommate Information?

Information regarding advisors and dorm assignments will be
available on registration day.

Who Are The Hall Parents For This Year?

1st Floor Scott – Sarah McCormick
2nd Floor Scott – Brendan Cole
3rd Floor Scott - Mark Viser

1st Floor Murrell - Keith Bloom
2nd Floor Murrell – Jess Miller/April Marini
3rd Floor Murrell – Josh Miller

Faye - Jennifer Homer

Contact information for all Hall Parents can be found in our
faculty directory on the portal.

Are Students Allowed To Have Pets?

Given that we have so many people sharing these living spaces, we
cannot allow students to have pets of any kind in the dorm.

During The Summer, Is It Okay If We Come And See
The Dorm Room?

Because dormitories are in use during the summer months and
there is so much to do to prepare for the fall term, we are not able
to open the dorms for preview. If you have any urgent questions
about the dormitories, please contact the Community Life Office.

Whom Should My Student Talk To In The Dorm If
There Is A Problem?

Each hall is made up of a Hall Parent and an adult network of
support as well as student leaders.

If a student would feel more comfortable talking with someone off
their hall they may always seek out the assistance of any adult or
student leader they feel comfortable with.

For maintenance problems students should report to their adult on
duty who will notify the Buildings and Grounds Staff.

What If My Child Does Not Get Along With Their

Roommates occasionally experience some difficulties as they
negotiate how they will live together.

Most situations can be worked out with a bit of help, but we can’t
help if we don’t know there is a problem. Encourage your student

to try to work through the problem. Students learn a lot about
themselves and others as they work to solve real-life issues.

Hall Parents, duty faculty, advisors, and prefects are all available if
your student encounters a conflict with a roommate. If this does
happen please encourage them to talk with one of these people.
Christchurch believes in supporting students as they grow into
independent self-advocates and learn to navigate the various
relationships in our community. While this may be difficult for
parents, as children grow into young adults, it is important for us to
recognize that part of the learning process is dealing with conflict
in healthy, measured ways.

Who Helps Students Monitor Their Time?

Time management is really the art of making yourself do what you
don’t want to do when you don’t want to do it. One of the special
aspects of a boarding school is the ability to help students become
more independent within a structured environment. We think
students should have clear support in place with both the time and
space to figure things out. Learning to monitor their time is a good
example of this. They learn this through our support and having
free time to manage themselves. Advisors, teachers, peer mentors,
and Hall Parents all help develop this skill over time here.

What Should I Do If My Child Is Homesick?

Many students (new and returning) experience homesickness at
some time during the year. Please let your student’s advisor know
what you are hearing or seeing. Oftentimes, especially when new
to the school, students do not feel comfortable sharing their
feelings with adults. Here are some ways you can help your student
work through homesickness:

•   Assure them that this is a natural, common experience over
       which they have a good deal of control.

   •   Have them bring a little bit of home with them when they
       arrive. Stuffed animal, favorite poster, pictures are all great
       ways to help with the transition.

   •   Encourage them to get involved in activities. There are
       many exciting things on campus, and keeping busy is a
       great treatment for homesickness and a great way to invest
       in new friendships.

   •   Help them focus on the things that they like here at school--
       classes, friends, and unique opportunities that boarding
       school can provide.

   •   Help them break down the year into small chunks of
       manageable size. Sometimes thinking about a whole year
       can be overwhelming.

   •   This is not a time to go “cold turkey” from family contact.
       Encourage regularly scheduled emails, letters, calls, or
       visits. This being said, putting limits on how often you
       communicate daily can be helpful, particularly avoiding
       communicating late at night before bedtime.

Families often ask how often they should hear from their children.
This is a personal decision but follow your student’s cues about
frequency of contact, even if you are missing your student and
would like to have more contact. Remember, this is a time in their
life when they are naturally growing a little bit more independent.

Are Students’ Birthdays Acknowledged While School Is
In Session?

During community lunch each week all birthdays are announced to
the community. Individual advisors typically do something special
during that time for advisees who are celebrating birthdays.

How Can I Be Sure My Child Is Eating Well And
Getting Enough Sleep?

The idea of students living in an independent environment where
there are many choices can cause some families to be concerned
about basic health and wellness.

Advisors, Hall Parents, and the adults who work on hall, all work
with students to encourage good decision-making when it comes to
health and wellness. Students are encouraged to eat a healthy diet
and are offered many fresh and healthy options in the dining hall.

The best way to gather information about eating and sleeping
habits is to ask your student; however, if you feel there is a concern
regarding your student’s eating or sleeping habits, please contact
the advisor as soon as possible.

Will I Be Notified If My Student Is Ill Or Seeks Help At
Health Services?

In most cases parents are contacted when a student is ill or seeks
help at Health Services.

We feel it is important for students to build trusting relationships
with our Health Services staff. We want students to feel
comfortable seeking assistance when they don’t feel well or they
are concerned about their health or well-being.

In most cases students are also comfortable sharing this
information with their families. There could be situations where
they are seeking medical assistance that they wish to keep private.
In such cases the school will work with a student to ensure they are
safe and receiving the treatment needed.

How Can My Student Find A Physician Specialist,
Dentist, Orthodontist Or Therapist In The Local Area?

Our Health and Guidance services staff are more than happy to
assist families with finding local providers. In many cases Health
Services has a relationship with the provider and can secure
appointments quickly.

Can Girls Visit Boys’ Rooms Or Boys Visit Girls’

Boys and girls are not allowed to visit each other’s residence halls
or dorm rooms. This is one of Christchurch School’s Major Rules.

How Are Day Students Involved In Community Life?

All students are encouraged to participate in our community life
together. Day students are invited to be equal participants in all
activities at Christchurch School. This includes weekend events
and all community events.

Day students must arrive on campus each school day by 8:50 a.m.
and they should plan to depart no later than 10:00 p.m.

We ask that day students sign in when they are on campus so that
we are aware they are here in the case of an emergency.

What Facilities Are Available For My Day Student?

The Student Center is the hub of student activity on campus. Day
Students may use the provided cubbies to store belongings during
the day.

Day students are also welcome in all of the public spaces on

Are Day Students Allowed To Drive To School?

Yes, day students may drive to school, providing they have a valid
driving license. Day students need to register their vehicles with us
so that we can keep track of cars on our campus. The student
vehicle form can be found on the registration page. There is a
parking lot for day students close to our Wilmer classroom

It is important for students to adhere to the school’s driving
expectations outlined in the student handbook. If a student is
found in violation of one of these expectations, the privilege to
drive on campus may be revoked.

Are Day Students Allowed To Drive Boarders Into

In order for a day student to drive a boarder they must obtain
permission from both families. This is either done through blanket
permission at the beginning of the year or through a phone call to
both families when the request is being made.

Students who wish to leave campus must always ask permission
and sign out in the Community Life Office. Only one CCS student
may ride with a CCS student driver at a time.
Are We Allowed To Entertain Boarders In Our Home?


If you wish to entertain a boarder at your home as a guest of your
student, please contact the Community Life Office. This can be for
either a day or overnight leave. In the case of an overnight leave,
both families must approve the visit in Boardingware.

Please know that you are responsible for students who are visiting
and in your care. We expect that students who are visiting off
campus are doing so in a supervised location.

Are Day Students Allowed To Spend The Night On

With advance approval from the Community Life Office, day
students may board in available dormitory space for short periods.
The charge for this service is $25 per night.

What Should A Day Student Do If Inclement Weather
Makes Driving To School Hazardous?

The school’s highest priority is keeping its students safe. If a
family feels that driving to campus is too dangerous, we ask that a
parent contact the Community Life Office to inform us that we
should not expect the student at school.

We monitor weather situations closely. If we anticipate bad
weather, we will make every effort to have day students leave early
enough to avoid this. If conditions worsen before students are able
to leave, we will make accommodations until safety is no longer a
concern. In any event we will be in communication with our
families about the situation so that you are aware of what is going
on at the School.

Are Students Allowed To Leave School On Weekends?

Boarding students are allowed to take weekend leaves once they
have submitted an overnight leave request in Boardingware and
their guardian (and host when applicable) and Community Life
have approved it.

Boarding students are required to submit a leave request through
the Boardingware system. This is an easy to use system, which
notifies guardians once the request has been submitted.


What Kind Of Clothing Does My Student Need?

Dressing for the academic day differs from more casual dress
outside of the classroom. A comprehensive explanation of
guidelines can be found in the student handbook location on your
portal page, and families should familiarize themselves with this
prior to registration in August. Outside of class students may wear
clothing that is comfortable and fits appropriately.

Can My Student Bring A Bicycle To Campus?

Yes, students are welcome to bring a bicycle to campus. They
should bring a helmet and a bicycle lock as well. There is a rack
for bicycles outside of the dining hall.

Is My Student Allowed To Have A Car On Campus As
A Boarding Student?

Yes, boarding students are allowed to have cars on campus
providing they have permission from their parents and the School
and their car is registered with us. In order to register a car,
students should complete the student vehicle form found on the
registration page. For a full description of Christchurch’s student
car policy, please see the student handbook.

Are Students Required To Bring A Computer To

Students are required to have at least ONE of these options.

   ● Late-model Apple MacBook Laptop (running OS X 10.7 or
   ● An Apple iPad
   ● A Chromebook laptop

NB: Accident insurance is recommended for student computers.

Is Student Internet Use Monitored?

Christchurch employs general system-wide internet filtering. That
said, students are expected to make responsible choices. Teachers
clearly communicate expectations and feel it is important for
students to take responsibility for making thoughtful choices and
exercise common sense when using school computers. All students
must abide by the school’s technology policy posted on the
website, which explains appropriate use of the network, laptops,
and school computers.

Do Students Need To Bring Printers?

No. Printers are available for students on dorm and in Community


We believe that the following values are of utmost importance to
our community. Students who violate the core values of the
community will earn consequences. Violation of these core values
may result in loss of privileges, detention, suspension, and/or
referral to the Judicial Council.

Self - Confidence


What Happens If My Student Is Caught Breaking A
Major School Rule Or Violating The Core Values?

If a student is found in violation of a Major School Rule or Core
Values they may be subject to several different consequences.
These can range from counseling about the situation to separation
depending on the circumstances and the severity of the violation.

Christchurch has well-developed expectations and a code of
conduct to ensure the well-being of the community and fairness for
the individual student. Adolescents, like adults, will make
mistakes, and The School aims to help students understand what it
means to be a responsible citizen in a community with honor,
diligence, and decency.

As educating young adults is always a partnership between a
school and a family, we also need and expect cooperation from
parents in upholding our expectations. We are convinced that
many issues can be avoided, as long as parents and The School
realistically and consistently share the task of establishing the right
balance of freedom and responsibility for our students.

If there is a violation of our code of conduct, either the advisor or
the Dean of Students will notify the family of the violation and

What Is The Family’s Role When A Student Has A

We ask that parents work with The School to help ensure that the
outcome of the violation allows for growth and learning.

We will do our best to encourage open dialogue and work with
families to try and ensure the best outcome for each individual

Is There A Drug-Testing Policy When A Student Is
Suspected Of Being Under The Influence Of Alcohol
Or Other Drugs?

The School reserves the right to drug test students suspected of
alcohol or drug violations. If a student is suspected of being under
the influence of alcohol or another drug, but denies having used
any drugs, the Dean of Students or a designee may require the
student be tested. If the student refuses to give consent for this
testing The School may presume such a test would be positive.


What Additional Expenses Can We Expect During A
Year At Christchurch School?

There will be a charge of $1,000 for boarding students, $2,000 for
international students, and $500 for day students at the beginning
of the year. This initial charge is for books, standardized tests,
school transportation, school supplies, dormitory deposits, and
insurance. You can find more details about costs on the registration
page by clicking the link entitled ‘Student Account/Student
Allowance’. Students who attend preseason athletic camp will also
be charged $75 for this.

Boarding students will want to have money to spend on activities
and personal items: haircuts, movies, outings to the mall, snacks,
meals at restaurants with their friends, clothes, health and beauty
aids, etc. – everything they would need at home during the course
of a school year. Students will pay for these items from funds that
you provide from home (credit cards, debit cards) and/or by
arranging for an allowance through the Business Office.
If your family receives financial aid and you anticipate difficulty
meeting these expenses, you are encouraged to speak with the
Director of Financial Aid.

Can My Student Obtain Cash On Campus?

You may arrange for your student to receive an allowance (up to
$50) once a week, which will be taken out of the Student Account.
Allowance forms can be found on the registration page. Please
complete the online form to set this up.

How Much Money Should My Student Bring For A

Personal spending varies a great deal. At Christchurch, boarding
students may receive an allowance of up to $50 per week. You and
your student should discuss what you could afford and what you
think is adequate for spending money. You may always request
that your student receive additional funds from their account for
travel and larger one-time purchases.

What Is Our Responsibility Regarding Athletic

Christchurch School provides uniforms and safety equipment for
athletes. Students are responsible for footwear, sticks, clubs, or
other personal equipment and clothing. Depending on the sport,
you may expect to spend $150 - $600 on equipment and required
clothing, not including overnight accommodations for away
contests. Christchurch provides meals and transportation; students
pay shared hotel expenses. You are encouraged to speak with your
student’s coach or the Director of Athletics & Co-curricular
Programs for detailed estimates by sport.


Main switchboard (Mon-Fri 8-5) 804-758-2306
*AOD 804-815-3449
*After hours and weekends, call the AOD cell phone directly to
speak with an on-duty adult in person.

Numbers of Interest
Headmaster—ext. 123 or 169
Associate Headmaster—ext. 124
Director of Advancement—ext. 160
Studies Office—ext. 132
Dean of Instruction—ext. 128
Community Life Office—ext. 581
Dean of Students—ext. 121
Director of Athletics & Co-Curricular—ext. 166
Food Services—ext. 147
International Student Coordination—ext. 570
Travel—ext. 177
College Counseling—ext. 138
Development Office—ext. 134
Guidance Services—ext. 164
Chaplain—ext. 509
Health Services—ext. 143
Learning Skills Program—ext. 198
Admission Office—ext. 122
Business Office—ext. 146
FAX Numbers:
804-758-0721 (Administrative Offices)
804-758-4189 (Business Office)

All Faculty and Administrators have individual voice mailboxes.
The directory is also available by following the prompts when
calling the main number.


Academic schedule change –Dean of Instruction (ext. 128) or
Registrar (ext. 132)

Advisor change – Chaplain (ext. 509)

Athletics – Director of Athletics & Co-Curricular Programs (ext.
166) or the Head Coach

Co-curricular Program – Director of Athletics & Co-Curricular
Programs (ext. 166) or Program Leader.

Emergency – AOD, Community Life Office (ext. 581), or any
faculty member

Guidance issues or other confidential matters –Director of
Guidance Services (ext. 164)

Homesick – Advisor, Hall Parent, Director of Guidance Services
(ext. 164) or any faculty member.
 Illness – Health Services (ext. 143)

Lost or stolen item – Hall Parent, Community Life Office (ext.
581), Dean of Students (ext. 121), or student’s advisor

Maintenance – Hall Parent, Community Life Office (ext. 581), or
Dean of Students (ext. 121)

Need to go home – Community Life Office (ext. 581)

Room change –Hall Parent, then Assistant Dean of Students (ext.

Roommate situation –Hall Parent, Director of Guidance (ext. 164),
or Assistant Dean of Students (ext. 528)

Student Account or Financial question—Business Office (ext. 141)

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